Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 25, 1873, Image 3

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Towanda, Thursday, Sept. 25 5 157.3-.'i
AN A/VI:Iit:TED co urt i was held on
Friday andSiturday last.
A mErr4co_ of' the •old citizens of
western tradtord, 4%11 be held at I;:ms'a Trio ,
'noose EOM° One. vest month. .
.. ,
1 - THE Na tional Bank of this ',
loses nothin g by' tbo geneirarerash in Niw
, . .
SIIEUIFf MlTWhas gone to
gnu to Icok after some timber Iznda, which tio'
. purchased seieral years'aince.
" REV. B.T.DouGiass will preach in
the EpiseopallChurch again nest Sunday. That
Still be Lis la 4 sermon here, as 'be returns to
big parish in D elaware. • '
Tilimseuny4 SoLenox have an ele
gant - pair of :Itched horses, which they value
atsl,2oo. Thy are decidedly the most stylish
team we have -een in this 'place. •
THE numerous friends of Miss ELLA
ruarr, who h 4 been very; ill of fever, will be
plemed to learft that 'her Symptomi are more
encouraging, and.. that her recovery. is confi
dent& anticipated. I.
CAN'T a , empa.ny be. organized t( : ;,'
tailize the splendid — iateri privilege •afforded(
s 'by the, this i place?
.That a small amono l
of capital is required to repair the : datu, andl
one nt7;he liestl water prilileget. in the Statelj
migjttjhusbe feenred:
• I
i - ..r ! li
THE:llquoi• dealeis oi f f :-uzernei
connty,:ihave acidiessed a circular tothe candi-i
dates fdr the Llgislattire, demanding a pledge
to vote for tlte,lepealiiff tlie local'option law,
and advocate tije passage of, i' the inter
est of the liquo traffic.) • - -,
1 '
tEsso).;ALI-Judge PASsmortE has sold
' • -
_residence in Rome, to; the pastor of thp,s
Br.itit Church; We-hope may conclude to
mane Toifendalhis hone.
• Juun D.II I ):CTANYEIS spending a. ft. , w
it} town.
-" -
TIIE courteous .and obliging man
' 1r •
N. -
'Ars of the cmp , o3 - cs tho Pa. 4; N. I. R. R.
Co., a tnatti.q of generar:counent, and our
confirma ,the goo4Lopinion
of tlidpublic. .Thit Mr. ;dean, th,[34entleman
ly and intellige.'4 depot . agent 44. Athens,ie no'
eseeptiOn to the ruT.o, haveAulgiant pi 7 ooY,
By notice iu anothei..:...column it
will be ,ecn t Mr, ...SwAtiTs has' viitbdiann
!torn th.c firiu cr, PiEuct: SWAITT.S.- I.7llpeCt
(::d lierstinal btfineEs atrairs,ift New Y ork State,
compel ltr, 6. i t leave us ior. the present, but,
we trust his Osenee will be but _ii‘nip6rary.!
We can - at 3.111,0 to 10,c t.tich'inrn, 1
D. PITCHER, • formerl of this
Coanty, i has bedn tn. minaLd by tue 11cpubli
cans o'.! Tioga +lt ty, for clerk of -the,
courts. Xs the warty is strongly'in the majo,ri
ty,lisigjectitm sure. 'Mr. P. tg an artle s ltt
11,•irt,bU7'n anti cuer.,..;‘..tic busintsTs twin:: Ills:
p7.'es , pertty 15 iulrited.
• NATUAN Ifit.tx.r:, of Dome, waS quite•
teriullAy ori • last.
'` the :.•ta ,, e.from Iteme to. Athens,
and en Lirat dayibi4 team unruamiAea-
Lk, a.llO the sta;e was upset, throtying Lint to
the gr..M.41, lin" head was badly Gut. Pr. W:sr.
lace, .Iresst:kl h." wmnds, aid at List ac.mnuts
he tr,ls:il:Cu•g wi I
tll- •
! • c
Tnt: PubliSchoel opene on Mon— I
rf; ,, rtling tahre , r the direct ott of Prof.
RI 11N,-.1: V.:II 1)y the following experitneell
teactt•V FEANIi tE{s , MSS
PrrC:g 114:1.14,. and 1 1 1-
:41-.: , -}..rin: PE&Nkrieliett. l It is 11 ebdep.ign 01
4...11 , erei and qinletbcB to teaks it. O'ne of the
1), .t c , ..,11 o.llou
' IVE . i.:0.:i6114=11:1-kTE the people of
'.llol.roetonfli gooa fort une '6L:euring
the ~ , ervici., s P ot. Pncui 1t a..-i a. teacher of
th, ana tleyoted
cati;r, Mr. I'. n:ro t.n , ,..tirh)r arid r,,,vv
• Under Lis dirt.,:t tlic' school tlia malt:tall)
,the reptetati i rti it 1.0 IOW: enpiye , l norh.r
01 Lev. 11. AL):SI-Lon.;
WE HE - kr, caw.iderable complaint
1)( le viullttc,rs of tlw local option
law.; n ere tried la 1 court. the feu- who were
Cr:aO4l' buy., wilt 4 ,:tried at
r•zeina. -I The in !he
- ,t hat rt itilpop , s
re;:er./ the , 1 41ile.ugh Jutig - 0 31(.1111.0W
(Tu n z dining the
‘.l ntht..r i•21'111. 7
FI:"TiVAT.. twirl
11 be held iii tbe'Lee
,hvcerian Church, on the
1, nu:lt.r the 6ntu,.i7
.1.%1:11 vontaecte.d with
t ali
e 4 .;
to -I
alit:nlyr of eiipiefi
a,.• a utt.i. - 0.e:734a6., to I.lic
1 1/ of 10.1ti.)0 colt:s:q ottglit
1:• A :rnfli
'Au 1.1;
t!“. s ir L:isim.:4l=Lbtrure
f3•Ltiim time 5.0 in !giving
shing . town, Will hi.ave..
cvies from on r can
kiting etabseripti•mA.'
V. lit I.l o ,sirs t.(
ri. :t:AI a, th(
riitc to 9rx
. .
, 4*
: is r..k- •
-1- -
I t j
J:, :::.," ,*-4,,vertyl
TJte " Mtiusjon
borim. q h, after
:e `tat;lcws ii Ltino or
s yostel•lay b t:'tu , E.
'c• rtfar of t 141:, 1;1,1 Mantis.
ty yea
ELtllcr,l4 4
House, 19g; in 1795, and
• cariy , Here - in
ralnr2oN'; cliin/fpg under
I , 2rricaded lion , e,
and R mmunith.m, sne-
z place hi
~S'i I v
:' ,, nneetieut
hot :rat
Ick Ts of the ;rm. li
:;, rt:, it i
1,11.,?.:" how to k‘r.qy a
aribion rvgitili its [or
-1; '.CSI
; I 111. it tiu
.11.4 that
re were neoled to
11 SYTiU\ i Il
iitefe::t. ,- A Ifl tl.e
tl; cii thcy
' 1e upvortanity to se
, t 1,1,0
by zinzawoon's• pupils
honvir.6.; the most skeptical
t-ileees. The performance
s‘ 4 ..hcilars on Monday even . ,'ned. to by an appre,ia
oflience, a.. 1 it was the uni
•:,( all. that the concert ‘,Tz , .:3 a
1 , 11.“.tm;.: the higher! ereiit
rii n; tt: lit' fornlers.
..L:: .1
, CCdts:!ll;ii:
Li)p:y in being able to
is early closing movement, in
vex:4s since, has proven a sue-
2,:iruu:/ce tbat
ti,-;llr:lttid. sing
e, s;,. Employer and employed have been mn
tu.iny tencfitted )3. the change, and command
ti lia., not tutterdltroni it. 'Under theiystent
in rogue here of merehants delivering .goods,
the naechan:c or.„ltber business man can leave
his oider in the $i or at noon, anti have
nu further trthab e with; it, as his purchases are
delivered at his mise iitatmedistely, and he 1.8
saved the tronhl and fatigue of carrying home
heavy parcels of er a day of toil. The attentive
a:lii industriezis lerkOads time for recreation ,
and_vost,.which he old system
.robbed him of,
and the employer ileidsopportuttity tl cultivate
the ac tuait.tonee of his fanaily, and repose from
the i•tri !cling aittl luirrassing ditliculties'of the
e:Auuling 1,r)11.1. t , ' i
After the fir4Tut o,:t.Uher the husidess places
N /.11 Chme prtnillit . .ro't:Lveir.. except ott t.zat
ineloy eveida,;. .1. lath - . ett.ntion. no the'port'
of ceLstxo:ersiell obi:aai any inconvenience in
regard to purchases. 1 ' . •
Ma. Howes, of Wya,ftiing, whose
advertisement has Appe r aied- for *rite :Months
in the Itipourtn, has.tahen hie brother-in-law,
M. D. RIDGWAY, into menet-14p. Ur. /t is
well- known in this counties au,tipright,hottor
able business man, and )iyabultig is peculiarly
fortunate in sdeuritic hint forX citizen; The
new Arm should be. generously 'patronzed by
the people• to that vicinity. Their' adve 4
went ise
ent will appear next week.
• ,
Ciao. W9rxß, - Esq., of Towandi
to p, his lett it thin Office a Simple
.0f 10:0:
tatries grown on his feral : 4h° present season ,'
' which our renders will:find hard_jo beat. 'One
of the,in weighs flu* Pounds, and two others
Weigh about two pounds, each. ,Vrom wne po
taioplanted, Mr. W. hariested (wan:ad-a-half
bushels. They are •of:iarge 'eine) and =tooth. -
If ho who causes two blades of *rasa to grow
where only one wail &clad ;before; is counted a
benefactor, how raueh r uiclie . worthy the name
is th; enterpriling ngriealturhit :who staceser
..t)illy.),uproves'And Increases the Supply of lood
wan and Leine. 'C r
' '
. .
Aar. vleased. to hue* that the
Collegiate Institut° is tin a flourishing eendi•
tiotti I"The number of scholars fiom abroad Is
lar4eohan for some yeani, and more are ex:
sup 4. it the middle of the tern. The great
vabse, and - necessity even et each a school in
onr midst, begins to be apprechitesl. -It is a
kind of connecting link ' between the publii
school and college, and it conflicts in no way
wlinte)-er with our cow* aeboot
he - facilities for boarditg 'students arc equal
t . t3Jany similar institution in the Country, and
thes prices very low. The isecond halt of the
,resent term commences on Monday. nos 'at
'which time students em enter, and be charged
for only half the term, '
1 hilt . Zrroa—Dear Sir: Last fall I
btught from Ilasdht courtly, Iowa; ono potao,
w !eh I planted in my garden last; spring; - and
frpna which/ have just dug GO potatoes, weigh.
ing 20 lbs. . - From this IMake the following ea•
titnatelor one acre of ground: There would
bf upon ono square rod loir ground 25 hills;
multiply 160 by 25 and you get 4,000 lulls; and
4-,000 potatoes properly, cut, or 'Whole, Would
pttit the acre. The redact of each petateil /bs., we get 80,000 lbs., and tt bog di4l
vided by GO, the weight of a bushel,l get
min one acre 1,335} bushels. These potat s
are of ariexcelltnt quality for' table use, and
are appropriately called . the "Surprise Pots.-
toe." I shall plant my'GO potatoes ilext Spring,
and after that crop is gathered, 844 be able
to furnish my neighbors With the aeed.fa . neW
kind of potatoe, that I think will ;'" suharisd"
tlicra in quantity and quality.
. Ittan'Wasox.
J411?3, Sept, 21, 184; : .
' TIM exercise of a." little brief stet
tlierity is enjoyed by our borough authoritictl.
Slsno time since, that august holy ordained
that the awnings,in the bororigli should not bb
rqpaired, but that they should be 'entirely re i r
Moved whenever they became unsafe. A few.
d . ‘s ago one of the posts Which sustained the
”ning in front of :Ftipar 4oNs' store',
wits broken, and the Arm- replaced kt by a new .
otie ; this was considered it violation fo the ordil
1:1411CO, altilOUgh tlicawitin:g was ris good el
nsw, and apolicernan waS ordered, to', take the,
new post hnt, — which, was ^ implicitly obeyed.
Fnosr,A, boas, althlUgh dealers in dead men's;
gepds, sith a prudent regard for the welfare of
the living, replaced the prop: wits tee
gieat an indignity to be borne by our city fath
erli, and tho street hands under cciremand of
I ) ,4lieiman Dutss,' iscre• -detailed ta' demolish',
iiiefrensive object, which they abcomplislied
inithe presence or a itirge number tit : spectators:
Pry terLoon last. "Thereby bangs
Mn. Wm. Au.uitic,. of ' Suniir Run
0 ,
n-t , yit h a sere singular.'ficeident 011 %Vednes
Cia..'. 14:4 4 ' It hieli fortunately - did note result as
1; arfropidy as one itvortld very natitrally 81
oiii . e2Mr .An
.zrreic bad unitiietiod bis.?.t.wo-liora
:elm, and mounting] uti‘ , , started pm hoznef
e. ring ilia other IsTre - td follOw, 'lid was hill
..nitcan' Witik, itoi, his way horuo,i the lonel
to tie itopped by tl.. roadside. to drink, ile -
AtisUcli elowlY,riding on in the mean:Uta'. Tli
a1,..e, having slaked his thirst, started on ii.
rfplt run.foloverfale as mate, and di doing so
ulitetf pa'os.4t(th t eontidc.ratile'spcfed,'-', tit tlyin ,
~ .!tit. „ ihe trace chain whipped; itsOdi I.iout Mr
Allan :It's ankle in ;some piyatt.rioi'S manner
- Ind Ite)VJel dragged off his horse and weer th
rO4yroacl,Ftnkiag against rocks, : . logs, et &.,
an',„il it did not mein pnseibie iliat airy tifc - we .
el' iii iii 6 1,.! iy. . Cp - .,ii piOsil , g 'Aim ; :iip, midi
':, lie rut prgi , i , whi j , ,:,- or its hj l ionils, it wi4
Xounifilt at lie-hail ebunp. l' w:ill .I , UL tow bruis'i
es, :tr.od war, ',life t'' -3 up fii 4 4.aii' next day. lioi
.-ebdipp Irvin :a terrtvo: death , fv.tsipr4lidentiat 4 1
'',--- ra,iklzait,.ck Reprifilleon. ( . 1 1 . ! a
; - - a --• ; 41—; ; - ; , ,
; I
• I'liE LEc-rrne Coi - R.1 . E.1--For For !he pa.
tbrc l eot inters a course of letlii-ci Bari been su'd f
iraided'here,: by a sm , sl c.innraittee of young.
own, whit.stlirtred a. reelltilatS' 103 s i,I. ieveral
• ini4dred +lniinrs: but they i haie deteimiurd ht, t .
fere,: ear p.i.,,p:e lig.tiu iltis; year, audlliave 't u
sakihi si2veritt of the best WAtturera nil the told '
tltilin..s the t , .urse is madei self-austahling, th
rail errnent will nast be repated. i;v4ey citize
I - •
phi va.lner , {lre refining and etlitcatini.z itdinPrc
~ I , ' ,,, idt-.llliirt.s - , rlo.ul„d lake all'inhop,d is ibei
ca,kli,tt, and al..i Pie eniun4ttlie not ianly wittl
,fie ?r , ' ca :r , • . by inducing IA tiers to rt-1
i:ell'i. It -was never expected ;that the .tnitrej
I Prii would :' ply," but it it as'undertibon sole
fy with regard to the_ intellectual Leri'etit to be
det - i l ved. No expen?& has . been spared in 1 ro
ilarilpg the to.:tt..itenq in the field. /;;;; is a coin
il.o..-):11*:-.nfrio? ionong Icct l tirg cmwdlle:e. to '1
+in:l - IL:II to thi , try ,talen t ibetwaen l4tnrers of
4reatitele.l"rit, but this Ini.s not. heeii resorted
. lq - rir - committee. , The . of i :pc.f.Lt-rs '
-cig lit.,Zll".ir the corning seat' n Is Oil(' 11,11:ell
iV(.llla lb. Vte-lit. t> the larri7es`t 'cities; we
feel ',unitive.; Lip,bly honored in having
the )irivilege of 11A - ening t 6 suill"distlngnizited
lecturers as ANNA DICKINSCr.I,. Joflti I.!. Gown,
OEOI W. Cl"li:i., A. OAR - Ev ''di vni„ Dr. poLLAND, 1
I tad rrnr....nis Na. r. It' one peottly, I.lo4int„ show - -
in'if intetTst by regular attendance ou p:..cti_it ,
eoutiii , , they will idGve tliurwSivea , wiintint; in
lappii i t - 2: :thon an - I lit 2rary taste..- ,-: .. -,, 1
1;11E NEW SCHOOL - BUILMI N 7O.--7 kite
;f:_eho'ol children have been! wiiiching ;the pro,r
. . . . : . '''
, reed mad.- oil the new s.diool buililior",,ufli aux
tions I,leArts, for some weeks ; liast,!;:nd altho'
lit is 'far. from being completed, several of ; the
iroi-ms W.rc opened on Alonlay morning, hart,
and 'a
more happy, joyous and bright•eYe.d band
let b4ys and girls 'we hard never looked upon,
tit,..llr, were, assembled in =the : acidic 43 room.
keve}auembers .of the school bdard, and
btheis iirterested in the whoop,, we mi present.
;At 9 'o'clock a. hymn watisuni by the 'school;
;with An organ accompaniment by 3114 liows.s`
"aiferin Lich Prof. Mari read a chapter" fr'Oln the
f hlible,,_and President Com:II - No offered anr.pPro
peiare prayer. Shortaddiesses Were then
ind.. by Col. J. A. CODPINO, S. W. Aiyor.v, N.
I !Trim, Esq., end Col. S.F.. IltiNs. The achol
'; werearsthen classified and distributed to the
1 1
i iteveral 'rooms, and the tr9rk of the fii. • . , :stou
. r c
1 ercumenced in earnest.. .. , . -.
1 1 The teachers employed are all :experienced
i ,
and ( f aithful instructors, and it . is lint simple
justice to thorn and the seholars that parents
1 „ .m their
'them aid and assistance in'the ardu
i t ,
ns labors they have.undertaken. There ie a ,
Jbez.v.i reePortsibility resting. Upon those wbo' l
train:tliil youlhful mind for a :frame :pt horror{
and itse(oltie 's, not only inatvidmilly but furl
the Ismetit u the community. A 'power
li e n i. 4 the hands of parents,' uhich should bel
1 1 . i ;
er.ertvil sltetously to the utmost- at. home in!
'the firtlictin[; of the work carried 0.4 at school.]
Tune uil attendance should be insisted upothl
Fitful and in egular attendance is of no use ; in!
net it not only retards. the 'progress of Abe pu-i
'pit himself, but is ,s drag on the class``-to which!
be belongs. He is a.hrakeman on, the engine i
ofprogress; and by irregularity in cttendance
land acquiring the Shit of being behind . time,
be is 'laying the foundation of a shiftless life,
(Whieb hi most disastroui' b his future pros
iChildren notice quickly the zeal or the I
indifference of parents upon these points, and
shapti their conduct s,ccorditi,gly ; bat above all
(thingl One :mirage the children to perfect obe-i
I die* to the regulations of the school and them I
,commands of the teacher. 04061340 d is hear-1
f ret law, and should be ietitiired id. sem
!! an lige a's possible, both. at boom shad i n th e
,chor d . ,! - i ; .
Anittier duty which has
,heen sadlyf neglect
' ed byipitreuts in Towanda,' is theriisitation of,
the sdheels. Frequent visits from parents en
courage; both- teachers And seholars, and will
prove i ef vast benefit', to the cause of, etlnc.ation.
Ir ,
Western 'Union Ti4eihiph at this Plitioe, hat
been appointed agent for the Bed etas Line Of
steamers, plying be .Philadelphis and
Antwerp and Liverpool.i . The general agents
of this line are Pens Witmer/ Bons, of Phil*
&debit's, one of the oldest and most reliable
hon'ses in the condo. i
The nod fitar Lips has recentiy been estab
lished, and has thus far proved very snocessfal.
The steamships to of Icon, speiAillyoonstruck.
ed for the trade,' and 1 of great speed and
strength. They are built with double bottoms
and double sides ! whiao add greatly to theft
security. I
• •
The cabin accernmodatiens are tint-class,
and the steerage acceminfulatierui are large;
well lighted and ventilated, The comfort of
'steerage paieepgeri is will provided for in MOT*
IT way, and especial attention is pail to pasi,
tenger: landing in Philadelphia, and airange4
meats have been made for their comfort and
protection nainst imposithm.
The senior editor of this piper has occasion
in the lino of his official duty, for observing the
advantageg offered by this line tosteerage pas. :
'edgers from Antwerp and Liverpool. Persona
in this locality having triads abroad, wilt do
well to advise then to come by the Bed .Btikr .
Line, aftliey will thereby!: avoid, many of the .
impusitions for-which the New'York, steamers
ariOorions, and will secure a safe and pleas:
ant sage, with careful and considerate_ cap,
tains, twos room and abindant provisions.
.. J. S. To;Es, Esq., l o i f Troy,,Ps.,,for
men,t Waverly, was in t l .4awir tut Monday in
pursed of two swindlers. . O Tuess?ay , morning
of last Week, twolierniant i llre, 0 1 1 0 aged - abClu t .
thirty-two years and the o er abo ut fifty-five,
came to Long's Hotel in Toy. Titer register
ed theft names as WALTERS and Gitacit,..claim
ing to be peddlers of jewel ' from BhUsdelphis.
During the day they his tie horses and a
buggy and lett,town, stn g that, they were Wellsboro to at d tbe Toga County
Fair. clothing was beard in them until on
Saturday morning, when a letter sTas . remit*
from one) of the men, .the postmark of , which
was illegible, stating that I e horses Could i)s .
found at Soaring Springs. In the afternoon of
1 lhe sune l day a telegram w s received from this
' village, saying that the tea was at the Key
stone House in Canton.' Mr Tozim, upon reaeh
lug Owego, discovered that the men of whim
be was in pursuit, had re istered 1 on
evening at the Briggs House is Brismiia' vat
and kesetn, claiming 'to co me from iNew York. 1
The next morning they pro:eeded ta Dr. Wit
soN's livery stable on North Menu& } and hiAd
4 , ,. • I
two horses and a buggy, , promising to return
at four o'clock In the afternoon. On Monday .
morning' a telegram from 4:oryden, directed to .
Dr. .WlLsox. was teopirecl; stating , that the
horses and buggy were at ttat place. ' The,pb
.l( ct of these men appears,n t to have been rob
bery, but to secure a meth d of tralleling thro'
thkcountry with * little ex use. After hiring
a, livery team , they would t . vel withlit [Or sonic
days, then leave it ate bet I, telegraph to the
owners, al d tako the cars pr some.ather•ix4int
to resume operations. - Dr Witsos's horses
were subseluentfy recove,
tamed that the awindlers'
out pacing their hotel bills
probably of these rascals.
g Pa rtErvE4."---
. ,
Journal, of the 14th inst.
count lAA large missionary
First Fresbyterian Church
evening previous. The me
bid a formal , and affection;
Tcyc, on the er
for China.—All the churcliei
in the mdeting, and soy!
made. • - I
Thu foiloviing paragraph
ject of 3lra. Tam's mission
"Mrs. True leaves [or Ch
ma of the - 'Woman's Union,
which commenced a missi
Spring a 1969, by
_tae I
'Home.' Miss Douvrovith
to be associated, wont Iron
1869. Miss North, of Lelko
laboring, iu I'ekip , left in J
the efforts of thse ladies a
kith{ has been established,
ladies has been" regularly
they are taught to read in
meetings and Sabbath Ber
Pudtained, where sabred sin .
The following trutbful , an
be appreeirded by Mrs. Tau
this county, who, Wbiltitthey
be so far separated from her
gees with the sincere prayer:
her. Itcy. Mr. 13Eano, in bi t
1 --
"To De sure you bid farew
dere,t ass(4nations. of your
those very doer to,) you. il
country. ' Dal le4re ale. Ling
1100(1. the very speech lii win
the tileleat le,,riia. • • •
c.ivectdilf, Mrs. True, , rota t
no,: ts toed your -life sviih
by Gie.l's law Of growth, tire ° ,
seasnii you slit 1 he.r flout
here, "MAIM the great ate
nutty redectued tr. In every 4
shah initigle their i.rataea to
Mg tiv-io Hint of blessing an
such as - earth never heard,
sonic of these saved throng
that lar laud to ulna you '
givings and praise from som
your tidelity here—and you
richer for it. R leceive our c
Cannot be sor-re for you - . Yen
%vitt hive lottel; hours /meth
ed of eizo riMie . mbrince, 4yl
Before thO close of the Me.
pret-ented with nearly .on
_dollars in greenbacks by b!cr
Aregation then joined in sing
ary Ifynui, - and were distu!isi
part pressed forward to bid I
and afiee innate "good-654. • ,
Mrs; Tat's started last th rsitty froni s tiyra-'
1 )
case fur Chiva, by w“y of §a FranciOu. The'
people of this county should e proud of hav- , :
ing ro zealous and act omplistied a .representa.
Awe in the linoleum' work. Every Christian'
- woman in the county sho Id feel her heart
bound closer t b 1 the work ' all the sacrifice
t i
and labor of this devoted(/ister. May many,
go witliber t _and 6,e l be Ber l ' sun and
*Weld! , i
-I • •
. ,
Cut B9N6?—Cotirte,i and esi)' ecially
Grand Juries, are generally' : bupposed ; t# be set
for the (lulu:fee and ruainteiaance of! law and
public order, or peace and Iniorality. It has,
hbwever, come to be aEqueition whether the
Lef.ter.r.rf:f not largely rue id ithe interest of the'
Ittrless and criminal. flout iliontirr G. WIIITY., ,
'a ,ilistinguishi9l jurist, and formatly years
1 r2'sifient Judge of the judicial •ilintilet next
%%est of us, told the writer aim years ago, that .
in 1114-Aleliberafe judgment, based upon careful
observationfor many yeais, the Grand Jury;
mor e frequently ohstruoted the cause of justice,
then se. cured its ends.
The cirendist l ances no& r!, whfeh this conver
sation arose, were briefly is follow 4 In ac
acordnce with the wishes of a very Itirge ma
jority of the cittzei4A of a rieightniting .county=
seat;_ expressed by earnest remonstraimes, the,
Court Lad refused tfi--gra4 licences !--in retail
intoxicating drink. It Was fOund that tiro drug'
stores, or more, were doinglit "upon
: tho sly.*
They were returned hi due form by the consta
ble t o the Grand Jury, who, itlter being plainly
and*Correctly instructed by. , the Court in 'the
premises, proceeded in tLeir irivest.igations. ' A
,large number of •witnessoi Were -swrn, and
testified -- some of them very unwilliegly— to
I having bought and drank liquor np \ on th?
premises, as-well as iu sundry flasks, known as
'pocket piitels.* Indeed, ithe evidence in the
case was overwhelming, leavingto doubt what
ever in the case. - But. 'what did that Grand,
Jery do? A majority of them coolly - perjured
thetwelves, and threw out the bill, placing the
cost upon the propeentorHa worthy man who, ,
for public and not for private reasons, had act
ed in the case. , . ; • .
Some of these Grand Jurymen- were ) ! ,' treat-'
cd" by the very men who - were tuderguing es,'
sminstion, and some were said to be , plainly
under the Influence of their liquor while they'
were considering the, business.. There Were
good men and true upon that jury, who were,
outraged by its decision, bat ,they were in a
helpless - minority, with mi, remedy etisies'er,
but compelled to keep sUece. Bomb ; of Air
jurymen who voted to ignor She bill, Were nh
torionaly bad men ; some Sr . hard drinkers, '
and some were or had been, have since been
told, rturisellers. One of th m, who was par.,
*dirty blatant In his tipPes'lion tol.the bill,
said in Abe hearing of a rum:thee of Men, that
"they didn't deny that the; law had been vio
lated, but d--n inch a laWl" •
How \
' such a proportion dr , Onscienoehlis men
could haie found their way4nto the Grad lei-'
ry box, in a community nonsually moral, and
in a county decidedly anti-rtim in its pendples„
was a mystery to many. • • aware this,e who
think they know, Bat- the ilia . conuntutity
felt outraged and saddened and only the vilest
and most besotted rejoiced; 1 • "1
The Sinetenbet Omni of Dradfold county has
just closed its session, and its Grand Jail *is
clearly and litititfollY charged, as I am infatir
ed by his iiintor Judge lloasow, toilful IR'
against all *Aka who should be showirto
have sold or given away liquors - , or sullertil•
them to be furnished in any - way upon their
premise& ~.
Tbelfirtt Cause which they considered .- in:
brought ikom a neighbacing tarp—shoved t f,'
the sympathy of that Grand I*, or a majority
of it, leaned( too positively to the Aide of the:
tumseXers, to leave much to be hoped 141 th
behalf of the enforcement of the license hiw.
The testimony was Bald to bo perfect; but the
jury showid iso clear a disposition to ignore Owl
bill, and thaew the cost upon the doninlainsit ,
that thePhririet Attorney vamtarily "pocket.
'MN it to sue it from that result. , I
Bills werci found againat one eating tut.
loon and pereral low groggeriea in Togo*
but when a ligrespectable hotel" came before
them for indictment, the& promptly thrdrir
out the bill; with cost to the prosecutor, ,
although the evidence against Abe house i,as
abundant two of the jurymen having beeu
constrained to give unwilling testimony that 1
they had drank liquor at its bar. But Mt. ,
der pretensiii,that the bar bad been renteoo '
somebody bit, theqroprietors, is fact by
means sufficiently proven, and which no y
believee), thci result *as promp tly reached 1
above. 1 ' . - ( r . '
The tilstriM AttOrney and the ComMittee P k
the citizens Tcwanda, appointed AO lOcik 1
liner the enfo ement of the law, Agana that ,
it would boon use to waste fuktho time acid
testimony upon that Jury, and waived the pri..
sentation of the at her complaints. If the cos
could havel.*e before the open Geed,
witnesses cod be; examined, and the public
eye bo upon the proceedingti, a conviction konfd
be bad betao almost any lary, with cile. law,
and the evidence so clearly upon the same sidt
Bat when nothing but the oaths of Men whos
practices stall symPathies are ant
I the viobi l l
lators of law, secure the public a ' t the dia}
tatters of its'order and peace, the public has a
r ;
wretched kind of protection. A`, i
Again we sitof Grand .104 especially a
th e y are Held 'to bo constifeted— )
II , Cot Bo:go ?
• I ,
WANTED.•—, AU active, energetic ban
to canvass forlitinun.
teP C,FICROss has just opened
•llne assortmerit of new chromes.
%orCaoss wants agents fo)
several np4._eibscription books.
- -
We A large assortment of Bradki
pts jytet, received at Ftosrat & Soae, 1
ik tNE D: Cgie. Chambei
Wanes, at Foolrra l SONO, tor , fifty dOilarn.
ter Seieral valuaßle Farms aml
ilonses . aocl Licks for sale by.llArraxrr Ta.tcri
• , attU it yas
!ad left D 9 den
a regular practice,
I Owego Cinette.
/kir M. E. ROSENFIELD is selling
he best fall a4le bats cheap.
! Sigt. The I beat family groceries a
lowest prices. et A. F. Con - Les'. '
Syractipe Daily
contained, an *e
mceeing, held in thO
n that city, on this
Ong was , called to
to farewell to )fr.
• of her- departure
In Syracelso united
• ral spe4hes were
• I
will explain the oh-
SUEIKIVOOD begins to b
appraciated by the people hero, and tho Duro
ber of bia pupal i 3 it:wreaking.;
. _ ,
I M. Wallave just 'received a nen,'
'dock of tags , which we can print on the short i
end orders at t , e lowest rates.
OA- By no possibility can wall pa
per be so chciply purchased anywhere
ii . ection, as at C. F. CI;068%
fl!t underjthe
issionary Society,
en in relnu in the
•stablisliment of it
whom 3lre. Truo is
Albany,.; January,
N. Y., WhO ts now
'tic, WO. Through
'school fur ~Chincso
and a meeting for
• ustained,f at which
the ltibl Prayer
lees. are) also well
ing is taught." !
la,. The Stem Switch and Pompar
dour can be fund at Mrs. J. D. Btu's, itqcal
Bair. Griffith Patton's Block, Bridge Btrebt.'
Jul') 'Work executed at this of
flee, reeeirealtlio bigbest, encomiums from tbo
fieLt critics.
Val - Mad
Skirt linpiiortc
Bridge -Ft.
ri many -FrSends hi
giclecirel}lregret to
njoieel that slid
ot. all who kuow
farewell adilreas'
se COllB s & Coos have more,
cheaper and I fitter Boots add Shoce, then were
ever before nff:red for sale in Towanda.
VS. Old ,Ladies' Caps, Black and
iliac, for 131 Plre. J. D. limes, Bridgc-st.
41 to all , the teu T
lives. You leave
leave xt beloved
cage o 1 your child
you haw! heard
1. se- AU the latest styles of Full
gats, , at 31r) J. D.IIILL'a Millinery Store,
a idgeist.
Yu - shall name you,
114 city. You. have,
Iresaits which, by
et to be, In due
your work done,
Throrr. • where'
'tufted and peoPle
4d;,tu that chiart-
ter S. Itollax.has removed his Gas
Fhter'd Shop 4 !ha buihhog rcceatty. occupied
by Z DAVIN 0, /rain Street.
va,.. Teachers of music can par
/ , ,
chase Sheet Nesie andilfusie Maks at Teach.
era' rates, at Ili° Te . t4to of 3lnsic, Towandi
a melo 4 4y.
tW they notes or.
b yotlr labors in
! I shall by thanks
saved ones, thre
beareni gall. be'
ngratata i tions, cre,
, te, but be assur
p ktily : via pray-
par Afe trios of choice Light
litlchrna and tiff Cochin Ciiickeps, - for pare
ceeap. Enriiiiie at Virm.u:s . coal office, No. 3,
3iercur's Blnckl C. P. Wam.ia 4
ibß Part es desiring ta 7 purchase
pry Gc•eds for all and Winter wear, will do
well to call on TAYLOR at CO. Sec advert se
nient in anoth'sr column.
sting, Aire. T. was
tundred ; and - fifty,
ricotta.iTho cone'
dg the 'iltfission.
ed.; titeci ‘ a large;
Tuur. a Soak
$- Irtll.lE. S. MiNuos is now re
ceiving a largo assort lent of Malawi and
Fancy Goods f r the Fal trade. She has the
bist variety of hoop Skirts, Corsets, and La
dies' Underwear, in Towanda.
Persons wishing to purchase
iced Estate of any descittion, shotild call on
BannErr k TIiLACT, Insurance and Real Estate
AFents and .keys.
special attention - to the File of Hay Presses.
Call upon hiralif you wish. got a good article
aid one that suit . you.
Mir No '; is' a good time to got
your letter-beads, envelopes and pi-heads
printed, and 'itho Pbarorarat office 6.a. good
place to get t 'ern executed. I ,
ser Mathashek, Webei, 'Hoffman,
li, ? id:kerbockeri and other Pianos:for said cheap
sod on easy terms, it COL; Psssago & Co's
Temple of Nin.ic, Towanda, Pa. "
i COY' Valuabls house and two lots
r,ir sale -Ipleasput locality—near the Episcopal .
(immix. &lOU.° of J.sares Wood, Executor of Mtn. - •
effi... Dealers in Strings will do well
pi call at the Temple of Music, where they will
filtd a large aliortment of French, ;German and
Italian Strings,' at Sow York prices;
tark• LAZikittS & Mounts, mannfact
arers of' thoio celebrated spectaoes, have
changed their agency , from J. Iltooms's to
-• ip.-
. .
stom` It is not generally known that
H. C. Warrstizt, 'at the Boot Bindery over the
Meow= office, makes Blank Books in any
style of ruling ,and binding desired. If you
want a new • Lidgei, Journal- or Docket, give
him a calf. 1 •
• 0-
\ Il e' Theioldeat inhabitant 'cannot
remember theltime' when gums were sold so
/Ow is Bostwritto is offering them this fall.
..:' 1118;13. I . PErms & Co.• are now
14 / gi
receiving a`we ' -select e d ind largo assTtment
of the best ' cheapest goads in their lino, for
tie rat and ter trade. Please call and ex
amine their goods.
'Towanda, Sept.s' --2 w. . .
. .
',. a& Whyi is it at JOSEPH HniEa.
can sell !unitive so very oheap? Because he -,
can buy cheap for cash, aid.selis only for ready
pay. Cash customers will find it to their ad
untage to buy of Suess, No. 4,'„Bridge street,
Towanda, Pa. ' . ', , • '
Oystejs , wholesale and , , retail,
std. F. CowLies' third ward bakery.. \ lir. C.
gets hit oysterW direct from the packer, and is
enabled to offer inducements to buyers.
George Wood & Co., Taylor \
Farley, and inbilsoCrgans, at low prices and
easy terms orpayinent. Bend for circulars, or
call to ass and ltear; them at the Temple of Mu
ate of Cots, Ps.sssoi & Co.
i, ~
MO For's Corsets and
, for Este at Mrs. J. 1). Hugs,
o•_ , •
• MS. Sever a l desirable btnildiiig )ota
nom the Iron WOrk, for isle cheap. Willinol l o'
than double Inlikto ; in - tho nazi- two le a•
Enqniro MO* 401ce. •. - j
. . k
.. .
is. Cola;.lit m weather appr )
os igam, and Urn would preserve yo{
keep your feet dry, and warm, by we!
superior boots and shoes sold by M.
in lieldleman's lilock.'•
MI6 Ocir roi' aders should reateniber
that 0: P. Cao4 keeps a full supply of kooks
and staUocarl. 44 *that his ',Alike for poi
chasing give him v an advantige, over those or
less experience. %1 /
/ ; •
, ,
, la • 1 •
leg.: The, hied, plima to buy Sash,
Burgh, Doors aid all kinds of Lumber, is at
Tam, & Soso. ilactorir on Charles street:, Of
fice 107 Hein street. They sell cheap for Cub.
,! /
IS. We at,e i now selling the iiirct 7
Yen Wire Btattr'o74 ai 116.00, They are ithe
cheapest spring)edar In the world. Why 4co's
you call at FeTt . & So Ns and try cue ? i f
i '.; ' 1•••• 1 + !
stir Why t an the risk of an aeci
deat,irben gaii get a ticket good for 1 43,,
000 of de4th, for 20 cents a dy, by 141-
cas lyett
Lag on Fi NS 110111.121 K, at opper depot ?
_ Mrs. 11 . 'oonnurr Trciuld•
-Part; ular atteni
t too ot tho taints to her Oedaat
assifrtment ot tiow gootb,:cornpr!slog ev4ry
tOli in her
• i
Stir Dr. Dimicrs; mu new denti,ist,
will be here roe* for buoincOlv, on the. Gth! of
October. Rio ofiye will be over A.
Grocery Store. cOveltto tho Epise;goil ChorCh.'
ie. A. F. F,Coinrs has fitted up a
convenient and Oleasant dining , room, in con.
nection with biiratore, oppneite the Episcopal
Church. Peopli from the country the desire
a good "home Meal," /lora give him tt calf;
lir It- will bo of interest to j a
large class of onr readers to know that A. F.
Cowz.r,s, of the Oird ward bakery has opened,
an eating salooo, and is prepared to furn4li
meals at all hOnrs., Oysters seriedTha - ovOrY,
style. s , • ;
Atelick's unririsiedlo inch and di inclf , cylin
der Threshers acid Cleaners , on hand really for
inmodis to sale tnd delivery.
Towanda, Jul 30,
tom.. 100,000 feet of 2 inch .13aEL
forbad Plank waved at otice at J.lO. Fiies - rjA
Sone' Furniture Factory, Totraufla; F.
Sept. 23, 1873-i-4w.
.'tom` Mrs. 4. D. HILL lyis opene'd
ono of the fineeil Millinery and fancy Stores
thin side. of Ner4ork. She cordially invites all
to giro her a Call. Griffith k. Pa(toti'd Block,
Bridge street.
HORSE PO*ERS. —I hared on hand
ready for immediate ego and dcl&vcry, two of
Ilarderk 2-Efoqo Powers, and one Whecicra
flratrlass 4 =4'6 Homo Lever Hewers. Tile
lattc , r on truck ready fotwork. 1
Towanda, Juli, 30
itst.. Mrs. C . O
. D. HILL', 4its moved
her store down io the first door cast of the
Red, White and s;lne,Store, where elm will Oe
glad to wait upo her friend*, ait the *am° time
'thanking all fit 'past patronage.: Griffith, 4:
Patton'a Block, Bridge:street. • ! 1.
Just received a 6pply. This excellent one
is every respeet,:s it will separate Oats froth
Wheat. and Ilueliudwat from Osis,:and prepare
nicely ail grain sid grass fog sewing.
ri ,
As As thO season for. oppuiug the
winter rchoola i4a.t• band, we bcgtO call ationL,
Holt to the fact tti at C. F. S..ltiocs ; book store i's
licadqnarters for:Iall Lind, of scliO,Al and ,t6st.
books. A Itlx•r4 discoeht wade :to teae'lie'r
and conntry
; •1
qcairra. ' . )
• 1116.: COLE,.I AMAGE4 Co.; at their
Temple of litusic keep a fargo assortment' o:f
Violins, Onitais,*cortlioris; .Flote's, Fires, Pid
colos,,Drutus, iiirmonicons, Strings etc., etc. ) ,
which thepitre 41liug at 25 per cent. lees thatli
such godill were Oyer sohl in this market.
Bti YOUIt 'OAL la' ME CAR LaAi4
—Two or morn pi:l-alio; ran club together and
buy ilicir.coal It. M. Wr.i.t.n.: at irliolosa4
prices, and got 1410 :bii to tho ton.' In doing
o to+renty-fivo eciptA per tou ot'3te,oo lb csi
be wired from Tifalida
Ea- Darin the next sixtr days w
will scli goods regardless a Cost, and will tualt4
prices to suit all,;:iu order to : maie room fai•
goods of our ou)i manufacture. :Now is the
time to buy, J. J. 0. Fuusr!tt Suss,
May 7, 1873. ,t 7,!
. .
• DO YOU niTfsp TO Do .ANI'I ,, PAINTIN4
VMS FaLt,?—lT t*, try the llubbnr Paint, 4
challengo any di . laler or painter in Uradfor4
county to product} as good; durable or cheap
first-Elms paint. , :, Bold by the itallOn re'ady , tot
the brrisli. Scnd:f.n. sample 'color J esrcls, price
list and circnlars4 • U. 11. WE:I.I.L.S.
`:: .
D. A. i ) .ETTEs are now
lieginning to dipay the best as:s'orttneitt of
Millinery Goods Towanda, and will c7ntionn
to increase their ;lock and variety until all their
enstoraerm aro Hipped with just: what they
Towanda, Se p .5-2 w. —2
mss. I aw pow receiviud; - for the i
fall trade, the mast comPlete 'stock, of Clothing
arid Furnishing,(P?ocis ever licfor, -, , bror.ght tO
this markek.and jroposo to ciliate' a Sensation
by-my low prices 4 A wont to the !wise is safili
olont. Call and see me before ciir'rhasing eloci•
where. M. E. 11O...tiNriutr;.
4"' 4
McMAiloN , the: failor of Tol;
wands, has , jaski returnedl from the city.
where he has b4en selecting goods for the
fall trade. Ms experience pr&ctical
lodge are of Perf,ons'destring
to have. perfect fitting elotties of the lest nia.•
terials,at reasomple prieet , 4shuiild give 31 i r r
Mcll. a call. Lit it
•Anol - Joliso, he does his
own cutting and Warrants' satisfaCtion. • )
ter To-Da is a literary journal of
great merit. Mr4C. F. Cross hue the agency
for this countyi find desire
handsome chromeihrgiven awliy t¢ each year
ly subscriber. Wel advCso alt v! rho (kestrel a good
family paper cheap, 4 to get a 4opy ., of 10. , Dit!4
and give it a carer Penisht. 1 • ,1
O . IE-11 ; CoALP:---.lquy ' pary coalring the witrm mouths . 2 1 s ink it will.
it •
'cheaper and bctteil veeparcd.;
~.. 3f. WLLLES lalselling beat prepared Pitt
ion Stove Coal at id.Bs, and Egg aild Chestnut
at $3.60 for gross 4n, of 2,240 lb_ by the esti+
biad, adding actultl freight and delivered 4
.. y station north qf Wyalusing. 1 ' • Yi
E, 1,, 1873. i • , 1 ,t l
. ,1
INISTERIAL hssocuTioN.,--The Lit.
erary and Tficologfcal Association or the Wyiti
losing District, vii 4, meet for its milt session at
Orwell, P.t., Tuesday evening, goy.' .I; 18131
Rev. J. Litnatawdon was , elected to deliver
the Opening Addfess ; Ref. H. 0. 11AA:NED;
Alternate. Rev. \V. .1. JUDD , is to preich
lon Wednesday evening ; Rev. S. 1.1,9, A'..
, tomato. Let all this bretbie ofithe District
coups to stay till the tztepting doses .' . ,
I . . it , :. g. ll,'Lwst.t., See 'y. i
12if I,
air 500 PiANas, 40010ai
Es with
P thm, 300
1 Etontoss, and lileo Emslierlnstrame t '
and mast be sold h i efore the Orst of January,
next, at W. Orrrques Mamie ,Shire , opposite'
the Court !louse. ,All the above dostrumenti
are from the ire ri? best smaiers,lsuch as O' , .
Bztor lc Co,, E. 0 . ;; Wirt` & CO% the . Smith
American Organ C 4, etc. C. Wurgolt; agent for
all the above Instrilments. Mice' at Ematomi,
store, opposite the f,ourt House, l'effinda. #
, _
lifscnrsts. —.ll. bt. t , WEr.r.m has On band for
sale and Immedi%se, ono nnrivial
ed 4 and _ noise - ter Potter, mounted ea
truck ; ind ono >tiheeter S Itelick at ineh
Cylinder,lbreallerA Cleaneti lallidinottnte{l oa
troek Malang o, i.atnable, ae't of Threshini,
itschinei, 'for theOariner and job thresher.
Tee, mhr<chinee ain very portiblenever hallo*
to be ,disrdonnted, ai)d are iel4"elinsierto'nt for
.Tak Ml=Tr 1 '
laoa WAII.II Ant Ituallitor.„—le lu , tum in most
of the Public Didldinge in this Mite; Mid was
aokopfed by' the-Building Committre.lef the
Bredford'County„.llll, after a, careful ioreallas 7
of most of the leading Purees:mot the 43:
This Pumice hu been laced on ;tele in. To.
treacle, and the subscribers are now pre9lll3d
to flit with promptaeas orders for kortible or
Brick:Set Heater*, together with flot'Alr Pipes,
Itegisitre, Sc, 411 lobs guartuiteed.
Sept. 10, '73--stw.
!ring the
. LAn7LIN,
' In Order keep .-pace l
their rapidly increasing trade, otfr enterPribing
grocerymen, Wens & Ernisrum, ire Soon 'to
occupy the largest store in the new block erect
ed on the site of old brick row. Many of our
op;toatu buyers 'will miss them from
~thetr ac
customed place in Mercer ' s bleik, b r ut the in
ducements which they offer to buyera will in
sure them plenty of customers wherever they
are located. They are realizing tho truth that
"a good name is a fortnne-", Their reputation
for honesty and fairdealing extends all through
thus county; and the fact that they sell the beat
brands of goods is equally well known.
BOBEIITS—SWEET.—In Granville, ,Stipt. 10,
1473, by I:14W Churchill, Mr. !Tryon Rob
erts, ot Wellsboro, lloga county; PL, and
Dire. Sarah lAnn Sweet, of Granville, Pa.
,ALCIEIt—SWFSREIL—At the resider's° id the
bride's father, G. L. Swisher, Esq.. West Au
burn, Pa., Sept. 10, 1873, by llev. P. 11. Tqt4:-
er, Mr. E. 31. Alger and Miss Mary
both of Auburn, ps.
T° . IV AN D A 31 ARR .e, T '
S -
Corrected ovs Wintiungls7., bi* O. B. PATCH
subject to changes da il y. • ... i
Wheat.* bitab ' SI 60'Ili 1 75
Bye, ill bush ' • ' 65
Buckwheat, * bush , 75
Darn. bush I - ''' 65
Oats, * blob; • " ' ' . 40
Beam, * bu5h....,•
~... .. 1 60 0 2.00
Butter4llo}4 I "0 25
do (dairy,) 14 lb now . 23 0 28
Eggs 11l doe . I• 21
Potatoes. IP brzah.riow 40
Flour IA barrel 9 50 4 10 50
Onions* bush 100
, CO
Wmoitss os , Chtsni.---Wbeat• C lb. ; Corn 56 lbs. ;
Rye 50 lbs,; Osta 311bK; Barley 48 lbs,; Buckwheat
68 lbs.; Beans 62 lbs.; Bran 20 lbs.; Clover. Seed 60
lbs. ; Timothy geed 44 Me; Dried Peaches 43 RA.;
Dried Apples 22 lbs.; Flax Seed 60 lbs. ; .
irritable State of mind; a weak,. nervous, ex
hausted feeling; no 'energy or animation; , ,con.
fused head, weak memory, often with debilitat
ing, involuntary discharges. The consequences
of excesses, mental overwork or indiscretions.
The :Simmons Dalian finds a sovereign cure.
in 111311PfillEY'b orpIEOPATIRC SPECIFIC
No. 29. ft tones up. the system, arrests dis
charges. dispels the mental glocini and despon
dency, and rejuvenated the entire system! It is,
perfectly harmless and, strays efficient.' iPrice
$5 for a package of fire boxes and - alarge SZ
vial of powder, whichas important in Old, seri
ens cases ; or $1 per single box. Sold by ALL
drnggists, or sent by mad on receipt of price.
Address,_ Cram B. l'orinn.
, Booth end Ward House, Towanda, Pa.
1 IL 4. wiuts
Now Advartisothents.
NOTICE.—To • whom it Lay bon
cern: The undersigned took Up, In the Town
ship of 'Ulster, Bradford County, , PaJ , on tho , , 10th
day of September , • 7 873, ono dark browp Mare! with
ono white foot, ono top hugal, and a single harness.
The Darner or owners of said Stare, buggy and bar.
noes, can have the same by duo proor of property
and paying all expenses, upon application• to the
undersigned in Shealasepain, Bradford 'County; 'Pa.
Sept 25, 1873-3 w JOILY.S.T. SMITH;
‘V11.01.1 IT 3IA.Y CON
_ CLERIS.—AII perscMs are. hereby cautioned
against parehaainß a Bay StalliOn, live years, old,
now In 'the hands Sc'. J. Afeßocin, in Standing Stone
township, as the aforesaid stallion Is my property,
'73--Iw* y I
Etenick,Sept 20,
Pierce Swarts is Wis day dliscdved
tual. consent.
- S. S. Pierce continues tlie,busluess, and }s to set
tle and collect all accocp is due, and to pa all lia
bilities of the late Sane' ' S. PIE E,
Towanda, Eepterubcr 1,416.73
lasi. Of letters remaining the
Towanda Post, Office, for the week ending Bep,
25, 1873 :
Adams D
Alien Hattie 31
Darns Lottie
Blake nos
DrOuna John B
Britton alra Hannah
cdriairJ F
Cane Jame*
Coburn Carne -
Coyle Mike
Davis Joseph !
Dunn Jailleti
Eiick E C
FaiFey JOhanin.
Feay Sarah J
Frutchy . W P
Grace Gee
Gammon Ann
Oillisper Ann •
linngerford F 3.
Hathaway G B 3
Hewan Emma
Elefretmau Iran
McDougall A
McGarr.) dames
Norconk Metals - '
Northrup Alice .7,
0 'Doyle Anthony
Philips Thos
Post L L
Patterson Jacob
Rage Miss Eva
Roche Mary
Doss Lewis 2
Rowland Wit
Ryan Patrick •
ilhinebohl Josiah •
Smith Aker
'Stephens A
Stickler .N R
rilyttio.wr d E
.f4erloil Walter .N
Smith C A •
Stephenson W E
Shemaker W A
titlC3ll4 d ' •
Sullivan Maritarett
Sprague W II -
Smith Jonn
..5 . v7t Mary •
Towner jaines N
Varguson Welton'
Wheaton Mary
WcileS Bir F E
Wortman DAM
WWII Alice
Warner Delphine
Win Nesbitt Derrick Pa- /antes Luckey Derrick Pa.
laabcA Rowe Dieter Pa. Mrs Cordella Coo War.
erly Pa. Bartch Durltore
- oLmes Mary A
Horton Mee Minnie
Johnao C D
Kerstmer W II
Knapp Chao
Kramer F
Kenidy Tilo
Lindiey Mis 4 M A
Lynch Mary'
• IliitiStrvot.
calling for tiny or the above lettera
As - 0i 1 , 1.:,:nz0 say advortked, giving date of list.
/ :3: W. ALYOktI),
i •
AND CIDE i lt INlitt,
Ls; sucsltEguß :4 , -
1 .
My Mill is now iu good , order. and I am prepared
to do all kinds of•work in top line en short notice.
LUSIDER. SHINGLES' and LATH. 'always on
I also offer a ?..5 ,HorPo•Power Engin° and
Boiler, cheap. . '' ; ~
0. V. AYERSL •
Slieshequin. Sept. 92, 1573 .
. . .'
F'OTtEFEjt! And
Is just the place to bny thquiost btauliio
To be found in any of *lin ca!abllebnionta aid laid°
or the large cities, Our stock Ot
cannot tail .to snit t h o most fcattattous both
quality and price
roof the t ntanufatturo and a!!lju stein; nil'
if you want anything In our line, from the •••
ring to tho best 'much, ere U. aeati before
clasilnz '
September 18, 1873 ;
FOR S ALP —A Valuable '
One of the very best sod Spit &Wray% farms
In Bradford County, within ten miles of the county
seat, is offered fol i r e ssie so , low shat the - (panty sad
price will sell it. It ill alb:Weds in Burlington and
within Ave mina s walk of the centre of that Mir
ing Borough; half way from Towanda to. Troy - on
the Sugar Creek. I Iticontains over ZOO acres of the
vory best land in the State; about 4u acres qt
tout lands on the auger creek fiats, and thelliSaad.
Is unsurpassed tor sib kinds of efts. Plie fruit,
plenty of water. All the' buildings and improve
ments needed; a good brick dwelling' j with
barna, shops. &o. perfect- Possession given
at once. It mill ho 'told et a great bargain to the
purchaser. Addrbro :crow A. CORDING
Jd1y3,13 - . Towtinda, Pa,
, I
BAnno%& Hosftitv.
(ohs: dour .1,,:t1.1 131ua);.
.• , -
4 ..',.:.'.• ;%. .'ar.J.'.../).'„;
E`z ~ "~, c.o .~.
p o
• If •
• !
' THEY •
,_ l :TxtrAR
• av
• ;
ias I,
s zwis=mt ,
7 fir
F 7%, i h;
• .
. •
011 I
.% SL.
AS 1
IT 3
& Co.
' ,
Tde - g i al".
FNERAL: ,mcvno* IPT#OO--
AA talo,X. rots, Yr an at Of Asionshle
o, this Commonweal of Pennsylvania , entitlettaen.
act relating to the e of tisnsConsunihmealth,"
lt o e n joined upon eto give public , a stied of such
elCct oh to , be held, ' d also the e 4 merstion in
such notice' what o re t
,are to ho en.eW,, Ii J.
rii. / 1 .4 h. /3 of the county or ltsadford,, ,
hereby make kno and givp notice, 1p th 4 elisci,ori
•of stfillcottuty, on ' DAY, - .the 14tn day ,of CC.
TOD/23,11973, in the several districts in rd, corm
tyi td silt :1. ' s, ,i 1 ' ' ; i
In Afrm.enLs, tit7ae hosed of John 13.13 , . lter. ; ' I
In ATha barque, at tho house fortue-ly prenpfect d
. litt; p. Knapp. • 1 I ;
Albany, at the school house'near 74.tPahrs'.
a Tam. at the sehool house near ' f . Pecker's.
Is i s j A hens boroagh, at the house fornaglY, occuift. ,
ed Y '. th Alathowson. - - I ..4 P
ti t.
In Athena tn., at s house fornserl orchplen by'
J; Bl r me; in Athena bozo. ' 1 , , . . .
rite/3 Itugqii boo at the house ferperly occu
pied b 2'.woyse. : 1• ' ' ' ' '-`:_
la.piattngtors tuv.,. the honso of ht h., l'hev&ev•
in Burlington Boron& . 1 1 1
ill BiLdington Wiest. at the lI.E. Claircrs. '
In tllarelgy at the schoolhouse. -- ' •i .
In Canton hero' at the Central Ilante 4 ; i t
In Canton twp., at the beam formerly, isocupied by !
S. It *era: in canhanhesrotight.' 1 ' 1 , 1 . - ' r t
In Ctdmithis, at the house of Jai. 'Aargau. ' "
I f,
't'all.laitt at the °use now . occup . ry* f 1,,.,
Xvirrapg. 1 I
iti Granville, at the 01U143, of Benj. F. ylor._,
. Lace:Tick, at thq sc col house,' near yanibl Du.
roan's; ' , ,
111 L'ellayaville third' at the house fo incai
Vol bir J. A. Fletehor,.! V•I'
lnl4tchtlelVat Ulu : sloes° . formerly 1 ok , s r ; in
C'yrio inroodgood. ' I i I ' ~, 1
14 'Leßoy. at the Cur Ire school hout.3 ~.# I
1 00
onroo twin, at t e house formerly ocso
IL It . „ I
In A nroe bore', at e house foravn:tf :cll.
by 1 Taylor. I 1 ; ' I '
In Oiwell. at the h oof Francis Woodro'
Its oYerton, at schoolhouse !to 2.1 e,
, .
In Pike at the hotve of Traver llosii-
Ili Items twp., at the Academy in Itcanol Dort
In Iforne bore% at th , Academy. : Nil V
', - "lridlldgbury; At Melons° of Beni. 1f a t
IM.Sheshequin, at th Vallerllouse. Li' 1 '
.Irilitwhagileld, et the/
house forraerlYi,i/1
/case nammond. ' i 1 ; 1 '
. Irt Mantling Stone, at the house of Slur S
In,timitlifield, at the house fortaerlyobtiti
A..k.lerould. ' ,' ' ‘. . , ~ liij-
. In fily/vazda bore ', at the house of Curti all,
Intiouth Crook, at th 3 house of - C• r '•0 24 , : ,
InTerry, at the holt*, of ,Iscob Frutchy. !
InlTOwaralit Boroagli;-, Pirst Ward; at the
Of Daniel Sullivan; Second' Ward- at( the'
sot let. Third Ward, I at, the School Pious
Win.:Wittrich a. • .-; !
ha Towartlia twp., at flit; school house; ma
Scollis. .
.In Towalida north; at the house of S. 4. '
In; roy t,v..p., at the liougeOf V.,3f. I.tig. i
bore h. ''' I ' rd I .
In troy bore', at the LIOUSO:Of V. U; .I.krig.
In frusicarora, at the school hone near Ast VI
Id Plater, at the . hous.O of S. IL lloleohh.
In Warren, 'at diellaulie of It; Cooper. 1.1 1
• In Windham, at the hdune of B. Etiyheuitail
: In •Wyalnsing, at the house of J. U. VI::
In Wtilnint, at the helix of A. J. Stdue,! 1
.._, in ysor.,at the hous4 furnaerlyendjuilll44, ot
Aced ' • r •r ; ,
~j. j
In Wells, at the house ti L. SeeleY. I. j •
At ` Lithe tithe and 04 he electors afoirosa i
elect y ballot ' ,
'" iri• ''
- f i, d '
On person for dtkig if the Supremo ''
, One-perion for Step:. reasurer. . i:;iI 'j I
Twu eisonsp for repro rntatlyes. '. :,j? 1
Ond person, for Aue r . to Judge. :r4'icr i
Ond person'for Tre asurer of the C.:-onallif."l
Otni Renton for Count), Conindasioner4 . l l I
One person for fury'eptaMlasiomr. .: 'II,
, One'person fee County Auditor, . 1 :: 11 , I
And in ariebby haid actr,":l am further 41'irfrel
give notice "that anif 4Orsen excepting ijtst.,‘•
the mince who shall, tiolp,any office. of pron.
trnst:hader . the goreinn en t of the ''United Mali
this State, :.-..: 01m:1Y:incorporated distriet,;, and
that et•ery Metuher (Alt.% ugross and 'of *Air '.Lctura, and the select'and 2oiranon council.4:fin i•
or coMmissioners ofankincorporated diet4iilt,
law incapable of holding or Oa:rasing atttlie e
time 'the office or appointment of Jinlgti, i'ligl'
or Ciety. of an elecelon of this Commoniv,iaith
that II Inspector or other °slicer of sny.Enuch
Urns iiioll be then eligible to any officerl4O . n
Toted tot. 1 W I Byitlie 4th section of an ae „ Passed tho i lntt
April, 8140, it is provided 'rthat the, 14tn' 40ti,
an art- .ssed July.% 1863. euthltd 'Au fir 4 eel
to the e r
rtions of thisi ConiMonwealth,'l''shal
be celdstru . ed so as to prevent any nillitatty[ o
fro* rring as Judgc, , dusp.ittor or Chrli, )at
general'OOspecialieloction. of 141 Conutoonli edit
An Act to olianeni Hifi timerof eloiring ti.:t I.s ,
therdtheradand Towheldp; elections. in tetra. outs
Ilraill. • .• !. 1 1
, 'Tlieff -ne.ral F.:krill , in all tholVarils,,T4,4l. , :i;
DiStrhd - and liorough lOf the; county is tfi lied*
botweqilthe' hours ',of !six and seven °ll:tit t
foifemlott, and shall 'cntinue with' nt i n'' rill
oriadjointnnient until -even ri . olosh in the jevi.-ii
when alljpolls than bet Olosed. • i,i i 1 j
. A In:4ler SuppleheJnt to the ir,,i,dionfl hotel
Pennsylvania :
i n .1-1
i• ifli I
Wilf:µi4l.9, By the tie of the Congress of ht. f
ed Sta entitled •-!.1.1.1.,.t w:m
eild the ite• cilai
heretofore passed' o ITrVial! for 111?" 04 . 9 lilt„''
cs.2llillq:nitt, the National forces, and for Mlle pitta
cc" aild.approved Ilarl% third: one thousad c
Immlnilland sixty-1111 , 1i all persons Who )Sate '!,•;
ed the Military or nay' I Ef..Tiles of the Uniti,d i so
and plOre not been clischarged,lot reli4-ed
the peria ty, or disability therein provided, are d•
ed,,anil 1. kon, to hovel vlihnitarily rairafiii46l,
forfeited their rights ci , f citizenship. and all (141,1
of ezertising any nigh iijof citizens theredi i I, "
Jeer frie.rco.=, Perso il. not Citi2,11,4 'r , f pi il Bz
States arc not, under the Constitution rin'Lav
permsylvania, qualinyl electors of the '. kr fin
wealth: L . •
~ 1
To th', , .... c:olity[CuminisTin f .rf toad .5:;••_; fir c f l se,
of f;rcrip,r..t: [ 1 , [ , 0,-, 11 I
WlLEttr,_ks,. The Pi fto ,, n tir-.tiochtn..tit M".....ik t i
stituncfniaf the. United States is as 1013,,.:*1 i
-"Sr.crioy I. The rirlit of ritii,r.s' of ,th, • r
State-ti to v. , te shall ner I be.donitid or abridi,,, , Vtilli
UninidiStates, or by airY State, on airoonnl'of
color`` 6r,preNlons conO:Loif of , ervittnle.q 1
.S..tamo:i *.h - Ilie CC4.4.'res,; Slian tra're poi - • el; t
force is article by appropriate legislation '
„did IB!otrriis, The tilotgress of the Unitcd :i
th", e plst day of 31.1444 is iO, passed in).l4,
tied ,t,o l .dc.fte, ~ ..nfi, r ceiViJ.: righ![ ,- . , :s 1 rirrz'n 3 o-I , fl
.edlstaN3 pi e,.:',.. in !![ ~ } [ r%ra: s?a of thi3 [ ll: 'lr
, - ,0
..for 4, , 1 . inurp,4 , 3," the:first and n•_cond .r4eti'd I
which aro as feillnwq: 11 • - . , j: 1
-SzOluis 1. pe. it rii1:1,..1 ki'itw. &nate ait ''f/ A F,
/Z.-pre/fent:l tires:el the ( - fitted Slot.: of li /a 44-i.,
i. p
grees a4041,1,:d, That all citizens of the Uni,Fl
who are., 'or shall jbe otherwise qualified 'di , I
veto at tray election by hiet'people, Many Stite.
/ 1
ritory.dridriet,connty, city. parish, townq 11.
district; munielprilitztr, } r - other ' other territorial'
ion, phalli., entifleiCal d'ailowed to votetat
olottittifsj wilhod distinction of race, color,
vions.4ndition of. siardtede ; any Censtifun
cri;itotiii. µsago; or regulation of any Spite k
tory, i',inity, or ' uniLr its authority,- tii the
notwithstanding." ' i -PI
. SgilloN 2. ..1,/./ jr , it fiireterr eaicyji.lTbat'if be
or und4r i theauthority iif * the Constitutionof liivii of
any state, or the lauriof'rany Territerk, at". , 34 in 't is or,
shall bet rerruireA to by done as ti pre:ol . l4lh) or
qualinehtion for voting. and by' with Constit itiorl or
law, pettsons or °ulcers ihre er shall be olutrieil with
the performance of dutis in fUrni, , hing 't,,s ~: itizenii
en oppeketnitylo pornirm suet! preroonisit or to oeriiiindqualilled•to vete:. it shalt be theldilt, ' ! every
Snide pet:iin and officer tp give to all citizen Of the
United ;talcs; the sanio and equal rd t per,t laity to
ptri'erst nili prerelnielie, auk to beepnienalilled
to vote without distinction of race, color, or, 1 iiivieus
eenditithi , of servituto 7,-, and if any sta - 14Ircon or
officer shall - refnse or [l:llowingly omit t 4 ~,,,,,,,,- qin cr.
fact (gillseery section, lie itiall. Tor suelt o once,
forfeit aild pay, the sum of live jlinndrijilt i,llllars to
the pe‘fon aggrieved thereby, to be recur 4 ., . fil by au
actionon'the case, 'with full costs andi spaill allow
ante foricenrirUrl ties as the court Oaallileclni Paid,
and shall l ah,o, for every , such oirence,l ptt , 0 1‘ein0
gthlty of 'a misdemeanor, and shall on tionN , letlon
thereobibe Sued not, less than flue immtep(l\ I,dollars t
or be lniprlsoned not le:.*: than one mont tend not
mord Wm:Cone year, or bOth, Tithe dhicret on of the
Mutt' J • ' ; i t,
.. • • • ji
_ ...,linf, ishoreo4, It is drelarertl by the sc‘ciSll (II s .i..tiOn
of the VI 'article of the Cur.sutution of jilketiiiited'
States, that "This Coustltution, and the la v. 0, the
United. States which shall be made intlintrimanco
1 therecif, 'shall be the l stipienic law of. the l i ani!,i * *
* at4thing in the, Curistitstiqs er ?,I;e3 of de l State
't o th e contrary notwitAsianding." I i'; I
An t ; iacreai, The Legislature 'of thisi C'tmnou
wealth, oil the'Gth day of Aprd, A. D. laip,lP j assed
an-act, entitled "A further sniiniernent hith ;4,1. re
lating to , elections he this commontrealthiql til
ttenth ,
section of which.protitle as follows:. 11 111
-" Sec-tiox le. That en much of every ac t ..,11.1s*ern
bly as provides that only white freema n 1, all
, t, e 01 .,'vete or be registered is voters, cite li 'Claim
ing, to voto at any general Cr sprTial election Of this
Commonwealth, 4 and the same is diereWttpeided;
and that hereafter all 'freemen, without thstinetion
to color, strait lic enrolled and registered, didlng
to the 1)C1 , 61'3571113 Or the first jection of taps a6t ap
proved seventeenth April, ISGS, entitled "An C.t fur
ther supplemental to the act rotating, to thel'efeetions
of this Commonwealth"' audj.when other:Wise Tull,
fied under existing laws, be entitled to Tito as -all
general and special elections 111 this C0M111461 - ,ealth."
An!! tvhcreas, It is my potistitutional and lofficial
duty to ~t ake'care that the laws bo faithfidlyi eject'.
bad; ! has Come to my - knowledge thatafindry
assessors and registers of 'voters have rellisedi and
,_are refusing to assess wad, register divot - 43j colored
malejcitizens laf lawthl age, and otherwis:q sired
r an electors:. 1 - ', . 1. ,
. . - . 1: i e
Now, TuEREFO , rtn, In considcratiou of p i remi--
- s ex, the 'county commissioners of said Tints are
hereby notified and directed to instruct i ociveral
assessorri end registers of Voters thereht,ljt !obey
and conform to the reqdirentents of said eMistitu
tional amendment and lews,• and the sheriff Of'sahl
county lit horebyanthortzedland required '0 Pifblish
in his election proclamatiOn, for the neat ensuing
eiectiotot; the 'herein recited constitutional emend.
merit, net of (lengress; and act of the Leglidature, to
the end that the &Arne may I le knOwn, executes and
obeyed by all assessors. reglgters of coterk elcption
°alcove end others; and that the rights anlptivilegs
guaranteed: theretrss may • bo secured. to 11. the:gill- 1 ,
tens of this,'Commonwealth entitled to the Rahn?.
CllNcl:NK*Drii ICE li.usojaNu 7111 E: 6 / 1 - 11 :165, or
1 fsr. 3 TIM SrxTr.." of Els i rishurg,the der
~ and Year
A. 2.
trot above written: ' ,', i'
Attoit : .'' , dorm v, TIAIITIIANT. •
~ - .5..: yof (omitwnreatat.i li• I ,
' 1
1 ' Jake call attention to the:falloitng 2 fws •jj • i
I SEcnoi;;ll.. .Re ilienn , ..l4,2 [ liy,lL! S' , :minrCt opt 4tarre
of Reprernattives of fie fninutriiieraffh,;r4, .4 4 „,1„,.. ! ,?:
.rania in :Orin:ref _lfmitfy, turf, land ie. ir'ls-.reti ~:crolr
d[by the 'authority of' the sew. That he all elections
hereafter to be held, in this Connironwealtlt. it shall
die unlawftil for thii judggi . or inspector of ithe etre
lion to receive any ballot or ballots from any mien
or personSembraced in the prrrrislons, and, Wert
to the disability imposed by said act of Congrels ap
proved Mareirt, 1%3* ; and it:shall be unlav4ill for
.any suelfrierson to offer. twvote any Vaiintqr3Potg•
1 Szxnos 2. That if any teach padre and ins eters
jj ; j,
of election' or any ono of them sha ll recolvp: el con
.sent to receive, any snob. 'unlawful ballot on allotS,
ifromany;Aitch discynalifled person, ho; or tlyi r era of- .
r fending, shall be guilty of a metdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof in any mint Is. gtitulerstestons'Of
this Commonwealth,-he sliall,,for any seehlo,ifenCe,
be sentenced to - pay.atue of tot less than $ ic , 9 and'
undergo an imprisonment; in the jail of the proper
pounty. Or not less rb all SD days. • i!
6ncrion.3. That if any person deprived of cillieu.
ship, and disqualified as aforesaid, shall at any elect.
-tion, hereafter-lo -be held 'in this ,Coranithrivealth.
rote or,tendr to the officers, thentof, - 7111&,i offer .to
Totenitralicrt. 'or-ballots, an..l. person so':Oftenalog 1
shalt bo deemed altilty.of a misdgmeanori r lnd on
couvlettan :thereof, tra 'any court .qf 'quarte" sessiona
of this, Conmatmaraith, shall, for each o emit, be
punished;tyl like manner ati its provldedintbe lareeed
lng section Of This act in the case of office tii of deo
ttost ceeviar, *telt unlawfattallot ana ballots,'.'
• Bscricilt: That tf any person shall 12°1 . 00'02115er ,
studs it advise any person -or persons deprived of
eitizeruthipc and disqualified as aforesktid.teredfer any
ballot or ballots; to the officers of any elect - it here- I
alter tObe held in this Commonwealth,. or bell per-
suede Or 'advise any such officer teireceiveany ballot
or ballotd, front any person deprived of ci@enship, I
and diktialiti . ed as aforesaid; such' person o,Otterid.
lug shall guilty of , sfuladeluealior.'und tiOn . eon
victloUtliereof,in any court .a. - unarter s&dens of
this Commonwealth, shall be puntshed in. O Amu.
net' as is 'provided iu the second. section brit de let,
t ri
in the [thee of officer's of such election, fke ?dying
'such uramrtniballo4 or ballots.-i 1,
By an act of. Assembly : of 3fareli 30, 1841 i -t tattled
art Actrognlathap, the Mode of voting at alrehletionsi,
in therdeveral comities of this Commonwtal :;, it is;
enacted as follows t• ' ~., . 1 J PI ) I
I ; Hl' . • , - . ,•' lIJ 1
I i•I
-i i
f_ 1
.1, 1 t'.,
fir.crte. I,Be it enacted by aeSenate and f,
el Rorer tali*: of the Coatounnoialtis of P
canto fi in 's'nerai 41/actstly, stee, and a ls Amp,
ed y the' ' pl gee larnei
voters of several ootintbeitof th is Centrum* .
at all gen rat township,lborough; and' special :, -
• bons, are Iherelip. hereafter authorised and
to vote by tickets printed or written. severally Ir - rm
tied as to! ows : One ticket ghat embrace the . ~, e
I- et Alai es of court to. be voted fiay and to .'•
Wed, on ."Judiat.q , . ;" one ticket shill'en
tho name of all atato Meer& to be voted for an be
labelled "state;'one ticket shalletubrace theel
:of ail county, officers voted -for, kat tding oithyi' o
',senator, *ember, and members of assenddx,if vbeed,
.for, and tocnabers of congress, if voted far: and • bel
hibllled "e:olintre' one ticket shall etlahnee F the
nn_s of townshilicillocrs voted br, WIZ
O la
iltl „..tftnahipr olns tickdt - shall titanium w
eit of ill borough OWN votedlor.lkid' be.
- labelled
,! A;rl:le iac_ene ep_ . , i ir i :," t sad each — class altill - be
I '. ij
sto natherited sorcom . mald
- 11tierte the Protaleui dribs ltrifistrY• 11
b the Senatte and Home of Represents veal
hie Co nwesith, on thollth • =p, ' t
~. Harrisburg, PA., Aug . 27, 1870, •I .
l l ut Da taut" of return judged:foe the cony of 1
r o
'ford,ltrill bo at the Court House In Towanda on
hird flay;after election, which will bo on Fri ay,
.7th day of October,:at 1 o'clock, p. ta„'",.. ,
i. X, MIT* '
tobeti 17, 1 1873. '.- ' ' ''- - ' Sheni .
___ I. 1 ~
. 4._ -1
RPPANB' COURT. -,-' iiiy
virtue or an order or the Orphans' Courts of
Gard County, thettnderalgned, "AdZokiiifilli
io estate Of Sebra.G.:Yrench, sate of Wells to
in wad chanty; dimmed. win c.zoao to • ' e
F ,
he pretakses, "on.',TIDDISDAY...I2OITOBES, lie.
at 1 o'clock, P. at., i certain tract or paroe4Of
of sat/let/43M 13.G0/reach died seized , en le:
td Wens township,' hot:gilded' and descrllied l na f i
vs, to wit i . •: . r ' ,
...eginn_rig at the nenthWest corner of al ~ o
land conveyed to D. Strong try Hatt (Aro* by
dated AP41.1 0,11857; thence south 2 degrees west 22 I -
perches to a stake and atones;-thence south 80 o- i
fireeedst? 104'setuttelt to & stake and stoma In ' •.:
cast i tino f the - San:lnel Seeley lot: thane south :41,
degreeW, r est 30percheirto a post and stones; the ce
south 88 ' egrees east 53 010 pereSies to a flake '4:
ston s t the ',Cierthweat corner of Henry Fret —*a
lot; hen 'north 80 degrees east 252 perches , a :
isreal le -Sapling' thence north Itil per
i Eli
along the lino' of len& belonging to the • '
estate to a stake arid atones; thence tiarth.BB ie,
grecs w en 212 perches along hue of land beton 1 , g '
to the es to Cd,D. Strong, deceased, and !feel er..
lands id by Newnan Davis, to the place N 0
kira4g. centaiebag 301 , ' acres and 43; sr.
pa or I Ife, ketng nearly an improved., on - •eiti h
is ea to if large inane. two-story dwelling b
orek rg
o i
fwo 1 • e framo barns,: One wagon and horse
lin o ,otapp:o tree4s, &a
Said la il Lilo be sold subject .te the payment of
a mortg e on the samArniade by Bald S. G. r h
In bin lif tinie 'to Lucretia Strong. Admintstra IS
..or D. Otroaag. deceased, 'dated April 1. UGC and .'
horde;; In said licadford.' County tn ortgago • , kr -
Igo.. 9',, page 283, Sc.. Ahd the' p of d.',
real estate will take the same with the lien of IV-
Mortgagenniliiested and in fullioree; and wilt O
Obliged t pay said mortgage as well as the arno I
of hia hid for said land: , Said mortga•go is In tho
sum or 3,500, conditioned - for the payment I' '1
.108 bil la to.Azal Strong,widow Of Win Strong._ t,
elealved. d hring 'her natural life per lannnm, and : ,
ALQUIFIS iprmsq during the terna of her life t o
sum of $34 20 per annum; end ripen the death t
sail •in •g- to' pay to Tempy A. Strong the sum' f
8601 131. said An/suds A. he then living; th i t .
from pie eforth during the period, of her tabs 1
life, le d Amanda the further sum of $lB /6 P,
swamp, b t if she thente dead, to Tempy Stio l./
s l .
the fusthoF stun gf $302 . 42; and neon the death f
Amanda A. to pay to the said Tempy A. the pan -
pal suns anon which said Annals A.- draws the hi/.
terestid arisig her natural life; and unto Wiiihth
Ingalle, sob of Aaron Ingalls, the gain of $3OO within
ono year from dhe death ef, said Aiiis,;,Strong, wall,
interest Loofa thegesth of said Ann,las by the recor.„l
df said mortgagefrvill appear. • ./.• • ' i • ,
- I 1 . 1 •,; •MT n, SHLITE,
c rfa RI ES sICEIVE. I
Sei4einb l er 14, 1873. • ; Administrators,
on ...
1434 c
in sitl,
cd by
J. St
,or tb-i
tics o
bin F
'tbc tr
on 3
e 1 , 21.11]
Bth ,
,d fo
113 c r
It co
at T
n ,
the P.
an .I a!
' it Se
I lit,
t 't
i • t't '
. 1 . 7 ,
1 . .1. P.
.titlite. I
fE E
to 1.143 csta
:areeased. a.
And all per.
fft2tul6 presc
blew .
Aug!li 'T.;
AJ a
4 of
'tlte istAte
dee'd,l are
and iter4Yl
:most I:4rep4o!
;Aucclst 291
e N0t.4.;:l
d ;tII r e
or •Vidowt I
ate Its :na
I zte
C ,
w to!
• 1 aol
I •;
Angtut 2,
to thel estat
tleeease , l;
payitteitt al
estate Otst
Apln.s - ISTRATOR'f3. NOTIC CI -1-,
Nopee hCzeby thatall. perzeirlzelebfea
tothe istbate of Eiizabeth li. Ccliins, lat. of Oreriol
Eiteelteed. are reinested to Make immediate paymen
and all v.:mot/al having against-said etitat
must in•es,2,4" duly autbenttcated for sattic
rzentq J.CIEB
2.3; '73. - Allptiniatrator.
F_, 1 ...` E ' U Olt .S NOTICE.
.„.. , _1
..., i ,tice le Ilreby given that ail persons indebtdl
to tke estata of John I. 1: - DeLong .Isto Of !Lain
deceased,. arsl requested, to Laker - tnamediat
payment, aid all person] haring chinas *pima
said eStato itiu , t present thin duly autbenti.ateil s
;for scitleme4t. , I ',
Sept 24, '7. 1 ' • • , , Exeentor.
---- -
In'. Nottca 0 hereby giventbst all persons indebte
to the estate of E. 1. Brathard, late of Nraree.
,twp 4, doc'd, rand make immediate payment, and
all portions baying - claims against said estate nit:. t
?resent tee - .a daily atithenticated for settlement
I MA.lty E. 1311A1NAE111): •
Se,:d..; 14,1 C. 3.1 I , 4. , Administrators.
0, 1 •
• -
- vi:tue 4.1 qqn ordei of: the Orphans',.Court o
Dra3fOrd County, the undersigned, surviving E:'
'editor of the t estate of Guy Finney, late of /41.esh
Janic tin - aside: l in said county, deceased, will expos
lta sale on , premises, on I3IONIYAY. NOVEISBE
3, 1873, at I o'clock, r. ar., the follettrlbg describe.
;lot, picCe, ort parcel of land. situate' In; Sheslicout
teartship, b.Sunded on the north by., lands of '1
Orsbnra. west I,y . public highway. south by land:
'of 11. Kinney, and west by the Stistiueltanua ri‘
,cr; cOntainio g 21 acres of+ land, more or leas, o
whioh is a barn, wagon-eh:ell, cow-shett, and hol• I
• r •
. ALS.l—Onc•otper lot, piece, or 'parer! 'olland,
'nate hi said Itowntihip, bAnnded -on the' north I,
, the public road, leading to ILttellAeld and by lands
'of Santnet (nfitbarn; east ~I ,y r land: of S. Oridnu
south by I•ttrirr , of L. ht..E.lngeburry and west b
land .of ItkEinuey;. containing .12 acres of laud
morel or-?.lckfr,,, with serae•lintber And rood
thereon. '
_ _
• Tevins.—sl:oo to - be pail on Property being otrvic,„
demon, one-half the balance On confirmation of mie
ova - the balance lit oveyvar, with interest, •
. ' 0.19. EINNEY, - I
Exet•.itor. I
S ,rtc:rntp:r.K 1873
berf.l7 , firen that an. persona- iaticlAM t 9
Om sate of Th . omas. J. Archer. late of:Rome, tlee'cli
aro rerplrste4itO make inuzotliito pent suit al l
versons bars*. claims against said estate Must pre
soot ti.tnn duirtuthenticated for'l=ettiernent.
S,lpiember ".11,p173 " Lrecntrix.
, • ,
t r ko ICS NOTICP:=—NotiO
is hereby rtin that all persons Indebted to
Xlie estate:of Tolentino Smith,' late of iiiheahogninl
demised,' ar requested to make immediate - pay,molt, and persons harthg claims ^against /i.*
' c.tstonet.present them ;duly authenticated - for
sc-ttlemSnt.• • trn. J DELPIILVIG'
September 115. PM • '• • rscoutar;
7. -
'D '.
• . , ' ,• .
04,1.01tAITLA. i -
.. . . trix.Tll7itt:
_ i 1
-I'.leli in hist(' teal interest, it Is the only I)nihlio - g . i '"- ii
• the'ecnotry 6 cept Intlepeisdenee Hill. Itonoicaih
the sojournithin its wails' of Wash/peon, Lany
ette, Lee, a and other patriots el tlio. zirntiu
Lion. ' This°polar hotel , haa recently clan
4,, tr a q ; been • proved, entirely refurtieheil, an
the propriete cordially invites bla friends and trayo
ik i
&log nubile give tan a eall-110 pins Kill ri4
- grand to remder their stay comfortable..poopit
ea route for elplda will and it couvenlent t
Arend the a t hero: reaching the cbty about aig
in them g; A altrooldJvcoa - on' Arai floor to
aecooetlatli:u of . commercial agents.
.. ...I, , . , .g4Tarstan.
-. Sept! lail. - - • 1 -t. rropyleter.
' I -.----- , .
GENTS!. (moil - :- Ox you: w
:..aa elicdco of tuella*. {there los Bum for It ,
on DLO raii - W8 last and.great work 4 '
• : i 01:111 DIGESTION, -
On JOLLY E 1111211313 SEOUL • .
, f
... - . , • . .
It 15.1.4. oil &the mast takingami rateable nook iii .
• the field. I.ilt is on a vitally Important intlijee
2. IL ta by Alberta's most p,opular wart on Imolai;
'2. It ta, for thei prim Me largest ant- hanilsomeit
book aver 00 Di subsetiptien. Agents„ the people
are eager tor such a book, and will urge you to belt.
4 to them. 'Write for terms, itis., tree. '
1'• - ' ,
, 00110} MCLEAN, - Elthlistier, l ,
i 1 ' 33 Sansora Street,Phila. I
1.11 '72-
- I .... ..,...
i `
,14 A.3IATION,L--. , -Whereni
ABBLS B. STRBETRIt: President auk;
!Judicial Distat; consistip o l of the con.
dford and Susquehana, , and gons..-Zebu
i eau S. D. Barknees, Aisociate Judgee,
I said eottnty of 'Bradfcird, have !listed
!1 - 22 bearing 'date the 20th dayof. . Septet*
to Um directed, ; for, holding a ItLune24l
1 3 8:0):113 of t e,PeacP., Coininon`Pleas and
:puff, at Tro , for the county of BradforL
y the . 27/1 ay of October neat, to con
leeka.. • , ' -I I
wanda, the 23th day of September. it
t Our Lord, ono thoneand eight hno.
I Fevr-ntvithree,' and of the Independen t .litel Siate,q, the ninety-first.'"
1 '
~ .1. Si. SIIITIL,Simaiff.
.. . .
'OR :S ,NOTICE —Notil
igiren that all persona - Indebted i
Rachael Mourne,' late of Grancill ,
irsted to tnaho itame4iate payment
having claims agaittst pahl, estate
hataduly:. anthentloated; for settle
',. , .A.S.l' ANDREWS,
1 - • '' ' .; _ , Exeenlpr. i
rsTR: l'Oli'S XOTTGT.I
J erelyy g en that all'persocis Indel,t. ,,
,)f . . i.a il (Lilo; : late Of - Cahto
. reqftes:6l . to, rare lame,l:l
'il persotis ba-, - Ing elaliza , agaln
st . pretient theta 'dali leathentleate4
1 . 1 KILE:OI‘.7 PACE: Ant).
11. W. JENI;INGS, • .
1 ' Ti, . :, Aamtnlstratots.
r-reby given that CI peccons iridebt •
of Connien tato of Wells
t lnested to ameba Immediate payinen
;I having claimai against • said estate
them (filly anthent:rated for sette
: Eaccutor.,
.C-TOPC . S• NOTICE.---Notic
c> s . giveztLat .all .persohs inJelt, a 1 .,
4 Chu* Steet, lato of Monroe ton - n. 014 ,
eoqu!ested to, 'make immediate gayraen ..
nisltiaving -claims agtinst ealil, estat ,
t t ttem. duly anthe,ntteated 'for ectt: ,
I J. B: M. ..naN3.IAN,'?
, _.,,_,
„._,...,._ • ~...-•;.....) j..,cu5,01).- .
, . .
GU T.O V, 'S NOTICE?:- .
is hereby airOu that all 'persor..; iniinh •
F tr. 63 of John Morrow, devenafil," l hat
are requested tu za4e , irnr.ledi •
~aml:all 11,m:ins llam ~a, claims a . . - .7a1n.F.,,
iiiFt(p7eacnt them anly an thcr.ticatc a fo '
I PAUL DJ - 11WittIONV. •
ANDREW - F ...E,' 1
I - I • I Ereent,,,rg. R '
-- I -- - - ti.
'I T l{ . N0T1.C.0.- 4 ."''
' . ,
s. tierehy given that all iDeranneOmiebte -
0 Loren D. Tyirel,- late",of Rom
ire , rinneicteis to: mate( . fmnietliat
~l al.i peteona lia,Ving claims against all
,I. ` ant them duly autheritleatealor 'se ,
t W3l. SIiTDER.' - 4
1 ..„.., AdMitilitratt;r. I.