fradforaptpotter ToiTanda, Thursday, Sept; 11, IS7I, LOCAL Alp GENERAL ...b. B. SrowELL,!of Sugar Run, dug irom one Lill 121 Early Rose potatoes: I ° Prat: P. P. BLiss will hold a )lusi, cal Convention in lto4e, commencing Septetia.; 23. Particulars nowt . PLor. Sum - nvooO will givo our pel)- I .le anotlier entertainnteut at Tempe'rartet . : Han; 1 _. .. . tnti Nl,.ndar creaing tctt. Tifii.;:p: will be l a ineet.ipg‘ of the S•lnday-SehuQl Ilitana at tlic Pret=byterian. k A t urch, ItDjzldal.` evening at 7', o'.;'60:; --• .pupils of the T. M. A. will :;ice ,a concert. in Temperance Hall, on 1.14-waa:s. next • IlEv.. B. J.' D04(711..15S kill,. preach gain Church Stillazty ri , . , rzlirt; Lint evcnin;... !", THE fatheis." have been 'milk - ,surne much needel,liepair hi - front or Mr. \l'AriirNs' property on *lain street. - •I • • trecidc-nt,!tho third imgo of parc - -r wa.s hiocLediii:to " ar. ( l in conse nee el the "crash of ' ,, v27,1$ and wrecii:pf :is,'nT are delayed n day this'week. - , THE Bradford ICoufitv Sunday- As:oeis.tinn, )lets ita . t4ith annual meet- • ing in Troy, till.; it c Th attendance wai n r Inrge, but th'e proccieding were interesting thc.".e..eng,aged in thel work •• MASTLn C.T.1.11a4E; All ]ls, son -of J. !IN ADAM?, of this.pl4c, tLls quite sciiously Hurd by being tbadwil: rruni a horog o;c day !Ist w•eeL•. A 3v,art7er i[rother' of thr ):0, who Ala-also EU Br.kL4s.(i, ali aged (1: , ..d at K. ..MAL-ItAl.r.. .•:: Tut ::diy la:l. 310,5. La 7 I:c.ct. , p 1 It and avt.; a lArze r.r yL L. B. lict," eCidd ' iT t BEIM= t, r,c•a' RIEG CI -rkl, to.tlit t L. 1,411 t:n , st a ~':.:~:,,. ji, ~ MBE IMIE Litptiitls Gi W. U. tile nrst hi . , a thr- parly the 11:11 , 1 y I:the ha a 1 , ,ca,;:11 . 1 5 , -1 ,, 5,11 , 4 N% I._ 01,!, • 1.,1: LT; MIT st:, F. v.t 11E MIME 1:. 1 OE - t F I El 16111 . Y., 1111 I o,:e, =3l I=ll SEM `1 I 1 S. C.. r - 1.1., I ;,, =I El LEN MIME =ME MEM I 1 MI , , 1 =I ME MI M ... I:. . ,' It. rj-•.l.lilig =1 hi 7, ,• 41 , 11. , ) 111 r I ICE liffill liMilli 1.. If ci7 Mill nil! ti,I; 1 1 ht , Odd A - M:4 / , :vl, flAn Ear,:lay wad 3liat.eva h.,:iditig ;cam 4 , ljustl the h.',lrneei : e4using, the pn. , c...Fion to I:l.i in en doing; a mule 49 'throw fr ,, 111 iikrlgg' - r , in the • I (,;* a algu.ll :.vcr her ;t I =MEM t;iglit . • .' 1 1 '0 . 11::arid G:slntlll.ta , ,t.l: l ofrlci....sylvaLla, c.f titc; da l y. Tiiere were be a•ttit)!lon:taivi rers...ot:is id atVr.d -• 1 ' , rtla , l in Carbon t* , vikt e-t t , hare the t• I qeitt - 1 ninter',43 in'. • 'On the 17th inst. tine Siint s laylchools of f,o• . , Roy and Granville iro to have Al t)11-nici at-Min t:tog na.: NI3I3IOD. L6,739y, Sept. 5, 1873. .1 • 1 , • • 1 .1 LIST of deeds filed in. iliti Record _ -1 qa's:Pfrica, for the week nding tierlt. 8, 1873:' Mils Fanning to !I hala Olde,:iBpringte!d; - 1 acid , . i 1 1 I \ O. D..Lartley and' trite to Akdr. Smith, To wanda Bore . ), lot. . it I . John C. Welles to Patrick i iNihilj Athens Bo rough;%.llots. ' ' 0 .1 - John C. 'Welles. to Cathe‘iao Feloy, Athens Borg, 2 lots. " . ' i i . WO. L. Mur to John D. Turner:, Carikta'- . rough, lot.' ' . I , l TiOga Point Cometery to Thoniiii D. ' Cotton, Athens twp., lot. • . 1: ',l 1 * • W.A. Thomas to ..\Vpit.";;BoArricli, • Towanda =.. Boro", lot. , - • . .. !. :.i • • 1 - J. M. Smith, Sheriff', to M. CI, 11 - re cur, Wysox, ; 12 acces., • . -.:.- I ' , t - ' .I.3arbara awl S,e.h.i.g*Enoll, tklCnj. S. Dent,- ly, Ntipox,9.acrc , s. -:, i , '1; • ...! = 1 Luis and folly Jobaon 29 Del 6 Rockwell, Vest,Burlington, .10 acres.- : 1: E. D. Montgomery to. James: Eltou, West Buiiihp -: ton, OS, perches. 1 • 1 • 4i ; 1 Dana F.;Park to.Ly&A M. .ParkAltlicus I; , bo rough,-:llUts. •I • 1.. • W.A. Tiiont : asjo A. L. TheMal4, Towanda. Boro,-lot., • 1 L,,. 1 Ge9.l.liinniug to Charles F.l.'ol!.neton, War ren tvp., 231 acres. 1 Edliara H erricir to Eilmn.nti I. Herrick, AIL , - ..„ ens' lc -., T., 1 lots. 1, • ~ i I Edward Herrick to Edmund .I'..Jll4ricl;, in i I ! trust,t.A.thims Boro, 55 A. 21 ps. Gordon r. Blason to Wm. 11. 11.4ititi, 1 Tuseit. kora, SS A. 120 ps. •1.. ..; 1 . 1. , • .i 1 J. .11. CratimerJo 'Morris L. 3111,iiiiard, Homo Boro,il.lot. Job:: C. Welles to Hobeil E. tSlieridan',Atlicns • .1 • t • Dor°, g lots. " , ; i - ! C)rus Warlord to Fri.deriCli. A. "Loot, Sonth Wavt.iily, 1 lot. I- i . 1. 1 11. IV. lieeltr to J: W.' Gliainpermi. Athens aild l_ 4 mithilrld, 71 acres. ~..;, ! •-, I Cttrlielins E. Weedto J; W. Ctranoierraiii, i;mi(lifleld, 56 ti-lOtli ati•ree. I .1 -.- RuLt. l Cooper jo Iliranda Chaffee, W arren, I 7i3 5-19ths acres. . i I . . Cyrtl3 W. DC , Well, et ttl., to Wi,:t J. I P. end Asa D, Chaffee, Warrctn,'2 lot?. t I Jtt.1:111 C. W,llcs t ) r.drnat.l C4.:.,...: - .% Lunt, lot. ~. .• t 1 t irtnrs We's.t.'s ht - irs. tu C..lrin P.114.C.'„r1 I,:ar . f 1t.".) ::1,1%.:'• . .' . ' i j ai Puc.ct rept e m - }- IKr tcfut 'of our sev. - ual courts' avene4, Int:tutu :lull the' the t tl 01 a,:s until 2 wos arrawly Is. Le In tl.:•• tlfe tiro ni 111 - rvcrLd to tune p.ames and were u:, : : - f.)1..111;11.; 41.:11,W 1').1117 yr.n, Ebhop, qualon: L. i Bu}.l, CL:r:er: Fr Culwrz:, C. I:: C1);15 , ,T, CLA I.xLer,Ethi.victiJ.:o l ,lrud, .. r Ear.) Jot , cp4l; , ..iwis, I'M ricg B. Port. r: :4 1 4 1: , ,etzw,11,1 ts, the 71;pi.. 7. e I t: the lion c :tar:LA und, v.ith,;;lt t , ) DOD E, M. t.•!L :114 =I =I E EN !:, 13.4: :in,l INN HE 11. NM 116=11 m"1~:,:,,~;~'. 1. 11'.% MN ME BEE I= • :fir (.3,...21 r =BE ME =Ell BIM MIMI .1 liEll :~~ .~~t;•.•ia 7 *. • MEM OM ME ! / 1 t I t: 4_. ~. ~' .. ~ . . Bin .1' I r:ih , . f t \vp.„:lle - 'court. :I, l e ;- II I:. St .r. khct .1 ; . -. f r:. .• • ' i• .:ts t of •Irlar4.21::::: I'l. h. :I r I.; (%:1•; - : f r... `• )1.." C: fart 50!1:4 , 1.ce :tr,-...Anty-file (1 , 1!a r , keeli the pe3.,•e. .~ ::: nr =I :~ t:. =A I= ti f• • 't 11.• (' ta. 1. 1n - of the p ac ,r his; Altix Innring, C,,art l; , irmt,to gir j t I, r.1;1 tw,card, Itc-r thZ v.%11,1 • f.,.• t•: ,p the Commonirtalth v Wm. S Indfaed nt preEent;i.erm 'for murder, t, nn (.11 Thur....o.3'y. The, trial w.o.con, !- , :1t , 1:d2.y c'vLnihg tit:riliel, not guilt, I . • n. .Lc Lev.: . .. i 2,?, ','.e i 11.,nnraY. , ... th,:. ,1nd:,..i'.4 , -, I the (_;,•;)•.!..( !L f1Y ,2 4 .1, r !••• ts::i . n i , in an , l fnr the ' (...1,161ty of Pr:i ., /rura: , 11:it . lit tile structure ~ ., f sla jail,lthe Utmost,' ht .s le ten used forits durabilitoand safety] the: outer Walls: being built Of solid Masonry" two feet thick, each stone running through tho wall. ThOinside or partition walls being but little less in thickness and equally secure. Each cell having a heaCysteno - flagging underneath and orerhead, and in the cells a wood floor haS: berm ,placed upon the same.' There is recent+ dor IGIGU feet, 23 feet laigh; with iron stain 'and railing around upper tier of cells; the floor of the corridor is lined with heavy boiler iron. , There are n the lower tier ,of coils 11, , and in the'uppa: tier 10 Single and ;two double" cells, pnd one cell and one dark ecll or dungeonsin ho basement, alt secured hy, heavy lattie ,, iron luont, fastened with the Tatest impr0.,..1 plan Pot seCuritl or prison doors ' and 4 irr addi bon tonilse the an' outside dbor to each 'cell of heavy oak :'There are also two cells iu The rte idence part of said building!. for the safety tsf persons who through some: unforeseen:misfor tunes may; be collimated to . jail fur a few days, an improvement Much wanted in all jails. That all the cells and corridors are heated by live large furnaces tit the basement, carrying hot air into each.' That it, is' Ventilated 'by iron inbeSf\parSinq through lhee outside walls, let ting mil air into the cell, subject to the con trol of its inmates. AI e nll)3'. tatuel4 passing t lirs,' the inside. walla 1140 the corridor, and front thence :through registers into the . towei r thee' ,;(...that Eio.v.ii . "?, in 1112111 MIMES 8 , ,1., 6'evens, ;•i•i , I:AM. T:6 lig , , rf:t , ~ill~'s J:~ C~~~rd rc T-. 1 ~10.1 Darki Fr( ni:11--A..frai11.itnii bat tL r:r.! :1:.-rp -1- .I.=,ltiltlautti.atter;cl.• J.. :41r. n rigk. r• , • In, jr., John! withon: ;:-1 I , r•, • Tt..; g 1741i:day, Tw., I•:rnN.: it , r. f.••:ltntlay an4,to ;•„.11). ME -, • I , t‘ith- C: 1 .1 . ) P. EIMI =EI IM3IOI czi :.11,1 1% lie.. Mil ,7 . =llO EN i' .. Pi. I' - ~'. U. ~' :\:. .. 1,. 1 - t I •: '• 'Ca BEE lIMIM EEE /- I 1 IMP MOE IME r r._j, ~. r ! :1:1 • 1 • t• v • . ; 1-1 _ 11 :t• .4., , •1 - ,1. • 1.. t• ~..'j, F ,2:nca rtJtilloni.l.iy rro , rning: Gr,'..rv.l Jary :7 , 11(• I! , ... e; fol!owing icp,-,r IMO • i .. , , which' all the foul , atmosphere plisses ingg 5, ..a the cells pure, and as we believe, healthy::ch cell and also the dwelling are supplied b Wt.. ter. brought from a lot with a spring up rt it, purchaied by tlio Commissioners, into a large Iron tank in thd garret, and from that by Read pipes inki allot the cells. That Ithe resiirce of the Sheri ff or jailor, without going int the particulars, is a ll that can bo desired, an wo fail tOI find where any improVement• cbe made in the same.. And we fer say t h at it is impossible for us to go into full descrip tion of the building and the manner in which it has been built, but , will submitl from the ex amination we have made of the itatto :1 the building is, in our opinion, all 'that could be desired, and the commissioners and theii Su perintendent, Avery Frink, (of I lliol3o skill as a mechanic and builder, we can !speak in the Most favorable terms), are all entitled , to c rod it.for the careful, skillful and economical man neri in Ivhich the work has been done. And . . we further report that we have , made an e am inatiori of the probable cost o f the buil( ing, and while:it was the exp ectation of the COtlitiltSilOtletil to give us the i.zact fi gurca of the co it, yet at this time. (th re being come outside work unfinished) they fro unable to do sa, but we are assured by then that the entire cost ofi the jail, iosUnding the phrehlse of h lot with a'spring upon it,. to supply I the building with water, purchasing and laying pipes to the same,4,prating gas intd the building, laying 1 , stone 'it - elk in front of it, fencing the lot, urn haling the jail v‘ith the necessarylurnitur for the comfort of prisoners, or in Other word en tirely furnishing everything necessary tp he done, the cost will not vary much from sixty sit thbusand dollars, cxclusiye of lot upon which the building is placed, being four thong and less thari the amount fixed 'thy Act o the Legislature? All or which is mist respect tiny submitted for your consider:AN:l. • ~ .. , ;: Tut; trial of the Colitmon3ve lth I: 1 against Wm. S. Joiins, charged lwith tho rur der of l.lutnor:r , MctLosar, a litile girl, - in Bar- ciay, on the of July last, attracted a .good deader interest in court last creel: Mr. JoNEs i:4 a young man, and had Leen On the mountain .biat a sli l ort time uL9a the fiendish outrage' was committed. Suspicion was directed to yard him, by. some trivial circu'rescaneei,. in Or readers 'wilt remember how neat the suspicion, Which was entirely unfoundOd, Caine to co s ting young the unfortunate Man his i life, at the hands of a mob. In the trSI of the . case the 47,0 n Is;as .rcpri r isentecl by I.)istriet Attor and SMITH it MONTAISYE. Thel4isi ffnded by Messrs. PEET & inatiun ,ut witnesses was euni4etl: grcatiait care, —everytting bea'rini subject I;lftelL cut and jnry. • J he clalmed, andi we 'ell the fact, that it Could have dice for II,: accused or any uther,periOn ed with the euuntry, to 11a re doiti• , and that JoNt:', , was in 11:14 utoz 0 than - a mile ;min the re,:ne l ir•fl at the tone the.fulti deed . was.e4iti lI n.‘tute of the cuiniii nimit_ have lift up In perpetraitu l : o r I. were bound up:, , a defeuil,iu irlipri_ , lmbh• that ih ,, r‘:.4lnturder ihrLetin . ,4 towitr Thu the' lirehirer. lie luti a trunk, nianlj ' I 14:1 Ilia uihiligucs< to 91t,w evert tole made public, could not bn • 1. 1 tr oosi-r.a r pith dti.,entin • I : 1• ( ~, ,encd : , Ir. Cu:in:nu:A -Atli, au I hyi nth, i•reri:iilf. tile' Iv: lutinntr. 111-.• olivtH 11l C:. ,a, ‘,l and:. int( t r . D.', ,[ 1: 6 • A !lad ;7, 'A:ill !j ,, rtr.V:•l, , r the tcrun 9;11 ar! , 4,•,1 ;;•:! ilia ME al: wfi') 11".l:' .1 ' •.•. - .1•1 c•ii„us 4 ilk. the :.i 1c1.1% ed wirit t • I,ct ::3111 , of uy i 01; ;: ti 4. J , , •''' 5;:;. AN r.:.•: ~[ !': Oh. ,ct tli 1 . . . 24. • •,••;•.- n . • —;i , • . );.:• • • , ;'•• ~a• r~ i~ ty. Eing • NE LI\II :;.I'. =MEE =I =I =EI I) 1,',111. I 's v Co.:rt. to 1;1 • ••: f'd•;1. , ;:;• . il I . : . OEM t!, :.t1 pn—ecator, i .. _ tv t =Eli •• -t• ( di; ;•,. " \ .• • t:p ti'- t•.o _ten i" ".• =I EWE ' I •. • NE tr.. in-12.5 h. ! 1116 " I.: 1,.); 11:;o. r i ffEll C ‘ ll l l - 1 11 ' l'l 1 , ..1, 11..1 all . . 11:5 1 1 1 1 .11 1 ,1 1 .1h 1. 11 i11 - 11\ • 1.111. : 1 ,-4 1 11, 1, ; )11. 7 [ll l 11: all 1 idrt• atri tip , thp tql chan4es 11..-o•t• ak 111.1•,' %S.ll 11 stesm6:at, te;c:;r„;!:: in the ;Ai h... 1,,,r1it; now tf„ , : t.trth is covered witit Ora . net-work. Ili: a !,,n - c :iintry 'cofilitri,rid ar:cen _feeble S:A.4, . p!r. tly !st: ttled by thr4) iiin_ili.)ns„ of - ~..• v.c are thirty-,,v(!:j Stato« 11\th 1.111t. , : , '..tid5. It tr01i.!..1:1 v.CtAS 1 ti •:11 to m.,-.l:e a . onrnry tri Ohio ; ` . ...70w th ,tour= i!st ca:: Cr:num:v..l44e ine v - 101:ct . ii that time, In 151..*.;, ns I am I,,id, one Ilf!u- , .i.j in Memtrose was oceup.e I r.s.!! a tan rn, stole,[ court room, po;• and jai!. Tli re were but two other 'framed dwellings in the village,: All othcfs be . • g log residences. ' In this county -whieo now a • smooth farms,. tasteful abodes,. churches an school 'houses., ,the nahrokhn wilderness held sway; and - the s,:•ttler, instead of listening to the village band, was serenaded quite too often for hie comfort by the panther and the wolf. : great, too, have been tlio chares in mm's habits of thought sinc6`l7i)2. l llt l i digim! i a vast rubbish lead of bigotry; ititoll`erenhe, 8;i -perstitioli and miAlitPri.retatin, l ha. been shuffled oil. A littlerunriin3 still t. be hroWn I ,ltt•tt:t:t . ; t tt! . - sni% In L.,v, crtivitic-1 and, .erw i litie tinsel, been i4oured. Jil sciuney old 1.8 113 V 4 beell' CAA aside and magic titiths e. - t eirtd nd ax le:lit -il. In•piveratuentA what la teinin down ,f authority in dor( reilim to thopultitudo, and `‘‘ hat (thing Op of that same multi leil no , 11111s.1),i.Linie a citizen, and tho e , attll slayo 1; is confesjScsl a than. Far,off eto"pire shrouded in tio.-,gld, , Jiu i . ,fliratheiiisin, lia;ke throwiri open ilii it-AiLdewa; . ;iii,:y.:cleentin; , , , , the intetichages( of Cliristiiiiievititue!co and eulturi. Cidt. ai truth, if society . shall continue to advalice it t.ts rape [ . MEE MEE mer Tho c • d upon, plaiu t 11 Catab •1 it.pu4 unacqt‘ NIEEEI lay 11 1 11/ lilt Mkt]. (NI II 110 t I t. Iti .t 4 in: Mt. J, maul ct uf ERZ 1111/CC. It I .CL" I. BE id s::,? • =I EIMI of pi a:ly • r, Ut t . }lllVi :11,:0101, C:lf2t2 t /En 1 Eat i•'ii ' l::t"`: Il:.l ~`:: ~'i 1 1 1.11 tilt (1 MIMI . I t ~,l,'i• i ;1:111. Th, ! BM MEM MEI ; I , lIE :r tip' I 1..; 1, =Ell =1 MB , . 1,,, El lEEE MI EN EIMI II - t i! : r r ;: MB BEE MI •, V, 1 E ME ! =RIM 11.7-1; - MEE OMB 1 , 1 . NM . 1 I ..c r . Frr.r.:... : I EE 1 .., 11 I' II!' =I I= lIMIE EIME IME MEE :Jr, :n pace for the next eighty-we y this warped and jagged planet of ours wll have become a very suitable abode for ,respectable people. What the real state' of 'things l i will be then is paSt conjecture, but among i ihe probabilities aro these.. There Will then b ! in thO tchurch much less of irrational ism, and immeasurably more of rational piety: Prof4ssed whose impulse is hypocrisy and whose trade deceit; will have been scored, labelled, and and packed away with the mummies, to be re ferred to oily as the Painful evidence of the people's degoneracyi at:an earliir date. Cars will then bo driven by electricity, and balloons If I run dally to and :from 'Washington and LMadon. Do you laugli, reade l r? Your father, possibly youried, I laughed at FULTON and Blensz. Baugh on While yeiti laugh, men of brains aro thinking, and thought moves the world, despite of laughter. One thing we must not fall ito mention. At this fainily pic-nio- every lady' was required to ,appear in a plain, neat calico gets, suggestive 'of primitive economy aUti good taste. They so appeared, and never looked handsomer or wiser.' Btisiles and overskirt, trails and pads, for once were invisible.; 4A word to yom'yonng ladies sub ruses, which nmaneth, When libeiallY translated, no others present. Your last 'novel repiJesents Matrimo ny as wourau'atelysian era, the :Paradise re suited" of herinart. Would 'you have it 60 in reality? Themeultivato this inexpensive style of life and fashion, arid many a coxidera,to young man will venttire to inirrY who now dreads this as the firsi 'step to inevitable bank ruptcy. We pray you :have Compassion upon the perplexed swain's. They aro good in figures, correct accountants, tnxious"to mako them selves happy by conferidng bliss on you, but they Can devise 00 Bytit§lll of Calculus by' which 'they eau meet a thousand dollars' outgo with a five hundred income.. : • • If you wish to attract the attention of addle beaded fops and popinjays, ilthO never count the cost,- then bedeck yours'elves .with' Paris fashions and fineries, i your goad old grandmothers,, dead half a century :since, would, should they step upon earth again, mistake you" for an animated Ibundle of badly packed dry goods, or the tveling advertise ment of some wholesale millinery shop, or the escaped curiosities of sin itinerant menagerie, not being able through their old fashioned eyes to discern in yon What they esteemed the true outlines of , a noble) woreanhood. Do this and you nil' be attractive, aye; irresistahie in thveyes of simpering noodles,' the inipressibili ty of whe_sc hearts Call 'only be measured by the softness of their lreos. Won't' you'ebmniand the esteem of the sensible? Then be sensible, for like charms like. This by way of episode aoil no charge. aJ,ori g cheer to father FuLLEu. This day caused his heart to ithlob with glad ness, as he looked upod Lis fcrty-nine descend ants. During the balance of life's cilgrimage, •he dill refer to this ss. ;one of the green spots and joyous hours of a I;ing journey. As many. uns have shone upon line, en upon each of his _kindred in coming y'ears may there rest thd Slllilt aof loans sons. As we .' eat: at the long d , nlite rowed table, added by an octogenari en, and-I:Tering dein : to a yearllng toddler, we heard a Wife whistle- across the table to her husband, 50y " Llciiyen thilik'yoll eau ci . (, 7 l* till such a table " wag the reply, "with - SEI ME .der, The. EMI ICC 9 not t: a- "I ES. hill nee, the 11, e. chi• 4,11. lair thy r •-' ED. REpcarrEit l It would al i most ,e0:11 a I ,: ,int,a ne : 4lect, of your readers not furni , h them with isome hind of a report of o great an event as On! recent pie-sic at Mii.- nequa. Not sfeing, tlieillEitotarm there, I trust you will excmie 010 f ir< assuming toTra)i a few words on the subject; briny 'way. Thsre wa.9 a gatheriog. of odd Fellows, with the:; wives and 16001, at : Minnequa i fairly eroditable to the onkr. `The munber in atte-n- . da . nee was raiiorisly estimated, but an average would leave it at ftipitit 5,00. They were no !es-: respectable in ap'pearande than in mim b,rs: The ti'opient ,C4reiation of the mu/111ra in - their re.TOctive •organizations, lto ttetber With their t.*ntiful ritual, tens-to ralicate bo•_trbtlinc-tqand that noisy swagger ing we s , , frequently•MLet with in a like num ber eonvened f,.• tintplosts. Whilst they had c.„“otl o 4 time,” na un sennly nupc , ip . iietit; 11.1t - retl . the festivities of the oce.tsiOn: • a 4,:e.:mt to offer an 1,,) 11.-+ ME 11111 yryllCll- 6csr @LSI EMI r s En ME e f 1,0,111:: of the order, hitt ( ;1.1101•:+ecit 4 iv+, d'enusyl an bout tr tl , •r,ading of a cart - full. p ova tio.jl ) h gay.... very ~.eneral 'sati-d'aution Ault Lice' "1"1 , , feitiv•tic.6 of the d:-y P. I , h:tie , ' "if: C 11,14. , N mi)pt hereafter throw hail 0".1,, u ; " in ld, -,vl:-,•0 social ga l tdierin,:;•4 always ended in I , ti` th+_. nation. W,hat relation .".qinncqua is our future, cann , ,t be dot, rutin. d, iv d et full hedged. 1,41:11 tom it+ ;‘,+:+4...1.ti tt= the part :11,:rit, it is'i•cemiling•politiot , lll: , , "hroth(t+f 0 ME 1 ' I - 1.);:r rout,- the - ••,• via:. 1;y r.,.1, by way or " Cape: Hum," aiid Our- return overland, thro.l,ili • Canton, the liiirlingtone an I •1. ha% yl,-;p,;•.1 since rr.5,..- m 7 ...,;;;.icr II el mown!, 12e Niro I WAS pre ;ll, 11,j;;!, - and 1.1;i ;dl:;an the inan'y inil , rovernerits, alp] ) the magiiilleent hurl- 1 -4 and s , enery it tiett s'irronn , lcd 11,1 iit v.•r:, hand. th thp ,rtion ;;I War art anal. happy. I,,th t., (.1 1 .(1 comity we liar,, alter all ; r.cli fc lier4;.;ritlull;ire, , t;11. richer if ;-;;I;lo het' e-811 and 1;;,-1 : her sir:plus 81;0.11;11 ja-t h , r 1: uid rirers, eaeh in ; ity, j shoull not content n:• tit i.very - 1;;;in-ehohl? Wiiy allow to 11,2 ,live4t; ;I of -,tit' goo hiF-1:0;11v a c . aritity',. s j•t:t afid -it:Tic in .t,,+ tionn 0, - as I creaid ~-certain the pub lic a 1;;;,:e.1; threitglilt.:l4 of the cott.i ty,• :me!: pio . pAititia cilt(l - ta;ned. They pr;i:.; . ; , ,, to "let wel 0iy,1411 a! , ,::‘ , ;- and that, au they ha:e i!,:rjvf;l of their stainin:g and pic,;,..rity r 1; 10 111;,1., t.f comity atftir.4, ,pr; fir iv .lion the OM route more rub• rca , ons :16.; breaking tip. 11,-nco,l found the: p t. !, tio' , plito will i-atii•fied w:th the prole Of . oe.r•contity convention. quit it.sare n:•+., 4 for the I;;•nctit cifth;.,;7e Irk - ) may t.;.. 11 •Id theta, ha: for Lot, t;.;•:4 quit, to i't;;;I:1 l the (.: the'ir fellow in , n c 111% - unti , r4 thougli tlpi nonlinces Ii Lv ; neer •;1 uliicial jc,.itioh;lre:fluently, that's ;thrintlalli I :11;;;e: of the had- ME ME =I II 1.,1 1 i ME NB NM n lath, BEE = IMM r i 1 1.- I il .11 ,f Len =En = zttiN r, energetic man ME !Or the flr+,#•l Ems' Briccial I.argaius. in Black Si;Ls,tt = = C'. F. Causi Las just opened a euronioli. ,sortintnt•of Brack-: EMI 1 lo I • -11,4:0 . Cam - largo : , as ets ME Rl= FINE DEEL'6INIi Sutter, at illOriTS ck:.• Sq:Sti I alirly 1101111,rS. 'Several valaabla Farms and II a:Rc nn l Le)ti fur Sl'dij by BAATLETT Tntcr. „ • tie' M. E. RIi)SriFIELD is selling 111.3 best fall styloliit3 cheap. • • go— The best groceries ae lowest priees, , at A. V.l C6l4Es!. ... AN UNDISITTEIb PACT.—M. S. LAB .. I SIN Bells booth ittat el l ms cheaper than any oth t ei establishment in Tpwarin. i 1 • • zir Hnits'; new! Furniture Store, 1 on Bridge Street is a ancceas. People will buy ibex . ° tiny can buy cr:ll4`pcat. B We ha 'o ilia received a new h stack of tags, wich we I F . au print on the short tst orders at the lowestirates. • • IS-By no:p6.4sibility can wall pa per, be so cheaplk. purchased anyahere in this section, as at C. F. ou93fe. • • pa.. the Stem - switch and Ppm dour can bo foun t] at E i irs. J. D. Him' s, hair. Gri ffi th & ration's Block, Bridge Str Job 'Wor 800, ieceisgi tho hig beet critics. I ME Extt--1Y imEt LOCAL A: SONS pa keg eet seented at this e:l' encomium! fro. war Coati= k CltioNs ha more, cheaper and better BOoti and Shims, than were over helot° o - fqr silo in Towanda. Sid - New styles . Dress Goods, Shawls, Jape, Silitsrpmeides, Piques and prtate at I ; ; F. • t• vaya Ifirsorxra's. i • • Teac r h ers •uf music ca n pur chase Sheet *ludo arid Music Books at.Teatch ere' rates, at the Toaiple of Music, Taivitrulai Pa. i Per ons wishing to purchase - al Eatatri o 1 any d4eription, ?Mould call on Bann.= &.*AcT, I6anraneo and - Beat Edttato -Agenta and Broken . . . . . • ES. —R. M. WELLES pays on to Oho pale of hay Presses. if yo'n*ish to get a good article' ill suit yon, HAY P' H special Uttcin Call upon 14m' 'and ono that is good time, to get ads, Cnrclopcs and bill-heads tho Iti roarsn atieLl is' a f,•ond Cm OXfpated: . , war ' your letter-li printed, add place to got t ipshos, Weber; liedinan, , and ether Pinups foraaid 43licap rrns, OE Cora, Pessugo Co's . • •. tide, f T4anda, Pa Lam- Mat ? - Knickorbockot And on easy ti 4'enwto of Dlr • • this ~ houso and two lots ant foiklity—near tho Episcopal iro of I . jAmes Wood s Executor of ,tie- Val for sale—plea, Church. kg LO - Ari MYER. ABE4,Ci; EDWARDS have just 4 Icar-Oads moro of that superior who OiZO good bread wfil mako tei r MC recoived seve flour. People a not e of this era in: Strings will 'do' Ns'oll eroplgof Music, where they will ortinitat of French, Gerroan.eilil , at lici c # York prices, lid Dea . to call at the lied a large a. Italian String• 11 litio of '.lVhito Goods, INapkiiis, Towels an dEmbroider- EvA & ,tom A. Table Linens, icy, at Bridge-tit nLs • ,i ITORItri, nanuiact -6 cclamatccl speetai:le:q, , hal : u agetay from J. liruoNlN'li.t, EraJN'ig. tr Bar LAZ tuTrJ of tho: cliseged theic Wm. A. CIW. IreadOrs should" remember ass kocps a full supply of 'books , and ihat his facilities for put im and advalllago user tlio,o .e. , • • pa- Oar that C. F. C and atationar chaBiug give 1068 experiencl petson who is intichted lige ?ile r - very much by :zialiing - 5.pu4. E. J. :‘,11::(;•,s. 21.343.5. • Mir Eve o me, wil! üb , nediato papa T.wau,l3, A bestp place to buy Sasti,) and ag Limb; of Lumber, is at . Facfnry on Churle4 street, Of- t rect. kThec sell cheap fir cash:. Doorti Fnusr So tics 107 Main . are upw selling the Wo i.tress Th,.. 7 an. tilv 1 1 . 7 beasrn w.rld. Wilk (It ::1 1 s a:1,1 try onu ? 1- lite).- We ;ien Wiro ,Ia chcapcst sprid you call at Fe rnn,the risk .of au acci ,l can t a tklict g(”,11 for .i3,- ,iti•aitt, Vir 20 unt,; a fray, ,call- L'uur.-this, at l. n1 , ; , -r ticiiljt • \Vo(Lizurr would invite the ladies to her elegalit utrw ereo - Wil l dent., when yq 000 in eaFe ~r 1 ing FRANK Ml Mrs; Particular att ass'-ytment bakrry :trol 711 pal Church. town. will tire vetaiclice; --•- • • F. (76:\vi.r.s ha.; opcnul tt ;Pure 01 , 1,! , F1te t 11(: fi , lllg 111 the upper Vllll of thi,f4"...FAHl'.llllD . :lt a gr , •at 0,11- . jiLit kne.h . (11 , 010-. vad hlranliu Y; ingliu .11118 . 11,111,`1t.. IV/- I. 11., than th.: F.:trati e 4 !s 1;;;. ItYl!/1/1l1 ‘varrailt ,, Cl to tit. re.„..T. , I :111 and 16 rkp.:: lice, at 25, pe: putdlagcci is AVuOci AZ, (20., TaylOr it•ebr:,....l:-+, !paylli4. Sunti hear t 4 ,111 tlic ol E - -- x. Cre 1 erl v, ca tcrins call 4.i Set: am s ic of C. P! ai .VNDCLas....NLEN:7=WIIC.OIP,r ive.iud„i incliand.;l i!..•:, t 1: , .:-' , I nn.i.(744vr,, I i:1 Wand r , .m!.. - fr , - i - I• :ma (14i . -4V'. rY• I :, . -.• . R. M. IVELT..,:, I ply :; 1 ). p; --L I.—Ali] Cigh.f-1101,": , . Iltll , •': `ilttl , • ' itj , - 0,1 ..unt.lking gra , r, i ' '' ” 4 as tIA,Pi - nt:r nas no. ti ,,, 1,.r O. LIFFITII P.1. - rrozi,lroir.ol.l.:, 1':. ~ I - ' 'Fv. 4. ~~~: [:;,:III E Mollek'l un LI( r 0. , 1311tia, r(11;, SAL Flinuitjug M , or elle clioaT I;n4l . ;ire ut (it Atigtt. , t 15._ ==:Ezi Deli - O P eYtiti AVyaln:-,ing., :41.113, 15, go, Al: t 5 tlcknts p.r A! ighing ALA at 5 WANTED Pn A .on Mon , Vral Ca:vr:, fat I.l:nb;'. cf•n!. , p• r lb. • 5t01,2 of if is a i ?I. 1?..) . haring !nude ta1 , 1 , • lizar I - prt:: pr,pmetwu rcr ~r 0., ti ) 141,1111. ZS.. 9 2lit . 'hu.302. , , (.1. 411'n:1:031,1A • o•r . , hc the ur. --,--1"•---------- . - not 4 , ll6rapy known that lEll, at 15 , .: PA tik ilillih-rY ilt : l 1"; he [UT, 11 e.:4 Blllllk /3001:4 ill ally' tk nr:.l j ii - tdttir. , , dui-tired; Jr yon' t. -tl;. - T .t, iltptrotti " Do-A e r t-t 1 : I:iv1 ; . . - t I_ i • • i,-; t 1.4 Glut! for (;.v(.r \ 1 oil -. 1 Ji - El I ', Ither..,'4 the .tal.'3 .}‘lii 11 ,,. . . lihe It.l 4 , abn: , / b './11 th , lil Val j;. ' t 15H1 J. V 4 :.1.7..1.Ns Wiii t-t-ll'ttt nite.:', 1 ,/t - ar t1, , , , ,:r041 rtic!.., 1 .. .., ott :d , t11.1:1: 'atAt, I h.g 15:1k az: I lt;tlt S'i-,. iftr IL i 11. C. C=Mi sty:o “f rnlu w tt ,. - nt t:(;w fiat :1 L ..•! - • - " No ti;‘!ni up .111411 ;4. C. tsar I',u 1.4 s anC3il7;:t.-,11y:4 f 3 , iv •, .‘1:1).- ilLoit, Siii)t. .i, oil {Ow l'i4ll 4 e f.3 - k,ill;tl, a f.. ~..,1r; ,totle or:.; 1 , 4 4 .11.1 will be pail b} .1•.t., - ,'- i I wall COSDING, rit'; , Sl.:l 7, .0 Co, T011e.1,-..,:,. lle.1 , -..,: , . It 11, , ,wi...,:, lq,,iirty:•to,i. $2l) Pontl Ilill, oTI Ring. The ing eaid ring war 0,1,1.. wi r 4 . ..'unLiek;---,-Personr.. desiring 5 to pnrchase ~.', a l, by t 4 ,... car load, will ho rar ni.lo..l the addrebs of ?,'ledacrilivhe will t...A1 then' coal at ir,4e,?cicatepri , ..l:, thud SaViDg all cont. missions, by F allin g atjrny °file,. I li:; - ...u.'; - : 5,1671 0 . ...‘ 711111 s. .T. Dr; Effr,r.;• lias opened one of tho ilnest Millinery and Fancy Stored this sido of 1,7 , ....r. , Y ,, r1i.1 . She cordially invitee all to give lie, a e.ill. (11;ifith ,1; r a tt,,ii' s j - R e k, Bridge str(li, ~ . . . .""'".iie'.. M E ',CAB tS.I'?, .11 `,-.. W ,DAItIIS :•i , ... - 11 the 1.. best brand c• of fl, - ,ur Just as chmanyeap a.: many cdtab ishments[ i i,:ell the pf,orer grade. Canso why? They liq in large finantit , e... and geta,b , t ter discount. HonsE PowEr.s.i4 have on hand ready for irumcdiate :ale and delivery, two ,of Harder's! 2-porset . Po4rs. and ono Wheeler's ftrat-el*.s and G Ills° Lever . Pcwors. The latter oil. trticli ready felr work. 1• . . F.; . It. M. Wt.l.Ltid,' Tolvairda,l July 3u3. It l t. ' . : To Tui J. 14 HILL .has: moved .her store dp l wn to thel first door oast of the Bed, White'and Blue. tore, where she will be glad to wail upon her friends, at the same time thanking all for pas, patron:4:o t Griffith Patton's Bl.ek, Bridgp street. - ° •rn 31Nrit ER 9 B 1. - ATE.l " fr X ANNtliti MILL.-- dits4 receivtiti a supply ken excellent one in every respect. It vilill separate Oats from .Wheat. and Blielmlie4 from Oats, and prepare nicely all grain and.mss seeds for sewing. R. M. WELLE.4* • Ng- C LE, TrA4k, t Co., at th6ir Temple of Music, .keep a largo . assortrnont: of Violins, G uitars,Accolidions; Flutes, Fifes ; gie colos, DrurOs, liarnoicons, Strings .etc., etc., which theylare soliingAt 25 per cent. lees than snob goods; were ever !old in thii market; . ` • Emil= Guam Drar4:—Tis is the cheapekt Shut-class grain drill in the market. gold grsln drill is noceasity in good grain farming. For descriptive circtdsr with prices, aPPIy 'fo‘ i 1 R. M.,Wr.L.LEs. Towtinda, Aug. 13. , !DM YOUR COAL LW THE CAR, LOAD. . ---4'wo or more persons can; club together and ht 4. their deal from Wzr.s.r.sat 'wholesale prices, and get 2,210 lbs to the ton. In doing so soventyilivo cents per ton of 2,000 lbs. can heis‘Ved f;om Towanda retail prices: . • , :1 tom" Daring the next sixty days Iwo will Eon goods regardless of oost, and will make prices ,to spit all, in oßler , to mako room for gix)da,for Our own, nAufseture. Now is the time to bm*. FROST & SONS, 1:,873„. ' • DO Yon= INIT.ND TO DO ANY PAINTING 'Tins FALI.4?- 1 11 so, try thc!Fßabber Paint. I Challenge any dealer .or painter in Britdford cintuty to Produce guod, durable or cheap . first-class paint. Sold by the gallon ready for the•brush.: Send for sample colot• cards, price list and ci-culars. B. M. Whuss. A. , CHOICE SEED WUEAi.— Choice Lan= nns)er It 41 -chaff Wheat filar seed ;(clean and lOary. Price i 2 per bushel'. First quality new ti,vo bushel bags 30 tents each. Orders aceona 31te cash promptly filled. Tow.and4, Sept.,2; IST", , . ilttir"s.o 0 - PIANOS, 400 OP.G.I,NS, 300 hiEboimos'e, and,l,ooo Ernaller instruments:, will and must be sold before tlic 'first of January heat, at W. Dummies oppcsito dip Cowl House. All the !above luStrulnent s r.yo from the very best ntahers, such as G liter it C. Lynn' L C 0.,. the ignii Atheriemt Organ Co., etc. G. IViLsoN, af,kmt or all the above Instruments. ! 011ie° at liitaioNb' store, opp:isite the Court Ilnuse, Towanda. CIIEAV ,COAL —Buy your -cof , il du rlug the warm months. Ali a rule Uc chearcr a id Letter It. DI. WELTA S 1/c.tit prupA d I'itta tuu Stort , and: Egg and Chcatnut at $3.0) fur rity-'s ton of 2.110 the•ear:. load, a l hog actual freight. and delive.:ol at any elation mirth of 2aliOini;. Sept, 1, 17;.I. A SET 61. , FIRST-Cf.AS3 : , 'IACLIINE.ri.' —IL V,'LLr.; , ..# ha: on hand for s;de and inun• d. t!• ati.l Irt,rl ntr..l trueli ; an.ll. hue Wheeler ,L ~P lick ht iucl ey , iinder, ti,r, :41,1 <`‘. r, rit,tibtA yl true]: ; t'al.!rahle of Tititlehilif rtr the fa.rmer: and j,l, ttlr l et+lter :11, very poi t th!ett-V( r tot,- %ea ere very e,•'IN n'T . ;:t. - 3"'• Thu next sersion of 111' , Cillra.d. f ,, rl Counti TL.. , .e.:1,..1 ' ''A-. , .r...iidd. , 1, \I 111 In . 1:Cld 1 at LfAtayrvillo,entnl:l;kwil, : :; at iw, 0'c!,.1: %. m., on Frility, Scpt. ,i:!,' 1b73. Ili- fi n., , ,T;itg . a: u The all', , itAn.“,;:t t in . k,l!: :Lt. the ,11 - ...? . t ,14‘..:ting : 1..fchr..{.r,.,.. Pv. s. 1:1,..vrt., , i.h:.:ll;',imq:•!4 G. W. ke N ..4:. r.„l:FiT'... ; 4 1:. , ••;:} i,C, ..,1:t., , C.i 'ANNA .I:kll)\NiN zi:v.I.ELLA I:EyN ,, :Ais ; 1; , ..i , ,11.( ., s Cu,:- uifite, P.ll, Ll'ca, `.I, i1..( . 01/1.1.7 , ii,t. v:. 111.1- NO . Li):, El.i.k 11.1'.1Y , .., t../.'IL, 1`1N1:-. BARTLET V;1101::GliT NVAI:m ;1/ 4:rf 1;s1:1 , 1 , : tr,.:F, if:. Wa , r,111.r...1' I .1114 .1 ...I, ! the 1,a1'..:4; the 4.y. Tli: , 1..L.4 nt: is -v.l r.cgKip!‘i 1 ., !* t. , ,.: 1 1•1!. , 1 tv:tli Fd Ai:. ;tip A.. 'di joili;m:tr4l,th , d. it,, ) - Tl.v_rfirai.lit;rlCk)!l3,.l T .• o:Ltlic.,•4 'l' gl t: , •. - . ) -, at !Ili- Of ..1 . .t . 11 . ,•!. 1H..,i, i . 1 ., :..ii,1.1 / ,'i.pgii,!•iti;, r. , . 1 . (. !•,!, 1 -:: l. ~ :•:,,:- , 1 ).- ' ,.1.1(t wli I c 1 . • .;,1 1. • : • i• .1;;;t - !i i• • i:• ;i • ; . 1 p•. I, Ov: `, • i •• t - • . r :t , ;:! - , ; i; I 1...:;!,11:.; . 15 ;.*. .;•., Ar;ll,. .11 1 1.11 , ~ _. . 1 , . Silc. , !.:! :!, . "1.. 1 „. is •ll.' i ! '•'. '!' •, .! 11.! , I :1 , it( I 1, ly •-•• :L".. I 1 , 1). - :( . . _:• •••1 „ r t~~:.r, ~:~;~ 1.., .. t't th • • . MI A ; $:i!!!! toad r. Hill l.c ai:•rseti to. (1., . .1 .t I II \VIII ;;I:• 'Ol fih,tt;rts tti:f 1 , 11 k.'1 , 1114 of the A at Li Ir.d.ty, k. A. 1.!:: . NEV, 11, 1,73. t, , • , SOCIET D I.Jy. .IN.FFICIAL - I.l.:(•Turx.—:The ,directori is published fer tho Inform:tin:l of the f1y..:,11e. Wu will thank one frienits for notifying tis:pf, any errors they may di-- , e , wer : Barttsv Cututca—lllagn Stre-t. below Washing ton. Services Sunday 'St e. r. and Sunday School at 12 1 ci'cloclz. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. llev. Lusn. ErtsconaL Ocuncrt—('r. Main and Canal Streeti. SFrvices Sunday atdli , ; and 7'. t... 11. Lecture Friday evening. fiunday.S..houl 19:17 r.m. razdor, Pet. IPu. Muldrivrfir.ny , ,i M.E. Cucncn—Main 51t , r; , r, state. Servic es Sunday nt an 4 7 , , 1`.7.1. Prayer Mexting Thuriday Sunday 5..11 ,- ,1 at 12 o'clra.l:. .factor, Rev. 0. L. Pr.tiinrrput‘N Canrcit—Court Strtz , t, near C,;urt blouse. Services Sunday r.t 10'. and 7'; r.m. Prayer MeetinftTliiiralaY evening. Sunday Sihool castor, Itev. J.S. STEWAr.T. S.S. PETEII AND PACL-SCITiCCA every two. Wee4P. at 9 and 11 .&..u,.. i'.af. Sundiy at e..M. Pastor, nov. PAT:m:I: ToNna. ; A.St.E. CJILIICII-4itatei Street; abaci) Preaching Sundays at 10!, A.:•:: and 7. , .; rani Sun. day School at 1, . Pi 4.F.M.—Natintext: Co . auttsnonnv, K.T..-No. 7C.— Msonic Flail, over Patch's st,ec, at 7 r.m. J. C. 'lion LnDor, No. 10S;—Oneft in two. at 7 i!.p. J. p. Incise, Wit. '111.11.U.A. CuArtsn, N. ICl.—Once to too;. at tr.a.t. CUM , . F. Caos,s. H.P. I. 0, - or 0. F.—llmsnrOnn Loiyin, No. ic7.4--oaa Fellows' Hall, over Frost & Sons Fnenlture Rooms. MoCla every Monday, 7 o'clock. J. W. 0. or Lonon. two. '.19.—.11ect.1 in Odd I.l.trat and thirtllFriday evening in each Month. A. IlsAltD, N.G.; CLUS. FRALET, SOCY. Buszyono 'ENCAMPMENT. No. 41.—Iteeta second and fourth :Wednesday 'evening of each mouth. G. NV: Ryas, C.P. -IL OF P.—TOWAZDA LODur., No. 290.—Nleeti every Tuesday evening in Temperance hail, 7 1 i o'clock. J. W . - 131suop.W.C. ; 1.0. oa G.T.— anc.r. No. 223.-='Sleeta every Friday. evening at '7 (o'clock. S. E. iVigratas K.O.S.C.—Towasna Lobs; No. 370.-5100 a sec oud and fourth Thuraday of cacti month. ScskPli Atruuty, S.K. ' , TOWANDA FOSIOIVICM.—MaiI gcing south cloned at 9:30 A. 31; going north C . :VP:AL Arrive :s from north at 10:31s as.; south ...;;M P.M. ii:SeE. mall closer, at 7:35 A arrives at 4 L.M. Barclay and Canton dolma at 10 a.x.; arrives at C:3O P.M. Troy closes at 8 A.M.; 'arrives ut 1 r.u. Leßaysvills closes at 114.. m.; arrives at 12 3f. New Era arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days at 12 at.; departs at 1 Mehoopany arrives Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 12 x:; departs at 1 r.u. • e Sheshognin arrives 'Tuesdays, Tharcays, and Saturdays at 10 u.ia.; departs at 12 M. S. W. ALvonn, P.M.' • • ' OFFICIAL.PIRECTOEr. . President Judge—nom F. B. , ,Srlsedasta. Towanda. Additional Lain Judge-11 , 12: P. D. ktonaow, Vrgranda: • =NM Main Strcet. 1 E. M. Va:LLES I: 41 t:,. MEE II 1 =I t • I. t..tic CL,.••••:. • . :,11.1 =I JI,LIL 'ARRA NGEMENTS • • Anent. to ttideiLlion. ' Baking Flrtannt, Ora Mon. 8. /, . .. I . . Springfield.' • i - Prothotot unit Clerk of court-Um:AL PI litry3 , , Re,chnkr and Clerk. of the MTh &flirt . 3 Curtinccs. Shr:EJ Moulin Ural.. I . • Comm , a-E. 0. By r "ta, Monroe; Mo. Barr " ells; OtEr.-Kwatanniau.. Windharil - Jurygam issioiterr.-E. B; DsLeuu, B. W. B; Treanter War4ttrNyme. Oranvillik ] . I Auditors omtitil. Qcacz, Wilmot; A. B. Bun gerriclgi ONaitz, South Creek. I . Physician' Dr. W. B. Jousisoy. - . I coynsq--parr 4 Dairma. I ; , ror r LvD4 BOROUGII OFFICERS. • I Burye.4--Jraces Bayearr. , Councittnen-JAKEs BRYANT, Jonu D. MourA. , e J. M. W ItD, , loins McChilie„ T. B. JonhAN..BJr* , MclLateer, N. N. Bans, Jr. ' . ; I . -Justieer ofreace-W. G. Booatir. ' ST. Tint). c Conatcptee4-.74snnion Witzs; L. 'E SWINE. Putiteiaani-G. H. BIIHNS. Echoer pirtctOrt+-it. Wicraim, President 4f Bnin N. TIDD,I Traaenarer; B. W. Itormthi, "Seer4ary; , T. FOX, IV . T. DAItLES, J. A. CODDLa6. ,• • ' 1 ()vergers of Poor-Dr. J. W . Lrmor, Wat: Slur- Audttpfl-4es. Macran.mvis, J. A. BEconl , '. 11 ID ROWill. , Assent.l.tu -rsl 11. .NErni?.. "1 . , i FIRE omr4ME.s. , Frank.iin Stcasal Fire Engin'e Co., No. L-Sit first Wednesday evening in each month, in Boron Engine }omas. G. A. BrAme, Foreman. LIT Naiadr n/nc Cd., No. 2.-Meet fi rst Monday eyen hag in ea t onthi, in Borough Engine house.. Wat. B .14r.vis ‘ s, I(esiclnt, , - - IL' Lin.ta .S'te tn Fire Engine Col, No. J.-. Meet Orst Wearies ay d roning in each month, in Ltil-ta Engine 1 3 Manse. 041 D. MONT - ANTE, President II! • Jtant if A: urtl 4 Ladder Co., .No. 4.- 'Sleets' 'fitst 1 Wednesday Vent In , each-- month, In Borough. Engine ous .F. S. Wiliminn, President. !!! s R.' IL PAT 11, Mel Engineer, L. M. Oznuhu,!itan En "neer. t . .! 1 . " 1 , BL LDING ASSOCYATIONS. . fl '.lfutun Bu di ngy and Saving Fanq .- Meets Association. in,Gra a Jury-Room for payment of install ments, ihird MOnday in the month, from"s tdl7, ll.iS-1. s. Jr., President. , iI: Tountnifa L i ld4ng Association.-Sleets in Grand Jtiry Itgom or payment of installments, fourth Monday I . n e li ntonth, from 5 to 7 Josr,Su Pewits., Pre- dent. . 111 - 4 Al 2 R I.E D. ' . . ,LENOT.-At the M. E. Parso -12, by llov. W. IL 'lturuscy,. Mr. ' I'nnoy, or 'Ulster, .Pa., to Mfk r . , Of Smithfield, Pa. ° 'l, 111 1 71L—At the residence of Mr. $. Sept. 6, 1873, byl 'Hew. W: . Win. 11. Peck, of Elmira, N. L, ia; ,,. A. Heath, of :Ulster, Pa. BL I IKESLEE.-411 Herrick, .Jule; • lEldet: S. 11. Durand at his real'- 7 Orenia S. Overton, of Lirue,lllll; • Sl l eba Blakeslee, of Stevensville', . Mc KIN I rigc, Elanllustc 'EQ W. V. numb; EY iept. MI ON OVERT 3, 1871 cicucol Pa., f Pa. Mr. DODCF bri lc' Sr pt w. 1.1 )01111 ;OZIT.--At the rebitictic.: ,if : this rits, in 1113 borough, Thurylay, 157:.f., by J. S. Skwart' r udtp; att.l - 31i s Ilciett Fri, , "l loi4hter of J. o." Frost, csq. Lt.Lr 1 h. d _ T Correc ed e lubjec; t chn , Wheat, bus , Eye, '0 ush Buckwht at. "0 Corn, 'O. ush Oats, 0 busk*. Beane, btu:, Butter (rolls) ND A., :11..111.1i i T .;. tIOLESALE PRICES. Ty weanerklY. by C. B. RATCB' 1 .es daily. - . 1 • $1 50 61 1 1 75 .1 lu`sh. . • - • '-' ;-•1 FP!' 1•. t . 1(2) :.• It, . , (~* 2 , 1• -- ,.A 'll5 r.ev: . _25 ( ~,L, , cr; , 0 .;,) 4,r. lo 7,t) .T , , ' 2 Uri litecl... , '.— Go lb. ; Cro nrx 11,5 1 ,; I t,1:12. lb, ; 'Barley •1.1 Jim; Buckwim,'• t 1423b5.; Bran 211 145.; Cloyci Se , Allr 1_q.c41.41 Ibs; Dried Peaches 33 Jb 1 - . 4,s.;lPtax Seed 50 11). ! do Id ley.) r.: , -s 1, 4 toz.. Pot.dnoi 11 bt Fluor ` t ' !ram. Oniot bun] WWII , 11.:ci, 56,1 5 lbs.; ' lbs.; T 1 OF s. I !uLth: Irk., 1., MEM ,• . • . , ri DELILtry. —.-A. (1 epres se(11 LI itf mina; a wP,:!:, 11 . . r .: , fls., 0....;- ,m) cnc-Tv.,y or multi ,turn; u , ir•-. rti, , . tnentoty, often ‘t Itli '2.ebilitarl-. 1.11 di,charge. Thu eoli-equenet i • i. 04.1 ui . erworli or naliscretionl4,,..' Ort;tt.rrY tindi,: i' sor , eeigo t•rret, , ''.Y:) 011311:0PAT1110 SPECIFIO, 1:4 - s up, the s.,stnt, arrcsts d1 : , 4 7 •IS the rao,tl.l ghoin and despoil'. jrtatenatea the ontirit sy , tern. Itll ,:II;' ~-; •:tnl alway:- cflicient. 1'6 , 1 ' 1 q4 l , ~t 'i-, - ,2 li—x. 4 1 , .:11 a largo 1.4 p.liicil i, i0r,.....t.:ant in old, s , iii,L p.r singl , 3 box. :ziold by Anil, stint I,y rttnil on recolp; of la too! 1 " Ct,ant: 11, PORIER. 'l. •;,' VI — . 1 ii.)l , •• • Ir...'' Mil% I'l • 1 1 ~.„I A- :' ' - a ' 3 '.7C . .. A- A- M+:' .; 1, writ • I lilu-te I tu c I L ;al yf - Nr. in II I - , t No. clur,u 1( pc!' '5 f , ‘r 11. krlir t-, e r ;it It'uL,L. In INI • I , 'lll.l .ne P Tarr es I 1 .1 • OE g 1 au T .` . WI 1 1.-. s 1 ,n \V 1 i a La d l'c =I at ;il . A L L N • - TUTS INEI•:,c; •N, k HiLDßEriti.- i S , I t It, 1,7' %7; Mum; T. Nort.l, Mis- Mary. ELLi. 0.130j1e Anthony. t Sullivan. l / a r::••• ths Mattlcy:. Smit It. . • CI.. it A. '..-ri:arro•A - A .1. s \ yan‘',-.rvi 1;• y NV , .:1•1/t'irtle , •'.' • ' \Vali:ol4 Vatv IN'zrv. "•• H 1.•, ELD ..)11- I', 11.M1 :+ 1 t NV, lu• . JJIIi , 115.1 . ME . , 1.1. kti.• t,f I IBM )11D, I'. :‘! =I D MB MEI Britlgt - i St n.O 1 I= Mize ~' II ELL tE R E DEM OM Effil THIS S t. 10, I , .3 =I 0 s7:11 al Mill f BM MON EM MIME 10, 187 J r I crag. irr ifTß 'VAN Monday, Np 111 1 I IMil 1 1 suram‘ato. I , 11, i,n4cetrA• --: No t t f. Nod i i ! 1512. ' I i 2.9'i V. i 7. , BTATI 0 ) 1 P 14 1 P W A ,i ll t . . h ..... 24. 12 50' ; 8W - .......Elnural. 'l2 30 320 i , ,, 120' 993 ` . Wavniy , 11 43'1 32..Q.1 271 912 9irre.l 11 35 3 3', 1 31., 2 y . 3`.......A11ienal 41 29 4 2A: 2 03,t10 poi 'Towanda.... 'Pi 52f 515; ; 10 3 0' .IVvalaslug-... i 9 . 50 53'3 05 1111' ~....Laceyvillm "D 28 6 00, 3 2211 31 .... Meshpp , n... ; 9 OC. C lf t . • ;1145 M . 38 eho pany.. :. 8 642, 3 53:12 35' ...Tankh cck.'. : 850' li 0 . 11," 4 42, 1 35' ......Pittron .7 20 82. 500: 2 no' ... - .Wilke narro.. - 700 _.. '.' 7 30i . 4 35'...3fanch Chunk.. .....1 nlr / 8 911 550 : Allelcreni.... ' Alf t 845! 6 05' .....Bethl heat....j / ; 9 15; 6 331 .... ~.Eastori......; ', 10.30• 8 2 0 , ....Phtladelphia.... I .• I 1 • 4, .1. , • 1 • .n at 915 -i .:. , . Ninr '7o:k. •4 i 1 4 I 'P' 1 r • N'o.:3‘a liaN lf. ea Tows.ridarit,7lo 3..1n-; , I a. Lt.; Sayre', 7 37 a. tn.;'averly, 805 riving at 'Earnira at 900 a. at..l • • • . : IV Np.' 31 leaves Elmira a 530 p. ra.; , 61,E p. ni.; B.lyre, G 23 p. ni.; o l i tlthens, at arriwing at Tpwanda atl7 111 r. at. • .. 1 I T 11 1 • ' Drawing It4om Cara atqchal to T.ra• run /through hetacen Elm; r / a and Philade ; ..‘; 1 1 .1 MIA. PA' I 1 1 • - ' I"I Snperir. 1 I k.,, co EIV,INO - [ , 1111 Ell V STOCK' , . A- 7 ETV ROUTE. TO Plitb - -LI ° MIA. nil 1 I 1 i l .. ' ~.. ' Ci [ OliTil jPENIiSYLV I .L.NIA I.:AiL' ' 4 :ortest and most direct 'Me i to Philade .' tiM. re, Washington, and the SOntlt. POsengersiby tide , rout& take Penns N6y., York Railroad train, paaaMg 'lowan I A.:p.. ' and 2:65 p.- m., Make close.' connec. "thlcihem with Express, drain t North Pe. i iroad, and arr we to Philadelphia .at 8:20 1 10:40 p.m., Ittime to! take O ght trains the , lonth or )Vest. Patice ca l ls are same .2 :0 IP.M. tram. -1„ .1 • • Ci i ty passenger cars are at t e Depot o. all trains conte passenger s t the van', and to all paitsof the city. !, 1 cinrror.t. - nq , • 1.. . Leaye North Pentea%Railroad Depot, co 'andlAmerican St .-, Philadelphia, at 8:ti0 A irri sag at Telsanda 4:37 A 8:05 P.M., urn Ma Ws Baggage Eipr.” collects and fiel [gag ; ofllce Nd. 103 Soot 1. I itth street, P F I itEIGEIT ACCOII3IOpATIONE. 1 . i F el gilt rec.; ired at Front and Noble stre !deli hia, and ft warded by Daily Fast Fr.. [to T wauda, a d all points in! Snsquiti wit ;qutek diSilatelt, 4LIS [AAR 1 1 ' ! .Gen. Av, . N.P.11.11., 'Front and Willo dl '2 3, 181": . 1' ~ 1 1 Ph' u IEII ; s, 1! t 0 0 )_) -I Ent ; I'y_ thirty pans will Fdll It~RES? 11:. “rl,O. ti 4 at* . A'. the slid ... , .. •, • - Jt,LerS atla the car; tai aft , r MIMI MI rr..,,4,.-.,, :4•.,1 T)L - ra.r4ic -8.11. E.— The - 1 1 *::,1 , , L i lo!i'iing * , 4 tli9. li cirs of W W, Distal be' . 11 ,, , ,,, :r..1 toilintil:i.. 4a1,!. ,:l 11.11.. - MDA . A 1 •,': ItzT 3. "1: I; iir Farm i. 3 i-i1,ia144 in Ndrth," r.ela . 7:,Sci-...!4: er(, , !c, 1 5 miles'eff•in th“ .L: 1 . 0" i!,(1.1. (H k - :::Ls :.1..r1e ':, 1 i i.: Cr :::, S 1 1 , 1:0'14.1 .:1,1 nn.;.:: a -... ;•.,.1 0..1e. of S': .i'altiv. Joii i ~ i •..1 lin4 , r; 511,1np.i atiltt , i &neon; fLalt fohcc:lf.r. !,1,741 , -. 1 .,..-11 ai' r rtng,:l r.:a. 4:,,i;,1c,11:Ar v',l. arrol 1 - z Lltilryoo:rpo.= on.-4. , ,c,•y.b ..rri. or-A :' , .."..1in,::at..r li,'..cii. - .: and c 111:i-; , .. t-Ap cnj ,, ,l 0rc1,:u...14, a •,..-,0,1 c•;!: lii lir .....,--, onl ~ t1.:, ' ,1 igl,g C.alli'ill.Nl, hi tt4:1, ,, 1,1.. ra:Am v 1:, ;l6 serer f' fling watt. ', 1 ., I,'f fr,•. 1:11.' , .t e:ei.-irdblc• hall fal'is in ro-:1 ! ! 2 ', 1 , -i-11_! ' ,l l aiLtpt , ,A to grail: or nra l 1:,, , , i,-, and o ff .,• inuAol r , !...iiiic::ffJr 1 ,,, L.t. ‘ , 2l'.;:c, t,.. 'l,:',l,?igrotle Air._, r' . ' 1 z.:1'..!- ''.. , ....,n1:11.17. - ': , . . -., 1 ,, . - .'.51111. - , A. - 2.. A'.;inst :s , 1. p -1:). itINET:•:SIIII''.---=-I:ii . p j 1 ~ ki.. 1 4.(1 hal. ti,.1..9 ;I:i .- !rrent-c-ral, • l *a, Filip,;:_ , ,tor tla;d1 , 111 slin:r,• - • ~ f 11 . r t itt.E k : f. , 7 tia pure , 4( c,f ra1,i , J1 ,. tin.... 1.14,., , "1,-,1,..: 1 ,-, • ~ , l a . _c.r. , .111.1 i 0(01 Y•aTtl.'., W - ,' , : l -1. , , eLl:sr" 161.trtin ....,. , :uf L.,...1111.,!j-, ' i : 1 W.I art . ,::.• F.,_ . .. - uti f,ir th , _ ,a,::: ;Ai. A,L!..11. '., ,!. , ;1 , . ‘..; a: i I Tr' . :1 •1,1i::: a S-111 Y..1'1- 1 1' 1. bW.1.1:11 . ;. ~ '.1:4 5 ;:ntla, :‹11,.t. 1. 197.:. - I ( =I T I Pli S:, -AL i , ).:1-a ,f i ;r2•1:.1.....11r , r1eC ~.:-?:::_1.1.1'1:::;:t: IMI MI 0 0 RS !MEM OE 1111 I 1 1 ' i Nr,il STORE. ~ ro{ . r ME ME 11 I ABLE br THE ERIERAI*AD.—Tatcha .11, 102. 1 1 •- =r! A. M. 8:10 8130 I 0.10 0:30 9:00 :10:20.11:10 TO " /MBA • BARU/al/UNCTION ' Vi r 1744 . 48 NIEW .ANY.:.. MILLERS DERREIRE BER 'ICE WE. F. GOO GOV Passeng ) A.- St N.Y. CANA:L . & RI - I ;il./cr.,!,1 tiuplENT, 1;i pAssmora T¢ tie effect Alortii,,lttns 2,18' - Ivo .z.L , • COAL! MEI 'a:.; . ) tic :".•-ullivr.nikntina.7.lti- 1 111 ..111 NE D• .CO . 11 c ...Ilin.s,t,y the qar 1011, 'de; .n:_Ts in Vy.lanii.4 I n 3 folbtyce • , ..i,,,.. ; .F. 4 p cup -r 1 , ii i t Grz :1. , : ,) , Lpai l ;j•l'vdt. , .l , IT nu=t pe ul;;I:,a,.?:•; within' tw in-c.:':•iv.i)a. :I _ • : SEE s'• UM EIMMEMEE m:ty: :• .1.7 1 for I.:1141 1 , , W 1. It iS .i•lV.:';{ ILO ; T 11le Uri d 1. , n1 tr.l ttii:ll.l, c;,l •• •••itl.:!*; 13 5 .11!, th, •1 lan:7l • All- the .1 a ',r".ek: T.rtt rf- Fl i. s l'utf rr erlo.. IA .r,lll-• r. IA! MEE (>2tlCli ,f t, - ,rtit , ry, ft I.:-t atta ea'gr GENI =a 'Lit 1 rp 111 ' • - ,i 1 1 It ,••• ' , - ' I,' I. I t .I.N. A TEM r.a a v:tail; pop:, d t!xe Eubscriptioa, et: a book, dud 'rite for tprnea, ____ t.t •tu si r 3. It irA ( it ,t .'., free. • 0.1:0P,0 T r I STAC.LE:OS......PuU. - 133 Sit om Street, s p 11 '721 HE . BETH El= "OLD ISHE 1.1 L. z country it i. Inticpende Ibin Its walla oI s anti othor p ar botd trtroveti,.enttr, Loy boo. b .' This I•crn inaiiest ;n:e lam a az.' r their stay ladelphia t horo, reaehin A samplo of commercial =NZ 1e..; ill I , IIIA it! IF pan.l ;rn•ronto for-. Fpend the nY ill the mo'rnii i i; aecQulLic.tlatiia skpt I. N "[TALL I.IAN VEUE y i L~L\ci: Thl -.. gic, - ..t,F1. ccs; 11t 4 ! in: !:9 c \ e: =MI ~ s y or falra ha ! I ; a eruptiOns, it D' Its uaa beep i . rrolicrtios it 1 ti normal ylgor, , , f . p.a. hair grow tm, '..f,i nOthin4 1,1, 17 or !c?.. rail„ ~ . _ . It tt—tt.tror.4 . • It rttu . Ov,:. - ntnr the gcnt l Ity it, tcm! thl r . ap,tl, . ft jaloll i ii S er T i ;: tA ll rr ;, ‘1 •1 Iltel:_LCJUA;il,'s DVE; 1 ± 1 I For. Trir WDl r Tt.tat./33. au , Preparatioilq may be re: col r•Ot the bearli ft om gray oi sha4e. to browri, or their., at applied:; bku tr 'in oat irrep a r 1 cf . ...•r/Ually;proaucus a perma_ nei bi,i rub tor Trash off. _,.' liatlytfactUred , . HALLia' 4 co''. Naeinia,-N 111 itrwmlsta :mil dealers in :. I Dr : N.'.l. Ea} 's of It: This el , chauze tjol uudesirabl lltiL ci‘'lly ,inickly an tit:: Ell Et la by ..t I 0 It 'AO RIGULI 611. Y, feiy. t .lo 11 1 . 11. let' El L IA E S, ~ TOWANDA, L'A., s. 3 slercui's r Bloik, 'north tad .4: ! ' .. ., ' • [ i 1 LEI AND 1 RETAIL ARAI IhIANT/IPACTSILLEaS AGIOT,I Slowing Main ,es, liorse Powers and Wheel Bake, Plater Bowe Grain Tedders, linversible, and 13 el - Plasm Mainers. Ulm, Moyer If. anal/ ' LAWN SICRI2I6 wax= Mammas, nor ir.sT CM= POuhilicS rit TEE iso ~ .sionsam, ion mon us yourna, a ..- Catalognes and deipiriptliS, illustrated calsrs, furnished lir, mailikd . .free to It *illst but three car to send in postag I- 1 1i . .. '0..1 • el l) ram ;Alen in '01111E: , canal:a ApriJ22 22. 1 1 ii i .1 , `R. mi, t 3IACI Oftleo No HousO sq WITOLE3 1, littler. The ii and ; PLASTEB Millet •. 410 NY ofrerrmi for saki , r particulars, apply - to or ad I . a 24, ;73.; F 9 FLOVRI. as Boron.! Fur flail.; Towank 1 F Olll attn. loNranan I July4.l MOM •to the northe' steer- 4 1.ffered t l 73' II H effect on 10 E oiernwAso P.S. 4:00 ,3:50 _ 3:30 2:45 2:25- 2:05 1:30 12:30 P. M. MAN, r Agent. C 0 . 7- lIIIyA7LD NQ.` No Si. 1 4. I I NA. i li S o I ao. ffS Eli 824' 9so 5 45. 8'45 537 837 5 3 / 1 . 830 5001 755 . t4:l 4 . 1_01 1 ; gl u....v, 6 17 • iG 10 325: 5 45 , 2 37' 4'30 2 2T 400 111 45; 130 1047'12 24 I 0 30;12 05 05 11 40 830' 945 700 900 it St AAz i tli2na 7:50 averly, at a. p. 1.. a 2 and Or kER, endent. Drfr MAD. pt.43,r. Icanta h. a at 10.10 on at 80. ..n'a ar.d I leither for.' •J to th HITA &I 0 I'B Dept I ••er Berke a 5 A:M • evening :vets bag ade t% I • "glit tray .s vale elrhia BMW 11111 ME r F t.! ' =ME iffEIDE Wl' I , PT • n I I rot. C 3 - 11 llt,'N o f.vui 9. 11,,, tL'e radf,nt .1. , r 1 r .11 'I 1r uicler partner- i- WAIYITS," 1 of AL,: 1' r ' r I.c. ME • s. t t' •i p I^ 7.-1 Farr.. L 117,19 .1%.1 IL. I . • • ME r 2 0 a bat 4 , t‘ I-, 1-- 1 t-t t r r EWES Iv ic In^rL r 'i k CO4 11 T ,, at iS O I. h, rt r: ill 1 Or y ~ ''2"' ; Ern TI~~`:, r'ti Si:~. al • F210:1'). I in.portlut I 1 r ot st ant la a • A c ,ent, t *lJ'!Ja 11l 1 Lalth. tue't eopl t) hriu 'tala n INN." KOE 1.11^, , Loredl LzFay revoln. •han 1, and tud trlV. NS the only lee llsll, Jed Wa.hiugfei , triots of till s I .ly rs.farnis friends 'l—no pain• 'eotufgrtable ;lid it-coned r , the city ab' in on flrist ageiitg. i C. T. S 3: • Pro Pe, I . o_ nicht t J lllt I. t floor s art, Irietor A. I ILF: MEN INIZIEN n MUM BEE MEE r to Its youtt and ( es witttettna an trntt ; ISM 111 starcaAhe prcTeiat.ilg L ancl•stioz,! •^,sii fon.r.J rrl cspiU.ry MEM =I , P, EIRE n:oTa . ra cd en to any 'ecrehon, • rx,. and cnt color II ilieino Ur, AL of Cowl EMI F. e. Hay pitivators, tanfg Mills, , DELMLIG COAN Ea 'printed dr , applicants. CllCallas Once for, Steatal 1. in Towan4 ,t a bamai t n: ;Tess • . SCOTT, Trns and' Ibt e of ,• y house part of .r rale, &ea UU Y *WAIT*,