iME lIMVS TRON., ALL .*4Tio'Fs.,' CM Meat Salt Labe is begin •g to subEide: , _ —Es!erythirig Ameriem is 'la mode OW • • An' automatic press-feeder has tccii_invpnt.7zd. hi irgima mu_lny has been in i a care pc-tziScrinfoa. , N - jbrLl:a claims td baye discos - - a a r;eural castor•cil Nr,c11.,/ ;' MOhodistnlanych in Hunting is 'advertised for sale by the sheriff. —The Wiscoth-ia Grangers "are C-V - .11N%. ntio candidate for Miunp.3ota IY ILu, tC Eli yeais • • St:Louis engineer has been in aTn3 he stilt- lit - es. farnaer in Muscatine - county, W.l:. 11 . 3 F jtt , .. , t-pata f 21230 forgo -CO,WP, grassliap: , .rs e*at -up he when thtly Can and any. —The_. are elephants in Kansas, to 41.;7 3r tl.c.ra if ypla want t h en. RE Provinces Luce sent Ea'stern States this . . L .said that irtoc'hili g birds - twat died in , Tenne::sce --Ne.'w:Yor kis at present employing 7:72 worl7.",:ipd their m!_,zith - rull i> :260,7;0 ,1 . the ivlucenints - to be nre aiRITI' , U. pin rc: , •ztk:itS C;ons.Vtueuts. —)Williamsport ,has a match it 4 a producing e.pacitv Cf tun lit.,urf: • 7 -41:e v. - c,rk of 'organiz. ing FArnier• s )1: - .;orou..Ay I,l.,) , ci4uatcl, iu . new Democratic daily paper F,t,trlt..l lc Pittar,,; ; ar,.l to be mu by "t - . f". • ax. 2. factory in Lelristown (Litt buLdr, d r ,:r day! .I.rlce , . —The -rztilafirs iti the tiplier.: end : p:-..-.1 1 , 1,:n . c0u2:.; , eL:.vd c.,-;:-...1::::c.-Lced to ...Ln. EL -,_ ~ t , i....... - v. le.: :.,... -.- • - —Tne 1::1•4 ! - _st .1.1.11. e. "Tennsyl , ~;.: • eelinty. It is :irorc t bcre the tel'cl•of the sea. 1f.a..5,:)11 in New Lcitclon ILL cf now charell e7o.-.4cllcehe I Gr_crgia ;uige fine:tLfour . law . r t"..AI f 1:, , ,11 , ,J..11ing e.nrt the c•thc-r —Dc Gil the sliores 0 the iViscpusin - _jury never rvc keg . . . K said that lie pzothpily . • . wattts , to k - zoWi why hayis . ~ i':. 1 1 . 41au' Las 11, - Qi and Sl:c y :,:ct, -i , 1 - • , r , se, - ciii . y T two 1., cd•Eicais ^r' . ,• -•:, r1 - 1 - ::: , ,, , )11•1( n ts 3 r.t i ~i . . -.-I?,.jsty , ,l . l.aztc; invented ft lire-proo f . tuno;lo . lr.b3ut •," -' f;' . • - ;1 4 --S ' Sa - vi; ; l4at, the'orepOitS z. , :in't:l. , a4 ,- ; - ;lr6t,; . ll,lifa'n 'silo:111.1U , print c miinficcl." • —The lresicicait' now signs corn Ill4ines, Las bi.;ep fined ith a roll 111. -.!!'rt :317,2t' liave sets lIIN . . : - 1.-: • .1.,-.LI i.: . ,s who. • clOri' - tal:e. -•.;•• Ihnir cpei (.1;1, - .: ' art, 1,11,21° that way a - , , I , • , full-grown Ci f \\ h) wilt gro;I'l _ 4 Ini:Alt evt lac al. ,_,,,, MN ME IN ME . MEI r C nlp r tittcc: ) • frk-!'i - f of Prt-2itleni . Le has in • fur a,third t.rin ,' r.1:1: , I fir Ein =llll - - ui'Ls79.las county r of, a . 4 .:( i - !;;* v a•vrif). MEE lIM - ' =I 4 • I- ecii iar l i ithe t ',Tll:" by of crt2_ nc,e .. T'i MEI BERM 1 . at' hr :-. • - j j MEM MIII lt' 7 C•:i Niagira. . n. ‘2, - F.• . ; . . . l•ra:n t.'• n • -• , . • ISE EMB=I =I ME who :71 Si ME MEI --a 1 :? ....- Jr,:12.. :•i , il:.(-I.L. , .iter, N. H., - • ..- i..:-.. , ;: i .: f ! -:,;.:::,..:- ~ . ,: ; •0 1:..-1.,•-n i.,-1t pri.,;:litiig .;1-Nv ,- ...t .11::: - , , in that st:ttt% ti,., ':: I:: , :.: ;:1;v:, nun a asoltrlrcil II .1'7a1::: of Eipt , rcciation. .., 0:„: -; 111 ..:a11f... VI t " t.U.1.. ; ~ ~. -:---A • ,11 , -.0.f-:!..--t..1.r ciriN - Fr iii • Chicago .:• I (Amy 6t , ...- t-.; . :7.- ...Lty ; !.. - FlT,t l -I...:ss.ett , t • ..!.:‘ ti_:( ir1.(1., - ..trty : , iritt , ...c.i of them a...hA ti, - vtlier c.tie:‘.. , c, - ..n? that , _!:ate him. MIES =SEE ! is Sltti Diego. received V;!;:u L. 1,11 , 1 collected drilc_r , ;.4.. Las 1)Lel1 ;!' st She - !..7 I rICIZ tween r EMU a liLt poition was re a of licsroit, c,f the lire and cs - o.ln s. and "challica:V : 1111. V. is. • ,- -- ct., fqrpler was • -.:rarri,ti , (l f.r trvi: :2; 1'). Lis hay in imminent, the • tt.) tolPratu 811 eh -.n wizl.ll ihe t he = • „() f , r.)lingvith rioters The bucr huts atTranli inentb2 ago, will be 3f } of.thepe 'then arrested and t‘cntencc kl„ to terrui'' k =sx - : . ::1,;:_lr,n1 nine nienths-to is i l l c.uri t 171' 72' . .Iscv . d. Fi A .:_ ,z3lr. G lin , 't - i;icc.;ll6i,t), -- t i.;' cic.)%thwit., i...1-th-elf cm the b gle;al4utclie,r of Pririce ,:tg lja rile from the the milk' day; extended 1 benealh and in range of, the r, - the ' , thing off with et wept t: rotrii him beauti- E . 1 Troy I; of thrrola I,y p'hy, aiiy ~ (I , :k a; an; notibg the prval .. Lc.0r.,1 c.: cleansing it,' in f-pring time, suggests L.:steadof ' as it p, , en- Ic.pc-ning of the fiscal year, eJlicd • t br the =Ezzma VOdfov4ft*ttf Towanda, Th EDITORS E. C. GiSODRICE. S. W. A agrupLicAN. COUNTriCONVE The Ilepublican County Committee of County, at a 'meeting held on SatnpliaT, dul agreed to mai; the following call The Republican' voters of Bradford . County are respectfully requested to assemble in their wards townships, or boroughs, at such places as may be designated by the Committees of Vigilance hereby appointed for the several election districts for the ensiling year, On Saturday. the 113 d dayef August, A. D.,'18:73,- siad elect' two 'delegates. to represent themln the County Convention to be he at the, COUIIT 11017 . 0*E, In TOWAtII.A r Donb GH, TTE.StIAY, the 2.Gth'cla3 - of AUGUST, _1873 •at ox o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nominating a ticket to,bepresenicd for tbe ;support of thd electors o the county at the ensiling election. Thelcoriunittee of NiOlance Will in 'COlittg the delegate ele . ctlond specify' that the meetings for' the election of dele gates o=lll be organized in the townships at p. m., and kept open, until nye` o'clock, a m., and in the boroughs at G p,M., and kept open until 8 o'clock, p. the The,following oilicers are to be neMinated,::. • Two persons to 'represent this county in the State Legislature. I One person for Associate Judge. Ono person for County Treasurer. One person for County Commissioner. . One pixson for'County Auditor. 4 1he following resolution was unanimonsly adepted That the committee rePommer.d • thal the delegate elections be gonducted by ballot, as tho most efficient method of securing minll and fairer: , pression of the will of the elgctors in the choice of delegates, and also most em-nestly urge upon the Republicans of the serela i l districts the importance of attending the primary Meetings, and giving their attention to the election of Proper Persons to rep: resent them in the ConnZ - Convention. The cQrhmittees of V.gilarice for the ensuing Teat. -e s follows: AlLarly—S D Sterigere, Frank F Lyensjohn Brett's' Armeni.e—John Tomlinson, 0. 0. D. Field. Athens Township—W. 0. ' Thurston: V. Weller George Birehard. - Afifens- Borough —L G Fitcb,..3.'Lelioi• Corbin Lafayette Anson, Al a - Borongh—Charles G. Manley, Irad Wileon Elisha Andrews. • ' ' s Asylum—Robert Ball. N. P. Moody, Wm. F. Col • Barclay—l 0 Blight, Charles P Moore,— Ditchb... Butlington Township—Myron Luther, Wm P Lane Anasziah Blakesley. - Burlington Borongh—Rihn 31 'OSib3 - ;.1.1 Douglass, L Wright. • Burlington West—s F Shattoet - , • Fred Whitehead Joseph Foulke., . aLtou—Daniel luncs, Lurrer.ce Manley, Ciait Erown. • Canton- Borough—Geo Griflin - i E W Caldwc Anson DWilliania. Columbia—John Ii dMorgan, John:II Young, Al= Cornell. . . . : .Franklin—Charier - Stevens; Nelson': Gilbert. Stcrnt • - . l'' , McKee. , Granville—LanganTaylor.;.Aanin Tunes, John E'er, rnson. 1 Herrick—E J Angle, Ezekiel Carr, James 'Nesbit Le Nan'et. Litafien—A D Minn, ,Da idStrzible, Win ; Leilays.Cille—M II C:..o.tlin'E , ' Jcv•ic.P Carle,J 51 Ben- Lam Monroe Dormgh—JOhn 5tt , ,r13. , , D Mlle 3 Sweet; n S Holler..l . . , Monroe -Township-.-David S :..ling(is, Hiram Npri tby_up„.Preetnan Sweet. Orwell:—James P Coburn, Wm 57'attliews, d 0 ..Alge4. Ch - crton—Joharliatliewi„--Streery, so'- thrup, Jr. , • . ! - - . . .- Pike—Asa Ni. •1.019; Spene,:r B Tupper, P E ,Woo - ruff. •• - • : • • I Th..(l2burry—.l C Ituliitlßell, Ek,ctor: Owetis. A I.lnru . Rome Dorougit—Orsou Riokr: . S-, Allen Young, L 8 Browning. . .. . Lome Township—Charles Forbes, John H Russet!, Cyrus Vant - inkle. ~. . , Russel?, Cyrus E Clinab...rlin,; Apg,natus Phelps', . JolltJtird, Jr. • 4 ; 1 Springfjeld—LS•mati Porter, 0- P : ', Ilarkitets, ir r Wigs en. c:: g . natn ~AgEten. -- 7 I South Curet —lra Crrue. D Pot4r J .10ni . 4 .A:jlThomt• Syla n. t Dr E:G Trcry, Ffnljy Furman. •I Slieshequin—W 11 Gore, Ueorge Fuller ) , Johit, •Chiffje. ' f l Standing Stone—Bich:lrd, Jennin's,.. George Sagr, ... John Gordon. Towanda Bororirst Ward -Henry T Stevens, 3.., , 5. Bryant, A rtiobles. ' r ' . , 1 Towanda Boro—Se.eondWard—Elward Walker; IlUr ry Streeter, Win II Coverdale- i :' . • - l Towanda Bore—Third Ward—Charles ' Tricy, IR. Trail Geodulan, James Mitchell. ! Towanda Township—Lyman Blacimuhn, J M I'i4t; • Philander Ward. . Towanda•Noitli-,,James roster, 1: B DeLerlg, Ezra Rutty. ' . . , Troy' Borough—Geo B Davison, Liston ißlies, II r rick.3r.E.ean. : . *, ' '• r. i Troy Township—William -Lamont, Nelson Wo , Zirilitinliar.- ; ~ - 1: °- Terry ToiynshlP— , ..Nathaniel F Miller, ,l'ilen C Dyer, 'II L:.-Terr;. • Tnsca.—ora—JolucTaylor, A J Cogswell. Win.lilack. 'Ulster-7' 11 Rockwell, L Nobles, ,S S Lockwcoil. . ILir i 4 Warren—Henry Allen, James W Jones. deo lit P. Wiwihani—Geo Moscript, - Fred llotelikisk., ' Elilave. . 1 1 ",- Wyalnsing—Martin Fee, 'Allen Hoover, Geo Robeits, Wys: - ...v—Tholnas Myer, Geo Gardi Adolph Hinea.l : Wells—Charles' Shepard, Wade. Beardsley, E. ,E. DiLldson. - ' ! Wilm it—john G Brown, Thoniaslcutick. John Ely.. i . • I. •W. T. DAiIES, T . i E. VAUGHN, - . C.. 7. HULL, GEO. T. BEACH. . I • ' '•B! m. mksiAl. - . -MILES PRINCE, . • C. HOLLOS, .= E. LOOMIS,.. " • . , R. 11. ELY,' . , I iConunittee. ~' 1 ' scuuc of ' our :tic.- !lir W - 1 Y 21 =F.: .74 TO M!SLE A D T I . •-•-t---' 1 TILE Canton i"."(lntific/of ithe '2.-_ith -•I, • • • inf-i. tout :ins a conimunication dated 11t)a, July '21. - ;t, 'on tile kibjectof the +. ! division' of. the. county,- and sigryd " piyisibn " ; •the:bUrtheii of which I i:-_- to ' , Loy: that theldiV'ision-of the .I , 1 county is 4 'inevitable+that the.cutly 'question to be•cOth-,iderCd is whether the neve county . shall;' be Made in the,. intere,t of Troy or IMinnecina, an d .--- 1 1 al.-ocates the policy . '4,, running] a , candidate for thelegislature especial ly i:1 ate - Minni:cpia• Interest, so that -;- - • the people may express their wishes. , • upon the subject at the polls, assiiin ing at the same time} that the' cani t dit.t.L , likely to -be no l tninatecl by' t e - I ; , , :pui ;i . ie an q w• il 1 •b e . tiTy,rLs H.j W'E.i;P., ani that i_,: will be in the interest l of „the Troy division .2 1 clieine..' In this leennextion,•:this.correspOndent '(who i • ac as tin , ine - stionably furnished his n - :•...-1- i -r by • - lltimiCJ - Inft'n WILLIAI4), , sirys that "undt:fr the prov'isions of the' new ~' Aistitution,:iiev. - ciounties can lio M l ark IvithOUt .a - vote being ''takh.n . on it, trid it is the 'daily talk in Troy, that .:.-lien the new constitution is. ;I , l:Tied is our flint to Werk,:for, a newt' c I ra t: i y." *The, san 1, , ,i : paper, 'ot* Jilly!•ll;h,,:,wilicli c:citait.s the..i--Cona niuni,...ationi, tibore ireferred to, calls attention tO the subject 6clitoritilly.F the editorial and the Alba: letter, hay- .• . • I , inglnodoubt the same. paternity, u 1 language. as . follows: "Xp perscn of ' `,ordinary understanding • Can.. doubt that 'by the 'provisftin4. of the rick constittition --! "rail'forcl. county will • 1 .nry i : - -:oon be- divided; and ifi:' - they pref;_-r , the Troy plan 3yi,kh iti' lAtie • extent • of territory, and ;its taxable .;,• ~ property to tie Minnequa pliikitT their privitegp; and .an :Opperfunity should 4e offered the' .:*wle• - pc-Ople , of the county to txpress-thAir=". views 1 " , .. . on this .question ; meaning, we sup pose that ' ; `f an opportunity should be :Offered the whole people of the cotn4- ty to' express their viewa ":- by t e Cheju of a candidate tor 't.i.iciile - gis' 1 - Imre: in favored` one : or the-_ - other f ! ; the plans mentioned , for the - ; diVision' of *Air 'county; . . . , ' Ohr purpose in wallin g ptiblic a - tention to this subject is'fo l state that the wholepreinisesl both of the Allia , ,„ :,. . . ! coiniqknication an,d, th'o4. .editorial counnents'7,of-the Canton ,:Sentinel, founded iicion the" assurcii)tion thl4 by the' provisions of the "new- consti-. llntion, if adopted, r.sN- counties ciki 1 be,formed by the legisla6re withont i the submission of I the•tincstion toj a vote of the people..l ) Bothi the edit6r !, and hiS Alba corres ondent are either An; -. Vi 0,21 c- c-tie" , .7111#E. 7: - . ling c furnicly „ IBMIE , r `, • .., =IEEE rsaay, Aug. 7,;1873. 1.... . VO : TIO X radfoTtl 1:1,1873,1 VIGILANCE COILIIITTEES !gL . :lz), J4sper N Holcomb, A PEOPLET inexcusably,ignorant of the p new con stitution, or are guilty ig a malicions design to mislead- the 'People as to_ the actual Condition -the question relatili to 'The ditichin counties and the establiihmentoi nor count a. In order that Jima% ratty be no L apprehension upon this ' , subject,' We give the Ist and . 2d ssctions of the proposed,article of thelnew constitu tion relatiNt to Countir , and Town ships, Which are as follpws: VORD TION. Sac. 1. " No new county shall be formed or established by the General AsSembly which shall reduce the county or counties, or either of them from , which it shall be taken, to less contents than four hundred square miles; nor shalt any county be formed'or established coutatmcg a less population than twenty' thousand inhabi tants; nor shall' any line thereofpass within less than ten miles of any county seat of the county or countiesproposed to be aiOded." , SEC. 2. 'No countyshall be divided or have any part stricken therefromthont submitting i e° the question to a vote of the ple of the coun ts-, nor unlesst majority of the legal voters of the county voting on the quittion shaU vote for the same." : : The - above propositions have passed l'with great unanimity l in the conven tion throtigh committee of the, whole, find; on second reading, and aro - Pending upon final paisage, and 1 1 cannot be I changed ;without 'going ~ I again into; committee of the ..whole 12p011 this,thibject, which is not likely to be done; and their . odoption by the convention and submission 'to a vote of the people. may th i rrefore'be con sidered as-certain. Tho convention meets.- again about the middle of September, and before adjourning over for ,the heated term a resolution was alMot unanimously cl a abided, the sob'staSc i of which is about as follows: Thlt immediately upon again assembling the ,con-Ven tion will proceed without delay to finish - up thework befiire l'., and that the new constitution shalt be sub mitted to a vote of t e 'people at a special election for mitt: purpos' e - as early as practicable thereafter, and if 'adopted, be operati e from and af ter the first clay of Ja nary next. 'ln the light of these fac s, why attempt to mislead the public mind by telling the people that " under the provisions of the new . constitutiqn, new counties can o be , formed *vitt:tent a Note being taken nit?" The pe l t•son who states it is either ,consaminately ignorant, or else is ili deliberate{ falsifier. Theab4ve, propositlons nee entirely. fair, and}} if odopted by the people and be'coraa a part of the organic law, as ,"t'q trust they will be, we shall be 'entirely willing to t;ust the people of the county upon i the question of Aivisin, either the Troy or Minne qua plan, and shal be content do abide. their decision. In the mean time let us not be deeivedby croak ers who attempt to is anufacture pub l 4 lie opinion for selfish purfaees. THE VELEGITE ELECTIONS. • On thel23d instan the. republican !, electors Of this county Will be called upon ,to select deldgatas to represent them in the nominaticig contention which is- to meet on the 26th instant. If the masses of thelpa`rty attend the primary meetings, we shall have,' as we have generally blad heretofore, au unobjectionable ticket.' It Must be understbOd the delegates are not to be chosen` inithelnterest of candi dates, Which too many have come to consider case,l but the object should be to . promote the best inter ests of the whole party, by securing an unbiased.ex.Dresp l ion of the will'of, the party' ? having in view first.a true regard for' principles, and afterwards rn who Will 'faith- Ise principles,. and ithe duties of ihtir OEM fully cair li.olleSqy several positions The iepubliean county has ,n. pry can be inaintainec only. gil'O thiS snb Lion.• : DICT I ITION. • A mrabe..•. of republican journals in • i this SC - de, and 1 among : then the I Scranton; Republiqan . and LancaSter Inquir6r,f have taken it upon theta selves tO 'say, at least, who shall not `benOminated. by l the State 'Conven, tion. It,is the province of every ed itor,. as well - as other voters, to • ex press a preferen4 for candidates pre,. vions to:norninat'ons, ; but it .is mani festly unfair and lietatorial to, declare: i in - advance that certain men must' not be nominated. 'We Jioldi itlif. be the d,utylof every i republican to yield • . eirkieSt , 'support to the nominees t of the , party; pr l ovided idways, they • I are fairly nomins.ted by a majority of tfe4 repiesentat l ives of., the ,party, .FOr,instanee, .the.papers referred to aboV!, and a lei others, declare that Mr: - MICKEY shall: notibe nominated for State Treasurer, and prophesy overwhelming. defeat in case he is placed upon - Ale; ticket. .It-is not de nied that !Mr. *Amax has' hosts of friends among the working' men of the party—perhaps- a hirge majority. of the Convention soon to assemble may believe hiM entitled to the nom ination ; but suPpose hie friends should find thernserves in a resPeetr ble minority, ;would it be: fair and just in them to say no other . .mati should be elected:l They. Might do so withjast s much propiicty as the opponents f Mr.- MAcKEN now threaten defeat u2i case he is placed upon the ticket. ) Such a state Of af fairs ginkes - harmony an ithpossibili ty, and the course of the - men and journals who are laborinOo create dissensions and strife iii - gte party organization ,should be Aenounced by every honest republican: Tbis paper l4s nct declared a-pref erened for Mr. ALteszy,'or any of the other able genlemef? mentioned in connection with the Treasurership, and we shall lab in earnestly _and hon estly for the sucress of • the ticket, if fairly nominated, as we have no doubt he, whether ; the men - eomposin,g it a 4 our personal choice or not.; 1 - - POIIiLAND Or-gon , has been visited by another disastrons - fire, resulting: in a loss of near y $2,00a,000. - LETTER PROM.TANEI3 . g. WEBB. hilt. S. W. Ar..voiD : The.' circular . of LtrnuaSJ, Uenaws. et 41* beating date July 71; 18714 contains auttb'etideasiatits es meth to . - desnask site at my hands. Re announces lilluself ap; a dlitalon Candidate ter &presented& and iskori Ike Mbancqua : .-iaatiatubsig thatdilate ‘ltepao kind is 010010 I will merely lay th,t,thUlllnnequa planliwi the only one ,thatl is now possible, and the poly ono which Mr.l.llzanzo and his co istitifers of which Mr. ANDILEWEI is the champi-. on, are in favor of.. I ' - What is the Mipticqua plan? It is elmpiy this: to take as near oneftentli of-the popula tion of this county as they can and' have less, with territory , very largely front; T..yeeming, with little population, to nuke, the; number of square miles, incledingsome portions of .tiogs and; Sullivan ;Ici locate tile public;bnildings or county se pt at litinniquaj upon the' property of HET.DIC, fvhich Would be almost upon the north ern extreme, leaving some pirta of their riew county farther from ,the j porinty-sort than any territory which they. take from this comity is froth Towanda. Now, 11 ask again,-who is in faveir of a county like this? Mr. .A:inunws is not. This I have the right. to sap, for he ad =.mittod that to B.NDT4WS is tn , tivoiof making that Territory into a county, with the full'understanding that it is immediately to be foll Owed :adding .as nearly as 'possible an other tenth part of the Population.of this coun ty, and that kind of legislation to be continued until ho takes in ail the territory ihich (he in cludes in.hie Troy plan, - txamely twelve, town ships and Live boroughs . [ Mr. Ilitanic, last win ter; desired the Lyciemmg member . to allow him to pass Ills Lill, W.Ying to him, that after Obtaining his county; would consent that the Lyeming part of the territory mightagain be , rratored to that county. I Will Mr.:A;WRER'S tell the people, if this is not Ithe truth?' It' would , seem tome that if only four townships were to , be taken from Bradford, i that Troy courts and th 6 terriWe dandir of taivatiori for public build ings, will still remain--Witir fUnr lesa township* to assist in bearing the burden. Mr. ANDIUM bite sein proper to drag mie l before the. public in his i circular (as also does the Cahtrin Sentinel), as the champion Of TjoY, in Opposition to !Ilia pla n , which to my alind is a most wild and extrava,gant propoitiiin ; and be'has also seen proper; as an eritfence r of that fact, to allude to, the law creating an assistant law judge, and ilotherl i for holding courts t, Troy. Upon that subject I have, io. say that a petition wassent to me; signed byialmost every lawyer in the county, as also Judo SruarrEn, saying there was too mach labor in this dis trict fur one man. i'hialliad reason to believe •was true, as Judge b, taxi:ran prior to that time had prepared a bill which had been , passed, 'providing for the reference of cases to a lawyer, ,the expenses of the referee - to be Paid by the comity, saying to me as he gave me that bill, that some plan must be devised to enable the business of the cou4- to be done more speedily. Under thatlaw thisi county, [ait], if my recol lection ie'correct,•al,kont; s4oo a year for the two years it aas in operation ; and when the law creating 'the assistant law judge, was passed, beheving-s.s rdid that the two judgescould do the work, I passed a bill repealing to mach of the referee law as reqUire:l the refeiee to be paid by the county'; !so l i that in fact, so far as m the expse 'of Bradfoi l d county is , concerned, it pays about:s3sl.ta year less thin before the passage of that law. In speaking, of the law providing fur l the hold ing oreotit-ts at TriCy, Mr. ANniniws *aye "No one is en green l as to think for b. moment that it was riot , intended that this Tom caurt mnst have calla buildings.l By this lie 'intends to carry the idea thatbu !dings are to be erected by the county for thiglyurpose. I Mr. INSURE'S - a knowslitist there are very few, it any persons that favor that project; that even in Trby it has no advocates ;all there say without hesita Lion that' they ask pen° such thing ; and ho a ell knoWe that I am as much opposed to that as any luau in We t county.' In my judgment there is no pea - et- in e x istence by which build; ings c.tit:be built at iroy at the (xpecso of the county, for that purvise. If - there is; it should be be repealed, and that 'rotthl ptit an end' to the clamor et, demagognei. If such pcoyer is in ca 7 igtc. , nce,,