Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 27, 1873, Image 3

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    ta fordlleporter
Thursday, 1i0y..27 1 1873.
WE will answer J. 0.. F.
next week, 'Which will end the contro
To-Atourtow, (Ilinrsaay),
'thanksgiving, the business places h
closed. ' • --
Er.a L. McNErr has been
(33 station agent and telegraph
Carpenter'e Station, just below Cap
atEssas. AIMR & /Jinn) Ni
placed no under !obligation - a: by lea '
kitchen a fine plump turkey.
PARTIES interested in the
sales, bear in mind that they co,
Friday instead of Thursday. i
'A VERY handsome menu
just been plae&l over 'the grave
Jznonz FiILIEBVILY, of Monroe.
Ous eastern readers ninst
get the Magical Convention and Con
Maysville this wet k.
F. S., has opened a
tate office in Canton. Wonder if he
qua lots for sale.
HA.Gilt is holding n
Convention in lye
Illy Aida week. .
tiOn Will close vi k ith a grand concert
day evening.
THERE 1011 be service in tli
copal Church on next Sunday. Rev
E. IlickvAnc, the new rector, will
Ant dim [MEC ,in the morning.
Trt_ Towanda Iron Manta. truing.
Company ate about to shut down, n i l cider, to
make eome necessary repaim and iabrcaee the
capacity of trio e6tablishment:
W. G. Gomox injured one of his
hands quite badly the other day. Iti, attempt
ill,7, to force a cork into a bottle he paid filled,
the bottle broke, and the hand conaink to Con
tact with the broken glue, wae set - elle y cut.
WE .0 nTreceipt, of a neat print
e3 and delicately -tinted card, bearing tbo en
phoneOuS in4ription "GENEVA
Nov. 2.3, frorai which wo are led to infer that
'oar obliging 'cost,. - 0111ce clerk is a "
Acrisc ?.ipou the - suggestion of
corresponderit in the limn - its last week, the
Benevolent Association will place a hoz in th
Pjat Office tolday i for the r ?.ceptiun contri4
buttons. We l hope the call rimy be liherally I
sponded to. -
, 1 -
S. C. Alvais has located M I Grand.
4m-ell, 11ic.14 where he is engaged il the mer-'
caddie business . His family start for their new
borne . to-day. • They leave hosts of 'warm
friends here, Who heartily wish them abundant'
suceet4 in their Western home.
, . . .
I ‘. I .
TEE case of the adminifitrator of
W. E. SnAntA, Rho was shot by lir-ilir NV,i4D
.- in this place nearly three sears ago, against an
l- Accident Ima l ranco company, to' , ..,recoer $3,000
on an accident policy held by deceased, has
jast been decided at Lima, N. Y., in favor of
the plaintiff', 6.1 e jury rendering a v l rrdict for
the amount of policy-with interest.
TEE Moi,liour American sa.
J. D. STIC.M4IDGN, member of Gong,
this dir:trict, is already in Washing
Doctor has taken :great pains to fr
himself with. the wants of his constitti
we, predict wil math) one 'of the twos`
members this di•ttriet has ever beet(
with. We ha . e no doubt he will ranl
- I
a practical lepslator.-
iCK.E,Ft, Superinten ent of
. R. R. Co., is only thirty-one
yet he has fur years disc h arged
I ' '
d responsible duties of superin
load et c hose business tr+sact , ons
lions f dollars per annum. l'Or
ra are found in such Posi; ma.
manner in which r he leond cts
is important (face, indicate, 'tie
or the place. , •
R. A.
the Pa. 5: N.
rears old, au
the onerous a
tending a rail
amount to mi
men of his ye.
The ,admirabl
the attains of
entire fitness
l oy Select School, ,
A - , closed on the) 223 19
during term ivas t asr
"NA IloNraoainay, 1m!
ONTO . 3IEI#, .11/NNIE P.k .
1D.1,,- H01,9331E; -JENNII
and Efr:n Wax. ft.
day daring term : Evl
Y, :3 ENNIE 11.1sON, 31A11
'ALAP.I.):: :IC C 13. kN Si , III;
:11.V ELLYN .
by A. T.
J or of ILino ' 1
Es 310 SE,
CLARI 11.uar.A
Ncit abff.3ent
P.+ucca.r LL
comn and LLEE
received • the' last jannual
. tt ~f C.!!! Mate Lunatic Hispitahat H arris
b,ur Frum it ice learn that two pati4tis from
, :this ci - n.ty d to the i'nstitution
during the ir, and that - the A liol€4 number
rl,c , ,,ve I fr 'al the e,,uhty i,inco the I:irganiza-,
tiyn of the in , tit.vion, is fitty-nine—Oirtv- tun e
males and twenty female - u Whole number of
pa:tient . .. , in the hospital, four linntired and
WE h 4 N
C:erk of the House of Hsi.: ?seutatives, will
leav r e for Washington this evening, accompani
ed by his wife. Mr: H. ataiuls deser4edly high
a:s a public of:esial,
—Judge 31,Entru arrived at his home on
llinday evening last, and will rematn in town
mail after the holidays. He will bj occupied
- most of the time in writint; out " opitdubs" on
the ctses argued before the Court during the
- •
pa-t two rocTib
OUR 6tizens'rgenerally, and .espe- I
,cially parents, Should attend the Friday after
nr4-41 exercises at the Graded -Sct4ol. They
are not only interesting but edifyini. Few
ourlii:;11 schools display mere iystern or better',
depertMent - than can be witnessed I.)y a visi.o4 --
this school, where four hundred and ii•ty schol
are, ripmemiting every grade o
f society are be-
"ing trained for usefulness and a proper s
ebargii, nt the thine.; scion to deVetre upon
' • t'ATRONS OF Ht sBANDIIY.— I TIIO first
tub'.:•rdinate Grange oflho above order, in this
c in-itk, was or;;anized twp., on Thurs
day-the - 20th !DEL by ,FLUNg PORTED., EM-, U:er,e-i ~Site Grange, aril oTa a most thoroug
aad cmpetent officer. . "13radfoi'd" Grange
has tw'euty-six charter members. The follow
are the first four officers elected for the re
ataakr of the year : Mastsr,S. W. lit - Cs ; Sec
ret.try, G. A. DENcot.F*; treasurer, -,Hop. J. H.
Mlrt,sit ; Gs ersiti-r. JAB. Bit rownc;
s• W., Bt. Cb:, of Leßayaville, bas l en appoint
ed 'Sp::dialDaputy for this and, adjoining corm
is authorized to institute 'subordinate
es of the order. All communicatoins ad
to him en the subject will receive
t attention. ,
t 1(, a
T in 'Montrose independent Repub.
' , 2,01 lays one or our citizens a high . compli. .
went iii the notice of, a monument [just erected
iu the(aemeterY of that place :
" Our Montrose Cemetery' has{ receiver 'a
, very creditable addition to'its mementos of the
dead. On the rattily plot ut the late Isaac Post
appears a native blue-stone monument, taken
froml the (late-his) quarry adjoinibg the Fair
. Grenada, and cut by Mr. Wm. Grit'', a stone
,l cater recently from Scotland, no a resident
' of Towanda, Pa. It consists of five blocks, two
bases,' a die or panneled letter block. is mould
ing, and shaft or spire; first bade , - 32, Inches
square, by 17 inches thick ; second, 26 and 11 ;
'the,-19 and 22 •, 'moulding. 5 and 17 ',, akar or
spire, 12-inch base, 7-inch top, an efeet high.
, 1 11
The monument is certainly most appropriate
to the eldest branch of the first family settled
in what is now Montrose. The artist hlUf done'
himself much credit and our cemdtcry,a beau
tiful service; more; he has done °lir towe a ser
vice, in developing the enc. llenl qualities of
our native Blue rook. It is not .extravagant to
suppose that many will prefer it to marble,
be disposed to' patronize home material and
Manufacture." . I
11itua a; flor December is n,our
table. , lt is ' tern tin. rnotiFe *a Mina.
mg as tanaL Among the itztieles in num
ber worthy of epeMal dote, are "The Satre
tzar," by, JUITIX ?COMMIT LIN 013 the
Olitins," by Gee. G. A. Coarita 6
Pundit,", by Azcsasn GIIMIT WEITZ ; 4 ;1 :LIN;
im Mr. Swann, by Guntort W ;i "A
Droll Acquaintanee," - by CAA,. D lisustta:; ' 1 " A
T Words about Borne ¢ Evente", by
Mt' B. Insniu., the tortilla ; .v 11,4430.
cause of.Lonia th XVIII" by L. 11., Ana 'Other
Papers by the best writers: "Drift-W44 by
paILEP QUITIMIT, is interesting as hofetOtore.
The Gauzy really etateiwat .the haul •of Ithe
I;vainteltie literature of the linited atat
se SusumuA Co., 677 proadiray,
, _ _
?El I
I s letter
i orgy.
•re will be
: ppoint
.etator it
AT THE regular meeting of t
wands gaudily-School =Ewe. told o
lsy evening last, , the following 1 offhte l
Sleeted - for - the current terin
''President—a. W. Amino. t
:Tice President-43. W. *DOERR.
Seerdary—lL M. WELLES.
I- 21insurer—O. L. Bum.. •
.1 Executive Conunittee—Bevs. 8. S
Lyn, M. C. DEAN, Cites E. Dfolx
The International lesson for next
1 .
was then taken up end disc:used. and .
section of M. C. Dux. ' -
The next ?coating sitil be held in the
room of the IL E. Church, on the.third
is December. . 1 , •- •
L have
gin our
© off on'
ent hag
the ate
of for-
ert at Le-
I Ma. Eanrou i I noticed in yo
Per of last week, a communication sign
limr," suggesting thit boxes be Pitt up
sUnalo deposit mOneys, in, on
pay, for the benefit of the `l 4 adiea' Be
Juiscociation, of this place. Will ypit pe
real es
aiso to make a suggestion Let I paper,l Pro
potty headed, be left at the t'ost Office, for each
Mechanic, clerk, laborer,• or employe of any
kind, to lien, agreeing to give the proceedal of
IMs labor for the forenoon of Monday, DeCem
tipr 8, next, to . the Ladies' Benevolent issoCia
tint of this place, to be paid by his or tier em
pioyer. on Tuesday, - December 9, to such person
aaltho Ladies' Ilenevolent Association inaY,sn
44wizee to collect it; and that each employer be
to contribute an equal Amon t with
the biggest paid b.T his or her . tn-
Onbiedir a large immint :can be raisiAl :er
this exce4ent and worthy Sdciety In this .
4r: - A:3IE ANict
o canyon
pn Situ-
e Epis-
reach his
- ,
I , THE damaging . effeats of allo
l ibg
c hildren to ran at . large in the l i streets can
hardly be estimated. More boys' hatie pa..o
bi,arted on the downward course by hiunging
shout after dark than by. any one other carse:
Parents. see that your children aro kept 'fit=
eill associations while young; and you rma3lbe
pretty certain of seeing them grow up" to be
neeful men and women. Tho wise, manealiying
that "a boy left to himself Will bring reproach
upon his mother," Is as true to-flay as when
Ost uttered. deity missionary visited at an--
Vappy man in jail waiting his trial for a State
lirison crimes "pit'," said the priioneil, tears
rimming downhis cheeks, "1 had a ko+:11 home
education ;it Was my street icluca ion ati't, in
ined-me. I used to slip out tif 'the house' arid
jet off with the boys in the street. lln the street
II lOarned to lounge ;Ile the street I I lencid'l to
swear; in the street I learned to smoke; in tho'
street I learned to pilfer. Oh! sir, it is in the
sireet - the devil lurki to work thel Fain of the
ioung!" ,
I . TUE lasi Northern Tier retie ?
lishes an interesting article`destri tivoff Jails
1 , ,
lit. GIIANT'S new jewelry store in Tray. 1 Mr. G.
4 ono of the' most enterprising - citizcolt of our
thriving sister village', and richl , me its; the
tniccesi he has met with. The folk:twin Par'a
graph irom the article referred to is as riithful
• 1
assomplimentary : i I , 1 I I
"Mr. Grant hasreason to 'be pron of his
establishment, vlhich'is a credit to our businoes
houses.. A man would have to travel far before
he would find as fine and coniplete an; eatab
hsliment in a town of this size. Mr. G.tas bad
many competitors in .the , field, but frdni one'
Cause or another they havo all withdraWn and
left him to the success that has await d him.
lie always alms to keep a good quality o ware§
and sells them at a reasonable profit, and by
that policy has built up a atm sod abolishing
business. During the twenty years Mr.! Grant
has been a citizen of our town. pe• has been
honored with several, responsible, offices, has
held the position of postmaster, burgessoicho,q
director, member of the council, and chief o--
`the fire department,and has discharged pfo dil
des in all of them with thoroughnles so , abili
ty.7 .. • ~ _ I, [ 1 '
s Hon.
rose from
t on. The
ents, and
, h• high as
1 ITHE Troy District Conference of
the 51. E. Church, held its drat seiision of this
goOferenco year, in the M. E.: Church of; this
place,on Tuesday, Ngv. 18. Tho 4crcis l os con
consisied of essays, discussiohs, iermons,, nod
basinesl portal:ling to the interests of the
Church within the bounds of the IMstric . 7.'A.
cODDIN . G, Esq., presented an ahlo paper eta
?Methods of Raising Money fort Char* and
Renevolent - Purposes," The .practicablity df
his plan-,appeared very `clear; and pia its i ces
sion he showed himself familiar wr th heeds
of the Church, and eneml a dye irate esti, in
lie: tuCeets. s - . 1
Other themes wertil discussed, 'arid. b siness
transacted which wa.i peculiar. to Ithe etho..l
- Church. In the evening, U3V { .T. S ., a
Volleboro, Pa., preached an able bud eloquent
sermon, practical and full of comiort. lits text
*es 1 Peter, ii : 20. After which the Con erence
4djourned, to meet at Wellsborl, at all of
, • ,
Presiding. Elder. - ' I ,r. .
sc. The
folio. s :
• Eton-
i 51 - oust,
r Mon.,
L‘ HoL-
1 ri -:-
1 sdAau-TOWN 1TE.118.--In plilce I , f In
dian Summer, we. arc having scluaw -- inter.
Croquet has given plaOe to indoor amns mints.
One of the most plesilant affairs i nk thikind,
4 - as the "houge-wartifitig" at N. A. F's
new divelliug, where Our younglieopl "trip
ped the light fantastic toe " until the " wee .
small hours ;" the music was: exhilaratng. and
the refreshments abundant ." Sla the enjoy
their pleasant home for many yeai's. , Susigess
ileemsijacti..e, notwithstandinr , dull timea in
T i
thorn populous places.' Larrts7 & Lalnoti
seem to be receiving their share of !lei public
•r ,
= Mrs T. 4.. CAYP is • bnsily fitting the ladies
I ' • 1
fah those "loves of : bonnets ," rile.are so
much admired. School commences nt Moil
day: Miss Sustz Evan' has charge lot' the Acad
emy,l and lilamaii Acaatr of Ithe District
School. Our theologrtal expounder, does' nit
seem. to be as lively as last wieter,l cleaing the
{calks that our feet may turn churChward. i We
think be found other amusem'entsi moti l e detri
mental to his welfsce !halt : croquet wool(' isve
bode, as he does notNalk wittl'hisinsual grace
'fulness. Was Lo "wrestling - with - 8i I " ihen
lids limb was broken? ' . . I, • A. ,A.
I •
• , I
I • 11113NF11 8 FOE., IJECE3iI37. _SEO
ondrprofugely illustrated article nisfana,
Opens Scribner's for 'December. Da the same
number is a. popular science paper Ss;Vage
Man, with very striking illustrationsn inter
esting sketch, with portrait, 'of Pa oa,l the
Celebrated young English . astionbmer new is
ibis Country, by Jon* Feaairt ;
paper on an English Abbey, In which the
Wat Tyler insurrection is tnri4cd pen ;:a
timely and able discussion, ; by Prof.
:eif Princeton, of the Specie Paynuint einestiori
)31ack Bock, a story; a poem by
entitled "Luke in the Colorado Tark---lp3 - ,"
S•i explanation of Carlism in Spain, by W.
7.IIESTQN ; and continuations of Miss Tusi:roi!i'ti
Story, "Katharine Earle," 'and[ Alias Davis!'
'Eartheia Pitchers." Dr. Hoit.stin, 6 Topit4
of the Tuneolscnssell Some fteligions Novropite,
iiers, Provisions for Wives and childrer
;American Gentleman of Leisure , and Titiw
Mauch his been Gained toward Christian Union
ln Tice Old. Cabinet there is The )louse en the
!Corner, The Comnionplaco, The Invisible
and Something Dettei thin Truth: In
IHomo and Society, Culture and progress; XL
tnre an Scienpe, and Etchings, a great many
,inbjecbs are.brieffy treated. The .fantiary [ tiny
bbr of Scribner's will have features bf sped
interest. ,
. . - . I ' l '
Lv_r IT Pnosirrt.—te 1 r efer
• •• ,
Ilifessrann ti-Smes Paterit WagOa Brake,
The proprietors inforM us that theyl hatle e
tablishedihepCrmaneut manufacture of the
brake in Towanda:the Works : to lie Carrie 4 i
----, +lse Eilreka Mower Shop. • i 3, -1.1 •
have witneam is
id tee orkings of' l 4
rake, and are astonished to see toW °sally
esontrols the - wbe4 ill is decideidbi a r ia inru
meat to any -wag* esOciallyltbe platfot
spring wagon, and too i cap the chtuaa, no:m .
can find a lodging place on the ruli, twit awing
jarounilta, aiito.stand clear of thct wheelji The
inventor says': " It bits a slid, and aU it rt•
quires is the breath of life' to : inalie it hrurtan7.7
We are gratified to Warn that b ini l spiiite of the
stringency of the motley matiiet,i!ous, citizens
are alive to the interests Of_the! ; 1 btirongit by
1 -
. •
subscribing rout $790 to. aid in starting the
mannfictory of theite brakes in the place. The
patentee's well advanced in years, arid beais
tee impact 01l a mu!. who is sincere in his par
poste and takes ap i oiler pride In the worth of
of his patent It is our opinion that a wagon
cannot be completdwithcrat this brake, and as
Messrs. Roan & itolu hare no competitors, the
,manufactureleannot fail to be a success. We
estend to these men a hearty welcome to our
place, and helm til l * sojourn among no will
prove to our runtuat benefit:
__ . _ ,. , a. ,..__i • -
! - -
MB. o n :, I notice a, '
in the REPoRTEB, of Nov. 20, staling that the
"age of the did hones near the depot in Wyse
lasing, has been A disputed point for many
years, and 74r. &Arts history nf - Wyalnaing
,has been subject to severe criticism, on account
of his asserting in that work that the house
- .was erected by the iloravians before the Bevo-
Innen." I ani &n ice of the criticism Atkin ,
mentioned, tint have not heretofore thought it
worth while to make any publio reply. In the
first place, of Ithoselwhd r have expressakdoubte
i i
as to the corr toots of that statement, I have
never found o e who pretended to know when
the house te Intilt; The statement wit . ' ques
tioned stoiply because they had never hoard
!brit the ho was ito old before. The ground
of the critic-is ,so far as it has come to my
knowledge,. simply negative; and I never
have consideAd that, as. of sufficient value to
coutttertialan4e that positive testimony on the
other side: The feats which favor the truth of
my statement, are briefly these: Neither at the
time at. which that history was written , nor
since, have i timid it man whose brst'reeellec
dons 0f,.. house, were not that it was• an old
house, when they first know it; and there are,
persons now ling who recollect it in 1792. In
some memoranda taken from the lips. of dorm
Haus:mac; trho moved to Wyalnaing ,at the
beginning of this Century, who was well
quainted with Mr. iltntosistr, and purchased
his farm, he' s ated that the Kingsley house
vitae built by t, e Indians for Tnonss lIECHA.
WELDEIL EIS:01441 1 was at.Wyalrising, and in
occupancy of his farm as early ,as 1775, and
probably the year before. So the tradition is
direct, and reabhed mo directly from Mr. Horn
nexuses, whose memory of facts was proverbi
ally tenacious.] Further; there is documentary
evidence that *IO3kAJ RECKAWELDEI2, a brother
of the celebtated missionary, was herb in
4767-8, and lived in Las own house. Also, on
theCth of Autinat, 1779, while Gen.,SoLuvAN'er
army was encimped‘ here, we learn fromtho
purdah' of that canipaign; that nt, Sew Jereoyi
Serjeant and s iprivii!to " were butted 'near the
kungsley boils .." Again, when Johtniti.olvair
Sold the title tis thelWyalnaing lanas ! , to llV.iillY
I).ackmo the tract did not include the Kings
ley place, although! it is, certain there were
then clearingslon it: l ' - 1;!!' .-
!! The above . tiorily i an outline of the fails
lected, ref° rringlo the history of the oldlOtise., ,
I spent much time in i:10 inve.tigatiou. and bet.
Came satisfied iof the entire truthfulueois of the .
Statement made in my history. • Theriast time
I ever saw th 4 late C. L. WAno of . - .t . our bo
iongh, this very question was canvassed, and
having laid before him the facts I had gather-.
ad, he said he regarded the evidence complete,
and it was rare that snelr an event, transpiring
a century ago was So eel) attested ; and th e
next week, ov 1
!i• his own name, he ptiblished a
card in your paper, endorsing fully and Cordial-.
ly my work. .Any further collateral evidence,
like that giveif by W. in the Gleaner, will be
gladly - receir64. In the meanwhile I mnst in
sist,, in the Abilene° of any contrary •ovidence,
that the KtngOey house is the oldest bnildliag
in the county,, and it is hoped that its present
ownrr, G. IL !WELLES, Esq., whose lib! rality
and public spa •t are sec well kroiwn, will take
eSicient rueashres to preserve it -a*a menu
- went of our early, settlement, and of the memo
rablepen, who braved eanger and hardship in
Waking their borne' in this, then western ml
dernesa. A century •has elapsed since those
hardy pioneer's formed the first white settle
ment within the limits of this county. Ought
not the but Fourth of July be sot apart in cal
' ebrating ear eenteunial?
lit d .
i. 1
ttio I di-
I 1
1 1 p a.
• d i'Crr
itor per
, erredent
L It me
Itour--.lllr. Edilor: Old awe bears
us on, and wd are reminded to-day that Sum
pet is past and dreary long Winter is at our
Snow, to the depth of two inches, lsy
4.4 0 n the gmend ihis rooming, but mostly
aiipeared during, the day.
A very ploasaut affair came off hero last
evening, on the OCCM . PiOIa of the first anniversa.
ry of the L O 0. F. established here.. 0.
KiNNET delivered the address to a droviled
house. Mr. IL. is a very able speakaoMd
proved himself master 1 - . t the situations"'' After
he address, the andiince were treated to a
healthful hong by tbc , aecompli:-hecl
. The Teachers' Exiniinaficei is In 'Was
here this weep, and is largely attendei; Pro
CLILL,P2.II:B iqock of teachers are acquitting
themselves is a manner that 13 alike creditable
to both him abil the pupils
, Ininrovenieb is are going on any: og, us J. W.
linarEn'd ntit cottage ,is hot approaching
completion, and will be an ornament to the
town. Bev'. Wat: Sat tx has purchased & fine
building lot abil lias . a cellar already completed.
We also notie'e that the lion. Jon,: is brusiatug
up awl greatly improving the looks of his
abode Harj,times have b'ut little effect upon
as as.yet.
Local item% being scarce, "pass briefly to no-
tea a few remarks made by the Borourrat up
-04 my last communication of Now. G r After
referring to ei portion of my letter, in which I
stated that Itt.pablican voters " scratched' the
nanie of Is sH. Wr.un from their tielfets, at
the late elect en, you ask : " Why was this the
case? Canaux man say aught his Re
publicanism-% It is not that he is a Itepublic.iu
that wesit.a l ,ught against him, I did not ex-'
pect to aptiOach the subject again, atuieveti
now stirinte6em encroaching upon your valua
ble time audoace; but I will try to be as brief
as possible this time, and only ask a few clues-
•Why is it, i . Mr. Wenn is the good, honest,
upright man,l you reCo•esent him to he, that he
was barely elected? You will say, perhaps,
l i
that his oppo en ts were out in force, while his
tritads.staye at home. I will just whisper tu
your car Baal al that saved him from totst an
tabilation,,uts die fact that the Republicans
did' stay at home ! I will 'also add that his rec
ord with the party in this section,is not exactly .
clear. However, Mr., WV-1311 is our Representa
tive, and it is!not policy to show him up in his
proper light. j. We pass to ask - directly if you or
Mr. Wren himself can point to one single act
of his, while inlaffiee, that was of any material
benefit to his! constituents? On die contrary,
his political Carper is marked all through- with
a little tu,ystars4 and it is a fact that all his leg
islation was in direct opposition to theovialies
and welfare of the people of Bradford county.
None knew better than `himself that, ho hid
done wrong. bra , still he Was. not the luau it,o
come out and confess it ; bad ho done so - , la
would have been mare esteemed. He rightfully
had no claimito the office,andhe very well knew
it. Why didlhe write to a gentleman of this
place some tune previous to the Convention,
confessing hia wrongs and asking support? Is
that limiest ?1 Why did he not ask the whole
parts? Hirdid not know that the gentleman
waroppesed to lam, •and I do no6ay here that.
he was, but Mr. Wants knew ho deserved his
opposition, and of course thought to take time
by the forelock, and ask forgiveness. Surely
" the way of the transgressor is hard." Yon
allege no ono over-petitioned Mr. Winn to re.
'peal the Troy bill. Did any one cior petition
him to advocate its passage? Yon, may say.
" Yes." Well, if any did, it was because they
were to reapla hirvest therefrom.
' Wo proilotte here Weave Mr. Wean ." alone in
' his gloryn:but really, we think be must fee.
!, prond,'going to Harrisburg, with such an over
' whetrning Majority! We claim, however, that
be did not receive hii nomination honestly and
fairly ; and will ask if Mr. WEBB did not know
lal I when he went into that Convention that he was
not to . have a:id/opposition? Ile.doibtless had
had , s, privat'e interview with the other candi
dates; and hid in some way silenced their bat
telles. befor4hand. Precisely how this was done
,we;de not y, farther than that it was iccom
ar, plialted through p.filtic'al trickery. Duo thing.
in, howiirer, is certain: he could not have receiv
ed aimajority of the delegates in any way, ex
ceptby ale4rs.,,NicaoLs, DART ok Co., quitting
the geld: Ailridthr this perfidy, they, as well as ,
Blr.`Wznn, I
wilt be remembered, when they
_" come into 1 the km' id° in."
Yon' ask ixte to point to any. particular Oor-!
ruptness of the "Ring.", What right have its [
members tcilay to ns : We control you. I or, i
You can't 6 - anything without our consent.]
For years they have been saying to Ps, that no;
one cart approach a-nomination except through!
them ; but the darkest cloud has its silver lin4
tag, and alas for the ones whom you call r Ben 4
*men, for the day Is already ,dawning when
the tables will be turned, and the Republicans
et Bradlord county will let them know that
they are not . " all in ail." What right have they
Igo say one year who shall be candidates the
Pest? Do they pay all the taxes? /. venture
tit say that some or them don't pay any! A
would-be candidate said hx-my hearing, on the
day of the Convention, after his name tor a
county office had beirt withdrawn, "Oh 1 I did
not expect to get it, but wanted to 'make as
goods show as I could, Ibr it will help me next
time.' Well, know they cat aid hang up to
dry from,one term to another, and we think
some of thent.that were pusep last will be well
Cued, if they wait for the Republicans of this
County to cut them down! I would'say, is con
elusion, that I certainly did attend the Conven
ton, and must confess that the Job was well
•ptit up."
;, Your remarks in regard to "political hacks,"
"corrupt politicians," etc., having no earthly
bearit.g on me„ . I pass Unlit by g3,(id-naturedif.
taking them for what they; are "worth. The
laudable desire, also, that you Speak of, we ad
mit, in a great measure, is true ; nevertheless,
We thLk it a little Severe that all mankind
should be judged by the feelings of
Our position now with regard to Mr. Wens. is
identical with that of the man who, meeting a
bear, prayed, "Lord, help mo 1" 'hut immedi
ately exclaimed, "If you don't help *IN don's
help the bear 1" We say to Mr. Warn : If you
can't do na any good, don't do' us any harm ;
go to Harrisburg and sic there in mute silence, -
aid come home an honorable man. -
J. C. F.
Rome,'Nov. 12, 1873
SW Yak' Lacey, of all Widths and
prices, at. Tamos k Cde...
1616.117ant0d to borrow,
.$l,OOO or
4'2,000. Etiquiro at this office.
WiNTED.—Aa active, enettitic man
o canvass for the ..REPOIITER.
MI.. Dress Trimmings, at Mrs.., •
Mercur's Block, for Your Books and Stationery.
etir Children's Normandy Caps, at
t~or the best Roast or Steak
go to 3.1 m - -& '
Seferal valuable Farms and
HOnses and LC:As - Tor salo by DAIITLETT TRACY.
.10...1. - ,000 Statements for $4.00 ;
2,000 tor $7.50, at Chia of
want the best Cook, Stove
extant, call at .1401, in HeronCa Block.
t eig-11 you :cantto see fine Gold
Virtddhes, call nt lIENDEratAN's now Jewelry
Store, Bridge street.
An en. e,a variety of heating
stoves at JUN ' E.I4, 'vadat are being eeld very
JUST ARRIVED large invoice of
Flunr, in Barrels, Half-Barrels, and Backs, at a
reduced ptice. 31cCar.r. EDWAIIDS.
-A. • '
W• - • - 'The cheapest plaCe in town to
buy Watches, Jowllry, and Sdygrware, is at M.
Fitnsnmatan's, on iftidge street.'
La- Patterns, Hats and Bonnets,
At cbst, at Mrs. VfO3I)IIOFT.'9, COTOCT of Man
• ie. The fin •t stock of Gold Jew
elry; of every description, over brought in thi.
bow* .now °Prod at 51.• MENDELIIAN'S now
Jewelry StOrd, Bridge street.
is eclliug Furnitu4 at astonishingly low prices.
Now is the• time to purchase.
If r ou want a good job repafr
log in watering, clocks and jewelry, call at
Ittimuatves Jewelry Store, Bridge aireet.
• ,
gurrzle i l K's Patterns of Gar
meats for Ladies, lases and Children, at Mrs
Solid Gold, Silver, and Plated
War'e, of soperior quality. at tow prices, at M.
Eiri4,DELmaieB store, Bridge street.
VB. Caps, both black and white,
for old ladies, forj rale at Mrs. J. D. Thu's,
Bridge Amt.
• jam- Call at M. HENDELMAN ' S Jewel
ry store, Bridge street, and examine the stock,
whether you demi° to purchase or not.
E Consrg! & CooNs ,have' more,
cheaper and bettei Boots and Shoes, than were
ever before offered for sale in Towanda.
igt," Children's School Hats, in
Felt, Straw and VelveteenutMre. Woonnurrv's,
confer of and Bridge.
• ,
To see the full styles in Hats
and Bonnets, go to Mrs. J. D. HILL'S Millinery
Stoic:, Bridge street._ •
kir Large stock of Pictures and
Picture Frames, ai l guncown & Suaufs,
cur% Block.
Is-White Embroidered Flannel,
or Ladies' Skirts, at l'Airtoa & Co's.
Nov. 12-2 w.
JUST ARRIVED !--A large invoice o
Flour, in Barrels, Half-Barrels, and Backs, nt
rednced price. MCCABE & EDWARDS.
tog. Wall Paper and Curtains
cheap at ISfriticoma & Spam's.
?tierces Block.
tor Orders received for, all kinds
HairVii?ii,' by ErAr. Lavoie, at the Ward
H Monday. and Tuesday, November
ind 18.
Prof. SHERWOOD ' S Musical Aeft-:
deray is an established ;fact. We told Lim Rhos
he ;located here, that a good teseberivonld
find plenty of pupils.
lily. All new subscribers •to the
Cultivator and Country Gentlenutn, for 1874,
paying in advance,• previous to the close
. of ,
18713, will receive the paper" weekly, from re
ceipt of remittance td January 1, 1874, without
ELIE:LAVOIE returns thanVs' to
tht:; ladies of this place for liberal patronage.
Hellas how ettablisheff a branch Of his estab
hstitnent at Mrs. limp's. on Bridge street. '
DONATION.—The Mends of Rev. T.
F. loasoos and wife will give them a donation
on the afternoon and evening of Friday, Dec.
5, Op. at the r&stdenee of Joss TEOE:PSON,
Clamt..wn. All are'invited to atterift. Dy or
cirri of the Committee
S. S. Btrr
Ng. Teachers of mnsi : n par;
chase 84eeti - Magic and Music Books at Teach•
ers rates, - at the Tempro or- Music, Towanda
Bergman's Zephyrs, in al.
shades, and Gas colors, only 20 cents per es, at
Mrs. WOODUVWB, corner of Main and Bridge
streets. •
ie. The best place to buy School,
libicellaneona and Blank Books and Fancy
Goode, is at' • Wnrrcozo & SHam' a.
?demur's Block.
For fine American, Elgin and
Swiss Watches, Jewelry, etc., go to H. J. Hare
t wee's, Wydositig, P. A large . stock just re
ifir Instruction in the German
langnage,.by new Briar Loses, M. D., i na
tive of Germany. Apply at his residence, No.
7 Arcade Block. •
• 1 •.
% lir
ai l
Part desiring desiring bi prams°
Dry Goods for F . and Winter w JINX , wM do
woll to adl on T iloa ,hi Co. Be:o Advert so
wont in another Oman.
k.: wialiiug‘p) Ourobase
desertion, aho rad call on
k • , Inattiance and :Item Ettato
• Floi#ere, elegat 4 feath
. and celore of ItitOcins, for
, nee Dlilliaery Stort!,l3ridge
WWl'. pays
to the sale of Hay Presses.
on wirlilto get at goo l d article
it you::
tot , '
Sir Persok
Real &tato of an;
Ilaaturn do TUC
Agent, and Broke
era, and all kini
sale at Mrs.:. 1).
special .attention
Call upon him if;
and one that will
• ser Mathti hek, Weber, )1,/ofman,
Knickerbocker, a d other Tinos for cheap
and on easy ;nil at C9li, Pas as pi it Co'B
Temple or aki, owanda, Pa..
, , i
tom. The 'at plO eto bu d Sash,
Blinds, Doors an allM4s of Lumber, la at
FROV & SONG ' aotory on Charles street: 01-
flce l lo7 Main ere t. They sell 'cheap for cash.
stiri!Lazia s & goarais, elanufact. I
nrers Of those celebrated spectacles, have
changed their lig' EICY front 1. Unoonteti to I
War. A. One= ~ , e's. i - i _ .
the risk - of an acti-!,
h. get it ticket good; for $3,-
, for 26leonta r.aikk
nasE, afiruiperfepot ?
I :
.ftir Why r
dent, wfien you c
100 in Caso of Boat :
ng on FRANK Bu .1
' he new house on Maim
r . northi of Chestnut. street:
rout. 'ierms easy. 'Fannin)
Mrs. 130wn9 and tif E. b
street, second d.
lot about 100 feet
on, the premises o
. •
Hats and Bonnds in
tyles, j* received at Mrs.
r or Main and Bridg&strcots.
Eitsetit. •
se- Ladies'
all of the latest s
.Eutraoce ou Main
October 10,187
, ' • 11' °
• . ter PIEECE 4. N Mac i a Etri ms are., g
all varieties of coal very cheap.- Thez:-:t re Sole
agents for thO 'talc , of the :celebrated 13arclay
coal. Coal by carlload at sttliscotuit. I . . .
'4'ENT:MING A731.1,.--.
.ply. Thia ia an excellent ono
It will arparate Oa.ta from
heat trona Oats, and prepare
grans seeds for *lowing.
M.nEu's P
Just reeeivod
in every respect.
Wheat. and Buck
nicely all grain au
re elsoii Id be exercis
or a etovo or heater, '
se on©
sary will test tnany
ofl in the Selection
of thew very neee
years: Ritmo:lft
aortment of head
offered in this ma
Hostrottoi have the best
g said cdoklpg,• stoves ever
t geneially knowa that
t the BoOa' Diitdery eier the
flakes Blank Books in any
binding desired. if you
I r, Journal or Docket, give
tom' It is np
iIETOUTED, office,
8 .710 of ruling a
want a new Ledg
him a call.
prep - area t6pri - r4 wed
vitation cards, on the short
!he neatesi. style. EnVelopes
gew.:We are
ding-, calling, or i,
eat notice, and in
farnielied when de
, desirable baildto o' lots,
:.:for ealoche4p., Will more
f ie' in the; ( next two 'years.
near the Iron War
than double in cal
Engture at dna oft
alp weather approach
would pr'Fscrve your beardi
und warru, by wearing ate
ithoem sOla by M. J. L:Lutx,
rte. Cold, (I. i
apses, and it yo
keep your feet dry!
superior boots an ,
in Beidleinan's BPI
Wood 4 Co., Taylor
Ilea Org• l ar., at low prices and
deull for CIICAIaI9, Ol e
IT them at the Temple
t. Co.
c George
& Parley, and Jubi
easy terms of pipe
call to see and he
sic of COLE, PAS3A
• •
Dealer . ei in . Strings will dolwell
to call at the Temple of 3lusie, where they will
find a largo assorthamat of F.Lineh, Germa i n mad
Italian Strings, at l i Sew York - prices. , * I * •
. . ,
Wl For sale chop toy housoatil
lot, on Chestnut greet. Euinire at the'of4co
of BAnt - LErr.k, Talor. ' W. Ct. Tittcr.
; .
tar No one need to in •-•cv4iit of
Hats or Bonnets, M . any othi . i. millinery &cab;
it. tiey will go to ..1. A.;. PETTES Al Co., where
they sell everythieg aleording to ita kesent
vane. ' I
oi N 120,W.1.
You'. crin' buy a 4 good Range
at BArtliOX aSt 110SP,ORD'a with 00 Ramo amount
of moncy you would have Par Mr a common
8t01,0 a t ttpy
larg/ assortinpi
•ca riCeitidd 4t
common cook
a note of this
tog. A 1
ton KM Glor ,
Cc., at the latest
2r13- Pow I
dayiN paper Ithot
suitable for the so
cure gloat harga i
goods at a'reducti
last year's priPCS,
Se* A. A.
.tantiv repleniahi
Woult.n lams and
BO White's Patent
der, will sell his
JEWELRY, War clic
auctions from fo
Clothing Store.
!relation, by' C. WI
Union Corners, Sh,
day, Dec. 1. 1873,
a concert. Also, •I
Dec 8, and °login ,
Nov. 25-2wl
00-Hifechtil l
are in want of do
vantage to bny'of
concluded to keep
or as long 116 travit
Bev. S. Elwell wil
the residence of
ville, Friday eveni
tcrirand other In
served. • All are r
By order of Core
Leflaysvitle, No'
Tlll6 FALL?—If e
challenge any d=
county to produc
Bret-class paitit.
'the brush. Send
`list find circulars.
ter Some
/11% Drug Store,
INsoN's lecture.
proving property
M.. Mrs.
ceived a full line
for the Fall and A
the finest &midi:n i l'
nets, in Towanda
Oct. 11. I
Bur Youn
—Two or more ,
buy thoir coal fro
prices, awl get 2,'
so.seventpllre ce
be saved frOm To
sfir New
Our stock is now
line of Boots and
anti' Mittens, Ten
Straps, etc. Rem
to show Goods, al
bottom prices.
B. M. Wria.E.g.
or place. Make
nt of '2-13u
B r A. PEtrEY .L•
ow prices,,d ‘TIII. tict: sold
. ' :
& Co. rOvertiße 16 to
er large Invoice of oods„
son. Now Is the time to se
na, ea they aro l selling dry
n 01. 25 CO 50 per,denC from
Ert:E.s SCI Co. are l eon, :i
g their lit go rihsortritent oT
Knit-Worked Gods, aril al
oo(l4,kt bottom priceii.
I.N r .i NELSON, lereta
tack Of dorsi ASD PLATED
and ,S)7ccta des at re
aler priel! At Warres
Jan. 1,174. ,
ISING I—;Musical Onn
and M. E. WiLsint, at
shequin,t . inamoncing ;
nd clusing Friday night with
"t Horn-Brook, commencing
Friday night as above.
ics and; laborers lwlio;
ing, will And it to th4ir ad
hi. E. Roesriki.n, .4 . 1) has
his store °inn until 8 o'clock,
tl:3 will re(inir6 to kceplopen.
friends of
pay him a;.Donatifna `tint .at
IL Mattan, itr
Dumber 5, 1873 Ovs
nries or. tin) neason wilt be
Ispectfaily;turtted to attend.
ittee." 1
': 21. 1873 4-2 w.
- I •
1, try the i Rub c ber 'Palnt. ; .
Aeror painter, in .Bradford
Ls good, durable 'cheap
Sold by the gallon ready for
for sample color cartl price
, - ;
me left a clock
'n the evening of Ax:AIDI . en•
The Nr.cnc - F eau 'has'el it,Ay
and PlYill'4 for this
J. 1).1aos has now re
andTa'ney floods,
inter trade. §hoswill display
lent of tritnined - Hatts and Bon.
on and after'text, Satnrdat,
I 1.1,
. rums can . :Onb together. and
It. M. IYELLEs at whidesale
40 dis to, tho ton: In I doing.
is per ton of 2,000 11.0. can
a i nds retail prices.
; 1 :
coda just, received.
omplete. !Everythingp the
oes, Rabbet Goode, (Notes
ks, Traveling Bags, §hswl
ember we are always Willing
wilt sell them at the lowest
Onszat Oatem
Datanam—Vhe fritinds of Pay:. F
H seat will pay him a donation visit in ill
'I% wan 'Ball, Grivell. oA Fridiv evening. Dec. 5
cordial invitation <s extended to all.
Dosmox—The friends of Rev. P.
sinnqoa e l are Invitocrtamakeldna• s Ransil°.
dt at' th K.•l. Parsonage in Route, on the
st lernoon and Livening of WOdoefoliy, Dec. 10,
73. By arrangement of the 'Quarterly Con
ferencie. ' ' . A Datum, Ree'y.
' Prudent people of all classes,
a.the old country. invest their money, hr . gold
and silverware, pwelry, watches, and. the like.
for safe keeping, knowing Quit such articles al
ways aornmand a good price; and are much
more wady taken caro of, than monoy. It would
be, well If ontimoplo would follow the example
of or.r thrifty'and cnterprlsininsighbora across
tho water. W. A. OttastnEnutt keeps a full as
sortment of these godds, warituittid of the best
9' aality. ;
slik. Among the busittess estaiblish":
ments in this place,'of which everry citizen feels
proud, is the extensive Book BOro of 0. F.
Coosa. Mr. C. is thoroughly posted in the busi
ness, and keeps alarger and better assortment
of goods than can bo found in any 'other place
in the country.' Wo cheerfully recommend him
to the patronage of our readers, as an honeit,
upright dealer s and one who never takes advan
tago'or overreaches. Bach men should he pat
NoneE.—The members of Union
Lodge No. 103, Union H. D. A., Chapter .181,
and Northern Commandeiy No. 16, located and
stationed at Towanda; Pa:. are hereby notified
that there will •be a meeting of the Masonic
Hall Asiociation, held at.Masonie Hall, -Tontan..
de, Pa., Dec. 17, 1873, at 6 P. At., sharp., for the
purpose of electing a President,Treasni . er, Sec
retary;and thief) Trustees or the Masonic Hall
Association, to servo for the 'ensuing Masonic
year. H. D. aria:EA:l, Flee'y.
Nov. 12, 1873—at.
KET AT 123 Maur artinET—HEED THE CILY—Foh
20 . Paff ,) reently at
bargains, Oat goods .trill 6frtred at pally
prnes... Call and Pee our Over -',Ceat4, at t 4.10;
Under-shirt:: and Drarii:rs to 10 cents each ; al!
other goaiLin priiportion: I Omit he at To
svaricla the balance or the ser,imu, from the 24*
.his month, awl would La lileased to rcoeivi
r-i:411-fidra friends and craorners,.
At I.a. SoI.OMoN
Prieo C. 0. D. Clothier,l.23 Main-St.
Is. Another .4reat, rednetion just
made in the price of Furiat turf, by J. 0. Fnosi
Sons. Look at tbtst prices
Cbil,dron's High . Chairs, tacit.
BosfOn Rockers, cacti
Licht Wood Seat (limb's, tr. , set
Best Flag Scat Cl airs, p Get
Ash Chamber Suits,
New is the kUsttiino to buy
aucktlio only place in town s
leiu street
Whcn some s^a nil 8 fUrt u n
To shAtei yolir
Bp your motto "Nil (iemper
Fight bmsely, and "n rc i
'rho' timen arc Low hard wi,
• We gladly your profits WI
MCMAtION Will make
That hid "
Order ;‘, our f:Ar1.1!;!Iti
red J. L. lluNnzos,
Ofliec, will maeyou e • suit:
ment, a little lower than any
rueut iu Totanda,,ll.3 is a pr ,
and anperint. , ndH the nitnufa,.
15i/cuts made at his estiblishrue
havin{., a 711111.•
the• reePutlarge - sales of Siert
York, tier to ifc:ll fir the tie
their s.oel: of
DRE 4 ,S GOODS, 5,
• CWl*(l
FL &NNE LS, ' , q'
• 1
SLIEt mu's. - 4
. - cirrii.6l. l
Towanda, Nov. 15. it 373
• M'ARRIE t D.
S, yus-INNES.-2-At. the ho: to of the bricie
''father, Adam Rines . E, , q.. 21
S. P. Gates, M. C.' G. sayles
Innes, toil] of Orkm - ille, Pii.,
_ I
J. L. Bush. 11r. ti'. L. Pratt,
Alice E. Pepper, of Ntw Ha
BLACKJIAN-0, P.—A. the
bride's mother; in Liiiia, N.
the 6tly inst., f'. Itev,':(l..H.
• Oen.,S. Blackma 'ti, of.3lonro,
• Frances Olp, of Lima; N. Y.
brideg fa her. Alvin T. Ackle
Nev. 20, by Rev. J. J. Till
Haight toAddie L. 'Ackley, al
the illiciatim.; c.ergyman, in
•by Rev. S. Daviilson,.-Leruan
Sheshegnin, and rilsl;:ilit Cal
ham. • • I
• , DIED.
MElt,lllTT.—In 'NTT,
consnniption, rdisA pfpsan 3
;4-5 eau. •
TENTLEY.—In Springfield, P.l
of apoplexy, Itrit. Agnes 13'
FULLER.—&t SylvatiU. Pa , N
getterul dt.‘pility;Threr:!, Hari
51 terra. . • •
PLATT.—.In llerrickvitk, Noj•.l
ill Platt, rife of Z. Plait;
811ULTS.—At his home in N
Nov. 12. 1873 John Simlfs, a
monthl'and 21 days.
T 0 W,A - N D A M
virnotEsALE ritU
Corrected every wednesday, b,
nabyeet tothanges daily.
Wheat; M bush
Rye. "44 bush.. ,
Buckwheat, bash
Oats, Bashi
Beaus, 1 14 bush.. ..
Butter (rolls) n 5
do (datry,) 14 Its now ' •
Ego' 11 dos
Potatoes. bash t new ,
Flour B barrel
Oolong 11 bush •
Wr.zottre 07 GRAlN.—Whera 60. 1)
Rye .513 lbs.; Oars 92 lbs.; Barley I
66 lbs.; Beans 62 lbs.; Bran 20 lb:
lbs.; Tlniethy Seed 44tbs; lirfe
Dried Ames 22 tbs.; Flit Seed 51
irritable state of mind; a ryr k, nervous, ex
hansted feeling; no energy or , tuntixition . ; can
lased head, weak memory, oftkjn . .ttilli
ing, involuntary discharges. The . e_nnsegnencen
of oxcesics. mental ,oVerwork r indi 4 cretions.
Tlie.Ntuvors Dsztury finds sorerefga 'cure
in 1101P111{EY'ta niMEOPATHIC
No. '23. It toms tip 'the . aystr,' arrests dia
'cl,l,les dispels the mental gl om and despo,n
-,1 nc y. ^ml rejirrenate'S the en ire ay::tein. It is
per re,:• ly.ll aimless ft !tit a! ways ellicit:ut. , Price
ti 1". - 4 a.paekage of fire'hoxes and ' large SQ
viai-Of powder, whiellnapor ant hi oil, seri
ona ca,-es ;or pfr i.ingle . tidltt by ALL
dtnguist,4, or sent by mail on receipt a
Address, tqL.% It if. B. Vorirsn.
r South end Ward flottq,, , •
'N OLDiloNt.Ett. cic
-xi.. pears experience. -All calls romptly altende(
to Terms, from-two to three dollars'per.fisv. C:*
. pn, or address BQITIRg BEWAIL' si,
Nov 19'73.W6. North Thane nradford
QIHOLARSHIP FOts cu3imt,tt-
SA.CIE.,-Ten dollars can boaaved o any one desir
ing such a chalarship. - ; For f er particulars.
call at this Ake, or address .
- F. . CAMP,
Eallibiy,. adford C... Pa.
Nov. 20,x3*
°San in immense siock of
HUMAN H.,l{, •
At grest . rednellons :Tow is tlis t e for bargains In
AT Siva. J. D. FANCY
Erna, Torwra. Pa.--LAV
HAIR PALACE, or Enwa, IQ. '
Nov. 25, 13.
Adegat, • .
AJ LAMAT/011.-..Whereas, by an act of Assembly
of the Commonwealthof Pennaylvanl4 entitled ',en
act relating to the elections of this Coninionwealth."
it is enjoined upon 'me to give public notice of such
election to be held; and. also the enumeration In
such notice what - dillisint. are to. be 'sleeted, I. J.
211.. SMITH, Illgh Sheriff of the county of Bradford,
do hercbymake stump and give notice te. the electors
of said county, that there will be held a succial
ele boa on 'TUESDAY, the bah day, of MOM!.
'BPI. BM, in. the • several districts in, said comi
ty, to wit • ~
In Armenia, at of John S.lBecker..
In Alba borough, at the house formerly occupied
by IX P. Knapp.. • - •
In Albany, at the school haulm near Win. 'Sabra'.
In Asylum, at the school house near H. Decker's.
In Athens borough, at the house formerly Occupl.
cd by E. 8. Mathewson.' -
In Athens teak. at the house formerly occupied by
J. It. Bunt, In Athens bore.
In Burlington bore'; at the house fdrinerly , o:au..
pied by L. T. Boyce. . 1 _
In Burlington twp., at the twine of M. B. SteVens
in Burlington Borough. •
In Burlington West, at the M.E. elluich;
in Barelity at the schoolhouse. • i '
Ia Cautana boro', at the Central Bons&
•-• In Canton twp.. at the Nouse formerly occupied by
8. 8. Myers. in Canton borough.
In Columbia, at the house of Jas. Moi•gan.
kratatin st the house now. occupied by S.
Downing.. , • t
°ln Granville, at the house of Benj. F4Taylor.
Dilleirick, at the sclir•ol house near araniel Da
rand's. ' , • .1
In Leßaysrville Dora', at the house formerly oecu
pled by J. li. Fletcher. -•
, In Litchfield, at the house of 8. B. Ciirater.
In Leßoy. at the. Centre schooLhousel.-
In Monroe twp., at the house forruerlrikcipled by
B. B. ItoekwelL
In Homo boro', at tho house. formerly occupied
hy Ethel Taylor. - •
In Orwell, at the house of Franein Woodruff.
In Overton, at school house N 0.2. '4
• In Pike, at the honse‘of Traver Iloswoith.
In Rome tvrp.„ at the Academy In Rome boro.
In Rome boro', at the Academy. •
-In Ifidgbury,'at the house of Benj. Haim-ans.
In Sheshequitt, at the Valley Rouse.
In Springfield, at tho house formerly kcupled by
;hale Hammond.
In Shaming Stone, at the house of Simon Stevens.'
In Smithfield, et .; the, house formerly Occupied by
A. J. Jerould. •
In Sylvania bow!, at the Impute of Curthi c *rritt.
In • Elouth_Creek,Eat the house of O. E. ,Coe. •
InTerry, tt thelionge of Jacob lirutriay.
• In Towanda tiorough—nrst Ward, at .tho Hotel
of Daniel Sullivan. Second Ward . the court
I House, Third Ward,. at the SchoolAlOnto near'
Wm.-Dittrich s.
In Towanda twp., at the school house near IL L.
In Towanda smith . . at the house of S. A: Mill's.
Iv Troy twp., it the bowie Of V. U. Loug inTroyt
In Troy hero', at the house of V. 31. Long..
In Tuscarora, at the school housemearJas.illack'so
In Mstcr; at the house of 8. B.
In Warren, at the hause'of I:. Cooper. 1,,
In Windham, at the heart of 13. liuyl yn lull.
In Wyalusing, at the house of J. IL Blach..
Ie Wilutot, at the house of A. d. Stoned ' F
Iu Wysos, at tho house fortuerly ochupiei by J.,!11.
Hoed. . .
In Wells, at the boils° of L. &Coley, • ;
At whjch time and place the electors '
a - Lresald will
vote ballots containing on. the outside] the words
•• Neer Oenstitutton." and on the ineido For tho
New Constitution," 'or 4 •Agemet the New Collbti
tUtlOn." I
Anil in and by said act, I am further, directed ; to
give notice "that any person excepting+ 'justice: of
the peace who shall bold any Wilco of profit and
trust, under the government of the Unit lil l •States' or
this tate, ci of any incorporated district, and.-also
that every Member of Congrets and of tti(i
;cure, and the select and common cotincihof any city
or conunissionerslif any incorporated di4 ; trict,' is by.
'law incapable of holding or exorcising at the same
time the olbce or appointment of Judge; 'lnspector
or. Clerk of an elccdon of this Commonwealth, and
and no Inspector or other officer of soy such elec
non - shall be then eligible to any bince }lieu to be
voted for. •
ply the 4th section of au act passed thelst day, of
Apra, 1810, it is provided "that the 14thl• section of
act passed July 2, IcsOg. euttled•• , Au'act relating
to the elections of this Commonwealth,",'-,',shall net
be construed so as tb 'prevent any military °nicer
from serving as Judge, Inspector or Clerk, at any
general or special election of this Commonwealth.
An Act to change the time of closing the polls at .
the General and Township elections in the county of
S 65
3.0‘ ,
. 35.01
elicaqi far cash.
The General Electionimall the Wards,ownships,
districts and Boroughs of the county is tube opened
between the lours of six and seven o'cock. in tom.
forenoon. and shall continue without interritiptiou
or adjournment until ie•yeir o'clock in , evening,
when all shall be closed. •
A further Supplcment to the Election laws of
Pennsylvania :
WHEREAS, By the act of the Congress of the Unit
ed Stalest entitled "Ad Act to amend the several acts
heretofore Fissed to provide for the env:aline and
;ailing out the forces, and for ottiet purpos.
es" airrapproved'Slarch third, one thousand eight
htthdred and sixty-five, all persons who. have desert
ed the military, or naval service of the United States,
-snd who have not beers discharged, or relieved from
the penalty, or disability therein proviihyd, arc deena
ed; ana taken. to have voluntarily rcLinqtusfied;. and
forfeited their rights of citizenship, and age deprived
of exercising any rights of citizens thereof :
And whereas, Persons not citizens of the. United,
States are not, under the Constitution atid!Laws of
Pennsylvania, qualified electors of thisl cot:anion
. To the County o , ntraissionert . atlel Sheriff ojtie Couilty
of Bradford:
Isl4lll come
till fair,
I nduni,"
1 •
desiair "
1 - 4111111.!;
• -;!FO ch'eappr al
; .posite the
l ira single gar
other establish.
etical •,
taro Ali all gar
• Day GOODS.
themieh - fs
in_ Neu
i'nEitiLts., The Fifteenth . .A.aneudineut ,cif the Con.
, ititntion of the Vuitect,States is as followal
o •SEctum• 1. 1 The right of citizens of the United
States to vote shall.not be denied or abridged by the
United States, or by any Stale, on account of race,
dolor, or previous condition of servitude.','
"SECTION 2. The Congress 'Mall have power to en
force this article by ripprtiriate ,
And IVhereas, The Congress of the United States,
on the slat day of March. 1870, passed au act, enti
tled "An Act to enforce thci rigid of cilizeng7l-fled nig
, :t1 Oates Pi rot; in t6rs.-rv•rd!Staresrf pikm, of
for other purposes," the first and second ections of
which areas'follows: t
e"SECTION 1. .B 4 it en icte,d bythe , /Louse of
Representatirfa of the United State: o/' A morica in Con
grots asscuteg , d, That all citizen' of the Culted States.
who are, or, shall be otherwise qualified lby law to
vote at any;eectien by the people, lit any State. Ter
ritory, dikrict, county, city,parish, townsillP, school
district, municipality, orJother territorial] sub-divis.
ion, shall be. 'entitled and alloWed to vote'at all such
elections, without cistinction of race, color. or pre
vions condition of sorvitilde ; any Constitution. taw,
custoin..uaage, or regulation of any State or Terri
tory, or by, or under- authority,•to the' cantray
- .SEcrias 2. , And,toi furthei enacted, That if by
or 'under the authority of the Constitutiol or laws of
tiny State, or the laws of any Territory, any act is or
shall be required to be done 'as a prereqiiisite or
qutfication , for voting, and by such Conititutlon or
law, re rsonu or officers are or shall be charged with
the performance of 'ilutior; In furnishing ito!'citizens
an opportunity to perform such prerequisite, or to
oe: T anue qualified to vote, it Phallic the ilutfof every
such person and officer tp give . to all citizens of the
United States, the .I , 3lalit and equal .opgifituinty to
perform such prerequiste, and to hecorne_qualified
to vote without disbar-thin of race; color, pr previous
couditiam of servitute ; and if any such, fierson or
officer shall refuse or inabwingly omit to give full ef
fect to this section. he shall: for every.such offence,
forfeit and pay the sum lot live hundred dollars to
the person aggrieved thlreby, to be recitVersal by - an
action on the case, with full costs 'andstich allow
ance for counsel tees as the court shalbtleem just.
and 'shall also, for every such offence, bedeemed
guilty of a-misdemehnor. and shall onl conviction.
thereof, be fined not less than five hundred dollars,
or be imprisoned not ices than oneanouth and not
more than one year„ dr both, at the discretion a the
court. j t I ' ,
&C.: &0.,
w. 19. by Bev
i'mrl kti4s Ohvb
ertield, be Rev
f Pilo, to 3.1i,5,
pton, lowa.
es!dencu of qtr
on Thursday
Itridgman, Mc
ton, l's.; to Mis!"
etirleuct: of the
of Martikview.
lon, Mr. G. L
1 of Asylum, ru.
at Iti e;ecaxed by the § - ccOnd section
If -Inc article of the , Constitution of jtlie United
states4that "This Constitution, and the laws of the
United States which shall be made in', pursthince
thereqt. shall be the supreme law of the land. *
anything irrthe Constitution or laws l iof any Staid
to the contrary noticithstainting." i
And whereas, The,Legtslature of this Common
wealth, on Gth day bf April, A. D. 1870, passed,
an act; entitled •.A further supplement tp the act re
;tiling to elections in this Commonwealth," the tenth
section of which ykocides'as follows::
.•• SECTION le., That so, much of every act of Assem
bly as providos that only white freeman !shall been-,
titled to vote or be registered as voters, or as claim
ing to vote at any generil or special election of this
commonwealth, be and!the same is hereby repealed:
and that hereafter, all 'freemen, without - distinction
to color, shall be enrolled and registeriil:V according
to the provisions of the first section- of the , act ap
proved seventeenth April. 1869. entitled the
act fur
Cher supplemental to the act relating to the elections
of this Cotrunowiealtlor and when'otherWise quali
fied under-existing laWs. bo entitled to yote at all
general and special elections in this Commonwealth."
And Whereas, It-is My conatitutionall end official
duty to ..take care that ! the laws be faithfully °seen
ted: 'and it has come lomy,knoivledgti that'sundry
assessors and registers, of 'voters have refused. and
are refusing to assess and register diers colored
male citizens of lawful 'age, and otherwlie qualified
as clettors:
tlici house o'
about; :roc. 19
. Tompkitipt, ur
pbell, of Wind
v. 12, 1873, 0
erritt, nged 7
lily. 10. 1873 i
ntley, aged 70
11, 1.573:
Futier, Eigec
9," Mn,4, I,,acre
'sr Albany,' Pa..
e(132 years, 10,
i • •
sow, THERM:ME, Id consideration cif the premi
ses, the- county] conimissioncra of said County are
herebytaiitilled and directed, to instrU4t the several
assessors and "registers of voters therein, to obey
and conform to- the 'requirements of said eonstitu,
tional amendment anal:twat and .the sheritf of said
county is herebyautherized and required td publish
in. his eleition proclamatio'n for the next ensuing
efectiens, the herein: recited constitutional amend
nient, act of Congress ] and act of the Legislature, to
the end that the sane may be 'known, executed and
obeyed bY all assessors, registers of voters, election
officers and others; and that the rightsiand privilegs
guaranteed thereby may be secured to all the citi
zens of this Commonwealth entitled to, the same.
THE STATE. at Harrisburg, the day and year
fi e- . first above written. ,
r C. B. MTCB
$1 r : 5O (t 115
1 , 20 2 00
go_ • 20
• 32 33
1 0, ,
' Conf.% Ips. ;
lbs. i',llorkarbest.
.‘..; Clover Seed CA
•Peficbes 33 lbs. - ;.
lbs. r
. . . •
M. S. QUAY, Set'y of Contmontoeallh
, ~'
..I also cell attention-to the f0110 .... v,0gi 1
. Scenes' 1. Refit enacted by the Sen ate and House
of Representatives Cf.the Commonweaiih;(f Pennsyl
vania in G , neral Assehibty net, and if is hereby void.
fd by the auclority of the sccuie. That in all elections
hereafter to be held in this Commonvaith, it ,shall
be unlawful for the judge or inspector of the elec
tion to receive any ballot or ballots from any person
or persons embraced be the provisions, and subject
to the disability imPoSed by said art of Congress ap
proved March 3, 18a5; and it - shall be unlawful for'
any such pericon to offer to vote any ballot or ballots.
SECTIoN 3i . That if my such judge and nispretors
of election 0 any one of tli,in shall rtcetve, or con
sent to receiVe, any, such TilljaWflllballot or ballots,
- from ant' such disquatilled person, ha,ior they. so of
shall be guilty of a nwAcletneanor, - ancli upon
conviction thezeol in any court of cinzirtr scsaitnis of.. '
this comnionwealth, he fair.% for any ouch offeint.
be .. pay a fine-of pot less'than $lOO. and
undergo an imprisonioent, in the jail !of _the proper
-pointy, for nottesa than CO -days. ,- I . 1
Szcramt 3. That if any person. dcpri %
- cd of citizen
ship, and disqualifieclas afortsaid,c,h,filat any,eitct.
tion, hereafter to be i held in this Ceinniotiwealth,
vote or tender to the thereof and :offer to
vote a ballot, or bjlllots,
ots, any person so' offending
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof, in any court of granter sessions
of this Commonwealth, shall, for eaeli - offence, be
plimished iu like manner as is providedititheopreced
ing section of this act in the , ease of Ofilcansmf elec
tour cevilig such unlawful ballotand' ballotij
- -Sremots. That if any person shall hereafter per
suade or advise any person or persons deprived of
citizenship. and discplahnell as aforesaid to offerany
ballot or ballots, to the, °Pipers of any iticction, beret
'after to be held In this 'ComMonwealth, or shall per
-amide or advise any sii;di Officer to receive shy ballot
- or ballots, from any person deprived Of; - citizenship,
and disqualified as afOresald, such -persbn so offend.
deaf shall be guilty of a raiseemesinor, and den con.
(virtion thereof, in any court, of quarter sessions of
this Commonwealth, shall bpuutshed to like man
ner as Di provided in the second 'section of.,tfda Gas
• in the case of officers of such election, receiving
such unlawful ballot dr ballots. I
By an act of Assembly of March 30J i'pcs; entitled
an Act regulating theMocle of voting at' n elections,
in the several conntieS of this Coramenweilth,,
enacted as follows : ; , I i -' -
- -ST.crrton' I. lie it extetut by the Senate and .H o use se
of IPpresentatiree of the Contniontscaffk of .. Paitt.tyl-'
k ,
ran jet General dumbly aid, aml it ' l ia hereby enact
ed by the atolerrify of the odor, . Vali Um quallflad I
, • I
~ • ( .• —r • I ,
I •
inmates of thi !..;oulnacniiweal tb
IP borough, sold special! elec.
.eafter, sntltoriz,eil and refidired
ted or nrritten,loevarally cheat
•'cketehill emllraco theliamcs
Ito be veled V . and tolie 13-
firi;'' one tic ' t shall toabTaco
ollimra to ho tod foeiandbo
ticket Alai! e 'mix) the mines
otcd for. inc tiding 6111 co of
L members of a 'ii,embii,lf voted
°ogress, it vo -d. ;0N:old lie
nol ticket sh i onlbritco the
i°ulcers voted Or, and be is
•no ticket F. Il embrace, the
voters of the oral
at all general owns
!loss. are , ,byj be.
, 1
to tote by tl 'taint
al as follows : Ono
of all judges o 4onrt
bold, outside °Judi.
theinatnes of I state 1
labelled . ..hta clone
of 411 county ,ra
Eel:atter: mem •r•lark
for, and mein re of (
labelled "con ty;', •
narnea of all wash]
*led ' , towns p 7,"
nainea of all rottgb
labelled .. bor ugh."
ed In separato/ob.
Election o are
strictly obserr , e .
pnEwil by the : nate
of thll Comma weal
kit:Leen voted fer..and Anil be
j e c e ch s . abudl bn deposit,
authcirized rome n aw, bed to
ovisions of ttretteglatry Law
nd Mime of roPrommtative B
;, the 17th ddy of April. laco.
r u4tv t . CUALMELER.
urg, Pa r , aug. , 27. 1870.
Judge:ll4oz the county of
dourt gone° ftt Towanda; on
tbin,„ which wit be on Friday,
11•,, at 1 o'clooff. p. tn. • ,
1 . J. 3;4 8111TII, •
of re h
er elecl
The meeting'
Bradford; atll
he 19th day o
November 2
:! •
air ORS drar.a for . De
_tinCof ofirt, at Venial, 1573. ;
r . ,
, .. IGII D i'llilllSL, f ,
1 Asyluin, Robert! ; Ne ly ' ; Athens - t l sip . E T 'Mid
daugh. Wm E. Walker . .E 0 Ilerrlek; , Alba, 0 8 Wil
man; Burlington Sono NtoitiMer Vo Burg; Canton
• llora. Mark T maps°. ,•4 Oranvlllci. , Obn P llnsh;
Herrick, Wm ytor; Litchteld. A Layton, 0.1,
WAeott, V D cal; M . aroe;twp. Nat in Nolthrun;
Pike; David B 1 n David 0 Scott I ,Bheshequin
Charles Tomp ne. 1 ants W Trip i , Smitbfi.,l4,
E ,win Blakeal •I To ands, Born, hat MeSee;
Tol arida twp, F E! Ma Ir; Troy borit l iLyman Ch
ver; 'Perry. Henry J Tanen; lllsee , Janes Mc-
Carty; Wyalusl4,lMil on iitatet. ', i , .
. I
__,,_ A .
TILIOrpt4 1 0E 1 .4—rign . , firr.r.p.
1 Athens twp.ifent7 a Snell, II W ThOmas, Milts
Morse, John II Murra •, William K DrelF, Nathan V
Weller, John B Eeysej John ft etillefl Armenia. 0'
DFlilds; day ntn. , l dward *lid' banker, ' Enoch' J
Aim; Albany male ltellorm , Barclay. P 8 Bailey,
Michael Ilarm 12;! B l i lington twP. Ef ',13 Wilhelm;
Canton tarp . P ri S iller, F SElliott; Colombia, '
Geo Melterriek• I.'ra in. Maddition s l Knykendell;
Granville. Chas Ito' ; Liteldie!d. WM; A Canner;
time, 11, WrttP,aykon,; Ridgioniv, detSlllller: • 2syl. e
Tants. normal a A.. old; 8n ithilfild, 8 Marne
Dates; Springfield, 0 ghtorl Erato; 0, Sliesbequln.
deo !( brace; Y t 1,. 1 4 7ewton Faiisett; Terry,
dehrlß Dorton. Amdr• • it Jackson; Tniwandaltoro.
Wm J Young.. 'dre J Noble, L '4losborne; 0
i ;r o
VtalOrr 'rowan Awn John E Pattevon; Wysoz,
: 5, erling rDizort ,Tontltt Prulth; Wil# l6 t, Alex L 7
Dodglas.,.; Well , f all 11 Ilatumond; 1
s arr..n J 4 A
1. f . 1 1 I •, i , • h
TUAV A' .1C , 01 - ,---fliteaND iC EX. L,
, ,
f I I
}Athena Bora, 01e , ..14 Hines', IT nays Albany, Oen i
W, Bardivk. I F min; syituat, John • nnett; ' Bar-
elay.l3 Collins. n g W, Libras:, Burling titrarr. 11 K.
Gnstiri,„B PAP ;Co umbla, Timoth austba .os
eir Gurtin; Canton bo o. Eerily Trip •,; Granville, -
Henry Arnold: i;eltoy. Eaton Pepper.. ,Lellayetville,
I M flenham; L thhfie I. 8 1) ESlnum.ll7 P Cooper;
Alotirtie Vvp, B :.f7 - inre .r; 1 Pie A Nipbole; Borne
bero... C,Cannon Itom tc - p; a S Parki,l•thigeburS,
31 . Miller. I Bah a in; outh Creek, S l e . ho m psor. ;
s e rinpfie!d, NV I Ltillip I.l l l Wil,.;ht; Trl•randa bore,
3 1 11 proutt, A L Tho.. q,,siii.b A Parf ohs; Terry,
Elmore 1 saute, ;Mor errs; 'rrpy tern 3 Yeomans;
Windburn, N.Tyrnel; N'ilmot, J: Barnwell. P lisnei,
Wyralnsing, 3ja .•ba , m, i .I , Elliott,; We. 11,1 E' Miller;
Whal lP Wylie. I i . .`,- 11 • I 1 1
T ;IST 0
1)r4.-linfm vi . 4
Si i
eriolt dA Pr tai l; Athemi
ilitni, Asilum. 15V Kilmui
(3 ~trely.l fhilli glen tu,:r, .S
:IA Jlthelpe; Ciinten tn,l4
V—thic; pranNiliel D EAtOl24,
' 1110 t; Lifebflq ..10• Prattle;
11.4. e, r...; ) Re,el , x ~, II Beecbr ,
e, t:T Bobbln... Spring de il; I
, Sinahtialtl, la, Ke i l t Y. 11, 7 14
'm R 0r4134 , ::: St mling one; ,
j J CI Vileon, fi,,, , Jllfearie, D
.., fj r•ik: Terfy.l -I tylliti:
0.,-, 0 , R)lco_mt; ,NS'lsom, R
i . 1 ,, , :hc re: welts, 4. :cobte l ; Wy ~
G r iii , ,by; . ,, , ,..,,1i0t:, J 21 - N .
'—' J. ii[i SU/Tirt '., I:
: 1. 1 [ Sheriff.
' Te.evE]
Ad/No g‘bovii,
tA7p;l I.4lireen.
Brelsy; H Du
Elie; BtrilLegto.
Af l ariley; Ftankl;
Herrick. TA' •
er• , iotrt.o I reek
C [Roof; Towan
P 1 Myer; Town
7rnsi, tip, 4 cp , J
Diycor. port. II P.
Sweet. •
Iklov. 12, 1873.
'Hon. FittltlSdl. 4
to i l the 12th jucheitil I
tic Unties of 'Erldforr
H )aa: ZEnt.Lo_ , Fal.l
Al. iii}ciato Jlidt el, i g
D:talon:I, hal,. real tli r ti.i the 30th day t.
rt:',,..ded for hold u; al
unr,icicnt ral ( tzar t e
CdtAnton Plc:as anii a
•dal,' for tin; Col Lta -
rid. .1 . ?ir, , ,t (L) d yr;o!
tliine three weerl,
.:‘,Otice fe, fil et .`.*.tre
I .
Ileii4; and Just:. (.4 of
of li:,radiord, th :t;th ,
their I . ,;ropeipo •,.,..e,,
ncion of sant da -, 11tt
rillie,r retnenthr nlt'es'l
.to Itlieir office, v'.. Yi)t.rt
i ,
alio lire bound >rl re"
prO;eertte anal Jfit, t
rnayibe in thej itiof
110 bound to at' )(4.: t
'thri and thee, te4 p
shalt he just dal
pu!nilttaal in , tln. r :dr,
Da t t , Jd at 'Towat d
,:, t
lliyear of f ril' i I
• 11 ndred and - eFet
nelidenee of tip
.aeinth '
1.. N.-4-1 1 , 7 0
'lll4l , lTiat, PO ,
'Ost!'i4, ;Cons*
l l [ , _ apal SSlitl, 1
' ,rni awl' S. D
r. ' • 1 I' ,l- 1. liel
.?' ,
.a tuclri . preti
I t . 0 IS73'„,
f t
rt of Oyili
1 S
. tf , F, - li . o!t r .is oil,
.1;0:1!2 s reoll*
6 - 2.dfOrd, . 'Ol
il i 1 ..' 11l
Itilto.4 t p t-.ll+
ttle !Ito::11.+(.-, ot
,r.ll-,:n t,t;
zt .1.1)'6•1,.loeltli
t f , .•:it0r,•14., ittro
idd tlioxe,t.
.i Is - ,tolhl (1,..: 7 ,
dgri'il•Oe or 1 1 ,
,4 ,c,-ic..)Oc.rti.
•lilic.clolity, ''''•
I?,tiil cot 1
tse . .s i rate i g:11
1,11 . :, Irt - 1,19i 1
. H il
lc- ,Ci' 1 1 Id z . ..*.• . t IN
1 { ..i•
Irti i c1..1 .Ir.
(1-111r1 t., , , alv.l
‘ 1...',' : - !tate.
, Nll
Jl, i
6,74 •
,E .
.. .
. ~
,---- r -1---,,---.---- +
CIIIE.Pkiir SI 5.1.LE.: 2 --B till tide •vf
i ,
KJQiindry Icl-it lainv:d of !the urrof Com
IPleas of Li Mbrit `C :linty, An Iti be ibretted,
will he exposed t i;nl,lq; sit!e at the 0 ; rt }louse in
the Borough of ' (*.al', It. FlifDi.l7,l2ol EMBER 5,
tlfla.! at 1 o'clorl , it ii. •the follow! g described
lot, piece, or. pa cot r ( land,: sdnate,` • Ico:th To
-1/1 (
wanda twp, boot ded iii the north by and in nos--
sessfon at Samos Haw its and tando ,ramps Haw
ley..livd by lard of l'Alw a 0 Iteslene..ii utra' ! by land
belo4i,lur! to the state of Ezra Rutty, ~m
Johar Smith, at; by lan! aof jcihn I Coon and
klis.lEm-eline 11 ttY; r miAiniug, 65 al. e's, Macao or
le, about 45 acsSiniplay eil; no bri Hinge.
, .49 r—The de rude t'' interest in( de other lot,
puce; or parcel f lla d ituate l in \' idk Towanda
•twn, I bonAded a the rdirth by lani !of' Edward'
Desktne and siluelali is and the a 4 a described
;lii, east by lam:, Of Ar
! !,liiitty, 604 li by Sugar
Cipek, west oy lards of F.l . atili iip.A.CD4 and. 'John B .
Smith; containif g 100 acrrs-more or h sit, bboutiSo
ttitpro , ed, with one frariaed dwelliti; bonze, two
fruited bartiWwl h abed a tubed, core duge, other
' outbuildings, and oreb r. of fruit treilit hereon.'
priard and taken int ex !;cution at slltpfi Ulysikit
3ferciorva A Rrtty: • •I- 1 11 l
c ia
'AI 60-oticl' i ottierlot, pi ! , , ceZof par* of land sit
uate la Duridigton ttgp reMinled on i,ni rt ,, rth by
tarids of Lorenz., flimilell,kUthy lin 1., of iNithin
!tot D4rinet,J.,rsith by lainls of Nobly* 'Slate and ,j
EliphletiOilioin, wart hy Ind of Luck (la 'ailityter;
cAntainingt Id a •rrs,., it of or' less; out! '4o' int.
provild,twlth tar :rattled 11 iMes l , two aizod barns,
cornliorise'and •i aie4...bAtb Hail% ,r, at 1:1,1.; ;trees
thercon, .:, .! ''s i; ' 1 1. ! •
Seiked and to en i,into executvota ah ult of. David
Rimilell vs _lust n Ilitudell. I I . i
"A4o—One of er tot r piece, or parf of ;lahil sit
uate in Slieshegtlo twp, tiburylkd on i he north by
Lauda of LI., 'es if eilvener,Vait i ;y tar t a of Samuel
LtravC•ner, smut by the ``auntie high west. by
handl of Samuel Ileyerner i I contatnin 4, Flan acrd,
morel6r less, :di improNftl; with a timed hones
thereon - j ji. ij ! ; i c.i
liiriked and fagen:( into aiectdien a' .trit of John
ißarroll, ca John rhenter. !; ; kit 1 ;
I • I ' .- S ,- M. 6311 M .( S heriff. ,
2.1 ' I!S".N 4 ott.CE.II
vdt tha there bas.bee
?r W1 1 %1118; Diana for il
ets", f Sdrtulatiatloni
.5, - i,zll , 1 1 , 1
N il
'. t at C tla y Lil L ey. (.l l : 3r A d r i n au di
old; deceacii, late of 11
, A i r t;:l .t r t
m c s la ; 7 1
t at;
~ e e r.; o s. f
p l l l 1 11
, I ', .1" I. I
) .1
leai ediau
- nlih-e r r nu notldr JO
' J, bow, I . E.centos:
ee l :, decj ,Ilate at Tony.
,- teenient;l ' iiraperty 5
inietrator to uhlowsl.
cedente :. ' 1 1
ri,n l De,lycel,; 1' -
' e;ritl'oef Smith, , 1
,T viutUard, , • j'
seillil.Horivw, 1 ' l ,
illiStu Johnson;
5 ranual Wilcox. -, 1 ,
isindin Titus,. 1 -7 '.
'amefi RI BSker, , - i
hniel l . T,oropkine, ,1
plalea 8 pattersep, 1
r u, Wolf, I , ' 1
L'orfran Ee?Sis, 1 . I
ip. will hp presented 1(11,1
rordi.County, Thursday '1
'lck, R. ill:, for crinilrmp
ii• i '
C. J. C p
- . -- 11. I - -I
• -I "
• .. t
'ATIONI i I :!%; Dry/
hinillib4ll.—No. 371,1 l'
y robbed that Dyer . l,l
pplicd to the court at - ;e0
far u . divoree from 11
' 0 the and court has a I
dayroi Ice., I's 73, td
the,,,Orelnlees. 1 a whi,C .
I attAtut it on think prct
_it , I y .
a , St. szStsi7
.7. 1:f1()S 'IN DIV
1 . 3 0:401.1-- do i 810, f.i l
in li OEIIO ' that 3lyron
a . i s .llied to On? court oil.,
D., Ihr a 01-aree frt•ln,thol
he llid 'evart 1555 s appojh
Ded 518 1 7:1, for. At:lT:lig tili
qv, li wtatth ' ti!ins and , - 1.
.1511.45 prolJer.
1-17 , 17111 ,
Iri r Tt,Al , 11
• Va.•• 43 , 3•:,
of l l.atl- 11 ,
quest, ,0 to In- ...
i.fx thlxsCgi,elaiun „_. -, -,,,d ea..
1 tlr.a /July Onthenvcale for stAtle
1 ,_ CHRISTIAN 1 SIP. c '
-0Y.110,'73.; 1 . ; •At intiVator.
- -4-- ------ - _4_ “ , .1
,11 IiTIT.Ii RIS . N . TICE.—.
I r .leiehy li. , {ett that all pflr onpi hadebtea
of ;Charles Platt, laio or; iterrick
eqilested to mit: inl late piymets
IN hiving, claims. Val said; estate
their. 'duly without! ttd tot settle
l' ! , NATHAN! PLAIT.'. • ..i
' •,' JOSEPH 11 T ...
,_.._, ~, E.,cutor..,
bcieby gt
Ofthiti of Begirtei
Bradford, scout
14u - iag estatbs,. ,
Partial ILOCOttp
'of E t enudict Ar
aco't of
-Mar l,Bafier,
14, (toed,
riti al .acc't of
L Sliittaugh.
Taial ace% o
44ec'4„ late Of r
Final acct ofl
'atb f frine Ercg.:
1 AI o the %pp'
€ 7 o:o4}re or Ad H
11E4 1I) d
120tate of L
. 1 g • v
1 " J
And tbo eam
Court of Brad
.E3s4;.at 2 o'ch.
7SSoV 5, IS-3
rit i l.PPLlt
ns. To Jos• - •1
I you aro 11c-re
:of Bradford co
Joatrituony, au
slay„ tho', Ist
il ,
sai Irlypr in
, Wale yon can
I I ..> ~ •
r - To rann
Yott are iter• 1
fauShattd , . has
;u( Bradford Cu
thsions, rant tl
tilol•Ist dap of
' In Ow premix •
at, 411,13 f 'son
A DI th
... 4....,...N,0ct L,
to iht, -,.....ii.,t,
deck:, -.rcd, are
arol ::I(pers:n,
most pree,lrat
co . ept. •
I , Zotke Ix
do e. tato
decd, are
all perso
at pre.ttni
1 --
ATOR'S .1. (' TIOE.—
I, iiiiitb4t rill Plaptat'l Indebted
pesy, ticott, ato 0,1 Spring..
• utstod to ' alto munedult,-.
Irtiona 'cbacitr,;' roa *du%
ellt tl,tra dul,7 • tttlinitmotte ,
• c „Et, 8, I#ll4l1 I 's 8.
i . .
, --1, ' sidipitotattat•+.
oil 4:!h
d, aro
-LA Notice is
to [the ealat
fiflq. degas
'lament.; an
4&i( estateestat oi
Cor itettletineu:
'Nov lir. Is(7
't ti •1 0
loti , it .
ib.--I 12)
•0 rueorPora 10. Of ' i , Oak
163. Deo- Te , 1 873.
en that, flea ve maraca csso.
tO the Conrt o DoOtnion Plea,
( air articles of ialtoclation oak.
o . oration, awl he said. court
I:' . • o and fludl, theth correct
I q incorporated as pialed tor,
, ay_ 0 1 . 40 100 .. 1674. atll o'clock,
storm to the colitrary.
1 '•
4 1 . VEOrks ,
i i. .1
.' rf l'•
r OR
P rr
reby 'gt
i =nig
L ofl
ed the
ithe ma ,
I.lel Cemete
Notice- is h
Mahon has
of Bradford I
Ingifor a d,
having era..
will decree t
on }►toudag.
p.r9.. luaus
llov. 12.
't 1 1 - 1 1i . 1 - ''''•
li k . . 1 1 13: • • .' - -!.
!I ',... '....-:,1.... 4 , ;._......i...,-. :.....,„:...:.
1 tiCORPORATI 1 X .IT.O T I ..
A.:! in tho,juatteritdtho eon of • I
tot: Badding and Loan on. o f A,. 1
tt0:!152. Dec. T.,'1873. - - . , i
~ • ,
, NOtlce Jo berebyl git.c -r t.b.,5 sijor6' '
AOCciAtkus las prettuted 1 . court, of . i
4 1- 11E1 of Bradford poinsty • .."ir ?Ude of . . 1
'14,4,7 roi. a 4ecrep cif Bic , • tioo4. - and !
'• Tart hraing exatblabir - ..mal.e. and Anal •'
, ozi . I, wilt dacroa 4 tbat • icy tta /LICO/110
ray for,. oil otidaT, .he 1 t day of I ....
1.373 at 2 o'clect r.43.,_ • tar ritatuio bo ab',
ho contrary. . 1 • 1 8,, if, •• •
,' Xel i b.. 12 1 .. • i ...1 •Pr Ohm ,
.1 ' • 1
;,'`UDITO.4 I . B
• mattes of the
I riiitufa Court of Co_
ti 11
0 tindertigned, ri 5
.fist to diatribe
~ da
*ill attend to the dit P e of
oflll'el i o Towanda iiertigli,
:ID, 1073,, at 10 o'clock, a, a
_WO all persoes ;bating el
Itl!tiiit ' i prerut thl
edbr *.ie
;lug in l evee c a.ixie. .
P rcATIoN.,
tro !tweet% Zit. Steza.,
berlbi DotiFiea
tioAnd, has appl4ed .to the I
13radford Co., fortsdiva
ktiptly, awl the said 4—ur . t b
e let day; of Dec. . 1073, to
,the premleee, ; at; wht
'Attend It yen What p
To Gilorge W /bebop.
Y aro hereby noldUe‘V
y • nr. wifo, haa applied to the
:I.;radfora Co. for ma div.
;itriznony, and d con
y; the Ist day of Tier . 4., 28 .
N the preinutpes. '
t i
Mind if yon think.p
NEW . }.l - AITt S'.
I.T.POlt'fiTi t ic,i, t
, ,
,:erittit m , e through t is mc '
t 7 tow and beautiful I''-i
. .
1 1 -, • . ,i ,
L. the so!e object of reeetio
tO by the Ladies' of T r owszoll ,
a : become it household wo
I.' best bate - , p..ccle art 4 ertle.l
e , ,'.t vrices 'I We willerumer
n , If yO3 will favor me .with
roi r,parthases '
we will oiler
01 o;qualty t r.t, 20 par sent,
I. - ii , iti ._ Towoutla. ~.' ..
- ttdleel Foi , Lictisbie Er
' 1 4
• , 4ND ! .br..41.z.r. Ist,
1, - 411 Una. a. D:lilt.r.;- •
.Cet., Towauds, Pal' ,• l•
S , 1 .
A 5i . ( 43.47.P., R--liithe is'
tet. of the ea to . ' of d• Obi G. Inc
:.. itlifteld Terrnshi . spank pt. 1 •Tbe nude
call will.' as assignc. df .1. r .I.FI, etcher. is .
rept;.expote to public sale 'or ea*, ,y.' at the .'
of 1 7. G. Fieteher , apart the •renases fraud
twp.:Dradford County, PO„ .. t' ilATlllabt.Z.
CTBER 20. 1973. common ..g '2llld - o'clock a
th ' two lollossing desa i lbed .fa 'Oland; sit•
itai township of Smithfield , oresald. the i .
which is bounded as fol,los , : ff 4; n the .nots3.
lands of Al...zander.Ebeti; - . brands 0 LII •
Widc...qy,•sotith by lands'of De Id , and. , .
by* pnbtte'highwar, nab. a .. ' same liottse
to4barn, and fruit trees that ,on, rind sup .• -
contain about 6.5 Se-es of and.; The ,secon
ottie.c - tot t. bwandeitas followp:-.4n the tt
lanlyist or- Jackson • 'Wskely. eadb.f ; lands of':
80114 south , by lands , formerly ' 'Melvin DI
Ind :west by lands pf .David.Soper and of
0%.. pia Caeo,'and suppnited . to confetti _Ed se
land;; Allio a qnpntity. of bay,, stripbsed to be a
Ali tons. Terms made known °LI ills des of
JglfES ' c l , WEBB.
AsAt.mee, of Ji bG. File ' .'
, R - PAS,
ml" the,
iaftnal, , and, - . _ k
gaitE r 'syss. tLr
1 c•orirry . de4
beitTmg jclt(
t. 4
I af2d 6 d
11.1:, Tri,,514.n
E1 cw , 2773.
, e is ta l' te erej' af l i g 'a i lTe eu i -t i ll3 eb t a aso ll' at P , Pr l!
c . .used; aro requested !cl. mak/
e it, and all persyns hiving el
t 'te must present, theta' duly
t 'llataut• , • JAMES
r, AILWAX 11
• • 3' ~ P. -- I!
Time:Table; Adarti
_t •
t (tit mitea DI:OF/N.0;8ND 1
,10iiitrift all Modern Ithraremi
-henNei. York, Bit Talo, .„iagara!
ri 11.5 tlievrlan-1, Clincirmaatt, Dc
it leLit...'ll--r• - e. • , . 11
di:: •
n .t.;l;e (7.}ro-.
ti- c(?”.0.3. c ,...
I hrye 114
i.i. Alii.s c tore- E
Ititauto and N 1
liu.i.:6 which
0 tlinsc '
r \tiri6, to
.je or
1 in 1,2
t ;tin'
t .
;11 41 .' 1 : - . Le , ve 'J :Ai's-it:10,45 .t i. u
z , ..“
e) i - ... .. .1 . .! 17. r , x.! 3140 I'-u
al .ch.lrin4 B',V
... ', 4 15. .f 1..30 “.
ir. ; aar.itt,:i
~.' a - 1,1.713* '.
B!r.ii t',,..,
~.. " . 4 roc . 1 ... 9. 1 6:3 ~
.... . - : : 3 40' t- - .',,1040 t.
~...... " ; 4 15 .", ;11 23 "
......... ~, 6 on ‘1,12r...,...
1...0r 1 ,,,,f, .. .....,.: 7 47, , 1,1
. 23 1, ,
Pci It 1
..Pc, , ,:..... " : -; .1 1,3 o • "
-- .r.c , i‹ , ..ter ..... A'.' 11 22'b. • ...„ , 1 : ... ... .
11., ' .., ,, 1i5vi11e....
r " , d 50 r. .; 3;10 I,!
Bat 6!41.: . - ...... ~ 12 45 i. • 1 S' i l6 '!! I.
Nia.,-..i. Falt...! .. '. 110 ''',. 110113, 1' l'•
Sae , 46ion Bri', , ,e ~ ;; i2l `,.':' !Iu! 23: 1... .1
Cli ,- 01.,,' . , --- ' ; .l 25 , •1 :01 2.7 f. 1
Do :irk... ~..... .• ;2 10 -.„, I 8100 4, 1
C!c 'alai, , l - ” . 7 55 "11 ; 4105 'a;:u ..7-;
Chi •-; - i6 r 9 CO p.n. ;.1 ''' .8 :1
Cin 'inn - . t: ..., , ... ~ t , , 60, r. 25 :-.; . 'C 0
I . : 1 ' ~., i 1 .- ..4 ''
1 -• * 1 ;
—-; I; -- .1": • - - 7', -• "-1, `t ---7 7 - 7 - 77 -
- I ~.-
_, ,' 1 . I
. 1 :' . '
.1 c . 4k1.T.W.N.1.1i L0C., , 11. I".l:, , Alli'S NST.STWAI
5 0 ia : m.. exc pt ~andays: .ro m, o - e . eg 0. •
i' ••
i , c' ' ' ' S tep
a.t• i , ),.. ,, A,.5:28'.. -- Finitliboro s:oa,..Bartou 6:12„; Ws;
7 , 0). plft*ring 7: 30.We1l sbutLs B:os,Elmira arr .
I've ,1J
( 913 unction, 9 55,- Big ; Flats 10:25. .Co 1
11 :4011a.x4., Painted roit 12 IS, Addison 1.05,
b0ii,e4111...1:43. Cameron Mil ii 2:10, Cameron
Adetan - ;t , , ;25, Ca.nisteo 4.f0) arriFitig : . at, Efor
villa at .1!24,..! . 11. , -
4 f:15 I . a.; m:. daily, !front - Basque. ~,
BtoipMg it Great Bend s:3B.lEirkwOod 5;53. •
1 lik
ham ton a :12; Hooper 6:40,, nicro , Gill, Coral
7:V • v i)cre,.-tn ,7':23. Vega i 7:15 IBraithhoro 8:05,
ton 8 Ai; Waverly
. 8:35,1 Cho long .8:80, . Wells
9: . , Sotithfort 9:12. Elmi 9:29, Junction '
8 1 4 Plate 10: 0 1, Corning 10: 0. Painted Pint 1,
Ad i56ir.3.0:(0, Rathbor.erM 11:1%, Cameron
11: •J,;,Cfcaeron 11:31, Adria 11:53, a.m.,Can
13. 17;an'cl arriving at ifernel villa at : l2;s p,,,1
1 14 1?.m:. - ex,ept siinds ts, from Busquela
...4to pin. at-Great Bend 12;5 ,tarkwacd 1:20,, r.
ha tin 2:37., Hooper 3:40, nlon . 3:25, CaM
4:1 ),•ar.d arriving at Owego t 4:35 p.m..'
:20 . per..' except Stinda a, from Blunt:..
St ping 4 Ircoper 2:34; Urn li 2:42. Canipvilla
On .gp 3::n, Ti.Ln 3:34, ;Snit b0r0.3:47, Barto 1
W erlyl4:ls, Chemnng i 4:27 Wellsburg 4:12, 8.
po 4:57, Elmira .5 : 05, Big I Plata 5:30; Corxdiag
P.l tO(1 Post 6:01. Addi ti on 648, BathbonevUle
CS Oren Mills 6:54,.Camer01:10, Adria 1:32,1
let 0:7:47. and arrivinglat n ;11ellsville 7 : 5 ,510.
;30 plm., daily, from Stnrquebanna. stoppl.
Bi Thornton 5:53, and arrivi#g at'Owego it 1.13
1 -1 1 ! -. 1' .1 1 ' • !. !' I.
1 11
. , 1
I I; 1 • 1
sTATioSs. , •,..
r l
! i l l I . I
. 1..
~ .
a eigt,t, (1
le ilidc!- NI;
IN'p i tfce is
attain 0;0
.e county Of
oiathe CA-
.. ,
.— r ,_
cUinritt.....l:6-3NY: 1 19 1 0 A,.
&,g0. 1 ,...,.. ' 8 730 4i
) ukirk i : 1. .. .'' 3 1 25 "":
:11 tO I I3 1 , ",' 1 4 140 .'4
;t1 l ' Illi . I.C11:113rid'O" 1 1 4 , 50 .
, ',l gara . Ealls.... .11 4153 '
i ,(1. 1 ... .. ", I 5 1 20:'
1 11 rnellsi1110—: 'l l 9410 i
i liCater -, .-: .11 5185
ni t qf . .:.. '110 1 22 "
E 1 11i.,:.. " i 1:1059 "
W cur1y:;....... ‘C 11 r9 0 "
4/ ' eip...L.,,....'•i l
'• 12111 r .
8' ighnnton .... ~ 11 12154
4:1 1 :641 hend . : ... ...I I . 11,18 !'
su.lebanna..: - . -111 1150 "
Pi:rt3en - 1.. .11 5130 .
. ' Middletown.. .Ai've, G!l2
Cid shen . ' 1
1 111 E '..'"
Pu, wrson., , „.. '. : 8100
' 'N ' kark . '
I . .. I''' lq : cT . ...
[ ~ tzectitore
r. i arrrn,. -
cif Canto A.&
ford D Bal.
, r lil of Gee.
II -1.
of Vary and,
1 1 •
of the will of
vita Borg:, -
et off by Ex
ri children of
,:j 2. 39 a•m, daily, from Elm
ktusteo 5:50. Atirl.4n f 6:L
it. 31148 t 7,28. ratlibonec
dins t 8:50, l'ainteill Post]
1, 101ita i 10:00, Junction 4
f ut,hrott,t 11:26, Welisbw
;?Jitgi_t 15:23, 'Waverly. 1:01
O 1:32. Tiogs 2:17.: Owego;
_ .._
o iirpban's
comber 4
n and arloW
• ItiOter.
. Tay . l%, 1573.
owel,l, ycAut
Tfiitijos ptki,
' ;
brltitlS o!
. oictlel atom'
hear mg th.
c thio am;
r , I
Sit ', -
R. i4.C..s..ritt '
' 511-01 L
'ls ii.h3 l :3!yron
yprt eat.
1 1. 1 M. S..1113i!!, litcriti:.:
:OR'S ii, TIE."-
.:I tl.,st an p$ . oug llidebte.
:tv.rzingor, ! t , of liViltuot.
) mato ;Lame: ato irNyment
laiuls again4 s.gcli e3tat‘ r
i I CH. --'- Ini
lot Wm.: Mier.
Ple.s 0 Dm& •
. •r appointed. • I i
It l : ...Wi n. .. ,
~. ...t ., 1
$t width. • ••
alnd upon sinid
&bred • • -
U. W: FATS! Ato
N 1
No.M.'Feh. T.;
t John 314244
° le t c % 2 d e 2 o ‘
leeattrit the sail
„ a f ul P. •
. I
'orriz. sh .
N 0.480. May
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I=l to Utiann y.
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a demand - leen!
The que
I—Where can we
NI. Or the hair, a
the/ question. by
a 4:441 betas m
'on goods uneq;
less than any
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8 37
1 8 5 . b r.
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AIRS E.wiv 7 6 11 1 ,
ensvnio. Atoppi
!lot 7O, Addison
12 9:t8; Corning
10:4T; prolis 1
1 S:1:2 tn.,
13srton: 1:37: =
1 ,ton 4:61' td;;o: et t ' 4 ;11,
,i(1 5:43, Giemt Bend : o:ls_
•: rina at 6:55 pan: ' ' •
il "'!3O a.m., except 'Sand:Vs, from 110-itellp
p 0136ing at CardFleo i 6:40,1 Adrian 6:53.! Cam,
:12, Cameron Wills 7:23. Ratt.bonertlle f:37,; .'
ul 7:52, Tainted Post B:ll ' Corning 8:21, 1
Ats 8:36, Junction: 13:43.; Elmira 9,65;g.
n j ,t'9•(.' , 3, Wellsburg 9;12 'Cbernutlg 9:37, Ica l
4 0, 44aft6n 10:08„ sLuitltoro 10115; Tioga 1
;) go 10:13. Campvilte 11;09; Union .11,:16, •11 . 1
I .:4:4, ca.:d arriving at Hingt,Mnten 11:40 a.m..-1
6 ;;1 0 - A.M., es.eept ;Inada) L s, troth llornells •
6OPl'ing a C 3 hiSte o, 7 ;08.;Adriani 7;42.'
6. Cameron .111114 O. 02; Rathboweritlet):4B -I
'ottlo:3s Painted, Pest 11;34 a: 03-, Corning, 1;
iii flatill;ls a. m.. Junction 1.30, •Pmita ;
.athport 2;30, Wellsburg 3:10, 'Chen:lung
'ai,verly -1;45, Barton '5;28, ISmithbaro! 6;03, 1
I; 32. and arsich.g at Owego 7;uo P. In, 1
0:10 a.m.,;e:reopt Sniadaysi from Owego. Ate ;
.t 4,tacipNitio I:10, Claim 'Bib% Hooper 8:15 1
eat , at 9:15. Ritti.lcoe4 10:0, Great Ber.410:50 1
• 'lling'atSusquelumua atil :20 a.m. , I ...,, • [
I , 030 4,..m., e x ceptliundliys from Ifejlietla,
qppteg at Cantsteo 2;02i . Adrian ' 2;t2X ..!
e:io, CAmeron 'gilts 2;17, RiltbbotesilleAllss, ,
iu 3;15. Painted koll 3;38,1, Cowing 3 altV Big
I 47. ;function 4;°3;, ;Elmira 4:40. ''Bontbignt
',llabarg 5:00. Cbemang 5:16. - Waverly:s:3s,
in 5;59, gmithbOro 0;00, Tioga 6;10, !Cliybego ,
amns.lllo 6 ; 41, Thifori 7;13,1 Hooper 7;18.-:Bing ,
1 jp, 7;30, metrarciod 8;63, Great Dent] B;..qr.' an'
h Ong 4t nnagnoll4npa at 8,38 p.m..! • ,
II Baggage veal be ebecked tmlyon Ttekets pure
•a t tl , e elorepany' , 1 '...1." ,D
.. , • ,
I !DOT. *1! ' I '' ' ' ',.. -
y stay Bmadaya only. _'4 • - '
: 1:16,e5, not ran bepOn Ho:Mello - rifle Sat.
tin.t hts4 • ,' ',,, .' I 4 • ', •,
i I Does rot run et Mei:lll3a between Stunce t
it port Jervis. V I .. •.' ' ..:
, IjoirTiirongtt'llekets tol all points' 'West •
cry Lowest Rates. tOr Olt to the; Coir.pnwri
, I (the Waverly Depot. . • : ' . '',
I 11. ' ;1, , a OWSN , Al3so*,
', ' I clen'l Pa55'r , 41., ; .2%
1 i , • . ,
. . , •
HABLE4 g. - DAYTON,, •
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ihmart tco Ituzapbrqy Dna.; , =
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:...9 On band a full astn'ent 1N.V68
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2.35L'-'.. .-61i8I
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1.722 1 - '4O
.7. 40 x.t0.1.-53,
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: he-
2153, Camprilla
. i.igttariaton 5:00,
kid writing at S
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lerfr i
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