II ul pAf ursday . Toivandas LocAL'AND Teti thonstind do erdera have beenicaildele • THE 4iscottal I S m eet her Ofter r TOE jail of bLcn vacant sincC last R' .1 - Wm. L. Ly6x,.l of .thorize4 to rceetvo Istibs Nunn. ) THE tmather wps . ; Suudayliat, that overeo ftirtable. I TILE .b.. 1 vE:qonTp people an entertainzOnt, sreare . an readings.. THE Ladies' ' Ben vo ent Associa'- .tlO 4 will hold its next xneiting on the first Fri day in October, insteadof:September. • TuE names :of eighty pupils were I,:git , tered at Itcinte:Acitdemy on Monday. Pieity good for a quiet little town like Borne.' - I 11r.v. I'. S. EvtitErr will deliver a If.,,ture for the bone fit; of the East - Smithfield liaptist Church, o Tn'esid y evening next. PRor. R. ti,. - a-,;1ofl tarjmed, is expected, to tI County Teachers' past 3.l?'nroctein. • 1.. • '' r - r Two new gas i It ,:ti:cted on the Pulalie Squl proxeptent which will '(.13 Have to visit the cOuri 1 k _ SOME of the I State York, will pass-orcr tht p Bradford railroad nest,l we this county &hould give ti tiuu. - I Tut.l)(),llitigli. tint la - Ft condluded l a bargain ,ast Jf the irourEtt Otlle fr.fr loch up and ripe!! Thqprice paid N•Nas- YOtNG man,! E, of Burl i ington to l it hands Ef.f. Jrdiy injt4ca a !•ircular tia.W in a shinp,le 7w: 9..7that ht., IBEI • Y 11: ARE in receipt' mvinition.to the Trit of 4 , 0,4-co-lu;wa Nu. tol Friday cve:.!in, of,the conimitt, o 0.!12:Ci.' ,IlOOeSl4 • fsen 1011 , mticement of the \NJ / • , which he hat just heen.eit i 1,41 most Eucet6tfrd t ~ .rat It:late the citizens. of dcfllefit good fortnfte . • . •TttE dedication of the • ! l'hgr ii, of NI - Cst Pittlen, Nrit growing out or circun?,:t.r.net.ii 'co the IM. Fevcre rain r•tiiirni. The: ti kiwi p is Tues,lay, Sell. - 2.. Dr. d tii . preadi rit 11: l o'cock A. 1. IN - Ls at 7Jr 'r. IT is a 'favorite and their f fiend t tier h. drank now than. n tdc.r.fh thvy jtcljtve whit: the; :-.ayt in they haye t %Vhile to a 1 opthin oe's'ino :t t 1 tie Of intjN!ic ting d curtAdcd tile trail c. . : , ,:t**l ; . .14.nis OLIVE Er.ini , i/S 4nS tc l aelter inlukoting il:; in this placemonth. n put.ition of hcirig L^ivoonel ~, a' . it•cnnlpn.nect tea c nntry'. - Her nurnernns riends tv It am Mat: slie:in'agitin of “ar i toi - nugh. -j ,;-, our citi p at the annelmbern i lath of Ma-ter Clwitac whidt occurred a t: - ia' uv•rn:flg ht t: c itzpl r,!—J, piircilts. Ttle r 11:!, ~t 1 i% :i,l :il ihi# z• ~~ !:'.ilcl: g Itii C(1 ci: Theniutr, nit Hon. - E. N. I MEI ~i:nt•: ;xhi± ME =AEI ME IBEI !,c rvgrk t!il.;‘ la - HEss Wz - ls v i sitcl M• 2 ll , lhy' . n:pg, Mal MIME ,:::::t,•a abut 1U 0 ,riii-rby the co Cri;LEY. ; F. CrilLy ~Tic,; i'. P:CLI dirc:ling RIME ,f t.ll,?l,ropc•rt } ....: au. c. d. nc~:li'cf: , ~, it.c THENG i . ' A'? ,N"171.T ; IITLUTT'S A .111 - N . G D .- ri , or , prtne: Ste" 1; • I (.:inittactured • , !1- eir.4l 0 2 1 •-.. that you 1r ,) 7.g l y :r.zent ,-• • and Fa. jtllrnl td ,*‘...1 =II c ' 7 .! 1.. 1 Co t IV NG & '••• - n(At at o; Mr. M. E.Sum•lat - :.::e A 4 ..,ras,; as:.l t;r..ii ~rrc Lappy a lirlrcti • will be a rite P.,TINNI., CIL Frit* 12•;. ZEE TLE.yrisn.—Thi .•- uricis c (•t eotiai evils,)sprvails to a,great-; \ teutqn this than any other country qn thi FrOru this causeVor? than any other, n.perituce Ilea grown vital the growth or country, and I:equine:a jiationar evil. By meansmcn arc iLluc - eci Llric,4 four and vc trues at a bar, Before relying, simply thro' tLc f , -ar. of offending coziarades, or taking a .I . tlngle off the'li - quoi - !lealerls house. What a f daninable Code of honor this is which PI habits of ruin, i deetriltion or health and • extravagance. ] Tide is no liberality :1 4 It. If.you . will be generous,' l give your spare thedeserving poor,) or save it for a thiy.. Young Men!, stamp out this' cps : it is the outgrowth of a had state of foci. etc, originating in another a l ge, and-transplant. 0.111,:re tic accident: Pat it dovi-n. IP, ERSONdi ,-- IitrIL : NinfLiStAIJAYRY 16 Tinitine• friends in the-Green Meintain State. - , —Miss HoMutocts, an elocatiOuist .of Haiti mot, Md., is, giving public readings in E tern Bradford. • ! • —M. E. Tki - x.on,itur ine4y of *me, but now engaged in liusineSS in Peelusitil,i, IN._ Y., mtvao us a'. call last we - ek, The. bracing air of the Hudson seems to Si#eo with:l4o, as he was tooling remoirkabliverell.- • , . V. Holitm s was inictirn tin Friday _f• • • . :last, Milled hero to Sttend,the Futtersl of Cuss. rrs gAQITi. I • • •• - - '1 ' • —+ MEE° .titart TH, ono of the libst printers in the State, and now lemploydd in the. Montrose Independent Republican erne°, ititide - us a Short visit list week. _ tpotitt Aug. 28 3 1878. fr ENE.RAL.i aTs of borough this year. Imlay-school will an county Ifas ter.. , . , - •:—Gen. WAGNE:II, G. W. 43, T. ;of Pennsylva nia, honored our sanctum witlt Ida presence on Friday. last. - : . . ! , , FlAll~lll~ 38 au , tipu01:18 for the Ra- -/Y7T. Somaim; Cooimt, for Many years a re' ident•of this pled°, btit now ia member of the Delaware M. Conference; was in town lag week. I lie was elected chaplain of, the Equal Rights . Legion at Willie's-Barre. so 'cool here on is were not uncom- - _ _ —Miss ,Ailic.r.PEcr, Of this plaCii, his acdept ed 'a situation in a school at Allentown, N. J., at a handsome salary. She is a good teacher. —Mrs. &rect., of Philadelphia, is visiting her brother; J. J. Gramm, Esq. ". . I —Gen. DAVE and Miss Lrzlrc ;atm are_ at 1. Judge Ilcuatia's. . , soon give our consisting of Slisk- .40" - TUE: TOWANDA LION DiAIiVrACTURIIiti Co.--Through" the courtesy of. Mr. JorT W. ME.s.:4B, we were shown through the Towanda Nail Tirorksthvother day, and were surprised 'at the magnitude of the busineeit transacted. Three double puddling furnaces Melt about four, tons of pig iron per day, which is afterward put through the various processes ' , necessary to . make: nail plitte:. From fateet to twenty nail machines are running, and turri . out. 'from -one hundred toll two hundred kegs of pads per day. To, perjorm . all the labor necesSao to this're. suit, aboutseventy men and hoya are employ 'ed. veiistbitig about tho establishtrient betokens prosperity. The machinery is the, best in use, and rUns with the regularity of clock-work. Mr. 1.450, the foreman, is an experienced and practical workman. The company have been very fortunate in securing his spitices. Col. B.li.txs, President, and the board of di rectors, deserve great credit for their energy and untiring perseverence in managing the financial aff.4.irs of the cofopany, which are now' in a flourishing - condition. - the. School Do beat tho sossion bt Rote, to lid held at amps are being tire. This is'an ipprociated'hy thosd Ity offices after !lark, official opoed ek. Tb lem a h of New puto of the citizens of •att}' i recep _ Ells. RBPORTEII As one Hof the Ex ecutive Conunittee of the Committ& kf Seven ty, appointed, by a meeting of the. citizens of Towanda Boro', to etloree the Local Option Law in said borough, I h e ave been somewhat amused as well ail a little indignant at the at tacks nf a certain nameless correspondent of the ilth't on the Committee. because of their • -V ineffielency.i • I: have, ;at Wilding jpat 111.0 arrahg theet- horitie, ,or the lis for ,iIORACE Wtl both of caught on on Thurs . the nsc of .on 0 rush il~~ by bci mach; clv IDE It IS true that nothing has been , done in the Way of active Prosecutione, as yi:m are well aware; and for the very good reason that with one exception;.not.a single grunit,ler of them all will come for Ward and make 'the affidavit necessary in order to cdminene6'.the prosecu tions. This- one are, , fir reapono need not ntke;publie, after consultation, it *as thought Lest hi treat the dame as the othero. No liquor Las been sold to the actual knowledge. of a sin gle menther of the Executive Committee, and of , coviree nothing further under the .circum stances could tie done, than ,they have taken . steps to accomplish. • • .0 a exe ril at Eceeptign come fi at Long's , Sept. 1 ", 1.73. The mutt gtutr= ‘ trtlai• .us I - he annual School; or Icipal. Prof. nd we eon: on their; ex- Evidence is necessary in order : to convict thkeviolaters of the law, and if those persons who are interested in enforcing K and. thoSe who Pretend to be, but talie•good ritreAo cott er:4.l their iinorledge, will, during ?reek hand hi thel Mimes of violators of the raw,. to gether.v.ith: the wt,,tes and rcsidence,•:: of the witneSses, .oruething can 'yet bc ';flone will satisfy the'expectations of thtt coMmituity. If tll6 is nut dupe, ‘te shall tandietp4i.ed of Nano} in the nttter. Al4eady, li>i cone dais piss, K few of the . bars and liquor "saloons have been clOsed, and their proprietors have absent ed tliruselves in order to tide uver , Anfr. Court, when' the trunk will, be again commenced. • fiili all oli.!qd eitins do as rcrwsted? Lct • • us ,et, Copt. I • . • icted Pri; MEE ME ME ,ew M. E. • pu,tponed, ilect4A wish EIMMEI - ELsON 18 CA .. and I.:CW. nt of the . tat more:litl - re:pkt, ie law riTcal ,_Or(ivefit, the itatP ; it l;e . i r crlllll b THE Vtirt'i...o (Wis StaM Regider, id ?dill ult., emit ains the •ftliow mg, notice of the death of. a gcutlenni'm "whol had warm Lierids iii this pace: The 'cleceasett.wals son-in law of Mr.I I SANI:EL-licu.rn, Aziguni: "Our citi.ens all learned with deep regret of the death I. W. Ltac; , n, Esq., Of this city, which sa,he vent , Teurred at the residence of his Either; iu .liddletown, Conn., :On Saturday last., Theintiblie wa hilly-prepared for the in telligence,lior Mr. B.'s hi alth liol been so pr,e eariOns ' , duce last Fall, as to render it quite certain that Mg lite was to I.kj! , :if short du ration. lleilingerol through'the Winter, Ire queritiy hrsueli al low coidition to lead to .the-bellef that he could hardly survive for an hour, but !his iinhmitable Nstil and , wonderful tenacity inidouldedly prblonged his life f ,, lr many nionrie.. Under ther,reviving in fluence of Idle :;pritig %leather he.r cc-upended his health considerably, so much;lis to enable hiM'to take a ...carriage and to appear several timid on the street,. He determined to retnrn to his old eastern hmue once moreii. and clung to the idea that heunight be r ,, stort-id_to health, altiMugh he !could not' lint bait, been 'impress ed With the knowledge of the critical situation he n. - . -as in. i Efe accompanied his family, of course, the j otirney, but see learn that he Hthistantly declining evil . :--ince his a tiiul them:'. But a few days prqions to his death lie determined.to vi+it the sew-shore, and fOr that PUrpose engaged rooms at inntie point un -the coast in New Jersey,. 'awl: was about ready to takOhis departure when the messen ger 'of deathisummoned him to Ins Tong hOme. ";Mr. Bacen first came to this city in 1854, we t hink, aiid engaged in the hard Ware trade. Feeim a Moderatecorninencernent he built up a lirs;e trade and acquired a flue •46mpetency. Ile , Was.nt thodical anircorrect in his business and iv , int liabr's, and his .thoroUgh probity . gaMed the ro - spi. , ei theentire com liWre enliSClCTltiollti •IMMiIIe:, , 'IMAT: loan Mr. B. v.:Oki:id nut our streets,.and every citizen of Portage will treas ure his Of d, name as a rut of the legacy he left:us:mid will evi-r. Speak approvingly• of the career of lone whoished nothing bat honor and' lustre upina the, name of man. An Excellent nran. , --friend, neighbor and citizen , --18 with us no piore4". bcii en, iss H. - eni , ye or the moot hers in the 111 be pka , (4l tea r' to bte 1 , rel deeply reek, of the •oul of C. T. ICUS w Ilt 104 t SArTII, "BCt id %nut rly tiffs :111,, Cm as a bright, li full ticaiity rerO brought Hay ovening. y6a.r: mains t uri F MEM n thntl the lEEE 14 tl 17,171 dPI te 10,t1i11,n to MEM cd-1 ffill Zrad- . )1,.• z telt tble t. , inaht• a vill nervr have 1 Pti 1 of al l ME NEM I _ oy 'lie b i rc bur 1 . 066. •1 I'm. Pali i.ilother fire rldids'iioowp H. 4. Tie fire he folloving DEEDS- tiled - in the Recorder's Office fur' , Lo wee ending August 2G: • W. 0. ct ai., to John e. Thur,ton, Atil,,,s, 5U acres. W. o..?lnrstuo, et al.-, to Jog. 117, Athens, 1 :9 acres. - :A!.l.litireton to Jo.i:S: 114irston, I = _ . T. baly to Iludney N. CoOey, i,11(•0, 3 plce, s , . . kl , x-r.1:: E!ijah li. llortun, North To tralilla, st. • - iL Jameilr. 1., - )e.i?; , 1!).1 h Claiinda r.ksliton,• Le- Ita:ysvilh!., lot. • * l' L. W. ltutty to Sanit:el IleNetti let al., Can tor;., I .„2",F Geo. P. Cash to T. C. Delano,'rciwandaßoro, let.:.lla'jord , Williirus to :‘l. W. Wilititua, Troy, 1 272 acies.' I,N'tn. Shepard, ct a 1.., to •Laniel S. Pitts, Athes, lot. I :1 t, • M. C.'3leretir to the Pa. 'c V, Canal It. Co.. Towanda bcrouh, lot. Jobn!C. Welles to thristina Paul, Athena, lot: $• ;1. ' ALL, OWLIC•I'S Of r , to(lrk 4,1 ilL,A.itzi lESM tinots 4 w'a, fi:ny Plat the tiro 11113 ti 1 . aai.. A. COWLE&. ME \VI i 10E H RE ;IT IS 'ME TRADE. Emu DJC. I ►T T 31 only . dC;ilrable Ilford county. woOk; if it is most agreeable I. bring it back, riL on you; take ureclf as to its •1 to lit any odd Ting the in lira ry It a andl an flnd ilt C r 1•i•_ s L: q. NELSON. • nt Doi' Strip. Agent ' c Irr•r,'N Tivia*l.ls. V+ I qct • -chool -coin }, e jAeaderny, under the (Lon, of llerryall. .;.): at 3rowntown, hold, at the grove of DAvln the t•irging of Sunday , i ntifal inner, made the . • and enjoyable one to 'p 1 • 1. 19 were present. . I , oeietyjat the residcnc6 tay-nig i tt of this week.. JONES, i i 4 .toblrAt-and pe,Fra. •Ci•.°.test and most de John Pasrmore Co :Orman-P. Hicks, Bottle borun-li lot. •- .N. C. Harrils to Rosa, Newtbff,' Athens, 63 acres._ - - D. J. Fanning - to J, I.l..licach, West Burling ton, lot. • • 11. Junes to William Verbc-cli; Troy, lot, and JUnsthan Wool to RiChel Thatch er:Smithfield, .1-1 acres. . • • iteUcca. 31. Millet and husband to John 'L. Foker; West Burlington, 11 acrd.s.. and B. Pc; Shattnek to Jsmes Datroly, West Burlington, 130 acted. • . James Darrow to B. T. Shattuck, 'West Itur lington, 10 acres. Gabriel Walker, et. al.,' to Nathan Weller, Athens, lot. • I ; , '"Cyrus Jackson to N. C. Strickiand;-Tuscaro ra, acres. ' J3lllO B. Adams toll B. Parsons, Troy, 1G EIRE • Alfred Furman to . Eldrtidge, Colum bia; 120 acres. . • , • • THE Ga la.ry, for. August,ri has a Uncpramohly varied 'and promising table of contents, 'and its proniise is me than made good by the articles which folio*, The leading a.rtirle is a picturesque EL - etch of Vienna, not a desCripti?n of scenery, but a passing glance at cosian:o, CUEtCIII3, character and general fea tures of a city which . the writer Hain ho' loves. T:ivo very entertaining and sogg4tive articles, upOn language follow. The first,.tyl l ich is ver'y aptly entitled "Japanning the - 'English Lan- i - . I snap," is an inquiry into the f , i :1 *ty of mak ing a new language ,fcfr the use eiof the natives par irn of the Orient , The English is sh e to behest adapted for abase, arid the r in which it may be reconstructed to secure learrices and 'Simplieity, is anintexesting and tructiie stk. dy. Tlienceond linguistic article 14 from the pen Mr. RIM/MID Ouster W}ll7; whose previotis contributions to the Galaxy hallo made him an authority upon modern.language'' He Consid ers some of the more Comtnoni grammatical errors made by careless people.; such is ." you was" and "had not, ought," and ! 41nstrates his theme by numerons quotations. Another strong article in tho number is "Tarim's.' Ileeollec lions of the Revolution in-Berl in 18 1 8," a long title, which fully explains tli subject. The writer, Hon, TnEODOIIB 8. FAY, lelisi American AmbassadoCat the court of Prussia during the ekciting period of which he writes,. and the sketch has the charm of personality. Mr. Ale BE= BUODEB contributes a graceful character sketch similar in style to those which have made him so well known during tiro past three years to magazine readers. Hav g traversed Europe, Asia and Africa, ho now brings his pen to America, and depicts a half forAgn race liv ing fu our midst, tho Creoles of , uisiana, of which very few Amoricatis hate any knowledge whatever. - ' ' I ; • . An'article entitled "The Martyr of Balakla va,' gives a graphic description 44 the memo rable Charge' of the six hundred, and giplaioa the causes of the disaster in the dearest' man nervindicating the Character of Lieutenant 1, or to who'll the title of the itrticlo refers. The Parkman murder is the subjeiet of another historical sketch of intense intermit, which will be new to the.younger class' of readers. 'Hung imArmer," is a gintint and rather piquanti i littto story concerning a snit of armor which was stolen from's Norman "The Pearl and 'Princess" describes a romantic !adventure in the Chinese waters, - and al" Brice of Foe '- cock" is au, American loie story, of healthy, tone, though it treats of au invalid's shOoting excursion. ,Gen. CrsTEn'a Indian war record and Cann BElrsox's "Carnal Cogdations,", with the usual quar,fnnt of poetry and literary and Scientific Miscellany, make up, the number, which is in all respects an excellent one. • ITEms from the. Northern' Tier Ga. tette . • —Ajar home artist, B. F. 13s.szt1 has nearly finisheffithe•finest piece from hid pericil.r , It is entitled " oil Oscolutra, n , and is ' made ' up of studio ' s on Sugar Creek. .1 I ' —lron ore; of excellent quatity, , Was fouled in digging for the foundations for .{lip Manufacturing Co.'s building, au it is 'more than probable from other inclicatiohs that ',there is a larg6, deposit of 'ore in PAIN I E'S bill. Its shape would indicate it is au iron! bill. - - 7 0 n the evening of August Gi l the following officers were installed ' in the Springfield Lodge, No. 50G, of G. T.: W. C. 'F., pIIANK Bun- GESS ; W. It. S., Mrs. B. M. Ittrizi:; NY. L. S., Mrs. N. 11.krroess; iV. V. T„ 31r.s.'1`.B:b.rxE; W. S., Mrs. R.. 11.61ENF.SA ; W. F. , S., Wniour LEOICOID ; W. T., 1.11:XEI BououYos ; W. 31., 11. GATE"; W.. 1). 'M., Miss M. Ms - rocks; Vt. 0. G., C. Hans - NE. L 6., Mrs.l l IL Bun duet ; P. W., E. Dsoairr; T. B. JAYNE ' . . ! —C I EADED.4CI3OOL.—Pror.IIIcCOLtmr, a grad uate 'or Cornell University, haii hem _elected Principal or our Graded Schou!, ',atl a salary of $1,200 per eat:,,l He coincs highly t'ecniFt?end ed. President/A. D. WIIITE says.uf him : I "fie is eempetein to fill any place hi:ill aedept.' :11 The Fall term Will open !Monday . } opt. 1. We arc glad to learn that the Boad still retain Miss Sac..il llatLatio as Preeeptre s fur anoth er year, after she had decided to go afray to college. Miss Mt:lisle S. Rui) tirdl 135(3 charge of the Filtermediate, ANNIE 11. I 'AM 61 the Primary B, iind NrrriE Wxuamitio iy A, departments, all of )I.liii.di prespertms year to our Graded '1....3 . Farm 3loons will eoudnet the 31461 meat. O r j of the S. Wr.'r.t.i:ki.E estate, on conducted very iitnctly, the Ididri very spirited. The follotiring' es and priceii paid, for.luts The " Home Lot,"• was sold to :6. - .l,i4iN AnAms for $4,500. It contains 220 square rods with lwurr and barn. Lai, No. :1, vccuiiied by En. HoLLY, 11tAd to WA LTEI: Gtla MIT for $ t ;50. N. 12, oce•,...ipied l!y Li. V i i:Etw., hold Kt .I.lAx - rlat for tesis, 1 - t,t s So. 13 aid 17, comp: - L-il% Li acres, sold to C. C. I'.ilNl mid I. A„ Ptr.lle for, per Lot 11, ~ovlipi.A by Mll.L.ira, aold : to Lor.va:T l'ot - No for 14.65. i• leit No 10, 7 :.i.en.-14 mtitl 1O perclove, ‘VisNOor 116..1 p, --A boils, !),* T. Lil.r.Ey, alynit a halrini4! from .G.‘rners, Hradford: Go., irun Inniosd oa Smurd..y aft epvnin last. Fire hid heed djsvo; cm', in the runt utne time be fore, nu i this had In co put out, but it scents not thoroughly, for about a half lour aftei.,.the 1,:,,ke out :train, this linu i with sttelt vi ohnic(: that then, could not ..txt!retained., -Help caine,bufidl that could be done Ovas •to .Carry out tlie-goodai which was done, sp that thC : losB - will he yery.slight except on the,building. for: -people of this placto, are to Lava an oppt.qt unity of hearing fl.lld, Feting. the eelebtated DAVENPORTS, of PitilaAirphk, Mot dap eveuing next. Their i readings arc tA:erywht:Te They should hare a full house. BUSINESS LOCAL WANTED —An active, ercretie lean to C.IIIVAS.I (Or 1U RETORTE/Z. re" TLYILNEi: & GORDON 4 : re selling the celebrated Victor Mineral Sp'riug water. Fruit and Vcgetallles in tilaun, danci: at A. F. 1/Seff Special bargains in Black EVANS S #ILD1:1: 4ss Best quality of 3.4 F. Cor..LE;s' Third Warill;:i4ery itgi- Every new publio4 found on car , Lls' slaelvo;c Tlirrstun, C. F. C 1 O. has j iffs frac a, ,, ,:ortio,orit of new 'eliromol. • ts„. Al large assortnle24ti of Brtek ete inst. • CAs;:.-4-CLtiuber Suite, at , ri:usr t zr)Ns. ,o rr ollirs ' _ _ it . S. Several val Farms and ma3c.s alia ir)t. f jt , r ea le by Jt4ti - :ETr Tll.l - LAM.. EIS Stils boots, and s4oee cheaper that) any other establishm . ent in towandi. d J2r COWLES, 9f .th© I Gioct•ry; la2eptr a good bupplyfof \ever desert an 'o! new ono. C. F. Cnosalias.bet.4 gaged in the book and stationer still uintinue:;. tir — ,ll'irst invoice of t Styles oltticlie' Bats, in Tov4t , B. A. . 4 .ligni 2S, 1673-1 w tEi6. Valuable' house !a for salo—Ncasaut localib - - 7 -near! Church. ) Inquire of J4s.tes')Voo ISAAC M. u. [, Virkf ors& and Harne Apply to J - OgN' W. XI; . ofico Towanda, Pa.--* • - /p&-• &,s lhave just received several car-loads moo bf, that-super& • I or family flour. People who prike good bread will make note of thii. i I • la.. Dealers in Strings Iwiil do well to call at tlio Temple of Mule:, whtire tlMy will ftMl a largo assortment of Frondll,German and Italian Strings, at New Tort pries, kr Fanners always find a , stirs market and the highest, prices, for produce, eggs and butter, at McCann & Esin'ine.' MEE ' 110 . 11/38 POW/140.—T r i ready for ft - mediate ado I Harder's 2-Horso Potrero firaWbuis 4 and 0 Horael latter on truck ready for Towanda, 3uly 30. - - Na. A full line of White oda, Table Linens, Napkins, 'Towels andErnbrolder les, at . F. I tress aG littantanfa. • I j Bridge-at , WS. Abs. E. L. 1 7 1 ,0 1 : 7 111Thi has re moved her stock of rooms recently occupied by lire. Ganits, over LOWS store, in Patton's block. s Our. .store . will be, CIO repairs on August 5, 1 1873. Our fri , customers will find tii3 n s stairs lind moat, whero wo B . all 14 Stripy. to Roo • usual. • o. sa.Lezmunii, ai *owns, Lia taring of ti 4 ipectsch changed Um HVGII7I Wm. A. Cua: vie Oar that C. F. Cr and stational chasing . givo less experieni arilfEv.ery,persOu who.is to me, will oblige too vr) l miich by m. mediate payment. • i !BIB& E. J.. 6 Towanda, Aug, 26--3w.1 Sir The best pla e to buy Sash, Blinds, Doors aid all kin to of Immlier, is at _non Soics. Factory (ll Charles stlreet. Of fice 107 Main street. They sell'cheat) for cash. STAND mom t: sea re maining unpaid on thqorono and oor-Tax Duplicates, on August ^0 !will positively be col. looted as soon as the law will permiti without distinction of parties. I iP. powEr.J.-, Collector. THRESHEBB &ND CI or A: unrivaled 3 cylinder Threshers a i nd ready for immediate sate TOlvanda, July 30. I 1 Ig Ili StroWe are now, , e ng Wo ven.i.Wire Mattress at p 516.00. ThcY are. the cheapest spring beds in the world. Why don't you call at non Swtrit.nd try ono"; 1. li,tulmess p4tces of this borough will closo hereafter until Septem ber 30, at 8 o'clock - r. HI, Saturday °Toning ex cepted; V 19... We have jaU'rpeeived a now stock of4age, which we can print on lihe abort eat notice at the hawed:rates. 40 ! Mir Now is a cod time l to get your letter-beads, eurOiaes • and hill-heads priuted, and the .r.r.por4au • office ht a good Place to get them esecuted. Ws" By no possihility can wall pa papci ho so . cheaply - pnOhased. an)'where in thig ketion,'is at .C. • i.. The r Stew Switch and Pompa dour can he found at 3fra. J. D. Hut's, in real hair. Griffith & Patton's Block, Bricl4 , street. ,{tom Teachers or music ta l e pur chteto Sheet ' Music and 131nsio Books .at Teach re' rates, at tl ' Music, irolyanda, itegi;.,All 1. ;ed Ito me, are requested to. make iniotediato payroent 1. B. J the Prima= promises a hool. Mrs: cal lleilat t- 1 , / sale turalty, sal g not being pqrchas- lam . Persons •WIS heal Estate of any desLit 11. nTi.r.rr TitacY, hint. Agents and Brokers. HAY PIZESSES.—.III. M. WELLES pa) 8 special attention to dale of Ilayi Call upon him if you to get a god article and one that suit' yOu.. s . . • ~, ______:....J--.-- s - I . :FOS: SALE.—An eiglit-horso power, Thm-Ling Mcehine, in gobd running order, for Fale cheap, as the owner!' as no use fdy it. En quire of Gnirrrrn & Pc.Tr,IN, Towand k , Pa. &twist 1.5---tw. i ! 1 s , let;. LEWIS, tl.e lothing dab, is now in the city piirehasin„, goods fur the Fall trade. His customer and the public will bear this Let in mind, U and keep a sharp ` look-out for his return". His largb experience in the bu sinees given Mtn an advahtage in buylug. SELECT OCLIOOL. ' There 11 be a Select School- in the: Ca ip School- ouse, in Herrick, Pa., commencing 5ept..1,1873, contin uing 12 weeks, under 410 supervision of J.S. CnAwrouo. Special it.ttention will bei"given to those desiring to teach. :I M.. It is not ,6•enerally knoivn that , It. C. WHITAKER, at !Book Bindery over the lturoiritn eine; niakes, Blank 800 in any style of ruling aria Ihitilmg desire . It you want a now Ledger; lOU'rnal or Bo ket, give , hini call. t • NoTim—The liOited ptirtinership heretofore existing under the namej of T. C. Cowes & Sos, is this d r ay dissolved; All de mands clue the late firea'j must he paid to T. C. Cowes,, who will coniinti'e the business at the ztere of the late lirni.• T. 6.Io)wEN. To TUE PUBLIC.--.LPPTSOEIS wiring to purchase coal by car—load, frill bo tot nished the addrdss of dealers who will sell them coal at wholesale prices:i thus saving all com missions, by calling at My . • S. S. PIERCE. August o, 1873. E=TI L Se" ars J. D. ;HILL has opened one of the finest iv and Fancy stores this side of Nev, York. cordiall,) 'MACS Zia to gisci her a ci.ll Griffith Pl.ttob's fridge ion can be openi.! d a :E . SO' " MCC. SL BE DWARDS sell the • 1 , ,lust brands of flour just as cheap [ as many other establishmcnis 4.11 the poorer grades. Causo why? They buy in large rfuantities and get a better dismutit. --- :I .. . . [ I ' i i ,„ % I ' I • " i . - - . SES.. Nis. J.• 11). HILL/110 moved her store down to the fi L st door east* t h e Bed, Whim and Bine Stdre, iiiherc she Will he glad to wait upon her friendiHthanking a l 4l_ for for mer patronage. dritlllll k. Pattoh's Block, .Bridge street. I i 1 • I - . ti- Why rut t dent, When you can get in case of death,' fqr 20 SOD r ,„ • DITIIIIANK; at' 1 , hird W iii( famiiy grocer MS- George 1 Wood X Co., Taylor 3: Farley and Jubilee 0 : x 1 g . ans, at loitl prices and [cl frienii for .1.1 for years en . • I y thismess, and easy terms of paymenti call to see and heb..,,ttlet sic of CpLe, Rtes.:pr.& , • Bu YOUR COAL DT I THE c4R LOAD. , -.-Ttro or more personi eaii; club together and boy their coal front IL; Wr.m.ral. at whole sale prices, and get I. lbs. to the ton. In doing so seventy-five cents per ton Of 2,000 lbs. can bo saved ,froni Towanda retail prices. • I new Fall .da at ' • i I • rrrp Co.* [ I ,_____L__ twoi lots tho Episcopal • I :Executor of •I Mir Miring the next 60 1 dai a we will sell goods regardlesSof cost, and will make prices to snit all, in order to makroom for goo& ofour own inazinhicturo ; nods the timo for cicur's Block, to buy EMPIRE GrLux DniLL.,—This is the , cheapest first:class grain; dril l into market. 'A good grain.drill is kneceSsity in good grain farming. For deseriptic circular ivith prices, apply to • 1 • i IL Ili WELLES. Towanda, Aug.ll3. ' SELECT Scnoon.The undersigned , will open the Fall terth of Select school in the tellayaville licademq,*l Monday, kept. 1, 73, continuing 12 weeks.. i Extra lessOrja will be given to those preparing to. teach. 4 1 . • ' 1 OEORGZ I W. DUCE. Leßapville,'Auguat 12, 1873-4wr 1" have on hand land dolivenH, two of and . one Wheeler's Lever. Powirs. The ork. Inch awl, 31 inch Cleaners, Jon hand I nd deliverS B. M. WELLES. I to pwchaso tion, Ehoio call on `nee and 116;a1 E-tats Towanda, August 12, 1673 e risk of an moi l. ticket gootl for $3,000 ents a day, 'by—calling ppf:r &pot "?. Send for circulars, or Ten6lc of stn- J. 0. Pawl. BoNs, Main street. May, 7, '73. = • ' l6 C° cheliper,an wer: ever b • Knickerbec and,' cm easy Temple of DI ViiALLzs. MEI *Er WQ are happy to loam that Mrs. E. J. ?triunes is, agars able to attend to business, anti we underst4d shags to have her Arsi Fall Goods, in every Variety, this week. August ,I Iw. • _ - , rrutas Paffircrr pm:laq 81LL1.7. -- drug received *supply. This mill is an mid. lent, one in wry respect. ',.'lt will separate Oats from Wheat}; and buckwheat from Oats, and prepare nicely all grain *ad grist; seeds for sowing. 1 . .fi, A. M. MMus. ' , (1 for .nda and in haw thorn as ANYES. Do .170 V INTEND Td? PALNTLNG Tuts ,EALt.?- I t-If so, try j e Dubber Paint. - I challenge an) , dealer or . ic . patnter in Bradford county to produce as gold, durable or cheap firat-clapt paint. Sold bygthe gallon rcady for the brusli. pond for-aamilo color cards, price list and circulars. Wzmacs. Towanda, August 20,183. nufac :l,2have a 4 '0 to .einber of books for pur thbso of rei PPIY 'thas lam" C 04., Pasauif k Co:, at their Temple of guide, keep af,largo assortment or Violins, Guitars, Accordkijui, Flutes, Files, Pic toloo,Drnms,ltarmonicoro, Trimmings, Strings etc., etc., which they are selling _ at 25 per cent. less than such goods were ever sold in this market. •- CiEl 1 debted f lag im g INOOS. Kr The large entEu4 for the Eureka Moner, has no4ssitated the putting in of additional machine*, and the running of the manufactory day' and niiht. No delay is experienced now by thos4 who wish to purchase, mowers, as cirders can by tilled at an hour's notice. ONE WEPIK FOR 4/1031:18 l—Thero wilt be a village Cainp-meetf4g held at Smitlideld, Bradfordfto.; Pa., com m encing Sept. 2, at 2 o'clock Y. xi., and conpne one week. All Christiana wtio•a.ro willing to devote tile week to prayer, and who love 4to talk. and 'sing Or Jesus, are urged to mee t with ne. O. L.' P. How& • August 11, 1 4873. • • • A. SET OB FIRSTCLAI3B THII:E . BIAZAINEB.—A. M. Wit , has on hand for isle and immediate rise, ,Wme Wheeler's unrival ed 4 and G liorse Levq Power, mounted on trick; and oz e Wheeler ik Melick 31 inch Cyli nder, Thresher & Clea*,' also mounted on truck ; mailing a valuable set of Threshing Ma chines for the farmer and job thresher. These machines aro! very portable, oter having to be dismounted, and are ieriy contenient for,.nse. ' ' • ter)- The next session rf the Brad ford County Teachers' ksodiat nc will be held at Leltaysvillr,commen4ng it 10i o'clock A. sr., on 'Friday, Sept. 12, 113. The following are the appointments mad " at the last meeting: Lecturer, Bo' . 13._Ex.wk.4 , Declaimers, G. W. Buci, E. P. SEELEY Aissayi4, Misies ANNA BALDWIN and4lLLa Ittal;or,Ds ; Business Com -mittee, P. 11. BLICIL, M. #. CODDING, C. W. RE T . NOLDF, ELLA H. PAYSONtiSI:ISIE YANCE, M. M. KEF.NET, SCtp.y. , . 1 I .. TREE ANID PLANT :;:iVINDLERS. -1, am informed that certain fiiit tree! agents are can t-assing this ! . county i'i4• " qtali Cherries," . l ' Grant hears," and "Op fax 'eaclics," repro ienting them to lis very rprolific. ! I have exam ned all the catalogues q the lading nursery; men, and' fail!to find an‘')hingt the kind laid i 'V down, from which I info that tie names given le these trees arb fictitious ; and cit nl dto de ceive the people. The ekes w iich lam offer ing for sale are warrazat.l true to it me,i f ilnd hind myself to rectify aq,,mistakes„ lio,people Should not be! gulled into payi`fig' extravagant prices lei! worthless tree ', ' 11. Prim • ~ .„.„ , GRAND REUNION AND id kitVEST HO3IE = PARTY. —A griind;Renninn and :Harvest Home It Party," will be given iii Bent am's Grove, at Leftaysville, d i n the afte noon nd evening of September 5, 873.' Thy-grove is splendidly to l r cited ; a good dancing floor 14 1 111 be laid, and tables for silkier will - Iso. 134 Owed in - the! grove. : The Lellaysvill Corneit Band furuisli- es the mania, both elternooli and evening. Capt. Gomm; and 3fesqs.llExuat and BEAM SLEY being Managers, - gives ample assurance that 'all the appoinrm43:its will be complete i t and a tip-top l , tinie mat well be anticipated Wo understand that Hop. B. LiroraT. is to adL dress the farmers at 1 orelock V. 3.1., (not tipofi politics.) Coli, Prommir ind Hob. Gm, LaNtia4 have also been invited tb be. preent. The well known abilitylof all th4speaticirs invited; the first-class entertainment always furnished by the Leßaysville Band, NA the l i.pteasant locali ty, combine Us render diis an iideresting occa sion for all who may paiticipatl3. r• , , WYALUSI;SO v t kllP-XtEETING. , -HELD AT MESUOrPENO SEPT. 1873.—Hacks run from the depot. Fis'esh Meat, milk, straw and horse feed supplicdt Foilent sites confer with J. 11. Wiieros; on the ground. For lumber or board tents apply to'iE.4. , dowmt, Esq., lide• shoppen. Good boardlM the round. Price, single meal 50 cents, $l,OO pe day, $5.00 per week. Discount to mininters a d their families. • Officers of the law on. the ground will secure order. - No hicksteri4 allowed. Particular at tention is called 'to thii "Loci! Option Law" prohibiting the sale ollintordciting drinks, A word to the ;trims is Tiflicienti liev. LuTunn PECK, Presiding Eld4 Of the pistrict, has' charge of theimeetinq and will, with his 'usual efficiency, lahor for itt. succeSs. We ; humbly ask the blessing of hoftven on our efforts, and expect..a " time ofrefishing from the presence of the Lord." I Whoi4will, let [him come. Pie pare your tents._ Revs' LVTnE4 t PECK,-P. E. COMMITTEE I . Hev. Ji B. StismElt,See'y ;.Itev. J. H. AVE.wrox, Rev. D. E. 'To‘cr.o, Rex. J. L. RACE, Bev. ELW4L, Bei 1. E. PAEEN, Treas'r ; H. lA. AcKLE.g, Wm. H. BARNES, JOIIK G. TATI.OK, Attuost Sortie *Bradf Prd Co Institute fin he pre4ut echo held at the nbw echoFtl beginning atlll.9'clicl6m Sion! continuing one eele r l .w Cenip will be eccurclt—theinaineB hereafter: For tiiil. aeoniinodition of such as cm not well atter ai the col;nty-seat branch Or.local Institute wil be 1431 as foll!ws : Sept. 1, at New Albany, for Wamet, T cry, Albany and Overton v Sept. 8, at iMenroet n, 5 for Asylum, Monroe,' Molirocton,l . , Barcla3 and Franklin; Sept. 15 nt Gnuton, fi,. Leßoy, Granville, Arme nia, Alba bortnigh , ,. Cntou be (nigh and iwp. Sept. 22 at Tioy; for ?Troy bo ough and twp., Columbia, Sylvania Isorough, Springfield and Wbst Butlinton ;- SS'pt. 29 a ,Doty Bill, for Wells, SoutiCreek ipa Ridg rui,f ; Oct. 6 at c , Bast` Smith eld, fo . Smith ehl, Bni,lingliiii twp. and bor'nugh, ster and Athens twp..nnd, borengh ; Oct. 20 at; 'Rome, fo Bowe twp. and borough, Lit4ifield and Win ham ; Oct. 27 at Leßaysville, for 4Raysvillq borough, Piko, Warren and Orwell ;I, l Nov. 3, s i t CamptOwn, for Herrick, Wyalusing #ndTnsedroits. . The exercises will •,,I.) F ir : ), - at - .'o'clock c. at., on Monday of cacti wee)c, tit thi- tinie and place mentioned, and wincontinne until the follow ing Friday, when (7,,rtificate ; good for one year, will be awarded to thos desiring to teach who are funiid quallaed. Certificates will be issued at thel close o the regular County Insti tute' to the quallllo teachers in. attendance , from Towanda Nortil, twp._ and borough, Wy • f 1307., Sheshequin atm:Standing Stone. Teachers Siding it more convenient to at-. tend At a pla ' i:ie othiii than, th [ e ,one inilicated, will be allowFd:to,cl4 so. }( Teachers Ire regriested to I bring 'the Union Sixth Reader, fools4ap paper, load pencil and a memorandum booko Allfriendal of oduiation are cordially invited to be present, and specially school directors, who will find the opportunity , a good ono for securing teachers fir. the ensuing term. 1 . . *The session at Mot:lronton will close on Thursday, oh acconnt or the Teachers' Associ ation at Leßaysvilli,l, on Friday, Sept: 12. KELNEY, Co. Supt. Towanda, Angnst r ' 18,1873.1 sir A. r. Cotes .tas opened a =bakery and roceri styre opposite- the Episco pal Churcb.l People bring mai the upper entl of town, will find thist'establisbnent a great con venience. I I gerk :..WoonnuFr would incite particular st enti4 of the ladies to her elegaMt usortment .f ne# goods; Comprising evoo- thing in her dine. , 1 • demi hive more, better Boole and Shoes, 'than ore offered (Or sale tri Towanda. tualiek, , Vireber, Hoffman t , r, and othoriPianoa for sale cheap orma, at C*rASSACII k Co.'s . • ToraLutfi,Ra. nty Teachers .1 year, will be g in Towanda, ay, Oct, 13, and tent insiegetora ,a be announced se- Job ;work executed at tbis of- 14tkestioneomlams from the oe, reeattei bed Critics. • IMS.NewI styles , Dress Goods, Shawls, Jape, sills, Penalee, Piques and Prints at Ewe& Elm:az-nee. OPZA? , AL.---134 your coaT du Ting iho warmlmontha. M a rule It will be cheaper andhetter prepared. • It. M. Viizturs istelling beat prepared titbi t= Stove Coal ) at 83.75, and Egg and Chestnut ak $3.80 for grc}sa ton of 2,210' lbs., by tho car load, adding actual freight and dal/trod in at any station north of Wyalueing. August 6,'1873. • - MARRIED. PORTER—OYPHEREL=At the house of Asa' Nick°la, Esq., in Pike, Atigust 74 by Rev. 84 Elwell, Rev. At B. Porter, of Pike, to, Mrs. E. A. Cyphers, of filontrdce, Pa. MANLEY—REYNOEDS.—In Alba, Pa ' at the' house of the bride's father, N. M. Reynolda, August 20, 1873, by Rev. R. F. Dolmen, Frank G. - Manley and Miss Eva E. Reynolds,. all of Alba. i 1 WELSH—McCLELLAri.—At the Springs Ho tel, Blinnequa, Pa, Monday, August 18, by) Rev. Thee. H. Cullen, of ;Tioga Pa., John F. Welsh, of York, Pa., and; Miss Katie J. Mc- Clellan, daughter of Dr. Henry McClellan, of York, Pa. No - cards. • WOODRUFF--DEREAKER.--At the M. E. Parsonage, Skinner's Eddy, Pa., August 21,t 1873, by Rev.; P. R. Tower, Mr. George ; WOOdltir and 'dims Fannie B. Dereamer, both , of West Auburn, Susquehanna Co., Pa. _ .! • D/E.b. -- F . WIOKIZEIL—In Albany, PS., August 17, 1873, - at her resldeace,lHrs. Ellen , -Wickizer, aged • 38 years and'6 months. .1 Sister Virroximut was an 'excellent spirit a kind mother, a!devoted witO, and good neigh bor. She was Ono of our soldier's wives, who, hi the absenee' of husbank while he was ex posed to the camp, the field; the battle, vindi- . eating the honor of our beloied country, man. ; aged her domestic affairs with mere than udnali ability and prudence. .Now her , priVations and sacrifices are over; now she has received the reward of the redeem, ed. Ah !we miss 'thee at home ; -we miss thee . in the social circle ; we miss thee in the sanctu ary; in a word,jwe miss thee everywhere ; and yet we Would not call• thee,. back. Her disease was of the MOB!, aggravating kind, and her suf n ferings e xtrem , but her patience and reaigna-, tion were very. arked, being inspired by the hope of eternal fife. Thus she passed triumph antly to the ini I nsions cla high. f . She , hall left ninterffling family and a great-. ly bereaved hu band, as well as a large circle of friends, to mourn her departure. As , evi -1 donee of symn 'thy and resii,ect, a: large Cort• course of peep! attended the funeral, and a ft er services, forme in solemn procession andcon vcydd her to th t silenrrestiog place. 1 the residence of het mottniir, hi t 2, Frances Russell. aged near a 1 i ' n invalid alAut eighteen years. lan life eight years. Having 17413, RUSSELL—A . OrWoll, Augu. ly 32 years. Deceased was She lived a eh ho used her. as ione ot la Iher long illness. Tho !casein' ekness, .and gentlOness whiCh never be forgotten. Eternity he good accompliShed by the .o which she set in notion. learned of Just teachers ditring of .patience, she taught, will only will reveal wave of infirtenct , . , NERVOUS DEBILITY.-A.dhpresged, irritable-state of mind ; a weak, nirvous,ex hausted feeling ;no energy or anii4tion ; on fused head, weak memory, often with debilitat-, big, involuntary discharges. The consequences of excesses, mental overwork or indiscretfinas. This NEnvous DEntxrrir finds, a sorpreign Cure in HUMPHII.EI7S HOMEOPATHIC! SPECIFIC No'. 28. It tones up the system, tirrestsldis charges. displs' the mental gloom an& des n dency;and rejuvenates the entire sktem, tis perfectly, harmless and always effic!cut. rice $5 for a pack'age of five boxes , and ,;1‘ large $2 vial of powder, which is important m old, seri ,ouil-cases ; or il per single Vox.- SOld by-ALL druggists, ormeot bv..inail on receipt of price. Address,• 1[ C C4Anx H. Porn:34 1 South end rd [tonsil, ToWarfila, pa. rii OWA N D A Ara RIK El' S. .1., WDQLESALE PRICES. Corrected every 41 , eonesday. by C. B. PATCI.I subject to changes daily. 1 Wheat, Vl bush i fl 60 f3l 1 75 Rye, ift bush' 1 65 , Buekwheati 'ft bosh: - - ~ 1 - 5 Corn, VI bush...; , ' G 5 40 Oati, it bust; .. . .I'. ..... Beans, it . bush....`' , il 50 (5)12 00 Butter (rolls) IS lb ' I : g, 24 do (dairy,) it lb new i 25 ,g;k 28 Eggs, lik dos . ' 21 Potatoes, Vt hush,now ' . , * 50 . Flour, it barrel 9 - 50 g; tO 50 Onions, VII bush . . . 2 00 Wmorrrs or Guers.—Wheat GO lb. ; Corn 56 ,lbs.•, Bye 56 lbe:: Oats S 2 lbs.; Barley'46 lbei; Buckwheat 48 lbs..; Beans 62 lbs. •, Bran 2011 s. ;'Clever See 4 60; lbs..; Timothy Seed 44 lbs. ; Dried Peaches 30 lbs.; Dried Apples 22 lbs.. Flax Seed 50 lbs. I ; New Aavortiseinint:i. 1011ARLO I R ENTERTAINMENT !! MR. Si MRS. DAII.ENVORT; of Philadelphia, hate i heenl induced to give oue of their (.1 ) PARLOR ENTERTAINgENTS in' MEROUR'S HALL, IJIQNDAY EVENING, SEPT. '• Tickets hir sale at Kirby's. , LisT of letters remaining in the - 1 Tail:nil% nist Mee, for the ,week ending Aug., 28; 1873: \ •i Allen Hattie 111 Jacobi Geo F Burdick Both M Keeler Geo L Britton Geo 1 Kinsitian Nicholas Butler J F - ! galls John Blake Annie :. ~., Kishpbugh Cora , Bennett Joh ' u - Lyon Ezra , • Bohan James Levenworth Fred Holman May Lynch James 2 - Crane II '1" ~:- Leo Wm A , - Cashdollar C .11 . MclutYr Laura r Clark Wm ; . McMahon Rose , CutminghainiJames, 2lXoaren Bernard 2 - • Cow es Nibmie • • McGill Cora Culver, A B 1 , Mowry P W Day Jennie i McNulty Rosa Dgeker Mrs Emma Master Mary E , DUAnThes 1 - Mallia Fat i Dalton Tlios i minion Frank ; Betting Edwie Mathews Orlando ‘, Estella Erneat, McDonald John • Evitte John ' Murkte Shophard • Ely C H i Nichols Hiram Eply Nancy 1 , Quinby A C 2 . Frbmberg Siinon Roberson M F Fell Ella . Ryan Isaac .0 . fluent Bell Rowland Win It , 'Friendship,' ~ Santee Sim F Grace Geo I Scott 15Iike , Galaher Mary . Shorea Wells ... . Gable Roseshiner Andrew 4 Harris W 1 Sill C M BeiChener Martin Shormaker S Chutney . Hill M E I , Sticker Isaac • i Hathaway Gardner 13 2 Shearer Cyntha Harris John;/1 Starr II•F Harris Ellin; Taylor W. Ryder Geo B Traynor Kate • • Harkins John Vinecnt JarriesT. 7 Jennings Julia - Vanderpool Betsy E ' 1 Jackson Elects Wolfer John 'l3 ; Parsons Calling for any of: the above !dim will please say advertised, gi"ving date of list. S. W.!ALVORD, P. U. PUBLIC SALE—The IraKm be longing to the heirs of Wi tV, Eastabrook will he exposed to, public sale on THURSDAY, . SEPT. 10. 1879. This Farm is situated in Ilmth Towanda, near:Sugar Creek and 6 miles from the Borough of Towanda. Conttins about 120ocres y SO acres 'ha. proved and under a good state of Cultivation; •20 acres good timber; stumps all ihto fences; with new framed dwelling house, well arranged for two fatal- Iles; cellar well arranged for dairy purpose.. Also one large barn. ono slaughter house and other •out buildings, two good orchards, a good graperry, spring house: and wash• housol- combined, 44c. /to. In consideration of its never falling water this is .one of the most desirable hill farms - in Bradford County, being woU adapted to grain or grazing pur poses, and offers unusual facilities for dairying pur poses. Alio the stock on the firm, Sale to commence at 10. o'clnek, a. yr. Angtust 28 EEXECUTOR'SSALR- . 7 -Take no vice, that on TUESDAI% SEPT. 9, 1873, the undersigned will expose to public sale, on the prem ises, the personal property belonging" to, tte estate of JOHN M'IIIBOW, of Wilmot,decessed:consisting of Hay, Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corp; Buckwheat, Cows, Steers, Calves, Wagons, Mowing. Machine and gen eral assortment Pf Farming Utensils. Bale to corn. mince at 1 o'clock, p. m- Terms—Ail sales amount. lug to $lO, or less, cash down, exceeding $lO, flee per. cent'. off for cash, or six months' credit, with approved security, notes to bear interest. P. D. MORROW, ANDREW FEE, Executors.. ED. MEEK, Auctioneer. . IVANTED.—We will give ever; getic men and women 're . V V. . , . , lIIISDIESS THAT *ILL P,Av , 1 frem SI to $8 per day, can be pursued in your imti neighborhood, and is strictly, honorable. Particui lire free, or samples that will enable you to go to work at once, will be sent on'reeeipt of two three cent stamps. Address; ' J. LATHAM k CO., Aug2B j 29s Washington St., Boston, Mass. WOE SALE.—The undersigned of fors for sale his farm of 300 acres. Forty elesred; part under good cultivation. Good build ings, Orchard and Spring, Best place ; for trout fishing In the country; great resort for fishermen. Good Mill seat. Will sell cheap for cash. Situated at the mouth of Elk Greek, For farther particulars address x. 111,. BNELL, duel • Hills qv:ate, lEtallivan Co., Pa, FOR SALE.--14y hottse and lot situate hi the northern part fil the borough of Towanda, is now offered for silo. cheap. Ju1y22,13. ";I I. MUSSY WATTS. 1 . ;q~yw.4r-- i ew Ailvertizetionte., BALE OF -• DVSLEULI3LE LOTS I 11 ITIrE FAUN OF • •Ii• i • I 1 1 ' COL. 0. F. MASON, 1 I I •I ' I i eel t h e west side of the ro Ivandal Township, has been di t'in tl i I F#E-ACRE 'LOTS, ii. And ti nes° lots are now ;offered fo 1 I . ' 1 ~ sale at great bargains. The lot-ron .1 , .4 ~ on th i t leading to l!cl'onroeton, and t eyle.r6 very desirable for build ing lots. It is the last opportunity which will be offered fort securin hod sized If)ts at li i reaeona l ble prices the business portion of the ,Also 1 , i y i n To :ded 133 1 ,75 i TOWN LOTS I 1 I c 1 of road. Alsd the large • DWELLING HOUSE, ':res of land, the house Cen t .1 iodern improvements; and the most desirable resi he Also the • EA& iLOIYEINGIMILL °WANDA 13040Up11. nearly new, tu;l is capable best work.- o a ISt Eat CK; 2)a , MR ED t 'ns CEI2 deuce' li g Ili i 111 .! do MEI UAIME ! .-ta Hoie-, Cr building orough. 1 , he lots !nay . !ae seen by dersigned , atfoffice ./..iC0D612.10. .13, call on or Akijo irJ To . rig I•' an f ap on tlet fur ro B. iFo e un, ITrac pa: y, or J., ticular actdre li EM and *O, 187 EM RED I= M E It MI IS WEE k, El TAkLOR k co. 871. • Mai AEANNA..COLLEGIATE arE.l 1 arm of the Susquehanna Collegiate In tl pmmente _MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1 73, Hollows' corps of Lustructors: E. (I:IDILAN, Prince!, Latin and G k and Theory, and Practice of Teachi g, . ,q, CRANDALL, A. If,„CommercialDra ell e', &le • cep and Mathematics.: EDO. R H.. SHERWOOD, Instrumental Mitel l e Wiz • • :Y E. MERRILL, ptress, Coin on and H . her English. t Mn.s MARY A.I SHERwOOD, Mathematics 1 nd Germ .laguage. i Mdse J'.• EQUIN, Frenchreangusge• • Mn.i . . CRANDALL, Painting and Drawing Prof. dell reales recommended in the hig cat terms .i Itesident Allen of the Alfred University; Fossils Prof . . F , rd,of the l Elmira College, and by several .. ‘di of ;education b whom he hal been employ d during ten years of a tire experience in the sho •Ircrom.. Of 31 as Merrill land the other teachers. their :l ord in . e Institute is such that it needs no .m. 1 mends on o those who have patronized the sch. •1. No . 'n will pc spared to maintain the h di standi . , o thij baistitution. and by carefully leo . g to the i . tecests of each individual student to in ke its wo quil more elliciciat. Each teacher ill have . il i ciallti and use every facility to in . the top e s i teterting, and to 'secure the largest p• a sible lilts in big department. 1 organized tth I l i me A n T ce o e t h n e S e ertli r ;all l :l be The conise ar oCi e us e C: 4 tiOnWil ill m nfa onlySchool i government, m /it' ode of i striic on and other top cs a o . ing, bu also iIY drills in the branches taught iv the itch lenflthe country. , Tuition in this cla.E eight d Uars. ,14 1 To 5 0 coping°, teat bqoks, tEe same as in ie comity ill Ilyi]usecl in the English branches, w th" the exc ptimulof Geography. To tike the sojourn of non-resident stri l dents more tear, the Principal will use his hciuse— situate bu til fowl rods from the Institute bultr ing—fo h rding; pup:4es, where rooms furnis d throng out and provided with clothes slosets' and other c riveniOncee will be furnished for the Poulig ladies. i •; 1 1 . The at fty'une in the Institute will be furnished rrf m tui and as, gal o„tbe young men : all will board tit the ho se o the Principal. There will be a cafe ur sups on eit i the part of the Principal and teach rei of the tierin ;which students employ their e. Price for furnished room and board, mein fuel, li hter washing not to exceed six 'Acct.'', $4 00 r eiLk 1 Students will furnish their Own . _ QII 1..., Ilq: The f tnta wl, Ittule t, ED ' Lan ho i tic° for .. aui iat...a i 0 0 r e k_ , toilet d. bead accountable for tho Anniture in their rue ',* z !ora , Toni ti , Four to Ten Dollars- per, . acco t tudies.pursued. • I :a- - For -particulars or circular, s4slrea 6 , o Principiu, r.RUELAII, TowuidaPs. 1. ! ' I 1 I MILLED roz, - . h , Pres't Board Trflateel AI, , i v Aufa ODDINQ ~C~ 1911 TEEL-B.& AND a RINDST MOWING moo, DO Trti;tee. MO\ lICED MU i ' , TEM =I ERRA BUIL 1213 i • POE' ME POlte riff 3 • LU PM E C , 0. 9 ern , I 4. I I i i E 7! P AN TO 4 or FLME MI I. , . Oli BLAD lE3 OLD IPPER 1 I ' IMII Mt N ES, I. KES, ----r • SNATI - 18,1 • I H - 7 • • .1 El EgE3 II IN SECT ACHI F f °I EUREKA BUCIEI)6E DGE, r:IME MEI - , - IC,S LOW Ea MEM OE = olla . li IGE El rl URN I I EMI EU 1 LTIV IBM in Bg: AND MON- COT L~. ~ ~ 9 SEM =I I= TERIAS SE lIALS ON i E 1 S TOOLS 'ENT INIB lit7i7LES. • SPIDERS. Effli PANS i =I LA.I i‘k. Mil NO biI'OTE,S:, coo 1s PIPES. LEN XTURFS. IREEi It POTS AMON% 1 i PIIi PS.: VOOD .7• L.43iPS: I I I - I . I , CAGES. G4S FITTIXor EROS BIRD HE RR TO OR T NOTICE. 11, • • ' KU , BUSSE EE NE T . 1 , ,, IdisceilalrOP. ItAILWAX -----1--- ---- -.- -- ---.---- -',--: -- -E-1 , 1 !!' ! tw, • .--:. !! • '' n'a BE pa.twas nook 4rn Br.sterizo , bintnie 4111doderri linlyroiremedta; are on an Tllllllll between New York Each o, N.Ligars Yells, Suspension Bridge, rout!; Dotpit and Chicago. , - - ; 1 --1 . • . LTime Tato, Adopted May 2p, 1873.. 1 — ! --1 , , • , ~ ' . wr ' s "-'-. •; ' a... ;~ - ~E COAC . Fing, c run through uster la t CtevOd, .41 :I. Abatt4l, *-- _ • -- . , ''tirl t NB. i q , N o. ! . ' No, 8. I NO; 3.• • I 1 1,• I . ' : —&--- ----. New YaOr. Leave! 900 ',Lit. 21 00 i:m..4 00'zw, • I Portiervia.. ...4 " 112 10 I r.it. 840 P.m, 10 40 .., ißusque ; . . ... "I 4 CO a 825 - U 250 Aar. Great Irtod. .... " 1 1 • ,1 , 847 .. 1 fo? .! 18/ 71 17119it0n '...; ' " 444 ~.1 , 013 .. _3 40 ." • 0weg0.,'..., .... .. 525 " 10 4.) •' 423 " ' 1 % 1 ' 0 47 1 4 .... a 002 I.i (111 33 ..- , 603 .... Elmirs. , „ ..'. .... a 1 635 ~ 12 35 4,wA 540 " Cornirsl... .... .. 11 07 .1. , !122' s. ' 611 a - PaLoted.Patt .... ..' 1 4.... [' , 127 .. i .... illocheatior.,.... A'y :10 Cl 3 A.if. t.... 110 60 ~j 1 ' . I llornelltvlllo..'.. "1830 ! ta i 250 a 7to . a Bufralo.L. : .... "A2 05 H ' " i 810 " 111 45 ... Ni a gara* au : .... a • ' 12 55 .. , 1 ' & 0 50a ',12.22 O. at. Bnero'nslon & sge . i 100 " ' (10 00 ." 112.27 " altton.i.' a 105 ... ... 112.32 .. Dunkl4,... . • ... a i 160 i• i l's oo ~ 1 12.10 " 4 . Cleveland... ...-... .. 16 50 1.... 1 I 7.35 . " Chicagoi.... ..:.., alB 09 f;,.it.: BGo .." ' 8.00 .4.1 t. , ..Cincinnati. ..... ...I 455 . 1....'% , I 0.00 . . 's ' 1 i 1 • I itODITIOh AL LOCAL TRAINS wEsTwArtf). 5:00 Aim, =apt Stindayt from Owego. Stopping at Tiogit 5:27 13mithboro 5:55, Barton 6:12, Wayetly. ,7 ;®. CUSinn a 7:30, Wellsburg 8:05, Kiniira 8:40. 'Junctiois, 9. 5, Big Plata 10:15, Corning 11:30, Painted , Pos 1.2.00, - ,X., Addlson,l,o7, p . m.. Bata' bonovide, 1: 3, Cameron 311111 2:11, Cameron 2:40,' Adrian 13:25, Canizteo 4.41 !arriving at llorntlls. ville at 4:20 .m, I I _,l: ' I -"'" ''' 4 1 5:15 St.m. ex 'undays. from . Busgriebanna.l Stopping at rea Band 5:38, I Kirkwood 5;52, Bing. hamton 6:12, Hooper 6:34,1 Union , 6:40, Campville' 7:03, Owego 7:2o,_Tioga 7:40.! Smithbord - 8:00, Bar. .ton 8:03, Wayerly 842,_014e4iang 8:40, Wellsburg 8:55, Southplort '9:11, EMU* 9:13, Junction 9:35; Big Flats 9: i r, Corning 10:15. Painted P05t.10:22. A ddison,lo:4, , ButhboneylliO 11:00, Cameron' Bills 11:12, Came ron 11:20, Adiiintil:4s, Canine* 11:59; a.m.:and a ving atHonkellOilleat 12;10 p.m. I 1 : 10 . ;P.m. except - BundaYs, from Susquehanna. ,Btopping at rest Bend I:s7.Kirtrarood 2:30, Ring. hamtori 3:07 Hooper 4 . :lo,l,Biliiin 4:25, Campillla '5:15, aid vino at Owego 45:50 p.m. • • , I 2:201 P.nr, except fiundafi, from Bbmbrunton. BtoppiUg at Hooper - 2:35, traiOn 2:42, CamOilla2:s7, ,Owego 2:A %1 •{; * 3:28, Bmithboro 3:40, Barton 3:47, WaverlY rO3. Chalking 4:ls,Wellsburg 4:29, South. port 4:42, 4:45, Big Flats 5:15, Corning 5:32, Painted Post 5:38, 4ddison:6:oo, Bathbonevllle 6:13. CamerOn 6:25, Cameron•6:3s, Adria 6:55, Can. Miro 7;07. a d =dying at Horaellavllle 7:18 p.m. I, I ' , ?.E.Arrwilu:... ‘ • Iwil F ST#lol‘,.. • I Cinctniiati Chicago Cilfto r Xing& F Buttal Horne 1% -Roche{ Cornir Elm Watre b i Oweg Bing naton, Great tßand,,l Susquehanna Port ,tarvia.. Middletown. Cloaheit Patert 0n... Nowafk. derma.* City I Now York. , I A*D ',. 1 leville e ter... 6.1 r 1 •. ADHITION L LOCAL RAINS FkSTWA_BD. 6 :151a.m., (1. ily,-fropa Hornellstille, Stopping at canisfoo t 5;3 , Adrian ,t 6:10,, Cameron 7,20, Cam eron ills '+ 7: 2,„ltathloonev le't 7:57, Addison 8:30 Pain &Post 9:17, Corning 0:30, Big Plats f 10:28, Junet on 't 10 54, Einal:a 111:15,• Southporft 11:30. Wells tire!' 1 :00 31,,, Che ttbg t 12:30. Waverly 1:05, arton 11: v 40, Smithbor 4:50, Tioga 2:14, Owe go,2 :4 , Camp ille 3:25, Un on 3:57,•1100per t 4,10, Bingla triton 4i:40, Kitkwoode • ;35, Great Bend 6:00, i and riving i, Susql:thanr. ,at 6:45 p.m. 5:20 1 , a.m., zi•ept Sundati,l from Iforr.ollsville, Etoppr i tig, Ilt arlikl3o 5:45, Adrian 6:12, Cameron 7:27, (l'am,ro Mills 7:42, It tklboneville 8:13, Addi- • eon 8115, Pai ited Fe,st 0: ih; 1 Corning' 10:10,,'Igg i Flats. 0:58, unction, 11:3,9, Elmira 11: 55;• a.m., Southpoii .12 57 p.n . :- Wellsburg 1:35, Cherriung i 2:15, Vava 2:55, Barton 3:35; Smithboro 3:57,, Tioga :1;;;a arriving at OWego at 4:50 p.m. 0;301 a.m. wept Snndays, from Hornell:male- Stoppibg, at ' anisteo 6 ;40,!Adrian •G;62, Cameron ;19, Oameron Malls-i;25, Bathbonevillo 7;40, Addi , son 7;62, Paled Post 8:14, corning 8;20, Big Flats 8:38, aunetio 8:55; .Elmira 9;00, Southport 9;08 Wellslitirg 9; 2. Chemung 9;37. Waverly 9;50, Bar ton 10;08, S itlabdria 10.;l0,1Tioga 10;28, O' ego - -10:40,ricpvt le 11:00. Union 11;16, Hooper 1f!;22, and a iring 0, , t Binghamton; at 11;35 a.m. • 7 :001a.m., except Kunday#, from Owego. Stopping at Campvilha 7:47, Union 8:28, Hooper 8:41, Bing. hamtthe 9:10, Kirkwood 10:30, Great Bend 11:15,-and arrividg, at Suaquehinna at 11:35 a.m. , , 4 . 1 1:551 p.m., excep4 l Elnaay , frem- Horrellsi We. '' Stopping at Canister), 2;02, Adrian 2;17, Cameron, 2; to.'smero Mills 2:47, Pothhonevillo 2;58, -A,ldi i son 3-,. 5, Painted Foli 3;34,lCOrning 3;50, Big Flats 1:07, liunction 4;23, 1 Elmira '4:30, gcA , thport 4;43 1 Wellstiurg 5:00. Cheronng 6;10 4 Wal- 5;35, Bar ton 5;60, Snaitlibbro G:00,. Tioga G;10, Owego 6;23, 1 Can:l - Mlle 6;54, Union 7:l3,Hooper 7;18, Bingham ton ton 7 Liao, Kirkwood 8;03, G eat Bend 4:20, and ... ar- ,4 rivin, atnstmehanna at 4;38.p.m. :, _ .., -• . ..* Dail- 1 ' 1 Stipp Sundays only. 1 1 , 5 Does not ran ..boyuwi Horuellarille Saturday 'ilightS. 1 ' `••- 1;!. . . ; _ 1 Die s not run on llor.dayl betw,..en St:so:tot:ant:a - and-liDrt Jervis, I , II i • ~. , irjr, Through Tickets to all points West at the' ,' very 1,,0,N est Bates, for sale in the company's offico _ _,_ 1 , at flit Waverly Depot. i , • 11:i is the only authori..ed Agency of the Kra: 1 1 Bail4y Company fnr the s'lt of Wee.epaTiehots m Waverly. - , [ , . s - - - ) 8a4. 1 -ia-,i, 11 be elieeked . 1 .,L.T or. Tick,te pursi:hascd. lIMMI =I 1~9 111 bib' 1 CH EIMIE G UE r N IN MI i~ EMM , ojust imlred a lara he latest styles. i tiruerican ' and 011 and Silver, from ;6 . z largo ags9r.tment ( t L0Ck.3,,G0..7), AN ~, I ' I,l(4rtiember.terplace, & co.'s, Tows da, Pa. 2I .1 1 I Vattlies, Cloyi, ai .1:0v.20'72 i `Ely FT:TNT' i • , i - 1 - I - J 08E,1. , . now orbL , ,l 14 - i • .. :. L ir,:s iDGE Sr i 1 ■N MEI 1 1 lil I 1 ff=== 1 4.r PIIICES TIIA,:r C. 1 I , All who ihas l faliiir . . i Whatever may l be Nyn: 1 1 • 1 CALLI . ! and CIPM:110 • gptds TLe underaigtied open a Select &Loot ou . - 5.102iD.0r, SEPTEMBER 10; 1873, To continue.Tivo'Ter i roe. of Three monthe each. • I :cum rzn rr-i* .... ........ . aec ontlaay amnion English iglier LugUsh • II I , •- • - Irid 113 . cr-11 , S, . A ekestvijl be form ' for the bertell.t of th6sO ho hl.ty triAr to; teach. ,[ _ . - 'l . T T A ' UD ' : Beard may be had . near by at reascnablo rates'. - ' so rooms for those darning to • bosad themselves. i 0 .., ........ te l h All pupils should en se 00l at the opening of , A e term. No - deduction will be made on account of a senco except on account of protraCted illness. _ .., ' , M. L. COOL A. 11.; . . Ang.ll4v3 I ~ II Principal.: . IVOR SALE--S' Valuable Farm. • Ji- 0120 of the 'yen; bOst'and most desirable farms in Bradford Connty, eery 10 miles of the county sent, is offered for sale s 3 :, low that She quality • and iirico will sell it. His Situated In Burlington And ithin dye minutes walk of the center of that thriv g Borough: half way from Towanda - to Troy, on e Sugar Creek. , It contains over 200 acres of .the . . vbry best land in, thOßtate; about 10 acres of but ,. tem lauds on the eugaz creek flats and the upland Is unsurpassed for all kinds of crops. Fine fruiti plenty of water.l All tbo buildings and. improve. ments,needed; a good brick dwelling house, with barns,' shops, &c. Title perfect. Possernion given at once. ' It will be sold at a great bargain to tho i pnrchaser. Address I,' JOHN A. CODDING. r% w. i I RITZ 1,'73.. 1 I 1 . 101111uTird.. . . 11 '1 ; & 1 No. . . r i ' t 1 No. No. S. 111:20AJK , D;oo 3:25 4:30 4:40 4:44 5:00 " 8:25 .}1 5:35 ' 9:40 1, 10:15 10:17 ,4 1 11:25 , 1 12:019.14. 12:30 I.ot' 41,433' 5:10 "I F=l 9:45 P. 31 5:15 P.M 1:30 , 1:45." 2:30 " 6:05 •• 4:00 P.m. 7:25 " 8:03 •' 8:40 9:25 10:10 " 12:01.Lar 12:RI 1:13 " 1.:50 2:35 " I 3:05 /3:25 ' 7:15 " 8:02 " • 8:19 9:15 " 11:03 " 110:27 " 10:59 '" 9:00 A.2a '3:93 640 " G• 18 . G:53 7'1301 A 31 C37•' 7'lo 7:25 r • - JOUN N, A 81301.7, Gen'l Pa.a'r Afet ;IL I,v ELI' • r • • • ; NE:w -YEAIiS I,- , • ME 8R0T11E.13. 4 , 10 , 17.T1T Y OCCI11111) '4llls*Ell, ,s 1. STAND F „kr. 'aesorttocot of Jowerry 1•11 Swiss • Watches, he eheavegt to, tli9 lest, D STEEL PECTAC Fs ' two doors of PoWell . I . • .1 .• Jdwelry carefully repairea. 1, 11111GitENtli DM's. • =RE iSTOREi 1 :77 - • H .HIN I•S - . 11 • - •. rurnitu': c . St r an TOII7ANDA, Vat-re 1:c ~i seep or.ihnud 1, Neill be soLl' EEO 'KNOT FAIL TO PLEASE m with their patronage. pted in thTurpitttrclitli-, • N HINES prices to ore pnrchaPing May - 21. Ma: • , 9:00 P.N. 5:40 Pat+ 5:45 " 5:50 " 0:30 " 10:03'" 1.0:10 A.V 1!=i1 Q:3 Zti 4 06 500 st l / 4 6 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers