Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 16, 1873, Image 3

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g Towanda, Thursday, Oot. 16, 1878.
LOCAL 427.11-01MERAL.
WADE, the fiend who murdered the
litclbrima u grwear Willismoperi, will be Mini
Nevember & • , r •
3fEsios. Coq., P4amoy. & Co. have
opened a branch lingo atOrain Mira -Barra !
Mr. Cots will take barge of It. . • ,
TEE festival. of the missionary
bandit of the liresbyterisus Sunday-school, which
camo off hat Wednesday crez!hig, Was a com
plete success,'netting about alty dollars.
The new Presiding Elder of the
Troy District #. E. Church, visited this place
on Holidayeitr6inti last, and conducted his
first quarterlyitneeting.
. . . .
Tnz already fi ne appearance of the
new 'school berme, has been materildlY bnproi.
ed by placing a large brass eagle ;over the
tower. A good bell has also been plitaticlin MO
Tits third visitation district of the
_of Lackawanna,' will meet at the
Presbyterian Church in Troy, Bradford county,
on Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1873, at 7 o'clock P. sr.
About tienty-ttre churches will be repreiented.
Busy & Mamma) hEive . started!'a
new piper at Lock-Haven, Pa. It la Republican
in politics. Kr. Ifersrisli is a Bradford county
Man, and -,has -- considerable' espetience in
the newspaper business. He make the
Enterprise a lice paper.-
PEOP. SMWOOD 18 a composer as
well as teacher of music. His last piece, which
has just been - published bY °Lupus Drawls ilt
Co., Boston, is entitled , the 1' Towanda Mazur
ka," and is highly spoken lof by musicians. It
is fo sale at COL; PAESICiir it Co s s; - -.
• ~
A. PEEP into them ney drawers of
the First National Bank of Waverly, the other
day,l satisfied us that ,they have currency
enough to pay a' ood miiy checks. If we hid
- what was In one comp. ... ent, we'd throw, up
the printing high:less and 'go West."
ONE of the ticket eiits of N.' Y. &
E. R. B.; ,atw
Elmira, as gged, itt his own
residence, on Tuesday m • g last, apd'the
-keyls to the ticket dike aid safe taken from
him. The robbers then proceeded to the de.
pot and stole from the lad 2,01:00
o nry and cheeks.
()S.F. of the brighteiA young ladies
in Troy, captured a live ITO the other, day,
and has undertaken thn takk of taming him.
OW trust her devotion may :43 repaid, and that
many other' iVoYes may ceive jre fostering
many y of
car r, during the' blissful life
re ars
• srli ch it is ardently hoped s e may enjoy.
War. ikon .bridge at the_ depot is
finikhed, and in addition to eing an ornament,
,materially shortens the distiuice . forte cimnif
,buses. The foundation for to new depot has
been commenced. The b.' .'ng iA to be con.
itructed of brick, and is 1. ted several rods
south of the present depot. •
ing in Which the elections i the Third Nyaid
were held,iwas burned abon ten days since. It
,was then determined to hold the, election on
Tuesday at the house of F. Warrs, bat by a
strange coinchir was also de
stroyed by fire f tlao 'election.
WE cong
gregatiou in
in focaring,the
74r. D. is not a
been stationed .
ber ef years. Hi
ergy, catholicity
nal welfaim of
a prudent, consi
A PIANO has been placed in the
pdblic Echoed building. Many -of the punils
TAT,- and it will riot only prove a source of
amusement to . ; the school, but real benefit to
many. The instrument 'now in use. has been
•lilrod by Prof.'nYAN, but we hope steps 'will be
immediately take.: to ptirehase_a spit - able 1 '.lllO
for the use of the building. kpenity cowl
lion from each Wptiolr wonid soon raise a "md
sufficient for the purpose. '
. THE Waverly Adrocate sayi Towan
da-has just built a good jail, l and inthusles that
Ar need a scbool-bonse. If brother ELNNET sill
show his elengited form here, we will coneuce
him that we have the finest f school building in
Northeru renn.§j - lvania, and 'the best conduct
public with three hundred and Tidy
brjgll t intelligent 1 - )oking yOungsters •ss
.licit ever cungregated idiany building.
. .
Prodford Reporter states as a
netcwortny fact. hit Hosroun, in T&ivanda,
in his garden-a cluster`of five tomatoes
hriinch, five and three
-1»;1::13. It should also note the fact
Pqhlisht- 1.1. y us se verr.l weal agci that D. F.
VANI'I:7:KT, of Forksville, in this county, raised
tomatoes On • one branch,
weighing pound.•;'. •Forksville leaves To
wanda. far in rear. r -Laporte Fire'
D. D. C. N. BLACK LAS visited
0: or O. T. on Toes
day ‘.. , vLning, 7th inst., and installed the follow
alcrre :
:!;. 1.3.11:N-:En
G.-M. D. CAQM%
E. C. Town
' , v., E. 613. , ,v.• i 4. secretary ; ana Hou. Jcua
I AA,r tin treasurerof the 1..0136;e; Which is one
t!1 ,7 1n0, -, t. Ilnurishiug in, the county.
inaccurate_cenaus of this place
Et:4l impre =io3 ae to the -tizo and
ofTowanda.- People at a distance
, offing about for a business location in
a •Ilr:‘ nig town; aphsuit the,censtts and finding
:ire put down at lesa than three thou--
ant!, turn their attention in another clireCtion.
there iFillO. doubt a correct enumeration
inbsbi Cents would 'show' a poptilation clf
f Jur thouniid, /nd it is clearly the duty of
to - rough anthoritieT, to hit've - the people
once. -
TEL free -letter deliiery system has
al.iptc.d in Elmira.. , Mayor CALDWELL id-
l'ustmaster the folloxiing,L,
;;:afalatory 0:1 the successful working o
EuunA, N. 17., - Oct. 15, 1873.
bEA:tI:3II2 : Allow me to congratulate you up-,
0 11 ti.eiuccessful working of the "Free Delvole
ri , y-iern in this city; and to tlian't - you on
t)iir citizens for your earnest efforts in
u. Firl'your systematic plans in organiz-
Iluspectrully yours, •
. NnitTIIERN Lodge Good Templars
until further notice, every Friday
• at 7:30 o'coCk. All members are re
'`ll;tsed to be present, payinp thednes t and
, set the new password. In future, members of
oiLer luilgesvithont pass, 'will be required to
"briM; certificate of standing from their own
kitzr.. Gentlemen who wish to escort ladies
home, are requested to join the ladgo, as it is,
forciutsiders to b'e in the ante-room.
Templars members of other lodges
AI.) may happen to be visiting in T6wanda,are
to meet with ns, and, if possible, be
prErared with a short speech, a song, or apiece
The membership of our lodge is absurdly
1.111, compared with our population. Can we
z. , :Are sonic families? some married - people?
ni , re young men, and at least ono minister of
t L.-, Gospel? There are plenty of good, • actiro
who are rapidly sinking under the weight
t , ! thcir daily il4ticl of drink, If`lio could stop if
they mould. Why will they - pot try? Come,
friend,! do sumthing. Join no, if you are sober,
and go. up a little zi•al ; once •in your lire, and
persuadi, some ono who lore 3 his cup 100 well
to come with you and pin. Co-r , rieration will
gladden Our hearts.' W.C. T.
A *mann 'trued iol-• burs 3 cam
home Hews ride the ether bi
t i a t, sad; bi
fooad a cirri of Mobilo half st
4 his etO. Ho Iris solo* tßizi4a..l , :t)a • •
it got there—but .Lo was wt. HO says =
hate 34 hostler go °Ter hisri, whit a bni'sit
ectriyoc4b before ha retnnui honie sgiin aft
exercising his horse. ' I
r 7 POda
rale* libel! winter icocku;
Wore Waseca the Ist.. &Frei**, I
the time to !btly, ae
of 8 00 410 611.1itloat driebtedranft Sl4ll
mattere in commercial and liawetacturtage
tree betme more ow. As one mercLanta wer
jut rbe,dir to purchase, when the criei j cam
they were able to reap th 6 'advantage of
heavy d
4 = i n merebindiee, teed •
goo& , far below what they can •
place them. Red the idVertisemente, aro
then coin's to town • and make your purchase%
It me t ! Osysjadeed.trith men who dep't ad'.
rutin. r - •
IN TtooßrNo over our mints) , e;,
changes' for the past mouth, We have been'
wash htierorteil in the reports of agrieidtuN
societica awl fairs. Why cannot we have, an
agricultOral society?. Several years ago cue
wait organized, and was successfUlty , conducted
tors minter of years, and the good effects
it arzfilll.' mintfett in our improved breeds bf
cattle arid horses, and the interest manifested
by tumors in raising the best varieties of grain
and Othei, farm products. The improvemeOs
In thesei'respects, however, would be, ,much
more Inarked, and the interest stimulated, by
annual gatherings for the exhibition of farin
*dual. Who will take the initiatori steps,
toitaid *organizing the Bradford Clotutty &g. I
ricultitml Society? I
A ilpinnol of parents and others
interested is Ms public school, were present at
khe Friday afternoon eterelses, last week; The
school ;nib been in operation only two weeks,
but the kood order and discipline which was
mainti*d thronghOut the anaMOOD, satisfied
all precept that Prof. Blur and his assiitaniii
are =Aura °MoultElation. The icholark who.
took part in tho perrieu acquitted thefil.
'selves *Di. and would have done malt ony
school iq the country. While the teacheralt, ore .
no intini4o make the Ithot 4 l a imccess,:pipc.:'s
should not forget that very touch will 'Upend
vir.o — n third. : An occasional visit will do Unich
to encoureske.'your children and aid the teach-
: i: 'Fra.E.--,kbout 4 o'clock ?h1 Monday
morning last, fire was discoVer d in the old
b,uilding: oh Canal street, in th rear of ill;
Episcopal &larch, known as the iIIINEII lionse l
. 4 the girt companies were rfrothpily on th .. ,
.ground and prevented the spread of the flame
but t could not save the bhilding. The house
was occupied by lira. Mimi and daughte
and' a colored fatally named Lza, both of whom 1
lost - a portion of their furniture. Jlt is alscistati•
ed that kliss ATERY lost four hundred dollars
in money,. The building was insured f0r..5500.
much was' the full value. The fire is supposed
to have peen the work' of an incendiary, as it I
originated le a room where there had not been
fire in several weeks.. ' I
Is it ntt about time for the borough author 4
tiesi "take some steps to find out the party or
parti • s w k ho aro - causing the conflagration that
l a
opt weekly destroying so much properti
in our midst?
: ;
. .1
f, :
W=.. in Weyerl y . the other flay,
. ,
wo were:iihown through tho new hotel, Which'
is nearly :ompletediand when finished will b
the best itrrangedand most convenient hoificry .
in this Spetion. trt contains seventy-five sleep 4,
ing rooms, with closets and bath-rnotns on est.: .
ry flour; Liargc and elegant parlors, a spa:Firma
dining rixim,• and cosy breakfast room, besidd
a largo ilidl ande,pffice., Thero are also: iwd
piod sto ics in theblocli. f
1 ;
`lOSt ac ross thu street Mr. SCVDDEIL has erect!,
ed e',,, b: - ..nAtiftil and substantial brick building
for his ptinting office. Raving been: arranged
with special reference to his business,
, 1
4 is's :
model, which we advis any of our brethren. of,
the qttillytho hake a sufficient amount of • that ,
"needthi,n to imitate iii building. As brpthet
5C111ME1 , 3;51.13 Out at .ibie time of our call, wt.l
"quietly a tole awa,v" with a copy of a iargo book ]
several cppies of which we found lying anaund
loose. If you need any evidence eiti the truth
of this risertion, Fivois, ball on friend E4.11F-It.
M. E. Con:-
good fort an o
county, baring
)n for a num-
.at energy en
tY. The spirit
nd him a
• THE 31., E. Conference sihich 'met
last went!, made the following appointments for
Trpy District :
'ZOO DiSTEICI-n. J. lIERIII-1113,1 P. E.
Till ''
J 43. Lemon.
To., y... i
wanda' ,
- M. C. Dean.
Ulster.. I ... ............... ....W. H. ittimsvy.
Smithfield ' • '• C. L. F. Fiore.
Enrlingtim , G. 8. Transne.
East Canton .13. J. Tracy.
Canton. i , ' J IY. Loped.
Mouroeton B. IL Cranmer.
Liberty Corners
Albany. I
Fork svillo -
Mains b .
Thatlind .
Wells.. i f . •
Mansfield.. .
Blosaburg.... •
CliarleatOrt.. ,
Gamea. .
Knoxville. .
Rev. 0. L: Ginso goes to Cannotja, NA".
.PERSONAL.—The new psto . r of:the
ht. E. dhurch, entered upon, the ditichargO of
his dutia'S on Sunday morning last, and preach
ed ad eXeellent and appropriate sermon.
S. Stewart, of 'this place;' and Rev.
11.ixss; of ,Waverly. exchanged
,t,alpitii on
Entid.l); last.
—Twos ! RYAN, Etl, formerly of ff hie phice,
has been SppMnted D,eptity 17. S. District:At
torney:fen the District of Kansas. R. is'
one of pie leading attorneys of Topeka.
-3. pi SGM.NEII, of this county, is giving mn
sical coneertS in i lloga county, li:.Y.,innonspa
ny nab Several other musical gentletnen.
5.,. in addition to being a good mitsloian,'ls a
polislicidl gentleman. •
I. . .
Mrs., Wm. Warsyss has returned'from Kan
-ELFiIL4EY IVAIKINS has given up the practice
of law, and embarked in tho' plinth* business
at Independence, Kan.
—S.l'. l l Ltritnor, formerly of this cennty,,lnu
eslabliShed a correspondence bareati in Wash
ington: 131 r. L. is a good writer, antl'possessei
facilitiislfur picking up interesting news, whiel
will render his letters valuable to cOuntry.p
—W~',T., G. 13. Davrsow, W
Mrs, wiltattend the U. S. Court at :Pittsburg
next wee*,as jurors. ;-
and Mrs.' GUIDLET, of WASFILIC, I'..
have gene to Europe, and will remain abrtrag
several .years. 'Mrs. G. is a daughter of
F.:sq., of Mycriburg, and has • niani
friends in this county., , • ,
—..urs. CHESTER, forinerly Miss TpulrE /ft -
LETT. ; tvas visiting friends hero last wpck..
• AS TICTEREStING EiENT. --Friday lits
October iO, being the eighty-fifth birthday f
Deacon Saatts Exuorr of this plaeo;; a number
of his friends prepared a surprise
the'afferneon one of their neighbors induce
Mr. acid Mrs. Emserrr to take a wadi. Dorm their absence a Party took possession of the
house on' Second street, and prepared a art
i stantiad dinner. On the return of HA aged but
sprightlyi couple, they were completely surOie
ed to find their „dwelling turned intti a " ban 7
gneting hall," and' furnished withr . a goodly_
number of guests.' After doing amPle juetic
to' the sumptuous repast, CaPt.. , litaz;,`, on
behalf of the assembled company, made a Mimi
histori4l'address, and concluded by-:congr4
lilting the Deacon and hid wife on their happ
and vigorous condition. After; an himr or t •
spept social interedurse and si igiag, th
hippy Ineeting was terminated witlC,prayer, b
WOsnAm. - In dispersing the coinpanyex
pressed the hope ,that Mr. and Mn.i Ew.
might lire to witness many more suCh
From present appearances, these eipectatiOn
are likely to be fulfilled, as they'are tik hale an
hearty 'us the majority of people tt 4ty.
In ttie evening, Deacon ELLIOTT didiverect
.3.4. Tuttoh
- ...T. ?Taring
J. Van Kirk
M. Y. Briggs
• .(/. Hininan
N: Clark
.....A. L Blanchard.
. : . D. Blain.
..S. .G. Ithinoranlr.
H. Llnikin.
W. Gibson.
...A...1. Parkhprst.
...WI O. Moyer.
Tholnas Stacy.
u a.
.A. D..Braine.
Isaie Everett.
. Chts. Wrjeks
J. El' Williams
G. C: dcAnes
• - •4. Etitlign
Bapttst churl; Which irsa
nuirked ittentioWthmughoet.lT
the subject are worthy of &Wei
well prawn:CM. et „the wge
years, Is the strongest argumen
&Tarsal F»!.;--Are
coned Vitt anottaw aeries
oectifiili begins to - look
now salted Van to ebrotdele .
within two weeks. Between four
on 'rues* morning, the dread
was again rounded in the upper
and it was soon asoerttineo that
deuce of Faux Win* in the
in flames. As there i n; no conve
tlng Waterin that portion ,of th
forte to save the builfliug\ were
was nearly consumed before the
stream on the fire. FortunitelY,
was little air stirring, or the adjo
,would have been destroyed ale.'
of the fire was, without doubt,
incendiary, as it was discovered I
'shed where there was no stove,
,family had been la the room sin.:
previous evening. lir. WATTS' I.!
and farniture must reach four o
dams , upon which there was
only 18,700. Iwconneetion with'
tines whirl have befallen him d
"few years, the loss is L heavy blo
receives the sincere sympathy
No time should bo wasted on t'
borough authorities in ferreting .
of these fires, which aro beco .. • .
' Ova enterprising sn•
lienpsnEr Bum Ens & MACY,
exactly the correct policy in re
business during the present str
money Market. , After paying
On Saturday evening lAst, they g
they would continue to give empi
Who desired to remain, but w
palled to withhold halt the tva:'
time as' currency becomes mo
the men earn from fifteen to twe
each per week, the amount the l
every Saturday night will be s.
port themselves
the money market gets easier' I
themselves possessed ce quite
the credit of the men, we aro p
that they cheerfully acquiesced
ment, and determined to confirm!
at Such mutual regard for thl
each other as this action of empl.l
ployeit displays, gives a hopeful si:
*ell 'for the future of the estabr
and honorable treatment or men
generally begets en honest intere :
Of employes, and results, as in
vancing the prosperity of both. i i
pie set by Hi MPIIILEY Bnorusr.s
their men, be imitated by others,
will leave no unpleasant recollect
AT A meeting -of otigl
h. 0. S. C., of Towanda, P the I
nlutions of respect to the memor3
ed brother, Asn.tx SwErr, were
! Wirrun.ts : It has - pleased' Alm
Lis infinite Wisdom, to deprive on!
Abram Sweet, of his reason, by ul
to his death (by his own hands) ,
Resolved, That while we bow
submission to His Divine will, we
to mourn the loss of a brother w
short sojourn among us, his sho
plea of an honest, industrious a.
man; and we, the members of
K.O. S. C., of Towanda, Pa., d ,
his untimely end, and tender our
Pa r thy to all friends of the decease
Resolved, That our hall be dra.
ing for thirty days. '5 ,
Resolved, That , a vote of that
Messrs. Humphrey Brothers
Sympathy manifested by them at
oar deceased brother.
Resolred, That a voto of itiank:
T. B. Jordon, Channey P.nsscll,
ervices rendered on the occasion
Besolred. That these resolntion
ed in the To fanda papers, and. n
&ee be tram-mitted to Lis Iriende.
I - Wm. H. fitasuNE.t, , 1
` -C. C. Mow
Jos. Mime
o clock on Monday evening last, a
cashier of the First National Ban
thp office after a short absence,.
Powered by five men, who had en
a' back door, and gagged and h.
tlie men was then left to guard L
Mhers w.•ent into the vault, whic
biitu closed for the night, and tu
in money, Emil a quantity . of b,l - ;
for safe
It appears that Mr. Hum, tit
fiat completed Lis . retticment: to
segtieutl:t the vault was not lee
ctirrentylbatance of the day's lin
been placed.iti the rate. - The
bank are linable to state- just ho
were taketp as they were only let
ing. Four of the men -let the
one tu Board the cat
o i xhick in Mu morning. ;Ilion?
ward,. tir. 11,.._ in pissing tai
gruiris and awakened Mr.l3Ard''
dentovho proceeded to the ba
Mr. UCLL in. the condition .des'
of th!e thieves hired a horse in
evening of the rubbery, and re
about half past twelve, brit no
the perpetr4turs of tbejtgia rob
in a w i ry cri
abet' dinovered, and it is 'thong
elpired iu a very short time. II
most trusty and faithful men to
Where, and 17 - deeply syrupathiz
his rough, treatment.
The bank will nate affected'
. .
FATAL RESULT Or A ..1 7 01
innt.—A brief dirpatch to the
Salturdak afternoon, reads thusii
On of If. D. Lructirrr, U. S. 6,
Plitental was killed last night by
chit, near Ithaca, N. Y." From t
who was in Ithaca, ou ti.sturdly,!
young 1:m47 was a member o,
versa-y:l'a the Freshman class; al
going an initiation into a secret,
c liege, the ceremony ,taking
house in the village, adjacent to,
banks-of Sit. Mile Creek.
initiation, it gams the iintiated..
many devious maze and over tli
culties. one of- whic - u in tliis case
cipitatiOn of yoUng LneenrT offl .
thebanks of the creek below, bt
twe attendants. Young Dieu:.
head ,and Suffered histantane
crushing of the skull. One of
had a clavicle fracture and the o ,
deal hurt. They seamed to hag
dilators during this part of. the ,:
waa at first thought to hush up;t,
otitis death,lbut the report gel
body was taken in charge by the
as it was leaving the depot. Aft
three classmates took the iemaii
escort them to his father's restdi
ington. They passed through,h
tormance of their sad duty, ort
ingEtaking the Northern Centre
sudden death and revelation crel
i4e1:161; impression throughout Al
Mid everybody about the village
Vili'bsted breath : A student;v
kad-resulting ceremonials is said,
into a condition of insane 1)j - s l i t - el
occurrence of that fearful last
We have not at hand the Nordic
net's investigation.--Eirnira.Adcl
ace, at LiFayette College, erecte •
entific Deptmerit, i 3 mow lace ,
cLisses, and be dedicated 11) 1 1
public exercises, on Tugsday, Oct!
magnificent structure Cost over
and fifty thousand dollars, and
gift of Mr. Ants PARDEE, iisfif:{
Scientific Department of the
lists •of one centre building, a
height; flfty-threo feet front. a
deep, and two lateral wings, one
of tho centre building, measuring
in length and thirty-one in width
in tyligtit including a mansard
terminating in two erns
trout and eighty-four feet deeri,
rid in height. The entire length
straight line, two hundred and
The material is the Trenton brow
trienminga of light Ohio sandaton.
ed throughout by steam and
i 4
The GM Iberia , . ~s liktigtod to the study of
mining; and =Whi r t .; the second -contains
• the geological and mineralogical cabinets,
umil igy
spactou t s auditorl and smaller lecture rooms,
reeding rooms, and professors' studies. Tbb
third Star Is &Noted , to the cogineent. Thit
right wing Is occupied by. mining engineer 4,
A large drawing room occupies the lateral wing,
oldie the cross wing embraces rooms for tn 4
tils and various professional purposes. The left
wing is t empled by 4i 461 U
t l,Tiai
lateral 'wing comp
.. es a drawing-room, an
the crow wing is ;d1 did into rooms for loci r ,
. I W l26 EsiozWilfra .. ig0 , 14. 4 1944ri Ira 414v11kt4.
a l
On the fourth Soar ,i§cy•paro ample provision
has been made flir . e chemists. The centre
bonding is divided to 41Wo'lligtifreems, 'O4
' ter technical collect . and the , other art4B l .
r isistaloo#•'. 'ha /4i4411. 4ritig4 are :. 112014e:4
fer guatilititliwand hiiiatiute; itigiidg; - Ito
c r ogi wiiiiii at the t rein* of the braiding are,
occtipied by adtEtla, ' ' labliratcrieir,Aecture.
room*, and profile° simnel:l The llftb door
of the Centre b • milintr,tpletl , l4' lab=
:Materiel for Wl** - , in deletinin;
Oil whet .rooms were endol, Ind the , blest, Ill'•
:Tangelutea4 of thous 4 hnildlogelts. RPM*
as 7 0 1 1 . 4 4 in $ 1 44 coon
...ti7 1 4944, ofraptatud 6
ed, and liberal provision haa been mad" in all
the departutents , 41414100 a, !Qr. ,01154 aid
vridch has been `deviant for the most therough
and attractive' *l4 and 'aisci tot the . pidse.
cation of original rose ea: I i
.The formal dedicati n of such a Ohio build.
14, equalled by . w college edifices in the
country, will,be an even of the greatest inter.
eat not only to the Al . mni and friends of the
College, but to all wh. are interested in educa-
Unita! matters. 1 , lip '
as his trwik,
of eighty-five'
In favor of hie
Iwo to be
15 ' egegrelbee i
it, ae.'we are
.- 'thit:d ltr,
- a 08 cedixt
alarm of Aril
end 'of town,
he hige resit
. , Ward, was
!. ence ter got=
I . town, et
nd • it
engines t got
Water' there
• •g b • dings
The right
e :work let an
in tho ;woodi.
d none l ot thii
• !tin / to the
on blinding
% ye theisand
insurance • Of
other yeisfoi
; ring tied past
, and Mr.
all one cit
e part of th
oat the cans
g, alarming]
[aye adpe
.ard to 1 elf
.gency 1,. ill
elf worlenae
ve notice t
.yment to
es .until irac4
I , plenty.'
ty4lvo 4141311 1
will receive
dent to limp
h, and t l ybel l a
• Ywill find
l nrpluis.: To
eased to add
the arrange 7
work as tau%
interests or
I. n end an4nr
I 1•
.3. capitalists',
:ton the Part
i s case, in ad;
et the eianarl
tEQ.A E. D
Oct. 16. Subject
mg. Wanted to
2,0'00. Enquire at thf
• For the la
ptimpkins, go to Co
b encase for the I •
ma. Dress
Itel. See notice
of Steam rower for Bat
bits. Wool:mune&
fine assortment of now.
.16:r C. P. Co:
soveral dsv-subscriptic;
T4c 14 4 11 4
and the cads
sar- klarge as
els just received at
No 370 i
of a dcaCeae l
assed • •
. •
Sates, at Fawn &• E.()
the be
go to Mralt S RUNDELLI
^MY tied; in
late brother,
hich he eittun
lb humble
nowt ceasei
durini Lid
n the princii
. d ge te li m o pe . i s a 7 t o n i
i eply deplore
1 ear tfelt.dym-i
t l and be it
1. •4 in monin-'
'',jT Several - va
HOCISC4 and Lot 3 fcir sn
see M. E. Ro
ho,best fall stylo hats
ice• The beit f!
oti•cst prices, at A. F. el
THEar. are one h
fire students now !Men
tate. '
acy, for, tho
,ho funoral,of
DAN 211Erdia
store at . WyEauking,
Call 4tul see him. _
be tendered
d o*herA, for
. I
be puLlishJ,
copy ot 1 thel
Iteim MYER REr
and better assortment
Other establishment in
'scan. Prof. SflElt
appreciated by the peo
bet of his pupils is Wet
—About, 10}
3 . 31 r. EILL;
rotitructi to
ts 9.; Patterns,
at cost, at Mrs. %Voir)
arid Bridge.
10 W 29 otrer
ered thrtiaglt
and. One of
tu, while the
had not yet
k outl 13;000
•da deposted
INt have jit
stock of tags, which we
ent orders at the lowest)
noutS 'for Ladies,
cashier, lead
thc: day, con
ed, 'and i the
inel,l harl ti(it.
filetra of I' the
1 1. many bonds
fer'ssio kep
bnildiug, Lut
I. ier until five
,I, ,11 ,ur affer
()auk, heard
€, tho Preal
k and found
I rihed. Three
overly on the
urued with it
[ rthcr chic- to
4cry has been
gel,: By no poss .
per be so ohdaply purcl
section, as at C. F. Cno,
ce, recciycs
best critics.
Stir The
rernembe th
ow as is o
cheaper and bettor 800
ever before offered for
Stsr Childrei:o3
Folt t .Straw and Vehlote
corner of Main andliri
cal comlitimf
t would lutvo
is ono of the
o round
with him in
Teacher: i f ofl
chub Sheet Music and
ers' rates, at the Temp
Ll9ll ' PRACi •
,sociated Preqs
an inlorman,
we learn that
• 0)7v , II
was ntidei•-
• ,1051?" A few t;rio
Bribina; and Buff Coc
comp. Et:quire (AIM:
Merces Block.
.7a• g i efgllllll'S
alai:es, and Gas cotoi-s,
lari.W.txhiltUreS, corns'
sirduts. • •
• •
I • .
I ` lace
cf the
taco io .sonte
he precipitous
process of the .
'a lecl,through
I 1V 24 the rxe.-
high cliff to
ether with hia
Ifell, upon his
lus death lic
l• •
er was a gOod
been his ei)4-
cc remony. j It
tine out, the
ter 'Arties des .
Dry, Gt.cdj for Fall and
welt to call on Ttrron
moot in ariothel
2153"' Miss
lion of thd
ment of 311Hine
inspection S
ter Perscx
Real E,:tat of al
Bannrrr & Tn.
Agents anll.Br6
special attpntiol
and one that
coroner, just
r the inquest,
LI. in charge to
•uce in,
I re, hi the per
aturday even-
I Booth. 'hie
ated the Teat
ho Unveraitl.,
talked it over
tom of the
to hate gtOe
rieg, oi - er fi l e
Frida night.
of:. the Oor4-
:trti.Veiri-1 ai l
#0- Now is
you; letter-heads, env
printed, a6d the list.
place togtit them exeen
siirßra' thushekl
linielicrboker, and Oth
and on en terms,terms, at i
'temple of Music, Tows I
", • I
valuable , h
for sale—pleasant loeali
Chtlich. ingniro of JA
o no* edit
for Old
piod . by 41i)
ser.Tiadies' Hat
all of the (latest styles,
WOnntirris, corner of
Entrante on Main stree
Oetoberilo, 1873. • '
bar 21. '4h#,
two hundro
the :prine.l ,
'•nder of tho
ege. It ceril
o - Etorics ifl
lon each
: four etoii e
f, the 'tie!
prty-two tee
! rid foui
of trout, th
i fifty-eix fe'etJ
. It is heat'
s. ted by 'OlB.l
1 9 5,- it is not ge .
H. C. WEII i ZAKEII, at tll+
BEPPRTEBI office, make
style, of tilling and_ bi
Irani a nesi Ledger, Jo
him n cMI
Mir At the.reqn
csted, the I ression of th
atitnto to ho hold at 110
fronO 3lon4ay, Oct: 20, a
to Holiday; Nov. r.
S LOCAL. 1 •
cilf.zsixti in Mercues
I "For tour . Own Sake.
borrow, $l,OOO or
eat -
squashes and
Third Ward Bakery.l,
tive, energetic man
mings, at Mrs.
another column
, by E. A. Ow=.
ormandy Caps ) at
has just opened a
wants agents for
rtment of Biack-
CAS Chamber
, for fifty dollars.
Lt Roast or Steak
I able Farms and
eby pormErr TnAcy.
EMIELD IS selling
roily groceriesat
'ndred and twenty
tog school at tho
• opened his new
the Ist of-October
HELL keep a larger
,f vegetables than any
-eon begins to be
to here, and the num-
ats and Bonnets,
rit's, corner of Main
s. received a new
an, print on the short-
Patterns of Gar
s uaritillren, st Mri.
can wall pa=
ased anywlnTo in this
t this 0f
.3 from the
it cannot
go. ...ere tiol.l so
:ering them this-1
lows have more,
,3 and Shoes, than were
l i alo in Towanda.,
School Hats, in
n at Mrs. WoomrFres,
music can pur-
it usic•Books at Teach
to of Music, Towanda
of choice Light
Min Chickens, for sale
coal office, No. 3,
C. P. -WrixEst.
Zephyrs, in . all
uly 20 cents per oz, at
of Main and Bridge
ring, to purchase
Waiter. wear, rill do
.& CO. See 'adveEt se-
Is the ,atten
tnt new assort=
will be open for
to purchase,
should call on
nd Real E,of ate
IVELLEs pays
,f Huy Presses.
ta good article
l ood time to get
lopes and bill-beads
!man office is a good
Weber, Hoofman,
r Pianos for paidttheap
ore, Passage Co'a
bia, Pa.
pose and two lots
I y—near the Episcopal
' ES - Woo d s ~,xecator of
-and Bonnets in
I ust rreeiral at Mrs.
ain and Bridge streets.
erally known that
Book Binderyover tho
Blank Books In any
ding desired. If you
rral or Docket, give
lit of those, inter.
coanty Teachers' In•
ae, will be postponed
,KPieriously advertised,
CO. Supt.
• • j
gam The /bet
= ~•t riwkily siroceries
lowest prices, at Ci:nlaitastiti ffa4tiittfar
AlPfli39ll °Pt'
tors, always buy them of &. F. Own" at Hi,
Thlr4MATAlNOrtg‘i,reG ,:1-1;:; , < 1 ,40 •
'loinll ifOr 'W6'OllOl4l, '1317i 4
lot. on Wiestnut stroot. Enquire et the °Mee
erßizmnrr do Tito*: W. G. Taro.
'.r6. FROST & Sous have 'fitted' up i
tasty show window, and are displaying some 4:0
,best furnitttrp!otti eihttutiodia this mark s
It will pay you to call and examine their stoc
4 Y, 1 1 •
ifirrourth Annual Lecture Court*
is oPm*,4 ArP# /*mos labitAtep Halt
this (Thrutday) evening. Subject :,"For Your
Own sake.', • -
PS; Oar reade . ra should:retileanber
that -o ttose keeps a foil supply bi 1:604
end stationary, And, tt4 his facilities for pur.
chasing give him an mysitago over those of
less experience.
e best place to ;buy Saab
Blinds; Bocci and allldnds ol•Lumber, Is a
Fttorr h Boris. •Factbry on Charles street. Off
tlect 107 Blain street. They sell cheap top nub.
- ti' LAZARUS & Moßms,matinfact
nrers 'Of those. celebrate,4 spectacles,
changed their agency from J. ntrOONIN'S to
V3l, 45. ,
$.. We , are now selling the Wo,
yea tortio Mattreiss at $16.00. They are the
cheapest spring beds In the world. Why den't
yOll Call at FIIOST & &me and tl7 ono? '
• ter Why, run the risk, 'of an iicti4
dent, when you can get a ticket good, f?r
000 in caso of death, for 20 conta a'day, by calb
ing on Fah= Bunnarrit, at upper depbt
fteir Dr. DoosoN, our now dentist,
will be here ready for business, on the 6th of
October. llis Wilco will be over A. F. Coi - LEs!
Grocery Store, opposite the Episcopal Church:
Fon SALE.--,The new horse on Main
street, second door north of Chestnut street,
lot about 100 feet front. Terms easy, Enquire
on the premises of Mrs; Fianna and of E. T
rem A. F. Cowuti has fitted up a
convenient and pleasant dining, room; in con.
nection with his store, opposite" the Episcopal
Church, People from the country. who desire
a good "home meal," should give him a call.
W.ll will be of interest to a;
largo class ofonr readers to know that A. F.
COWLEB, of the third ward bakery, has opened,
an eating saloon, and is prepared: to furnish
meals at, all hours. Oysters served in every
style. ' •
Ilehek'sunrivaled 80 inch and R 4 inch cylin
der Threshers and Cleaners, on band ready for
immediate" sale and delivery. ,
Towanda., July 30
HousE PaiyErts.—l have on hand
ready for iminkfliate kale and'deliverY, two of
Hardee.. 2-Horse rowers, and ono Wheeler's'
first-class 1 nuke. Horse Lever Powers. The
latter On,trnejf,ready for
-_-_ •
Towanda, juji 30
Just received a supply. This is au excellent ono
in every respect. It will separato Oats from
Wheat.'s.nit Buckwheat from Oats, and prepare
nicely all grain and.grass feeds for sewing.
:Er- As the season for opening the
wiuter4eltools is at hand, we beg tcy call dtten- :
Hon to the f ct that. O a W
allquarter or all I,ha
. F. China' store is
.( 1,
hels of. sc i lio,l.l'and text
books. Al li drat discoaLt made to teachers
and country 'loiters.
111. COLE, PASSAGE & Cu., their
Temple of Ilusie, i ,keep a larg« szsortinerit of
Violins, Guitars, Accordions, Finks, Fifes, Pie!.
colps, Draws, Ilarizonicons, Strings ctc., etc.,
which they are selling at 23 per cent. lees then
such goods were ever sold iu this market.
BUY Yowl Con., BY ILE Can LoAD
—Two or naoro persons can club.logether and
buy their coa t i from R. M. Webrzs at irh o p,osl e
prices,. and get 2,210 tbs to the ton. In doing
so seventy-flvo cents per ton of 2,000 lbs. can
be saved from Towanda retail prices:.
Durinittte-next sixty Lisp we
kill Fell goods regardless of cost, a.nil will mike
prices to suit all, in ordei to make room for
goods. of our own mannfactime. Now is trae
J. 0. rnosT & SONH.
Sla!n Sticet
me to Inv
I •
May' 7, 1873.
THIS FAI:L?—If so, try the Blabber Paint. I
challenge any dealer or painter in Bradford
county to produce Ls good, durable or cheap
llnt•claes paint. bold by the gallon ready fur
the brush. • Send for sample color dards, price
list and circulars. - 11.,IVELLEs.
Mrs. E. J. Mncoos haii now re
ceived a full line of Millinery and Fancy Goods,
for the Pal Land Winter trade. She will display
the finest assortment of trimmed Hats and Bon
nets, in Towanda, on arid after next Saturday s
Oct. 11.
is it that. JOSEiII 11 Daz
can sell furnituru so very cheap? BecauSo'he
can buy cheap for cash, and sells only for ready
pay. Cash cuatoiners will find it to their ad
vantage to buy oilfrscs,No: 'Bridge street,
Totaniia, Pa.
Oysters wholesale and: raid!,
at J. F. CONVI.E.4' third ward bakery. lir. C.
gets his oysters direct frent the packer, and is
enabled to offer inducements to buyers.
Ver. George Wood & Co., Taylor
Farley, and Jubilee Organs, at)onirick , s.and
easy. tends of payment. send for circulars, or
call to 1;eo and hear them at the Tempo of 31u-
En 3 of Co,tx PASBAOr. & CO.
IS. The cold weather } of the past
few . ct.L Hugge:its tlioAccessity.of %Cam cloth
ing; and ef.pecially cbmfortablo gloves. .1.
glanef. at "f.,E. Itosm, - vrer,p's largo assortment
of gloves and mittens; will satisfy any .ono that
there is no necessity for any one to suffer from
cold hands.
1.1 am now receiving for the
fall trade, the most complete stock of Clothing
and Furnishing. Goody over before brought to
this market,`Mad Propose to }create a sensation
by my low prices. A word t the wise is sviffi
cient. Call and set , me before purchasing-else
where. 31. E. RC ENFIELD. •
31clarioN, the tailor of "To
wanda, his just returned from the city,
where he has betcn selecting goods for the
fall trade. Ilia 'experience and praCtical know
ledge arc of great adiantage. Perscins desiring
to have perfect fitting clothes, of tlO bestinaT
Weals, at reasonable prices, should give Mr.
McM. a call. Like ANDT JOIL:iiiON, he does his
oln cutting and warrants satisfaction.
11:- To-Pay is. a literary jOarnal of
.grcailnerii. Mr. C. F. Caoss hag the agency
for this county, and desires caniassers. A
handsome chromo is given away to
, each year
ly subacriber. We advLo all who desite a good.
family paper cheap, to get a copy of
and give it a careful perusal.
Cum' , CoAr..—Buy your ,coal du
ring thewarm montha. As a rule; it will be
cheaper and better pwepared.
IL M. WELLES Is selling best prepared Pitts
ton Store Coat rbt1.3.85, and Egg and Chestnut
at 23.00 for gross ton of 2,210 1b3., by the car
load, adding actual freight and delis - arca at
any station north of Wyatt/Aug.
Sept. 1, 1373. I .
teir 500 Pusds, 400 Oncisiis, 309
s, and 1,000 smaller instruments, will
and must bo sold &Toro Oho first; of January
next, at VT. Dtrthicn's 3lnsic t oppeoite
the Court llouFr.. All the abovo'butruments
are from the very hest makers,. 'Such as G.
Sri= x Co., F. C. Licari. e;. Co., the Salida.
AmeriCan Organ Co., etc. C. Wit.sox, :gout for
•all the above Instrnmento. Office at Eat:taws
store, opposite the court HofiFle, Towands.
. .
. .
m ot 1!
tamers 44
#l l °9 l *gent ‘ 4 1 1# " sr ' ill
An the g, we here y give nottetk
that Qui! , store WlllLbe'keilVoyeti\iintli of
o'cloek.L Ersvcrawit.
\ I
' •
2L , 840 ":, 1 9 1 4: re ,. 11 4M 1
guy' weir wur to MAO ' 10 . Saute co lor aS
701:121g, ilhOttl/ Zia Styr,' Vegetable Biallfiq
Hair l*ewert
Mir-A' viw iptoof ..thosa flue HOSI
tonhohni-Pockot Knives, just ; root:bed. Whoi
Pau Petk4MvekBclssorsAttllo4 Wirer
yo A !Oland thorn at .
• ''' • Ofi:
"00t..111-.4hr. ' ' '
~, D UELLER - 4 D :- ;
Meeti,st want
of a sholler thatwill shell equally well small gnu
largo ma i , 017 cora or. damp. corm; Thpy ara
mado with or with Out shaking spparator, and
will shake , very rapidly. - Sattsfkotion guarani
toad. • CODDINO, RUSSELL k CO. 1
/ l C ass so TEE Lamm rAtrs. Mori
HY 'mama bas opened romps at No 2, in thei
Areade qqxrstte'Episcopor 610,16, for
dress mtd clo4 [gaups, Ana to now roadyio 40
any arieannt bitlrat-ebise work on short notice:;
Her work will be well aneriekt* done L eel
latest styles always an 140, and pricea reason 4
able. .'
• Also •
• IstEßaysvna.r., Oci. 22; 1578.'-=1
Dr. 3lntos ,WassTos,-the dentist in Bosui, Ps.j
will visit Lellaysville, on Wednesday, the 224
inst.; and remain one week only, for the accom-i
iMadation of his toothless friends, and all others"!
dsiriug his services. it is szpeeted that all
pririons In waiting to sdo him at that place, Oromptly. Ofilat 'one door south,olt
Limes store, •,
erary and Tlrological Association of the Wya
lacing Dlstriet, will meet for its next session at
Orwell, Pa.,l•Tael!day eiening,. Nov. 4,' 1873.
8 ; 4
Rev. J. lIN Enwoon was elected to deliver
the Op - Coin . Addreso ; Rev. IL G. iIanNED,
Aiternate. v. W. J. JUDD is to' preach
on Wednesday evening ) Rev. J. 13. L - Eltla, Al
ternate. Let all the bkctlaran of the District
come to stay "till the meeting closes,
• ' ; :-- S. E1,WF.L1,.; Bec'y.
11.tcunzes. —ll. M. IVELLE. on hand for;
sale and immediate use, one Wheele's
ed 4 and . 6 tlotio Lever Power, mounted en
true]; and one . Wheeler &-Melick if inch:
Cylinder, Thresher & Cleaner, also mounted on;
truck ; making a valuable set of Threshing,
Machines :for the farmer and•jilb - thresher.;
These, machines aro very portablonever hoving,
to be dismounted, and arc very convieulnt for,
use. • , ••; • •
THE Films BARTLETT Wltouparr
Inos WAII2I Ant FULLNACC.—Is In use In most
of the Public. Buildings in this State, and was
adoplel — tiflhe Building Committce of the
Bradford County Jail, after a careful examina
tion of naost.of the leading Furnaces of the day.
This Furnace has been placed op sale in To
wanda, and the subscribers are no* prepared
to fill with prompliaess orders for Portable or
Brick Set Heaters,•together with Hot Air Pipes,
Registers, •&c. All jobs guaranteed
WELLEti, I SeVt.
11. 3I WELLESt
No establishment in the court-,
ty has dent.. more to encourage farmers nd
butter makers to itni. , wo their prodlicts t in
the enterprising house of Avornt .. . t"::EnwAni.s.
They always pay the highest price h. , . beat
goods, and never handle anything else. The-re
sult is they have secured the custom of people
who desire to purchase goods where they are
always . certain of getting a first-class article ;
and those nllO MSIC butter' cr raise produce,
knoWiug it is IISeiCSS to, try lo palm off an inte
rior article on them, never Bfier poor goads at
3.lcCmou S Enwaus'. These are' facts which
I pradent, economical buyers should bear in
_.ln order to keep 'paeo with
their rrn idly increasing trade, our enterprising
grccerymern*ltlcCarrn 'e EDWALDS, arty soon to
occupy the largest store in the new blogk. erect
ed on the site of old b ick rocs. • Many of our
up-town hrnk,-ers will ct ss them front their an.
custoarnd place, inller ur's block, but Wein
ducematits which they offer to buyera trill in
sine thorn-plenty of customers wherever they
'are located. The§ are realizing the truth that
"a good name is a fortune." Their reputation
for honesty and fair'dealing extends all throligh
this c. - Ainty, andlite fact that they sell the best
branda of -goods is equally well kncorn.. • ,
m. Dealers in Strings will do Well
to call at the Teraphuf Music, wheio they xsill
find a large e.3sortnient of French, German sud
Italian Strings, at New York price-%
Sevbral desiiablhuilding lots,
near the Iron:Work, for sale cheap. iuore
than double in value in the next taro years•
Enquire at thig'offiee.
Cold, damp weather approach,-
cs apace, and if you would preserve yodi health
keep your feet dry, and warm, by wearing -Vac
superior hoots'and 811003 sold by M. J. LUIRI.I.',
in Beidleman's Block.
• JI A RRII E D. )
W.N7.iDALL- 7 BARN HART. n ehoopany, on
the 7tll inst. ' by - Bev. Wm. Shelp„ B.
Wandall, of 31choopany, to Miss Eirimft- L.
Barnhart; of Wilmot, Bradford Co., 1'6..
WOLVE—LINDERILL.N.—At the residencll of
Jacob A. Linderman, the brid'e's father, Oct.
7, 187.1, by Rev. S. L., Thad. W. Wolfe
to Miss Edith E. Linderman, all or Troy, Pit.,
LOWE—BESSEY.—In Towanda, Oct. 5, by
Bor. S. J. Lusk, Franklin Lowe, of .Towanda,
l'a., to Ellen tossey, of Elmira, N. F.
Towanda, Oct. S, by
11ay.13. J. Lusk, J. C.Dymby to Miss H. E. Mc-
Hue, both of this place.
ALLIS—'SCOVIELE.—DI Prssbyt{ riau church,
at \Vyaluaing, 0ct..13, 1t73, Rey. I). Craft,
Mr. I. M. Allis to Miss Jolla, yo an zest flail gh
ter of Dr. D. C. Scoville, b )tli of Wyalnaing.
HOOVER—WELLS.—At Etevenhville Sept. 15,
1673, by Rev. T. Thomas, Mr. John Hoover
to Miss Anp Wells, both of Herrick, Pa.
AVERY—YORK.—Ai Stevensville, Sept, .28,
1b73, 71r. John Avery, of Susquehanna I,;epot,
to Miss. Mary Irlrlt, of Pa. • 4 3'
11A.NEX--.IIILLIS.—At Rushville, Oct.
by Rev. T. Thomas. Mr. Wm. T. Haneylo alias
Napey Jane Hillis, both of Rushvillei.fa.
NORTHRHP—COX.—At Lho honse of . Mrs.
Wilson, in Mnnrooton, October 11, tiy ReV.
Hallock Arrcistrom. , Mr.: G. W. North
rup to Mrs. Delighe'Cos, allot Monroeton.
BUNNELL—POTTER.—At West Auburn, Pa.,
Oct. 4, 1873; by Rev. P. It. Tower, Ur. J. L
• Bunnell, Of East Springhill, Pa.., to Miss Alice
L. Potter, of the former place.
PLACE -GREGORY.—At the M. E. Parson
ago, Skinner's Eddy, Pa., Oct. 11, 1873, by
Rev. P. R. Tower, Mr. IL N. Place, of South
Auburn, Pa., to Miss L. J. GregOry, of Skin
ner's Eddy,
COLE—In Rome, Bradford county. Pa., - July
22, 1873, Ethma 21. Cole, aged 15 years.
She was naturally feeble, and needed shelter
ing/rem the storms and hardships of the pres
ent world. She ;teas gentle in her manners,and
kind to all her acquaintances; a member of
both the Presbyterian and Methodist Smaday
schools, and was accustomed .to tho blessed
work of prayer. We trust the Good Shepherd
has. folded her in his arms of wrerlasting lore.
RIOKEi.--iu It me, 2J, 1873, Mrs. E. M
It:emy, , wire or O. Hickey, Esq., - in the 51st
year or her age.
One more star is L=ed in heaven,
Ono more spfrit,la at rest;
One more harti.w.iil ne'w be given,
Ouo More singer jotu the bit at.
Eittlily sorrows all are ended,
Eaitlily joys forever o'er, •
Ana thoge quiet, loving foutaKs
Will be beard by us no more.'- •
. )lay ire, gentle angennother,
Follow all thy courniels.true ,
Watch, protect, and • guide thy children;
Till we're taken np to Teti. - D
DISSOLUTION. , — The firm''" - of
Pierce Jr. Swats VI this day 131.41301V0a by mu
tual consent.
. .
B. S. Pierce continues the business. and is to Set
tle and collect all accounts due, and to pay all Ha-
Whites , et the Late &ru e .8. S. PIERCE,
"' l '
IVOTICE:—AII persona that are,
indebted to rao aro trfinoßted to maks an illlll3t.
diate settlement. W, A, ROCKWELL.
Towanda, Oct. 14, 1873. •
/3.lunos k HosronD.
P. Ilouinoox
, .. .
i'llOorreotOdi 0 1 1
ilk fife: A RILE i ill
1 . : witorzaws
' .
rrory. wedneedareiviir
maidectioabimoday, -15
Wheat. 0 •.'llllll - . .1 50 0 1,11
CO Cl :t i a • . ..•
Thiltia l li
7g,1rf....,,'•,.y..ii.4.'...9. A .1 ~!' ' : .1 4 4
Bean * .....111 1 - .4'
.., .1. 50"0 2
.B u tt er moll 9 9 • e ..... I . I ' .. •a. i‘ •
44 11 5 2 711) 1 1k2 I :,? . : 18 _7 . ~ ,
,ti ,, ...... : . ...90.€0 ~
pi'7,4 o 74l ll lirthaki z t y lrt V7ll'. • 7.!•1' I.' ..!
,4 1
Eon? ii artel 4, , ' ' 950 010 -
b*. 1
*1:1011T11 Illissair.--;Wheai 60 H
lb. ; 'tors 65 •
SA al lb rDsto 32 lbc m ; Dorkl lbs. s.Daelor •
68U0..t IP2 lbe. (Bran 20 lbe.i Clover' Seed •
lbs. ; \,T ogly Seed .At lb.; , Dried Peaches 331 b
Dead AP 2 2 c; if4x 8 1e4 6 0 lb) 1 . .• ' ,1
1 4
+ b Estury t
4.... _.ri*.,a eiliesse o
'Mishit,.tlie of mind; a weak,„nervous, e;
hausted elli c So energy or, anunatlon; con
fused head, issesnoryinftln with debilitat
ing, infolcudary barges. The consequence
cite:macs, hien* overwork ,or Indiscretions
The Nainro DmArry indits stoeerref cur.
in 1%0 Irn4o/WELTA/0 IitESM 6
No. 1. , nep, tfpolwystenzt arrests
charges. is ' the mentroom and despo
dency, a *mei:tidos th entire system. It
perfectly less and al ye efficient; Pri
$5 for ap go of flvo boxee, and a large ,
vial of po, der; which is imp pt lc ohl„,, rt
1 ; 248
otis cuos4.. oX.'sl per single, bo ' Sold by
druggist 'or sent by mail on roc ipt of price.
Addrciss, I - CLAAK B. four=
YO' tkon4 N irs o } /g °3 01: 1 : 4) IP da o Pa ' ,i.
I i. : • - !
. ,
• 1 rsv Advertisements. - .i!,
Fog 8.1444 A ir„4 $
BO ..: tui I' hare itd .a ' for" atm. - Piave'
years olcf. Weighs 1,3Z0• pounds. ' TERBIS.—Ott
years' thia With good security. APply to HERR
JONES, Co . thb Old Plank Road, Towanda tap. . : ,
. October I. 1:973.-2t* ' ' ' • . ' '
1111 0 I) lir ti O it—The firm (ill
To4upg 44 Tani la Ulla day dissolved by mtt-i
tual consent. ~ A ll accounts are in th e hands of IL;
0. Titus. vVho: ono la authorized to; alga In liquids:,
eon VIP, praAllot l ebgWatittev,will be
P aid. - wa. TOM% I
Tottauel, : ,-. t 23. f 73. - fi, G. TITUS. -.
tereby given that ailfi
tlftll indebted
Chyle' Matt, ,•01 : liamicic.
Mci Vie
mated to anzaatiotterfyinfel
ne baying claims against said estate ,
(them duly authenticated for settle.
- • Relent:ma.
to tho.oitatO i J
de6408041114,i n
andall7so t t
meet p n,
znento vo-
Oct.o '7,31
trite OOtuil
District of I Pe
Act of Cougrd,
for a disc4sk
provable londe
proved Molt' dl
appear ori
cause, tf aa,y tl
be grantedJ to!
:RILPT,CY.--, L in t itte . Pio l -
oe thertrnlted Etsteti, for, the Wdatern
nsylvania. f, L 1 ' l' I
triGRANGER, a Bankrupt under:the
a of March- 2d, 1967, having applied
from all hie debts, and other claimsl
said' Act,i' by; order of the Court,
i oxVist, to art creditors who ham
bte, and other persons interested, Br
i Ist day of November. 1873, at ip
, fore E. Overton, Jr:, Esqs, Register
',l at hie dike, In Towanda, to she*
hey have, why a discharge should net
the said Bankrupt. II
8. District Court for said District,
ptrict Cpar -,
District of c i .. Pon i l
S. w. r IIf
rapt ung .l4'
hayi 6 fed`
And narmirlailai
of the Cote,
of the United States, for the Wester
asYlvanic • • •
of Troy, Bradford county, a Bank.
litet ,of ;Congress, pf kltarrhi2d, 18d,
cir a discharge trod Lie debts,.
• mr rvovable, undcr,sat4 order
I OTICE JO LIELEIVIC to all credt.
proved their debts,' and other pen
ce wear on the 31st day of Oct*
o'clock, a: rn., before- Edward Over.
egliter Bankreptcy, at nheomce y
ahow'ainee, if any-they Lave, wkly.}
1 1 91 be granted toltho eald Dane
, 44
8. District Court for'said District.
3.-2 w. _
!tors wholay.
eons Intlestett
ber, 1873, at 10
ton. Jr., E•q.,l •
in Towanda, 1.4
Clerk fof tt.
October 9;1
Der f ail
15, 197 :
Allyn °V ET t
Armstrong it
Arnold &lama)
titters: xemainit4lin th
0 ()Rice fr the week Oding Oct
. . Northrup'llervine
NicheLi C B
Belau Brtdet
O'Connel Elton
Post Fronney
a Payson 0 W
Phillips Addle'
Post Victor E'
• Quigly Maine
Rockwell Oliver
. Rutty Emaline
Rowland Hester
Ridgway Mrs Mary.
Ryan Remit
Squares Geo ' -
&Silvan J M M
Shores Johanna
c;olnuer Millard /
Scoirss. Jenkins -
-:- Shantz .16L.
Shores R •
Shore I A
....owmailohjil i
Bowman 4' X 1
Cane Jamb%
Cullen Judie
Clark L 1411
Callon Dan 1
Cooper Elizib 1
Crowley M '
mull.J C
00k azria A ' l'
oyk Strain a
Crain Jano
Drumontl; Eva
, Eastalrok Wni
Felyn Anna
Hough LMvis
Brian Llmnaap
Horton Bisho#
nuntlY Ensmor
Hulat/Y WE
!Urchin:l6s - I ft
Hathway.oor c
Janes Th6mal
Kingston B
t nnriark Thorii
Ernffee H i .
Laby 3lriM 1 ,
Lynch Tlionras
Lino John WI
Moody ig
Mcltahan, w
Murry tilwar
McWilliMits e
Nicholls 'Ckar -I
Perscn'i I
will Neale. sly
. !,
- .' I
Shelton a;
Ste Hers Jatues
Tununer hello
A u Thompson Werrit fi
B - Vauesa H.
Vangordou A D
Veught Jtdus
White Lucia
liana *tit-
Webb Cyrtis
Welch M
W:tmslcr Sopha
Warner Annie
Wells E Mira
1 3' ZurneF, Chas '
• ,
ug for ztuy °FAQ- above lotto s
advertised, ghinzdato of list.
. 1
roil Ar.s, • PUltlthat, OF A FAISILT P/I:ISIC,
Curing iColtik j eness. Jaundic ®, • Dyspepsia; In 1
geeti9n, l Bylat i ry„ Foul Stomach and Ttreath, Ei4-
sipelas,lliea a e; 'Ffles; 'itheuiriatieixt:, 4 Pa l uptiois•
and ShiniDiicises, Biliousness, tiver i CoMplaint,'
Dropsy Tett:l,7 . 4 , Tumors and Salt Rheum, .7oril.
Gout, Neural Li, as a Dinner kill, and Purifying t e
BI c od, 4 e i th Ist congenial purgative Yet perfeetT
Thar elf4ts J.) udantly show how much they ex e
all other Pill .!They are safe and pleasent to take,
but poWer i ful l inl i eure. They 'purge out. the foul hts
•mois ok nio tiloOd ; they stimulate the , sluggish bi
disorde l md o4taii into action; and they impart health
and tone Bis
to h They vholo being. cure not only
r . 1
the every daj eroplaints of every body , but form -
able l and 11 glens diseases. 4oSt skilful . phyol
- Moitinatnent clergymen, and our , best. dß
zetui, 'lend einicates of cures performed andlof
great beneiltk : ‘tliey have derived from these' , .Pills.
1 They are lAD sa.rost and best physte l lot7 children, be
cause Mild ail Well a;; effectual., Being, n sigar coatd,
they ai J e•49 , tc tare; and being pure y veg,etatile
I ~
they' aro Mats el.: , lmnndeas. . •-:
. ' razPinzo nx -,
' I C
Pp, 4. . AYER k kO., LOWELL, 31/BS.;
1 : Fra tidal and Analytical Chenlists. ,
',• sold by . Al i tttiuggiate and Dental% in Medicine. ' ~
1 Augusta 1 _ '
TAT.t.ivreuant to an order of the Orpha ns' Court ill' lir jrd County,' Ps„ will be sold at pub.
lie cal on!, the premises in Albany tww., in said
cone . , on TIEJESDAY, the 20th ' day of 'NOVEM
BER, 87:1 : , at Itecloc-k-, p. In., of said d , y, the fol
lowin deacribeld real estate, late the estate of . John
Gard f Albanyltownship, deceased: . I
The al esta t e aforesaid consists of .afarin situ
ated i Albany fwp, aforesaid. cantaining 106 acres
and 5 pei,chesi and bounded by line , beginning at
an old licii*Dekeor. of CIS warrant; thence nort* on
warra flini 21 per. to an old maple, con,; ithence
east 1.) , win= lino B.f. per. to post boi:'of • Tames
Warn, i's let; thence south , by same .205 per. to a
+post ; Ciente nest 83 per. to place of beginning:
being I the! ea ern section of a tract surveYeftlon
warrant ln Cie name of Henry. Stark, dated August
13, 172 ..1 i 1 i
~ . 1
The finapp relnenbi - ConSist of ilintit.4o Itcres'vill
cleared and fenced; a comfortablo plank horn*, a
, With three rooms below and.
' Story and i alf hig
two above; log barn; also a young ,apple orchard
of some en thrifty grafte4' trees, and a' few peach
trees. The ono is well watered with pure water
and ifl i ioCo ji g thill a few rodstit. the Sullivan &
Erie Railroad. The laud is of good quality and
suitable for II e, the whole of it I ] ,
• TEEtlff3- - t -p to be paid when the land Is strttek
down, , $5OO -,When the sale is finally confirmed, And
the balance pf the purchase money to be paid in One
year thereafter !with Interest. and security for the
qatne.l 1 1.1„ I ta
Adra'r G e EO
st EGE OABD, O •
I _l
. Ily 3lilt I imp in good order, and lam prepared
odo all kinks work in my lino on abort notW„
viteiligthe - fe . et 'that tbq National Banks are now
prepared to' rocatve subscrliltions to the Capital
Stock of th Centennial Board of Finance. •The
funds rAti . 7.d from this sconrce aro tobo emploied,
in the emelt l3f the buildings for thelnternational
Exhibition; and the expenses connected with the
same. ;It is , cohfldently behoved-Cat the Keystone
State will be i retiresented by the name, of :every citi
zen alive — ld patriotic commemoration of the re
hundredth:l4.l3y of the natiori, The shares of
stock are oil for NO eacb , awl ;subscribers ill
receive a band C
omely steel engraed :Certificate; of
Stock, l gnash:4or, framing, and preservation; as a
national minitorial. •,
Inteiest lit the rate of six per cent perennnm w ill
bo paid on'h3l be:y=3lo6;ot' Centexadal Stock trim
date of pairt till - am:Mary 1 ; ialo: ='l
übscribe it ?who are not near a `National Bent
ea:trona il eck in pent-olllee; azdarltDlllo.o46f
. 4 '. ',, I BULDRilfattLFlGlNlesurer.
Sept 4, 4 , 3 , 904 Walnut St. Phil's. H
fit LE STRAIT — DA - Ell - ro
e tindaislgned offerefor sale a
*nen° and Boller. together with a
of- machinery for ia , ,eircular Saw
heap. tFor further 14thrniation enquire
Co.; or the underalgned at
G. OtVE.I4
V 11-ILt.
HorEe Poo
completo ct
11 ill be golf!
S. Owe p's,!i
Sept 10.1.
.1 1 Silt a
The r•
o*n abqu
ProPertT, "441
..-=4.lune into the enelosuxe
derEinned,. in liortli Towanda twit%
the 20th of May. 18P.TWO tlarair
regricated :to cottielorward, prase
charges; lust take thein Isom
, 1111011dgfilyttitlf4
;ads, ett. 10, 1973,..,...3w.*:
1 •
't: #
14 , i
of John Gard
g 'rr'f ~
, .'
„ _
m rs i r
t 4'
t , i,7'
;,.; ~ x.._..,
I 1
11 ,
r ,
, 61 . 1 ::, Ti
• ': 1,:::,
fie. 6 3)7 M
i.x ~ i .
t .. i.: ,
T.; •
; , •
'l, - )1!7,7 : :t .. I
1 7 ,011 7 . 7ii
I ;1!
~ , A
I „
, ! t_ l l
, , ,
\ ST oil
6 6 1 1
I i
3 1
.1 IR
i l A
1 ,
1 1
BUS is
'--4. I i
, i
1 ~i
,1 •
- -
r.„, ,„•
....,,,..„ ~.,„,
„ „.,., ,:,,,,
. ~.,
i ''....} t..i toji.f2 4, ~I.
-. ~, i e ;:
... f .‘.4i, .:6•,. t •,...,,
r ii ii i i I.t,
, 1- - - 1 1- ~- -1 , -,, ior --i*-----14 - •
el f ' uniAlri i &otifit sAtitJ..b
_.‘.." Tittle of an order issued ont of the Orplani :
Cottrt of Bnidford Ups undenigned admitt• '
Mentor- of the white of A. Collins. Me of
said , pan
a l on
the lb AY.
OCTOBER 2a, WM cOmmillaclrf a ci / o'clock. it. : 1 3; ,
the fo t4 l , l w A i described real ems dictated In Me
mot :. -lionnded pn th e north by beds of
Martin and cholas o"tion, oust b 7 /India Joan
I:Washy, eloggs. by land of, NSA= lifommdr And'
c T -I, :rdlidnter' ma ireginitioWeitisitelek Car
roll. Containing About 100 sores and allowances;
be the some more or le . ss ez i , i' '
TEICIS.—SSO on p , being struck dawn.
SI PO on condrnastion of„sod the Wand° in
ghoul vaftleas of • $2OO *self with hillerest on all
unpaid at (soh payment until oh is plid. I
PAWN._ . _ , WOOD,
Octaher I, 'iS73. ' 1 aaministestor:
tr_, gi p ; i
~. ~ 61 ~.
W1X:30137041k 1 4 kitice
A:4 Is heroby 'Mean theta persons Indebted to
the estate ot ioseph Kerrey; Is of;
ceased, are mumrW to make paymt.
stilian MlA;loid4sittate
' prese4l them aulf =rat- for settle.
meat. LNDREW
October 1; 1873. ; ' &Ammer. • •
matter of the estate' of Henry Westbrook. In
the Orphans', of Bradfordcdit kar ,
ndi tor by id
Conti" to " fun d i In th e ands of ,the ad.
ministratfx of old estate, arill attend to the : duties
of hiesgpOut at his • l i i iMok z. fp
_Melanoma' of
Towanda, On MONDAY. - 1873, - at
1 o'clock, p. m:: when *II Per*" having dens up.
on lai d /hada mud Presant:thein tar authenticated
for settlermr, or,be forever debarred from 'slowing
in said distribution, I
/Lai 4110 el )' , 1rg. 1 41 1 1 2 4 1 d e rw
.r ,• - • 4.1
110R00,101.3f ATIOI~I. Whereas
1 Hon. FABIUS B. FrIBBellta; Preiddent 'Judge
or the 12th Judicial Distect, of the coun
ties of Dradford and. z_litusquehmuk. Amt. Zebu- •
lan Fristbetia*S. n. diseditto judges.
in and for geld coun of Bradford,. have, issued
their peucept bearing 2ato tho 20th day of &plain
her. IBM to we directedo for • bolding a general'
Quarter Beaalonuof ;the Peace, Cot:anon Pleas and
Orphans' Court, at Troy, for the county of Bradford,
on idenday.the. , 27th do of; Qatsitsat ecm
tine two w I • ;
.{ To wand a the 9Lth day of bor. in
.otherSuaxal ge olir Lord.: axe , eight hun
dred • and venty-three. an of the Independence
of the United Shit* the ninety-firth _
.1 ; ^ Mint glieriff-
T..IST ,113,001iS drawn.for Oc-'
I. , Mbee. earChattet itatao3.o.BrJ• !;.) I
' I IvErz•
,ithens kap. Wlllls Howard; BlieiLuswaa West.
George Boturci: Bamiay, Tay* TI IC Cdpintda. •
Morns Fairbanks Canton tn.. Earthen I f oomis
irraskgs, ..Bradtor4 McKee ; Grauvills,i James
Wm" ; Ifeniek. Hart Smith, Wm ftwker ; Lergen
Myron S. Annable, Leßoy WP}=b =Mlle gyp:,
Mena Sweet; Win. altee ;massy
H. NF.Ca.rpeteer; Henry 19 — "Met Cyrus Yr
. _
. ..... Art...,.._ , .; -
er. , -.. fin .eiti •
Springfield. Sainnel Harkneee' HerminVaill South
Creek. Jno F. Pitt, - J. ' 1 " r
_......e , _ _. _ „ Peter I. 'Dean ; Shesiliquin:
Voleniaite Gregory.' Horace Johnson ; Tuscarora,
Shepard Smith ; Towanda Bow.. L. S. Case, Nelson
Ittnnitigif 1 TM_
Ed B. JMUslow; :I/Raw*
- Wm Rogetw ; Windham, Ezra IteynOMs, "Nathan 1
Van W Thos
t Decker, John S. Madden •' Wells,.
Johnt. 1 -11 1 1
, I '
1 I '''' ' 1 ' l z° F 4l2lw Erfa, , H enry
•, 1 . L ,
, Athena tint.. Geo D., Miller, 1 n Wrap Aral
~ . app ; Asylum. Chas' penjamin ; riday,
; Tk,..d.Ore, Streeter, Theodore Xenoyon ; 1 Canton
. tailt• artit , Wat ll ,.OrinGlinsigantecop;.Cardon taro.
Williana .dwan ; Prlnkllcr. Stephen W. Latimer, , pa f t tkittl.: ' ermine. Robert Dines Herrick,
• Georgtaftabitt ; Leßoy. Volney Landon • ',Monroe
~ tel)., J. V Rockwell • Orwell; J. J. East man. Cles,
• M. Bassi, \R{ T. Diking. lams R. 1/11s; Overton, . .
winzwft,4 ElliffbarY. ft.ty l _,_ McGinnis; 'John
, W Thowpson- \ ; Springthid.- amnia berm' Dennbq
L. Bailey, Shesheqnin, Pdvevd C. V ught; South
. Creek John I n.\, wealth ; Towanda la,. Elisha
; Hatton ; Towantka hero, Thbmas I C.
' Dewar.% 13. Frans_.Voortn.... ar oodjr 1 Wyr
1 Mist/ Leiria ; Willitt , it Wm Mace, L; '
Conklin, Wm. Myer, Vases IT, Brown.
, t" 1
' E'eu'
IDR'S\ N O TICE -not i ce lerehy given. thi s 'll . persons ., lehted to
the es tate:at P. , al_ Monroe,, ' laka of. Oransillo.
dee'd, are requested to make imWealiste pint:tent
• nun sit pensuus, La•tug tiallMiktgaitutt i said estate
must present them duly faiths neated for. Fettle._
went. 1 I 1 ~ %. AND: - 'Et,
• Rept A, 1871. , , ~ Ex . or.
t krm '
1 N — otice I hereby given that all periOne ndebted
to the esta te' of Isabel Cue; ' late tf Canton,
deceased, al ' requested. to \ make ..,...ediate
payment, an all parsons having.! or .. a'•. .at
said'estate ust proset them dilly ... • ..... ed
to settlement . KU.EQN .P. it '
_ I . =amis.. '-
Sept it. ti. 7.1, i , ~1 i a Ir,
_i mu c ol s tpg p
, ,_______
.11.15it.lee le hereby irtsen that all idioms ' clebted '
to the state 91 F , trebeth A. COMM!, late o verton.:
deceaMd, are requested to make Immediate payment, -'
wait al!lpersons bating claims, igainst. sa4 estate: i
tohattempt them duly lattlieht!okted lot. setttel-
ment. j I ' 11 . IliAtr9 woop,'
; Tow nda, yrpt 2.3, :7 1 3. l il I ' Adatirdatrator.
V X E 9,11 T;') R!;6' Ition.c.E.—
~ l ice is, hereby ' yen tbat ail iertioni indebted
to the jentaterof John, R. DeLong, late of lum,
daces ell, are rermcsted to roako imediate ,
paymept, ail lan ptisons- tuning 1 claims] against
said estate most preeint them duly. antbeFicated
for set t lement. '
.. '. ItErßr.N.
=.-Ere cit. 1
[Sept 24, '7l. ' - • - 1 - ."Ese 'tar. '1
7 .______:_- .
A 'pmii4,lBTß i etToms. N' OT/OE—:
-...n..?Tottce fa berebzietvenibat aUPeraone Indebted,
fo thd estate of E. i'. Brainard, late of yWarren,[
tavp., deed, Imnst. make immediate payment, and{
all persona baying claims - against said estote mn st,
present thrri duly snt l herated f . o l lefgetoett.: • 1
I i :Bßra
MARY B.)31t111N70, ', 1
• Sep . 18,1. n. - , , ''' Adnalnis tors. t
..T, -
VtPllA'_'CS' bOL'iT ''.P. A .-,By!
:o,_ ,tirtuo Celan order of the Ci
i-phans' 'f'Ourt af!'
Dradftrd Contity, the, rindereigned, smashing Ex.-
centor• of the tat of. Gay. giunoy l a of
S ticsh o -1'
iquin toWusliill, in eanteornity.,ldec , win exposo, •
to sale on the preruisce, on 319:IDAV,INONT, 1113Efii
3, lE4'3, at llo'clock. - 7.x.. the follOwtog described
lot, piece, o parcel of:/atni ,setnatri in St.:csbequin
unde ft: on &a north`hy lands of S 1
°rebut% w' st by public blotoray4leeinth: ibY landS
0/.1 . .i/I'lLienoyi Mid lust h 7 the tineonelanni rill
erg Conhileing - 21. eaten et ten& .ttionstkr 'I lows 00
.witilt ie AziAllts wag 0u,1144 'tinfieheit, and. hi:lg.!
' 114.80--One other lot, piece; of pen* of *cl,
nateiii!sent - township; bonne* on ace, north by ,
the nubile :pad lending to letchileld ; nasty by Lando!
of Samuel probtirn, cut bilant . of H. . rahntn,
month by lends of L. ;.41ingaburry, land! west bY
tondo of P. IL.Einnoy,; containing 42 Acton of land. !
more or leise; with come timber 'and wpod land 1
thereon:.l _II i' - ' • ~• I - '
Tonnei--tlootobefrialden'properittieing sten*
dor.' one-half tho balance cnalconftnnattelit of
. side.
an the balance in one yeter,?With interest4i - - !.
I! ! , !! i -1 •' G ..W. KINN)E2',
!Eleptembeir 26.19731 • !
, i ; ' ! f lizeimior: •
VIE 1 TOR'S NOTIOE... .Notice
is hereby given , that all\perso'ne inaebtea ;to
the eglate of Thommi_ J. Axe/1(w, Woof Kauai, .deo'd—
are maim Immediate Ilsyment, pnd all
peksons towing OM= apiwit,....w.bu tr: r e 7
oeot them duty stithgmticattd floti mltgemli t. 1 '
; 1 1! • - 11 '; BAN HAM ARC
. -ptentbqr 9'5,1673 , , . i ' EXicalogix•
-1.4. Is hereby given th at AU persons indebted to
the estate of Voientine Smith, late Of fitiesheguln,
deceased, are requeeted to maker ininaullstelaY
ntent and all persona having claims tigainat said
eidato 'must present; them, duly atithentiested,tlbr
ebttleramatj t WAL
F. -L 1 IZLIV=1„
ISaPfullbef R 5. ifk74 . t ; 410Cutg•
DAtilsirSTii,A.TOß% Ti.`fOTICE,
4mi . NotiO is herebirgirentbatailPersciiis Indebted
40 the ostic of Ruth flortb.rup, lath of Monroe,
deceased, are rsqaestea ' to maim ! Immildisto
Payment, and all Persons having clattria against's/ad
estate must present them drily authentietted for set
tlement r • j , 't ti1.1311.1T/k-t t
1 Oct 15. 178' .. . Admltilstratdr,
Ii t TJDITOR'S. - NOTICE'. -4 Milton.
143 Dorset as. 1 0 , It. Major and Ilf;_ Ti. CrtaSeO 4 —to '
i d tho Court Of Common Pleas,of Bradtord County.-
No, 472, kipt. T 41873. '. ! 'II I
1 The un ersigned. - an Auditor' aPpointed by,tho ,
Court to d stributo monoys in Sheriff'slbande,, aria-
I Mg from sale of Defendant's real estate, *ill attend
to the &Otos of his appointrEent at his;opace.l.rt the ..
Borough of Towanda, Ps., FB/DAY . PI I 9IBI ,day of: ,
NOVEMBER. 1873, :at 10. o'clock. 'a.,uk. ' where all
'perform ha ving - clablits upon saki inttal nit*. pre-, ,
sent Ihem, or be' forever debarred fromi coming in
upon! said frinds. 1 '' : ; 11 1!; 21 n , '
Towanda, 4:7
Oct 16, i'73—wl. ii Auditor ~'
i E7Th
/. ERGER'S TR 11
, il
fiE A'S 0 lf:( 1 3 7 1 3 .
•-• r I are, •
- These f Wu& Trout Ponds no w o
season of 873, and are stocked with,a 1,2 i
of trout, o every size, In the cleareot, !
coldest spring ! rater. Any Size tront 0 0l
; able rates," andjahiPped by - expreis l as
t These Ponds aro not open on Sunday.
1, The proprietor, haying had erparien
and arranging -. trout ponds. uffeia.'hia
those contemplating laying out and at
ries, at reSsonable rates.- ,,, ,=' 1 .
Admission to ponds, 25 cents; Sean
For full Particulars call on or addiese
, , Laddtburg, Bradfiird Col
I J 'l
. .
" -
; ruircrs wow — 1
, ati . i• i .t=
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Begs to
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Er er iiispbayed, in tho muk
D.: that my gpo4 are 311'
r E.
o'door South of Fox •
and 'W
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