II II ° - 'IEWS ?ROM ALL NATIONS: 1 --4--Willignsport has a Oonogra'ph'- ie E , 7dPCi,Y. 'l. , - -_ 4The Allegh l eny poor] hbuse farm = i Las bc..tu Bold. 1 i s ; I 1 : -Westmoreland ,'coal strikers are. re".N T niing work. ' I -Z ' • ... - - , +The city.of Readink covers an arcs. of over five Equare miles. f.I i I -I-, Fifty railroad engines were built at Patterson, dni-in . kr Augl, ast. • J-Laneaster hasl a'' three legged r...,74.30 and Cumberland a fire fingered baby. old -is on the deeltne. On WolZeadsithe market encloscd at 1111. \ new outfit of instruments his, c'skr tf!c. rt.r, ,4, eid 1331.3. of Realty , $1 1" . ' 1 75. 4 Thirt y empty d coal care were thrb -- ,z into the cr.r.al abuyeAansille on Friday. 1 ---The trial list of Allegheriy county ;Le SeptcrAker tern ornprises 34,) cases. Pittsburg boy shot a r . —Oil is on the decline in the Pitts ? g 1 --' entD6 is Ward pressed. It Evo daily F:per,. • 11 /1.4 . I. On the Troutman farm, - Butler eqlnly, I ficlaiip: • 1,4(Y) tarreli- - of oil . (I°4:-Y• r • • _ • . • —X 8n4:4, county farmer has Lad f,SIT-E:Xcef f tarkeys gobbled by . iFeloc._4 l ' ' • tanney from. Tyrone and one fm Allwatolvn, I:c.ci•apcl zaefles of mn•it at pm ` • —A. 'bell. 1,500 po7ands fill) Lc th- tamer cf S:. Western Vnion telegraph Li - t a:y are cr . . t.er.dir.; Naha ller.u:- 7. via TreTc.rtcr. L—The Elfile carries a mumbiai Fore trcalea to a wecl: Lp thEi'r crap:oTer. 1.:::. - . : 41 - ty. F:1:: 7:-a?,IcJL. f. ESE —:-A 1;1'm/ern - ear Northnmberland -1Lt:71:::::: d and .st -- ,f.:43. the i-A‘enr: day. res:dcpt. of "‘V)I.IRms , E.... I e:: -. 4 - .1 - !td:ted five cbtdr::: ':i:_icarti,:., 7 a year. , _ fashicnable 1:3.7.:.` 11.4 ~-1t iS rr. C. • . a,ston, of Boston. '; E, Di-mcK:rstic mina %ion for : ct --, -1 7 .d7 - ar4l Snva r er, of ,Millport, tf .I', 2 1 7 %) ciccuicnv 'L. was, killed in m.::-..e.ared Lime —A. bitii4 Srlaii , :: c , ..uniy:‘,..: ,, r...t1y . 1.c.'11 a— ; ar.. , :. , - Lai!. r t , —lli :,Pliiladelphia • -a - nd -Reading, c. -7 .7 ••,1.1.1:,T ., . , 510.r...eil at Pgtts EEZEBE ~_• •• , -Mr. ,• Han,- of - .the Honesdale '.%.-,... - 1,1.: r..:tr. nt.O. fr , . i.ill'r, Eurclre..an trip a e lan: fat tr.r.n. 1 IT ... —Fifty coal-boati ordered' by the. • . Llvll-::11, r.avigtion erimpaLy ' have been' LI! q•‘.., , napicie.,l. .., - i,..-. & . . , , -- I TLe mammoth rolling mill at win b iztarttctin a few welt. It ; , _,y,' , 1;0 c.. 4.1 men. '.- , lumiseg dealers Of Wil ; ,i i . pnreliafied 5,000 aeic , 2l of timber clunty fur ;33,090. ‘ in'ee men in Cllntori counuy el - Terticad , snaLci+ thin year .:z1.19 e., th:(oMilcs. —Sixty I,,ersc.f.As in 'Williamsport 1 . ...,r1.0.1ing, liquor. without I:, att cane jiry hae v.-turned a - . Scraiirtc;3l mat has s.e.Oired f the c..l:,.trup.ltion of tat great ant Vic tern MEM v. - as a frost :on. Sunday :-.. nr.rrA. , : cr thrc,m_liont Illioni.4 Lea-(1 from no material 24:itch telegraph ec':ittc• .word , ard. ' Lying by tilr..2tri- -- -0 :Lig to. ,• withdraw :II of cr.iy 2 in fcr tlic ',Var.: , camp 4 S. I itaFrirt --PryLtly . :.!‘trF. Pollock, • wife . of r of Plair.',l,l , 4yc: town!hip, .I.Artli triplet of IZikl,lle, of Jeferson any 1:... c~_.... V( lani -The cdituro c•f • the- Baltimore arr,'r r! T.1.)":1..c1:1 , :c , , says': "A t.t.r and the gal —Sorne f. , c,.00e - are 11111:intl enough tbc , . c—l s rcct Lame J_^. lJacia nacre Lip Nto NM ME Itansas . .State Auditor has rr,nl er , zr.ty cl(rh.4 of the :.-37.1: ,,, c5-nlrl - d , ••• The grand toal of the Itgain:;t, laEt ---I:7,l3trook's spirit is so pertur -I'll at lie i..lir.r.t devote : his tiny. ti reading. of thr' tlf rf flit before his fr . ( cl . l , ci.jc,ymvut • 1; , " rget.lCl Inttll in Clokn :n' i Clarion last Sattirday *.• i."* j 11'2 lu evening I 1 Sirl , '..lly. ) . , :15 • ) r.. I! , all. ,attemptin g , - to h‘rl tangled.pp 3i002..1e, Sharon, was , )::trued in thri f. 11 ". Luicli , ,,tcr county agricul ...l,:: V, ill p . , ,tal,eardeontain t .7,..e..mnc fi , r rufA•tinw, dl iclr T 1 I ' - i ,'" 1' ME • - ;;; L.ll suti five .fee c.f. figs c the Rims ! I.tir f. c?- :x inches high wa. shot a,; rit Eg;ks Longmvalup father Belles •a long nanv., swa•-.1) Lltu.l, , fr;reha Schincllr, 1).,..r4,r % ,•1 . 1 n •. ;di st:H.Fc.l - which defies di - 1.rol!“ out in'Beiiis a!t,r attz.-litd a:+ .f 14rf , rrning ill a ,circr.. , I a few and ---1)layof Evans, who has return - Oa ;:. a trip to, C:.llforrla and othor distant the Pcnnaylvanis elab of 1;' 111 , .nalq.r, a cane fr ,, in C ., .1 ~- in t!:• 1"•• I ==Tlte I:l.‘ce sicirlias have. (lone what EP, •rts.cDrila never do—they've actntillr r ntit'rcd a port , : n (f• arthly 11 , ;rpc. ,- 2, I.y. wishing awa:: (•10.1._•0 cubic yards ni mai:int; a g ;Cu I 1 --Temperarieo alcu are in troAle .1-.11.,..!...ury of a man wit') 5x13 f. rind lying .0.-.11-,;111, in a latikil!it near hisAwielllng with c,ens:n snake lying dead htm.. 1 , , ra Litt-n is thrCr•plac'e'- l,c the reptile, ..f Molt save:l .th , • man. 11 1 - ' ' I , ! i -Two -Titusville I , lwyers. have ra,tl4 - ! 1 :1% - d nr4 4,i drink wimn out duck ear, undyr hu - fc:t of Flt€l. Oue .of thcm 1.c. - ps a. duel; la back card' and evcry time he 13 ililretY. His fellow jiu*ou;;lit a duck t9o. . —A reniarliable- instance of lon- Jo found recOrdeil in the old graveyard of fiahricni `church, • Douglassville, Jierka ground contains the burial - lot of he Jones•famity; in which rest six persons of that name, - whose nnikc ages is 4G7 year, or to c scli Verson..r . new and cruel invention is the introduction of hying butterflies into the centre pieces of flowers, which usually adorn th 4 -• middie of tine table at fashionable - dinner and supper partles.f The poor insects 11.11 fast- . 4y a fine wire, which ig.pa - siierl through t:;•.ir bodies, and concealed among the flowed.. — A el VIISU it, brtnigilt '1) V a willow; c. , veri3anot,7f, < from t lo• mnrdtrerl kr.r Lusband. i± rionlething new. :, 4 •Jcb, ..c has nectirrt , l iu Mary, :curus Lai (•ntf.red Ftlit f.gairul.( a. r. - e - altLy it:/,an, ot.)ol;tulatain o.4..Prne, for killing Ltr liustAand ; lftlian..lier: dani%gr ten i•li.ue•anil clollar.c. • . - • • , . — it G 1111 C. - I'CM /p arelput)l o ,i ( .. al •. n (, ita 711 . ,1)fit3ili ! ( .O 'N 1:"'1. „I. di. y , I !J,I, .;, • o ! 1 ‘s ULU . fOuTO; walk fig. cz ,. 11 .. .n 0 .11... g i.pt ;.!! EEMS amaa , ..Tharsday, iept i- , 11, 1373. • !EDITORS s O. svowticil, s. swir,fisim rvr 4 ' FOBSEPILF.SLNTAT , ; . J. B. MYER, or 13, - sox, .11FS EL WEBB, OF SIIITIEFIELD. ri FOB ASSOCIATE ail xi 4 , 4. W. OGHAISI,` or N‘ 7 ,310 . r. rEEAbLILER, I i ,R,Sri A T.T4, OF IiFEANKLEi. Le p 0 ts, of oo.e ther c, tliat a di oPP°I he will 1 of Tray, tthwarv. report of the . . Mr. Wrza.'s intetriitv and . and he ;distinctly declares now, and 4 euer iii i g 1), een op-- any (Laiirin pi: 13radford County, and his position ii in accord with thrarge majority of 'the voters Of ' the oanty. While niariy of the citizens of Troy would be, glad to 1 liarb a ,•, btnaty seat; we believe that the Pride they feel in. the !county, .as one of the most important' and influ ential in the Corainonwealth, is greet er Ulan ,a desire for a nets county - ; with their thriving town n;; . s-the caiii to.l.- dance veracity; tliat t, passage bolding we bell: IMIN radfotdgqintit LOM= rzw FOASTATE TLEASUICEF., ; EOl3EitT W. - I 'AUCXEY,' OF AI,LEGIMNT COUNiT. 1 i .SLTErmr JUDGE, ISAAC G. GORDON, OF iI:FF EBSON COLlcifi' PUBLICAN CotcNTY 'TWEET UM ccimussioNEE, SStELL, OF ITHF.N" , APP, RY or CoL6lr,u: _ • Nb-,' of Tow_v: A HNoura ABR B. F IR.D DIVISION OF TECH C I STY. I . xsistent and n: 'dons ef- I fi-xdesigning d - :.agog,nes, with..the dupes :of Pr.r_t.. make' the belieTe visicin of the cbunty 1 -is in and that,,,whilellr 7 "EBB dto the Ilinnegna, theme, nor a diTisic;n:in the interest , is calculated to deceive the The men who originate this ,ow it to be false. The people minty have tinbormded confi• have before state 4 in these :, we sincerely regretted the of the law permitting the ,of courts at.*by. Not that :ye the court imposes anynew Ipon the people, or that there esire on .the part Of the peo e fa secilre the erection d •uildings; flt the exPense of the b4t because a majority of the • ppear to bo opposed to i it. That IT column burden is any i the 'county county 'supple a the con; tate bu the fact' and th, portion busines has had the effeet to" facili . iness, no one acqua . inted with will . fora ru:oment dispute, th 6 people . of 'the . 1 4estern cif the county who have had to transact htive . ibeen.Saved in time and monet is .•quallyl unich e INIM of the men who tiow use the urt as an argument against I,l3,'were instrrtirae . 4tal in in- ,~ ~ Troy c Mr. AI mai to pass the lac; and their ion to ir.m now is :unfair and duciug oppoki‘ • I',r v...i..i. be remembered that )Toi.rn, of - Union county, was suildenly.,cen verted to' theMinnequa jib, last win-, ter and justified himself on the ground that he had got a letter from a Baptist - Minister living in CantOn, adiising him to . .upPort the bill. The dis reput)le Cour'4e of Mr. 'W' i. :se.ems to have Attracted the notice of men in other I is of the State. i The Beaver . Radica , referring to his ;ptobable.re '. tion, says:- ' . . 110MIEL of >n.lclc . :l emvcrFlon nOtorietv, is likt re-nominated by tho.Repnblicato of d Snyder, for -AsEemtily. He is' cer ttinje in eopAitualev • t hat iwely 'to parts. wage, iegardle_s of the I itacfg,rity of the candidate. • • \Vol' , tc t 4 Chinn a taiLly fo g adlic re .1 E'licss Tire ,PLI7.FP !mirk of CAIN , is on WOLFE and New York it orld informs CocinnANT, Chairman of the 1 Republican State Committee State, that his inqation to emo6ratic State Committee to wifh hiniTu a joint call fora Co:J.:rel. - Ilion"impertinent " impitdent," and advises him another market it Which to I ent " Lis wares. This Ive take '• • an indication jthafFthe Demo'- 4'NeiV . York regard their late oral " Ipartuers a ;holding too a land to be able to j assist in and therefore they mean lit alone. J Tif JOHN LiLe , , of tlla the twat Stitt: and. r to EC - c' "sell 11111 crdts ••Libi this g. to Lo 1 - 17thIC'S 111/12 WILIt:Uf , i goes about the C . :Qunty offering : to bet that Mr. IFri;: wilt not get 500 inalerity: and also, that he will p)rocti!re ti division ;of 1 - 11/ county with the cOuntv seat at ` fey within a ' year, proNjded the ut innegna - plan . does not .succeed: !All - suf l this i= the merest twiddle and is resorted to - in order tO deceive the people,: It Will tot be -vivre availing than the other efforts of Mr. Ilstinic to se I are ,an endorseinent of . his seheines by the people of; this county. 1 =I Tcis Republican :OniHntion. o: Nass4husetts yestertlayre;•nominat. ed. G or; IVAimuunx by lieelaniation Gen. Benxi withdrew his name not I pledl : :, , ed himself' o supliqriltho tick. et. Resolution were *pled de• nonnCmg, the. balk pay'drab!. • . . Ar.mOsr half aanillion of pur - State debt . w i as paid during. the month of • I Anint. Before the. close Treas urer 41AcKry's "next term ;the '-deb,t. willbe so reduced that the balance firill uot prove any burticn a t all. ! • I Graph balloon 41(1.1uot go up yest . erctly, Owing Jo sdtnei accijent, but it asstate:li2.l t r iispf r iteit froth Nov,- 3'011: - 11?!If it 1611 t-tn . rt • *ro,d Th.' 4 ! ;, t hAoro, was.lnlUatt4l , _ : 1 !VERY MODEST. . Prom Hmuno, having failed in his effort in hack the Bepubruinik non vend° in the interest of idsiniquit- OtU3 2ifnuie;na job, ordered his paid agents, th , deleiatee froui ;Alba and Canton borough and one otpie dele gates frOiri Canton townsh ip, to se cede froni the convention: . , His or ders were strictly obeyed. Last week these disorganiz-ers met in Canton and nominated . Luri. AND , - for representative and pledged ' the united support of the Mirinequaties. Among other resolutions, thei five del egates ptissed the "followiug%'' which for cool, invarnisheditepudence, has seldom been egnaled: 11 . _ Rescard. l That the late Republican' Conceit tiomat Towidtda, was packed againit tho Min neon& plen;of division by men in the interest of and for the; Tic., plan of, division,'and that we recommend the pea le Of Bradford !county to demand of the, Hon. James H. Webb an explicit and unegniVoall statement of Lui vieiva op= both the bltru*cina and Troy plans of division, and upon the Fa aintettancs of the Troy Court. After declaring that they have no interests in commoni with the rest of the county outside o f l. the l!ilinnequa territory, l is attempt.to dictate what shall be'done is simply , ridciulons. SuCh a re.sOlutiOn could haveeminat 'ed froin nO one ' save Prrin‘l limmtc, who:in his 'attempts fo carry out his schemes, Trays no regard for decency or honesty. The . republican party told Ilrf, linninc ver)emphatirglly at the con:eUtion, that neither his so ph istriE ttOr his money could induce then to , Oponse his cause, and the action ofthe convention will be en doried, by t.lie People] I ' . , Rod. ISAAC G. GORDON. : • --- ; 1 -The ,Pi I ttsburg- Evenin?l Telegraph tells 'the: following anecdote of the ,: 0 _ Republican clndidate for S4reme Judge: i =: 1 _ Few of the presant generation hay' e• forgotten,: or will soon forget, the feeling th'at pervaded all classes of the Northlin the daye that immedi- - atejy preteded the overt. acts of Sduthern itreason. I In the; fall of, MO, the:xi , was a disposition' amon,g , all parties:to conciliate and temporize ' to yield again to the demands of .tliOslafehbleers, and to prevent, by • new concessions, the threatened civil war. Th'ere were,, however, here and therObrave, fearless- and deter mined Men in the No'rth, who refused to heed , the threabi lof ,the flesh brokersrand to bbW to the crack of 1 1 the slave-drirer's . lash.: They boldly proclairaed that the ' estering cancer on ,thelbCdy pelitic must be eradi cated,: th 4 the time 1 for palliating applicaliOns .lead gone by, and that nothinr , ( - :erclitined but the absolute estirptrai n of :,the eyil :it whatever: cost or kerifice. In the dark days, the latter days, of'lB6o, l fi !member of theiLegiglature electbd 1; tDa4hin county died dur ling the i cess, and a special election vas , ord7ed which occurred after . . i. .I.__, , • the beginning of the session: A meet- ' ing was tilled in the court house in Harritburg, i to inaugurate the cam paign. ' Airflow!: the speakerS invited, and present on the occasion, were, Hon."Wir-W. Ketcha', Hon Joseph rf !Casetand 1 Hon. Is ac G. Gordon, Who was' then ft Representative from the Jefferson Pistri t in ' the Assem bly. Mr. 'Ketchaml and Mr. .Casey preceded i4lr. Gordon, and as was supposed .to 'be. lecessary,1 ecessary, they " trim Med their sai to !the breeze ' =spoke' tenderly o their - Southern fellow-eitiZens, . gm erly : of the ne-, groes and,their rights, and handled: the.wholenbject in' i a way that suited the views , O f 'Philadelphia merchant: fearing' ttie" loSs of i Southern trade. Both •;'reiC 1 loudly I cheered On the completidn lof their' l speeches, and then Mr.' ' Gordon, it.-rts introdnceil. He steppedupon the Judges' bench, opened al . :bOok lie .bad in his hand, read an 'extract, which he took for his kzt;, :.(it ! was Helper's book) and procela i ded to demonstrate, in a most straightforward way, that hrinian slavery was a curse; a fetal blot upon American - , escutchl i on, iit . kd that the time had come to 'eradicate it, even if it had to washed oat in blood. The audience listened ' attentively, and sat aS.if stunned. When he:fin ished thete was no l l Oeeit, but adead calm. !pi.,iseiltly an old man in the back part of the hall arose to his feet, and, ( swinging his-hat around ! his:lead,".exelaimed,. " Three cheers for . Gordon, the only man that had the courage to tell the truth !" ' The cheers 'were Oven] with a will, and the meeting adjciurned. . . ,ThiS ineident.is,l characteristic- of the man.", I Honesttruthful and fear less, he iirie ever to-be found at the post of ditty, always the .advocate of Justice; 'mid right.i.. NO man : could !brig he :in doubt aS to his views upon any quiestiOn, and ho political terrriV -0 OtsatioUs: had ever _larked his pareix. A devoted' patriot a sincere Chris tian, ai:A l onest mail,' and an upright 4'udge, l l he Ti l l adorn the bench of the linfireine:Court, and bring to the:ais ; charge of its grace - and responsible. duties) every quality that lam secure the adiniiiistrationfof impartial jus tice:`' ] ' I :SLEW AN °WAN (1:.1i . • nEns. - •^ i • Ma . .4 —. • It been openly denied in l Dm e late eoaratie Convention, that , ei th e'BU' CK.EW o • r COWAN voted in 14866 for thcrincrease o'f tsar ! - 4 , pay ,tisL l Senators', , we .give the doubt ingD ein'ocratillielbeuefit of,the fol lo vine gnotation from the official re port of thF , proceedings Las pnblished in the :Cpo L gressienall. 39th Con*g.,llst. ,Sess., part s*, pa *e 4145. I " Alr.,WiLso - s.-470w let th amend 'tient 1 1 4 , read justla.sit stands." -* The SOret'arytt l pp readasfollows: t,-taLl 1)e l',6irtlieT enarecfc - .that tho coinpeu: saticin of tech Senator, Bepresentatirn and I)el egato iniCabgress shalldna $3.000.0r • annum, to he co7npited from Vic.'ileg flay of tlie I men! Cor,grei etc. ' I . Mr. ,T'ssE-N,L4 ; :ts called for the yeas and nays, a iicl tlicylvere ordered ; and, being taken,-r•eStilted—yeas 23, nay's 13;:las follows: YEAs:--Wssrg. CUIVAX, Cresswell, Daris,Doolittle, Edmunds, Hender son, Hendneka, Howard, Lane,,BlTiougall,Nor ton, Poland' 9 Pomeroy, dams ddle, Sjrrague; Trumbull, Nan Winkle, Wilson apa lates—f , " - - Nim- T U ssrs. Chandler, I•e_esendcri, Foster, Grimes„ emu hrie, 7 l.lowe... Morgat?. .Ic,es mit li,Nye; Shermar,linmner, Wade and ilhams-13. So f. [amendment was agreed to, and F ilecords on file at. the Treas ury DOlTtnicut; liVitv that these two ext.-;:p .. plary De4pierats (it ew . their back. 1.;'! .. %,71 La itcatt7 . /-' Exam i 1... IFtuf l r ; everyl .., fequ 4.11 a rt (, ' r (1 . . fl to Sh,te e"me , 'Lff.. etr-r . it: 1t0.,.., il,:t Ow ;1,11•••114.± To.tittl)f;rl , -1 , Ivo.; i•'f-• ~ i 15 , t p. ;Lr v. is i!o'r , :I:' , . t it , %l ' l,- 1' 1. 1 • I i -2 . ' flita . :Ctr EI: wili-be t•llt , .Cl,i-t by ..,:fita ' 1' . I i • j• - ,rity 14; ifty tleitlial4(.l • 1, I, il THE BIWIWOLID B. IL I' • • Dr. Quer, an Oterpriaing and in telligent citizen of l BingliSmbin, N.Y., recently inadwa 'tour of „inspection 1 over the rore of the ptcpo sed. rail road from. Bing _ ton', to .. Canton, and tells the readers of the Republic can his imp6iisions. in the 'following letter writt4n from this place: • Tliwa-•coa, September I, 1873. To tile Elilqrsiff tkeecubifran: ' We left Owego' about 9 O'clock this morning, t s d co tinned our' route down the S que alarm river . S miles, to Nichol.! On m il e above' this point the:work o excavating for the canal had ended.' " &tyres" the proSpectiVe point of function with the.Pennsylvarda North Branch Ca nal, is twelve mil further on. For tunately fOr our State Treasury, no ground haslbeen rokenl on this sec tion. From Ow go to 1 Nichols we noticed same very extensive and cost ly rock cuttmgs,hich have exceeded many times the riginallyt ;estimated i cost of the wor . In 'some places the canal banks! 'have been plowed and the earth rei - r ioved - to repair the highway. I • ' . I . Nichols i a cirdet'farming locality. IWe notice several stores and places of industry a large and tine4ooking 1: 'school-ho e, 'two chutch edifices, a hotel, drug storerand physician's of fice. Slap esefi-ng creek . jOins the Susqueha a at'this point. I The: Br dfor - railroad route is along this strea . The Wappeseu ing valley i mo e extensive and pop- Wens, an - d belt r curtivated than I had expect dto nd it: although the farms are c orn axatively 'new, and are just em rgin from their first na ture. The ear Ad . be seen many ev idences'of t rift and enterprise. Tidy and counn diou school-houses and churches a d d , -ellings, grist-mills, i i i saw mills, - oafs n mills and tanneries are often 's en. I Traveling, about six Miles upth valley we- • come to the residence oPreSidentladden,where ,our comps y ang his neighbOrs Were cordially in led to dine, ancl altho' i n his,hospita ities were severely taxed, his bountifnl pi ovisicin - would have held out for anopler like number. Three miles from Aladdenburg we reach the , heal ',waters of the Wysox Creek, and ,ipi grade along thi 7aie average of Wit to the wile. 1 , The people. alOng the `route ttirnek 'out in large and Rntliti . siastie num bers Ito s'pe the Bradford RailrBacl excursionl parrY. It was expected . that theiNeW :York Stale c. , flicerS of the Canal BOard . would accompany us, and welWere bailed frequently by men, someloti'thern. on crutches, who proved to be: , soldiers oflhe late war, And who - Wished to greet Gen. Rob- Jiason, under 'whose cammand, .they had served. I promised, , for the General, that 11 1 would pay' them a visit when lie' could travel in 'palace Cars upon) the Bradford, Railroad. The businss lbalities visited to-day ( I are Maddebbnr, Windham Center,e, Iyorsburg, Orwell, RorT,. ; Wysauk -1 ing, Towanda'. S'Ome of, these are already large an i d handsome villages,: and with the adTantages of a railroad Would.deVelop i any important com mercial peints. Twill send an ad dress whiCh wa formally presented, by Mr. S '"li — ..Bronson, of . Orwell Hill, sitri' and d by a delegation of about 200;f hi fellow-citizens.. ,c) , At • Ira densl urg I . .was sorry to Witness th run sby fire, hardly two years since, 'of a valuable property owned by3l . r. Madden, consisting of a grist:mill bar'ng five run of stones, a saw mill,,A woolen mill, plaster mill and tannery., I sincerely „hope the time i. not Tfir distant when new 'edifices will riEp in-lieu of ; these un fortunate r' unis i ' We reaChed ' It is situated oi Susquehanna stretch alOng it: tance. The bi upon term-es looking the atilt ' the river, land 93 evening lightsp, approacho !rot ! a novel and deli route Towanda ' from BinJ" 7 harat t n ~, . -- 1 ---- r •4411•11!-.4.---..__ ' DEUR OTIVB FIRE--VALUABLE ~ - , ORS.I BURNED. •• t Tar..NT N, Sept. I.—The Fashion stud farm stable look fin at quarter past eleven thi Morninf r t, and was destroye'( Tile briiiding ‘), - al :iii f ee t by 195, e ntaining - nineteen hor.ies;' nine of Winch acre burned. Among I the horss biirnetithe following have been asc4tained: Two road mares; belongin c , to President tirant; 1.4 Pierre, owned by Mr. Butterwort:hi -of Philalelphia; ; a line large baY, horse, owneaby the same gentleman; a fine Stallionl r • belonginf.i t 4., .Mr. Hutchinson.: Harry 8., a ,grey`iiM.-se, belonging to Wm. H. Dotile, v;d:i.etb at $4000,! aryl Ilse ()Wei. honies not noted the nar,tiQs;• of -;y11(...e '-,;nerd 'arc not ascertained. • • ' • ,! • The followiMg hor:ics 'l‘, - :..r, 2 . ,)t vial and save* : Grlf.thinithilaiii, Lucy,, Roslyn, Hotspur, California Mare-.! Doble loses ten salki , ...;;, tilt - ca. LII-topi buggies, hirty sets 'of harness, and some tra s w; rill i,4,090. , • 4jhark.s : Cochran, an o dman, 'lost a trunk containing $3 (1,00 in gold notes, a fiftyl dollar, gold piece;. trunk's . belonging; to all . thel noted horses were also lost.; The Clothing I pf all the boys, andi about one hundred halters and at large nut ber of saddles and bridles belonging to blood mares STC:N' :LISOI lost. . • 1 , , • raence a descending stream to .Towanda. be grad‘. , , is nineteen owanaa a 7•0`c7locl: the west side of tie . anti seems to shore fora long clis inklings are located fid streets, elle . over r as they ac - eend from giowir4. - ; with /their I .1 nesented to n:: its, we ,n the opposite shore ! , hghtful view By this is. fifty-three E. G. .t $19,000.: • The 11 . m .. .15,000, :30013:: ill- , The ses,.valued at 7, . ells of oats; ei lit tons of I ::ndil nix-tons stiff brirned. Thell - whole loss is said : lo be $75,000:1, Therein an in uraneo. of. SB,POO oAF ?the barn,' but . o insurahce thel horses: I.lDobl loses fully $5,000. The. lam and stables belonged firincipaily tON 'Smith, of Newl 4 is thought the:fire origins- 1 led from sixtills froni a locomritive. there, WKS a fit. frgalc from the south west. Men tr t w()1.1 ) : taliiii;_f the.. dead hOr l scs fr m the :hybris. Trenton s were . on hand. '11,(tIll 1) • DISPATCH. ' I ' 1 t. 4.—The following! rued in' ad , ition t.c; in it former "sPateb , ownel . by Edward ) act: berse from Bahl i , t horses in all [Piero [Pieo was valued at t,a.llion lieleuf;ing ti 4 trances was valtied at $6, irances are as follows l : 7 ,renton,.s:.ooo;Stand l 7 ,1 .$2,500;' Nett It Awcii -1,1.1ia, $2,500 ) 1 Frinkliii', ":;42,5119—iii al!, :-:19, MEI N, Se -re b hone Pe )i TIZEISI" horses v those me —Lizzie Perry, a lehern i burne(l. $lO,OOO. Wm. Hn 000. TI ii(l a 1) E; La. 'tchins' in in; •':;, of T Irentul reoPI, aril of 'lea, of Pir of Viola WO. 1.4 a wit I 0 • 61111 .11! roi,al ,l o. mu? 4-4). !or . 1 1 u n I b I In , -o• it gu j I I W.tmsevos, Sept. 9.—The $15,- 50p00 awarded to this government, was today paid into the tr. - . •, . • Se,ere*ry. Fish in one bond, of • ..* , . the following is a deteription : ' 1 Two i Act 'of h 3d, 1873. It is here, by ,certifi d that fifteen millions five hundred th ousand dollars have-been deposite with the Treasurer of the United States payable in gold at his office, Ito ; Drexel, Morgan & :,:)., 111orto,ii, Bliss 5,-.X0., and Jay Co ke 4 C0.,1 or their order. 1 I WASnErscrrox, September 9th, 073. asl Johl: Alison, Register.of the Tre ' 1;‘. E:l3pinner, Treas. of.the 11 S Wm. A. Richardson, Sec. of the Trees The bond has the figures $l5, 500,000 in the upper right and left hand Corners, and is numbered abo ut , the centre on each side - with pie figured 1. 'The back of the bon is endorsed as fellows : 1 PaY to !the, joint order of It M. Minister as Charged'. Affairs 'Washington andeacting Consul 0 e'ral'at New York: . ' - • ';;:-. • 1 Drexel, Morgan' &'Co. ,Morton Bliss :5..... Co. - 1 I . Jay Cooke & Co. - ,-rstY to the order of HnAlten 1 1 1 Secretary of State. -tu Edward Th; on, it B. M. Minister. 1 E. B. Archibald, H. B. Consul General, New York. Pato the order. of Hon. W 1 4icha 3l. dson, Secretary of the Till T4t.Y,,' . Hamilton Fish, Secretary of S UpOn receiving from 13Iin hog ton ' and Consul Gen Archibald the fifteen and a half 1 hem ertnicate of ;deposit, s and cqipting to them therefor, Seared Firdi e l in. company - with Assill SCeretary Davis ; called upon Se. tart liichardson, who issued a . 1 gle fie per cent. register bdud the whole•amount in the usual fe; • With the additional clause : 1 tinited States of America aro in e4i to Hon.. Hamilton Fish, Seer 1 1 of State, in trust to be held sui t ; • to future disposition of Congres provided byact approved )larcl 1K:1,1 etc. . L ; I The'. bond vas` skillfully pril With a pen, bane . a facsimile o printed form, and is the work o . E.' B. l‘lagrory, a clerk in the • 1 k e btanch ottlaeTreasury. - [;poll I m_ a g ttly executed it was phut gt plied, . and then sent to Snr tai Fish, who is its present custot ita Th&ecertificate of deposit was ; o COurse.; retained by .the Secretary o. the Treasury when the bond w 's is- Sned. It will be framed and ,Ire ai OrVedi among the archives of the gaverinent as a memorial of an amicable settlement. of difilcUlties betWeein two: countries without . a •resort to arms. . 1 lln the Whole of this important franeaCtion .. with re... , ,Terd to I the paymetit of money the Secretary' of tate declined to. have anything. FWltatetier to. do With the bathers entploYed by the British government, .Lis conanjunication being alone with Sir Edward Thornton, the Bitish i l .)tinister, and'the only transac ions the, Secretary of the Treasury had kith the bankers was to receive .I.leir ,cirtificateS of deposite and issue in ill-en thereof One 'of tt e whole amOunt, 4e bankii:rs receiving notliing . Troth the TreaTury.as a compensatioti 'fee the negotiation, the exoense lr• been pi C i;lbv the British govi. - ffni) - i I ' -•--4 404- 4-'4 [ t ' t A sqltement having been mac 'a writclr in Harrisburg, sigeing si:lf .J ir:a', , i in urging the ie•p the L s eed Option law, that 1 tiets fuiTished last Winter by th T [ brariaU, at the public ce.pen.4 , . Ii.:: - - , Trii. Erm:Tr, cJ,i i`c - the , of I 1 '• burg ..:, ~o u, r.•iii iti Ult. il: o 1 Bcnatci thud replit...: So tier fr.an this Lein ,. a `i a , D Cir.: . 3 fa l :i, " it, is not It fact at all. 1 Was ito bar-ro..mt in the Senate 01 tkr; last wiltcr, in charge of the rite Librarian (~r any one else, .tio Senator parto:a of , Nl'Llibll AirandY et the cost of the Comb N'ettithi. . Peremptory order 1 rriven, 1 Fat the Opening of the k l e , n 1 by Letelh Speaker and Clerk, ! f te Libra4iau, that liquor of ail; i iliould,be exchnlA from thel d be...:s, and the .orlers we-e strit-t herA to. , . I • • ME Om' MI 'THE (}ENEMA AWARD• 1:1=I=1 Sleeping Beauty (r) the F Teen acvaliaq htsf. Judging from the dr;.hfafi [Le hap,l4. the kthargie iii 0011 lute life. Brother BuF:ros,lX l)cr g , ,-(!1 Letlf great ;Ler f 1 r :7:1 , w. .4.6.v;illiz:ments. pd, , als will be recei‘. , l at tho I,ouee ofj 11111er, irt A6ylom tivp., ou TUESDAY, SEvr 1,73, u.t it 2 o'clock, 1.. m-, for the buil( dom,',,tl! of A 0 Britl arro,s the mouth o wt.^r Epecitleations fer tl May bo th.• Commtstilouvr's 011'4'7 , OA, bur; V. 7..tiEt:r for 000 week 1, U KELLOGG, Nop, SIIEPALD; 1122)..1. ,ECYKENDA Conant. ail Id 9.1,.,, TEEM MEE 4BRIDGE LETTINCf.—SeaIe 1 P will be recTirea at the house Long & Son; in Troy Eorona IVEDN' 81:P1 • . 4 1,0E113, mail 2 p. tn., for tl! tag r.ritoinpleting of a tridgo aerosa Bag In Rll , l ()rough. Specific...l.ol;s for the na! set-n at the ComralstEloners Office a iri7e of Pj. H. Carrichan. in Troy lioreqh. t J the letting. E. C. KELLOGG,'. • MORRIS SIIEPAIID DENJ,. KUICKI.NI).‘ Comnii E C.c , :nnits:doner -, Clhce, Eqpt C. 1b t. i cITEAM .11011 SE- POWER p.....yjs.u.E.—Tho.uudenig,uud offers for sate a Gslil ito.ze Power Engles and Roller, together' with ki i•omplete set of merhinery for a eircular'S Wilt Le sold cheap. For Ittrther , iLfernhttiot enquir6 Lf Means, Rockwell L: Col, or the :milers gnecl a men's. WyFpx, Pa. • Fept 10, 1573 _ 11_,rq:( WKN. FEA.I4 COAL IIE -ESTAYLIST.LVD ! 41 UttC/110 to' ELIA I UV.' Coilo trad , i on nceouut of my Litznx r. 0., VI, by CAP, I,OAD `APE OPEN '.IY COAL V. ag it/ aLia to fa:pply - alto hiay \ril? wt It inlepir,rlCoal, either hr th; car, hoar , ni fan* Friecs ; and in any (lowed qua. liv4-1 at way f.-tation on the ri. T. I A fair sltare of inzi,liepatronage Holicitetl] Tow nd.t, f•opt .4, '7:3. n. M. ''..rra THE • CITIZENS OF . BLVAINIA,—Tortr attention is spec t rally to the fact that the National Banks are :prepared to recalve snbscriptions toi thq Cal:auk: _stock lof the Centennial Board of Finance. The(: funds realized from the aconree are to be Eitnploye,l: in the erection of the buildings for the Internatimac. Ex.llll, Bon, and the expenses connected *ilia they, Fame.. It is confidently, lid:rived tint the Neystonc„ :Mate will be represent,. by the nammof eVery van alive t 9 patriotic commemoration oil the . one? Jiniunlreilth bath-day of the nation. The limns of:, , stock ;ay. offered for ;10 each, and subscri sirs 'alibi' :receive a handsontoly steel engraved taTtitleate sail:dun for framing and pr,:,e,rv4tr.tt a 3 a r r est at the rat,. ~f ,:x p-r-c , •!1 per at: :th, paid on all payments of Cont,unial lit date of pay rw•Lt in January .1,. I , ltb Mei arc not o or a Nntio ,;.31/131.11.: ( vs,t, ez,ler t r:: . ' N - T(:) . 11( " • %." if I I • • .; I •• H... t . Z.';, :I I pit Lo E Eli -at en- l ish, ort- ALL 11 ( 1 • [I I A C'lB 'ate ste , era tall re as 3 TAYLOR At'' CO r 1; July 17. 1.1.7.,73 4 Vin" 1 ellt. .t: b.) him I ;flu(' e. L c,IUSQ' UEHAIiNA COLLEGIATE 1,.J INSTITUTE.,I The fall term of the Susquehanna Collegiate Matt 'ti`uto will commence MONDAY, , AUGUST 21, 1673. ,tinder the following corps of instructors: 0 EDWIN E. QUINLAN,-Frlncipal; Latin and Greek pauguage, and Theory and I'rwttice of Teaching,. Al -I ILA J. CRANDAL.L, A. M.,-Commercial Branch vt.. Sciences and Mathematics. EliCiAll 11. SHERWOOD. Instrumental-Music. i Miss MARY E. MERRILL, rreceptress, Common And Higher Eitglish. ' • Ef Mesi MARY A. SHERWOOD, Mathematics. and per Mall Language. , ... '1 •Mi,i.E. J. LEQUIN. 'French Language. 1.. 13Ins. C. E.•ORANDALL, Painting - and , Drawing. .. 4 Prof. Crandall comes -recommended in' thelligheb t t/eXma by President Allen, of the Alfred University, [Vref. Ford, of the Elmira Female College. and by r•koveral boards.of education by whom 4 he has been hiapioyed during ten years of active experience in ,- le school room- i - , l :Of 3I!8 Merrill and the other teachers, - their rec• :11,1 4. he Institute-is such that it needs no cam tiiiendat- . u to those who have patronized the school. il ,No .4) - us will .he spared I to maintain the high Tetanal?) of the institution, : and,by carefully looking ito the:l wrests of each Individual student to make kits woreven more efficient.. Each teacher will have la.na File lality, and.use every facility to make the l'lopics i teresting, and to secure . the largest possible !r : resu its n his department , : ' ATe hers' Class will b4" - orl•anized 'at the corn. Omen:lent of the fall term; . The course of instruc tion till include not only Sado] government. meth ,?',ods cif instruction and other topics auxiliary to iiteachim.r, but also daily drills'ln the branches taught 'in the s ?hoots in the country. tuition in this class, 1 eight 41rellars. ' , . To kave expense, text kooks, the same as in the 1 conntr 111 be used in the !English branches, with f Ithia eic ptiou of Geography. . To I ake the sojourn ' of non - resident students Inorep easant, 'the Principak.will .use his house— t situate but a hew roOfrom the Institute building i —for b arding purposes , where - rooms furnished throng out and providod . With clothes closets and l'otheve nveniences will be furnished for the young "ladlea. .!2 The I 'and aka :Ithe hot 1 armed of the ) 'itts- rthdri hcre Llarn „ or MME MEM PRE the i.i.LIAlc hqin- Mi WI SEM lw I= 1.10- 16th sell 'IIDLIt mut Diu ell I n pan Prthe fuel, It $1 Cfi toilets their Toth corklitt For 611 tl atr rc v:. 116 ME IntEL ppEE CUE ItED WI • 1 pro-. f N. M e Imil tj Crerk Ilf. I 111):: the ute fcr 01 L En TLS indcfriguccl of 31 4 . ' Johnson tit on 11* of th II TEAS AND COTFEE, TEM Our mot to Is : • "Q Uf GA - N 4 LES _i . 2l" L, 5.11.11,1 1' li 01'1 E55:132 MEM Towatda, Sent 9, IBM HOW IS THIS FOR LOW ! We offer DRESSED , LIMIBER lat tliefollewing rates MEE SD= MEI Hemlock flooring, (ch0ice).....,.. White hno y ...... Pitch .• - • •• • ..... Siding .... Pickets from $2 to f per hundred BE Done at a momenta notice and by the bad roachin , cry now made, Wt have on' hand ONE BENDRED TROESAND FEET DRY UMBRA THREE 'JILINDRED AND FIFTY TITOUSAIST Parties who eau rcaeh us aro foolish to go mar the railroad for Lumber, as under any Mreutu stances we ran SELL IT cIMAPER—at least -the cost of transportation from here to the ratiroad,4-2: per thousand nun Hit 1. frt. 111 La 11 , e lilt 1. 1 -For, SA LE. T ---Tho undersigned. of f.,ro for sale Mei form of nritt norm Forty 'u. fl; r.rt updrr good oultivatlon. Good build, 0-,har.l and Sprit 0 , . 130.. mt tlaco for trout .1-Jmig in gr'at rorort for lifihormon; Ent. 11 . 1:1 5,11 chi for email. Situalea at the month '4 . .1..!k Creek. ;Fur farther particulars satin-se 1.. W. SNELL, Aogl t ains Grove, Sullivan Co., Pa. 'tr, =Si I= EN n Co. E., lExcellancouno N ItRDTICE -ON SUMMER GOODS; ) • . THIS WEEK, , . e e 11 , est rooms in t e Inotitaite will be furnished gaea to the y atm men: all Will board at' tse of the Prim pah There will be a careful sion on the part of the Principal and teachers tanner in whic h students employ their time . . . . . for furnishel room and boanl, including hts, and wash ng not to exceed six pieces, T week. 'RIO mts will Teirnlsh their own ,d be held ace untahle fq• th.) furniture in onus. • ,n from Four q Teu ;Dollars per term, ac -to studies pursued. irtfier particulSrs or circulars; .aililresa 'the I, L. E. QUIN .C.N. Towanda Pa,. IdILLF.It FOX, .Pres't Board, Trhatces. lolionitotatinia ITE AND BLUE viirehabed the interest red, white ana'binG".storc) igaritrert, r rD_rtrully rolicit the patronage )ur stock Of • ICE F. MILY GROCERD:S Is equal to any in this Section, and DEFY COMPETITION IN PRICES. We make a specialty of And invite attention to our Stock NVILCGX RIDWAY PLANING, MATCHING, HE-SAWING, We bare in the BM Pond FEET. OF UMBER A nd arq cour;tautly Manufactutibg Juno 26. '7. CORDING, RUSSELL & Ask the attention of buyer" to their g of Old and new Vattern' of COOKING AND HEA STOVES, RANGE.' PIKE PLACE IiEAT REYNOLDS' WROUGHT IRON FU t- ORIENTAL BASE BURNING BOYNTON SAE &MANDEB p=gimE CIIIJRC;H CHANDAL filLVEIt ' PLATED tilktONS COTIIES WRING BRITTANNIA COFFEE' • NATIONAL COFFEE InCEOK'S PORTABLE CIDER PARKER'S BREECH SH tiii , .1 It4voLVElls, .FLA LIME, CENIEN LOCK'S ANDI L. MEM .... 28 " $1.5 to 25 11. 11..INGHAi1. , Camptown ' l lll:inde, of Job WQi•l Gas rixtnres and Philub notice Minellaneou f®. They ,NAC I 61 ~~ BRACKETS, OVAL WAITERS HIGH CANDLEEI TICKS, CART PDC; KS, I=ifM SIIEL BRAC K FEANIIER. DUST risro LANTERNS LATH, SHIN(' GRLAT VALILT JENVVTT'S LE NATION AL LE OILS COLORS, VARNISHES STRAW CU FANNING MIL , CORN SHELL LARGE SALE 0 DgslitAn IRE COL. G. F Lying on the west in Towanda Towns vided into Na FIVE-ACR - Andithese lots arc r sale at great bargain,: on the road leadin., , and they are - very di,: ing lots: It iii the which will Ve offer' good sized lots at near the _business borough. Also 1111 r flp On east side. ef road. BRICK DWELL • With 0 1 acres of lan. ll tains all modern im p I is one of the mos deuces in the counts LARGE STEAM 17 IN TONS'A.NDA The Mill 10 nearly of doing tnerbest ,Y.LIATABL Z , idjoining.Lin-ta H in ToNanda . Borou ,i, A map of, the lots calling on the made • of Bartlett kTraci;, For further parti address ' ■ CHRISTMAS IND HUGUENIN AT TELE OLD STAND TOp.3 .1%. WA Aare Just rcelvekl a large all the latent Aincricazi MB 'Gold and Silver, from Oa Om a large as,ortmeot of CLOCKS,'ciOLD, AND .S 1 EEEM li,Pmeinber the place, two Co.'s; Towanda,. l'a.- 'Watches, Clocks, anrl d c•s N0c.25 . 7* IKEI EMI L°°l HER 1 .11a. as large wv.l GROCERIES k PA aith , re i iu TEAS, C 0 1' I'ORK ANDTLOUr, mtp 1 • - Gt.k.ds dell,,,ren.fiu an Mi.ll.s cf L huge, • It , . I;!it , :tr.l it a CIO pm:l.3'ol s'A.l alas CI NX• UHAIIS 'lllll3-11. • ' I JD :II Wa- 71 I ' A YER'S '~ 1 - 011 7TrE 0 A t. 0:: 1, CoAirtneFs.' Dysentery, - F,:i4 ripelaF. Itt!cnnaatl::' awl Skin Diseases, Bil!!::usnk.-:, Lir Dropsy, Thieri, Ti;:nor t [ i an. Gant, Neuralgia, as abibnYr Blsod.are the most dm 4nial Their etrects abundantly. stp , all ' They saf,: but rokyerfnl in carp. more of the blood thly star disordered organ into a4r.Onv; a rid tone to the Irhoie;lii:ini , .l (14 every day complaints of able and dangerous dileaEe. clans, most eminent td r ergyti zeus, send eertificates et, great benefits they have , . der They arc tie safest arid l best. cause mild as well as cire,:tua, they are easy to take:: and 1)1 they' am cutir4dr toreilo' •ilAt. J. C. AYEII t r Practical and IN. .Fold by all Drugaimt9 August 2 t N EW. . If UR:SF MEI JOSEP ll.tti 0tTr.,..:1 BRI,DGE STIi A 'o.l.:Nnr.Ar..is:son lT riucLs favx,l4 IViratev,;r Liay be Iva, and ea.arrene go-cils elsewhere. I\ G, pL.I EE , vend a vari 4ty of El We havo now in opera l Planer, and other tn. recent Tprovemcntß,' manehl . Bunning In, we are ble to do work hi: do it c sply, and - beet doing.i perfectly. It( ite,will atiafy every manshi ~ 'gam eanilitown. April 7 NEIW . STAGi I Flint rs,igncit is r 't r 1 . inpe, short L.. e u • ' Cowan :it A l i C P. Exilese goods car ' Toveria, Sept 4, I ( Mkr..ou LOTS! MIZE MASON, ide of thecoad i Logs, Low . offem: for i f i Tbe,lots,( font Ito' *onr Ito . n, irabie for 1 ijuld ist oppory:nity ;d for selaring easonable, ) Priees 1 .1 . portion o The ~ i ! It OT3 Also tll4 l 'G HO4 I the botai byerugn. .desirabl t Also tke URING 01101:011. I evt find (It OMNI gLOT 6 co: I) IJe f. 1i 19,y lgnecl a& J. A. C ars cal TT, Tr 6 87:3. i H. L. S 30, tJE 11 IBM MEI EMI C;Ci 111:_‘Lt ( f MEE lIMME EDESHI EERIE DEMME MIME ERNE RIM ME= 0 VI S iffiNi2 BE SEEM rEmm?mm: MEE 0. t` , I: k rDJ 1 .I.l'l ZEE 1%11 : MEMO = EMEMEM 1 1 EIME • Ernytic,n , Complalut. a“ 1 how n. an 1 11 1 1 ,. g ,, ou MITI and t h ey 1 Tlv y c \ t r, 1 t'.,11 BM I ca ar a-1 1 vol Ity.'a rtk:au, MUM ()W1.14T; e:1 al •-*6 111:.' 11111 ST I II I \ tit Itrzse EMI MEE Wh.rf T 01 1' NEB I MO 0' ~'. 1 rX' L al. 111 I vi r.u. EMI OM =MEE wil:\ ilia fr-‘" LL LUULEIt Et , WIIITL I 17. IND I DoAnbs, 1 ~!. NCi Shrl NEI , Boards] new,l I ry, coriitj the mos er on as it 1 the'clro titc war • s to pri~ •atiozi iellin 4ndo r a ne, ; i lia BO cowai AI i 11111 11j3 UTE ! I n?thtig 11 EMI OE •. . , 'sonib 0:(1 at 1 A. T 4T—S J E ! .TE X,' ! • • !.1 ! '11: - , :1 1 ! firdcosp tf , . :. I ! : Icoribrtul TS 000 P Pull, 1• [ - , 4.... Z. Packer VS John Gar !1 ' / 4.. t. Stephen Day tot Bcrijua.t.p . N'srgason.. ...i.. Banana 8 Lois's . vs Leo, Vargason..., !..... C'l' Welles. Zs's TS Jess 8 Jesse '-• • • • • A U PonteroY vs C J CoOlbanigh,.et a 1 2, 1„ ... .. II p Society of Albany vs It of Alb ' C 7... John Bennet! vs .1 P Van Fleet ... , .. . 1....,..' Unary Amami Brea!). vs Maliltm 0 *Mtn 0 '..l . NC Brbstor'le deo vs A It Moe and .1B pii: 40e1Benneirs loan vs G W Uoilit.t. et al..' . , James Gibson vs 'Jane Gil- don, et al ~,,.' .. r.. , rfernant'irs The TO*Srila Coal Cf; .. 'M b.= vs Geo P Ca51t:. 1 .:...., ; ,.. , f .. 1 . ;Vint 'A Xasori vs Sullivan Ce 'it It Co. I f ....! ,31(1 Pelper 4 Co re It J H Hock and ' Coe.: , Ad. ' no 24(.1J:rite TS 8c147 Dis't of Waqent . :Ka ion Vanderpool .vm Daniel, We11a,...,1). i . 'EI Loan firmtla vs John 0 Ma50n::...i...... Ed and Overton va John S:Caraphell,4l al. i. k 3 da es Count* vs Jaen.; Merrick, et al.. ... Philo Mangos` vs 8 fr. E C Alit Co, et at .... Itiat Nat Bani Towanda v Hew W!rd A F Morrison , vs B W Lacp., 1 :I .... If Charlotte Ward ka v.l John Cautwt;ll, et Mcrrie Fargo vs Levi W'ells'' P ag,, , ....8 vs_ DaMel - B'PowerX ' 1 Le,as C Leeds ke vs liirean LaThes a al—, . 'ix IlarAns vs C L Ward trc...'....1 1 ... 4 , Jo than Whipple vs D 'Cash's adat'ai .. Ca harine Wheeler's nizO vs 31 , :tcz.1 h . Btatt'r,r, Aaron Sbeeler vs J A Daslii.let a'.,...r. „ . .. A 4 '' MOtre va Erastos - NUT, et al., ..' ...... 3111.8 D Cass vs Troy 1p..; . , ...... ... ij...... F Persor,altis F Fet7.l 11', et a 1..... .'l ... F U Pera , ..ns ' A ve John V.olf- P 4 Stowell }•s Jaen V,li.ze & Co.::••I.. , .... Pbh Miller vi , fA Malian Vat ..,. LI •' do' 1, do. 1 f ttal 'le 1 r -; ery Miller , ISI ei vs atitteri adia'rs.j'.' . . ... ;. Jo la Astell tie C T Merry et al ' li ' 4a is AxtoU is 0 P.E.allaribi e A 0 Moore vs Jphn Crurn4n5....... 1 : .... j,.. •Wi a littyder . .htsa vs Lotr ... '. .; . i ...... ~, . ... P b Wynkoop vs E rliai Li' ' I l. Wm Ealher,t vs 4uri , ..tia Casal Co. '. .' . John Jones' adra'rs vs'.l.l! A E ill .• .'! ..... . P M Stowell Trustee vtr P. W....ir ' , L'iCa...,. Ge) T Cole vs Jbseph %shop..., , ~.... - . ,I 1 • , 1 . E. obpoe na returnalbr 'Vol:Lay SopteraL- Bt ' , rick:kit. r. m • II , 1 ,1 1 B..,3l4PEcli,`Proilial. .------.--'', '—'--- -- - --- -"7 - - - VS.ECTTOR ' S . 1 NOTICE --;-:, _ILA is hereby given Ithat..;all per icons Ip, thel efitZ.T., ~. 4 • e i illouro . i., late of G de , ',I, are requested 'do I taak.e liaartiediate an-4 all persons havity., , Lelatins against , ea must petsr,nt tLero diizl", antM , taigate.d -f mgt. ,' . ,i ' ' ALSArAICDR ' SEz tpt 4, 1!.. , 7-3 : - ii . . r 1: i DMINIfiTI4TOR'S NO 4 ..I—R-Igotioe to hereby; Erji n thui, all Perl'ons : to the estate of 'Sahel Case; late. of decei , KA, 111.0 ri,lsfleii:il , l to Waka I , pnym , r , ..t, and. all ‘ 11. ,, 5-6P.E' • 'ilivi.M% clairn- said estate must pr , iv , :i . i:l. their' duly iulia , 1 for Septlement.,• . i jI 1 . KILECtS"' rig 1 L I !IL W.: JENNIN e 4, l• - • , 1":t. , 1 1.. ; ' I 4,..lntinii , t ~ - ----1 - ' : t -- r -- , . ti _ .1' X E CI: TOE. ' ' I S NOT NUtice ifillterc:by cven that allereons II to Ip - ! estate of Courfien Llivvis 1 late ,of ~, dee iast d. are F;;T:f...5......d .o rn. , . l :::i.:.e.Uiediate are all personslitir_gliilaittas against sal mu - t present' the el.. ly authottacate,l ], melt. 1, 1 I ! ,Lt - N..."'EN:I; I.- NOTICE:—Notie 1, • , !!!!r! ,,5 91 ,- ; iy_.:1,,,t0.1 I, I tualiti ItartieiLate paym.r.t, , ilaiiiifii: :.7.04:Ji1t said estate. :V' ant , entv..tatkd fa settle. i J.Fil. M. ILISM. N.. .... .._ ,; Lae ut, 1' _ __ —or Sui i 1, EMI ' con ! viLd WEI UM ME ME n by c-ffice , DING. lon or 41 XECt7IOI', IE 11 , :1 , 7 Z.1f , 111 t. thet :tat, -4 LA:* ~.- ‘ .i (10.! d. an., rainr-apid t az art ; zt.—:...t pies.... tH r.... d 1 mu Xl4 XEC E" T 10. R '.:S ;NOTICE.- , '4. Nat.ce is hilnhyl'k.. l , , i , irk that 4 person itith..l... Al t , tho e±v.tty.; 'oll4c*dr, INlorrcr; decea al,- :at , : g Wthr....c. , EtrO ; rf.l49c.t.ited toll m&te =mt ...., ‘te paymect, 'pil4 a:1 7:lt rff.ms has - 16 cialm. :acaa=t, :at , estate zuustiprf3itt. i them.dttlyianthcnt , at , .,1 f• r , .c..1.: - _ , :ent. 1 I 1 ; 1'111.71. P: MORE IF, 1 , INDEEW FEE ..A.u.;rat. ::,- ' ,1 '. [, 1 ' ' . r Ex A D3LINISTI;L. La_ Notee is .1 , .. , rr1y ,t , i. .o he eint3.to 'of ti'rtsr lec?aaed. arel reri.li ,2i13.11.1 , ...nt, LEII.I fill pi-rsr): ;:b....11. ,, , rhurt 10;:i_..-,L.,:tllti] EffiEli tle i aeLt. . j .3 1 F , tifT.l. , . f:, i • . ()TICE.-..N4. i. 31: z.pnikatir:i I ti.rn l'lca_ , ,f Brz4C - rcl fur vt-rzarE4if,r. to 1.,...:.rr,- an; il,P,ars lil n.y.r4v . , :, - ..1.71.:!, til; ,of B 13 E ;1 • -- i • , --r---.--:- • • P At 'IN T I I' • i t.. , :t• IN- TLEv; , _::: ~ ' -. , ,: 4 .,...- , ,' ~,:, ..L SIT:IA.I)I,S •i•IN.,f:nF t; CC I '.',. : •'...,:i,1 1 -.- 4 str,:: .. , _ - .1: •tyr,•::::•••••. , :... LL - 1.1,A.NT. 4.?, , • • ' 1; . 1 • i E.T. .' • I • •• t i••, 1.1. - t:i 1; ,LE,. D t I__ STIC, - • 1 . ~_ 1 - P.TEB: i'IZOO.I I 7 D ATI •.. , • 1 1 1 II ~I,...i:L:rirl. tt. , -.11z. - 1:LI:111.•,v2 , ; anFlI,-,:ir tl4ll tio.n.l I•411_:. 1r ' I ... a lch , .,1141:•:.: c..:-'i'y rv.:!, - .1. 7:1•!1, n 1 DEEM MMMillial BM ITEM MBE MEE WE ONS OBE EARS, ' • i ,Il 1; Lai L. 411:,_.,:, - ;! . . - ...1t.,..7f-.1': , , t‘t , L':,"::, .x y.,.a... , .1 , ...,,t..v..:1 , •,.J.,...1. t..:: .1-C . Sin.....it. , t.,:t.i._.11.e.1.f...;. - i'..-, , , 1f . i.. 1.1.7:1 , :_aLt 1 rr,.:1... - ,•..2. - ,: ...i f. 2.: ' t'_:,•2 "4::::!:p• - ••: - ...c...; 1,,i - .- Lt.'---9 7...1v.,1..... a ~ .:3* r .. 4 ii.: vi.l'i:l:l;b:,..', 1.1:1:11 1-"Iy: 'I. ail ~...te,11.:,-Ig7.n, wi.::...1:. '.r , .. , : t t: 1:1:.t. t 7 ... 11::,-S.:, .. , '- 1 - Col.g l''.l:i.i..' , S:n<.,l '...11 7. , It I (.1 , ,ff.; ri-t.a.l.us itg cf1...- 1 / 4 % , ,; .c.l2,liit ..,•.:rfa, .:.*.5..)_•:....t, : - .:1,1 ‘... 4 , 1i...2t,:,::.5 r ..f -1 :1;7:11-, 0.,. 7'.11 . , .. '" ..:( . .. 1 tc „ : Ai 1 - Ii r.f 1 , 3'...!1ti.i.,:i 071 f"f .1.. IT V ;o 1t.13:i No . :11 , . r 1 rt .•, ~, f.-4. ME f.fa I .b MIME INEMI is - )tr DA I 1. =I 1 I :-1 =BE I.; t'.1., , i , 1..:11 1...: : , 2 , , :in 1 i:: all L',.-,, ELVEIREIMI ENG ,ho Ir =I ME PILLS MIME ... _ 1, 1 - .f...).15. ;:i ,1::.. 1 ,,-: - 4=. . -1 • II . P.1:r1.2.11:5. 1 1 ' T , i_ , • 1 , „ '.-r , ~. ;..ti 3T..T.'..:•-.. • , „ L: , i.. N\ EL :. r !' . J, , i ~ , ,.1.:0:,_ •; 1 4i, ...i..0. g - li T.FIE Mitl9k , ril:'4: 7 ,1 Z C ' 1 • 1 -K -. I Itit'NEt'il:lll,l1 1 ;:s II ~ 10 i'. 0 i ;:.. , , , • V rA.,,i I: , PL '. /I.IV- '. r. ~ ..11, ::i - 114 - i,1:.; , :_i..: , : ';1... .1 ••• , U. T 1.•.:,. :4, t 1... 4.1'... 1,:.-i.. .f..i . .1-t. 1',.1,1 •.:...z 11;e, ,-1.,.•. 1 il.;,i.p E'-',.' , t ',llii:'tall 1,1 a.. 1..... :11 uri!',Ct.l.,.7:iH , . 1._.• !Ltri - ....:1 Is.; .-..., t.: c!..ar.,..1-r: 1,..:!4 ...) 1 . - 111p , ut iv> to 1!1 , ',J a':‘ , .., TID•y I all' t ~.....4'..j./1 ~..,Th...4.V:,1-7'11.7, :I w... 11 ..N.hp.. R141..q......11., , ..... I: ..;;.' , c ,fl 1 : • / 1 N, ,, . i ' :C1:11111% , . ;, I. F. , .. - :1. - . 2...1 - 44....t1 Int, 1:r.:1 - ..iy.11:Iltr , n, 2. w .: - ..lWO`.Ti Ti-‘' , cr,; W•:',, , , ~,. '. .'• (' , . ,71 z- , 1 - li; - . cr,1T.;...:Lt1:;.: z , i: lIIE : , .,1 1. Diar.-..1i00. 6f et7.l;ir.l'n a:7 011 U,, .I)3•Font*v,.t.iriv .}:./..1.1Ei0u1,C0H ,. . •-- , C. ClP. , l.n•al:Ct , iibtls 1 Vothitl3.. , 7. .C , 1tg2:.. , ,“_:01‘1i. )7,,,r61:,:int'..,r,! i : ' ~ N , 'llralgl 3 l ,06t,b4 , ..., Fa,,tt, ''.4, , , '-, .... 1t....v.1.tc1k5. 671..1411.1'ea.Lia,..1...e.1yeriti, I 2 .". Id.si , (!p.4in, i.,1119A - Stony:"..,:ll; 11. s,irp...-c...t. - - L I,I or t.11111‘.11 Et..rit , .lg, 1/2. Whitl.s,. oo 'r'rot.l4. - ! l'enoll4, I.'l. Cro1;11, (.I. , mh, 1., 1 / 4 ,.....11cu1t 1.1r40...i::::, 11. 5...1t 10.....i.;.111,;, D.'S .4)i.1.3.5, 14 I.tlCm., .:,. 1-. LI:.-nra. - .4isili , I .4, %vitie I`:" , s 1 , ' , .. I ,•v ,, r :t:t::1 .k t+,.•11.. , I C hill 'l', •. - .:4..1, , . ' i i 17. i.1c..5... blind t.lr 1,... , 1,112... , .. . 3 • - 1,. c 01 , ..1b.::14...7,:-. , .2, 1 . ''‘ , .', , r; i. , t• 'W.i!i% E 3 ~,. !1..1 al..irtli, 1.1,-...1i, (1 ,i1...r , 7..i.7.. t 1 1,.11-:::.! '...,. Who:rid.; Cb . ly;]..:sit 1, Et c11...1,.1. , . 21. Aq.thlna,loppreqPii breatliltlg, 22. E zt - -I:i:seltirg , ..s,l :TE., , ljr€,l limirin... 121 . $-:7I'rt11 1 ; etil . ir.4l - Ig. ..'li i l..lP, .ilwo.1:1:1,.: , 1 C.'. (',i- I. ~ , ; :e.^:3.1 p,li ,ti - l'h:••Ic z. al 1F..' . .1 - J. r22',1 Drop:3* .t.11,.1)51:12F i ty .-.'x -r,ticll:.s.- , 2 , 1. - , ,,•.a tilclib.•s.: , . 6.r;.5..e.4 , - - itir:d.: ,- . ;27. ilii:lnd.,, I.):: - ... - 1.t.1.- Craye,!,' `7l ,:`,ll DCliiill*f• j,it.l:l-r4l iVest..:l.l( [l.lvol;.utai'y dr..,111:ri , c .,, , 1 b. 'Z..i. :-; ~..,, 711-`-' 1 ,C.3.!_ 1 1 i . :',1.'..'rit.0...". Weia..t.:l, , .Il.ll'.ltiailli'd'er.l.kl-{ 1 ..,.:.; S . .llTvri6gS itt eLF 1 4.1.: 111,11e0y,tast.T. 1 :4, Dipt.t.r.s pa. le; 17 .1.3: C1,F, , ..,q.: C..)u.; I , ‘ V..1 , ', So ch.i• 0 I.* , s: Rime smomE MIME ME lar:fyiilg the t pertectel• Ihthey exec 1 ent to take, the foul 11u- slug-tigh. or itpart health . not only fora - nid- I TIME and of 11'4 P;I:s. 1 Ilr li, be :agar coatei, k ~~c~eW iil'-~ . MEE ~;dirit: dB ET IBM EMS AND\ r,F. , , ' l' /i Lt I vc /;..k.. CA % , Th ,'Z , , r,Y , ) NV4 q re., - 0. , ,r,f.1 .., 1-ini,...:1, ,r,• - 0.t.3 :,,n 1 .c...:, - " I"l 4 t. , oirt.m ,I 1 liox toally pr. - t of, r,,t•Tt f, 1 , 9,;:e% "kit 21, 1 L-7, MAy 2:;1. 1.7. L -• 1 !cli rr.sr. EEO 1 1 SPEllif.t:D BEA i f SE 1 1 'fllesd daimon , : Tr season "pd 1•73, and': of trout of cYery sdi , ooldont. , sprllnT'Nval..l able *rati-4,land elii Tbc,o lielu b 4 are md The p,r.q . #7 . 1. for lt. and arrinn.;ll7, ton thc####. , einiteniplatur • ‘• #.'.- Ad', A#:###:••-1.• lb , ve I , ',:r doll #,,:rti...nt. \ I, Ail I'tt t T. l' A.\ ; NTED I v y I.##Vl , lll . . , 1. 1., ..: ~. ,•1 • . \ •".. I t ° . •••• i • .I.llo' \ ' t,,1tt.. , t.t tllt l t'. ••• , I 0 041 . 1 : R ,i; •. i , • 1 .`l',, , I 1 1 LtLltt ,:!•4•11. • I • t , 1 , I \ 4Atiati,3l • I At;,.:4'..r , f:. ' , I I 1 ' V 11 1 1 1• . ' \ 1 IMMI .eaTy,,eix-roll Wing All the aOperb work. , :water-power, !presented— lecessiary for 1. and orders% •os and wort ' I SEE Le Cron N N ENE 0,1 . ar.:l e tateta: I J. WILES j II ME OEM • :eject .app -al appolil for at' • dr,l t RIM I~ ..Ottiral Setui,'l, am CM MEM .tor at{ ~..debt ; r, ESA ..fpoet .for att Lt 1. jaa i.app t ai al , C I • I " -kilt. t• • • = / fa fpr a.t app dat ..'.debt .f.clebt .appeal • r ..r p 1 ',ll 14". , EMI rOtiCe 0bt4. 0 nvi , Sr • d estrt gr•tt: 4 C nr.a„ zc~' a. r - :I~'E•-- • : r IS. add,. I B. ,TOll'S NOT/ ,Fen 417 crzer.s ra, D. Tyr: 0'; 12.tc, 01 0af.1111 , 1 '17,1 :S;.; satreaticatc. .1 . ylf. • PER, t, „ i‘t ncreuy :1,1.j by r. r i l l_, Court r( - 1,,,Liy.. ; al, r,r,ptenr. Trx, Lot, to fir. - cood f f. purrr , ; 14, A t CipDDlN,ci ME i~ ler 1.--t ME El 11111111 aniv I ~ lIMIE ME INSIM BEI ME Eel EMI IESE EMI • • -, . =II !ENKE u;t , :: AND S:2 Ell .1r a.. • •14 once o.; 1;:t..11 1174. I - it'll; 'P.:. 71, , i sore t:', , roat and E.. 1 , 17 , nr:: trx , :ept T•LILT CA [al) tar:. i • IMI ll= •s. a: i t kt ..• • ror , ,ITE;:, ' I= Imam IMO TIES BY o CR t:t routl,3 '.vita a in the. 1..1A:tr.. nt I • Any tl , •flt iltt'a by tlitpfe. , :: ,t brett :tab c:i^ Ur:. ' 'S.' V. t l - nhafont I 1101 cn t , L". I. --We 1 . 1.-i MEM , J. L.I I TRANS Wa.,1, , .7.....9 1 n F7* . B =;co.. ~, ,~ ~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers