truituoil. i r-, ThatThc .tdmira Farmer ' s Club, ; those , of our readers wh0,,,, ,,,, wish to Organize a farmers' club -for Ihe - 'pnipOse of mutual imprbvement . in their special business in their own ''vicinity may learn from others' ex- Prri r Pnce , . - we, condense from the AdiuTtekr an" account of the origin,i o riranizaion ' and history of the Elnira Club, one of the most enc . cesq c ul, pecun arily and intellectually; .- C-ver organized in the country. . 1 ' ,T 1341, four - years agO a few farmers , t ass 'mbled - in fi - WagrOli shop one eVen ing: by the ligut of a single canAe, and procepded to organize2a club 61. soci •ty for. the improvement of their met pds of farming. There bad been no, mbEc notice' given of such a' nice i,p_ - _ - i., 4nly a little casual talk at mar •?-zt. or on, tie street. There were barely ten men at the first orginization; biit from the first meet ; ~ in.- FIT-porters from the eiti press _welT invitpd to' report their . talks, andlthe'club thus became noted,. It now: nunil. - k‘rs over one hundred i members;'- has a larje, new - central hall, belOlging to.llie club, with the 'first fl)or arranged, suitably for the - residence of a janitor's the • rent' of which .rooins will keep the waymea . ,-lightedand in perfect c.can , . From the beginning this clUb has carried out eachyear i,riterprise of benefit, not o . qy'to tlldiEhnira ,fartners, but to ll_loAe, the ! northern St- i .t..5.1 it held a grans(' trial, ilf, ; haviog implements ou the rand of Mr. jhroilman',-.--it€,, president,._. hieh . - co &mal t i cs, if it did not exc - 2 : ecf, the „Tc. , d,t_A.aatin trial of 1860. In 1871 wa• - ;-141bf all kinds 6* imple -inient the soil. :In' both the trials Were.witnessed by large - c - owds of fanners who came - n • froth far distant sections of the coon _ I::a‘rn 'ffcra actual trial jOst i what minchine:ll. l , - th'ey' needed in btu it I..n. , ..iness: 14.1872 the anniver , • sarN; of their organization was cele : brti .. tts(l tr,- a rc-onibn at the hoirse!of pile,, - of the rnenibers.P In . 1873 - a trial? tl n kaving dud' 'harle.4ing':, tools was `liAd 'O 4 ti r le.rarm _of Diver, at ~ .vhich. t he.reardrs and mowers were woi±e,liriu every conceivable Manner ."giving lessons" on lu thousands of rre , enf.• In 1 a •library t ' now contains •I:andre . d volumes, free to ra. - ..'411Ki-.. , '. F ,,objf--et only to• the. tio l ,' : i i : .:L , ,i - •; : (11,7 thelr preservation Harvesting - Corn - • ; .1111611 thiS.writerwas a lAoy, nearly e:;rs ago, at my graudfat'ner's Jana Central ,New Jersey, they risefl - to top the corn. cutting• it off ^I y - )\ - • , • the birdina• in small thoroughly'• clired,:• never to freeze, and housed in • in; Whit; was called in 1 „-,•:•d Lys a •q - iiirrack-I,ar-ri , 21.•, old The corn when 'ripe, was • 1111,11;4 1 .• standing, and always , before freezii.O. seenis quite clear that much- more rapidly•rltitiS Ilea harvesting, than • • Systtha, it tieing . Mo i re aqe.i.t-,,ible to air and sun than •.•k•eii :>h. :!;; and I think • a man niere in a 1 1.1.4 • .(tatt)lin7;thati under the pre • ,Vf!'et husking, the s turitr•-1 into - the -corntiel,l to tr,iding !, v i : 'li .1); . 1. ;;lierk fhey • , piowinlic 0413 next in tliA, fall, if For some car, • Coirt . .- 1 - stola Was gi - ,en up and "t pi.: I. I (.3i" Tile cause, it th , .! :1;;.;•f.t.)!::,11 - ;i frt l•Abc,r.tia ••d•r, that 555 7- j.l 111)Dr-SRVillg, one. AD . i r prei;c-Dt4 itself in this connec-• • h is worth.. noticing., but Lot t ) this papi.T car Cek:Tv:."- One im• - •in exeuse of farmers about for the delay in the coin liar is..that they nitt• t. in their , i•4;•1 apples before freez_-= Which I--rng hss injuritins to yre, i r. salt until. the last. Gi'at.t.ea. 'Tin-n Isuggest, as things lev. not tic: old Van the iir,t • hotter go hack • - ,)•4 Pr( : f. Mapcs came alopg farMingi and told that ran.- stalks were ln value one-• ttird (Übe crop, and proved it by 'rtnn.lysis. ';But;" Pil' he, "ykar muse cut carly, stack iu t melt shocks, cure .thoroughly, , husk as S'oon as ripe,lie .for ,, , Louse guider cover,- cit , ,p an filly, and if vita 'cannotsteam - them,. Roth and feed with a little bran or a few rcibts,: and you will have. food ,for yOrir . horned . Stock superior= to timothy - hay."' , e• - • It is too•late fOr any good toe:4.lle . Of these sug,f2;eitibus this year, but let 'is - think of these thingS , hereafter fur -11:e coming times. Bat, as my friend s - tys, — the farmers are the 'best to do' -and •rn est independent class on earth,' all this "pegging away" is of . consequencV as Mr. Toots would Say, and is Teradventare to much trouble for those' who being so 'in dependent pref-.:•r• to v, - oitk only when ;ign is it: tibr,-. m. u. . East . . , FAII.INO" TO ADV.iNtAGE. I have, kiloll CsL - 0 kinds•pf indust iour far -1...7,t:rk . .1,d6 not include the sluggi§h :I,libliegligent: . 134.1 t Qf the real hard :tvorkri's there are two distinct classes. Tholy, - both.ri,:• - e'with dawn and work al.i-r,.'l,l!iii . ,rir.d are wcr-ths of success-; • l: - . oii , - - classi fails !or, want_ Of proper t •, - ..ifg.:w . and management. TheSe . v. ill pat: their energies into one piece "'•:,f ;or , af:d • neglect oilmr things •••••.rhicliTtieed - ttieut more. I knew one :Ilan whil way - so intent on linishin i - pi.uo:yot; board fence, tint he work , ~,1 liai'd i - d Itlic Ne'l.V.: 1 i , ae that the \,:,,i,•,15, iii 11:,•-; roo.t cr. ) giew from .i, , Li,- iT.c l .l"lii , gli to t,:•• i..c.1a,::, inereas. • , . , ..-1,1 e IA) ,i' of el(a , !:nr out at least ..• I L n foil, att•,3 reln,*.: g his crop about •o,le `halt. • ' An;v.her bit:' costly r _t, ols and 1.. t.-: tt-:•-.,:1 - rubt arid rot in , ie falds bea;:,e la is so- busy with • 1 Let.-1 I :hi ul-e, al though the labor of 1; , T•iti;:.. ; •c'vord.l ie._ a Int re, nothing. .* . i.;"•:;tlitr buil•b:, a. costly bArn, and ii-.P, ilp I:iiNiii,:,l< i s,' for - tuaimrina, otiltiyi:titt,g. 'acid Araining, • when (•!rt,,,pr bUildiugti . would 'have aDS .:ITt..-,1: ' Another \corks a wet field , aftf..-r year' at great - cost and convience, and with small results, i;.:_leaus','e he-is totrbittly to underdrain He ; does every thing. at • a disad antage. - Very • difrereut is the •, course' ,or the, good—manager. _ He - at%ll apped it before him—estimates accurately labor to vreoreplish each jqb, • the it shthill be done. ••• pr. -rent lose - , and then• goes on It dcit-:-.!; not , recinire ti; do this I .)tit . c ,-- )tbreon 11,e tarr..,:r to his about 'llia is what makes rracticalj - and. surct.'sAul. - • i • e . . -_, .- 1 i . _ rucellan ous. • 1 , _.,..___................. ..• : , i . -•:- I'• :: . . . , . ~. REAL . DIAMOND RINGS ;• • . . - I • i - i At CHAIWBERLIN'S.. WATCHES $lO TC:4300 : , i. 1 ; , . • ' At .CHAMBERLIN'S. , : . :11: ' • ! AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF 'Sit,- , . VER-WAREI I - ---- ' - :• = • ! = . 1 . At CHalrßEßlin'T'S. ,I • . •.. - ,; • . • , : 1 I • . , . ~ • .• - BEAUTIFUL GOLD RINGS Ii lei___. . At_ CHAMI3ERLIN'S.. .. I : . , . - - . ... . . , . . . . , . 1 'lf. 'von a re lookinff ler a beautiful 13 • • 1 . Christmas present, examine the stock. I't ' . I ' -' ' ....... _ 1 - -- - :-- - ' At CHA I I.IBER.LDIS. 1.: ; ; • n .. ' I 4' i . . i,. . , • THE LARGEST. AND BEST .., AS- ; ; SORTMENT. OF . 1 -,--:= = , - - -- ' --- J - EWELRY, ' ' , ' -:i• , WATCHES, , • • 1 i CLOCKS. SOLID .* ND PLATED • GOODS • - 1 --- : EVER ENHIBITED IN ' ! - I -'•' ! TOWANDA,. KRE_ ! Npw OFFRED . AT ,:. . • ... .. W. 1 1.,CHAUCERLIN'S. . _ '.. . 1:- . , - -..- r ;-: • . ' . , . • .._.. ' : , . "1 . 1 •. : - ..1..„.:_,. , . ; , - VIRE I FIRE!!! 'FIRE! !! - • ..JL' , • . . . „ . ' . i i i . • ' 1 . , , , .... • . . . ON - ACCOUNT 'OF A. FIRE • ~ . , . . , . : 1 . r • . . ..:.,--- _ . • ..,-- i WHICH CLOSED UP A LARGE . . . . . . .. . • ! . : . • • STOVE`; FOUNDRY ; - .WE , HAVE : 1, -‘, ! • ; .. : . . . , .. • 1 . . _ ! _ • PURCHASED STOVES WHICH .‘,...., . , . . 1 • . : . . .. ..,.. _. WE OFFER- FOR: TWO-THIRDS ‘,.. . ._ 1 : ; „ • 111 E. USUA:..t"7.• PRICE. CALL . . . . . 1 .--- , ; • • - EARLY TO. ; .GET THE BAII- - 1 .'i ~.I ':- •' i I . • . , GAINS.' : . . .. . . . , I - ' = • . 1 1 : =. ' . • 1. n • : 1 I HO•IA'ARD & ItIDGWAX. , • = • : . ~ I - . . 1 r. ,• • ~ IWyalnsirr , Jan. ! `_'S lB7-I.' ...: •,, • : • .: . _ - • , . in ; • .• . ~. . . . . : . . . • • 7SOIT.YA_Tk ir k r . = -- - - . I ' , ' COLLEGIATE • - • • . ; INSTITUTE . , .• , • The s - eond winter term of this instittition - will 1 el/Ma:CMG , 31'1.ND sY, JANUAEy 2C. 11574., No pains will be spared to; maintain the high standing of the institution,' and by carefully looking t "to the interesbi of each individual sts.dent to make , itiwork even more eilicient. Eich teacher will have his speciality, and use every facility to make the (..., topics interesting, and to secure the Largest possible , results in his department. I C 1,,,, will be organized in!several neb studies in tic - i• , .... and Language.. Also; the daisies in En , gli*li wiil he remodeled so as td meet the wants of new Students desiring to pursue these ; branches. -To save expense, test books, the ,samezis in. the - county will be used in_the English branches, with - 7- - the exception of GeograPly. • To make the sojourn of non-resident students 11 ! more pleasant, .the Principal will use; his house -. situated Out a few rods from the Institute building --ter boarding purposes, - where ro,ms furnished t throughout and provided with clothes closets ,and . other conveniences will be furnished for the young - ladies. • The beat rooms in the Institute. will be furnisihed willboard at f ' . t a tie mi t t i s o g n i e nt Olt t b o e th P;in -T e . ip a a r ? n ll n ere ;vl, ! i rill e a mein' _ supervbdon on the part of the flincipal and teachers - of the manner in which students employ their time. ✓ Price for furnished room and -board. including fuel, lights, and washing not to exceed six pieces, $l.llO per week. - Students will' furnish' their own • bullet and be held accountable for the furniture in their rooms. • - Those desiring to prepare -themselves for the work s of teach ne during the following Summer, should apply to the Principe at once. ! . t , Tuition from Four to Ten Dollars per term, ac !i• cording to studies pursued. • ! - ' Fer further particulars or circulate, address th , Principal, E. E. QUINLAN. Tawsnds Pa. ! i . MR. ILLE FOX, Jan. 13. • , Pre•'t Boaelt Trustees. 9. N EW FURIs;ITURE STORE. . . t,. ' :- e ' - J0 S E P . ll Hi' ..NT. S 1 :.. . 2 Hai. Ili,W opened a new Furniture; Store cn . . - FRIDGE STREET, T'OtANDA, . • ' Where he will keep OX. hand . O. . • . . , A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE, (4' 1 . ' 'Which will•be sold . ! , . : . , - r AT• PRICES THAT CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE •- ' - i . Ail who may fat or him with their patronage.' . •s . 1 . .! s . • Wha.t..ver w,ay be wanted in te Furniture uiu liie7,: . , . • ! ! C.•LL ON EWES. .- • .. . . . ,:. • . - and examine - goods and 'prlcei before pnrchiudng elsewhere. ! I , May 21,1873. . . , 1 . .1 o t 00K-P t INDRY.--THE PUBLIC -, xi= is respectfully informed that the Book-Bindery .i. had been retrieved to the "Reporter" Building, third story, where will be done • . . . . ! • . e . B U 0 fi.-IS IN DIN G':n . , . _. .... I • . i in ail its cations branches, on terms as reuonable as! , .the times" will allow. The Bindery will be un der the charge of . ' : • H. C. WHITAiEE. - _ - , • . - . _ 1 Ah eiperienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done ma style arid manner which cannot be excelled. . Music. 'Magazines. Newspapers;; Old rooks, JO - , bound in every variety of style. i Particular atten tion will be paid to tne Ruling and Binding of ..„,, 9 . . . . ' BLANK BOORS; -. :'- ___ , 1 . • - To any desired pattern, which yr 'quality and dura -, bility will be warranted. • • - All work will be ready for delivery when promised, 1 The patronage 61 the public is solicited, and pet _ feet satisfaction gnarranterd . . .• I , Towanda. 'Angus! 1. Isrill —tl ; t T_IOW.IS . THIS FOR LOW ! - ... A. , . We offer:DRESSED LUIBER at . _ i--- thelollowing r ubes:, . - r Hemlock Flo, - iritig. (.71,61cE9,-,, ..........318 per 31. ' • White Pine '' 26 " . piteli ••, Sidieg - - '',....! 11 . 5 to 25 ~ . iliekets from $2 to ifi per- hundred. - . , , - PLANING, MATCHING, RE-IirAWING, Air., . , . • - Done ate moment's notice ',mid by', the heat machin ery new puede. We have on' hand, • -•• •-i i e • ',!, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND FEET DRY LUMBER' We have in the Mill Pond .- _ ' . . THREE HUNDRED. 'AND. .FIiTY TROUBLED . FEET OF ronmusa - And are constantly - Manufacturing. • zar Parties who can reach ill are' foolish to go I near the.radroad for Lumber, as under any circum-1 . stances we can SELL IT '.REAPER—at least the' cost of transportation froth hereto therrsilrolide-i -say $2 to $3 per thousand. , r • ', 1 ' • = I. June 2f,. '73._ H. u.lSOnear.. =- : -1 . . OrcuTfErsen. _ .. • • E n id NOTlCE.—Notice e hereby given that all pitirsons indebted to la the estate of Parley Johnson„! late of. a windbam, deceased, lire 'requeste d to make mei:ll4l, Pay -8 Ment. and all persons haying Claims 1 4 , MR said 5 estate must present them duly the. W AINID. ITT& @AXE% lii • 111115117 • . i I - . I •'• ~, : I , , '"'~' Fsosir & so f; World ins to o to call and examine:their I NEW STYLES of FURNITURE OF,ITEIiIR =:Covt'on hand the LABGEST AND BEST S&DltTittptT OF GOODS EVER Ii tOWA.N. ===l We are also .iektfeit to do UND on the wort reasonable tertam. ' We also keep to it, re aud, unite to order SASH 'BLINDS, DOORS; MOULDINGS, Oct.l; 19:3. TONVA.NDA MARBL WORKS, (CEO! AlcO • BE At SON BIM) jUS received the Largest assortment of AMERICA AND ITALIAN MARBLE V / .. ~.. b .". . --=..., • Ever 62.111bIted in thierieotion, to which they invite the attention of the public. ' TheT keep on lend or iftirnish-to:orAer - r MONUMENTS, TOMB [STONES, MANTLES, Br.g., Of er ry •tyte, AT THE LOWEST TERMS. I, 1 Pelvic= la want of anstbing In our line ere re speottally invited to millet:id examine our dick. McCABE & SOl4. Tm jadi6 - 11ay 1.11171 r .. . . .le • , , . .n. • A .NEW HAND AT • . . I ~ - .., ' - ' THE BELLO W S. _ • . . - 7 -- • i Hy BENJ. Sp - KENDALL 1 , r.. Has purchased the Third Ward Coal Yard of L. ii. .4 B. Cast:, and will keep a good supply of _ L . . . WILKES—BARRE . ~./.7 I 1, ~ , , • . , . • • AND' ' ra. ! d. ---.. _ _.,---.4urAirvAsz COAL r . , ._ Always un•band; a thli 'LOWS r PRICES. Towanda. Nov 5. 157a. 1 . at II: A YER'S , CATHARTIC Prr.T,S, :: a"LI7EP : :I°Ar- : i:TPnl' e :; bgC°v :; i : lj : i ; dice ' lnYPPe i l2i , : ien:n,Dyseryotil:St:macband:reatilr:iL peneadacte:ii.aeratism.Er : tios idkitDl , : .sesiuercoialzi .y4:iltri.rnoisansatate=w,. !Gout. Neers'gia; as 1 Dinner Pill, and Purifying the n. -Blood,are the moat conenial purgative yet perfected. . i Their effects abundantly show how much they ince x: ' all other Pills. They aie safe and pleasant to take. i but powerful in cure. They purge out the foul km. more of the blood ; they stimulatelthe sluggish or D disordered urgan into action; and they impart health • ~and tone to the who/o'loll. They — care not only the every day complaints of every body, but formid g,' able and dangerous diseases. Most aldlful physt.- m-1, clans most eminent clergymen, and our heat citi. 's' ' cans. send eertillitates i of cures performed: and of . great benefits „they havle derived from these Pills .. . , They ere tke safest =direst physic •or children: be • i cause mild as well as effectual Being stig'ai coated. co ' they are easy to take; and being pure y vegetable to they are entirely. harmless. . . . , ... . , -PARED AL • ! I . Y - -,,/ Ds, J. C. AYER . 1 / 4 AO., LOWELL, ABS..M . Se • ex ' . Practical and na!)ti4.l Chemists. • * • Sold by an D.. .. and Dealers La Medicine. Wen vs el • i C.,'" I LOONS! WAGOI§IIi I I have on hand a huge assort ent of, • IT Than any other establish .; en in the Of every description ma i m actnreci t: order on short no ti e. AUTUMN. 1873. FLOORINGS, itc. J. U. raosa' k . SON S• _ i .s 0 wE 'NspIREOPEALRTLy7 , AGAINST LOSS elt DANIXGE BY I , i I FIDE AND LIGEITNINci i , 1 We represent over Fifty Millions Capital. I 1 c , - Old English and Hole Companies) .. , LIFE INSURAIOE ! IN THE OLDEST AND LARGEST STOCZ AN , i I • 'MUTUAL COMPANIES I N THE • L UNITED STATESI , I 1 , I .... AdOIDENT .fIsISURANar, , From onef 3:to one year. I 1 1 1 1 I • NOBLE it ViNCENT. I Feb IA. 1117 A. ' 1 SU P E ftro R Atir.RICIULTIJRA MACiNZRY. for Sale by 1 R. M. NV E L LIE: ‘ , I TOWANDA, PA.,) ' Mice No. S Mercur's Bloat, north side ( Coin House square. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL [ D • I MA ' UFACTII,BERS AGENT. 1 Mowing Machines. Hose Powers] and Th hers Wheel Rakes, Planter Rowers, Grain Seed rs, Ha Tedder*. fteveralble and Steel Pleiws, 0 1 raters Thal Horse Hoes. Clover Hullers and Penni it Kills Laws VOWIRP, WATILB DZAWI3II.II/117 117# BM CEIMIN POWERS pg T1110114:10. 13 samseeros Raul on Po . so.. sc. I - Catalogues and descriptive, Illus#ated pii . tad clr edam, furnished or =Hod frselto all sp .11cants It will cost but three cents to sen d for !nu* ,D postage . Farmers when in Towanda, eau lid Bee .. a. Np e I V 22 t 2 ii. W. • 0 • : HIGHEST 111A.REF11 PRI a IN CASH, PAID FOR ~... 1 ! , GRAIN, BUTTER A;'41134 GGS , .—..--- t . BY ' ."-• ..„24.4 STT. r 1 • wr.s..krElNG. Pi. Aprillllrial2 1 -,ZdhceUaiums, WAGONS I LIIMBERAND LIGH WAGONS Wlllell I 'WILL [ • SELL CiEl',EO 'country. WAGON AND CAB GES • JAMES B Towanda. March 2G, 1873. NEW GOOD§... OPENINGI EMI MONTANYES NEW 'TOM f4eptemb(jr 10, 1873. • Now Advertisements. • M E. ROSENFIELD'S •• CLOTHING .EMPORIUM! . . • • 'OPPOSITE THE MEANS HOUSE. • (Formerly occupied by, H. Jacobs.) The rapid groirth of T , wandirrequires the °span• don of business. and the undersigned, reabsingthls want of the, community in the I. • , • • • READY MATE CLOTHING LINE • • His opened a new store in Beldleman's Block, (formerly occupied by H. Jumble.) and is now pre pared to offer to his old customers and the public geherally; a better stock of • • MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING • 'Than can be found in any other establishment out side the cities. My stock has all been pn.rchased from the mann. lecturers this season, aottiat I have no old stock to get rid of, bought at high prices. I have a M ilne' at • GENTS' iFURNISHING GOODS of the finest rinalityVand latest styles, which I am Offering at low figures. . ' REMEMBER 1 • I have no connection with the old stand, and when you want anything In the clothin g line, for yoarself or boys, call on me In Beldleman's Block. M. E. ROSENFIELD. Towanda, March 28,, 1872. PRESENTS FOR ALL AT THE NEW JEWELRY SRORE! N. A. ROCKWELL Is constantly receiviii?i, in addition to bit lar g o stock of Jewelry, • FINE GOLD SETS. • PINS, • • BANDS, RINGS. STUDS, • ' CHARMS, • NECKLACES, AMERICAN and SWISS GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, SILVER PLATED WARE OF ALL VARIETIES GOLD, SILVER AND' STEEL SPECTACLES, SILVER alio PLATED RINGS Alin CHARMS. • CLOCKS • I Of all descriptions at the lowest prices. 1 , WATCH. CLOCK and JEWELRY repairin g done in the best manner, and warranted. Thanks fora liberal patrona g e and, hope to men n continuance of the same. W. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, Nov. 12, '73. • A NEW STOCK OF . FALL AND WINTER GOOD' JUST RECEIVED AT B. A. PETTES' &- tO'S. • A • the sign of the bi g Bonnet. opposite the Cou House, Towanda. Pa.. cousistin g of DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY GOODS, BR 0 11'N .4 NB BLEACHED 21 UNE LY•• WATERPROOFS. PRINTS, FLANNELS, SHAWDS DRESS GOODS. GERMANTOWN YARNS I AND ZEPHYRS AL full line of • - 4 HOSIERY. GLOVES, NOTIONS &c., AC. , &c. - A lar g e and complete stock of MILLINER Y' G O 0.13, For the Season, comprisin g all et, the most desirabl. ',We.. In HATS AND BONNETS AND TRIMMINGS FoCiSD IN THAT LtNE. • October 1, 1873, . 1 • - • • • • WE CLAIM FOR • f • LAZARUS & MORRIS' CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES - • - , AND EYE GLASSES, The undermentioned advanta g es over those in ordl nary use,-the proof of which may be seen In the extraordinary sales, and c onstantly Increasin g d mend for them: Ist, That from the peculiar construction of •th • g lasses they assint and preserve the si g ht, render tog fre q uent chan g es unnecessary. , 2d. That they confer a brilliancy and dintlnctnes of vision, With an amount of ease sod comiort no hitherto enjoyed by spe c tacle wearers. 3d. That the material from which the Lenses a g round: is manufactured specially for optic purpo - es, and is pure, hard. and brilliant, " aid not Ralik to become scra'clied. 4th. That the frame in which they are set. wheth er in Gold. Silver; or Steel, are of the finest quail. and finish anti guaranteed perfect to every respect For sale only by bur outhorized a g ent in this local Hy. We never supply or employ peddlers. .• Wlf. A. CHAMBERMIN, . , Solo Agent, • Nev. 20,1872. Towanda, Pa. • BAKERY AND DINLNG ROOM • First block north of Ward-House, , BREAD, PIES, CAKE,CRACKERS, BARED - DAIL Y. 1 hAnd sold at Wbolelsrde and Retail. .1 In ourDIBLNG ROOMS we will accommodate the public 40.111 either a lunch or a g ood meal at, 511 - times of the day and evening. OYSTERS AND ICE CREAM ON HAND DERINi THEIR SEASON. • Also a iines.osortment. of GrocerieS,COvanctianer; Fruit,, Nuts, Ac. I maylir tf D. W. SCOTT k CO. F ox & mmicuß (10 hot deal ni illhothly Gandy Ilurlll4 par: • • • • S wooppoith; • AT THE • NEW YORK BOOT AND SHOE, • STORE,. • - NO.I, ATNON & tar:limns . BLQOK,BROiGE St Is receiving one' of the Ilargest :and best stock of BOOTS & SHOES ever brought' in, Towanda, Which he, is• offering at the verY - loweSt prices for I Cash, consisting of Gmrs ,CAL4 - Krp STOGA, BOYS QALF BOOTS, ILADIID3, MISSES and CHILDREN'S.Shoes of all • kinds, all- bought direct from' the Manufacturers, and hand made, all 'goods warranted. A - rIILL STOCK OF LEATHER AND FINDINGS .1 Thankful for past , avors; I solicit a: continuance - of 'the lanlo. • Towanda, May, 1, 1872, - • • • . f I • - • r NEW CARRIAGE FACTORy ' Opposite the hew Jail! TOWANDA, PENN'A. . • • HENRY STULEN Respectfully announce to his friends patrons, that he has - built a • NEW BRICK CARRIAGE FACTORY, - where he will conetantly keep on hand a full assort. ment of FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP I - AND OPEN BUGGIES, p PLATFORM. WAG ONS, ; TROTTING • SIILKYS,' AND ; SKELETONS, Made of the best material and flnised try the hest " city style. His lon , . experience lt•• city; Carriage Factories g ives hint a decided advantage over Others In the ' '• Finish, Styli acid Durab i lity of his Wagons. 491 they asks is an INSPECTION ..OF • HIS WORK previous to purchasin g elsewhere. I ' • , ALL WORK WARRANTED TO OIV . E PERFECT , SATISFACTION • Thankful for the, liberal patronage formerly ex , tended and respectfully ask a continuance of the I tame. .. REELTRING PROMPTLY ATTKCDED TO • reduced rricer. i• HENRY STOLEN. Towanda. Jan. 1 1 1. 1075 —tf FOUNDERY & MACHINE SHOP. The undersigned having purchased the Foundry and. Machine Shdp lately owned by John Carman, are prepared to do all kinds of work appertaining to[ their business, with promptness and _dispatch. MILL GEAR.INGS,,,' . , CIRCULAR SAW MILLS t MAN-DRIL.LS, - And all kinds of ' IRQNS MADE TO ORDER. ENGINES REPAIRED, • And an work warranted to give satisfaction. • • SHINGLE MACHINES Of the latest and most improved kinds manufactured • and wept constantly on band ready for use. PLOUGHS., • SIDE-LULL,'IRON AND WOODEN DE.11,113 Of all kinds. CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS 1 AND P L O U G II POINTS Qf all kinds, and the latest Improvements kept constantly on hand. . • • CHURN POWERS, LARGE AND SMALL' SIZE. la ST 0 E C A-S i T INGS CELLAR GRATES, SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES, • • . ,LARGE IRON KETTLES And ail kinds of castings furnished to • March N. tom. 51EASS k RO ' CRWELL. BLOOD & :CO., Still continue o manufacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, and will sell a better machine, for less money than can be had elsewhere in the world, We claim for our n ie tchines that they will do as much, or more, than any other. and are more durably built. We personally superintend our work and see that it is well down. We will send DISCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES, of our Machines, on application. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, One.t Two Horse THRESHER .f SEPERATORS, THRESHER and CLEANERS, FANNING MILLS, OTELMLAII AND MUG SAW 1111.1.5, . ' SAW AND GRIST MILL work done to order. Give us a call before jaarchasing elsewhere. . •va "oa auoaavaa •sgaisx •0 D 7 S . -CI 00 1 1 U. - Aug. 2, 1869. • . • P. WOOL CARDING, • • MANUFACTURING, &O. • After a recess, of four years, and heavy expenditure •in imprcning Hills and Water router, we again re e same our old business of , MANUFACTCRIN:4, WOOL CARDING, CLOTH y DRESSI 15, key i. Appreciating the hard times. we have i.houghl nest not to •‘ let down." but to push Rome Industry, as the beat means of reetorMg plenty. For, the accommodatipn of the nearly extinct, race of ..rimers, we shall make l Ciolis. Tor thus?, who prefer, we will makediarn,- STa:EING YARN, r.E.c.v.:r.r.. In conjunction with Local Option we propose to aid the frugality—ot the country by making S l ow thousand yards of stout Ciotti, that, will mud) e a every man to keep his breeches on. Those who can, idinuld call and we will show , the m one of the snu g :pet and most complete WOOLEN FACTORIES • • *thei llnited.States. Our machinery isrpow in goad - order. as our water power is neyer-tailing he public may be in nu fear of disappointment, and we warrant all work to be• done properly. - H. B. INGHAM. e:amptown. May 14 1813. A N OLD AUCTIONEER.--Porty yor§ experience. All calla promptly attended Trnms, l• ow; two to three 'toile • per tie. Call. up or anilines' i virr; rybit Omarlea and Provildons. J. M. J LONG. - GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOOD, *ILLOW, AND STONE] WARM, FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, Ste,. No. PATTON'S BLOCS, COR, MAIN . AND BRIDGE ST'S., TOWANDA, PA. • • I desire to call the attention of the public to my assortment of goods, which is always full and coati pleb). and will be sold to my customers at lowest market rates. ' . My stock of . • TEAS, COFFEES, AND S P• TOES, Have been purchased since the lite reduction in the tariff on them, and are offered at prices to cbr respond. , Orders by mall or otherwise will receivb cumin and prompt attention. Thanking the public for the liberal patronage they have given me, I wish a. continuance' of the same. CASH PAID FOR COITNTRY PRODeSE. • feb.2o'7l M. J. tONT4 GROCEItY AND PROVISIO I N • • STORE. Mc ED. IF DS, and Re tail rd-r. lif I FAMILY • GROCERIES ff •# ' • AN • OVISI ONS, • - unnevals NEW CLOCK, Tow4:inA, Ea r We do not deem it necessary to eunmerate all tihe diferent articles we keep. Ourassortment is ALWAYS COMPLETE.. Ws cell nothing but FIRST CLASS Cash paid fcr Farmers Produce. JAMES' MeCABE, March 1. 1870. WM. EDWARDS. • pox &. MERCUR are now reeei t iny a fresh stock of Goocks in their line, bou since the let January, to which they Invite the it tention of their friends. We keep the largest atticit in town. Our goods ars treah and desirable, a sell at lowest market prices. Jan. 19. 1871. pRESH AND NEW TEAS, bong t - since the recent decline 'ln price, and mellig cheap at retail. v . FOX d: 'AIEItCUR Jau. 19. 1571. pox. & ,:krERCUIt are selling cones strain!. Jan. 19,1871 d PDX <& AIEEICUIt are selling Nelif _E and Fresh Goode. Jan, 19, 1871 FOX & 111.ElICUR are selling Gr cones cheap. Jan. 19. 187 , FOX & MEIICUR are selling fir - class Goods only. Jan. 19, 18,71 1 • FOX AIERCUR are / cheaper than ever. Jan. 19,1871, , -!- R EIIEMBER that we. tire s„lling 1t Goods at. I ;t RETAIL! AndAhat we won't be undersold. I I Jan. 19, 1.871.1 I'OS S MERCURI .1 1,, ICHIGAN FINE-CUT l'OB..1(.; ltl CO-very eheiee—at f au. 19.:1871 FOX k lI TeUR'S,Ir 0 lIIt'CUSTMIERS can rely upon getting the very 'best the market affords anl lowest prices. E. T. FOX, Towanda, Jan. 19,11. HENRY MERCIIR.I EMENIBER THAT FOX & ATER; CUR are retailing all kinds of Groceries Ist wholexaleprices. The largest stock in, town. Ooo , ds fret Masc. Prices low,. Ff)X, Rapt. 29..70 HENRYX MEP.CD P.. NEW 6 FLOURING MILL IN SIIESIIEQCIN, , The subecnb desires to give that hie Lev ' I , STEAM FLOTRING MILL .? I • Is now in successful operation, and that he is Pre pared to do all work in his line ou short notice. ; • CUSTOM GRINDING DONE ONeTIIE FLAME DAY TEAT IT IS RECEIVED. Wheat, Buckwheat and Rye l'i`clur, Corn Meal, Feed; Bran, kc., always on hand and for sale a fewest rates. PARTICULAR. NOTlCE.—Pernons livings on the .west side of the river desiring to 'patronize my Mill, will have their ferryage paid butt) , ways, when Lie bnne griefs it ton bushels and upwards. , sot 4'71 Avrain. 1 - • 1 1... f awed have fOrllled IL copartnership for the purpJße of conducting a GENERAL MILLING BIiNINES.3. f l The highest market prices paid far all kind. Grsiu. FLOUR. FEED AND MEAL roil SALE and delivered in unyl part of the loroti„;11 wit'r it extra elisreo. orders by wail or other.; plo pt o attention. L. .1. CULVER. W. N. FOSTER, JAS FOSIEIi. Sugar Creek Mills, May 11, .1873.4 f. BARGA.INS STOVES! TIN \\TAIIE, 0 0 HARDWARE, IRON ANn,NAILS, a GLASS, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, &.c., C &c., &c.; &a., .r Given to all s for Cull, e. . H. T. J - SE'S HARDW.A :RE STOR'E, . TOWANDA, PA. ,- 4 Earl 17, IS . • • . . . •-' I . 1 .• Drugs and Xedictielf. : 1 - 1 1 [ * ____ . ...,,,,...,.. • 1„. • R. IL . PORTER -& ~ S ON,. I I .• 1- , ' Ii • ! • -•- AZ =t -• , . OLD CASH ,• D .,,, ;: - .JG STORE, I . . i EITZADZI.I37 'Tr a• , . _ i • I - I • Garner Man and One Streets, T , Pa.„ 1,, IldrevenUy added - largely tothelr too k . a f 1111 . 1 40 complete amortment, constituting extensive *a tidy, embracing many used i the Arts tot mechanical IpmnrrppGees, carettily se ' with rogatl te3141. p vs - irant.a sf the pnblly which wtH 1* kept constantly *applied with fresh I pureliaasia,•arid offered OD the most reseonablo tonne at Wholesale or Sets% consisting of . I • L- I • 1 i DRUGS, lla.D. l oni - ia C c44lris • ... nuns, arts, eiussignz), .• ) , ' • I ALCOHOL AND'TURF iNTINE, 1 • r I ' I . .. golf . PAINT. yAii,l,w,l WII • WASH. , And ill kin .rielqinsehe ,[ , ' 1 I - KEROSENE' 0 CO. Li! OIL, i , , Burning Plaids, • 1 ! i I ' LAMLPII, SHADES, WICES. c as.. NE-s,. l•t . Sperm. lard, l Whale, Ncabi out. I ~ I. • [ • TANNER'S,AND 14LiCHICE OILS , 1 1 Fancy and Toilet Article* in all tl• , 'variety, • , SPONGES. EII.I:II£4..SOAPS, COMBS,. I v , Poutdes, Hair-Dyes, Pelf 'ery, . 1 . 1 I POCKET BOO.llS', FOR MONAI 1 ,-, - . Pocket Solves,. Biz • I 1. ..1 . , TOOTH, SHIN ANT) HAM ~P TIONS, J . , I- 1 . •1. , ' rurs. WINES AND ILI one, .. , ~ -• . For litedic' l r.r.l use, : TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIP - E'9 A. D •CIGABS, . I Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, . alma, Sup porters, fluspensorits, aioulder hacks, Breast i Piths e. Teething Dime , Nur.sig ,S 0 ties, Nipples, Nipple iihells and Shield Syn.; gee, Bed Pans. finll.*.alitig Fruit .1 i B,Ther , .• . mouteters, Flavornig Ettral ~ Storm Jugs; Glees Ware,.flottiles, Vials oOrtil, Bath - Brick, and Stove Blackl y mg, Fish Tacklap-- munition. 6c., Botanic, le,etle a . liora. path-f in 2dedicosea and all the pep 1r Pateid - I . ... , .MEDICIN S.l, -1 1 ~ - • 1 AB articles warranted Pa. Fepresent d. . Persons . a distance can receive theirlorder,. by stif,..s. '?r tool winch will receive protnpt land caret iattention. I Medical advice given gratuitous.) at' - the (AS • charging only for medicine: 1 ! • I:fr Thankful for pain liheral,patro age.isould re 1 pectfully announce to their friends am , themhhc,th ; no pains shall be .pared to katisfy, ell men the co. tinuation of their corindeuei • and po4r Luigi). 01- Opeu Sundays for. pneecriptau frorn 9 to., and 12 m. to I,:ancl 6 o 6p.m. . l !I April . 1 .C. PO' Tit. &I SON. April 1, D172.-yr. r I , ... , • ' . 1 . rilH.l,l MILD , I."O\VER 'UTIES • . I A nultrul;ElCS'St ' • I i , • ' 11051EOPATII 1 IC SP.I.CIFI I CS Have proved. from the roost ample erneri ince, a entire succese. Si mph.. pr unpt, ..:1.• lent and reit, hie. Thov aro the ooly to dieme pii fectly pdapte to popular use-so sirmple ham. mite' lies cannot I . made in using them; o La T II.IIO , B 1.1 to I,looee fro • danger: sod so eflleint as; ti, be l, ways eliabi, They hey' the highest teenmetlith.. , . 'from all, an wilralways render satil-faction. i ties. Ct7O.E/1. CL3 - 1 1. Fevers, Cor.gesti.M, thiLanuaiiii 2, 2, Worm,. Worm Fever 'Worm ill:01 ~ • 3. Crying..o he. er•feethine Of 1014 its, 4. Diarrhoea. ofChildreu, l or Adnlbi • , 5. Dysentary, mirping.l.ll , ,lonsi Co'i,t , I. 6.. Cholera Alorbas, Irniuding, . ' , 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. .. . 8. Neuralgia, To Alialtie, Fig cache, ' 9. Headaches, Sick Headache. Yeti' g" , ,' • 10. D;speps a, tillousl3toni3e6,, r 14. iqapprensed, Or paiimeill'ermods, 1 . • 12. Whit..., toi. Profti , e 1 , 0-40,1,,, ' 13. Croup, Gou,tb. DUllealt'Breathin . 14. Salt Itheinu, ErysinehiS, Eruptiu .e, 15 Ithentuati-im, Rh€ Indic l'ams. : 16. Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Ag • , s, 17. Files. blind ,itr ble.idieg, 18, phthalrey.f.'and Sere or Weak . ± : , q , ,, • 19. atarrh *Witte or chronic. lafluenza, • 20. "ho p ping Cough, 'violent il,oughs,- • ll 21. Attaa, oppressed breathing, , 22. ' .r Discharges. itopaired hearin r, 23. 'rrofnla, enlarged Iglands, hwelti,ma, . . • 24. 'eneral Debility. li' h..leal,l 4 .eaati,, • 25: rupsy and-scanty Seem etiOns, • ;f,.'ea.Sickness, BiCkl etlM. from- ridit g. 27. ',they Disease, Gray.), i 98. "ervons Debility, SeminallWeakr_ess...• Involuuta. y discharges, . 1 29. Sore Alooth..C.toki•r, , < 30. Urinary Weakness, 1 31. , Paludul Periods, with Spasims, ,l ____, 32. Sufferings at chart:,l . Pie, . . 1 33. PilelD.Y.Sp , t.i3rnal. St Vitus Do; ..e,. 1 34 intheria, itlcerat4d core th ro it. 35. !ironic Congestions and Erupt .71)4, C 3. 1::::: r , 0 1 ,1 0 ,, c , :n w t i a t . h (i ,, •: : ::: .e t ; 2 ?...., 5, 0 1 i2 t . :ci vista ) and •Alia . 1 F..t.11,1LY-'OAS , E 4 .. . ~....., • 1 u 1 of Directions. ' '1 $lO Cos (Storneco) of 2) lar ' , r- vials and .- soh, ' 6 - S.ngli• Boies ith,l Vital s as above. , 1 L ' TTheseromem, , ,el are sent by i i •-• case or sin , boa to any part of 'Oil cc , Uutt..,V, free of charge, . I rec ipt of Pri.7.,. A..1.1:f..-".. 1 ' . I • , ..., • - cLAr.E E. POSTE . urnAgist, 1 :. 7 May 2.3,1,73.. . i awards, Pa. ; t • , • li, • !C r nvy,nr• to ...t. . ... , .1. ' . . . 1 • I . . • .1 . . . , . . il' . ! • 4 ‘'t IV 0 U L 1' - -ti - - 1 . . .1.‘.. , 7 STITT:PI C.I.OTIII'.CG ... , ------ J r . , . • , .3,-.a.,-,, -, - ••,-, , ,i. , ' I . 11. • • 1 Leip t, inform his nitinera i :us „arners', and 1 • • Irlici desire to avail thentsel% •s of al , opcortun to upply theinselves !with . , , T IE I.4:ST. `,l - INT.F.,a CLOTHIN i . , . , , • , , . . . , . • AT V::, 117 LI)W I - ra.ce. , , . 1 • . . 1 - ~.e. at h , .1. - .^.., just niv'-'4 •..1 the t•,-st stoe: of Cools 1 . • 1 i' * .. • t UT. NS' ANDBOI:S' WEA . • • ; - ' • • . 1 , • Ever di:-.1,1:,,fe• M . tip. nricli,t. t v ,, a ! I , • T.2.IIETAIErfi that tfiy g; . ..,J.14 ore .r. I FIP.ST-CL k • , and WARE:ANTED WELL, MADE. . . . .. , ••., ()tie door Sin h • of Foi." .!,: :if, cr l crnre.. • . i I 1 .1 . . ...II LIU'S WOLF . -- , , 0ct..i.T.:+73. 1 ' 1 • I; • , ._ • - . , k . , - , ;‘ i . 1 EW :STEROL:I.I.NT TAILOTIIN : . • - . . . i . • • . ES'I'II.3LISII3IENT. _ • .! . . . I . , ._,-------- •• 1 . JOHN L . .lic 11 A. I_l O.N 1 i 1 . 1 ,: . .- , . . . .. . II s removed to the htillinj f• ,, merly• OCZl.lrif`il ° IV. T. Davies, Esq..l 1 -: i. . 1 . . opros.rn; Itr:rtern.s. •Locs.. _ I , l• • 0 .„ . . ~. A d i,-,00-,v prepared to furMsh th, - .11.0 oil. •vicinityi with everyttung in the tin or ". •1 . . . • r :„ ~, , . • - ~.,• ' CLOTI-IS, ..... . ! : - • I ' . t For Gontirmen and T.,..y.,' Weal. • • I . ! 1 , • 1' • , 16IITTINti 1. , ..y_ir 1 AND CLOT! • • ••l STADE FF., .1 • • . . , [ , '.l • • 1 ...iN 'I•HE SIIOIITF.ST NO ICE, nut! • . , 1 1 . . . 1 - ERFECT FITS (WA IIANT_E I i.. , .1 • , . • • , J • - , . 1 , - ~ , • . , 1 , i . . .. .. -, . • ~. , . . • 1 -. ! I I Ity stock of Cloths liar, been • acted from best in'he market, .and I' feel • mithiellf will gt satisfaction. ' 1 '! I • I • 1- i J. . IIcgAHON I • I ' Towanda, ,Jan. 30; 1873. ; . 41 -, I 11, 11 , A.,()1;:i I 1 • - - TEMPLE OF '1 FA ' III O_' 1 • . i _ 1 -4. .I 1 r . ' , , I i • ! . I MAIN STREET 9 . • I •• 1 • : • i• .1 1".)11 LATE i ! , ST 'LE,3 IN a ajla l n•7o, I: - . , I - i i 1- • , , , 01003 InCill • • nal...j ; Ttertnr.Dy MPUrch22 .. ' . - . . . 1- • • .1 : I ~ d • • - ' ,'Drucris an,i -, ealcit as. . i, -- - ,—i--,------r----, ,---------- "f -!, I , f! I JR/ % IER Ar, G I RDON, :2-:.: '1 -•• , i I 1 - --- - ii : ; 7 -- • 1. .. • ~ 1 I ,'-EVIIIDIC 8 d 121.4101 E. - , d il { { ,{ i q : 1 , 1. , . • I . J TGWAi,TD ' A,. PA., •.: 1 1, - • 1 ~ 1,1..35110T,E5AL AND DETAIL . - 1 . . D ia -itU G G I S - T S - • I • , 1 :. • 1 , •, , • repaired thei 1 Mad, half. { r‘...)pey,d with a Ia lected /strict, c?usieting,of ' . .1 1 • . 1 111 (11Dfir ENTltlaTfii 1iL1X111.3,. 1.1 , DS, . .._'' .. •!• i i' ' ~ u u4TED,PII.I...S, FOWDEES, GUM... i ° I .....' I:runEs; 1, • O 1. it-z , F WIN, &0., [ I •1 1 I I ~. , . .. I-` - ) 1f• -• i Toi I I,rlr ` ~1. . ' .-, -• 13 7 8 - . . EC -f A.r? •romEo Annfi, ~,.., 1 ! Pill/UT/C/NS; • ' 1 H • 1 . 1 , 1 • YE ,SIC,PFs;I l ITACITIP . ; ~ OILS 1 10 H 1 1 ti l l' , i • , -I . xrpA .1: fiNEDl.lf l 'Eiici . ,,E.N . E, Lcono 1 , , i •,i J • . • 1 l' , -i - 1 - I,' . • t / . PURE ,I, WINE $' AND 1.Q.001t.c., 1, .. • •• 1 .1 llt i . ..i ' I 1 • • . .• r FOr Me , d)ein3l Purpost:a. .- . i 11 .--s 1 :. I,• - f • ToßAcco,.sxtrFF AND CIGARS ' II 11 !;, 11, • c i I I 11 i...4'ottio: I •I‘l H i 1.. - ..,;; ~ . : , , . • 1 POPU,LAA PATENT F INIEDIrIN ~ . .. , I 1 .t . - I i . • 1 ' ~ 1 i, , 1 , !. 1 i.,:-:), ti , • , ;l - t .i¶ - I 1 , -, • 1., I 1 • I-- 1 • I - TorrxT I . AND ' • FANCY G00D! ".. .1 H i i • • ..i • gore than tt.‘t ncirtal'af - c• and attention given to t: 1 Gotopoonding of• Pr l racripttona. 0' en Hoody ' a ! tom 3 ~ ,-"elnelf.n in.,ti , l.p.rn..t frorn ri ,m. to 7 p. - r.; .. atl Dr, IfLknrr..ri ran beilo irF,lit.,•,l ~t th ~ idor., 0d.5 , ,. t 1 'n fitly (4 ~;14..- 4 v, - ,1-11 . , i,i'llerowlttro. ' c i 1 ' . D. IL ITIINE7. 'IV ro ,i .”, '• . 0. a inis Toy , :ri.ii, .4. 7 1 ) 4711 r. ! .. 1 - L` -------+-----1-'77-71----- - tl r INS r l 11 N AIT,I ON . A L. 84,..!\'; 1 If 101 1 ;.,, . I - ...... .-.• OFI TOWANDA. . . , ~.. , ' 1 UAF)TA.L I, II • ' $125,00 i 1 • 1 SUR ' pr,t7.4 FL'4 lll --;.7 40,000. . Gant' l i . 1 I TLis fin: - 4.Tera rd,;•,.-7 , ..,741., FACIL.TLES for II e 1 ...ransaetton oils 1 ! 1 t ,:, ; , • I. GENEB.-11, BANKING B, 7 SLIVE4S:. 1 -- •4 -, --!-, '' l. , NTL.1...E1..,T...A.4D oN iDLPOSITS A.C•JADUiG - I T • , " AO I I4IE3IENT. a- 1 1 - - [ - i 1 - '' 1 SPZCIAL , C 411.7. '3/ .Ei i' , l THE Cl.illE .1 , "I:: or No . ! 4.,1 ,11 - n Clif,,eXli. , , ' ' ''Partl , "4l dish' to 41'..tit :IR.-t' 1 . .3 an' imrt nflt: ,e Tinted States, Ezi,,flanrt. Ir...laud.F4 , :otian .or thor ~ ~..i , ra tt ' l ta ct l t_eri h i a n t r n t4 , 7 , 13 , c:f } .. :.11201.... 7 can' here pr.- - .4r:., , .. • 95; I il l I . 'ti 5 - ' f.i'i ; • • /'.4SS..I?;E TICKETS . • .: i . • 1 - - d l ii ; . 25 "o or trsnathe old.co4.tty, oy best at, az- - . - :r or 3w • . 25 1,7, Luca, alwa). - a on t4tnd.. ' 75 ~ , 1, , .I. 25 . .F'„ , ..3r.rur....4anocritri• frrr, AT REDUCE& W:Lk, ' 1151 ' ...1,, ' ' ift , hr,lt i / I' 7H. - ••, 1 19.7n1.1'...r ''•....• /1 , ;:d.4. Go d arid Si.!to • - -', - 715 , OS. POWE.LT,, Presi.letit.! ' N. N BIEUTS, ' ,JI, 25 IDec.-,1,414 1/1489. , 1 . Casfli.7. 25 ^ 5 i J. ' NOBLE. ' . - 'CO.. ~ . ,•,- I r .. 11.1 • ' d Hi 50 ' 0 ' 5 ' 5 0 i. 11 1 . ft 1.. . -1,.: LS PA J I:: - ' 30 L ,i 15 .0 1 ' . . . 50 h • . to[ '''' 1 .' . .; • i AND " . • 51)1 1 r. • I , co ;;)L ' OIV.NII . A G E ' N '2 S I p . oo , i.-.,..i ,1 •i - F- i , -. . f n .Z,dC t ‘j.l: 1;01'. g.ti,E ,( 7 2.: EASY ZERII I 4 .504, ,! I 1 - r . .. 11 il- ' 1 1 1 -, o{i • •-. j ' 1 -.:-, 0 , / SEVIII, : tLiL I , DAY:ELLIN( S so .1 , , ,L . Id - 1 1 • -:. - - to , ;:' .. I , 1 I ' ii.ill - .0_, - d.l CC./lll l etiiCnt to brtintt-5..: ' n " I , i I.: ' • . I ,-- tti4l2, 1 ti.,,,-11. [ . c" , 011 . ,;••( 1 ' 1711 1 1.1 1d • 1 11 i i il 1 dg 1 . I NI OBT I , . VINCENT ' -. , - 1 ' r:' ' , i ' Inp:r\::e.. Avt:',... I 1 1 ,I 1111 - 0, - aj:.lf. N , iv. 2.1.4 . 7... ' . 1 ' - 4F --- . '.; • A: ,ki , NA. - CANAL & R.134C. - r T O . i ! AP.MANGEITENT s!, 9F . I',!..SSENGER TRAD: r S, •- l ' 1 T 9 ta',3.,. eipsrt Slope, - .3, Iv: , intr -.;+, 1M73. , : i , :c4ii7vi,nt , . - 1, • , . TT,. , ~,,,,„ „ :L t .. - . . [7. -- 1 7 ----- Nu. P" ''F -. ,• , 4 1 ',...... ..,. 7. ;; ST A T ll' CI NS. - i(. ` • I -•..:- I - 4 1 .. 1 , • 1 1 1 _ • . t' ,.' :e..;;; -1, .t!.l ''-.-- 17 --- . : al 7...; 4 7 - u . 1 4'45 12 r, l 8 30• ...... 7.l;.nat a 1 :.;..) Ii .S, 7 . i . :13 ' 320 I ' ,-9l'_o 01', , Va., -, ¶,'ls' , 1 45, 7 , 5 •7 ~5 3 2:...i 1 2-. 1 1: 9 12! I , ayre ' . 1 35: .5 42 e, 54 a :: - .1 5 .. -1 ?. II .: : i t?. • 1. 11 1 1 '1.... . - : 4t,i,' L 'u n l :ia: :: : 1 1 'J' t ) ~ r; :. • 15 it)' I S 1:i: 4:le, 3 ; 33 14 14 ....1.1. - eyett , , 2t , 1, .7; ;:4 14 95 ~, ,¶ i 31.... )i .-n,,pri n. „. II,: . ; ¶,,, ,I 6 I'' .:.. ,Il t -., .. N1T1ii ,,,,)..._ 7 , I •,,¶ i ‘ , l 17 1 33 . .7 , 1•.• 3 . , ,. 1 , • . . . ' Mill,, ,. litintitts . ll.. I JI, 1 •. ! 7 'd. 42. 1 1; ....Mae,Rdi etiatil... .. ... 11 tf:i 1 7' , . , ' ,. .' , 1 / ; 5 ; :' , ;2 ; ', 1-13,1,1411,1.41)::-.u., .. ....,: ~1.4, 12 .4 1 1 , 3 - 1: 19 .1 : ' ',, 9 1 7 1 i 63 . . • ......... I ,l"..a , thit ::: : ¶••' , s II Cl. , 1 ' :101791 ' ~ ,7 ¶o .....12.1tlack-11•11n-•- •- , 045 .L . • 41 . fir l i 11 , at 945 '; •.-:' 1% - :::,.... ~ ,7t . ' .' ." I i , ....., , ' • .... 141 0 ~.t. 1.1 1 No. ;"p.t. r',..,..,.“.i T0n.a , ..1.." at 71) a. i t ,.: 1t1!:... - 7 ,¶0 ts. tn.; ISasne. 7457 a' in.; W,verly, 5 . 05 a. 12. . at. - Ming {it Eituirp at 17113:.... .' . No. 31'i lt,avo.i °Finn aat 535 p. ti. ;' W.1 , ,, ,- ,y -3 II 15 p.0.t.! . .5.ay, (1 24 iii : ni.; Anio : n.. - at 3 '. , ii.l. :11 ,1‘ arrlv..tit 3t3t L.i. - -andautl7 10 r... r. , l.. ii 1 I. 7 - •:•-•rt-,,,,.11-,... 1 1 1 , ,- T I N r IL 1 ' A131.41) OF! l ' : H 1 .: , , iSCIILI ! ;_s._ rioi ~ t- i . . 141..,D.—Til,,,,i ~..1,..1.- i ..7: Monday. Not, 11. 1872 1 ! - . • • 1 4i , cra74*.4 , 4 ' i 5T1.T11.,4. ~ I ' N't:l3 - 1117.air , . 1 1 ! ..ti. ' ----- 1 J. 1 8 :1))) '..- ..f, ....TOW ANDA : 1 4 . :i .,- 11 11 ' 8:110 1 -" B. I OrI,CL.a JUNCTICe.% -3.: , , I 8150 ' '', ....MIINBOr ' 3:.t I 1 1, 1 9110 1 ! WILCOX'S .. 2:4,. 1 I 9130, ..,..NEWI 4LISANS..... Is 2:41' . , 1, I 9 1 ,0 . I - I r ....MILLERS. -..... i • 2:t.r - '• f ' 10;201 .. 1 ,; 1:311' 1 ll,lO, -- ..,,....!8ERN1CE I 11 .24 Al' l, l— 1 ~. • Tl 6; ' ,•1 1 (1 1 n't k 1; . .4:4 i l• 1 " , * r i. .4 ‘. ..i , t' ' _._ I _II _ • ; t - ' _._ • V o,li h.}l 1:,F:.--1. r •1 . rthtEr.,!DE,ltt'ir,t,E Dw i r:..t.lN „, - . i ~ ,,-7 ' C 7 N ' IIIALLY f OCATED. , 1 , 1 •• I, 11 ; • (X _EAS4 11.:11 - 0. 1 1 , i . . , _ 1 ,rallil) l pzi. 2 . 11tt,!11.4 . take , I.... , rtinc : •:: •t.e.- IL:. ICI aFe tuorp;.v. 1 • F i T,0,14 ,1 0‘71. . . A .1 , : , 0111.1' k et , -.. 1 r rti.#l"...ll, CH1 . ..1!: L{S /, 1I ' 1 i • II :'d ran TH Ed 1 . . I. t , • . 1 ~ , I 11. ED, IV.i.IITE .\ iii .'• d' H . 1 k r ri-XfAl.l? TriX_\ll l ., TliA:kil -. i'!- ri 1 T.,i' • 1 l ' ilt : !.1 0.3y.:4 a r , ma,,, , i i.,, L . 1 .,,.. to,. 1 t ~..,, 11:e Gina ititl .11Cii. :Ina Wouldn,' ti1.0,,t :di • r.i.sti.i6 l ;.; for thei,r'Grocerits t ) ti:" ' IZED.. ‘I 4 I : I.FEE: ' !&. 111,1.72... STOJVC. I ' Gitt)a ' il:itlE3 & l ' it c .) I- ISIO s : rS' 1 , 1 • Nov, f.llll eln•ap , r than tle• . - tival ,,,, t: ,, ,i -i . ii2iitiri l vt eiz,...ern. - s .: - .I l'rovm , ,n. - _ , .. , I 1 - . , . 1: :'' I, 0 U li:, i' ' E F. P . , i i' l•i 1 • . . ii 1 .1 . . I .).Nt) : , f , • ; i • F ...‘. Ai IL Y Cr , 11 10 C EfR I E!"" / I; . I H...,,t at the Bel' WI.ilLo 151 Bite:- St .rid- t.'. 1. e .-- 1 ';'..'t 3 'l' l ii ‘, , f co. , I.4.nirit lit Lig 1.00:it 7. • J T 16,1: 1 ID , I ilts' T. l'111,1:.: PAID IN C. 1. 1- 111, l'ot.: f 1 ' I, • 'c, 011 itr, N T It Y 1 .P 11 () 1) I.: c I ', i , T At t:d - - 11 , ...1, WL..!te . 1 . - ..131rr Store of 1 I - , 131Z, , k.1.1.1 - 1 • 114I1 & TIAIGHT,I 13RIDuk sTIIEFi I ° l' TO - 3 - A 1 1 .' • . To -- a da Jan 2.-s '7l . - 1 - I' - -- ve pLANING, ltli.,'SAlVliti„&t.i. - 1I 1 '!".l * . 1.17:41:1Elt (AWED TO bItDEE. - . SE.i r'O'N.l. - .1) WHITE ' PINE AND •VITCII • 'No -1 ' 13'-'.IRD:4 ' FLOt ' Qtri'll , SI (INC, 1 - - ''•-• 1 x 313,.10 of Iletuto.ek d lto , nd , : 0.0. , . 1 , Wi; 1 e innv in operittion 4 !lOW, .110 ITT. IX•r!i ' l F I .tlitlr; 1.6,1 0t1,..t• iniOnizi•ry, feii 1,300i1g -II .I, ` I I rocont 111 , tp - ,i7¶ , ip,:tit.. , 'gild 91 Mei tu ~,t ...111 ,4- r ) o ' , ' i. ' • ti 14,140, , ,. lintip go 1, !.,:a ti , v ,* r - lit 1 4 " 3ter :r: ,,, i ' Wo arioliilO t,, ~..liNit.irliti., 49 0 0 8C 1 1, l'" "I. f or do It ,'cli tiplV 'VI bt,toW all tili. ca e flt-4 - 12i , if:.. 1., . tlOllll4 l' ittt:it tiiy. ROIL 111 the. 001 li, 1114 t F 1rrA ,.. .. Vitt W it huts rvi .. r.¶. , 14 •,:, fiii tO 1 l'ilA'S an, WolA ' lit tit 111,, . . ' H. B. INti I A3l. O. . turn', trril t. T. • r i si.-Tr •.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers