*tifortigeporter II H TolraOda, tharo,dityi II Ld AL_ t AND GENERAL. IWELLrIi , of this place, recent .oster for biz dollars. C. P= D iv E'oid a „ piscopal Mite Society will rs. Bensrcw's, next Wednesday ere. Tn meet at mimes, , of this county, has ded a patent for an improved art Wale a been awaAl wheel. 11E1 '• of the Mutual Building AS sold on Monday evening last at E 45 share. ociatiOrt, to 118 per! r; I • Bret being compelled to omit i rom our Borne correspondent this shall appear in our, ne;t.. • WE r a letter , week. It RNOt, clf the first i d most Prominent citizend of Elmira, t city on tilt 17th. JOHN stitlers dicdin t DAMS received by rapress, last, pro blooded.pigs from KO- JOllll on Mauls tubby. ILL publish soon au - excellent bylletr. W. J. : JUDD; of 1 11 . 011trOSO, nday-School lastitnte at TanOtan 4tly WI CSStly. rea. before 03. nook, repo Tar, s new coal 5 , bas arrive. furnish lb, rd in Troy i 3 finished, but nu cnal . thins one yard could njll33 . with coat. Ma. liEwrsi• has nearly completed the ceosusl of the Borough. The Borough prop er eouttur.t 4,000 Innabih.nts,•while tLe suburbs Rill swell the :number to iibout 5,000. - • • , . R: Hum . .& SON have decided to K.tabii,h their wag - on-hrakci manufactory in this pla:ce, jtaid the Eureka ?lower Co. are erect ing - a building for that purpose. NEXT I bursdav will be Thanksgiv ing Das. •lA. union service hill be lield in the Prezbytt Church, and Rev. J. S: SISWAIIT de!ite the if c.rinon " . WE WOULD' call espectal attention to C farm ailvertiqd for rale in cmcrim. Ii is ono of the I)est flk - nos in CI:. cunty. mportumits la offetc.l for to EC o:Ire it at a great targitin. . . • IT IS Wlfll real pleasure we notice tl.7t Surr...r.D aga:ki abio to tiv, office. H is, one of (fie te. t nt, iu,i pendent , ut , iglit liatt S )Lomos & bare , br,m g y ;..i.•veraj of the horef;a,fri..nx L! . ,cir'ltfauch ,Chm.k Etn.VCs pia e for the whiter. Their 1.;11;•Ii: , 't••:- h s been geed in Manch' Clratik durlej, the past s - ea-Gn, and they ahticipate a time there :wit !...etemt:r. • • . Tea hurvired arid - thirty-itine pu yroy Gradetl Selipol during the 411 Oz.t.ne . r. ' A-Nera - go ratteudarico an ti ,n r.)*l be publiThe d e3ntain the n tmee nt such schol ar• a, 57.1 - ..7. - a 1)..,rfe,!• • .I.•irirt.u-nt record. WE rCe‘Apt of a card-from our old ,rictll,lL. S. •Fk -- ;k..:r, frum which learn that.. 1.19 10c.i.t..) for the pia,Aiea of fzs 1•4:-.1",,s . :on. in S . 'S:IK .1,11 . A. We Irish lim a It:crat.tve t%t, know he 1:13'..,T -its c3nl.lenc - -of 1116 1 , e.1i.1.• whi):n TE.. - LaduLr. •aceicl-lit occurred - at ( i bcr 3.rOtiday ' Azt, 13BEENE ;a n ill a Irog, wilt.a . a car 8r r.it: i;:ni,,dvercry I.:evratii:g one leg above tas Liken to 'nwaucta, and wo. t:..t ii - ,;: f1.1/(,.1.fkl front Itiat.—.lt7,,ig Tut: pulpit of the . Baptist Church, , 1,14 SaudAy in:ruing last by a 11.1J W.i.itAV vao, a i y•lung g2atlona.: front tr elaT, who par7suiii,; a, theql , gical co., 51.`.ic ta:Jiriug la th , nfnci. IDA discount ••• rt11...6 O( "e e...n 1 tao-t, tf , rt hnve r had• the pleas:ire of listening- to. With a lit , lo . 4:1! in .. , t.r.uonizing., be r•. 11 maim a in - m... 4 11.-C nI rK:RII7,I kr of tri. , Words- I - • c.r.: - .lloson at tint Graded r'21.1001,,Gq, 0:r011:1:UrS perf.,et ree rd it, . 311(1 e , ludif, for : STEW :::41111," S %;...1 BA1::: , _ , :•:. 1 4 .1NNIF. AL,;,)%L. • ; NM 1. IL(' Mkt:cv It.-Ased flit: Tuuk t • ;If rt: 0 31. , N. u, to ura t.:l fight tt a . ai Lot 1 1 , ; - • : - 111J • unb,c,arldel =EI . .. . =iil 1 ., ;• \ .1,.;',..,.: havci.jltily carted •••: , 1: , :1,.. 11:- : ctitti.. Mr. 1 , ,, r , • :' . :.1;, CI, .I v. I:1:- the' pe.k.: trim the MS 't 1 . 1.., 1 MEI Cl° St e. v,isit -the n-Qm ..r ,: }~ ~:,, ,1..1u;.j .t F-: MEI Hoi,Lksr) :had a fair audience n '11311,1a -F Fvf-Ding. lii, lee'ine ranri.. than re- a1.z , 23 expc , ctiitiAng of „.inti appreci-' I' tita prrcc: AO/i 31 . 1 1 ,t to \ c'erld bronultt ivi,thitrthe I.):,neilt which th , would •(' porrto:t. of thogo.:l - F.bicli , r;r: I:;th , tifri .; to such r. ~,,,,, , ,:ix I.taQir L , e.4 Po t Ihe Via:llll4i ptOp!O feel I;I,MA° to tic •_s. E..MlclLvAlxe has ac •,•,l th,-.7 L.ll. to tai r,•:.!.)rnliip of tae parish lA.'; t!i!:4 11.1c.e, and will cuter up '! • •! , -t•1i‘,1.,4, 61 lii:idnties 4 bu Sunday, Nu .... r b bitu the heartr of Ulle ea*, c ut., , ,reAu'Otut, and 6 by n'.l to ry ode Of Tuw,. , ti.vll , .`arliont o..tr, went 1 .13 u scrttl . ohizer. recommended, will th..t means of doing ~c it:n charge. .N I 1 'V if lIIIIMMIE I' I 1 MIME . poLnlyt-:a, Est - i., one of of this county, 4icd at his ca Welneeday• morning, was tiie fath:,r et a large faini ,!lr wherever known. lived :''.le* allotted ago of man, intel!ect and robust C lEEE MEI - 11.41,1 ME o'er, he sleeps well." •, on-Chris - ' - • • I; r.ll. • A a o the old hons.e near ,the g. , A point and been ,adispritcd point end Mr. C4arr's ol a the ,übj4tot ee4rocrizi ul Lis that work a erected bt , the lioravnins olution; The following item a gentleman who has taken !allecting local history, which last Gleapor, will fror6vi; inter ti bare given the subject at. L yt;ar the hOug,e, the Re% 'i . .....:1 the pen o pains in 7:22 clip Crum th (,:!:Ig to thodo are 11W to ttf; .s . tcv; rail; fort Wvalusw , . So Iry that there ;a a differedeo of age of the old dwelling house, -east of the railway depot at o think it was built by Abe• lis there'ore a hundred years at others say it was built by afir the Aterolutton. A few an old gentleman at the De it his father se. tled Wyatt:L -.lmb t.nie be remembers "the wss almost 9a venerable it tiuw is: This la nut euilelu._ tit le rude for the eunlorY • Vir.9 and rn9r— I I.o.t.liiss 1 _ to z . I.ICC, .t. tli 179) at rive b Patty. . . L .,1 • 24AT A mee ti ng o f Priam ro.lox74o. 7,4. 0. of 0. F. l , of Troyhe l follevitg reso- Antiens were adopted ;- ' Wneusss : 'Our worthy brother. O. W. Septt, his!h•en removed from :our midst; •theretc . re, illesolved That we extend to the family of °nil deceased brother our &lacers sympatey in this their great affliction. - At-they - 4n the Mai or a father and husband, we Mons with thrin abmther's death.; . ; - litesoired, That the members of: this i t s. wear the usual badge:of mourning 'for tinny days. I, REntaap . ia THE Podll.—AlloiV i suggest - to the Ladies': Benevolent4ssocit of this borough, whose valuable labers in ti of the indigent of this plado, haveatTor 4 torch -relief, a plan, byi which;.- no --1 4 material aid would ))43 decared :to the adopted, in providing 'the needy spinet s ing, , during the 'appreachteg winter. If will provide a box or lifcrxei to be 'place secure and conspicuous Awe, or p Thanksgiving day, for4he receipt of con irons, with notice upon the:outside; of th ject for which contribUtionii are 'asked, air, iog to The baneioletied of our eit'zeiis to d 25 cents or more each It seems to Me th peal would not be in , vain, ana thu tr s 4stirer of the society would collect a which would go far towards relieving the il ons dentailds of want. i I hope the,lsugged may be' adopted. [ltem and .Thitrtial pl copM • 1 ,''.— , k, Crrizi Towanda, Nev. 17,1678. -,• :', ---IVmusls4:—Mr. .4ditor IT: 1 a, wephi' , reader of the ItcreurrEn, bn4 do IP member having scat anjilting in,yesir col friiim our quiet little village In soma time. still live here, and want everybody:to kn. The panic has not afteeto'd tis a groat de. theugh greenbacks are in good dcOand. 1 ME lite bunters aro having floe spOrtthese A !party of our townsmen came ittlast with two deer, and another party are out week. . • .. . . lding for a . . Alr Jos Musa has nearly completed hi idince in this place, 'and will' move here tithe during the winter. Our merchants are "doing 4 good imslne piysent, considering the times. There. branch ot,trado which I wish pseticolar speak of. and that is our meat mirk - et:l. fa'cilities for procuring feeshMeat are coral and three meat-wagons can now . ....usuid seen every morningtirtring through Our el dealing out the necessary article.- Thai nQas'is said to be very !profitable, and I. tllere are morn' who contemplate engagi it;i But en-ugh for-thiS time. •44 Sea 'Nov. 17, 1873. • ; ' • 3.1EE115G. OF WYALVSING VABI Ansocitnex.- 1 5.1eetingl of Farmers real blel. Hon. 3. F. CIIA7BEIMAIN in. the See'y. 1 . WELLE9, one or the censmitt on fitiming a Constitution and By-Lawi, not eking present, S. S. Bcrrs, and W. Ikon the :other members or thel committee,".submitted the draft-of a constitution, which ifter heinfi r l, d and discussed, article by article and s . i.!c• • tint by section, and receiving' sonie amend ments, was adopted.' The committee also sishmitied a`ene • By• aitc.r discussionland being an r and4 ell;, ;Jere Lilnpteti. - 4 . 1 After the adoption and sigiling of the a tntion, the Society then proceeded to the tion of uftl.•rs, The voting was by lisllot felulted as follows rs. S. Burrs wa3 elects:] President,.,]. B. Secretary-, and - Elsruos BLAcitl'real Ttlo eill,:ers were ,theii anly Gast:tiled; The l're,ident app:dnled the following', tiers au exontive e:numitter : • IpiwAlue VA1:1111AN and BENZ. AcELET, adjJarde3 5, 1373 VE WERE somewhat .Telediat a ri/runr the other dtiy io the (;)feet' Outi mderprisiug and wealthy businesi. t - ;:urauEr•IRROTL:ERS ttt Triov, DIEWILLO: 4r: l.',Oots and Shoes, u - eri. gohr to :AM! iinti 11iiAarge: their op4ative'...' While ire i--.4lanstied the report had - , no touriaation in r t ~, T;glit an interview with a tucmher of IjrM,.and fron4 him elicited the following El Vegin with, ho assured n that the *as entirely' false, and thr.t tlo it-rruitnitfaJ ruunirtig‘on full time, employing as I teen ai crc.'7, that co time since theneed IJUSines . 9-have tlley turned otita's god ; ds as durin4 the . P l 4 aud ititentiim is to con Mult i , viai . their in:l fore tIM of the ye• r, at 4 whmli timedt is enstotuaiy f , r all manutsctiar,s of the kin:lit.) so-p w'mdt. for It fe,t weeliA tut o:i , Tf.r to t_•.ie acc -, :Mt o!'23loeli, and iirep.trc , for they sp. - rug teade: N one of the nt'en wiql be I • , dis , olssed: In reg.r Lim recent financial • rfotte, they think logitirultoniatinfaettry Wire ss' as but ?.ffectel, cspecial.; thtlr lino, as ther, exirts a demani Oanufseturc'd goA.4 obich must bd F i upp The fact nett thi.re wasp! oweit..ktoek on is tan c.iLtry del:Mnstra tac.tr ,•21.:s wiring thee paid months nearl3 - ;37.0:10(1 111C..X.'ZCS4 Oil the s: period hit s';)01 thefr.arrau nUMte feu neat bfisinessere eomple ga. , :f i t'er the Leoniniene'ezmut of the New Y 1 4 tliqi, will cunt:pins their manufactdring tIM. same vi;..;eir and enr_rg:f which has cl terizott the es.t4blislithent for the. ;pest q' Ye - anl• ' • We 113-Vir ".vrltten more Upua tins . subject Iltlri.osed to (13 V.11 , 2:1 we began it, .bntl t ,r,ietice of giving rise to such 'rumors al 'LL7, ).CC:4:6 referred to, is so raischie . :Mis and caked .• • t!rat rtibj- , ‘t deserves more than ,a pa.„- I,of;te-s% TMs-I.l.lseedod; calmilatudi itk OA. credit- 'of oto± of the soondoA 1141::z•F in the community, i'a l ir.fair spc iutin3 others altieh have-ben fr,rculate smelt rumor 10. M up by respectable and fa inhti, uo wonder the people lose the busincas 'i:istitutions -of thil Filth of man in man, seems t i, be, "-a ;-• - things that 'were," Nothing tends in degree to enth My destroy the confide-, ntejb sttonld-rep:;,e in' each "other; than tilful reonrta, e p.ccially when they are di ed FigaiU3t the basinesis interests of ciimmtil .1 3. it, TAYLe) S =II , ATuEss.—Last, Thursday morrl at 101 o'eljek was married at the bride's 111 b l t the Rev. , Mr. Srnot.o,Ciiranti:s 4. EGE prominent banker pf , Ogdensburg, li. Y., M. R. PEmass, of -Atnens. Miss Pr. has a large circle o Iliends here to:who is strongly attached by her many eStimab, . 1 col qualitiesand )10 new join in ti l ishin ii lt.ug, happy life, arid that bei new asi tions may lle even ore pleasant than Ur i the' past. Their rd6uption groom's be at the j (fence of the groo's twitther hit l Ogilens Nlittitlesday, evening; NoVem ct. 26th: , -professor, Ji 'sum M: ELY. :Principal o 1 , 04 Ctute, died . at his residence hatuday riiir,Nov. Vith. Mr. ELY Las. been .asse with the prtaminent educational inters! ,aaitilford and 'lova countrestor .mauy I .4icd wiil be reuaeuaberid -as fa strchig, ',Fortier for the intellectual,a4anc'ement ;Ong. He ha- b,eu a teacbCr for forty dt:l'otieg his untiring uriergies:-aud ti mini tirseholarly attainments to flee work', and as 'the death angle comes; be is stricken ar his advanced age(); seventx-one years . hs hands and heart ere as busy l as ever j du t ies of his profession. Surely .he w - . , 1 toi , ed by our whole. community as a 'it:izen; but more than all his . pleasant girele will miss the kind, indulgent c ir4 and father, whose social q ualit:es always their home pleasant. Ills federal was b atti:aded on Ilot?lay at I o'clock, r. sr. And.uelt, little AncnrE N. ilar.nitt., F Ent N. Menerm., is tahen-at the ago of Ii 4r4 9 months. His pure mina, jest 'expal hit° loveliness, had entwined itself art.us .i,crY heart-strings of loving; parents . ; hu Ono who loved little children even.greatel earthly parents. has called Win litti;ie, " iindh is the'l,ingtlom of heaved,"''. , I . , ' , - Tu. 14:1 WE LAST week noticed tbedea col FowLan. The following aketcliof d. 481. 6r. zlip from the Chicago tertillig do rnal. Of tho lOtti inst. : : • 4 : :". • ,„ .•"; //Earn Or CoLOTIEL ROGEIIa FOWLER... 7,la° I:4:ject of this obituary was GEyeare old at the 'time of his death: He died at k his residence thel,citv of Chicane, on the rooming - of the 7th I.cfs'-erober, 1873 7. and wheni ho died si life spinewhat-remarkable went out. 114 was borri in Bradford qofinty. Pa.. and fOr a number of, 'yeas in earl" Ziff, to company With Ids brother, tiff a prominent place among tuskless men as me ,chalit and Ininberman at:. the o s or , antroetun, to that ontoty. - itilSs-4., in co ..ps., ,riv tth other capitalists frimillNear; Yor and, fitil go, he built a largo I=oor milli a , Bic-, 1011 . nominee, on (Ireemßay; l Brisito . . , In 1855 be came to Chlisno, and was algae. , extensively in the lumber trade, and ahem buying in and selling reit estate. Daring th war be Was engaged large); in Tarnishing hes for the He wa r remarkable for his b alpaca; few men could equal him in Managing and .1- recting 'large number of men engaged in dif ferent kinds oc banned& It was ledeed almost wonderful to see with what quickie's, Wilily and ease be lleuld do this. Be as also re markable for Ws - indomitable will rid untiring energy and peeverence. The wok& • fail' bid •no place in ble vocebulery. If misfortune over took WI oradvereity came and t h warted Ids plans these were Only an incentive to a string er and bolder,fforL Be loved to tt take money., and be loved j tas well to spend sit. He was a t in no sense a s ndthritt, but be was genermis,• he loved to m others happy around him, and the goodness of his heart could only be meals - urett by bilfoiteritY And ceaseless activity. Few men not engaged in public life, were pir ,sonatly more known. His business caused him tq beentue acqrainted largely in many'parts &jibe Union, and ail who bad e pleasure of becoming sufficiently' acquainted . with bite.; will r3adily call to mind the warn. friendly :grasp of the hand, his clarion voice, and his merry, joyous laugh. I 1,. To his : wire, he was an affectionat e , . devot ed husband; to his children, a fond and doting pa rent; to both wile and daughters hil was ever extremely indiilgent, and to all his friends and relatives affectionate and kind. 10‘ the midst of the activityi;if life, be seemed to be constant ly Impressed that if a. man died,t - hit should life again. Former° than a quarter of a century, he had been alinn and consistent member Of the Presbyterian Church.( i Yesterday ttili hearse bore his remains from the residence of his son-in-law, 51r; G. W. Ad ams, to Rosebill Cemetery , followed by his family, one brother, two 'latent, and mourning friends. • As oth Duran. id to wbalt td so oabt, . et . - they In $ =I ,„, . . PERSOSAL—r.t. LiOODftl ill 18 ;tI.P -, idly recovering from his recent severe and dangerotts illness. He is now able hio walk aborit his room: —W. E. Cox and wife. of Bethlehem,Oveip the guests of Col. H. B. McKean, last wegit.. I z--• Staartrit, Esq., President of the Cnica go ColonY i Long Spiing, Colorado, paid a visit to hui brother,iJedge STREETER, in this place, last week. H 4 robust appearance is the high: -est recommendation for the healthy condition, of the Territory. Dlr. S. was accompanied by;it young bride, Who will return with him to Colq. rado, after a fe* week; sojourn among the hilts of Bradford and Susquehanna conuties. —Dr. HOLLI;ND was the guest of Judge con's family while in this place. —Hattirr Siaw, cf Philadelphia, and Ti2aa nrer of the Barclay Coal Co., is at the, Means Reuse. 1 • tie qua We 1 . wit: r t, al- •IVB. week this 111 some !ffl one ily to —Gen.,WAGiTa,..G. W. C. T., of this St paid us a call • to-day. He was ea rout Frauklintlale., ishere he talks on temper.= —Deputy. Su,iveyor of the Port Heenan in - town oh a visit to Hon. E. 0. Gooptuc.i. • z, Itarr_sp. &mum: and family, of Ydrf: county, are sOnding a short time in this placC, visiting Mrs. s.'s father, T. C. Courts, E 4 The Doctor Aria a surgeon itt the ariny, and has a large priiatice in the sou therm part of the State.• ' ER S' haw. —lts •. IMcQL.vrimisy is pp.} ing • his rat-. rnerous tr . idndii in this place a short visit.. , . • I . , 'S TEACIkER4' CONVENTION AT ROME.—=, ' Tho Dradfoi4 DeMuty Teachers' Astociatioia met at the rifiabiteriao Church, Mme, nide', Nov. 14, Dresid ut 0. F: Young in the chair!. Devotional e deies conducted by . Rev. P. T. .karyca. -ilt.l.rutcti of dial, meeting read s . na 1 approVcd.! i BustueBs co Mittee reported the folloxin# usti; elec. ! acid For cii=xu.4.l4ion r, at the common school teacher r;ullicieut knowledge of the,Leln al langrpsgea to be able to tiro correesness the technical terms d paces uezurriug hi the test Beqolreik 6hould rthoes and Coptinen nounce with awl names a book. TAY'I ,urer; Plll/. OLIDJ hat teaelier4 in our comm.* id be qualified to give instruq- :I?rsolred Retwots shoui thin ila mtme.l i flat' it should be the province of • pregertbe the ettidies of the,ptfr • ch hrge. • the teacher t pity undo' hi. 611 ntiuti iii:cit4scd by F. 31. nireti hrin)t•;l, A. A. liceney, W. It. ,1 1 4 1.1 . W. C ,rb:n. Adjourned. Ar1F0,70.,* Third bury. P. L. Thumps na 31; •ar• that • .rrn, l rera npo.t a:311.1o.. W. W. (3 , t1/.1 A. A. MEM CAM 1 artl actJ ttle cts:! W. ii. 'r Gca. Bromi, Ur.,:•u thaey, P, L. Etc:ll , l,on by !Ms,' F.. 4. cote 1 upon n 2 rem unitig horn, la)t I - 31-1 to )1( p rt`ot btI.II4CF Brewer. ite,; Ou tuolii,3,! QC,r tory i um. WP matte/ C.,rn' iith e m._mberd wen; off, red : I:es9lred, 011410 te.)lo. e iat tha :47:+!t. c I W. il. 1:1;!•a, b pelt, E. E.Q•ti Elsay by 24.1 , 6 by J. B. ELI iy, MEI V. P.11.11' lecturer .)f,the Peat nrc, o! the the ability, au arkl timely our ple.i.ure t Music. :rook was. tl T c'dasiou, th v for ,I:ed. 7,1 ava ~~~ ge ted,i ar),' ith rac two f - De :at' 'pal Holbrook - C cera reported President?; P. L Cook. Sept Keeney, aril" for t ensdin, 1 dall thel th P. i.. Orris , ' boqint, rep'prt. 1 ion of res , TLv'lpti.)4 Ip..cf.• I ' She6l:elata 'or nic;elii,t, made : ` 1 DES ljnr9 t i neesEl irk of CM teirn la du, i 4 ar tePi mfid! fC31.1 • Lecture'r,: Wi umw.l clos!un, Phpaical Seim A. A. Keeney,' E„ ; Iteal'erg, coral nesa commit ' trackman, O. •Snaan Fi4ll: (xi! a gr . co ii Afrer 11/116'.C, 'Rev.! Pi. edietiort; Adj thit the. 111 IF 1974.' • ,BU ter Ya pricts, at Wa $2,000. EL;qi WANTED i to eartra , ..43 to, fated .j .ts 4:4 w,t eard, T . pcttr bf Ilt car te- Go EMI Ell 3 (lowa t/16 ill be tee' Ch Mrs. Woolin tes.Fo go to 31.sr. IME ~~ MIMI Houses and 1n3.0 rgdy 1,0 2,000t0t, j 7,5, 'ort of year ding d the the for o 111:1" 11 .3 Watches, cal Stbre, Bridu. • Jtat. Flour, in Be: '+e cheapest place.in town to trey Watel* Jewelry; aid Silverwire. is at 11. HEtiDE.L3tMed, on Bridge street. • t 111§. Patterns, Hats and BonnetS, At cost, at i l i s. Woanntre24, corner of Main and Bridge. I 6 • 6 . 861. TIH finest stock of Gold Jow r . i try of over/ delteription, over brott i ght in this town, now oftled at . . M. Msnnitt.ssree new Jewelry Store, Bridge street.' Toita re„:39:ltUon votuil I,,,lutirq,ll:scus4(.ll.l. 119211:11..fi..m1 for officer:4 a;:0 app Airpurnkli LVIND:o srm4ios. • fo"4o , rillg W;114 the* for a ~rardu~~ prizes ur comnion ups,.;rl I'. L. )J, • A. r:ard. .1);•clit tnatiop thiv.in :If 13' 31u k. .• ir,tro,itlced an th'p is Iccliire_ was tbF pear diacnrainq rs, , i IDS Cif t :01 iIOtIC kith rnrQ 'the moat ofiginl cesl7i:s ever beeit 1 Hawn to. Finfirre.e:ock, SICEMZIMEEM I vue,ses Jaded by ;Rev. P. mraittee od uoraivation of, el* oryrcsideut, E. ,L angle; Vice- L. Chthpc•ll, J. C. Crawford, otary and Tri. , asur , .4,• Mrs. A. they were declared duly elected year. . auftit , A; or "CleiteoVvr . ii ad. $23.50 in Treasjiry. Discu lution cantinned by G. W. Ryan; I)ni ChriApell, I. IlcPherr ecitAtton br 311.-;t , ' , Belle Rickey 'sS fixed upon as tho next plecel Tol tho 'rpllowing° appointmente , 11. Thompson ; Dcchtniers, Jobn l 31111 s. Papers :subject, Elements; nt e. J. IC..Craulerd, subject, subk,:ct, Practice of Teaching. mi. Voulit, M. A. Dcmarb. .cs Ridgerg, Kinney. a, Lawrence Vought, ,G. W. D. Kinne3l Cynthia Rodgeri, pleading by Miss E. A. Brewer. 4ry resolutions of thanloi and j T. Marjvtt pronounced the be - uorned, to meet in Shrthequin id2.y anal Saturday of February, M. M. KEENEY; Stuly. .IN.E.'S LOCAL. I Lacea.; of all Widths anti . • TAu.on LCo s. uted to borrow,: $l,OOO or iro at tie& office. —. —An active, energetic map t 0 REPORTED,. ss Trimmings, at airs tO WHITCOMB •~' SHAUT'S: for your.l3ooLm and Stationer' 'Wren's .tionalaiidy Caps, rit the best Roast or 'Steal,: RUNDELL'S eral valuable Farms tsi for sale by 13.cumrxr& Tnag t 0 Sta,..emeitts , for:$4.00:; I, at this ottce.' ,• . , on want to see fine Gold at 31. EIESDEWMAS . 9 now JewelO street. IVED !—A large invoice of els, Half-Barrels, and thinks, at 'a McCazz E.DWARD9i'! Tux OPPOMll3ll'll!—Huus Ii 1014 Furniture at astonishingly low picas. Now is the _time to purebsse. air If yon want a gocid job repair , lug in watches / clocks sad Jewelry, ail id IL Efiarmaux's Jewelry Store, Btidge street. •! Ns. Burrimuin's Patterns s of Gar- Olents for Ladles, italics and Children. at Mn. Wooontrtioa. t • 111116. Solid Gold, Silver, and Plated Ware, of superior cirislity,at. low prices, • at M. BENDZIXA3'II Store, itridie street. 16. Caps, both black and white, for old ladies, for sale at Mrs. J. D. Hues, • Bridge street. fir Call at M. HENDELMAN'S Jawel rY Store, Bridgo i streot„ and szamlnothe stock, whether you desire to purchase or not. seircoßsEß & coon have mere, cheaper and better Boots and Shoes, than were user before offered for isle in Towanda. Se - Children's School Hats, in Felt, Straw and Velveteen at tire. Warnnerm'a, ,corner or Main and Bridge. j To see the fall styles in Hats l and Bonnets, go to Mrs. ID, HiWe Millinery Store, Bridge street. • • Stir Large stock of Pictures and Picture Frames, at Warrants S &tures. Bier car's block: sta-White Embroidered 'Flannel, •or Ladies' Skirts, at • TATUM Co's. Nov. 1272 w. • JUST Ann ivEDI—A large invoice of Flour, in Barrels, Malr-Barrele, ind Bails, at a reduced price. I' McCann EDWARD. to: Wall . Paper and Curtains cheap at ' WIIITCONII Sr. Bastes. literati% Mick. ter Orderd , received for all kinds of, Hair - Worki by EL LE Lavoie, -at the Ward Et use, next Monday and Tuesday, November 17 and 18. f~, io .~ tic. Prof. SLIERWOOD'S Musical Aca demy is an established hict. We told hint when he located hero, that a geed 'teacher would :flni plenty of MS.. All new subscribers to the Ciaticator anti Country Gentleman, for 1874, piping in advance, previous to the close of 1873, will receive the paper weekly, from re ceipt of remittance to January 1, 1874,-without charge. ' ' . _.... .._ . ... its.. Teachers of muticcan par- Ciiasc Sheet Music and Music Books st Teach cis' rates, at the Tem l ph) of Music, Towaoda Po.. tfe" I3erginan's Zephyrs, in al idiades, and Gas cOlors, only 20 Cents-per OZ, st Mrs. Woonilefee, corner of Slain and Bridge streets. 1 , i -. • -- viSi. The best place to buy School, Miscellaneous and Blank Bonk!' and Fancy Goods, is at WHITCOMB .1:: &RUT 8. Alercur's Block. . . tor For fine' Americ4n, F.lgin and s T I,R Waite Eco, Jewelry, etc., go to H. J. HAL WY‘lustig, Pa. I.lerge stock Piet re- g 'lnstruction in the German laip t inge, by Rev. Lesco,. M. D., a na tive of Germany. Apply at Ids residence, No. 7 Arcade Block. ; AW- Pur i ties desiring to puretiase Dry Ok;cds for Fad slid Muter wcar, will do mall to.call a I 1 u TAYLo:c ,t. Co. :ice advert se wilt in auotiter column. ;lam Persons .wishing to purchase. Real Estate Of any description, should call oti BA:RFLETT TRACY, Insurance and Real Estate Agents ar.d Brokers. /' se". French Flowers; elegant, feath -4 and all kinds .and colors 0!,./Rilasins, for 'sale a t. Mrs. J. D. IDT.L's Store, Bridge t. M=ZMI :HAY PREssEs.-- 7 n. M. WELLES pays special attention to' the bale of Ray - Presses.,` Call upon him tf , iou wii , it! to get a good article . and one that willsuit yoth i) 4eir ltathushek, Weber, Hoofwan, Knickerbocker, and other Planes for Paid:cheap and on easy terms, at 6LE, Patsage, Co's Tetnple of Mac,. Towanda, Pa. SS— The best phice to buy Sash, Blinds, Doors and all kinds of Lumber, is at Fnotrr & SoNs Factory on Charles street. Af• ficei 107 Main stieet.. They sellcheap'for cash. Se" loat sus. & Moms, mannfact ure!rs of fins) celebrated spectacles, hale cblipgrod their agency from J. firootirN's' to MLA. Cnssinsittme. ter Why run the risk of an acci dent, when you can het , a ticket good for $3,- 000:1n case of death, for2o:ceotii a day, by call- Jegion Fuasii Berusami; at tipper depot ? A t . VO,It SALE.--The new house on Hain street, seem] door notth Of Chestnut street, lot About 100 fret Front. 'Terros'easy: Empire he premises of Mrs. Ilowts and of Ft. T tar Ladies' Hats and Bonnets in all 'of the latest styles, just received at Mrs. WoennuTr's,borner of Malu and Bridge streets. Eutzance On Main street. dCtober 10, 1873 PIEHCE it NICHOLS are selling all if arietiea of coal very cheap. They are self) agk,nts for the eialt - t of the celebrated cßarclay coal. Coal by car load at-a dißcortilt. • . r ~,,. , MATHE44'B PATENT x• , aN An ILL.-- at.— .Tinn received a sepply.This is an excellent one in very respect.. .It will separate Oats from Wheat. and Buckwheat from Oats, and prepare nicely all grain and grass seeds for sewing,. pa. Great care should be exereis: 9119 the eelection of a etnvo or heater, asl one of these very necessary, at ticles will - last many yeare. ffesPonn %lave the beet as sortment& heating and evoking stoves ever offeied in this market. ger. It is not generally. known that 11. 0. WIIITAKFM, ntitto.B - Ook Bindefy over, the. Iturourza office, ,makes Blank Booka in any style of riding and binding desired. If; yon want a new Lodger, Journal or 'pocket, give him a call. • - i. We are prepared to print wed ding, calling, or invitation cards, on, the shoit est hotiee, and in the neatest style. Envelopes furnished when desired. , 1166 Several desirable building lots, neat the Iron Work, for salo cheap. Will more than do' bie in value in the next two •yeare• Encitei......, ur at this office. 1165.: Cold, damp weather approach. • cs apace, and if yon would preserve your health keep your feet dry; and warm, by wearing the supCrior boots and, shoes sold by M. J. btßitlN, in Beidleman'e Block._ • .116 r George Wobd & Co., Taylor & Farley, and Jubilee 'Organs, at low pticeiind easy terms of payment. Bend for circulars, or call to see and hear them at the Temple of sic Of COLT, PASOGE & Co. . VS. Dealers in Strings will do well to.ciß at the Temple of Music, where they will flnd'a large assortment of French, German end Italian Strings, at New York pnces. la.. For sale olio tp, my hoise end lot. ix, Chen H not street. Enquire at the Mee arn'o & 'ram. W. 0, 'awn , ' , air No on 11884 go in want of Bite or Smoak, oi l esti other. Wiliam good,* it they will go to, $. A. lime & Co 4 where they sell ermythtnir, aecorlitog to Its preeeot rake. N0120.w4. egi. Yon °six bni a good Itange at &mum & licat's with thong:M. amount of moncy you wail have to pay fora common common cook atort at any other placO. Make a note of this. - A IS. A large assortment of 2.lint• ton'Kid (*was jostimelrad at B, A. Parris do 00., at the latest low prices,- and will be sal accordmaly. j • r .Noi2Owi. wo. air Powzrai Coi advertise in to. ti • days's min. another hirge. famine of goads, imitable for the season. , Now is the time to se. Cara great bargains, as lbey are' selling dry, goods at a redaction of 25 to 50 per cant. from tut year's prices. I. • - ler A. A. Pin' is lc Co. are con Mardi, replotilshingi their large assortment of Woolen Yarns and Knit-Worked °nods,' so White's Patent lloods,sat bottom prices. No4hrl. , Taut Notimi—it. N. NELsosfew eler. will sell hie stock of: Gomi AND :Puma UMW% ,Watches ind Spe!rtacies at great re dactions from forti3er prices! at WOUWA Clothing Store. I • ' • h • Do You INTFIiD TO DO ANY PAINTING =us Fia.o—lf so, I try ) thC Rubber PAWL I challenge any dealer or Painter in Bradford county to produce r.II good, duratle or cheap first-class paint. BUld by the gallon ready for the brush. Send for sample color cardu, price list and circulars. ; wELLILB. Wit* Some one left'a clock at Km . - nx's Drag Store, on the owning or ANNA pins inson's lecture. Tho owner can have it by proving property sop psying for this 4dtki. MS. Mrs. E. J. biniaos has now re- wired a tall line (it Stillinery and Piaci Goode. for the Fall and Winter trade. She wiadispla, the finest assortmenlor trimmed Bahraini Bon nets, 4n Towanda, on and Idler nest Saturday, Oct. 11. , , BEY Yoga COAL BY iTHE Can LoAD, —TWo or mote persOns cat 4 club togetherloo buy their coal from IL NycLt.ts at wbolesale prices, and get 2,20 ,ba to :tho ton.. doing so seventy-live cents per ton of 2,000 •Iba. can be coed from Towanda retail prices. i• Mil _Aar The amusement loving. . com munity will ba pleased to learn that the 'Neil Orleans Minstrels are to give an entertainment in this place, on Tuesday evening nexi: Thi company performed; here last year, and:elicitee a great amount of pi Moo. One of the features of the performance is the female permit band. Mayo STAYLET is still with them. Our4Chang 03:everywhere speal of the troupe t as nearer s it:st-class Concert Company than Minstrels, n the general acceptation of ihat term, kV' ProdeutTeople of all c asses, in the old country, invest their money to gold and silverware. 'jewelry, waicheeland rho like for safe keeping, knowing that snob articles al nays command a good price, and • are much more easily taken care ratthan money. It wordy bif well if our,people; would follow the example of our thrifty and enterprising neighbor*acroi. the water. to. A. Cuamor.uttN keeps a . full as. sortment of these 004 warranted of the best quality. sek. Atiiptii the bwiness establish meats in this place,which every citizen Seel,- proud, is the extenave Book St.)ro of C. F. Cuoss. Mr. C.- is thokanglily posted in Ilie,bnsi nese, and keeps a larger and better assortment of goods than can found in any other place in the country. We 'cheerfully recomMend his to the patrenage of our - readers, as an holiest upright;dealer, atjd pcu nix; never takeaadvan tap pi overreactes.l ~Stich men ,hould be pat routied r • NOTICE.—The' members of Union Lodge No. 108, ITnic.n 11. B. A.,. ChaptCr 161. and Northern Commander) , No. 16„ loeitted ano stationed at Towancla,,l'a., are hereby notifiee, that there Rtll he a meeting of the 4asome Hail Association, hel l (' at MaSonie hail, Tewan da, I'a:, Dec. 17, 1876, at 6 r. X., sharp., tor the purpose of electing a President, Treasurer, Sec. retary, and three Trnsteetrof the Masonic! Halt Association, to serve' for the ensuing *sow year. H. It NI •I" Bee: ' } . ..• • , Nov'. 12, 1573-3. • , REVOLUTION II THE CLOTHING MAR KET_ AT 123 3fsts Sra. I LE:T-416:D THE e.z.v--.r tot MONET !ALL Goons Mattectm_ DOWN FROM; TO 30 ran I cayr.—Having purchased .recently, at bargains, oar good will s bO : offered at: panne pnces. Call and sea our pver-Coats, at p. 10; Under-shirts and Dritwers at 40 cents cacti ; al other "goods in proiilertion. I shall be ett To wanda the balance of the season,' from this 24th of this month, and Would be, pleased to receive s call from my friends and criatumers. ;At ya. Sohoiotc. - • One Priee 0. 0. lljelothiq, 123 Main-St. M. Another i ; made in the price di Soxa. Look at tht Children's High Cha Hoston Rockers, each Beat Wood Seat Chid Best Flag Seat Cloti Ash Chamber Snits,l Now 1 the hi t thi and the only place i Main street. - Nov. 12-6. v. Be Runk ! The winter wind no% And hollow sounditil The sturdy travler • And w i htstles gaily a i For what cares he h w sternly winds may blow, Whilst warm and coy ho thile's them all ; '1•2:.. Thia is the secret —I tall people know— His clothing 'comes fioin IIosi.SFIELD'S Hail ! Where weather-defying and indestructible gar ment's of every description, can be had at veay ow prices .TiiE DIFFEBE.'CE.—• There'd JONES, novt he never is needy, But atways has pl4uty of cash - , Just look at bid clothes, they are "seedy," The' he bought them. so lately of—DAsn— Whilst MOWN, wholid needy but clever, ' Wears cintlies that, he purc;hased la 3 all— wear well and !look good as ever, • But he purchased Ibis suit at 31c3IstioN's. It. M. WELLES Where the'mont dsirable, reliable and stylish' garnients, of every ina, canbe prlcured on short notice at.pric a mado! - expressly low to suit these " hard times." Romembei the place, J. L. MOM.Aumes, olipoite the Post Office. ; IN DRY GOTS. '[ —Tev A: Co. haling aratied themoires rn the recent 'ergo soles of neichandise, in , Nor: York, offer to Eell ftv th^ next SIXTY, DAYS their etock of c ' DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, SKIRTS, FURS, HO.4IERY, NOTIO S, UNDERWEAR, I CLO'rDS AND CISSIMERES, FLANNELS, BLANKE'TS, SHIRTINGS, SHEETANGS. •'. OINGITANS, •t CALICOES, CARPETS; • •NYC.. &C., AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES; ' • TAYLOR A. CO. Towanda, Nov. 15. 1873. AIINOLD—SALZWAN.--In Towanda, Nov. by Rev. S. J. Lusk, Horace L. Arnold, o Warren, to Alice L. Salzman, of Towanda. • CONRAD—PICKERMG.—LI the 3f:,` l;. sonage_, Nicholson; Pa., Nos. 12, 1873,.by Rev. P. R. Tower, assisted by Rev. D. C. Barnes. Mr.;.Tantes W. Conrad w D t tss Julia A.„Pack oring, both of Gibson, Susquehanna county, Pa. WINSTON--JOBNSON—ByEIder J. L. Phoenix, et the reddeuer ,f the brut 1 4 ',Aber. INev. 4th 3873. Air N mei! Worn, of Emit Bur lin4tou. Pa., anti Urn tows. J 0101412, 0 West Barlington,l1 1 4, , • ;great eduction just I Furnit&e, by J. 0. Fr.osT so pricds rs, each 3.00 4.00 • 33.00 t re, ,per q et 8, per set. leach. • • , e to buy cheap for; cash. tows iis at FILOST &•SONti V• gives its warning note, Is moan'anaidst the trees; hattonit eight his coat, - I , t the nipping breeze. • ,MARRIED. RIM OUNN—CUILEIMX..—At the ieddenoe Of sir Joel Rim, tin Railroad street, ToWanda, Pa., Gov, 19 1873 , by Rev 11. O. Dean. Captain unn to Mrs. Anna L Gbabbncle, all of ands, Pa. , ; MARTEN—PI7IIOELL.—At the ieildence of Mr. Job Webb, in Wyitor t Nov. 'l2 1073, by %v. E. T. Dutcher, Mr. George Marten and Miss Anna Purcell, of Boma AU of Bradford county; Pa. • I HALE—IMILICEY.—AtTriuIty Chnrciiiewark, Ohio, Oct. 22,1873, limo. Bee. fk G. ield. as . assisted by Rev. W. bower, James T. Male.' I. of Bellefonte, Pa., and Helen' 0., &tighter pf Tamer L. Dirket, Esq., of Newark, Ohio. - • Ooltuntna, Nov. 16th, 1873, by-S. It. Crane, E.-n., Mr. Isaac Doug les, of North Branch iVyonting CV., Pe.. ford lnd Co. Miss P 'llary E. Ward, or Colombia, Bra.' , a. Tlikelf-rWOOD—it the residence of E. S. Tracy, Esn.„Esod Smithfield, Ps., on the 12th ' bY Dean, Mr. limb Tracy and Miss Emma' Wood.' 1 • BLOCHER--.BUMP-;41 the If E. Vaisorulse W.Taluriug, Pa., NOv. 18th, 1873 by. Bev. J. B. Sumner, G. T. Blocher, of lintel,. and Emily Bump, of LIMO qui, Bradford Co., Pa. BRAM PTON—TBOMPsON At' Leßaysiille, On the 6th tuft., `by WV. Wm. 0. Baldwin, Mr. Robert T. Brampton, of Bound Brook, . New Jersey. and 'lira. Tells Thompson, of Brushvide, Ps., • • .LOLGIS-BOW ANI—At *the Congregational Ceurch, at Leßayaville. on Ike 16th by Be.v. Win: 0 Baldwin, Mr. Fred E Loins and Alba Mettle E. Bowman, both or Lettayartlle. DIED. BURNSIDE—In Smithfield, of diptheria, the following tour children of Sherman and Mary • E. Burnside : , • Sept. 30, John O. Bernside. aged 9 years ; Oct. 7, George 8. Barnside, aged 15 yearn ;• Oct. 27, William L. Burnside, aged 9 years; Nov. 9, Cerro J. Burnside, aged,7 years. The three remaining , children aro hopefully recovered from the vldtation.uhich has so sad ly, afflicted this faznily. • TOWA.NDA PIiARKET'S WHOLESALE PRICES. Corrected every weimesday, by 0. B. -PATCH 'abject to clumps daily. Wheat, ip bush arh $1,50 m 1 75 V bush : . . as . Suelrwhest, 16 bash , dont. V busb bbi__.: Beans. ill uli bu`u• • • • Butter (rolls) * lb do latr9,l IR VI new Eggs V dos' ...., . Potatoes, ip bcishmew ' - tie • Flour ? barrel. ' 9 50 q,. 10 50 . Cutout 11l bash 1 00 Wmorrrs or intim—Wheat. 60 lb. ; Corn 56 lbs. ; Rye 66 lbs.: .osts 32 lbs.:- Barley 46 lbs.; Buckwheat 58 lbs.; Beans 62 lbs.; Britt 20 lbs.; Clover So•td 60 lbs. ; Timothy Seed 44 lbs.: Pried Peaches 33 lbs.; *Dried Aproes 22 tbs.; Flu Seed 60 lbs. . I t NERVOUSDisnrrr.--A depressed, :rritablo stste/of mind; .a veak, nervous,: exo lounged feeling; .no energy or anmeition; coo-, weed head, weak memory, often with e.ehilitat. ing, involuntary disaharges..the consequences , fexcesses, mental Overwork or indiscretions rho Nxitvocs DEBILITY' finds a sgereign cure fIU3IPEIREY'rt flO-3,IEOPATIIIC 8 VECIFIt No. 28.• It tones up the system, arrests di,. .Ibarges dispels the niontal.gluom and'deipou lency. and rejuvenates the entire sy-tem. It IS •ierrectly harmless and alwasi.effleient. .Priut for a package of five Woe and a large e 2 .ial of powder, whicbts important in 151 d, seri ms canes ;or $1 per sin le box. Sold by ALI. truggioto; or sent by mail:on receipt of price. .Address, • . Ct.inx li. Ponran. • s ou th end w a ro H:uto. Tnti . 3l'o 4 Po. TOTICE—TO PROPERTY OW N .4.1 ERR IN TOWANDA BOROUOIL—AII persont owning lots ou the f011OWID?. Streets. Water. Second, Third, rourtM Fifth, William, Centre, North WO -11463, York Avenue, Second A anus, Packer Avenue (Acne. Avenue. Barstow Menne, Ruston Street, Oho tuut. Canal, Old Plank Road, Lombarn. Wee. ton, ILIDIO, State,. Poplar. Park, Court, tine; Wsstitugtou,l.t+zAtieth, Fraukltu. Barclay, Coliege: Avenue; Fourth, Chestuid, are hereby notined that ~ tie grade of said Street has ii en recently estsb:. by tbe.Ntreet Engineer.'under the supervi, on of the Streetocommlttee, tit tt profiles of said greets with the 'proposed grades will be on exhi °Mon at the Milos of W. H. Morgan. Esq., Borough Engineer, until Nov. 26, at 7 o'clock, p. pa., atwhieh tune there will be held a meeting of the Bork:high . .Jonneil, at their Rooms, on Pine Street, to bear tiny persons interested upon the questions of said grade, And all parsons 1149 rr arc herby requested to be present at said meeting. to show cause deny thee , taus. why said grade sh old not be establiehed and ordained. Attest : J. !%11,3 BRYANT, Burgess. JO'. KING:01111Y, Fli t .'s* Towanda, Nov. 8, { S . . PECI AL ELECTION PROC LAMATION.—Whereas. by ati lict of Assembly of the Commonsrealthef Penn:Viva - Ma, entitled -en act relating to the electious of this Oninonwealth," st is enjoined upon me to give public notice of such ilection to be held, and also , the. enumeration in mch notice what officers are to be elected, I, .1. it. tt)MICH. High Shalfrof the comity of Bradford, to hereby male known :tad give notice to the electors ~(said county, that thew all' he held a • lemciai ot o too , on -repsp,is, the pith day ,DECEXI iiEIt. 1873, in the several districts in , said coon , ty. to wit In Armenia, at the house of John S..Beeke l r. In Alba borough, at the house formerly occupied by D. P. Knapp. In Albany, at the school house near Win. Bahre. In Asylum, at the school house near S. Beeler's. In Atheus borough, at the house formerly occupi• Sy E. S. Mathewson. In Athens tWI.L, at the house formerly occupied by J D. Hunt. in Athens bore. In:Burlington bore% at the house formerly occu pied by L. T. Boyce. In Burlington twp., at the house ef B. Stevens iu Burlington Borough. In Intrtmeton vV6at, at the 31. E. Church. In Banalay ist the school house. boru. at the Central House In Canton' twp., at the house formerly oiNnipica by 9. 8. Myers, In canton borough. In e_olutubin, at the house of Jas. Morgan. In F.ranklin at the house now occupied by S. S. Donning. In Granville. at the house of Benj. P. Taylor. In.Beirick, at the school house hear Daniel Du rands. In Leßaysville !lore', at the house formerly occu pied by J. R. Fletcher. In LitChtlell, at the house Of S. B. Carmer. In Leßoy, at the Centro school house. In Monroe twp., at the house formerly occupied by 'R. R. Rockwell. ; In Monroe bore', at the house formerly occupied by Ethel Taylor. In Orwell, at the house of Francis Woodruff.. In Overton, at school house No. 2. In Pike, at the house of [raver Bosworth. ' In Rome twp.. at the Academy iu Rome bore. In Rome boro', at the Academy. In Rldgbury, at the house of lien.), Berman'. In Sheshequid, at the Valley House. seri the hOuse formerly occupied by Jesse Hammond. Lii'atauoing Stone, at the house of Simon Stevens. In Smithfield; at the , IMuse, formerly occupied by 'A. J. Jerould. In Sylvania bore*, at the house of Curtis Mcrritt. In South Creek, attho !tease of C. E. Coe. $ 65 1.73 In Terry, at the house of Jacob.Frateny. In Towanda norough—P,rst Ward, at the Hotel of Daniel Sullivan. Second Wird at the Court House Third Ward, at 'the School House near Win. Dittrieh s. In Towanda twp., at the schi , ol house. near li. L Scott's. , In rowanda north-. at the house of S. A. Mill's. In Troy twp., at the hourie of V. 3i. Long in Troy borough. In Troy boro', at the house of V. M. Long. - 1 , ba Tuscarora, at the school house near Jas. Black's. In Ulster, at the house of S. B. ' In Warren, at the house of It. Cooper. • In Alm ham, at the house of B. Knykemlall. In Wyalnsing, at the bon a° of J. B. Black. In Wathot, at the house of 4. J. Stque. In Wysox, at the house formerly oebupie4 by J. &I 'ln Wells, at the house of L. Seeley. At which time and place the electors aforesaid will vote ballots 'containing on the outside the words New Constitution," and on the inside For New Constitution," or Against the,New Consti tution." And in and by said act. I am fu;ther directed to give notice .•that any person excepting justice of the peace who shall hold, any (ace' of pewit and trust mold Um-government of the United States' dr this State, m: of any incorporated district, and .also that every Member of Congress and orthe Le2isla lure, and the select and ccuVuort council of any city or coninilssioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holitifig or exorcising at the same time the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of an elecetou of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector or other officer of any such elec tion shall be then eligible to any lace then to be voted for. - , ' By the 4th section of an sat passed the Ist day of April,-1840, it is provided "that the 14th section of ati,ict passed July 2, ledtL entitled" .Aultet relating to the elections of this Commonwealth,' shall not be construed so as to prevent any :military oihcer from serving as Judge, Itianector , ,or Clerk, at -wy general or special election of this Commouwealth.w,\ Au Act to change the time of closing the pills at the general and Township elections in the county of liradford. The Jeneral Electian in all the Wards, Townships, Districts and Boroughs of the county is to be opened between the hoUrs of six and seven o'clock In the forenoon, and shall continue without Interruption or adjournment. until seven o'clock In the e.euing, when all polls shall bo eluted. A further Supplement to the Election laws of Pennsylvania : Witerteas, By the act of the Congress of the Unit.' ed States entitled "An Art Wan:mud the several acts heretofore passed to provide fur the enrolling and \calling out the-Natiunal forces, and for other purpos es' and approved March third, ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, all, persons who have desert ed the military or naval servieo of the United States, and who have not been discharged, or relieved from the penalty, or disability therein provided, are deem ed. and,taken, to have voluntarily relinquished, and forfeited their rights of citizenship, and aro deprived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof : And whereas. Persons net s citizens of the United States aro not, u derthe Constitution and Laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this Common. wealth': \ ro the County COMP tis,lioners and Sheri/ VC,' County of Bradford: \ Wnzar.as. The Pifteenth Amendment of the Con stitution of the United States is as follows: " Sento% 1. Theright qj citizens of tho United- States to vote 'hall net be denied or abridged by the United States. or by any State. on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." "SEcrion 2. The Congress shall have power to en force this article by appropriate legislation." , And, Whereas, Tho Congress of the United Stides, on the Slat day of March, 1 1470,,55ed an act. cub. tied "An Act to enforce the right of c pa itizen/70rd Unit a States . to cote in the several Sates of this Union, of a for other perilous," the first and \ aectitl sections of which areas follows: \ "norm's I. Be a enacted b,:v ate Senate. and House of ,Representatires of the rnikdStata of America in Con. gran arsembled., That all citizens of the United States. who are, or shall be otherwise *41=1113e:1 by law to vote at any election by the people, In any State. Ter ritory. district. county. MO, partab..townstilp, school district, municipality, or other territorial \ sub-dills tot., shall be entitled and allowed to vote atoll such elections, witbont distinction of race, color,\or pre- ViouS condition of sorsitadeA gar Constitution, Lim, 1 60. E 200 • (to 30 30 0 34 ME Loo.- citation. or Medi= 'of any 'State or Terri tory, or by, or under , Its authority, to thrtrity notwithatitUding.?' . szarsolt 2. dad be:4 fernier earretecf,; t by. or adder the,authoritrof the Constitution or laws of esfY State, orithe laws of any Territory. any Act is or shall be reqtared to be done As a prerniviiiiite or qnslnlcstlon for voting, and by VlCit VeUtitittltiOn or rikW, perseste rtu c l ir c ricers are or shalt AO charged With the gerfo of duties furnishing to - citizens art opportu ity to perform imch - prerequisite, or to oriccene qualified to vote. it, shall be the duty of every midi:Person and officer to sive to - all cititte of the United:States, the same and enlist oppb patina such prereqte, and to become to; vote without distinction of race, color, or provioue condition of servitute ; and If any such person or officer shall refoso or knowingly omit to 0 , 4 toll ell tent to this section, he shall," for every such offence. -forfeit and pay the sum of Live hundred dollars SO the person aggrieved thereby.:lo be rectrirft , ed biazi WPM ou the case, with full costa and MI& s/low,- anoet;for counsel fees as the court shall deein lust acid Ethan also, for every such offence, be 'deemed gedlty. of a misdemeanor, and shall on ;* conviction thereof, be fined not teas than live hundred' dollars, eel* imprisoned not less than one month Ind not mini than one year. or both, at the discretiOn of the owlet." • I, , • -I And whereas, It is dechtred by the second section -or the VI article of the Constitution of the I United titans!. that "This Constitution, and the laws of thq Ilidted States which shall be made in porsuance thereof, shall be pa supreme bac of the land'. * ► . anything to the Constitution or kW/ of eay Staff to,he;contrary no thstand(ng. I i ; Ana whereas, The Legislature' of thin counnQnt wo , 4th, on the Gth day of April, A. D. 1870.*!paseed. vu _-- -,pril, A. D. 1810.'nes... ati set, entitled "Altuther supplement to the wirer. biting to,elections in this Commonwealth," the tenth seCtien of which provides as follows: litscrtior 10. That so mud) of every act of Assem r bIY al - provides that only white freeman Shall be enr titled to vote or be, registered as voters, Gras claim* tug to vote at any geneW or, special electiOn of this Conutionwealtb, be and the same is hereby repealed; and that hereafter all freemen, without thstinctien t& color, shall be,eurolled and registered according tol the provisions of the first section of Dia l ed til• proved seventeenth April, 10. entitled "An act fur., the? wipplementid to the act relating to the i elections of: this Commonwealth." and !when otherwise quail, fled oder existing laws, be entitled to vide at ill general and special elections in this Cuninienwealtli .4 And whereas, It is my, constitutions' and, ofilel ditty to "take Care th at the laws be faithfully cu tell: ' and it has come to my knowledge that sundry assessors and, registers • of voters have reftised, and are refusing do assess. and register divers colored. mole citizens of lawful ego, and °Womble qualified awelectors: , . tI • VOW, Tincezrons, Inconsideration of the prerulr see: the county cogruniisioners of said county are hereby notified and directed to instruct the several assessors and registers of voters ;therein, Ito obey and conform to the requirements of said conatitm tional amendment and laws; end the sheriff,of said county is herebyauthorized anti required*? publish I his elenion proclamation for the next ensuing' eleetiOns, the herein recited constitritional ,amend T menti act of Congress, and act the Legislature, tu the end that the same may be known, executed and obeyed by all assessors, registers oP voterel l election Clieerß and others; and that the rights 'and !privilege guaranteed thereby may be secured to all the ciiP zebs Of this Commonwealth entitled to the aarne.i _ °JEN EMU It MT HAND ANE , TAE GREATI SEAL 011 ~; TAE STATE. at Hirrisbiarg, the ay and year 1 Ll Ara! above written. -I 1 ••. • Attest: -, JOW.S.F. HANTR iNFT. 1 i • M. 8. QUAY, See,y-of Cumnionwealth. : . • I arse call attention to the following her -, ..f 6Metrwier 1. lle it enacted by the, Senate and House oflllelireseklatives of the Comnianicerle (!frPennsyl: , raffia in General AsseMbly Ina, and it is Acrd by enact= edq-the authority of the same, That lie all e.cctionis heicakter to be held In this Columonwcalthi- it shall be unlawful for the judge or inspector of the elec., tifin to receive any ballot or ballots from iny person oqpersons embraced in the provisions, and subject todhii disability Imposed by said act of Congress ars4 , preved.illarch 3,;1863, and it shall be unlawful for any snch person to offer to vote any ballot tak.ballots,l •9r-show 2. That if any guch judge andinspectors ofieleetion or any one of them shall receive', or eon.; sett Co receive, any such,unlawful ballet oil ballotitJ. from any such disqualified person, he s or they, so of i fending, shall be guilty of a inesdemeatiorimdupon theviction thereof in any court of quarter se signs of is - flonnotiwealth, ho shall , for any sue offineeii beisentenced to pay a fine of. not less than; 100, and mfilergo an imprisonment, in the jail .of the proper connts , , for not less than 60 days. i • ;! firxtrfox 3. That if any person - deprived, of citileM l 814, 7 Mid disqualified as aforesaid, shall at mossiest i Wm, hereafter tq be held in this. Conntionwealthi! vote or tender to the' officers thereof, aniß offer to vote a ballot , or ballots, any person so. Offending sh4ll be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ;; and On convietion thereof, In any court of quarter,scssions, of tilde Commonwealth, shall, for each offen e e, bo i punished ha like manner as Is provided In the prceerb; big section of flits act, in the case of officers of else tido r i caving such unlawful ballot and ballots, I Szcpow. That if any personf shall hereafter, er., superior advise any person or perflen.9 deprived o 1 citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid to i tiffer any' ballOttir ballots , to the ofticerfeof any clectiOn. here after Oahe held , In this Comtimuttealth, or-Shall per suade:or ixdvlso any such officer to receive any ballot or ballota. from any person deprived iaf,ciffzenship, and disqualified as aforesaid,-such personem offend ing sliall;be guilty of a zalir meaner; and upon con-1 cietion thereof, in any court of quarteriisions of; this illimamonwealth, shall be punished inl ikc mar net Rig is provided In the second section o this act,' 'lOl4. caee of officers of such election, koceiving• such Unlawful ballot or ballots. 1 By an act - di Assembly of- March 30, 1.630!, cutitled aniActregulating the mode of voting at Mir ections. i in theifieveral counties of this Commonwealth, it is; eMicted as follows: . ; , , -; . .s.E.c t io,: 1, L., it enacted by tlie. Senate ail House! oprepiesentatires of 11.• Conamonietalth of l'ennsyl- . rahia in General ASN-Inbly turf, and it is hereby enactl, td'hy Pie authority of the same, That the ti hualifieill;; %uteri of the several counites of this Com enwealthil at 411 general township, borough, and special elec. ', thins, ;are hereby, hereafter authorized and required'; to vot e r by tickets printed or written. sevitrailLehissi,'; fiell ad follows : One ticket shall embrace the names]; of all judges of court to be voted for, and to be lal beleit i ontsido. "judiciary:" one ticket shall I eitbraea the . names of all •state officers to be voted fier and be labelled . 'btate:" one ticket shall embrace the name ofsllcontity officers voted for, incindingi (Office o senator, member, and members of assembly,if voted fok„, and members of congress,' if voted fee), and be liliellell , con. ;" one ticket shall embrace the natrui sof all Nilaslfir °filters voted for, and be la beled mow' . hip;" -, one ticket shall embrace the) itv najuesiof all bormfgh officers cot - Fd for. and 'shall be; labelled tthotongh,", and each class's shall ho deposit, ' edi in Separate ballobboxes. . I 1 . tlection officers are authorized anti comet dcil to; strietli observe the provisions of the Recttry Lawi passed by the Senate and louse of Repre..ntatives' of thiB l ,CotAtoonn'ealth. on.the 17th day of AM - 11.1869. 1 EXECCTIVE CIIAMBEB, 1 i 1 IlartiAbcorg,.Pa..:A:no. 27. 1870. Tho meeting of return judges for the cAignity of Bradford; will - be at the Court louse in Towanda, on the third day after election, which thi 19th day of December, at to' , i 0 , November 20, 1873. , . AL IVLICATION 1) .. ' LI- To Josephine llowell.—No. 57d, itav t,, 1973, l'oe are hereby - notified that Dyer- trowel!, you: hu,stfati, nas applied to the court of comm en pica: , of giro foul co., for a divorce from the bonds 01 taittriniony, and the said court has, appointed 31001 - day, the Ist 'day of Dec., 1973, for hearfng Di, 'safil Dl - er in the premises, at which trine ant tOcc , yon can attend it yon think proper, N0v.12 ; . .1. M. IiMITIT. P . 1 A ITLICITION DIVOHOE.— rx. Owen.— No. 819, Sept. X(o.t . aTe hereby notified that Myttin Owen, tour MiArand, has aped to `the court of common plea of pradford Co., for ,divorce from the bonds of mat rintoq, and the said court has appointed tt °inlay the Istiday of Dee.,lBt3, for nearing the !ad.:l . :llyr° in ',the premises, at which time and place. ;you cat, atcendpr you think proper. - • • Sov. ‘ l2 . J. IL smrrn. 'F'NdORPORATION N 01: I. E.-L- 4 in:the matter of the incorporation of the Atl en'ti 11 , ,thliug and Loan At-Sot - 1410u of NtLexu,','. rm. 15•4 Dee. T.. 1873. • • INotige is hereby given that the above name, As , ociatiou his presented tdihe Court of Pominon, Pans of 13radforfl County their article of isitociation askingfor is decree of Incorporation„ and the said (Atart having exanfined the same, and finding them ccyrecV, will decree that• they bro incorr.4ratell ak prayedi for, on Monllay. the Lit day of lircember4 at 2 o'clock p.m., unless I canse.tie hhown to th'e contrary. B. M. PECK. blev.i2 • Prothonotary. lORPORSTIONTicif, than matter of the Incorporation n oration of • "Oak Cepielery."--N0.453. Deo Terns,; 1873.. Nothie is hereby given that the shave stained 5.840- cironlCourt has presented . to the of Common Plea of Bra( ford ,County their articles of assticiation ask , fora decree of incorporation. and the said cour having , examined the game and finding them correct wt l decree that they be incorporated as inlayed for' , uti 'Monday. the let day of Deli.. 1873. at 2 o'clock, Unless cause be shown to the contrary.- i . B. If Phfiri . , . ' Prothonotary. AUDITOR'S NOTICE —ln th , utter of U> phai 's Court o tlic o esta .n t o e n of tie W as in, ot it lrs ei. c ' .o l r n a tb e . • rho undersigned, au Auditor appointat by sat. eciurt t, dbitrilante funds.in hands at the 4+i:canto wtvill attend to the dutl.iror said appointment at List. nffl *O4 Towanda Borough. on SATIIIIDAy, NOVI 29 , , 1873, at 10 o'clock; a, tn.,. at which ani place rill persons halting claims upon said ftiticbt mart vacant them or he debarred forever_ front cdtulog in upon tire same. „ PAT ICI, , Andito:. BAINIKIIUPTCP. - DISTRICT 11.. Court of the Vbtted States for the Western Dia trlct of Pennsylvania. ," In the matter '01" W. R, 81paIl.y, R . Aakrupt. ! NVoittrn Thetrict of Ponnay,lvanis, no.—.l;l , warratil tnlltaultrnntes hoe been Waned by Bala Coni,t again tit't• estate of W. It. Smalley, of Die 'County Biaatoiid and State' of Pennsylvania; in cold Dis t, aljudgett•Binkropt on hie own pet,tien. am tbO payment of any debts and the deliver) of an preperty belonging to illicit ilankrupt to him or:A.7? his useiend the traziefor of any property bY tin ar< forhiddrn by lair. A reeking of the creditors 6t CAL 111.ukriapt, to prove Ida ,dsbta and choose: one of more 4asimmea of hia e,tate,- will ho held at t court of bankruptcy to be holden.'at thelloffice 01 Ddward Overton, Jr Towanda, Da., Mforq : Edward o*erten,.Jr. Register ondhe 25th day of 1.1 4 ;01n:11 13Ett, A D., 1870. at 10 o'clock a. m. _ ?. S Marshal'for said plotia. ,11! 4a~ .~2'T3-W2 • INS)LVENT thE ..g,.. creditlra of Lore' zo.Ercriii3-1 on art 'hereby nUtified that I hare applied to the. Judges of the Court C num77n Hem of Bradford County._ for my Mr;7harge as an losolvetit ,15,btor, under the lawa o tlMCoMtuouurealtl, of l'eunsylvalll3.. Ftoll , CaPe • made sod, provided, an 1 they have ..rip , ikz:Vti Dar 1 # MONDAY in DECEMBER,' A. th, 1w 3: at Di, o'clock; a. m to hearing the sane. • • oc, 1a73. ' LOUENZO B ,OWN. 7DMINISTRATOR'S NOT CL. Notice is hereby given tliat an nersonattidhte,ll td . , the estate of Ruth Northrup, latoTof,4Xonroe o ' de,ceasell, ere requested to make .ininiediatii , payment, and all persons having claims against *Ca estate Must present them duly authenticated for set; tlement. t • J.,12 8311T11, :o,ct.. 15, '73. Admirrbitratccr. ~EQIITOR'S' NOTICE 1....N - alets fa hereby Oven that 4, periona tudebted t(i tbe ;state of Charlestato. or i Iliorria, a&nP3Yekt. are regtiested to .inateirnmediattepayntent stid all 'l.iersons hating tlifuss•lnet latit estate eqnst. preeqnt thew drily mottle ifeated 'floe settle. m,ent. '414.1 MU. PLANT. • ' ..TOSEP U. 510.1311, • ' !Oct / . Eieentors. DMJNISTRATOWS OCE.- 41L tin'tiee !a, hereby men that lel ; oneudebtey , glvei tbst by chine of iter:aln writs of Fin andVOditionilEtponss; to .Ino . dittoed, - sued ut of thn ; Court] Of 7 Cominon,i Pleas of Ti" oga corm y, I lasoe'levied on the following lot of land Edna e partly lit the JO/inlay of COlumbia In'EtrAil. ford ounty , and partly In the township of Sullivan in Ti ga county; bounded nn the north by the put,- He hi hivaY, °nth° cast My 'Ws of ;01111 Van TO; cane r, ou the south by lands Of Samuel Juidin. en the es; bY,the wild! -.highway leading from the State Road to flowci H Raw. ,C.onudzing. ono. Win dred nd "forty; four Ind One-half acres. more or less one undred and Afteon acres improved. two fraMe barn , outbuildings, apple orchard ;and . otter fruit trees thereon, which I Iwill ening° to gate by piddle: out , , at the Court Hones in 'Well/Moroi on SW'S DAY, the 24411, day of , ICOV ri tttlElt, 1873. To be sold 1, the property of lII° Taylor at snit 'Of The ..s. 0. Dold tow rtf sum of Joel Parklunr. - . I t EDWARD A. 2181 T, i ~ . ' i High. Sheriff of 'page COnnty.',. : ;WCs laboro[2 , tor. 4, 1t.73.: , 1 " • ' . '..1 . Set :EMIT'S Sit I—By virtue °cif ' nary writs issued! out Of the Court of. Colo- Pleas of BradfOnii GOuritY, end to be-,dlterted, 'e exponcd to pnb lOsile atilie! Court House in trough of Towan ,' FiIIatY,DEVEMBER 5, at 1 o'clock. p ' . thelfollowing , describnd -ce, or parcel of land, Sande In 'North To- • l twp, bounded Oni the north by land In po+- . or surnhel Hawkins and land of James Hair; • et by land of Edward Disler:is, south .by land :' i 'ing to the estate ) of EZrailintty. decanted, add, tr Smith, west by" larVerof Johnson Coon arid cline Rutty; oontainlOg 6,51 acres, more or bout 45 screws iMprovedt no buildings. - 1— 11.4,defendst Vs interesehi one other lo}, or„,pkchl 'of to cl!situatti in 'Alorth Towanda minded on \ the north by Wads of ,Edwaid it d and ailaslll hi 'and the above describti ast by land- of rfa RUtty, Routh by Sugar west oy Lands o Frank Stevons and Johnt : containing TOO v , nioreor less, about lib s; vcd, with one framed !dwelling. house; tato barns with she attached, cornhonso, othir • tildings, and orc aid of fruit gees thereon. . fed aid taken in . mention: l :it of tilyesie rye l$ tinily. 1 ' l . o—one other to , piece,lor .1a land exit- Burlington twp, hounded' On the north lly of Lorenzo Ru.ndell,.east by tends of liathala n«,t, south by lands.of lAtlolphuelilater and et - C/11 1, 3*i. writ WI Linke Lucinda Blurtel wino 70 acres , mote o lesk; about 40 4. , with two tram a te, t'eo franked barns, use and' dother °thu ug a, and fruit tregs n. t ed anti taken in , exec tioi atl. - uit of David 11 vs Austin- limidelt. ' i o—One other, lot, piece, or 1 1 -- - Shcsheroin.twP, lbeuri led of Cha-Tmlfcavabvi teat - -- yi nor, 'south by the public hi of samuel Heaveuer; c04t3111 or less, all improted, !with ia. , J i ' „ed andiaten inl olc zeziatioi 11 vs John'. Sheeler. I I - .1 • • 1 J-111. plet, A e i twp, D Wa l l lot. Cree • SEM . impr (ram, atittitt AL.I nate 1.•/uda Ileac lauds rucro there C•rrc , . ------., l OCLAMAIIIOn—WHERt ' AS. on. FARMS 8., ffltlM' , ETV President Ji3llff rl C . , 12th Jniteialpitr#;t, crlnsistin,g - of the lies .of Ltf•ittlford- hi,di Stl.v . inelianna, g t nit 7,1.13l71.0:: FAL 1.C.:, aid , .D. 11,thiini.. - . Jate Jaih:-. - t, h ands acid county of 'ord., have lion d. l their t reeer:t bearing the• . 3Jth day .11:DO , 873, to me dl . ...,,, d for bidding a C InrCof ' Ter and Tertn - ?-1 - ' , --, - ...rat Qulrte; 6i.04i0r2 'of the Peas ,I it::: Ple.4 and grpliari's ontd,'at'otTatt-' ' It the County of d3r4ifor . on No:lda*, 'r -t. (L) day 0:o wi. pg,CEIIII It. ilext,to cod tlti, ieli-,. • ; . . ti t r . !ice i,. ll3o:rciorr. itirchic gi,:eu to the Co::-.45. :( . 1 - .ilisf.:,:t.6 or Ni! Peacei, .of the corner , df0r,..1, :I,at th.iy Ibe i the t and thr4: .it ~,,- i'.. ntou, lof 111 O'el 'al; ;n the forq ,l,-da d [ Fy, r,:lli ~, : ;tn.'l 7- 1 . 0, infln.siliols :ii'll ' r. inerra4 - an , -e,., t, ttl , thi.et; thingi , which. ]r itf.i.' ,l rtpt,:lirt,:tri.4, ti to lohr• t - .l'.itti.the4t , 1 1 r),.. , .0. i-,y •e , -,i-- , ‘,.., • ~^ r,iitevw;• , ,2 ''t", , -ate ~...;- , 4;;- _ -, c the t.n ., ,,, , 3r1 -r6 Who :,•; . .o cir 2 ) tlit1.111:. of yard ehhh v, or wild.',.s l ll u 1,,1 i,i a l , i - q i , :ar 4...ti.,e.isaiel - i:tinrt.' are Vi . i i. - , 71,1 - I . lierti to. pr , , , l , e)itti . gainst th,•11:44 1..... jus,t. Jurotis :I.e. eqtteilted 1 i c , - i- nal is their at:t i 'lill:tili'l.a revally tv, th;-fr , .. .1. ..... • • ..'. 2. ' , r . i 1 V. , bToo11.(1.1, tilE l r t:44 if 0.3 Ci ...NC/Vella/:4J Y. 7 1" of l' , an- Loa c.c. thodsand eight . .-..',1 nail hr:Tent:,.-titt 4 '.., i nd of the 1y...d . e- d,'T..: , ~r I‘.,e tilitt; i - ..,;t itz . ... the nin e 1 .1 . I I • • 2 c . .f . 114)1„ (11:.41 ITH, iiheritt . 4- 'AI I:;TiEIi..SI O r kle f .E.—Nollee'iS helc by ;dyer, tlial tier. has been filed in tie of li , eOEVO of Willa lujand or the county 9f r,l, at:contd.; of aciininittiat on. upon the fq l 7 cc.,titeo,' A ~-„; 1 1 I ' C - ,i-: ' • • '" • ' 'al a&oriut of % ••-C ,V, ,firr,olil, x.xecti . ..tK , dict Arnold. deceased:, latolof. Warren. ~ • I 3Cc..i. of l ,o W - Dail L ty. bnaidian of earri,• AA- ' llil.crimincr ll Bit i• 'Reim-iron' 1) Bi• '.; c ?d • • • 1 . I - • v I wet of Achatit r ii Stec , ns,' Guardian of (kn. dangth I , , . ~_ .., i • I. acc't of llarryll G Ix, urdian of Mary 'and ,11,nnian:, minor nidren of.lamcaY.iliornisp, Joie of Wpaix. .1 1 • 1 acct of,.J V Ge ger, Exectttor of the icill 01 f lille Nt'hincr, deep,' late :a Towanda Boro. 1 - ; the xppiatsemerit Of ptoper,ty set off .by EX. 0 or Administrators to tvlilowo or children rfi 'lovin-decedenta: I - :_.--r ' pdc of- torsn D Ttel.-t -i., • - • ' t .), Vnientindfi 1tb, , , , ' E I 1 3 brainard,' sr , i ~ . i Joseph Illoi;row.1 .. - -7. • , •, i tte,llliatm Johnson, , l" Barnum Wilcox, i . German Titus.: .i - - .• Jam rt ,Biker, I I :1 4 ,- Daniel' Tordpktna. .' ~ .• James R Pattersen: 1., John Wolf,l i.„ - • 1 italphlVlttnivelT, '.. .. ' *organ LotTfe, I l i the Fame will be P-regented hf Bradford County, Tlinrsdir at 2 o'clock; p. ~ for cdn fi r i O. , T 11i73. • • a l' '' FS tt r r , it, 11 ' to I i I • ( An.ll •ec Crud IN II ! Cour /8 4 3, Wife. I No . . • TD — -- ITOR S NOTIC 4 .Overtcin .!: Ilsbres vs-AL II.: Ely laud Jackson, Hellen et. el. In, the Court ',cd t acamen Fleas At Contity, lie. 729, Dec. 1871). . 1., undersigned,' an Andltdr appointed by said to distribute money tia!the hands of theAher.- i.ing tram sale et clefendenta' reafestme, toll dta the duties ot his apPelnt{nent at the le 1 , ;th .k . Mimtanye. } nfl;owada . Borough, . n INEsDAriI 'the %th day of N %TUBER. A. , at I d cloick. p. m., at v:filch hie and place ell •ns having claims 4.ilitott saki money avast ~ n t*thent;lor ho debarred! frozirecmiLg in up4n me. 29. 187 At.FDITPR'S ', , ,,_'ANOTII Homet vs. IP, 11 . ..315 . j0r s and th" , ourt of 10,0M121.11 ' Pleas of In lio. 72, tept. T,., 1873. 1 . The landerslgnesl, an• Auditor Court to'distribute moneys in Sh ( 1 1m. ing f l om sale 41 Defendant's real to th &Meg Of his appointnient/ ,Bor gh of Towanda, [Ps., 'FWD., SO% MISER. 873, at 10 o'clock pets ns basing claim upon!said gent -m. Or tie forever deliarre.! opo Raid funds. 1 1 ,p 1 _ i_____ To anda, Oct if% '7.—w.l', ' -- iii -' --' --.--; "(GE. 'Oil( 1 - JDITO R'S I.N .. .'" - 7 in. , tile , matter of the "sale of t i estate of Thos. P. deceased. In the Ory.. a' Conrt of prid entit . • . ictulr y. signed, nri Auditor ppointed by Bliii .t' distrbute I nds in the bands of the 34-• Bator, raised fro saidlasle.iwill attend to the • of lifs appoint ant on ,TtIEf4DAY, IcOVEM 25th, 1873, at 10. 'clocks , to.. at the, ollice4of l M t .,.,a McPherson. in Towanda rough, at whkh ini place all persons !hart - . claims against und must present theth 0 1 7 c d; Oharred i from iig in said.distribntion., l - . • I r • 1 • 1 • 'IL f1E11,40,4.. [ $ • :2'). 1873. I . • [ ~ Auditors Br): fun" Th ntpt dutle' BERT Fuyl time stori, pIVORCE.+- To liaynah Ittead.-itio. 111. Feb. T. 18t3. heteby noticed dist' 4ohn Mead.' ydur nd. has :wiled to theourt of common pilas dford Co for adt voted front the bonds of mat. - ny,and the said o tattd , tp appointed MondiT, You 1 Br! rime x appl . . +rdford CO., for a divorce from the.bonda tot imony, and tho court halt appotnied' aftin he let,day o• Dec., 1873. for hearing44o l 4 le L. in the prentiseo.. - at which time attd-Tlice can attand If you think prop err. • 1 - )vl2. l' A. M. .111TE1._Sherifr; of 13 nutr clay, Nelll son No ME IMINISTRATOR's NOTICE.; 'otive ie hereby given trim i persona indeted l e estate j ol - Paul Hurialugnr, late of "ifilnir. red, are requested to mike *mediate payine t, ll persans haring rlntfrts . 4gainet 'said eat to present; them duly &tune • ticated_for. settle. CHRIST N MOSIEB. ri • anda,Nov.lo,'73. 1 ' Adralnistratori. l - 1 I t- , . , 10 %, &CC Anti mi wen , — . i s R ,S,.:F.A, apaabe' Farin r- • One of the very best shd da iii dealrib'e farms ' adford County , within ;ten of the contaty . le offered, for ealti act Par . at the quality and s. will sell it. It is situated - Baullugtorf and 1 n tire nib:totes walk of the ntre of that, Wir t orongh ihalf way troo T ands to. Troy lon 'beetCreek. It contairta_ r ~200 acres of ,41:to 'beet land in the Sitteti oho t 444. adios of , Apt lands on the imar creek albs; and the upland isurpassed for all ;kind* of faoya. Fine. .I.t. yof water. AU the lirdldino and icapr4va needed ; a oad brick diwallitiChonaer with . shops. Ae. Title'perFect. POMVIWII-Agi i i'M Co. It will be sold at .11 bargaio_ l _to the aver. Addraya 1 ,#0 A: CQPVIING i • 5.3,13 1 - •1, ~ : :stood% 1:* ' ut o 1 otrej .I,lj ox & d' Shoddy Gouda 1 ,maglitilL Id II II II 11 oreel ot land ko n Ma north, lands of Samuel weat Mug framed lionem at (mien( -JoIM InTll, to the OrphaOt. 3 7 .. December. 14; ation and allow- EIIIBBVpS, • Regiater:i MONTANYE.' Anciltor;; D Chaftee.r..:ln diord County appointed .hy to rril'a hinds, aria state, will ate id t his office,' Su t 'I" the 2let dayird a m 'where ill funds "must' pee fromu-Oonnng,!n mt 1113., ' Anditon' not dead i n au. 10, 187 . • .1 • •