!, TERNS OF PUBLICATION. tua 13BADroaa DEPoWrInt Is published even !There , :lay Morning by 8. W. Lyman at Two Dollars . per anntun to advance. ' . - jgr Ad t 0 rti glnii in all cases exchislve of aubserip• lion to the paper. .. . SPECIAL NOTICES inserted at r Fa citizens per fine for first Insertion, and Fru ours per line for eubseqgent insertion.: 1. LOCAL SWIM. same style as reading matter; -rwarn asters • tine. , ADVEATIBEXERTB will be inserted according 'O ho follostinkitable of rates : ---- -- 1 w 1 4 w 1 - 244 1 3132 : J 6m rin t e nch 1 $1.50 I 5 inches 1 2.00 I 5.t. 43.00 I 10.00 15.00 20.00 tin Ons 3.00 1 8.50,1 1.4120 148.25 1 25.001 85.00 si l column 1 5.00 112.00 115.00 um im.oo 1 415.00 1 column 20.00 140.00 0.90 1140.00 I $lOO I slso' . . .‘idministretor' -• and Executor's Notices, $2 ; Audi. ars Notices, $3 • 0 • Business Cards, ace lines, (per i Sari $5, ad•lltio . Mines fl each. "-. Yearly advertise are entitled to quarterly changes. Transient advertilunente must be paid for to advance. All Resolutions if Associationis of limited or Mdi , dual interest. and nothire of Mar ri 'lf es and DeathS, excsvd.isg acetifies, araCharged TEN CENTA per 1i... --- The Rnrourvaacing a larger - eirculatidalben all th , papers in the minty condi:lied. inakesitethe best advertising meth m in Northern Penneylviiiiiii. . - TOT! PRINTIN of every Lind. to Plain and Fancy i i - , 4lr.rs, done with eetnese and dispatch. Handbills, BI ante„ Cards: Pamphlets, Rillheede. Statements, &e. of every variety and style, printed at the shortest a atire. The 111,,06.21:11 Office Is: well supplied with Power Presses. a kood seeortment of new type, end 4 vftrythine ity the l"rietting line can be ecuted in he most artistic rhanner and at the lowest .rates. TERMS TWART.9IT.T ('ASH. , ‘ • 110NR( • roning Bngl repairing dr gnaranteed AMPS azitin "`rSINVig. fcr7 desert' ~ T awands C . C N:C'E A , IN'SURA 23'70- i ___. Ili lIGAN k co.: DEAL' L Es - rinE.—Lot;s from WO op state Agents. Land bought and 'aied. Parties desiring to 201 or - Lots, can hare. a map of m made at this Agency, and , , asonable commission. Office car's Block, Towanda,-Pa.l Dec.4'72l WM. 11. lICAGA;N. _ x;_q lti 11E. " waris. Also flea', I sold Ind money 1.1 Wild. Lands, 'Farms, lanas or snMisisti prt - roerty sold on a 1 over Postoffie, Me L: 1.. 'ILOODY. & TRM?Y. 1) UtTLET GENL^.‘ , T: - el . ri r,,...\: % 1: 8 R A AND 1 Ti; RO ER s, E 1, s c.t. 29, 1-7 ,IISIGNEI) - AB.CHT, L . TILDER, wishes to inform ilk I t and Alex:Ay. that ho will give o drawing pl.ns, au.igns and gtanncr of buildings, private nte4nlence given for reasonable at ,residence N. E. corner of str'octs. TtiE uND. TUT ADD E 1 :itirena of Towanaal particular attention poc 1 11 rations for and publc. Snoerir ronmemition. Ellrabnti" MIRO j 'G.SBURY, 1 - XT w. KT V • • REAT, ES :ATE LIFE. FIFE, gEgillEr "CE AGENCY ‘f ;.::1 Stlte Strccts, EIM2III=I 13, 1=72 SASH, EOO,IS, ~‘ND BLINDS tam Sari 1: o? ;my stylo, 'Silt.. or thi.•lrtlics, sr: short Iran I in y , , :r days bcfors yos.r v, or.; t tho arti , 7,os. and h.= sllnu that yo - fi Ny'.ll t . that - .vi'l t rliss ra=h ~. EIGE ST.,',GE ROUTE T. •ImlerFizr.k . ,l r - inalrif4'lll; Stiff e fair ToWANDA TO -CANTON, a 5r.it14 , ,, , .; r:!..1.41.1; Irts an I :ity-;iro travtl. I.ty T(.1,0 Towanda nt -3 , ), iv.::: rantral Lf.ave Cyatna at arriv; tt . • E - ri.rvs% rzr,TR car Ton'anfia. S , fit 4. :. )A Y: T-9 N ,f: 13 - II 0 T 1 - .1:1: 1, - Z. , ENE= f) , :‘, THID S, IY -77-1,1,pg lli M. E. Min • -1 . T li S 000pc,7,011 ,- .PRICES! . . II- NT.pI.7ON„ P. ROLLOS, 1,! anti' I ro. - i , ,, - .,nliyDrugi ra,rine Oii. Lamps. Chimneys, h. Yankee No-, .' re `sines .1.0 1 pnr . ooses fDf the =ME is 71.1 M= rill 2. at all I -;)- 1•:1:tilf•:,1: - F..a.LITON, It k It N E S S t ..% I ' ; t t ' t! I I, A": "if...." B AT; F,',,Z 1 .7 : • cp"1":' El ' rIcINEIIY ! : •• • •• • Cr li()( 'Eli I I:',S 7 " • 1: ' • to r tarn 1!1:1 , 1.1 - .3 to t!: - , rp!, of :I". \ fOr th.: , very zt-no•i• - ,,• litr•*, t..) bun ..lunng tho ISEE=IM=I9 haq qr! t.) I. 111 , 1-_,:' V FAYILI (.'4-110CEIZIES ropirf to ot.ft.: _THE . LOWEST 11? an.l in,pll th;tir.i, in Unc.. =MI T 7. \ 11,:;, - .iTi ; ;; - ; , - .. , .....,'1J -- .i ..“_;T:i ( 1 - ) .- , MIMI ni\lya fOo:I.. 111 IMEIB!M IT INC, I\V!:1. 1 .:,!;;]. IT !IS 8t..- 111811 m.i:J. - L,.: - F i: . ' .IDJUSTAB,LE s It I N E '1"; 1 - .) 'O-3 on' T11. , ‘1.t0 , 1 :a vial.litur,,l ;:4 d'A;l t still, it df i . • . 111.‘t you cart d • L LI r? ; C t't =Tut tyl y •Vt'o: to I.c. 1 ill 7. 71 yr 11.7 or A';',4l! • 40, I. I.` o:ii ll.2.Chur r 1 -4 L) • T E 1.21± - 1Z V,NS OP. PE \N - ;,-Ly4,:t • :t... 1 t. 1'... i.1.,t. LI. It•V,. National DaIll:i .Zl, now l'r, : ar, .1 to •rvcaivt:' f.uh. , riptior.s -to tile - Capital ~.,: . ,k ff.,. Cent-un....:1 LOA:Li of Finance. The t ~.-..= r,....1-.'zed frov...thiseconree. are to be f.:llployed .11 , .n , dthi.: bad Lng , (lin the Int-rn3.tional .1-..%1. :.tion. rd tho ex:_ren; , Js C:1!.111C....t.ti v..t.h the It k . O.enVy b -1 ,:ved bitt th.. lieysto...e ,'...,... , :II b. , rep ....D. ret rit.; , d by the name of every eiti %'.l,- J.., .pairiotie comme - norattorr tot the one ,I. rl.tredth'birth:day o the nation. - The shares of %,.. ••k are on,,rfll f.;: ; 0 eoch. and eubsfribers will --..,t'i. , ebarlisltnt.:y r.tt., , 1 engraved C , •rtnicate of '..: :1, sinttbi , for t:'.1.n.:11,4 .and preser. - atic.n ag a :..0..0nal 1/11110ri Ili, ki.t..l , gt at.t be rote c. f e:3: o-r cent r.,q , ep) .n ly:111 Hilafd on all payml , *3 of Centeliu , al tiforl from , v ,of payrn...nt to .1 - 37.1 at-y• 1, - 1576. . • • ..1, ,, ,.ri1..1,t,! who ar • not near a Naticinal Dank ~ ..,.7:!..11: a, 1.,-c- t , 7 1 -t•cti - ic..t , order to the unda- p i oit • S IT, E.- ! e:Fuat. iv tb.;: no *. , .2 '7.f. 5.00 1 5.00 1 10.00 1 5. 1 S.; Mr. -A.I.VOELD VOLUME XXXIV. S4llll k UONTANTE . ; ATP Rue AT L*w. Ofttoo—oorner of Main Pine fltreets, opposite Porter's Drug titortt. R. T. B. JOHNSON, PirreiclAN; D StricatoN, Office pier Dr. H. O. torte & . (10,*a Drug Store. G. MORROW, PHYSIdI . 1 • :simazow. offers Ws professional ;semi the citizens of Warren and vicinity. • Rest, first tiouse north. of J. F. Cooper's Store. Centrp, Pa. • ' 'f,Pl/8 • i C. M. DENTIST,I ;oroccessor to Dr. Weiton. Moo Da ton', Block;'np etairg, •Main Street, Towanda, Da: AII kinds!ot plate works specialty. 75n.16'73 DB. WO6DBITRN, Ptiysi ;and Surgeon, Office over Wickhatri k B Crockery store.! Toatanda. May I, 1.872.4yi BLACKS3tI‘ TH, rik p;artienlar attention to ke. Tire art and ice, 'Work and charges 12,14,69; Tri STREETER, ACKER, HAS Affn the TAILoRTNO Store. 'Work of o latest styles. maY 30 .. 72 • FOYLE .1:- 31ePHERSON, A ern-a-_-Lan, Towanda. Pa.: 1U give p atttqatton to all platters entrusted to their Orphans' Court business& specialty. W. kyrt.r.. . imay2l":3l , r. arrnsat. L 14 'S Tat A.RTLETT & TRACY,, Barn Afi ADD REAL Err Apmcrfs AEI> REOLELAI third door south of Ftrst Natibnal door. Towanda, Pa. o. n; naIITLWIT. may'2l'73l v. - . Trt. 7.011'.:115.1, • A B. Mc :ATTOR JL JL • AFT COMATZLLOB. AT LAW, Towanda. tleasie.attention paid to btialheas in the I Court.: • PIY2O . Ern'. PATRICR, i A TT O RN E Y- A TItT 11111Liw. Office, erci..ir's.plock, next floor,to the E*preFe Office, Tow 'nit, Pa. Ju!3:17,1873. ' . . p ',C. J. DEANGELIS, ' „ ArronnET-at-Ltw, . • Main , Street, Towanda. Pa. °taco with Or • rtou oppordto Court Ifonac. Tay 14,'73. 111Vpr CARNOCHAN, 27£1' AT LAW (District Attornes for Brad. ford County), Troy, Pa. Collectona made and prompt. Iv remitted. • • TXT, B. KELLY; D&Tisi;— 0 ffiee . erer Wickhain & Black's, TOwan a. Pa: Teeth inserted on. Gold, Silver. nubber,tand.klntn ninm base. Teeth extracted withbnt path. 103,72 rAvANDA! P i~A'. DILL & CALITZ Ifronr-Ers -Law, Towanda, Pa. 1 . n Min J. K. cabri„ . Odiro tin Wood's Block, first dour south -4Nrirat fiat anal Dant, up stairs. . Jan 843-Iy, _ ELSBREE; krrOit . LAW. Towanda, Pa., hating 4nteied into c6partne.rship, offer their professional afrvicee to thelpnblic. Special attention given to business in thelOrphan's and Register's dourts. apll4'7o E. N. E. rigriFse. J:E. FLEMMING. Box :;11, Towanila.,Pa 170: • A. PECK'S LAW 97 Main x rep oppt , Fite t9e Colirt House., Towan TOWAYDA, - P., A f , A. ItEENEY, COUNTY Torranda.ra.. Of& 11. SCy Pcch, eccond door below the Ward Will he at the office the lan Saturday of each it and all other times when not called away ne• s renneetecl with the Snperitedkney, houiddiereaf ter be addressed a de& r. i .T. LYIIAN PFLI:2QAS ADD SY tri , ) • . 014,-..7 , on M tin street. formerly oreapird Resid, , r.eo, corner fine and S.:,:lond Tokranda..Tnte 22. 1,571. TORN ' W. MIX, A.TTORNE •I_,Aw, Towanda, Bradford Co... Pa. 2al - ticular attentin paid to o,llot-bons and. 0 Court burin:ceps. °Mee —3.lCrrur'a New 13loc side kqnare. ipr. _4 Tij (7. -CPRIDLEY, rraz(ll;:hlf , ratc. . I. RILE. . TiCTOII 0. LEWIS, A GRADII ato of tly , 6 , llege w£1.13 - Ficiins anitSmizeoti's," ...NH - York city. Cln 1 , 44. gvcsexclnetsenffentlon 0 pr.P.l Office Old rosldeice rr. Fe ,a,ter D :T. ad; II•opry CAT .;17- ait : .IpE : • DEMI ---- 1: -.-- • : . - 1111 i.. Di D. s:kruri., : De n t, , has Al" pur...1e.1 C., IT. Wr-,.1.'51 Irornrty, 'bet - A - er. 7,ir.r.ur's I:loch and the El, - 01 Sono, where he has ic. , p.el tli2. or: - .1. T! , -th ..Ixtracted wft.hent ipsin by 11 , 1 of 0 ag.. TGr.'arti I, Oct. TO. lA7o.—yr. .f. . ' • 1 , . ', l - , TIN .ROOM riPiNEC,ION WITH THE • 7 Cozut How°, Wo; arc I.:, fe A the inmgry at. au to.:,eti of tht• „by a:PI ?TA Cieam' in se3Son:. Ilai•al 3u. 1570, , MILITELL HOUSE; TOWSI =II EMS E , 1 , • - J 011.1; C. WIT.SOI`.; liafing Ic:..scd. th:.s Ilonat,, is Scow fcadi to a, date the travelling public. . No pains nor exp. belSparcd,to givesatistactlaulo thine, wlio I hi . .t a ca 11...-. - • . te'S 0 : 1 1 1 Fulc of I'l, I,:bir. s‘i - t-....17, la. , _• , t car a'resv block. - 1.,/ E T- 2fr.IIEI.IFIELD . Cill . :EK -14 b -, TEL. 3 p , . - trER.,..L.1.:;:"D11... ' 3alat '. : it it ia; , pur.±ascd abd thoroni.thly refitted luaia old antl wc..l.l:nown stand. formerly kept by heriff Grit. iisl'at the mouth of Ilumrnerf,old Creelt; Is ready to qi - ic good azcommodations arid B.lti S factoiT tint - TIC OTA to all who z•-..ay favor him with a call..' 11 , c. 23, tit',B --tf. l' • - `. ; I "I'T..E.A.NS TIOT_ISE, TOW.k.NDA, ' 1.1i.. £.t.. .. . A E Q, Arc: 1... i in fill Tin= EMI =ME /. i t) 1 , I. 4., OEM vss •411:f clitsiraktie tortrity. •:•'Etk: if it is tot.t . l - ..grete Able M:112 Itl.b.lco, tae :4;•If ail to itti o • tit at::: 0:14 tig %vial:... NFU- iN Szri A;leut Thwa Pa. T..4liwaror. at!olt. fit.. Ph:Va My_ house rind lot hem part of tip) tioro.ugh•of .1 for sale, etteaP.. 1. I ~ • F' PROFESSIONAL _CARDS. TAN:EB, WOOD, ATioliiii? , bousszrzos AT L•Nr; Towaida, . ,ATTOTINET-AT-LAW, 0, '27 '7O GENERAL- nzsrßANct AGENT ATT , iIINr.I";AT,L.I t :17 MEE "ate'.. IMEEI=III=I Horses. of all ut.b•Abl of this -bo'llye, insured againe.t to-? by - Fire, skii.bour any ex. Cl.charire. 4 4 , Superior rirralßy of old Euulisli Bass juFt. Tr, R. JORDAN, Tou-und3, :Jan. 24.'71. j - Prop - NAT R D iI 0 1 1 7 S TOWANDA, " t I:RADrOP.D COUNTY, This r••••••• 4112 . -: honse, recently leased by . Meson:. and haNingbeen eoznplet,ly retitttql, led, and refurnishr(l, , " afforcts t 4 the • rib) c al.f.tile comforts' and,lncxlena 'concOniences of a fast. c4ss Hotel.. Situate opposite thet Park On 3fain Stret, it is eminently convenient; for parsongtisit. iniz TOWIIIIIa, either for pleasure sir bukines.s. KOOK k rropr.( . - 11ANSION ROUSE, . •• LuItATCSVILLE, PA..' • '•rze q'cor.dn::f.cl b stiictly Tei rtl , Y , 'iPr'c • Every eT ,- rt will tie nude tole:its contf - ortable. Good rooms. kuCtbe t alirr.ys Fur:Tiled • with the best the m: . 1! . . BETEMEIIPt, PA . .. . , IOLD:: MOIZAVIAN itJ..S: !LILT 17.1.5 y . , Il4eh ip historical interest, it is the Oniy building in oonntry except hono•etihy tlie sojourn within its Waii9 Of Washington, Lalray i.o,,,l Gates and mien. patriots of till revinn. toia ikopu'atl has'• tectlitly changed imnroved. entirely •tefiti-Cosliod, - and_ proprietor.cordiall2 , * incitlot tilt . , friends kind tray c•o give him a iialusl y. .srtil be _Sllaio.d to render their Eta* comfortal4ll . People iit rputefor ilinlatlelphia tinit it 6:na , AiLleut to sven,l.,the bolo, r?ach,ng tlfc city about eight' inthe morning. .k s 4ample rliom bu first - tloar tor ,a'pc.O.nttiodation A ' I C. T. surrit, s'o•pt 4, 1 I. li.Eroprietor. UPERIOR AdRicULT SJ AsAc”Ne.nY, for Sale by _ I. I . ' 1.1..' :\ [.. •W EL I,i - E'S, • TONVA_NDA. PA.; '; `:. Li:nth-a poi. 3:11 . -:- . Tir's Pinch' north gi.le - of Court J:iouso squire. . Wl' .../LESILE A'..its ll'-'l, All; ; .DE....U..1111 f klslD St.k:•;TrActrn !,BEST.Eas Y.(c..ving M'azltines, Horse powerg and ThVeashere; NYlicelAakes, Plaster Sowerg, Grain, ',Seeders,' Hay l arldatu , iteversible and Steel Pppv, C iltivaorg, TIP florae Hoeg, Clover liu;lerk and panatng Mills. i...tul: ata , . tits, wetrzta nr..1.7Ea5 nirr tsztrq:c. i: 1 tins's - infants POWERS IS I s nE iii/10, trut ierti - t.x.r.r. ,, von. na.s., on, 'ro . wia. in.. n. tab s an d r ; urre deacriptivejalustratnd - printed cir- . ca are.' furnished or. ;mailed freu to MI attplicatats. i It will eiTit but thros centg to ie4 for Icireulars 1 1 1 postage - ; ''. I ri 1 - Partners viten In Tr,tvanSa cantina sae e - 1 41-71122!':2. s Publisher. AND TO OUR PATTS. GEO. H. 'WOOD &CO., Fen Son (+riteAil for tho generou AND past year, would inform al that we aro still adding to • NEW AND IMPROVED .once arien 72.1 y And adopting tried MA printing and retouching la FTNERP4OTOGRAPELST maddoutside of .the it a specialty to enlarge all any size desired, and finis India Ink, or in Oil, in the 'Sian ack's We ale° endeavor to tat hie in tasking childrens pl , cure tha beet results. TOIVANDA, On enipt urge. FRAM 8 •• . . All new ptateins and ta.s tnl siyies.and ft:- ash then at a small advan a from cost prices. May 14; 1873. . l• ..._ VN'CE (+lice .tid 'IJL 00 ALEN WANTED )• • To buy On celebrated • HARD AND SOFT COAL BURNER Par bate' 1, .66 • We have the beet line of MANSARD COOK : .110 D Have taken the premiums In we know tbq are a flret-class For soft coal, something new DciAtzsrip For hard or soft coat. Also t INVINCIBLE. All firpt-class Stoves LIGHT HOUSE, BEACONI REFLECTOR, FIRE FLY A toll arsortrnent of Hard anidSliectiron Wart) always o tar- All orders filled prom and warranted, Give us a c iffil! aa.Pa N0v.1:L1872 SU t e with son e. i month m bust letters 1.1.0 TOIVAVDA NUR by Dr reetp. Calk attentviu to 1/ 1. s 111 17phans' k. north BEE s tu.ll Towwia, 16:1;47:3 WE CLAIM FO Sqn I , 'O. MB D. W. SCOTT IN DA, coinul , - 1,1F(3 Fill ay gn ( The uLderzuentioned advantfges over those in-ordi nary we, tho proof of which may be seen in the extraordinary sales, and ciettautly increasing de mandlor them: let. That from tit l e pecullair construction of the they assist and preserve the sight, rendet ing fregnent changes unnecelisary. • EIEM HO- . 2 - d. That they confer-a brilliancy and dlstinetneis of vision, with an amount oft cue andeomfort - not hitherto enjoyed by spectacht wearers. 4 • 31 . 1. That ttie material from which the Lenses are griund, Is manufactuZspe[ially for optic purpos es, and Is pure, hard; br Illant, and not liable to become Ber-eche:A. . 4th. That the frame In whip they are set, wheal or in Gold. Silver, or Steel, are of the finest quality and'flninh anti unaranteed , pqrfect In every respect. For ea:c only by our outhorited agent Lu this local. it::. We rever supply or employ peddlers. MEI ID We:offer DRESS,D LUMBiat at the fi l )lloiving rates: ilen2lo.:( Flooring. (elielee). NVII.Ie Inc " ‘. Part .„ kiekctE from V: to S 4 per MEI Done ut a moment's notice • cry now-Made. We have on ES= prance o !nab) .ble all arket Ib7l. ONE lI:CNDRED TIICTSAN Tillth: lIT ; NDRED AND FEET OF •artim who mu reaCi near ti e raiiread for Lumber .triricc i i we can SELL IT cost 0 transportation from say s2 F tu $3 per thousand. NN," Janie CUT COAL! :Fox: thirty 'days the Sul:iv, rally will tell s_ll NI Direct f o r t e Afln-sqby t. any of the aidinge In Towan. Grate and Cliestnnt.. I Egg. Store • • • All orders 'must be acco n and the era lutist be unleac hours afttlr their arrival. Totranda: Sept 2, '73. i RAL AGENTS! Q1;11 mles.cholce of territory, on WO LEVIS'S last and g It is by odds the most taki the field. I. It is on a vita 2. It Is by America's mostr 9. It is, for the price, the la book ever sold by subscripts are eager for each a book, an' it to them, Write for terms - . GEOROE LLtS. Ecp.11 . 72-17 331 1 1 ' , , , lase°llan :ous. PHOTOGR HERS, TOWANDA, I. rztrousgc of the wanting Pictures , tcr establishment INSTRITSIENTEI. pprored modes of !order to secure N lIERETOFQBE and.that wb make nds of Pictures to In - Water Colon, LOW PRICES BEST STYLES AND YE all the time penis!• urea, so as to so- We are ,Constantly addlti to our stock of COOK ST mzi 'tot - pa to the State : : nd RN VULC4N 11 . the State Fatra, and Stove. ' COOK . DO3rESTIC ISM PRESIDENT ZENITH, 'PARLOR ST, BM EMPIRE GAS BUR ERS 4 Etzea), COSY LTG LIGHT, ROCKET, AND DAL HE tTL EMI are;Tinware, Copper, • harill. . •,` ly. 'Job work done IS S SIIALLEY, Towanda EN BM TLc undpr,l•ti,l Ivo; pu I,,.hascd the kNIA FLATS: :CII:SEM ON TOW MBE ENTALitEES , 1 . 1:171T AND 01INV, reparat to i iiiry DELIVEP. ON' MUST RE ISONARE TERMS. .aritly attended to MORRIS' / HOZIEZE ME t ' I ' LI 3 ECTACLES PERFECTED ri BEM AND EVE 6 • WM. A. uHAMBERMIN, Sole AOnt, EMI W IS THIS FbR lOW ! IM!1! HE-SAWINI3. ..hc., PLANIN6, AiATCHING d by the pest machin hand • FEET DRY LUMBER f.l Mill Pond ,Rebate inihe FrFTY VIOUSAIP I MISER Manu6cturing Au:lllre constantly; it. us are foolish to go r, as under any eircum- VEAPER—at least the [here to the railroads— 1331 M n coal Corn 'ED COA-L . , e car load, delivered on n, as !'" ' 1..=3 50 pd. ArC as ton. 1... 380 " :" anted with the money, ed within twenty-four L SANDEHSONi Preeldernt • I • • 4 I Or yOlt:WIll (there is a nusujor,tt), I , at work. OUR DIG STION, On 'MY JOLLY Fh "D'S SECRET g", , and saleable Junk In ly important alibied. .polar writer on health. gest and landsoriest .u.. Agents, the people will urge yon to bring &e., free. • • LEAF, Publisher, ransom Striae%Phil* MU i , N. :. \ - •. :. • ' i , ,1 ri q } 'IM MI ~ i TIME, CRICKET'S SONG. SOftly, softly lf step thou lightly, 1] Where the' aisies lie sodead,— • Ovtir beds of fiding..cloyerA [Dcrtiot tread uportn#les,d. List ! my sad song—litl.py story ; List my notes, the[ trill so clear— rdo not wish thy heait to sadden, gone for all the year! SOMmer's gonel Oh, darling, darling I 1113SCEI, down through leafy Jane, (lathered thin, their sweetest perfume. Stays with me-this September noon. Soff)y, swiftly, down the pathway Linger at the garden gate— Hasten l• love —lls late —'tie late. 401 my frilling; list the token :While I whisper in thine ear, • *hen rm g4ne, do not forgot me, I:Tliough Summer:o goad for all the year. • j; Blottly softly ! do not crush me, 1:I'm so small—yet I'll not fear; If, you listen ,to my singing ! 'lt's tones will ring through niany a year. And now while stars grow bright above me sing thy song frill clear and high, 1 . 11 sing it new with deep emotion • 1 Our Summer's pre--Sweetheart, good•by. iyaricms, N I ,. Y., Sept. 16, 1873. I II I I .Edward [Fontenot' sat in the office, very busily engaged- Aay_cr the big books of the bank. The deposit had bSen unnsially large—the day being Saturday + and other buSiness had bden in proportion; duringthe after noon there had, been casual overlook ing', of the books by the directors ; but much bank work had been done since then,' and this Work must be squared uP before Edgar dould leave. ' Young, handsome, and ambitions, was Edward Fontenay; and if ha had not stood most excellent well in the 'community, both morally and Social ly,' be could never have obtained that position in the-bank. It was' an autumnal evening, and Edgar had been left alone at his work. The 'President of the. bank :went out just after the'gas had been lighted, remarking thht he might, be in again.. UNITY, Edgar l waa left alone with work. • For a time his. pen moved rapidly. Many lines were written, and hosts Of figures 'were made.. By and by he leanedback as though to rest. He rested awhile, and reflect= ed. T'hen he.took 'from his pocket a paper, and read au article which. in tvreined iiim. From.his desk he took anOther paper and read another ar s - . The subject matter was the sarrie.in all that he read reports of wondrOus;rise in stocks, and of large fortunes suddenly made. And then Edgar Fontenay loaned his !head upon hiS hand, and looked in a different direction. He thought of JuliaAhnesly who had promised to he his Wife, and of the' home he word like to give her And he also thohght of his widowed mother, look , •ing!to hini for support, - what .a pleaa , ureland aijoy it would be to provide a, fitting cage for his beautiful mate. What a,,satisfaction to bestow com forts suchl as only men of wealth can to their give loved Ones ! , He looked at the papers .again. These men had - made fOrtuuts in a fewiweekEi. This man had made Six ty thousand dollars by one opera tion. He hs.d it in mind that ho could nMke a golden speculation. On ..lhat very day it had been whis pered to him by •a street operator that the stock of the Ash Valley Rail road was destined to a sudden and unexpected rite. Old'Moneybagif was coming iu with his help, and the Leislature was sure to pass the bih oTahtinr; State aid in the shape of land. Only a, few of the favored ones knew this. A strike, to he effective, must be. quickly made. 1 With a nervous twitching of the hands,.the young man turned back theilen.vee of his ledgerr''and over looked the work of the week. He.' sus that he could retain five thous and dollars for the space of thirty days. He could do it, and no one would be the wiser. He would not steal it— he would not -embezzle it— be only borrow it ; and, he Would pay good interest for its use. Then he took a piece of paper and a l pencil and begun to figure. Ash Valley stock was now selling for $4O. It Would be up to $6O before the neat week was out. There could ~ : be no mistake about that. The favorable action Of the Legislaturer to say no thing of Old Moneybags' assistance, _Weald send it up like a flash. If he had the money -he could get that bock,' at twenty days, for a cash pay men., of fiVe dollars per share. With five` thous:l4d dollars iu hand, he. could purchase one thousand,' skates of stock for:twenty days • and before half !those twenty days ehould have expired, his stock would be worth an all Vance of twenty_ thousand dollars ! tiere'Could be no doubt—not - the lcailt in the world. The friendly bro ker had ;enlightened . him. He was inside,the ring ! Mid a very few pen Marks 'uPpages on the of his books, would give him the use of five thous aio dollars for a month ! iqte boWed his head upon his hands,- and struggled with . the tempter. AilaS! the tempter was powerfully alnied. 'the sum of twenty thous-I aiul dollars, to be made at one . stroke,, was irresistible. - *; 4 1 ' * . * -*- *` The', scene changes. It is no long ek• in the bank, but in a little room, that needs to be lighted with gait at midday, where the broker . : sits at his boakd of Fate. • Monday Morning has arrived, and Edgari Fontenay enters the dark of fi!cefor a cast of the dye upon which he has resolved. IA sits down, and 4.4 the broker.: "How about Ash Valley this morn ing,,, The broker rubs his hands, and nods with a mysterious smile. ")3ton't, say n word, Fontenay. If youlremember . what I told:you Satur day, keep mita. There ain't many that know anything about it. It's going to be the startling event i of the l week. Erie, and : Pacific Mail are go, ihg_ito the Wall. Ash , Valley is the thitie "!Suppose I wanted a:little of this StoCk_ to hold for twenty or faddy da,yo,' what . should I have to •,'pay -doWn.?!l FEET To . Tazida, Pa. ... $lB per 31 ng $l5 to 25 IL Ft. ECOH.A3f, Camptown I El TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA let. ticticellimeous. TEMPTED BY GAIN. ot DISIINCtLitiON not " I could n't get it foi Witty days ; but I can get it for twenty days, for five dollars." ",Can you get me one „thousand shares ?" • The broker started. , "You're going in strong, my boy." "I am going for a hold stroke." "I glory in your plunk. Ah, them's the kind that wins I 'Yei, Mr. Fon tenay,J can get it _easy. Plenty of then hold this stock v_ho have n't the most reniote idea that-it can advance beforWthe Eastern connection is mad 'neat sumineil Shall I get you a thousand shares ?" " My name will not be mentioned?" "Bless yoii I no." "Yes, you may get alto a thousand shares." And the five thousand dollars were placed in the broker's hands. For a time after ieaching the bank, Edgar was . not I like. himself. He could not shake eff,l at once, the load that oppressed: hiti. He could not immediately .get his. face out from beneath the cloud, that hovered over him. For the first time in his life he bad' done a dishonest thing. Ho was deceiving,' those who had trusted him. He ha.d 'taken the first step toward betiaying those who had given him' their entire and hearty confidence. But did not others" do the same ? Was he not knowing to the facts that some of the first men in the country speculat i ed with funds not strictly their own ?"; And further, he was sure of coming Out right. Ah I there was the 1311;131 of twenty thousand dollars perhaps twenty five thousand'— in 'prospect. He brightened with the glare of the gold en promise, and went at his work. That evening ho called .on Julia, Annesly. 0! beautiful,! blessed girl ! What a pleasure and a 'joy to make her happy. And she loved him so truly and so devotedly.' They talked of the future. They hoped to be married withthe New Year. " We shall have to economize, 'dar ling," said Edgar. "I Must not ven ture beyond my income;" " Our best and suiesf, income shall be love and help for one another," answered Julia, beamingly. He kissed her, and thought how, for:her sake, he would like to be rich. He went home, building huge cas tles in the air by the way. His moth er received him with it kisi: and a blessing. She was proud of her son, and she was grateful to;hirn; for well she knew, though sh owned the roof that covered them, she should have fared. but ill had it/ not been for Edgar's helping ,hand.l She was a meek, mild Christitin woman, loving and tender: She was Proud of :her boy's manly beauty, but, she was far more proud of his sterling character. This was Monday evening. On Wednesday the street clias shocked by the report of a heavy defalcation. A young man eashierlin a bank had fallen suddenly froth an lionora-! ble position to shame and disgrace. He. had been speculating with the fund of the bank, and, had robbed; thestitution of fifty thousand dol lars. This man had been Edgar's friend. '41,0y had been co mpanions for years. Only the day bet!ore Ed-1 gar had wished that,- When he was! married, he could give to Julia such ] a carriage as this man had, given to his wife.' On this Wednesday evening; Ed gar called upon his broker: All look-! ed well. On t iSaturday morning Edjar read in th newspaper that the land grant's to the Ash Valley Railroad had been defeated in the legislature. He bur ried upon the street, and he heard it plainly spoken—" Ash 'Valley flat !" —"Gon'e from forty down to twenty five 1" He went to his broker's, and there was no .concealing the truth. The .crash come. " Never say , die !" cried the spider; boisterously. "Did ,n't you ever catch halibut ? I have,—and; have had to haul in ninety fathoms lof line threel times before I got the I fish! When one of them big fellows comes close to the. surface, and turn's head down, yotevil - got to let him_ gt:i back to bot tom. But, bless you! We ain't goin. . to lose him. We pull again. Chee up, my boy. There's thc NeW Sprin. Hill stock. It's going iup like hot cakes. I can bay it to-day for twen ty. ICII be double that in six days?' That very afternoon Edgar manip 'dieted the books again, iand Put three thousand dollars into I the! broker's hands. Another week passed, and Siorin Hill had not advanced', a peg. O the Cabbath Edgar did not atten d chnrch with his mother. He told i her he, was not feeling well.! 1 The fearful race WILS Lquickly run Spring Hill declined, instead of ad vancing, and Edgar was called upo to make gdod his purchase: He could not do it. ,He surrendered the stock He was eight thousand dollars out and not a scrap to shoW for it. . At the bank the directors had bumf more critical than ustial. Defalca r tiona in other places had made theil watchful. The failing of men whom they had regarded as sterling and ref liable, hadlcauped them, to leek ove : more closely. the Bgure4 of their ow trusteservants. .l The ummons came tb EdgarYoni ‘ tenay to meet.the directors in thei private room. He entered, and sa his books open before them. Hi crime was known to them. Wha had he to say? He sank down and begged fo mercy. Might not his, 'untarnishei. character until this time plead l'o him? 1 1 1 The president . shook his hta, mournfully.. 1 "Alas! Ed - thrill. ils _Ass _ gar, iS what makeS your crime black. That is why vile are , shocked. That yorl could harp cast such a character into the scale of treachery is fearful: When the demon of fraud and speculation mimes ppon us in Ertel a shape, wheite can safety for the publie be found, if we fail to, unmask the monster. , Otir duty ispainfal, but it must be donor' A side 'door was, opened, and a sheriff entered. I \ 1 Tt was night --- Saturday night -t• dark and stormy. Edgai begged/that ho might be allowed to go home ad speak with his mother.l A carriage was called, and the officer went iv4h him to his' home.- Ho went in pale QUAttlita. I„ NOVEMBER .6,1873. nd palsied, staggeFing lib? a drank- n man. I What a hush was upon the h3use! N'ot a sound—not a whisper —noth- Og to bid him welcome. Could the cws have reached this place? He • -ked the officer. - The sheriff shook his head serions •y. - "The air iiiistaFtled," he said. " Such things .trasel fast. But we E m ust not wait here. If you, would 38 your mother; find her at Once. t ill trust you that far. I will wait iere ten minutes and then you Must go with me." 1 "To—to jail?" " Yes." " Hark i" A low wail as of one in distress, !coma from an adjoining rooin. "0, my soul I" cried Edgar. "1 !c annot see her. 1 1`tike the away. Let me die as I deserve." While be spoke, the doorway open fed, and 'Julia Annesly came forth. !She was clad in and her face `was as white as was the robe which which seemed a winding sheet. " Julia 1" " Edgar, go to y our - mother. Go quickly, or you will not see heralive." With, one wild', desperate cry, he started forward. He had reached the open door, aiid Julia had vanish. ed from his sight, when a heavy baud was laid upon his arm. * * * * * Edgar I—Edgar !" He started, and struggled, and [ooked up. Where was he? Whose familiar voice had sounded in his ear? be " Edgar !----Bless Mel:Why—you've ben asleep-,,1 should judge you had had a bad dream. Mercy when _I came in and heard you groan, I fear e'd you were in a, fit:' It was the president. Ho had come Mick, as he had proigisa Edgar got down from his high chair, and shook himself •, and when he - had reached the blessed assurance that the terror had been only a dreath, he thanked God, and took courage.. "Yes, Sir," lie• said ,to the presi dent,—" I had a terrible dream. I thought my mother, was dying, and— but it is past. I mutt have been very tired. I have but a very few minutes' work to do, sir. If' you will wait I will walk homeward with you." , The work was speedily dohe ; the books were put away, and, the safe doable locked; and having delivered the room into the charge of the night watchman, the two-went out togeth; And from that time Edward Fon tenay never again 'was tempted as others are tempted. Though only in a dream, - yet the touch of the fire had beenand efficacious. With the New Year, he took Julia for his wife. If he could not give her horses and carriages, he could give her hon est, devoted love;.and he brought to her from every contaci with the world a manhood reliable and beau tiful beyond all price.--Ledger. HAPPY THOUGHTS. That "the'oldest than" is. yet liv ing. That - the 03 - steralen never fall into a• stew. pu T n h ch at e.s. eoncluctors fare so well' . on . . , That mince-pies tire such visionary affairs. , . . -) , That' th 3 chestnut worm is so palatable this year. : t - That cattle are betterldressed than their butchers. That "Shakespeare never repeats" on election day. That there is no " back down " among fashionable ladies. • That honey-makes live and move and have their bee-ing. That a man of narrow means is often given a wide berth. , That umbrellas are so nearly alike that mistakes are excusable. That canal stock cannot be bought on any margin—of the, river. That Washington made such, an ice crossing of the Delaware. That bosom friends — ean be pur chased for seventy cents orppwards. That there are still inorV people who don't lecture 'than :those who do. That the best specific f r The pres ent tnonetary disease is "specie pay ments."„, That single men, like foxes, if too, closely pursued, will double cn_their' pursuers. - DAUGHTERS OF THE RICH.—No class of women are more to be pitied than the daughters of rich men, who hav ing real energy of character, have no vent 'for it, because fashion requires them to sit still and fold their hands., It does not -require this of their brothers. They are applauded when they grow reptiye under it, and breaking their bonds interest them selves in a manly way in something besides mere pleasure. But let a daughter try it, and immeniately-the awful Mrs. ,Grundy starts np, and points to her worsted dog and cats, and her croquet ground, and her. Trench dressmaker, and bids the daughter of the millionare ,still her pulses, and close eyes and ears to the possibilities, and think of noth ing-but husband hunting. We nev er can know how many real heroines are behind. this wall of restriction, till what is called. " adverse " fate sets them free to stand upon their feet, and to, use their own hands, and know their own powers which bad beeil dwarfed almost to extinc tion by inaction. . • YOUNG Mrs! .Let the, nobleness of your mind impel you to 'its im prOvement; you are too strong to be defeated, savei by yourselves. Refuse to live merely to sleep and eat. Brutes can do this; but you are men. Act the part of men. Prepare your selves to endure 'toil. Resolve to rise —you have but to resolve. Noth ing Can hinder your success if you determine to succeed. Do not waste your time by wishing and dreaming, but go earnestly to work. Let noth ing discourage you. If you have no books, borrow them; if you- have no teacher's, teach yourself; if your ear ly education has been ;neglected, by the greatest diligence repair the de fect. Let not a craven heart or love for ease rob You of the inesti mable benefit of self cilture. - • I • ----,,...'... .:1! - 1 ! !...; - I.‘ - '• --, . ~. ~.....,„, .. Itt r iii\ i ..L., L. , TTERIIIO . I2I2'ASIIINGTON. wAsautoresi, D. C u Oct. 24,1873.1 l ininent among the. eyents'i of ast week was,l the . visit•to , the gof tile delegates to;. the 's 'Evangelic 1 Alliance. I ;'The ion of this bo y of distingnish tiemen by o • Churches; and 61come - exten ed .them by the nor of the District in the way ' ething substadtial at Willard's 'e cause of no small amotint of Ofion, partichlarly with our 4 -going commani y. ror ones ions Churches to which these men were, inilited, were filled tenon. So great and so eager the crowds that pressed for ivith a seeming desire for spit.- 'pitching and spiritual.comforia, Ocibtless a feeling of astdnish was awakened in. the - breastOf a pewholder,.' who had been i blued to occupy their seat in • i a melancholy loneliness! •The if the. Churelies , pealed forth 4:lngest and loOdest notes; and, .Owd after crowd crushed and q their way iii through their , with a _teal and fervor that Onderful to be4iold, it required • l iit stretch of thought toma tit the dawn of the Mille n niu m ear at hand.‘ . , :1 demon of the Metripo i litcln h spire; as he caveurted around L 1 the pedals and i keys of; that li, was evidently in his glory. Olombis, Yankee-doodle, 1 God he Queen, and "We wont go 'till morning," was proiniscu intermingled with hymns, ' hor nd anthems, - as the cr o ds of el flocked to that fashi nable le of worship; with its high d ceilings,. long gallerieB ,and a windows blazing and glitter- I the_ glow of gaslight. tong' the services , had_ closed, with an 1 ation bordering on ins laity, the dull, heavy tones of these' thundered over thecity, until! atienco of many . of -our good e ,was fairly exhausted, ad 're- 1 s and ejaculations' called , forth' if more emphatic than elegant, ! under the circumstances, atl net altogether inappropnate. order 'that no undue - partiality t be shown, and that each eon ti. ..n might have the plture l :atisfaction elate of ' seein and; ng these distinguished gentle-j carriages were in waiting ,and ) Lan of Canterbury, with ever-; the learned Bishops Slid; Doc-; - Were hastily , 1 - hurried, during - ours of service, from one Church, other. Public curiosity was ex . f A live Dean was something o be seen every day. -He waS e . crolvd what - the elephant is to circus, the master-figure of the , the sensation of the hoUr. It with considerable' fore-thought lose in charge', of 1 the arrange- " s !that thi%zo l vision was lmade, high the several ,congregations blest were all equally grq.tified. 11!, th .0 arrangewnts eonnecte • the occasion, there was evidenca n entire harmiiny and unity o g, The dlstinetien and ;preja of creed were most happily lei. dr. forgotten, in the earnest de fm ke welco me the entire del oil of these eminent ;christia • , cis- ' 1 ' , m'illiard's, these gentlemen wit • ladies,, by inv4ation, welie ver3 ' somely entertained by the Gov and the City offieials.l Th: nt lunch to nhich they were in was discussed ; in the lirelid eir, and to the evident e enjoy cif . every one present. Address ere made an responseS, were • in the most friendly,feeling ;t it Is perhaps b,ut simple justice a 3, that our citizens honored 'selves in thug` honoring; thei ngnished, visitors. It was f an es ion of patio spirit wl i tich is alike *table to them; and irmanifesta.f of the liberality which r hotaa. does distinguish the ra character e iteriefin people. It was. es' in.,ly pr per that such a Irccogi n should have been extended to representatives of Protestant stendom by the citizens l of i the al; of a nation,l the organic law? high guarantee to believerS, ii 4 , • Creed, the very, widest latitude, accordance w i th the exPresse4 s of the Civil Service Reform Ad .. y I Board, tlie Secretary pf the sery it understOod is preparl, o l districtthe United States,with twl of equalizing the distribitio4 =Ointments in the Civilorrice. grand divisions 'it, is said are t. 6 agile, and each one is to receive reportionnte , share of doverni , t patronage. •;Within each disr at .stated periods, the examinh • oiird AO meet,iwbere all the can tos for gorvernitieut . positi ns are ' ssemble before them • an corn i 1 , n a body, for such vacancies in service as may happen , at that to exist. In i what way it is to olio we are not yet info:med. It ought by some that, in tildition • e already existing theorie , rules regulations,. ;the old recian esLmay possi t! ly be intr diiced, - a throwing the discus,; pitch qUoits, irestling and the run , of footraces, all of which would quite as essential to the faithful orMance of the duties they may to dischargefas those that have already promulgated. llt has been alleged that the ' board are ions to ,procure the ., tie.rices, of e Professor of PUrenologY; . but what purpose we must Confess re' at a-loss to conjecture. - If an chic of pay has anythio :tlo it, we venture to ass et that .cientious scruples on that ,sub-, will ho found ; as scarce , la coni itY as it was , during the few last s o the last session of Congress. example is too good. . Bit, on-, unately for the clerk, the _pay 't ;follow the . example. .1 There be no fear that his mort4 sensi ies; wi4 ever be shocked, or ' hiti edify ' ever tried, by any such 0 iptation being placed before him. ~- -President Johnson; " whose can niZed bones; - hearsed in death; liaburst their cerement,' whol 1 , .x. durinthe past few. weeks has bee a :grte tof the Metripolitan i llotei, *a;last evening tendered a serenade y hislWashingtOO City friends. :Alt \ early hour in' the evening, in cow s ;with about a , dozen' oho,t . , feeli dige, asid sirb °gilt teric the (be , hib crei nie tr:c ing do.l pc. ti4e tun be , epp i to.. MI II 02, p An I' - I friends ivho had. I . , rfectid tbe ar • rangements he mad:- his appearanea crs upon th4;hche bale:oi l y, f4om,'which, in a spedch of a tit wo home ; dur ation; lii:* m e spiv :ntlY addressed the crowd which, ha« gathered be li low. , The lips tha ha'e so 1 long , been silent were nee rnor i e unsealed: The fon tains pf 'eq. ence thati have been 80 ongiclos d, .erel once ~ mere opened; ;and t e sa ;. e kindling, fe licitorts'; ' 72CI: at di, sentences fell upoa th ''ear . a ,in days gone by, IWhen housed o tear ully to ccinfide ,e.A) the'flag! and " e g eat charter of , lirunan liberti e' to the guardian sit!pi of t4e der Pls.- It was 'the cause.cif l no s all amonnt'of corigrat-. ulation too Ives 1 that ive were thus pre - nte *th an opporbanity of catchi g a ' p se Of the werltings of the at cns itutlonal mind that so calinlyilookit o t on the 'ever-Shift (l3 in,,n , ;political see a f oral the quiet , shades of lines. 'Me.; Radical ,des potism, is viol t a co' stitutien ; and our ' coritry in -* gl into -per was,the burde 9f his theme. Ll' was the Isame old"story t at ;four earsy ago and, over n e t in I such a ter rible exdlemel, s'h wiidly uttered it Irina t e ste ts f thWhitellionse. Butl net rtunate yfo 'thiese 1 direful forebodi „, , is and fear til .predictions, the l cou try, 'in the acelof alt this, still cont nues in aco dition of peace and prosperity, More qeligh4n! we tire now enjoy be desired. :The ing np with iar faces Ea tion to he n n2ll already !pare. ..i being bud and ' to secure the, 41 didatekkto be Corigre s. House s ver the present ii conductpd the to secure his positi4 Wi will evidentl • deal, oiler whi are beifi l g, dates and tli doubt' • ss dun destro a few ( BEST the RI ilshone office t o ough wise a the kb vidual becan• him. The healthyi than T officia I that. are, t ,the " the sp is on ing ~ or tha warnalln As the people w , are hbnestly id fear o e t t jthe p . r publi n con -e thus flu. has pl as be ng deter from office 'ido -1 omy apd Wriest , 1 ties. [We shall ne entirelY from' tje men. I They wil !cx 1 the re to W= an eased pr•t• I servie- =y ation •f h, spite ; fulnes l an inc, publi ' . exam men . Ito pre=en suppo t. A_o ally. 4e a go siMpi n d Ole w ii selecifpn of can pr I ! Otecit!the p bl into the priv to I , who ants y ur him h 'pest, d a gbo 'peight?or 0 !citizen, ybou your t vOte a4d run the ris, chelatdd; but] tI snl4ll I that 3ou !risk. But h'ones t l officia -pays his .1 debt! Cf his neigh sta;neill b) , i F - 1 .0 expe .) l other • pnnter l our beE ds findi vill be ty, 1 i is lA th your nate 3 r lace isk OL -TIT foun d yonn c , friend of Harrisbur visitol a re band 04 us ' appe d i ed bi; c l i fonn nmorqi reeor 4. of hiS the (14e .of this among the subs , of Phiiadelpbi Ulan];, in the. lOag, es," abdos written part, t tbOngh it 0 1 e , yeStehlay . : ! 1 ,_ G. l iiii .fSo. 10 1 , 1. I' I Flour i , l f ,, 1 ; of ...od. i i n "0 1 dittoned, by'' t in arolupoh t. /trait , wher a for t is pre el gray , l and n ts the. is7er D is Grac l i boun , eight en cas s etor' accou t , shipper, and g e 111ic1411,. and in c ti lit tolßipliard aei in,thb inarg ni in ed irtlike go d 1( ditio d, at t i Anteigi,:ta ( hti ,onlyiexcepte ,) 1 and u:case f i Brik r 1 or o I ri.ei ht for t e pO ds for ye 1 and Verage c u wlie eof the sl said ship ha h f of lading all of tl the One ofThi acc t implishe col . ' And shirl to her Ambn2 Da4 thellitli, I- I -1- wed c I fl i i 1 a II U N II A II I II II 11 urn 111 than what !!!! Ecouid not, well is l apjilly fill= nge and famil hrings oongresmen 'y the pits are es heing palled of ertain can rs of the next erkship lof the oncetd to we' b ing cit; stri ay er mac e cfie 1 I he' C gene 1 cutnab : affttir etec h his be ,i , as 1 ke , ~1 Fir fr ret •pt, I —as so :1 of {as as ion without op 7, exception there ; , new he combinationi, lby the; 9 andi- Inds; there Will y liely 'contest. 31. I 1 I - - on . 'prridil..--Td.. . i r . a P;tYEica . us t e 1 h , creptmo• i•wer,' would be as •fl a liealtlayi iridil• 11 w boils troubte. il l evel• Was i more r . 'lin • resen.. .-- fe* liroi i - en d!stionest oily politic,l'What in are to the blaz. I ,s 4isl 11 , 44' and i • 1 , .. • es the masses of • napose the i party e l d,• We liakTo no lit l self.l Eei.y Re in which in+ met I itseif on record 1 • .1 •ed to driv4 men ! • • to practice econ ! • '• -I nltheir public du er free ourselveS intlu: nce of bad eep i to power in' :tlear aml watch !however, ithrow • • 1 Lction. around the lal mo i •C thorotigh Character of - the liilmseli , e.s for our itizen will -I gener- ;Cial.l ; Tiiiii - is a pral-...,tic l d in the ates, will greatly nterests. T.nquire •••riictei• of ,she ' man e., andl if y;ii . find rious, .cha ifatile, !cl a ioublilc-sPirit i safely Oslo him • iaport s You may • then, Of b i eirig .lianc l es will be so Petwell affoi•di !the. Per to . secure 'an &man whi neveri • sakes a4valitegy hose challter is 11, ranee or 1p ofani earlblanCei .Sheet I without . paying ; 'in this.ll INOmi foi Office aid the ' slicinesty:i high i I 1 Jingly-sna 11.. .1 : - .:i • I , 1 . 1 I 1 I 1 .l ,~ 1 43 nil a -1 i • 1 k loi n i L. "f t ,l p , iN n o•— t : e lioMis Afilibridge l ,' 1 1 1 who is tciw on a ~ i 1 in onr i °rough, La • last -701E1 the 14dinfr„ which he llieetion of aliient ily, , whO wete at. enthent, proivinent hal l basins men' It •1 is a 'printed tyle' t 'e l with rilit anl tent as ofthe - I)6i 1 but I 1 - ii :P 1 '1 -ii I B LL 11 Pa• Eative lino! 1 of a c! E 11pped l i by t, 0 de4and li }. ). Ashbridg ,„ l OOd Sbip C is Master un ✓ yage, CI edina 'at e 1 and is e, d D Anti:pa', f F i lo r on EL , a T l, i citte I 1 7 s consigned cls4 Ofl his ✓ being m, L I eltob( ) de and e of riaid , .a.n el of ..tb Satal i- rib epee tc h s assign% said ' gob ole, 1 with] 1 stowed. fir witness er or Purser of the rand ,'to three bills is Tarior ' ri44Datn, three Bill.Bl being Other twnl to stand God sand the good red ort in 1 safety, 'hila elphitqebra', v c , ; _l uanurxr ri t ARGILM:. , Riethi6licail, 1 • I , so de ,ed ~O W4/12 TO DO Wiiil iIIOM3LE: t , --r-L . Don't try to wench ' .. 0 sorro w . in run or narcotice t '. If ypu begin ' this,ou must keep right op_ with it ,J nntil it leads you:to ! ruin ; ' or .you must add physical pain and the con-':. r:i ; m3 scio tress of degration to giet sorrow youlr i tcf escape. Of ! wretched r, men bis. condition is !float pitiful ? who, r having lolhttopki . g‘ drin ills lebaT - with shattered nerents ' !aching head" and epressed mind, to _facfithe same 1 trop le ag,ain. That which pt first. , was ainful to contemplate Ica, after d ' , seem , unbeatiable.', Tf3n.to one the atal drink will; b aoain - and . agai sought until, its victica sinks a‘! hope ess, pitiful and total wreCk., ' Wrk is the true . iemedy. If mid, rtune hits you hard, 'hit youil some hing else i --, hard - pitch into a some ing with will. There's noth- ing ke good, solid, absorbing work ', to - ,o e trouble. If lotf - laave met with po sses ; you , don't Want 'to- lie aware aw thinking of them. 1 Yoau want SCE FE i ~ calm, sound sleep,l and to eat ~ dinner:With appetite. But you t;" unless you Work. If you say on't feel like ork, and go a g all day to tell 'Tom, Dick and J, • the dory of your Woei, you'll , g i -ak 'find keep your Wife - awake I tis' gs, spoil Ter temper and'; own bteakfa.st the neit morning, be ' to-'morrow feeling. ten , , wo se than . yoU' do to:day. ,i , ere . re some tronbleo that time,' a..eal4, and ,perhaps !smite that ;' everkbe healed at - al4 but all can elped by - the panadea) work. t; you who are thus atlkete,d. 1 scree your I can't you ioafi le a by - t your and' only esn be El IL OF INTERUPTION IN INT. LECTUAL I:.--Few people realize 'the .frill;::; if an ,interrupti 4 On, t~ew ' E peOttle all .that is - implind i by - .i.t., !!- • ace ;Nightingale! says' if we der as, with sick as iwith well, ; !: • thought decomposessopne•ner- I matter, that to obtrude - anotherj; .- 1 ht, upon the brain vihilat it.: is ,i.; • e act ;of destroying . '.nervous : r by thinking, is .calling on it• Ire a new eiertionq vie shall 1,, der ber thafive are , doing positive'' •• by interrupting: - I Ifithct invalid !; . r ed by his avocations to continutl ationsrequiiin4 much thinking, i; , jury is doubly great. :If you offer , . • rain a! thought,l especially one :; ring. a; decision; abruptly; yotru ', a real not lancifulinjury t . This:;: pplies to the well quite as much ! _ the sick. • I hive never known ;',', • ns who exposed theinselves for ' 1 : ' to constant,' interroptiOn whOA.‘„-.. of muddle away their intellects ._ `t-, at last. The prOcess,, with.,' , , may I :be accomplished Withorit, . • With the' sick,- paih giies;i: . ing ofth.e injury, ..Interruption evil to the reader _Which mast;! :stimated very idifferently fr).rn . ary !bash:toss:l.. interriaptiohs,r;, great question about i. the .• inter on is ; not! whether iit nompiels; - j 7-, O divert your attention oo't i liee; , but Whether it:3 • Confpels .yo ito'j , your whole ..nilthl, to an - other, asbn, SU ppose;ireaderiperfeet-' . sorbail in his author;; anr antli r or, . ging Very likely `to in:lother iiige , - - : another • civilizatiOn i entirely '.', .. rent .from ours. .- 'f - you 1 are;, . . ing ia 'the day-timP in n 'house;;! 1 1 o there are 'Women a . :tal ehildren,!. here the neeple Caia - ifasten,,tipon[, for potterinirdetallsiOf business; - may be sure that yo . n. will not be , 1 to get to. the .ehd .orl the ,pas Sage! i out in, some Ray Or I .,other being: ' IV awakened frOm; your dream,;: suddehly brought lack into .the'; 'mon world. The foss! 'in.tellec- , -!, . y is greater thin any lone wh0', , ,1, .. not suffered, from it could ihiag* People think ;that, an slinterrup is merely the, unhooking, of ,an.'- •ic Chaim and;!thati thia current; , flow, when the Chain in -hooked] gain, just as it' didl. be,fore. TO 3 _iiitellect i nal and imaginative, _ - ents an ititerreption is not that;l • :• • the !de I struction' Of. a Dicture.•! I • , ( 1 I , • *ADP, 4., ' ' • . f' [ • ' H . ' • 1.1. D Roars Gaai - ." 1 - 7 -Of the origin is favOrito song a, pleasant story_ ld: ' There ; was. ;an Old Scotch' , not, however; to which the. song! , 8 w surig i. , • for that. We. Iciime to ail .I lish clergyman of wh ich Lady; 1 . o Barnard was - - -veq ifend, andr h Soph Johnstone was irrthe t, of singing to Words i that were from:- Choice..! lltd struck Lady, .. ' that she could - Opply the fat , a tale of.. virinons ..istress.itils'-'; • an' life . with .1 which all couldi 1 . , pathize. . Robin tires , was thn, e of a shepher.datßaleartes, Wh,O_ , • familiar with. the,ehildren 'of the , , se. .. Pie had onceiariested ' them' ' h4r flight to - Ma; intluli,ent-neigh: s. • . Lady Ann revenged this ar4 by seizing ; the Ohl man's' name preventing - it ,fkoa passing into,,, etfulness. Whire,ih& was in• the. of heapingnaiSfop!thries on sine, Jennie, her Fasten Rli'7nbeth,•J ye or thirteen Lye* her-•' junior; •yed-into ihe .little • irocim and saw ter • Anne" at heil escritoire. .. "1 -. 1 o been writing a ballad, ray.deat;r l frank elder sister told her little Adant, "and I am :- - )presairig,-; niy y 1 1 'belo I and Jiff: red. wb.e; her inc with many Mls i. fertrine --.6 5. - 1 hat e already sent her ;Jamie' to sea, bro -e her father's.arnr, and made her mo her fall sick, and gavq her, Mild Ho in for a toyer, butt' wish to load he with a- fifth 'sorrow in the foUr i I lin s. • Efelpjme, I • pi-4?--1, "Steal the a cp , Sister I Anne," ; said •the little Eli abeth. The'catv Was imnairdiatery lift d, and the song.ccimPlet :40 " ..... '.,, • nF F d' : ußtLThf e tti ' alva i sl fai y-land, to:`heynn« Life's lik a beautiful and_ winding 14ne; on eit r side bright,lowers' and beauti-", ful butterflies and ,temptinf,r4ruito; Bch ch we,scarcely Paitsw to adnaire, ant to taste, so eager l are we to haft ten to an ,opening which; ''wei . imagine' more be re beantifrill still. ' Bat, 63 4 , de , rrees, as we advance the trees gross bl 4k, 11 the 1 fiewers • . ' and ` bu tertlies fail, ,the jfrttits diesap. • per, and we find we ,have arrived 4t • a esert. Waste, in the! centre a stag.' n t and ; -Lethean lake, ,over which NV eel and shriek the dark -winged bi ds, the embodied ,Meitories of the Pat, • ! i -," , _ i i 1 I I. Grace •ell icon el? inn% alle4 the lei ;Go l itl Har chor in (hod's to 1 Propri 'said o Satal abence x:hed as 3 deliver port of the Sea ickell, Rich'4 paying Is , five aimage I . I 1 I, , JUSTICE of the peace' in. Illinois, ore whom a citizen h'sd-proseeit his daughtees lover for ejeeting,-. l a frond his own parlor, thetshp evening previous sol/mzlly ' idled as follows : 1"1.i 'pearsAliat • young. feller -3vo courtin`;: the - lintiffs gal in' plaintiff's -back 1 lor, and Was, putoutl by defend-- ICourtin' is a Public necessity.: . muet not be interrupted. Thate e, the law of Illin6is will hold - that parent has no leigal right in - h • m ,where coartin'•l3 afoot, and's° • defendant i is !thseluirged ' and utiffitaust pay casts?' •I I L - "; ' 'q ' be ed hi, da T was a brilliant Mattoon boy o, soeilig a dog with &Muzzle on for the fire,. !, e, exclaimed:, ' Mamma, mamma, I betlivo !, to the dogs are . going to RP! !mop skirts ; re gom a dog with ono on his - nose . : : II