U NEW nom ALL NATIONS. . —Olive Logan's new novel still be cauca.., , ,sothiriss." Bret - Hiiite'snewx lecture is about, "Some Bad People." —James Partorewill complete his "Life of Voltaire" Per time tint Year. - . , —Miss A nnie Howells does the literarrys for tho Chicago Inier-Cke. • , Mattliewliziold refers to I I on a se "conntry gentleman with no ideas." __—TiniShirt !fonts are the fashion at Norwich, Clorm. ' - •—Chittegs' czn?p. meetings broken outin Cali fornia. I. „ , Lmheat worth 90 loon' bushel in lii t s, and *e la. cents a Om. Louisiana claims to -prodm finest sitifbuildixtg timber in the world. -New Orleans is the home m WO working girls. • • rs —A good sermon is like ' a ki it requires hut two heads and one sppl —At ths ViennEi` erAtibition exhibitors gained prizes, including 4() di iothonor. conimittee hasleen appo in France to l'stiggest some, remedy" for cinakeS. 1 —A baby was, born in Fr.: Co., Minn. This fact- is .remarkable, mother is CO years old.- .—The Registered 'Letter d , meat earned the government t 85,000 net the past There:l is a. Miss' curl which the are twelve- preachere---tbo and his eleveit sons. __. s • 1 ---A .nets and , : valuable fie coal - has quite lately beel discoTered in aruptonshire,England.f, - --Hot. tea and: coffee is -s to the_ passengers on the drawing-roo. ' on the liartford and New naveu road. • ? ---A • eleirgyman' lately said modem young ladies were.:Lot the dt of Shem and E4na, but of hem and sham thildien put stow the. street oaks and then m the language of thetriVi - new war vessels has! , p the British navy, and twe7 .otiree of construction. Chica' the tracks ofl eloquence rr. ' - 24 1hre been addpl ti others are is —Chiea o wives get diverCed.' be clue their husbands', legs are too long for Lthein to Lee step with. —Air . , rish :Pa:p na er , ention4 the ease of a IDa lin girl who fell in love with her brother and °remitted suicide in conseqfienee. -Like 'ether ,public benefactors, "bld l'rob bifil: " t ryd lif -'1 ref ot , a ~ i,s E a .. .. e Bs a - fl o boy. I - - - 1 'I . . ..', -On the first day's session of the 1 J7C-nate air. Stunner will introduce again his .'-- civil rights' la. s ' . .. 1 1 - . *---beneal "Hardee was kicked in the suldby a trade a few days ago,, and is clan •'; geronaly ill, I . I —lct ohnaton. and Beaniegard • , are the only wo men in the couutry the Herald canr.ot triter .iOV. - 1 • , —The ~ •_ - i - vides that at - ing =Sandi i l , LA 1 ft . • have puichat4 of-his ':Joarn• -.-- . — 7 - • I r ill , '..' etlnnsel.t B o - steamship l As .... : T. :, -;-The tiy_ing .. 6 sec Pt h by contl 1 • —MO . brilliant) and' this cop try lanio law of this State pro s permit found shooting or hunt tyis-liable to a fine of-$25. ?a of London . booksellers ied from the Shah the copyright i I of Travel." .. liiinson, United States emen, died of consumption on the" =prig, on September 14. People - of Ontario are .. I %e ati r c u , n;i .o i r r o or ne a s e t n a t tu c e .a o c f i Teel:ail . iev. Charles .Gingsky, the popular English antlior, .frill'visit 400 n after Christmas. - , Wise be rilvlci G-( -go4t - arsr c e no • 6, is too wise in practice •tb odiell• of again. Donaldson will t t time—and ida silk balloon. . --46114 Wilson haS married Lanra . . Lawreoe, aril a wretched newspaper man, at.- . susses thin of having retired on his Lanra L's. - i .', —A new garnient for th 9 ladies' wear tho co riming winter Rill be called the .. 6balti'i' _- : • ,_. .. ~ - • —4ost of the ladies :appear to be "run:.:,in g it at Present, to keep pace nith.the i-re'val;iug far;lkion.- • - =--S. young • Loikion .tv . qi;a' au has Lad lid liu, and arrested tQr az*anlting tier while walhin t home itom the,: marriage core. morn-. I: , ' -.i't: is i , have lidcn ui a curative,m cod liver oil. - --. —The • A g ree not to .m. -xlicr 1-;- eel - 1:s at lib( - 1 . '--31iss - . of "Grace .i . the ly'ric pt Reek, ,1 ow stated that the_Chineae Z i ng shad liver oil for',.centuries as I . (1 that it la ruoro efficacious than Rum-ilk* .(Pa.) maidens purchase atiy ory goods ifter,4 r. nt the shops to shut and set the fly.- nnie Lippencott, a daugh-1 qeenwood,"- made her Mgt on: go at pewagine„ -Michigan, laet: • . Adirondact Murray sayEl bunt of lying (tone in this court trq aething" stt_stlpendorts as to ail, himself." • d lady from the - country; ,married ciausliters, ycnt imp gia, the other day hunting fo .7 Ho ndrv. • that `ltho.a.! to-day 73 30 tonnii Satan -!-4:1111.0 111th' Lsix ng, ta, th. 2 Pittrobs'i .... H3_ltss [Margaret Bennett, a sister. of the late ,awes Gordon Bennett,'of the Neiv ' York7Arc..id; died the other day , at 'flintley, in l Scotland, to the eightieth year of her age. 1 1 I- I --4nti r Masonry ', is reviving . in I Virulent. ' ermont is .. 1 the only State that • voted for a ti-Masonic national candidates ill { /.',:2.1 .. „ J- , , --IA i .- d card in a Brooklyn barbe'- ; i . tht p uinele , • announces: "Boots blacked i - . . , rde.'l pat est not-that be very bad for te -7 - S i ocki ngs? , ,i , .. 1 - 4 ---nnsylvania girl went black - • A P Ikrrying ilv weeks ago, and when heard from the other d y was keeping honie with her hus band in Gc rgia. • 1 1 7 —Henry Wenk, the Ticlionte, bar -1.( r, who wa's arrested a short time since chars- IA St ith an attempt to fire his own bundler, naS tried aiid convictsd at Warren last week. - --iCarlf Vorr Want argues that Adam ,I b , was a monkey bef - ,re Eve was created, becanite a igcrrillaas thirteen ribs and man-onlc ”•twelve, on hatinfr been , removed to malie w tm an. —A nnee • . • ' ticut admirer Of. Ale* l - e t antler 11. Stplien4 wrote to him• asking lazuli( sassafras was good for the blood, and Mr. Stephens wrote back on sil - tean pages of note _ paper that it was. --- l - - 1 -The King of Dahomey died lak , ~i . • month, a d owing to his' unpopularity only twentyfour' n - omen were inariaolatcd on his grave, insfeid of, several thousand that aye • - usually required on such an occasion. I. 1 - • L -A citizen of Washington Pa., offers two to donate w acres of land within the borough limits to shy company or person I:short - ill locate a manufactOrypn it that will employe hundrill hand,.',- —Thq Cafnbria Iron Company has c,,:nrabne il the extension of its blast farnae capacity a Johnstown. It is proposed to build two tuna sof superior stw le, embracing all the inode n improvements. , 2 +-711 Kingston, (N. Y.) Jourg ,l ai bss be n snadehappy by the visit of a man who 1•4:d op his ba!k subscriptions for thirty-ojae lysts, and advance subecriptons of ten years , r hanself arul tweere yearsior his mother. 1 • I --A i,ensioner of the war of 181; Itho has f , rlc., received an annual gorernmqnt„ ':envance of .i2lO and has never spent a c*Fil (•f it, is ow said to be the richest marlin llock.ngh m county, New Hampshire. , . ? ! —The engineers of some of the Pen t.s3lrabia Railroads amuse themselves by cep. ruing tame trent in the water-tanks of their locomotivs4whero they are said to flourieh, in spite c the constant motion to which llii‘Y are subjc te/. ' f —Th; bonded debt of Ludlam il ' ' county, a reported by the State Commis sioner of Statistics, amounts to $164,691 O. The floating debt is set down at $19, 0 0/ $.7. This amounts to about six dollars to eac h tn habitant.ll ...,, ~ ' „ t , , —An 014 woman -*tit in 'Lick Mil ' low, not Many miles away, has a boy snip e ivso veers olds with a moustache and side 'MskT. iihe is in a quandary to know what to do th him. d nyt West told her to send hick l' , lrn um. Uniontoten ,9anciarer, i spiteful cotemporary sap :. ,i.,...gpr pee le call it 'outrageous' that the L ,:socerd of the country Jai' are allowed with - i 4 but rSligioris reading matter. Certainlyi it \ • 1 , outrag sons. They shonld be fornished4th the l'olice Gaztite,Day's Dc,ings,and Lan er . _ papers." I I , t, _ —The Thinisntawney Argus app- Tog 8 NI, for a typographicaberrer that appeared - in a love pderu given in a recent issue. It t. 4 io.,mad of thelme i of 1 iel ( d her antler the calks stairs," :. - r.,.1 *l' Lia • her tinder the silent stars," •, , hitli w snuite. a m.L3take t indeed, I I: Wadfortifttiodtt .Sopt. 25, D 373. EDITORS I K. 0. by JEFFERSON COIMTI. The iFsPITBLICAN COITNTy TICKET. 10,- FOR EEPBESIZTATIVI3, E. R. MYE i ll, OP Wrsox, JAMES ILWEIIii:B S I FOB ASSOCIATE J131)04 J. W. INGHAM, or WrIMOT. 188— Lion. ,091 ilomaz Tansumra, , MAT. MARSHALL, ,or Famint ted • . th- CO3fILI/3810N88, ABEAM SNELL, or knouts. .born as its .11711 Y commestoseft, I art profit KNAPP, or Coiumms, ' Eurirroß, - ' • E. R. pk.LONG, ot TowAzum Norm. yin athor TnE'REprmacias VOTES a of -orth Are printed and readyfor dis • ipticat. Republicans in the , several districts; should see t having them forwarded and properly prepared be. fore the day of eleCtion. :reed CUB I that &ten STAND BY ,18 Oil study 'em I There are the the 'republiCan party,' Vi and party,:land the n ite r hereof is one . of them, who preferred some- other i candid l te 'to Jas. H. Wien, but the Convention ' having placed him in nomination, every consistent party man is bound to yield him support, unless h o: has forfeited his' - claim . - to 1 ' - such support, by infidelity to he principles of the party, - or som e act proving his lack'of integrity., No7 . one accuses him of either of these crimes. his record as a consistenti - epublican, 1 is an honor to himself arid the party he has so faithfully served : l Wherever he is known his name stands as a . 'synonym for honesty and integrity. What he has faults, we shall not at 'tempt to deny and that many cif his legislative ac t l and paliticaljnanceu c'res do not met with our approval !is well known/. t the perpetuity of n iour county de ands that we ; should hniVe - at this tme our wisest and !most erperiend men in 04 legis lature, and believing Mi.: WiTs has !no super i or • i no superior as a,sagacions, ncorrup- Rible public servant, we believe that lan petty jealousies and'' ikrsonal !pique Should - be laid aside, and that (republicans slit:sad stand' ton the ele: vated Plane of public weal. e3l2s my -five I , Mr. Manic has laid his plans to secure a naember of the legislature from Lycoming county, - favorable to his schemes, and should he be suc cessful _i will require a united op-. position on the part of those opposed to 111innequa, in this county, to thwart his designs. This is the par amount issue; and all .questions of party policy were lost sight of by the republican convention, in selecting candidates 'for the legislature. On t„ 'the ' her hand, the democratic con vention fund the organ - of the party surrendered to .HEIIDIC One of the candidates , is the open advocate of division and the Argu-1 isi doing all ipowerz to aid the Movement, under the Brack of Col. PIOLLET'S lash, if no more potentjnfluence has been brought to bear. Division or anti division is the question to be settlea at the ballot-ho's on the 14th of Octdber. If you deSire'to see the county maintained intact; vote for Mnsn and WELD ; but if yoti wish to aid one of the most Unscrupulous, and notoriously corrupt men in the commonwealth, and hand- down -to your posterity a tarnished reputa tion, cast ydur ballotti for the men selected by the advocates cif:division. Without detractingin the least horn the personal eharaCter of the gentlemen. `placed in niSinidation by the democratic party cif\ this county, we are happy to 'Say that iri point of personatworth our ticket has seldom been excelled. Every candidate - of the republican party'is worthy the support of any honest Map, and their election will 'be an acknowledged honor to the republican party and a credit to the.intelligence of Bradford county. We can conscientiously, recommend e_ very one -0f them to the hearty and united support of the party. , , A DEmocaxiic paper in Detroit, Michi'an has at last realized that -, - the Democratic party :: , ought to have surrendered ..when Lri did, and it says so. The ,Fhicago Tittles, also Democratic, copies .the Unfeeling remark as a very terse statement of the `truth :nub' c ontinues ,; "When - LEE surrendered, the laskground of hope for the resurrection of the _Democratic - party , disappeared. 'Because When LEE, surrendered the last hopS of slavery dipppeared, and, with it the last and only reason for assertingthat peculiar doctrine a State rights ,h iehj_ was at the same time a denial of * the equal rights' of individuals. 3, Never havingo been, and rendered i*apable by its Iktory of being, a champion* of in dividnal rights, the DSmocratic party, after Lxe . s surrender, had no object in existence, and oordd not give a reason why it should ,exist." Soca GuArra. The- rargits and Glearier are sorely' perplexed be cause the editors of this paper hap pen to be fortunate enough to held goveinnztenkoiEces for which the edi tors' of thdse paperOlave been long ing all their. lives.. _ ALVORD TICKET. CKEY, 'I I ICFCET. 3 11 OtiR,TICKET. . • , = :Tan imisacus. cams. Foi. some tiMe paid the barometers of financial circles buys indicatad an apprinichilig *onebiry7 the best ltlinbin. ery now made, Wo hove on Oand I _ ,_, • I I ONE SONDE= I THOn l laTiDlll" L'Ullfl3lll I 1 - We have in the Pond THREE HUNDRED AND I NIPPY THOUSAIND - /Pm; OF Witt= • - J' • I I • . And are constanny Manufactuaing. _ /Q` Parties who can reach us a ce- foollah to go near the railroad for Ltunberl undtt aq circum stances we can SELL IT ' tho coat of teansportatioir twat eteto jt a railroads-- Int $2 to $3 per thouiand. i H In. li. 13011A3f.' ,lone 28. '73. • I I c am pt own , to the eneloe INarth Towanda twtt., I. 1873. TWO 1511Eurg 40,320 i forward, prpr the wiiy. • 'pen, tc.• _ • I • VSTRAY.—pirue I of the undersigned, In on. or about the 20th of The - miner to reipleated• to , property, pay charges, ,and North Towanda, Sept. 10, 4* th e attention at bisieri td of o tad new Maumee of & co. COMPLETE OM •' YNOLDS' OIVIENAAL' AND ,DOYN OODS ! 'M ITE OLSBISiERB OP HOES, TIE Mi= FLU 1110 YLOlt & CO LEGIATE I qollegiate lnsti- UST 25 t i 1873, rn. .re: a, 'Latin and Greek i of Teaching. naniercial Branch- Are per term, ae addiCes. the Iwinda Pa, OIL= FOX, • t posted Tntstees. FIOR THE , I D BLUE. OW! MBER • $lB per IL 26 4 , 4 ... • ' 28 u . Ili to 25-44 6311111 RPM° .I & efl OM MEE I 11 , 4.ND SEA ZING s r ItANGES . , , OOKING STOV 4 • , , • , OE HEATBES.... FIRE P Ll , 11 sell syROUGH'ir IRON; RASE BURNING ON SALLBLANDER BI4I I IC S. ; E LAM. KERO ANDA i I CHURCH 'i - i SETS, 1 B VER PI; 0 SPO, KS, MI CLOTHES wroaqq7 • ;r I 11 ov COFFEE BBITANN L - Fsric HIGH 'ti t r NATIONAL OFFEE t HICKOR'S I;4i 4 i!RTABLE ELLS, I du sill _* A RKER'S.BR C.ii.R 1 . Alva i :, • d ±,T KNIV POCK] SHELF =NM ; i , . • ERS. FLA RPXOLV INII F 1 t Tl it DUST] -4_ ISTOLS, 11M!I NTERNS LIM , PEKE: SillNG i.. 2 LOCK AND LAT yAftlf JEW, I q'T'S LE iM ONAL L d r OILS, OLORS; = .v RNISIIE 1 ' .... 7 STROP Orr RS, I 1 I 1 i . t i ' , I • PANYINO ll • - 4 CORN SH.ELI 4 F, S. • I • of Jop, Gas Pipe, And - short • 1 1 9 All: kiwis Gas Fixture notice. . • lARGE, - 1!!! =1 's. , COL! . t .'ng - ota the omtanda!: 1 i ed into ' f 1 , FIV-Uitt; LO , 1 - . ~ d these—loco are now , at lr i .LJ . great ; bargams. The In the roe. d' i i ' leading to nd they are i'ory deeirablo It, 1, last , . lots.e, the op ielt will ;),Je - ' offered for i .o i d sized lOte at reasonal: ■ eir the einess portio 0 ongb. A $ 0,9.4 t side BRICK: .fth 2l tier: al • s all znisi one of MM de ceit in t 1 LARGE S ERS, IN as Ti N i e Hill is i ) of doing t1:401 r •I 1 • s' Ajoining NI in IT° xanda!, l l J I II map o f 1 calling on i, of 13artlett, ,', Fpr fiirtfi, ,i,, ; aulit:esf; , 1 11 1,- I 1 -.' , 1 1 .i l'Owandii. NS .AND MI I= G. as a‘zlii/P0 f c arge: 'I POTS, li qadpct :i.16 , 1 4 I - Ist:apt oiL'Al I 'il MI IBM ki , r , ...'r u:L7rs" '.l ; f 1: MT It p5A]:3,D1131.1i , - - TT - .r., - 11'1 , 1 VEGE TALL \ A..4..\LIA-ti I .H,cp. BE-NEWER . ihiii etanAat4 art.iettJ ler J rni;,:qn. itrcate4 i care. '.1 • • I . \ It.3•o"rects a 4; 7.1: 11 , n,ler - til Itt. - 71--• c. r .1: ' • \ # ‘ ".1 ,I • .- . ' t t r e 'r :ti t' o ' ‘ P e .'s s a) ( #l;. ' i f ! t .4 :: t t2, ,ll i a t#. l r 1# 11 :t7%.: i l . kri the ealp by' i.ttlic . ,3teeorit i.e # l4tfite 'y iU ' \ tent r. r. 1 . 1:. c. ' rties irrciirort.3 ,•t'. gh i ladi to ; their. jao i rtitai vigcr, dreve.rak art I\\wahing tltti h4ii* grow thi4 and On e a dr,:s.siDintthittehali Lecit butt or trcsirable, 1 .,1 :1 - i•%. CIDER 11•11 T GUNS 1 i l, pr. A. A. H.k.til: •13 of it: I enuev.,purpo i se DV !his cleccuti It! ge fltc cciOr ut detdrable, htd It is csily agph ickly .Srul w tick will nciike F Suld Ly ENV MI 1711 ~ o i BRIDG c 1; ' ' MI 111 I 1311 A GESERALi, :BS, , I HtIII 1 I 1 EMI Ell - 1 ntl . cam - dine g Isiiiithere. rI: a LAMS( BILL iiIiIBEIr!zAWLI.) TO Oh SEASONEDI IlitITE "ITNE 'AND P . . , .. -. •.;-, '' ir- ~ , BOA, , I;DS,.FLOORING; SIDII And a ,varitty . of Hemlock Board ) 1 1 .. Wo have pow l i ,operation a now, L Planer, and otijer machinery, comb recent improVerneiits, and of the most mat:lshii). ~ i llalnnirig by a never-failing We are atil tO dei work as. soon as it is, do it cheatly.':andll)estow all the care * doing it p, nickel. 801 l in the work, ; we will Fa isfir every min as to pri,2r marisliip, 1 1 1 . , U. B. ,CatuptOiain,Apri.l 1,18.3.4 y fl l O tFrA' CITIZENS Olr PENN- A. - sYLlviiiA,4Yonr attention is 15 0,:4. :y .-.'. vited to the f et 'that the National ntx. -, a`... , r' , "'', preparedf to reciatve subscriptions t , the i Cal , :'• Stock ofj_theiCA r ntennial Board of 1... n anc ~ ';. 1 . - . funds realized from this sconrce are to t, er 2 4C:3'Y't in the "eiction of the buildings for the fniora.r4 .-, T I . Exhibiti n, end the expenses connc , tel v,',14 1-- same. It is, confidently lathered that try Effi 74 " State wlll be riePteSente;l by the manic rt . c. i rY''l . ' zen alive to.ipatriotic commemorati? i r ..Li hundreth birth -day of the nation. ne ~I, i 'co. ~. stock are offered Par $lO each, and SU , er;lnir s .; receive a handsonlety steel engrawd c .rea m Stock, Ottitalneor framing and pres r.4::'' national mann/ al,i " " Inteest at th ratd of six per cent 1 -I , be paid4on all Payments of/ Centennie date of payment i 4 to January 1, 1576. , Subseribers % ho are not near. a ..:1 can renill, a che a e - km post:wilco ordcyl sig,ned.! ' 5.- I j . t. 1.. ' • I 1 1 EIIEDE. FRA.LI'.I%"" Sept ri.' '73. i: 1 1 99.1 Walne =, r,S, 'HES. D, MI ' ...., , risEArl' , AL ! '.. ' N-f th irty j , I ' For Pd, a 'ei the Sullivan .liiihr.: pang trill sell ii I I' 11 E Sit - MINED ( Direct from 1!0}13 Alines, by the car Loa? any ofithe 5.0 nidin i ipitu Towanda, ari foli:1 Grate and *Ch l e• n6t • -,:..i1l- Egg; l. 1 . I . ---- j ~... i Go Stove„ , i't - I ... 3 , SO • „., I i I All ord, en Tar st be acco epanied wi and thecare nn.st be unloaded with: hours rter than 'arrival. '' . = 1•", , 7 . siNc, Towanda, Selit 2, .73. - • EIII4A-E COAL YARI ;.: '1 RE—ES 1 ;:.1.., TABLISH --..-,•-- _ii in cetnaequen or= an attempt ! r .9 4 / i i 1 'the Coil tradO: # weal:oat of my 1.1 V3Esizio, in 'so COAL by cad: T. concluded to:- ' t. , i '•L i i RE—OPE IMY COAL" 4 1' t d So as to be • a t supply all who' may well preparakC al, either by the 5.i1:. II TON. at fate 1 , r:iti •Ii :. and in any deeir ,2, T, deli% i ived at l'i la y illation °tithe, Di. .C. • A fair share 4 of public pat,Wlnaki solii '1',)4•agt14,14:4, it. '73. • . Jr. 31 7 — • il SONS Euakol :side in the world. i ~ Vitogi u Itzteu4 u' I NMI . 1 ;4 1 "Ule 12 4!.. EOF DESIAABLE LOT, FAltlf OF ME G:.F. MASO Test side o O 7 nibip, ha, i ' TOFFN LOTS of road. Alsix' j AyELLING H :lof land ithe • 1•11 improvem most clesir county. MFLOURI IN I ANDA BOROUG ast. % . ork. 'CABLE LO n-ta Hose Co ifioronikt. • 'the. lots may b. undersigne Tracy, or, J. A. ; particulars 4 1 1 1 • : a I f .' SCOTT, J,ply .30, 1873. It RE! J.uCKIVELL 1 '1 1 ',ll \ as ii OCER so rqi corayiltte Mot' PROVI; ; as tbc( 1 + I ill A\ S' E AND FLO i 4 in town ; ccniprie' PTE - EE, SZ X. AND comma lIP AS Till CILLAYE- , T. 1:4 nil par' Li of tip,: II ' ,**/ff , , 111tt/110.Xtp). , LIC.O,.ZOSO 4001 ply gin , :1 I l'rr3.m3r .sapoT) 31pols =e;lari AiNanll , ^II i-.;tati , i Ai.Payrr. a ?1.-a '4lf;r• it 1/.... i1 , ..A pr,T.I., LIE • eparatlon .anay Tr r tithe beara frc:n gilay ; to brown, or blac%,:. 11 i 1' , i l being tin ~:i• z ~.. tally produces a pl. Mt: I ra!) tor wash off: LL .aianufactured by - • P H H-I .7S 3 o's Ens tr3v 110111111 , RET ,10W !.!..:. *al I.t.zp c:: ha T ORTMENT OF F. Lid; will I.h, Art CANNOT 'FIL 1. i An who nva;.' fire; him v. itL t } 1 br cranttri . i7 il ON Mk: cils ai 1 prices t I RESAWING II ill MEM bum ti MT ts front roetori, ecuci i r,rieu of the ME Mal use con prld- [ tie J • ( the . I IiILL MEE 4:idli.g, Ken _l, at f-Q.E. ISE II ca Cr Truster'. 10NrS 'Alt., i Ityl)C. L, k 1 ...1 .13TI • I • .' [ 1 • • ERE „,,,ar Effli :ICI ENE IRE EMI ill INII NEE II ESE ffff inn t. . 1 ? vater•lo. ' r ‘ : l i , t , r 3 ; a7..1 ;:r:r I~l~i~l~-."c lEEE r-7 t~. t ' t• NE t.:.. !k) L , 41. , • MEE 1 " ;;•ern;)`!• 131 rAT a I ;err 'aut. 1‘1): RD . ~~ !a DFS, IMIE the bet