VradfordNeporttt PA _Tofga' tla,lThiirsdav Feb. 19 1874. * "'lO4L AND GENERAL. wELLisI sold out hiS coal I):a4ne2s to PLERce4c. Nicuots. • i • . , , \ E. T. - Gintm o f 01'w:ell:: will del. . , „ liver a temperance lecture 'At' /10=4, on me evening el Feb. 27. i , i • PIER&. & NICIIGLS litlhVe filled large ice-house. and wid bo proPAred to buppl; the public / dining the coming he=ated ONE of D t cs WILCOCE ' S horses fell dead in the)streel on Saturday. The : st.taal . Bass valualite one _ i - • . B. taroRTE,I . Esq., will .addr'ss the eitizans 31ourotheu at the achool-hciuse, oh Saturday EITIIIIIIg,Feb. 21. ! • • THE following' Pos•masters have been app.iinfed in tt.'.s clanty MI'S. CAROLINE A. /1. NTnoMBRT, laiRTI;111/ JAME4PscI. t, Smithfield Summit. WE' LEARN .that Dl. NrCiN.MOSCHELS . ken, who has been performing some rtmarka ble cures in Eluiria, soon to visit this Persons sialicied with catarrh, or throat and lung disease., can cpmtnnuicate with' him st prosent by mail. His address is Elmira.: _WE ciu. especial attention iSto ti4o appeifil the, Leeture •Commit!ce, ini shother crll7,int,iltigeut citizen sliorildleel inter&ited in i" - :drizating, the peophe by paeans cf. pnblic'tectures, anclito-ktiON our citizme are not willing to allowthe burden of isnaainibg them to fall upon It fete. A PLEAS '',NT party iassc..o.llecl 'at M. Can't., on Wednesday evening la,t, in witncya chi• marriage cer , many of 2inia Mary 0.. rind Mr. 11. k. brtde wb,?; therecipieut of imam 4and•Aimel preeentß, all of which were ziehly deserved. While we con. 4tudate her on the happy - event, ro cannot txpreis regret that she k to leave cur town. ALL E.' T. NOBL, of. the firm of Tow - iii. A . : to., led 3144 s ANNA TYLtU,IO the by rariattal attar, Cu Wednesday afternoon. The interesting ;ei.rentcny tool: place at: the rtBl - Cr:Jatige 11,1: 1 'S.F.ELL, and Was wit r.ct;e.ed by a lirge anmYier ofi,frienchi. — We beirtijy cite grattilatl the barn:) , eoup:o on their mutual good for one in the chtfce of partnrr;!... . JULSIOIN JoLOLCOMB, of this • ris,c is the able Washington er , rresron.lent of they tivi ) hampton Ripte;!ic - an. The Corning Journal writes as fu!lows of him : • " Thil Binghamton Daily Repub/icaa:is 'for: tinate in haring au exiXtl!eut correepniideut at Washington, wno liar' written regnlarlyi7for that paper for several 'Tar!, daring each 4i , 4- sion or Congreial fits home 'ts in Towanda, p 4 4, and he was formerly a men:l2r n' the Pdarnsyl- Lt g Lilat u re." EDWXI:I) Fie, of Wyalusing, sends ud th 3 i01104i11,7, t:Mittit.V-two wsya of maws or tt.i . at ton - o, ob,:erve , i . o3 letters reccive,l at the ro'st 0113.2 e.: Wy_tb..>sing, Whasl lnsing, Wyalusbasiritf:Wil , :usinz, Yolou•co,:„Wy inu:-.fn,` Wylneen, laccvu. DEPI;;TY C3lleetar KlNdSl3tiitY ou of the p polar nrin in the county. End Tre g::src I t) kaow ii appri:2ir.ttii in Gt cc•r parts ',f .h • ili.strhit: 17,1,1 D.Aion 1.1 - Men tc,r,-in t ) las ruant , riz,i! t , ) clauty, , K!!)::11)nry, ,X-10 , .v.iu , 14 cla, the puty colleztor of tal's , Inria!!.,:p ri I nq e.n vi , ot [tag week. - Welt, if a!I IU.• were yr Lid 6!ata:). tta , r() woul.l be no-Feetang or a mils . an I_ bett,radatiubittatiou be thin,)wbo pat ithe prel!e , ut is putter. Thc: Ce!“(1e1 . 1.01.1 lilrrt; traq.lis I;,sht v, to'l rare tivery bere." it' rt,Efollo:xi.l4.; are the iiatltes of the c!rui.tn ' ; ; . . , rth Tn - .i an'? 1(. 4 n Trer:a.ly 1 t•-t ' • . • ka:;eCtOrs I " EIZE pity! Camiltis,iol..cr—JA.:, "r!li: Direc:v;:s • 11,:e D. eastirer 'S., A. 31 1.L.. , ,Cerk—W . J. 11..1-tiKl :%IC:uliv bb(),rit a. IT, ..t! • I T ali: 1.1.:1 , Ci)., V. - as Er, [A (le ol twarUi - h ••)-. ,31.-56 L) hv..l f •!!!.1 I.+V;V:I e f, by ill: 1 brio): Stiot, 1) , vl.l-te be Lail biugh• a ps:r 1,.. - ,•.• L . , v.% ru fn: Iri:Lc %AA r rears 1)11- irr r.• b • 1:,•111 El L'.~ L ;t .... =I ?iv r MEE . 4 (.1 •No'[i•. ,u I. 0. , 'ere t'. 'S. !I .r: EMI %; 24: Wit r 11.11 `• V. T 'W.:). -. 4 .. T. _ J IV. L. C \v.. M. W. 171.1.'izt1.• Dora I W. U. 3LKr.E. W. D. M., —B7.llsict McGtr.! CHRIST CLICk:CII, To- Asia —Dana;.; week bc fere Eis t er, :r:IVerC".Z.,'A is the Church, as : Taesthy, 4 .o'clu-A: P. ti.; ETeuttip: Praier. Tilafsda3', 71r. td., E , ,ettioig." Prayer. 11 :Litany. .s.hort prtettc.il ad • drt.-rse. tia+y be.psp,ctel o!1 Tueellye aat ittur:idly evetr.u..t.,. the Ittrcttir pror tr)s.l unread to' the c.):!;:-.rrzati , t0 seteetiine fronfiliiiiiigut , h , I Aattor.4, L aiti4 uvoit the '• of as a snatort t•pe erft,', zig 0f.(711;1_ ,, t; Chlrch :; t ) a' tlic:;ti s , r%;ic2s, a:. :t all a z:y p - 2; - 3 ri 4 - 1.11, ..1101!•1 Ittte t) 103 :11. JUD . G2', RUSSELL and Es..-Suertt tint with. a -cricras accident cia Friday aftc-rtr,oh.l.l,t. I.ll , yacre proceeding to 11;i4 plAcr from Gre:..wrooj, whf,n eroit3ing tho nte.r . Z.)..14-tra.ek at -the_narrole,•tho poll of the: e:trriaqe broi e and the splriteLtteam of horses rzta at a ra;10Ild rate. ~.11r.1. A . " ."i FLEET suCcemil-e (Q .t..: getting bat of the if tr';,,• on, bat; Jadgalfus 1 t , EDL., 'A h 6 had hod of the lines was caught . bet wren the is ite.As and Oratzged fur- a cqnsid crah!e iii tare,-, 1.)::t tor tittately facalie4 : with oat-e Fri' Pis I:ljary, *lt:mates he was quitti b idly brui-ed, an dyad also Mr. VA FLELT. ()tie or the hifises--Avantabla one °lrak! by . .W. G. • TRACY -;railjagain,7 . the Et... 1. fit trout cit WIZ. k r, PALEi', andreeetr:,laueh iala y as to oaase ius cle:ttli almest instantly. . . • I THE f)110Willg • officers of Rome La , No. CAI. 0. G. T., have betin initalled rot- it2e.ens4N q tarter W. C. T....=*F. 13. W. V.--GRAce. KINNEY. W. S.—ME Onunnrcx. W. F. S.-ALLEN Foßl3k3 W. T.-31n+ C. M YosTz. W s P. 31,nyorr. W. 31 —Wteue BENNETI.• W. I. 0.- 7 CELLS. E. GLIIDLTY. W. G. G =lluet.n) ALLIii. W. All S.- - 7 11t:p6F. W. 11_31 —l.l/I.lt-, DELLA WOODBiELN W. fl S.-7-13ATEI6 TANNER. W. L. 8.-LLIse.s.ICHiFTEE., Oui Ledge is still Ilverishing, having 109 memheta in good standing. We have a, pleas atirlAge-reciai, and any innulwr who may visa na will[ be vetted with* cardial reoePtluzi Isar. EL ec,O. A cputtmospwr of- the I ent Repubt(egn furnishes that paper (Mier:lig items from Witrrett MaM=Ml "John Morris has Pat completed f i dwelling imam for widow Davies in tt sett lenient. Mr:3torriaisonegfthebi era sad architects in this country. ' '• Wheat & Slocum have erected a wwr toopey 'shop to Podunck, so cur . -hotter packers. can now sayo money by patronizing home trade And wa are going to havO•a steam sari mill at Lake Meadows ki the spring. , - •' Loren Pendleton has sold :his farm neara •Warren Centre to Caleb Able, formerly of the firm of Konney,a, Able. merchants.: Mr. Able,, having - lately married, •has resolved to tarn farmer. - Mr. Pendiettiu, we inteoda go tag west in the Spring. - -4so.;lourn." ' T4r. fo)lowing correspondenCe . ichieb rk. , .e6ciily I:passed betwe3a a beeevoib l at society ando:s3e cif our respected cud cba'ritable ladiei, spell:oldr itadf: DE4II MADM :—The Towanda' Lodge of the order 01101 beg to intrust to your cafe 'for dis tribution among the deserving poOr - of dace, in such rusimer as you may think best, the sum of 'twenty dollars, which is' herewith enclosed. • To Mre. A. WAIIIINS. , Towanda, Pa.; Jan: 16, 1b71.' GENTLERfit send you the account of the nay of 'pending the money ,you intrusted to m" for the r,nef of the oirorihy poor, all of aid& Wan , very thankfillly received and the caw.° of much joy. Ten dollars given to t poor sick fatnil% three &Ilan for a - pair of shoes tor a poor woman ;,two and a quarter dollars for a skirt for another poor woman ; four and a quar ter dollata to a p,or, fEI wed family, and fifty emits. to a . tfoor woman to bur medicine. 31 , ,y God V.( as and 'award you. Yours, truly, Mits. A. 7.1118.1N8 I'd the Towanda Ifltlgo of the &du. of 101 , . lIONOILLBLE • D417-i.:KARDS.—III Up. J. lll:Liza - 8 aisle article on iulemperance in the Itirolitha of Teb.• 5, she seems to think, the local option. law °apt to be enforced. So ti had, but t hp-Triost cu the cases a'c ytt have , bet n defeated. This is owing to the lath, that so many of nimyroriainent turn are drunkards.' Not that they .are down in the ditch, like the man that has had tan drinks: if they have, had flee, they Mc half drunk: if one,. they-cr' one tenth drunk. In my opinion it i 3 not the !AA drink' thatdegria4e. but tlio first. • • any of th,soditch-drutk•trde About thr•ir'o, • aild you will be told that Judge A, t.r. Dr. IL, or I.o.we'r'E. " I have es good right'to drink as they. . I sate on a festive occa sion of recent dat-, wine (.f these if.OlJ ()rabies etter a closet . t quids of tote, three and 19nr, anti c o me out i wipiri 4 their mouths or chewing coffee to hid: , the smell of rum; da - -eir faces re flashed, end their hilarity 'hid . , a suspicious sound, and afterwards their `- Ircnorable' names Appeared in 'the columns or the as it the company Lad been honored by tavir trice," In .onr county f Bradford, 'where the local option 1.1.. v is in force, or ought to by, 'the men of law ehnid - be &Ice:ling it, insv:ad, as is °I t• en the cane, of currying bUttles or intoxic.itirg stuff in their eost7-ix)eliett4 thus -coriiipting our y.latf,g men by thiir bad exarripie. iWhin mea iu holforsbla guiding refuse to tast;i or coun tenance the drinking of intlxicatimg tarn, and nut until thou, a ill this great cvii (be out, Why will they nol:deny them,•elvem fur the sake of others? LEOV D.OU:11. ED. REPORrEn.: • Lash. evening, - a Grange of' thn. "Patrons of Husbandry" .:was orginiz, dat this plafle. During the day notice was given that Deputy S. W..ECCS, or the 25a tional Grange, would lecture ati the School House en the "The Gratige." Etrly flee evening, many oinzilas had gathered to listen t.. his remarks. Cdpt. Gr.ttriN cal:ed the. mei-ling to eider, and Deputy Brox pro.ceded to explain tl.e t bject and work or the firth r; after %inch stveral of our pronaine:nt tarincr.-, with their wives and dangliteri , ; jnirned t sti.re ur llyir to be :ui'iatca into tl tuyst.-riti. or that popular • The If.rowing it r liat.of of11 , ::-r8 ref bal-Lce 'llB9l ; Cap!..Str.s; (seer;VNIZ:."... Lecturer, G. It. 110:il; Sti.,:varil, S. 3. 1410nr..:Y; \C:4. h. CEO. C: Trea,hren,' L'[:-r^ S(.el%taryi Jes Turn.s_p; Ccres, Mrs. JlfiN HoY.T; Jou!: Vi"..IIKINSI Lady Al,s't . Steward, MISS Lrcr Lt.c. It v - ,./i4 , .:ettql to G rat:F. if: hnrnr of 31:kt,r, S,-erst.fy fcsw , rCii•ie:t •d ::) , : fr.:;;;-.11 rt. pr.i fc , 'anti fm - Et' .1.1 v. cre'v., [leg. ti t'l Iv: , c F. b. 16 1,71 cou d 31 3lr. util 31 r) '1:. :vs: t 6 • ••• 4 .. :.. 1 Eq!, • i 7:: i_;; :I,Fi , 1J 31:s. J. N. 11- .w.:r ~ r , 1 I-6: rt.- Mr. :Ma 31.--e. A. ri , i.- 41rt'-o, .11 To,. 1 . 11-1. , ;;!ri , .. of is!r: , . D. IV. aul3l.a. J. , 8.. •. mid m.,:ber, r.ll I ',J.:A6t:4 of. 4 .r.tvl f b; r ti.: r-. lEEE 1 . '1! - EME ERIE MI 11k eLergy of a b at t:vt L'y , f cc - 1 .•.r•, CI, 41i.1 fa, 110! rrov.rs f.tinhy know t -1 . ,t,!y' th 11. 4, 1:173irr.: v, ip:1111,:.• 1 .111 I 111 VI!)r tl.-14 j f .tty-1 ire yearn, fartl,c: oarpr.;-.1 is th 2 pLejent atilt/ f7oLui tie i~; `itl!' C3:.1 S~: Vie` h.,, by To tAk.t!ler ”Issiaale ptit ;;:1:1 br) :cud sp ; l aid t ) fatli-zr t , AHee/-1.: silver-he:v.4.d CiLO. Aftvr a to.r rem.tr:“i and: pretyPr, by the wraer, th.a comp :ay diiptrZed licarts 4,7elfllwing witti loco ant gratitu4o to'clod for Iris 12,1,:, , 5•ng up this family an:t'ths sweaty. firth birth-day surpri4e: ;J. D. S: aluding, rd., 16; 1574 r 1 V.wanda, Pa., Jan. 1Gi;1874. =IBM Pro - tect i. ns tr, , Feb. 14 ME Ile V EtA t lii;4 Ci; act.v.." v:no, L ;:re for y of :.1.4 fJ i! i E :tt tsal4, r2.w;:!,; 2 ' I' 3 . ! :AA. stur.ptu (1:11 t:;.: BE SURE YOUR Sig - WILL FIND You ouT —Thia toiloww.g_Swhlch cifti clip from the last Jourivzi, furnishes atiother evolcuce that •' truth is sometimes strang:ir than fiction " : • " Gime - lino:l . a time. on a certain Saturday, either in the year 18(;3 or 1801,1Meears Pome roy Brothel - 4, bankere,7of Troy,lPa., wishinno piirclim.e'soine some U. S. Bonds, Feut to El. mire, by Mr; Geo. Davelbon, who iDippetted to be going to that place, for ttieni.•. He win+ told to purcha-c bomb. to the amveuat of 13.200 of 3.500,1 we could not ascertain Which,) and was given the exact amount tiecesaary to tiny them. tiefore Aiding. however. Mr. Horace Po m eroy et. , ppett int.) the storeadj oiling the bank and borrowed a hied satchel in which to carry the money and bri4g back the bonds. Mr. David son went to Elmira but did not arrive until alt er the batik was closed; on going to CiDe - of the 'aviediovs and Making tomseltknown he was ad mitted, and bought the bontl.,llitit was obliged • . to pa:) . one dollar and some Ceuta Inure than the summit sent by the :Alt-sari. Temerity, the interest being c,mputed up tol l Monday tostead o: the day of purcha,e, on Set:Omit- of .mints. , having closed fur that day. We mention tins dollar and the odd &nix for reason that will appear hereafter. 3.1 , . Davidson returned to Troy and deli , ered kite bonds to Mr. Pomeroy. I . Tile 'ratchet was returned to), th.; -store.. from ' whence sit was borrowed, and nothing more was thought of the matter fur tern Years. Auer two long years the bonds were fort,. to he missog, and awed imno way be ac,-oun pu nt ed fur. After a frilltle - its mire!) they were giveb up. At drst tt wits the tintressien of Mr. Pomeroy that they had never been debvpred, and that they hal le-en' stolen front the I.atchel,l unbeknown to Mr Dat Motif). ' Brit Mr. D. .was, very positive, and mailed attention i the, fact ef the batik pitting tom the one dollar and' odd mita, the • amount advanced by turn inl =chasing t; • bonds. Although the matter as: kept Private as Ossible, every effut was being made to get •sot • 1 clue to them, but with no apparent hope of ,i..cess, until (we believe) Ilaat Fall, when they lucre pat on a track Which led L:t tneir ditt ooveiy, which will, perhaps, bel, beat told by go ing-hark and relating,how - they were lost. `, Intinediately afteethe return of Mr. David son from Elmira, .iind-deliiery kit the hand satchel emit among lbeiffiondbel sechel was returned t.. the Owner4lithe Vnitda having nut been taken nut. The Satchel will placed With a number eel others, and - soon at er sold to a farmer of Granville township. Inairounty. Be found the bmds in the satchel; i and at that time, hiteg bring kitewn by Plummy ; Bros. 1 4:4 14. fr It/ s. he did not of i .itti se, know to ... • obi, they belonged, bat-sup mind thtil - were i,', • la the istishei whoa it !might with the other stock, by tbe proprietor of the 'tore. and did not,auppote an owner would ever be found. • Iwt!h the teeli , the bonds to Troy and, we sere in ftwmed; sold theni back to Pomeroy Bros., al though.they hid_ a record of the numberia of the bonds which -were missing, The lucky farmer expended the money thus obtained in purchasing mere land and improving We farm aod dwelling. In the meantime the lore or Hifi bonds by the Pomerove bad become somewhat oohed abroad, and bad; wo are told. ciliate to the knowledge of thee-Ander and Ida firefly. The beaked friends fall out, and Ibis is what proved:to be the cause of discovering =where these bonds had gone to. The man and.onme or his relatives g.tting iiito-a (parcel, the afore said relatives took their revenge by disclosing al the circumstances venue , red with the lose and finding of the bonds. Messrs. Primeroy Bros. immediately took measures to 'recover them nr their Tull value, and after considerable &primacy, obtained a judgment agateat the m tir'sfarm fur the bonds with back interest nu the money and all expenses incurred in the seareh!and recovery. The amount of the Judi:- meet is about ss,soo.„'which makes the present condition of the thider•worse than it' was be; tore, se he had expended nearly the whole. 01: coursed was a great satisfaction to blessrs.l Pomeroy Brothers to recover their property. ',. which they beliseed was gone forever. and es-1 pecially. gratifying was it to Mr. 'Davidson who. although feeling not at all to blame. hai been much troubled by the mysterious disappear twee of the bonds. • However, all's, well that ends well. Moral : Never borrow a satchel. Rplenaid Welsh est build- DEEDS left forieeord in the office Icy reecrtling deeds, for week ending Feb. 16 : , Jeremiah O'GJnuer, to Jeremiah B igan, War ren. . I . • . ' J. T, Ball to W. S. tialstcd, Itilgbury. 1. ' CLlc.rkS Suneyer to Itoub.rn 11. plctler, Over ton. I! . . Ezr4 P. Lion to Oiivo trawling. Pklog, P. ck LI Julia M. McCollum, Bv lvauia. Ettara Lett Pci,to to Lo vi Turbutill,Viud Vont. : • G.M. li. Fos.4 to Emily Gri : mll, L(.4toy. John C. Wer.gs to Mrs. Ann 6ticklor, Athe Boro. JoIM D. Kinney la Wm. 11. Doling, Virarrtut. Wm. IL Dar Wig to ItyroU .W. Vaniltrmarll, Warro. dyrus Ccsulr. gutOlan of alit, Cyrus Fiboiil en, Warren. A. it al. toJo , linaPettia, Joial.) Gilbert ti John N. Dirrow, and Webt • Allen Grar.‘ilki John li. Mindy t.Y Marg;.r,:t Wt , c) IL M. A:. W. S. Jl.rteber N. F. Snv,tl: flj B. "..V.)rgay, GtHr , to .10!:u t.l.Lr.de Alton t , 3,Jolin It. POA, WyEC,X..,! to . 11 Litehtiel , l.l Swartto Challtte E. Sivvrt, W34a. A...(l:er: J. to G. L. a I l. . 1 .1 I ) . Van Fie-t, Sli , ,nfl t.) .ide:i.i I. , r.,,.f -, 1 (tl E3,,..7i6::r. .. • D,..f.,..1 !,Icelian to J.)!ln 110-Liv , , '‘',.%:':..' , 1. i M. V...n S:(.1::(3 to ,Thd:ivti : s 13. li.vi low, R.4g-: ---, barv. • i . Entt;il:e J. Terry to C.B. 1'311(..1,..1.b.:int.. 1 C. li.. I'3ll - 0 to Sutton RuB , :dl, Booty.. 1 J.' Si. Blnttn, Sheriff, to o.'ll. .5: Dtiikt•l Don 0r.n.n,1'a ,, ..n..u.ra. - . - - i PROF. BLISS and wife, of Claica , o . liaNg b_Col,holding a C.J1171 . !..:ti0n lioneailiye and a gorrelyitfilent of the con epaliq edit in the higlipt twit:H.' As l i i he Frorcilocrahtl Ilia excellent lady wile:fornatidy rostiltili4 county, we 10.‘cof rCadera 4111 d he iiittl , c4thd in Ilia notice, whi,:h c..e-appen : uL..-t . s.q - -1 a number Of ono loading aingid-a and nuisioinia ciatied tioni-Adatie Err %Ito ur At wading,. ' The e.md Mn - aical of Wa:.oo CoUnty.' It ~r ita,eir_on Jail. 27, and cloned Frhho. e;,ining Nth gooi.•;:rt, aid!, as the of .tir tbej direction or the diatttignhon d tittisctxfis, Prof. I' i'. and lady, of Chicago, it cc 4 Id rod' to be a e;ICerS4, Nll idh It u .-viry Te,pect.- Among the tucii , biere or our lit: lo 'paqy rir.ra Oophanr,:wero N. Callen4r, th. : yccddpnehol v•,c. dod, tim.ll. On; aileor-toncd to nor or CU':' Mr. - I'.!b. the gltel couv•—,•io:or, uudage, tlk. it, 1:'141t , IvII ha's, NI. fiffuN on. the 11111 - 11.!), ~t4er 'rptez.-41 car, ki n; ll% uTo . .idi..:l by it. tt'a, Di!.' " lied. It. IL Co li-usp-itiA nor c •nipany Iloac••Lt:c- •,tl4 int !1" At r r 1;;" t t• in, t •.1 1:t a c•ru:::11't• c.flom 'II • (m a ,o; .Lul ocorle. tit 1 /i1p::•••4 I ii,t.• 1A1,144. - IFs Ii nwdeilha altolelo.l. and n " 1 thiffli ist r•laur :c-7,• a i:i,i(ead In '•tt hv a pp' eci it , of the p.cg. 011 r 1 ,.• lo: Veil. II tr.i . a...r!.1 - Di 11 :v. 1 -LH iu cr the Cii,e,rt ::•-••••i vt'• '11': J. F. t 14:3 1 , t , :er,..1-d TL r., t r•• 1 1 ti(•):1 --t• eao:rr Q;• , •al: ua, 1:Ii is' roil ~ f .I • ury tt trrie. •:.1r to !1!v p „ tot. , ;;•.'of i -. 1.1 - 1:11 'in ,lir, .:1 . 7.11 • .1. a::•1 t . nua.n...: vlitertatit 11. t.l. =MEI of the - gen Intln ~ .ir ri th 't .41:p.-s "la t 8 s' 4L,.1 C411 ,, 11 , 411 1%0 Iv!, raiher . ....al ,;! is ;LW:: art' right. r asi,,wilit , 3 It ;troth our lif , , ' . 0 tills place i,t), Try Verf I :OA: int. : rent v nvorlif..stcd 4 - 3vc'r .t.i . bu filled. Bo (vs ITC ViVC the tr.f7l Ee: - eral y.ard.; : • i7.411;.1.: or :nu Pt:4l'm Natb.^4l Pad. Morgan, EcnaoL W "N J. , lll2lll. , ttucs 914 Low: , tV; fS atil ha') TOb.4 _,.~ti V:S J N•