Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 08, 1874, Image 3

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Towanda, Thursday, dan.-8, 1874.
Talc weather for the past few days
has been as mild and ba'-ni as flay.
WE ABE 'pained to announce the
death of Mr. (}.U. Momtow, of Wilmot. -
A. C. Warms, an old resident,
"of this county, has Oar Minks for copies of the
Citammehind Now Year: passed
off very quikly in: this place. But ; few calls
were made.
,Paor Baiiarr's dancing school Mll3'
well attended an Tuesday evening, Re will
meet the class again nextTnesday:i.
Timms from Wells tmd :Philade"-
ppis, were received , fge late for this mane.
They shall appear next week.
. entertainment given for the
- benefit of the Sheshevin Church; last week,
was a. perfect fttecess. .
WE MIE Tinder obligations to ROB-
E= BRUCE, of the up-toma market, for .a,gene
-roue supply of hzeellent bologna sausage.:
'TILE Borough Council are • erecting
- -a hose tower seventy feet in height; ilust back
of the ilzporni. oftice, for the, use of the Fire
. - qrsT as we go to presi - we learn
that Jan= tloonrsounn, Esq., died In "Mans
,field, on Tuesday. yr. G. was for many Years
a prominent citizen of this place.
THE seats in the Presbyterian
Clinreh were sold on Monday last. Severtil of
tho most desirable pevralvero readily disrosed
of at $lOO each.
ferring to our matrimonial department, it will
hopbserved that LAWRENCE Satan, a gradnata
of this ottice, has been captured by a Southern
.belle. • r -
• [Ex-S/LEM:tr V Ex-com-
Lissioncr DODGE, and Collector Powsti, with
their wives, last.week paid a vialt to A. J.
.01 Litchneld, and were hand
somely entertained.
Aln. and Mns. 11:KmsEr, have the
the sympathy of a large circle of friends, on
the death of their very bright and nnnsally
intereatingAittle daughter. 'Say, who died of
scarlet fever last 'week.
111 - TEL" this issue we .shall add a
column of reading matter to out fourth page..
We shall endeavor hereafter to furnish more
'space for news and miscellaneous, matter, even
if we have to raise the price of advertising.
A, Prince was born in the third
ward, on Christnkiw day, or perhaps wo should
say a Prince,F, as the new_ comer will wear
ethic:4in° and false Bair:When she grows np to
be a young lady of the , period. •-,-• •
THE pews in the Episcopal Church
WI re rented fort the , t year on the . 22th
ult. There was a .gOotl chfUland for sittings,
and the amount realized far in f-v-enss of any,
previous year, being Ayer $2,100..
AMONG the many costly kTesents
mad4Li Christmas' daY, Iva a 'e. - -and
costly pair of a!eere hattoc.s, presented by
EMIT. Le'CE.tE.T, Esq., to GEo. Emils, , the Ur
bane anctattentive clerk at the Means House.
AmoNo the ladiei prominent in
conducting - a centennial tea-partS• in Lock-
Ilarqp, on the 16th nit., cre notice the name of
a i resident of this place, airs. ELLSILA
SATTEnLEr. Mrs. 0. D. SATTF.IILEfi WIS one of
the Via! Presidents. •
: .
WE EEGEET to learn that ?daunts
.i.osnos, the faithful, efficient and accomelo
i-dating baggage-mister at the ra .. .
dot, had, the misfurturiu. to break •ohe of t is
legs the other day. His place is well 'fillcd'
'rill-5; his illness, by_3li. M. lil.tclaxsoN.
Tag teachers 'and scholars of the
Graded School, hare been enjoying a week's
vacation. The sesol opened again 'on liontizty
and will . remain in session with only a short va
cation in fl: •Spring, until the first week in
July. •
. "Mir' don't the borough authorities
1 - 117ipg walks put gown from Main street,
at lost, to the ncw school-bouse? The health
of the fOUr iniadrell'anil fifty - seholars who at
tend school there ought to be of sufficient con;
cern to the co:meg:nen, to hare this matter at
tc-tisa 1 to.
Tilanis NAST, the artist, will lee
uringi on Tuesday evening, Jan.
Mcr. - !tir's Hail. TLis lecture is not EG
r.1;. , ..h a litcritry Effort, as an exhibition. of the
u , 11:11u114 skid of the artitt, and an entertain
alltra-.luFing. OJT's!: of pictures drawn : on
111.• -
THE County Coturnissioneis, have
the foliowiitg appointrty.- fur the pres-
—1 ) 1. - ET S DAVIE?.
/Ygit/il.c AppraiscFL - . S.INTT3L LYON.
REPORTER : Iu 'the 4 g dediettto
iy report," lfy .178. last weeli.'t paper,
n;:at liassaid of Rev: D. D. Gi:.►r, should hate
i , (9n said o€Rev. D. C. BAnCaCE, who tarnish',
(..1 c prOgratemeand conducted thc; children's
Yours traly,' N. J. Coo swiam.
;.•;pringhtll, Jam 4,'1871.
Row. or HONOR of the Graded
Schgvi, or Dame.; of scholzrs with perfect rec
yd in attladatice, deportment and studies for
4. -- the week ending Dee. 2u : Mrc crE BLARE, JES.
141INER, ANNA 3Ic3IANN, ELLA Gll.l.ts, dEci.
FA)7NIE 31cr.pAr.
.WELLS, Tasciro - ra,
.einovedllid w
levParitc Delaware eaunty,
1Mi._1.. - 'n'eping a hotel. The Major is alio
i:%.1-, - sted in a IMtel at Cap' May. We cbeer
,;:::,,- e l mtmend him. t) the patronage of the
c1)1:C, ar; awhole-scaled, generous man. We
hc;...lOes rut - intend leaving our county
Docs have made sad havoc among
ti.r Lc in this vicinity, this fall. Soma reeks
Sit as SnzEit lost a= amber of fine
and a few nights after the dogs got
Ilon. 11. L. Scorns flock, and killed ten
'•:9wclre, worth ten di: fifteen dollars each.
Lest week ILtur. altsio 1e.T.4 several from the
stile muse.
Tut body of an-unknown man was
hi the river near the outlet lock, on ,
meruir,g, Dec, 25. S. A. Altus, act•`
kn..; as coroner, took charge of the corpse and
71:mancned a jury, who returned a verdict of
Ltadental drowning: Since writing the above
e karn the man's name was Da.vrtt. LiGGAY,
f He was intoxicated.
' scholars of the infant school
e Qatictel with the Episcopal Scinda,y-achool,
-,,,:-..• inr;ted to the• residence of one of the
t...;.nr rs, ' (31r5..1m - ono), on Christmas ore,
• No..- re a Ltantiftil tree hid been prepared by
4 !lre. A. and. Miss JESS= Ears - Zr. The little
" :C:1t);13 seemed highly delighted with the deco.
ts.tious, and after ca.mining the tree along*
114- . : dcs:red, the children were i vited into oil
other roonl l Nyliere refreshments ero served.
After singing a hymn by the Children," and
• ropae appropriate rcmarks by the Rector, - the -
Class dispersed. .
; k
£ 4
.~ ~ .
s"You did not*- . , . , 1 the death
of flr.-AP eniuntan, l'a said lie . • - ;w - itu'Us
thaotheir day. We never ~- - Ved ILO"notice
of *tr. yr & death; aluz h a one of the
moat - worthy and -citizens of
Weit Burlington. It Mb* 'did
.they Mends.
ofdeceased persobs ncgleoll twa,T forwent us no.
tic** we cannot be consureOr Got pn Elblag
theta. ' - 1 Ili i I I- T.:
Tun members of thli i
new '
.P tq.
A. iii or tat owe. iiiii, 444 th i screel-- . lt in flouring then:mars y, OM of thrlorsv.
est:Volars °fibs late was, antlOuo of thanost
winder citizens the conntylitis iver. contained
—ea GOY 11. Wassnai, wb4kaiist the battle
tette Waderness; It was Stti4 that his sur
viving comrades should chrbien their *Maul
ration with Ids name. 'II I '' 1 -
, -
xislii _
!I' is the Barn 't IVOliCh my "
make resolves to "turzt overi2invleam,'• and
°attune= reforms ,in WO Bos. Tho ono
great =living habit i whiel4 mine *idles'
numbers on the downward rdad is the use of
strongdrink. How many reitolved on pinta
daylast, to "touch not; tastanot a bindle not,"
the' accursed stuff/ 7.7 ny :will Ferman
faithful to the pledge of sobi tylw - '
1 4
Ozonsiz 1 Rumuti
.fonttgriy of( this
phic;e„ and now a resident at Waverly, has in
vented arke Extinguisher, Bch ho chilms to,
be tar superior to the Babco4. - IThe Waverly'
ti l e
Ad4ocate says that it a trial that place a few
day i since, the machine wor
~ d Ito the satin
faction or the inventor 'and -., ho witnessed
it. We ibopait may prove a antes
Air. 13Ani3te, who is an r IminstrJotis _and
worthy inech
l itgo. i, 'l. ;, ' f
. WE have bees ehown i n plan of the
Baptist ChurCh as it willappeififter the repairs
i t
which are non , being made r completed: jt
wilLbe ono of the finest; chur editiceain this
section, and a model of 'con ), 'mice. The ox- r
ponie of th e Wail: will be ab " t ,113,000!____Dea.
Its Ermarn contributes $ 00.! 'The deacon
thtui evidences his love for thepurch of which
he has been a consistent and i'valued Memher
for silty yesie; . . 1.1 .
Tar, fri - nds of 7..J.[iCaacwa Will
be t4eased to, lea:ll'l32st ;he lie !deadest m to re
ill in this place, and that h ' has rated the
atori, lately occupied by, mcciutis le, EnTruns,
in Mercur's Block, and that hhi, DO! opening
a stock of fresh groceries , jpurchased In
1 11
Nevi York for cash . Mi. 0. as engaged u
saleimari Geo. &Down; Esq.4lato of, the Bed,
Mite and Bine Store, who_yrili po glacll to see
his Pd friends - and custsimerai - '''
We hope the new,establishtneiat may meet,
with all the success it deserve!.
. •, , , ,
AN unusually late , ingregation
attended the Christmas eervic sat the Episco
pal !Church.. The Rector, RUT. Caries E.
ItlctivAtxn..tvas assisted in. the services by
- Revi R. W. Riwarrr. At the close of sn ex
collect discourse by the Recto , the commun
ion Was celebrated, and a num r of members
ofother churches united in it.
'l* 0 church was very tastily, hut I not clabo
rately, trimmed. A text exe paling cue' of
the 'great cardinal truths of C. i ristiinity,l"God
was ; ,manifest in the flesh," w placdd on the
wall back of the chancel. ' •
A. coon SlloT.—Prof.
derlitands the usa of are-at
"teaching the foung Ideas hot
NeW Tear's day theTrofessor.)
W. I. JUNES,Of this place; and
Tr,..rioN and S. F. iVoLcarr of
suited fur a Mint on the mo
the day a large wild-cat was s
hunters, when Prof. Qmyr...tx I
rifldallho ferocions beast, an
meat the world was rid of one,
lineyr ee. ' i
. , ~.
MANY people ontsido, of thisl ho
1 ,
rough will learn of Joan' 12" sr.i.Vii revovery .
from a" serious illr.eas, with p asure. Tones
pleisant, genial wave and acco modating'dis
position have won wave
bests f friends, not
onlY among our own people, bat all OVICr the
courdry.. Over-exertion anti expoiare ;yearly
teridnated his days by inducing a: scierc at
tack of pleurisy and inflammatiMi of the lian,ge,
'but:pr. JouNsos's medical skill dud experience,
addi:d to careful nursing, have conquered the
disease, and we lie to si:e Lin. abbut, as; usu
al, hi a fe w Ala:, s. •
.'. _ ,
ILLNY families in this place,'adopt
ed tile custom, for the first time, this s+son,
of preparing a Christmas Tin for the children.
The' practice ispno which should be adopi l ed in.
every household wher'e there arci-children r and
no house. should long b.:: with( l ;ni. them I . l —not
only on account of the sacred-event it coru
memoratesibut as e. means of-malting nour, the
pleasantett place en earth to th little ones and
the older ones to:)asure
and:profit within the roach of At . ery family, as
the[expense can always bet .p oportionate to
the pecuniary circumstances rt LO parepils.
r [
cu#om• asbecOme
guile general' of late years, e.. players mak
ing[presents to employes on hristertas; is e
very cerement:able one. di - , held to beget and
tostir ' a unity of interests b &Veen tlio la
bort-r and capitalist, and aidsin doing. away
eibitterness and prejudices hick onpinei.
pled demagogues seek to en ender. L. D.
Ro4oana 4:C9., between whom aad their nu
means catplOyes hepleasantes relatione l have
csiited, pre,seetted each•lteal of a tam l ily
in qttir employ with a fine rat hirkev on Off/Et
ta/0 eve. The r„euerons act Fans lto Fher
islAed by the grateful reeipients4as anOthlr ev
idence . of the coculph liberality of the firto,
Vzr.§oN.l.L.L—::JAmtki .AAT.-Es
far.iily, of Greaiwooci, Eliencling
vith I'l - len:is in Newark, 'N . . 3.
t „ I
-:Cadet' - C. B. SATTERLEE:' 8i7..C1; t he 1011
Witt Lis parents le Monroeton.
4,THEIge Mincca left for
Friday. The Supreme Court kill roma
o ion in that city until May mist.
o of Bseru
visited this placer ayeeir 0
inci and muster:l;d the officers, df Si
PoSt G. 4...11. , \ •
'=-Jena D. Metcra:lTE•spent, liristnias
hislrrends in, this place.
--Hen. E. 0. GDODRICI aiid. wife- -
Ch!ristmas in Binghamton..
scholars of the At r ciptist
day-schodl were.treatea to a tndst Oeasal
tertainment, on Christmas eve ; ' The V I
beautifully trimmed, and a are tree
'with presents and handsompyl deed
erected. After appropriate sew ices, tiles
intendent, Gro. H,Woon, Esq.,ltok the
cats from the branches and delive r red
.the scholari. - The inland p:storl cf (11,
gregation, and teachers were ~ n ot, fore.
sqeh evidences of mutual regard i of se
and tcachers i -and of earnestne4s .132 the
ot the Sunday-acho4l, augur well Tor the
,perity and fasefulceiS of theichOot
• I
1 .
[WE ALWAYS read coia lizael
notices of our friends frith - great p easure
fchlowing item from the Eric Oi l s er, not
one of tho most" accomplished telac era ar
fined ladies in the county, will he end Iri
Wrest by the : numerous fiiendi 'o
. Mies
airenr. :.
5 " Miss-Addle Passmore, who as been r.,,
aced with Miss Ditto as teache of the i
school on Peach street, left esniMonday - t
sumo her residence in Bradford ' county.
the last day of school her pupilji presento
with a beautiful chrome as a token of thel
fection. Miss Passmoro has s seeded in
dittring herself to her pupils ES few teal
are capable of doing. During _ler Iresiden
Ede she has made an unumillt large dr
friends, and all who know her swill taw
with their best wishes." l
, 'S.
t - SIB. S. W. .
otlocal news, I desire to state
; or the Baptist Church, at a is
. Fided to repaii.tho Baptist ho ,
hy building out to the sidcwal
yil" z another story, and putti
fix I, thus increasing the lea„
003 room about 20 feet, 1 6
room in the basement.', with
rooms for' raper. meeting an
-Work has already comment
Peished as ast as the weather
plans aro being made, ihowing
etnnmodiols house 'hen eol
*lnc stays with: the iherch an
eierything looks encouraging,
, Pa., Jan, G,1974
- ,
- ! •
1- Ws, ot or naßl o - notice, lOt week 00 1 44 r, ilia i 7 ,
itai ikcs* & zowerao - iii.o.isioit4 fo * r e cO r d i rv i d Pirel- =ad he '
. . , . ,
their epactans torn - in the new__TaSer, Koons these a" eetiha m e ll itith 'O h l
* *cm Week, bat Many of_ Emir Oa oustoa. samichi, ll 4 o4 oomPinY;
i n k . llivil*lo7-tiootrocthe,pci*.arto to in tab idOodocousethoti Or . ,
snew %Km quaiteis,; *--- - -,-. ._ - 1 : l i,-:. -.-., .. ;. thellooleti, On ncladoi : more
In addition* being ens of the *kat Mores ixte r eeee-egel/
1* tenni, it is supplied with a ll medsmtimpurre- ' theeimiTv thee. _ ,will metre
unsure.' Tbe mins-i s feet *4,4 twee- eelleY.' A p.lll44ftlyspgsboiring
'tr !a width; with a basement same sige. At the thle ,wel'lra irEl be either *yjc—
mar end a neat black-walnut *4 equates er , :legleist Mne" •ixott
the eeeettes nos from Vie saleno._ _This Tifeeerer•ficit. la P.lfttunano,
'lllnall:Fiset :Ineitalrie altiltimore linater, Sad a bud= thin_ 8'• then, Iswo 1
iteildb =ldle. It is not excelled tn simians *Pile er We Mir: Vie side
*ill eleganCe in any of the large eiti establish- ',a le neceseol.7 cireatesinibild
meats: 1 • ' ~ , . ' ot-whlels Wtresits,: INo_ Jostal a
'At boisth* apparatus lessens tha t labor 'ma um Ume and 14 , 0 r At ecorOPiling
facilitates the work of receiving i and shipping_ Di end taligai Leetelmmi 6 14 1 1 '
bowl gee*. The store has been, iikranget es- bee set rtie*Yeteeetth tram'
;axially, forth° Imainess of WA' 4 i E., and is the Arbiter tuld bindar- lila
O model of cOthrenb33lCo as well Al neatness. nittow Of l'iriniting, now So ,
Mimi andtawlys popular; did. - --.-
bhp. 121 fact ; thai,4 ll2 4 Pat Man , ,M 14111441
'!" °3 '! kca t t the sale of the au& ; , Wm.
Encouragement to.this enterprise will given
by India biking thliirsi, opportonitY t _ sub
scribe copies for inuielves and 1 for their
Mauls, and; by this ineaxia testifying! in
terest in the *lnk. . 1 - i ‘-. - , ' 1 1
Tat li a woik which ions net ' Con' ' one .
Individual, or. Party. Or loCality more; it* an.
Whir. It le for 'the Whole:Comity. It iiralpirsel
id be a record of the toils'And sacra* of the
Lathers which this generation can hand down
to their thildrin. It will covei nearly or quite
a century and n quarter. j It will begin iwhen
this county was one Valet unbroken-wilderness
traversed only by the red' eons of the: foxes
and glie the story of ite , settlement' bs 111,
whites, their :improvements, their sircorglis
and their in:Masses to Ede present , It
will cover a remarkable period In our try's
:history. Lot the peOple of old Bradf ord tax;
eat Ihemseireslto imp it a work which Mall
be creditable to theinselires, worthy of tlieiX
Watery, L aud 'another testimony to their mar=
prise and inkilligencd. I , 1
Tag derivation of the - giggle ".To .
lieedes” has lontbeen in .doutd, but the fol
lowing facta related to the writer bb a gentle-
Man now shout ninety \ years of age!, and who
kis:lw the Indian'bunter and cirenundancea re•
bared to, atttlei the question : - .;
"111otite as enty years ago, in the early histo
ry of the Indians in ibis county, it was said that
noted Indian hunter and rapier among
them, need to peas mach of his, time in quest
of game up and down the now Telma& creek,
and at the i head waters thereof. - 111 e found
abundance of which he caught by his
traps. By some misfortune he' became lame,
and afterward was called by the ether blame
Towarnbte this name signifying In the In
dian tongue the peculiar motionlinfthe lame
Indian's walk. It was said ho remained a long
'time bunting and trapping up and lawn the
creek, after most of the otherindiaes bad left;
front this cireuxutance t wo suppose. ;arose the
nape of the Towanda creek. ; heresy" .
; 'Franklin, Dec. 23, 1873. .
We'should be pleased to recolso Win "Hem.
cry" and otbers, any items of interest relating
tn the early bistory of this county. Stich scraps
willgreatly aid the compiler of the lorthcom
ing o f the-county.
• I
NORTH TOWANDA.—It has been some
dip() since Ilhaye seen anything 1U your col
ti concerning our township. If it to•the
sniiilest hi the county, we Iwo las ;good
zoos and and goed society as can be found any
Oar 20360 t-house in Distriet' is being
enlarged and repaired for agraded-school, to
bitaught by; 14. P. 11 orr or as 'principal. It
Buds be a decided success, if it proves'as boned
cl4l to his scholars se his Fall term; of select
school did.
The people gave the Rev. Mr.
.Loscu, the
minister in charge, wyery• liberal 'donation at
the house oft. J. Govan, ori" fig, 10th insh,
where butt. old and young met Together, and
and the eytning Pissed pleaaanily away wits
anap-er.d-eatch:cm, etc. ' •
Onr Locigoof Good Templarewhich meets
every Saturdity evening, is in good working or
der, as it ha.Ei,biett for the past six years, and
is doing a great deal of good in the temperance
cause. I
' 'Our singing schOol, taught by DAIIIIIS WU"
Luau, is prospering finely. .or.r , kite Society
Is alsoin operation, the nest becting which
will bo held iat 'E'1.73111 Eforzos,'s, -on Friday
evening, Dec] 19. ', • ' Trwcrrnr.
Dec. 13, 1573. -n
,t , ' 1 ,r.,
How d tritillial ALE .1 - 110Ctiltd.4—Bilt
few:people know just the- mbdus operandt of
drawing a ju6 , . Tho following letter 'from Ez-
Jai7 bommisisionerDatoso, will th,eow tont°
light upon the subject :, .
ED. MILDFOILD ExMiTEE : ID looking over
the proceedings of the popd Templar conven
tion, held in Fianklindale some _time' since, I
notice there, wiz a Committee chicted to inquire
of the Jury Commissioners why it wad that no
men. of known I temperance principles were
dawn on the Grand Juiy. Now, for the infor
mation:of that committee and the Good Tem
.plars in general, I' will state how we gel. tto
Jury. In the il:st plade, every town and bo
rough is allowed inqual number of names
iceprdini; to' t4eir to tiles, and it , requires
eight hundred names_ or ono yo'ar. - it is not
l ia
supposed•tliet the 'Ju • Commissioners know
every person Ihi the ?,untY; and they must
therefore! get those tip _rum as best they can.
When serving as one b the three Coinmission
ors' I hid . tcl get ; -m shard,. of the . ; names,
and that :vas cf course re•third of e': nn minx..
1 ancm•dMgly vcrote , t• some pinmitOt mainl
knew iu eacht3wn, t send me :VA ,Itarnes of
sane good sada Tier: l tlicans who wonid make goonjurors. Tho ()the COMMI43I'JaCkr:3 did the
same. , Then we took {{hero names and wrote
thetn on ticket?, pnt. 'them all in the 'wheel at
one time, and' tnixell ti mu TIM That is all tbe
c:ntiol u'e had over ti en. Tito ;sheriff Men
drew the at, nun at dine, ittoar presence,
ancillio firs tweuty-fotr n
lrawwere t i tle Grand
Jury. , a , ::., : We are chlated in 'getting namt.s,
it itnOt -tir fault. p. ItrtnEs D'r.ONa, ..
unrta.. l
as wall as
to ahoot7 On
rl. company with .
Capt. A. p. PE-
I oot of Plane,
tate% Daring
rounded - by the
the mo
ore of the fe-
'pit i. W*. MC
GLyinnar, t 1 tightet./of the
late H. S. 1t„..—..,,- pi.. ~waii Solemniz
ed at• Christ Rinirch,. A 'Wednesday, 10th alt.,
the Bishop be this Diocise, Rev. Dr. !lows, off.
elating, assijed by Rec. Rims. R. 31hir..varan,
1 - 1
Reetor. i ' , ! I
The Marriage ceremonies, we need hardly .:
say; passed MT with cc at, the Chureh having
been - beautifully festooned with oVergreens,
and appropriate atranementi madO, l that the
c i d
ceremony might proce quietly sad impress
ively. The, beats wer tilled with interested
spectatorii.VAfter the services at theiguirch,
a largo number ofinvit2il guests assnahleil at
the home of pm, brido'if mother, to congratu- '
late - the Dew'y Wedded' couple, and 'bid them
• ~1 • 1 '‘ . .. 1
. " good-bye. " ; ; 1
i , • 1 ,
As we are lotexactly An the "Je4ins" iltie, '
vge. will only SaY that le dresses Doris on the
-occasion by the tride and her supporters were
uniansually stylish 'an Leming, the bridal
l i
prezents noinerotni au costly, and the colla
tion abundant and . wlll served. The ushers,
performed the delicatand difficult part as
signed them with poli enesi ' and promptness,
ei ro
and added ranch to the i afety of the occasien.
. We express the unis,ersatregret of i the com•
munify, at the loss of two rueruberi So much
respected and beloved,'as the " partlea of' the .
first part " to this covenant.: The bride has a
wide circle of relatives and, friends, to where
Fhe•ifientleared by her many amiable quslities.
ThP bridegroom is the late Rector; of Christ
Church, not residing at Fall River, kiss., and
officiating al AseensionlChurch. He!has a host
of Warm friends, who are rejoiced trik - now that
his sphere of usefulness has been greatly en
' larged,by the change 0 a more populous town,
With, a larger congrep:tion. The beat wishes'
of his friends go with him that his 'ministry,
may be blessed, and tilt his newly' assumed
ditties may *like prombto his usefulness and
happiness. • '
. . 1 0 :
4. w; ' ;1 1 1
1 -- . „
the last number of, tac i t:aeon:rtu sans', a para
graph, statiCg that Mei consmitteof of Our ilis
. teirleal Soclity was .takihg rneasUrds: for vigor
' ouily prosecuting:Jim tork:on a history of the
county, to he coritplOtid, lif possibie, for the
Centennial in PM,. Etery one, who lhas felt
t'uoleast interest in the general we 'tare of the
county, unfit feel that this ;is it cork which
ought to 'lei done. BradEril .girldel itself in
being second to none of t
ti,o4" Northern Tier"
inirealth, ehterprisce, ehergii intelligence, and
political influence, but in taking measures for
preserving aught with
her historyi a h i sto r y fr aught
rid re
, pa in-
thrilling incident, is among the last. This up:
pei valley 4f the Buqaoltanna !bait been the
theatre of most important event 4, anti the
knowledge .4 . theno shoiild be familiar to every
inhabitant of the county. , In,order il make
this work a 6acceiss p thi people 4O(tlie comity.
must intereitt themsellts in,, it. This interest
can bemanlested in Borers! ways. ;'
Those who know hiportant events which
haio occurred in theirern neighboiloods. can
ccinommiicate them. is has ben I done to
some extent already in the, pahlio prints. Bat
it is notat ill'fikely the in regard to any local
ity in the tottrity, the whole ettor, has been
told. There are persona whol theMselves are
either amoig the earl settlers or ;are the de
scendants of such, web s recoßectiOns will fur
nish a vast `NA or , use al informatio.u. Theso
living in many instance` . in coraparitlie retire
ment, and! not acmes med to lulu the pen;
their kr.owledgo e t the ally et entails confined
to the circli) of their • ediate-acqvusintsnocs.
Any person knowing o , each an one will confer
a laver by .ending . the 'name and - rosidertoe to
the committee. There aro also in imply tang
lies olddoeds, wills, and oilier
v paperi which
while ‘zot ;containing much lnfdnnation in
• tluenutelvos yet willbo of imnieno 4rvico in
gicrig date" of imPortitnt events. ;This work
win, require a consi.nrablo ;expenditure of
money. The compiler "mat travel nii over the.
1 0 re-
r f-
.'ne in
els of
: 1 a ru
hat tht , 1
a weetul
I !
so !of tvci !
!, raising itH
, de
p the
of - the I undi.
slag a I,cture
•thcr riecdasary
festival. TLe
land will 'to
eery nea l t nizd
:ther sear; and
G. 131. Wei).
-TuF. Ceitigal rfoiet and bail;
UngtOn, were harped on the night of, the
ult. The property Was o w ned by
and oocupiad bY K. D. DOFOLUIth both of
lose quite heavily. : • "
Tuoxias Nes4 January 13.
a You can buy fresh Gro
cheap for , cub id °Lund' now Grocery.
ifir Tilos; Nen, Caricat
Mermen Hal, l 7annary 1311
riti-Apptps, Potatoes and Diied
Trulti wanted CAL/CINe Now Grocery.
zei..Old /lair' taken hi exchange
at Levont's, Dddgoat, Fah Igni. J. D. Stir.
EvANS 4-, HmcnEftr call atten- 1
Hon td their newlAditertisexperit
MS. Dress Trimmings, at km:
• Go t W*ITC93II3 &
4eyear's Block,',for your Books and Stationery.
Mir Sea notice of, great induce
mente offered by Mre.lWc«oraturr. .
' . .
Mr Children ' s` Norman 4 Caps, at
Mrs. Wo.onurried.
, ii
ig6For the best Boast or Steak
go toMTEr. 3 EFSDELL'it.
, .
. .
''la" Severid vOrtable - Farms and
HollEtli- e!nd Lail for Ole bylturrizrth Toacr.
BurrtarcK p 3 Patterns of Gar
ments for LadieN Blisqes and Childyen, at Bins.
Woonnutres. i
, ,• .
gte). Ladicis, iyo advpse ,yon to try
tbat.prepared roar o.C . F. 3. Chasms' now Oro
eery. , • 1 . .
• e .
va—The elmappst and largest at
sortnsent of Hair Hoodartt E. L►cote'a—a reliable
hair dealer—with Itro..7 1 . Him, Bridge•et.
M.. Astral warranted non•ex
plosivo, and yerir nico at Cimino' new'Groce.-
ry, Mereur's Bldcl, Main street.
. .
• mg. Beautiful Switches, made of
VWteal. Combl4 at 14Tores, ' with Mtn. I. D.
Dxxx, Bridge -et., Towanda, •
UV*Child i ren'si School Hats, in
Felt, Straliand elvet r een at Mrs. WoonnuFra'p,
corner of liain•and Bridge.
tei'.Old (told ;and Silver bought
and highest ptii,'es paid, at M. 11F.NDELZIAIVP,
Bridgo street.
pa. The hpst place to buy rady
made clothing hi at No. 4, 2. 1 .1100ra treat of Cop
LIPOIITAI4.—PeopIe living up-town .
can order their groceries at CALKIN'II new
etore; thee saving considerable travel.
laalr' Shawls, Blankets, and all
WoolCn floods at grectl3r rcticipid prices, at
%skies & Hirmarru's. .
Bridge street.
opened a Grocery Store at the old' stand of
vio...Patteins, Hats and Bonnets,
at coat, at Sirs. Wo'anunres, corner of Main
and Bridge. .
' Th© goods at th© 15titikTapt
sale of I. R. Ifsnius uniit be sold. Farmers, wives,
daughters, cvSryliody, call In. •
sge Large stook of Pictdres and
Piiture Frames; it W.urrConi SLIM% Itler
cur's Block. ' I '
• wa.: Artistic holiday presents, at
the binkrupt sale Store ;madly occupied by H.
I •
Ls. Wall! Papal. and Curtains
cheap at Warrcosna & ,
germ's Block.
't4- Banikupt sale of,Ladies' first
class TJuderwear . .;
at I. K. limuus' Store, oppoato
Court Hpuse,
For sale cheap, my house and
lot, en Chestuni, street. Enquire at the Oki
of BAun.rrr & taltcy. W. G. Tnycry.
ion. If you mint fine Hair Work
made np, or desire to purcha so any, go to E. LA:
yore, a reliable 141 r dealer, Bridge-at, at Mre J.
D. Ilua.'s Fancy l3tore.
s6;r Do not . lee the week 'Sus
without Wing aC t. S. name bankrapt We, op.
polite the plibliciquare. Lie is bound to ere the
peoplo bazgalus.
*tr. One of the handsomest Win
dom; in town:, is; that of LAVOIE% cn Bridge e# ,
We defy any one to go by without looking in. and
ninny who look in go and bay.
, I ' I
' or Moni, E. LAvort has an expo
ilalee of 'Men *es la the hair trastneme—Li as
Impede: at Itaxasia hatt'; Lad ockasequenttir a judge
of a seed article. I •
. .
XV" Bea ' Pay, is the watchword
at *pining, Pa., aad Aciam, lamp
came offer their iroodi at correspondhigly
Jan.?-9w. _ I .
Or If you will call at ILINDETALteif
Jewelry store,• ! bridge street, and piico his
goods, yonwill lip satisfied that It is tho pla6o
to purchase. • i ' • •
- i6Y Great irednetion . in Black Al
plea and Dress Goods, at
EVANS & artmarnets.
Bridge street. ,
for Ordersi received for, all kinds
of ride Work--LiOes' Gents' Wigs, etn..—nt
La 'e, in Dirs. JD. Daieu Yaw Store, Bridge
street, Towanda.
„ , f,3,i,1, - ,.:-;c , k, , iv-,'4,, , p,;;AT.,:•;,-- - _,.-1 , : 7 ; :, Pl7--ri- -- 4F.: , ,Ye-' , '; •"::-...1 I
' 4 "-' 67l ''''. s, ** , ?;-` ez 7 (. 464 .).F.:'-.:.3?1, 4 3 ';'%'!!f - ,',l';': . l ) t - I''T:t:;:-.5 f
' , " -- .:':':i.-''':..i.i 7 . 7 - !! . .' 17,7 ' 7t , i. ',' -,:; --.• i-- , - ' .' ,'• '- ' 1 ••- .'' I
- 114 Hai adldreirial‘ey
aid "fool GOok at jpesibirsou* Woe,
Lar,44l*pill Iran* by
M oi) : 11004 - itint. •
ta t eil r od !!
".'"-'--'1 01141100" Or 4144114,
L -I it Mato formerly
athwil ,
Pied br
410 Goc
Sol Ari fi r iOess rig
stores akluussei .which `, are being sold I
oboe?. "
Quiltn .r a CO — 'ter'
pd at bar, bloPt Price; iL ;•
Eat store formerly occupied by FL TAT
• 411 1 0.4
leOia Hair workea - over inithe
latest Wia and anted atait'ner. by Er4E
Artist bags% adan4t,
dor for
storo to
adver ..
ly Dem
mar pant Goods and Station,
for the Wolff:lsm better ad cheaper then
wher.e. a 0. F. Caoes:
on BM
: nr,
this mat
street, e
lot about
on the .
fold, 'damp weather approae ,
►nd if you would preserve your health
feet dry, and warm, by wearing :itie
oota And shoes sold , by ffi. L Mitt r,
►an`s Block.
• -afro. •
stireosge Wood Sr, Oci., Taylor
& Farley, land Jubilee Organs, at low prices Sid
easy terms of payment. Bond for cironlars;lor
call to see and bear thorn at the Temple 9f lu
do of Cor.r., PAssaris & Co.
oi, apace,
keep yo .
ea. eaters in Strings will do
to call at ho Temple of Music, where they
find a tar e assortment of French, German s
Italian Strings; at Now York prices.
Oar ergman's Zephyrs, in t:
' shades, Mid Gas colors, only 20 cents per oz,
Mrs. Woo .nttrint, collier of Main and Brig
, „
sale at ••
eats will
No. 4 Br;
Pa" ;
los, Furni
pal: Cal
jerk. 7
• girl by is it that TA LOA &
TIES dress :nen, and boys better and cheap
than any her house in Towanda.. The re
is, they 4oeked their, now store daring t
nfoney p Le, and are satisfied with very ani
can be obtl
Jan. 3
all of the
all varied
agents to
coal. Co
liiered on
or addrcas
R. C. W .
stylo of
want a no
him a call
Booker .1
std on eas l
Temple of
Blinds, D'
Piton &
lice 107 B 1
• Stir
dent, who
000 in z
ing on Fn
lion will be
prices. '
Hair Mac •
Our stock
lino of Bo
and Mitte
Straps, e
to show c
bottoin p
ler C
haajust re
stock of II
rapt sale,
pricer, at
N. T.,—B 1
fa. I
wands, !o
held at th
ary 18,18
o'clock P.
• O 3•
°eked a
for the
the finest
nets, in
Oct. 11. ti
. .
i I
se., . . other. great reductionlj4st
made hi 1 ;. e price ofTrinature, by L O. ru.sT
2r,Boss. Look at those prices : -
etilldret4 High Chairs, each . $ A 5
Dustup Hocken. each - 1 145
Best Wood Beat Chairs. Per act 14.00
Beg Flag Seat Cheri, pot set i .1.00
Ash' Chamber Suits, each #oo
How is the heat time,to buy cheap for, cagy
I 1
and the only place in lmi aat Fak)a7 ti 81s,
Hort. 12—Gw. ,- .
166 Teacheis of music can Ipox
dam Shoot Music ?ma / Music ti•:)oks Teach
ore' rites, at tho Tempi° of Music,Tora ada
Jail:Ennead atoali'oi
st LK. Maw, at store
tollt :ROL U1t.i .11 4 •
. ,
, otheriraut,'gailty- - of
bigh prieep., It at
erl.Y ocouRIC 4 R• TitTP:l6
ttention is directed
eat of Dirs. WoODitill's in another
. attic prices; to all, at the
aski ag L S. itiama's at itoroneaint•
by IL TAMS: _
he Girl of the -Period
In the window of Lavenrs Nair •
I st. st Mrs..); D. Wsisncy Store 4 I
r.OROSS has the best
rtment of fine Books ever offeroil
ALL—The new house on Wain
door north ' of Chestnut sh+4.
100 feet front. Terms easy. Enonire
mlses, of Uri. How= and of LIT
'okets for Ness's lecture #
a Drag f3tCre. Bala of reaerr
commence on Monday morning a
!wish to sell $lO,OOO wor l
• within the next 90 days! To
hied I. shall sell at the very lo
dge street. Towanda, Ps. • .
1 caLgy i LID ir, 1
B.t.cicuzu, 1
Pa., 'are selling Dry . Goo - 13, ar0.. 1 3
1 3ro, etc., at.loweist prices, for re 3
nd SOO. 1
'1 ,
w. • I- --
'nod in Towanda, ot, filo folio,
J. Logo, C. 13. Tartu, Fox Jr. Dl}
ItinowAv, F. cowt,.s.
Ldies' Hats and Bonnets
atest styles, just reeeired at • ,
8, corner or Main and Bridge etr
n Main street. . .
0, 1873.
1 .1 - EUCE. NIOIIOLB are self.
coal very +esp. They are sal
the sale of Afie celebrated Barela
by car load at a disemint.- • ,
100 Coffin Dockwoop—D
or L.F. R. R., or at l o
For further partiCraara cal(
Hawse Baorttans,i
' Monroeton, P.
is not benerallylthown tti t
AJEn, at the Book Bindery ove z irlte
ales, makes ',Blank Books y
ling and binding 'desired. I t lyeu
Ledger, Journal or Docket,4l.e
1 athdshek, Webot, Hoof ma i ,
Okor, and other Pll4lOB for said c4eikp
I. terms, at. COLE, Passage ,t,'s
tulle, Towanda, Pa: I :'
the best pleee to buy SUsh,
.rs and all kinds of Lumber, ia
Ns. Factory on Charles stroot.i' If
in street.' Thay sell cheap for bas
I • .
.3 , ran the ri a k an s t et
you can get a. ticket good for 11,
of death, for 20 tents Uday, by!can
,NK Baum; at ripper depot ? ,
air Work of every, defw#ll
- sold at 25 per cent. lea than New
sna examine at E.. Lavolea- BranFh
Bridge- t..-in Mrs. J. D. 4u-L'a
ely GoodS just received.
s nowoomplets„ Everything in the
is and Shoes, Rubber Goods,.Glodeit
l • a, Trunks, Traveling pagp, ShaFtl !
Remember we are always wiSing
mods, and will soll theln-,at tho lOw4st
es. Corters'Ar. Coorri.
I •
I •
• and see Else Ldvorn, who
• . from Now:York mouth an imMeaise
Hair, which he bought at !ha
.4 which will be sold at loaresi —h
vonea Branch Hair Palace of And
N. gaat.;Towanda, Pa. ' I
ho annual mooting of t 1 e
,rs of the First National Bank of D-
, 1 the eleeilon of Direotore, will axi im •
x office of the Bank; Tuesday, .1 n-
4, be tween the h ours of 1 4.., 3.
. •
• - .- N. N. Barra, jr.;Casbier
. .- I
E. J. MEstoochas now 13-
line ot 31Mlinery ana Piney tiocite,
and Winter trade. She will Map ay
t of tr;mmod Hata and iltln
'wands, on and after next &thirdly.
`' •
baler reiallailaiii*
wan, AL Z. Rowt#ll4o.- =Telt baatualf,
bAlti and irk*, ri43neil_ b 11 ,4 &WNW'
/1011 ii Of Caltaietkolldiba a fb i i
_thdt Ids ta*
Woke oatabltelosieet i on* tie sere to,do
Sirda• lle Inilferkir .4 1 0 1 11 4
at goody Pat t .1114 Medd Pala" ti".e that
emery garment be eat la,better than he Tea:
moue*. We take swill pleasure in eallkt
atteetton_of oar readers to such beldam me,
and is aostreendlng thew to Vie patrodage of
all:?„_, • • . , _
IL a 11. G.=-W4 bait) just - receiv
eda a'nlilortinellt cfi th0 440 44te 3
HAM* atuitzss KID °WM" ---`
rain Black,„Black Eml)mi•ic
$7 Colon and. Street Colom i ,9oo and Two-Bate
Other makes of Kid pit oven at roltmedinices.
Towaxuls, Pa.
Wish to employ a lareelnutubor of women and
&Dare% leat4chera, ttes winter, atid: will
pay oaah for the same; after a tow dap' bi
atractlon. ,which mitt be Oen gratis at or
FactOry. The work oat he done at ,home. if
patio prefer to do ro.l .
, • J. O. Faorr,& - Bowa.
Towaada, Dee. 3, 1137,
When some sad mlsfortilio clan come
To shatter your pipspects so fair. '
Be your. 11 ?otto,!`Nil flegPorandtio!"- -
tight bravely, and "saver despair."
Tho' times are now. bard with ua. ,
- We gladly your *fits will share;
Idellsuon with:nate iclothing so cheap loran
That his patrons nerd " never despair :2,
Order yonegaiinents now. Prices cannot be
lower, and I. L. AloNanerr, opposite the Poet
°Mee, will make you a ;suit, or a single • qr.
monk a Little lower than any other 'establish
ment in Towanda. 'Ho is a practical "Mast,"
and inperintends the manufacture of all gar
ments nude at hiaegiablishment.
List of lettere . remaining in the
Tolvan& Post Offlet4 for tho week ending Jan.
7, 1873:
.Aliains Mns Barah AA. lare Carrie
Bedford Jones Pat
Barisal& Hannah 4 Marpby Thnothr
Beers Orlando' • Madden. Stephen
Brows Mrs E Mintzer Haul'
Bennett 14 It Moore Johanna
c =r • Idellllnchy Junes
111 . McDonald Jas , .
Carei as II Madden Janus'
Carkuff Luanda 2 Powers Patrick
Clark Belinda Mary •
Coorbangh Lyman En Geo
Carroll W B John
Docker WW ' Stodge Goe'E ' - •
DarMody Thos • f3collehl P E
Devise Mama Shores Darirla, ",
Unwise Ablgal • Males Hari
Gorman John ' Shores Abram
Geontehes Wm Titniff Joseph , , •
EIS Emms Tones A B • ,
Haft Geo W . ' Vosburg R 0
Harris J li , WerJ M -
Blurb Dr 13 T Wallace 8 P
Isbell PH_ . - Warren Geo If . • • ,
Jobrumw Mary Wool Mahlon •
lquel Nary, , ,Wlswell Mrs T 8 • •
Melly John • Yowl Celled& '
•'• . ,
' • ''
Taw . Hiram , •-
. ..
Persons calling, for any of the *hese letters
will pleaso asp advertised, giving date • of list:
I , 8: W. MiVOIID, P. M.
".111:15INESS is BU ' antESS." -.- Truly,
that is so, and because, business is, business.
some people aro apt to Ilia Very ' graff in the
way they transact it. But I believo "politeness
is politeness," although I am carrying on the
'greatest sale of Clothing ever . ever. heard of since
the day clothing was first made. Everybody
who comes to ALEX. 80U:woes, the one-price
Ciiithief, is treated with tiniforzo courtesy and
Politeness. I have an ample -force who exert
themselves to the limiest in • 1 1 )eir attention to
the conifer; of my customer's. Hundreds of
garments a o now sold idady. Thousands of
good barga as . aro made by my eustomors,
many of ish m aru so delighted with their par-
Chases,.the are sending , their friends'lo get
i )
some good bargains and' 'ectivo value for their
money. ,
Common I
coals, extra'
$9, all woo
!Overcoats at $1.50 ; Beaver Over-
Itinality, at $l2; fine Dros Coats at
I Nati and l'esta,. at $11; Under
:ravers at cents each ; Winter
id to 75 cents each, '• Conic and deal
[j; C31:130 and i, find great' bargains;
elect eseeltent-Clothing, ran:tithing
a and Caps,; Gloves and Mittens, at
dealing Orie-Price Clothier's, •
123 Main ittreet.
shirts and
come and a
Goods, Hitt
the square-
• -
FRUIT 'FREE Bustszis. 7 .--sitr. Editor:
With your Permission, f 4 will bricily address,
through yo nr paper; those of your readers who
aro interested in horticulture: We hail been
so often and shamefully swindled by nursery
agents, tba vve have learned to put but little
confidence n any except. those whom, from
personal ace,staintance or , some trustworthy as
surances, w aro convinced aro honest. The
nurserymen are generally reliable and anxious
to do a fair tiusiness, but the fault is for the
mast part 4 th dishonest, agents, who in many
&sea buy. eee, regardless of variety, wherever
they can begot cheapest, and tlren name and
label them itecording to the orders to be filled.
The unreliability of agents on thei one hand,
1 ,,,
and the trio ble of baying, directly (rem nurse•
rymen, on t e other, have deterred farmers
generally in this Section ', front supplying their
farms with nitable orchards, and heir yards
and garden with a reasonable supply of email
fruits. Bug at last, wo have an opportunity to
secure first-Class nursery, stock, of kanonoill.
HAHN, oftivyoming cennty, at reasonable
prices, and With no risk of being humbugged.
Haying heelifacquiainted with Mr. If. from ht
youth, Liari assure all concerned that they can
put entire innthienco in : every word he says.
And now wil have a rare opportunity to provide
for a goOd supply of all binds of fruits'suited to
our soil and climate, at prices entirely Batista&
tory to eve reasonable man. S. S. flows.
Lime Hit January 7,1874. • ' . , *
BooK.—A. nOv edition of. the Monthly Report
Book has laden prepared for rise in the public
schools. Iri the place of the two columns in
the old edition headed "Total Attendance in
Month,"' and "Total Attendance in i limm;",
.there are miw threo columns, headed respect
ively„" Nruhber of .Days!Attended,"- " Number
of Days Bel l enged," and `, l TotalAttendanco for
Term.' Teachers continuing to use the old
editiOn are r elinesiod to, change tie columris
designated to correspond with the new edition,,
and to copile •their Statistics ! according ly -
The clang may be effected .by i dividing tno
column fle a ad "Total Attendaneo in Term,"
and headm the two columns thus formed re
spectivelY,. 'Number of,D e ya Attended," and
" Number l ir Days Belonged," letting , the , sec
ond colum
. of the old edition answer for . the
third column of the now.; Da the column "Num
ber of Days Attended," place the exact number
of days that
. each pupil 1 attended during the
month. Ini , t e r columwlP,Sumb r er of Days Be
longed," pl the exaeCnumlier of days during
the month eacif i pupil belonged to the school;
that is, the Diumber of days his name was on
the roll. When a pupil leaves , the school per
manently, his name should at oneplaw dropped
from the roll; ho no longer belongs to the
school. A' hila does not belong to a sohool
until he en ers as a pupil. •
To find t o perce.ntadre of attendance for a
Month, nd tho column`' of "Number of days
attended;" ` t ha sum annex two ciPhers, and
1 ,
divide by f sum of the calamn of " Numher
et da)a bet ', nged." A. A. ICEnnatv.
. .
. ,
' . •
WELL 4- YN.--Ati the.""residanne of. the
• bride's p . ents,'Dec. 23,, , bY110v. Geo. Groan- ,!
field, Illr. Andrew d.. Wells and islise Arabelle
J. Allyn, • th oftXtU.
.. „, - . . • . , ,
011AFFE RAF '—ln "Peekskill; N. Y.,
EIE ;..,
dan.-1, 1 4, by Rev. P. W. Chadwick, of the
M. . Church, Edgar L. Chaffee, of Sa
lem, Wa e C 0.," Pa.,land Mary ! M. Chaffee, ,
of Poets ill; formerly el West Warren, Bra&
` ford Co.
.a. " ~ • . .. -.' .1 -.-:.
'GRAN MAUGElL—laltonle, at the reel
dew) at ' e olliciating - Clergyman, Jan. 1,.
1874, by lieu. P. T., 31aryott, ±llciander Gran
ger, of Towanda, to Mary Manger, of North
*Tetvandai. • • -
. ,
Rosiit ti Tcatu;;;,st , .•,tbe - -Pir saniiiie,lti 4
Burling 0, dam 1, 1874, by Eov..e.
,/3.- Tran
sue, Devellito Rosa, Of Springfield , toldisii
. I,lbble Fletcher, of Ercilktield,Pc. -• , , -
": •
‘. .
SINENBIT . EG— Barad,- at the
. - residebao of-the bride's riarents„ . .lan. 1. 1 81.4,"
- by the Rev. P. T. Ilaryott, Charles 11. Elven
burg, to Ida Dl. Wilraot, all of home, Brad
ford Co., Pa. . - •
~ _ -
Comity Suiverintendent.
sgowN.4iltErt-.111 North
':Sather. Dr., lips* P. Brom
ther Wei,t. _ • --
110DILU.ADZI101 1 2.;.41,00-1'
5u 1.13414a14 ' i Ta rlthi l laten l ifto v itie
1114; - it. B. T,
4g, Pa.,i Jan. 1, 187,A, by - : 4.'4. :.
• .IW. E. MoOM sod il.carner both
;1014eybuta, Etzdtard Go.,
LAlLM4looBLL4tHorrebeads, N.Y.,i l No,.
80..1873. bTlEvi. Geo. B. Abrams, J dims N.
• Lite. or Leßoy; Pa., and Melissa, , Moore,
or Veteran i ehentung Co., N. Y. , ' • 1
821=j14-.BWEE'T., I .- . - the, Para nage, Ist
Monrosits, Deo. 1.1;!y Nov. Hal k Ares;
strong, aunts Et others to Illiss that' G.
Sweet, both or /whim ' , _ 4...., '
GIMZNO —MENA)lD.—Atitte Parsonage, Mon.
reeton, Dec. 17,:by Rev. Hallock Armstrong,
ErtialtE. dreamt, ot Granville. to Matilda la
Maud, ot Monroeton, *
nozzoN—VEL 4 VM.LE,-4V thre. house •.6t
Charles Brown,,,tit Greenwood, DO. 84, by
Rev. Hine& Armstrong, Efehty ai, nellon,
of Monrpeton, to 2drs: Louise 0 'Melville, of
Greenwood. • L " - -.1
INEITON—ELLIOTT.L-At the resideace of N.
.. P. Brown, Esq,,Towands, Ps.,'Dee 1 8 ,1873'
by Her. N. O. Dean, Kr. G. J. Horton, 41
Busquehanns Depot, Ps., to Mire Jendms Et.
Erato% Towanda, Pa. • - I '
. •
; Towards, Pe., Dee. 30,1873, by the EL llov;
Dr. Rime. Ihshop ofoen. Penns. as fisted by
the: Rev. .Chas.; E. Mellvalnei tor, "the
Rev. Virm. AleGlithery, Rector of Aticension
Church, Fall River, Mass., and Charlotte E.
' daughter of the late E. 8. Merenr, o Towan.
da. ' ~,, r - •
ADAMS—BAKEI34-In NOW -Albany, on the
2lth alt., 1873, .b. A: Beverly. Esc„ James
- Adams, to Frances /lakes, both oil Albany,
- Pa.:
OBAIN—CEANMEII.—At the house of D. 11,
Crain, Dec. 25 1574;by Itev. J . •Merring, Ira
Crain, of Bur6igtou, Pa., to Dora D. Gran,-
mev, of Fran Pa.
11OBTON-IIAINAIID.-16 Borne bOrougb, at
the residence or the bride's parents, Doe. 31,
1873, by Bev. P. T. Maryott, James Hot.
• ton, of Towanda, to Emma Maynard, of
- • '
. • DL'A. , i
, I
WOOF.—At East Smithfield, Pa.; Dee. j 5, 187 S,
Ezra Wool, aged 80 yearn, 1 month and 4
deg.* . I - • ..i
Anathi id bell •:.I
ter'aged an ...coved pioneer ialgone to
his rest. The father of EZRA . WOOD Moved to
this place with.his family, from Vt., in
the spring of 1809.! The suLject of this sketch
had therefore been a resident of the town for
.over GA years. We arc sire ho had not an one= 7
my in the world. Ilia friends embraced all who
knew him. For . nearly - seventy years, he had
been a faithful soldier of the cross. At the or
ganiaation of the church of Chrirt in this,plact;
December,lB3o, he Was chosen one of its deal,
cons, and in 186 Was chosen an elder, which
office he hold to the day .of his death; Some
men at eighty years of age ire .youkiger
mind and heart than others at forty:. Emu,
WOOD STU a man c 4 that . stamp. lie was nci ,
cynic, finding fault With. everything and'every4
body, and longing for tho "good old days of
yore." Ho had a srdilime faith in thn power of,
Christianity to regenerate the world Such;
men never grow old and never die.
It. S. DEAN.
TIICSII'BON.—In Tunkhannock, OctL 21,1873,;
of spitted fever,' j slrs. Florin() Thompson;
(daughter of Chandler : Canfield,) aged 21;
years, G months and 1 day.
Thou art gene to t.. 00 grove, hut . we will not
- deplore thee,
Whose God. was ihy ransom; thy guardian', . 11
and guide; - , , 0 ,
lie gave thee, Ile tech thee; and Ile will restore DJ
thee, .
And death Itath no sting, for the Saviour bath,
O'HARA.—At Lookiand, Hamilton Co., Ohio,
• Dcc. 25, of consmaprion, Hugh .O'Hara, (for
merly or_thla place), aged G 3 years. . ;
MORROW—In Wilm s
ot, Doe. 30, 1873, Geo. H. / 4
Morrow, 'aged 50 years.
- 1 -
1 1 WHODT.O a:P PMCEB. . !
Correted every Wectnesdayy _by C. B.
_PATCH ' !
subject to eh-angel:daily.. ,
Wheat, VI bush . ' $1 50 (4 175
Bye, 10.bush' I. -
Corn,•obush 1
Oat!. $ 1 bash; ~ '
geaus, VI bufh.".:' ...1 ...
Butter (rotts)l l o(in . ... ~ .
do (dalryiro lb , se w,
Bov '0 doz. L I
Potatoes, Ift.bush,neW • '
Pions '0 barrel " I 950@,10 50
Onions 0 bush 1 • ; 50
Wruotrrs_or Ouarz..—;Wlieat 60 B)." •, Corn 56 lbs. ;
Bye 56 lbs,: Oats 32 lbs.; Barley 46 lbs.; Buckwheat
58 lbs.; Beans• 62 lbs. i Bran 20 lbs.; Clover Seed GO
Ms. • Timothy Seed. 44 Ibis; Dried-Peaches 33 lbs. ;•
Dried Apples 22 lbs.; Flax Seed 50 lbs.
NERVOtt!S DEBrart—A .depressed;;
irritable state of mind; a weak, nervous, ex
hausted feeling; no energy or animation-, con
fused head, Weak memory, often with debilitat
ing, involuntary discharges. The consequences.
of excesses, mental 'overwork or indiscretions.
The Nnavons DEur4rrit finds a sovereign cure
No. 29. 'lt tones n the system, arrests dier
charges. disPels tbeimental gloom and despon
dency, and rejuvenates the entire, )35 - item. It is
perfectly harmless - and always efficient. Price
S 5 for c package of aro boxes and a large $2
vial of powder, which is important in old, seri
ous cases ; or fl pet} single box. Sold by ALL
druggists, or sent by . mail on receipt of price.
Address, _ &Anti 8. - PorrEn.
Southend Ward Howe, Towanda, Pa.
; •
I 811sira vs Justice 1 Lewis 2d. In the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford Co.. No. 261, May T.,'74,
578 Sept. T., 327 and 333 Dec. T.
- The undersigned, on Auditor appointed by said
Court to distribute funds arising from sale of de
fendant's personal property. will attend to the
duties of his ippointnient MIAs office in Towanda .
Boro.. on FRIDAY. the 30th day of JAN., '75, at i p.
ca., when all persons hawing claims against said
fund must present Wren, or .be forever debarred
from coining in upon the same.
Jans'744t, • Ja. 'WOOD, Auditor.
is hereby given ,That all persona indebted to
the ,eetato . of "Earley? Johnson, late of Windham,
deceased, are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and all, personB haiing . chime against mid
estate must present them dufy authenticated for
Banana*. , ' i JAIIEB -11. JOHNSON,
limber 25.11873. I Executor.
JClNotlce is hereby given that-all persons indebted
to the estate of Samuel Cooibaugh, into of Wisps,
deceased. are ..recplested to make immediate
paymont, and 41 vetoes having claims against
said estate rata present _them - duly authenticated
for settlement. ' V.IJSTIS A. C00L8M34311,
Dec 4 '75. Executor-
JOIL Notice hereby 'given that all persons Indebted
to the estate of Fatriek Fleming, I ate of Overton,
deceased, mast make Immediate payment, and, all
persons having chiral! against said estate must pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement. 1 .
Dec. 24. '74. ' Ada#nistrato
DECEIBEI3; • 100873,
_ • .1-' • •
pqieving that
000p8 11AN'S TOl7ollElit BOTTOM,
•- • ,
,BolJsa ffp!FOR °ASH,-
- '
_ Yqu ill find it
I - '
i ~x~Y~
I.' 1
~.. I=.
to /pl.
- Korie
3rAlh id
to itheigtli .1 le.-
oonotiel of . ra a a l
l iro
Hem. C. flu
—Agloa4to - Ju mar, ice;
Bradford, ha o le tied
dito the V day, of 4
'reeled for b g4* Co
nil, General Reuter f
Ciminon Pleat! and 4:h7
t ; falba Cowlif of
5e04wd(%) 134 314:
tie; three woeltil. 1..
Jioticil,t II thiquote '
nen, andli
their pro+
mien of
other rep
WO* ri
,i_tllo ar •
. Proat
may be
bo bound .t
tben and Um
dial bti c. P
I=. 11 1
D - TT Tf
the or
: efghtf
la i r ,
fhe e
b a ; .17
°ff -
1 4 :1 1
=t 4 Mit.
4lso actuti
nate in Ailit
of Oilez•Xfor
by land Of 8
of Capt. Or
IeEO ; sibthit
Seized a.
ld cabala &
nate la the Hot
tortliby,Sprtio ,
(or 0 WO postai
an alley, Writt.f
VI feet on By
bee* and a
Seized 'a
Marvin Tit
Cad,. W Mt_
' A5..80-41no
tate in Eld,
land of Thom
neaten. South
bart, and fritit
Seized and ta: .do t..
Traty & co vs . s Wht, t
AL SO-LOne i let, ph
nate lb West Ett, Innen tw
by kinds of Ho 8., , Prat
by lands:of It Memo •
Mcitean,lwest b I nds Of
42 • ecrenl more r less; ab
with a framed h nao, Liam
lewiralttrees aeon,
Saud luad tae i Verto ex
BD it Gilbert % is Foster
APSO-LThe fo ing de
of ground sites Tow
situate, on the s side
south aide of ei ird-tit.
bouredas foil w : Beg
sou la litre of 0 bard-st,
son IL 87 deg . ea
, 40 feet
thence by said a sauth
the north - oast c rner Of a
north lino of sal 14-o. 1 . -.esti, _ deg west - 140
feet ito Ttirdst; tli nee by 1 . -st north 3 degrees
99k; , , foe to th p of b,c : ' 4taing; containing ;
about 13, 30 aq e feet. aid eliding is used and
occupiedas a Banat Catla lie Clatunli.; Its basement
is of atone audits tip Per cture is of, brick, - eal
cent a porilon o the tower, which is of wood; th e
root madtower e dated; aid building fronta Ori
t i t
aid Thlo-st., d ..41 alien 50 feet in front or width;
and about 100 fe tln dep , and, la about 30 fget
ig from the and to o eivea.• ! il ,
Se ed I and ei e into 1 =Onion at the sea. of
eM ey.k, 514 van Ye J.-mes F Wood, Cattle/
113 op. Lc. I I i 1• .1 ,
0-4-One ot art lot. pie ee l er parcel of land a
tate in Athens B ~ hounded as follows: Bel
tin at a 1 stake e north eldo of liorth- et. and t
he entlitvest c in rof lot No- 67; thence along
aid atmet south SO deg au 20 min. west 80 feet to
he outh•cast r , f lotkl . 70: then= north 10 dog
Ind into. west 157 7-10 f t to, the south. line Of
Dr. L Corinne and; ithe ce along the , same north.
19 d g east SO 1 t t • p then -west cor of aforesaid
lot o. 61't the o Sethi 44 and a; min. east
4 .. t
591'•10 feet to o place 0 beginning. ; I
i n
Seized'and, tak n Into ex cution at the suit of C:4 1 1
Huntington vs atees F rat Universalist Churfla
and Sociay of A hens.: 1 1
ALSO-iOno ot a let. pie ,or greel of Land situ
ate ho. Tuscaro ra t 4 bonneted on the north by
lanthsof the ea ts fil t e , r ; 6 u I Titus, &c . d.' and; lt
Stovencleast by deof Waltman . south by Lind
ofGetp Taylor w st by 1 rid of Newton WinelOS
costa e•g 100 re , more or loss, abont 75 a= a
*pieced, with fr wolf tie ,franie barn with a d
attaChed, and or h dof I nit' tftes theicon. j'/
Boozed and t 'en xeCutlon at the suit!' i,
511c4;ah locum pegh ougherty.
i s
. ALSO—One o e ,:ot,; pi co, or parcel of land Isle
natal In Tovran tv? jho need at: the north feY
lands oflH H Mace, e a=t b lands of Michael Dea
fen& south by lends; or de es , McGill, west by lands
of lia taverna ; n ng 1',5 acres of land,mose
or -lee rs: no imp v mints 1 i 1 I
AlaSO- 1 -Cne ot er pi ice of Lind situate to the so -0
j •
of Tel:rends. bon d d n the north and east by Linde
of John FMe a d south by Lind of E T Elliott.,
west by Spruce st containing One acre of land,
raorp dr less, all im roved with:'a two-story bum°
dweiline; bongo, re al barn,l and few fruit frees
therpon.l • i I 1 i
Seazedand tat n nun execution at the suit of OF,
Hanle', nee te 13 nj in Lewis and James P Lewis,
Also a the sat o PIL rad vs same. ' I 1 I
ALti O'—One, ot . e lot, pi 3 for parcel of land situ-
ate in Taeranda o ,to ded on the north by blade
of Jima CI Fres , act b lands of John F Meats,
south by lands • f ob# nez. west by Charles= t;
beir4g atiout_lCs :e ton all Charles-Et, rlannif l l4
back to the Line • f I nobs o said John F Means almut
140 feet; more o le s,lwi a framed shop thereon,
ALSCaI-Thed , te dants, l o 1/ Cash and FAI Cash,
undivided 2-5 in c stlin eneether lot, pleceior par.
eel pf I lend sit at hi th said Boro of Towanda.
bounded on the •o_th by Poplar-st, east by Third
i ;
st,lioeth by lan• o Wm Alibi, west by as alley;
being about 165 fe t fro
_t on said Third -st, and
about 221 feet he c on eald, with a two
stery, gothic lir ck. dwelling lhonse, . small frami'e
barn, other bull. • g ,with ruid and ornamentalyrq e a
thereon} Said lo • kriceln s the homestead rut of the
David Cash eeta• ..r - , 1 I
ALSO-tOrie ot er lot, p ece or parcel ofi land ;as
the pre•Porty of It o &fen t, C D Cash, situate lin
the 4 Boro of Towanda bounded on the north.
by land} of,Solo e o Walb rnladd H Jacobs, =alai
fall off"' C Dela .o sou by Pine-st, west by land
of fl'm Manville ing a ut 100 feet front 'en aid
Pine-st,f and be • g alien 112 feet deen,l running
back tothe son • ii eof aid Walborn and Jacobs
witli a framed d e ing h sd thereon. I f j
ALSO—'I he de a dants,! 01;1 Cash. and B . A. Cah,
undivided 2-5 in e It in one other lot, piece or Er
ceLef land Edna a i phrelayl twp, containing la
acres, More or le •, in th warrantee name of II
Canniegham; w sew mill, 2 mill betases and
staltes thereon. 1 1 i ,11 • ,
AtS 0 - th a 1109 a ertn to undivided 2-5 interest
in o e o er lot, pi ce or parcel of land, I:hint:llin
the township of Barclay, state add cennty afore.
acid. containin. • 4(0 a 8, More or gees, in 'the
warrantee nania of Peter adley. 1
\ ALSO—Thee '4l 1 defen ents 2 .5 interest in One
other forof lan 7•ltuite in acid Barclay township,
containing 3no a res, Mole er 1ee , .., in the warrante
H anlell Of Joseph L 'MY,. I i
ALsO--The s a ef. n divided 2-1 interest in One
other let of land s ate iti said township of Dailey
containing 355 a 9; rote C';' lese, 1:r tho warranbm
name of Walter S warti I _ - I 1 I
ALSO—Said d L . um. ividcd 2.5 iaterost in ono
other tt i , in Ba la Fn ...k Oveiton, containing 400
aaree, ore or las in the warrantee name of An
drew dip. 1 I I I
_i 1
I 1.,
Selz n and taken int,o oxecuton at the snit of Le. W
Porid 3 CharlesiD cesh and Fred A. ;Cash. lately
-11) r- --of 04 a
I. GO 0 2 00
0 30
31 0 98
j .i, ' . • ,,, .. , . ,., ..i.:1. , ::: , ' , ;' ,- Hr-1, , !,"!' . .!
..4...i.„,-,-•!.,-, r r-- -
rrr , •— r ,, . 4 . ,:. 1 a
I N.---!. II 4 F EEBEAgf,
- L , » A: Pastateat it
misting off e'
d 'Begonehanea,
ha 8, D. LtaxtaisSe,
foc.,said county Of ;
helr precept beatistg
Oct:, 1813,1 to ino, Ot-'
irt of Oyer and Tenth
*col of 'thoPf3ao;
ties Con* at To
Tadford.'. Mob
: 13 AVAltrinedwto *,
or given 6) the
, erice, of I the•co tjr
.prul Mein 6 )
ih the fora !
dation*" arid
Wags which
Aherlise tO
who aro i,,O*
who shall
are to be
it thenasis
4 'to Ibp
lanitark. Itt
of, the IWO
the price4t
vsx r#4 , .
gt,ii—of co.
me dketl44.
gOatO Bre t :
wade.; 0.10
1.. P. W.l-
. .3r;
the suit at
vs the snot
dot 1at01 50 4 1
tooth by 4
vett by the. oft*,
icing 30 Acres; mo rn
4 with a framed bonds
taiereori f ~ 1 j
1 ;1 .
*lon at th - e' sail' 'of..
no Ettabree. ! • .i ;
or parcerof land it.'
.-ids, bounded on
lands of Henry' Weston,
present time); sonthi by
tilliant.BramNll. r
1.8/3 feet deep; a f i ZI
vaca er ti on at'ilm. anib 4i
' A Lovelace. doteail vis
Ita. . ' ' • , A il
.2. Or parcel of land ! rt.
waded on the north by
tt 'l4 elan t of • Sdichael
olatt Cathweat by 'Allah
mere or lees: abonti I
Le lions% log house. lo'
art; 1 - , 1 • -- -I. 1
rtiin. on tit th e suit of ,r. ip.
2 '' 7 . ' ' 1 '.,
o r parcel of land Fite
„ minded on the' notth
and Daniel Pratt; that
. Bilotti by lands of 4 p
oho; Pratt; containing
I 0195 wares improved,
dla '1
arn, corn House, end
1 , ... . 1
option at :be suit of .70.
. • 1 • 1
criled bu•lding and lot
di ro„ said lot being
f 'l' d•st. and on th,
.1113 .u.
said Boro„ 3411 14 1
in at, a corner in the
thence by Lombard-0
sat to a 14 'feet alley';
delg west l} feet to:
etqi.lo.l4; th ence by the
nerth 8 - 7 (I- 149 ,
and r the, 'Lan na me of 04,
~( . 1 be fifth interest ,
lathe ab 4
1f,..1 coba vs F. A.Lcash. I ;1
) ing eacribed piccoor parcelle
iyaln mg township,rborindel • s
Mg at' poet corner On the scsofh
lle ; the co along said street smith
: g, pe chos to a post on bank pf
r 83 d greys east 9 63-100 prat to
o h 46 eg.. 4 es westl6 perched, to
ng. Containing l b-10 Eller°
more o 180; all improved, with a
, heoritte, 0- nail framed barn and few
n.l I
tl ' ..- ' --
sh dr Cs.
Alsca thermal
as s, at the sui
ALSO—Tho fo,
larali slings in
shad of Canal s
tf, 3 ,Vdenreentyn
canalittbenee n
a post thence
the place of beg
per ;heti of Lan
framed dwellin
— it tines there
"I, ame,.
111 . .
, e .
en in execution at th snit f Vali
se in
msfa_Lamb. ; i . ' 1I I
3.6_ g n i t lit i o e f Found. fram ° situate in
:ti iu
or 11131 ba '
in n g g I ,,g:cli t ertr gl e e a st ' llit
12 14 f ten the ground, and I !me
let known and Idealguated les -
n & Smith k Ely plot 'and' snrfrey.
e f rtist; said' let being! 45
sale et, 134 feet in depth on. be
Ain de th ou the west line, and 55
'in rniWing from the eolith
• south-west direction to i lho
ne. 1 '! ; o f l'
execution at - the snit l W
1 • , !:; i . 1
,7.1 M. 6511118 SI il
,‘ ler ) ;
374 1 . T... i . 1... _
1 L'Et"SL4.::-13y
. 1 ,
4110 out Of tho 'Orelicrls'
tY. tlO undersigned, .4dtnint
John I'. Miller,' lat& of .ITer,
set 3, public. sale, 'nu - the
ou TIiUSSMAY the 224 ilay ,
Gk., p. ca.,lbe following 1
c l t • • • .
lock c rner ;north 3.7..1.V7tieg..
inner ; thence by lsiad. oil
north 2.' deg. east 113 per.a
leo by liud of Damisoti.andi
f l eastl3 per. to a post corner;
east b yother lands of ii 44;
tot place of I beginnlnc; ill:kin-I
r less. I. I . ./.
i i .
st, I piece, or, parcel of land l sit.i
/I and &totting the above .Ide -I
/ is an d
Ileglrwing at nth
lands recently owned by Li W
-Janda of Abram'Wilson Wirth
a post and atones: tft
3.; to a postl a lt line of la d
m. t 16 per.
ih 3d/ ,
87 degwest 50 per 1 ak
mth 3 deg:. west 131 pert 0 a
4 37 deg. east 45 per. to pc.l
mtaining 37 acres and S,TTr.!
undo known on day ot e.
A. I'. 1111LLEll,
I 1 . lAdleinistrator,
191JAT - SALFI.-I.oyl
~er issued out ' f the MO:4ns . !
linty, tbo undersigned, A onkta,-1
Q 0 Morgan Lewis, laic Of f,the,
deceased, *Rapes° t ymbtl
lees, on ,SATUII.DAY th e,. 4 /in
74, at 2 o'clock. D. m.. th e tot-1
estate. situate in the .13otroUgh',
_last side of William-st. g IMO !
of Dennis Sweeney's .lot;. thence •
untst.h 3 deg. and 21 Mitultes
la corner thence along line erg. C.
hes Le wi s north 76 deg. east 208 feet
peel 7: .. : Itiver-at. South 2 leg.
la cerner thence along the , lin of.
utdM Sweeney south 78 eg.
il place o beginning. • , i
doirst; netball the remainder at
thn; Rome, and balance in Bann:Mb;
I I I 111 1 ; • 1' : ,
UORME9 lEivis. A4:l l s '
I I (l'li • -
-•, , \
11471 ' ind tal
llrown's e tL
At a Boro.,
sc,kof twain
depth' of 16 fee`
alda of the ear
stab' I 'an a ea
1410. 11,".
on the; south et
feet in front on
east llae, 166 fe
ighlnleg e,,
northwest corn
aloneld W
wes 100 feet to
Ile and J
GI Itirevet; the
west 102 feet to
chvAleit Fraley
%lilt 198% feet
contion el
tetW illterest,
i 1,1
~ ~. r
- . . ~~~ . ~l'-~-. ~€~ . ,
.. _ .
• ,
".. • :3' 4 ,
, -
i---1----f4-, , - _
...., ..,...,..
t GD3Ttitill NOTlCaAiotfce lit
hereb74osll did thsrebed bees SWUM set.
tied a the Oise otSettetirrotletibits WM tor'tbe '
cog ,Of threlferdcf sillablobstioll titt••
on • tillowlog estateA; vier ~ •• •.,/ ~ -, , +.
V soloriat Ot 11' Pstob, Ade& of do odder
oft) rid Vabery, Iste of Albriiy, deed._ i .
7 I eon of JOhn Gaut. zet. 01 WI itinat. Of
I ito tiollatidsoll, We of Anson* Oa% : t
d wet ottort $ noire, setbd Adroit , ot ine ,
of Betas o , orerieb, We at Weill, dOe'd.
mid• Wel oil Iteuboo It dowtreir, Cittardisa of
Nicbote,redadr a= of bywomaii Moho%
ee .
in seal of LOU Ann VOL and Geo it
Admfobtrstors t i: carte of Geone Illhiti, _Stn
of Sara, d. , , , {
JR wet of ?oral, Arlixdotetzde— it ot Th e
esti ot V. P .VsnAllen„ late or Spriogadd. deed,
Jt wet of IS V Porter,Ados'e of; the adds of
Wel 0 Wilcox, tub of canton s deed .. ,
soon orsoluott, ma* ot tie oak* of
Ass• =Mate of . deed.
wrol Cf Locy Meyer and /nisei ngitilosg•
A 're alb* estato c(f lam power, !art girrink
dic ll oy 4 V Pspy. lottog Err 0 20 ea*
of X es Espy. la° of Saming Maw g. ,
ser.t of Adolpluie Ssztoo. *dart of the ei•
tate Daniel Mcrae of Orawrille, deed.
PI meet of i us dodo& Aft* ot the wade
a oottrrooter ook.lato of matt TowsOds.dee'd.
V wet of LbJah It Sandi, Adui'r tithe es
tate Chester Kora Iste Ot Wald& deed.
Pt mai tof pit IC WU, I.Ldixer of t a. estate or
moo ou- Ida 0: Tann& Bozo,. deed.
eat of. Unitas KoErooje_ Mon of
J 0 sod Ennis Lenox . !Ohio" muarto of Joules
Lea . deed. i , ,• ,
Partial sea'tot It Setts, 4., Est at di edits of
4 4 of oda Sera, wit _ _
r. Jr., Trade.. he , _ _ l : 4 I"
, late at T o wards .uoro ,
properly wet at by Er:
widows or albino of
aritiii - giol37aiiii - ei
0. in tner'esse - of Mat
-ad Miran% P inobsn.
Ensdient Co. 1 Common
that be WI attend to the
,00 nn.._ ;at his elm! in. Towanda
Bop:nigh, on FIUDAY, the 30th day of JAN: 187 C. at
10 o'dlock, a.m., at which tithe and place 011 parties
ter4 ba
in *tad in said . oneys must appear . la present
their ms, or be forever debarred from Coming in
on d fund. [ ~ '-tI. E. C. GUM/XL
„Tao.: L I i ' •1 Auditor.
AtiDITOR'S • NOTICE . -+ gdwird
nigh°, vs NJ Hillock. No. 168: bept.lT., 12.
d L Gaylord os B J Hallo* & Co.. , NO, 7, Deo.
. 1 Li—ln the Court, of Coinmoit Pleat i . f /in*
frdo. , , ' 1 1 • I -,1 1' . ,
/ 3
Th . utTersigned, an Auditor anointed! hysaid -
to distribute moneys , in thebandi of th e
er , wising &worths sale of defoadeat',Wresl es;
27 1
as his
14d11 attend td tho duties of such , appointment,
a his office In the Borough of Towns* on TIM' &
DAY, the:29th day, of JAN.; /874. At 2 Crekair , Pe Pi.
when i all 'persons !haying -datum upow sore i ve r y nes
are re Hir ed to,preaenttliern;er be barred' de
from a same.' 1 — . , J. N. C -
.!..Tati r 5 . 1 i 1 , . 1.. A „ ; ,,,,,L ;
, 7" — ""
irD1T013, 4 ,13 : 110TIO E. ' r
--t 4 .7 - tiei
I;ewman 'cs sllas Bean:Nice. , In ,t*Court of
Gammon Pleas of Bradford CO.. No: =J. Mo. T,,"12.
The undersigue l .l,' an Auditor appointed by the
CCopurt to distributti moneys raised trrintiTherliTa...oer
or defendant's eatate..will attend to. the duties
oriteappointruen at his otiloi in Troy Borough, on
PNIDAY, JAN. 80, 1874. at 10 o'clock, a. sw., where
aild when all pe ON interested Ira =Wild to
-rniake their etym a ,be debarred from muting in
upon said fund. 1 1 W. H. CARNOLIZAIL
rei n.
.t• IJ an;s-4t. i , 1 l2 Militor.
Cit T xci R=t: .
Id the matter Otte 'incorporation ,of ihe Pond.<
'inetery-.—Nn: 389, Feb. 2., 184. jj • I
No ce is here given j that the abovel named',
Ass tton hasp 'tented to the Court of ; on..
Ltta f Bradford ounty thelearticleotAitaociatton '
hin for a decree Incorporation , snit the said
ring ev.rrt midi the same, and Sliding-them
et, , will decree that they be inoorporated- as
prayc for, on Monday, the 4 ld day Of Filbruir7 o ,
Ira, t 2 o'clock .m., =teal cause ;be ; shown to
the co trary. j j j , ~., I t. M. PECK, •
1 Jan a 5.. _ i I ProthOnotarY. • •
Id tho matter fif the incerrierationl 'of( the East
Tinton Cemetery 41180clAtE011.-LNo;3O. po
Notice is hereby given that the above nanted All•
Sedation has presentedl o the. Ccrart of ,COIIIIIIOI2
_Pleas et Bradford co. their - article of Aalsoclation,
askinj for a decresl. 33 o Incorporation. • had the Bald
talarti:BßVlVZ exam - e - d - Abe same, suadanding them.
eorrect. decre that they. bo ineorporatel as
Frarea for., on „Monday, the . 2d day !of FebrnaM
1874, 4t2 o'clock,' unless cense he 'shown to,
the cdntrary. r B. br: MK, '
J i m j 5 .1 • - ErenninebtrY• -
LL-,l# the matter f the incorporatoti of the Meth.
Odiat tolscoOal Church, of East Canton.-4lb. 370,
Teb. W., t 1374., 1 , , 1 , ..,. .1,
1 Not 4 ea is hereby 'given that the abosie •nante‘f As
oem ta has presited to the Court - ofl Common
leas. f Bradford o. their article or Aseorintiou.
kir, for a decree of Ineorporation,l, arid the Bald'
mat yin.; oxanatned, the same. an 4 fLudlng them'
t i
..correet, will; decree that they. be ineoniareted se.
prayeft for.' on Monday, the 2d der of 'Fehr:Lem
11 8 7.4. 2 o'clock, ~ ml, unites cease! be !shown, to
ithe' • • Crary.. • : „, ~ E. Al. E'ECE,
4 atm 5. • i •' i . rothoootarf.
the metier .f the incorOoretlon of the Beech
csietery As ociation.No. 371-ack, T. lint."
via is hs-rebreiren that the above named As
on has pres sited to the .Court ofiCommon
.1' Bradford, o. their article or:Association,
for a denve of Incorperation.l and the Bald
liming exam.nel the same, and finding them
pstriiiii deer that they be Incorporated 'as
for, on • °nay, the 2cl. day of February.
t 3 o'clooh, e nf:, ruacsi cause be 'shown to
ntrary. ; ,: " 1 . i ' B. I. PECK. ...
. ' - I i - Prothonotary. -
Camp, .1 - oN tso .. n T--..s
this day
z i y
al flr uo ltl ire. ;f
a consent. . 1 • ,
business will be continued, and all accounts
('settled by Win. Camp, Jr.' All persons in
to the late firm must call and settle inunedi-
Mu. CAMP. 4n.,
I ashy!,
Pray , g
the •
Th ,
will b
1-34.. To Elizabeth oughtozi.—No:4lB, May T., '73.,
ii hereby no ifted that. Nathaniel Donghton,
l your niband, hae, applied to the court of .common
! pleae Bradford co. for a divorce from the bonds
of matrimony., and the said court has. app.oLnted
1 Monday. the 2d day of Febrnary.,lB77, for bearing
i '
the said Natluartel in the premises, it which time
land p ace yon - can Wend if you think proper.
Jan 5. ",- 1 1 J. M. writ; Sbeliff.
ORCE.— , L
Di Sperry Richmond.-110 310. Sept. T.. 1873. •
re hereby notified that Lucy Jane Richmond.
site,•has applied to th e court oficommon pleas •
"Mord Co. tpr a divorce trout therbonda ot f
ony, an d said court bas appointed Mon: •,'
a Sd day orl Feb., 1874, for 14ruing the said
and, in the tremises.atw time and place
r l i
u attend it y a think proper: I
J. l' .l' :J. M. ILMIFR Sheriff.
to ,Chariiyted=No. CST. Sept. T., 1873. ,
eel hatch,' , 'n otified that Letels Reed, you r'
nd} has appqed to - the court of common pleas
ford Col , f a divorce trom the bonds of mat:*
y. and the s Id court has appointed:Monday; -
day of Feb . 1871 , for hear' :the said Lewis
e ,promiyea, at which I ;titue and place you
teed if you t ink proper,
5. ' I J.. M. I,l3heriff.
of Er
Dla • 1
day t,
Tt•li3sse*r fi Ttilcax.—No. 293. Sept.r T.. 1873..
hereby n titled thatlialacy E. Wilcox, Your
has applied to. the court of 1 COMICLOII pleas
dford co.; ar a divorce front th& bonds of
onn and e said court has !appointed Mon
th!" 2d day of. Feb.. 1874. for hearing the
army E ; in e preratocs, at which time. and
) you dif you think proper.'
,5 - I ' , ,J. -IL MTH: Sheriff.
You . 1 ,
of B ,
To Patrick t illlne.-156. 284, ISept.: T., 1873.
re hereby n. titled that Catherine Gaze, your
•d, has op, ed to tho,court of commou,pleas
1. dford C 0... for &divorce from the bonds of met =
9, and the &lid court has appointed Monday,
day of Feh.,lB74,fornearing the said Catherine
premises, at which time andl place you can
if you Oink proper.l I . ! „
.. 5 . I I • J. M. 811TH; Sheriff.
of B
• o
DerudsCrimmins. , —No. 801. Sept, T.. 1873.
Yon Aare hereby notified that Ann Crimmins, your
wifely her next friend P L Squire!, tuts smiled to
tho nrt of common pleas of Bradford Co., for a
InVO 13 from the bonds of matrimony. and the said
eon • has appointed Monday, the! 2d day of Ilfelr.;
1874', Oe hearing the said Ann in the premises,at
whi • time and piece you ; can attend U you Jb*
pro ,r. .
• ,J.llll. SMIT
3 •.5 1 eriff.
.. Ai DITOIVS NOTICE..—In • the .
.. tter of ttm estate of an_leph. Doane. deed."
In tit .Orphens' Conrt Of BradfOrdiDetintl. •
Th underedgn4l, having been appointed Auditor.
by.l t
d court tedistribute money* the hands of
S. by. executor .of said estate. SS shown by his
finer mount. wig attend to the dales of his aP•
pointment at theittice of Foyle kl McPherson ' to •
the borounh el T wands; en ,THITASDAIt the 22D
day cif 3ANyJAR ~ A. D., 1574, at o e o'clock. p. tu..
:at w cit time an l place a ll parties interested U 6 re.
quir to be pies nt and make kri their claim!,
or e el.* forever ,debarred from e in the dis
,tribu ,on of the Mid money.
fie 24. 1?. 1 1
Ala. - 01Y1T0' NOTI-'Charles '.
Stockwell v 'Patellae' Boyle. In the Court of
CcOnuon Pleas p Bradford Co., 10. 352, Feb. T.,
'At i -
e ondorsin e a ,
an Auditors Mod by Bald •
Court to distri bute moneys in l a titude arising
loam sale of defendant's real estate,attend to
tlko d4ties of Ws appointment, at • Oleo farsSo- ,
wands Boro., on FItIDAY, JAN. OM at
Islam all persons taring dolmas pPon =as
sand present - the or be debarrod_Litnal coming in
moon Ithe same. " .1/10.-14. ,
.Tatise.74 It. t , Auditor.
CI II T 0 It 'Et. 'NOTICE.—
t 0... is ho by even that persons Indebted
hi th . estate of •O. Arnold. •la of Smithfield.
deceased, am req sted to malts albite Minya
said all persons liaving 4 elaims .sild estate*
must present them duly =the d foreettle•
agent. , • HASEAH W. ARE9ED.
. Deet7'73. 1 ', , 1 - Executors.
AP IinT32 c RAT
tiotico fah byes= that ialpersons fudebbsi
to the estate of P. Chaffeci late of 'Wynn.
di. , ed, am , =idea to 1,1111 1 " , d/Ato
poym nt, and all personittasing against said
ettate must premht them duly Ueste-d for set.
lame ,t. . . YO (lIIAFEEF. f.
0. . sows,
1 neo 7'73. ; • ~ . Adrolidatralhrs.
‘ ,r
ottce iSheiebT gi=rtilions Indebted
to the estate of Agtuttna It. Co nen. tato *Marren.
mot I make pommit,
ap pennons having deltas agate* iskt-estate mast reseitt them duty atithenticatedlere seittlement.
1 Del 2431813 L abniniatryitar,
Ml-4 ~___ ;,~_,.
i t