Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 20, 1873, Image 1

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. Tux lise.orotO llxvoirria is published ever)
Tbrirrday Alonni4 by a. W. Ax.voso, at Two Dalian
,:per if tatalri. di Ortlice.
' lair advertising in all cases exclusive of subscrip
Up° to the paper..
fiPECIAL 'NOTICES Inserted at rtrrinft MITI pet
line for first Insertion, and Fri , * CUTS per' line 'for
sttbsequent inanmont.
LOCAL slalom sane atylt as reading natter,
velem egN - ra a Iwo;
dd)VEATISEMENTo will be Inserted according be
he following table of rates :
. 1 Ym BID I lyr
' itieb
1751.80 .11. it 5.001 5.001 10.00 $ll
1 2-00 I 4.110 110.00 I 15.010 20.,111
Si cite. i, 2.50 I • :ts.oo i 13.00'1 90.00 I 30As
4 chum 1 797 iii I . $.51) ;1400 1 18.25 liSTOTI 33.114,
! 1
•,, 4 toi nmr , r. ,5.04 . , 1 12.110 1 18_00Tii.(1 . 111136:0Ti: ....i.O;
1 1 . --;; - c — t)l — u• — m - a - , -- 1 iii - ,i) - 11Tfil Tiiii 30.0 t) I it - 1:01; I 65.00, F5-.6,
Administrator's and P=ecntor•a Notitxt, $2; Ands
-2.17'a NMixd , $2 so • nuatriems card._ flue RIMS. fr.
7011 tl dart.
Yeartv 'advertisers are entitled to quarterly changes.
T ^ansleat vivortisemente mein be paid:feria advance_
Ail BeenintiOns of associations ; Oomarinicstions
4V. limited of i lthrtdusl interest. and unties, of
rlagetkand a, exceeding fivelines. are chimed
.rilsr =Yrs per line. -
Phi) IMPORTER hiring a taro circulation than all
papers u the county co ined. makes it the bee I
Advertising medlnm In Northern Pennsylvania.
JOB pari - rmi of every Wind. hi Plain and Fano,
:colors; done with neatness and dispatch. Handbills
Blanks, Canis, Pamphlets. Bilibnsds. Statements, ke
of every variety and style; printed at the shortest
el 'Aire. The 11szor:rim Office Is well supplied wit!
.Power Presses.- a good assortment of new type. and
~,verything In the Printing line can be matted In
he moat artistic manner and at the lowed ,rates.
_.--15ELLER, No. 27R South Water Street, Chi
cago. illinois,:fteal Estate purchased andaold.
estnients rcadeand -Money Loaned.
,10.'70. •
05.; IMICROETCYS. paya , partienlar attention to
'rotting Buggies, Wagone fileighe, kc ,Tire set and
repairing done on abort notice. Work and charges,
guaranteed eatisrartary. 12,16,69.
rt. *min established himself in the TAILORING
I 'USINESS. Shop over Roek:well's Store. Work of
Ivery description done in the latest styles. -
Towanda, April2l,lB7ll7—tf •
• GiNTEnkr.,
INS L' T!! -4 31 OE A GEN CY,
nany23'7o-- . t.: TOWINTA.
ERR TX Ur. L P.SiATE.—Lots from Sin° yip
~rarlw; Also Eidate Arents. Land bonaht and
sold and money lcianed.. , Pasties desirinmito eel)
Wild Lands, Farms. or, Lots, can hare re map of
knits or sabSiviaion made at this Raiency, and
property-sold on a reneonahlec commiagion. !office
over PClstoffice, Mesons's Block, Towanda. Ps. '
L. L. moony.- fljec.4'72l War. n. Mnt(SAN:
• Fp E-4
. .
.... . . .
'1 . i:..1. ..... . 4'..,
1.-, u...
I . P .....,
f... 4 E;
...... . N.,
- • TECT . AND 131711,D . E11. wfmhes to inform the
,:15 of,To panda 41:(1 vicinity. that he will give
pli t!••nlar . att , nt jou to .hawing •pl.ts, B..e , •lgns and
F.F -itlca,tion=4 for all manner of buildinga. private
Ar I imblic.• tinpurintr,n , lence given for rea?onahie
cr. lip , i,sati.b. ():11,-e at remider.ce N. E. corner of
, ''Jr .,, 12.11. - . lna El:zibeth atrets. .
' 1,.!5'73. - • , Doi. 511. Towanda, Pa.
0:11ce, corner of Main and Strlte Streets,
.'arch 1:3, 1 TaTVANT)A, Rs.
1 1 71 SH, - BOOBS. AND BLINDS. '
farrilsh Doors, Sash_
of aiiy stele, size, or thickness. on short
a:11 in
your orders ten dnys before you
•l;-4.71: to use the artieles; an:l be sure th.^.t 'yon will
,10-irs that will not shrinl: or swell, Terms cash
c-livery. • ,
Towsn,lc.,...Turc 19.1 , 371. GEO. P ASP!.
Dealers in' , '
or which thc , s
alirliest eaFh prlee 1 , 4 pall at all
fic , ", in !J.. E. El'os, - ,nEehl'a Storn. 111,11-se.,
J. E. DAS - roN. ' i TOIVANDA ,
, . .
T1121.C1 .lI,OLLQN, •
• I
• in Groceries Provis.ion.s, Drags
7;1e:4 - eines, Zercosme Oil, 'Lamps, Cliimneya;
Dye Studs, Paints, Oils, Varulsh,l'iiiiketallo-
TIK, Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff: Pure Wines and
of the best quality, for medicinal purposes
Ig. All Geode soli at the very lowest prices. Pree
carefully - compwahtled at allthaura of 'the
night. e 1.12. a
TRM...".i f nallON.
1. - I.%.RTZS .DAYTON,
- -
---, 4 au hA:....'.i run 3, , ,,-,,..t - .: , ;It of D01.713LE aril
, cLE-AA 1t'5FE5.t.i.".2.:11,.,1 ~ tl:_r :: ,1 1 , 1 , in. his lint?
..'.• 2 0r,;r1,. , , and n2ifinf.r . tnni:l2 o,:nir! 1 ) onYo.r. •
T , !.....rai13, 2..ujnEt 23.'1,571.
C 4 '
• -
.....1 . , • .
' (;110(,,",E111. 1 r:S ! °
un3or. , qr.c."ll,gs leav,‘ to relorn thanks to
1:e iwopio of F:vt'and.* and vi...imtv for tht• very
- -ueraas patroulite extended An him cihringt. the
~eason, th- Amur time to give uotk,e thit
e has added to his businesg a gto,:k.of
,'"ivhirji prepred to oinrr AT THE LOWEST
ILn wr.: 4 001 the liakinz. baiii,leFs in all
I'lol frirnish - an-thing In this line
lle h also fitted on a
UP r iv to turniph 7.11413
1.. , ,*.wh01.1.1 at enuen 1u r eates than usual.
I ..i•ur.r.i an I othETA vi.4itin7, torn ar k e Invite/ to
• .;
:pp`it-,1 With , Cakes, Fruit,
.at bort ilotice. • '
the' ccarly 0pi,33it.13 the
syr,v4ix.—Y,iar, attention is specially
l• t'› ta:l - th'2. National Banks ore Eo•r
to the Capital
L' 6 - 7 tn. , C.-nt-riu; a Hoard of Finance. The
• I front 1'2119 sc•ource are to bi.•*etnployed
is th, , , 7••.'t:)?, of th. , bnil•iinga air the International
th,•c.r.pen•••,4 connt.cted with the
i• it a Low:L.l , 13.!I erect tint ale Key-store
w).'• r•pre,ented lay th,.• name of erery,clti.
a%ve t nor3tien of the One
h i•‘••it..i!e'rtii••ef the,nation. Toe shares of
to's aro offe-ed for 0 each.'and subccribers wilt
a li.irid,meity _steel ..engraved C.rtificate of
.•1.. - vntaMe fort framing, and peeserration oa
•'•- ' • '
! , .AZre,t ttie rite of Fix pc , r'eent per annum . u - 11A
!... plyMenti of Centema , .al .Stock from
p.tym...rit to J. l'uaary f. 147 G.
,sab,rlbers who are - net near a National Dank
c. remit a eb.•A ur past-oilice order to the. und,:r.
IT.F.DK. FrALF.:I", Trelsurer.
'944 WAlnnt-St.. Phit'a
N" .
H D W };.!
The iltw Ertl cf
Stoves of all kinds, at lower priCes
ivy cash, than. any establish - 0161a in
and• Waion Makers
ice want to see yqti. ; I
"1 4 2'2, '7:l
%;11 i : & MONTANYA ATTO
KIM AT Liar. olaftliv—corsta-offar sad
Pine Otreets. oPPolgto Patters Drug Stare
, T. B. JOirtslSON,'lrel
DI Svsosoa. 012Iee over Dr. H.D. Vortim Boa
fi Co; 's I Drag store. . . . 1
• Faitozon. offers WS professional .e ces
the citizens of Warren and vicinity. Residence
first house north °O. F. Cooper's Stele. Watreil
Centre Pa
• On 'l2-/7
L. M. gTAXLVir; •.•
, owlecessor to Dr. WeetclW; !Daps Pattcmis
Blockl..up min, Main atm%
,comirlda;• Aij
Irinelmot,platat work Ai speciality. Jan. 8"13
S.M.D end WOODBURN, Physi
Surgeon, palm over Tilckharn & B
Owl-try store. I •
Totem:ids. %fay 1. 1872.-ly•
xl-* I
r - maySo
VOrLE neprrEitsoN. A
tiiia•aastatr. Tirwanda,'Pa. : Win Ore •
attentloo to all matters entruatel to c
Orphans' Court bustlers' imecialty.
W. TRITLI. [Tatty2l . 73l T. ler
p R,TVE T T &-TRACY, tcsintANci
third door south of Flrst ratlbnat liaak, glon^(1
floor, Toraiida, Pa.
n. ti; 13;k7STLE17. I rmar..1"731 w. 0.-Taaar.
001:4SILL03 AT L AW: Towanda: Par.:
ticular, attention paid to btusiness tbe'Orp
tlourt. , I , rf.iraY2o, 66.
11 1 V. PATRICK, Atr0R.1.441:
4 Law. Office. Mercui's &kr to
the Extirie.s Office, Tcrwl.llla,'PaJ. •
F. . Arzynorry. f .r.r.A.w,
knit! treet, Toirsnda. Pa. , Office with Qce
:Fl4l)ref, loppoPite court House. ; SraylA
NET at* Dior (District Attorney for Brad..
ford Coniity), Troy, Pa. Collections made and PrcknP l -
ly romittOd. fob 15. '
W . l, B. KELLY. 13,
*'l isr.drer Wickham Iv Toniinda;a.
Teeth inverted on Gold. Silver. ltnbber, and aln‘i
mum hale. Teeth extracted without pain.: : 0cr1.72
. ,
ATDILL it- OA. LEFF, Airvii'ft‘ AY s
•,l-. l'i-I•AW , T0W313F13, Pa.
I. . . . •
H. J. mAny.t., ' i : J. N. FAL.I7.
i 1 . .
Qnlee Int Wood's Block, first . doter . snitth 'of .First
Natiqn4l Bank. np stairs. ! . ;an 11.73J,1,y
~.), ' ttri 4 ft AT LAW. Towanda; P*., turiinii entered
into coreirtnerghip, offer • tbe4f pirepealona ;eeriirea
to the pOdie. Special attention Oven: to pnalpese
in the prphan'a and Ileglater'l Conrta. 0fp114 , 70
. a. litter:oEL
w .
Man elree ofpesite the Coe.etllc6se. Tow;nda
t • • I
praunvinmiTeTovpinds,Pa.i. Office with',
B. M. reCk. second door below ithe Ward Honse.,'
Will he'at the offlcedhe last Rattmlay of each rrionth
and at all other times when sot. called &way' onlnal-,
nets connected with the gnperiendency. All letters
-01141 h rrrztfte r be' ad dre s setf as aborei drc.l,lo
i t
.. . .
Oflr4 do Main Verret. formerly occUpieit byl
Ludd.i ill,esidence, corner Pine sisikSecund etre ts.
Towanda,' June 22, 1871., ; '" , r" , ;
, . . .1 • •
W. 74"11X.,, ATTORNEY
P..i r 1,01 1 , Tocianda. Bradford Co.,!Ps. ..
Partlol,lar attent:•On paid to Collections indOrph '
Court 4fisinesa. Oidleel . ilerciir".3lNew"lllotk, n rtb'
side Public Square. . - ' - spr, 1. '5 .
• -.
!oi' ' ; ;
E :. : GRITYLEY, I, i . -
. , .
' - T . ATTOII `; E 17-i T i L A. 17, • . •
April 1 i . 1874. - . , , 1 , . To!ands, P.
. _
DOCTOO 0. LEWIS; A o:4A_Dtr,
r;ielorthfi College of “Physleline and Surgeon s."
:New York city j Clatis 1543-4. dree excluive Ottentton
to the Oriel:toe bf profeesion. - Office and residence
on the ndstena Elolw of Orwell Hill. 54jciinIng Ett•hry
How e'n. -•• jan
• •
D. D. anTrii, Deiztvir, b i as
inlrc l hased G. H. Elwell
.property. between
Verctree Block and the Elwell Honee, where he ,was
located'his office. Teeth - extracted without pain by
nse r .o44e. Towandst, Oct. 29;1870.—yr.
t'l • • ~ .
1;1 • - -llptels. ' .• !. •
r# CoNNEcTros.Ncrrri THE is4Enr, •
1 . Near the Court Holee.
prepared to feed the hunp7 at all time.. Of
and evening. Oysters aMi. Ice• Cream in
;30.1870. D. W. score t• co,
We ate,
Le day'
he!r ee•
Mardi ,
ll'avtrg leased Ibis House, is now ready to sac° • .
date tbstravefLng pubtic. No'pains norespense' •
b. spared to give satisfaction to those rhoso tclay
a Pill. I • '
3 , ZorW chle of the public squire, cash of 3I
cur's tieNt. block. •
Havin44 purchased and thoroughly refitted this Old
And well-known stand, formerly kept byjkilaariff Grif
fis. at the: mouth of Ruinuiertield Creek. is ready It. ,
hive gdoil odahaus and satisfactory treatment
to ail 4114. may !lsor him with a call. ' • .
564 —l.f.
. ; . , -
If . r,.-L.NS • HOUSE; • - 70 W AND 1
13.1_ ;p4., .
Ths i Horses, Harness. &c. of all gneati of th
house; insured against loss by Fire, without any -,
tra chirke. ,
Al loaperior quality , of Olzirailllsla Balza Ale, jt
rec,•iv,id. l - T. H. JORDAN.
T.? 4. Oa. Jan. 24.'71. . _ . Protirletor
WARD 1.1.0 •
14v .
Th:4 - pbpular house, recently—leased; by 'Mesa
SnoN MPI.C.FP, and having been coApletely raft°
reino4hlegi, and iefurroshed, itToves to the ppb
alTilio!comforts and modern conveniences of a flr
dais Hotel. Nitnate -opposite :tbe Park tin Ma
Street.! it is eminently convenient! for persons via'
ing Tonanda, eitheF. for pleasure, or business.
septr6 SOON k MEANS, Parprietors.
w.I latommsG,- PILOP .
_ .
This Rouse ts conducted. to Etrictl7 TerOpeyan
Principles. Every effort be made to ma)
gnesta V r omfortable. Goind.rooma and:the table
alwaya 'lbe supplied with the bestalie• market
fordF J Nov. 1; 187 r
7ZOT z: A. COWLL..,:-
P.Rli iii hittorical interest, it Is the only building n
the col - tatty except Independence 11.1 i; hotio•ed by
the ivijegru within Its antis- of Vfashington,Lav4-
cite, 1 . ,,te. Gates and other patriots *of this i.evii si
lion. l 'rids popmar ' hotel has I recently ehang d
band4l been improved, ehhlrely Teti:wom a l
bed, d
lit.e'reprietur cordially invites his friends and t v
enni; public to give him a, call—no pains will
spared! 1.2 render. their stay coinlornle.. - Peo le
en route for Phibidelphie will end it Convenient to
spcn4 jam night bete; reaching the city_about eight
in the morning. A sample roam, on first floor
acconimodation of commercial goats., • -
• , C. T. 1351T1'it,
34CtNilItS, for Salo by -
j • R. 11. - WELL.ES
' •
TOWANDA, PA.,' : -
0 . 21c . p No. 3 !iterates Block, north' side C.
House square:
Ilowing l Machines, Horse Powers and Tbressbers,
Wheel Hakes, Plaster Sower!. Grath ;111esttenl.
Tedder,: Reversible - sad Steel Plows, C itiva
nil; Horse Hoes, Clover !Indere and Fanninftlddli.
LOT xownne, wide Damns% whir zutirlati
pm'. extras rawsas IT 1332 WOIILD, 0:104N
! BEITtLEILS roe litaND osiCarits. sq.. £O.
catibgnia and deamilrilve. illustrated Printed dr,
cull* tarnished or mailed Ire.* tog! applimmta.
It prtll coat but three cents to send for ctrc. •
!xi , postage
Patuters whtn In Towanda, tali mites ms.
A rtl29 72: R.
VORD; Publisher.
J. w.. TAMAfq,
ELILS 17 i?.
• • •-•
-- • • ; ~.
• -
Caps -
wandx. PII.
, Gr*teful for tit r e generous Petrone/0 of the
past year, wonidlinform all wanting Pictures
that we are adil adding to our establishment
. ,
And adopting hied and aPproved modes of
- printing and retiniching in order to secure
, I ,
rnira ruoroa4KurrnAN aserroron
. ... L.
made outside of ;the cities, and that we make
it a specialty to enlarge all buds of Pictures to
any size desired,iand Anis& In Water Colors,
liidia Ink, or in Oil, in the ,
We alaciendestior to take all thellm l e pout
ble labakingcladrena pictures, 40 411 to te.
cure tha best re Its.
We are corralatOly adding to our stock or
AU new pattern*
ntah them at a .
A• the sl;te of the
Howie, TOW
111:0 W-V 4421'11
Alu4 uao or
large and comet ,
xorthe Season, cone
HATS AND 130.:
Octobci: 1, 187,
Calla attention to h
DE IVEr. 0,14
Orden!' in person or
. 1 •
The underraentiobe. advantages over those in oral!.
d for them:
l ai
nary use, the proOf f which may- be seen In the
extraordinary sales, d constantly increasing de
, -
1?"31 ,
Ist. That from th p eculiar; construction of the
lasses they assist d preserve the sight , rchtlir:
tog frequent change tinnecessiPir. , .
2d. That they con f
er. a brilliancy and distinctness
of vision, with an subOunt of ease and comfort not
hitherto enjoyed bylspectacle - wearers. 1
'' 3d: That the material' from which the Lenses
'ground. is mannfactlured specially for-optic ptirpos.l
es, and is pure, hard, and brilliant, and not liable
to become scra•cheid.
- -
4th. That the franks In which they are set, wheth
er iu Gold. Silver. or Steel, are of the finest quality
and Pnish ann imarnnteed perfect in every respect.
For-sale onlyby oils outhorised agent In this local
ity. -We neve supply or employ peddlers.
Sple Agent,
Nov .20,1672.'
19W. IS T
We offer 13."
the followiug
Hemleek Flooring,
White Pine " • I
Pitch t
Pickets from $2.11.
DO4lO at a moment• -
ery flaw made. ,We
And are co stonily Mainfacturing. ,
tar Parties who reach us are. foolish to go
near tho radroad_fo Lumber. as under any circum
stances we can S LIT cHEAFER—st least the
cost of transportati n from here to the railroada—
say $2 to $3 per tho sand. I -
H. B. MOHO',
June 25, '73. Camptownl.
For thirty dayaflie Sullivan Anthracite Cold tore
pang. will sell • -tl
Direct from the illlr-s; by the car load, delisered on
any of the sidings in Towanda, as follows: l'
Orate and Chestnati 0 5
$3 per -
Egg. 9 60
Stove,— - -.. 3 3d
All orders must tie acco °puled with the
and the cars =wale unloaded within tic
hours after their ivah
los - ands, Sept 2, la
is choice of psrritory. (tbere is a am
on DIO LEWIWB tut and great wort;
It Is by odds the host taking and 'slash • .wok in
the field. I. Ms on a vitally important subject.
2. It is by America!s most popular writer on health.
3. It Is, for the price, the largest and handsomest
book ever sold by Subscription. Agents, the people
are eager for such book, and will urge y ' to bring
it to them. Write ror terms. kc., tree.
GEORGE Publisher.
33 Bus= Ettrseiniiit.,
0 1 11 8 0 8•'
It A 'M!.I3
aid ttstefal
all advance from cost
B. A. „,P
ig Bonnet, opposite tt'3 , Court
nda, pa., contrastinl c 4 • •
- 1) FACT D4Y GOOs,
BLEA ell ED .211 IrNLINS
ovis, NOTIONS,
, &c., &e.
to stock of
rising all cltho most itesirable
st.;lee in
_ ,
TLc uudcrAlgn
hAving7 imrchak , ed the
.arg,e atom: of
Which h
Is uoveprvmr,edto •
y mail promptly attended to
$lB per it
26 r
281 7
815t025 1
t per 14undred.
HMG, RE-SAWINti, ac.;
notice and by the beat macbin
hate CM hand t
c Lilo 31111 rob('
Wo ha
,/ ‘'
4- 1
• ,
, .
Pubimbed -by order of the Secretary
ofthe Commonwealth, in pima
ance of the 4th section of an act of
the 13eneral Assembly, entitled
"An act to provide for calling a
Convention to amend the Consti
tution," approved the 11th day of
April, A. D., 1872.
We, Die peopte,ot ...the Commonwealth of
Pennsyliania, gnitefi3l Almighty God for the
blessings of pwil andieligionshberty.and hum
bly invoking His guidance, do ordain and es
tablish this Constitution.
; That the general, great and essential princi
pies of liberty and free government may be
;recognized and ,nnalterably established, We de:
lclare that— • !
Stenos 1: All men are, born Ninny:free and
!independent, and have certain inherent and in
idefeasibie rights, among which are those. of
enjoying and defending We and liberty, of ac-
Ignirtng, possessing and protecting, property
'and reputation, and.of pursuing their own-hap
-Ipineas. ; ' .
i tine. 2,7. All power is inherent! In the people,
land all free governments are founded on their,
:authority and institn ed for their peace, safety
land happiness. For the advancement nr those
lends they have at all times an inalienable and
'indefeasihlo right to slter, reform or. abolish
their government in such manner as they may
think proper.
Svc. 3: All mentiave a itatiiral,and indefeas
ible right to worship Almighty God aLicording
the dictates of their own consciences; • no man
can of right be compelled to attend,. 'erect or
soppori, -
any pLee of worship, or to inaintaie
any ministry against his consent ; no human
authority ran, in any case whatever, control cue
interfere:with the rights of c snscienee,: and no,
preference shall over be given by law to any re
ligions establishments or modes of worship.
I. Sea 4. No person who acknowledges the le
;ing of a 'awl and afotare state of rewards and
pnnislimenis shall,lon account of his .religions
!sent•ments; be distinalified to hold any office
'or pure of trust or r!"fit under this Commun.
SEC. 5.: E'ection3 khan be free and equal ; and
: no pyttir. civil or military, shall at any time
interfere to prevent the free ex6rciee of the
right ota'nfirago. • .
' two. 6. Trial by inrylshall bo as -heretofore,
and too Oat thereat remain inviolate.
; SEC. 7.1 'rho printing' preys shall be Eree to
every,iierson who may'undertake to examine
ahe proci.eding,. of the Legislature 'or any
:branch of government, and nh law shall ever be
Made to restrain the right _thereof. The free
'corn mnnicatioti of thoughts and opinimis is one
the inValuable rights of -man and every ciu
`len may freefy'; speak; tYrite andi print on any
iitibject,•being responsible for the abuse of that
liberty. iNo conviethin 'shall be ',tract in any
'prosecutiim I for-the publication of papers re
lating to 'the Offietal conduct of officers or men
in public 'capacity, ordo any other matter prop.
et . for public investigation or informatioh where
;the fact that such publication was net ma i
ciously or negligently madc_shell bo established
Ito the satisfaction of the-jury; and in: all in
ilictineute for libels the jury shall have the determine the law and the facts; under
the direction of the quirt, is in other ages.
1 4 -xe. people - Shell be secure in-their per-
E. 013; litinqCs, papers, and-possessions, from utS
;reasonable searches and seizures, and no war:-
:rant to search any place or to seize any person
for things ,shall issue without *scribing them
;as nearly as may be, nor without probable
cause. supported ))v. , oath or :affirmation, sub
scribed to by the aflidant.
• See. 9.; In all criminal prosecutions, the ac
cased hath a right to bo heard by b:mself and
;his connsel, to demand the nature and Canso of
dhoti:cense:hen against Lim, to meet the warm:-
ism; race to race; to have compulsory process for
; pbtaining witnesses in his favor, and in Prose
!cations by indictment or Information, a' speedy
public trial by an impartial jury.of the vicinage;
the cannot be compelled to give evidence against
himself. nor can tie be deprived of 4iis life, lib
lerty, or property,, unless by the. judgment -of
!his peerseor the law of the land.
tirc.:lo. No person shall for any indictable
!offense be proceeded against criminally, bvdin
formation. except in cases arising in the land
or naval forces, or in the militia ashen iwactnal
!service, in-time of war or,public dat.ger,- or by
ileave of the court, for oppression or, misde
; meaner in office. No person shall for the same
:offensebe twice pot in jeopardy of life or limb;
!nor shall!private . property be taken or applied
;to public) 1130 witholt author:HP - of law, and
!without just compensation being first made or
SEC, it. All conies shah be open; and every
:man for an injury done him in his lands, goods,
person, Pr reputation, shall have remedy by
;due courSo of law, and right and justice admin%
,Istered Without sale, denial, or delay.. Suits
may bolsi:ought against the Cemmonuealth, in
;such manner, in such courts,- and in such oases
las the-legi;latare msy by law direct. •
Sec. 12. No power of .enspending laws shall
b e g l xe r c ied unless by the Legislature or by its
authority.; •
SEC. LI. Excessive bail shall not be required,
nor excel ice flees imposed, nor cruel .punish
ments inflicted.
. SEC. 14... All prisonert shall be bailible by
snillejenb sureties, unless for capital bffenses,
when.thO , proor k evident or presumption great;
and the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
'shall !tale suspended, unless when of
rebellicnanr invasion ,the public safety may re.
qqpre it.
Ste. lA. No comtnissioa of nyer tint] terminer
!or' j ill de,livery shall ha issued.
SEC. N. The person of a debtor, where there
(isnot strong presuniptiorrof fraud, tshatl 'not be'
Icontinnedin prison after delivering up his es..
itate for ;theklyinetit of his creditors, in suell
marmerlis shall be prescribed by law.
SEC. 17. No EX rosy FACTO law, nor any lkw
; impairing' ale obligation of contracts, or mak
ling irrev(ahle any grant of Special privileges
'or immunities, shall bo passed.
Sec 18. No person'shall be attainted of trea
'son of feloriv by the Legislature. ' '•
,SEC. 19. No attainder shall work corruption
of biood,'nor. eicept du-ing the life of the of
;lender, forfeiture of estate to the Common
'wealth • the estate of such persons,as shall de
.stroy theirbwn lives shall descend or veal as in
!Cases of natural death; and if any person shall
be killed by casua;ty, there shall he no foleiture
by reason thereof.; .
Sac. 20; The cifiztins have a'right in a peace
able mariner to assemble together for their
common ; mod; arid- apply to those- invested
with the :powers Of irovernment for redress.of
Wievances or *her proper purposes, by Oil
ion, address or 0-monstrance.
Sac. 21. The right of citizens to beararms in
defensetif themselves and the State shall not
be questioned. - ,
I Sac. 2t No standing anal shall, in time of
eaco, bei kept up without the consent of the
Legislature. and the; military shall, in alrcases.
lind at all times,' be in strict . subordination to
the civil power. ' •
5e0..23. ICo soldier shall in time of peace be
quartere4i,in any, hence: without the c;lnsent of
the owricir4nor in, time of war but in a manner
to be proserilied by law.
Sac. '2l'. ;The Legislature shall not giant any
title of nobility or - hereditary distinction, nor
kreato anfollice the appointment of which Shall
lie for a iolig,er term than daring good behav
ior. ; I
Sac. 25.. Emigrationfrom the State 811011 not
be prohibited. :
SEC. 2G.' To guard against transgressions of
the high : powers which we have 'delegated, we
declare Oat everything in this article is ex
cepted opt of the general powers of govern
:Mont, and elAll forever remain inviolate.
Towanda, Pa
l ,
, • • '
[ 1 ! • i
. 4, 7gl tr. Lecistxrcrt. "
1 ,,i SecrloN Iho legislative pOwer of this Co
mmonwealth shall be vested in a General Assem
bly. whiCh shall consist of a Senato - and a tlobse
Of ReprOsentives.
Sec. 2p Members of the General .Assembly
shall ho chosen at the gc . .:netal eleohon every
second )'ear. Their tom of service shall begin
,du the fitet day of. D..cember next after their
election: Whenever a vacancy shall occur in
dither Grouse, the presiding officer thereof shall
halm° a Writ of election to fill such racsiicy
Az the remainder of the term. 1
• ty-four
, 13Ec. 4. Senators shall be elected for, the term
of four yearit and Representatives for the term
,of two years. •
Ste. 4. The General Assembly shall meet
at twelve o'clock noon, On.the drat Tuesday of
'January every second year, and, at other
times when convened by the Governor, but
shall hold no adjourned annual session after
the year ono thousand eight hundred and
seventy4dght. In case of a vacancy In the
office bfUnited States Senator from this Corn.
Monwealth, in a recess between sessions, the
governor shall convene the two houses by pro-
Camaticn on notice nor exceeding'sixty dap; to
fill the same.• !
A will
, 'tor it),
Sic. 5. Senators shall be at least twenty-five
Years of age, and Representatives twenty-one
y.ears (Drage. They shall have been , citizens
snd inliabitabt4 of the State four years, and
inhabits-AZ, of their respective 'districts one
fear, nett before their election pitiless absent
on the peblte badness of the Muted States or
azosiunsoo o `Diannonfarit room ANT QUARTZ& .
of this State,) and el4ll reside in thole respect-
ive districts during their teems of service.
Sac, EL No &mime or Representative shall,
during the time for ',blob he shill have been
elected, be appeintedfto any civil; office 'Under
this Commonwealth, land no member of Con
gress dr other persote, holding arty office (ex
cept of attorney-at-lair or, in GO militiA) under
the United Statelier tide Commonwealth shall
be a memberof either house during hit con
tinuance in - office.i ,-- : .' - "
• Sea 7. -No person hereafterconvicted of
embezzlement or public- Moneys, bribery,
perjury or other 1111 amens abbe, shall be
eligible to the General Asectubly, or eapabloof
holding any office of truster profit in this Com
monwealth. , 1 .
Sec. 8. The menabore of the general Aesembly
shall receive snob eatery and mileage for, re
gular and special sessionsias shall be fixed by
law, and no other eompenseticin whatever,
whether for service upon committee or other
wise. No member of either house shall, donna ,
the term for which he pray have been elected,
receive any increase or salary,: or mileage,
under any law passed during Kuehl term.
• 5e.c..9. The senate shall, at the beginning
and close of each re sr session, and at Inch
other times Be may e l necessary, elect one of
its members president pro tempera, who shall
perform the duties ofthe Lieutenant Governor',
in any case of absenee or disability of that
officer; and whenever the said ofilde,of Lieuten
ant Governor shall be vacant. ,The House of
Representatives shall elect cue of its members
as Speaker. Each ho e" e shall cheese its other
officers, and shall jud o of the election and
quialitleations of its me bens.
Sec. 10 A majority cif each ilorise shall 'ecin:
stitute a quorum, but a smaller number may
adjourn from day to derv, and compel the at
tendance of absent mebers. •
Sec. 11. Each hon es, shall have •
_power to
determine the rules of its prodeedinge and
I punish its members ortother perilous for con
tempt or disorderly behavior hefts piesence,
to enforce obedience touts procesS, to
its members against vi olence, or atone of pri.
vato solicitation, and with the cohceirrenco of
two-thirdi, to expel a member, but not a second
time for the same' cause, and shall .have all
other powers necessary for the legislature of a
free State. A member expelled for corruption
shall not thereafter be ligthle to either house,
an*prinishment for C ntempt or disorderly
behaviour shall not ba an indictment for the
same offense. , .
See. 12. Each lion 4 shall keep a journal
of its proceedings and from time to time pub
lish the same, except such parts l_
bore on any question oh 11, at the desire of any
m as requite
secrecy, and the yeas a d nays of theg mem-
two of them. bra enter on the journal.
Sec 13: The sessinnslof each !abuse and of
committees of the wholi ,- shlill be Open, unless
when the business is sup as ought to be kept
secret. s
Sea. 14. Neither hose shall, without th•
poll:fent of the other, adjourn 10t Inure than
three days. nor to any other place than that
in which the two liouse shall be sitting. -
SEC. 15. The menab ra of the General As
sembly shall in all came except treason, felony,
violation of their oath o office. and breach or
ti )
surety of the peace, be rivileged from arrest
during their attendancciat the sessions of their
respective houses, and lu going to and return
ing from the same ; 1 80 fur any sPecch or de
bate in either house; they shall net be ques
tioned in env other p'ace.
See. 16. The State syt be divided into filly
Senatorial districts of e mpact s
territory, as nearly equ 1 in population as may
be, and each district shill he entitled to elect
one Senator. Each eluty containing one or
more ratios of te,pnlati m shall be . entitled to
01.0 Senator for each rain, and to tin additional
Senator for a surplus poptilation exceeding
three-firths of a ratio; b t no county shalt form
a i, emirate district unit.. :4 it shall captain four
Orbs of a ratio, 'unit t where the adjoining.
emu:tics are each mine.d to one or more Sena
tors, when such county/
may be assigned a Sen
ator on less than rur-t1 the, and exceeding one,
half of P ratio, and no dpiiity shall .be 'divided
nolesi entitled t(i two ter more Sof/attire. No
city or county shall be entitled to i.'eptir tore
resentation exceeding disc-sixth at the w a
' , umber of Senaters. N n ward horouglia, or
tco%nfihip shall be divid ed in tee i i trm tie s of a
district. The Senatori l ratio s ill +0 Insect'.
tained by cliViding the s hole populati if et the
Stale by the number ill y.
Sec. 17. The members al thesus _ of llep
resentatives Flea be apportionedl.aniehg the
severel cormies, &La alto obtained py!divid-'
tiint; the pop lation of t e State; a fi.drertained
by the most recent United States ceps zsby l ttO
bundredJ Every county containing less Ilia
five ratios shall have one+ representative fo
every lull ratio, and aladditionakrepresenta
tire when the surplus.exceecis half•a ratio; but
each county shall have Iv, least otid representa
tive. Every county co t itaining t'ri'o ratios or.
more shall have one r int sentativo, ter every
full ratio. Every city ontaining it population,
equal to a atio shall e nisi , f
separately Uri pro
portion of he representatives allotted to the
comity in w rich it is legated., Every city ,enti
tled to more than fenr epresentatives, and ev-' •
cry county having over tone hundrcal thousand
inhabitants..shall be divided into; districts of
compact and contignonS territory, each district
to elect its prr.w.rticuil of representative; at.;
cording to its popalatiop but no district '-hal t
elect more than tour re resentatives.. ,
Sec. 18. The Gener I Assembly; at its first
session after the'adopt: n of this Constitution,
awl immediately after .aeli United States de
census, shall al portion the State into
Senatorial and Represe tative districts. agreea
bly to the provisions °tithe two next preceding
, LE
:SEII lON 1. No lairs call be passed exe. , pt by
bill, and no bill Phan bi Bo altered!or anieudel
on its passage tbron b either , louse' as to
change its oriinal pur use. - 1 i •
Sec. 2. . No' pin shall be consideeednilless re
ferred to a eon natter; etnrned flit-Teri-ow, and
printed for Molise tle memhof*.
SEc. 3. No 'bill.' ex ept general appropria
tion shall be past containing more than
one subject, %thud, shall be elearly!expreeded in
its title.
N - • 4. Every bill dat If 4.11
CIEC. Every bill ril . pll rrail at length on
three different days in pelt loose; all amend
ments made thereto shall be printed lois the
use em the memberii hetore the final cote Is ta
ken on the bill,-end no bill shall become -a law
ttntes on its final pass ge the taken by
yeas and nays, the !moths of the piirsons Voting
for and against the seine be entered on the
journal, and a majoritylof the menibers elected
to each house be retOrded thereon4es voting in
Sec. 5. No amendment to hills by one house
shall be concurred in by the other,. except by a
vote of a majority ofl the members elected
thereto taken by yeas and nays, and the names
of those voting for and ligainst recorded upon'
the journal thereof; and reports of, committees
of conference shall be adopted in either - house,
Only by the vote of a tdajority of (Ile members,
elected thereto, taken by leas and' nays, and
the names of those voting recorded upon the
SEC. G. No law shall be revived, amended,
.or the provitepris thereqf extended conferred
by reference to its tido only, but. so much
'thereof as is revived, intended, .extended, or
eonferred,'shall be re-enacted and publisned at
length. ' •
SEC 7; The General Assembly nail not pass
any local or special lawl; • • ,
Authorizing the cre don, extension or im
,of liens ;
'Regulating the affa re of counties, cities,
tea eslups, wards, boroughs, or school districts;
Changing the names Of nersons or places ; •
Changing the venue in civil or criminal eases.
Authorizing the Wing out, opening. altering
or maintaining roads, highways, streets, or al
leys j.
Relating to ferries' r ,bridgeS,. or - iricorporat,
inn ferry or bridge conipentes, except; for the
erection of bridges crossing s,treams which. form
bontidaries between thin and any ether State; ,
Vacating roads, town plats, streets o • alleys.;
Relating to cemeteries, graveyards or public;
grounds not of the Stare ;
Anthorizing.the adoption or legitimation of
children ; . •I 1
Locating or ehangingiconnty seats, erecting
new counties, er clanging county lines; •
Inc,orporsting cities, !towns, or , villages, or
'changing their charters; • . !.
For the'opening . and donchicting i of electioni;
or fixing or changing this-place of voting ;
Granting divorcee{ ; i .
Electing now tow ships or. boroughs, chang
ing township lines, borouglx, limits, or school
districts; • I
Creating ofitera, or - nreseribleg the powers
and duties of eine Ts in counties; cities, bo..
roughs, fownships,•tilection or school districts;
Changing the lain of descent or succession ;
Regulating the practide or jurisdiction of. or
changing the rules of evidence any judicial
roceeding or inquiry bef or e courts, aldermen,'
juistiees'of the peace, sheriffs, commissioners,
arbitrators, auditors, masters in elniticery, or
other trtbnnala, or providing or changing meth
oils for the collection of debts, or the enforcing.
of judgments, or prescribing the effect of Judi-
Cie, sales of real estate ; 4 - !
Illegulating the fees, of extending the powers.
and duties of aldermen justices of the peace;
Xdaguittates, or constables ;
Regulating the managementpt public schools
the building or repairing of ichoel houses, and
the nil/deg-of money forisuch purposes;
Filing the rate of interest ;
Affecting the estates jo minors or persons
under disability, except after due, notice to all
Parties in interest, to be recited in the spacial
Remitting fines, equities Ind forfeitures, or
refunding moneys egills paid into the Trean.
Exempting property fro na.taxationi •
• Regulating labor, trade, alining, or manufac ,-
taring; • r • . -
Creating cotporationN or 'amending, ren'ecr-
ing, or extending the charters thereof;
Granting to any airpnration, association, or
individnal any,special or exclusive privilege or
immuniq, or to au cur oration, itesiiciation, or
individual the right tel lay down a railroad
track, _ lior shall the General Atisonablt indi
rectly enact sub; special DT lcrell law the
partial repeal of a general lisw, but laws repeal
log local or dal pets may be passed. Nor
shall any law - be passed granting pewees or ph
vUeges in say-case where the granting of such
powers and privileges shall have been provided
for by general law, tier whore the courts have
jurisdiction to grant the: same co' give the re
lief asketlfor, - ' i •
Elm 8. No local Or special bill shall bo pass,
oil utiles!, notice of the intention to apply there
for shall have been published In the locality
where the, natter or the thing to be affected
may be-situated, which pollee shall be at lout
thirty , days prior to the introduction into the
-General Assembly of such bill, and in the man
ner to be provided by law; the evidence of such
tiotice having been published, shall be exhibit
ed in the' General Assembly before such act
shall be passed.
SW. 9. The presiding officer of each house
• shall, In the presence of the, house over which
he presides, sign all bibs and joint resolutions
passed by the General Assembly; after thiir
titles have been publicly read immediately be
,fore slgning,,and the face oe signing shall ,be
entered on the journal. ‘ ,
Sea 10: 'Tbe General Aseembly shall pre
scribe by law the number, duties and compen
sation of the officers and employes of each
house, and no payment shall be made from the
State - Treasury, or be in any :way authorized to
any person, except to an acting officer or em
ploye elected or appointed in pursnince of law
Sac; IL No bill shall bo passed giving any
extrs compensation to any public officer, ser
vant, employe, agent or contractor, after ',servi
ces shall , have been rendered or contract made.
nor providing for the payment of any- :claire
against the Commensealth, ;without privion.
authority of law. •
. ,
See. 12. AU stations Y, piirding,•eapti; and
fuel used in the Aegis! ive and other depart
ments of government shall be furnished, and'
the printing, binding, and' distributing of the
laws,. journals, department reports, and all oth
er printing and binding, and.the repairing and
furnishing the balls end rooms used. for, the
meetings et the General Assembly and its eotn-
mittees, shall be perforeued under contract, to
be given to the lowest responsible bidder, be
low such maximum price and' under such regu
lations as shall be prescribed by law; no mem
ber or o ffi cer of - any department of the govern
ment shall be in -any way interested in such
contracts, and all such contracts shall bo sub
ject to tee approval of the Governor, Auditor-
General and State . Treasurer.;
Esc. 13. No lawehall extend the term of any
public officer, or iucreareeor diminish his salary
or emoluments, after his election or apppint
1 8Ec. IL AU bills forl'aising-revenne shall or
iflinato in 'the House of Representatives, but
the Senate may propose amendments as in
other bills. ,
i ta lS b e r e. ae l e e i
n .
° Va n general n b e u r t a
a l appropriationpproinat i ons
inary empielses of the executive, legislative,
and judicial departments of the Commonwealth,
ilerest on the public debt; end for public
s hods; all other appropriations Shall be made
... separate bills, each embracing but one -Sub
1 "
bee. id. No zu , ney shall] be , paid. out 'of the
TreasurY•cxcept upon appropriations; made by
law-and on warrant drawn by the proper Office)
it pursuance thereof. ;
Stin..l7. No appropri .tion shall be made ti:
any.' charitable or educational inistitution not
tinder the absolute control Of the Common
wealth, other than normal schools establisher
by law for the prolessional triiining of teacher,
fur the - public schools of the State, except by e
vote Of two-third, it ..if t: .e Illi'lllbVrel CiedlA •tf'
each lions,. I
Sue. 1.3 Nu *a pprooris tions I e xcept fur pen
sions orgra.tuities for military eer v:ces shall b.
made for chat Ratite, eduoatflanal or benevolent
purposes, to any person or community,nor t.
any denominational or sectarian institution,
corporation or association. ; •
• SEC. W. The fleneril Ake:ably Juay malt
appropriation'o money to institutions whereit.
the widows of soluters arc supported or assiste.
or the orphans of soldie.s art maintained sue
educated; but such !app qpriation shall be ap
plied exclusively t - he . tipport of sueli widow,
anti orphans., • -
SEC 20, The Ge rat Assembly shall not del
e-"atelo anY speci4l commission, private curpo
rationi dr assOciatiom any potier to male, so
pervitie or interfere with any municipal im
prevenient, money, property-or effects,,wbctlii/
Wild in trust or levy I taxes 0 ,
perform any mnnicipal funeV ct.r
oss whatever:l
r.c. 21. No act of the General Assembly ghat
limit the amount to be recoYvered. for' Mier-ie.
resulting in death, or for imories to persons to
property, and in cue of death from such injrt
ries, the light of action shall survive, and th.
General Assembly shall prekribe for whoa.
benefit such actions shall be l prosecutecl; no act
shall prescribe any limitations of time %%film
which suit f may be brought- against corpora
Lions for it juries to persons or property, or fo
other causes different from fixed by gee .•
eral laws 'regulating actions against uatura
persons, and such acts now eiefting . are avow
ed. -
;lee. 22, No act of the General• Assembly shitt
authorize the investment of trust funds by ex -
ecutors, administrators , . .guardians, or. oldie
trustees, in the bonds or stock of any privat ,
corporation, and' buck acts now existing ar ,
avoided, saving investments lidetefore made.
SEC. 23. The power to change the venue it
civil and criminal cases, shalt , be vested in , tle•
courts, to be exercised in sifeli manner as elm
be provided by law.
- Sec. 24. No obligation or liability of any rail
road or other corporatien,, held or owned b
the Commonwealth, shall ever be exchanged
irantferred, remitted, postponed, or in any wa
diminished by the General Assembly, nor Om
such liability or obligation be' released, eacep
by payment thereot Into the State Treasury.
SEC. 2.3. When the General Airsembly shall b
convened in special session„.tfiere shall he to
legislation upon subjects other' than-those des
ignated in the proclamation - id' the Governor. ,
calling such cession.
• SEC. 2G. Every order, resolution, or vote, b
which the concprreuce of both houses may b,
necessary (except on the question of. adjourn
ment) ehall be presented to the Cffimerner, any
before it shall take effect be approved by him.
or being disapproved, shall be repulsed by two- ,
thirds of both houses, according to the rob?
and limitations prescribed in case of a bill.
*SEC. '27. No State uflice shrill be continued or
created• for the inspection or measuring of an%
merchandise, manufatture or commodity, brit
any county or municipality may appoint suet
officers when authorized by law. '
Sac. 281 No law.. changing the 'wallet
of the capital of the State shall be Valk,
until the dame shall have tirden submitted t
the qualfied,electors of the CummouiVealth, tt
a general election, and ratillCil and approver:
Sac. 20. A member of thcOeneral Assembh
who shall solicit, demand, or receive; or consent
to recive, directly or indirectly, for himself in
for another, from any. company, corporation
or tredson, any money, office, appointment, em
ployment, testimonial, reward, thing of vide(
or enjoyment,' or of personal _advantage ot
'promise ;hereof, fori his vote' or Official influ
ence, or for withholdiug the Sallie,- Or with at.
uardergtanding, 'expressed or implied, that hi
vote or official action shall be in any way influ
enced thereby, or who shall sOlicit or demant
any,such money or other advantage, matter, of
thing aforesaid for another, as ,the considera
tion of his vote or official influence, or for with.
holding the, same, or shall gtye or withhold his
vote or influence in considenstion of the pay.
ment or promise of sden money, advantage.
matter, or-thing to another, shall bo held-guil
ty of bribery within the meaning of this Consti
.tution, and shalbincur thp diSabilities providtio
thereby for- said offense, and such additionai
punishment as is or shall bahtrovided by law.
SEC. 30. Any person who shall, directly or-in
,directly, offer, give, or promise any money, of
thing of value, testimonial, privilege, or per
sonal advantage, to any executive .or jrldiciat
officer or Member of the General' Assembly, to
influence thin in the performance of any of his
public or official duties,-shall be guilty of bri
bery, and be punished in such manner as shall
be provided by law.
8E0..31. The offense of corrupt solicitation
of members •of the General; Assembly, or of
public officers of the State, or of any municipal
division therebf, and any iacCupation or prac
tice of solicitation of such members or officers,
to influence their official anion, shall be defin
ed byt kW, and shall be punished by tine and
SEC. n. Ad person maybe) compelled to tes
tify in any lawful investigation or jddicial pro
ceeding, against any person who may be charg
ed with having committed the offense of 'bribe-'
ry or corrupt solicitatiou, or practices of solicil
tation„p.nd shall not be permitted to withhold
his terunony' upon the grdund that it may
criminate himself Or subject lion to public in.:.
raniy;, but such testimony shill nut afterwards'
be used against him in any judicial proceeding,
except for perjury in giving such testimony,
and cuy:p-rstin Convicted of either of the of
funies aforesaid,' shall, as part of , the punish
ment therefor, be disqualified from holding any
office of position or r honor, trustprotit
.this Cornmonirealtlt, •
SEC. 33; Adineruber who has a personal or
privilte interest in any measure or bill propos
ed or pending before the General ASseni,bly
atialt discloAl the fact to the howls, of which he
is a member; and shill not vote thereon.
AurtcLE IV.
SEcrrtme 1. The Eiecutive Department of
this Commo • wealth shall eonsiat of a Governor, ,
Lieutenant governor,= Secretary of the Com
monwealth, Attorney Geiaeral, Auditor General,
State Treasurer, Secretary of Internal Affairs,
and a Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Sac. 2. The supreme executive power j shall
be vested in the Governor, who shall take care
that the laws be faithfully executed; he shah be
chosen on the day of the general election by
the qualified electors of the Commonwealth, at
the places where tbey shall vote for Represent
atives. The returns of every election,ror Gov-
ernor shall be sealed up and transmitted to the
seat of government directed to the President of
the Donate, who shall open and publish them in
the presence of the members of both houses of
the General Assembly. The person having i the
bt4hOst ntinabOr of votes shall be ttoventor, but
! 1 -
if.trito or mere be .equal and , highest in voted,
°Delo( Meru shall be chosen' Governor by the
joint voter of the members of both henget+.
Contested elections shall .be determined by ,it
conimittee,lto be selected fro m both housesof
the Gereial Assembly, and farmed and regu
lated id suCh manner as shall' be directed by
law. •
See. 3. The Governor shall holdis o ffi ce dre=
ring; four years' from the third Tuesday of JlM
uarY next ensuing his,election, andehalknot be
eligible to the office for the next succeedibg
tenni. l .
Sze. 4. AtLieutenant Governor shat!bo cho
sen at the same time, in same manner. fo
the eameiterm, and subject to the tame pro ,
visions al the Governor ; he shall be president
of the Senate. but shall have ,no vole unless
they're equally divided. - ‘
Sec. 5.11ie person: shall' b& eligible to the
office of goiernor or Lieutenant Governor ex=
septa citizen of the United , States, who shall
have, attained the age of thirty years, And have
beeMseven 'rears next preceding his election in
inhabitant f the State, unless he shall have
been!absen on the public business.of the Unit
ed Skates o , of this State. ,
See, 6. Ne.member of Congress or person
holding any office under the United States or
this State, spoil exercise the office'of Governor
or Lieutenant Governor. ' „. ,
Bed. 7. The Governor shall be commander-in
chief of the army and navy of- the Common.
wealth, andlof the militia, except When the,
shall bo called into the actual service of tht
United States. • •
Sr.c.. 8. Be shall nominate, and by and with
the advice Mad consent of two-thirds of all the
members of! the Senate, appoint 'a Secretary. et
the COmenortwealth 'and art Attorney General
during pleaenre; a Superintendent of Public In.
struetiol. fod tette years, aria such other officers
of theiCoMtnoniealth as be is or may be an._
thori*ed by the conatitutiOn or by law to ap•
point; ho Shall bave power to fill all vacancies
that may ha pen in offices to which he may ap
point 'Flurini, the recess - of the Senate by grant
ing canuniss one which shall expire at the end
of their next session ; he shall have pewer
fill any vacancy- that,may happen during the
recess:of did Senate, in the ellica_elf Auditor
Gehertil, State Treasurer; Secretary of Internal
Affair* or Superintendent of Pnblie Instruc
tion, in a judicial office, or in any other elective
office which lao is or may be anthorizecrto fill;
If 11;s3 vacancy shall happen during the see.
dim Cr the hienwp, the Governor shall nominate
to thelStinate, before their final adjournment,
&Proper person to fill said vacancy. ,
!tutu any such case of vacancy, in an elective
effileta,;ct person shall be chosen to said office at
rho neat-general election, unless the vaearic;.
shall happen within three calendar months
"mmediately PreeeedingesnCh election, in which
e,ore the election,. for said office shall be hole
it then second' succeeding general election.
In acting ;on Executive nominations, the
Senate shall tat with open doors, and in con
drming or dejecting the ,nominations of thi
GoVereor, the vote shall be taken by yeas and
nays, end shill be entered on the journal,
Stc.i 9. shall have power to remit fines
and itirleitures, to grant reprieves, commute
'ions el sentence and perdonce, except in cases
Jimmie:meat, but no pardon shall be grant.'
nor sentence commuted. except upon the
recommendation, in writing of ;the Lientenani•
Geverber, Secretary of the Commonwealth, At.
erney Geneial and Secretary of Internal At
airs, ?Jr any ihree of them; after , full hearing,
ipon due public notice and in open session
.11d such reeommendatien, with the reasons
•tierefl'r st length, shall be r. corded and•filet
a' theoffice Of the Secretary of the Common-
See: ID. Itt'r may require information in'writ•
ng frem the 'officers of the Executive Depart.
nentorpon a'ny subject relating to the duties
if their respective offices.
Sscr.i 11. lib shall, from time to time, give tr,
the General Assembly information of the.stari•
thelCommonwealth, and"recommend to then
•onsideratioti 'such measures as lie may Wel
extedleut. I
sec; 12. Ife. may, en extraordinary occasions,
anivene the General Assembly, and in case et
sisagi,tenient between the- two houses, wit}.
eespeet Le..,thb time of adjournment,' adjonri
to 'such; time as 'he shall think proper
art eaceeding Ron months. He shall hay.
lowed to convene the Senate in extraordinary
eaten, by proclamation for the transaction o
leen ti velnsiness.
. .. . ..
'Sec/ 13. Incase of the death, conviction or
Inpachmeit failure to qualify, resignation, o.
tier listi-hil ty of the poVertuir, the power'
uties„ and einuiranents tf the office for the
emainder of; the term,lor until the disabilit
be removed, hall devolve upon the Lieuteuati
Sec.l 14. In the of is vacancy in the orrice of Lien
'-enautiGovernor, or when the Lieutenant Clover
nor shall be impeached by the noun of Represen
tatives', or shall be unable to exercise the duties co . office, the powers, 'duties, and emolument.
there* for th r t remainder of the term, or until th.
usability be moved, shall devolve mein the Pree.
font ino rem - rose of the Senate; and the Presidee.
ere tent pore of the Senate shill in like manner be
e me Governer if a - vacancy er disability shall occie
is the ;office of Governor; his seat as Senator shat'
escome vacaut whenever he Shan become Goveniet
ml shall boalled by electioet as any other vacancy
in the Senate. I
tiec.l 15. livery hill which shall hive passed bon
':ousel shall be presented to the Governor ;11f h.
pprote, he shall sign it; bet if he shall not ap•
,teve4 he shall return it with his objections. to C:.
ouse i m which it shall have originsted„which hone. '
-hall enter the objections at large upon their Liner
Jai. mid proceidto reconsider it. Tf, after such re.
emsideration.3*o-thirds of all the members electee. •
'o that house Shall agree to pais the bill, it shall be
-ent With thd objections to the other house,. by '
which likewise. it shall be reconsidered, and if ap
.iroved by MO-thirds of all the members elected t
hat house, it Bliall be a law; but in such canes th.
votes .Of both homes shall be deterinined by yea,-
,nd nays, and the names of the - members voting lot
.nd rst the bill shall be entered on the journal.
;if CU honserespectively. If any ' bill shall not b.
:etnr ed by the Governor within ten day* after it
-ball have been presented to him, the eathe shall h.
i law in like Manner as If he bad signed it, nuke.
the General Assembly, by their ad ourneuent, pre•
vent ifs retire, in Which case it shall be' a law, nie:
ess Li shall file thd same, • with hie objectiope, if
the office of the Secretary-of :the commonwealth
mill give iiotice, thereof by public proclamation with
.ll thirty days after such adjournment. i
Sae IS. The Governor shall have power to clisai,.
Drove bf any item or Hems of any pill making ap
arepriatfons of, money, embracing distinct items
,nd the part dr parts of. the biltapproved shill b.
'he law, and the item or items of appropriatiOn die
mproyed shall be void. aldose repaesed - accordin.
in thelrules and limitatiezur prescribed for the pas.
..age of other bills over the executive veto. : ,
SEC, 17. The Chief Justice of. the Supreme Court
ball preside upon the trial ofany contested ,Clec -
don of , Governor or Lieutenant Governor, and Ishii.,
, teeide questions regarding the admissibility of evi
.iencei and *bath upon reqnelt of the committee
oronour.ce bl 4 opinion nponother questionti of the
I evolved in the trial. The Governor and Lieutenant
toverpor shall exercise the duties of their respec
tive othces until their successors shall be duly
qualified. . 1 • - . , ,
Bzc.! 18. The Secretary of the Commonwealth
Shall peep a record of all official acts and proceed.
tagso the GOvernor,, and when required , lay „the
+am°, with. all papers. , minutes, and vouchers re.
. Jilting theretMbefore either branch of the Genera;
Aesethbly, and perform such other datiei as may be
enjoined upon him by taw. • ,
Stml 19. The secretary of Internal Affairs shall
exercise all this powers antiperform all the duties pi
the conveyor General, thibjeet to such chatigeart.
eh/ill be made! by law. His department shall em
byte° it bares t of industrial statistics, and be shill.
Aiecharge sue &deli relating to" corporations. tc
the charitabld institutions, the agricultural. mann
fie:temp:lg, mining, mineral, timber, and tither ma;
terfal or business interests of the State as may b.
prescribed by; law. He shall annually, and at such
:other times as may be required by law, make re
port to the General Assembly. , . '
I.Br.e.reo. The Superintendent.of Public - laistreic
thin sash exercise all the powers and parterre all
'the duties Of ' the , Superintendent of Common
Sc ore, subject to such changes as , shall be' made
by lkwL 1
Stc.l2t. The term of the Secretary of Internal
Affairs:shall he four-years, of .the Auditor Oenerail
three years, arid of the State Treasurer two years
These btllcerweltall be chosen by the qualified elec.
tors entre Sate it general elections. In person
elected: to the .oiice of Auditor General or State
Treasurer shall be capable of bolding the same of
fice fort two censecutive telmis.
Sec. ;22. 'The present Great Seal of Pennsylvania
shall be the Seal of the State. ' I
All commieelons shall be in the name and by act
thority;of tho'Commenwealth of Pennsylvania, and
be sealed with the Otte' seal and' signed by the
Governor. , • .
' 1
' . i ,•
Beetles I.'iTue judicial power.of tea Common
wealth Sethi' be veined in the emprethe Court. In
courts. of common pleas, courts of , oyes and j termi
'nee and gene al jail delivery, courts 4 quarter' see.
stone the tyeace, orphans ' courts, magistrates 'l
courts,ad i such other courta as the tieneral
Aseembly may from time to time ratablitth.H :
SEC. il. The Supremo Court shall consist of Einem
judgee.' ; who shell be elected ,by the qiullitied 'elec
tors of the State at large. They shall hold their (l
ikes for the term of twenty-one•years„ if they so
long behave themselves well, but shall not be again
eligible . The judge whose commiesion shall first
eneire ;Shall he chief justice. and thereafter each
judge whose commission shall first expire shall la
turn be chterjustice. ' • :'1 •.„
Sec. p. The jurisdiction of the Supreme, Court
shall extend over the State, and the judges Unreel
shall, by..virtne - of their offices:lW justice!! of 'Oyer
and terruineratid general jail delivery in i the sever
al counties; they Weill have original jurisdiction ill
cases of iojunction, and where a corporati is a
petty defendant, of habeas corpn of assDS N a AO
courts 'of inferior jurisdiction; end, of eau 1,, was:
DANT° as to all ocerieof the Commonwealt whose
jurisdiction extends over the State. ;buts I not
exerciee any 'other original jurisdiction; th yabidi
have appellate jurisdiction by appeal,' car. tenant
or writ of err= Mill eases, as is now or y hem.
' after bet prorided by law. -,,
Sec. 4 .. Until otherwiee; directed bx 'I w; the
courts St common plisse shall eonttalmes ilt nt
established. except ;as herein changed; . more
than roar counties *ball, at any tithe, betncl Led in
one judicial district organized for said con
Sric4s. Whenever a county shad ,Coo n forty
thousand inliebitints It shall '
constitute a pirate
jedicitddistrict, and shall elect one Indite L era,
in the law; and the General Assembly thall4tovide
for additional judges, as the business of said
dietrleth may require.. Counties containing avit
iation ietil than hi sofficient to' constitute se pa r ate
districts shell be formed into convenient sing edie
tricts, bi- if ecedetry, may be attached to coil
tigunnti ' die ' 's; as the General' Assemtnay
.2 4)..,
i provides. tie office of associate judge, not Darned
in the law , 14 abolished in comities formingpar.
I ate distrietsif but the event Itellthiate Jul - tu
I i
4)2 Iltze An
aids viliaili this ceiuditaika
serve for their unexpired to
Sec.. 11, In the countiesiot
. ghsny. &Wthe jurisdiction a
in the Diithild, Comte and C
sublect toiiruch chimps ,as
conatittiti n or I)yir
la. ' eh
vested in, our, an,
to .
and sepakato co rt. of
jaris'dicti , composed of t
odd in Plilladdphis
spectlvely as the COart of *
one, num r two . :menhir
and 'l n All Deny as the'ilC ,
number pt.. and ;two, ,bra
courts may be by law in
and shall be In like manner .
, numbers J - the number Of
.`contte, or n any comity jw
clan addl opal cottrtrnay
may trona tinin
such t be act shall autimat i
• ineh three judges I shall;
separate cOurt as aforesaid.
betel • *aforesaid, lln I , • 1
. be Instituted in the told C• •
without designatimC the • • ••
the fieverall courts shall '•
thetusineas szariag,tlienvin
be provided by rules of co.
which saylimlt shall be .
excitteive jurisdiction ,theire.
Venue: as shall be provided
each courtl shall have excltt
• csedinga at law atid f ln.citiiiit
subject to chsage - of venue
law: . ' . i
Sec. 7. F. r Plillade phhathe
otary's oldie}}, and one l'ndlion
to be appointed by' the jndg
bold office Ihr three yearw, Prat)
jorlty if th faitljudges; the
appol t sac s,assistants 'as tna
thoriz by said courts, and I.
receiT .fixe salarles,ito Is) itet
by Pah con ty ; till fe .4 collect
mull a ma, be by fat ditegb
be' pub by' lie I'll4lo I.llfirY !
ll a
Each .art hall Navel its rep
judgm tit 41 .4.14 I. which shall
' and 111.113 4, all tit f,•`101 , 1 : c ond.
by ',aw. - T I ' 1 '
;•.tEc. 5. T te said court', in tl
phia and A leglitny F.,..l , : rie,;tiv
time, ltrtn . , detail one or ino •
the conrts of Oyer and Tf!ril
Quarte. F ey ions of the l'eare
namiter as lay be iller,ted by
SE.. '9. St tiger; '4.f ft e.l'otirts
cal in t M b. . shill le judge. I,
Tel-miter, ttuartdr Si.essya 14
'Jail L, liver i ,•-; and Of the Orb])
their ry . mertire districts Shall.
as to criminal matters
Sac, JO.. I le judges : f, tiov i . t.
moo w its i r within
CERTIo Mei resPec tirlli,M. , eriunti
'1 t 0 ji
~,titer infeil r courts Cl be, re
prc.c.,:flin t iVt ts, bro.., etit. I.kf.
leaf cc up begone. . I
Sre. p. qxr,i,t ~-; ~ Iv:1,okt:
tution,Uustarsof the •:c' or
tett in tint stiveral um , .., Ili-itri
•Itips 11 the time of t to electi
qualified eh ctors th• _4, I.
directl by, att. and shall he c,
enter l' r a term of fit: yttak”.
trict or 'boning!! shall •lecti in
the isle olahlennen withiatt
ity of to a ali fi ed electors iivi
or 1pul%),Igll no porsoal shall 1
tail.-4 he sl all IMye resided a
rough, wanl
t cities con or districtl i t: l o rev
,- lectionl. Odin;
habitZin .t.: n t noire than'un!e a
in each WPrii Or 41471. !
r EC, 12. I Philadell hia the 1
f,a• teach thity thougand, inbal
record. .1" 1 lice and 'citll can
.exci.etil g 0 V hundred .1.11.1.
held by ma istiateltichose. to
I f
years, n 1 , 1 they stint! I.{. eleetts
qualiflel %uteri at lain , ;I and i
magi-tratesnio toter ;hall yore
~f the nut.. ,er of ,persin i s - tf)
than tut • ar • to be:choslal; the
,mly by fix, 4 salaries tau .h,4 . 1
-hall ex •ri.1.0.• such jurisdictio,
veld as her, in .proild , sll, it, is
men, till tjeCt to Each duo a+, .
of civil uri diction or clatferri,
1.• moil by law. In !Pli ladel
man Ls t hot sheik , 1 i
sae. , a. .11 fi-rit. hn.s ,iinl
t .,
40111 la • pail into the onto* t
- SEC. 4. ii all ave.+ of sum
'C . 011111114 we thlt,.",r of j algUtet
' a mazistrate, or c l art n ..`7 ,- E.e. It. -District elect:oli boa 16 shall :Consist: ..),
laa.v av! ail to such coo q re, a ju•lge oil to., Inspectors, who shat .be chose],
by law, man allow anc of llit• tuttallt );,- the t! itizens... Path electr.. shall hart
thereof,lupAn came .I.oati,i! , 'ha ritili to vote fortherjudge and on. inspector
.:4 re. 11. 11 jades nmnired antlieae its ester shall appo!lit , one cler. Th
ex , ept t lit. edges of tier Seri ! , ,Irst eh.. tion I. , ?ard for any'llew 'east r et shall ,till
Ire the , Ita ifkil electors Orilla
1 t
-elected and raCancie4 in eleOt,ion ho! ids Illled a.
which t tey r are to preside, and shall be provided; hr law.:' Eie,Aiott ot cers'shtilib
for the torus! often years,lif ~, r ivileg 41 froireariest upon days lof lectlon an.
'lleinsolvei well: taut fdri any a
. -hit.: ft gazed inl making up and itraninitting re
hall not bo twitivierit.l i . tiotto turn , , except upon warrant of a e',ourt of record v
Gofern. r tatiy remove ant' of
~ U .lge- II ere of for election Imuil, for feloli.v. Pi'
two-thirds id each hotte r., , i th or wan on; t.reacli of flee: peiteei In cities the}
arc. -0. 'Clienever tivd , hid • may eta in[exeritption fern Wry flhty - glaring. 1 hell
are to b• c oxen for tliel tan t arns o'service.' '. , !
voter sh 111 1 -ote for one kritlY, •• SI , '.C. 1.. No person sliall`lie intalifle to Se eas
chosen, lc -hall vote for ad na •Itt election thllcer who shall hold,! or 'hall . dithir
highest n 'oh, shall beldk•lar
•Wc. raw' tits have held any oilk:i)lapp intment, or
SEC. 1 .1 ,. 1 - 0 - .11,1 any. tvfol I.
'lnhloSilvnt in. or under, the Gottln cent of. fit.
-p i : n ., C Illet, or any te.T .. yri In% i'lliteli . tat.e. , or of thisistatc; or of any -city o
t•oninto, 1' eas for the - tine ~ -otinte.. o• orally municipal board. commission. co
lune fink, - they shill!, 1.1. J 4 40 rgl . ru=t in any city, save indy"pistices n the peat
eni-nt„lfa tdra f,q• s pnority_o and an m
l. en, ti. laries Public:, sad' pe sons in' lb
.1“e urn {{t 1,, the flovern;.-.lwl r . .
_ . - o n i l li e t e i r ti i• t e..r e v i i i . g , il : : , , 44 t h 3 e a S u l T at y ci i,s L il ti o i n w le •:i .e lia to ll a b u e y .
f e i l l e , c 4 ti o at
nil-ion, in aocordattre 'tl ',Cc.
.• i4rc. 1 '. rite ju , ipiq. the
ittul th• • , - - , ' A.
ill ,sect ou at which he shall serve, . re only t
;edges of. tio.seventi Cmi • I li i / P d „ at: ' melt sot ordinatelrnunielpal or lotal ( dices . belon
dlo•rjT7ge% revzired 0 I eifet
na". a • -he gra. e.of cify or eounty - •otliceslas s tall be desig
stated bp). ~ receive for t lir .ittl,„.yeaini.. 'la ted b !general Ilalv. ! I . .!
pen.ation, rhich shall belt xe,
. ~._ •
SEC. in. Tbel'nurts of Comti s m!). PI as of the sea
state. INy shall Ter.:Milt 1,0 4
1 41 ' 611 ' : Tral cunt ties ~ .,•1' the t:ononoinverfillt sh ill have pow
or peron miles of otlicef:ir pelt'
1 rarer) --r withit their re , peetive furl:ALF:4lot Ato appoint
Tior 11014 Z 1: y other. otti ,e; id thiT`'' 'iversee sof election to stiperrisel the proeeedin..
States, this State, tithes ,
Site. ti, The judges "Of dhe ' of election inlieer, anti ttvtitake Orot to the con
'their continuanee in office; '111: . d rt :IS nit be required; sueli app pint tents' to be
is t'ont-„
made f..r any district in t o city or con ~try , upon pez
toottwea th; and the uthe'r it
1 , 1 )' contin..
. t t t io t I n n t i l l
i v'
ri ft
r e , t; , ;.;I ( t l t t l l t i i g s, r k r r t v h ful t
pa t t iot s e u r e s h
nonce in el ice, *III resitlJ•wilit.. ............. ~ 1 i which . .
they ohs I le, resitttiveir kilec ed. 1 --
~.1.......21. The ~,,,.( , ,,,i [0 . , , i,,,, of ic „ inn ...., rl 1 11
~..!,,,,, i ,,,_ is a rea,i ofable precaution to secure t I. phrity and
tairniss .: eh:carats : ovet..seers slia.l . be two I
bid ' , the ts,,wers he:elm:4o'e oil, Shall hateland exer
rise withinl their re:v.llo:e t istrios, sulde,4t 'to such number or an election distrivt, shall- e residents !
therein, and shah be penions quailfie to serve up.'
changes asluniy: he atrobi lij. la v, civil ehancCryl power.
.as are n, rested by l a in t e seir e i a l (•ourtslof Coln- 1 ,, 1,t elect , loti ltnitls, and in each cse inemf,ersH
: n (tart - tent' political .parties ;I w encrer the
men liras id' tliis Coma, onwe• lth, - .r as may rercaftet
be conferrjd upon them I.YI la .
1 '.l ; tiember of an 'election,: board sir II differ in:
:minion, the ore seers, If' they anal be agreed.,
SEC.. No illltie.., sh;l.ll'Le tuts) ed bylaw late, th ,
there.on shall ileifile the questlOn c f difference:l
Supreint Citurt or int of thej•dgei thereof,escritt sari
i n ;ippon tior. (overseers of eleetion, al "the Ittwijud-1
as are judi , Lal, Oar „bull, :{q3' .f the judges thereof ex
erciß. an .rarer of appoitdra at. except as-Vereh. pro. ges of th propervourt, Able to act t the tiime.
d. Th , C.airt of Nisi]
r l i 'r as is hereby idlolished. :Wall en; cur in the appointmentslmai C. - •
and no ceu of original,ju ".... ictiol ato be meld !ellen , ' SEc. 1... The trial and determidati ikof cOntest-I
by tiny tin or more of thiPju, gi, , i f.tho Supreme Court . .'! - 1 . elect! 'ID; of electors of President .nd lest rre •
„h a ll I . E . •Y atall,d• . 1 li
11 , • ;meld. embers of the General Ass anbly,fand of
Sc. - . . 4 . 1 a every coati y tAteri in the poi,alatio;', All Pnbil • officers, whether Statel, put clal,t =inlet.
$lllll ea - idd one hundred ,t a li fifty Ithimsand tlif. (letter- pal, or 1 cal• shalt be by the courts of acs, or by one
al ,tem t .ltr shall, and in nY dher county may, sahib- or more if the law Judges.thereof; tit General As
.iisti a 4•Patate Orphans'Ef dart toeimeist of onelor mar, ,:elnbly ' al!, by general law, tleslgna e the codrts
jullvies 0, shall 1., leataititi n' the law, ulueb court and jud , es by whom the Several classes of election
shall exert. se all the jail... Aid on antl - ptiwert id l•
av vest., wites.l4 shall Se tried, oil 4 regthate the manner
td in,lorw licit :nay he -carte be conferred fp o on, tof trial . Ild all matters inehleol thereto it. but no'
Orphans arts, and tit Tem), a etc jurimlicti .ri of Ott -nett las assigning ijurisdittion. ,Or regulating Its
judge's of, the I Court of COn ion Picas within suet, exercise shall apptv to anY contest a ising out of)
county. in Orphans' .Cortri Ipr •cedings, shall Cease an,'!. an eleethn held • before its passage.
determine iin tiny county in viticha separate Orplialts . I ' :.
Court s 1411; be eAablisla 4 ,l t ho I tegider of U'ilbishall he • . . .' 1 Alt T1C1.,._11: I'
clerk of fit "h CLtirt, and subje ate it,, direction in all .. TAXATION' .t.nti),FlNifter.
matters 1k -ruining to 6 s tithe ..; h may appoild andst- ; ' 1
ant clerks, bilt(noly wit 1 the consent and apTotal el . SEc. 1 All taxes;shall be uniform- I
said court. All accounts 1110,1 with Jinn n 5 rt. ester of class of übjets stlthln the territoria
AB clerk ,l; he said se:lira:at Orplians' Court shall 1. iuthorit • levying, the tax, unit shall
andiii-d hyitheCourt will t Ot .xpe t u, to'parti(., except ..ollecte< tinder general laws ; hint t
where all Partiesin intere-id i i a pending prpeetslin& -tenthly ay, byseneral laws, eXenip
shall nothinate an auditim la in at the court' it n iay. in its HOD pub is property used for public'
discretion, ibunini. , In ,c)lerY cold!' OrPhartiv Courte teal phic of religious. worship, place
shall -po: ,, e--s all the powers aal j trisdictionj. a 'Reg- rased or Lehi for ; private ,Or corpora
Liter's Couit, and sePandi•l i ße , isten.' Courts at ' herleby Institut' its of purely public charity.
aboti,,heii., ° , 1,1 , I t
,I I' I , . sEc.. All laws exempting, prom
' !•''''• C. 7 1 ' slY i u of #lllll''' rot isbnil be .. 7 . `-' Com- • aticm, of ter than the property above
munivealtli , of rennsylvtinii.." All prixiccuti nits shall shalltej - old.
lob..- • i n. in the name .an by the author ty of th.
o S ra gc.-V. The power to tae corpora
of Pennili is, a Id coneLni ital
ngititift poste p operty shall not be sutreni
the peace an.l dignity of tie' one. - i /
1, p
SEC. to. In all ties lof.ifel silos homicide; and in
t l
shall be ty.
111 •••
s hall 1 yeay contract or grantitow
such other criminal ea4caiss ma yl la, provaltal fur by Site. 4 No debt shall be ,created to
law; the icmsed,after cOnitict on arid sentenei.ltnay re- of the St te, except to supply easul'
more the indictment, record,. nil a I proceeding to the of reven le, repel invasion, I suppressSupreme.(' ) art for review. . . !I !. defend t e State in war, or to pity
BEe'-145* Any " c4ne Y ha " ' Din hy' death, "sim'' and the ebt created to supply denci
'tion, or titl crwise, in any don •t of record, shalt filled 'enne 51111 never exceed bl i the aggr
by appoint nent by the ft °ire' or, to continue till the one tim ne million of dollarii: i
first Jlon fof JanuarY ex sueleetting the ; , rat ger,. SEC. 5 • All lawS authorising the •
eral elec i n, which shall tied r th ee or moni months money 1) and on ,behalf of the State
after the I pp ring of such can y. 4
. 1
the pu ..e for which the mooch Is ,t
tire. •.. ,All laws relating g courts shall, general the Mon yso borrowed shall be Used
and of uniform OpQratioO, AM 001 organizatto,r not be p edged on loaned' td anjil Ind
, junk - pose ape Med and no ()thee. • ;i ,
diction aII pow-era of all rOt H,a
Of the tat) class or
grade, 0:, fr• as regulatiiii ll,y lawl and the ,I rce and , SEC. S The credit of the CoMrao
effcct of 1 I e process andpidg . ent4 of such coatis shall
be anifo t; and the Gtirairal Asseinbly is her -by pr,. pany.ce, rporation, or assiolatien.
.• Ceram° wealth become a !Joint! ow
hibited f .in creating other c marts to exemi.4o',t i 0,10,5, .
Ms veme 1 by this cwt tint nit the judg.)s of the ' . 1 ', ° ,, 1 n a . e . 1. it f1 , 1 „ 1 - 1 • - c . ° , fi l I P an Y• - ti r sficia. . ti°n
I ; j „. 1
ck i rt,, o f Common Pleal4ainl irphans' Courts ; . . °
SEC. I% • The General ASslnulyslial
I^E••..•.!T: The parties, 3ylitg eenitit filed, ma Tin any
' ere ally °mac, city. liornagb. tawnis
chill:pi I, dispense with rout .by ?try, and st limit the
porated Ustriet to , beconte it steckl
decision such case to the ourt having juts diction
thereof, out such court shall ben- and delern inc the
i lu
! compan , assocta t ion Or cotporation,
• tee— • ~t t or seer priate iniiney for Or to loan
same; and theJiulgincut the con shall ~ 0 4 9... 0 , „ . ..... ...,, .i,?, tratittt
writ et erfor t , in othei case. , , ,
... v nt i i , , s v .in • E c ac o l it ord.ioll,, J. .
- Alt ILL ' VI 'l
8 The debt of any !county, e ty-,.rsaro -r aiti t
1 , , • I
1111.ACInit.VT AN riE. OVA.. VIN.Ai 011.11. . townsid , school district, or-other ru nielpality, oil
all, The !lolls tf • ortresentati‘es 4:11 hays ineorpo ted diseriet.sexcept as; her in prOcidedi
140 or of inipe.tritte )t. - Il ' shall ne er exceed seven pbr il.mtum upon, the a.:
' f lit inmencliments . hail be tried bylthe Sen- senseds • hue of the taxatil/ . property therein, no
p,i sitting for tl ati 1p rein .',, the Senalt ra shall shall an such intinicipalit or distrt t incur tin loath or R ain= itth ; nu person shall, be con- new del t, or InCrease its tiLdebtedtic . to. an am
i i lluatt! the •eoneht - r nee '0: twoditinls of - the mint cx ceding two per:CM:Aura tipo tich„assess .
pre.ent. Id I , I :1 • ' eil villa tiOLV of property,iitthouti the sent of th
The Go‘entoll arid' Ii Al, er civil ofiltte-gshall electors thefeof, at a nubile electiiM, such man
to impeachment Or any I ti-identeanor ha office ' ner as s all beprovid n 1 byl Law; lint city, th
a ent in tiadi cynel hall not extend further ' debt Of high now ex eels seven pe 'centum o
plllorat from entilp, a. d diNnalitleation to hold l i such as: used valuatio ; May be auth rized by la
Dube trust or pr.,, Mu aler this C0n0n...1 - Wealth; I to incre se the satneg
tree; per centu to-the ag
op aecti=o,l, ulattiitr_ cut rioted or acinitted, jgregate at any one t e upon4meh i luation. ._,, •
, elrthele , '-' he 1i1 , 14 , i ~ in lktment, te a
,l. Judi: I Sec. 9 ' The Commonwealth shall not assuill .
l!panisltuaint artitrti az t.,, law. • . ! i i tlio'' deli ,cr ativ part thereof, of any. Ity.L county
. l i ,ll lavers Atli II in Id thlAr o ff ices tut the con- I Wrong or towliship. unleBS such de t shad hay
•'. they b'havq 1 1' 6 t"l'vi "T 1 while n "flice I Seed co tinkled to enable the State t repel incur
Ihe remoxml 4 con kilter of mists. 1, 'tier in aeon, su press domestic 111Surrectio defend Itsel
orany hitt:nous Orin 0 • in time ,f war, or to wilt the Stet • in-the. die I
" e * i ° " ic ' erA ' 41 ), (4 1 U' • n fudges O f th`' l c' nit' ofcharge'fanyportion of its present I debtedites: r!,
tit the Superi i total Tut of Public instruction ' , site I . Any county; - toWlishlp, et. 00l district;
'ellev‘.‘ l at the di•a , Ire 0 the Power tYlwilieh •or one municipality ineitrring way. debtednes....4; '
ill ha,ve been an niiit A. All eflicers e erred by ' shall. It or before the time, of-so idotn , provide for'
pr, except CI were ..r, tieutenatit co coon,. .rho coil talon of 'an anuita lax suftle nt.topay tht
' .f the 614 'enli ' - -t.' . 'cnadY• and itaill''''d . the ' lutenist and also the principal. ,Sher or within 43
' oe,nl, learned he Its law, shall Is: re loved Teals ,. ,
OVVIIIOr for TV 00'03 ,I 0 rlO.lOO. lifter 4:1 1. 10 notice ' Ste. 1... To provide for t i the payme t (tithe pre,' I
I caring, 1m 11 e ,a il refs Of iir , .,-ttitir:s, of the ,
eat Sta e debt end any additional d t contracted
- I r • ... , - . Wafer said, the General' Assembly s nil continue I ,'
• AIIXIGI, il.. -
. and Ina ntaln the sinking fund stinlcteut topay th '1
oral , u l i• i Yi - Ic:. ... -I ' .., accruln Interest on - such debt, and dnnually to r ,
, •
Seen IN I. ••lenato a I 'id Itepresentat red e and deco t principal thereof by it gain .ot leas tha
all juilliiul, State, anti eon , ty oilleers. ishif 1, fore .two hn dred audtfty thousand;dol rs - ; • the sal
enterin , * Inn the tititieS 611 heir I respective o Ices, sinkin fowl shall conststof the .p . eds oft r
.take Lth llsubseribe tile lel owing.oatli or' ni rtna• sales o the public work's - .Or any; pa thereomn
tion: I- • I t j I. . ' .. or the i come or.prooped.Of the':':-sale of anistoe
Ido sOlernnly awe •,,0 • fut) that. I i,wl 11/P. owned by the Commonwein, tit, - trge ,er with ot h . r
port, o and defend tne Constitution off the tat. funds Mid resouwes that) May b e . • esignateo, t r
ted Sta s and the Comiti tion of this cetelliOn-. law; and Mull ho-Increased from tl o to, time by
vreaLth„ and that I will ldl.. barge the drat my assigning it to
. any part blithe titres or other.rer.
Officeml; fklelity; alts I 1 ace not paid o co' trio- cones ti the State not required', for ,410 OrdlnstY
ve,mtneri andAnde
itett. , o 4 l' rornised to tiny] , .r c ntritmte, .it er di- mul, ° T en ' ex p ense !' ° CP . .' -
-scaly indirectly, lin y, i one. or - Otte va liable In ca--".e of war, invanonl. or u lso . l rlee lop. uo putt
.hlnR, procure my 04.1ina ton or ele 11 n -(or of the leak{ sinking fund, shall, lie us it or appli d
appotn tient), - except for wee sary and p rex- ‘ ilth , eru: •"se than In the extin^iWtoin tof the, pu ,
[• , '
lenses , expressly authd • eat I, law, ; t t bare lie deb • . 1 1 ,1,
per kn Wingly violated a3° e ,talon la of this sze- 2, The elotrYi,•eif the; 4 to. over 4
11,0 i,
a above_ necessary be_ reserve, shall . 0 used ta . le .
Fotilin riwealth, or pmc 1 ell I to be drip by oth• .
to debtor the State el .her directly
era in i V behalf ; that l ill na knowittkl roe-rive, , P h Ylue,, 01
idirecti ' r indirectly", ari money or one , valuable . ' t mug/. the sinking . fund" and
loanst e
sinCin . g hand shall never be Inccat . In Or ,
,ithing f i • the perforniane - or inon•perfortnatro.Of,r .
pry ac Pr tinty-p e rtaltiiii • to my Office , other than : . upon tne RenfitY of anything eXcep .the Dow pt
the co Peusation aliowe by 'kW , , . . ' : li We VI/41111011 Slates or of-, State.
ThelitregUlnllo3 glut be a ntbaisterelb7lloVll, I: I CMS rtirDED.OI7XICTITIT
I ' • ; IL. • ' . ; 1 , •
. i
I • !11 ; I ~.
110 01..
; \1 11l
'pont •
e liahl.
nt ju
nt to i
113 ofici
it, pc
hulll II
ltlon 11.
n:1 4:IL:I
Mc • : r
I Al:ix - an
rot onl a :
;11, pc: u
co :Its u ,
I y lhu (
;u: I toll
a cep
I ER 26.
1 ' .L' •
,A , Ped 111
, tilia
QOaft Ph raer veste d
.4art of coma% u nisei.
•• ay ba-made, by thin
be la Pldlidellthia
!I• • .ay lin two I distinct ,
: • nal bagdes coiordlnste '
• - . ba each • tha
.w. b•ii d designated ire.
•• mops Pleas Ira:umber
• - sad number. four
• tat '
of Common Plena
i the. number; of said
. ed. !raft' time fA time,
- • • raatedby anacesaire.
tiadges Ida any of maid.
• ... - the establ shment
!: authorized ' y law,
o time;; and telienever
• 1 the *hole to three.
~., p oafa district and
1 tiehlehl shall be num.
• elphiai all suits shall
!rts of Commcni Pleas.
:bier of l .eald court. and
... bate` and apportion
inch 'banner-4a shall
• and: each .cotiartj to
4 I assigned obeli hate f., atiabject to charige Of
!by .law ; In alieghettia
r juri S ictlon :pi, pro.
commenced Omit,
may be prosidedby
1 i
'1 • .. - U ''•
elthall. •be one Prthi4
tary.f4 all sad eked. ,
,;of sahl coati and to
v r t to iemoral 1? . a aui=
aid Pri.thenutaror shall
. I he necesma ry . pntl Aix.
• itnd /JO 35111zdanIA ,bail
rntined i by law aid Odd
I In 'aid office, except
't•i, the cuunty ttleXstiry.
,Ile iltrliet,., exkielk , the
contain tin: ST:O i ttueutp
ts is ot 4 may 1..• k irceted
e l countice er I,
•Iy shall, !mull
•P fsf tiiiiiiiivtgeo
itter aid the C
,f l tall C , aintic•ll l
aw: 1
or,Lialf:b 1`1.:4
She cniirts .1 (I
the Pi Art., mit},
fie' ,t ilt, awl
sl justi l ,i4". of to
.I " s ' lta . i i i - iv 'r itT•i ' . '.' ;.
i ticns it ti:. , pi. ,
o if. anti to C.:01h:
.e turn/ an‘l ti n ,
1 'utititti in tl 4,
aiStrzlin ilmll 4
In, 1,M , r1 ugh,. :tr 1
m` of ciin,tal , leii
1 luatintr as t!
niliii-Fiiiii4i I.y,t,':
Noie:wnellip, will
.r.i tuna tic ju i
Ili, colisilit if.*
liii still townoii
— ittit(l 19 !.ilill
.11111,1 th ' f. • tCsrmil
yl.lar ilext pr,..e,xl
oltr fifty thenf
de.,t um 1 ,-•hal: Lel
time tq
to hold
arts cr
n sari
•,.r and
V flthiA
I 1
14 or to
K.» and
lit 8111,
,Con , L;r ilf 1
I Wu n:
1:o Gif
111 dLlt
tit of
ling h
, Intl in'
s. I ohill lc. e,....., dialed, /
I itanto, nne con rf not 01,, ,
es; with ,juriedici ion not"'
':'uch blurt., oiltall lai
t of offii , " ~Italljhe fiVt
on,' getter:el tr...k.1 I.y the
i the ehsttion ofra.
n r mu'
1 more thans, ,L Ithi
... tet.;,i, v.lng iil.
• tall ho contiiillsated,
till'l , 2, - said CautO• :mei
! • +il and criminal, ex..
tow 14 alder
ot Involving Int Iticrea_.... ,
g pplitictil dutie* asnia3
.ilia the office (r aid,,,-,
1 • '
wrialtics in eald courti
.M.sury. 1
, lary couvictionl:in thiq
t in suit. for a ipvitaltv•
d of record; eithi?r tart .
ri as pr.,,y h, pr :_sel-(1.«:_
api;elLefelcourt ,la- judgi.
I 11 ill
.. 1
0 I;•: l,arnctl inlOit• Iwir
ou ll7uitrt,!,liall k'i'elvehi."
re.-fprctiVe distripts.ovi-
Anti, In th.: oftiv't.
hey ',baths° 1011,eli‘‘,.
rea..4./dtable cans 1 / whir!.
1 Or init.eachawnt, thc
loin on I thr apro, of
Ei i
• Ccncrall ..I , ent ,ly'. I
c., Of the Supre 1.• Court
o Orm of t•crvlt,e, earl.
nd 'When three a pto 1,.
re than' t'Wo ; Watt--
11 levied / /,
' i• .
no re judges of the Si,'
re ju, Igei I,l . llle:l:ssiiii b 1
ktrkd tn vleci4li at th.,
fter tin; elreticias ron
contiA,lon, toi! c certify
.1 pl:lill I - 11.. thi, ) ii• cont.
itit.l 1 iii
ttirrne Court
f outni,.l s ' , kaki
me to the law,)
erViirt.l oltaileglLl
hyllaW, 41101 pall
'tire; es. M pen,atl,
SII(.(•s from alls
pn 1 Under 111
stee. i
1 , 111 , tun, Ccllii
II re, 41,.. within t
gem, during 010
'tin the• districted'
ea , n *wham:id to itaiiinhitericettis,. and hi tha '
ease of State.ofdeers and 7,itulinul• of theSapreme.7
Cool, shall bb Bled in the Miss Of tlieSecretaryef •
the ommonatealtit, and in the case Of other NO: ,
tai and county officers, Ist the ofllce of the Prothinit- •
eta* Of the Canary In whith the; sane is I taken;; •
anyt e riOn refilSing to take silittiosth 'or Affirms. .
lion. hall forfeit hbroillte. and= any persim Wiere
shall convicted of havingsword or *Memel false-i
ly, o of having violated said oath or , anlemation
shall be guilty, of perJary,!and lei forever disquail4
lied fa holding overtire of (Oast or prodt with
in Hi ComMOnwe.altb... : . . .; ' -1 , -1 1 ' 1 1 :
. 'Ph oath to the members of the Senate and Hougp
of 11 presentatives shall tie adininiatered b one of -s
. the j;dges of the Supreme Court or 0,0 Court-of
Com on Plena, learned in the law, 'L a ihei hall qt.
;the h use to Which the members shall bei elected:ii .
'I . ARTICI.,E ViLlt. i , ‘. i, .:-. . - i 1 ..
. , , . .^ . il i• • il '
; arilaanaVOLEC*lONilli.; f! . .I. , •
, ,
male Mee t a s ii‘ ne •
S 4* 1. 1 Every e c il wn 4o yea* ,
:cif ag , possessing the follotringenalitleations Shall
'been vote at all elections,t.
4 1 i ; • I,'. t. •
Ist ,He shall have been a cHiten f the Cnittit ,L s .
Sta at least one monthi ' !. I=,
'• 2n He stutilhaye resided lathe tateione year
: (or lf, ' hating Igen:May been a elect o r el
witty born ettizen of the State, ne nave fer. •
move therefrom and returned. th e , six months
T imm ',+
diately preceding the elect i on. I - . 7 ,
t i t,
ad. He shall have resided 'in th , election. did-
trict here he shall offer to me tit !emit ty7 . 4 . .
mon simmediately preceding th e eetlom .,., .
' 4th f.twenty-two,years of 4.e o upwards, he
Shall have paid within two yeinfi a 13 ate or county
tax, which - shall have been tusselci at heist LW()
months and paid at least one nt before the '
election. , I ,• . shall
Stec2. The general election - re.. held annu,
ally 0.1 the Tuesday next following t e drat Molt; ,
day ( f November. but the Genel 'Asqemble ,
may by law fix's different day, two-t 1 rdsof all the
memt era of cash liou - se consenting ti ereto.
Sim 3.' All elections for,eity, ward borough al , t .
town_ ip Officers; for regular t,rrinri 'of .sem,.leei -
shall held on the.third fue.sda of febraary. :ii
' Sec 4. All elections by the el zens shall be by
• ballot Every ballot voted , shall be numbered itrl -
!the o er in which it shalll be r eels' , and they
sum r recordd by the, electio " o cern on the:
list of •oters, opposite the.eatne fth elector whet - 1
preset i s the ballot. Any 'elect° m • write ' hist '
'name pen his ticket, or cause th s eto be writ .i i 1
ten th.reon and attested bya eitiz no the district ..S •
'The'el,lction onlcers shall be swo or affirmednote to disclose how !any elettoe shall •ve voted unless
to do so as witnesses i a ndicial prm:,
ceedin . I •1 , i.} r
1 • SEC. 5. Electors shall !Mall ca es X.cept.- tree -, son; fe coy, and, breach Or Surety ~ of t e peace, tier
Iprivile • ed from'arrest during their at enhance on '
ielectie s and in going to and retu'rnin therefrom.,
I Sec. e. • whenever any or the quail ed electoral'
of this Commonwealth shad. be la ac ml ralliary ;
isrrve; . under a requisition from theresident of 1 -
. the MI ted States or by thvauthority f this Com •
I monw alth, such electors may exe the right i t ,
of su. •e in all elections •by the. cl ens, under
:,such r trulationSaa arc or Shall-he. P 7 :scribed by
law, a. fully as if they were prcient a their usual
'places .1 election.. - " !
i . SEC. 7. All Saws regulating the 'hode
lions . the citizens or for the re ,eta .
tors 0 all be. uniform throughout thi
r) ele . for shall be deprived of the 'ph
Ring b • reason of hit name hot being
SEC, $. Any person who . . shall. Ity
'er tele to give,to an elector; an} ma
or othir valuable consideration 1 , r h
'cloche 1 or for Wltliholtilng-the S. trus,
'give o promise to give such con de
,'ol.ller lemon or party for such rice
for the althholding thereof, and any
shall et elve oragree to receive, for
anotheirdny money, retrard.or other %,
sideral'On for his vote at an electiOn,
ftoldin the same, shalt thereby forfeit
vote a such election, and any eleetor4
to rot shall be challenged for such
the elo tloa oftlaers shall be required
affirm hat the matter of the cliallenp
,before lis vote'shallte received. -1
: SEC. . Any person who shall,.whlb_
'for od d e,be guilty of bribery, trend, o
Litton (any election law,' shall before
fled fr iu holding an (ace of trust or -I
'Comm nwealth; and any . person cone'
'Jul vit.; tion Of the election laws, shall,
'to any 'enalties,proilited by law, be
`,the reg it of suffrage absolutely for a ~
Team • i -
I SEC. 0.: In Ilia& of ' contested stet ,
lirocee , ..ngs :or the hiveAtlgatiotr of ' s
person shall be' pennitted ,to withholi
itiony upon the gromel that It may crll
self of subject him-to publiii infamy ; 111
tinionyjsliall not, afterwards be used l
in any wilcial proceedingOexcept •for
g elm z uell testimony. •,. i
SEC. • 1. - Townships, aii.l vrants of ci
enighs's la:: form, or he divided into. € 1
tricts 0 compact and contignbusi Cwrit s
paanneft'Ae. the Court of Quarter ,Setilo
ty or county in which the seine ar}:loe a
reel. 7 bat districts in citleil of over o
'V houi , at (1. inhabitants shall hiq divided I
1.11 Quin' ter. Se.•..ions having( • Jura4lic
when••ler at the; .next preceding eleo
than , tu ,) hundred and fifty cotes shall
polled theiein; and tither election', dis .1
ever th conrt.of the proper connfY sh
p• Mon t tat the convenience of the!efeet
rSmic i 71 crests wi ll be promoted there
EC: 1:.. All elections by person.; in
4tive capacity shall be VIVA: TOC E.!
• st:s. 11, Fur the purpose of yOtim
, ...s.. ~.. , lg . ; no.' persot
deetrte4l to have gained a rt.:sitlf,!nee by rea
presence, or lost It by rttasod of Ms an
bole employel In ,t 10,.. servli?e, ejther.•ivilut
r thi• :ftate or, or , the rttitel State A, nu
gairoil in, the navigation 1;r Mc; 'Waters o •
e or of tin. rnifcil 'states. i)r• oh the high
while a L' , ..l , :nt of any instil aljon of learn
Nvi 1 .1„. 1 ; .; ;,,; , r 1 . ,1,1- poor ht ise.• Or otherasy•
üblir etip , n , q., nor, svidle q•Attined in . pub
. ..
-on ['Pi
genre w
canna rd
watie et
the Stet
4 eas, no
14. - horl
lutn at I,
lie pri,o,
F 1
ing of elec.
▪ Lion ofeleif - -
• State, but
ege of,vo
• .or prontime
ey, reward
rote at: ou
t• who Awaii
I, Um to airy
w .ro vote; r
Fleeter yt-!•,
•eir or
'aluable co
for,,trit •
the dela
who. • r 17,1
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