1 BARIiON44-, HQSFORD, )IA.IID-WARE IDEALERS, Next door to Powill - A. Car., . - WOO beg leave to say to the - people of , Bradford cornity and vicinity. that they have on hand and are selling as low as can be found in any market for p the same quality of goods, every thing usna/y ket in a HARDWARE 'STORE. Tye following being i partial list GUAM .I.ICD-iItASS..PCM:(II3, Orals Cradles, AMid atid Horse Bask STRAW AND HAY FORKS,, 'TONES AIM RIFLES the Fixtures for the , WOOD MOWllid MACIHINE, _ . &nd KNIVE4 LSD itn - Ers foi all leading Machines of the day LIME AND . CEMENT Pull lint:l4*Si*, Gli i gg. i pooralkl44 Minds, ,P4out gorse Pokes warrantad sure Una. Cortland Cliiirit Powers -- Tinware o • our own maniacture; And repairi4 done on short notice. AND P4CELSG, 4 ft - 011. AND PAD 4 ,13 TIIS9r oinPLITTI:ns i;ND MA.OltignTS TOOLS. COOS STOVES BOTII WOOD AND COAL Beside many -othei articles too numerous to . mention." , All of which will be sold at bottom prices. -, Give us a cal and we'wgi try to do you good. , BARRON k ROSFORD. Towirida; JunerlB, '73. • 'CHINA HALL NVAGON.r TOY W&GONS, EMI At BLACK'S BHP ‘CAGES AND TRIMMINGS, ~„ 'At WICKHAM & BLACK'S SILyEjl: PLATED, WARE ' friiin Rogers Brother, C , ROCKtra - , CHINA, :IND 6 . L.l,‘jSli'AßE To these , sink • goods we 'always keep 4 full line both as t'o style qual ity: and price. - • • FLOWER POTS; the largest, .var ON ever brought to - this market. A.ND VASES, for l'ardt; aiid stbops Tia111:1 1 COTTA, 'BI'ATLIZA:I7 - ordered iklien desire( KNIVE6 . AND FORKS, !from $l2Oll . upwards. lIMIE ULASS. B,ITADEB $ IVOCkb AND WILIOW ,WARE, MACK'S 't . . CHINA- HALL • ' . Tuwautla. Thane 1, 111:7LTUI1 IN PARVO. 13US ' INESS CARD; ,Tc< the Citiwins of Towanda arid surrounding country: !The subscribers 'hating leased the Large and ciihnniediona store