lIIMI NEWS FROLI ALL NATIONS. Wahrorth, ha 4 returned to EMI —The .110:aphis Alppcal is the nest r to,declafe:the Democratic party dead. daughter of Patnam, the pub '. r, is;s:rracticing ptlytion in New York. --It is txpeetai 'that ,Minnosota ezport this year 20,0f.)0. ,QQobishels or wheat: . • —There, is law. firm in Boston . 11cd .te . L>lo and Gan] 4e, . —Aamiral Raphael Semmes is nOiv ilalzrattliarcr • • ,ILT - Lo Virginia Etlneational.A.Eso -0:m has ro4d agarnsi tesibing girls 'algebra. —Major ,L,_ Kane,. of Pen- T;Ti•-ing, t:iogTaphT or Brigham —There were, - nineteen deaths'. in I:.•Et cholera, ,and twenty frc-= chol;Ta -A. party of 'four _persons ; t - eeli elerm hundrEd End ten in-live,llsys., Eri —Cooper's f inner retreat on the t a Inthionible MEE —"Time en* ("town all, both . great T the provW,on ant 1:13123.? • —retersly,arg, Virginia, in getting C') - w., aka allowel*to I ,7.e. .—Cl.adstoLe i.s the: only manna' th s e caa marly inftmet tt augbtim4n LJa to drawn bill. author. has written 1 . 0 prOVeitillt thc tc , pgno 13 not essen -,1-t.),.,,z-..!cli: _ -vlng.ret,.eived about $24.0,00Q ',: cit.:l,, and no American , jail of Susaueilamaa slrritt Blume it upon . ho is • Ny the western part of Valentine of Illopem - ell, Bed !las waked up to find - limself the .: 'thict foot vein of iron ore. ‘:—.lllairisburg-.pays over $30,000 a f racci tccchers..'The lowest salary. annum, and tlre'lligh€ , st nine Fassnaeht died .at the f.'House last week...aged of vears... L- Ne ,- v - Etal -- e - n woman has gone • ;Le habits of her huEL courEe of.her iltzlghter. —A. at Lewiston, Pa., has L.. r rposter _ tates, at tLirtecu .cLickens, t tcn,:ii.: -J 11-y. - ester r:aper the re.: - • t.`4.Ddcrs Bate , 3." the •• Alic,=ntiiehy _..:.i; =I FEB "!.1: 1 at, 11 , 1 fair. I . T. Barr.ll:-.3 ~ 1 r Er.ropr2 .x:id the .• - vrren, prc.terici.• to hare , 7'tc: mot , _ to a Ile first bait; of tlds Year's c'At, S. LoulF, was, s::rl,c'9 Salm-day ' . . A nc.- - . steamship line, under the ! . 17 , ...:i..1 itar ; , iri to be t.taWished I.).etWe6n 7.. I . .): :'... ar.l .Vet.-.C.7.1e1a. . . —T1.1E4,, is a strong ,effort being 1.• +..Lc _ 2:t0 , 12es frotti the. '—Carl S2linrz Las been _left and i-200 a night C.l:aw_ont lat 4 lit .I,c.a-ri, conceded that the - ;r1 raouu'ains of IMES —,....nnator . 3lor.ton Lis delivering a • ()Li°. Li con- I n.0..t clogurmt man • cans. , 2: yOLIIIg lady in York-, feet.; inches high. =I ME LL ;1. Iv( ck l'Llilailelplda had 366 ;7; Fhtll(2' period , last year. •:. I. vcrc adults and 226 rua:oted that an attempt is • L...xt. trL,cede Alexandria, - E C Ai Imre it L,Gor,-r , c. , .. Fritz, of JohLs . • ,s( 1:11 , Fz.lary p&id was ;15,00 per rty-fotir' 4 - /illidu one lali*lred •• -nth‘ . :zand card's liaVe. been • i 1•, rv:t ei :tlayriartl %tin y be Uie :• r (iorontor tLe State BM of -- tlie. !British poet niajcf - baronet, •Mr. r. la¢L r dis,• tl,{. . i:i0111S:tall. papar states that • ( ::::i.:,:t -.. rr.,lr,;" or. 'ifur tint," Li post . H -1:, .:. ! r' - '...) Lonses and stores in 01,•.c .p. - . • :.' 1 , 11:13ritio, the man rho was .lilliamsp:irt, has. a = rosiaaa L'err.yvil:e, . . ilia+, suit has hen i rr vorter in N. t.. 4 fora -rvnation of it/TOl Ell j, "aim entirely Ir. - 1:c t to In&ll•rtre, a V , 41.1 run- -• to1::u:n 'obi: his Lurniaer, -11 r f6r - - • • ,-.iL 1 . . —_z ovelcr Mart i -al:lTc has signci '• ::.- 1,1:•.:-.-.-.;.•2.i.r.. ; ' '',..: t.l: , t .: r t. - i et:. Li :...: ..P. :: . -'..: ','li. •.?,•: . .'. -- .:r ! .1.) :`, , r;'.7,... - ,'...1`,. r:',C1:!:- 1 c oi Liver= . = ~?ad will ti.e. may from • 72.1 ii;:e belng ME= =ME a Springfield, Mass., • !1•r : : rt , rriplied 1 , ;; - tl.o--ptLpric:tors with ortl.r that they may rot .I.frr.j2 in • ; rr -;••- • . • a.• young; man for- • c.; Almshouse. :It St. Joseph, ~114.„' • 1 - F,...-eutl ,fp'nta - himself tni. , lucky heir, , : 00; - • two. 11.1aiit eng!tc!s% at tile . 6 5..11--:-.:1111'.:;, Betheleni, were at art •! the lin a 'few clays' ani.), and I" - Tlii) , i A.: Hendricks t :IL: yrst fre l ^ I);:moprats• :in chin, although • , th ei:r.te ort:l.nd aid them. - I _ Inap, recently, in a,Pott o e broke the bottle oi l the a deep wound 1:l , t h died in • :L;C:. dry-". 1 - . _ -oiUs . . - 4 :F.pidiy going down :.t . I>urin:- last week 'the frot.llslXs pl.r baud. to $1.60. The a farther decline 1(11 , 2r. . preacher, while scrvici . .4 r-reently, gave thanks for the cot,6ttion or their crops, "emdept , tin , Lord, the corn Which lei backward, and (-aIA. ,phi -h are mighty thin in 13poti." .1. liQ cottage of-William Penn, the, Peting\ lvania, is now in a dilapidat and. & - itnatcli in the midst of the IrarchOtlBo of Philadelphia, and is now, ti•icd for a Leer Faloon. elouilq" of grassllop-! passtil Lvcr Omaha on Satarday; going! P.a . : of tl.em 'lighted upon. tbe I rcut.l ard have begnn to eat • , -It—i, r ilumlAar paper in it" } 1 .;;, 1 2.11,11. 1.14 7 2, INI li=l ME tifortigepitttE Nit Tocra da, Thursday, Aug. 23, 1873. EDITORS 00DRICII. S. W.iALVO.III) E.O.' I BLICAN STATE. .TICKET x . on STATE TIZarttEII; , OBERT W. MACKEY, or AlLtorim CorNir. 'cl. SUBrITF JUDGE,' G ISAAC G.GORDO'N, OF jFITED-OZ.I COrSF:T.' REP BLICAN COIII4TY ifICKET rou rEvrzsmrrlnt - Es,, , E. R. MITE, 6? WT OS, H. WEBB, or .Sxrninno. FOE ASSOCULTE dUDGE/ W. (GHAT; or WiuroT, - TREAS.:UM; MARSHALL, OF FRANSLL'T COII3IISSIONERp :RAM SNELL, OF ATHENS. . JURY dom:missio.NEß; - F. KNAPP, OF CoLOune. MAT • AUDITOR, ELONG-: of TOWANDA NDRTII BIM TIM TICKET. 4 -- have not the space this week r at length_to the ticket, plae- Uomination, on Tuesday last. °minces are all well known f i o .ople of the county, and _will re a, hearty endorsement at the I , of the Benublicans of Brad- .srs. NtcuoLs and .130..karr had erable strength, and had•th4 •d their names o•go 'before the ntion,. the result niight hays siffereut„ It is greatly 6 their that for the sake or harmony, ;eferred to the opiniOns of their s, and permitted WEO's ation by acelaniation. ;Ls' friends will reward his fidel partT and principle;hereafteti. En .lfzerac's Attorney General I.3_ts,yetired in good;-order from • ,epublicah Comity Convention, panied by the other delegate§ Canton bcfun-0 - 11, bne delegate 0. Canton toWliship, ail the dele , from Aiba borough.' This with- was caused by the actionl of onvention relniing at 'ltal . o consider= .Mr: reso s of instruction tof the Repre- ME 7.1 , WinmANIS had been Rroiiipt , ~ 1 , . honest motives and sincereln oas in offering.l3iS ;resolutions, gild not have 'Made the a4ion. Convention the • piStext for his f`rig away. The ConVention pox- The usual cours)f Conventions, and NUfional, l .in fi ppointinig a n . ittee on resolutiods, lo whom is referred all reselutioPs,' without debate. But that does root prevent I • . the offering of resohitionS as amend mutts, when the report of the coat miti4 -is pre: eut..4d, nor,' does it cut oft debate. Hail ptat' s deign ed to conf r upon the Convention the honor of his augUst •and distill gasltiled presence, until the Commit tee On Resolutions . had time to pre parelansl submit their report, he could have; offered resoluticins without . nun l, vot.l: as an amendment, and spent-1 I - • ed until he was hoarse. But this was not in tle4rog ratUdie. i . , listnic's_orders were different. 'The .._ I desire was to create trouble and pro mote .- te division. Some - prgte. must be manufactured to afford an opportu . - - . - COM nits • for the graceful retirement of Mr. 1\ ILLIA3ri'. The plan as-adopt ed, 1-as carried ofit,and the resolution' offeij . ..;(l, with the knowledge that' it was i out of place, 'and kiith the':ex .. , ketitition, aud;idesire. that it would net 13 e adopted., . . i • • . Tilat- , IIr. ll'imants was playing the part '.assigned ',him by '',F - Trtaili . :,; and that his' resolution was intendelOnly to, Create discord, is 'further '!evi- 1 1 1 den l eed by his own assurance in the deb, te tat he teas oppo..ieci to .the pas= (- 2 1 the reeoblion, L ,- ut Mr, "Wumns had not , evert i - that the 'Convention would i ousici:e'r bk, res.olution.. It was' [,rivilee, after the aPpointreent of Committee on ThesolUtions to of iis restitutions, which . :Undet the NC of the Couvention'woUld have referred: fo the Coamittee. l ! If eliU,mittee, in their, report, 'had [ etch or refused tt; bring them be the Conveutiou,.thee, Mr. WI : had the -right to Offer as man ,C y lutions as he saw ;fit, lipon as y subjects as he pleased, ,-and to ort their adoption; with all his uasive eloquence. • • • ., - nor the . 'elitist! he :pretended to repreSent, ;stifferedl:nei, ther_ injury nor discourtesy. at' the hen 0s of the Convention. He sought to , clay the legitimate busineSs of Convention The ..•naembers of body almost unanimo?egisaid let go on with our buslness In the .1 manner, and 3lr. Wu.r.i.tals, ng preparel bimSelf for such se , attempted to malre,it . the ecuse the itry purpose for which he : his master came, namely, to" cre division. The second act it.thi4 12, will soon be played . , and Ithen actor and their . acting Will be - 1 . , • 1 T apparent 'to the people.. 1 • BEM I f es. tura sup Per' the tha HE Utica Herald says : "One o mast suspicions signs of the _„ 'es and highest compliment tn the I •ating, influence of: Republican inistration, is the fact that the •• ocrats are compelled to moor •ate Republican doetrines into fir platforms, and to, 'acknowledge it they mast lint honest mei:4*r inina,tion as their ',only hope of pol itical sue ess 'anywhere. tt Reiniblicans have he advantage having fiat set t e example of• honeht inert for office Fu4initiog disk cruht °flight's, prit,_eipleft are right a nd 1 ■ THH RHPOIEIL.WiN )COUNTY COWEN. TION•4IOIVAL UEBVKE OF PETER HERDIC AND ' HIS SCHICHEA: , -- • 1: 1 1 ' Piaza ittiMio ha the bid' lion of being prO, of thebolistittrid most.u4Scrup*ls OTruphitt of the Legislates, peg er known' at Hein's burg. Iris' name 10 the synonym of all that is diOeputable i in the bribing of,legiSlatnraland the passin g of 'dis honest and unrighteous measures of legislation. To accomplish his_meab tires of personal aggrandisement he does not - ,hesitate to stoop; to any trick r uor resort to aniaitee. Bills have been presented for the Execu tiveiappavaLL which never were in-' troducedinto the Legishitire, and bills have mysteriously disappeared; When gettht, for, when their appear ance or disapPearance forwarded the. interests Of PETER HEEDIa. It is this man who now endeavors to introduce his peculiar tactics into the polities of this Coruity.- Because he has bribed :Legislatures, he imag ines that his illgottei:i wealth.ein be made to Subvert the wishes of the people of thus County, Ittd that our honest yeomanry are made of the same mercenary and purchasable materials as the "rooters " whom he briys yearly at 'the !Capital..j The attempt of HEM) ic to take part of Bradferd ; County ;to make a new I county, With the County seat at Min , nequa is already known to our read- This pt 4 scheme is, on his part, Pura"' fititicial operation, to put money in rill:nes pockets. The building of County buildings, and the sale of town lots, is fo r return to PETER, the moues he has spent at'llfinnequa. ffthe consummation of this scheme r ' he has Met the determined opposi tion of the - Representatives of Brad ford. To relieve hunseli from the oppositiOn he has experienced from our members of Legislature, is the great desire of Hrm4c, and his object in the manbeuvering which has,been 'going on in this Ccunty, for some weeks. His fuglcman, AsnaEss, was made a candidate foi The County had visited by PprEs's hi 'sal.; and ANnr,r2 , ,s. liberally; expended a and here and there pointed politician I tinder Pr.rEa's bann The strength of and the results, of penditure of time seen in' the -Conn Tnesdaylast. The redoubtable PrrEa mustered his forces in person. They consisted of the delegates from, Alba, Canton - township and borough, and Leßoy; ,The ill SUCCCBS of PETER in Con trolling i the' dele gl i de electi.)ns and his equally poor recess in the use of the cOnyincing arguments usually emploYed liy him, fed to a change of progranime, which was developed by Ilr. "WILMA* lis paid attorney, 15f fering n.resolution in the Convention instructing the candidates for , the - LegislatUre 'in advance of their nom ination. This umnival and improper motion \vas 'offered as an, amendment to a resolution providing, for the ap ttointinCnt of a committee to report resolution% for the consideration of the Convention, and the Convention having adopted, the former proposi.. , Lion byh TOte'Of Seto 12, thereupon the attorney of titanic majestically I arose and stalked out of the Conven tion. That the resolution 'was offered, with the knowledge that it was out of 'place, and would not be cO i nsiderA at that tirrie,vvas apparent toall the spec , tators,,and the action of the Conven tion was Ode a pretext for the with drawing of , HERDIC'S •men, a proceed ing whieh bad been agreed upon in HELLDICI ' S roOnishours previous! This ended HEaniC'S first attempt to control the: l ßepnblican Conven , Eon 'of this:County. It has taught him a lsson which Might be of ser 'Vice to him . ; but which will, .we fear:, he wasted npon one who, in the far therance of his;schemes, is lost to ev ery feeling Of political morality, and' I who does not know the meaning of political integrity, It is a rebuke. croditatile to the intelligence andl in tegrity of our people. It has shown HEiiIIC and the stipendiaries he-has mustered around him, that• our peb plE., carCneither be deceived into ac- 1 quiesenee ih his, schemes, 'nor pur chasul to 'o'l. - 1 1 . - aril Lis pecuniary in terests:; The -jloor opinion he had of the wiooin and honesty of the Re publica4 Of this County, was unde served, and Jae may transfer his cor rupt priteticeslto the halls of lef,Tisla , Lion, if he chooses; but vie.can sure him he :Fill never meet with his Har risburg success amongst the honest yeomanry pf Bradford. PomEnor's, \ Democrat asks,. why Democracy and drunkenness are so generally associated, and:adds : "Go Where you will three out of five Dernocints are afraid to be known as temperance men, as if it were a disgrace to be a temperance man, and a crime to discountenance the cause of nine-tenths of the misery ,and three-fourths of the taxation now cursing:. this country. The Derao cratio.politican who is up' for office flies from rum holes.-to grog shop, from - sal* to sample rooms, to ral lythe 'Democracy. Public meetings are'lleld in whiskey shops, 'and the very man who urges reform from Re publican corruptions spends the last dollar for whisky he can borrow, and goes home drunk, or see his audi ence in.that condition. Htmdreds of times - we :have been denounced' for defending; temperance, on the ground that without whisky Democracy is a dead duck." A NEWANSINE Asnek.—GOyernor HARTILiNir haS signed the bill for' the election of a new Insane Asylum for ten of the north-western counties of the Stateil Tho institution will be lo cated at Erie. The Governor has ap p6intedlir. Jon: CuawiN and Gener al .Tiafts A. BEAVLII commissioners to helect a site for the. asylum. I Ili THE REPUBLICAN CIONI/NITION. The Itepnbliean tlonntY Couto:- Hon met pitrefulit! to 'es; _it' the za Wait BAN, 4 „; alti3tncion i Augdat . 26; 14 4 1 isilsl to °Mot by y. T. Doik' " , i _cliairmaa of thatrotaty tiinimittea. 1 1 '1in - 3 - notion, Jes.-it COI/DWG Mile called to the chair, and litaj. J. o.ltonnisoN and i , C. T. Huu. sleeted secretaries. 4 On calling the list of township:3 and borottghs, the following dclegates appeared and took their wilts i 1 Alba--C.O Hooter, l. W.HoUld. Albany—Amass Haverty, Wm. Hewitt. Armenta4 D. l B. Alexander, 0. Webber. Athens timuddp.N, V. Weller; L D Keyser. Athens Borongh.O. T. Hull, (f. A. Kinney. Asyhun.B. 0. Mingoe,X. neby. Barclay., B. 'P. Elerekl. 0. Blight. ; Burlington Township-A. .Blacitestee, Chas. Camphill. 5 . Burlington ;Borough - W. .D. t, A:. EL Yalta. Burlington Weet—Wirimu Cue, Prink Shut:. tack. • • Canton . llownehip.t.eleon Packard, Jo Donny t 5 t- I Canton Borongh-11. N. Williams, No =IL Columbia—J. H. Horgan, B. F.iiinapp. Franklin—Jas. Mason, Alan" (fray. Granville—Hollister Catlin John Yuman. HOrrick—P. 8. Squires; Jac Mint. • Leßoy—T. Laudon; OoNoon H unt. Plants, , Orlando Park. Leßaysville-41. H. I Gregory, Gee.. N. hhnirin. _ - • Monroe Borcmgh-G. L. BIEC. Tracy. Monroe TowinslahiN-0.1 L. Kellogg, L. Marcy. Orwell-Ira H. Corbin; Sabin Allen. Overton-Andrew Wilt. Pile-Piltunder Woodruff, RB. Skeet. ' Ridgbury-Efector Owen, J. C. -Robinson. Rome Borough-D. Boardman, H. D. Tanner. Rome Township-W. H. Shaw, P. Towner, r Smithfleld-4V. Phelpis; Jr., J. L. Vincent., ' SprlnglieldHS. D. Harkness, LYman Porter. South Creelci-Peter J.' Dean, Wm. H. Moore. Sylvania-T.IH. Arnold, L. L. Gregory.. Stand i ng -I. 0. D. Kinney, L. Fuller. Standing StOne--Geo. Sage, IL C. Stevens. , Terry -S. Bitwman, - 2 -- Strong. 'troy Townsldp-N. Sherman, F.. Loomis: Troy Borough-W. H.: Carnoclian G. B. Da vidson. . I Tuscarora-B. W. Wood, P. Mahoney. Towanda Township-Bent: Davison, Geo. W. Scoville. ; - Towanda Ncirth-W. N. Foshin 2 • 9, ..3 Towanda Boro-4st. Ward-H. T. Stevene; C. D. Passagoj I . 2d. Ward-W. A. Thomas, Jas H. Codding. 3d Ward -N. C. Elsbree, S. Alvord. . Ulster-C. W. Holcomb, 8.8. Lockwood, ~ Warren-William Merrill, Amyx Gilson. Windham=Hiram Elsbree, Trtistam White. Wyalasing-1-Dr, V. Hornet, J. It. Taylor. • Wysoz-W. iH. Conklin, 8. Strickland. Wells-Wmi Retyea, C. L. Shepard. Wilmot-C.IA. Stowell, L. Asheraft. On motion -of Capt. , C . AnNocuAlt, the chair 4pointed a Committee' on resolution 4, consisting of the• follow ing delega i tes : W H. oAmiocmor l3 KINifEY, H. 3. B. TAY- A , Loa, and Cl. T. HuLL. • N. C. ELsBEEE offered ;thei follow. ing customary resolution'':' • . ',/?coiccd, That all resolutions be referred to the cornmittiie en resolUtions without debate. 11. N. WILLLuts opposed the reso lution, aabgave notice that he deSir , • ed to offer the following resolutions; bnominations the were pro.- ct;eded with : . • ißesott.fft,lThat experience has proved it to bo •1113WIlie in a party to' continuo ollice•holders in office. liesolued, That this' Convention will nomi nate no man for office, who has already held any office foi. two terms. Resoiced,That 'the 'several i candidates for the nomination of Representative, be and they are hereby - Tequested to state their opinions previous .lo any nomination for that position, upon the ,liesticiti of ;a division of Bradford county, and upon i repeal of the law authoriz ing terms o court to be held at Troy. I ' ..Res °lced, That this Conventiom will not 4p port any candidate for nomination as Repre sentative, who will not before nomination, pledge himself • unconditionally to the Con vention, to the repeal of the law authorizing said courts at Troy. r the nomination. bum thoroughly e I • - utenants,.Wtht.- IMoney has been nd freely Offered, a venal or! disap as been: -enlis.ted li r. • 'this Alovenient, this laiish ex and tuono' was . y Convention. of Mr. WILLIAMS made quite a lengthy speech in opposition to Mr. ELSDREE'S resolution, and was ably replied to by Capt. CARNOCIIAN and N. C. ELS 'MEE. It was clearly shown tISt the course advocated by Mr. WILLIAMS, was contrary to the usage of all,con vlentions,and that it was a device of Mr. HERDIC to disorganize the party. No objection was ' made to the con sideration of WinuAms'' resolutions at the proper stage.of the convention. M r. ELSDREE'EI resolution was adopted by' a vote of 82 yeas to - 12 nays. WherenPon Mr. Winntfrots, in accord ance with a precOncerted plan, un ceremoniously ICft the ' convention, followed by his Colleagtie from Can eon borough, °DO of the delegates from Canton township, and the Alba delegatei After ganizers, the can, I eiscept 7 EDI3, !pen n•c Messrs. each ha • yention, them ha, 'For I EA3I, of I well, G. G-. vned. hb vote Firtic ba /tun. . itcy nolds Brink_.. [ J. W. nj piorit2,. &clam. ate Jud; e • For T LYMAN LACKII,AN, S: R. 4 CRANE, and L. W. T WNER, were nominated. The ballotin, resulted as follows : Marahall. ,Blackman 'Crane.... Towner.. MATH declare. For Athens, and E. momma; Mr. 3To and the Snell . Kilmer Mr. S unanim I For KNA,PP 0 by/accla l by accla -Theft' 11(14tedi &sok • poiutedb whose dut • tees from sional dish county in s next eight moetingil 0 1 hereby ins • that will b: ty and the , . S. w: and k_ comma t On in4tiofi the chairman 7tEi di rected td mvciixxt, a -Stati . diak Com : mittee,cmsisting of fifteen inenibers i~ ~. .. i _~:. ~. ho retirement of the disoi , for the ~ . .alie of harmony all cl:; , di tes for ; Representative, I 1 . . . .11ymt and JAZSIES H. •itluiFeiv,l and these iffentle- F'' e nominated by,acelamation. INienots, DA - 1171: arlld TRACY, r many friends in - the con- I whO would hale voted for laii op ioriunity • p esented 1 •sociate 4itdge,i J, V. 'lNo iimot;,Craus Coo., rof Or- W. - REYNOLDS,, of ,P ke, and II nINK, of LORIVSVi le, were .I On pronecedini to !ti. ballot stood as fo11(:4S.: lot clerks ilisttkrdod iu tally SECOSU EALLDI';' [- • - L 4 611.111 ' llaviii received a oil all 41e yolks cast, wiles duly for• Assoei. inn B LLOT lsr 81L1,9t . . iv Ar.AusuArs, was thereupon duly nominated. ommissioner, A. SNELL, of G. W. 'imam; of— Asylum, l!gonnr., of 'Ulster, were •d. After the first balloi, / I ItE i S I.IOMC , withdrawn, ;secou 1 ballot stood : 3. • ; . nomination was `made EEM 1 ommissioner, B. •P. Lunbia, %via nomhmted ivy Col .. atio r . 1 • 1 I I ELoNG was rileo nominated is ation for Auditor. 'lowing resolution was then . 1 Thatconniittee ',of three. II ,e ap• al ' the clis.tr_man of this Convention, it shSll be to Confer with conunit . °Other ! counties of this congres ; et as to the representation of each .ngressiOnal conference during ; the years, and the - time and place of the first Conference, and - they are ructed`to foinpon a =representation fair and just alike totradford coun other counties of the district. ALvoie, G, D. MONTANYE TRACY were ajipointed said . . The l pommittts : - on Ikeda ' one fez! • toiled tihti following; w 'eh weir tinanimotudya49ptcd i. , 8i:o1i by the _ff4ibitaans ok iir ' Comae ii i parirostioh auesable 'LW we rciallati our attach ment to the principles tad policy ,of national Republican party which wed the • /Irani de. sanction' when Maii by a rebel and hali by its wise policy Wee the ekes of Pr given to s s6oeitr the countrreigtayears 'of unexampled . Rowing. That we re the Mad nee to the wisdom and trial= of Gans Ulysses B', Grant. Chief 'of the Nation. and we fully endorse the policy of Ids adazdzdatra pa in. 1 . Resolved. That the • Republican deserves Me the. people. because exposes JIM pli=onestyand corruption in officiate with °tit regard to party affiliation. whiete Course is in humpy C..a; ni trt with Ida cornet of u;nemoatito party wh ver or wherever ill r e i tl Y i , That 4,til eiroiureland Prinishment of me= Sf ()entrees implicated in the Credit Mobiller fra de upon thb Gererninent, and the gamut denunciation and re‘ paten= of all members of Congress I crincerneln the salarygrab. are eridences of the p 2t he Republic...llyear to deal rigidly with plion tit high places. Reseteed. That the leas of list COD an El:mm.o - the Wary of its own members and making it re troactive in its operation, wet unjusti le, and we unite with our friends everywhere in ornanding its repeal.- 1 • I ' Resolved, That the. practice which ea grown is be so common both it btr Bate and atonal leg , . istaturee,! of the representatives of th people being employed as attorneys fon great corpe lions whit* they are; called upon to rote upon qu 'lions whero the interests of the peps on the ono and cot piarations on the other are intage to. is (llama eat nnlustiftable, and annot bo too evenly con demned and punishrel • 3: 4 1 Resolved, That Ge John P. Hartranft, as GeV craw of the , Gammon ealth, has adreinistered the affairs of the State wi marked abilityland integrity, and his coarse meets our hearty iipM'OraL limited, That our Idelegates in UM Slate Colt!. =Mona Convention are most earnestly requested to cum their best effort. to secure the subminion to the people for adophotu an independent propooli lion, a clause p to amend tho ConstitutiOn so as to prohibit all a I% , bilation, and our can didates for the legislature this day nominated. are. if elected, instructed to opposer all legislation which maybe designed to erect a special purpose in its , operation. , 1 Resolved, That Robert W. Mickey, oar nominee for i Treasurer, well deserved nomination t him with gtest unanimi tyby our State 'Convention. for the fidelity with wh y he executed the verpcinerible trust heretofore committed ,to L. and that the Republicans of Rradibre gratefully ac knowledge the fidelity with will& he sae supported her interests. Resotral, That the Won. Isaac 0, Gordon, our nominee for Ju eof the Supreme Court, we havei a candidate whose, roatrient legal abil ity and high social and moral ilitdes entitle him to the cone• deuce and undivided .upport of our party. Raairtd, That the ommissionere Of the county Who have bad in Charge the construction of the now jail, are entitled to the thanks of every good citizen for the economicall4dont and Judicioua manner in which that duty been diecharged. , . Resolved, . That •our Representatives bo and ire hereby instructed to maim every effort to pass .n act to prevent the ersittion of Palle Bulldinte:a Troy, Pr, at the expense of Bradford County. i • On 1 motidn he Conv=ntion ad -1 ~ 'canned. I . lion. Wm. The death of Draw President, bonvention, ,is the Philadelphia Ledoer: . ! r hiladelphia has lbst one' of ho citizens of b_. traerdicary mark mid merit, by the decease of Hon. William HI. Mpileth. Ho asw one of that class of conspicuous ,ablo mon Who served the "old city" of rhila elphia, andhom ' the citi kens of that well governed cor>oration "de lighted,to honor." ,Tho readers of the LeilEire Vero reminded in the obituary notice of -.Mr., Meredith, that ho was a member of city coun cils fora number of years , and that during the five years, from 183 to 1839, he was president the select counci . The full force of this point in ourdocal history - Alionld be presented to the public. At that tinie the " city;" of Philadel— phis was the territdry between Vine and South, streets and between the Delaware and Scluiyl - Although that territory embraced Must 'of the business and wealth of Philadelphia,': it was Vat a limited. rtion of what is now the 1 )0 city, and with a sm Ilpopulationcompared with the figures of a recent census. 5: et the inhabi tants of the "old city" had not forgotten the good rule of having, their publicritirs managed by their "best men," and Mr. Merecletli was one of the best and presided over a chamber worthy of such leadership, At lie time ho *as made president of eommon conned ho had al ready Achieved fame as one the leading lawyers at a bar which was proverbial a 1 over the Hint ed States for the legal and iutcl' ectual ability of its members. His distinction 4 a man of great: ability, as a leader 'of the bar, as a man of com manding influence as a citizen eminently Com petent to be antra tedwith the management, of publid duties, was vl then lin An all over the Stall i and durin hi service n city councils ji his re ntation was sp ead alir ad throughout the Hu tes. He was at this, time among . the men who were nearly alai spoken of in connection withositions in the cabineti At Washington in thoj event of th i success of the Whig:party, to which ho was at ached, and pot many : years later ho was made secretary of the treasury. Wo mention these matters in con nection-with the less of so distinguished a Citi zen to , recall to public attention what mariner of men they were `who served the old , "city proper," and to reawaken in the public Mind the almost forgotthn'fact thatd in those days, men of Mr. 'Meredith's distinction and. ability recognized their ]dea l duties asi citizens, by hn dertaking their ju't share in tl; labors of the local government,lwhich is far ore important to' the masses of the people of rhiladelrillia than either the government at Harrisburg, or that at Washington: . . ,1 : , to- 4111.1.1 • r nquAL FIGHTS LEAGI7I.I. The Penn.ylvania State Equal Rights Leagu held its ninth annual meeting 'in ational . 4all, - Wilkes ; barge, on Tu•sday° las , about one hundred members from all parts of the State being present. W. D. Pori. riasi of Philadelphia, off red a series . of resolutions! which w re adopted, among which were the ollowing t li'esolred, That v we declare_ ourtun faltering itdlirance to the Republi can party, and regard it as' the true exponent of the highest - progressive sentiment of the day, and that' we endorse it as the best qualified ;in strument to 'secure toll Americ7ans the;complete xercise . f their dm stitntional an natural rights; that t:. we'd endorseits nominees,. and ;are fully satisfied Iwith its mrghty achi ve ments, which are numbered , as ,the great feature of - this r markable age of progress. :Resolved, That in fa 1 belief, that this party 'is the unComprornising friend of hutnanity, we lace our; fall reliance upon it, and fe 1 justified in calling on all loyal men to uphold it as ;t he grand advance of freedem's army., , . i • salad, '?hat tin Pr sident Grant, the' representative head of the RePub licitn party, l c find a friend as true as he-is a sot ier brave and a patriotic impartial, an r that helstands pledg ed ;to use his influence ;to secure a national civil r rights bit , and that we petition Corwress to e ct the same at its next segsion. I rn T D HE eo) , ratic•lead l; ks, who Lave lee r 11. 7 ded that [the best bliey of: poll ical management for 1 the present ear is a revival of the ld organiza qt n with its peciliar ideas, mach ; Irry, methods, and p edjudiceq, are udering a least one important iblic service. They are showing il 1 tat beneath] the Gar.rrr.ry- cloak of 1, , q 2 the genuine Copplcir-head hiery Ithe mocl l e+ democracy was :kept tact, and that all that is needed to Veal it now is to 'striP,Off the absurd 11 sguise which brought .with it 'cli merited punishment last year. r betriot Tribune. , : 50 18 3 17 ret r pUI tlii;l L. 4 i NEw Yoaxj'Aun.. 23.4 it is ramorerd that Kate Stoddard's inported: con f4sion that she ,herdelf murdered Goodrich was gotten up by the Police WI delude Roscoe •into the belief, that he; need notl fly; that She has con feSsed nothing, and that - the police believe' her to have been merely an accessory to Roscoe's deed. One reason assigned by the ?real d nt of the Board of POlice for the removal of the Chief; is his bungl4 •and inefficiency in this case. I inis findings of the mOitary i Ossion in , the cases of papt. Sdnoucum arid four othprs of the Mo dcc Fisoners, for the murder of Gen. CiainYi and ICommvsioner TUon rts, hsive been apipro•ired he. President, arid they will be , hung a t Fort llis mfath, Oregon,.oia the dof Otober n:xt. M. MERE ETU. Hon. Wm. Of the Co ;thus refe M. MEnr. 7 I stitational fir e d to by f,l TAB niiazisionfi.n; The!Womb article oat the sing hiiniton RepubPranwill attract the at, tentiOn'of our people. With proper eneoUragement there IS no doubt the road*ill be built: President law- DES El giving his time, and expending Zto inconsiderable stun of money in putting tho enterptise bofore the cap . italiata'' of thl country. Bradford • comity will ho largely indebted to'hitu for tie construction of the roadi • - Thkhill passed by , the Legislature hat Jann: try, tti permit the. Binghamton, Dushore and Williaihsport Itillroadeompany to lay a! trick on theltow-path of the canal extension to the State line, contaiturta provision requiring the I consent of the Canal Board before the work can ' begins That consent has nut yet been given, althotegh the frionda of the project -and they include the whole4population of Broome and Tioga 'Counties, and many others—hope to oh tam it;; A Meeting of the Canal' Board, to consider the subject, was hold in' Albany . last Tuesday. The Lontenant-Cloyernor, who is a mejnbeof the Beard, was present. , - Ue Interests of Tioga conntYwere represent odby Mon. William Smyth,. Mr. Smyth pie-' Bented3he claims of Owego in a quiet, yet- for cible Manner, and then introduced Mon. John 'S. Madden, of Warren, Pa. .1 • • Mr, ::liladden was provided with snrveJrs maps, ihowing the minutest particulars of the proposed route through Bradford county, from the Wapp - asening valley, where it enters the btate, to the junction with Ahe Northern Cen tral Railroad at Canton, a short distance above Whew:taped. It required only brief introduc tory remarks by Mr. Madden, for the maps' were themselves strong arguments. Those maps, tt should be stated,' were Made by Will iam lUMorgan, an eminent civil 'engineer. Thhi show a very' easy grade, and only ono mile, t4e last ono before reaching the Junction, has a grade of 24 foot. The deepest cut re quired;on the whole hno is only ton feet, eta all the #ading can be den° at comparatively very little expense. The ,members of the Canal Board appeared very faVorably impressed with the feasibility of the route, but were not ready to Soto the nec essary permission to lay the track on the pros pectivo, tow-path. They, however, • promised to send'a committee over. the whole lino to see for thOnselves the advantages of a railroad, and consult with citizens., The Committee chosen' are Lentenant-,Oov- ernor ltobinson, CoMptrollEx Hopkins, Canal CommbisionerStrond, and 4late Engineer Tay lor., Tipy will be at Binghamton , Zon 'fitooday, Sept. 2; . ,t0 confer With the' bitizena here. On rho 3drhey will go to Owego along the canal extensigii; and consult with tho Owego peoplo in the 6vening. On the 4th'they will go to To wonda;§inil on the sth they . expect to visit the I:lnshore and Barclay coal mines, and go thro' to Canton. Mr. Madden, of course, will be guide rho party through Pennsylvania, and furnish} transportation, etc. Tho Clommitteo will be accompanied by some of the *cent of the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company - . He returned from Albany yesterday, and was at the Eixchange Hotel last evening, where his maps Itere inspected by several persons, in cludingliurveyor C. A. Beach, whose practical Judgment readily decided that the route thro' Pennsy/kania is one of the most desirable, lc specti4 surface and grades, ever found for a long IWO of railroad. It wilhhe remembered that the line is already nearly graded in this 'State, if the use of the canal eilension tow-path is secured. • , If thii road is ever built; and it 4 prospects are fair,'-'it will form a link in one of the most. important trunk lines between the Atlantic and the WeSt l ? and 'even between the Atlantis=. and Pacific. At Binghamton it will connect. 'With the Albany and Susquehanna Railroad; , whieli counectl with the Boston roads at Albany ; and at,Cantan it will connect With the 'Northern Central f iltailroacl, practically under the same manag,einent as the Pennsylvania Central, and controlkid by tlalouel /*nts Scott. The !lbw linkThetween Binghamton and Can ton, of this• long railroad chain, will be either under ti'e management of Colonel Scott, or the Delawar.o and Hudson Conisny, or both ; and either will be suffiCiently strong to make an ir resistiblo competitor of the Erie, and New York Central 'Railroads. The People of Bingliarutola will probably hare `loppsrtunity to express. their views freely when the Committee from the Canal Wizard comes here ; and we take the liberty of saying that the; Lieutenant-Governor, who is a mem . ber of tliat,Committee,.may be consulted at al most:any tame. • The Towanda railroad project should not be confounded with the Dashore railroad project, 'or ono that is going to necccisitatc the abandon ment, or seriously interfere with. the Dushoro. praject4 In other words a railroad running threnglx Towanda and reaching Williamsport by way pt Cantotr—although it connects at To wanda with railroads to Danboro, by an almost direct r'hute—will not take the place of or inter-. fore with a railroad through Wyalusing or Skin- ner's Eddy, to Busher° and Williamsport, any more . than the Delaware; LaCkawanna isad . Westerti railroad, or the Albany and Suave ' banns kailroacl, 'by furnishing other means of travel and transportation between Binghamton and NeW York, does away with the Erie tail -Way.. no Townuaa railroad project is one that must stand uporilifs own mdrits, and the Wya lasing and Skinner's Eddy projects must do the same. ahe pcople,tif Binghamton are required to assist the Towanda railroad protect Only with their influence. The Other' huts, if built, must lits assisted with their meziey. A railroad running directly south through Susquehanna countytyottld undoubtedly possess superior ad vantages in the way of wholesale and retail trade bought to Binghamton. A railroad thro' 13radfqrd county would be superior to the other as a through route on account of easier grades, and probably in distance, and has also a decil cd advautago in the no censiderablo item of cost. ft Binghamton can afford a railroad thro'• SusquOanna county—and no '-one will say it cannot afford to -stand a considerable part of the cpense—it can just •as well afford! both railroads, for the two will Cost the city no more than cOic. , . . — . The gentleman will be rSeived at Nichols,_,iN, Y., by a • comiciittee appinted for that purpose by the Bradford Railroad Co., to-wit: president J. S. MADDEN Hon. JOHN PASS LOBE, JOHN W. 'WOODBURN, esq., Hon E. R. MYEn, CDI. J. F. MEANS; COl.O. *A.'CODOING, B. -T. ELLIOT, es .W1:0; H. 'MORGAN, eci:*, and._lion. B. S. D: i xiOr. • Said committee wilt .ac comf)apy them over the proposed roUtiJalbng 91;1 Wysox and Towanda Vallifs to thfrßarelay mines, &c.' ; CIA ES A R 1 S 31. The' Washington; Repblic, speak! • ing f the chartd the democratic ..„ 0- cres- prcs's that GRANT is seeking to make . hini elf dictator, says: , - . I It is amusing to those who have a perynal knowledge of the simplicity of character which distinguishes Pres ider:it Grant, to read the silly twaddle .pidalged in by some, of the Opposi t iori papers about his, tendency to- IwaOs imperialism. ,‘, 4r a model ream,. who has made laia nhark upon the pages of history ; Iwiuthas conferred a benefit upon his country that will be remembered by r - t.he latest generation, he stands with ouaan equal for,plainness of manner andlunaffected simplicity of charac ter 4 He is one of those rare excel)* lions among public men—of being, gretit without, appearing to know it.' Seen upon the streeta a would pass; for ,t, quiet' citizen. • He walks with thcgcrowd as if he was lone of them, sonietimes accompanied with a friend, butloftener without. His 'movements `-arerslow, as if he believed in taking, , thir!gs easy, when there was no 'feces. sity of being in w hurry. He would ba galled a slow >walker; in fact, giv- . en h certain distance to walk and . nin out of, ten Would beat him, but` .none Would appear less fatigued at the!trid of the jobrney. His walking is iia keeping with his general char actk. What he lacln in nervous ac tivik he makes up in reliability, firmness, endurance. - He is more sulAtantial than brilliant. This is noted in his conversation. Plain, matter-of-fact expretisions fall. from 'hisDips. What he has . to say is said in a few. words. A slew talker, he impresses all who hear him 'with the fact that he understands his subject, thdroughly, and says Ivs 'than he thiillks. You leave his-presence with a Peasant impres ion of the man. vi, Yo# vote him a- ge tleman in every senise, of the 'term, nd if you_forget unlt he said, yon not forget the . ssuming maniac in which he said it. g The man has. I ft 'a greater im -14111 pre'ssion than .the office, and the modesty of. the ,one has increased yo it respect for the other. 3y what process Shit; plain Amexi- , cati gentleman,coul be cconverted in lo ;in imperialist, even if the people . Cl4nored for the Conversion, is be yolid our comprehension. If we be lio_Yed the Oppositi.n leaders were in ti =1 EININFI earnest; in . their ' ridieulsus t4c,C, Would ask Mint to °scribe t he Sleaze to be timployebont this *onderfal tranW3nnation o ON sonal: character. ,But we ' prortnie the charge is kept standing beicauss it is the only one left for Dem** to practice upon. Charges re4pg to what has been can be easily p roved or disproved..! When you co:e! to deal with the future we can only judge it by the past , Tire De ocira cy are weleome to coin'. OhargeS put 11 ~the unknown future, Lint IWhciti they, aie dkiveii to that extremity they must ; not i expect sensible people; Ito accept Democratic prophecy as equal to verified truth. 'When the s and the moon exchange pliees, or , *hat is eqtndly improbable, the Dem crat ic party becomes noted for its hOn esty, ,the wo may look out for kigs in thiS untry—not before.'f' we could be 'sstured of living anti this change ta is place,Mathuselah'a years I would be s infacy compared t n lour ripe Old e. BENTENO' Capt.: jack, Sehonehin and Four to be Hanged. The pxecatlons to Take Place • Klamont Oct. 3; .WAsultorox, Aug. 23.—Th g Department4romulgates in t i orders. tho findings and sente the cases of ' the Modoc ca l Captain Jack, Schonchin, - Blac, Boston Charley, Parncho, Eyed Jiria; and Slouch, alia whowere tried by a. militar •I mission for the murder of g; Canby and Commissioner T, and ,fOr , assault - with int kill the other Peace Commiss they found guilty, and are to b at Fort likunoth, Oct. 3d. The sentences of the pr have been approved by the Pr and ,Secretary of War and t be carried into effect as above ,s lAtc are Authorized by Mr. anuOunce tbatThe • is opi)ose* diviSion of Bradford county.. L OOK HERE.! Has as Inge andcoraploto stock GROCEPIES 4". PROS 4 I S • as there i. lulown ; comprising Tl AS, COFFEE, ,St G FORE AND rLOUI:, AND CoUNTILY la Gods deli creel I❑ all parts of the Burl of charge, -and . oiojoq ano".l4Ao goof puc of rooraid oq ppm fins ' loom . 1 (IKY '3II'I3It3P .sHorn.) TiamHaou -Ak. A YEN'S CATHARTIC FOli ALL Tilt runpo,ss OF A FAUZL' Curing Costiveness, Jaundice, Dy- ..I gestion, Dysentery, Pon' Stomach and . 11 sipelits, headache, Piles, Rheumatism' and Skin Diseases, Biliousness, Liver I Dropsy, Tetters, Tumors and N vi r Rhe y flout, 'Neuralgia, as a Dinner P , and pi Bloed,are the most congenial purgative T l o Their effects abundantly show' how mue all either Pills. They are Elie and plea[ but,powerful in cure. They purge out mot's of the blood i the stimulate the disordered organ into action; and tlrY illi and; tone to the whole being. The'? cit the every; day complaints of everybody I able and dangerous diseases. Most a clans, most eminent clergymen, and zenS, send sertincates _of cures pellef great benefits they have derived from l They are the safest and best physic for R cattaeMild as well as effectual. Being r' they are easy to take and being pure', E , they are entirely harmless. PV-PAIIF,D RS bit, J. C. AYEPAr. pOWELL Practical and Anal)tical St id t y all Druggists and Dealers in Al4, , nst 1 TRIAL LIST-SEPT. TE • SECOND WEEK.. 0 1) N,rtlo - up vs Geo P E A Packer vs John oar 4-1. :tephen Dayys Benjamin Vargason.... mud S Loren vs Delos Vargason.,,... C T! Welles, Ex'r vs Jesse S A II Pomeroy Ts C J Coolbaugh, et al. . M P Society „of Albany vs M C of Alta ) JiMin Bennett vs J P Van Fleet Henry II Porter vs C F Welles... 1. Amass lleverly 'Mahlon C Merenr. . W C Brister's use vs A It Moe and JIB, ' Joel Bennett's use vs 0 W ItorOtt, et , ? ,11 dathes Gibson vs Jano Gibson, et al. .1 Hiram Heman vs The Towanda Coal Clo S Walborn vs Geo P,Cash... ..J. l Win A Mason vs Sullivan Co It R M 0 Yelper & Co vs It J Hallock and:C Adiline Notoware vs Schl Dis't of Wa ' NelSon Vanderpool vs Daniel . 111hanan Smith vs John 0 ; Edward Overton vs John S Campbell, James Connelly vs JacO J Hertlek, et al Philo bingos vs S S EC RR Co r et 4 First list Bank Towanda vs Henry NS I 4r A 1 1 Morrison vs B W Lane II Charlotte Ward SM vs John Cantwel Morris Fargo vs Levi Wells. .. ... .... . D M James vs Daniel It Powers 1 Lollies C Leeds .te vs Hiram Luther et Lewis Havens Vs C L Ward .ke Jonathan Whipple vs D Cash's adm'rs!. Catharine Wheeler's use vs Moon kS • Anion Sheeler vs J A Davis. da1...... 4. A 6Moore vs Eraetas Riff, of at Stiles D Ciesviermy twp F It Persons vs F Fetzlatr, et F II Persons vs John W01f... P It Stowell TS Jas It Wier & P S. Miller vs A Sle.tiaught ! do do. et, Lleiry Miller Ts N Snilth'm ad, Julla Axteu ea p N Merry et t 4 Julia Aatell ca O P Bullard &. 'A 0, Moore vs John Cm:mans Win Snyder Asa VS Doty.'.... P 8 Wynkoop vs E Smith:... Will Halbert vs Junction Can John Jones' adm'i's veil A P 31 Stowell Trustee vs J . B Wier & C. (led T Cole vs Joseph Bishop' Shbpoena returnable Monday Septe t ,at 2 o'c!ock, p.m. i • • B. M. PECK, Pri HOW IS THIS LO We offer DRESSDLII the_following rates:,l Hemlock Flooring, (choice). • 1 .... r'• • • I White Pia° " • " • Pith " ' " .• ,l . .. . Siding .. 1 ... 1$ 1. 5 Pickets from $2. to ;4 per hil drod. i Dorm at a moment's notice and by t,l ery,noT made. We have on hand oNr. 2 . 0.71i:D1tE1l VIOUSANTi FEET THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FEET OF L 51DElt And are constantly anufacttu /1- 5 -Parties who can rear ,us are near tho railroad for Lumheri irs und r stances we. can SELL IT CUEAPEIt I cost of transportation from ere to t say', $2 to $3 per thousand. H. B. Mane, 26, '73. pLA.NO'G, ItEgAi , &6. i r BILL LI73IISER S.IAWiI? TO 0 : D.t4 ; • 'I I i • I " REASONED WHITE PINT op acui P l niE A 1 , -• , BOARDS ; FLiX)IIDIO. BID 0, I { ~ I • II 1 And a variety of Hemlock Boar. toclsle. ; I'i 1 . We have now in operation la new; he s, ~ sit-roll Planer, and other machinery, co l on g! all the recent improvements, and of; the mo t superb Work. maoahip. Bunning by a never- water -power, weAre able to do work tia seen as it. Its wesonted— do It cheaply, and bestow alpha care 1 ne7,esaary for doing it perfectly. 801 l in the work aad f orders ; welwill satisfy! , every man as to prices and work manahip. ! I 1 11 , . H. I B. 11 oil. l A3f. - camptown, dpril 7, 1873.-17 111 . 1 I 1 F°R•sAT3l.—Tsva vat' ing lots to Towanda Baio.noart Prim. $3OO each. For flirt* par of William Healy, Worth Towanda. Julyl7-w3,.* ' 1 • . 0 . E t 1' 44 r I OP THE HOEK', ‘1 °NEES, New Adve ilsements. W. A. ROCKWELL I= Joaup(l..llir II! Uth:6.lQ.ll • aurm aaLrld to Amp oyisi y ;v pa.m4Ja..l ;eve PLAICLN.IO. 31ATCIIING, I RE-SA. We have lu the Mill l'en I LIST OF J,Uatal tember Term of Conr, Athena • twp„ Charles Albe-Y. Joseph Lewis; Asylum, Joel Si_ _ , Burlington two, Chilies Shonton, Ellin Henda_ii;,'Burlingtou _Bore, Sherman H Hill; Barclay. EdVikrd J Eldred; Bur lington West,:Rockwell; Oranv °Andrew Bunyan; Monroe twp, M Tire Vangorde 'Monroe boro, Gor don L Bull; Pike. Horace B . free; Borne twp, Benjamin Clarki Towanda hot. W Harry Decker, 'Clark B Porter, Julius Wolfe, •• eno Hall: Towanda two, George Scovell; Zucca Charles W Cogs well; Terry, Patrick MoGnyre; " yalusing, Hugh 8 Prater, loth S Thottiplob i • men, lanklin Co 'burn; Wysoz, Chulefißtshop. =Aims insets— insi • Athens twp , Simon - '# Morl4 i /*me* horsed I Demond; Albany, 8 W Charm ; Asylium, George Herrick. Madison - Decker; I , David Short, Edward Wheatley, Gee Seaorinta W :Leyti , Wm Northrop; Burlington ;11, H Ely; Enzutirt iton twpe,Amaziah Dilates - ice.itobert Knapp; Bur lington. West. •Marcus J HU 3, Alfred Rockwell; two; Nelson Reynolds; Leßoy, Henry Hans com: Leßayerrille, P 0 311; Orwell, James P Coides; Pike. Wm it Payne; dgcberry . lIJ May, Aaronr Gillett; Sheshetpain, I T Childs, George M. Smith; Springfield, David We *brook; Sylvania, Jos II Jewell, Homer' Pitt: Tow flab 01•0,4 W Sinith 1 Bowman; op twp, John Bowman; op bora. Brainard Bowen. Henry Cobb; Tri ra, Geo. Thompson, Wm DI Black; Ulster: Ales DI ock. Henry' Rock well, C E Ferguson. James er ; WilmotUilamnei Fisk; Wyainsing, Jules E Vali n, Chas Elligharia; Warren, John if Morris, John • Dulls.' Patrick Mc- Keough. John -Buckle. E 0 teem: Wystra , Jemert Gard; Wells, Albert Hatlivra t Windham, ' John XI Witmer. . 1 . II • TALVS/LB JIII3OIIB—E cOND WEEK. Albany, Michael A Fluent . ihrtis tort). Bamuci 8 Clark; Burlington twp, Re it Ballard: Barclay, Thee Cane i Canton twp, - J Oyer Foster, James Ferguson; Columbia, WM G adfortl, Wei Peck ham; Franklin, John Lantz; 'Ciranville, Philemon Catlin, Michael Collins, Mine r!T Porter, J Vroman: D 8 May; Herrick. Johlf McPherson; Litchfield, Wm Campbell; Monroe born, B W Rockwell; Pike, E J Evatalerooks, Byron D :tolls; Itidgeberry, Cal- Till P Ball; Rome twp, John Vattght, Jr; Sheshequin, Lemael B Horton, Milton anith, Warren Gillett, Floyd Fish; Springfield, CharLis Scott, Jae E Teskes ; Smithfield, Wm PlerciW7roid boro, Hiram Lewis, Adolphus Spalding; - Towanda twp, J. V -Willeek; Towanda North, Roderick Granger; ' Terry, E A Strong; Ulster. Hartwell ;haw; Wells, Charles Beers; Wyalusing, 8 C Gaylord; Warren, Wm F Corbin; Wilmot, David Abrams, Jr; IWysez, Cleo Spencer li ... I i PRIG- I I Otern 1 ,t Fort War redtral • COS in r 6 im' ne- pox, / EGISTER'S NO I hereby givers that Cher Officeof Wester of Wills in Bradford, accountit of adman lowing estates, viz: Partial acct of Joseph Pow ' deed. - • Partial acr elera o , as Admr's of iZtimphrey Beckwith, late of Orwell,dec'd. Partial acct of X N Betts, Executors &co of II Charlotte Ward, deed. 1 Partial acc't of H W Parkh at, Fat for of Ansel Tillotson, late of Leßoy, dec' Final account of B Eirb" i Execti or of Joseph Doan*, late of Windhamndol. Finill'acc't or Reuben F Sqres, Gti dian of Em ma C ;Nichols, minor child of}' . Nichols. dee'd. Final acc't of Thomas IMltclell, Guardian of Adella 0 Jones. - ' 1 Final acc't of Alexander P.1:1:1, Guardian of Mary V Clark, minor child of Daniel D Clark, dec'd. Final acc't of Alexander It ' b, Guaan. of Betey M Clark, minor child of D el D Mar c r , dec'd. Final acc't of Laura A Fre ch, formerly Laura.. A Newbury, Guardian of Ella ;Newbury, now Ella F Wilcox. 1 "I rily and Mary 0 Arnold, dec'd, late of Warren. and Edmulaik Lock. owman,l late of T:later, i g ard Jell Welles, Athena IBoro, dec'd. of Il Guardian of ID•Deach, deed. 4, and H W Jennings, of Can t o d, dec'd. property' set oil by Ex ;widows or children of oners, bung so ors 'Bi4eut : , ,y1 will Ebis to MEE Final acc't of George W Ha Admr's of Charles L Arnold, Final acc't of John Bowm wood, ExecntersOf Harry B deed. Partial acc't of -A H Spal Admr's of G H Weller, late - o Final acc't of Hiram Stone -Beach, minor child of Alonz Final acc't of Falcon Packs Admr's of Thomas Case, la Also the appraisement of ccutors or Administrators t thelollowing/decedents: Estate of John Demorest, " Ferdinand- Gabl. • " Edmund Madde • " Daniel Bailey, . - " Peter Deegan, Charles 7 J Raub, George S Swart,'- " Hugh Mosher, Tanis Bond, Henry Whipple, " Samuel Fuller, , - Humphrey " '.Edward .Barton ' And the same will ho pr Court of Bradford County 4, 1873, at 2 o'clock; p. m., lowauce. • TIV Aug 1,'73. Mil II 1 1 ‘ ()INS It s' EMI ugh irce . tlg2, , MSC, 111=1 kJ a writ of EL Fa. issue mon Ple,ass of Bradford Cc be . exposed to-public sale c E EDAY,i AUGUST 30, at described lot, piece. 0 nate In Canton twp.. bonne Peter Herdic, Leviv Steil lands of John Edgar and lands of Solomon Lindley, •Peter Herdic, west by land Mining 175 acres', mord oi proved; three/frame house , chard and fruit trees there Seized and talon into ex i t C. Palmer & Co. vs W. W.II non °Avg , lit i 3 0 lIV MEI , I p , ki al. MI kr7Ls -7 , Townnda, August 1, 1' .L - s. To Alice 11.11illhel , You are hereby notified hnsband, has applied to of Bradfoll co., for a matrimony, And the !al. day, the Ist day of said Edward in the pr. place you can tttend if -in1y1744 lial la, Incll i Lath, Erg ! `(loons 1 niplair. ,I. TOMB. 13 - ng the fwifected +ay EXte if At to take I. foul 1m A PPLIcATION JO& To Joseph Jr.; You are hereby notified I wife :has applied to the ci Bradford Co., fora divorci Simony, and the,said cour the Ist day of 8ept.,1873,f in the premises, at which attend it you think prope l July3l w 4. 1 . ggibli or ,rt health lot only formid- r j .4t citl ..eal and of I' so Tills. APPLICATION N DIVORCE.- To%James IL Cary. N,o. 273, 1 Feb. Term, 1.8t3. You are hereby notified V at, Frances Cary. your wife, has applied toile .oart of common pleas of Bradford Co., for a dicor elfrom the bonds of mat rimony, and`the said ccu ttas appointed Monday, the Ist day of Sept.. 1873, f r hearing the Said Fran ces in the premises, at w r t.4ll time and place you can attend , if you think p er. , . M. SMITH, Sheriff. (lien, be g ricoated te, , etai)!e s I .~ IXA PPLICATI.O.;sa To Caroline L. Fre You are hereby uplifted husband, has applied to of Bradford Co., for , matrimony, and the said .day, the Ist day of Sept.., A. W. in the premises. a can attend if you think p. • JuTy3l-w-t. epic i me , 1 .573 DEE ject eat appeal ...for att _debt ..t,reepat. cole t ..ava mik t dg{..issti . . debt ••trespass case TNCORPORAT In the matter of the side Cemetry Associatio No. 2,82, September To NOtice, is 'hereby gir Association has, present, Pleas ot"Bradfortt Count asking for a decree of I , Court having examined correct, will, decree th prayed for,' on 'Almada : 1872, at 2' o'clock p.m., the contrary. ... arm! att L... ..debt tvrp app'l ease • 1..' —eject ••• • I.•ejee L. ~for att ..debt debt t al..eJect • • • •I•aPPeal BEM INCORPORA.T I the matter of the . Patrick Beneficial Socie 459, September term, 13 o 'Notice is hereby given ciety has presented to th of Bradford County thet tug for •a decree of into having examined the sa will decree that they be on Monday, the Ist day p.m., unless cause be sh Av g. 14. I debt al' I eject 4.4. aec r.6;16,jneeb.,,1t'tep't .1 I .ecl fa .1 ! case ! att appeal ..... ..debt debt j. • • I • -I! aPPoal .. 1 ..; .. eject eject. . L ren • • • 1• • • - . i ..,...ca5e .. I ... case .Lnppcal I h debt rep i nbrr 1A73, thlanotar l y. • EXECUTOI Notice if, hereby giV to the estate of Cones I deceased, are requested t and all perspns having must present them Lai moot. :. Ang2 '73 EMI XECUTOR - § le hereby - given VI the estate of Clark Swipe} deed, -are requested 40 and all persons having must present them do] ment. August 29 EC - lIT VX Notice hoinby ai ed to the estate of Jo: of Wilmot, are requ; ate payment: and all per ; said estate must present settlement. ' I . I August 28 13ER' a 18 per 31 1 2 4 4,221 A DIUNISTRA .11 Notice Is hereby M to the estate Loren deceased,,, are twines payment,', and all pers estate must present Bement. August' 2.3 ' N I OTICE.—No that application Board os :Towanda Bore, mon Plea's- of Bradford 4 for permission to barrio and dollars in Money, t Aug2B ;51,3: A:c;i I , T OtS:.IND Ig• 1 lisp to go apy Omura.' at Idailtitlio T'ILENBERG spzeiLth BEAL - 17 -131118, s pi - THE THOUSAND. 1 i l i . _. l NI 18 3. .I These These famous Tr4antlfion a ar 'now open for the 4 At. season of 1873, and arc - owed with a large number of trout of every size, i do clearest purest, and coldest opting water. y lze trout aold'at reason able rates, and Shipp d by express as ordered.— These Ponds are: not opal An Sunday. I I • • 'The proprietor having had experience in locating and arranging,. trout •PondS, offers his services to thoso contemplating Ting out and !decking fishe ries, at re3oonablo rat 84 ,5 jlt , P I I ' Admisaten tO.ponds cants ; Beason tickets, $l. ilroads Is c HAM, Camptown For full Partibolare ca I !'• •. ELI Ap1:23.0; Lmddsbt) WYOMilciG cOaairscuAL largest schools of thei Teaches cOmmon snot Classics, *nee. Psintin• tactics ; 'educates tes t ; gentlemen to five court:. Commercial College-r business 'establishment: Fall terra Oponallept. 3 Bev. D. C?Pr.p.liD, A Kingston, Pa. 13iiild , Depot. enquire ROST & SO Exto nu Table In rr—o 1 ' Leg, wn rimc, GltLrD A.CE.--L, Notice iS Ihsut been filed in the 1;nd• for the County of stratlon upon , the foi -1 1, - Adtn'r of C L Ward SamdeT IIL Beckwith, 't of Austin 11 1 r 1J th, ek , ntcd . i Tburs confi 'O. J. C e . the Oriphau*6 ay, September nation and al.: LaiDUCE. Register. 4 virtue , of out of ti Court of Corn. .nty. to e directed, will ithe iirethises on SAT * p..m.!, 'the following , I parcel ofl land Bit ell on ,the north by lands land R. Lewis, east by yett:ates, smith by Eiheldon H. Lindley and lpf Pe r Hardie; con. ess; abthit 100 acres ina pt two frame, barns, or. „caution at the suit or . IV lCbl' -B c andlE W. Pratt?... 31 M. S3lllll. Sheriff. N- DIVORCE.- _ Feb. IT.; 1873. ti Edward 5.11111.1eim, your ;court Of common pleas , ice fro 019 bonds of curt baU appointed Mon -1873, for hearing the yes, at which time and think proper. NUMMI= IN D 'ORCE.---- ;wq.1.37 ~ Feb. T 4 1573. A Harri t M. Wall. your Urt cr: =mon pleas of from t e bonds of mat- - 1 'has appointed Monday. rlbearing the said Harriet time and place you, can 1 .. . I J. M. , .i,MITH, Sheriff. N DIVORCE.- . c1...--;N0.1375. Feb:T., 1873. tLat W. 'French, ninar hq courtbflcommon pleas 'tiorce from 'the bonds ot. Ort has appointed' Mon -1873, for hearing the said: which time and place yon operi T. 31....9111T11, Sheriff. Q,N NOTICE.- ridorpor4tion qf the "Hill . of Towendaßorough." ~ ;873. I n [that the - above. named (1 to the Court of Common ! thieir article of Association' ...ooration, and the said he'( same,' and finding them t they be incorporated as .ttie lef,day of. September, mess cause be eliown, to I ' B. M. 'PECK, Prothonotary. . 1 :): NOTICE—In r.otrpera'tion of ".The St. y tot Toivanda, Pa. - No. that the ab ove named so. Le court of Common Pleas If'4 articles of association ask oration, 'and the said court o and 'finding them correct I ee,rporated as prayed for, Sept., 1673,at 2 -o'clock, wii to 00 contrary. B , EN,.1.131. PECK, Prot. ' S NOTIOE.- n that all per Sons indebted L.mvii, late of Wells.' Mato Immediate payment claims a g ainst said estate I v authenticated . for settla J. 3 0.4z.EN LEWlS,leetlior `NOTICE —Notico tpersons "inclel;ted. to , AO of Monroe township, Lvaika ininiediato paymmt, (lanais against' eal.l estate, anthentleate4 for, settle 1,1. 13. ar. Esecntor. .en that all per Sons ihaebt .nl3lorrim' demand,. late strAl to nuazo immedi ons having claims against Ora dn" , anthenti cate d for VAISL D. MOttlitOW, AILNDItr.W Fr"-- 011 .N e TICE.— ,enithat I er e ne indebted D. Tyrrel; late of Rome, cal to make immediate I haying elai against said ; di ly authenticated for bet. I . r m. ,SNYDFII, Administrator: lic ,= is Hereby given rbo mitdo hy the School to fho CoUrt of Com nty.p.t-September, 187,3, g nOt tirosceed four thous " Vnilattik purposes. 7. A. CODDING, Prol. R'S TROUT POND I ' obi or a~droee BI'EILLNDERGER, rgl,tradford.Couid,ity. ra. ;iti MINA.RY ! AND COLLEGE: Ono of . tho *MI in to Unitill States.. gher 'English hranches. i. French . Geruitud:Military era', graduates ladies and s 4f study. • o ks taken diretly from telegraphic instruments. t3ritl fora catalogue' to 1. 1%, or . L. L. Sr4GUE, il *I? r make the beer w0r1d...7. I= well MI I= MEI I , . I . I ( I ' ELL Ar? IVE NOW , I , 11 • LL gIIP "'RING GO = 11M DIWE S S l I 11 :IN GAT V. t• IEI ri E H , , , , , , 'v• yvff. 1 1 LICOE4 I - i I irp) d EIM OTHb ME ',11)113, ASs OM El • F N ora I o FANd GO iritir, GL MO STIC ,CO 'I NEW B\ll. _ IN EERY / 3 EOT lES' AND Oa ME S,ll 0 EVER untie, IMli!MI I. IN EVERY IL CL WINDOW \VALL STOCK OF lilll HATS A , THE NE xecntors ROCERY IN FULL Pi pod ease ' call) ant Pi IN IG, IS7ii I • ' 1 - ' M 13 It I • ' 14 0., i.. 1 'l l , i l' 1 I I 8'19(.311( ; I I= I i , , M ITtIF 01 ' ) El land C ME MO .i ! ODS ! =MI =I WM FULL Bloc, ON G. WLS IM ENI pump: E S ! \ \ NS BY V I ffE MIMI 0 T HAD I, • 7 . , , IriEi , v,§ FE mil , SITPII IYM I , 1 IMMI EMI I=l=l NEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers