• • • ' 1 , . • , .., - , , . , . • . .. ; .., P .) • - ' • 1 3 . ' • Miscellaneous. I • 1 . : • T' TERHI ,r S lOU .DON'T • KNOW , .. i - - • THAT •1. . , -- -,, . , ' •X. H. it -0 Wk• R D . 1 ;,- . - Ras started an extensive •I 1 " I' I 1 • • ' 1a A R--1V•!': r,D- A: E - S TO.ll . 1 E ~ . '' :t• . , ! . i ..: -- - I ". • AT WYAT,I - -SING . PA. .• ' ! - • • - 1 • 1 ' Where , may -be 'found a :GeliOral Sted4,. .oi Carriage Makers and Black s, Litlis Supplies, - Rent Stuff, Spokes, liiibt.S:e and Steel, Nail;Rods, .. ~ ; Iron I llrse - Nails,_Horse Shoes, and Tools. :II 1 • I . ' .- . -.. . . I' rtN ousE FuisHING GOODS. 11 ..0ck.5., 5.:::: , •: , b , .. , , and. T.#al.mint - s, Naas, tai l s, ~ . , and Putty;Paints, Oils," Varnishes, , - •,-' • ' ; . ,r'rrish'(s t , &e., k.c. 1 . . c..larr.,NT.E.r,:s.' AND. OTBERS TOOLS,. . , . . i full lina.cfCh i c:rt . .. pockct and Table'Cutleq, - • Silver Platc. Ware. forks, Spoons, Sc: . i. .... •SIIXIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO' THE ;STOVE ' .- . ' T.II.DE, TINA - Ant and, i 1 . ~ . • !• nors'E-r‘r.Errso'ooons. ' A , rood Ilssortment of Agricultural .. 1 • 1 • . Impleraents.- , . - 1 ,I.:1"..0S171:, 'i r .lcur.N. - E, AND OTELEB OILS.. II: I Cordaze, Lope, an.:llVooden Ware. j. t .... 1 fact I am ready for the Spring Trade with the fd Is: ectr.Plete ariortmcnt of I " 11 •I 1 .•• ;1! G E.'S Ti r. .A. I: 11 AR D lio. It E • I I - I . • _ 1, i ITyrdcfng or ivici.ity. , ', 4 1. ~.‘-•:,1-,:.-,-, : :::: ,-..E.r.r.:,-...10r. , ..• _ - , ...) • a - I . - t ' I " SIRST-C . T.isiSS TIN SITO,Pe, LI - , -S:. ,_en 1: e:.;:r.:::2::.: w - •:l::.,_en engaged.. Pdliiring; an • ' :611 i.r.lrromptly attended to. : '', • , . • "i . ..:.1:e LIT:: Trong,ll and outdoor 'work a spicialt; are me 'call at ".i,towelas New Store s '? on Mel. ',A ..... 1:4 net be undersold. 1 . :• , , .1 Cheap for C.as, ; " - is thymotto. - •• ' 1 -I` • c J. .11. - HOWARD.- t. ~.,ra.,;i-. 1•:!. Anril I 11373 • ', 1 - - . -'l ' ' ' - - . ~ . 1 , T. 3 - t AN N E '.' 1 ' , - Ik,it • -••.i i . , - -:-,. i. , • _. • i - - _._ • i•iiT.,-, , , HARDWARE STORE, - - - .... _ i• , 1 1 ;_ • . :. . r Is 3u .BLOCK, MAIN S-TREET,! - -" - : I ._ a .• , • - ,--- ) :•.! I ' - .r. t 4 P , •-t-:"..f. , :.,'.- - :h.: , hest plaile to buy :, 1 •\ , , . . . :, • 'I • • • , . ~. . 111.11ZDAVARE, IRON, NAILS,SAS 1 ' l . ' ... • ' .1, .. -. I . \ : .., -- -• : • . rl :, • • 1 ~ . iii.),)0 , ...:-.;.llLnii , :-.. ~.:L.A..,:-4, PUTTY, PAINTS, i I ... ". ; ' ...• " . , , .. • ' 11 . , • • .3-1. , ., - ..".1:::::.Ir:1-1.'•, • T. . . I'• '• -.. _ .', ' '. :' 1 ., SPOKES KEROSENE . . •c•1,.....,.r5-th.c.-: midally Lt di. in a Hardv,:aro Store . . ' 1-- ': • I IIA\l; .A. FINE STDC.I;. GT • I r • ' . . . --, '_ ' • I.E N.TING, - k, COOKING , STOVE ,i • - , - . ~ • , / ••=, l ll - -,Call and rman. - ire the ..• - 0 , .• " • • t".l ~..., ,• . , . :"! i I --' . ' t. - ' , !,'1 'EMPIRE COOK STOVE . . H ii. .. . it i ..... , ..,..!..•e. ~.. 7.-..., ~...10, 1•!.. -, ..!-f, e r:rybo dy. • ..-: li. _ _ . . . ~., I 7,IANT - ,PACTIt'LI. TINWARE, AND •, i ... ~ . • .., • , _ , . :) .:!...'iN.; A:NJ ' ALI. Kl"Nlei. OF JOBBIN _ T i . I I ll:r.r. Ti:}-, 1.1"..CT tATEPT.'LL, and . , ;' • " . 1 SELL 'AT LOWESTA'RI.CES: . . ~..:' , i.i. e7. 1 n:.1,... I`.` I .1-1,.,: , ft. ,prgrei. 1 . • II ' . t I : - 1 •H. T. JtINE. 1 ' . ITo'),,lttl,l'.t, .11. r.: . i.i..1:".73- ~ , I.- . „., ' . • ~, . ! E. • ROSENFIELD'S I .N T .. . •- ' . ' .• - 1 . !.. .." —' . . • - . .i. II • -• _ • . .IPLOTII•ING EMPORIII . .• . ... . . - II i -M . I oi:r6 , -J-TE, THE MEANS IHOSE, • ! '': • I • ' . ; :• - ..I'T ' - 1" , rii• - •:dy 7., inolcd by H. laitabs.) : . i , ~.„, - ,. , , • . . . . ~. .. . ~ . . • ~ -, , ft:, raid.l growth oi Towanda requires the ex • .:._,;i..0. of Mniuess,"and toe Undersigned, realizing ". i, i• .rd -f the e dillitnnliy 11_ in the ' . . " ; - I . ~ • • i ' i • . ,• • .' • • : • ; --, 3:.E; \IA 'M .•\.):l'.. CLOTHING -L - . :, i • ' . •; , , , ~ •-•,., • q,..,„-. 1 .-..,.iica a ne'." -=tare in Lcddlemanls Ti , •i: . •ntidly ucupled bY H. Jaooba;) and is tiow "I"it.,-.1 to offerv. Ids k•id..customers :ma the p! ".,- %be• ," •••• --`,- +c- F' , ‘" of ' • .. - - :: ~ . '. 1 ' , ! • • ' ' . • , . , !MESS ' AND -- BOYS' CLOTHI . , • - ,• , , , _ .-• i - • . L....4i. cast Le fairred-is any: other cetabliehmend ..• , ,,',.IC th - e cities. ' - . . 1., 3..1y stock has all hien ,. Parehased from the 1.. - - i'a tarn; this'sCason, so twat I have Co old sto r.-. 1 cf. I. night at Lieli prices. I have a tut i • • l' ' ' \ • . . _.-- i• ,- ' - ' : •`. .., .. .' : . 'GENTS' IT 11 4 •_::ISH.I.;G • GOO . . 1 . •i.- • . . - - ....... - ... • , .!• .. ' ' , :w.,•.-... , . :,..,„_,,,,-.'-;-.,.. •.:. - . -. • , • _ , . • •• . R.E . M.1.2 .1111 F, R ! ' • ' 'i • - : '• • ',-. 3 - • I - ,--"' '. - . , •/- ~, .;, • . I , „ \' , „.„l.- • ~ .2,..:,, , ,- ~..,! •,..:-. •:•-itn•p,..,• .... 1 i tatri, and •'' f. , . , 1 e. int :17:t.11.:`', i 7: st..•_• -, 1, .;..1.n0..*.1.nr,, for ye. .! ' -"L•:' 1'' , ..7. tali ;`•_ r..•. tr ii-I.lll:tait's 1.1:e.k. - ,•• • • - : M.- F . I:!•ii:NFIE i T• fanda, 31..r."1 ..-,.:' 7_. • , • T t icjr ,„ ~..„. , 1;i . :.,., • . ~ . -•:, , I lA. 1.. ,, ,, _, AVAI . , • . \, .. . •' ' ' • A FIN!' ".;1::::)1'.': ili'4 r.".",•. , . . . • P,, vet..: as f.t;„,..!.itt..1. a -:...,. 1.. :*:;71 ..1 and • . 4: •-., fratti_mi, f:ei , t..: ky• - ny n ; -cr.:. 1...r.:s w 1"' ~UNDEIiGnOt.N. , . 1 ; • • - i- :in .T.„tri: I: ELOW TILE st:irxci - , . - . .. - • ' • - , .. - , • Es ,::.: ..: • ~ ' l • . - .- -•-•: . i.• iv. -1,.=!,, - ,:, . . f , ,I .;_ I:,_a oC . _'. , 130 tine Clleo,.l;S, 11 ;e0 n.:d•nt and acidents dryond the 1 , i :lax: start:tn: IW..t:ince :n all prrte o ldt mir.es.aitd-the anode of • Wor,tring them ' II ..r,:nrrcnts c-ifoc:r - ty.: rar.lbing. 'and its ho t • ' ' f.„averng and their iii; _fades: the. dark \co • 1:,:c;,•..-7',lncsis t risens. rind ,theirsccrets; do.. t!" ..:.,i,-;•:ils'ef tlic 5i.a..•,• stramre c ' iories of" the . :' t ..:-. et'cncir. 11.1-Tl.:Trk tre..ats'rlf .experience .j•- ' •:, •• :, urflits in _opium riche and ga.. 4 :: • . t .: id, 'in prison: 'dories it-i-vilcs; adve: ~ • ::-._ • -.-...: Indians: On cmys throne:li fewer! an • -• t i •• L-1,:-; , a^•::•lihts ,In mit• - _s; piSates and a ' •- 7 , i'ir.:-:•, -- of 11:e. impil,Titi..mt! wonderful burg •.'.'..1• rworld el the great cit.+ 4 i, etc., etc. - w . .... .- ' : Nvant a,:rtnts fc.rthis )cork on which W ".,•••,...,:raliv ter.c.ry. ' AcT ms can make SlOO I: ..t !..tol•-g [Lip 1t , :0,. '...;:cn,1 . f0r c.in'ttlars and _ • . . •I : :•,•.••t•)•,a-firs. , : • -3:11. BURR rc.IIYD I . ' • . . • - il, i' - ' , i7 . -r• d Cenn., ar Chicago, _ ..- ~ • . . ~ ' .\V - ANTED H - 11:• , c 3- 21"` - .l"`i for th , :. GREAT 'INDUSTRIES ..or TILE C. N Ill" D STATES, ' I' , s ,-; ,•,:•,- A .-,,, .1711 ~..,,'Y ont7rzyla7.s. printed in. • . It.ii and Gt•••rn.an: • vi - ritli:n by 2.0 eminent an, , . tr.c.lntlir.7, Jahn It Goligh, Hon. Leon Case, • ucwiar.d, Rev. - E. Edwin Halt, Philip Ripley , • 'lll:L.l7=x, Horace cireley. etc. -, • 1 • This wart;is a (-Mardi tc history el all branc ' I ‘ '.ia.dustry, proccsscs of, manufacture, etc., 'I zgcs,. it is. a complete encyclopedia of ar •--' - manufactures, and 'l3 . ' tha most rptertaintn: ' , val)lable. wera of Information on tabJaata of -.• ,al miorclation on Bull eat of general interei ~- ,f:,.rc....1 to' he.public.„,,W give our agents - ' • -Oliislve ri•tht of tsritdry: Qua of our agen • t '.f. 1(.13 coplcs w in.eight dais; pother sold 3GS i ! , " wick's. uar,li , -„ent - in liar ord sold 301• in one ''. cic'actrncns act. 4 a 'frock fen to agents on- rec •e:-..-...p.' For circulars.' and arms-to: Agents, ''•:tul , lisliers. • d: B. BURR -3 / 4 - 111 $ • - - • sTacl4 - 1 - _Tintst.for , l, Conn., or Chicago ' • . • rili HE' OLD TO - WANDA' C I :. - ,--- :.i. 5.1.,-,,ree. (cnrecssor 10 Ward and -Lou i t- - - - ,s, •-• I.l,asUrtin announcing to the public: r f- ' ---.,.• ,I - reparc-il to furnish - the . , 3 : • • - - • DE,T•ANT)IBACITE COAL, ' .... ~.k , , -1, I:::',.t. rearoiaableratei. I ant also sole • • ', . DAECLAY COLL, _ •. . . :, t!.-.•• I.NIF.RPIIISE COLLEBY COAL. • I. - • ... 4",_'LLIVAN COAL, all .variettcs, alw • . An: .... . • • •' • .. . l' • Miscollaneoul. ', -i. . , , _ • :_ ••- ,• - ---- BARK_ Or!'& HOSFORD, i: •\ , 1 _ - :'. • -.: i .I.JP -- ; • I •-; ClEttEnTi HARDIWARE DEAL.E.RS, •- . . -- . • . . , 1-, - 1 • ~ .. ~, . • 1- llext door to Powell & Co., . ;•• 't • • ; • ' i i ' .- I. : • . • - Would beg lelive to say to the peo ple of Bradford Oonnty aid vlcittity, that they Ye o,tihatid and are sellin g as o a s can ,be-found In 'iny market • for the same city of: foods, every thing usually kept in a- . ••• . . , ..- . . • • • • • .$r AR E STORE. . , . . . , I _, •; . CdtAL ..,_ o Bowing being a Pavtial /Ist: ' 7 'l ; t;. at AND GRASS SCITHES, t - • . li_ 1. Grain Cradles, Hand Horse Rakes;, 1 II I .• , STRA !' AND HAY FORKS, i , • .! . O ars AND iIIiLES., . c. /: • All the Fixtures for the •: t ' wapp MOWINGfDIACHINE, ' ! -, . -•-- t'.; And KN IVES 1.11) RIVETS for all leading Machines l'i • 1 • • of the day. - ..; • . .• ? i " • ! LIATE AND CESLLNT . ..( .1. I .• .' Fut lint of Sash, Glass, Doors and B li nds, . . . . Batelat Horse Pokes warranted sure thing, • • Lojtland Churn PoWe i, rs, I! • , . • TinlV eof our own taimatneturec ' • r epa i r i ng i and i done ,on she' t notice. • -,. - :.- OILS AND PAINTS, MELTING AND PACED:O, _ RP ._,• ~ CARPENTERS AND MACIIMISTS TOOLS. - CODE I. • - i ! ; SjOVES BOTH WOOS AND COAL. - - • ! I • Beside any other articles -too- numerous to 'mention.; All of. which will be sold at-bottom prices. Give ns,a call and we will try to do you good, . • I . 1 I ', BABSON .V. HOSFORD. • Towanda, {Ton e 18,'73. • Y. . -.. . ' •, . • '-•• . _ - 2.• • II - ; • _ - . , t • • CHI C ... A II AL L . •*. ._ • .-- : .. , • . . . . . .• . - - . . . . . ..- • .„.. . . .. .. , . , . • BABY WAGONS, i. ~.. . . .. 1., . . • • • * - r .. • - . , • . TOY - WAGONS, • . . ' • . . , . • . • , • . - : , • i - . . • AND CARTS H• , • . • . • , , • • • •t WICKHAM.: & _BLACK'S. •,,„•, .. e.. ~ . . • j , --!—. -- ', -'• i: , . • 811 D CAGBS . - , - . , .. , . .. • • • 1 . . • , 1 • , . AND TETAATING . . . .. . . • .. . . , . .. . . . . . . S. . At 1 TICKHAN .& BLACK'S. . • , .7 • ' ..,, -. ! . . . : . ! • . . • . - i • . •,,. i I S I VER PLATED )WARE i' ...; :t • • - • - - ~_r• : - . 60ln. rtOg' CI'S S: Brother, • . -i I , - 1 . . - d. :. ' in' great variet . _ , • q.. - . • . . • . . ~... _ • . . ; , 1 . C tOCIKRY, CHINA, . ..!. - - i - -.- . , . • , • AND GLASS7AR . • . , , i . - 1 • . . ; I , 1 lii t ese, staple goods we;alwa . _ :keep a,-;u11 1 1ine both as to style qu, . . -ity and rice. : '• • I , . . . • ' ,' 1 . :. • i > . '.. , M ! - , - FLOWER. POTS; the -lar gest V. I . . . . ety ever brought to this market. . . : ; 1 tIZNS ND iVASES, •J,' - . -.- • - 1. : 1 ',l'tr yardS and istoo .:, I • i • i . t .• r an. • ,. .. .: : • T.ERRA.•' COTTA STATUTtAY • , • ~? -. ~ . . . 1 i • ..,. i . . ordered *hen .desiri , . . . i• . - .. . - ' 1 . ' . .. - . 1 - . ? , lock, 'I V .gs AND I'ORK.S; pre. .: .1 . 1. ' üblic .. , . . '• 'J from.:sl.oo;_ui)war. , ...i 1. . . . . , , ,- 1 .1 , 6 1 • I OliAS•;) S HADES 1 . '... 1 ' t , . i - . trout- -; .:. •• for Waii Wo . ...nu- . i• • - - . ; .• .ek to : ; . . - . " ine - k I rOOD AND WILLOW IVA.IIE :. -:,.. ~. - -. :i . .! . ; :;,. - • : 1 . ,J. 4 - . 1 ! 1 • . t : - Ds L '•- • i i Y1.,17 WICKHAM & B LACK'S ' -,, . 0 -•-, - 7.. i.' ; . .... . fi--!- - .P.FET:.:A HALL. ':- 1 . clam . 1 ' , , Towaml 1:•;7::. , i I• ' 1 ' , I 7111,t 7 ,th'UNI - IN PAR . V o.' ' 1-- • 1 . 111 - - -s 1 ; I j 1 ; - • A NEW BUSINESS CARD. ! • -., . . : --- when 1!. !To He citizens of Towanda and'. carrot:in nr.self 'country: The subscribers hav i ng leased the 1 • • and c6-iiiir.odions store ore Main Street, Towa 'first dikr s mith of First National Bank, for the m LU. ;Pose °reaing on the • ' • . z ', . ' I • , - 1 • • ~ • 1 AVCI - 0N..A.:1) COMMSSION RUSIN • . • , . afFl a.W . hrlesale Jobbing and RetaiETrade, w tal, ,, tlils.vc.ethed of informing the public that ' • new haq'on ; band and•reidy for exhibition ready sale, as l a r g e a_ s tock o f . ; I • • • - •1 ~... anbd ' • 1 CHOICE , AND NEW GOOD i i • I.•='!.. 1 -4- -- . • a s ever Was' seen in, Northern Penusylvan Southern New York; consistin g of full sets of . ite,dc•ccirated, colored and g old band French s arty crates of:selected Iron Stone China and " ranite Wareo e Intl line of Yellow 'and Roc • I,t e lam Ware, Stone Ware of all kinds. a' large ;^ ; • or i no plendida4sortment ofGlasiWare, a fall line of • i nn. :;.;;-;.- • .rrorp, 1 - FRENDH .PIitSSED TiNWA i (arid of ! i 1 _ • . wia• in ' , . ..., , L.s fine a line cf Table-and Pocket Cutleri as is "er,c,.- Itifoctarefi4the - United States, a full:line of H "-` , Ifilverplablth.- -- Table Knives, Forks, Table and ..blig; 4 Spoons, Butter Knives , ' Castors, and other • p titur.e.s. goods, the Kneed line of Toilet Ware; ever offe a Ca. "' the m -, arkt . ,_ . dracy: ; .- • laries ; t LINI - ..N T4B_L-E CLOT 1 ~ . 4. gi y, a week ToWels, liat , kips, Handkerchiefs, Crash and special Linen Gods for, Towels, kc. The finest E. . cheapest:hue of Peddlers and Fancy .G.. , pi, tileof New Ladies fine Balbri g al. and (eh Hosiery, a choice and ramp assortment of • le GENTS' - -AND *EN'S PER - NISHIN GOO ; : ~---- • 1 -")vcr atiff • Under Shirts, Overalls and Wo hirts,ilagineers and 'Miners I Shliti, Cl• full en, Women and Cliildrens' Hosiery, Hdkfs, Eng,. nders, ;T'oilei; and Shaving Bosp,..Razors ihors. traps, Shavin g Kits complete; Axes, Hate . ward ammers, Lanterns,-Lookin g !Glastes, Brooms Albert -i; and cheaFest ever seen. Bill; Le g al Cap, ... . l-; f 1 ' • - hes °f NOTE AND INITIAL : PAPE in all , . • I t I ta mid 1; • I , g ~t iad r ivelopes Illankilooks;Slates _and Pencils . gener- nds, sa w s of all lands, Oilcloth Tibial Cove •' St ei . ct s. est and cheapest_Paper Collars - in ',the marke tu5....e5,e0:1,..d.. , g thre e A tli oarn e y r aishy w as itifi b:trin , a yinlieti c e al thor l s o o ad theherea o g f pet464. l o - ank .6 :4: :. goai li l 'p l tioll s an. in. two we know that we can salt !is to .Jti- and q uality as our motto is liv e -and let live. dress are satsfied with small profita; and', quick re ; ~E ,, .. ; ther e fore live say to Merchants.. Peddlers, Ho .. 111. B o ardin g Dou s e keepers, La wyers and Ti ‘. and the nuance or the commtmity,;pleisse oh.° I A L , call and be convinced that what we laylis true. All money refunded If goods are not is rep ~ ' ed. A fulLset of China will be sold to, the tanTsi, bidder every Saturday afternoon arid one set Shat he - Saturday evenin g . Cash adiance.d on, g oods „i - si g n e d for auction; , • .-'• o r ' Auction -Bales attended in •tow n - or coun • reasonable rates. All g oods sold :will be -; agent picked and delivered free of Char g e to , either o • 'depots o' in the Borou g h. ; • , ; Wilko '=. ~ • , --. T. 43]'& C. C WEN SO ays n. • * • \ ;g5'73 . • Towanda, June 4,1873. • , ; i 1 '1 ' , . , , .- , , - , ~ rriv&x - DA., - .. : H ~. • . Ili - , ,4 , 31 -1 RBli Ei 1V 0 R 103; . • . • '1 1 1 • • ;", 1 , •,- 0 ' EO.l/00A13E & SON . , . -•,=•,!:: . , . -, , • 'Have lust received' the largest aasortmeat of 1 - ' ' • , s -• ; L I • " . ; • ' AMERICA ! AND ITALIAN 1 .MAR B L FA , ' • 1 . , ; , •., , Ever es.tdtdtedln,thia imotirm, to 'which they . invite the attention of the public. • . , 1 • ,-. •• • ~- , 1 They keep on band ;it famish ecorder . 1 iri., r .. ! , i_ • MONTI ItIE . NTS;- i• : TO [STONES, MANTLES, &c., . . vir.s • r , . • .• 'Maury le, i ~ i . • . . - .., , • 1, ' I.:i • . '' . l' A THE LO T TERMS. . • t . • . , i ' ; , , Persons in want of anything in oar line are re. invited to Call an, examine on; stork. I • • To da. May .•, ;1 1 : 01! 7 211 1. COABE & 'SON. 87 7 .., L / l ip' gs'i r lEND. ~ '. I • . , i , . r ; % .• T e sales . of Se7ing Machines in 1871, reporieiFtiner oatli in 1872, to the owners of Se ing Machine Paten I phew that the 1 • • 1 i. , . i • r i . • ; • - , .• , , "SCI , N E R . • ' !t UFACTU RING COMPANY :.: , . •.. • :, i ' . . ( sbuYLIST YEAR;IBI,26O HACHINEII; .• ' •• ' . Ninety per cent of them being • I , ' , • ... . „ - FOR - FAMILY USE: • . . : This is a •er 10,000 . .;- .. Sewing k . ore 'Machines ill ' n wer : , a bold by any other comps y ling, the same period . 1 Y'• 1‘ ' " . • • 1 I livery Machine sold by ' I ,-• I - r• i ' 1 • E • \VICKI/A.ll & 1311 ACE • -j, ~, 1 axN • : L AUENTB, -.. . YS• .\ - ' ToiVANDA, PA., 1 - 1 A.ilg. 14, 1812: lB WAllltAlifED.: NEW - • Gi o 0 D ' S l ,.. ~ i- 1 .. - . i -AT. -- 1 • . .. , . I 1 , Ps .. ' I I • ; ' , 1 . B. A. -PIITTES if: CO.'S - - - I- I ' • cd. •:- • AT THE SIG.N.OF TIIE DIG BONNET, ' e • • •••• . , '° Consisting cif Staple and Fancy as. • 1 ' . . i - DBY i GOODSI , 1 . .r1 - k. , . , . : • . , . YOR TIIE SPILL` TRADE. • ..--.' • 1 i . HAIR, GOODS, AND' ILEELLINE ~If • • 1 ' 1r . . . 1 .. is A SPECIALTY - • .... I . ding large , 1 , 'lda,. In their stock. Pur 3 • ' • ; 1, 4,7.. •1, 1 _ mild' Towanda, April 9, 1.73.' . 32 `'.' 1 1 - ey th an dS NE W TEA3I FLOURING ..._ . \ I S - - I I , . • • ' IN SHF.t3HEQUIN, PA - la or ' - ~ plain i , bins ' bite ' -The subecrib desires to give notice that his • king- • - and I - , STEAYP - 1- lOTRING MILL ~ E,'• ' ' Is now in successful operation, and that he is man- pared to do all work in his line on l short notice. :envy , , t . - I Tes .iated :I A ain 0138 TOM GRINDING DONE ONIrITIE SAME 1 _ ,_._.! . ' THAT rr IS RECEIVP. , • 1 . '1 - . .. other Inuit, Buckwheat and Bye Flour, Corn M and recd. Ran, &c., always on Itand and for sal th i s Iswestratea. i Eng. •=,- I P&RTICEILAR NOTlGE.—Persoms ilvinge on west side of the river detring to patronise my - DS, will have their ferriage' paid both 1 ways, when ,r • Aata • rin sp fri r st i aof ton bnihels and upwards' i . c f Sus o- • T E INSURE - ALL KINDS I andi . bets, s, the • PROPERTY. I I • DAMAGE I AGAINST OR ADY _., it,, • , • i 1 PI - RE AN LIGHTNIN of all -I - I ' 1 . the . , _ I — '7'....... , et, to.' iWe represent over Iffywituloriis Capital. ' and a t '1 Old glish and Horne Compani• d pri f co or 1 _" !.—.... .•. .. , _ '° • ' LIFE DTSITIIAIsTCE " . In 1 heti d IN TIIE OLDEST AND LARGEST STOCK • a, • , I 'sent. MUTUAL 9011:PAIIIES IN THE Te be ry st •., _ • ITN ErrrEs. e s cOll- 1 - ' 1 try at 1 -- ' Y . •;'. ACCEDE INSURANCE •f the - 1 • • •••.! • 1 - From one day to o year. 1 - ' 1 N , . . - . : NOBLE acYINCENT re! , .ao. :rm. Gram.les liiill Praidoni : ...,, ,---- , 1 15 ma? : , 1111,E1GlifID;" HA - 'YIN 13; 1 iisidosedtiol .f inttg•Hot -, 1 I 1i LTuit. ,431 1 1 • , • "tizia 0t0.a4 !‘ 00., fa now proma i .. oircy to the odium of trimill:a Count:rani Halal ; , ;iliigeaniWelleclect l alstoOkof , [ . - 1 • G )11,0 a,. gs Bo i l ES, 1 1 ik I Will& I hue P 1 For Calk and fool onfldezt that I can nil a t as 1 ' times an as be purchase" 1. ; , elsewhere. I n ow off ,lo thepublica splendid stock of j ' I t ; 1 TEAS, 1:10FITIES; SUGARS, j . .1 , 1 BTAIFII, lILLEIIitIIII3 I WIMP. ao. Dare 1 . 1 1 , . •-• • 1 , • On hand a large stock of ' 1 , 11 •1. . 1 AKRONFLOUR, _GRAHAIII . DO. ' BYE DO:,Mr/W/I=T DO. 1 ii • .1 - I heap constantly on d.PO/11,1LAILS, LARD, ald ; all kinds of MIL . ll ouldoll the attention of the public to otir Can ' t Be Be at 1 . , STOPSTOP i TOBACCO, . 1 4 j In quality a pries : tae milli , . Celebrated Laill• dry, New York h ••• jma I . Soap. Ih\rzi . I Please all and e . ••• . eon: stock of . i . . WOO , 1 . • . 1 . • 1 r • • W 11 EN. WARE. Larg ' I aasortm mit of YANEFX N1:11'1014 ,.,,i S, TOu.s - x• the I SOAPS, ike.., ai.. I U pay ' e hlghestcash price for ' ' ! COUNY PRODUCE: TT - , 1 ; i Firmers, give us* all Whirs selling elm:lW here 1 1 ti B. PATCIi MI persona Inds dto the late Arm wlliplease Call _I 1 and make Immediate payment. O. B. rarcu.,... 'Towanda, March, 2.1867.1 11 1 • •M' J. • LONG. ' 1 k • , 1 gßoc - gmrs AND, PROVISIONS, I • ~ , • ] • 1 %c • • 00, wz yo-, OD STONE WARE, , I . . I FLOUR, EFj.'4 MEAL, Act., - 1 1 • - ~ 1 ___.;.. i ,'. . • , No. PA - 1 - 4uN'S BLOCE, 1 • • 1 \ , -- , COR. 1 MAIN AND BRIDGE ST'., _ -...., 1 .. 1 TCIWANDA, - PA. - 1 . .. . • i / I ! , . • 1 , t . . . 1 1 1 1 i I desire to call_ /0 Attention of the public VI) my assortment of g s, which: la' always full and Com plete, and will be sold to 'my customers at lowest market rates. I ' I I • i ••I 1 • _ e I — l ~j My stock of • . • TEAS, 1 COFFEES, • ' 1 1 'ki'L) ' • S iI IP I C E S , . 1 • , • /lave been purchLsed Elince l the late reduction In the tariff on thou' aud aro 'offered at pficea to cor respond. 11 1 I• • 1 Orders by mall Or other Wise will receive caref• and prompt alloitton. ' , .Thanking,_the ,publlc far tile liberal patron • they have given me, I wish a continuance of th .. „ • CASE( PAID. 7011 COUNTRY PRODUCE. , feb.2o'7l 1 , t ht. J. LONG. , GROCERY AN Di Di PROVISIO ) - .:, - • 1 • • 1 1 i .. • - i - STORE. 1 . • , . -1 . . • Ma CA B • ,' &, 1E DIV A R•D S i . ' Wholes le and Retail Dealers In .. 1 • ' i FAMILY \ GR'OCERIE' •- 11 - 1 • 1, . • . I 1 . . _ II • • ' . • - Alin . 1 1 I I .R irovi.sla•Ns, . • - I . . . •.• • i - .. :. , , • i• .• 11EROUP,'S NEW DLOCE, TOWANDA? PA. ' I 1 , ,- I We do not deem it necessary to enumerate all!, dlferent artliles •le keep. I Our assortment Is 1 I 1 ALWAYS COMPLETE. I • • 0, • 1 . 1 • - tie sell nothibg but , ,•' • . . ~. FIRST CLASS GOOD ' i Cash paid . for !Pan:nein Produce. I . JAMES : 311cCAB ' March 1, 1870. , • WSI. EDWARDS. -• 1 FOX . & M ERCUR are now recei irig' a fresh stock of' Goods In tleir line, bo . !, since the Ist January, to which they invite the tentlon of their friends. ! Wo keep the largest a . In town. Our goodi are] fresh and desirable. • : sell at lowest market prices. Jan. 19, 1871.1 1 I . . 1 1 • FRESH ADD NEW TEAS, bow* since the : ecent decline In price, and se new cheap at retail. 1 , . FOX. h MERCUR Jan. 19, 1871 1 -1 , -- VOX & 4ERCUR are selling Gr .L - ••eepes at *44. ; Jan. 19, 1871 Pre - : I OX & !i.I:ERCUR are selling N: ' and Free (foods.; Jan, 19,1871 i ' . A 'Y ; FOX& !is eerie. ch ap: RO I UR are selling Gr Jan. 19, 187 VOX & SgriRCIJR are Sel li ng fir 1 ;I_'• class Go/ : only.; Jan..l9, 187 cal. - . . at FOX 'lit MERCUR are 'Belli . cheiper thin everi . • Jan. 19, 187 k the •• . - 14 Ext - m - Ku that we are sel ' theft ..a.lo Goode ii ' 1 , ' .- • R - E TAI L ! And that we won't be undersold. : , • I F Jan. 19, 1871. • 1 Fs .- .. I S : : AN MICHI 4 ' FINE-CUT TOBA .11-L. CO-very choicel-at. .---',......LliWikcia' G * F OX & 3IERCLUI do not deal Shoddy oods. 1 Jan, 19, 187 COPARTNERSHIP. -The and sigeed Mive fornied a copartnership for purpose of corductingis -. - GENERAI, bit J. - pio BUSINESS. • ' i The highest market.priceS' paid for all kind . Grain. . I • ' i FLOBB, FEED AND MEAL FOR SALE I apt delivered in any part of the - Borough with extra charge. Orders by mail or . Mherwise,,Will receive pro. - attention. . - L.-.. 7 CULVER, W. N. FOSTER, • . JAS. FOSTER. • Sugar Creek Mills, May 14, 1873.4 P F. --A valuable props for sale ;idling Mill, at a bargain , on easy...term . 100 feet front and 245 feet • • Street 011 sides o It.. L‘rge . house Um: • For rent if n • sold. ; Marsh ' ' 1 RODEBT, hicENTOS ; ~{BO/UIBO D. . G, 1 8 8. _ • iaLDBEnz ; • • gavej4st received their FIRST SOCK' OF _NRW SPRING DRY GOODS, • I AND WOULD . r . • CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR Black 'ilks, Block I: inicas, ,Press Goods, Domestics, Shawl ~ White Goods, Hohiery, Elov , • ! Which th.) , are ffering dT PO I PULAR PRICES. . , . 1 EVANS k. ii.n.nrarrii, . , Bridge , Street' .11:43, Marc 19,11173. • : i ; Clothing. w - 4 ,12a TAYLOR - ' FASHIONABLE TAILORS, a • • 1 • .. ,Oppopite Public Square, Keep always, on 'hand a full assor , ruent of . CLOTHS, : CASHMERES 4 , 1 i -._ AND -COATING' - ! 1 • _i READY-MADE CLOTHING i . In ali the latest styles, 1 HATS C.A..pS AND UMBRELL ,'' ':. . , 1 GENTS' • , . . 1 ,Ututnnisihing OF oo d' , 4 ,• 1 I : ' :•;, -In great variety. CUTTING' DONE ON SHOE ' • , NOTICE. , • IALL i WORE RE WARRANTED. . he , • , 1 - 6 AIN STREET,I• . TOWANDA, PA. ,il . , NE)v 31P.ItCHANTIAILORIIIT j I . • .' ESTAELISHMENT. I • • -, . , . .. 1 Q- JOHN' L. MoMAHON ht I 'at- 1 I I I "a Etas removed tO the building fortherly occupied w. T. Davies, Es q ., ht I . ! - ! .• OPPOSITE BIERCIIR'S BLOOK, ' 0 _ , And is now prepared to furnish the people of t Tithruty with ererything in the liner or zw .Cl.t 0 Tll S 0- . , 1 t . • For . flentlemen and port' Wear. ' • ' 4 1 • n g • CUTTING DONE AND CLOTHES MADE !a • . 1 • g ON TILE SHORTEST NOTICE, and ; • PERFECT FITS GUARANTEE C-,, . . . ; in? . tr .. . { lily stock ofAloths has ' been selected from the bold in the maAet, and I i feel cordent will : satisfaction. , 1 1 '..- J. . Mc3l. alp . i Towanda, Ja a.. 30, 11373. 01. 1 lOr iGHEST MARKET PRICE JUL. i out, . CASH. PAID FOR ..1 ,, . ~ .; ' '' . • 1. 1; GRAIN, UTTER AND Ee e i . ; • . i 1 • EY ' : 1 , t' and ; y • .G E. RGE SiM lIIT H, , .ni • 1 ' SYYSALTRINO, I'A I l• I I 1 : . 1 . , . AprillB,lB72. 1; 1 i - - lilacelltmoonz SCICr! WOODFORD, • . i a s , .I 1 AT THE l' ° ~; , , 111 NEW YORE BOOT AND SHOE 1 ; . I STORE, . I ,„%, 1 4 [0.1 ' ;3. ATHOS '& GRIFFITHS DLOOK,BRIXIC4 St p Is ;receiving one of tie largest and beat stock Of BOOTS & SHOES ever bought in Towanda, which he' is A offering at the very lowest prices for ~ Cash, co ;:•- s ;; of Gins ()Aar, /Cy / Sr,I3ToGA, r: 4 7'13 - CALF BOOTS, LADIES, Mitzgril and ' l Ormanunes ShoeS of all kiiids, all I, )/ought direct from the 14mufisturers, and hand made, all' , , uupds warranted. A FULL STOCK OF 1 LtATEDIR AND Fnunsai. ;:- [Thankful for past favors, I solicit a ontinuanee of the some. 'Fcrwandii, Mull, 187/ ;I 1 ' I I ' I ;%1 • i'4 1 r':/ el o I ' ii I ' '. • , _ 'ZijIEW CARRIAGE FACTORY ! I Fi poslte the new Jail, , I 1 _ • 1 " TO , ANDA, PENN'A. , , , , —, , - • • - , I 0 r, HENRY ,STULEN ,.Respectfully announce to his friends and patrons, t h at he' has built a 1 1 NEW 11, 1 R1 -L CK' CARRIAGE FACTORY,' 1 • ere he wi ll constantly keep on hand a full assort tent::n of • 1 1 'AIIIILY CARRIAGES, 41 1 , 4, tror AND OPEN - BIJGGIES, 0 0 ' I 1 PLATFORM WAGONS, , , t TROTTING SULKYS, AND SKELETONS, Made of the beat material and !Waked in the best city style, HU long experience In city Carria g e Factories g ivesitim a decided advanta g e over others iii the L i ` , l Fini.yli, Style and Durability • Q... , ! 4 his Wa g ons.] All they asks is an - 1 INSPECTION OF HIS WORK . . ' previous to purchasing elsewhere. 11 RILL WORE WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT SATISFACTION.. 1 • ATI/Ankh:a for the liberal patronage formerly ex , tied and respectfully ask a couUnuarree of the e. ki 1 REPAIRING PROHitLY ATTENDED TO. I _ ~: 11 I ' reducea prices 1 . , HENRY EiTIILEN. 11Towanda. ,lan. 8. 1873.--if ' . - he & MACHINE SHOP. I . he under s i g ned havin g :.purchased the Found', & n d Machine Shop lately owned i by John Carman, are prepared to do all kinds of work appertainin g tc their business, with promptness and dispatch. O I - MILL GEARINciS, ,i v ir •-i 0I R C l'j LA R SAW MILLS, ~i -- I AFli 1 'I. IAN D It I 1 ,L L , 1 And all kinds of L'' , ' arILL iiioils \ , MADE TO. ORDER. ;'``• . ',„: ENGINES REPAIRED, ' rl And , i‘: n all work warranted to g ive satisfaction. d , 1.. ' SHINGLE MACTIENES . I. II the latest and most improved kinds manufacture, . II kinds kept constantly on hand ready for use. • , ( , PLOUGHS ; ; LI 1 1 - d BIDE-1114, IRON AND WOODEN BEAUS 1 I Of all kinds., '.; I I I OULTI T IIi OliS, CORN PLOUGH:. t:I AND . il iIPLOUGH POINTS LI ; / Of all kit,, s, and the atest ImPrortenente kei II I constantly on hand. Nal ',', I 1 CHIIRN ')POWERS, . I', • 1 • • LARGE ANDeSMALL SIZE. rj 1 `i• ' t 3 $ rfr ' l OIV E CA STIN G E. 1 I , 1 CELLAR/ GRATES, pi 1, r - SLED I AND SLEIGH SHOE: i , I LARGE IRON KETTLES • il i And all kinds of castin g & fu' F nished to ' tl I March 33,1870. MEANS & ROCKWELIn * ' BLOOD & CO., , Still continue o manufacture their colobtated lIQRSE POWERS & CLEANER _ I _.. in spa will sell a better achine, , for less money tie 3 -0 6n be 6a elsewhere In the world. Wo claim I gur machines that they will do as much, or moi (ban any tlior, and are more durably built. 1 'Overseas]] , superintend our work and see, that it well down: We will send , I DLSCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES, , if our mtitiines, on application. ,I ' 1 (2,01k , TE AND TWO HORSE POWER , 9ne it Tw o Hone THRESHER .1 SEPERATOL d, , 1 t , , 'MESHES and CLEANERS, r:I by FA NNING MILLS, ' 4 , =maxi AND DUO SAW MILLS, ' r, SAW AND GRIST 3117•7., work done to order `O, Give us l arcall before purchasing elsewhere. '` 1 Iva •obsa- auo,isavua .'sNallia 1 0D V CE, 0- OVI a 1 " ~,l' Au g . 9, 1869. VITO OL CARDING, V 3IANUFACTURING . , &C. id After a 4cess of four years, and heavy expenditi ;in improvin g Mills and Water Power, we a g ain : ankle Our old business, of 6ANUF r ACTURING, WOOL ciuDisc,; clo• ',,' . DRESSING, &C. v 1 8 Appreciating the 'hard times, we have there ; test not to .elet down," but to push Home Indus lis the best means of restoring plenty, For thel accommodation of , the nearly extinct r ' Of Spinners, we shall make Lolls. For those v refer, we will make Yarri,— • ti.l D. 'el STOCKING TARN, FLANNEL, &C. P ' FS I In conjruiction with Local `Option we propose ald the frugality of the conntry by makin g a 1 Fthcnisand yards of Stout Cloth,that will enabl Eavery man to keep his breeches on. H Those ,who can, should call and wo will el them one of the enu g est antl•most complete th. 4,,,, I lve ' e s WOOLEN FACTORIES • ti .1 I ;'' I 1 In the United States. , as our W' R)o O W ir et 1 * ll 3 T 0 1 17. l i l a li n g ° l l l einp hood d c ord er,y ein no; -„of disapp o intment, and we +warrant all work to . ..dono properly. '''.4 i H. B. INGHkNI. .?, . Camptown, Pa., May 14, 1873.- S fltili CUSTOMERS can rely up ; ~- N _, g etting the very best the market affords an, lowest prices. E. T. FOX, •j Towanda, Jan. 19,'71. ' HENRY =RCM] ..,1 - pEMEHBER THAT FOX & ME -1.1.11 CUR are retailing all kinds of Groceries dwholesalbpriccs. The largest stock In town. Go first Glut Prices low. E. T. FOX, „ , i Sept. 23,'79. lIENBIX MEAO I II 1 to , Cassiuieres ffmbroideiiiPL - •I 71 1 II **NIA PLANING ; . • • , 1 . • oao ~Butip. an • -1 '[l DOOR FACTO' .1 1 • ' . .• • ; Tho Butisetipers having p c •• Plana* Mill formarly_owlied by 6 .4b • ~ and fining thoroughly repaired .a prepped to do • , I Il i ' , • • . ' LANING, -. • ;1 • .. MATCHING, ' 1 • ; REFUTING, sec . H ; dto maaufictnro 'Fri • . : OULDINGS, . 1 NEWELti, 1 ; 1 • BALLUSJER ' S,' • c., the beet Manner and on reasonable terms. I 'Persons' from a distance can• have their I ••ber reseed to take back with them the male day. _ A large iteck:of - SEASONED LUMBER ALWAYS 01 • • Ala° • •LSII, BLINDS, DOORS, MOULDINGS, ' Al : BALLUSTERS, SIDING, 17.0010 G, • , • ; . fact everything In this line, all of which M. . sold•chcap for cash: , . I Wo also pay caah for lunber. For forth° tutor Furniture • ,or at gctery on Street • : • J. 0. FROST & SONS, March 12; 1173. . ---- HOLID.AY • PRESENTS; - . ,• • - , • CllAMllgittql . • • .._ • 1 H • • , E .A D'Q IT A It 'l' E •11 S • ; -; • t- For anything iu the lino 6i • • JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, ' ' 1 CHEAT' : AND DEST : ' FRENCH: CLO • 6 : 1 1 . • GOLD AND SILVER AMERICAN AND : • • • WATCHES . I . , SPECTACLES, ii • I • • • I EYE'GLASSES, f •1 OPERA. G,LA - S• ES • • And a 1001 other things, .. I ' • Towanda. Dec. 18, 1872. • • WAGONS 1 WA CI ON I WAGONS 1 I • • • • • • ; • . I have on hand a large- assortine t o LUMBER ANDI~ IL IG I • ; • WAGONS WHICH I WILL; " • ' • I • • - I • SELL C E I E It 1 ; • • Thtin any other establishmen i t -; .1 • ' • 1 ; ; cduntry. - • • I • I ' I WAGONS' AND CARRIAG ' • - 1• 1 .0f Levery description rilanil actrir s order on shortnoti e. • 1 JAMESrR &Nil% 0 , • Towandallarch 26, 1 8 7 3 . le SOMETH . ING EV. W. A. ROCKWEL • • s, Has purchased dlarge and eleglkti assor meni of • • JEWELRY I • • GOLD AND SILVER W TCH q, V • • • ; CLOCKS ALLI R NDS, • 1 GOLD AND SILVER CHAINIII A D • IN 113 !' A • 111 C' PLATED TEA SETS, den 'TS, . , • And all the splendid go _ is f.r I i • ht - • WEDDING AND HOLIDAY • RE. Eh , co Spoons and Forks in sets, Foils. C,ha s , nd fact everything to please, with an ndl . v iet ho Spectacles and Clocks. • „ • r Having purchased from Hie late] A. . ; an: -estate the entire lot of toohl and flattire I am . to pared to do ill kinds of work he .. -at n ow and warranted. Please give tue d• .• , a the, goods and I will try to give .yOu e • tire. t!on• W.A.R CK " 1 s I o w Towanda, Oct. 23, 1872. I: • BAKERY AND DININ e ROO First block north of war,d Ho . se. El BREAD, PTEIS, CARE, ' C 6 • ter I. • BAKED i •1 be :: 1 fin tala And sold at Wholesale d •. • ..1 1 In our DINING ROOMS we will liccop •to public with either a lunch or g... meal a Mutes of the - day and evening. a t, OYSTERS AND ICE CREAM ON 'HA D II ; THEIR , BEASON. • • Also a fine assortment of Grocerieli, nfeCtion I . Frpits, Nnta, &c. . •at ?? 11349 ' •if •11 :D. W. 1109T/' ' MOST Ai SONS make!, th Jt; mangos Table In the world. . • • 1 s• i isi Drugs and Ibdi. . as.. 1 I .1 . i. i 1 . ~_ . : H. o. POR7 . qortri L , 4 :• • L as sal .1I I , • ,' I • : H . I OLD .CASEr... DRUG ' sfrour„, • 1 - • • , 1 , . ~. . •i• i •• sesasiuntas mama . , 1 . Li , ~ • GOZZter math aniline aim* .iamitli. .' • • ~asverecenur added.large to th.da . . 1 . . • .! i 1 1 . . •• - ~• essertniemt. cons ti tuting cruc &ten se ial) Tn.: .. , , embalming snenriutiges used. the Art/ for ! : '.:"! • • • - direfull with ~.. the. . waits of the 0/ 1 11 ', 4 ' by y pn a :which 1 supplied with fre trurchasets,_and. 2 . ••. on thorned reason let at wnowisale or; • !• • I Gitillflothig Cld; -. ' t' • • •1 • • ! • • * .' ,i • . ; ll Duras, MIDIONZE4I C ?I. . 1 CA ‘ i.lt. .- A : ram% cute, saarreimite s 1' - I - i .' I i l ALCOHOL AND TUEItENTI*E 1 1 1, • I. SASH PAINT. VABNliilf, WBUT,WASH. i • - , And all kinds l of B _ l , sHeIL. E's • - 1 -. 1! KEROSENE CiCO:, ! 0 it, ' • • -•- ' limning - nide, 1 ' i. 1 1 ' LAMPS, SHADES, w 7 ICKS, ' 2 5 v' ' 1: • . • . •Spenn, /Arai Whale, Nea s' oot, • • I . i I I ANITER i S AND MAC ill • 1 trot, u '' 1.1 -• 1 I i ~.1_ - - •L • i Fancy and Toilet ein all he ir vat . y... , . Ir*. , . SPONGES. BRIJ , SO• • : 41 ' 1 CO . '1 • - • • Pomades, II tr-DYes. Pel)rderY. r . . I'OOKETBOO KS,' POR V MO' I AIS, 1 _1 , - , , . rocket-Knives, Baur,. .i• ~ ~. • ' . . b I 1 Tom; atm Alr . ) aim e j et!, l yre, • • 1 1 1 - Pura WIN AND za irons, I -. i 1 i,, ... ,- I Per atteddong nee .1 . . .. 1 .1 .. ... , Toatoco, Ssim., rim ' , . Os, ' Garden, Field and Flower Seeds,Trim° 1 liinp !prters.-OullPensories. Shoulder BisOes. iteemit 1.. Pumps, Teethlrehage. 2 Nursing Ttottdee, !.. Nipples , Nipple' and Side de, Syrifigee, 1 Bed Pane, Self ' g Frr Ex ii t t r p t 7„Ther- , * 1 =ornate* Flooring , Sidi* ' ! 1 Jugs. Glass Ware! Bottles, ; ! Corke,lltath ;,"-- Brick, and Stove Blacking, F Tackle,;;4m- ,' • Munition, he., BOtanic, Eclectic d Hointepath- - ! • io Medicines, and al the po Patent ; 1 1 I I 1 -! ! : • 2.LEDICIN S. L '' . 1 1. • I All articles warranted ai repro* P Aims at 'distance can receive their ordore Y stage Or mall, tchich 'will receive prompt and al at pn., . . Medical advice given gratuitottaly at el office. tel chareng only :for medicine • 11 - 1. :I sir Thankful for past liberal pre, °tares. pect.fdlyannouneeto their friends dthep hlle.that no pains shall be spared tO rattily end merit Hie cost.. Valuation of their confidence and . • tronage4'; ; -- Sir Open Sundays for •prescrip fine front 5 tO ip Imi., and Idni. to 1, - and 5 to 8 p... . . E. C. • eRTEI3.I N. April 1, 1872.-yr. 1 i -: 1 .1 i y • THE WORL1;8 TO % i . IC. i 1 ' . 1 • 1 1 Purely Vegetable and free fom Alcolloi. , , - ' I •' 1 • - I I 1 DR. P. .1s 0R I M Eli, S 'I • '1 1 ' JUNIPER T 1 " I i , • - i I I Bl' l E 1 S ! , I . ' ! • 1 ! I 1 s A CEILTA9.CUIi TOP. • - • 1 t . s ieated Cough, Incipient %Cons ition , CALL, Snit. ul Ung Blood, InfLannitlon of the Lungs, Catarrh, dironchitie, Droop, Whoop' g:Cough, A.Stli+ '. . - ma, Pains in Breast or Si ~Dyspepsia, , Jaundice, Dizziness, Lo s of Appt Me, Fever and A e,i t i 'ndigestion, Liver Complaint. iarrhoe „, and all . Diseases of.the Lungs, St Mach, L,.' , !ct,. - and' E l ittneys 1 1 . 1 . W, H. GREG , i, ik , COL :' i i • 1 ...11110L.9&LE DRUGGISTS, EIMIRA, k'''.i., ,:Sole Agents, and to. whom• al Orders s[( l o,ld b' addressed. I Pric , $l.OO. I 1 . . ~. 1 dad' Sep Circulars for ittrthe *form tilli.s-r,4 i , • • 1 i , . : junei2,l2-tf - Sold y'.aii D g i g \sts. ~ , froWAXDAMUSIC ' • ACJ6EMY 1 i j ..1.. .. ,• EDGAR, IL SHERWOO ~., PniNcir •,....N l; 'SUSQUEHANNA COLLEG A • .E INOTU ; • . .I , TOWA*Dit.. I A. . I, ..., • • , • - • •! ' 111 i • Pupils will be received ri any time at thel l following ' rates : I .l Piano Forte' upils, per (Puri. I - i. 1; $l5 CO • Including Harmony And Voc • class, per qtrl i 20 CO l &rummy Hers 4n r .t.r. - . 4 rs ADT44E. . , Recitations twice a week.. o deduc on 7 ;or "time . made up,''excePt in card o illiaess fssnere ilia. ono week's duration. I • This Music -80116 o! is olassin,sd, Into r ue dePatt ments, viz : P4eliminary, Pr Prim ary d Advanced. • There will be a Certificate give at the comPletion O '... each course with the musical tainting of tbe,ptipp. . pupils from aldistancejwilf nd accommodations _: I. for board and institution practice in; the insfifuon a Pr I. very moderate prices, i ~ .' • I _ i 1 ; Norton.-31r; d ha Sherwoo alprogressi‘e course ' l' comprising the best modern ethods , inc4u t '.ing, GI , ,I prominent f e atures and appllnets of the ice pop .1 ular. Lyons Musical Academy of.which his brother. 11 Rep, L. U. Sherwood, was f.rnterly prizr,ai 0:01 c proprietor.. a , 1 - ~ Mr. Edgar R. Sherwood ii . s :decided taint, tic, musical acgtureMents mid - e tenslve ezpc tepee i , , teaching.-Editer Roches ter i =feat Teinesi. 1 , Towanda, Ma 0,1872.! 1 i i 'NEW !I . .l ' , . 1 . , 4 - The undersigned having b ' t a large an !corona . dieruilitill in the Borough of dwande,, at d l filled 1 q with the Most modern and im 'roved na _ ery. fo • f " the naatinfactnea of 1' . : i WINDOW SASH A. 1) BLINDS, ; ! : 1 :1 / Are prepared to All orders, w . ether target r ant. 4 upon th e ittiorthst notice.!, W. have also a ei v i riety of MOULDINGS, of the ltest style an patte . :i which we can - furnish much e lteisper than th y can b woricotby hand. i • PLANDIG, . '-... 1 ! 1 : TosauErsid, . 1 - 1 1 V - I bnooi - nim. i - ~ I ii , I AND BCROOB 1 - ~ ifIA ! W*.ic And all other workTprtaining to Joinery, will be o' to suit our customers. 1 . • 1 3 ,'•-, Persons building,'and iaot vng more than el: i to fourteen miles distant , will find it iargelyfor e 4 . interest to buy of us,' or brin their lamb* and ha • !, it worked by, onr machin I Bring yoUn grist Flooring, or other' lumber , a a while yip/ team '/ feeding, have it, ground Out li, tal3 it ti mo wi , e i --- .' ''• you. . 1 ' 11- r We will pay CASTE for IrrsE AND OC - I, ;LUMBER delivered at our 1.. bee yard. Om. . 'I :see us, or if you cancom't ,to. • , ' ElliS i l Towanda. Feb.. 1864. • ' . •;. BODG i ,St :o. 1.0 • rIPOM_PKINS COLT ~ TY lI J . I 1 - •1, • il i.. JL , 1 SEEDER AND PL.. STER - SOWE „... s an 1 . 1 . 11 • ' This i Attachment to th, :i FIRSTI CUSS 9' - CIIINE • 1 1 : i THE TOMPKIII'. S 1 OUNTYi.: ,t ' _ i HEEL R' .E D ii i ~And We can repo= .. end it as the. , r , i ,BEST PLASTER SOWER'4N TICE MA.BET! q i!1 - • '",(1 Its advantages over all others are many b u t t • i call special attention to its adaptation to il, , 1 i - SOWING PLASTER., LIME, ASHES, BOIIE DU" ..', • 1 . • AND OTHER FETTILIZERS.; ; .1 The Distributing device is eel arranged ii 4. to MT. tually_crush all lumps ; therdby insuring lan pv. `i distribution of Plaster, even .when full of hard d 1 lumps. IT sows EQUALLT WELL •I 11 . • - ' ALL KINDS OF GRAIN :ND GRA. S.!.q EE 8, it • - '' i •.-.• Such as Wheat, Rye, Oats, B . riey, Buckli i* teat, o • ~../.. Flax seed, Timothy, Clover 'a d other Grapt se d i . !.. The Seeding-Box is hung d der the axle; zieir t ~. ground, and can be. '1 1 11 'i 1 . . . • I i! E 4 USED IN A STRONG !WI. I D WITIIOtP SCA I TERkNG THE PLASTER OR SEED,4It,w 7 . • 1. . 14,13. • 1 I • • 1 .• , i 1 It Is driven by a cam on th wheel' whiiwil . S 4 , get ont of order froiu use ; a is the case iv en Ir •,-1 en by gears. ••' I : ' ~ • ,• . • I ..' ". . '. •IT CAN BE SHITTED ER, RARE 1 , TO' EEDE 1 Olt FROM SEEDER TO .ASE, IN IIF Ir, : . ' MIND' 1 '. , ~. • , . PRICES OF SEEDS ANDIRA.4 .. i $ 1 , .1 Seeder, alone, or complilte.../ ..,..4. 1 . ' ..$ .1- Rake, , • ,! 'Combined Rake and Seeder, .. .: ... 1.. ...Lt.. p I! i 'l3eeder Attachment, alone ..; .. .-. J.... 4. ~. 15 , :., Ars.„ Farmer's wanting' the'. ceder zorimlcite toi l a Wheat or Rye, or for Fall owing of Ilaater,ldi .. • catihave the machine and ay for its e ti..e di though purchased next sort g. 'EVERY MACHINE, S WAPRANT : . - • ' It. M.- LES, Genera Agb .t Towanda, Pa.; Aug. 20.1572. 1 1 "i• HOME SHUT, I.l,lPit V ' I . •i; 1 - • - - Li • I i : , . .. I . : 1 11 1 . ' Come, tailors, and buy ; he Ilotp §h , itle, ! I And dressmakers bui it like' .1 1 ! , 'Tie the fastest and easiest and cheaest 'l . l *: , . ! 1 That ever you saw n your lives. . Ini . 1 ' y f ,I ! 1 1: It-will hem, bind, 'cerd,ibraid, seam pndrii • 7' Quilt, tuck, hemstitch, gather andlfli, ' 3 ' On cotton and linen and wooleP, - . : - er . , ._ , ; I - Pe- And silk it works ectVpllY well. ll '. ' ' 'PI: ~. 1 ,1 - . ;-1 .!e ' Come, bey the Ferei#3 Sh u tt le , o l d l e fti e s, .I4ting misses I :awl 7 thine in your qinae; 4 ' It - willgather your runes for aresseis.l ,i- I ' . And sew them, riglit pn the FaMlO, tii4.le. . .t , d . - i , , , • , Come, farmers, and b 4. the Home Shuttle * ' !1 1 " For your wives and your daughter so d • They cap sew witenlthem fingers arp iredi ' • '' • ‘ i i F • And each on o if s warranted five years. 1. li . • . .D. It. WOODBURN, ',Rome, Pa., General Agent for Brat:ll4rd, Sullivan; • nd . yo i . ing counties. Agents wan te d. I eb.2 ; '7' 0 11 , a• • •* ~ t ,all 1"GO TO - JACOB ! 'l. 1 4 .1 '. TEMPLE ()} FASIT. 0N 1 . . 111 -1 •, • . '.l ' -:•- !.. 1 :'' :: • ! I i ' , ll'All STIZEE'r 1., . , dry ' I i I - • 'l !I • _j_ f___ , . 1 gin, LATEST S'iYLES IN CLOTHING , ' It , . , L . .-.., f 1 8 . 1131 . I . GOODS SIECZWZD'XVititt DAV,. k Towanda; March 27, ilatit. -- - i 'I. 1 1 . . 1 i 1 i ~.. i 1 . , .1 11 , . gs and ' , NUCiiI3. • N , I 1 1 _.....,..„.. 1 1 /: lilt ~ e. 1 :,, ilt \ 7 .-- I .. , PATTOrfIaBL 1 OOK,, ... TOW4D ii , 1 ' 1 i . 1 . TOW4DA; PA., - I A; WHOLESALE AND =AIL DRUI G I G-I S! S'. I I , f . I • .: , gestertalvelyr reps ed • theft, , store, at the . : • I tut s oc e r k o-o , • e r na ntit s d tin w g it4 a `large; new and we I ' , .ETI) , , EKTRACTS I , Ki.4.IIIS,M I MES, SUGAR. ' CO TED max, jowls:4l(m,, Ermurs, ~ 1 , =imams, ivnas, .o;, l • 1 I • ; .. Aladi n -, ' , • ~ • NI EOLECTIO AND HOMEOPATHIC Pl.l. 1 \ - PAHAXONS, 1 DYE ,!TEJFFS, Mite '''E OILS, , ' 1 ' 1 , I EZCTRA REFINED KEROSENE, ALCOBOL, PU E WINES AND, LII , UORS 1 Yor Medicinal Dupe: s. . I • , 1 TO ACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, r An tile i PO ULAIt PATENT M ICINES, ' , 1 , And a Fino Asn• , :rttnen of • , ' TO I TITJET AND FOCY I ' OODS. i• . I 1 I 1 ' (i Moritlthan the metal care and attention sento th Col;pounding of Prescriptions. 'Ope Sundaye,. fro 9 0 clock.a.m.,to 1 part. & from sp. .to 7 p LO, D. klaturs. can be consulted ; at the s ore on Sal tardily of each week, an heretofore- I 'i Ti- p.. TpuNr.ii. 1. wac da. Hay 7. 187L' i , W. l °. r itaX)N ' , i , 0 THE PUBLIC T' 't -.; -\ 1, I. i':-• , 1 1 ) i t I i 1 ! The ondcrsign..l would most respectfully• s , ), I it . I. I 1 1 the ar now prepared m ...••.e l ry w,ti to attend to the 1 t 7 . , I ,1. . 1 , . . T.JI;DERIA KIN C 14,, LI. IN ESS t ID itll I s branches. And w. rust tan ~,, k o satiefa , , tho ser ices of tiny one in that Lao 1 • 1 r . lasi g apared no °apemen or trouble in proc re inr ireul the shop.of If. Stu l t len & d., of our pli.., ? f E f 1 _.-- 9 Parß i C which cannot bd suraane, or not reinal , I t elegance, this side of oar largest ci es. W. - • hie • alro a cured tbe serNic , s of a moat re :able, careful and g ntlemanly person to attend to his branch elf • the b amess. J. ..A.rmyt;, one of ur firM; w Oi l o found at th, ji titre Store, onridge street a d c. 5.1. MAN- I f the, other me ber oil, the i ft i m, at his re.... ;eric on Thad street, or about Ol i o oat. of - Dr. L. V. B acb, a'very reit bLe and celebr ted physic An;, who e office is on Park' street, n ar tho Ea.'', Hou e. 1 1 4 , I 1 1 , j (l . . If . A 3 l l - kRILLE. 1, ja ^3 . 722f 1 1 r FIRST ''S A T I,0 ! I N A BAN K, OF TOWANDA. I ANTA.T.,...... ~ : ...... • , 125,000. i Irr,,a` , EL - s Faso. ...,. :t I 40,000. ___.l This Bank offers lIN'CSUAL FA LITIES fc'r tie traniaction of a ~.... , , , 0 . GrEI?AL BANKING .IUSINES.s.i i d INT 'BEST All) ON DEROSITS I CCOL I, DIN 1 , ..) AG81771% I, 1 , a S ECIAL CAPE CAVES TO TILE COll '&1(...., or 7:4 011 - 4 AND CHECKS. ll I ,.." P es wishing to ET.ND MN OEY IV any It of the United States, England, Ireland, Scq' and, o the pun. dip cities and towns of Europe,` n here procure 0 . drafts for that purpose. 1 1 f ! It ' \ •r PASSAGE TIOEE S To,i I i s r from the old country, by best steamer or •=all. ,lng nes, always on hand. , I : a- Timm DROUGHT OVEZ AT ILEDVED Mil,. , 11 :e , Hiete.re Price pacdfor l US I Eon*, /iotd a•d Stir.i , ,70, rowELL, Prenulnt. N. N. \DLIT , . Jn December 1,1069. ~ , r, I 1 t Cast -, . • r. - ---- - - ' - - 100K.S ! BO I OKIS !! ' ; Ile -JF i -II vs BOOKS'! II ix `i , II I I „ 1 , 1 .i, i ! , 7: Tle beg plact,• - la i l Nortli, l e s • era ' yenn l c. - j•lNat.fla t.., 1,1, • th i i ,1 K ' 1 _II .d BOOKS AND- STATIONERY . - 1-i • , 1 - ! 1 , - R I 1 ,I ; 1 C. 1, F.I CROSS' ~, t 1 1 i 1 1 i I 1 1, 1 , ill'stock is alm - a s omplete, at d con , Kt. , . 0' cry Bing tu the line, au:h 99' 11 I 1 'I. 1 BOOK S -- [ , I 1 we .1 I 1 O every dos. rtpti,.l.l., 1 1 1 ST j,. 1 , ec- i 1 •en p LT.. 1 - ' ' & ...1N6.."' ' STATIONERY ~, .ry F ll . 1 ' 1 ! 1 't ( ' HI.IO I A.IO. 1 t rn l . 1 the ,4 1 ,1 t , i SCHOOLV.IOO I I,ii, bLikTl.• -1 , INh T- . h I• i Ell. I 1 1 - I .ca. I • , iv- ji ir STOCK OF MEN'S & BOYS' . .1 - t, , f I in i i i. i EN air I I 1 1 portoc' 11 • prii•es I I 1 0 0'ir HATS ND IC APS, I 00 o ~ 1 i 1 11 1 . 00 • I ~ .. la .on• 1 11 I'l e., . , ` I I I ... as I ( Ai THE NEWEST STYLES. ''! 1 I I : t '-- , , , • - 'J. NOBLE &• CO , D. - • 1 1 I I I I / .. 1 1 i BEA' Eb4TE 1, 11 , i - ' • i ,1 i 1 , AND I, I O. LO.AIN AGENTS, 1 , l i JUNI; von SALE ON EthY 11 - 11 ''' 1 I 1 i i EVERIAL DWK.LLING , . ,1 , • I 14 ' I I 1 Situated cota-ouient o basin( , 1 1 --,.,- portion of I ,t,' vii. 1 ,]., 1' • ODIC° With I 1 ' ont I II ' NO ~ .•.. NOBLE & V NUE \I, 11 flume 1,:. 111 4 , 1 1 ' Tdwancls, Nov. 27, 1872.1 ' ' _ _ - 1 I '- -1- -7- - - ,ifc • AuTiox. - 1 - 1 -, \\Therms, Ily IN ~ ‘....../ [Fanny ha l left my bed and oar, w thout .0 ; 1_ , , auso or prosQuation, this is td orb, 11 1 - Pe, r l 1 1. ro,i harboring or t sting hq hall pay no bills of hor qoutraC .g a' 1 thts , N ; ' ,4 , I • 1 1 il •YR NOA - r July 22., 1573.-A* ' , 1 1 1 ~ II nln aLzonnt,,,!.l‘.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers