Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 27, 1873, Image 4
II NM 111 IC ON STITUTION. • • - (coNcLunr.D _ Ste. 13. The moneys tteld, as neeessar3 - reserve "shall he finaited by law to the amount required for. current' earpeases, and shallbe secured and kept , a.• 4 may be provided by laic. Monthly statements shall be published showing the amount of such moneys, where- the same are deposited; and how secured.• - 14. Tice making of Prat ' out of the public :Money.... or:using the same far any purpose not au thorized bylaw,-by any office rof the State Or Mem ber or °Meer of the General ••Assembly, Shall be a miSdenimnor, and shall •be Punished as may be prtwided by law, Unt - part of such peinislment shall 'be a disqualtheation to hOld.ondee.for 11 period of. ivrt le" than live years. • , IRTICI.II , • , EBCCATION. criti 1. 'The General • Asscriablv 511311 provide ;or ti,e maintenance and 'support! of M thorough and . efteient ,stem et. public sehools,lwtiefeta all the chnilten of thiS Cottimontrealth, above the age of sis. -- years, lap - be educated, and shall appropri • at: - at least prx:mtllictli - dollars each yearfor. that No roomer rais4 for the support Of the `schools of_ the 'Commonwealth shall be op pr.t•prialed t I cruse,' for the support of any scat- Thin ,sehe • V, omen twentyl-one yeats of age and-up wanis shah any thillee of control or tr , .e.seliool laws of this Smte. • " ' . • . • ,3.:: 1 7.1T1... • • -LA I. Jae fit t:lnci. -of this COmmonwealth de armed, organized and disciplined for Its tlefonse 'when ?aid in such manner as may be W- Ly Inw. The General Assembly shall pro e far Maintaining the appropriations the Treasury of the Commonwealth. and may -e. , :onabt military service peh•onShaving eon - rl;plcs against bearing arias. - ARTICLE SIL ' ormerr.s. . •;•—• J - • rhose . seleetion is not pro ,• 1n7,1, this c,tm - stit ut4en shall be elected or May 14t directed by Law. •`• I. , o n.''Alriler of Congress trent tlds State. rt:r,anloAhling or exerciSing any office or Rut of trust or. protlt under the L. States, • ahli'.! at tlie same ilme hold or exereLse . any office ,• grits: 10 ivl‘ich a salary. fees, or perquisites fd,mi le t. Tne General .VEctribly map by Ic. :are INl!.!Ler,:,:es. are incempatible. ,-..:;„ „Nr.yi , t rp. who shall fight a duel cr send for purpose. or be alder or abet ' shall he deprived oithe right lamot or prof.t in this State. nr. 1 run :Alva as shall be' pre- 11111 Lr. ER= • ;!, . 1, Y, 1,117 • ciEnty .. - - -, 1.e.: e,l:ll,lis'ilett .. ~ .i ,:..... t t ..:1, k. ally tonnty to 16... s than four ...72i .. 1 , .0nf.: -, tones, or toless than twenty thou '. . :-.... it..thtl , nh:ft • • : tiOr she?u ' a county be forn ed ent.. , :-.T.7.. or :—.. , nlaining a It 4 S.? population. i ,or .I' , , :I!. ;, lira , t n. ' rOof: pa, - , , :within ten tnite.l of he. .u . y, , •..t e: : ..y.t.cult:y proposed to le Oil!! c LI. ~~ t ~ - 311Ti:CLL `=II = I. ri. re, , ,riSter: 4 of w lls, re( t, F.. treasurers. surleY erz, 4”. .of the. courts', . • ami 'such cl hers as may from lit Ltd bylaw: and uo sheriff r ' Le Curible• ter the term next 0,0 IKhiCli he mar be elected. ,::cot ;shalt elected at the gen , 1. 31old their (dikes= for the - 12. (,1 - ..1tr.:2 years bi.,anuiing, oli. -- the first Mondai ,.: ..!...nuary next after their election. and until their be duly VaC3UCiCS not provided fur idt4.ll be titled inuch taan e.,:r t, , ittay be provided .tsyll.w. 1 • *V •".C. Nn Perzcli shall - be 'ainiointed to any &ace ueaty who Latl have not been a fin h apdr•in inhabitant there•lu one year next De -2.llllC,lntril:nt, if theronuty sLall have bten erect c.. 1, but if shall not have been so then within t of the county. • iltit <nnt of whi , ‘, , .11 it , hall have been taken. Proth, , uotam c:erks of the courts. recor !'• Teoi-Ters'spf, county surveyor , , , hali,tlver) 'their -111 the cocin y whit - ji tLcy respeetiyely i, oft cem4. •. , • . 'Po:' en:=.lilon- (.4 aunty alr.ceN shall e - .o !Tl t ilcd Lt law. ,and all county ()Myers ITho tr,ayP `areal -hall pay a',l fees wlikh they l r toillicrize.l to receive into the-treasury ct t ate, as ri:ay he directed by law. In . . ~ ,- .2.:iite , .' , "; - , - ,:Aining..over-Cme hundred and , fifty 1 1::: - nrhnd inhabitantii all comity •oillcef. shall be ail by salary, and the salary of any such officer „ . .•,:1..4i- clerk - s, heretofore, paid bylee., shall not. caste fill, agrregate amount 6f feel. , earned dur --r':,cr hr. tE..rrn,and,collected by ,- ,r for him. .1 .' ..'. I:. Me G.neral A. , embly shall provi.le 1.%- ..-v f,r :L.. , stri.'t accountability of all county. - , ,:p.f! , !.1 ilor,tmli ()Meer., as well for the fees ' '1•,,. 1..a:.. - . l.e — c'.,llecte,l by them ti= for all public : -.• 1:.:1117. , . - !”:111.1: , 71c:`, . whieh may be paid to them. . 1: - •I. 7. Tbr , (. - county colatnts , ioutrs and three • ,;:;,.; v p.•:.dit.r. i-hall I,e elected in each county --''.,_!, cillcers- are chosen. in the year one, li t I -, t -3.1,:d (:,.. - .11: 111;nd:el and i. , :venty 2 ll -- e, antrev t, t t t,h it-I yo,-1" therCafter: arid Ja the, lection of • . ,...•3 1.:' , . • , ;7 4 1 -- :.1:11 rim:Stied els.c7or shall. ote for nu 1y , .. - ,• 1::::n tv. 7 4 lq,rsons. ai.'l the tlir e person , : •• ~....,1 1 1: - tr. , - 1,1: 4 1.1.- , .. hr.mber of votes sha, I he elect •,. .:y 4 , 1 , ..:-LI - ‘,1,..,m.':in tile clic a of calmnty coni ';•, c: n ( r ‘-r vo;:?.. y zi . .1 0 :• , r shall. Le 141ett - by the 'r •t' Il,tt:e..t tt I''ote,, ....:' tie' county in whi4ll .. . L ,„ ~ ,1. 01 ~,c, , , n r, by the alii.oiutment of 1 ~, . ..t L.; f..•, 1.r.,i1.,•r i otaity who, ,hall have, va ,:r or a*: :i:r.r v.1:0, , 2 pl',:ce. ESE = ,`1 '"i I, is E:XC ti ' llE, .U. , ;li Clii" (11.0.71...,*1::c., 1. t I P cl:artc , ri:(ll,ll . lleriever a t i , f biiroug n 1;!, tea Patkll,lllll 'llll 41,e:f.ivivt.f. The same. bCCalt :a( tc(l - V,r :.y limnaica; (01T.inli=1.11. cAccpt i presviou,ly venilni4l4. ' ,try cre a : f fs.ivini•il Mffl NEM I.I",TICLE XVi LiV:li Y, GUI:: U~ .I~iutif ,pec tioplerwlti,AL a bola not have nail bn,i in faith at 1.11;. , t:nle therea!tei • I .1--;•hll ly -Lail not ridalt the o‘:,:•:_ter id any colToration. now alyar t , a anitahl the :0111e. or pa: , 1::ly ItAal or- lie , la: ialv for the benett of suet' condition that such, ir lin i.L.I - 1; lif t Its charter slit, pro% f-ains this co f? slltution. the right Cf-'--initrelit do lihan ha aliridgial or ,o (1111 A -riled ao tire listn, ral i-setably from taking I lie ,•perty etc i traiiehr,-oqiicorporateti theni to pithlie use, the came as the propel ipol individuals.; and , the eXerc.-e of jit , r of the shall never be alda, - ,z,i,j -, , .n-:runta- to ; , ,rout iorporations eon. PI sindt manner a- to infringe •,• etahil indi‘plaal, or the ger.aral well MI INi i '.•l‘• (.11' matta:/en.... I, Ur sltarettoldef may tott.t' i t of Vot ‘6l..'s for one t lit•ttt ,12 . 1 . , w 3 two or illor, caudi No I.J. 1:...11 • j•: H: , rpr.r.: t i;•T1 do nrly ) , 11 , 1- Nt , rt:c• or, more t ageirt n enziige in any t authorized In r ' : tree ~ r I.aly real e,tate, - ... . r.i4tl pruper for MEE BE -to or •-• or looney or lirol , - iin.l nil iivtitinus incrvase o• - •-!: - . ;diii•l.t. void; the snick 4.riv,rat 1 , 11% not tic in. :1 pr ;kn.:no law, nor -;,••;!: the 4. t. •;; -••12t flte j}er-on, i/ui•ling the •• ; t• - •ei; (..6tained in cc (11 11[14 •-t-lytl 11,••pli\ taltlntr pri.- . er-1“.••1•, r -t t•r of their woric.i e-mmen , :ttion c ik injury, centr.d - hereby ;living :in an appeei f't•rpttratlon- or nidividnob , made I I 11;14 the :1111(tlIlit . tif • of appeal, =hail on the imined by a jut - '. ••• t .r: I the conirnon • y Loy --had, pros fl,r ry I 1. - . - .111 - er , :zilibw by an officer of the ,er -i;trie.l for eireulation, ro the full amount there deno-ned-with• !he Auditor ip.neral for re!1•11:; ... !1 ion:of -nell 1101.1.: I.lln, have the mov.:r t , i eil, r. - I re - k - o'ke. or ;null any charter of in not* exio.itur rewieable at the : .pt:ori.Of enn..t,rution, or any that may r then* opinion, it to ttn: i'itizers IlltS C•01.11111qU i-ll'o. ill -1.; 11 Manner, howe:er. that. no ,L+fle to the- corporator;- No tii u. riercn*tell -11411 create. renew. or extend it r of more -tPau rit:e corp Oration. No - .‘or per--; ‘ body to btualtititr, le - 7 , rantutz -g , es shali-be 'created or or pro-Fp:lnce of any law without ;three pull c.notiee at the place of- the Of the Intention to apply for In Si: h manner a. 4 ;hall he pre law nor ill a chartersuch , oze ,pr long. r period than twpenty MI El or -az • 1 , 5ta.,(... ant, t: V of woo' wic r cc:rporat ion organize.l y inoliti.ltlal. shall have the 1 m" ,. .taittlines, of telegraph toi connect the same with' Ci:-nCrai Asscrul , ly shall. by q sip, , ration. pro isle reason 'isto giv s oifull cifcct to this section. rapir o:firp.iity i.L.ill consOliilate with or n:iv...Aim! i:iterest in Inc. stackor timid , of a 10 t clirana , li -company owning. a computing n iptire ' by rain'. hase or otherwl , e. an . , Aliri-tillgllnf• of tolt ~.7raph. I::',:•Thr tenn *.quipOr,ltinms a, I.,,e i t it t ids tibali - be co'nstrucil to it/ctn.:ln nilioint Otis;;; ~ ,t-11,, or ,soc , iti ,- ins,.tpiving tiny of the . pow -i prii iti - tn-i - -: of citroorli Zinn- - not 1‘ , 3,;, , ,;, , 5 ,, L1,11%)* ii.;;:,:1 4 , 371 1 :trinerAiir!”. An.ilel.r. , ' i: t1 ' , 3 ....,NI) C i :`,, Al NOM MEM . . . ' ; ,• '„ l: All r!lr. , te,, , ' ;In i canal: , ,hail be-pub. - ' ,' l':1;'.•-•••4 , -". and ‘,P, 'ail road and canal companies -; ''.'11 , ".&c. , ,t1..;!•.. , m , arr enz. _AO: ar- - sociation .cut (tor i: t -,,t !,:l'f.. 2..ia.,7, a `.!r Igo' uurpoie f , hall have the ... : . ,t t., -, 0.,tri1,::' LI: , ~F , P rote a railroad between t 4:, , , , oritlatt thL Stati• and to connect at the ri,..H...;:-v - it!: rd. ~ •!, 1 •!. of oilier States..„l-Ivery '.l ;.' coirq , any-1,41 ilaye the right wlth trs road • tt.t•-•::-. cf. ~i tn,, , t tt., - ith.- or CTONS any other rail :'. .;'... nnd Fh...:1 r._+ . i.rve and transport each the ' ,Cati•.(mr'rs. tcanage, anti cars, loaded. or ..rrpty. V, irl:, ut. (11-lax or tliscriritintaka. • , " •• .‘• , •.1:. I:l , ry . ratlroad and canal corporation,or ,'.,.,r,t,zr.:7 it, ttii,, St:llV .-Ivall mailnalii. an orrice there- . . t... htqc trab...ltlr, of•its . s'';'orli' ihall be Maile r -4w . :. •:,' i;:=books',11!,111)4[1:()1 fur inspection by any .! '.older or ,cr,Attor of such corporation; in T.: a. It 14.a1i he recorded the amount of capital .;., . •,, t , 1.,,,L,,ip.q. a ,:ur-pald in.:and by whom,. the 1:- 'lli s of the OIVUen, C.,:itS stock. and the amounts , - .:, by them. re.zpictively, the transfers of said .- 1. , i:.. and the name i abd planes of residence ()fits lull 4 a s sociations, and corpora 11,i (; , ,_al nada to have - persons and tran.s.'poried ,Over railroads and canal.... undqe or unreasonable discrimination fain nra•rle la charges for or in facilities for transpor -,-_,-;.-ya ff ire ign t ° r - passengers within the State, or Tf Ing-to any At her State. Persons ,-11,,,, fv-,ydranst.ortea over any railroad shall nny htatton at vhar,3 -, _S not exreed. '.,1, lur tratt , portat:cn of- per . -Ong an't :. ,p; r,y te. the same tnreCtion !one lttatt9n.; I,ot eseurilon nip] :117 - Fflortai - - • sec. I. canal, or oth l corporation, NoralirOad; — ' 'or the lessees, purchaser*, or Managers Of ally railroad or canal corporation, shallx•naolldate the stilck, property, or franchises of such corporation with, or lease or purchas the worka or franchises of, or in any way Control any other railroad or ea nalsorpomtlon owning or having tinderits control a parallel or competing, llne, nor *hall any officer of such rffimad or canal corporation act as an ON cer of any otharTallroad or canal eiwporatiottoilla- Mg or having the control of a pars/el or competing • line, mid the question whether ralltpads or canals are parallel or competlng lines, shall, when de manded by the party complalnant4 be decided by a jury as In other clvi 'issues. see. b. Nalneorporated company violin the busi ness of a common carrier, shall directly. eir indi rectly, prosecute, or engage In miffing or manufac turing articles for transportatiorwtiver its works. nor shall such colupany, directly de indirectly, en gage In any other business than 'that of common carriers, or hold or acquire lands, Ereehold orlease hold, directly or Indirectly, except such as shall be" necessary for carrying on its btiess; but any mi ning or manufacituring company may carry the products of its mines and manufactories on its railroad or canal not exceedingafty miles In length. 6. No president, director. eldleer, agent, or employee of any 'railroad or canal company shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in the furnish ing of material or supplleh to such company, Oran the business of tronsportatloffas a common carrier of freight or paSsengers over ilia works owned, leased, controlled or worked by such company. SEC. 7. No diserintination In charges or facilities for transportation shall be made between trans -portation companies and individual% or In favor of either, by abatement, drawba4, or otherwise, amano railroad or canal company. or any lessee, manager, or employee thereof, ?shall make any Preferences In furnishing cars or:nlotive power.. SEC. S. No railroad, railway oriother transporta tion company shall grant free passes or passes at a disco:dint. toan,y persons oxcettt officers or em ployees of the company. • SEC. - 9. No street passenger railway shall be con structed within the limits of any city, borough or township without the consent of; its local authori ties. tixe. No railroad, canal another transporta tion company, in existence at; the time of the adoption of this article, shall hate. the benefit of any future legislation by general; or special laws, except, on condition , ofcompleteiacceptance Of all the provisions of this article. Sac. IL The. existing poWer,s;:and duties of the - Auditor General in regard to :rallroaus,, canals, and other transportation cOmpanies, except as to their accounts, are hereby transferred to the Sec retary of Internal Affairs, who stmt.] have a general sOervision over them, subject 3o sucttregnlatiots and alterations as shall be proliided by law : and in addition to the annual reports now 'required to be made. sai4. Secretary tuqy require special reports at anyi time upon Any subject relating to the business of said companies from any °Meer or officers thereat., I !• acc. 12 , The Ge'neral Assdratly shalt enforce by approprLlte legh , lation the piovisiony (.1 Oa. art!- . , Six. 1. Any amendment or raiiensimeuts to Ibis conuitution may 'be proposediln the Senate or douse of ltepref-entatims, and if the same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each house, such proiaosed amendment or amend ments shall bp entered on theirjournals, with the yeas and nays taken therepn, and the Secretary of the iCommonwcialth shall eaulie the same to be published three months beford the next general election in at least two neWsp;.Ter? Ineyere coun ty in which such newspapers, istiall be published : and if, in the General Assemblly next afterwards chosen, such proposed ametidrhent or aMendments shall be agreed to by a niajdrify of the members: elected to eachtouse, the Secretary of the Corn monweAth shall cause the sathe again to be pub lished iu the nahtrner stfotesaii, and such proposed aniemluient or amendments shall be submitted to, the qualitled electors of the State In Such manner, and at such time, at least throe mouths afterbeing so agreed to by the two hdure's, as - the General Assembly shall:preseribe ; and ii such amendment or amendments shall be approved by a majority of those voting thereon, such aMendment or amend ments shall become- a part of the constitution; but no amendment oroatuendments shall he sub mitted oftener than once in Eve years ; when two or mere hmendraents shall; • be submitted they voted upon separate:v. :SCHEDULE. 111;:t ISO rtay frota. the tltylig, - •.i'in the ce_mstitutihn of thi,4).l2.irrton v.-c.:.:lth, order to the'samei into eolnph:ti , oi.cration. it ii; hereby (tech:red . that „ SEcTioN 1.1 'This cor,:aptlon tike d ff•et on the flrA day of Jantuu, - , in the year One thonsand!eight hundred and seventy-four, for all purp4-,cs not- otherwise provided for thi rein. • i 2. All lalvvii in in tois COllllllOll - - wealth at the time of - tim adoption of this con stitution not i iii - consfstentl therewith, and all right. , , action. 3, prosecuthina, and contr./os. shad! Contimie si; if this clMstiinf ion had not 3. At !the gent i• ti eh - etion in the ye.irs CLIL, and one thoukaud eh....t 111111(1101 end soven ty-five; SenatA'irs de ;elected in all dis tricts - where there ;;.-13.•.11 laq vacakieies. Those elect :d in the ':car Mitt hun dred and sk.iciatv-foin- serve”; for two and ;lee in: the y‘.:ar one thou-. seStd eight hundred; amli ileventv-tive shall serve i'or Criaelyt AT. Sea4tors now elected, 114'il those ivlio,_•. terms ere !unexpired, shall .represent thti districts iu Which they reside until The cad of far which they were elected. ; ' , - SEC. 1.. At ;t1..., L:. ,:vt-.:1 Olcction in tie th thollsztraft ;•' • httniiriAl and Feveitty-F•ix, Seh:ttors :.11.itll 1 . • luct , l front 0.16 evitt num berul iri,tri•.f.. •... •-•ervc, fcr two years; ;11:(1- from 0,14 rill::: ' • i.,- licliNtriets to •-•: - rve t r t•r four - , years. 1 . ! f.r.,tilectiO. of Govt.:rt.:or tin der thi, C. n ntutinashall .be at.' the general clef :den in till - , ye!ar :one thou , and eight hun dred 'rent 01 a GO ceritor shall be - efte.t . e.l furl three . 1 - earsiz and' the, term of the Govc rnor in the yeai One. thous,. and !bt hundr. 1 and s ventyteight and of the.: I . ..ten:atter be for four ye.:; I.oeording. t.• provi.‘:ion. , of, thi s coaztitntion. - Si-:. i d', At the . ..lealen in the our eight.'hun•dred and sc.ven .ty-feltr-a*Lieritenant Gov . i.tner shall be elect ed a...... - •rding to th.- 1:2r0vg...-,ons of pnnsti tutiou. 7. 'll.e S.....retari of dalerual Affairs Sh ill be elected at tie lirSt general election aft,r tie adoption of this constitution -and i ht nth... said , o:fie• r *shall he duly elected and qualified. the oillee • .1 Sarveyl l erGefieral shall he abolished.' and t 1 1 .... Sprveyt`tr General. in .oftice at the time of flu- adoption of this con stitution -hall tyn: law' tfliee until the ex piration of th , t. rut. tor ivhieli he was elect- stc. tan til•Supilrintendent of Pith-. lie In:Arnetion shall be qualified. the °Mee of, SuperifiC•nden; yt Common Scho is h it ce $. uie. • • : , .;,I,thing contained in this eon stitutidu be coustitacd to fender any Th•rson now I.,,idin g any State office for a first official tenu ineligible 1".,r; re+-dection at the Cud of such term. i, • • Ste% 111. 'The Judges ~ 11 the Supreme Court in office dd.; con•iti:tution shall takeef teet shall continue tiutill their commissions severally expire. Two jiidges in addition to the ninul ”-i• now corupo';:ing the said court hall lk• Ic-oted at the first general election ,after the uloptionof thieonstitution. : 4 EC. 11. All courts cf record and all ex billhig c•inits Which arc iy.t specified in this constitution shall conthine in, existence un tii the first day of Deeemher, in the - year one thjus.:tal t iglit Liindred and „seventy-five, •,:e . ili.“-:i!.. vtri etkin , .nt of tl(eir pre: , ,ent jnristlic :lion, Lilt n, - ) logo. TO Cotirt of First Cri b)inal Thrisdi ti ion fr,r tb<4 couuti,es of Schuyl kill. I.,l,l,l;rni'and I ),:uphin is hereby ahoi and all causes anti proceedings pend in:: therein ii, tbe conut of Schuylkill shall 1,, i f i .1 an.l dispo•ed of iu the Courts of Ov er ,c: 1 'Feriail',r and Q:l4i•ter Sessi9ns of the ',..111:1v., • i r.;;i,tcrt: oJilitg now in ex t....,:: -L' •1::.11 11.• - . .15 - di-thec on the-first day of .1 , r•I:Ir: 11.:'7,1 -4 , .. , , , :-:ding he adoption Of this ck , nstitutioa.. Si:::;. 1:1. lie,-; General ..k. ,, ,setubly shall, at the iii-i.t s• ca atfir thei the of this constitution. designate the several judicial districts as required. by tills constitution.— The juthics in:commission ,When such desig nation skill be made skill continue during their al:expired tvrins jtidi - jes of the new dis tricts in which thei r ,icje.i But when there shall bu two judges residing in the sail dis trict, the president judgeiShall elect to Which district he shall be assigned : and the addi tional law judge shall he itssig,ued to the oth er district. ' .3_ ,Sec. 11. The General'Assembly'sliall, at the next Su....eeeding session after each decen uial census, and not oftiner, designate the several judicial districts,3s required by this constitution. in • Sze. 11' Judges learmi i the law of any court of - record holding c' n missions in force at the adoption of this eo4stitition shall bold their respectiriAapffices nntil the expiration of the terms fox' they were commissioned, anct.until their successor shall be duly gnat ific.3, • The. Governor shall commission the prc. - ,ident - juchle of the Court of First Crimi nal JnrisdietiOn for thelcounties of Schtql kill: Lebanon land Datipbin as a judge of the Court of"Coin4iorf Pleas f Schuylkill county for the unexpired te , rta of his office'. SEC'. IG. After the .exlpiration of the feria of any president judge ofany Court of Coni. men Pleas in honuinsio.ft at the adoption of this yen i stitutlion.,' the judge of such court learned in tlai law and oldest in commission shall Le .the president judge thereof, and when two or more judge.s . are elected 'at the same time in any judicial district, they shalt decide by lot which shall be president judge; but when the president jOge of a court shall be re-elected he shall continue to be presi (lett judge of that court.i Associate judges, not learned iu l the law. elected after the ado . it tion of this constitution,' shall be commis: sioneel to, hold their otliees for the terik of five years froM the first de.y of January next after their ele:Ction. • I ' ' Sue.: 17. The Gener.4l Assenibly at the first session after the whiption of this con stitution skill:fix and detOmine the compen sation of the judges of the Supreme cinrt and of the judges of the'iseveral judicial dis tricts of the Commonwealth, and the,Pi-ovis ions of the fifteenth; section of the ar(tele on Ltrgislation shall not be deemed inconsistent herewith. N'othing contained in th4.Con titution shalt be held tolreduce the cottipctir E.atioa -tam paid ;0 aryl law jud-c oft thit gcnninonteda. now in • : I • BEE rt - rtutz ME MEN • . , • ! .- • flitc. 18: Alui 1 ' urtelof CommonPlessin the iotuatiolof- • and Alleghe shall be conipast#l of The president judges l f the I:oistriet _Court and Court of Gamin . Pleds of said counties until their,otdeessludl severally end, and of *lnch other Indos tis ma j from time toltime;be Seleeted. .4 i Fin the p,urtiOr of !first iuganizstion • rhiladialla the judges - sof the Court num te onelshal bidudges Alikson, Pierce and Pa - son • of the'C'onitl nruzikiertwo, Amides fin , Mitchell and one Other :judge to be elec ;- ,of rthe Court number Ores, i Judges Lualo , . Finletter and loud, col or the Conk nu -• bee: fo2nr, Judp'Th4er, Briggs iiig o e otherjudge,to ' elected! The judge- tlxiiti naMid Shall be the pie 1- dent judge,of 'said courts respectively, a d.... thermfter the pimident judge shall be Lie judge eldest in commission; but any presi dent judv:re-Oleeted lin the : same dart or . 'district shat cantinas ! to but president judge 1 i: thereof. - 1 '. : 1- 1 The adcli anal judges for Courts number twomid four'slial be yotettfor and elected at the' first genend hlectionter the adopt io n ' of this constitution i? alhe same maimer las the trip addition - 11 kidges of the Soprqne 1 . Court,and-they shall 4eci e by lot to which (quirt they hhalibelong; Their term of ofqce shall corn : Die:AO do theifirsnlonday of Jan= tarry, in the year ono ithrmantl eight h u tired and serenty-ifive.ll SEC. 19.,' Di" the oyainty of Allegheny, or the purpose of,t first cui, , anizition tinder is constitution, trio kidges .;:if the Courts; of 1 Common Pleas iat the time icif the adoption of this'ConstitutiOn shall bethe judges of ;the COurt number 1. one, • l and: h o judges of the " District Courtilatl the I tiani date shall be ',the judges of the CorlimonPl ,number two. The presidert judgeiof.tpeCommon Pteas arid District Courts skill b presidentjudges of 'said Courts'' n bOr one and two respec tirely until their offir sh lend, and there after[ the judge', o des in e mmissiou shall be president judge ; butti . ny resident judgere elected in the!: s' me 'court' or district Fti. l lll continue to . 14 p - -idnnt.jv i ldge tfljrci.f. • ' - SEC. 20, The! orgirazation elf , the Cc, its of,- Common Pleis, under this constitution for the eornaties Of phila . e lphiat and i dle glieny, shall Mize- effe4t o the first Month of January, one t housand eight huriciredar seventy-fire, 4n existing courts in Ifia counties shalt; ntinne 7itlis their prise powers and jtui. dictiOn.until that date 1 , t no new stilts sh e b4kui,titeted in the C , t . of Nisi,Prius 'Flier tl'l U11 . 4010:I of this c - stitution. '.' ~' f ' i, • L . • • .Sr.c. 21. The Icons ...voila proceedings ding in the Cdurt of Nisi Prins, col Commen PleaS,ond District Ciinrt in ll delphia, shall tried and, disposed of t Court of Co on Ifpasi. I The recor dockets of said;ourtsshall he transfei the Prothonola - 's ofce of saiel county SEC. 21 The causes and procceilii4i,, ding in the Cotirt of Gammon Pleas i .ceuraty of Allekihenralt . he tried en posed of in the Cour ;number csr,.. ; at_ causes and prpe l eedings pending in thi trict Court shull be tried and disposea the Court =idler TWO. Sr.c. 23. The Prathonotary of th 3 .....alrt of Common 'picas of Philadelphia shall lyc first appointed 1 ! ),y, tha judges of said court !In the first • . 31orich l iy of '!llecember, iu tlat year one thortsand eight Inuadred and se 'enty- '' five ; and thi present .F i rothonetary 41 the l 'District Courtin` said: countY, shall he the ' I ProthonotorYl4 the i Yaid Court ofCommon l Plea s Until said date;-when his commis inn shall expire, land this present Clerk of the Court 0f..03 - iir and Terminer and (barter!l ties. - si9ns=of the I'c-e.c4 in Philadelphia!: shalll be the clerk of suehicourt until the uxpira-1 tion of his present tort:mission 'on ilke first! lonclay of De embiir in the year on t lion .sand eight-hUn ired mad seventy-five. 1 ' SEC. 21. In eiti containing •over nay. i nay.' thousandnhal itanti . 3 (except Philadelphia)! all aldermen in filee4 it the time of thl :don-i, tion of this co litution shall eh - inutile; in of fice until them irathin of their . i.‘,:aini Ishats, and at the,electten Or ( City and Wald iiCleers in trio year one thomiana eight hnualid and seventy-fire onelzll , l7nan. shall he elected in each ward. as irvid-•d lu this constitution. • Sr..c. 25., In Philadelphia, magistrates in lieu of - al:Krim:a, shill :be chosen as requir-1 eil in this constitution at the election insaid; city for city am; ward ellic_rs in the voiir one' tho:na -nti eight hundred and ::evifn . ty-five :' their term of c4iee shall i..monena l e on the firSt Monday ofApril suec..-eding l their el: , !-' 1 tion. . J . ,I . i _ • ' The terins-of ttlicelof, aldermen in si.ia ci ty, holdihg clic titled ti; commissieusial the -tine of the adoption of this colisti uti,o, shall not, be at& fed :thereby. SEC. 213. All 1 ersons iu OfilOu in thil CO:3 111011Weatal at t e. titne of the adoption ot• this constitntiod. BA at the first clectiH un der it,'shall hold their resj - ctive. Ofilnes uL-' tit the term for whieb they hay, hec.:: 41• cted! or appointed itl in /xpire. and nntill their ki eces,,+ shill be i duly ,pialifickl, fintl ~ h otherwise provi; fd, iu this con_stituthim Sac. 'Si. Th ' Sevin:di articia of this con stitutioii,: presc bins ian oath of ektileJ , , shall .take effeet Onan I alti r the first day of, Janu ary, one thcaisat d eight hundred ;oidlseven . ty,-five. . . : , , . . sac. .2S. !TI e terms of office of l•aunty conunisioni-rs ital !,'canty auditor's i:hoscu . prior to 1.1.1 e ye. -- r one thous:aid cigLit hun dred and seYenty-tivi i , which shalbuot have expired hefore the first Monday of 3:4: miry, in the year one thoui4and eight lninored :Lod' seventy-six, shall \exilire on that Clay. 1 SEC. 2'J. All Stalk's, ;county, city,l ward, borough; and township officers in 4s.l.leint the time Of the adopton of this Constitution, whose corepeusOiod is loot provided' for by salaries alone, shall leoinue to reci4Ye the compensation allowlal_ hem. by la w until the n it the expiration o • - if, fespective ;tenni of Office. :. . i I • , - 1 . SEC. 30. All Stat. , ' - and judicial officers . ~ heretofore elected, sworn,' affirmed, or in oti five when this c nstittition shall takai elTect shall severallY, Rhin one .mouth after,sucli adoption, take' nd - fliscribe an oath (or 1:* firmation) to su pOrt this constitution.. lk , SEC. ,31., Th.: oueral Assembly{ at its first sesSion,• ors sokni as may be alter the adoption of this :o td4fticai; shall pals such I law as may he - ec! . , sary to carry tile stone ii r into full force ai d eid e. . 1 . SEC. 82.• Th ordinance passed by this convention, enti WI "Au ordinance ??.ft sub -nutting rho am' , :de(' , eoustitution oi l Penn - Sylvania to a v to oil. the, clectOis tfieteof," shall beheld_ to be lidid fur all the purposes thereof. • 11 . - I I ! SEC. :13. The we ds "County Cinninis -sioners,' ,wherea l er - o.4ed iu this constitution, and in 'any ( ordinal ce accompanying the same, shall be -had- to include the COmmis sioners for the city of Philadelphia. I . Adopted - at Philadelphia, on the third day of Noyeinber, in the; year of out Lolrd one thousand eight 1 untr ed awl seventy-dirt —. OFric SI:CM:TAWS: or Tin • Ihatainun ccrtify that he copy of_the new Col the people of thd• Cod: rani, for their pipprij :,arnc appears of Irecrn Fun St 1311TTINO TUE, AIIF,,NDED CONSTIITUTI or PENNSTIXANIA Ti i VOTE OF TILE I QUALI FIED ELEaTOES TIIF :For, As PASSED },ECoND . READLEG. ' -- -. . i Be ;, ordained by the Mistitutional tharehikor ojn o . r 'oblinr,ii: ,, i 7 Jh 'if Ptati.eqtra alai 'LI' ti , !- . • 1. That the mended Constitutitin pre pared by this.o nvtintiou, be submitted to the qualified ele4torS l of the Conamonwealti for their adoption or ..ejection, at an electio i l i' to, be held ou the third Tuesday of Decen her next ; except as:hereinafter Ode;ed and directed, the said elytetion shall be held and conducted by tIM regular election officer's in the seventl election districts throughout' the Commonwealth, } under. all the regtilations and provisions`of existing - laws relating to general electionS i ltid the sheriffs!of the V severa.corinties] slia 1 give at leastltwenty days notice of sad election kV proclaMation. 2. The Secretary bf the Commonwealth shall, at least twenty days before the said election; furnish} to' the Commissidiaers of each county, a sufficient number of properly. prepared circulars of instructions. The Com missioners of th several counties shall cause to be printed at leaSt three times.asi, many , ballots Of affirma ive' votes as there are voters in each 'county and the same number Of ne gative Votes ; and the said Commi4sioners sail', at least five days before cud election, eaa,e-to be fairlv:distribuMd to thelseveral eleetion districtS'in their respective counties,- the said , ballot tally-lists, returtaso .c.irett piperhu-s of instrUctiou, rued such other be printed or written in the folloWing books and sas may e accessary. The.; ballots shall it form : Cu the outside the words "N4w Con stitutioia :" in the tide for all persons giv ing affirmative co t the words " For the New Constitution,7 .and for all. persons giv ing vae 6 ative votes ,t 'a words Against tb.. • New Clititntion." 40. If it shall api , ar „that a maj rify of the votes polled ere f ; the new Coast Union, then it * avail be.the C nstitution of the Com-• monwealth. of Perms-,vlvania on and after the first day of Janaary, n the year of oar Lord one thcirs , ind ei ht: undred and nty four.; bpt if its la pear that staaj re rity of the votes polled , ere against the, new Con stitution, then it s be rejected and be' null anti void ~ .. . I '4. rive Comi aissi ners of Electitin, viz : Edwin H. Fitler, Eilward,Browning; John P. Verree, Henry S. Hagert, and Jeihn 0. James;.arc ItereVyappointed'fiy this Converi-: tima, who shall have on ion Of the tiloctig* gtott fats trtacad4 ' ' .cailititiatitra to, the dity . . , of Phibulelphia - The ssid Comtirissitiners shall be duly sworn or tanned to ,wiforre their dab* with bnpartia' titY and fidelity.— They shall also have power to fill vacancies in their orrn number. ' Retail bathe duty of said canimissimiers, ore Majority of them, and they' hall have authority to titake'n, re gistration of voters for the - several election divisions of - said ': city, ' midi to 'furnish the . lists so made to the election Officers of each iirecinet or divisiOn ; to distribute the tick- L eta for said city provided fdr : by;this ordi nance' to be used at the election ; to appoint a judge and two inspectors for each election 1 division, by, whom the electiOn therein shall 1.150 held and conducted, and to give all noces- I E . urinstrnetipa. to the eleation officers re f,. garding their :duties in holding the election 1 and - making returns thereof. I No person shall t. Sarre as an election o ffi cer who would be dls tqualitlednnder Section IC, 'ltt.rticle 8, of the 'new Constitution. The general return of the, election in the said city shall i be opened, com puted and certified before the said (Winds sioners; and with their apprlovalvidrieli ap proval shall be endorsed upon the return. -.- They shall make crepor.t, directed to the Pre sident of the Convention, - of their official ac tion under this ordinance and 'coacerning the Conduct of the said election within the-said city.. . The Judges and Inspeetom aforesaid shall conduct the election in all revectsconfiirma bly to the general election la-14 of this Com monwealth, and with like Ower.4 and duties to those of ordinary election offieers. ',Each Inspector shall appoint one clerk to assist the Board in the performance of its duties, and all 'the ; election ,officc;rs shall be duly sworn or affirmed,accordim4 to law, and small possess nil the qualifications - require(' by law of election offi.Cers of this Common wealth. At said election alsy, duly qualified elector who shall-be unregistered, .shall be permitted - to vote upon mating proof of his s right to the election officeri, according to tha! general election laws of this Commonwealth. Return Inspector.s ,and tiddr.clerini and .an hourly count of the votes shall be dispensed with; but overseer.; of ek-etion limy be sil ted for any precinct by said Election Col inissioners, whose antic.; au'l powers shall be thownie as those of overscieri of Election in snit' city under exiStijig elLtetion laws appli cable thereto. Returns of !the election shall be made in sail city as in thc ca:;e of au elec tion for,Gorprnor, but a triPlicate general r°- turn for said city shall be made! out and for warded to the Presitkut of - thii: Convention atllarristinr,g, as is lv:reitiafter provided in case of county returns. I,' . ; ' - 5-, In each of the Count i. , ,:, of the com monwealth, (except Philadelphia,) the 're turns of the 'election ,Lull t?e too tle .1.3 in the case of nu elc.:t ion. for Gommoi ~.11pt 111 , 3 re turn judgcs in each countyi Ish.ll inthe out a triplicate. county r , .turti rid 'transmit the same, within five &Lys aft,)r tit 3 elet7tion, di rected to the l're:iidc at of tliiA u i. at Harrisburg. , . .., Done in Convcntion'thi.,l third .1... y of No , vtu:. - 4:er, in the year of omi Lord: oho then s.,n,i,ci:;hi, 1,un,1r,:l amt st-v,..lity.-three. 1 JNO. H. WA.ljii:::l.t, Pr,:i.Meid. D. L. - loaMp. c,'. rk. i : p:u rt of haft the and ed to 1 ,2 the rti - -;- d the n OFT- I 1 COADIONWEALTii. Nov 134 1573; oregoing' is tl.leomet in. ,, Osed to tnitonwealth of 4insyl - n the 'd in tbh; office.; 31. S. QUAY of Commonwealth. INANC E From one 41sy to one year. ~ ( NOBLE & ' i yINO EN 1, , caititititl6. , ' lob, IP A 317x.0. • I, r ; • • 1 .!' • ; . i , . i • i ! . • ! , , , . • 1 , ' ? i . . A trIV, Poi.y of (1.,:i.11.1.11ti.11( , iabini 1.410 D. M S. QUAY, Sr , c;•ll,tryqt'bQ CorpiaontrY.oll ...;uaregra , _ . . . , NVAGONk, IN I have sut d J4rg.i f !i111:10 LT(iTh WAtioNi; WHICH 1 WICA. • S E L C i A E Mai/ua~_„LL, tici 4 WAGONS -ANI.) • Of ever,v t) Ordur Sii(4 4 r .ip)l ire JA MD' BRYANT. Tou-ar2,;,a, 2(;, M;.3LTUAI !N pA _ • NtW I.‘ 1? D. To the citizens Of Towan•tr i an•l surrounding conntrfr: The ttabsc:ityra havo4lea.ed the Carpe and c‘dumodious more on ktreet. Towanda, Bret door south of First Satnin.i! l'o,nk, for the pur pose of-eirrying, on the : • At7cTION AND CoIIMI , ION BUSINFSS ids+ a Who!eable jobbing viol Traar, would take this rn , tno - I of iiin , rzniog" public tlytt they nomihate o n . lmol al4 ;efdyif , t - exhibition and sale,,aa large a stock of CHOICE. AND i \V (MODS as ever Kai ag. - vtirt • rit Pentl.3 - Iv , vett or Soothe:a New l'ark,;of jfull sets of p!atn whiteAtee ,, rated, ;;old Lind Fre:ich China forty rrare.a Ikchot Iron Stot.. e'h:o 'and IVlota Grant Wart , , a flt!Illt,? of Ve;ll,,e; aLfl I:octieg hLtti Ware, StoLe Ware of ":.J1 rails, a :.irge. and Fla.:alai :11.4 I.)rt;.LIF lit 0' ;!:11-g‘,l r, 11 1a:1 line of FRENCH .I.I,IES:SE!t &WARE, as nat. a lihe ntni itnrery a• - • to man. ufaatured la the 1:1110 , 15t....t. - , , , g. pill tov• of' Heavy, Silverplated 1111 d TPA Spoons. Itnttr.r Khiat.4, an,: other' plated goods, the t uert ever riTered in the market, LINEN T t'LOTHS, • Tow li. ...nd'other Linen Gooda L,r Towel.< he finest and cheape•st line of Poidler., Fancy, Goods Gila side of New York. Ladlea firm' lialbrigan and Eng. Hat Hoeiery, a elides and rare i;:FsOrtment GENTS' AND MEN'S I. till?.!lSiilNO 0091)S, fiver and Under Shirt*, Ov4•111a 211 , 1 Working tipgineers and rti Mere :Pains, a Cull hue of Men, Women and Children**, 114 , itiry, flats. SUS. pendent, Toilet and . Shaving Snap, Itrzors and Strops, Shaving Kits eormheie, jAses, Tlatehets, Hacumets, Lanterne, 441.2.,5,g,•.iir00ie, the best and cheapest ever. r.ern. BT. Legal C..ip„ NOtE AND INITIAL PAPER, Envelopes, Blank Books, Slates and Pencils of all kinds, Maws of all kinds, Oilchith EsblS Covers, the best and cheapest P.'per Collars!, 14 the market, to gether with a ear load of litziketi Notions and a ,thousand varieties of other goods. Always baying tlie eheaper4 of goods and for ready cash, wo know that we can suit• as to price and qualitras our motto k lip & and let Rte. We . are sabdled with small pronts and (Flick returns, therefore we say to Nlerchants, yeddlere, Hotel and Boarding House keepers..Lawyetis and Teachers and the balance or the corunlftt4tyi-pleatre give us • call and be cournieed that wit Cue say to true. All numryr-refunded if.goode represent, 'rd. A full set of China will be to the Ligheat bidder every Saturday afternoo4 and one set every' Saturday evening. Cash azlf;ria.:l on gouda con, signed for auction. Xoction Sales attended in Burn or country at real onable rites. t. hoods !did, will be carefully packed and delivzred free of charge to either of tho depots or lathe Borough. - - T. C. COWEN k SON Towauda. Jnne 4. 1873: • , 1 INSLTItE A_LIJ :KINDS 411 PROPERTY A.G.LINST 1.031 bit I:4IIAGE 1.117 FIRE AND LIGHTNING. We rep:*.: tit over Fill?' 1.11.11i.3n . Capital. ' • QiccEnglielt 411,1 31 ira Couirimulee . • • LIFE INSUIatiCE• . h • IN THE t•LDF.§I" AND LATICiE , 3I STO - 1: tYri I.N TIME uszrED ACCIDENT INSURANCE =EI B. ROSIM:=I3 CLOTHING AMX'.OB,IXI/11 The rapid growth of Tewantia top:area the' eispin don of bnathesi, end the undersignel, realizing this went et thseottanntitty in the READY MATE (ILOTHING LINE Mu op a nine store in, Boldlo=l Block. (formerl e y n o ed ccupied by U. Jambe.) and is now pre. pared to offer to his old custo . nurra and the public panerallp, &better stock of . HENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING Chia can be found In any other establishment out. aids ea cities. 117 stock has all been purchased from 'the mann. Isetersra this season, so that I have no old stock to Ist rid of, bought at high prices. I have a full line a • • GENTS' !FURNISH:LNG GOODS of the finest quality and letest styles. which I am Ofirring at low figures. • I have no connection with the old stand, and when lon want anything ij► the clething line, for 'mania!' or boys, call on xao in Beidleman'alllock. Towanda. 'March 28.1872, H T. JIINZ'S Vest door to Post-office, I s the best place, to buy HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS,SASHI 'DOORS, praNns, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, a HUBBS, SPOKES, KEROSENE, • , t nd ecorythiag usually kept in EL Flardwaro Store. EATING &COOKING STOVES.I IMI is the best in nee, and pleases everybody M 'DO ROOFING AND ALL KINDS OF JOBBING SELL AT LOWEST PRICES. Call and sag:nine my stock and prices. H. T. Jun. Towanda, April 16, 187.3. C HINA HALL BIRD CAGES SILVER .PLATED "WARE CROCKERY, CHINA, In thse staple goods we alway , keep a fall line both as to style (vial ity and price., FLOWER POTS, the largest vari oty ever brought to this market. URNS AND VASES, TERRA COTTA STATITRAY KNIVES' AND FORKS, GLASS SHADES WOOD AND. WILLOW WARE, 1111 At WICiiHAM kiILAeKS Taln3l44 \ too ;1179. Insconanmut, 01105ITE THE MEANS HOME. (rormail7 oixlipled by 11. Jacobs.) 't , REATFAIRER 1 81, E. nosENFIELD. HARDWARE STORE, IN METICILTR'B BI;OCE. :lAIN 9TREETI OILS, v.tnNisnEs. I HAVE A FINE STOCK OF Call and examine the :yew EMPIRE COOK STOVE, I lIANUFACTURETINWADE, AND I lISE THE BEST , 3IATERIAL, and BABY WAGONS, TOY WAGONS, AND CARTS At 'WICKHAM & BLACK'S AND TRIMMINGS At WICKHAM & BLACK'S frOM Rogers & Brother, in: great variety AND GLASSWARE for yards and stoops ordered when desired =I from $l.OO. upwards for. Wax Work CHINA HALL. MEE WOPDFaRt., .• 4 10 • AT TUB t. YORK BOOT, AND' SHOE STORE,' - 0. 5 Aliou ontrfirrnaBLOOS,BILJDOE St 8 receiving one Of the largest 'and seat etoek of BOOTS & SHOES ever ronght in Towanda, which he is . .ffering ;at the yet' , lowest prises for consisting. yet i ' , lowest amp, KIP STOGAi BOYS CALL BOOTS, LADIES, h SEES and Can.nnEN's Shoes of all inds, all ,bought direct trona the h anufacturers, and hand made, all 'odds w*rrantecl.l A •FULL STOCK OF DAVIES. AND FINDDIGS. • - Thankful for past favors; I solicit a continuance of the same. Towanda; 1!115.1, 1672. NEVI CARRIAGE FACTORY 1 =II Eiespectfnlly r.:3110U2C3 to hits friends and pztrons, that lie has built 3 1 . NEW MUCK (.4.B,ULWE whi.sro ho ili conatandylvnp on hand n full nnaort- ant I " i . I I VAMItY ICABRIA.3ES, TOP A:N-p OPEN , BUGGIES! , .; • - . '• 1%.1 . 1 . T1'01.13.1 WAGONS; T f twerrrAu suLzis, Al.n? ! Made of the best and finished in the best city style., His long !experience in city Carriage Factories , gives him a deckled s..lVantage over others In the , : , Finish, S'lyl.f a of las ',Wogon . B. All tb.ey t. INSPECTION ; 0 yrevioua:to purhastni, - ols. ALL WORK WARILINT • 1 • ' SA r_tsF..4 Thankful. for tho lkieral tended silt/. reipectfully as • 7 •'; • Towanda. Sin. R. 1;4:4.-4 FOtiNDElti. A Tho uddersdonol bating. and 'Machine tihop lately 0t aro prep4red to do all hinds their butitherm, w4ll r4oraPt ~114 CIR - tIIILA.BI S MADE TO • • • ; ENGINEs Ina all work NT:zrintekl SHINGLE 2 0: the latest and mosCimpro L an d aept conatanlly on HIDE-4ILL, AN Of ;sll k I • CITLTIVATORp, C ' "7.'L PL'OUG'H 2 • Of all kinds, and ttoio late constantly o I CHIJP.: • P LARGE ANb' S STOVE SLED And all kind" of caking" March . 3o, ' BLOOD & CO., BWI Continue o mrnfact and will sell a,hetter tuichln ,can be Li . Ad elsewhere the our machines that they will • thin any other. and are mo personally superintend our W. well down. We will scuil of our ?nullities, on alrplicati, QNE AND TWO H One et! Oleo hone THRESH. ` THRESHER an/ FANNING SAW &ND GRIST ?ant. Give ria a call baron; purch cillOaaA ,' t• cs o Aug. 2, 1869 STOOL 11 • i ' After a reteElß of font years, in itapro%loit Mills and Wa mute odr old bnsinesa of • .31,INITACTIIRING. !WOOF DELSSIN • Appreciating the Lard. tio best not to "let dowti,":but t as the best means of reslorin .• For tlio accommodation of of zApinziere, we shall to.dio prefer, wo will ma le Urn,— i irromlNG ianN, In corljanction with Local aid the frugality of the con thousand yards of tstinit Clo every man to keepina brecc • Those who can, ahoutd them °tie of tho snugeat and • . ; . Oni niacliinery IA now in tp! power i 4 DeN er-lkiliug; lie pu of dlsapPOlnurrent, and we done properly: 1 H. I • campiown. Pa.. 1 , 43'714. 1& • VALIIIBLE;STE SiLE.—Tho Horse Prj , ivr•Eugluo aud complete 'set (Jr uieclituery Will be siSlit rito.ap. For Nab! of Meade, ltoclxell & CO.,' • 8. Gwen's. in Wypos, - Sart Itrs 1874 Brief tiqtes: === • , Opposite the cow J 4.11, 'TOWANDA., PENN'A. • s' .HENRY STULEN d' .Qurabilily 11. q in do RNA , WORK lEEE D TO GIVE PERFECT 1= !patronazo formerly et a continnaxico of the ATTMED TO reduced Et= ELENILY; STIILEN. - - I I.O.ELINE SHOP. urcbased . the Found s 'tied by ;Johnhn Carman. of work afrpoCtaininp, t. eEd 'ld dispatch. RINGS, LW ?TILLS, ILLS, MAN DO EEIII , And all MILL RONS EM3 IP.PfRED, o give' zati-sfaction kCIMNE§ 'ea kfm cl a mann facturc.6 land ready - for r. 130. PLOII HS WOODEN 139 1213 PLOUGHS AND )OINTS` t. improvem , 21:As kep hand. - ' al 21 ALL SIZE. BM STINGS Clt]=lt a MEI OH SHOES AND S LAIIGE'. iR01; KETTLES ❑raishod to 'ANS k ROCIIWELL 1, 115 their oelebrated, , & CLEiNERS 1.. for lesa money than rorld.' WO chin fia! .0 as much 'l , or more. , , l o durably built. IV( ork and seq. that it la 6 AL . ocirEs, Itukl•lt464o=&l g Ai a R d SEPERATORS 'TEA HERS, DI I L, LS, SAW NaLL,, work done to order CIRCULAR 4L:ND DR.!, ozl;ag eleowlvire. is 'SRA H IN ooze- BEM MANUFACT , nd heavy expenditure r Power, wo again re- CARDING, CLOTH ScC. !es, wo bavo thought push Lime Industry plenty. Ito nearly extinct race oils; For those who 2=133 `option vcv propose to iitry by making a tow . that will enable a :es On. and We will show ost coMpleta - ' ; IVOOLE.4 TORIES In tlzolULited oil order, as our water I lie may. be in no fear 'arrant all work to be . M POWER ro I R.d -otters for sato a 05 Oiler, together with a a eirculaellawll. r iufonuatiou euquiro w the under Mined at A i r' J. JAI-efir" EiROCIER, ME WOOD - . 0 41 MU COB. I desire tO assortment o, plebs. and market rates flfy stock of Have been WILY on respond. Orders b sad prompt Thanking they havn g =lab. CASII fcb.2o'7l GRO • Ito 0 F [A. M lU:lni We do r. •i.Uerent • FIRS Er March 1 - pox rig a iinco the 1 ..ttl,on of In tol‘ 11. t4l at loa• Jan. 19, F RE alnco txesp at re I Jau. 19, pox CCTIC r i ox. L. and pox t isz 7tTPRCUR are cerle. cheap. Jan. lb, 1871. r , ox. & MERCUR are selling first . class Goods only. . , Jan. 19,11171. F j OS -aIERCTJIi taro selling chearer than ever. ;Jan. 19, 101. Gooub 0. - 1 T ERCUIy er than ever. Jan. 1111/ EIMMBER that we tm selling JLA) Gocen at RETALL.!. And thatiT won't flo nntlersoLL ° Jan. 19, 871. • rex & irErcu ri. • ATICTGAN FINE-LOUT TatAC 1.1 CO very choice—at Jan. 19. 871. rex k urncur.'B.ll . O UR CUSTOMERS tarn rely upon getting the very best the market affords nnd at lowest prices. .E. T. FOX, , Towarol .. Jan. 17,1'1. dFLENRY 3TEItC7R. • 110,E3EPA TBER'THATFOX & ATER 'a.,11) 01:11tf are retailing all kiiial, of Grocarica at wholesale rices. 'no largest Stock In tdwn. Goods first class. Prices low. E.l'. FOX, 1 Sept. 2P. TO. IIENItYX MERCIIII. 1 i T' Tie and of Mr Job mti Bridge at the pub CHOW, Ise! EKE -Qum Tolland , B AK En cmr D public wit Ulnas of th OYSTER q Also a fin Fruits, Nu mayl9' NEW The imbs ER is now In s' pared to d. CUSTOM What, Feed. Bran lowest rate PAIAIC Wont aide o trill brio bring aria gAlin H: O. OTIZEt. via ProAd= Ea SIM AND PnoynaoN, lit~iFr~l~~/gti.'ub'~i~~lJl;/ti MEAL, FEED, PATTON'S EILOOR, AND . BRIDGE STS., ANDA., PA the attention -of the public to my goods, which is always full and Com bs sold to my customers at lowest S, AND SPICES, • . ;• • minuted since the late redaction In the em, and are offered at prices td cOr.• mall or ollteiwiso rocoivo comit f attention. ' I the public for the liberal patrUnano I ,yen me , I Irish a Continuance of the _ V, AID FOR COUNTRY •E‘-RODUO .; Ir .1: LONG. utIovisio titY AND STORE. • -BE & EDW4RDS, oletialo and Retail Dealers- in I LY .GROCERIES AND RONISIONS, 'Ei.NEW ; 1 QCS, :rdWAtiDA, . . t doom it teceua--3 , to enumerate 411 the Cli3 we keep. Our ameortment . . .! - WAYS I'COMPLETE:°I We mall nothing bur CLASS GOODS. i 4 for Priers l'raducc LDWALDS. FEE - zlre no recieir - fre.?.h stock of Goods itt tnrir fine, bon4ht .t January. to which they invite tile et heir friends. We keep the-largest titock. , our'gCroda a,ro trech and desirable.i We t nugliet prices: [B7l. . . I: AND NEW TEAS, bog the recent decline in price, snd se FOX dvIIERCUIL MERCUR are selling qto at ratan. Jan. Ir, 1871. ,& 3LERCUR, are selling Sew rosh Goods. Jan, 19. 1371. CHEERS F9lt ;WITITE AlsI) 1343 E .rcigued, haying pure mt)tx tu the "red, whi treet, respectfully .ased till) interest and j blue" storo A:4M3 patronage I tqlr Sto'ck of FAMILY • ROpERIE.S ne, and we • PaltES. 1 1 of nal to any in this accts I COMPETITION IN :We make a speaialt S AND •.& FFEE i EMI d invite attention t) o 05r motto is: ,C".l L .S 111 P,ROFITS." .RIDGWAY WILCO "13. Sept 4, RY AND DIN TG ROOM. House. :t block north of Wa , PIES, CAKE, RACKS S, BAKED DAiL sold at Whoro.lalo (1 Eclat]. I accommodat6 thx• t good meal at au 'NINO R 90113 we will 1 eager a lunch . or a. 1! day and evening. L,ND ICE CREASI.CX , SE - TEEM ASON. I ,1 I I asißortruont of ctro4Tri. • . 1 4 • D. W. HAND ATTAIN° is,bonfectim i lery, sec.= S : TFAM FLOII 11 . 3. G MILL IN SHESHEQUIN, I tico tkutt bla new b , desires to, give n I , =II AEI FLOTRIN coesaftil operation, tudd that he hi pro. all work in his Lino on'ehort-notLco:,. 1 DINING DONE ONMIE sAmr.. DAT .TIIAT IT Li RE.Cworw • _ • :uckviliost and Rye Flour, Corn Steal, &c.,• always on hand and for gale at • I LAII NOTIOE.—Perso a livings oA tha the river desiring to patronize my , min, air ferriage void both ways, what' they 'at toil Mahal. and upwards. I • T. a. 41/11;1t8. \ Drum!: Ina r•• • - DA=. H. O.II ) ORTER.; & . = Cair . - •'' l n *P z •"? 1,.1 Corner Mat PineStroeb, Torii% .' I' • • HavetrocentlyeOdedlergely to** lock. stub O complete emarout. conatitatiticad extetudye defy. embracing any studio WWI. lb the Avis ; ol tooebaciscat ri mas. care, 103 Yril i d .161t/1 wilt to the P Te multi • kept cony offered on the nupst * ItetalL cones:Mg of 84 1 , I 1 Dnuos, :Mu PA T+1•11, ALCOHOL , 8.498 patai vprnsti. •watism, Anil all Una. of Bra Shea, • [ I " - ICEI?O,SEN. E. OR 00AL O. 1 1 ..•1 1 - - '• • 1 pruning Fluids,. -1 - LAN R l3, SHADES, WICKS ; -CEHIFSEPI 1 , _...H .' I , , = - gpmni r Lard, wrialo, 2;reati Foot; TANNER'S AND MACE C i i Fund and o n tlet f lattens in verb .• 1 I EINNOES snristrai, soal, tlona [ . J • • •Po a, Hair -Dyes, Perf umery, I POCKET 00.11 S, PORT I 310.11 . i . • zJockei Knives. Havers, • 1 -, i TOOTH, filMt AND, HAIII,PAIWDATH ' - 1 I • • • PURI:IWM.I3 - Al , ‘`D l IlgqollS, , . • • . .. il'or Eledictnal inset TODACOO, Slialt, PIPES Ano 01 _t 1 ' i- • Garden, Meld and Plower Seeds, Trusses, Porters. Blispetimorics, Eihoidderi Braces, I Pumps, Teething • Rings, Nursing Doti .., , Nipples, Nipple Shells and Shirilde, Syr% Bed Pans. Solf•Seeltng Fruit (tars. Ther - mometers. Flavoring Extracts, Stor ' Jugs, Glass Ware. Bottles, plan, Corks. I Brick, and Stove Blacking, Fisk Tackle, . munition, km; Botanic, Ecleetic}nit Homo . - to Medicines, and all the' popUtar Patel 31 1 E D .1.0 I NIB S.. 1 il All arti cl es Farranted,as represented. Pei a distance dm receive their orders lby stage i WIIICti will receive prompt mud carlitil attont Medical &Mee given gratultonaly at tint charging only fer medicir.e. , ,I • 413-Tbsuktal for past liberal pat i partage. wo pootfnlly announce to their friends d the pn no pains shall lie spared to satisiy.and merit tinuatton of then. coutidatoas and patronage. ,a- Open Sundaye for prescriptions from a.m.-, and 12 =lto 1, and a to d p.m. I . E. -0„ . PcIETPit & April 1, 1872.:,—yr-r _ i { ri - IgE ..MILD 'POINTE. ,CUR T 1 , • 4 N ' ; 1 , 73133.1PEUEEY5 . 8 ,1 • , 'LlostEpr.ATnze 'S P Berri 1. , ~ I a Have proved. from the , most mple eerie entire success. 1. Sonple, prompt. edtMent atil ble. They are the only, idrlicinellerfectly a to peplum nee-so simple thatl ,- Mistakes cat made in Elsing i lttem; so haradessl as to be fia ,danger: and s eillzint, as to, be always la Ttu.ty Widni the highest r,omtnendation from t wiltalwaya render satbdaction. .1 . , . . Nos. I CLI2F.S. '. 1 1 1. Fevers, Congestion, ludammation. 2. Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Collo, 3. Crying,.Colilor fetithinst4)f Inrlaltsi • '4. Diarrhoea, of Children orloinit.44, 1) 5. Dyeentary, briFing.l3l'..l(edi C Ifs, G. - cholera 3loibus, Vomiting!, , 7. Con.?.ltts, Colde, Bronclatis,l 8. Xeuritgia, 'roathecuo, Faceacae, 9. Ileadaches.lSick Headache; lii:ritigo, IQ. Dy opeps . a, bawls stomacti, 11. Suppressed or Painful Porto 9, ' 'l2. "Whites, too Profuse. Periods, 1 . 3. Croup, Con 'it Dillicult 2rulathing, 14. Silt Rheum., Era aipelas. Ern. torts,: Id. Itheuinattriln, !Vie' Mitie Pains. 15. Fever and Agnerl.Chill rav e r, Agnes, 17. Piles, blind or bleecilet. 1 lit. Ophthalmy, and bore or WeallEy.e, . 19. Catarrh, acute or chronic. lutluenza, • 21).' Whooping Cough, violent coughs, 21. Asthma, oprested Weathiwzi 22, E.r Inscharw,es: impaired hearing, 23. Scrofula. enlarged glanda r tswellin:s, 24. General Debility, Pb: seal y.fiakncss, 23 Drvey awl is.e.stit) iie , crellor. 26. Se.4,Slelines, e:eknes,alrord r ding, 27. Eidnoy t)h.;.4se. tir..ivel„ ! . 28. Nerord, Pid)ility. S..lii!nal W'akr.oSS,. , Or Jul - 011=4y discharges, _ 22. Sore mouth: Cardi--r.. . , 3'l. L'.in,ry Weldin... , i, 1 i 31. I'am:tit Periods, irdh Spasl -, - ad. Sufferings at hens cf lile 33. .Eplepey,.so3. , ..ims. St. Gulls ante, 31. Inytheria, tileeraled sore tbr at, • 18. ClAroLGe.ebegestions I llid Ernjptinn.„ . Ville, : 0 "etiits, o.37.cept 2g. 3... i. and 3 3 ,) l'AltiLY . CMiE!. ; Ca-,o (110zi.::: , ...)i:v411 ab-Jve, - 33 ,la go vials an, ual of liireetptrom. • • ' 1 , . cle f , r•tfor.c.v)) , ed 20 idrr;tl Vi 1.13 ri '4l.l3dek, . - .... ~ ~< MI IRE S"xtgl- L"..0X;,.17..1 Villl3 LS' , ' Tbee rcinrdic= .tre Or: o box toszmy part ,Icr vora.:tvy 4re - .! or eliu. rcc,tll:l 9( Fr ?...durc.f.i' • 1 CT.4IITI 'B. :vOIIIIEII, DrIV.T! 11,1 y 1;73. j I Torian: ITILM r l l PASHIONIDLE 1ILOR" , _ - • Oppi?site Public Keep atii - lt•vs on hand CLOTHS, , CIA.SEPIERE" I I 1 AND! knY 7 M A -r)E In all, the',latetl. ' . HATS CAi'S AND .0 GENTS' . , ,14` - ttrilifillirap- • CUTTING DONE HE ALL WORK WAR' 6 6 - MAIN S'l" 'IONVA:SIDAH, NEW •M ESTABLISH J 0 H L. It Has removed to,the building, fo , W. T. Davies; Esq., . - OPPOSITE lIERCUR': pow prenored to furnlsh't viciulty with ever - A.hing in tho . , CLOT . For Gentlemen and CUTTING DONE AHD CLOT • ON TEED SIIORT.EST 7.lOrlid, and PERFECT , • i lens 14 stock of. 61•otbs be . en' beet In the markitti and I feel., satisfaction. I II 1 • Towanda, Jan. 'GO TO TEMP FOIL WT Estrzryza an a ' Towanda, 8i5z01127,11871, 000.1) iiii Atte oft he public' wWeh ?pile .'with fresh ivarchatolk, tete t_retwottable trait Wholetetht 01 )1 . 04MIC, Map, v AND 7.13RP.CNTRZE, , Square, a full a ment , of COaTI OTHIN styles, UM c, io 11 great Vari N SH NOTICE. MU REE EMI RpHANT I AMOR !Mg A A 0 erly BLOCS e people oo of. s' li'eat ES MADE FB elected fro .1 nfidoUt 17i L. Melt All \VWBS' ECION ,OF F . • IIAIN STRE = LOT als TEMEI AO Si- I . ors D MEM 'Stag Sxtot' usis, Mod, have re-o' e7l stock. c • i • 1 „ • D 3,1 repair.. .1 grith • ag of S. T..1.; 1 5 ; 1 7 1 rOWD 1:111Etif; WIN I tITED PIL , TIIi! Et - DTA:IIC ECT. • j. I Dyrt, sTur, i . 1 114 , , FS,',' Al EXTRA RE) PURE 17 NED K EROS II 0 R ?A:v.1161;111 1 1 70, MI PATE A B B, , Sup. reset POULAtt' a ram As I -I A ZS oILET ND F ; . 0 _ I :qS7h : I to *Linn th potapbtmdfn rom ti o'cloc Dr. l 3Lunr., .rdrip of ezc . Il i wit B,lre a. qf Priacrip: cui be must' IsJeole, so.ber ;r Lail cot aloe E= BEE !. 4tesH licttbat TO THE . Pl7B t0,,10 MO Thel, nn de cued won" j.l th , s,y ar 3 tO r i cpared in, =I,N' 41311 - Mpten of br e ror, U7s. D ble IMRE! es. And tlie U:171 eec 4 ,f 4 , llaving s^ any one In ME= pp of if. St}den. ttzgfrom tL: Illearao ". On t . Gtle surp. Redo of ortr Ell .44 of al I .. ; t pcTscn t? ." L a. ;of cur ft c+.7.0 m (lit ridtr l e f' f h" ember i of I 4'rafetr'ret. O: Ibthi 1.. d t e ti.a l fttr.ess d. SJ ALL , A 5 , LiMMEi ‘''lEU.E,' the o, MOM Beach, a .* - (4,27 te.Ezble .1.1(1( an - Park istre ME MIMI . J.! C. 1., • 7- 1 1 T I 01' . t OF TO Wolin i.n25'7211 FIRS CA.Pir STTPL IFtTH I KD . ' . o trezB., UNITS 1.4 L • i ßant• Macon • I • ni ,i 'lf. o BAHKIN r ' CY!.; •d)EPOS AGUE.E.NLN SPECILLGITP-V :FE L'7ll. 1 0EMCL • .• • • • • Pgrhes fig tom. Ens") "kON Chtted State , tiEugland, l ,lraWnd, 'll,ll cities d towns lot Euro drafts forth' purpoo I • E SSAGT 1 o old cottutry,lby . ys oh hand. •I ; • 1 . ..r.0r0nT OiLB AT 11.1 =EI an To or from Mg lines, r.l FA3IU.IFS :c.pa44foi U.S6o Er:ght4t JOB. PO Decembe I rTe.sldB 1,1969. ' NOBLE tk - ` C "), 1111 ~~ REAL EBl-' MI .4N A. G 11 il FOll .BA.LE! SEVE " I D Situat ed conveniOn 0 3 portion Of t I with _ Office NOBLE Nov 27...1a72 Tow ands I E S L AD I IME MEM= m= .ried under.oittia is achint Patenls;'r! of Sep - }ng .l I • ;FA6TURT I= 02! =BE inety per i:ent 'OR FA ll_ This is c. e Sewing Ma other company 1 l m sold by ore! any I the rit ghe I i Es cry Machin:ME EMM kiENERAL = ESI • i I AND. Ri MEMO rm G' G , 1 ' aY ) r*,a the 10 3, 1 , 18 7 and Trei; atov 4 I uus,SThTF 3 • ' EA 0 .A.ll, EOPATIIIO .1. I;I I s iE , OILS E, ALEOliot„ ; - J I LIQUORS EH TD CIGARS • hIEN"cIINE • 12331 I 1 1 . d ticko CY GOOD: k . klation given to ti ~:;ta Open - Sunda7ii, a . p.m. to 7 p.m, 44, the etore , on BJ .re. D. H. TrRITEIr-i G. Ci'liRDON,.. F et esptctialy aaf 1 1 . 1 • I] '*ay to att , ,rl , l t? usr_s,LEss MEE ne. ' 1 . ! trolatdo.' is ivree:tr •i• . I .', CO., of our PI cc i 1 io ' d r[ ;en tqrat-'qd' Fst citiES. W., taw ' id i st relladde, cire.ft:l 11. i...: ~ . j -- , d to z.•l brat. , :','l ol I : be.fpl- 2.1 ett. and C. It ale.:. 1I 1 ' fa . P.1. - mi t his I offii of Dr.. L il6 , l3rated pb:fg:ciar. Lt , ar the Eitrd I - I ..lALLY7I:, ) I', MANIU.LE-f II iL _,-- I ; 1 ..t BINI. ,A. . : . $125,000. I. • 44J,0u0,' 1 9CILITTE3 1 , 4 tha BUSINESS ACCOEDD.ZG • T'.`f • roiitc-r.ION or Ito ar.y Tart- ui tme btlarld, tl,- can bcro rro,r4re !rza st , ts.t.rzn,r nrFl,!, 123233331E1 1. /d and .i . ..i:;.... 79 . ~.NTBETTS. JB 1 4 .• . ". Cash:tr. , 11t. 1 AM) 1 NTS, TEI:SIS. LLINtTS, b busi4ess ;NCENT, .ciFaraucel A gett..;. -,, . 1 N 'lacilines in 1. . [ L 1, * 1 • it thl. SING MEI Mat lil\z ME - I 031.; ME MI MEM EMS 1 ffiliE IA; t WARBAXIM II It II II