I I GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE.. NM _ , 1 (Concluded) rration to enable them to carry . out the 'resolution and intention of the Convention,.: and I woulit suggest the legislation - you may adopt may . also confer like authority upon them to equitably settle and ,adjust the laccounts for printing, binding, _and tither work, finished and nnflni -hod, done by Mr. Singerly, for the State as well as for the Convention. • i : TIEE VIMiNA COMMISSION. . The Commissioners otthe State of PennsYlvania, to the World's Indus -o:ried Exposition at Vienna, have quade a report *of their observations. ieA number of Suggestions' included in this report-will be of value Ito those 'ntrusted with the preliminary ar rangerbents and superintendence of ,the exhibition to be held in Philadel -,,phia in. 1876, whild the broad, liberal 'And prectibal views expressed by the Commissionere will help our' people _to a more intelligent comprehension it - if the- purposes =and advantages of the Great ,Centennial: - - nt-unroxueu. On the Bth of,February lastAy one of those sudden .interpositionhich are constantly reminding ,us of - the uneertainty of life and the mysteries God's i lirovidence, Ex-Governor John W. Geary, in the prinie of man - hood and in • the midst of a career crowded with honors and usefulness, Was,_ without a moment's warning, summoned -to his last account. Testimonials of respect and sorrow befitting the- character and' services of the deceased, as, statesman and soldier, were appropriately and sol emnly-offered by both branches of the Legislature, the office - x.B• of the State and city, and many piominent citizens„who attended the lamented dead to his,grave. The State has been deprived of the services --of , another useful And eminent, citizen in the decease of the - distinguished scholar and jurist, Wm. M. Meredith. Recoanized for ;his" extensive literary attainments and profound knowledge of the law, well knOwn for his earnest patriot -ism and fidelity to the; interests of the Commonwealth', welcome every where .for his generous qualities of wind and heart, his death leaves void in private and public circles that none but , corresponding graces and . alqairements can ever success ' full fill. A severe hiss has also been sustain ed- in the death of Dr. Wilmer Worthington, the respected Secre tary of the B,oard of Public Cheri .ties. , The' impress of his strong mind can be observed, , daring the last qu arter of a Century, in various movements fto promote the public welfare, and in the several instant -11 ions of learning and charity in. his , own immediate neighberhood, while his conduct as , a legislator entitled him to the esteem and secured him the Confidence of the 'people of the jk whole -State, 5 CONCLUSION. Ile United States have just for ccmgratulition in the peaceful so lution of our difficulties with Spain without'reconrse to arms. and is allays to be deprecated, and it is to'be hoped that in the future, as in ;.the prezen‘f; the true test of wisdom and good administration will be the henomb:e adjustment of all differen ces between nations, without, fling ing the sword into the scale. Our people are awaiting with vim fat uncertainty the conclusions to be 'reached by Congress to meet the fi nancial and business requirements of the country. The questions involved are of grave import, demanding 'broad and comprehensive views of priblic policy, and the action of Con gress will have much to (la with wid ening Or dispelling the feeling of dis trust that now holds so many of our vast industries,in its thrall and para , ./SZES trade and Commerce. Despite the temporary prostration - of busi ness and enterprise we have, howev er, eminent occasion for thankfulness to the Stipreme Being, . whose grra-_. cionS care and beneficence are mani fest in eVery, stage of cur progress as a nation.' War and its, attendant evils hays been averted, we have the full measure of the earth's bounty in abundant crops, increased familiari ty with our resources is revealing new fields. for developement,_ the ties of reconciliation and union are being more closely cemented, the spiritS of refoini is chastening our politics and invadingevery avenue of government, respect abroad .and confidence at home are giving strength and stabil ity to oar - instillations, while the fu tnfe seems fraught with opportuni ties of usefulness and glory_ fer our Republic. To have a share in shap ing the destinies of such a nation in slimly no inconsiderable honor, and we who are charged with the control of one of the members of this gran& cOrifedera l cy should._ apjly ourselves 'to- our several emPloyments with a becoming sense of:' .the dignity -find magnitude of the trust, and a firm reliance on Him Who directs all our ends. - i JOBS F. HARTRAN - FR. •I E EXECUTIVE 1/9, otArg, l'a., January 7, 1874 NEW .71:JRNITVEE STORE., JOSEPH HINES • I Has'now ' oieue6 a ne' Furniture Store-n lIRRIDGE STREET, TOWANDA, Where had A AS:0E1111-NT OF FtiIINII 'BF, [Which *ill bi'sold ; `AT PRICES THAT CAYSOT FAIL TO PLEASE All who may ; favor him with-their pationke • I Wnate'ier may be hunted in the Furniture lit e, CALL ON HINES and eszaulne iocds La prices before pizechulng else•rhere. May 21.1873. EILENBERGR'S TROUT PONDS! 'We will 1.41 prepared to sell trop sDawlY from IR:member 20, 1873, to Janney 20, 1874. Smut cannot be transported during any other season of • theyear. • Also a splendid lot of young fry for sale daring the months of February, March and April. The proprietor haVing had experience in locating and arranging_ trout I:aniiti, offers his services to those contemplating laying out and stocOig fishe ries, at reasonable Irate., A beautiful:Grove and a large Picnic touse ar rxriged expressly for pasties, is on the grounds. • These famous 'Ponds are located,on the line of ti o Sullivan/id Erie R. 11., about 11 miles from 7w/ends, Admission to ponds, 25 cents; Season tickets, $L For full partioulars call on or address g. B.:ELLENBEEGEE Laddsburn. Braggart. County, Pa. Oat. 22 CHARLES F. DAYTON, Successor to Humphrey Brop., H RNESS MAKER, Over Moody's gam, Beeps on hand a full asointment of DOIJIILE sad max. 1LL831988, and all other goods in Ms line Repairing and unandint94l2n; dono to order. TinrEto9% &nut 93, Mi. iftwellanOatm T I ARGE - t3ALE 011: • 1 DESIRABLE LOTS! FLII3i COL ,O, F MASON, Lying on theiiwest iiide of the road in TowandkTownship, has been di 'iided into 1 11. V.-ACRE LOTS, . • And these loth are pow offered for .sale at great bargainti., The lots t front on the road leadinl4 . to Monroeton, and they are very deTrabh3 for Inild ,izig lots. It is,the list opportunity which will be . offerid for seCurit . good sized lute at reasonable prices near the business ;portion of - the lkohiugh. Also 1 75 TOWNi LOTS On east side of road Also the large BRICK - Mirk JIANG HOUSE, With 2i acres of land, the house con tains all , modern imirovements, and is one Of lie most! desirable resi dences in the county , ' Also the LAEGE STEAIiFL ; OURING MILL TOWANDA it:Tao:ram The Mill is *early new and capable Of 'doing the best work. Also a • VALUABLE LOT. • Adjoining Lin-ta• 1141,5 e Co. building' in Towanda Borough:. A map Of the lottz; may be seen by calling on the unde'rsigned,at cffice of Bartlett & TraCy, or J. A. CODDING- For farthtr parti4ulars call on or addressl: , - , " • ' H. L SCOTT, Trustee. Towanda, July 3011873. r s ' I ; 11=11 WICKHAM4 BLA,CK HAVE. THE BEST STOCK OF, CROCKERY. fr GLASSWARE, CHINA, LAMPS, CHIMNEYS 1= STONE WARE, WOOD WARE, SILVER PLATED; BIOTA:MIS : t I, ANL GTERMAN SILyER WARE, FANCY GOODSi- a ~ KNIVES AN] FORKS, SPOONS, BED CA(IES, i TOILET SETS, ,LAXTEItn, GLOBES, TOYS, - TOYS '; AT f WICKHAM Ai BLACK'S. 1 Towanda Dec 3 Ari,.\. ~ e 1 t • SAVE TWENTY-o.yg, TO 30 pEft CENI, By • BUYING YOUR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S 1 .i . i , . . • PRESENTS AT HIIGVENIN'S; New Goods of the latest Alyl4 docriptions in limn quantities, it Teivuuls, De aembor 10. leis. wria. 4ir . „, 80+17 : - : 1 1: I lull W ineitit the itibilt tO•calfaoad 4itpxdile their ' I ii ' '1; • Which ',will be aol at Wholesale Ii 4Jr ' " ; I II SA i j. ... 1 .;•-• 113 T°T&'-cDA H m , , , i l A3rErtl 1 CA AND . -., , IU Eve MEI M NEW 'PLANING , MILI.s. , _. . The nosing built a large and comma. dioni acii In Borough of Towanda, and filled with:the most modern and improved machinery, f or the rtuninfactare of : : : 1 : I WINDOW BASH AND BLINDS. ... . I Are r I eiored to fill orders, wheth; large • or small, upon the shortest notice . We he &bpi a large va riety. of IKOULDIBBIB„ of the latest style and pattern. which We can furnish mnch chesperthan they can be waked kir hand. ! • PLANING. • . L , • li ca fr amnict, , ~_ ..,_ • . ortooyngg.. ~ L, AND. B L i -: 1 :- I • jaiwraa, And ill Mime work pertaining to Joizern i vill be done to salt our customers. :.. : I Peisonrimilding, and not living More than twelve to fondant miles distant, will flud-it largely for their ' Intariestth buy of us, or bring thein land*: and have It *lrked by our machinery. Bring yOur grist of MMl:kg, orl other lumber, and while team is theding„ . havo it ground out ionl take it your ' hems with Tom ' — 4 ~,0 ME ~, , s i~ } :I i 1 0 . thiiEBAL MILLING BMEILNI69.. ii I. . Tbe Idgbeist market prices paid for all kinds of Greta. I ~...: for I • - 1 FLOUR, FEED AND iszfidaoll SALE r - and delivered in any part of the Moro sh without extra; Otallis; I. Orders by mail or o th erwise, will receive pfompt ettsutiois. L. - J.itlIILVElt. I ,W. N. PORTER, ~ ; •I _. =JAB. TOME,. Sugar,Creek Mills, May 11, 1873.-tt. I WGKEST MARIKETITRiCE Jewelry of aII EMMEN:UM EN ;;- , j . ~ ;! STYLES OF INI NE =I PEI . r OF THEIR OWN' . 1111 E • - They have noir On Elf AND BEST EVER LR TOWAN ! ! 1 I; I We are Cleo pTeiared ME h „, UNDERTAKIAG I ' I on the moat rtlisenible tentia. I e also keep In store Gad ni I= BLINDS, DOORS, motrLDI FLO FIE 1, 1873. ABLE GEO. I'McCABE est remiTed the largest lABBL inhibited in this eaotion, invite the attention of keep on hawker Parinsh MONVIE !STONES, MANTLES, &c., Of every stile. • T THE LOWEST u IicCAB 11171. !!!!! Lei 14; CASH, PAID 1 R r t ! I BUTTER AND EGGS, I • k . E R C l } E §IIF I /1111,. I"W113AIIKING, PA. 18,1872. , • . . 1 Bbesheql2 1 • , - 1 - WA430 . 1 . MI WAGONS I have on hind a Jaige NEMBE LUMBER AND _ I CHE -j Than any cper establis . , I • I [ T OP GOODS WAGONS AND 0 i • • , Of every description • to order on ehor = I rime. rt Toyancia, March 26, 1873.' " D aly l , i . _ 1 1 4 A . I7IJMN. 1873. EN ikc to order =RIM II Gk RINGS, &c 'non k SONS R K 8, rill MEI MI MONTANYES NEW, to • hich they p I bile. • [MI MI MI September 10, 1873 19 onr line are re. e oar Mock. ! SON. INSURE ALL AGAINST-LOSS OR D . ,. FIR,E AND LIG We repredent beer iliry Millions Old English and Ho LIFE INSURA. IN THE otxpEerr AND LANG I ; MUTUAL coatnmE3 i 1 MEI ACCIDENT DISIJ From one day to one -NOBLE A: Tab. 19. 1873. EN.FRAL COAL YA ..• ! In consequence of an attempt r the Coal trade on account of my smarms% in snwta COAL by CA 01 concluded to i RE-OPEN MY COA • Bo al to be able to 'apply all who Well PrOparod Coal. either by the Toe. at fair prices ; snit in de 'delise_red &tiny station on the Pa. 'A fair share of public patronage Towanda. BePt 4. '73. ST . F/IM SAW BiTT,TiI SHINGLE M MyOlElll is now in good order, dI no prepared to &mil kinds of wortin my line a short notice. hand sangaLEs and LA , Always on 11110 are :01 ; sale a 25 Harse•Po or Engine and ches • KEW DO GM 1 WAGONS 7 .cg i*ux PEE, resit in the eonniFy. " • lAGES' anufaetured notice. = JAMES -:_..., ~.,.xw 1 [ NEW. GO-O ID S OPENIN - '~ - STORE i: s DS OF —ll , PROPERTY GE BY Capital. a Companies., CE /- yi STOCEILID THE UNITED BTh ANCE CENT! 'D BE--.ESTABLN ED! shot me out of Wit' or , 3 'LOAD, I Bate XA/14 - 2,11 1 . • wish to . bay LOAD or odious • quantity tor N.Y.ItIt;; ted. 11. 'WELLES. Mt • MILL) I 'AND CID Df SHEI3II.EQUEN F. AYEEB. 0 , Sept. 22.1673 3L..; , .." Ell =II OLOTHIIIG EXPORIIIMI MEI c).Pmnr;i Tat xwm (lxiwitoMitlicid,b7/1. Joe'Dt)ii•) rtment bi • . j Tha rapid growth offewands requires the maw don of butane, a 124 the undereigtuel, reellsit tbL want of the community In the • READY BIM CLOTHIN6 LINE =I EMI Hu opened new store lo Beidleinanl Meet. (formerly occupied bp H. Jacobs,) =di Is now pro pared to otter to Ids old customers and the Roblin imendly r a better stock of . . , MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING • Than can be tqund in any other eitiddialuniint Ont. side the cities. I My stock ham all been purchased from the menu Lecturers this season, so teat I have no.old stock to get rid of, bought et high prices. I have a fun the of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS • • , of the finest grtality and latest styles. which I am Offering at low figures.. ' • REATVIVIBER , I have no connection with the old • stand. and when you want anything in the clothing line, for yourself or boys; call on lila in Beidleman'a Block. • , ylowanda, 2darCh /8, 1872. H T. JUNE'S HARDWARE! STORE, :• • IN =Ra:WS BLocs,:gArg sTnEzr, Next door to 1, , 0at-otllco, ia the beet place to boy =I HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS,SASH' DOORS, BLINDS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, a HUBBS, SPOKES, KEROSENE, nd everythiqnsnally kept In a Hardware Store I HAVE A FINE STOCK OF - • EATING & COOKING STOVES Call and examine the Near. EMPIRE ci3oll STOVE, If the best in Aso, and pleases everybody I MANIIFACTIIDE TIN WABE. AND DO ROOFINGI AND AL BINDS OF JOBBING. I USE .TIIE BEST MATERIAL. and SELL AT LOWEST PRICES. I 1 1 ] Call arid exam! 1 0 hay Bioat and Price° Towanda, Ap it 181,11873. p RESEN OE NEW JEWELRY SRORE! . . W. A. ROCKWELL la constantly receliring, in addition' to hie large stock of Jewelry' I I PINS, 1 BAND • , RINGS. I STUDS, r!k=RICAN an SWISIS ; . • / GOLD AND! SILVER WATCHES, 13 I' W I ILVER PLATED NV ARE OF. ALL VLIZES COLD, SLLVE.u. AND STEEL SPECTACLES, I• I • __ SILVER ANT) PLATED . 1 , I RIN/AM) MUMS. =1 IM=I I Of 411 descriptions i st the lowest prices WATCH. CLOCK •and JEWELRY repairing done a the best manner, and warranted. • i Thanks for a liberal patronage and hope to merit continuance °Lam same. • I W. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda Nov.. 12,'i9. $ • . $ 5 tjNQUESTiONABLY THE / BEST 817STAIKED WORK OF THE KIM) ER THE WORLD." I • HARPER'STIAGAZINE. • Nolic4 nfthe .cress.' The everdncresaing ' circuLation of this excellent monthly paper, provoi its continued adaption to popular desires and needs. Indeed, when •we think into how many' homes it peuetratee -evdry month, we must consider It as ono of the edficatora as well u entertainers of the public mind.,:lor its vast popnlanty has . 'been won by OF sripeal to stupid prejudices or.depraved tastes.—hereon-Glok. The character whichollits Magazine poasesses for variety, enterprise, artistic wealth, and literary culture that has kept pate with. if Alias not led the times. should cause Its conductors: to regard it with jastitiableComplactieg. It alio entitles them to a •jtrest claim upon' the public gritittde. The Metga..-ine has done'good and not evil all the days of itsitfe...—Brooklyn Eaglt 7 7- SUBSCRITTIONS.-1874 , [ HurEa's lkisnazrr. E„ one year ' 4 03 $4 00 includes prepayinent of V. S. postago by tho publishers. • H - i - Subscriptions to Harper's magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one addreu for one year, $lO 00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals. to ono addreu for one year. $7 00 : postage payable by the subscriber at the office where received. I , An Litre Copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscriber, at $4 00 each, In one remittance ; or, Ili: Copies for.s2o 00; without extra copy ; pos tage payable by the Nubia , iber at the office Where received. Rack Numbers can be applied at any lime. A Complete Bet of Harper's Magazine. now coin priming 17 Volumes, in Beat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser. for $2 25 per volume. Single volumes, by mail. postpaid. $3 00 Cloth es, for binding, ft cents, by mail. pos paid. The postage on Harps 'a Magazine le 24 cents e year, which must bispal at the Bub fiber's post °Mee. ' ' Address HARPER k STAUPING HENRY :KIN(1:, ITAKUS:G ROG BLOOM, . Towanda, rrec. 17, 1873 1' Mkellallutem. i , E !'OILS, VABN.IS.3HES. H. T. JUNE. OR ALL EMI L •AT THE FINE GOLD EILTS, CHARMS =EI NE,OKL ACES, FLOCKS TERMS gEns, Few.Yoik. ONE AT MRS. BURY'S S, No. 2, ARCADE M rib! 'Ott. El IBM *l:•'r I . 1 I - I , i 111 • . ••• • S tVOODFORD sr ~ ' . NEW:, 'YORK BOOT AND SHOE TORE; - , • ' sat', apall7/TILIDLOOK.BUDGE et Is receiving , one 'of the:: largest and best stock of BOOTS &SHOES ever brought in Tpwanda, which,: he is offering at° the ;very - loivest prices' for Cask •cu g of OEMs OA,LY, Kte & Swim, .14.0.ur Boorici Lanus, Mims and CI#LEGIEN'S Shoes of all kinds, :all bought direct from the Btanufacturers and hand made; all goods • ; ted. - A FULL:Brom or LEATHER ANT) FINDINGS. s 19E1 past favors,l solicit f the same. Thankful a continuan Towanda, May, NEW ,C TO • Y EMMEN thatßOariactran7 be has b NEW B where be will meat of hinny keep on hand a MI assort . CARRIAGES, TOP Al 4 PLA TROTTLNG S 11!, 4ND I SKEPETONii • • . Made of theMateriel beet and diktats:ll In the best city 'Vie. LI ie. Zia esa.l experienCe in city. Carriage Factorise gives hifn a decided advantage over others fn Lho — i • „ • • • Ftniah, k yle ant DaralTility • or tits !agora. . they' sake; is an . • INSTE ?,N 1 OF HL9 - - i WORK ,prevunis to inrchitaing elsewhere. ALL WORE WA I ITRANTER YO GIVE PERFERY ,TISFACTION. Thankful for th/ !liberal plitrontseTformsfll ok , reaper' tended and . ully ask a continuance of the same. 1 Ea • • . aikutrsa , st9m - rmy ATTENDED TO ' ' : . Twaguida. Jan. • FOIJNDEIY & MACHINE SHOP. Thennaersigned having purchased the joundry Mid Machine Shop !attly owned by John Canxian, are prepared to dd sil kinds or work appertaining to tketr busineas, with promptness and dispatch. . MILL IGE4.RINGS, CIRCULAIR SA7 ud allsklnda MILLS:, • MAN i f DRI I LLS,- of ifj I IRONS. MADE TO ORDER. EMI And all work • SHINGMACHINES f the latest and EOM ' Improved kinds man • • • • and kept co tly on hand ready for use. 10 II 4, , tbx A 2 D'MtODMI Dalai I 11 3 f aU oRS, N COR.N.PLOUGHS 11 • / ,; •' igt( OI N S • lti l y st=rovements kept SIDE-HILL, I CIIL=AT PLOD Of all kinds, an. co / L A ' G-E 1 , 0 V E OM AN QI all ldnds 30.1&70 BLOOD I Still i contlnuo manufacture their celebrated, HORSE PO)y.ERS & CLEANERS, and will Bell a bater l machine, for lesi money than can be had eisewheiri, in the world. 'We claim for our =alines that they will do as much, or more, than any other, antt I are more durably built. We peincnally superintend our work and see that it is well down. We will send - I • DISONIVITTB CATAUX3I:I7I3, . of our machines; 06, application. I I ' ONE AND 7 0 HORSE POWERS, One ,f . Tao HorseiHRESHER m .SEPERATORS, 1r•• ' • • • THRESHER and CLEANERS, PANNIIYG MILLS,, AND DRAG AVA Kith SAW AND GRIS:XI MILL work done to order. I Qiye us a rail bey l ) pnrc..ifelng elsewhere. oo . iaabasayma • •stimav . , 11 "0"a 4100'1II Ang. 2, 1869. I WOOL' CA 'DING, • ' Tv ~ t• M.A.NI4A.CTIIIIING, &C. 1 .. . , After a recess of four years, and heavy exPenditnre In improving Hills llnd Water Power, we again re in:me our old basin l sa of ' I , • AIANTFACTIIIIING,I WOOL (*ItDING, I :CLOTH lillESSHigie &C. I 1 Appreciating the Itard Mites; we 'have I thought beat not to "let do ," but to pnah Rome Industry as the best means ih olf restoring plenty. ' . ' i For the Accomoobls i tion of the neurWextin et race ofSpinners, we shalllmake Bolls. For " those who prefer, we ;rill make Xaria.— . I " - OTOCHING I TARN. FLANNEL, AM Ia conjunction with Local Option we PrOPOIN , to ald the frugality of r the count ry by making a few thousand pads of fltout Cloth, that will enable a 'every man to keep Ai' breeches on. , . These who can:L6uld call and we will show them one of the sn4eet and most coroplete FACTORIES In I the totted StMes. Our machinery is ,now in good order. as our water power is never-Wing the public, may be in no feat of disappointment, dwe warrant all work to bei, done properly. • - I H. 13. INGHAM. Camptown, Pa.. Map 14, 1873. OLD AVCTIONEER.--Forty ;LA- Years experience. AU calls promptly attended to. Terrasarom ti e° to three dollars per day. Call on or address i 13Q132E BESJAMIN.„_ Nay.l9llwo. North Roma, Bradford Co, 11, L,,, - RIAGE FACTORY I 'alto tho now Jail, NDA, PENN'A. --r led to Ma Mend* and Winne CARRIAGE FACTORY, OPEN BUGGIES, ORM WAGONS, reduced pric.es HENRY STOLEN. 1971.-tt REPAIRED, r, anted to give satittactioti. N POWERS, 1 31) .5:11.A.LL BIZE 1 CAS_TIASTOS LLth OSATEI3, . SLEIGH SHOES, IRON arri:LEs 'castings furnished to MEANS az EOCE WELL. 00., •CMXIM(mt and h)ibb'u. 3.= GRAXIERMII AND PROVISIONS, • • - ;WOOD, WILLOW, AND OTONE Watt; FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, - &c, • ti No. PATTON'S BLOOM • COB ,MAIN AND BRIDOiE STS 'TOWANDA, PA. . . . ' i I desire to earl the attention of the pa ,1 assortmeat of goods, which is always fah pieta, sad will be sold to my ctistomeri taszket rates. Ny stoel'of , TEA AND SPICES, Hero been purchased : since the late tedac tariff on them, and aro offered at , pri respond. Ordersby mail or otherwise will reak and prompt attention. Thankin' the public for the liberal "theyhayo given me, I wish a continua Jame: . CASII PAID iron oouicrEY Imo as. feb.2o'7l GROCERY AND PRO STORE • itotaAßEl&‘ EDWA Wpoleada and Retail nesters in FAMILY GROCE EEO ' 1 - } PAOVISIONS . , lIIMCIMI'S NEW BLOCS, .TOWAND WO do not deem it nnoeseary to ennui dlferent article, we keep. Our 47_5min:tont ALVi I AY . S • COill'L,E • , • We 'sell nothing but G l ,:b ,• Cub paid for Permute Produce. JAMES McCATIP.e, • V.VM:EDWA4DS-/ FIRST CLASS March 1, 1870 FOX Sr, N ITIV ERCare now redeiv:- ing • fresh stock of Goods in their line, bOught since the let January. to which they invite 'the at. Mutton of their friends. We keep the largest/ Stock- In town. Our goods are fresh and desirahle. We sell at lowest market prices. i a . .' Jan. 19:1871. , • , • i IBESH AND "o r . V..— . NEW' TEAS, bo;tight ..1.: since the recent decline in price, ilea piling cheap at retail. FOX k =ROM. • Jan. 19. 1871. - , l , t VOX & MERCUR are selling Ore caries of retail. ~ ' Jut. 19. 1871. FOX & 14EERCUR are abllieg;New and Praia GoOda. Jan, 19, 1871. I 'GTO FOceX & eerie; cheap. MERCUR are sl a llin ; 1 'OX it 141:ERCUR, are sellink class Geode only. Jan. 19.'4871. Fox & 11ERCUR are eeging cheaper than ever. ran. 1. 1871. 11Q VIEEMBER that vie are selling acK4l' at i ,RETAIL! •" y / f • And that we won't he undersold. /an. 19. 1871. • I . FOX & DlERquit. M ,---- ICHIGiN FINE-CUT TP 6 4.0 INJL CO—very cholco—at '''' dan,l9. 1871. 1 ' . FOX ttry - A; —EEC , 8.,,ii n IIR CUSTOMERS can 'rely ni)on V getting the very best the market affada and at lowest prices. E. T. FOX; I I Towanda, den. ELEN:BY BIERCUR. - pp R EMEMBER THAT FOX BIER CUR are retailing all kinds of OroCaries 'at . wholesaloprices. The largest Mock in town. Good l y first class. Prices low. ; E. T. FOX, Sept. 29.'70. HEM= 11EUC1711. THRE.E CHEERS TOR' TEE 4 • RED, WHITVAND IBLIJE The undersigned, having purchased the interest of Mr. Johnson in the "red, white and blue' store on. Bridge Street, respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. • Our Stock of CHOICE 'AY GROCERIES IB °gag t 6 any_in this section, and we ' DEFY COMPETITION PRICES, I We make' a specialty of TEAS AND CQFFE!E'i And invite attention to, onr Stock. L Our =Otto . "QUICK SALES AND SMALL 'PROFITS." WILCOX & nglawAY. .• Towitnds, Sept 4, '73 BAKERY AND. DINING 14091(1. First )lock nOrtil of Word, ifouso. BREAD, PIES, CASEItRACKERS, 13117.R1S pAIL And sold at Wholesale 'sad In our DMENI43 ROOMS wo will soma:L=3,l2h, the public with either a lunch Or a good meal St all times of tin day and evening. ;, OYSTERS AND ICE CREAM. ON RA-ND DDNINGV Tam SEASON. Also a flueitssortmout of Groceries,Confoctiouory, Fruits. Nuts. Am. ' • tuayltir tf D. W. SCOTT , & NEW STEAM FLotTBINdIaLL EN SEfEgFEPA2I7IN, PA • • The elibecrib desires to give notice that his neir STEAM- FLOTREIG MILL .I• . . , !snow inaucceaainl operation, and UM be ii pre pared to do - all work in hla line on short notice, , , I • OIISTOM GRIND/NO DONE ONgrEE SANE D AY THAT IT IS RECEIVED. • Wheat. Buckwheat and II) 13 Corn Meat. Feed, Bran, att., always head and for Bale at lowest rates, • • - IkatTICTILAII NolltiEo—Persons Living° on the west side of the river desiring to patronise my Mill, will have their f ryag paid. both, waYri, when they Ming griete ?f ton bna h ola and upwards. - 'v1.4'71 'F. $ /aria. .4 l ' it • ! ' 4Tzgii, I i• , . 1 OLD CASH DRUG . . - iimizazzo swissir vias, 1 ni t . , . Corner Mein and Nine Towanda , _itimeNarettalraddedl:ll ' rMy stocks: oanaptsta sescetneititi co an iletf. imbruing many Wicks need Ifk niachantati , ,aalectad kbm t oll l l ta if par l , • iliLied on the sc uar a nsorl d b kris 7 atal!, corudeting of 1 1 . , ; 1 • 1 1 I DANGN, I MiiIIIIJINEO , i • 917 • - 4stincs, oritiev. ALCOHOL AND It 1.„ atm P i eta, v 1 iviiire-wt ' i4let au kiFuls 4? Brushed, , KERO4ZENE 0 COAL /L, i 1 .. 1 1 1 Bctinthg. 08, ' • , LAX:PS. p114 1 24. 1 N10N002 P Sinrnt.Lazit, WhaNN-Ntats Foot, ' TANNEWS AND *OHINE Yang and, Toilet Articled in an Cri s r vn , 1, ILPONG2B, sn,ITEEs, 8943, wit -- laides, iii#4:6ll. fiery•ll POCKET ,BOOES, PO r liTlf . 1 • '. H i l II ” , 1 7(ekbi TII ' Eszele, TOOTifi L WIN AND , EWEPAiIA , '` ' ' ' '1 - I I ~ PURE "WINES ZAO7O 1 1 forllse, 1 , ' messi ,•1 • 1 - TOBACCO ) SNvvk, 20 Mt li 0 • 1 Fl ower I n— .‘ Garden, meld and ilu finnia; . cup; porters,) Suspensories, 8h der' Bracireect rtTeething). ursing:N i,pp Nipple Shells Shields, Bedlnns,Self•lnaltn lernitJani, ;cir ' _ ttonnetens, Turning Entracte, • Ailone • _ ! Iwo, ,Glass Ware, •Batnea, Vials, Cor ' ~Bath BMX and Stove'" - ' e,litztt- Inanition, Ac., Bat 1 H.... . th to Medicines, • tlnt • . 1.1 .• E ' • 1 1 ... AU articles *raw , Persons at a distance can mei or - winch will receive at :talon. Medical advice t the _charging onlylor i - Sfir Thailand fol .4 , ir Mild I s pectfully announce • . Palk, no pains phalli be c 1 .. •r4tlic tinnation of their , iir OPen Sunda; • • out 0 11.131, and 12 M. to 1 I 'April 1,11872. --—• T II ' .11. , `„0 1 Pint NM =I , • • In aty and cogi. at lowest Erl ii (In in the ; to car- MIN I I I TO Lllllllllll • i renege of the 133 I . . 110,31 ! 0 I F , li C S. i Have proved , t rot. ! (le, entire succe SI a t and 4el ble. They are the - _ ~,,..-rftlin a dapt, to popular use-so siinp. . imistake not made in using them; ao hldes as to frodli - e danger; anti so dile', t a uto : be alwa a Irellabl They have the highea eonsmfation fee., all! a: will always render ea acti n ln. I,- ~ • li n ti t a nos. - , • .- i ~ c ' 1. Fevers, Ctin gest= m*ation, 2. Worms, Worm Fever. orna Colic, -1 3. Crying-Celic, or Teeth gof Infants 4. - Diarrhoea, of Ch drin r Minns, - 5. DYsentarY, Gripin , Bill us Colic. Lit / 0. Cholera 3.forbos, ; "einit ng. • • . 7. Coughs. Golds. Bronchi is, 8. Neuralgia; Toothache, who, 9. Headache'. Sick Head e, tVeritig6 ' • ' 10. 'DS spepe ta, bilious Sto h; 11-Suppresud, or Painful erlods, • - . .12. Whites, too Profit Pe oda, 13. Croup, Cough. D cult r thing, 14. Salt Menke, Erys pelas, ptions, 15. Rheumattsim, Shoomat e P lns, 16. Fever and Agtre. (pill F ve Agnes, 17. Piles; bliiid or bleeding ' 18. Ophtlaalroy , and i3'pre or W -Eyes, • 1 19. Catarrh, acute or ro • Influenza 20. - Whdorring Cough, viole t coughs, ' ' I I 21. Asthma, Oppress brea hit, . , c ;h 22. Eir Discharges, inap h aring, ~ 23. Scrofida, enlarged glen s; Swellings 24. General Debility, Physi al canes., 25.' Dropsy and scanty Secs tio s, 26. Sea Sickness, sickness om 'ding, 27. Kidney Disease, Gravel, 28. Nertous Debility. Semi al eaknes , o • Involuntuy disCharg , l,. 29. Sore Month, Canker, . . ~ 30. Urinary Weakness,{ 31.• Paton:ll Periods, with Sp 'an t s, . 32. Su ff erings at change of I fe,l • i , 33. Epilepsy. Spawns. St. ituslDonee; 34.. Diptheria , ulcerated sor. threat, 35. Chronic Cengestions am Ertiptions 'Vials, to cents, (eicept 4, 3':.. and ~ . , EA.AnTA. • ASE 3. • ' • Case (Iloroccoliritli above. 5I large l'' ' - t‘T Directforie, 1 Cal ( foroccc ) of 20 larg e vi , a and 800 , : Sid Boxes and Vials as , bov6.- Sir i 13 These remedies are s .iat „la the e ' rsi box to any pat of the, coon ry, m .. a O ;, rgi receipt of price. Address , i . 4 I CLARK !-- .„.„, ' • D. •It 11,\ D nisi _Mai 28, 1973 1 To de, 33 ES All the Ilr II " A - , . 1 JULiCS 1 • [ Begs to inforim bls =me: who desire to lavail theme to supplyi the . niselves with THE BEST AVIrT I 1 . . - 1 112 t . 1 .11.4ju. t MENS' IND ir . • 41:91,iyed in ttEMEltpr.R that lay goal and WAREINTED WELL 11 Oct. 1,71513. ' BEI JOHN Has removed to tl W. T. Davies, EA: And is now props, vicinity with eve ,currma DO , PERFECT E My atociof Cie best in the market,' sathilhetion. Towanda, Jan. 90 GO,. TO 4A. Fos LATINLSTILE3 GooDs ZVE Towanda, March:it, lB73. i ) r ana ME 1M MI 11l IFOL ' I EM OM i~ ca eitom. es 1 all • • R CLOT : IN prat, l, p3, .+T VERY L,OT%. , p ,t s ioek 0 fil FilEi he m One dodr Smith of to IZEI ME =1 El RCHAN l~ ES ABLIS lEEM LA.. M a cbe building t 1 OPI'OS I 'TE :LIERCUR red to tarnish •thing in the 14 0 T For Ge tlomea and t B L AND CLO ON THU ORITST X S GU s has been and .I feel EM OBS' TEMPLE Or PA ItAIN ST • Drugs; htedon es, piriniiiiiii - 'O4. ' PAT / i 1 1 V1.044, 0, - , '' ----• ' 1. • 1 ' / I 1 1 ; TONY PA, P.A., c , . IT , PL__ L . AND z _ Ap . • . i i . .l i , ! .. no D'IR 17 0 . 41 I ki T 4 0 1 1, 4 ffsgay* extensively with , w .____ e k're. i tere v a ll . gof "rg ' 1 . I I / 1 ' ' 6MM .11EB.Bs 'isxtm i n as , ;pwrpniskuthas, E , FL'4 ." 7,B, t e. 1 ir 11 L witau I - !IK ) TfaLC/ xci., p AND ItOltrkPi. I 1 -'; • 1 .- PARATiciNs, L l' j 1 : DYE STIETiTt M A B,.VEIth 1 --- ___Ll 1 ____ , •!, TEA, RErlift, A.EnOfiIENE,!A 1 ,: 1 I ' ly 1 47 L NT! , AND lirQ. ii li 1 I i 1 :poi ' INu TOBACCO, TA;nec- j r ' t n ., 1 , ~ :,, IT Q' 1 17J1 Ea PCiPII4AR raTtrr andd a cure assoi 1 PI 1 . 1 4D _FA: o the ususi,caro tinting of li‘rescripticii ). clock,s'ri,.'to 1 p.m. [svgs, can ho consult+ • each wrek, as hereto Is: Mar 74 187 2- • azr.ll so -11 I .1' v.!! an Effl ij eT ztr . :3 laqlv prep' I, UNDERT ~ .I.!lMarire I I! 1 ' li. e aer.icea of any,teatain ttai 2 ' ;l 1. l' i' , . • ui ri Eavin,g tiered, no eivetuje,„ 9 5 -, :12 m the shop of H. Shall 5 1 a e rae wich eata44:be enr" 5 1 I 1 1 II I 1 - 1 tia l elegance * lace * thiaate i te of our 1r i 1 alao‘ectir -the s' , ery i r tee of a ' 5 1 !I I 11 , 1 ps d'f entleManly pereon to al II!': e kitudiaeE l a. : 1 1 I . I 1J # il i # .B. Axx i rs' ' firm , on e 10 l f Cci r t Itore, Ma :* e; l a 1 1 I 1,. 0 v nd,a, the other l a 1 .mber ell 11Cit on Third a4it, or abe , ? u B acfl, ; a- very, Llble'and d/[ ufticit Om . ce is lis i it at 0 lti it 1 1 . - :•1 11' 1 1 • .1 1 iTa t . ~. l .l g l . l_ .• •,1 1 1 1 i j, In all Its branches EMI F IRST NFA,, ,i L , or.t l t 2. APrr AI" • +, • r SII1141:78 VeNi 1 11 I rile Bant offer 725 triltuisction of a 111 I 4E,I] ,',l AL 1111--1 AVERPAL ,ENTEREST ' AID4 G 1 lAI 1 ...' 1 _. ppiscus , um= 13XV AirD 1 f 13Z9113' 1 1 1 ' 1 II ;.° Wilhi fes I England: lgil. i cipal ties and 1 1 for t!:isty i . I 1 1 - P 4• 7 1 ( 4 ( an 7 To' finta ' the old; on 'i'l 77 I ''"Y° ri r ; :MI 13210V042' Q I II _, iiNflteiL l Prietp l .i. r ro 1108: IPOWiLt,PIi4II te4em3er 1, 186q.1 1 and-Ma $lO 0, MI IMI I . cf.° ~i NE 1 SE lams illE OMNI o imin It Tow! DM] NH M lin, HO i.ui MEE this I _ILL. peopl I , f I - SOLD L. ME larir: 1,320 ~~ More S . .111 , 1p i l y sny oth tali. ig dent ~~~ EE 11 Au. 4,1;1872 OEM N'D ME 1 7. C Y attestlon hem 5 to . at the Ore. D. 11. W.= G 'ELI• would redeve,l oat es way to a I 1 HDTG BUSIN st an gi 1E! or trOu & Co., , used re moat reL tend to this. ..gin be traeit, and C! the firm, .tit the oi: celebrated . eet r near :~~ lONAL OWAIMA , AI, FACTL/T NKINOi3US DEPOSITS ACCO: REIMMT. 1j I I To Tut COLLECT:O I # • MONEY to any Ireland. Scotland, . of on-bpe. can he' 1 01 4 TIfEiTS try, by best s pima ex HEDIICEH , 7.3 Bonds, Gold • ent. N. N. B ,NO7. ; i !Ili • 1 ;ATE REA 0 11 '1 LO,I, AND M EMI 4 is HAVE FOS S LE OS I I - EitA.l.4lAjW tuatcd co) MEM lELLI 1,1€1231. • 1 01 soft o buz.il port ce with Ell Lt' VINCEN NOB I , L ! asUrAnc k. MEM E E 1 D FRI ME Machin tro 2! MEE oath In EMI rEs tits, shn that the Ii i . 1 1 CTIORING M COMP WM 232 ME cLut of the 'tYPe 1 QM US • 4LLY FO I Aver 50, ,a than W the same . 4 biachin apy dprixt :t IMI sold Of 1, WIC 6. ii & B 6, &OK" I 1 1 doincrs 1 ;Ai I 1 Tom, II U U I I ri SDI P 7 1 . oF, I NER , ' ; DO. ZE Ind to Irel DIM Ibrar.: EMI DO of byi. $l2 41, 000 000 a IME OF Nfaz , El MCI Ell !!!E DM