Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 21, 1873, Image 3

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Towanda, Thursday s Lug. 21;1878.
Buy y4l.r supply of coal for iter
-it t..7ll,bel ! isher. • '
. .
LTITGE STREETER is holding Cour
s— i nebanna county. 4 •
.1 nom - scam and cold -rain, storm
experienced in thin section onsPlonday.
WAencr.n, G. ,IV. Cr, will be
1 .,-c.<c•nt at the meeting of the Lodge on Friday
cycnlng of this week.
A DAILY line of stages now run be=
weep this place and Canton, lea,::ng at 10:30
and rwri "ng at 1:30 • •
TuE town council have les;ed a tax
'fifty cents on: each dog joa _led . 1 the bo
agh, and Icahn " -- cti Constable ROD. to COt.
• t
IT is expected that :Aan thiee
1 1 ,.ired to for/!7 huyik - rod icholp-s attini
+lc public ech6oL_Dl t': e. borough d ithe
WE ARE indebted to Mrs.: D. - F.
for some aPples of last year's groWth,
are as sound and; perfect as they were
..Isty they were picked frcim the tree. •
. •
BEV: DB. FERGUSON ' occupied - . • the
Ch . st Church, on 8r ids)._ last. The
is an excellent reader, a plr'n, practical
a . ; and a thoroughly evange - cal man.
ofticiate ag:.'n next St—day.
0:1; readers, mast' not forget the
t _pmf,- to C31:120 off in Foster'a Geove,
li next. Gen. Waotriat, di. W. lei T.,
dibtin,iuislted temperance men, %"I
:r , "(r.t i•id male addres4efs.
Tui.. Catholic fair • held last week,
lz a d-cided success. The.rrocee . ds 0-donnt
:: ; one tt.iousani dollars. The money
t .1c itcd al comp'cting'he work •on 'the
..ftE employesoribe Pa. .& N. Y.
1:: co., have pret , ciae l d Trait! Dispatcher
with a tpCauti.., ' anti valuta()
y, ttch . and , chat 1. M. h.. is . tleserretl'y
1;lar v.:th the cOmpany And ail the employes,
i2l:!y Merits the te2,tithor.tal.
n .cr made - at igerto
- rty E , ld ; I rc , :igt,ftal , ! r er , rnm'..s3ion.
r r.;stoflien, Mt.mir:e BIcK1:, Towanda. rs
r.. T. moonr. tDre ; 1 4 72; • WM. H. awl
TECT .‘ND'prILDErt, wishes to info
To - A - nr. la t,ml vit-Ir.ity, that he st
t:11 - 11:ar r,tion to tlf.-1-141
; • : , .:-.lthirs for ma manner of bt1i14 . 1 , 47,5,1
rublio7 for
ED. REPORTER I : The location of tile.
allichrras amp): rted to be held
1.-o.—f, , urths of ,e east- of, Monroeton
13 clanged t 6 the,land of '.Mr. Ifrwat'SiE
rl:.ree-for -.ths of a age cast of 7 " Fowler
,:.—crossng on the' Sr 'crn Fie R. R.
Comm'ttee. - • ' •
. ,
fa steam shovel,' which attracted
• attention tvFle employed near the np
i 1 - -,t-latt Fall, lizaag,:la b m set to work
for the doable track near Mem:. This
ns machitie is capable of doing the work
one hundred men every, day, except
A Y , .1 - NG child of Ret . ; 0. L. Gm
: W -.. - .cloonsly escaped a ''Went death on
The little‘one'fell _lam the sec
window of the parsonlige, undeiaeath
:,11.:)a. , a le-ge flag-stone, but in some mys
manner, the child escaped unharmed,
just one side, of the stone. •
KELLux\ has sed of: his
1:1 the Meat Market; and his late part
engagi:d ;q .business with .Bna
~ .L.:.der thelim name OIBILII:21D, HIT ".dr
The new &in 11:11 occupy the
of the l Ward House as fioon .as it can.
1 ,. ..:1L:•1i;Eu "she cahcus
Repub"can mould
.:...,, „ c ,, ,L,t.-:,-gefh — eran hour before tee open
: ICe i:6:tag, and t 1 BalSll the subject
:..Ifr,,c-ly, and then send' good honest
arry'oht your 'l%.:shes and serve the
• of the party.:
tion't the Council enforce the
ig the „sidewalks ? The plank
t every sc,ction o:i:ibe borough,
condition WO h ve ever. seen
;,;i:y iiH,talicos it is, dan
io be chit after - dark.
:,:.ues slr,uld either. see that thy are
1., 1, taken
no altbgether. : .
REVOI:TER ; Mr.: J 01.t.N . .I.WSSoN,
.: , :•:mmt,t ! .. , August -I. l ii
1.:1,1vn, but w(11 authenticated
Imildred and five
' :1. 11, a .s 3 a i,ativ l e of Ireland, and
: • .:: cw 'lre (Jr 'more than thirty
• He never loatriel, :lila tar some time
entirely hoitFe owrieci by
61.; kir 01. IL; inuved about very'act=
7 tee of alrauced age, tr'l
day, M. N.
ItipoRTER . : The
c , nlit..:ed by Prof.Gorr, closed
rening with a concert. The school
I L'loz t:y• (4 mall children, and!
.1:::re of the time had heen occul lett
rcs'ilLotes, tt was at ex
would 1, %cry -proficient in
t many ofthem were well exe 7
Mr: Goi iirliroved hi nself to be a
:1-ra.ietft it. the priniples of ruu
hi' your place, were
favored the, audience With several
flue eLre iv ell received, , would;
tirg wha1.7 , A1 1 71 , 3w is always the .
.4-7: '
-„ •
1-73: '''
1:‘• .TI.I
A colurnunicaticin
ls , r.ltn, ieec,minending the
( . I.JoHN CoDuiNG for
the E/s1 ''eitle eV the river.
azz It is that the writer
s:de, as every one concedes
yur present able and efficient
E. It. Col. PODDING has
the, people of this
i :4 eXpellSo of, time and money,
...; , man andzja . villateyer
Lt Las served them, ‘has 'given
~.`action, and '.should tie receive
voted; for Ly many Rho
—Dr. It DAN IES anti wi fe
were in town - last creek, on a
~•:,;r ' s brother, W. T. • D#ll.El,
enjoy s the entire confidence of
~! WALes-Baire ; and has gained
praetlf:e: '
wife, W. and
BALTLErr,.srere at
ip tonal
Sii.wsLT ;;as reiulued from his
and will occupy`the pulpit of
Cpzurcli on Sundsy next. ,
Mrs. TAYr...fa, parents ot Mrs. Msj
et WtioDdeide.
BAnTLErr, fu; cry of this
t":.•xrriel(Ai tLc Zith in t, in Mottre-
• of Merrick, Las been Elected
c Canton graded school. Mr. A.
- gra:luite of Larayette College, and
..i”.l:if.ed to teach. The directors have
•••••: ernpl,ying a home teacher.•Un
'y. l arsued by molt boards of di
county, there is little encourage
' r yr:nog men to fit themselves for
as foreigners are generally engaged.
• : • • •
LETICI.-2li. Editor : On the 10th
insL, the ;metal sert:ceS of '
,Bean trit' Wnoox,
of Leßoy, were conducted by Cantess Lodge,
No. 821, L O. 0. F., assisted byitlie Lodges
from Barclay, Omni% Snit - Leßoy. ' 'Sae pro
cession was the, largeit end moat iMpOirrag crier
seen in' - I..eßot. The members of the order
were more than srificient I 3 fi ^ the (*arch. 1 .
On the 12th Inst., Pr.. t a, the inx:noible, Made
his appearance at Leßoy, showing a receipt for
$5O, which he hadp:esented of the town
ahlik comudashmers to Sid !71 completing the
public road from Leßoy to ;carbon! Run coal
mines. Wonder if that iz a bid. for delegittes
for the fox hunter?
The change of stage :Am 7Canton to Green
wood" to canton to Towanda, is grStLjing to
all the people eking the route.
Leßoy is to have a school open on the first of
September, that v."l mike i -nnnecesary 'for
her young • me - a and aroma nto go 10 other
towns to prepare to teach.
Sunfish Pond has become the retreat of many
Who wish to have a jolly time in the mountain
air. t; • -'
• „
A few days since re!tiotm proclaireer from
away down the river, et'fled himself!! muchly"
by sett 4- ig forth against the sek•cal'ed secret so
cietieS of the day. eon.
Angnet 1.4,,1873.
Ax EiMisk gentleman, whoieeent
ly made a trip over the northern Central, thus
writes to the ,Adreritser 7:om !ittsburg:
"On a pleasant mor , 'ng about a week since,
I took the early trii t southward, bound on a
p trip... The a s was Ideciously cool,
and, as we got further *.',lto the country, .ca
grant of the hl'a and woods.] The mountain
ous scenery; along the Northern Central It
road ii fine,' as s • know, and; the road itself Is
rapidly, a id w''l,l under ,the new
;management, soon ta'.e rank 1 amon.• .the best
(roads in the Country. Troy Is passet.; and rap-
Jcl'y as we hurry by, we' see leA:denoes of its
continued nrospertty 5a the new tru".dings: go
ing up. litinnequig is astir, and the mber of
,guesta prove that ills a success as asummer
resort. It La trr'y a chaining spot, nestled as
it is-among the trees. Canton is groti:itg, and
I:n soon nil Troy: W:1 'import is reached
at 9:.)3, and it is but justice to' say that :the aft; it - resembles the outstirti• of :a large
city. The saw-mills on the river's edge, and
the factories of •a' kinds sem' rig out the
smoke and noise, would saduci the stranger to
be7ieve he was entering a mammoth 'city.
the idle. loon a tot • was Made through some
of the btrgest saw-re' 'E. "It was thterestiog to
no• 'O3 to wit -h the vr"iima processes thrbugh
which logs went before- the^ became - boarus.
The cemetery was also visited. Thotigh the
grounds r•e 'comp- s' ',rely unimproved, the
cation is a fine one, r d rsusceptible of being
mad' a beauti:. 4 spot. Fioni!it a t line :‘ 'ow of
ftho city is had. Among the many factories of
Williamsport iitone for making match - sticks,
the process; by which they , are made being
'omething new.: LA stroll firori^h the ever
famous Llere:c ?arise completes t.le sight-see
ing of 1T'11:.. - uiport." -1 I ;
I • . !
ELY IN§TrrurE.—On Friday after
noon la i st, Nie.attended art' r .examinaticin of the
smallerschol: -s of Ely Instituto;ithotte rider
the charge of Mrs. F•.r. There mere.cir'to a
large nr über of oar citizens I present,. among
whom were Mrs. /Teems Mrs. G. F. Sew;
Tric Mrs. D F. P.' m, Mr, iliurtmcoalt and
daughter, Hl:q.v.:4.C. :Ssirrn, H srr Erupx, arid .
many others, whose names wo l ]cave forgotten.
We sver gceitly pleasetit.:th the manner in
which the little once performed the' 'pert. 'tie
tecitaVonsieY F,IIIIWES Lexe . Ore . *
JOIENN,S Seu WILLTE I , ,An and Gum: F 113 Y
were exce"e''t, and stab OY, n particrlar, we
were much plea!sed ;,,ho has the right Style to
"bring down the house." iThe defining; by all
- the .sebolars present, was! ex c ellent and rni
fo._rt— sometling a lanai sr prising,. toithe
reason that they belonged . T i ilcfferent clones.
The whofo exercises gave creOlt botkto the
teacher and the sehelr-s: Nol class ecir'd go
through so stieCess: - . - 1)" "th an examination,
vriless they hsd been ende'r the strictest train
ing.- All,;present were highly gratified with the
exam' lotion, and we think have F but - ttle'desire
to n ithdravr tiler Chlio Tll 4 '.Lon. the - Institute.
We would be pleased to give r ho names of s"
the scholars present, for 4. ley all did well, and
are good boys'Ond girls, and ;e we ev i er attend
another examination, we *ill ,ry add . de our
duty a little better than . no have th : 4 ''me.
The teacher and ch" , ( l- 'en deserve moreitraise,
than we have given them.—Atit
l ens Gazette.
• LIST of deeds filed i ii
Office, fOr the ; -, ciekene'ng.Ati,4
Htldley'C. Ativood to Geo: NJ
'`,-I • I
Martha J. arid M. P. Frnt'chy Ito E. B. Barnes,
- Pike, farm. ' ' I ' i ,-;,,
Howard Eimer, et al., to F. etti•lck, Athens,
lot. i' i • i -
M. E. Solomon4oo w"e,to H. Beechq Mor
gan, TolFanda 139r . 6 lot. --, 1
James Poster 4o ,Richard Morrison, North
Towande; lot. 1 -'' '
• , .
Peter Vabliaiiitenio Cu" in - Wood, Springfield,
farm. . .
k ,
.T. 13. Vanllouten and r.le to COll' • Wood,
Sp.'ngfield, 4 aces.[ i
Collin Wood and ire to Francis Wrod, Smith
field,, i
118 acres,
, •
, 11.. M. 31anleyand,wire t 9 Naricy Alferi j Can
ton, lot.
Wm. B. lobelt and ele 'lto IL M. Manley,
Canton Boro, 14.
Harrison Jones, l et a, to Ads;
,1 In
ton, lot. '
Wm. 11.. ' and w'';:ii to Henoy W. No
ble, Towanda Boro, lot. I
I Jcilin C. Weßei to F. B. Welch, Athens r ;rO,
lot: . , : ' ! 1
4 : .
-,._:J. H. Cliaapet and • e '''. to Jane Cole, Ass
lam, 4 ac-es.
I 1
:Helen C. Herrick tn'Thomas l llorey, Athens
Born;lote 26-27., , ,
Wm. H. Morgan, et al., to G. G. Gridloyi East
Towanda, lots 54-7. j -.
Silas Smith ar4sWe t 3 S. MaCy Str'th, :Can
- -
ton, 62 acres. ;?.:
M. C. Alercur to Andrew J. Noble, ToWanda
Boro, 8 acres. i ; •
Bain tier.
' L T e - a lir'n, Litchfleld; 67
Barney. 1 ' -
acres. i ' ' I. : •
K. C. Scymoi - rlO HoWartl I. Seim! r, ;Can
i• . ,
ton Boro, lot 11 'acres.
1 [ r
,T,0V111.E.- 11 01:1 the morning of August 0, a
Mizirneeton minister and his"wife 'conclacrid to
1; it the mountain west or Mr. FscSirais.
SwEnr's, in search of bei.ics.y'lenty of Provi
sions, a tiro-quart can-of tea r‘nd., - S, bottle of
ni'lk (nothing stronger),, were t provided: The
couple ascended the mountai n , gradually, Jiy a .
path washed out', by high water. .The ascent
was enchanting. Overhead : branches — of tieesi
interlocked, !orined a grateful and coe'!ng'
shade. The stones in the path -in many places
took the fora of regr'ar steps.. The pr.!est,
coldest water that Nature can 3:eld, trickled
down from the rocks._ Unv.:”iin to leave' thig
e'rehanting path Way, the happy couple found;
themseives, in duo Vile, on", the top of, the
mornbiin, far in advance of other berry picers.
As they wished to he alone, this was not regret
ted. Bet.ies were' picked - - id frnmr was eaten
with r.o.unnsual incidents. t
• 'l'hen came the tithe to starti . home. TO the
sr - Trish of both minister and Ma wife,
.at that
importint juncture, everything was. " tamed
round.l It was getting near right, and yet the
surf had got - round to the east ; and hence ! tho
. ife'ind f sted on f . fo"oning Honaci Gar.irmr's
advicedabd " going West !" It soon beCtune
evident that they' could not , get off the
ta'n that right. Forturiately,l they foiind an
old log barn, nearly rotted down, and totiliipos : -
session. Two of the cross-beinas were left, snit
:over: ltese ...some -hunter. had.. thrown_ SomQ
brnsh, and covered them with ihavings.....thua
the lost couple ternad a bed made to order
night came on, Swarms of moiCinitos attempted
to dispossess them, or toicolleCtlsraielod,g 7 ,
ing. They presc:nted theinffiittiliceremonions
ly. The lady, being the daughter of a Yankee,
readily devised a remedy, which the writer , will
state for the benefit of other tinfortunated. -.- - It
-consisted in simply reversing the skirt of the
lady's dress; and;iirawing it ever her heactiiltit
what could the poor minister do, as pant! are
not reversible? iFortmaately they had alp 4 a
linen towel, and - with this ho was able toc,oier
his fade and laand.s. Thus,prcitected,Arklicioi
ere(' with pine shavings, both Parties alept;Well
urtil morning and were rested: •
In the morning, for the benefit of those
,w u
might come after them, they Wrote their Mines
and date on A shingle, and - plaecd it in a con
spicuous place, and, not liking to own that theY
were lost, idded,'"Babes in the Woods.". The
lady kept up the:best of spiritii mainly, ai the
herself confessed, because she hs,d aloig an
an Arm strong to defend her, in case of betel
. . ..
• •
At sunriscA so-lost party str u ck out again for
home, and gi'and luck, almost Immediitely
found the err heating pathwi by' ihey
had ascended the Mountain: On arriving in
the Talley, their friends seemed pirtiettlarly.
glad to see them. In fact, the face of. Oeryi
man, woman and child that they • F
since their etura, is lit up with a hi
when the bolt couple inane in eight.
BABES nt ,',
Au= .porxxs.-- Non Dui Din ,Ex
um:D.—The wise and 'good never die; To
them, what,we can death is but a nition.l
They are ever dj:ng until the change eqmes,
and then they begin tea , fitly l . 'Ne. Lathe bins
-wom-witheni that fiat Inay come, as the chirp ,
as boats its wormy coils that bents::ll'rings
May take their place, as the egg mint be I bro.
ken ere the l eagle can leap forth Hying inraward,
so in dyingonan passes ;ma the earthy to the,
aerial. Death is a consummation; not
t t i t ri, 1
struotion; the Unrest hoot of h 1 l'
necessary to the toll devekmrnent an 'enobless
progress of that humanity -- ', l made bu a little
lower than the angels,"--necessary to t high
destiny for which man was created, d which
only Indians ages can rey illustrate
,snd 3:om
prebend. To cherish thti memories and imi
tate the t' 'toes of the departed, is the'' high
est eulogy n and ou7 greatestgood. We become
wise and pre and great by treading In 1 the
footsteps of Natrre l s noblemen who have Pre
ceded-us. Our wisdom is but• the aggvegahon
of their thoughts and experiences. '' lies Ping
ever green and i'.•esh i a err recollectiens,i the
but 'half believed truth, that the lining and
loted of earth, klcrsing and knit 3, quill meet
and minglel on the river's other side, is the
heart's sweetest joy, the soul's profeun est
coaolation. Said Rona= Gams; When buty
. 1
ing his onlyeon :" I am now more 7 i tfrested
in this one question.than in a' , other qrteries—
shill Land mine live and greet each other ha
yond the grave?" Why not? To what other
end was man created? To what other Purpose
the Disine goverament To what other con
summation the intervention of Heaven'e l truth,
mercy and grace? Admit the personallidenti
t7, the COWIOOOII existence of man in he In-.
tore, and all , is harmonious. Deny It, aid tan
gled,confue,lon reigns-Imin is a shadow, the
World an enigma and God Himself but a mjila.
Linn: Bomir.s was born in Connecticut, Dec.
14, 1796, removed to Susquehanna cot. laty at
the age of fourteen, took up his residence in
Her.:ek, Bradford county, in 10 16, and on flats
bath morn'ng, August 10;1873, migrated to the
better Country. 'For years' his fellow-c tizens
committed to him the administration of ustico
.between man and man. Deng a member and
°blear of the chia-ch, ho was ever tbe , advocate
of forbescance; charity and union . On al ques
tions of vice aed x 'rtne, right and wron, the
pub"e knew where to count him every time.
Whein to remember, at tho
was roc
' those
'h bonds as l'i mod with thorn,",e arded
by the mnitinade as but a Chia' cage' forl i jibee
l and jeers, he!stood liold'y fOr the advoc to of
freedom for a l ". Ho voted the I 'berty ticket,
circulated-documents and appointed meetings
when less than half a score of his fe"oiv-trns
men stood bellide him. - He.lived to greet the
day when lesS than that ne7aber op thal sub
ject stood :Tart from him.
In a' lands l anch men plan t the seeds ei re
form.. Their presence is a - blessing,. the i r de-
Perlin°. creates a vacuum, but the' • example
ever lives an abiding pewer tortood. Ltiming
a wide circle efliindrecr, e,s - ider ono of friends,
and only enough of enemies to exempt him
from the "woe unto you .when all men shall
speak well of you," e k'n3l neighbor, v'Emil
ciyzen,' and Christian brother, is i.sibly 'with ll
ns no more. Gone, but not dead. Hm:ng pass
ed the slandos, gate, which divides,two worlds,
the dark from the luminous, the corrupt
from the pure; the mortal Lem the immorital—
" the body retailing to the earth as it wat,,but
the spit to God who give it," henceforth s i te he
numbered with the glorified.
A CORRESPONDENT' Of thePresoyferi
- •
an, describing a trip from Philadelphia to }Vat
ins, says , - .
"It was still Very 'stotry &A.) in the'citi; but
as the train rapidly glided through the country
a cool a;r fanned us. No -dust or cinders an
noyed ns. Yroni the arm-chair of
_the parlor
car in which we restingly 'reclined, we gazed,
without anything to a.loy the pleasure. upon
the perpetually changing panorama Is hichieve
ry Pennsylvanian ought-to see time - and again
before he makes the tour of other States, 'and ,
especially - before he visits En-ope. We ,i had
been over the North 'Pennsylvania and Le igh
Valley Re -oads before, but never with greater
delight. • - •
" We confess that we were in a frame of
mind that ( - posed us, to look for the beet in
everything—to beholdnaturo all. beautiful, and
men all pleasant and accommodat;ng. Bat;our
rosy feeling encountered a cold jet almost as
soon as we crossed the• Pennsylvania l'.3e Into
New York. The junction of the Lehi..rh Valley
and Erie roads is called Waverly. Weh, it 16ok
ed more like 1745, (ire have no edition of Wal t
t.'n. Scott with us, and are not sure we have Ithe
year in the plot of his first novel r:ght), than
the improved and improving year of grace,
1873. Such , lorlorn looking public conveyances
as stood at the. depot hungrily waiting for pas
sengers, we never lai ! eyes upon 1 And such
an uncleenly , look'ng depot itself I One would
think the people of the place would consider
these things eye-sores, and move the company
and the carriage owners for something new;'
ust 18, 1873:
Atwood, Wya-
WANTED—An active, energetic man
o canvass for the lirsourza.
ibY TURNER tt GORDON are selling
he, celebrilted Victor Mineral Bpiirig Inter. 1
Inn de,: Can-
pa. Frnit and Vegetables inabn
dance at A. F. COWLES'.
le l. Special bargains in Black
Silks, at EVANS
i Best quality of Mackeiel at 4 1
F.' Third Wad Bakery. •
18.. Every new publication can be
onnd on Cuoes' sholves.
Stir G. F. Caosa has just opened a
ffpe assortment of new chnomos.
- ,
se. A large assor tment of Brack
ets just received at , r I Fnosr
, PINE DRESSING, ceSE.--Chalnti zr
Suitife, at knos-r & SoNs, for fifty dollars.
Several valuable Farms and
Hones and Lots for salo byMaya=
KIN sells boats and shoes cheaper tlian any
other estliblishment in . Towanda.
j COWLE§, o f tho Third Ward
Grocery, kseps a good supply of family grocer-
Valuable house and '_two lo s
for ealo—pleasant locality—near tho EPisco
Church. Inquiro of JAMES Woon, E.xechtor f
An MrEn.
se' Hers° 'and Harness for sale.
Apply io JonN W. Mix,' oflice Morcur'sj
Towanda, Ps.—'" I I
j MCCABE. & EDWARDS have jtlst
received several car-loads more of that stipek
or family flour. People who_prize good bed
will make s hots of this •
tea. Dealers in' Strings. will d , well
to call at the Templeorlinsic, where iliej , will
find a large,,asserttritotrrencii, G erman and
Italian Strings, at New•Xork prices. •
.:-..* , - -
- 45- The PA term of the Institi4e
witippen neat week. By referring ( to the
rortiaement in another column, the reader will
Observe that several , new teachers have been
siir• Private Hop ,at the' Ward
House Hall, Friday evening, August 22. Music •
rrot..Sixar.r.aorr . s orchestra, of Elmira,
ger F armers always find - a sure
muLet and the highest prices for ,piodneo;
eggs and butter,.at McCusz & EDwAsits'. •
j Job work executed at this of
fice, receives the highest encomium - 1
from the
_ _
best critics.
111 S. New styles • Dress Goode;
Shawls, Jape, Silki, Percales, Piiittei(and Prints
at 'ETJuis ,t,HuzinzTire.l
CREAr Coal.—Buy 'your coal du
ring the warm months. Asa rule 'lt will be
cheaper and better prepared. -
IVErits is selling best prepared Pitts
ton Store Coal at 0.75, and Egg and Clieitnnt
at 13.50 for gross ton of 2,240 lbs., by the car
load, adding actual freight and delivered in at
any station north of Wyalnsing.
August 6,1873. -
Ronan Pm:an-4 Intio on hand
may for Immediate sale SO delivery, two of
.I:larder% St-Horse Powers, a4d One Wheeler's
fird•class and 'S Horse Leber Powers. The
latter on truck ready. for work,
B. Waring.
Te Seen
nad grin
'l i s owand,s, July 30.
ie.*, fun line , of White Gooch+,
Table Linens, napkins. Towel; and Fanbroickir
lei, at EvAsi & Mummals.
Bridgeo-itt. - '
Mrs. E. L. Woopnury
Mined her stock of AfinittAry Cloods to the
rooms recently ooculged by, Sirs. °Asir, over
4NG'II store, in Patton'i Welt.
sib. Oar store will be;cloned for
Matzo on August 5, 1871. Ortr i Mends and
customers will find ns up-stain and / In base
ment., where we shall be lappylo; see them as
!Una. , I Xowrsnir.s.
16r Remember thit Hates sells
furniture cheaper than any one else intewn.
Towandn, Ang. s—Sw.
MOthaat mamba
tam of those celebrated speetsoles. hay.
chitn.ged . theii agency fkroi4.,/itroussues to
Ws. A. CusxesatAnes.• I
Everpbody is now.rushing to
Hans' Furniture Mom They hnvo found out
how cheap he sells furniture:l 1 .
Towanda, August 4-3 w.
, ser.The best place' to iny Sash,
Blinds. Doors and all kinds ;of Limber; Is st
Facserlt s o ma !Factory on.Chulea street. Of
fice 11:1 Hain street. They ;1501 cheap /or cash.
Cirri ort.— This is' to forbid all per
trout trusting ALtitsoti B. LADD, as I shall
itOt pay any de:his of his contracting after this
date. - ' , 1 A. LADD. 1.
. Athens, 'August 4, 1873. • 1_
1 -
1 .6* ,
STAND PBO3I UNDER--411 taxes re 7
mining unpaid on the Borough and Poor-Tax
Duplicates, on August 20, will I positively be col..
looted as soon as the law will I permit, without
distinction of parties. P. Powim.,
rf r innuEss Alin Cr.vAi l Fas.—Nitileol-
er & Molina's unrivaled 30. inch and 34 inch
cylinder Threshers. and Cleaners, on hand
ready for immediate sale and delivery.
M. Wittl.i.s.
Towandb, Judy 30.
liiirWe are now selling
_the WO-
yen Wire Mattress at $16.00. They are tbe
cheapest spring beds in toe world. Why don't
yon call at FROST & Bops an d try one?;
NOTICE.—The busiteSs places o
this borou g h will close hereafter until lileptem
bei 30, at 8 o'clock r. Si., Sittulday oreniog•ex
Ifni is' store, Bridge street, is
he, chealieo Place in town to buy furniture.
Towanda; August
stirßy no s possibility pan wall pa
paper ,be so cheaply purchased anywhere in
this section; as at C. F. CaosaV;
.. The Stem Smite . it and Pompa
dour OM be found at Mrs. Him's, in real
hair. Griffith do ratton's Bloc Bridge street.
lib" Teachers of music can ,
chase Shoot Mush) and Music Books at Teach•
'ereratcs at the Temple of Music, Towanda,
Pa. • •
persons indebted to me,
are , requiatitd to maLo immedilite payment.
oily... Persons wishing to purchase
Beal Estate of any deicription, should call on
Baanzrr TRACY, Insurance nd Real Estate
Agents and Brokers.
Her PuEsSES.—.R. M. WELLEs 'pays
special attedtion to 'filo sale, of ;Hay Presses.:
Call upon him if you wish to pit a good article
and ene' that will snit yon. ,
Fon Sus.—An eigh9tOrse l power
Thrashing lifach;ne, in good running order, for
saie cheap, is the owner has i4nso for it. En
quire of Grum= &.:Pairow, Toiranda, Pa.
kugust 15— Iw.
• is- Lams, the Clothing man, is
now in the city purchasing gds for the Fall
trade. His customers and the public will bear
this fact in mind, and keep al sharp look-oat
for his return. His large experience in the bu
siness gives him an advantage iu buying.
SELEar *SCllool.—There be a
Seldr-t School in .the Camp School-House, in
Herrick, Pa., commencing Sept. 1, 1873, contin
uing 12 .weeks, .under the supervision of J, S.
CaiIVFOIID. Special attention will be giveo to
those 'desiring ,to teach. • .
• .
M. It is not generally known that
H. C. Wurraimn, at the Book Bindery' over the
REPOUTEIt office, makes Mani: Books in. any
style of ruling and binding desired. If yon
want a new Ledger, Journal' ;or Docket, give
him a calk . ,
NoncE.- 7 -The limited pttrtneiship
heretofore existing under the pemb of T. C.
CoWEs Soi, is this day diisotioa. All de
mands duo the late firm, mus be paid to T. C.
COWEN, who will continue the business at the
store of the late firm. T. C. CoWart.
Towanda, Agust 12, 1873.
To • THE PUBLlC.—Zersoni desiring
to pnrcham coal by the car liSad, will bo fur
nished the liddross of dealer" who will eell.them
coal at tcholcsale prices, thus rleaving all corn
mimions, by calling at my office.,
8.8. rzzacit.
I ,
Apgnst 5, 1873.
Stir Mrs. J.' D... 1141 has opened
one!of the finest Millinery- and - Fancy stores
this; side of New York. She cordially invites all
to give her a 'call. Griffith .1.1 Patton's Block,
Bridge skreei. ,
ger McCADE & m i DWAILDS sell. the
best brands of flour just as 'cheap u many
other . establishthents sell the poorer 'grades.
Cause why? They buy in large quantities and
get ft betteriltiionnt.
Mrs. J. D. HILL has moved
her 'store down to the drat doom east of thi3; Bed,
Wl#43 and Blne Store, where ahe will be, glad
to wait upon her frienda—thanking all for for
mer. patronage. Griffith ct
i ratton'a Block,
Bridge street.
• L
4 Why run the'rtsk of an acci
dent, when yon can get a ticket good for 13,060
in case of death, for 20 centi a l day, by calling
on Fulmt Bunnant, at uppeir depot?
ii ,
~* .
sm. George. Wood I l i,' Co., T4ylor
& Farley and bilee Organi, t low pricia and
east terms of payment. I Slid for' circulars, or
call Imo thorn to o and hear a the Tempi° of .11w.
lac of COLE, PASSAGE & Co; ~
I . .
—Two or more persons can club together and
bny their coal from WELL Es at whole-.
sale prices, and got 2,210 lbs. to the ton. In
doing so seventy-11V° cents per ton of 2,000 lbs.
=fie saved from Towanda retail prices.
ter 'During - the next 60 days ,we
will sell , goods regardless of cost i and will make
pripeeh snit all, in order ito make moral for
goods °four own manufacture now is the time
Nis, 7, '7,1
EXPIRE GRAIN Dsru.-4—This is the
cheapest first-class grain drill - in the market.
A. good grain drill is a necessity in' hood grain
farming. For descriptive circular with' prices,
apply to' WELLIS.
Towanda, Aug. 13.
SELECT ScuooL.—The landereigned
will open the Fall term of 13eleet School-in the
Lellaystilicr istadomy, on klOnday, Sept. 1, 73,
continuing 12 weeks. Extra lessons will be
given'to-those preparing to teeth:
Cbuisow R. Dom,
Leßeyeillle, August 12, 1873 w.
J. 0. Ft,ofrr Soxs,
1 Blain street.
Do you MEND *0 DO 0111 r Parr=
Tan Faix.?-4t to the **bar . I
ages rk,y defier oil patiter 1 , m Bradtbrd
oonntr to produce es *Ood e itorshie or cheap
tirst•eleas pains Boldly the *eon read] tor
the bpsh: Send Air Wyk Oirm cards. lairs
list and cholera. 1 I.B.lTzuor.
Aißcturt 30;1873,
Mr Cori, PADA' & po., At their
Temple of Nude, keep a WO assortment of
Violins, Guitar; Accordions, Fides, Fitely Pie-
Cokw,Drinns,liarmenhions, TOcuthigs, Strings
etc., etc., which they are selling at 25 per cent.
less than inch goods were etoi sold in this
or The] lazgot dclnol for ! the
Eureka Mower, tail necessitated the putting
itt of additional 7 mitchlipiy, tho rtutning of
the mentdacto 'day and night: •No delav is
exporienced now, by those-who Wish to purchase
mowers, -as orders Can be ttll4l -at an hinar's
notice. ,
ONE Wkapf Pop JESUS *—There
be voltage Clampliceilng held at 'Smitldleld,
Biadfoid C0.,!;"a., commencing Sept. 2, At 2
o'clock P. 314 and coinlnue inte week.l All
Chris tlaua who are will to denote the week
to pr ay and who love to talk and Bing for
Jesus, aro urged to moat with tie. I
4 L. P. Hovrz,
August 11 1 '1873. •
• ! ;4
MT There rl:l2p-meeting
commencing August 25, 1873, the grovel oe•
copied for camp/noel; two yfirs ago,, oz the
farm owned by .7. L. Itc)cwww4, three-fourths
of a mile cull Of Monroe borOngh. Bradford
county, Pa. • B. G; REIN*AULT,
TtritTOS. Co m. •
l Joazen hlweran,
knast /873$
A SET or II Fmk-CIAO -- TunEsnixo
Idnarrszs.—lL 11. WEtaxs his on hand, for
silo and immodhtte use, ! one Wheeler's utgival
ed 4 and 6 I:Mrtio. Lever Fow4, mounted on
truck; ind ono Wheelet,&-Mellek 31inch Cy"o
der, Thresher & Cleaner, abib monntecl on
truck ; making a valuable set of Threat:arm Ma-
Chines for the farmer and job thresher. These
machines are ve portible, noter hal:og 6 be
d'smounted, en dure very conver'ent Mr use.
NB. The nest 'plarterly session of
the County Conyention of,L 0„ , :p. T., will be
held at Columbia X Itoids, oq the 27th and
28th of Angnst, 1873. A full delegation from
the various lodgds is deSired, on account of the
importance of business to be ,trinsacted. *.
A. LILL4Y Die. Sec'y.
- 1, 1873.
• WA:. ED.—pelivered a ysaukin.
on 310.1s'DAY, AUGUST:IIi also. . Monday, A 4.
25, good fat suc kin g VEAL CAIoVEd, weighing
froml2s to 180 Ib i s. each. Pried, sto pi' cents
per lb. Also, good- ;fat lambs, weighing
from 65 to 100 lbs. eack i r at 6 cepts,Per lb.
Small and thin 'calves and laritiA not waned
at any price. 1 °nor. Sxrrm,
Wysanking, - JulY / 29-4 w. /
MUSICAL Biti CHODisg.4ln addition
to his large stock bf Pianos and i Organs, L. B.
Bcrariton,ieeps a fnil lino of small
musical merchanciiie, "which is *Mg constantly
replenished with"the latest notelties. Double
Basses, 'Violoncellos, Violas, lio . Guildrs,
Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, P iccolos ; Drums, Clitr'-
ionets, Concertina 4 etc., etc., in
groat v / anety andlat lolver prices than -ever.
Price 'fists Mailed on applications Address,
115 WYoining Ave., BOranten, Pa.
JUly 30-2 w. ! , ,
Mn. EDIT011 1 : 1 B y recmest of the
peoplo of StandinT Stonl, Mr. F:IG. Of
LaFayettO College; who to now spending vaca
tion at hie father's iesidMaaa - in that place, hie
consented to lectrlo in the M. E. Church oti
Saturday ovening4uost 23. IlaN:ng hoard
Mr. F/SHEII lectorci, in thpsanie about one
year ago, we congratulate! the pciople of Stand
ing Stone on hming l l an cipPortolity of hearing
&gel their genial, eloquOiat and; accomplished
_ ,
follow-townsman. • '
• .
informed that cert a in frill tree agents are aan
vassin this comity, for "411 Cherries,;'
Pears," find " Colfax Peaches," repro!
!muting them to be l i very Prolific. !I I have exam
fined the catalogues or the leading nursory4
men, &fail to find anything ofithe kind laid
ll ] ,
down, from which I infer that the names given
these trees are fictitious; and cafeulated to de
ceive the people. Who trees which lam offer
ing for Salo are warranted true ti name, and I
bindmyeelf to rectify all mistako. The People
should .ot be gulled into paying extravagant
prices tr worthless trees • i IL Prim:,
i •
—HELD ex BlEstropirs, Bter. 1873.—Hacks
run fro. .
1 the depot . ; Fresh meat, milk, straw
and horse feed supplied.; For tent sites confer
with J. H. Wrwros on the grouna. For lumber
or board tents apply to E. J. Blornx,'Esq., Mei
shopper!. Good boaid on the gVound. Price;
single meal 50 cents',sl.oo per day; $5.00 per
week. Discount to ministers anOheir familiesi
Officers of the law on Life grot4l will scud
order. No huckstering iillowed.J'articular at 4
tention iB called to the ;"Local r l Option Law"
prohibiting the sale 'of intoxicatifig drinks. A,
word to the wise is sufficient! Itev. Ltrrusax
Pres, Presiding Elder :of thei District has
charge of the meetin, and ivill,Avith his usual'
efficioney, labor for fits success We humbly
ask the blessing of heaven on Or efforts, and
expect a " time of refresinng frci'M the prese
of the Lord." Vi'hoso' will, let hm come. Ize
pare your tents. Bei. Limns j r.os, P. E.
ComturrzE : Rev. J. Busman, t3ec'y ; Rev.
J. H. WEsrox, Rev: P. R. Town, Rev. J. L.,
RACE, Rev. 8. Exwnr.r.., l Rev. G. E. p.u.r,x,
Treas'r ; R. B. Actit.7, Wm. 114BAIlliES, Jol l y;
~ 1 •
sierlhe BradfOrd Con4ty Teaches
Institute for the pretient Rebook year, will lio
held at the no 7 schdol bn4cling in Towanda,
beginning at 1 o'clock on It oridiy, Oct. 13, add
continuing ono week. competent instructors
will be secured--theirinamei tai. ho announc d
, ,
hereafter. , • 1, i
For the accommodUtion of idich as can n t
well attend at ho county-seat, ranch or local
Institutes will o bold as follows-: Sept. 1, at
New Albany, r' Wilmot, Terry, Albany and
Overton ; Sept 8, at Motarootorg,. for AsyluM,
Monroe, Mon r eton,i litirclay rand,, Franklin;
15 at Can on, fOr Loney,Oranville, Arme
nia, Sept.
- Alba borough', Cantdn borough and twp. s
Sept. 22 at Troy, for iTrOy lbortiugh and twp.,
Columbia, Sylblanis ,borough, opringfiold and
West Burling4n ; Sept. 23 atlnoty Hill, for
Wells, South eek andißidgbitri ; Oct. 6 fat
East' Smitidield; tor Eimithllod, .litirPngton
twp. land boron' 11, Ulster and 4thens twp. and
borough; Oct. "at i llorne,; Air ipome wp. and
borough; Lite . 5.),,
eld,and'Windliam ; C ct. 27 at
Leßitysville„ ftfr Leilaysvillo [borough, Pike,
Warren and Orwell ; :Nov• 3, at 'Camptown, for,
I • ,
Ilerrick,,Wyalnsing and TuscaOra. I.
The exorcises v.:11 begin at 1 Velock at., on
Monday' of each, week, at the !lime and Vlice
mentioned, and will 'continue Otil. the follow
ing Friday, when certificates good
. 1 for one
yearj will bo awarded to t,linsecesiring to teach
who Are foundqualified. ~Cerr,'"cates will be
issued at thdoloso oftlitiregubt:r County Inati
;ate, tci the qualified t4oberii "i • attendance
from TOwanda i liortiv, twp. anti! borough, Wy
sox, Shishequin . and Stand;ng qtone. :
Teachers flu MR it more elvenient to at
tendlatia place other thin the; ono indicated,
Will a illowed to do 4so. i Y 1
Teachers are requested. to 4 3 ring ttio Ur 'on
Sixth Reader, i alsea l .p paper, U= l ad pencil and a
memorandum I
All friends of
to be present, 1
who will find II
securing tencle
, 1 , ; 4 .
40x. - :
education aro 4d;ally invited
nd eSpOially sollool director'',
o opportynity 4 good ono for
rs for tho enstOg tern'. 1
;r • •
• at 'lllooooto6 close on
count 01 the Ttjachers'
'riday l :Sept. 12.;
4. S. 4E.liT.r, Co. Bopt.
gust 18,1873. lj
• The sessio
Thursday, on
Mien at Lejtayl
Towanda, A
.• ,
• , , ,
serrA. i. ()gluts 114 °palled a
bakery and grocery etere oppoLilte the Episco
pal Church. People hying in tills upper end of
town; will find his establishr2eo:t it.,great con
venience. ' !
oOnWank-r would ' invite
- •
.tion 9f the ladiei to her, elegant!
new goods, comprising every-
'lir lire.
partietthir atte
assortment of
thing in her •
~ ~~
b. Mathushek, Weber, lio an,
Knickerbocker, and other Hanos for sale,cheap
and on catty terms, at Cora, Psatiaos & CO.'s
Temple of Nuke, Totrisida, Pa. :
'MARRIED.( .•.
GAY-4BALEY.—At the N. E. , Parsonage,
• WYtansing, Pa., August 5,1873, by Bar. J. B.
Sumner, J. S. Gay, of Terrytown Bradford
county, and E li = 0. Fraley, of Nor th i Blanch,
Wyoming aunty, Pa. •
MINER.—In Eaton, Wyoming coenty, PaJ, An
vil 3, Mrs. Mary 1., wife of Chides peer,
aged 51 yeapend 8 months, ,
FREI 011.—At his reddened to Smithfield,
, March 27, 1873, Bennett French, aged 17
Y e sill
Deceased 'enlisted for three years, at the
brealcin out of the Rebellion, serving with
credit to himself till he received
,hbs discharge.
At tire, battle of Antietam, he was severely
worrided, which sent him to the hospital for
five Months. Aside avm this he participated
in every, action which his regime wal err
gaged, f rom "baptism of fir "'at Drapes..
ville, Dec..2o, 1861. to the &Mimi at
Chtircir,l May 30, 1861, where it, !as mastered
out of service,. an. f:om whence ho returned
home in June , 1: , for the first time since hi
\onlititment In .71 0 y, 1861. The Itiadships of a
aoldter's life, folio dby severe , and nnremit
Ling toil singe his etr 13, has sent him tb .
early. his grave. But t .ugh d,./., he di
lives, a every fai • el soldier j•ould, Pal tit
hearts of gratef peoplO, w .U 0 'bertieri h.
has laid do n his • o to yr , sßertaSurely h.
could desire o hi. er once .. hurt than wa* be
stowed upon bft • a coati do in arms': "E.
was a first-class
C .oldier"4 or by his wife
"There could not qa mo ender husband o
father'," In accor aitee HI his request,' '
coffin was wrapped 'n tho i t i lag which ho hail s•
devotedly followed -and e was borne toy h'l
grave pptho Post" . f the G S A. R, of villiclt he
was a member:
lae,t..iter of tin. article would not• wish to
seem to bestow an • bduo culogiu upon 'the
doce.a.sed, but, kno .'ng him ...elm 1 boyhood,
can teitti.y of Ha worth, and thateneath a
eemingly rough el Wrier ho carried noble
heart.. 4 wife and five ch ldren moon for \him,
and the fl owers upon his grave testify Butt
their " love is stronger than death." May 1110
who bore • our coubtry through I it fiery trial,'
keep safely the widows and orphins of its br ,
East Smithflekl Aug. 13, 1873,
sftyovs DEnnsr - r.—A . . clepress?d,
irritablestate of mind ; a weak, nervous, ex
hausted feeling ; no energy or animation:; con
fused heaCweak memory, often With debilitat
ing, involuntary discharges. The consequences
of excesses, mental overwork or indiscretions.
This NEnvous Dsniury finds a sbreMgn chre
No. 28i: It tones up:the system', arrests dis
charges, dilipels the mental gloom and despion
dency,iandlreluvenates the entire system. It
perfectly hirmless and always efficient. Price
$5 for apa kage of five boxes and a largo ts 2
vial of pow er, which is important in old, seri
ous eases ;or $1 per single box. Bold by
druggiats, 9r sent by mail on receipt of price.
Address,' Crews %Towns.
South end Ward Heine, Towanda, Pa,.
T 0:4 W
• Corrected every Wednesday, by C. B. PA'
subject to changes daily.
Wheat, II bush
Eye, bush
Buckw *
heat, it bush
Corn, * bush '
Oats. IP , bulb;
Beans, * buxh.. . ,
Butter (roll s ) 11 lb ' il
d 0471
(dairy,)* 15 new 25* 39
Eggs, Ill,dozi • • AS
Potatoes, 11 bush,new 60
Flour, ill barrel , 9 50 (a) 10 50
Onions,' * bush ' 2 00
WircdTrrs . 07 OSAM.—Wheat 60 lb. ;;Corn 56 lbs.;
Eye 66 lbs.; Oats 93 lbs.; Barley 46 lbs.; Buckwhlt
43 lbs.:ll:leans 621b5,; Bran 20 lbs.; Clover. Seed 6 ;
Ibi. Thnothy Bead 44 lbs. ; Dried Prwches 931101;
Dried Apples,22 lbs.. Flax Seed 601bs. ' I.
; , 11
The tinderetgued will open a Select School on ~
itiCONBAY, SEPTEMBER let, 1873,
To continue Two'Terme of Three months each/
..K. .e 3 40
... 400
... 560
.. 6 00
A claas wi's be formed 'for the benefit of those
who may:stir& to teach. - i
Conlmon English—.
Higher English—...
Board may ,be had near by at reasenablo rated.
Also rooms for those desiring to boaad themselved.
All militia should enter school at the opening of
the term. No deduction will be made on account of
absence' except on account of protracted illness.
• 1
M. L. COOL A. M., I
Ang.lf43 •
The f O el te
of the Snehanni Collegiate Inatt l
tote will co confluence MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1873,
tinder the following corpli of instructors:
EDWIN E. QIIDiLAN, Principal, Latin and Greek
Languages, and Theory and Practice , of Teaching
AHIRAJ. CRANDALL, A. M.,Sommercial Branch.;
es, &tepees-and Mathematics.
EDGAR H. SHERWOOD, Instrumental Music. •
Miss JURY E. ItirTtßiT PreOOlAl43BB, Common
and Higher English:
Mrs. MARY A. SHERWOOD, Mathematics and
German Language.
Mdse: J. LEQUIN, French Language'.
Mrs. OVE. CRANDALL. Painting and Drawing.
`Prof. Crandall comes recommended in the highest
terms by President. Allen of the Alfred Unietersit y,
Prof. Ford of the Elmira Female College, and by
several boards of education by whornihe has been
employ4d during ten years of active experience in
the shotil room. ; • ,
Of Mum Merrill and the other teachetre, their rec
ord in the Institute is such that it needs no com
mendation to th-as who have patronized theschool,
No p e nes AJI be spared to melamine the high!
standing of the institution, and by care ally looking)
to the interests of each individual stud nt to make
m efficient . its work ' even ore ecient. Esau eacher will
have hie speciality end use every fa • ty to make
the topics interesting, and to secure the largesrpo
Bible reiults in his , department.
A Teicliers• Class will be organize& t the com
mencenient of the fall term. The course() of itustrnc.
lion will include not only School government, meth
ods of instruction and othor topics auxiliary to teach
ing, but alsodaily drills in the branches taught in
the schools of the country, Tuition - in this class,
eight &eller& ,
To save expenmit4 - text books, the seine as in the
county will be used in the English breaches, with'
the exception of GeOgraphy.
To fluke the sojourn of non-resident students
more pleasant, the Principal will use.hie house—
situated but a few rods from the Institute build
ing—for boarding purposes, where rooms furnished
throughout and provided with clothes closets and
other conveniences will bo furnished for the young
The hest rooms In the Institute will ba furnished
and assigned to the young men ; all will board at
the bodge of the Principal. There will be a meta
superstition on the partof the Principal and toicherS
of the manner in which students employ their time.',
Pries', for furnished room and board, including'
fuel. lights, and washing not to exceed six pieces)
$4,00 per week.: Students will furnish their own' ,
toilet and be held accountable for the ,fttrniture
their moms.
Tuition from Tour tot Ten Dollars 'per term,l,.
accorditig to studies pursued.
For farther particulars or circular. addreas the'
Principal, E E qtlL'lLili, Towanda Pa.
Pres't Board. Trustees.
Angl i °
Tae Fall Term of this lustltuto will open AIIOI7BT
25th, ander the principship of I'. L. Chrispell.l
Miss L.' Id. Ridgway, Al B. L. Wattles, assistants:
Term, 12 weeks.
• 1
1 1 , ' Turtle:a.
$4 00 1
Commmon English 4 . .
Common English and Iligkeiranilish . . 5
Single recitation in ;amigo ages 3
24 lessons on Piano or Organ, 1 hoar each... B
'untrue:don in VoCal lifusle, free. . .
Bills inyable at the Odddlo of term.
Students wishing to prepare themselVes for coati
mon scboo aching , -will be required to submit t o
such a eo l filso`of dlie:pline and drill as will thorl
onghly 8 Went for the work.
Good' and can-be obtained on reasonable terms;
but stud Ma can leased their expensen by renting
rooms 4 d boarding themselves.
/Rude to are requited to be present !promptly at
the be nlng of the term, as a delay tit this tima
causesgreat embarrassment both to teachers and
pupil. , '.: .
The teachers and the citizens generally will do
in their power to render the term's work thorough;
profltable.rind plesliant for those who may favor thhl
instltutiOri with theft, patronage.
.further information, address
. . .
Rome: August 44'73-wll,. , - :PrtliciPal•
'POE, I SALE-4 , Valuable; Fapn. 1
Ono, of the very beet and most desirable farms
in Bradford County, within , 10 miles of the county
seat, woffered for sale •o low that the 'quillty and
price will sell it. It is iltuated in Burlington end
within ffv6 minutes walk of the center of that-thriv
ing If mough; half way from Towanda to Troy on
the Bugir Creek. Wecuttailui over 200 .aa.ft of AM
very best land in the State; about 40 tierce of hot.
tom lands on the sur,sr,creek Bata and the upland
is unsurpassed for all kinds of crops. • Fine fruit;
plenty of water. All the buildings and improve.
monis needed; a good brick dwelling house, With
barns, shops, Ac.. Title:perfect. Possession even
at once. It will be sold at a great bargain to ithe
purchaser. Address JOUI A. coping°. 1.
Julyl, 13. . TOwsusd. Ps.
; We _,'
nave juin receive d /lOW
stoah of tags, with% yo can pdat on the , short
est nbtice at the lowest rates. •
tip Now is a good time to get
you latter -heads, envelopes and bil~ heads
printed, and the Rooms Oka is a good
place; to get,them mental.
• 119. Con= & cocas have more,
cheaper and better Bixits and Shoes; than
were ever before offered for sale in Toweride.
New Advertisements.
:..:; i
'gin! ,
in To
And t ,
sale a 1
on tiv
and tl
ing 14e. 'lt
whi* will bi
good ifizeol. lot
near the J bui
borouh. 1 0
I 1
On east side
111 on
The •
of doi
in To
of 13: 4
$1 50 @ I
I 50 61 2
July 17, 187
Theis fam •
wawa of 187
of tont of e •
coldest spring
able' rates, an
Timm Ponds
The proprie
and arranging
.those amtemp
ries, at reaso
For full part
Ap1.23 tf
J.' fries& , f eo p. F. CHCiLI3; believing biro
eminently q I d for e position of Member
. of
the Legiala , will p at his name to the coming
Republican Co ty on ntion. Mr. Ws. thorough
acquaintance th ein rests of our people would
render him an laminable member. I
KANT C Ens or Brim:ems:
Ray 17, 1874. 1 ! , . , I
name of on. 13, 8.
seated to the ue
nomination for rat
course has met wit the a
jority of his cOnstiMents
his valuable seivicea and
s division of the .county.
dominant froin the part
Canton, JunO 14. "13.
FOR 0,
of B, B. MOO
'anted • • ext flap •
es a candidate Omni
hie always been • 'cam
and is th. , ...hly c 4,
duties of the • .• es. I
I I ' 031Iligr
largest schools of the
Tesches amnion and
Classics. litude„ Painting
tsctics ; educates teach
gentlemen In Ave
Commercial Dellege—
badn m s
s shmen
Pall topen Bent.
liingston, Pa.!,
1, No*gidtertisementf.
171E{ PALM aor
on the west side of
anda 'ownsbip, has
s , are now offer
alphas: The lob
*ling to Moro
ery desirable for
the last opporl
• Offered for sec
at reasonable
.ess portion 01
ese to
road I I I
ey are •1
road. Also the
f land, the hone :
improvemen -
IMost desirable
inty. Also the
ti acres
of ill:
in the
ES ' •
/ ly new, and ea
:st work. Also a
I . 1 :LE LOT •
Hose Co. bait
ilotuniay be see
undersigned at
acy, or J. A. Cox
artieulars 'call.*
til is ni
g the
l• • I
' 13
anda !
pp of I
. on =.
ett !‘
30,1873. •
! ,
Co. '
En t
18 E.A130
t .
and aro e Tropt Po,
size, .1n '
w al e
r r An
' iP.Ped
°P :,I
Iron pone . atln Is •
• ponsA. 25
I °ll7l r
.. ~.
!: de' are now opeti for . •
n d with a large lIIIM
o clearest, pureat, d
size trout sold at tease .
.7 express as ordered.
;on Sunday. , •
lad experience in loca g
a, offers his services o
• g . out and stocking tlshe.
I -
ceiza; iresos asn Lickets, Sil•
or add
, Bradford County, Pa.
... TT will again be pro-
County Convention for
re ntatire. Believing his
peobation of • large 131.1. ,
I and as a: recognition bf
integrity in opposing
he Is entitled to an ecti-
of Ulster, will be PO
!. County Convention.
!Commissioner. Xs. Y.
t. hard-working republi
te.mpe nt to discharge the
I III: ,
s.LIJDOIL One of the
. in-the, United State.
4.lter Ingliah branches;
rrench, German, Military
, graduates ladles and
et study.
ks, taken, directly from
h Bend catalogue to
~ ' ,tar L. L. 13/11AGUM.
en di-
A ItiNB AB/30
d for
, top,
„ •ty
” the
and G
. In 3
54 . 7 , 3 E
, LNG.
1 _
I ~
P 2
i l
H •,
6.9 COO
, 1
a 2
9I H
i '
7 0 BLIC
r ,
70 -
ill ILO VW
& CO.
11 d
1 e offer DRESSED L I s: ER at
i a Oct Floortig, choice)
~ $lB Der Ili. '
following Iraten: •
ri 1, 8 E l!? g. , It ' f , ••••••"•1••• r s „• 1
4 1
oidthif...l j:.. 1 1 - .. -. 7iiito2s ..
fa $2 to 4 per handrail.
il , II li I
pitte t
r ill I II I
Do at a moment'a notice and by the best =chin
amr now nada. We have on hand
i• 1 1 '111111 I
1I 1 , ,I il A, Pond
, 1 re hare in me 111111
_______l I
Ta t
~.7 nr, 7=7:11,, 1, 71271 . THOtTaiND
... 1 ZEI
, And ate 7 Lu. ymaimact , th t .,
Are Parties wh Can 'reach flare too to go 1
;Lear the railroad or , lamiber. as under any &cam. t 1
stances we can 132X 4 1. IT CHEAPER—at least the i
emit of triumvirtanot from here to the rathol4ll--
stay $2 to $3 per lowland. I
I i I I , H. a. mrtiat.
.10m 28, 11 il 1 Cam P .
-.2-LI •- LL 1 '4_l ,
r A ;grand Haziest Borne. under Si:vices-of Norii.'
'ToWanclit LoQe L [O. 0. T., 539, will be bald.
• OItOVE, North Towands,-04
' FaIDA ' i AVAIIST 21 ' • ,-_,'
Oen. LOlll4 WA4I. - 1113, a. 'VT. p. T., of Penn.
aylvants, and several other distingdalied speakers
willlbe present. Ili . • . I •,
' A 'general Inyitatloll is extendedv , I.wllo desire
to participate. 1 A dinner will ho ared on the I
.ground, and furnished at reasonabrates. • •• t 1
.I A kood band °finlike will he in attendance. ' ' 'i
All. associations Who expect to attend will please;
g,:vel notice to the Cemtnittee the number of meol.',
bent who will be pzelent. Members of Lodges and :
other societies are intited to appear in bregalls. I
. Ariy, farther information may be job by 641.1
dressing the Chain:tin of the co I
1 I I 11 j II C. B. WHITE, Chairman.
j I 1 J 1 ; E./NUTTY. I • .
j I.
_. I [ JAS. FOSTER. A ,
1 North Towanda , Ty 31, 1875. I' v •• -
T HE MlT t ril, PO,NVER 'CURES !
I ' 111 'll ,
~ - •
I' ii!
: it. i l k l i ~
Have proved;fr te . moat amplai experience, ant
entire success. 'Simple. prompt, ellicient and relit.
tile. j• They are a only medicim r :lF y adapted I
to popular tusolto ample that cannot Ur'
made, in using thet&l so harmless ait' lefreefrom I
danger; and se-ettiCint as to be always reliable.
They have the highest commendation from all, and;
will always render astisfaction. 1 • t •-.- '
btee. 1 ~ I I! •L-nza._ 1 'I ' \ . mama.
1. !Fevers, ,Cotigetion, Inflammation, I • 25
P. Worms,; Worm Fever, Worm Colic, I , ' 25
3. Crying-Colic, or teethin g of Infants, j j '25
14.IlHarrhoett,. of Children or Adnltii, 25
1 5 ; ' o 3 l kitarY. Griping, Bilio us Colic, 25
10:: Chatlers Illorbus ,11 Vomiting, . IJ j .25
7. " Coughs,' Colds. Bronchitis, •.ii . r . 25
18. Neuralgia , Toothache. Faceache, I ; 1 • : .25
p. !NI eidsches; Sick pleadaclie, Yerit g jj o, , 25 ;
10.1 Dyapepida, Zillions Stomach, [ ' ; 25 .
111. 'Suppressed,•or Painful Berinds. • , 25
112. Whites, too prof?? Periods, 1 j J 25
- , Crr +. Cough. D 91t Breathitt;
v --
i_toup,, Cough._ , ..trean.....g,
. Sall Shown; Erysipslas, Eruptions, ,
1 • 'ltheumatisinl, Itheumatic Pains. 1 1 fit
1 .'rever and Ague. Chill Fever, Agues, . •
1 .Plles , blind orldieding, H
1 , :Ophthalnay, and Sore nr Weak Eyes,
1 . Catarrh acute oil,chronic, Influenza!
2 . Whooping Cougll. violent coughs' I
2 . Asthma; oppresso,breathing, ...
22. *Ear Discharges. paired bearing, •
2i. Ecrofula; enlarged glands, Swellings,
24.General.DebUlkyilathysical WeaknesS,
2p. Dropsy and amity, Secietthns, 1
2sl. Sea Stc.kneas, !delirium froth riding,
2. Kidney Dthease, a,ravel. 1 I
2. lierv inv o o rth iun -D taiy ebili dir tylSe har minal ges, Weakness, or
Sire Mouth, baiter, • 1.0
J. Urinary Neaknesi, ; ....4, 50
i. r,.in Periejls, , 4ith Spiaorus, 11 ' - L.) '
0 . Siifferings at change of life, I 1 00
0 . Epilepsy.,_Spasiun i t St. Vitus Dance, 100
~ .- 1
5 . DAPtheria, tdcera d sore throat, 1 50 .
o.Chronic Congesti4Us and Eruptions, " 50
iVials, CO cents, (eFept-28, 32, and 33,), 100
7 1 1 ' . • 1 1 '
; !FA.,IIM.Y CASES. ' r '
se j orocco) with :toys, 11 large vials and Man
ual f Directions, : • 1 ' 1 1 • $lO 00
t iltoroceo) 0f,20 1' go vials and Boolt: . o'oo.
Sin le Boxes and Vials asabove.=i -- tr I 1
I , )- •
a , These reniedieS are sent by the, elige or single •
xto any part of the country, free f charge, ou '
elpt of price. I Add.:ese •
..• i 11 • • ' • .
.. . I - cl,Allf. B. METER, Bruggist,
US , 28,18x3. 1 ; ' 1 • . TOWanda, Pa.
, V ^ -7 i r I. • .
. I I
fronlryrtry occup y . .. D.
o aesorlanlf
T'• , j
AT 'I Oii: l l3l'ND
• . 1 .I 1
j it
, ' 1
Ifaveljust reelve'4 I tat'
1 . 111 the latebt sqlcf.
,1 . i
aii 'and Swiss
and-Silver, the chc:apesi
i largp #ssort.ruel4 of
11 •
I. ft
I,,ernbetiltlio plac6 two doors tiol
11, - Ttiw#Eds,
Clocks, anJ. Jewelry Garet
20'721 II ! .1 11
Al o ta iv
Cl. l O
El El
li,ErlilinTßE ! STORE
. ,
1 Li 1 1 j! I
[as now ciper., [ l new Furniture Store el
here he d ill keep on, hand
IWhieill Rill be sold
!. I I
ty favor hiin'with: their pa, outgo
my be Wonted in the [Furni [
ture lino.
11 ,
g ood s
,t 1.41
I ;
wllo 7
atever hi
, . ,
AESAITMG; [ Sal' --H
___,l ij 1 • 1 -1
___'" 11 1 . 1
i 1• • 1 ,
' i 1 11 •
a variety of eMlock Boards for sale-
i I 1 1 .-
I ~'
o now in ope don a new, hey, six•role
Ina& other paebinery, combining all the
nipvivementA trid of the most superb work,
1, Moaning 14 a' never -f , ilhig water-potter;
le to 4o,worklas loon u It is presented-1
tplY,•and bieetow all the care necessary for,
)erfeetly. 'wig In the work and Orders'
itiery; evert i il nitn se to prices' ,and workl
; 1
r , "
1 1 [ I 11 [ l 4 ' Et. B. MG11.431.
4 11 APril - 1'.5 - 3 -ly
ALE. one Shot orb
kind and gentle.'nnd Other cattle Ms*
ots old Buck.lEttes, rall blood 'and blood
; lambs, and 114:11tdarabna Foals. '
1 1. 1 ; 1 1 1 1
' B F BO T
gust 6.73 - dz. 1'
e 1 1 .
-- 1 11
OTICE., , , firm o f Kellum&
311a1101 was lthEili da7 do re
solred ;by uttud
eon. nt, Mr. Munro% baying the ir.taret or Zeal=
an. o continue' thettmainess. Mr. Reliant and.
Mr. Matlock 'Ca '0 ottil attend to' collections. Alt
th. a indebted •to the hite firm will find their a •;.
con .ia ready fo: Settlement at the- old stankby
Eel tan or Utillhc - k o , =A prompt attention is asked
by I , 1 ' ;f - 1 DWIGHT U.Y. adm'r. ~
A . , !.2 13.0E2 ' , i 1 ' THEODORE, MULLOCK:
OR. 't,E . .-01 e underialge ed of 4.
pre foi ' mlo .Id 4 firm of .300 acres. •Fort;
ele ed; part•teder,g d cultivation. Good bald-.
ing , I Orchard and Stiring, Best place for trout
flab rg in the country il great resod for' fishermen. ~
Go d dill seat. Will sell cheap for cub. Bitnated,,,,,;
at the month (d Ea' Creek. . For further particulars ' ,
add:..oe I ': i!- E: W. SNELL.' 1,
Ang2l . 111311,3 Ciroi•o. fiallivs.n Co.,,PS. j ,
t -- 'xh'curi , 0R 'S . NOTICE.—
L 4 •
t r u egl i e
or b CO gi*l n liat'
le i'e la r r li ol n Vel e i 4 6
, d aired, are requested* 0 InakeinM ' edlite payment . 1
and persons hasingiclaime against I said estate I
ri ti a;tt present them dry authenticated for settle. ,
A. : -0 ' 73 , .!
: l• • , - Exe.- si
toil SALE ; ,RARE clianiefo
a pßecilokt (Miner . The large Kau
FLI.II7ItING andr PLASTER Mm Situated in Towanr
da Iforongls, l is now (*red for .sale at a bargain.
For tnrtber particulars apply to or address
limattaa Is. i Trustee.
. I —4wek valuable build
l e Og lota In 'Darn: Boro;Vi v mperDepot.
• $3OO each: For puther a enqukre
opytilllain Ilealy,lfo lowan I •
iutyl7-ar3* , WM. ICEALT. j
SILLEO4 y house and 10
labiate ln the northern part of the borough o
T ' ds, is now oflcrOd for Bale, cheap.,
4 1 922.'73 . . I - J. AUTREY WATTS.
OBT i& .StINS make 'the .Ix l ie'
Table the worht
, - F
of Jewelry
I -
tho boot.
th of io*ell
u repaired.
o /
Imo's. •
Ilt - Ci
'ices before
Slay] 21'. 1873. .'