II II U Mil Nrit4fordgeporttr r 'ic7.-andoi; Thursday, 144. 20,4873. . _ EDITORS s , _ GOcipRICEE. W. ALVORD Lu- 711 : coNsTrrrrios. AyepreSent, to our readers this authentic copy'of- the new •constitution, and bespeak for it a • careful feruSal-by every voter in the county.- Welope to, find room be - fOre: 'the day. of election for they old ,nonititution, so that our subscribers May be ble to corapare the two doc iltunents, and ,then vote understand- ingly ( are fehtures of the stitution of which we do . uot ~ but as . a whole ye think it improvement - upon the old BM new eon qpprov l a grell °tie. 1 the Convention erred , -411 7.10 t submittingthe instrument in I - • saparate sections. Again, the appli lof the principle of t minority ,repres l entation, or "free vote," we believoi r contrary to the spirit of our institutions. In a republican govern- ment the pa[tillity should - rule, but by 034 system of voting, which is neaily bad as BucriALEVi curiaula- I s•4stem, 'a small minority can • .• liave nearl, as mach influence" in • shaping t,b•?,•policy of the county or ;State, as thelarge majority. Neither • 1 doi we ''entloise - the - action of the Olonvention,in doing away to a great ektent,. at least, With the secret bal lot. Every member, of the election bb l ard can under the, system adopted, linow how'every man votes. This proyi.qion. }till be as an at• ttmlit'to tamper with the secrecy o • Le ballot' • , . The Ention provides for ad - • Lumbers na;:mbers of the Legislature, oiu opinion imperfect.' The nOt been increased sta . c:enti.ll to do away with the evil ;, sought 1.3 be 'remedied. The • addi tional'.(77..reu.use ioLdent to the in . lioNv.ever, - ' has been aver'd IT for 'biennial sessions. tnt tit:ere are grave doubts whether, i one e sie 1 injWo years aril }meet the Iv a* of a greate State like ours. ; Lave adverted to the above . c:f-the .Consti.tution,•not for the purpoke..of inducing dnY. , one to Tote because,rwa,s'aid in the .deCidedly in favor of it, ;Ind hope to see it hugely` adopted, 1•b aide it.does away with: all special. legis l 4.lop, gins. removing- from . the ..„. le-.. ; isli4ive - balls a great source ot,cor riapliOn, nod giving the time now de -- 1,. j - • . • vo, t. d to -local laws,. to, the considera tion • I - ,Of , public ail:airs. The Harris . lir.rg , Poi; - :ot. • ia p: fair and candid ar •- , _1 .-. 1 ~ . Vele on this_sAbject, says : -..,.' 1," But as ti e new •gonstitution -is sabinitt , : c d .ri=". whole body of: law; it tbLeon.ie:i nece.fsKry for the, intelligent , citi?.(;ii to wt-i -, klin. the' sCale'against . . 3. - H . :!diCr S Ithe Genuine andes,- : , L... -.‘i o. 3 -lenl.inl refor 'ls - which it prbposes. "I ' r • .111;ing thaFe . .he most important are embodied iii rticle 2a, on Legisla tion.. Tue_ ab ises - of special legisla . Lion, (13veriug the statute bOok an-nu ,;il.• with an. "nnumerable biliod'‘of laid laws . on c \ ery.conceivable subject 11a . ...-e' long bci :, m acknowledged, and .rolo„- 'futile efforts have been made - i , . to suppress tibem: _ _1.,. few sessions ago Speaker 'Wallace -and 'Secretary •Tordcil sought ; , to pul .in- force the .. - :,:. - enHAlaw transferring to the courts . raußilprivate ancl - ..special legislation, , ,JIMI last. winter 'attorney General „t)imtAick nnewed:the effort; but. they ,•:.;1C6c . d.,, , :d in only al 1 empora -ry ch , -clz.to the. flood. The new con - stitution; ckseV-following the test of that of Iliim,2?, not merely lops - _,1T'1.1:4 luxurinnt 'branches, but cuts u;.) aid -r00L4.;.4f this Upas of special 1 :L::; -, ishitibw ' Me! s.rt.":ii . th' - i -- ; eetic)ll of Article 2, piohilitS the.Legishlture . from pass .,--:_: ila,g an'y local or.,..speial laws regular ii:,. tliP affßir,s of cotinties, Cities, laO ir-.1101:, tovi:i.;hips, . wards or school :tlistri•f.z.i :. for 'Cltanging. the names. of pErse] ,l 3 or prace-s ; for laying out rtiaas 6r-streets ; locating or chang ..t, ing coiun . ,3,--seafs; incorporating cities L 1 A-a(1 , )orough:, , ,, err' cliaugaig their :.11., , ,1!-Lrs: foe t'_•oilkineting elections or uh:ci.i g ilg.--,thti . places of voting ; . for, ~ng (I . i . voi:&:' , s ;.i.t'uang,itg the I:tw t 1"1,.. _ . • . • , f. r.l, s 'ell k: cr . , succession ; regulating :tile.;practiCe ci 'courts, -or the pro • i ceil.,diligs of publie - officers; regulating --0111, - :ial Les 1,- , '"affe,ctiug . the estates of iiiiin'erS or persbni - under. disability ; reg,ulciting. _trade, labor, mining or , manufacturing; creating Corporations - ''-or exti , ndingtheir charters, or grant . -.. ing speciall privileges'ori immunities. . - All this and, ranch more special le , ,. , .,iAT:tion which growsj..ach year in -. to a I trier ykriinne, •is - lrovided for by gi• :end hiNV . 'affecting - the whole- COnini l onwealth, or tra.n ferred to the til'uni ipal lagislatnres, r swept into _the c hrts.', The occups.ion of -many statestuen in securing divcirces, lay-, . , ...,:ilg Tit lanes andlalleyi, -and regulat - - . - inq the prices--of !ex 'sc Ips, will be . gone.: There, • will be an end. of the putty-routine of legislati n by which i' pt,,blic time is consumed and the important holiness of te common :•'-W! ealth impeded. • The l gistator will - ty.::.,-t...ti• 4. - :1, -, portiinity to address his ' .11 't? i-',.: : : , , - ri" to tlic.reill . interests of the :}pie. , A higher order of states : --:: ln-4ip wili, b-a-required than is tie , •saiyto sithke through the Legis • Itturca bill for theerection* of a . 1 4i , 10 , or to - change the name Of a ecastithent; and thus by i l a law of po ' liticall 'selection -or -evhlution; the . char4ter 'of the . I;iegiFflature itself • • will bc vastly iniproved,l The4rac :tices cif the lobby will leion he.-num -I,,_r4illa.Mong the .LoElArts in-Penn ssiv4iiiiii• ,Sales - o:f acts 1 0 assembly, once So profitable; will cease. Rings if(A• the proc_nrementof corrupt legis - 11.-t;on.will be broken uP; since the opportunity l'6r plunder ii effectually destrdyed. ' . -„ 1 ' .. . Such are the- 1 vital:reforins which • may lie'anticipatedtmder the article. '• It . is t r ie salt of the mewl' onstitution. 331 Mut is -faViiral4y spoken of .bY the-Republican pres 4 all over the k:tatelaithe;eandidate for Speaker of Ids H3use this winter.] In noticing his candidacy, the • kaper • -h . • sass : 1 lEframc's opposition I tollymr uf Bradford, for Spea er, is making friends, ana, his chances for e iomination are i proving eve _ - too -.'Teirs P. HAT". died _ Dove'r, .N. 11., on NVOne.l(l9..y e •ening. THE MITRAGES IN - The righteous indignation! .which is so universtkwith our people' over the. Spanish bi,utalities, reminds one of the feeling which_penetrated and took possessism of the heart of the North, on that day in tha autumn of 1860, when a rebellibus gun fired on Fort Sumpter. The feeling has in creased in intensity, for eact des .pateh from Havana seems to !add to the enormity of the crime. ; Many journals- it is true have taken the part of demagogues in'their discus sions of the';stibject; but• a joiiinal as reliable and cool in its discussions as the -Euening Post speaks of Spanish Cuba n these wordel: There no altenmtive ;I but to topple their infamons and impotent provincial government :into the sea, and take possession: in.tiin - Inaine of outraged humanity.'!',= Tilt State Tanners' Association niet in Harrisburg last week. The foll Owing statistics. Which were glean ed from the reports of the Convention are of interest: The tanneries of Pennsylvania represent a capital of about $12,000,000 and a yearly busi ness of $40,000,000. There fare near ly 900 establishments in the State, whose products realize to the. owners annual receipts ranging froth $25,000 to $500,000. The State Tanners' , A4pciation • was organized last summeri with a membership of probably 0, whidt nrimber has been increasedd to about 1 • 7,p, 22 new firms having signed the constitution recently. The Members of the association represented nearly half, the tanning capital and busi ness of the State and 'conSiderably more than that proportion of the oak tanning interests. Very feW manu facturers of leather from Itorulock bark are members of the association. ME The largest tannery in !the State and country is located in,F4 county. With it are connected aboutl,ooo vats, while the average is 100. A car load of leather is turned out daily, and the business of, the manufactory amounts to several milli* yearly. Extensive tanneries aro:alio / located • . 1 at Shippeusburg , Lewistown, Phila delphia and other points. The annual capacity of the tanner ies represented in the State associa tion is about 318,000 hides',l and the products of last year amounted to nearly $00,060-two-thirds domestic and one-third. South American. The insurance is about $800,0061 and dur ing the past five 3 ears the lasses have reached $28,000, and the amount paid . tolinsarance companies ovr,r .$50,000, TI\TFTr Wonni.—The Glizphic has the folloWing timely Word; of cour age : "Itis the clear ditty of the country press to make a vigorous and united effort to' restore Public Confi dence. Web .tie bad our panic and and 4creaping its effects, but there is no reason -why there should be this long-c.ontinucd fear Of Undefinable Jut calamity. Every One knows that ~ our crops are abunciand—more so, probably, than they have been for yf.ars. Ctn. coal mines, timber and cotton fields lhwve. not suffded from the partici ? I I and the wants of .people eyerywhete remain . ' the same that they were tWo months ago. Europe,naust have: our grain, and. our MVn people must have the products of ! our mannfacturies. There is no reason that cotton mills and locomotive !works should- close their doors,- as thoUgh!clOthing and locomotives were. never !again to be in, use. - If necessary, let' prices and wages be adjusted in accordance with the new conditions brought! about, by the panic, 'and let mills inn on hall time; but do.. not let! us PtJesent the I • spectacle of a people too Much fright enened to do anything but stare - one -another idly in tlie face;; and thus bring about the distress that a-little coolness and courage can avoid. , There is abundance of 'werk•for eve ryone in this enUntry; land if the .1 press does its, part to revive courage and. .confidence, so. that capitalists and workingmen will resume' qabor,. we need dread no further financial panic." After - nearly two yeari 'of effort, TWEED, of New York, has been convicted of frand ori 204 dif ferent counts., The virdict and the prompt manner in whiehl it r r was ren dered, augurs abetter state of affairs at the Metropolis. It IS hoped TWEED'S conviction may I followed by that of his comprinions in crime. The New York papers ;reflect the surprise produced by Jim verdict; The Poz.lt, under the head of. "Justice N 64. -Dead," says: " Ev,erY ; lover. ;of his country, every one anxious to see society, advance in good' ways, every. reformer of politics, will 'rejoice that the_ reform, begun so spontaneously and earnestly,tWo years ago by the people, is not to be withoutits final , fanit." The Conintercial says: So after two years of struggle, the, respon sibility for some of the stupendous operations in' and around the City Hall, is fixed by u legal adjudication." •. The Express says: -" The verdict is a jest one, and the jury has' honoied I . 1 itself." Sous of our exchanges area laboring to make the people belie*o the- new constitution reinstates tial on real estate. The !section doei not bear such a constrUction: refer; neat week, .to this subject and some other points in the constitution. Dr BucaLocx, of BeaTeX county, will "be a prominent candidate • for Clerk of the House of Representa tives, at the approachiUgl session. Ile would • make an exCellent officer and serve the - Stale with Credit. JUSTICE TRIUMPHA7FT. .oml:rim or THE,vinrinus. Reception.qf the News a Iltratta— Speech of Varona when capturecirtiti Attitude of the Goeernment towardi La. HANANA,,Nor;IS.--The news of the Virginias having fallenlintOthe hands of the Spaniards, was received here on the morning; of thi sth. - By the Peninsulars ,it - was - ailed with the most.demonatrative :j , y, but the Cu bans received it wi the greatest consternation.: At o n e it' was over the town. Ttf,e pap . s printed spe cial supplements, gif g the telegram as received by . the Oonimander Gen- eral'of the Navy, and the streets - were hung from end: to en wish the na 1, -' tional colors. , On the afternoon =o the 31st, the Tornado corvette, wit' ecraising near the Aserradere, sigh ed ,A steamer whose appearance 100 -ed suspicions, and at 2:30 the cha e commenced, the Tornado going t the rate of thirteen or , fourteen not an hour. and gaining steadily on the flying steamer. - Night came on, but the moon shed: her light oyer the waters, and made the forms of both Vessels distinctly: visible. Tlizt chase lasted until ten at night, and, by this l time the steamer was within cannon-shot of the Tornado. The' corvette then fired a gun as a smite:ions lor , surren der, but - no notice w taken, al t Three or four otheralollowe and the cap. tare was. complete, being effected . Within a very' short distance of the Jamaica coast. The commander of I the Tornodo gives it t twenty miles. . -Not the slightestrestance was of fered by those on lin d the Virgin , . iris I ; all were made prisoners, and . brought on Ward the, Tornado. The Spauiarda say that ,When, Barnabb Varona came on board he expressed a desire to speak with the Spanish commander, and his reqtiest having been granted, spoke as follows : " I congratulate .you on the capture which you have just matle, and the importance of which you cannot well Appreciate in this moment. You are not aware of the Materials which we were bringing, nor,:dO you know the effect which they would Nave prodne ed bad they been,gpread through the island. The captor ' of the steamer Virginias may quite well; put an end to the insurrecti on;" Daring-the chits the Virginias was' engaged in thrtving ovor board everything that conl help to lighteu the vessel, and hama, tallow, and pe troleum were used: for the furnaces I in the vain endeavO to escape. This has redneed the Val e of :the prize to the steamer rind pri over . ,. The Tor nado, with her prize in tow, arrived in Santiago de Cuba about 5 e. m., on the Ist ;inst., and the; excitement when the capture beam known may be imagined. People scarcely knew what to do, perhaps 'from .the abso 7 , lute want of prac.ice in reeeivingl such trophies. Steamere with steam' up blew .their whisqes, all rungbells, and sevcral Crewe: cheered. At in lt tervals,.the Spanis vessels: in the harbor hoisted : nor© flags, as ' fast as they , could hunt them up. The chief demonstration; was made by the Dan Juan deAustla, a sort of-cross between `a gunboat and a bathing machine; and only remarkable for its extreme antiquity; IThii noble vessel fired file gnus; no doubt to celebeatei the capture and its own retirement into-private life until the next expel dition. The VirgiUius was brought in with the - Spanish flag flying„the c h American flag, whi 4 had been hoist= ed during the Chas ', being twisted about Ili; t:4lrail. On the return to Santiago, it was found that she was making so much' water that it was necessary to run her on shore. The prisoners' trial as pirates was conameneed in con t-mtirtial ou the morning of the 2d, and iby the time the news of the ca tutu, reached us in Havana, the fate of four was de cided. 'The folio Win telegram, which contains all the particulars we have as yet, was received on ;the evening of 'the 6th, at the Moment what the Captain Gefieral I+s receiving the volunteer officers: who had gone te, congratulate his Excellency on the capture. ; The Government earnest than hereto the waters between I and Cnba from, Spa The Madrid Ge'ter able to enforce ite 1 that of. the Unite,' compelled to asSer cases where the; int zens of this eerie I hdnor require deci- President and all t . Cabinet are in ace. ject. It is' not be quartas that the has at arty time ass tions which amount sense 'of internation wonld-Show the exit to politiCal oraganiz snrgentu sufficient t nition - of belligerent 'dent Grant said in messages, the princi that this nation ,i when to accord the ency, either to ape( free themselves fro they believe to be 1 independent nation other. THE CAREER OF ---LATEST ACC CHASE AND A Non-Resistant, Crel demised as Ptraes Flag Hauled Dow The : side-Wheel now called the Viral on the" Clyde . in th I tended for a bloc. was reported to ; be one of the• most rI constrmlted, her li it symmetNeal and-bb' ably . pqwerfril for successful: career- Southern blockade, ally captnred at MI when , the Union 'City. I Subsequent) ; I -brought to New Yu ferred'i by the .Nav that'Of the Reietfil had entered the se States she was fon. her` work,' and phe tion to Mr. Isaac Mr. Marshall York, bit was fered to Mr, Bohn NevrTerk. She as a privateer and in the interest; f gents She was a sel for that i purpo; account of Aer gr account of her sma ter—Onlyeight with font -hunilre .1 which gaielherr.un , running close in a. coast.; On ; July . Rafael Quessada b she 'vas successful on O . :Lie Cuban'. ,con. de Citti., On 'Ab,! Under - .the same c. : • ' f i :::. ceded in landing *mother Pargoioll the southern coast of Cube. Both those cargoes were obtained in Yen ezaela,kand„the Virginias, althoiigh she has continued to fly the! Ameri-. cin flag, has not been -in an Aniri n port since 1871'. DarinS her filbustering career she lay far, aim time in the port of Colon, where she wits closely watched by the Spanish war vessel Pizerro,.but received the protection of the American IMiniater W I Columbia, .on the ground! that her pipers' were regular, and- that lie cduld not be molested for au unliiii fal,xoyage after the, unlawful voyage' hid Xbeen definitely completed. ; At the time of htr capture'slid' was an der 'the command of Capt. , Jos'epla Fry, a native of -Louisiana, and a graduate of. the Annapolis .1414ival Academy, who was engaged in,l run nhlg, the blockade during .the- rebel in. • 1 1- : Theat remarkable featare of the c a re of the Virginhie, iii* the absolute non-resistance of her crew when overhauled by- the Tornado. But one account of the chase and capture has been m ale public. These facts were all gleaned from Spanish eonrees, for the men on the Virginias were not allowed to speak, audit is e, question for the future to' decide whether the few who still survive the 'Spanish hatchery will ever; havo, an opportunity 'to give - their version of the gloomy' tragedy ti) the world. The Tornado, which made 14the, Capture . , was cruising on the 31st of betober, under sail, about ei ° hteen miles-from the Cuban Coast. ,In - ttlie iifternoon : she sighted a steamer about six miles distant heading to ;ward herb The Captain at' one° or- Fdered steam to be got up, and Soon observed that the strange steamer !had- altered her course and headed for the coast of Jamaica, distant about 100 miles. i The Spanish Captain at . once sus pected•from this unusual proceeding that the steamer was the 'Virginias. He ordered the engineers to get ,up all the steam possible, oven if, they burst the' boilers, and to 'drive the engines at their utmost speed. The Tornado, under full headway, showed such speed that it ',was !clear in a long chase she _would certainly overhaul the stranger. She gained _ . steadily on her, but 'as night was coming, the Spanish Captain feared he would lose ,sight Of theNes sel.. The moon, rising, hOwever he was enabled; by keePing all hands on deck, at the masthead. 'Find in•the rigging, to keep - a- sharp ; lookout. The steamer was kept in sight ; until the corvette had neared Iher • surd ciently to.bring her guns .to bear on her'` . beene on the deek cif the Spaniard was , ono of intbaso excite ment. The fugitive steamer, for it was noiv,quita evident that for ss , liat . - eierxeasun she was very anxieus to escape, was observed to throw ;cargo overboard, and empty bcx.s and oili er material floated past the SPani , ird. A shot *as fired, but the stianger made no reply, and four others were fired in succession. The last; shot was `fired at 10 P. M., and iMmodiatelY the steamer, which- had led the cor vette tichase of nearly eight hours, hove to: Two boats were - loWered and manned 2nd ptillcd alongside. ; They met with no resistance in , - boarding the steamer, which they had now . discovered, bevond a cloulit,! to ;be the Virginius. They look pOSsui•ion of her , by hauling down the American flag, which . tho VirginiuS had dis played throughout the eliae, hoisted the Spanish ilag instead. Capt. Fry,. of the Virginius,lin the uslial manner,- handed Lover the steamer's papers for the *ruination of the officer . in:command of the boardinf , party, and that offiCer at once,tool charge of thOni, and both vessels,heacled4or Santiago de4Cuba. • On the Ist - of Noveiculier, at five o'clock in the afternoon, they arrived at Santiago de Cuba. Troce4lings .were.immediately:be,guh , iagainSt the captives -as pirates, anrl ' notwith standing • the protest :the United States Vice Consul at that port, were condemned, andJ on the imorning of the 4th of Noviember foriri werel,shot. A naval court-martial was then Or 'ganize. d for the trial*of Capt. Fry and the crew of the Tirginius.l They Isere, 41;)f course, '6ondeMed, after a• most expeditious trial, and on the 7th the Captatn,..first mate, second_ mate .ar.d thirty-four sOinnan Were Da the sth twelve of the so-called " expeditiouisis " were Shot, and on the I.oth tifty-S , L.wn more were put to death. : seers to be more ore in prOtecting the United States a ish ruolestatimi. a meat beingun -1 titbority in Cuba, ; States will be itss po - wcr in all rest of the citi- , iry Cuid its own • l ive action. Tt.e, le members of his • ird on this loved in. official ontest in Cnbi me!cl the condi to a war in tb l p 4 law • or which tense of a de fati ration of the In • justify a .recoa v ; but, is Presi l•ne of his annual iple is maintained its own judge 'The latest re'port Lott] Santiago de Cnb4 - is that only eighteen of 'the entire 'ship's ; company, consisting originally of 169,1viil be sayect. Some. of these are engineers, and ~ it, is as sumed that they wee not nware.of the nature of .the. yoyorte and the • others are 'boy - • Only' four, it escape without of punishment of those not SI to,the chain-'g 'right of bellige !Of) straggling a gpvernmen i ppressive, or tp at war with cite • If youare vote, just stop' pound you. That is a vali that will be-ta and the only You were no It was your and apart of t . 6n knew wh ake place, • planned - youri there to ewer lege and disc You don't about the dign ican THE VIRGINIU !lINT OF THE ItJAPTURE. Tried and Co The Amer!cap. I steamer Vir g in, !'nius, was. bilt • year 1864 1 W (. `ads runner, an when latinche t : pid vessels eve . es. being mostly engines remark er size. After i. in running our she was eventri .bile,cotton ladeti, orces took that • the Virgin was ik, and 'was tran4- , Department, tb e, 'but after she i vice of the United d unsuitable for was sold at l atte r sines, a son df 111' oberts, of Nev p bsequently trans ' Z Patterson, of ethen fitted up blockade-runner, he Cuban ineui ery desirable te4- =4, , not merely ott •at speed, but on 1 draught of w : 1 - !-. et - when loader Well', then, 3 - ‘iiu had ,better' go to 4nssia or Tur:ey, where political du ties won't tro ble yon, and the quick er you start t o better for the coun try. The study eteigrantEi who are 1 Crowding, to o r shores, will fill your Places better ban you I are 'doing it. They have fe t the tyranny of 'the Old World, a &know how :to prize the freedom f the New. They will rottf, not al ays intelligently, but generally , co scientiously, and they will vote eve time. , i The politici ns arc all dis.hOnest, and theparties are all corrupt ? 1 So much t e mare need theni for honest, into ptible men, like your self, to gird p your loins, put- on Your immaeu ate armor, go'down in tp the politic arena, and drive: out the unclean l*alits and corrupt poli ticians you are talking about. If, they are, there, an are exercising a con? koling influe ce, you are responsible fdr it, and b the neglect of yonr du ties:have ens uraged and allowed it. • r rot& have g I enough to do to attend to your own : ustness, ti,ithold effend. iilg to polities? • . I Perhaps y ttrtime is more. volurt bile than o _ . ...,people's. in a gov ernment co' - , lutedlike ours, where tons of cargo- 1 - ,811 M facilities for I r ore on tho Cuban 0; 1871, General *ng in comminl, landing a care t, near Bantiags? 7th of July last:, =land, she find- is now 'stated, w anfferincr some form and 'di l a renminder lot will 'be condemned ang. [For Iho REPO - WIER.] YOU VOTE ? - DID : voter, 4nd 'did not a titteme.tit. s and let me erhars you,w'ere sick. , - excuse, the Only one en into Consideration, no that Will aiail you, at honti• business; to - be there, the day ifit the "polls. •n the election would you shotild have business so -tis to be ise freeman's privi large &freeman's duty. kant to hear anything .ifs:and ditties if Amer . el:: ; • all power emaates from the people. and the votes f the people decide al i ; the great gee sions of governmental policy, it is n ssary that every vo ter should end vor to inform him self on' the . p inciples at issue .be tween parties, and ;then give expres+ sion to his opanionat the ballot-box. If he has Nio.opinion, like a sworn juror, it , is his duty to listen to the evidence and study the case until he has formed an opinion, and, then hand in ' his sealed verdict at the polls. ' You did not think one vote would make- much dfference 7 You had no right; to think .that. Because your party has , a large ma jority in the county, is no reason why you • mayisafely stay at home. Remember that it is the majority of those who vote 'which determines elections, and that' the votes of those who stay at borne air seldom count ed even in New York City, where voting and counting have been re duced to an exact'scieute. • ' "What if the drop of rain should say, "do smalta mite as I • • Can ne'erxefresh the parched fields ;. tarry in the sky"? • O.O'rELAR. New Advetrtizemolits. HEADQUARTERS 15113 WA•TCHE.S, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE! W. H6D.r.x..ito Has Opened a FEW JEWELRY STORE, OS BRIDLE STREET In the linildlng. formerly oceopiegl .by Young & Titus, with a largo assortment of OciI(Imul Silver • ' • American 'and Swiss Wafrhes, Fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Sets, , CHAIN AND RINGS; CHAIN TI BUTTONS, PINS, . A full Eno of 801.11) sitxnu and 1 . 1 ware. SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES oh all kinuE—Gqld, Saver and CLOCKS From the cheapest to the best, and many other art cles too nuruerous , to wentlou, but to-be seen by calling. W. 11E3DLL'IfAli. N . , N. B. Wabihes. Clocks and Jewelry repaired by practical workmen. and warranted. Towanda, Nuv. 10. '73 LisT of letters remaining in the Towanda Post Moo, for tiro week cnding Tim; 26,1873: Moro Wiry McGuire J.LuiPs 3liugoe Mr &Wort ,Mclieroan Cuttiriee 'Madden Sett° Armstrong 0 Make John 2 Bench L L B. rry Elenorh Bedford Idai' Baker Hiram Catena. Peter ClappAr Jahn Crammer Helen Carkuttiolan F Dean Wee Nettie Devere Francisco Denison:l4lWe Emma Earaain Joint 11 Ftlgor C . Grinars Marry Gorman John Galubha Mrs 31 Gregg &hi] Ore 're Goo h Harris Mra F. A. Henry Wm 2 Harrinton Hanna. Harkins Same Hoessu Joseph harder Arthur P Lynch Martin Lsughliu John Leland•Mionle Mace Gideon Mlugos Alma.° Mooee Villi W - iolte Louise Madden James Wjuians 11-len Miller E ~. Walborn David McCloskey Mrs Jane Warren Isaac 8 . . Waler 8 8 Proms calling for am• of tho aboco letters will pleas° bay, adiefti6ea, giving (Into of het. 8 W ALVOIW, P. M. PRESENTS FOR ALL NEW JEWELRY SRORE W. A.. ROCKWELL Is constantly rezelving, in allition to Ills large stock of Jerelry, FIVE GOLD SET:', PINS B N'llS, • RINGS., (• STUDS, AMERICAN and SWISS GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, SILVER PLATER WARE ALL VARIETIES GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES SILVER. th , PLATED CL,OChS e descriptions at the lowest pri es. WATCH. CLOCK and JEWELRY repairing done in the beat ntanner;and warranted. Thanks for a liberal patronage and tope to merl n continuance of the same. Towandl, Noy. VI. '73: r A NEW HAND A THE BELL BENJ. KUYE.ENDAT•L Hu parchaaed the Third Ward Coal Yard of L S. OSC, aid will keep a good supply of WILKES-BARRE ,i4w , gye on baba. At tho LOWE 9 C PRICES Towanda, Nov 5, >1873. GRIND MUSICAL FESTIVAL AND COVENTION ! AT LIB kTSVILLE. Cornmencining TUESDAY, NUS'., 2S 1873, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to continue four days, thr,'o .essions each day, and close on Friday evening. Nov. 28, with a Concert, at which ic,e selectien of new music all be performed., All under the atrictima of PROFESSOR L. U. TIIER.3.+N, OF BOSTON, -Author of " Choral . Tribute." , "Harp of Judah,' ". Jubilate," "Sabbath Guest." "Standard." t.c. assisted by the best musleal talent in the country The STANDARD, Prof. 'Emerson's last book, ail be used in the Convention, and furnished free Also a new collection of GLEES, ANTHEMS AHD CHORUSES, Just published by Prof. Emerson. The sessions of the - Convention will be devoted to the principles re lating to singing or vocal. training ; the study of mu-ip in its highest department; with lectures and practical exerciser In all the various branches of vocal music. The high reput.tion of Prof. Eater. son as a composer and conductor, give" assurance that this convention will be one of superior . prefit and pleasure to all who may give It their attention. Ample 'sirrangetattnns_will be made to furnish members from a distance with good ad.cenunoda. tens, at reasonable prices. The committee will spare no expense to make this the most pleasant and profitable sudsiest gathering that ever assem bled in Northern Pennsylvsnia. An lover' or Music are respet tfully invited to at. tend 'lt is hoped that as many as can will be present at the opening exercises, as they will be of special interest and profit. Tickets to the =tee, including Concert, Gentle men 21,50; Ladies, $l.OO. Tickets for concert. 25 cents. • , , By Order of Cow:l2oo*e, L A Dayville, Nov. 12, 1873. , f NIOLD AUCTION EE El-..rOrty x i 1 - 1.. )care experience.. All Calls pr.iMptli A ended to.' Terms , vom two to three dulla- a per de 'Galt on.-or address ' --------- ttQUIRE a E.N.r,a •r. , Novil2isev6. North Romec.Bradford Co, • . . , Pow received, price& 0 dspartmen, GREAT BEM &,c. &c. &c EEO litclaole Hiram Novell Lym Norton Mrs Wirriet Penderedirt Mary Powers Pit Phillips Theo A eppor d N ilapperport Isaac Shutz Miss Olive Shores Mau' Shafer 0 E Shores Abram Smith Wesley Scamon Donors Scaulon Mary D Salamau AlMira Stroud n Staler Evaliw3 Straight L Sweet Jane Stanton Jerome Taylor John B Toxner Joaoph N.snderpool Ear l Wattoa J P Wrot Anna W 1 lame AortiO lto MO AT TI E CHARMS, NECKLACE, RINGS AND,:f.)IIARITS W. A. ROCKWELL EC AND .SULLIVAN COAL. Powell & Co. ,' , k;` Co. NI !El noon to ilielelnge_stock of goods jolt • d tionglit since the glut decline in at bargains. now.offerin In each of their 1 I=ll ME AnGLIN6 IN DRESS G9ODS, I '• • • 1 1 • MI P -41.kl!a&INS I . # l , CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, M BABOA.INS Ili CEEB HEETIN. G§, BLEACHED kusLlNs'' AND FLANNELS ME3 BMIGAINB IN GIMA SERIVLS AND CLOAKS IMO T iIiNILINS IS EWE H- I' I I • . call and see oar now loads, and securo 1 ,•'' • I • EEO rownt, k. Co. CM ailda,.Nor. 19, 1876, lllecelnmoca; VXECUTOR'S SAL.—The nn dondgieid, will soli $1 public undue, it the late residence of J. W. Vamoose, in Btandirg ennie, ou Want day of DECEMBER. atlo o'cleeir. 2 Cowl, 2 Yearilnp, 3 Calvss. Taming utensils, au. also, decodeuVaDirm of 44 acres: said farm As all un or good state of calthraticat. 0004 dim r.water and buildings tbertop. t Terms made known on day of sale. DAM S. YIANNEftf. NOV. 12, ' Executor. I • OTARY 'PUBLIC! Office.-MAIN ST., TOWAIDA. ,PA., with lioblo Viti: cent. Insurance . Agents. ' ; Acknowledgments taken; Oaths adminletered. The subscriber acts ai commissiouer in taking &T• coition. of witneeses. Omani -duties of the Wade promptly attenned to. . Ws. 13 VINCENT; 1 Nor. 12"13. Notary Public.; • 1 • RANK OF AMERICA. , 1! 1. 306 liag,lspr etc Tart.anzivara. caurriekto cairta4loM. : a 22 3 .4 06. President. C. J. iteriiii: , ~PoWent, W. dleetelpip; ri • Ch 64 .lEClViif.i.' i: Having passed throliglterfieinitOgifiCirieb* shaken credit Pre ilititttebWestiotaMtekiiiki= Tny Bann AND IlAriatalOritltlitillebilligii* their Banking boadeaptiltdificity: 09 : 411$4411 ability to render entire eglialietton..:l WAIL PA= Oct 99,1878-It. MISS GRIFFIN . ' ' j.' i 1 / f f Tltoirpectrolly announces to her old custonairt aid the public generally, that she continues the 1 1 i , i - 1 1 - ' '3IILLENERT,IIIIgNES% I . 1 j 111 her Old stand on PIIIDSTREET, and that she has a comptsuitasowrtirprr orfioons, Which slui-is Selling at her usual moderate p rices. 1 i Every article WAILIIititED./ ', I October 29,1873. . . 11OUBLIO: SA ' OF RE4 ES-, 1' TATE.—foralutilo an order of the Orphans' Court of. Bradford/Cmf ty, will be sold att public rale on the premirics I Homo tarp., on MODDAN the 24th day of/liOVt.llllEll. 1873, at, 1 o'cbxk, Ip. m.. the following described real estate baing fhe estate of Ferdinand Gahle, !ate of Some IWPi den d.: Beginning ad the south e nd corner of a lot of , Mild ownedrrs, M a ry ' J. r ecker thence •by the east line of e sn ide, north deg., ' out 31 3.10 Perches to a c er oft lot sett for the use of the Ida-. o:uid children of sal decedent ; thence 1 - by the s r bn of the same, south deg.. out 71 6.10 perche , t t , rhe line of Joecph ey. thous() by line of the •rr 0, south 39 deg., e at 41 per. to a corner, of said eceley; thence by the line of the some, enuth 88 deg.. east li 9.10 per.; thence south 2 deg.,; west 20 per to the north line o the Post more tract; thence by the line et the same north 88 deg., westd2t per. to the beginning. Containing 25 acres and 84 per. TERM&—SIOO to be paid ou.the day of Bale, and the balance on confirm tion thereof. i liill Oct. 20, 1873 i . 1 [ I 1. , 1 “ A W Begs to it rm his numerous customers who desire t avail themselves of an op , to,supply the elves with THE BEST WINTEI CLOT That ho has juat opened the b st stock of Goo ','. ~. MENS' AIND.I3OYS' RFAIFAIBra that my goods qre all FIR and WAIIILI.NTED WELL 31tDE Oct. 1,1873. I DRY GOODS Incite the attention of tue trade to tleir now stock of 1, , , r r 1 1 L r e r 1 HOSIERY, F tf A 011E1T REDUCTION has been inn. our departments, and ye 4 respectfully tomers to examine our stock bolero mireh I , / . s. 3f. (3IiIFFft. ELIZ HM BETH GABLE, A, Y B. GABLE, EEP CLOT IN S us wqp. FIE VED,Y LOW Etuer.s Ever disOayei in the market ()no door South of Fox 4: Mrs-c- I , / ..--- 1 El REDUCED P TAYLOR & Co .t•.ITER GOODS; DRESS GOODS WOOLENS, - sltAwis, FII11$; . NOTIONS, FLANNELS. ;; SHIRTIN GS CALICOES. kc TAYLOR Towattil3, N0v..12, 1513. MI !. IN= Now ,tatsfertisetrier4. EN CODDING, RUSSE . 1 ! ~. 1 1 i ^ 1 ' • ' :i- ' • 11 l i _ . world asy tc, Zell, enstomerS te at , altbougl twiliaPli a change ilk PriCa with thithoto p bare inate catuitderable reduction of several patterns otatovea, so that . . ye conaelitair own interests by part Tbetstathe '' --'l, -, 1 , --- :4,i4r - .: • - "- . , 4 v ort TRIBUNE, IL.WIO swlltr, ROYAL -ARC -DIRMT 0 ' - 2c.CELSIO I!MM AIiERICAN B, 11 ail ..ity El AMERICAN P MI BALTEIIO 323 These ale the leading al which they also have rt; eight dollars upward. JIILIIIB REYNOLDS, ORIENTAL Cornelis Slieller EMI DEXTER, ES! FEVI) .n an 1. RIFLES, Gill I ICOPLA = KEROSE NGS, SHE'E r ro in ALL mite m iming. Pb,: IMEI Gaa Pipe-Plu all kinds of iepai Towanda, Noy:Adi,:* L. &CO., • i • • 2 , OWAMPit, i • . 4 , El -'~ ~ i ME I= Ism 43IERIc =CO I MERE, 'CHRIST. Mil, QM R I CAE,INET RANGE, TI CIINK ;AND,! ARG SE BUB II FAY 1 MEI lII' LECE ILLL M NATOR LOR HEATER PARLOR HEATE :tones of the day ; besides ;any other !Aleuts, pa= AND NTON BO HEATER I 1 Blciod i's Sheilers! IMEI 'lron MEI ' ' CHN. DE ;UTTERS E P3RKE£'S 'SHOT GU Eli VERS, REVO CART A LL.tNT iiijEl CEO EN . st, in se. The b FIMM iiiiill N WAR WOOD CO HQDS, KFRS, IMn EM, ,Its i 1 I I WRING •! ; ' .NG BRI 11, I ' • F, 1 REM . ,1 CLOTHE POLIS BRASS COPPER, NETT 7 L work, and biog, 'lig on sh CODDINu.; IMME L :437. Eli El soss 1E tit% Pub I iM there 1 .. were, In the buyers EM,OW MET . I D BEST ME EVER ECM sold at kiElii UND ER, io keep E I Es;DS, OVEN, DOO rIZINI fellers, GALr-11 HMI El VAN§ 4. D - RY DGES, MEETI AND UM X DEPA 2E03 ECM 1221E1 IEIO3I CEIII 11. wart, Mil r l t notice. I t Co. MI P dans.' 11 MIME ~ I NMM FUB, MIN ' Ut • , 1 • : „ H op han the MEI 84011TII M. NI DM ll= Si 0 • OBt re kc to E and iI M ED ER MEE IILDRD SION or 8 I * 1 GOODS i• ; ' 4 mica assoFtu4 .• . ; • WIN TER TMENt COMP ittEic , yrr-4r ro no 'Queities a , 'TANS •&: • HILD Brid 1873 I -1 1 . 1 IS 1 1 1•111