paifordtnyorkr ,Towandu, Thursday,*. 9, 1873. LOCAL AND GENERAL • &wit ticket for ANNA DieKni leoti#e. Tan election in the We Borough, will be held Wm& ' Ix is expected that ithere will be preaching in the EpbooPel t)hurch, on Eituaday et thelumal hoar& Susox tickets for course, $2. The first leet, Thimday, Oct. 16. • H. B. Mons:Lor i in#ors tut tha Enow' v ias form inches deep o n ttaie ' lay Monn tainAiesdsy morning last. ,* •ANNA DICKINSON wilt c, enthe lee ttire course in this place on Thursday evening, Oct. 16. Haszsi•irifisto4 of Towanda" was distninited . to subscribers last week , and gtres general satisfaction. ! • Tim missionary bands of the Pres byterian churcli will bold a featival in the lec ture room of the church this Wednesday even s• ' . Lie TakErait of H. 13. Itimmu. vs. the A. Co., tried in 'Susquehanna ',county, last week, the jury wintered a verdict in favor of the ptairliff for 12,6,00. ~. . i • A iii boy fired some shavings In one of Mr. Illnawasu,'s new buildings, near the planing . ;null, on thindaY afternoon last. Timely: arrival - of aid prevented a, conflagration. MISS E.L,k SPALDI:IIG bas' been en gaged its a teacher in the public .8011031, the number of scho4ra having become :so great that Piot. lITAs found it necessary to inereaise the force of teachers. f WE Aar pleased to learn that at the earnest request of the members of the 13aptiittiurch of this — place, Met. 8. J. Lux has coUcluded to recall his resignation 'and will rcnuiin . Pastor of the church.. , Flamm; Fire .Company, partici- Tra.ted in the firemen's;aradol at Waverly,' on Tnesdiy last. We we not present, but learn th#t this ejeamer Performed sell, and the Bre " nibn behaved, as isrurd, like Igentlemen. - _ - • • Tno'sa of our citizens ;who are fond the-sensational, will be glad to kritow that •s ",JustieC ; or the Miners'. StrilM," will , be ren-. dored ftlercnr's Hall, on MOnday and Tees , day evenings pezti , byla star company. • I .'" L q'nr. mountains in !,lie 'vicinity of this'place, were Covered with snow on-Tuesday morningllast. One of our oldest citizens in forms trill that such a sight not been wit nessed 'befhre at this season for , thirty-five years. • - . 1 .1 1 1 - • Ownid to .the absence I d the editdr, • 1 , several blunders appeared in our last issue. In the notice of the death of Mi. paikr, the types guide as 'ay .1 ho leaves a wife and two young children." - It should, hare ,re'ad "a wife and two children." I . . . 1 . ~, . REV. it..)ll.Autvs E. McfriencE ockupi ', I 0 the ptilpit of the Episcopal phurch op Sun day last. 1 Pir.'4lcl. Las an exceptionally well modulated voice, and reads, the service in a very._ impessive manner. Ms sermons 'were plain, practical and well dcliie l red. -- • 1 - • , I. . MR. 13. H. Balm, an artist of .: rep utation, Was here daring the summer and made an excellent pen sketctiof oni• borough, clearly defining eery building, and now T. M. Fowl.= is in town soliciting subscrilicis to tile. work, which is tO be lithograthod in case enough.cop tea can be soil; I r MIMI • I , ~... 'SMALL POTATOES.—NIEFIMAN HLLL, , . ~ 1 - of Builington,lial left at this 'Office a sample of the Footless Potato. Mr:H. informs us . !hat he planted last spring two small- pots! , es, weighing about ten ounces, and - that , he- jest harvested 4nety-two pounds; or a little t %et: -- -one-and-a-balf bushels. bixty lof the potatoes weighed silty-one pounds.!l r 1 , .. —Tut: "-Presbyterians of =Troy 'have finally deti Mined to build a tL . enty4 housa ud dollar bri(,l: church. , One member of the church; 'a therchant 6 ‘ giros oneiquar ter . of ' the amount. 1 The Gazj i i, says the Baptist alto ,I 4 (AO to build a new rani PiRsoNA.L.-- The Titusville-• . Herald • " rASSEET, .r.q.. one of the • rn•,d talen ed a r id successful the younger iip_ml..ers of t i be Titusville bar,; has been admit 4 led tolpracilce in the United States Court. ; I • - • ' - Li;•-!nel and Mrs. Slnass acre two of the judges . on lady egnestrianshiri:a l t the CherunPg coinity fair ;lait4weel , 1 —Mrs. E. . ALLEt of Kansas City, 110., is visitiu~ at F. It. Geob;por's.. :r3liis ilStilE Pnix l NEl' iS enjbying a viEit in . . , . , .-1,.. the city of iiiiigliamton. i t __ l L , .., , . * l' 4 1 : 1 • L AB Tj seven o'clock lon. Friday evenin last, the school-house Isituated in the third waid,!Was'disccvered to , he on fire, and 1 , wr.e soon in 'us. Tho Naiads ' were at 'the , 1 5 - CCIIC early i d had a stream! on the flames, but on y su t c b cieded inpreven f tiigthe p fire , fro: spread g the residence , Judge• .. , I The Li tan 'also settheir machine and threw ei stream froth Mr. POWELL'S cist l era, but the fire had ni. do Bitch progress that it was impossible l a to s:v the buildurig. The -flOok' and Ladder e t ] did god service in pulling doivo the' bnrnink I .. frame. 1 1 1 The buildhig was owned by Illfzactm & Yrs- CENT, apd as: unoccupied. There is no doubt the firetwas the work of an . incendiary . Insur ed for -1 1- 1 li $2,50A . , I REGILET to learn rithat Father O'lttik4,:i.onany years ago pastpr of the Catho 14=-rilinich Berle, was killed at SusquehannsAie- I . ; t, c u Satnrilay evening last, by beingnn o' , erhvati engine. Father 071E11.LT, we i,J lirrc, was the Oldest Prics,t in the United States, and wag held in the highest esteem not-only . ant .ng Own people but 'by all who knew bl'n. Ho ll'as a firm and consiiitentadvocate of temperanc4and was - klotal abstainer from the n.e of intoxicating liquors all his It appears that the Reverend gentleman had to Great itend, and was returning to his home at Suitipiehanna. After leaving the cars, in company with several other, --passengers, in cludinga number of ladies, and while crossing the track to reach the depot, k switch engine was seen hacking,down rapidly toward the par ty. With his usual unselfish!, regard for his creatures,•Father O'llatux warnedlhie other passengers of, the iipproach of tho loco motive, and cautioned them to move. off the track. In that moment the .locomotive, which %las movinginore swiftly than any one could have imagined, struck him dOwn and paiiied over the middle of his body, a/most imikiedieti: lc killing him. Father O'REI r LLY was .nearly eighty years rf age, at the time of his terribln dcatlf; and was a man of largeand heavy build,[ and of course littler feeble in bisMovementr. • —:• WE CHEEIIFULLY sae p l ace to the Jolletsing letter from the Pr7ident of the First National Bank of Waverly. The claim which Mr. Ecuss Makes for his bank, is eilually true or Tewanda and Athens National Banks, and 1'.,2r.n0r Brothers' D r ank. Oile tiro mend*. s•Ju i e nod indiscreet men haro - attempted to create distrust of institutions, but they t are all solid, and able to meet every demand agions:t :hem. The depositslM, the First Na tionallßank of this place, Laic increased OCIT• ral thimaanddollara since the financial troubles commenced. , Tha directors Of this 'bank are • - • WW2 194, the Mania arida hilt arrived, aqd paitsod. We have been "fired "by *any pa soliondearoring to *BM ouitzedlt twists:4- w'. We ask you, is the °mming N= esi,•olffne, fl/PitxfUll aPeaktee, is 00,b , . to say to your hearers, that tWilla* daiWig the aforesaid crisis, and sines, bag tindt t no iitenmstanoes„ nor at say time, nor say its kddeers, refined payment in, greenba cks f0 0h44 oh44 or cadets& of deposi t ' - We aro pre:a:pled to Wept rtl oar niatto, . th ono Once written on a gardeq Ifinglatid "The, Lord preserie uslront Oar we edl doisend ourselves !toil our emirates. HowsWD Wiwi, Pres. "iirsverly, Ock 8,1879. ..Id Ward o the house of Pie lecture, • !comes off on Paso Limon OP Cospoi.Esoz.!--At . spe'clal meeting of St. Patliek's Benevelent SoT cle(r!of Towaide, Pa. t held Oct. 4, /873,• the, folliming resolutions were nuanimomily adopt ; ed i I - t •: j Wilms : It has pleased Almighsed t remove from our midst by the-lump hand of death, our beloved brother, ;olut 0 nxt wheddepszted title UN, 'after a brief head A et 28. MS ; therefore, belt i deed, That in the death.: of our' beloved ber, dohs O'Sullivan,our Society 'Alas lost r t a useful and Active merj and tough butt twenty-eight years of age, a faithful worker in) theAsuse ; that we feel, s, deep and poignant , griefst his early and pneveetW demise, and do with heartfelt earrowdeplosis the logeereie whcim we knew to be untiring in his efforts to contribute to the growth and Welfare ;of this Society. - , . •.• .. ißesolced.• That we tender to his parents in I this their hour of bereavement, our heartfelt! sympathy, and assure them that the visdatiohl of Divine PrOVidenee, which! in its design has , cast of ft gloom over us, his late. associates and admirers his many bright intellectuld Pan tie/4 is only relieved by the redlectitmlitat he has:gons to reap the reward of his gookworks, in &brighter and purer land. I .. •-_ ~t. Aisoloed. That a copy of those reeoliitiois be presented to the parents of deceased/troth. er, and that they .be published in the high Catholic Benevolent Zournal t ! Irish ' , World; Bredford Argus,Basproito Itsromum; /bison darin, and Journal. •t,; • _ . : • Data) Simms, 1 - . t • - : J. O. Buil, ' Cool. i - • Bona=, . 7 '. l' - - ' 4.--- •' - ' i' , , t E.To TEE N. G. V. G., inctim AND 1110ilits or Bur:roan ono i Fie. 167,fL O. olr 0. r.—Sirs and Brother, vi 'As undersign ed committee, appointed to draft resolutions expresslve of the sense of thislLodge th regard to the death of Bro. B. A. C r, be leave to submit the following report : ~, ! in! : It having please - Almighty God, in' the dispensation of His p *Menet!, to re- Mille from a life of usefulness o wortbyßroth ePast Grand Henry A. Carey, iiiid • Warm : - In his life he Wilt for more than i t euty- seven years,one of tile Most active and e slims members of oar Lodge, laboring in sea-, son End out of season to promote the luutihriny aud;advanee the interests of thii!order,.over re membering that he could hot be it good Odd Follow unless he was "grateful to his 'Creator, faithful to his country, and fraternal to his fel lowinsui ". and I ' i ' - of : In his death wo r6alizo the loss ei [ cherished friend and belayed brother ; is therefore, . Aesolred, _I ,gesolred. That while we botv With meekness andjoribmission to this decree of Divine Provi dente, a sense of duty as Weil a 1 fraternal re gard; toward our departed brother, requires that we record this testimonial!: of respect to his Memory, in the hope of - again meeting him in that haven of rest where friendships *e un broken, where serrow Is never known, and where love and harmony shall reign forever. - .gelsolted, That we itender to the afflicted faMily of the deceased, our heartfelt sYmpathy lin their irreparable bereavemetit, Res f lred, That the charter gad jeweli of this Lodg be draped in mourning for the space of ninetY daYx• .1 lite:sated, That a copy of these resolutions be placed upon the minutes of thisdlodge ; also, that a Copy be forwarded to theAfamilf, of the deceased and to the papers of this, borough for publication. All of Which is reSpettfully Submitted: • ' C. S. liFssru.,}; . A. J. NVLii.E, • - E.J. CLatisqN, . - t.-fit I ,t SUICIDE—At about I_O'clock, pJ my of Ilanday last, as one of the Tharpbernimide of thetWard House Vas attending tei her (hares In that, part of the house, she hhard groaas as of someone in grear:distress in Reese No. 41, and gav notice to that effect at Ltha l °MO, when, Wse. Bnowsr e one of the poiter setts inarQediate ly aunt to the nom to aicertath if any there required assistance. Arrirthglat)ho door wail - found it locked and the key in the lock Upon the Inside. Hearing greiansi ho tookLhold of tote door and shook it at tho u saucre Rine' call- I mir Children's School tag upon the occupant of the room to inform Fitt, Straw and Velveteen at Hrs. him what the matter was. Receiving no reply cerner of Hain and 'ridge and', the 'groans continuing, he took - from his - • - - pocket a skeleton key - and inserting it: hi the loclersneceedel in a few moments in rethoving the i'ey•upon the inside from the rock, and then unlocking the door he stepped into the' room, where upon-the bed he found the almost life less :remains-of A InlAnalil SamJiro& The cry,. ing rauray_npon his back, by side Small Srui h h Weison .. revelyeri three' chambers of which were - empty; ,- 51ood brushing frOri his moUth. The porter hurried back to Rae Orme and informed Mr. Koos who im4iediately Bent for a l doctor and himself repaired: : to thefreiona. But short time elapsed ere Dr.t.lonieooratas _ in arterlanci% bet the unfortunate man *at be- I.B' yencl human aid and breathed his last stew minutes after the Doctor's arrival: - Abput an hour after the death -of the =for: tunete man Esquire Hoaxer, acting, as Coroner, empa l nneled a jury who, after - viewing the re mains and examining several witness, returned a verdict that the • deceased came to his death from' the effects of a gunshot (Waund inflicted by hia own hand whilst he wai laboringunder a tethpprary St of insanity. Frera the evidehce it appea ,hd that 'the deceased was a Frenchman bi birth, abotit 26 year' of age, sober .and industrthus, but Of a extremely nervous and excitAble timperement.- That; he came from Binghamton. Y., to this place" on or about the 15th of September, ult., and sectired; employment in • the Boot and ShoeManufactory of-HumesELY nr.011; tttnacr, where he continuedto work up to Satirday after noon!last, when he gave noticethat he was se,: IDS tel leave here and go back t6Binghimton, saying thxt'he - could not work here A 9 !" they were'down on him and would . - kilrhimif 'he re mained." On being - questioned as to whom he .. fareil 'would harm him, he! onitreplied that " a Frenchman could not live bete, they were down on him." After receiving big pay on aat nrdat he gave directions as to what hotel in Binghamton he desired to have - his tools for warSd, went to the Ward House paid his bill ready to leave on the 8 (*kick train, but a of Troy hare eonage ME it raining `at train time he concluded to wait until Monday morning. ,On Sunday morning ho wh.t-tc the barb6i shop of Entrain Loans wher l i he got shaved and remained talking with Con* until: about balf-past twelve, when be started for his dinner, saving to.tjhurns that ho would eerie back after dinner and that they would go out for a walk. Cuirris had promised to go:to Binghamton with deceased on the next moping, he telling Courts that he mu( afraid to go:alone as!" them fellows would follow and maltipat him." After leaving the shop of Ceu ta the unfortunate man was not awn again un til foind in hie room at the Ward:Houseitnthe agonies of death. An examination of the corpse eh owed conclusively that deceased had placed the Mussie of the revolver in and , his month d fired tt , o ff , the ball passing thropgh the:,roef of the Mouth and lodging'somewhere in the upper part of the bead. I MI Oa finuday evening the Crispini 63k :charge of the remains and removed theni to their Hall from whence they were carried butial tit 2 o'cloci on Tuesday - afternoon. • The, deceased i has a brother liviugin Wortoe• Mais.,,who telegraphed to and irholar rived-i were on Tuesday evening after , thelr.e. mains ere buried. We learn thatliaa . deeessed he,d fow years ago made an ittempt-at Self destrtiction whilst laboring nude!' a teniporary abtird,tiun of mind. f: • Euainu.---The Eureka Mower is tioiindito take Precedence overall cOmpleti torri.l President MADDEN bad one - on exhibition at the State Pair in-Erie list week, .and_one of the daily papers of that city referi to the_ Elite ka as follows. The fact that forty machines were sold on the ground, is an eridenee that the fanners present held the same views as the editor : The; first 'exhibition, ob entering the grenade, is that of the !now( rs rind reapers. Perhips the one that draws the greatest ellen lion and seems to giro the fullest' satisfaction, is the ***Wilber Eureka Mdwer, Direct ,raft," man4faeturcd by the *Wilber Mower Company, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and by the Towanda Eureka Mower Company, at Totrandai Brad ford County, in this State. The strong points in fa of this machine are these tltit an ab aolut ect drAff, which has been trial ,all . 4‘ dialiA4 eat 1 ' Pity liable fee ,Woeite . r4)rion When G ner4 Nap* Le * battle in BIWA, 011t8 an ardor to;the . coti , o mender of a battery. td:" MO M tho , aisle t ■ th 4 Often, eeehig ad enemy is eight, aekol, " Whit shall we fire at?", 'l:".The pt mimeo," repiled the Colonel.' II • . t MI == 1 ann. ebb% trade. F=J Elmhz nil f BUSINESS °CALI ! ....,_ • WeNTED.—An activ : energetic m an to canvass, for the Basortitip. 1 I MA ------11"— t . Drees Trim - gs; at Mrs. wow:mune& I ' I i See notice ina;other-colnmn of Steam Power for sale, by 8. Own( Ohildren's andy Oaps,•al Mrs.. WOODZVIVIL . i C. F.. Caoss ht. fine agortmentot new arm , -.I - • - kr C. P. ; Caoss w to -agents for neural new subscription boo e. .::j Ifer A. large assortm etajaat received at FINE PRESSING Oa finites, at 'Fame & &me, for Foi the beet • go to Blunt Sir Seireral valuable Howes and Lots for ;tile by B ice' -E. Ros • - he best fall style hats cheap. Imo. The best family °west, prieee, at A. F. cknvir.r.s. -1611 - 134 lificE#A24 op store at Wyeattking,t on the Call and sea him. • Ogg. MYER & RUNDELL ml better assortment of vegc tber establishment in Tow_ and • 109. Prof, SHEavirooD pproci,ated by the people here) et of his pupils is increasing. Va. patterns, - Hats a t, cost, at Dirs. WoaDupre's, ad Bridge. . .11116 We have pet re .tock of tags, which we can pr • st. orders at the lowest ra.tes.' • • mete. zttici ' a buts for Ladies, Ifisses and C. 'OODIIIIEed. SD. By no possibility er be so cheaply purchased a❑ I. ctiou. as at C. F. Caosik. ie.. Job - Work execute flee, receives the highest enco best critics. Stir The , oldest inhabi remember the time when goad , low as AosaNY/ELD is taering,tb, Mir Comma Sc Cooxs cbeiper and better Boots and S. • o • erbefore offered for sale in T. - Teadhers of ..mnsi ctqwe Sheet Miele and Siniqc ; ere r . a.te.4, at the Temple of ai [OS- A fCw trios of c rahma and Bnff Cocbin j Chic far). Enquire at Warli.ea' lercnr's Black. - C. ,tom Bergman's Zephy Hiles, and GAO colors, only 20 c WOODUrFeS, corner of Mai tr eta. . pir Parties desiring t Dry Mc& for Fall and Winter well to call on TAYLOR Co. mcni in another column. MSS GRIFFIN calls Lion of the ladies to her elegan milli of Millinery Goods, which inspection on Saturday. par Persons wishing t Beal Estate or any description, Ba#TLErr 'DIAZ; Insurance a. Agents and Brokers. HAY PRESSES.-R. M. ' arL•enial attention to the sale of C 4 Ewa him if yon wish to get and one that will snit yon. tear Now is a goad , ti' you l v letter-heads, envelopes printed; and the Itreourza plaCe to got them executed. I Mathnehek, Weber Sni l pkeibocker, and other Pianos) arid on easy terms, at pine, P.' Ternploof nude, Towanda, Pa. Valuable house an for kilo —pleasant locality—near Chiirch. Inquiro of Jauzs Woo Lade thaw. . Dealers in Strings toll at the Temple of Music, finds large assortment of Frenc Italian Strings, at New York pric ?=- Ladies' Hata and all b, f the latest etyles," just re WoOnavris, corner of Main and Entrance on Main street. October 10,1879. sr The finest selectio crylOo9ds in Ifs market fan be Rtu:s store, Bridge street, iugi days, Thursday, October 9;1? 10 w.. and, Batnrday, October 11. soriment always. on band and priees. par. It is not generally -4. own that . i IL p. wurrAsra, at the Boot 1114derycirer the Ruroarna Mee, undies Blank Books in any style of naling and binding deiirod. If you want i new Ledger, Journal or Docket, gi . bins a call. - - - Aar At the request of those inter: ested, the session of the Connty .i'eaohers' giant° to be bold at Rome, will . be postponed from Monday, Oct. 20, as previo. advertised, to Monday, Nov. 10. It.• • Kamp; • Co. Supt. Seyeral desirable b near the Iron Work, fur sale chea th4l , lr.tibleiu value iu the nes Eugene at ItnAidlice. MB. Cold, damp weather bs apace, anti It pin would prosery keep your feet dry, and warm, by , stmcrior boots and shoes sold by in Beldleman's Block. • Mil just opened a 011. :nt of 'Britck FROSTS Chamber dolls I at or ISteak Farms and &Tuacy. is selling groceries at ed hi 4 now et of October l• eep a larger - 1 ables than any egins l i and tit 41 80, orner ived on th ne 01' 1 (ar t ldren, an wa 'where 1 at th, ulna fr. MEE cm I, & ye I•ca, tha wands. fil were Ha: woonn can .ks at MEI -- - 4' , ight , x sale No. 3, rzmi I ens ' td office, I P. WEL, all oz, 2 ridge, 1s rad per end ME ear, C !Ora he •a snow ill be open for purqbasii r .puld call on I. Beal .state rHS: :pays Hay Pr,eaaes. good -article He to i et d biill l get co isal good I •,. Hoofpaan, for said :Oicap ssago 4 Ii twos -lots e Episcopal I, Exec9tor of ill do well shore tlify will , German and : I unets iu teed ai I ridge Etreeto. of, Mullin seen at Kr& on her open day, October The losst sa t the lowest ding jots, Will moie two rear!' • I pproach- 1 1 • your health wearing the . L Lutimie, ° I • • • . ' This ,area • 11660arieederi should remember thsi O. P. Choi keeps a full seppli of, books; and statiousty, and that'll's facilities for Pim= cluedzig give him an aflSantage over' those of, leas experience. - . same ie. The but place to buy Saab, B4as, DOOTIIIII2d all kinds of Lumber, is st Fader & Boas. Factory on Charles sired. Of llee;lo7_Main street. They sell cheap for cash. • par /AUX= & fifoigu, - ;nanufta4 nett of those celebrated ipeeteelei,•lhare ohahged their agoitoy hem d. tok .Wtri A. auximatiles.. • , , . the d ma- Pod ower Ante met. sold `lead We, arnnow selling the W. rani Wire Mattress at 816.09. They are 4h oheSpest spring beds in the world. . Why den' you call at Fnois Boxl and try one? fir Why tun, the risk of an add dent, when you can get a ticket good for *3, 000 to case of death, for 20 cents a day, by call lib on Pusan BURSANX; at upper depot ? id In mita high- "ered Stir Dr. VODSON, our new dentisk, will be here re add for Itutinees, on the OM of, October. His aim will be over A. P. illowpai l Groom, Store, opposite the Episcopal Ohurch;, F. .CowLEs - bas fitted tip a convenient and pleasant dining room, in con nectini with his store, opposite the Episcopal Churnh. People from the country who desire a go4d "home meal," should give him a call. . • Stir It will be ot interest to a Lone cum of our raiders to know, that A. V. Cow* of the third Ward bakery, has opened an eating saloon, and is piepared to furnish meala at all . bottria Oysters served in every stylei • Tillman= Am) Ousmes.—Wheeler & Biebek's unrivaled 80 inch and 84 inch ,cylin der Threshers and Cle;item on band ready for immediate sale and delitery. l'o#anda, Jnly 30. 'Henan PoWEas.—l have on hand ready : for i11113113424t0 sale and delivery, two of Itardaes a-Horse Powers, and one Wheeler's Brat-elasa 4 and 6 Horse Lever Pcwers. The latter on truck ready for work Towanda, Jaly 30. . MATHEWS PATENT PANEL:tie MM L.— Jut r t cceired a supply. This is an excellent one in eyM7 respect. It will separate Oats from Wheat. and Buckwheat from Oats, and prepare nicely all grainand grass seeds for sewing. Stir As the season for openlng the winter schools is at hand, wo beg to call'atten- - tion to the fact that O. P. Caoss' book store is headqhuters for all kinds of school an text bdoksl A liberal discount made to teitlers* and country dealers. . I• POLE, PASSAGE 451 f, Co., at their Tempfp of Music, . keep a largo assortment of Vieline, tiaitars, Accordions, Flutes, Fifes, Pic colos, brams, Harmonicons, Strings etc., etc., which they are selling at 25. per cent. lees-than such geods were ever sold in this market. o be nnm- Youn COAL . BY ME Cu Lou.D —Twc4r more persons can club together and buy thBir coal from B. ➢I. WELLre at wholesale prices,; and get 1,240 Is to the ton. In doing so seventy-tire cents per ton of 2,000 lbs. can be sued from Towanda retail prices. . nets, Main new ahort• Daring the nest sixty days we wilt sell goods regardless of cost, and will make prices o suit all, in order to make room for goods if our own manufacture. Now is the, me td buy. J. 0. FROST 1, SONS, ',- Main Street. May X 7,1873 1 pa in this Do; You INTEND TO DO ANY PAINTING Tins ntia—lrso, try, the Rubber Paint. I challenge any dealer or painter in Bradford eountylto produco 1.13 good, durable or cheap first-class paint. Sold by . tho gallon ready for the brtish. Send for sample color cards, price list and circulars. R. 31. WELLER. i 'is of .m the nno t*. Mrs. E. J. MINI os has now re ceived it full line of Millinery and Fancy Goods, for thelFall and Winter trade. She will display the finest assortment of trimmed Hats and Bon nets, hi Towanda, nn and after nest Saturday, Oct. 11. old so all, El2l E. Why is it that JOSEPH HINES odfis'eli furniture so very cheap? Because he can buy cheap for cash, and sells only for ready pay. Cash customers will Dud it• to their ad vantiagh to buy of RlN'il,'No; 4, Bridge street, TOa - anila, Pa. rriA pnr each- MI ; ser Oysters'wholesale and retail, -at'A." Cowi.r.s' third ward bakery. Mr. C. gets his oysters direct from the packer, and is enabled to offer inducements to buyers. Sidi" -George Wood & Co., Taylor • tic : Faddy, and Jubilee Organs, at low prices and easy terms of payment. Send for circulars, or call to see and bear them at the Temple of nu sic of COLE, P:188A0E4 CO. I dispute the claim of Mr. Jo wl' Jclassos, an being tho best jumper ; and challenge him to a persoeal contest, of three standing jumps, for fifty dollars (sso)i a side. To taliO place oh Monday, Oct. 20, 1873. I wish him or hie friendi to "put up or shut up." J. H. TANiEn. base r ill do . .rt so- ffEl Towada, Oct. 7. EIMI sft+ The cold weather of the past foi- (lair suggests the necessity of warm cloth ing,, and especially comfortable gloves. A glance ir.t M. E. nOBENPIELD's largo assortment orglovs and mittens, will satisfy any - one that there i no necessity for any one to Buffer from cold hands. itst.j am now, receiving , for the fall tracte,;the most complete stock of Clothing and Futnishing Goods ever 'before brought to lhisinark,et, and propose to 'Frost° a sensation by,my tow prices. A word to the wise is suffi cient. Gall and see me before purchasing else where. Boarcricul. Z er-Mrs. E. J. hinwoS has engag ed ,Miss „_ ..._ i , LAAZZLE rEBOUSON to tale cuarge of her basilic.. during her sickness. We think Sirs. M ums: very fortunate In securing so reliable a person to take her place. Misi Fenousoat has been scene time in - Towanda, and will be pleas ed in sck3 all her old friends and patrons at her new pl#e, over Wicsassi .k. BLACK'S. v14)4 Itc)initow, die t ailor of To wanda,; has 'lust returned from tho city, where ho has been selecting goods (or the talk trade: His experience and practical know ledge aro of great advantage. Persons desiring to havelperfect fitting clothes, of the best ma terials, at reasonable prices, should give Mr. McM. Like knisrJonsrsow, ho does his ,t own cutting and warrants-satisfaction. . . S T. C. Coto. will introduce a new line of goods at his Auction Store in To. , wands, ;for a few dais, commencing Oct. 14, 1873, consisting of a great variety of Ladiek Dross Cioods, by the yard or by the piece. The ladies o .l t* Towanda and 'vicinity are invited to attend, and avail .themselves of this opportnnl ty to bey et great bargains. Towanda, Oct:V-Iw. . , , '- tor To-Day is a litifrary journal of great merit. Mr. C. F: Caoss has the 'agency for this county, and desires canvasser/I. A handsole chromo is given away to each year ly We advise all who desire a good family Oiper . cheap, to get a copy of 20-Day, and given it a careful penntat. - ` l asap COAL—Buy you. coal dtt ring thO Warm months. ,As s rule it will bo cheaper and better prepanxl. B. 31.!WELLts is selling best prepared. Pitts tonEtate Coil at 1185, and Egg and Chestnut at 0.430 ; for gross ton of 2,210 lba., by the car load, adding actual freight and delivered at any stailon north of Wyalusing. Erept.)., 1878. 500 Plaxos,c 400 Owen, 300 iiaLon6na, and toen smaller instruments, will and:suuld be sold &lure' the; first of January next, at W. Drrraton's 3lusiC Store, opposite the Court Souse. All the above Instruments are ifrgin the very beit such as 41. HrEcild i Co., F. C. Leann Co., the Smith American Organ Co., etc. O. Wiums, agent for all the sieve Instruments. Office at Esselte store, opposite the, Court Hones, Towanda B. M. WELuss. IL M. WELtro; WiLLES ME 0N.1.c,4,1*. 3111:MITBUIL ittillOClLTlONO,Thel4tell, miry' tanheologicel ,Atths:wrp,l kiwi, 'Maki& imektortti'lli*msidon st! Or* eB, Ps.;TnaldaY evening, Nov." 4, 1873.1 Betr. Z.- IPrioniwoorf maw Ilsothd; to deliver 'the Open* Mitres! ; 41. O 8►ILN1111,; Altorintte. l - him itreieti on IWednesday evening ; Revr J. B. Lams, termite. Let all the brethren of the District come to stay till the meeting Closes. t . • alEcWani, Scow • A. par or ruomez.isa , Thazsuilm Iffacomns. —B. U. %Lull; lin - On hand for sale and butumliate use. one Wheeles unrival ed 4 and O Horse Lever Potter, mounted en truck; and, ono Wheeler k. Melick 34. inch Cylinder, Thresher& Cleane4 abut mounted on truck ; making a valuable sot of Threshing Machines for 'the - farther and Job' thresher. These, machines are very porbblenever to_be dismounted, •and are. 'el) , convienturt for use. Taz Fatima Rum* W 110631 44 box WARN AM Pun/cam-4 in use in most of the Public Buildings in this Mato, and was adopted by the' Botiding . Ofaximitke of the Bradford CoUntyJail, after a careful esindua tion of moat of the leading phinteta of tlie day. This Purest* his been placed on sale In To wanda, and the subscribers are now prepared to fill with prompinesa order* for Portable or Brick Set Heaters, together with Hot Air Pipes, Ao. /alpha guaranteed. • . • Bautiou,'& Bostoiu. Sept. 10,13-4 w. order to keep pace with their rapidly MareLdug - trade, 'our euterpriaini irocerymen, Weans Euwszfus, are soon to occupy the largest dote In theiew bleak erect ed on the site of old brick roi Many of our np-town buyers will miffs theni fiom their ao• eustomed place in Illercur's bid* bat the in ducements whielm they offer to! buyerfi will In sure them plenty' of customers wherever they are located. They are realizing the truth that' "a good name is a fortune." 'heir reputation ,for honesty and fair dealing extends all through this county, and the fact that they sell the best brands of goods is equally weiiiknown. Fr err—Half a! century., of successful business is seldom attained by any establishment in the country. 'yew of the men sitio commenced business in thin county RV years ago, still conduct the same business,. but our townsman; J. D. AtONTANT4 , Esq., is an ex ception to the title. About 182' Mr. 3i. locat qd here and engaged in the Mercantile business on the identical ground sow ocC.upled by ?dos- Tszrrz's store, and has boon ihe!head of a sue sessful business house ever slues. The building known as the "Arcade," 'was Crested on the ground, and was noted as the finest store in the county. • .; In 1816, after the fire which; destroyed the largest portion of the town, the present sub itantial brick building was erected. Many changes have taken place in thei firm, bat the senior partner has always occupied the pee- • tou ahead or tbo establishment. Customers trim 'patronized the 'house thou t Fould be eaten ilhed to notice the itnprovemeht:? Tvlift;hhasolio cently beer made. The • II BASEXESIT , is a large, light and airy room,: 3'J by GO feet, and is literally filled with crockdy, chins, glass ware, and choice family grocerks. This room is, reached from the east end ofAhe main floor 1 , by a flight of broad, easy btaits.l Tar. MAIN YLOOIL ',. is occupied with an entirely new and elegant assortment of Dry Goods, EfiC4ll6 every variety ot, ladies' dress goods and hieumings, fancy goods and notions, cloths and gentlemen's fur nishing goods, umbrellas,, etc.,'; etc. To enu merate all the articles wo saw tiering a hasty inspection of this department, ; -.would require more space than we can spare. We adviiie alb who want anything in the Hite otgoods enume rated, to give this old and sellable house , a tail. TUE !MCC/ND Mid i is &Veiled to boots and 'shoes . , hats and caps, trilubs, valises, traveling bags, buffalo robes, horse-blankets, cotton batting, hied blaukete, and many other articles which We cannot now call to mind. Their buffalo robe's are purchas ed 43irectly from agents on the "Mains," and ,in sueh large quantities that they .are enabled to offer special inducements to cash buyers. The high , character which the Simi sustain at home and abroid, the abundant 'rueana command, and a thorough knoveledge of every branch of their business; afford them fa cilities for purchasing which are enjoyed by few oven in the largo cities. Althoigh the senior member of the firm long since achuired'a band mao'compotency, ho still giveS filo business hiti personal sudervision. The junior partner, Dr. L. D. Mouraisra, is also alwa i ys to be found in the store; and the obliging and competent corps of clerks spare no pains to se. ye all who favor them with their patronage. : Such an establishmeirr, assoSiated as it 'is with the earl history and grOwtb of our tout, should be a pride to,every citizen who feels an interest in the good reputation o oar business houses. May it continuo to thrive, and never wane for a descendant of its honored founder to conduct the btisiness established • firm I foundation, in the infancy , of our thriving town. i • MARRIE4 SUTTQN—NORTON.—At the reiddeneo of the bride's parents, Oct. 1, 1873, 11r. Wm. R. Sut ton, of Lyons, N. Y., to Miss 31: Eliza, young est daughter of Dr. H. F. Horton, of Terry- Irmo, Fa; . • L. • HOSLEY—BAILER.—At the Baptist Parapn• ago; July 20, 1873, by Rev. P. R. Eveiett, 3lr. Leeland Bosley and Hiss Franpes Batley, all of Bpr , lnfield, Bradford Co:, Pa.; WALKBR—PHELPS.—At the B aptist Parson. age, Sept. 12, 1873, by Bev. P.S.. Everett, Mr. 0. C. Walker and •31iss Adds Phelps, all of Athens, Bradford Co.; Pa.. ! ' • TUm2.—ROWE.—At tho residence of the bride'i father, Sept. 18, 1V73, 1 by Rev. P. B. Everett, Mr. D. P. Tuttle, of West Burling ton, and Miss &nnio E. Rowe, of East Smith field, Pa. • THOMAS—MITCIIELL.—At thd brides home, Oct. 1„1873, by Rev. Mr. Wetter's, assisted by Rev. P. H. Everett, Ur. ,Clarenco Leo Thomas, of East Smithfield, and Miss Emma I?ora Mitchell, of Tioga, Tiogs Co., Pa. • ROOSA—MORGAN.—At the residence of Vi'm, Morgan, the bride's father , on Thursday_ evening, Sept. 25,1873, by B4 T , S. Z. Conde; Geo. A. Boon to Miss Ida Morgan, all of , Troy, Pa. COLWELL—LABBLSON.—At tho rosidonco of the bride's parent; Sept. 28, 1873, by Elder J. L. Pbconlx, Mr. Richard IL Colwell and Mist Amelia Larriaon, all of lltdkbnry, Pa. DIED. TOZER--In Waverly, Sept. 12,113a11y, wife of Franklin Tozer, and :daughter of s tho• late • Alauson Lovelace of Bheshequin. Pa., aged 74 years. • • BAILEY.—In Troy, Pa.; Sept. 26;1873,-of cere bro spinal meningitis; Willie , only child of H. E. and H. Helen Bailey. BARER.—In Columbia, of carter, Mrs. Mary Baker, widow of Aaron Baker, kged 83 years. TICHNOIL—In Wells, Pa., of geheral Joel Ticknor, aged 73 years. BROWN.—In Laurens, Otsego 80., tr.- Y., or typhoid fever, Samuel Brown, aged 27 years: TOWANDA MARKETS: WBOLEBALE mama. Corroded wary weanesday, by C. D. .ATOB C. subject to change. daily. Wheat, 13 bush " 1. $1 50 01 76 RP% 1% bush . . Buckwheat, ift bnah ' 4. 75 corn. IA btish r . 35 Oats, * bush; 4 40 Beans, V bush. .lb. ... . 1 50 0 2 00 Butter (rolls) * .;. 0 26 . 54 id 51 17.) Ift /b. new - i . 30 0 's30 6 Potatoes, Ts dos i. • 24 Potatoes, * bushAlOw . ;.. 45 Plow . * barrel ' 0,5001050 Onions * bush.. . . - ' • ,1 00 W 10021711 07 Gnat.—Wheat 60 lb. i Corn 55 lbs. ; Bye SO lbs,: Oats 92 lbs.; Bialey 46 lbs.; Backwbeat 58 lbs.; Beans 62 lbs.; Bran 20 qba.; Clover Wed GO lbs. • Timothy Seed 44 lbs: Dried Peaches 33 lbs.; Dried Apples 22 lbs.; Flax Scud 50 lbs. ' . • Nzavous DEBturr . depressed, irritable state of mind; iCiveak, nervous, ex hausted feeling; no energyor animatiou; COLN fused head, weak memory, -often with debilitat ing, involuntary discharges. The' consequences of incases, mental overwork ,or! indiscretions. The Nanvous Daman finds Sovereign cure in sumplatErs HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. WI it tones up the system, arrests Ms, chargeii,dhipels the mental•glooni and despon dency, and rejuvenates the entire sy4tem. it is perfectly harmless and always efficient. Price $5 for a p*kage of five boxesmid a large $2 vial of powder, which is importmit in old, seri ous cases ; or $1 per single box. t Sold by ALL druggists, or sent by road on receipt of price. ,Address, • CURE U.Tomma. . South end Ward Rouse, Thwanda, Pa: DISSOLUTION: Thei firm of Pierce & Butts Is this day 41hisolted by ma. tad consent. • " : S. S. Pierce continues tho businoai. and is to set tle and collect all accounts duo, and to pay all Ea. Witten ot' the late thin, 8. & PIERCE. M. D, SWARM Towanda, Septembei 19,1573. • . . . . . . ~ . . • ; •n,-,;-. , _"...,*alisquir,,e.6,m - tie11er...meak,,, , ,5..,•441,v.ei.,;c - 4.v.3.7. , ,..!: '' ,' .'4 l . - _, - ..... f ,, .. . . M=Ml Mil ase ipr aim. Mersa M. Wilitio pooodo.' 111=8.—Ooo lure time witkikood •_olooalli. Apply to ULM JOU% on mamma* isowpinekop, odobertatimuoits- • - . 8 0 LUT I Tonne* Titus la this day b y e bp 11111. , lasi consent, •An amounts are hi - the ban& Of 8. O. Titus. who alone L authorized to sign in liquids. tion and bywhain all debts of,tho Ids Am will be paid. • " WJ. TOITNG. Tonnes. &pt 23.13. a. . G. urn. B'L Cr II SOX,' El NOTIOE.- . • ..iwatoties Ss ha*, gashes& ad persons ma bat to the NUM of Qualm Pk% late of Nerd*, deceased. are requested to nakelnuesdistepnyMent Asada persons laving claims wind am estati must present them 'duly sothentlattal for sett* ment. 'NATHANIEL PLAIT. JOIMPII IL MM. Meador's. MEROUR'S • MONDAY Aiia H , TUESDAY, 000 BEIVIS and IC y• DAN SHELBY'S CONGRESS :OF: STARS! _ the groatElensational Drains entitled, • ; tr .- JUSTICE or, TEE ,BONRR'S STABLE! •• Introducing a • TROUPF • DRA3ieibiA3l) 'OLIC).I ' . Composed of Isullei and fientlem of kncnriedi til n eft: 4 l4or . particulars s i te er lh ,, cur . - Reserved aZfor sale at !kw. Drag Mom" , • LIST. oflettere remaining: :m in the .. Towaida rest o,Blgo, f or , the. week ending . Dot, 'e, 1873 : • 1,,,-. Allen Nancy L - 1 LoelabeaJames, Ayer Maria - • 7 Leifer John- -' sJ • : , Bowman lint Mary Mocks Mary • Baldwin LA L - - -,. Malay rat .. • ••,. Bottle; Martha • - Nowe ll LyMazi ' Brown Ellen . Northrup Marvin Sall Joseph- - • Northrup Abljah Bowman 11 7 - - • ' ()Connell Dennis Camp Heater= • Pratt Wm HJr Cox Chides II . . • . - Patton Frank , . - Connell Dennis Lou' Josephine Chublittek Mrs Ann L . Both John: • CarziezEmma ' Modes a W • Cessna Jll eSmlth Bielimond ' Cooper Hester ' - *vine. Mahlon DOstoed Thomas thiftitti ( Grietweod G W Simons 4F. • , -- Gordon James • Shores War D r Griffin - John. . Seeley M ; - Geary Thos El Sullivan Alex Huntley Emmons Stroud D E -' • . Hendleman M • - Stull Chas, Hollows John , - - Sweet Samuel " - '''• , Johnsdn MINA • - • • Smith r A .-• . • Velar° L . . , Wallace S P • ' Herrick Jacob - .Weathrook Lizzie Kinsman Mary T ' Warner,Mes,Wllliam ' ' Lindley Helen_. Wolf Adam • , N Whipple Lanning l'ers • ons calling for any of the above letters will ploaso say advetlised, giving date of lizit. , -. • ' S W ALVORD, 1 ., U. - - ',•:- N tiANKRUPTCY.-4 n the M a_ triist Court of the United 6tates, for the Western District of Pennsylvania. - azottez T. GRANGER, a 'Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, having applied fora discharge from all his debts, and other claims provabio under said Act, by order of the Court, Nortek' Is nzarew, 'Gnaw, to all crediton who have proved:their debts, and other persons Interested, to apPeseen the let day. of November, '1873; at 10 o'clockz A. 31.. before E. Overton, Jr., Esq., Register 'ln Bankruptcy, at' his office, in Towanda, to shoW cause, if any they have, Why a discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. B. C. McCANDLESS, . . Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District. October 0. 1873.-2 , d. 1 'TN BANKRUPTCY.—In, the' Dia filet Court, of the llniteo States, for the Western District of Pennsylvania. S. W. PAINE, of Troy, Bradford county, a Bank. rapt under the Act of Congress of &larch 2d, 1857, haying applied for a discharge from all his debts, and othpr claims provable under geld Act, by order of the Court, NOTICE IS /MELEE GIVEN, to all credl. ltotw who have proved their debts, and other_ per sons interested , eo appear on the 81st day of Octo ber, 1873, at 10 o'clock,a. m., before Edward Over ion. Jr., F., q , Register in Bankruptcy, at his office, ID Towanda; to show - cause, if any they hare, why a discharge 'Mould* not bo granted to the said Bank rupt. kfcCANDLESS, 'Clerk of U. S. District Court for said Dist:let October 0; 1873.-2 w. A YER'S CATHA.RTIC PILLS, FOIL AjL TEE runrosagror A TA.34I.LT PIITSIC, Curing Costlienese. Jaundice, 'BTaPePaia, /ndl !gestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach and Breath, Ery sipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism,' Eruptions - and Skin Diseases,' Biliousness, Liver' Complaint. Dropsy, Tetters, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms. Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and Petri6ifle the Blood,aro the most congenial purgative yet perfected. Their effects abundantly Show how:much they exce all other Pills.. They are; safe and. pleasant to take, but powerful in cure. They purge out the foul hu meral of the blood; they stimulate the sluggish or disordered organ Into action; and they impart health and tone to the whole being.' They cure not only the every day complaints of every body, but formid able and dangerous diseases... Most skilful plc:rid ding, most eminent clergymen, and our best citi zens, send certificates of cures performed and of !great benefits they have 'clerked from these pills, They are the sifest and best phy'sie for children, be. use mild as well as effectual. Being sugar c4ted, they are easy to take; and being pure) , vegetable they are entirely harmless. !' PREPLIZETI nZ . J.C. AYES & &0., LOWELL, MASS., Practical/n:IA Anal) ties' Chemists. , Sold by all Drug,glata and Dealers In Medicine, August 28 'P lIBLIO SALE OF REAL ES- TATE.—Parsuant to an order;of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, Pa,. will be sold at pub lic eale on the premises in Albany tww., in said county, on THURSDAY, the 20th day of NOVEM BER, 1873, at :1 o'clock;•p m., of said d4y, the fol.. lowing described real estate, lath the estate of John Gard of Albany township, deceased: • The real estate aforetaid consists of a farm situ ated in Albany twp, athresaid, containing 108 acres and 50 perches, awl bounded by lino beginning at in old hemlock cor. of tho warrant; thence north on warrant lihe 205 per. town old maple cor.; Abeam' east by warrant line 83 per. to post cot. of . James Warner's lot; 'thence south by same 295 per. to a post ; thence weld. 83 - per. to _place of beginning: being the western section of a tract surveyed on warrant In the name of Henry Stark, dated Armlet 13. 1792. . • . The improvements coneisl of bout 40 acre , a / s well cleared and fenced; • comforts lo plank borne, a story and a half high; With three rooms below and two above; a log barn; also a Yo ug apple orchard of some 35 thrifty grafted trees and a feW peach trees. The land is well' watered with pure j .water and is located ' within a tow rods f the Sullivan & Erie' Railroad. The laud is of good 'quality and mutable for tillage, the whole of it. TERMS—SAO to bo paid when the land is struck down, $5OO when the sale is finally confirmed, and the balance of the purchase mono to be paid, in one year thereafter with interest, an security for the same, - ~ GEO E GARD. Oct. 1. 1873. Adm'r estate of dolma Gard. STEA.3I SAW MILL, SHINGLE 31 EL AND CIDER MILL; • LY SHESIIEQUIN. to M g ' w Mill is now in o= m or y d l e ine uk on d L IL A = ea d. SHINGLES and LATH, sawslll han I also offer :or sale a2s Horse-Power Engine and Boller, cheap. O. IP. MB& Shesherpaln, Sept - . 22, 1373 . TO THE CITIZENS OF PENN SYLVANLi,—Your Attention is-specially in vitedlo the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to revolve subscriptions to the Capital Steck of the Cerdennlal Board of Roane°. The lands realized from' this scour= are,to be employed la the erection of, the buildings for the International Exhibition; and the expenses connected *Bit the same. - It is confidently believed that the Xeystoue State will be represented, by the name of every eiti sea alive to patriotic commemoration of the one hundredth blralmlay of the nation. The shares 'of stock are offered for 810 each, and subscribers will, receive a handsomely steel engraved Certillcate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial, • - Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum will be paid on All payments of Centennial Stock from data of payment to January 1, 1876. • Subscribers who aro not near a Nstionid Bank too remit a cheek or post-Office order td tho under. signed. SWIM. FRALEY, Yeetanrer; Sept 4..13. \ 904 Walnut St. Phila. ELLENBERGER'S TROUTPOND SPECK LED BEAUTIES BY THE THOUSAND. • - S:EASON 1 8 73. These, famous Trout Ponds are now Oen for the seasot of 1873, and are stocked.svith a large number of trout of every size, In the clearest, purest and coldest spring water. Anysize trout at re eon able rates, and shipped bt express as ordanad r -; These ponds are not open on Sunday. The proprietor baying had experience in lo . cating and arranging trout ponds, odors his services to, those contemplating laying out and stocking Rabe.' ries, at reasonable rates. Admission to ponds, 23 cents; Season ttekcts, $l. For full partioulars call on Or address & B. ELLIDIIIERGEB, • ' Ap1.2 : 3-tf Laddsburg, Bradford County, Pa r , VALUABLE STEAM POWER pit SALE.—The tmdersigned offers for eels a es forte Power Engine and Boller, together with a complete set of menhinery nu. a circular Saw Kill. Will be sold cheap. For further information enquire of Means. Rockwell k Co., or the undersigned at S. Owen% in Wises; Pa. Sept 10;1678 E. G. OWEN. VSTIIA.Y.---Catne into the eneloeure 11 of the Undersigned. In North Tommie twpt.. on or "about the loth of *an 1873. TWO Baser The owner is requeatedlo come forward, prove property, pay charges, andtake them sway. • MIORAIKI. LYNCH. North Towanda, 84t. 10, 1873.-3 w.• VOX & KEW= do not deid in 13boady Goode. Jan.l9, 18711, „ SOWlA*TaiMeti .t•&' 04,9 '73 MESE ~tlac~llanlo~i. I - n. I' 1 , 'I 1 , 1 I . . r ~... j ,• , ~. I V gi l ri i. & u tr p .' ) 1 • 1 , ! 1 I , wOutD P; 1 RESPECTFULLY 3 - ANNOUNCE REI f . . 1 , . . , THAT - J . . . , , , . • THEY HAYS, AECEIVED M . TI . I+'ALL STOOK AND i 118WITE Mir INSPECTION -OF HEIR GOODS BM GUSTO MI MB EA ALLY UNIIS ME r El 831 SUPT IMI 11 II PRI ' . Will II I® MI IL „ I . / = = / TO IMI Y ME DEPART OF I Fr'l IN BIAINE f ES WIL - FOUL 1 're9M.P • II IS I POSSIBLE ( .'IT 1 ' 1, r 1- , t Eil oflllo act relin It is el* elecgo- Inch If. dnhent fllir of said . . TOM, k. ty. tct• wit:. I/1 I 2 FlArril et e by In my) In 4.thpl cd by In /I, . B. 111 --.--, Ltt Bruit's/dot pied by Iti Intim:lingo= in litirl In V In Bari* ; In Cantor in Canis. 8 . S. :Oars. • In•Colting-the• In /ranklin at the. ht - Dawning. t'' 1 In Granville, at the how In Renick, at the school In Leßaysvinel k in?, et pied by J. R. Fle r. In Litchfield, at ho In Leßoy, at the atre In Monroe twp., a illeb B. R. Rockwell. ' •In Monroe bore, the by Ethel Taylor: In Orwell, at the h use o d in Overton, at ',ch ho • /1141/40, at the ho rse of In Rome twp., at aA, In Rome bozo'. at . In RidSbni7, St ho. . Daillseabequin, at V ' Inorlit t3=d 4 itt oho Jesse , In Standlone ,at • In Smith/W.4.45t ,„ho A. L Jeroold. : • ' In Sylvania boro', at the In fighth Creek. at ahe It In TerrY, at the h. 'o In Toinuallaillore.• of Daniel Sullivan. _ Rouse: Third .•W • at . , Wm. Dittrich's. , ~. In Towanda imp., a the Scott'si , • In T wanda storth. tth In Troy twp., at -ho borough. ' . In Troy boro', at Ga. ho In Tuscarora, ea , Be . . In Ulster, at the ho.:. • 7 In Warren, at the li • use In Windham, at the b • . . In Wyalusing, at th ho ' In Wilmot, at the h • In Wysox, atthe ho • . • Reed. ' • 7, In Wells, at the lion e o At which time and r e elect byballot I Oue person for Jud. • 01 One person for Ste • T 'Twdpersons for rep • Ono person for Ass • is `One person, for Tr nr • One personfor Coulty I v.. Ono person for Jury Co Ono person foriCon ty Anil in and by Said act, -,, givo notice ••that any pe 'z the peace who ?shall hold ' tmsywader the govee this Stahl, or of any i itu that evet7Nernber of on turd, and tile select an c• / 0 4' conunissioners of a y law Incapable of holdi time the °thee or, appoln • • or Clerkiatan eleosion 'of that no Inspector or otter Boa shad be then eligi „de voted for. By the 4th s•ntion of a n ' April, 11340, it is provid d an act passed July 2, D. , " , to the elections of this 0 be construed BO as to re from *ming as Judge. Ii general or special elect! n An Act , to change the ti the General and TOR= 7 Bradford, The General Election Districta and Boroughs J between the hours of s forenoon, and shall con or adjournment until telt. when all polls shall be •:11 A further Supplement Pennsylvania: ME I= -:~~ , i 1 =I To'RE.IIEAS, Bythe act eat States entitled i , 2 heretofor passed' to p: calling out the National es" and approvad IVarch hundred and siatytive, a ed the military qr naval and who have not been the penalty, or disability ed,[ and taken, to have v forfeited their rights of c of exercising, any rights And whereas, Persons States are not, tinder th Pennsylvania, quali.qed c wealth : i • • To Ahe County Camniiin'a, c of Bradford: J The Fifteentl stitation of the United S t ''t SEcrricat 1. The rlgh States baiote shall not I United. States, or by anyti color, or previous condit o "Sncruis• 2. The Con, force this article by apprp And W =reas,lTho Cosg. on the 341, day of Marc , tied "An ctto enforce t xi ed States WI rote Cu the sere a for otlwrpifrposes," the fl s which areas follows: .. ECTIOZ4 1. Be it enact ,c 1 Representatives of the United press assembled, That all citi whe axe, or shall be otliOri vote at any, election by t 'o ritory, district, county, el district, nifinicipality, or o ion; shall lie entitled and a eleetions, stithotit distine • vions condition of suni I custom, usage, or regain 'a notwit toryh stan, nr by', din or Under its a g." t. SEcrto 2. And Le it i or tinder the authority 04 allY, § tato, Or the laws of en shall be required to ho. 0 qualification for voting, .c law,' persons or officers the performanee•of dale I an otiportupity to perhs , become qualitled to vote, t Such person and:officer . c _United States, the same a perform such prerequisit to vete without distinctie. a condition of. servant° ; ' q officer shall refuse or kn. I feet to this 'aectidn, he sly forfeit and pay the sum the Orson aggrieved the et action on the case, with ul, once for counsel ',fees as a and shall also, for every as guilty of al misdemeanor r Unwept, be ffiacd'net less a or Ve ;imprisoned not lee more than one year, or b. th colliC" 1 And whereas, whereas, Itts declare of the article lof Mei: Stadia, that " This Constit ti United States, which s thereof, shill be the Imre • I anything in th'i Con*: to the contrary notwithean4in And whereas,' The Le.4sl wealth, on the 6th day at an act, entitled t•.l.•fiarthei lating to elections,ln this section of which provide ... i . _ _ 111=1 I ..;icrioi, 10. That 50... a bly 4 providos that only , titled ,to vote or be registx o ing to vote at any genet,' o Commonwealth, be and the andlthat hereafbir all few to color, shall be enroll° to the provisions of the the; at proved ppkenentalto seventeent thee il I of thi's Commonwealth." a fled under existing laws, t gone:Slush Special electi Ad whereas, It is any et. duty . Wtake care that tly a 1 tea,' and It has coma to 3 asseBl4olll and' registers t I are refusing to assess aid male Citizens of lawful a as eleetors. - ! • - -- I ' • Noii Tazum . mx, In t sea, o county !commis ct hereby'notified 'avid dire assessors and registers f and conformto the req Bonet Smendment and la : county is hembyautho in his election: proof ' elections, the herein sec tA meht, act of_Congress, d the end that the *sane obeyed by ill assessors, f officers and others; and varanteed thereby may 1 zon e s cif, this Coutmonw i ECND ' if? HA. [ . 1 Tax STATE. at H a I first aboa:e wratte . A test : ' ~,l' ,•_. . i • F...t0at0a24. See* y 0 C I 1 I also call •I• I • IhwateXitli 'BO it enact at of Igeresentatirei of the C rant:tin General dasentb/y ed by the authority qf the a hereatter_to babeld in . be nnlawhal for the ju. . I tion to receive any ballot a or peiscona embraced in, t . a to th4ed disability imp° b prov March 3,100, a. d any finch Person to offer o Satroz 2. That if . Si of ilention or any, one o H sent tO receive, any sue. a team any such dhaqualifl d.., fending, shall be, guilty '. a I conviction theroof in- . cum this conutionvrealth, a tal be Kate:iced tcl key aAn of undergo an impaitnane t.. county, for not lea than GO 1 filzquott'3: That if any pei shp, aata disqoadilled as sfoi Ben, I:temper/to bo held I • voto or teraderio, ther a -vote ballot! or ballots,ashalt be deenuid guilt l a convictionthereof. In an a of this Commonwealth, ILla punbiliedin like manner i ing section of This m iniilli 1 0 Uol}rceeTtniteuGh ElzoitoN: That if any re amide or advise any at citlienship. and disq al ballot or ballots, to the after to be held in this C in Smile or advise any sue oil /or ballots, from any pars n and a lug shall bo guilty of a 'Leßow thereof, in any - nal thiat Commonwealth, sha 1 b ner;as is provided in the se in the eerie of officers t such unlaatful ballot crib < By an act of Assembly f an Act regulating them lo in tho several counties 0 enacted as folloairs : • - I OM ~~ El '' I „, _now; occupied by S. S. ~ Deng. '• I i '!" : of F. Ta r. 'house, near el Dn. • I 1 6 houaet f , 461;a Ii °cm. Of B..WC .061,11a,u5a.;; ,''. 1 ru; e formerly o p ied by , 0 forme rly., :i cupied i n ~ .1, I '. u ) Francis IV Q. se Ho, 2.1 _. .1 - I{er Bosworth 1 ' e*F* 49 3 a9 b iv• .. _ '. • F..... 1" • :', of Iliad If s. 4 , Howe. - ... , i . formerly 'clapled by , houseoffilm I on evens. ). fc!rfW l Y .. . b 7 I 1 I 1; mutef:Sortie itt. use ,of o C.E, Cod. Jaebb Frilictly. I; I - , . Ware f,' at Hie; Hotel ,:,, , •d. Wsrd. ap tiro Court tttelfichaa II ,near '1 1 1 school Ipso l.t nofH. L. I I , L lionise of S. A. !a. CO o fl i y.l ..1 l I.Lon in Troy o / l ' 1 , of S'', liriLbiati - : ' i I house nearJes' Blade/3: i f 13. li. nofroim. ) of IL Cool*. - e of H. Knykent a ll_ •:e ,of IJ. 11.1Blacl. I A ;of . r I .. T. Stone. et i , I • rine y bchnpi oy J. S. I I , ,L. tioeloy. ,'; ! 1. the el Ictora afer Raid will , the Sopr i enie 44. • ! . . F • 1 .I:datives. , I Judge. i , I . ' rof the Cottnty.l I ' omuldstioner. , imisiiioner.l ' uditiir. I I - i am' urthcr diFtted to soU e;cepting j stico .of any Office c , 6l , filt. and : , t.of the Unite totes or I. orated, district, nd also ti t U ea anti of the Leiiisla munonleormeil o anrcity' corporated die ct. is by ..r eaorcising at e same ent of Judge, basi)ector this,' C4mmanwlth, and offieFr lot say s chl eleo- 1 , tony office th n to I I I ,_, i act passed the 1 t ~ that the , 14th s ~ entitled iArl act . neonwealth,' " e - enter any 'lndite . ; ,-, ~ector. or Clerk; of this Corincenw. , lie of closing; the' elections in the, I .11 the IVoccl, To .0 conuty is to and seen -.Ale, rue without lint 4 o'c lock in the ed. 1,0 t e Election i he eolltirrePS Hof to amend the scv de for 'the enro ces, and for other 1 ird;onO thonsai pergolas, whe.hav 'ice H of {he' Unite barged, or reliei rein provid4l, 11 o tardyrelimpat-:., ' cnship m , add are citizts] thereof .t ci ens Of the constitution and [ LotorS of thiS 0 1 1 I 1 1 , . 4;14 \ p Sheriff o l f th .i , , 2_ ' I j Arne dmant l of • s is as follows;. f cittens I of; tli , .enied or abrntg • te, qn 1 aecoluat e. of servitdde' r " i [ •.,.. sh have pow rto en .. late 1 gishitien,' I , , as o the Unite Shags, j asset an ctl cut:- 't I o cflizesin-t ed Coil i Stotts' Of aii. Union, of: a 1 and .4cond 1 I sections , or ' 1.. . ' y the S'lr l lalg and I%iuze.V" Stateri of .dniOric in,C47t ', ens of,theiL'aite!States. i/30 qnalified: b lim ito cophla tiny 8 to, Ter ; parish toWashi , schOol 1 or te 'Oirial s b4ivis. d owed tO %Ohl at, such , nof raoc,,Oolor, or 0c l:ill d ; any constitution, law, a. of any.Stzte or Terri a thoritn, to the Ocintray 1 r ether en dmi,lTimt!if,or e Coast :alien ori Laws lof a Terra ry,•any ach is Or .•. 0 as a' prerequsite. or d bistichleonStitutfon or ) or shall! bel charged with . - I furnishing Ito c itizens i such proreqvusit ,•lor to .hall be the duty revery 'e to all citisenS Of the d equal onpOrtunity to , and to become qluilifiet/ f race, color. or pi - evions I if any, ouch! persoll er I.oly omit to 40vchill el -1 fur evOry!such ffetice, via hutdred l do ars to l i t .. ,to be reeolle're by an I - costs nd 411,-. inolv court 'shall (lee !jut, ch Offence, be cemed nd sha.l on conviction n five hundred dollars, '. an one.rnenth Anil not , at the discrOtiod Of the , I I .l by Eli .------! --' - ' d • titutio ina i , .0, an f be r ) law o ',ion or ' a f:ro 0 pril. A. ba pplem4 30 onw, follow; :It of eve. rite free? as vo r specie e' same Is e en, withou., . • registered aceordink section of the act ap. 1: ...• "entitled %.An act fur at relating to the el' one al whet]; otti , gnat; entitled to 3. at ail e • this gown= *U' I ...Intional and oilletel we beltalthfulty wen knowledge that dry erwi f ut i °tors have ;erne kand andro te tie d rg rs e quil l I I I. 1 [ : L laetatipn , of; the pre •-_-. ,• re ofj said ;county are e. torn atructlhe eeveral °tete Iherein, to !obey • "eats pf send constitte 1 and the sheriff pf said, and required to publish' 'a for the, next OISSEItZI i g 1 COtaftlialtilntal avnenk t of theLegialature, to •e imam, executed and' , eters4voters, elLiction t the to =I priv il ege semi a 'to y WI l e :31eiilt , entitled to the / SD THE (} BEAT $ C • * Sburg, the day apa y , 1 I' , I TIN F. 11.1.7 1 7 , rimotur af47., ; i , 1 folio ng-laWs: 1 i erug , I I ~ L, Lie nand Howe 7 , melonztlngh 0 f potetyt: et, and ii fs Tierctlyknacl t e. That/0 all elections Et Connuonwealth. it shall o inspector (if the •r balloWftoman yl ;Lev e l 6 rovislons, end leubje pia aCt of dO es 0., shall be data pi for 1 iuti c ate any ballot or allots, I • jaftte and ine to .ta Eth receive, , con . • ballot or hellote, non, he,' o; !het, so dr .. esdetocancir, and npcln ,• of qiaarter see:dons of i+: for any ,etieh carp, not leti than $1 , and the ell of rho per ye. I 1- 1 .n depriwtd, tit !limn . • • d, Ikon eleet,.• • this Oautbaon eta*, the f,' and ilea , to ritual, I 7Pe 1 4 Ex ) 11 4. 1 1 1 8 naladeineanor. Ind-en, . of quarter scallions , fori each offence' he pmidedinthe predict. ems cd alms of eleo • of and ballot d. ; .n shall ' tiereaftei per% , or, pavane 'deprivedlof as aforesaid to offer any of any electio*,2- . onwost4 Or shall receive - cer to any of i epriica of 'citirenAtp, such nerscin sooffen.d -.leattor, and upan egn, of quarter { see punished in - o . man, • nd Election of act, .ch election, I*.eivipg 40. 1 'll I _i cti ,,„ .1 Much SO, IWO, rumba f voting tit alt el otui, a ConanionWllllllb, *JO 1 I . • ' - 1 • I I - 2 , • i • , i ! , Fr - • t El *E I Claaerably ‘tled "en. *oath," 4 sub Ssx - rfow 1, lk U easel& by thassale and - ifeuvee of Representatives of as: Osesonwasela of Pennsyi n , by in GLonoyog Afiesobtrusd' ir inabiliftweby onatV ed by ate 010 , 1-of Ore =lnt,' Tinviitter qualified: voters of the WOW mattes - of this Ootractonweaithi, at all general towrusblp,bor=o, atkl spedal tlons, are berebyibereatler antregninsil to vote by takets printed or aline* severally fled seta/cra.: Otto Ucket shall re. theaam;Z of all &met to be voted ; Ind to be ' f bided, outaide,"Jadi=ne t enbracC ••ct names of all state to be voted for and be ' labelled "state "_ e ne ticket t stallembrace then:meal of all county pilleers voted In. &Bar& senator, member, and members otaspetab a Voted tor, and members of congress, -if voted for,• and bei l , '.cannty;" one ticket shall embrace the 1' narael of all tow n ship officer toted for, and - be le. , bga "tartudaP; . ! . one *ball endineask name atatthorangh oseare rotator. and shalt . ij labs 4 " borough," and each ekes shall be deposit.;l, ed in • perste ballot bows. • , • • ILt . Ele an &Sens are authorized and!cornmsuded stries otter et the previsions- of-ate IktittrY pas: by the Senate and House of itelivesentall Les of th Conunenwealth, on the 17th day of April.lBl9.r , Exactrarrre ,Caugent. I ' lianisburg, Pa.. Aug. ,27. 1 f IL 'eking of return indgewfarl the county of, rd, will be at the Court Halm in Towanda, rd day.atter election, tridc f lt ,nlll be on Friday: • Azi or:Oegober, at 1 o'eeL. itin- 1 • • ' - • K. -1! 1 : ber 1 4 73. d. Sheriff- ei¢tto In 1 ! 1- e, et .tm °. "" IV: orakplel lira'. -ex's. J ocenpi- MEI occu- The Bradt t t hq g .I Oct ZEI - • ' .. . , ; (I . • PITA/, s 01111 . s 1 . 4 R -7-By IP 'v • .6 of ,an enter of Ural: Brlallans' tosart of 4 Arndt. rd - County, the undersigned/ Administrators i 1 of the • state of &bra G.-French," bite ef Wells town- 1, ship . said county . - de ce ased. 'lllll to sale .1 , 0:::::$1. sspeengee4 :op Tllttlitrati; ; 16 ''' 1 - 873,- • t 2 o'cloe i lt. P. if .. ascertain tract or p arce l. o f 4 land o which said B. G. French died Kind, sitnatf in illi • Wells tOinaldrip. bounded an" described al 4 1.110 w., to wit: I ' Bee . fling at ' the northwest Aternereirf a lot of I, - km ' d c• rune& to, D. Strong ,by Ann fitspng by deed 1 .1 ' dated pr4i.C4851: tharide 'south 2 dagreerstest 22 :_i' perche to a stake and stones; thence south' 80 de - a 1r• 1 est 101 perches to a stake and, stomas in. the I, /ant 1 pet the Saimaa Seelni lot: nallen south 134 ' ' I • degree west' 50 perches to s poit end "touts; thence i : South 8 degree! east 1;5 0.10 perches go a stake and I!, 'stones to the northwest corner of Rosary 'french's :t at; titz ta ce mirth 80 degrees east 25T ( perches to a 11, small pie sapling; thence north : 148 perches !t , along , a line of hada belonging tcrlthe Beckwith. 11' , estate to a stake 'and stones:. thelectrtiorth 88. de- 11 . ca Vest 212 perches along line of land belonging 11 . to the -tar t e ot , D. Strolls. deceased, and: line-of 111 lands o ed by Borman Davis , to theAdaco of be- :1 - 4 , ginnin . containing 301 • acres , and 45 POrbei, q Looln Jen% being neXtlY allimprared; 4* "'which' 1 is sit 'a large ( rime ' twosteo dwelling' hewer -et la o frame- barns, - ono wagon and horse ,b.u.n. , 1 , , • orch;d of apple trees, Pe. i. j ' I - Bald 1 dlsto be sold imbject to thel' ,1 payment of . t mortgage im Fee same, made by ,elid, S. G. French 1 r, , • his 1 fettino to .Lneretis Strong. Administratila L. of D. 8 decPurel: dated April 1.11851, and re- I : lorded said Bradford County in; XcePperre Book 111 , +'o. 9. e 283, Po. And the - purchaser -of said ~ ,s al eat to will takethesiatne with tke Ben of aid' Mortg a tindlresP.d and In fin firoor and iljt to obliged opay said mortgage as well is the amount '1.1,1 of his ler paid land. Said.-mortge is In the R . . of $3,600, conditioned for : th ee payment of.l 108 8T TAO Ann Strong , widow Of, John Strong,. de- . ii . eessed.: Wing her natural life peasant:ann. and to ...,‘ Amanda, Em during ( the term o>` her life the 1 i sum of 35 29 per , annum; and apon 'the death - .of 1 . id , An to pay to Teinpy A. Strew the sum of 3604-184 to said Amanda sA. 'be then living; then . . om is th nooforth :dna* Vie , prirts ' od of bet natural life, to aidArruutda the further sum 0418 16 per si ... .... ; ut if she then - be dead. to TeroppStrong. f... tho far er sum of $302 , 42* arid upon the death of ..: Amanda,., to pay, to the 'gild Tempy,A.Abe wheel- •11. t an lurk pen which said Amends A. drams the in:. restd ng her : train - W.111e; and lento William, q • 'Bons. on of Aaron the:dia.:the sum r f $3OO within - . . e year from the death of said Arai Strong, with .1 pterest the death °feed Ana as by! the :record !.. of Elld. mortgage 7111- appear .,' • ' .. 1 -', ' • • ' - izrz B. slrereri: -- '..: !: ' , camtl29l slurry,. -Eepteinbei 19, IST3i '. s. -, : - A,dMinistrators,. ' r - d • ORPIN'S COURT S -rr y n . n Alik,,,.. ti a r _„ vi ,oof an Orderossued outofthe r.s.} , rs• • Court of 1 radford ,county, the undertignl admia• , istrator .1 the estate'of •Elizabeth A. Celli s; late of , t said county, deceased ; will expose to public sale on : .i. th4rotalses in 1 : 3 1.1:r: o ot to e wt e l in abi ng p , t i vir=if . : 2 l7 . • . ( tile folio ifg 3. deserlbed real, estato u r V 711: ' mot town lip: Bounded on the tantlis-of 1 Mart:l2 a Nicholas O'Neil. east by land'Of John 1 Catninis l'eouth by land of William Noretuek ' I n 18 a 1:411111traiOr . C MP .: 1 , : , 4 1 1 welt i bylart rAt d m i l D i f i :a v tr t i t c , C ar. ~. roll. Co ta int n g ,• abont 100 acres and alliawarcr, ~; be the sr e more or less.l :-. r. .4, 1 ' .-4 :' 1 TEIIII'S — tai on propOrty Lking - Atrisch 'doix.-^,- . si3 . 6n on onnitnat,lon of; sale, and 14c bal . :inv.' in annual p yunnts of nco eaeh ,with loterest on a!l nr.p.:iid ft acl.l payls3cnt until 31113;4a , . , E day of :coon of relating 01=11 not officei at any •;ealth. tel polls at uuty of Ele opened [:k in the rruptiOTl reining, Ottyb la g s r INEt a is hc the c atate (=qui ar an/ a.l po. mnat rain; --t— -- UTOR'S NOTICF4.-= Notida-- 1 g aby given that all lsr'sons indebted to rf. Josepb; Morrow. late 6 Wilmol; - de- ';' requeste4 to make itraneu Ito intent,'. 3 .. mss baring claims againt said estate .1 .r t. Mem'. dilly authentiga foe .oCtz'e.- • ; .S.I'MRE • FRE, 1 T a ym , 1i7.1. i • - H . •Eractdor. . • ic~t'nit- J eril acts 'mg and Arc*. d clght cnstirt 'ates, •ccl 'coin Occo')i dam 0, and I 7riN Au .___ TOR'S NOTICE. In. tip a . .. i rof the E;stato of Henry Westbrook) In i s' Court Of Bradford Couv.- _ A ersigneil, an anditor a, pointed I bated v said stribute funds in the liauds of the ads ~,'; of said ertate, trill atteroll lathe duties 1: I , nlrnent at his °thee, In tl Borongh of la 3.IONDAV, NOVEME ^i. 18'0. at 7, m., when alf persons ha ng eialms up- .: lanaust present them sltil authenticated - at, or bel forever debarred, from sharisig ..; le lbutiOnl I7s , ' .1 - " NEILSON: , ti e Orphatl Tho rn Court' to 111. nistratt trnit.,l S )11111(111- of h:s appo ! Torafidnj 1 clock, p! on 231( fun; for erttlem in said die qm i'y 1 , d Con ' united ' I , y the of race, 0 t 1, 1 IDR II Hon. ti of the 12th ties of Bra lan Trsbe In and for their prece ber, , Qnroler Orphans' C , on 3lontla Brine two vi Dated:at TO the year d-rd an of the rn, L A A RIO N.T-Whereds. ADDS D. SUMMED. Przandent Jridgo , officialDist.tict. conaietin - 4 of the coup cord and Snequelband, end Eons. Zebu ace S. D r Harkness,Asscciato Judges. Paid county of BAlferrd, have 'leaned - t bearing 1 20th divot Septem ome directed;, for hold a Donors! :ions of the - Peace, Co on Pleas and ; oft, at Troy, for the could of Bradford, • the 27th day of October -rat, to Con eels. wanda, the 25th day bt. eptenthcr. in• i f our Lord, ono theneatid eight Sun- ;1 sei•entylthroo,•and.of the Independowe I.•ted Statce, the ninety-10i. . • ; nt. BSf7lB. sher:c. • LIST -1-1 tober . R JVRORS_dm i . lee= of Court at Tray. ISt'. _ 1 . . • • 4 Athena tcp. Willie Howard; Du 'neon Wee. George Demme; Parlay, Jasper Tayl r; Columbia, Slerria FaitNilk3 ; ICnton - twp. Rod n Loomis ; Franklin', ItradfordMcKee ;_i_ Ora vine," James Fe ker ;_ll cir, Hart Smith, W m Rocker ; EclifYi. ~, 3lyron s. A liable, Leßoy Holcomb :',P101:119e two., :1 . Hiram Swe I. Wm. W; Decker ; ! (*we, 11, Chaney z'' Hill, A. D. ook ; Pike. Chia Inntotl i.Frultlarelg• rp lrf 11. W. Ca n'er, Henry W. Miller:- a 'Fermin Springfield, Samuel Harknettr, Herm Vail ; South Creek, Imo F. Pirt,' Peter, J. Dean ' s Sheabegnfr. , , Tolentine regcrry, Horace • Johneo „ . ..rnacarora l y Shepard S lb ; ToWands litiro.,:L.• Car,e, - Nelse " Jennings i y tioro... E.& F. John on ; Wilmot,' Wm Roger ; Windham. Ezra' &yr: l t:ride, :catkin , Gleason,• 'I" los Dccier, John S. -Ma den ; Welth, John Fab ort ' ' r ' 1 . - • , d - ,- ------' , UM= NMltte. . : II - • Athens 1 P....Creo D. Miller, Henry., Holigh, Asol ;•., EliaPP ; asylum, I Chas'. Benjamin ; ,liaridaYi Theodore,, et:meter. ( Theodore lienoyon ,f Canton 'tivp. Orin Vforkahtht Mozitgomeroy ;', Canton. born. William 'Oros ; , Franklin.• Stephen :..W . ,' • Latham', Ira Smith ; .Granville. _Robert Inns ';. Herrick. -rri Georgoeshitt ; -Lea op, Willey Leurdlor ; Monroe 4, twp., J. I, well , Orwell, J. J, kilastrean. Chas ~..° .H. B e ers, . T., Idling, Ezra R. Allis. Overton. ; 'Wm Faucet ; Ridgbirry. Barney Mefilinine,' Sohn 'd r k W Thowpso ; :Swiagfaeld; Martin Berry. 7 Hands L. Bailey, Sheahequin, Edward 0: NI/tight ; So uth 1 ''.:- Creok John, B. "with : -- ' %."-'' " - . , 10n ,t T 317 B. and all plra mast preise went. .1 Ekiid 4, ls bits havil t them i A D. I to the esti deceased: o f, pa3rment, said estat for settles) . Sept 4.'4; N ! s hereby' air 1. r d l 3 et pm' rk ISTRATOWS ist4TlCE,i—, ,1 : pi hereby given that all i:4 nn indented r.!, e 01. Elizabeth A. Collins,- lateof Oierton. o requested to make immediate payment,' ens having claims' against! said estate ' nt themruly authentleate4 for settle- 1 , ; JAMES 00D; . Sept 25, rl3. • ' AdMirdetrator. . Ica, to Um . gstati dedeved; and au por nano pm I matt. 1 i tronrandO, IMI CI7 II OR'S NITICE.-, • R hereby given that allyiirrsons indebted e of John. 11. DeLong, late of Asylum, aro requested. 'to m.shf immediate, '.. all persons. having_ - Mauna against. ..ust present thanauth'enticated 7 !, nt. REUBEN I;:ir.LONG. Notice to the esta deceased; payment, said estate for settlem Sept 24, ' r , rpATOR's N . OTicrE.H is hereby given that all perilenin indebted to of L Brainard, lat 4 of Warren, must make immediate! payment. and having Claims against' said estate must duly authenticated for BOttlement. .11314111SBILLiMED. ' - WOW F.: ItRAINABD, • I 873.. • nistraters. AB' 'I .Nott to the e tsp., decd all persons • present th. Sept. IS .NS'ICOUTIt ! BALE ' .—By _ of an o er Orpliaiis' Court of ;: Bradford qounty, the .underalgned,' ith.viring Ex..- ecntor of o estate ; Of Guy Kinney,, late of Sheshe , ;to town hip, inisald county, deceased , will exPoso go sale on o p remises . on MONDAY. Noun= 3, 1873, at o'clock, the followlpg described lot, piece, r parcel of 'land situate in Eheshegnin =township, bounded on the north b3 ' lands of S. ..Oraburn, est by public highway. synth by, lands Of P. ney, and. west by tho Buquehanna rig er; rental Ores of Lind; more or less, oh , " F bleb L' a 113;1.1:Hi,' wgon-shed, 'cow? Ira ;pen- _ 1 sysl3-- ne otheriot, piece, or parcel of land, lit nate in sal township,: bounded.- oath* north by the publicroad jes‘ling to Lltchllelit iand -by lands of "Bainuell Orsbure, east by land of Orsburn. ;Routh by lands of L. S. Kingaburry, land west by lands, of P. Kinney; containing 42 acres of land. moroer eon. or less, with some timber arid wood land th I I Tents,— $lOO to bp p3lef on prOpertt being struck down. one-half the balshrel on mill:l:Wiwi of sale, and the balance in ono year, with intr ii i r4 rest. I.; a. yr. m. 23, 1873 - , - . Executor. O " Septemb~ Ext, lITO t'S 1401104.—Notice is hemby giSon that all persona Imitihted to the estate of Thomas I. Ardor, late okßome, (300'0.a are require:all" ZIT&I'd immediate payntent, and an persons haring claims against sald o Must pre- 6 sent them Antigentleated for se ement. I HA2iN4tll. .41 cum% ' A Septernbm 25; ) seenttlx. . J.E6I - 3704'81 ,ITOTICt.—NotiCe4 heiitry / given , that ell .petiala indebted to tho estate of Yolenttne Smi th ; late f Sheabequirl,',l deceased. are 'requtisted to iltskb Unmade PaVi meat, and persons having claims against said estate in , present thou duly. authenticated for" me ! I. I Inc. J. Dr ,LITECIL tuann tai , f3epter,4 ' I. ' .' L r -. 1 Executor, 25.157 , I 1 BEI Auditor: for OcT In I claims al authenttest ASA A, O pa) sstato r d for settle- (DI:LBWS; . Executor. ATOR'S Il i I TICE. .. !given that all Peva as indebted sabot ,Case, fate of Canton, esied,- to that immediate , i . sonif having 401111 against nt them dalyl authenticated Kit EON .P.4.CICARD,,' 11. 'sr. xp, ~ GS, Executor. _ I