111 11 rr.:' ~` ~.;' Sgdcidtttrid: N U Winter Plowing. EIN It is not often that winter plowing :can be' practiced 1 in this . (43d) latitude. Bat whenzit. gan I have found it to be of the grettitest-Advan tage, especially' if, as now, it - is pre . ' ceded. by frost penetrating the arable , soil. - It is.sare t 6 come up nrellow, unless unusually heavy and compact, and then greatly- ameliorated. The advantages beside this men* \ con dition, are not a few, some Of _Which ca€nct be obtained otherwise. - The ground is freshly thrown tip to - the cold air, or at least cold enough to chill and benumb f what vermin may be - expesed; the frosty nights F alone woad do this. The seeds of weeds ,that 'had Some protection in the deep 's,oWare now frilly. exposed, the frost raink-and snows having a great in fluence. -Then thiisfrosh soil, dis 'inteo abed by plots and frost is thus laid opeathi.ough its pores to the• immediate influence of the elements, which further disintegrste and mellow it. Beides, there is less - snow to pact now; .part 'of the winter having passed: The plowing is between the jail and spring plowing, and partakes of - the - nature of bath, getting the fall benefit of both in addition to its 'own. special advantages. _There is, to a greater or less extent, the loos eness pf the soil deep' dawn which Ave 'get in spring plowing; also: he absence of grass and weeds which get started in i fall plowing, especially when - early performed. The gain in work which we get in fall . plowing is also secured in'-winter plowing, it, ' time when there, is no farm work done, unless specially favored _with mild weather., The gain, therefore, ats time When labor is worth little, is considerable. The. land newly and 'loosely thrown,up will also take in the rains' and melted snows, and gradually pass them loff instead of keeping the niore'cornotet body of the Soilvret, sometimes - visible on the surface. Fall plowing will show this in the spring very frequently. It is seldom•seen on land plc4ed in the spring , or winter, particularly late winter. Further, there is no evapori tion_of tho fertilizing gasses of the ( r soil, which . the ' ect heat-of the sun ° iti summer pro nen. ,The fertility of the rains - an Snows is retained. .I have had th : chance offered me - several times d ring the course of my-life-for plow ;t: in winter: Uni formly, the r sults have been __:goctid. Perhaps we ought to tacepy some wet plaoes,which,ploVed • - at a:n3 time, without under treatment, 1 wOuld .have done poorly. - Bat,''- - in tlie_main, there was a mellow open ing•. in tire spring, and 6 earlier chance for working—the soil being ' Porods, and \drained beyond what was usually its condition, so that it was,fit, for,the borrow several days ;and possibly a week) earlier than would have been .the case With fall plow ing. This is-the land for seeding can be done early and on the bt..A. 'of seed ,beds. The, grass seuPor cicii'er brushed in, 'there can be no failure if-the ground is rich enough. If 'not rich enough, manure may be drawn on it and spread immediately after plowing. This may also be done on any plowed land open in winter, and It should be'dono then if neglected in the fall. Our summer was a cold one. The through. the 'fall and into liNce:mber, and in addition to - snow gave us full. Finteil of feo.- If thPre,is a law of compen \ ration in the weather,lthe rest of our • winter, or a part' of - ought to be, mild; -o - also prophesylhe Scientists. ' Already this TheernS ; to• have taken pinee. ,To-day, Dee. 12th, the . sn o , .which . two feet in, depth, . has :ill' disappeared, and` there is little finst left in tho b ardind: - There O.:ere:fore a pr6Spect for au opal and . mild whiter. It needs not many • kVorelble`days to..prepare the ground' the-plow.; Farmers should keep the.nagelves in readiness to test the matter ShorrA the weather hirer them. Land plowed early _in the Lill may be reLplowed now' to advan tage, if the weather, admit. But in no:caSe plow if the land is not dry enough.. Tcr not think...the frost will it, -retnedv It will do it only in.a, • meas.nte—not'sufliciently th counter balance. the hurt. comes np Loosened if sod, ,and not greasy,:it is in the right condition ter the plow. `!,Plow_as decep . as the land will beat' co ' - - t• - HQW Eggs are Hatched. People have an idea thi i at the hen tsit'on the eggs for-a time, and when time'comes far hatching' the chick bursts forth. There never was a greater mistake. The chick, until _ liberated from the shell by outside aid is as incapable of motion as if it formed a - solid egg, which' it nearly does. You might as well inclose a Man in qin iron bller, and tell him to get out of it .without help. The 4 p, " . chick grows on b inside of the shell,, and bursts up a very small scale. Of , ' ' eOurse, iihen it does this, it at the I ,Earrctime "breaks in that spot" the inside) of the egg. This , admits the air; in a short time it breaths and gets strength to cry loudly. Thelen then sets to work 'to liberate it; she - brings it forifard nnder the feathers of the crop, and supporting it bet teem, the breast bone and the neat, begins the *ark of setting it free.. !She hatches the point of her beak , into the hol formed by the raising of the - scale by the chick's (beak, and breakß - away. 'the egg-skiil or' shell *Tied the - greatest diameter of the eel. The joint efforts of the hen without and the Chick within then liberate theprisoner,and he struggles into existgnee, an gets dry under the feathers and the natural heat of the lien. All female birds, which sit on their eggs, o hatch them have the hook in the beak strongly developed.; Evefi the brOad-billed, duck and , . goose have -those hooks especially developed, and, with them they liber-- ate their young. In Australiicwhe.re everything seems to be by'contraries, it, is the cock of the thigh-turkey that hatches the eggs, and not the hen. It would be interesting to knOw ,whether the hook of the betek is bet ter adapted foziervice in: fhe male than the feruale. The hook of the "beak pf the ordinary coca of the com mon fowl is quite differentfrom that ( f the -hen—it is adapted for wound - it : in fighting,but not for hatching c' c , ags. - , ---,,,- ' r , "-eq... • I:CTATO Sour.-Two and a half I I.unds of peeled potatoes, ent once cr twice,in two, boil in three quarts '.f -r_•tvit-ttr for an hour; then, pat i. two - teas'poonfuls,af salt, some - 1 ,.i -pt;i, and four ounces of butter; -...-li n the potatatpes have boiled to 11 .- e , plc es some,, in the lamps and' • tik , !.1 one pint of milk: - .Let it boil -up . . J is-_donc:( If, thickened with mo t or two sodi crackers, it tastes vthi. fll Pfict Mr/ter r omp . . • - i li R DILIigIiP.BtNGS At OILUEBERLIWEL WATCHES $lO TO $3OO , At OHA*I3ERLILTS. AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF SIL VT:II--WARE At dWIBEttLII•T'S. • . BELUTIFUL GOLD RINGS , .At tgaramuiva F - I . • =(. If yon are ' looking for a beautiful Christmas present, examine the stock At CIEMIBEELDVS. THE LARGEST AND BEST AS SORTiffINT OF «TEgrELBY, WATCHES, ' f CLOCKS. -; , ND PLATED GOODS „ EVpi EXHIBITED DI TOWANDA, ARE NOW 0 . • • - . - = . • AT • . W. A. CHAMCERLIN'S. F IRE r• FtliEl ! *IRE! ! ! ON' ACCOUNT OF A FIRE WHICH CLOSED UP - A LARGE STOVE FOUNDRY, 1- )VE HAVE PURCHASED 'STOVES WHICH WE OFFER' FOR TWO-THIRDS VIE'. USUAL PRICE. CALL EARLY TO GET THE BAR-- GAINS HOWARD A: RIDGWAX Wyalnsing, Jan. 28, 1874 =3 EN SUSQUEHANNA. COLLEGIATE , The second whiter term of thhi Institution will commence MONDAY; JA3II4.ItY 26, 1874. No pains will be 'spired .to maintain the high standing of the institution, and by carefully looking to - the interests of each individual student to make its Work even more ellicient. Each teacher will hays his speciality, and use every facility to make the topics interesting, and to secure the largest poiudble results in his department. Classes Will be organized in several new studies in Science and Language. Also the classes in En glish will be remodeled so as to meet the wants of new students desiring to pursue these branches. To save expense, text books, the same as in the county will be used in the English branches, with the exception of Geography. To make tie sojourn of nonresident 'tridents more pleasant, the Principal will use his house— situated but a few rod" from the Institute building —for boarding purposes,. where rooms furnished throughout and provided with clothes closets and other.eonveniences will be furnished for the young ladies _ , . , The best roOras in the lustitdte will. be fdrnished , and assigned to the young menVall will board at' the house of thePrincipaLThere wilf.be a caeeful supervision on tie part of the Principal and teachers , of the manner in which students employ their time.; Price for Ininished room and board, including fuel, lights, and washing not to exceed six pieces $t 00 per week. Students will furnish their own toilet and be held accountable for the: furniture in thetr rooms. Those desiring to prepare themselves .for the work of teaching during_ the following Bummer, should apply to , the Principe at once. • Tuition from Four to Ten Dollars term; ac cording to studio" pursued. ' For further particulars or clivulats, address the Principal, E. E. ciMiLAE. Towanda Ps, MILLED, PDX, Pre•'t'Bosed Trustees 'Jan. 13 NEW FURNITURE STORE. JOSEPH HINES Hu now ()pencil' a new Furniture More on BRIDGE STREET, TOWANDA, Where he will keep or. hand A GENERAL ARSORTMENT OF FURNFIFILE, IWhlcb will be told AT PRICES TEAT CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE all who may favor his. with their pitronatos • Wnaterer maybe wanted in the Furniture Ilse, CALL ON rEINESI and examine, sooda and prices before purchnizti elaewhere. - May 21.1873. 110011-BINDRY.-THE PUBLIC .A.P is respectfully informed that the Book-Bindery had been removed - to the "Reporter" Building, third story, where will be done . BOO,K-BINDING! In all Its yarioni branches, on terms as ressimable as ...the times" will allow. The Bindety will be un der-the charge of H. C. WHITASER; do eiperieneedßia der. and an work-will be promptly done Ina style and manner . which cannot be excelled. Music. Magazines. Newspapers, Old Books, bound in every variety of style. Particular atten tion will be paid to the Ruling and Binding of BLANK BOOM!, To anj desired pattern, which in quality and dura bility will be warranted.. All All work will be ready for delivery when promited. The patronage of the public is solicited, and per fect satisfaction gaarranteed. Towanda, August 2,1868.—tii . , 1107 IS THIS FOR LOWI We offer DRESSED LUMBER at the following rates: • Hemlock Flooring, (choice) $lB per M. White Pine " 7q . 26 0 a, Pitch " 28 Siding " •• $l5 to 25_ Pickets from $2 to $4 per had:ed.- °PLANING. lILTCHLSO,IB.E.SAIVING, kc., Done at a moment's notice and by tho bast machin ery now made. We ban on hand lITSDRED T/106AND FEET DRY mama We hare in the XIII Pond THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND FEET OF LIMBER And are ecnistaitill Katinfactoring. p' Parties who can reach as are foolish to go now the ?inroad for Lumber. as ander any I:l==v stances we can SELL IT eliLEApErt—et least the cost of transportation Crom here to the railroads-. say $2 to $3 per than:mod. IL B. INGHAM,. Jane 28. 13. " CatePlbarn E.IX.ECUTOR'S • NOTlCR.—Notice tbereby given that an persons Indebted to the estate of Parley Johnson, late of Windham. deceased, alare requested to mat* tuusediste -pay amt. and / person 'wing c 1 14112 awe imal prim thank44Finetwastlidimid Vint Dirt. 8 : 4 7 1 Ilatit. rOST & 50415 1,0 DtviN L!►B(iL9T AND which irili be 'sold . i • INSTITUTE TOWANDA pin jut received tho largest usortment of AItERICi AND ITALIAN 311.RBLE Beret exhibited in limite the al TOMB 106 Penang In want ofl spectrally invited to ; Towanda. Marl, I A NEW , : Has purclutse4 th • I 8. cur, aid will k WILHES—B Towanda. Nov 6.1 A TER'$ C, liffi?E geatioo. Dysentse7, liesdaebe; sod Skin Diseases, DroPIT. Teeters, To •• Gaut. Nostalgia. as Dlocd,are the most -1 Their effects shun • 11 all other Pills. Th but would la • moss of the blood disordered °tan• and tons to the who ! the every • able and dangerous dans. moat eminent seas. send Nuatificate great benalits they hal They ere tie afeat ai r muss mild as well they me may to takel. theY are entirely Ds, J. O. AY A: k k. 0:; LOWELL, EWA. • Prsatkal sad anslltisal Chsztais.: ir m a • sad Desists tik Would invite the Ws to dill and onothteithetz OF FURNITURE ' OF ::op=ts now . ±na bawl the. They ha I , as:)amwr OP 000m' IN TOWANDA. EVER IMI Wholesale prices o prefrartd to do I UM 104 03i Z 9 111 i on the most reasonable terms We also keep In store and make to Order BLINDS, DOORS, 310IILDEgGS, FLOORINGS, de MI J. 0. FROST k SONS Oct. 1. 1813 MARBLE, WORKS, GEOP McCABE & SON this notion, to which they tteution of the public. ~- They keep on bail or faroieb to order sZ • ' BI 0 N lIMENTS, MANTLES, tk,, 4 0 arerY ale, ! - WEST: TERMS. AT THE anything In our line ars re. - sad szamlas our stock. 240A8E & SON. I AT THE TALLOWS. IMMI BMI • 1 • Third 'lard Coil Yard of 1.,. a good gdpply of RE AND SULLIVAN COAL Always on Ind'. ! at the LOWES I' PRICES. THAIITIC PILLS, 07 • 7AXU.T 1171200. ;randAc.e. prime* Judi o °l3l Stanza and Breanc Fey , iles, Rheumatism. Eruptions Itillousness. laver Complaint. sore sad Balt Rheum. Worms. Dinner PIA, and Purifying the agentalpurgative yet perfected. stly show how much they aloe era safe and pliesent to take. They Purge out the foul hn hey stimulate the; sluggish or action; and they impart health being. They cure not only ef every Wit. but &mid. diseases. Most 'skilful pbysi. clergymen, and our beat dn. es of cures performed and of we derived from these PAL id best physic tor children. be effectuaL Being sugar coated.' i; and being prire'y vegetable WAGONS!, IiVACKMS I I vireoNe i I hare on hand a large assortment o • • E : LtrId:BER Girl. I WAGON MEI " SELL OHE Than any other establi EMI cotintry. WAGONS AND C Of every description :,to order on sho ptilig4 Towanda, March 26, 1873. AU'rUDIN. 1873. . t~ ~ ~ i 1 NEW GO OPENIN El -AT lEEE MONTAI;TrES =NE September 10, lea' NIVE .. INSURE AL PROPER •AItAINST LOW OR DOME FIRE'•AND We represent over Eifli ISM I Capital. • . Old Enliih and ome Compai LIFE lITSURICFL. Eff TEE OLDEST AND 1 LARGEST STOCK Hindu, comusaze I 4 THE uNrrED STA#B. TINSRANCT. IT ACCIDENT From one day to one Year; NOBLE & Fob. 19.18'M QIIPERIOR,AGItICULTIT f tAL NACHWIT. for Salo by I " B. M. W'LL:LES, To - wan:is. OM* No. II Mercur's took, north side of ? Court Howe square. , • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER! AND • - 'ILAMIIPACTIIIZED3I AGM. ' KowLog Machines, Hone Powers and Three/Um Wheel Babes. Plaster, Sowers. Crain Seeders, Hay !adders, Reaursible sad Steal :Plows, 0-Itieators, TIC Horse Hoes. Cloraellullere and SannlnOClls. win somas. vain nsarns, sax ans.aura • • Din =um ?Imam 130 noun, cosh r mum ros =ND mama. so.. ac.l • Catalogues and defeurlitrre. IHnstrated printed cir culars. rurnm ed or mailed Tree to all applicants. It will oost but three cents to send for cl / culars P 0 .6 1 01 Tarsiers when In Towanda. call and see mai l april2l T 9. 11 H. WELLES: • HIGHEST 01 OAR% PAW FOR • ; GRAIN; BUTTER AND EC GS, at GEOROE SMITH) vicut a, k avvottiert =1 M . E. It CLOTHING EMPORIUM! The rapli growth of Towanda rannfrea the espan• aloe of boldness. =Ube tuidartlipmf, realizing tpla want of the,cotomnnitf in the READY MATE CLOTHING LINE 11=1 Hai Coined. a new store In Baldleman'e Block, (formerly aeon:pied by H. Jambs.) and Is now wa pared to offer to hLe old customers and the public generally. a better stock of PER !~I HENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING hment in 'the Than eau be found in any other estebllatunent out side the 117 stock basin been pnrchued from the mann• rectums this season, so that !hays no obi stock to ofget rid of, bought at high prices. I hats a full Has 'REIAGEB. GENTS' IFURNISEiIISG GOODS A z y i • mitt! tared of the !Wool quality and latest styles. which I mu Offering at b:soli:true& , . 9vtice. t BRYANT I have no connecticin with the old stand, and when yon want saytfdim In the clothing line, for yourself or boys, call on me In Beldleman's Block. M. E. EOSVIFJPT‘E Towanda, March 98.1871: PRESENTS FOR ALL Is constantly receiving, in addition to ti,is large stock of Jewelry, PINS, .i DS' A3fEEICAN and'SIVIEIS GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. SILVER •PLATED WARE OF ALL VA4tIETIEB ' GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES, SILVER AID PLATED • REICIS Asa C 11111319 IN WATCH. CLOCK and JEWELRY rppaiiing clone the beat manner, and warranted. E Thanks for a liberal patronage and hope ti merit a continuance of the sanui. — , X . W. A. 1100ICIVELL. Tom►nda, Ncr. 12, '73. A , NEW STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS A• the sign of the big Bonnet, opposite the Court • House, Towanda, Pa., consisting of DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY GOODS, JIRO 'AND BLEACHED MUSLIMS WATUPROOFI3. PRINTS, FLANNELS, SHAWDS, DRESS GOODS, GERMANTOWN YARNR AND ZEPHYRS. 1111 .5T04. 1 .* A full line of HOSIERY. GLOVES, NOTIONS. &c., &c., &c. • ' A large and complete stock of MILL IN EA Y 'GOODS For the Season, compriedeg ail of the most desirable I 3 EATS AND, BONNETS AND - TREWMINGS 1 " October 1, 1873, WE CLAIM FOR Si IIP); OF WitiaiKeoliDOX:l2ol,4llool* The andermentioned advantages over those in ordi• nary use, the proof of which may be seen in the extraordinary sales, and constantly increasing de. :nand for them: • let That from the peculiar constrnition of the glasses they assist and' preserve the sight, render ing frequent changes unnecessary. 241. That they confer a brilliancy and dlatiziAneu of vialon. with an amount - of ease and comfort not hitherto enjoyed by spectacle wearers, . Bd. That the material from which the Lenses are ground. is manufactured specially for antic Purpos es, cati-l• pure hard. and brilliant, and 113 liable to become scratched. VINCEN• 4th. That the frame in whick.they are set. whetb• er in Gold, Silver, or Steel, are of the finest quality and !knish sad ruramsed perfect In every respeca For sale may by our Mitbodged agem this local 4 Hy. We never supply or employ tin .peddlers 4 , VAL A. CHAMBERNIN, Nev. 20,1872. BAKERY AND DINING ROOM. BREAD, PIES, CAKE,da&CKERS, BAKE DAIL Y. And sold at/Wholesala and Retail. - In onr DININI:dIOO3LS wo will accommodate the pnbllo with eithar an l lancL orl good meal at all times of ahc _ dq. , eseaing. PYESZEBEI AND ICE CREAK „ON HAND, DOILLNEt THEIR BEASON. , Also ■fine assortrzo t. of GrocerleP, Confectionery, Fruits, Nnts. D. W. SCOTT lc CO. I'9x I & MOM do not Ts. limhi Now iidats. IMO • IOPPOSTIZ Tl S KEA2I.B 11017116. (INermerin pied by ' II Jambe.) REIIMBEIt AT TUE NEW JEWELRY SROREI W. A. ROCKWELL FINE GOLD,SETS, BANDS, MI 1 RINGS STUDS, CHARMS, NECKLACES, CLOCKS Of all descriptions at the lowest price■ JCST RECEIVED AT B. A. PETTES & CO'S rorrip IN LI NE. ‘ , J • "LAZA.RUS MORRIS' . 1 CELEBRATED AND EEE GLASSES, Sole Agent, Towanda, Pa. Tint block north of Ward House. WC:N!)DFORD,' AT 1213 NEW YORK BOOT -AND SHOE No. 3. ATNON A ORIFFITIMBLOOK. RIDGE St Is receiving one of the largest and best stock of BOOTS & SHOES ever brought in Towanda, whicb h e is offering at the very lowest prices for Cash, consisting of Own* CALF, grn & SrOoa, BOYS Qua Boors, Lamp, Mums and\gounant's Shwa of all kinds, all bought direct Wm the Manufacturers, and timid made, all goods warranted; A FALL Broca or LEATH= AND FISSiNGS. , Thankful for past 'favors, I solicit a continuance of /the same. • Towanda, May, 1,187 p, NEW CARRIAOE FACTORY I TOWANDA, PENN'A. Respectfully announce to his friends and 'patrons. that ho has built a NEW BRICK CARRIAGE FACTORY, where he will conetantlj , keep on hands full 'assort: meat of FAISLIY CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, 'rEOTTERG SULK S, AND 13.1111LECONS, Made of the beat material and finished in the beat rdty style,. His long experience in city Carriage V'actories given him a decided advantage over others in the Finish, Style and Durability of his Wagons. • All they aaka La an INSPECTION OP MS WORK previoa,i to purchwiLog elsewbero. ALL WORE Wdris4ISTZD - T0 airs Manta' Thankful for the liberal patronage formerly ex tended aad reepectfolly ask a continuance of the UM& RRPLIRMG PROMPTLY ATTMMED TO Towanda. Jan. A. 1073.—tf FOUNDER! & MAOHINE SHOP. The undersigned haring purchased the Foundry and Machine Shop lately owned by John Carman, are prepared to do ail kinds of work appertaining to their buainese, with promptness and dispatch.- MILL GEARINGS,, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS:, MAN DRILLS And all kinds of KILL IRONS ENGINES REPAIRED, And all work warranted to give satisfaction SHINGLE MACHINES Of the latest and most Unproved kinds manufactured andtept constantly on band ready for use. PLOUGHS, SIDFAULT.:, TRON AND too Dry BEAM Of all Ala CULTIVATORS; CORN PLOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS . Of all kindi, and the latest tmpro 'ferments kept ° ' constantly on hand. - CHURN POWERS LARGE AND SMALL SIZE. STOVE . CASTINGS CELLAR ORATES, ST Ell AND SLEIGH SHOES, And all kinds of castings furnished Ca March 80,1870. trams & nociunaz. BLOOD & * s • Still continue o manufacture' their celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, and will sell a better machine, for less money than can ballad elsewhere in ihe,world. We claim for our machines that they will-.do as much, or more, ,than any other, and are more durably built. We personally superintend our, work and ace that it is well dap. We will send ' • • DISCEIPTIVE CATALOGUES, of our machines, on application. • ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, one To) Hone THRESHER SEPERATORS, THRESHER and CLEANERS, FANNING MILLS, •!, cractowt axe nilau saw anus. SAW AND GRIST MII.Z work done to order. Give us a call before Purchasing elsewhere. I Ira OD (DIO.3aVIIEI • 'SNEUID7 1 •00 4200 1 1 Awao,2. 180. WOOL CARDING, lii Iit&NTTFACTURING, &C. After a receu of four yeare t and heavy expenditure in improving Kills and Walter Power, we again re., name opa old business of nuanyk-AcrruaiNG, Wow. cerwm,. DREBBIX43, &O. • Appreciating the hard times, we have thought beat not to let down," but topush Home Industry as the best means of restoring plenty. • For the secommodatlem of the treacly extinctl race of spinners, we shall make Itolle. For those who prefer. we will make Yana,— STOCELNG YARN, FLANFEL, n ctinjultetlon with Local Option we propose to ald the frugahly of the country by maidng • few thousand yards of Rout Cloth, that will enable • every man to keep his breeches on. Those who can, ahcauld call-and we will show them ono of the anngest and , most complete • WOOLEN FACTORIES Our machinery is now in good order, as our water power is never-hang 'he public msy be in no fear of disappointmen t, and we warrszt - All work to be done properly. ' H. B. INGHAM, CamptowM Pa., May 14;1873. A N OLD AUCTIONEER.—Forty AIN. years experience. All calm promptly attended to. Tams, from two to three dollars nor day. Call on or address RC= saimusr. rkr.irmwtr. =eel Nome. Itradtnal Cot Brief Notes. Opposite tho now Jail; I):l3tozvaivisinnoil SATISFACTION. reduced prices lllMiir 5T137.331. 11LOE TO ORDER. AND I LARGE IRON KZ LE In the ignited States, =I Omaha sad Prefflisins. o. J. LONG.. tc);Am[B:4l' .3124 L. WOOD. WIL.T.OW, AND WO= WAD" .4? FLOUR, FEED, VPINT4, tie., Roo: PATTON'S SLOGS; COR. MAIN AND BRIDGE STB., TOWANDA, PA I desire to call the ittentiOi of the public to my, assortment of goods. which '1 is always Nil and coat- 1 plate, anti will I* sold to ray customers at lowest market rates. I My 'awl Of TEAS, COFFEES, • AND PIC~ES, Hare beau purchased since the late reductlo • tariff on there, and are offered at prima respond. Orders by mall or , otherwise will receive arida and prompt attention. Thar*leg the publie for the liberal patronage they havo ii,tren cie. I wish a corttinuance of the I name. ... . . - CASH PAP FOB ,COUNTUY I 1110DtCE. feb.24'73 GROCERY AND PROVISION ra - 04:ApE & EDWARDS; Wboleszle and Retail Dealers la FAMILY GROCERIE§ PROVISIONS, REECITIt'S NEW BLOCK, TOWINDA;• PA. We do not deem tt necessary to enumerate all the dllerent articles we. keep. Ow assortment is ALWAYS COMPLETE. FIRST CLASS GO,ODS • Carp paid foe Parztere Produce. JAME McCABE, WM. EDWARDS. March 1. 1870 "PDX & NEICITR, are now receiv ing a fresh stock of Goods in their Ilue. bought since the jet January. to which they invite the at tention of their friends. We keep the largest stock in town. Our goods are fresh and desirable. We sell at lowest market prices. Jan. le, 1871. . ' PrH AND NEW TEAS, 1 bought ize the recent decline p ri ce, and selling cheap at retail. PDX & ISSEIICIIII. Jan. 19,1871. cJI • • F9luu lt E, 4 CU are spiting (fro caries at rata Jan. 19. 1871. FOX a, MERCUR are selling New and Fresh Goods. Jan. 10, 1871. FOX & 11:EACUE, are selling Gro 'ceriea cheap. Jan. 19.187 E , FOX & lIIERCUR are selling &lA..' class (foods only. an 19,1871. VOX b, BEERGUR are selling cheaper than ever. ' Jan. 10. 1871. RE3fEM:BatER that we are selling RETAIL! And that we won't be undersold. • Jan. 19, 1871. .FOX & AVESC77II. MICHIGAN;FINE—CIIT TOBAC CO—Tery choice—at Jan. 19. 1871. FOX Jti; OUR CUSTOMERS can rely upon getting the very best the market affords and at lowest prices. E. HENRY Towanda, Jan. 19,71. • NRY MERCER. Rte`, TBER THAT FOX ,S; uER CUB are retailing en Wham of Groceries at wholesaleprices. The largest stock In town. Goods first clue. prices low. i • E. T. PDX, -- -,Sept. 29.7. , ' HENRY% METICIIII. - . NEW STEAM VpaIIRING KELL IN SHE.SHEQUDI, PA The entscFib decirce to give notico that his new STEAM FLOTRING MILII lanow in angcesafnl operation, and that ha is pre, pared to do all work in his line on short notice. CIJSTOII OBINDLNG DONE PNITHE BAOIZ IDAy . , THAT IT D 3 RECEIVED Meat Bock - wheat and Eye 'Flour. Corn Meal. Feed. Bran, dm., always on head and for sale at lowest rates. PAIITICULAB NOTlCE.—.Persons livingo on the west aide of the river desiring to-patronize my mlll. will have tlMir ferryage paid both ways, when they bring grieta 3f ton bushels and>upwards. api.P9l Y . fi AYERS. COPARTNERSHIP.—The. under sigeed have formed a' copartnership for the purpose of conducting a GM , TERIL 3ILIALLNIG BUSINESS The highest market prices paid , for ail kinds of Grain. mutt, FEED Asp 3LEAT i FOR BALE and delivered in any part of the Borough without extra charge. Orders by in 111 or other vied, will receive pfompt attention. L. J. CULVER. - W. N. FOSTER, JAS. FOSTER. 'Sugar Creek Hills, May 14, 1873.4 f• BARGAINS IN STOVES! HARDWARE, IRON rAN6iNAILk CARPENTERS' TOOLS, &e l &c., , Giyen to all purcba, H. T. J HA R .V R TOWAN get 7, Is =NG. j STORE. AND Si'a Gen nothing but TINWARE, GLASS, tte, sets for Cash, at SE'S 'E STORE DA," PA. rang abi Nedbinft r • I DR. H. 0. ,POll7flR. & SON,. " . , --, • r 1 ' • ' Ta" ' 1•! 1 - , , . OLD. CASH ' DB G'• , STOIIH, i, , • • imam za dais, ' 1 ,•1 1 I Corner Main NA rise trona.. sa.. • „le t .* [ , , • ~.,1 ' asysteeamtkr to Nock emu aud ecnoplate easortasent._ ea eiteruilve is. rids, embracing many articles ' La the Arta for rnecbartical purpoess carefrdly bald sob to tbe prternmetve wants of the oldie, artacli et W . rcred mits tr ill e anuV.lleamonteth 'ice r l. 7 l Wl=le aa o: Bets% , tl D . nalating of Lo t rE:36 .1 • ' , i Dutras, MEDIC Cl/E141411, •.' , ', rarer aim T : ! .: I r ALCOHOL AND FINTENE,, TI: ;: ‘ • BASH mai T vennisr. warn -WASH, I ... . And all kinds of • t t * ". l.) KEROSENE Olt OAL IL, . , - - . Darning raids, 1 , 1 1 . LAS= SHADES, wicpra I amiNzra 1 '. f Sperm. r i Ard. Wtado, Scats Volo,i TANNER'S AND MA I} :I. OILE Fancy and Toi l ie lrd Artlei in 1 theirtar*, SPONGIrd. B11171111E13.! BO :, 00=19, rontadeli,.Hair-I: o 7vaN • , .... : . 1 POCKET BOOKS,P IRTMON4III , 1 Pocket Br, Entrea t • I lleo, 1 • TOOTH, I M ~ A ND min riumoice. 1 . , • PURE wEns AND MRS, . 1 ' 1 II 1 11 • Arne Medicinal nee.' • [ 1 ,4 ' 1 .., 1 4 2 i - I, 1 ' il' Tonebpo, ilzr,ul7,-. , LED Cumag, I ! , cumin, Plekt a nd llower-1, Tritesim;. 59P. Pie, Dospenaosies, non Br ore, Erred ~. lii=elle al ral a rl it ig a licitti* -.9r &loarge.frelf-fleiling = 6 1 1 1 ' .,.. ' " J . = . litt=e, ViS=a, - ek l atir l l3a t tk I Brick. and Stare lilackn e kb Teckle, ern!. amino% ko.; llotanio. and Home* la Medicines. and all the nlar;Patent -It E isioi . l'Es. I .1 , i All articles warranted as ' P son ' s distance can receive th eir Iby st age or'.l width will receive prompt and attention, medical advice , given ..at the/ of chwenA only _ for medicine. tr ; ienc i I. I sr manual for past liberal , monl4 pectfully announce to their end Wide, no pains shall be Spared to astral*, and merit the , tinted:ion of their confidence andliatrorewe., gar Open Sundays for one fromHrEa , 9 S.m., and 12 m. to 1, and d i et .nr.: I ' 13 1 4 April 1,197?.—fir. I II i I i In the to cor. THE 311.L.1) POWEA - CEREE .. • i 1 E L Y' 6 , • '1 ! , P IIIMPIIIIEIBI3I- 1 • ~ • 1. 1 I 1 1 - I -.-- - HOMEOAT'III-O''SPECIFICH 2 • Have proved, from ) th mo ato ample eipertencs entire IttleCear..l3)Mple, prom 1 efficient and VI ble. They are the only medi e perfectly ads) to popular use-so simple that stakes canzip • made in wing them; so as to be free f danger; and so efficint as to always relit They have the highest commen a on from all,: will always render satisfaction. ! . " . 1 ilos. .1 CUBES. 1 , , , .- CS 1. Fevers, Congestion, Lnfl SKon, „ I , 2. Worms, Worm Fever, W Done., 1 3. Crying-Colic, or Teething o Infante, I I. Diarrhoea. of I :Children - or Adults, 1' 5. Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic. ' . 6. Cholera Morbos, Voillitillg. : ' 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, , - 8. Neuralgia, Toothache. Tamarix% 9. Headaches. Sick Headache, Veritlgo, 10. D 3 spepa s, bilious st i r I . ll... Suppressed. or Faint Peri 15; 12. Whites, too Profuse P riod 1 I 13. Croup, Cough Difficult li thing, 14.- Salt Blunird. Erysipelas. ptions, 15. B heumetteim4 She umatie lac 16. Fever and Agne . ChM, F ,Sgtles, 17. Piles, blind or bleedinn. 18. Ophthaliny, and Sore or ,We 19. :Catarrh. acute or chronic. b 20. Whooping Cough, violent ct 21. Asthma, oppressed breathiti 22. E a Discharges, impaired IS 23. Scrofula, enlarged glands. S 24. General Debility. Physical V, 25. Dropsy and scanty Secretioi 26. Sea Sickness, sickness DOM 27. Kidney Disease, Gravel, I 28. Nervous Debility, Seminal Involunta.y discharges, , 29. Sore Month. Canker: 30. Urinary Weakness, - 31. Painful Periods, with Spa 82. Sufferings at Change of life, 1 1 , 1 ..1 33. Epilepsy, Spasams , St. Vit Dante. ip , 38. Dlptherla , ulcerated erated sore at, - - 1_ 35. Chronic Congestiona and E T ' lions, • Vials, to cents, (except 2.4. 2.1 arid 3:10 FAMILY oASES. 1 Case (Morocco) with above, 35 large vials and ual of Directions, • 1 1 I ! $, Case (Morocco) o; 20 largo viols mid 130 e, Single Spies gad Vials as abalco. I I Kir These rem'edie's :ire sent box to any part of the country receipt of price. address LIRE. 11. PO May 28.1.973 LI? SHEEP w 0 JULIUS WO Be - gs to Iniormhis ntuner'on. who desire to avail themselve to !Tidy themselves with THE BEST: WINTE I AT tEiTLO* • p4tiat he.fiis jtist opened the be E . 14 S T A(N D tp, Ever displayed in RESIESIDEII that zny goods r,I ._ and W.skR;BANTED WELL x One door otit:11 of Fox M Oct.' 1,11.73. Mil 111 N EW RCHANI ESTABLISH r JOHN L. Ato I= Hu removed to the building f. W. T. Davies, Esq., ITE 3IERCIT OPPOS And Ls now pre deinity.with eve re,' to furnie ything in the LOT ' ror G I ----- ntkmen and NE AND C' CU?FIG 11 DEE BHoRTEST ( I t PERFECT EMI ' 4 othi ln hu • f it,d I lee My stock of Ch best ba the merke elthdectlon. Towanda, Jan. ClO ' TO j i t.o TEMPLE' ~al` STILE OR .1,41' T tr3Ll'. Eiji . tertotars: Mt ICS that eon- ble. and Eye , . finen.ta, u O ug . I • I# l2 lo • • ellings, • slikinu•ss, • riding, I 'oilmen', or Man•l 10 00 ' 6 00 1 , `.Fibe, l case Ors fiew ' 1 chitrg I , rte,'gat Tram:lds, Ingle e, on ClO •• 'a ME LOTIEL. Eli ' r E. 4astomers, oppo .1 d all nay LOTH stock of ill "B',WE I ~ t riirk ' pt. = On:FIST-CI 1 I licuccues. Jl7llOB WO EMI TAILOR NT. Hi P4AHO ISE ittoca, be poopli ,o no 011 s' Wear ES MADE MM M confident from the confident give • 873. hfc.IIAHON. I' SHION OF CLOTEIING Y DAY. ' ru g na Medicines. 71Eat1,1 1 ~' PAzes aux•A, ] ' LI i TO , AINDA, PL, ' 1 I twaortsfAr4 dIfD IT rem ) i f ' I i ' 'OIL 13, G G I I 1 Ravii ;i g ri , t 6 na ,,, ar litai!. tol+ poi !SMI C T PILLt .14,174”, OWDEES, ZEZI And ell A..*l IC IM2I C 'AND 110 PA RATION rzn iIE UM I TED EEICO I SE: ' ES AND lEXTB Q 32 lail WI dicin2l Purp' MS . CO, r EU All the [ ' .FI:).',AR .. 1 [ r .1 I And a e Assortment of • , :,. ;12 1 TOILE Ii :0 A. , I ~ ; ' FANCY G I.! - 1 Mere ,thzi • us care and attention el l Ocuoimut of : Rrescriptions.l • Open from 9' o'cl ,a a# to l'paa. & &Inn 5 P•itl Me,l Ifenra.r. cand)e consulted at the- s urdny.of etch week as heretofore. • I To I 1 II : 1 ' - I .G. GO) wanda May 7`, 972. - - I TENT NIATION CAPIT OF TOWAND 1 1:s PO7D . arani 1M171317AL F. oft': G• pIEpAL .15tNEINO J, ' 1 , I.MT :ffiT i, AID Or e, itEPCMi Accon I • 1 I • - 1 SPZCEAL ens orrirt. 70 TIM Co ..r.rx•no:: • a '!l 'l : • I 1 fres winking to n MONTT P. 11 1 Z13 , p: 13 tedStatto, EngliM, Ireland, Sdotland, oi drain:Mei end talons of Europe', can her draftel or t janrpOse. I • I I , ' - PAAGE • TIC, --- - To or :tram old orantry, by I Ing lines, dims o WI I I . .FAICIVIII yea ccrita AT wi t ' I- 1 if , ig f '.et Pi l' JOL i'o Pre] December 1, 18691. A i . J. ts.ICiB. .L 2.. , - !M or 17. S Bon E -C( !L EST RE AND EMI MS! FOR :ALE. 1 SEYE MS Situat 1 ci co venieut ion of to LEI ()file° I , IMI Igma Tou /Wad, .7 -- .1572. 1111 I I A & .16P.R.115 To, take El BM OF Plss v onday, Dec elect BED 116:1ESEI No. \I 29 V o: 9 P SI -- 1 : 8 31 ATION 12 50 1 20 1 29 1 35 203 Elmira I —Waverly.. ..Athens... ..Toirsuada. I .Wyal ycill tuaing. I .Lanee. hieshoppen Mehoopany nkhannoe . .. Pittston.. Wilkes anch 3 35 4 42 PO 730 831 8 45 9 15 1080 AllenUnrn 4591 Bethlehem coos; PhfladOph SENEE •• P 10;' 32 le. a. m.; Sayr! riving at El' I ves To • nda at 710 757 m.; Wave ..ira at 9_oo a. yearra at 5 30 :ayre, 24 p. m.; A owanda at 7 10 P., 31! No: 31 1 615p.m.; arricin , at Monday, No A.BpE OF ERIE, IItAILIIO.ID I • 11, 072.. sotrrErwitir. ,1 STATIONS.. •. Ai 8:00 8:11:! 8:311 rTOWANDA p.ur.cLAY .11INCT/ON WILCOXB titINALBANT.... ..... —I.WEICE h - 9:10 9:20 9..50 10:20 1142 A. Ir. -1 t : IL f. GOODMAN. , 111Pn'1 Pagitenger Nger. U 13, ALEI—. -- • .1 : 1 IF" • ii • F.„,,,_ • i TH -E Dr:Ert.I.BLF. D I' - 7.1.NG,F.' i 1 - . ' g ' 11 .' • I I CP,NTR .. UV LOCA ED • •ii il I._ • '.l I I':, I •11ON E. S'Y TERM I [ F, 1 r - I I• , I r Monthl7 Pa • ..ents lake' , I ;oition of the - FL:- atm", =one , 1 _ tatilJi.lB7 ." 1 , A. I. N'OBLE & co; :. . C EERS I 7-1- •• 1 , 1 • • - [ 1 .• • - . • r, t FOR THE .• RE ,'W I • E ,C,-, ELT: ',E 1 . 1 1 . IRA3LF,I TRAM •. TRAMP i 'l •I 1 II ~ 1 11 - -' il TliO! Bo;-6 at, 1119,Y:o •in?,, and _t,)e -i Cdrls' - nd. Me i 11 - 0 W. men, tan, , till rtistii' for tl. ir:Groc-rios to - the ri I-•_ I !, • i I RED; WHITE rs, • B ITE, STOBE. - • [ • I -, I E CEETES II& P *OI7ISION I I I I 1 ; 1 [ I . Now soid c,tesper than the ehea . est. Ertiryt!li:r... l :. the line of rocerlea & Prorislo.s. . 1 ' '' 1 1' ' I . ' • . •I 'F I 0 1 R, F E El) Il• I • -- - • • 1 ;;• • . [ . AN,D 1 1 ' PAM 1 . 1 . 1 _ 1 [ ~ K ' eP ,talt th Red, ite Bin. Store- Come ~, , M.l get a pi:e' o go..,ds Mr a little m ney. . • 1 i I 1 THE - tt HEST RICE PAI IN CAqii F.),C: ;I'l - • I 1 COOTJ T TRYI' ' I P 0 D IT C r-:.', 111. _ I 1 • ; .• 1 , - At the B T I White Bine l 3tote of ._ '1 ' I I . BR 1.111 LL' & HA.IGHT, ; u • : • ; IBBIDGE ST . , TO*ANC-i • ' •., Totrastica Jan 23 t,74 . 1 ' 1 . -- e l . - ipst A . sl G; ; ,I3,EsA. • s G, k.c. i•, -a- -• !II il •! . - ;•: -.. , f, '•• • „. 1: ax numatu il.twtr• o onnEtt. 1,, _ • I I , • - _ - SEASON ~ waltz PINE ND PITCH PI: is 1 [ ' 111 ABD34Pi.OOIIING BIDING, * I i 1 ' i Aud a arietyHemlOck oards for sale. I Wo late ow In operation a ew, 115517, adz-rail Planer. an other!' machinery. combining all the recent imp vemenP. and of th most superliwork manittip.l tinnuor by ane ailing water-power. wo are able odo w?rk IS soon it is presetgol— do. itnlie.Sp . and bestow all th care necessary tot doLost it per eetly. 801 l in the work and orders we will ewe eve ~,natc7ss • t gems and wor i • , .: tranship. • • f , 1 , I II Datnn!ern, T, Int-Mr - , iliii N . , 1 11 WM Mtßra, rE3 CM EMI EM NE LIQ I=M D CI en to th to 7 Btu:4a p mm • caz 410 Er. o 1130,01. N ~'~ ~, .$125 . 4EI 000. ow ft.; L I p 1 1 ' VECs B CS ME iliEl . of ttg , Ft.*. pz.c-r I 1 iiin EWE = . Gold a. ..FLD 1 N. N•. 13 ■ NI NTS I= ME LL? N BEI Re MU MEM DEEM Effin us, .73 t GEE mber 8. WM No. 30. No. 2:1 2. I; 1 , 34 FY 5-S 7C5 54'_' 653 53 , '3 5.5 ol" WEI 12 10 11 45 11 35 1 11 29 t 1050! 9 45 513 403 454 454 9 ti; 9( r ) .. 5 5 830 7 20 . .7 00 9 - 25 4fl 237 1.4. 2 20 145 1 °) 0 47 12 24 los) uil 10 05 II A) &SO :45 1 , 7Ou 90 NEM ENE I , n37:ZA r• ra. • A b 05 l acer',` — . it 03 , P. ra EMI ,endcct . t. PN. Superin ~~ 0 , ,.. t 03 I—Taxing' EMI 1:P0 3:U 3:33 2•SS 2:21 2:05 1.3) I 12.53 P. H .