Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 03, 1873, Image 3
XtradfordlgotUr Towanda, Thursday, July 8,1878. LOCAL AND GENERAL. `No repsirnext week. ,Catts.e why; the Fourth isrcomirtg. With divided the day into hours; And when? 'ERSOfis desiring-to Secure boxes in the , 4- rost otrio, should make ipplicatioit 'at • • once: • SIB, AlkEi E. Isiouxt of Wyr ranking, have issued invitations for &large - par.. ty this evening. , • , J. P.:V/6iELEir, ESq., - has just put down a substantial stone wt 4 k P . front or,:lita reAdence on State street, PROTHONOTARY PECK makes use of postal cards in sending statements of Judg ments through the mails. - s . , THOMAS Rm. has been engaged' by the Lecture:Committee of this placi; - to deliver his new lecture, " Caricaturing," peat winter. I • THE early .closing movethe4 has been nipped in the brid, by the refuse.' of some of our merchants to go into the arrangement; -WE I..ratts • thrit J. D.. I.rosT t ics-yE, 1 E544 hs„d the misfortune to have his pocket; bodk, containing about 170, stolen at Easton the other day. • . , • ' STERNE litCKT'r, .of= Franklindale, keeps a general einpply of dry, goods and gro ceries, and we commend Rim - to the patronage Of our readers in tht ticinitr. Mu. PENN CeAligi,. of. Warren 'Center, writes Ifie inde&radbit flepublican: "A cow of mine hada call which weighed, when ono day old, 116 .• Two thousands of tho new' postal cards were' received at the Towanda Post Oince last week, but they were soon gobbled np. An other supply is eapeated soon. • TIM Journal says "extreme hots water develops disease." ridesMacs' speak fron.Lexperienee, of did he forg,efitiat Towandt! is a ideal option foil; *hen he penned the - par- 1 agraph ? : - E. . T.' Pit uork has made some , ,I - I marked improvemi nta' in the appearance groundt in front of his elegant residence, by re-; znev:n3 some - of the trees and ;trimming up; others.. WE AltE ender obligations to the , editor of the Dai l y, tiazttfe duel Bulletin, Wil liamsport, for the Icourtes;y•of Oichange.•_ All of onr daily, coterqoraries arenot so selfish as the Pr(Fs. THE frame of JIENBY DODGE ' S - 11011Se, u Yorkroad, is nearly nit. The building is to be a model reisidence,land .presumr will be completed before the aut.:mined-cold :Iwiithid• : returns.. , S. B. Ciilsp, and wife, ,of; ;Great , lend, ,ailed for, f.tiropo last week. They ari ti.deg,ates from the' Grand Lodge, 1. 0. of G. 'l' i ., of this State to attend , a convention of the or Jcr t ) be held im,tondon this Month. ..- . . , 1' ' IiLEWELLYN . .ELqBItEE 1 of this place,, - was one of the p..ra.inates at the ecirameneententi of Cornell liitivu ' i;fiy . last week. We; understand that Mr. E. willmow enter the office of:ipvEn.l ... , , T.) ,S. - . El(IIIIEE eci a J aw studen t . '1 "Bess" GEIGER met with. quite a seriouF. accident one day last week, , reimiting in an injury to his hand, nlii!...h t lias preVented tim from at ! tending to business.. Careful attention and a figorous constitution, will _soon bririg him out all right. I I • , . - Mn.AINES IS actively engaged inl . Preparing , hia history of Towanda, and when' completed it Will be an invaluble wo:k. It is sold at the cltrcniely low price of five ecnbi.. Every eitiien mould aubt:Crfbe; for copies of the' 1122 POSTMSSTERS in the county are no tified that wo hake paid,the postage in advance on the, REPORTER, fOr the quarter ending Sep tember 1:0, and that they Nylll reef:lye a r;7eipt for tlie came from the Postmaster at Towanda, .4 ,re another insue reaches them. . - - .-- SoliEr.dDi rn4st be crOillfr to .cele - 0 0 ':: brak to-motrow. Mr. Fitch informs xis that has sold ne'arl , , l .one lamdred boxes of fire ' ~:eraelierS.. We alz;o learn from Mr. iF.that he ,retailed twentrseveln dollars worth pr,Peannts, 1a . ... S.lturday. IVlat? claa%. , s say local option i:; ranking the buminess of the town.• , • WiztLE , in Wilkes-Barre.. last 'week; ec paid a virit h, dlo Oztc:nsire - and , f;eantifill tivral gardcoz; or D. 11.tnr.r:ot, EFT ?tr. H. ha.; latge gr , ..-21-hoil-es, and is selling large. Inantitlys of ficial•rs . , His old .frientl3 e in this 7, -• ; ^11:;ty r. ill 1:i , 1 ;f-i4- . 1 to loam tliat he k doing • A sl\t;Lr..tY anroral disi)lay was Nis -0016 ab,;nt ton &doe?: Thiairdny nips. - It 'lTas ...inAie form of a"rat•row ribbon of light, thai stretcl•ed with arcing brilliancy from the i-itudir-cat to the north-iveEt pmliops o • -t ho tioaveir4, from horizon to horizon: it was a ioniarkable•pbenumtVott, and kttracted tho notice of many poople:J - 11VELLAts that a J.)f lb - triutie CrdiSr Suns. .abont 'to be -estab;inlieJ 1u Tc,-.1-anda. This rttrintic oiler is making 'great pr.-g Less,. hay \ ing 2 9 0 subordinate camps in this ‘Stat•-... Appi.cation merither6l4 may be made t‘ , H. A. at: biA balivry 'can Main Ern TH.F. county superintendents and tiii,elicrs,in the iiortliern tier of Penn ei)unties, hilve signed a Strong re6mn iriend4tl; foc "Sandt.ra - tlnion - Iteiders and 31at1it niifieis.7"rhei:e text bunks 2 it! 13Sell -it: '1110:t 41! 111'; ,ehoe!s of this . - titatk•, end ttniversal tatiqt.tetiiiii. They bound. MC= - pt2.5. - it:g the. fine' and sub .tat.tial of . S.ll. : - .r.<l J. B. tho 1 enil of town, other evp. It tli• cn Were featly . t .I. la r. fcw ea,t sthey w:11 hire which mil be a cr:dit to or.r town. `Their large and -harobotuf-ly Isid 2 1 . and. Are ev,t % . AT TIIL: auntial elpctioir-for ofl.oefs FOntl Asso ciation, held on Monday c.7ening last, the fol lowing .gehtleme3 were elected : . • TYrs;l , q,/ • -N. N. BETri ( 774 r e, .1 - enr?)—iliates W. TAYLon, E. IL Coon',Arco JI , IIN W. MIX, GEO. tEN . •:css. f One _i - car)-08CAU A. BLACK, lily. public gchool, of this borough, egy.eti on Friday last. The fall term . will open about the fast of Septe i tuher, when it is expect -. 1 go.: new bnililing Will be for oecopan • ,ey. The change from the "old rookery" which has s•, lung disgraced our place, to the largo anal . commodious building just erected for wily)l purpuse, will be appreciated by the tilt • .dren nut less thin by the teachers. • • Ttt Elcuira Daily Advertiser gives anoth4 ei.dence of its enterprise and liberali; t• in announcing that it will continue to be sent. 0 all exchanges as. heretofore, notwith standing the new postage law. The truth is, the .Id , ..rili7cr has been a . .necesiity to the • weeklkpapers all through the southern portion of Ne York and Northern tier of Pennsylvania. We i trust it may continue to increase in'elrcula; Von and fiFefulness.. It is certainly worthy the support , of all who feel able to take a daily. Mil Tax mut itationd 'Bank of .Ta inuida, Ime just the anal semi-lonia diridend of 8 Per nt. This institution, we axe assured by bauk ' in other towns, transacts, baldness fot its customers on more liberal tenets than any o er bank is the countr y , and ir yet it is one of the most priePeons of all the National Banks. . Its ofacets ,ate :prudent, &creel end practical business , um. It is pi source of pride te etti7 eitizea of atonioda, that we hare a tank which atinds so high at home and abroadi . =I Br r.r. of Mi. Runs,. the gentleman who is now preparing a histo4 of Towanda, we copy the following items from his manuscript: ' In 1870 the Pa. N. Y. &Broad, sold at this "ration 28,879 pasi,enger tickets, .mounting to E 18,217.04 10 1811. they sold 81,282 tide* amounting to 821,04111. In 1872, the number of tickets sold wu27 581 amounting to $2O,- v. I 896.93.: In 1871, the gullivan Anthracite Coal Co. shipped 8,881 05 tons coat . In 1872 amount shipped Vis 51,132 07 tons, showing:. a hand some increase. ¢ TEE festival,. for the benefit. `of the Ladies' Benevolerit Association, was & complete iticceas, Tho receipts amounted , to 8300, and Yet there was no flattery or other schemes to fleece" those wborattenaid. The officers of the )Society have kbeat reason. to congratulate ihemelves on'their goed fortune in seetizing Means to enable them to carry on their very humane and Cbri&tian enterpcise s of proilding for tho temporal and spirittial wants of the poor and destittite onv4iddst. more Worthy Charity his ever been brought to the notice of oar peoe, - and they . have responded nobly. May the Association continue for many years, to bless the poor and the nnfot:trinate. •f• - ' . , NOTICE.- - Ttier appeareto be a misapprehension the naiads of the people in regard to the new p;ist, Office liOxes. To set the matter right, T - desire to mike the follow ing statemant For the past ail years all box' rents have been paid over to theepartment,- and every Post master is require to account under oath for ; the rent on everybox occupied.' Tho law alio forbids the Postiiiaster . permitting more than one person or family occupying the same boi, without collecting; rent from ":every person or family so . oecupyi i ng the box. : The report that has been circulated to the effect that each member:Of a famfly will be - required to rent a box, is erroneous' Every - member of one fami ly can receive mail the same box, by paying'one rent. iNo person IS compelled to rent a box.. Mail will be delivered to thoSe Who do not, just . s willingly as to those'who do rent boxei. , S. W. ALTOICD, P. H. Ar, ,Eniionl r : Can any of 3our-nn merous subscribeTs furnish a remedy or -pre rentive. for the''' . lack leg " in cattle? It hitt appeared in our r cinity with mrte% violence; a neighbor of min , Mr. 'tows Limey, having, lost fire head in the last ten days. It apifrears first in ono limb o u r shoulder:, or. perhaps in the brisket. The creature becomes lame and stiff,' the blood cuagplaies, a sort of dark jelly forms' between, the gkin: l 'and flesh, the flesh ` turns b ack and nutrifirS . lo the bone, and the a..imal d es in from - twelvr; to twenty-four • hours after' bAng taken. Thr':cattle sioken of u belong t iL f g to Mr. liauci , - were very fine and in excel lent condition. II any of the farmers of Brad-, NO are familiar 'with this diseaie, and able, to, g se any' information leading,...tb a successful' teatnient of it,- ire should he glad to hear them: f om the I would also be glad to have them, si ate whether thedisease is considered cent:- g one, and'wkethir it ever attacks cows giving milk. I . , W - v ! W. L . Lro ..1 New Albany, yJune 29, 1873.. r THE TE.NcaJzs AT C4raruNG. , --The, meeting of the Cliernung County Teachers' As.' sociation at Chemung:on Saturday, was a cont 2 , plete success. There was a large-attendance; of teachers from all parts or the county and: from - -icorthern Ppnnsyltania. There was I no, failure in the programme. All to Whom duties had been assigneil, entered hearilly into the y work. The papers were good, practical Pro.' actions, and the{ discussintis were direly and interesting. Ami 3 ng the visitors was Professor, PrICIIR . , Of the T w'anda high school, who took an active past i ' the discussions and added much ito their interest The people of Che mung Itiererve re r ucla praise for the interest they manifested in the meeting, ,and the hospi table manner in 'which they entertained t.tte members of the asiociation.,. Grave doubts have heretofore ••eu entertained .concerning the-permanent so large and enthnsi: completely dispelt the minds of the ness.of such an 0 scr. , TE FIND tlu r. following notice of a loriuer retiticut of this place, the Wit;iiims , port Gazette an Bnaciin, of Saturday taut. Vic inTaly friends (here *of 3lra. L. will regret to bear of Thief° tune:: " Poc-KL-e,Pzcx the hardware stok e of Kline, lalledi ;St Co.; this morning, - bad her pocket picked while visiting rsis er. Th e circtimstanees were ; there withli aefollows : I ,llrs. l Laporte had been todnarket, was on her Way I:One, and stopped in the store while her Edifier Was making some purchases. Another webian, seeing -the moue previously, had followed Iberia into the stare. And, as there was a large crowd; Mrs. Laporte did not , pay much attention te the jostlinga, e,.e.., received at their traiells. The woman who followed them int.) the store; kept close by themj . and it was• not until the thiehad got into the street] that Mrs. L. missed 11 pocket-book,,which contain t i'. ed about .10 in m ney with some papers. 1 She at once followed, Ut sir the crowded state of the pavements, lost sight of the woman, and in a few minutes returned to' the stores where she first cernmnnicat4d her loss. 'Had' the alarm been given at once, there is little driubt the thief could have been captured ond the money returned toithe owner. As it is,probably it will .provii an el:dirtl6 a." )1. •1 . . 1 SCLIBNER'S P!'o, It JULY.— his popillar ~ . magazine for Julj.i operis. with EDWARD Kus - o's series of papers, lThe Great South," proftuiely illustrated, fro th .isketch4 by .iie celebiated‘ genii' - artist CHAtIPNEY 4 drawn on wood .by SH R EPAD, Ifocas nd others,•ani engraved end prinked in the higtiest style of ert. The.,story opens with "The .. / - ew Route to the Gulf," and will be continued with papers on New Orleans, Tetras and the south-western frontier, whence t . it will proceed northward ; the Whole. will con stitute one of theldost brilliant series or 'Da -1 trated ysip 7 2r3 On in American theme ever pre seated to the!.Ameriean. public, and will make a book equal to a ilionsand 12rno. 'pages,' with more than five liiihdred illustrations. The July -number else; ciliiit l itirie able and important - pa pers on "The Liberty of Protestaptism," The Life and I`.eligioua Scidimente. of Anna HAN 1.13". epi—N,'",‘ Recollections of aeliestered ? Lunatic," -.. - Children's Ma4azines," etc., etc;. , besides other illustrated ind descriptive articles, sto ries, poems, essais, reviews and;'etchingi, con stituting 'olio of the best and most attrictite . numbera of this Ixcellent magaiine. Price $1 II year, 33 ceritira number,' •SonnevErt, A Csi., 65t Broad. ay, Nesc' York. . -....,, _ ,I ME. EDITOR : Wlll y o n allow me to state forklic c',.ncoaragemthit, of fartrietz of the county; ;what hue of their neighbor farmers is doing. "referl , to W. A; Wait), of Smithfield, who has a farm. f 100 acres of cleared land. BeSides his 'farm,f horses, cows and other stock, he hie 24 head of very fat eattli, ready for mar -1 keti ttr which he t ! expects to gel 61 cents liye Weight,. , which will amount to something like 2,1190 for the 101 l Ho is now feeding them but 1 ithree pounds of lintel each pet day, but during -the winter, fed them six pounds. lestimate that he barred them all from siqo to $5OO worth of grain during the - nine or ten menthe that they have been fattening, and a finer lot of steers and hetfe l irs you will hardly find, any where. • Fanners cart make theft. own figures as to profits on such a lot of cattle, but *lll no ,doubt find enough prOfit to go and do likewise. Mr. Wool) altwi has a full-blooded Clydesdale colt, nine mont4 old, which'welghs 635 wands, and for which h 3 paid,.s2so before it was foaled. 'His sireis "Lord Clyde," owned - by Wat. Cno zten, Esq., Beacon Stk.k. Farm; Northport, Long island, who weighs over 1,700 Pounds. The colt hal my of the mark i of his sire, as illastrited in the May number, 1871, of the American Agri F ullurist. This race of . 'horses was importedfrom thei Valley of the Clyde, in Scotland, and lhey .are remarkable for their large size and Sctivity, las well .is docility and intelligence .• }Hating them very desirable as farm horses. Mr. Wool) and Mr: L. Thin had each a colt fro'M the same sire, 1),0 Mr. MID lost his daring r ithe prevalence tribe epizootic - -t ' , I lIMI seas of this 'society, but this' }tic meeting lit Criethang,las led - them, and firmly fixed In ,aelters the need And neefulf Jacerti- Lailartp t while In M El . iiit weer: Ir. if. bit s ed. ire top *on Ito a stook bone, asst orb as duke Sish. house fa Utak work; goy perhapt wish to itt. vest in the arassaase con, "Lad pytie s ; the Scootal," one of the stook of It. C 402111, as above Totenott to. • ' • Thum. i Dams tiled• in the lisoordso ?MX* 4 the week ending Wade". Juno 10 1 44 Thir Albeit Newell Sad ittio to John 11.., • .110mcds. . , L. D. .Btarderant to .Iforgarot Iltoaromem, Tuscarora. & & auk to Emelino O. Lads, OsirelL., Tama V. Wilooek to John D. Kontanye. To= Tends Dow. . .1 W. 8. Heston to H. L. and Finn -Agnew. Pike. Stanley W. Little to C. W. Orsy,'Le,Baysville.. L Sherwood to Daniel S ts ens ; LeNve• A. H. and Elmira Voorhis to Jud i Voorhis„ Bidgbury. 8. B. Brown to Elnilra,Voorhhi, *glary. • i A. H. Voorhis to .10. Voorhis, lildgbluy. Jud. VOorhis to Elmira Voorlds, itidgbwry. Patrick Cullen to N, U. Harris, Mb* ' Edward A. Nalonidok. to 7. J. Grialllis, Rands Bora. I _. Robert Milne tb Minnie and • 'Freda rick Dill din' ei Athens. ." Lewis Shiner to E. W. Hale, Burlington; Stephen H. Day to John IL Pike, i,thons bo. Pugh. I C. A. Shoemaker to Carey Shultz, Wlndham. W. W. Shepard, et. aL, to Thomas Frost Athens. I D. B. Blackman to John Sullivan, 1 PERSONAL.-"FitHIC W. KJIMXIM, for time past, l an employe in this ake, has taken the advice of Mr. Gam : Land gone West. Re has our wishes for s —Mr. A.. 3. nom. formerly of ties .place, • and roi some years put a resident of %Wisma r port, is about removing his family to Belle fonte, which place be intends" to make hii re hire residence. Mr.' Tnovr has assumed the position of Winer in, and hotness manager of, Baowit's Republican, I —Collector Morena= paid a rise to the low er kid of the district'lut week. Mr. 31. is one of the most efficient and faithful officials in the the State, , —T. M. Witarar has decided to l again take up his residence in Towanda, and has been en gaged so draftsman by Messrs.' Ifouox A FLEMNO. and wif e, —A. J. hicKE:sx and wife, of Marion, lowa, aro nailing friemds In this county. Mr. MeE. removed from this county many years ago. —Bev. F. W. Bairruerr is spending a few weeks with his father, in this rijace. On Sunday morning last, be delivered an able and . excel lent sermon . in Christ Church, and read the ser vice in the evening. 1 1 —Col. Maws is rapidly recovering his health;' and we hope will be on rho streets again soon: He has had a severe 'sickness, but careful nurs ing has brought him, throtigh -EDWARD OVERTON, J. D. riI,ONTANYE, and Rev. J. S. Stewart; are , sojourning at Long Branch. . • —Him ANNA WflioN is'in towcylviOting her riends. r —Rev. F. D. EfosgiNs paid us •• halt on Mon • 1 • day last. . - • <e , • —Dart]) LNOLIAX, Esq., is paying a visit to his son-in-law, ex-Sheriff VANFLEILT.' , —Gsonor. Bstrru,, brother of Sheriff Sutra, who left his home in Troy at the; commence ment of the California gold fever, to make" his fortune in the West, has Just returned Co this' county, after an "absence of more than twenty I years. , TUSCARORA AND VICINITY—It may not: be uni.terosting to tho reiders of tho• RE gonrtn, to hear frdra the "border town, Taw- EMEZI The anniversary of the "Progressive Tempe rance Deform Society," was well attended. The address by Bev. Ltruzu PECK, from tbo well choseritheme, "Do Thyself no Harm,", gave ample opporiunity to pOrtrity all forma of in temperanoe, also to advocate the[ adoption, of the principles of the society. • The Cornet Band came out in imiferm, and contributed freely to the interest of the occa sion, and proved themselves compctentto corn mind public esteem. The '"BepOrts 7 . of the Society exhibit a fair increase in membership, and alio of funds for building a hail for public use;tas a "corporation." The resolntions adopt ed affirm satisfaction, from the many evidences of the progrqs of temperance reform through out the country the past year, and reaffirm the declaration of " total abstinence " from all in toxicating liquors as a be l verage or' a. "medici nal stimulant;" as a duty based 'on physiologio: cal lawi.andrceognize 'atilt - law as the true basis bf prohibitory statutes, and the only safe and wise policy. The oldest member of the SoCiety (Etasua Cooswzrz), though unwell, was pres ent, snit made his last public contribution to-, ward the hall now being built. /14 1 was conW ed to his bed the next day and lived but a few days after. A juror's notice, served by . "B. DlcSnaN, Sheriff,* dated at Teiranda, 11.30, .proves him an early resident Tuscarora. -Thus the fathers one'by one depar I .. 'Euctrrr Bsows, a man distinguished for his business tact and ability, died a teir,days after. y ied A post-mortem examination diselo r choledoi itis, the exudation and enlsrgemon of lympbat,- lc glands, forming a tumor. entirel 1 closing the choledoch and the pyloric orifice of the stom ach. ' ' Thursday last three men Were accidentally and seriously inju i red : one by being caught by the carriagoin a steam saw-mill, bad his leg broken and j was otherwise , hurt ; the others by the falhug of a true -one having the flesh badly win !morn one arm and the'. bone broken, is in a dangerous condition ; the other escaped with lees injury to the Power eztreniities. Friday the house of nBuitr"Bnrrit was burn ed, with most °fits contents. lia insurance. The lire originated Crom the daft) Eu Bprir ' igbilli Juno 21,1873. IPS: Splendid sthoked oh family ma, NA liceaat & ginvaaps'; vs. Special bargains i Silks, st EVASB fr. He Ground Plaster on itycrebtirg Mills. M.. Every new pnblienti. -found on ettosee shrives. mar Spring style Silk - Ha T,trunis. • till,' C. .F. Caoss his init tfoe'sjipretment of new cbrompii. ES. A large-assortment of Brick ett just received ac • racni .i r 4c Boas. • WRI.. That Domestic Bea Ar, Co.'s, snits everybody. FL* i DIMMING - CASs.—Chamber Suites, at FICCY4' SoNs, for fifty dollarti. • sia. Several 'valaaVe Firma and _ lionsca ana Lots for sale by asanierr Tits. cr. ToleKix's Cottirrr Warn. RAN.E. _ -- • Read about it cs i retnily on second page of this ' paper. C • • ea-Family groceries bought with spccial - Fegard to the wints or this Wtarket, al ways on hand at 11 d rammuse. Tui Brsr, 13,KE..—trYou will *ad reasons wD .Inn. 11,M:us' card Misled ITompkin's Ly Wheel Rake. Valuable house! and t o lots ioriaie—plosonat locality-4w Ifni Eplsoopil Church. Inquire of JAltsa.WiiOD, Executor of IskiC MT= Ear Farmers, look to yopr inter ts, -See reasons why the I T. O. Wheel Rake the beat in ciao. You trill MA than on leo. Dnd page of to-day's RamtWite. * . htcCarie & EMTABDB i , have a tall supply or Bnist's celebritod seeds, fn bulk or in swill quantitieS. mar By no pcmapAlity can I pa paw' be so cheaply purchased anywhere In this section; as at O. F. Ciose. Ml= Wsxrit—Wa wait six girls to wort *mainafar Nei 01611 , • O. hoer a Saki' stir Fasnani always find' a ore market sad the wow -prim far Fargo sae and butler, et Wain s Xtreenve% large:insortswat of Ameri ca Cook sad Psniosj Moses, al • - rizinierox 1 DAMN& Jur Job wbikirseetttsd'it this of roxives the bigheikenostatams koin the best exities. , ' - is. New s4b3s Dress Ckiods, tam Silks Parade% Pitissaaact Prints at ETAXII& MP The cheapest place in Tovas%'. dr to boy your *lii and Bonnets is at Drs. J D. HILL% artoitb tPa 's Mask Towanda. • NIL We !melted received s new keth of tan Which we 011 . 11 print on the short est notice et the lomat rates. Photographs $1 per dozen, for a tew days onTY; at Imams' NotelktGallery, In South Rata street.. Make haste and get them while_yon cut. or4AWifitOtae;flyttdlriee:WlUM yon go 'down -l iown, step into 'Kn. lidimoos rooms of fluddon.. She don't ask you to boy. I. us. Have you tried any . of that superior pastry flour, which MoOmix X En wows bare znandsCtured salmi* By for tido ilotrket ? Get s mat rad try it: verton. Persons wishing to purchase' Beal Estate of any dissertptlon. shotdd call on Burn= at Mum, Insurance and Beal Estate /sputa and Brokers. - • 1 I 6 Seel eurnfileemeut of GEOMGB limits, in another volition, for cave . ' and lambs. July 8, 1. 2w. ' No — • ti me to get is a good ion letter-heads, 'envelopes and bill-heada printed, atui, the , Baroarsz odloe is a good place to get them eireuted. In. Crow& of people still go to &ow h Co.'a Bakery and Dining Booms, lit doer north oc Ward House, for refreshments. Warm mealy at all hours. Fos Seix.r. 7 - The vacant lot just north of the nieoepal . Parsonage. Enquire of Oviarnnt & Etszetn. COpall do COONS have - more, elmaper and better &obi and Moak than were ever before offered for eale in Towanda. ter A. F. !COwLis haa opened a bakery and giocery !dere cippo idle the Episco pal Church. People !kink in the upper end of town, will And this estabiLshment great ,coe venience. . Stir WOODRVIT would invite particular attention of the ladies to her'elegant assortment of new goods. comprising every thing in lie. A - fall line of White floods, Table Miens, Napkins, Towels and Embiolder- Burrs .t En.Darnes. Bridge-at. ' - - :12C3 str"The phice to buy a first-class Cook or Parlor Skive, la at b. MFR. „ELI W 00DRUFF has re tared her stock Millinery Goods to the rooms recently occupied by Mrs. 011711 t. over Loso's store. in Pstton's block. • 11116, JOSEPU HINES' New. Furniture Store, on Bridge street, Is the place to buy your Furniture, and he will sill goods as cheap as they can be bought in Towanda. D. HuT., being ,about, to'remoyo her Millinery Store, will sell her stook off it the lowest prices. Griffith & Patton'a BlOck, Bridge-St. le' It you hive never tried any of tinsslperior old Jan, doilies which McCsni & EnWsune are supplying to their customers, go and get some at once.l, It is browned to perfec tion and they grind it tol order. let.. LAZARUS k. Mounts, manufac turers of those aefobreted spectacles, hare changed their agimoy from J. atroureries to _ Wm: A. CuesmazzAtils. * - kir The best: place to buy =Bash, 1. Blinds, Doors and all kinds of Lumber, is at Fnos? & Boas. Baoltry on Charles street. Of lice 107 Main street' They sell cheap for cash. Weirrsa—:By Poen:E& 'CuLvza, at their mill in North l l oWanda, 5,000 bnakels of grain—wheat, corn, 'pats. and rye,--for which the highest market price* will be paid,' 20 . 1873. I We are ; now selling the . Wo ven Wire ?dottrel* at $16.00. They 'are - the cheope - iit epilog be& in the world. Why suet you call at noir a r iEftwa and try one? • Wk. If you want a first-olast Par lor fitove, get the 'light Souse, on hand and for isle by PENDLETON & DARROW, Orwell, Pa. ler Why ran: the risk of an acci dent, aim you can get a ticket good for f 3,000 in cue of death, forl2o_oerita a day, by. calling on Palma litutatiz; at upper depot? air Mrs. R. J. Maass bas just, re: tarned,from New York, with a large implay of Millinery and Ladies t rarnishing Oqods, in afl the:ewest styles and latest novelties. Opening day Tuesday. April 15. - 1,4 ipe. QUIZ. ler Buono) di HELL would call the attention of tho public t 6 tbe fact that heir Market is always stipplktil - frith the ch*est steaks, routs, lamb and mutton, pork, sausage, otc. They aro now receiving dallysupplies of fine'frosh oysters, which they offer at wkol . s tale and retail at thiveiy lowest rates nips, for Black nrrn'a. F. J. CLusizis haamoved his , . M Book Store into the room Just:east of etres Bank, and communicating with the Post Oho. His stock of fine stationery. achool and nliiied lanOmul books, wall paper and fancy goods has never been excelled in this market. band at i n can ,be to at H *L. Mrs., S. S. tiocKwooD, i 4 has just received her "stock - of Millinery Goods, Spring stylesin Bats and Bonnets, and also a good assortriicint of fancy 'goods, such as ties; collars and cuffs, undersleeves, both lace and linen, and all the latest novelties for the' Spring trade. _ pened.a l'unzaquici Mabsuxs BErAuts—Own en Of Horse - Powers ind Threshing Machines, sbc;pld attend it once to obtAining repairs far the "same.' Call'opon It. M. Wczazs, otTowan, da, who pays winch sitteLhon to Threshing Ma, chine repairs. , ' at Scorr ter` During the nett 60 days we goods regardless of cos4ind will make prices to suit all, in'order to make-room for goods of oar own manufacture ; now is the time to bay. J. O. Farm & Boas, May, 7, 1 73. Main street. CisouND Pwrine ar ItTnnuminazo earmt MIL/S.—Having received a large - stock of the Celebrated Cayuga. , PLASTER STONE, which have ground, I am now preeared to furnish all who want the hest quality of Plaster, at $7.50 per 'ton of 2,oodlbe. T. P. Farr. .-May 21, 11373.4 w- To in LADIES OF TOWANDA AND Vl cnrirr.—Ers. E. 3'. *moos hai the largest and finest assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods ever brought into Towanda. Also a large as sortment of Ladlej, and Children's Beady.; Mide Snits, of the West 'tiles, Hosiery, Ont. sets, Bushes, Hoop Skirts, Real and Imitation, Hair Goias, let :aviary, wte. • or A. Juvenile MIIRICaI Conven uoe wtn be held in the basement of the N. P.; Church, ToTauda. ooa ng Jab fith, at, to off, .1 ? to coittiatte ten days with *to seadons each day. A free session will be liven' on Monday at *look r. Mare inviteitte attend. Books. for the use of aitteition hsr &AM free of charge Worn Broome; Cloatiot IMI taro r & DAZIOVeS, . Ortrellira. I e 146 A • leo Emits tilfreamm. . tics totheir! ciaoaa; .olitlorttimont. - OLrl3 lOtoi - • National: H!ty and SiFirOstlets, for 0,4 A 7 -• 1 . , Ihirmarox D.AIIIOW4 MIP' MoCizz 4c. 4 &ware hue the largest ludo* of teas eras opened in bats mar ket, whids they are selling very low. 4 not giinevelly kamm that 8.0. Wirsenes, at the Book Bindery over Buroarres 0500. -makes Blank Booke in any style of ruling and binding deuired. vanes sew Toured or Docket, Idin a all. , Emu Pmas aai THillianaG , Ma catiaa—B. it. Wmt.tas Is prepared to sup* those wishing to buy scything to Wein% with the very best" ineetdoes to are. Wit ILEUM% and; lisatoot's undreamt Threshhig Madan made a specialty. Price Lists aid OrceIMPPOWWaaPPNIIMIL Imams or Btranuati.—lt lit . . • Li b*/ to mite therepld memo ess of businal the boot and, shoe establishment of 8. Wocco roan. Bridge street. The best and finest quail ty of work midi be found in his store at ili times. It will repay any one to step into his stoic and clank* the tine stock kept on band . Ifs can fit ink foot. great or small. , 41r, Busse., at the new Meat Markiknearly opposite ths Means Hon" have one ottbe neatest establialuneutain town. The dins - aft both up:mimed and industriou men's- and know how to image the market brialneu. Every article pertaining to their 'Mid :Mai can be fond there. They also darer goods to ;their customers free - of:Aarge any. where in the ,borough. Tss Busmor, splendid self-Raking Independent Reaper. This is s complete machiii. Had the farmers of .Brad ford been IMPplied wjth this Reaper in 1872, they could hare sucresthdly cut nine-tenths of the oat mop of the !county. Prlre 1150. • Foi sale by " - it M. WiLipte. Kum Two-Wam . Mow s.—The intbscsiber offers thin splendid Mower, for the Third seaion, to the farmers of . Bradford. 'The Bixby •is an exoellentifewer ; works well on all seirface4 where iny mowing Machine can be need, either at fast pr slow spoed, and in all kinds and Conditions! of grasi. - Very "easy on both team and &trier. It is a machine that pleases the firmer. • R. It. wELLF.s: o4k, TpwandL. No. 3 Ilercur'a B 1 . ,l ies` Thrtmigh7 th e courtesy of Mr. Parr, our popular-nursetirmait, we were shout the other day - somel of the trees which hi has planted in different ysidi in this place. We could not avoid noticing the great difference' every where aPparent in the condition of. , his trees and those brought here from abroad. Out of the hundreds which he has set out during She past two seaiums, eearcely one has died, while 1 the live, growing one among those purchased from foreign-agenta, are the exception. In a beautihrl yard at the , Pier end of town, we no ticed tat a large Imajority bf the expensive trees p t out last Spring were dead, and the balance maintainedl only a sickly existence. Mr. Purr's trees were all thrifty and vigorous. An examination of ther will be the best recom mend .he can have. We cordially commend him to the patronage of the people of !this conch, as a reliatdel - and worthy gentleman. Persons purchasing from him can depend upon getting just what %key order, in the best condi tion: So much cannel be said of ill fruit Us, agents: I I - ' Psi 1 _. , ~.„ , T emple ... sir CoLE, .r.aBflAsaE cs; vO. li . of Music, on Main itrapt. a few doors below the National Bank; is riow one of the features of that hasineu street: They have opened in their now and elegiust store roam, a full, and complete stock ofluamai Instruments—Pianos, Organs, Melodeon isnd all the other smaller instrument.; Sheet' Music, Instruction Books, and everthing pertairiMg to' a first-class store In thilrhise. Probably , , few even of our own citizonsihaire been fully aware of the very large businesS this firm have heretofore done 'and are nosi-doing. Their sales are nearly if not quite asp:Urge as that of any business house ,in our town, and rivaling' similar establishments In Philadelphia and Now York. By their large Purchases, bought direCtly from the manufac turers, they obtain ' their goods at the very low est figure; and are thus able to sell it moth lower prices than s ller dealers. It is ono of tl i i i the moat eratifyin eatures of slur business growth as a town, ,tiro have so many_estab lishmerib in every Zino Of businessorhoto sales are such that they phi Offer to the trade goods, as low as they can' helprocured in any city retail store. :- - 1 11 ' Cnuaczi, &a* AspOrnan Di the inroi l m i of We 01l directory is i P i l l i t thank hed , oar friends f or tifying pa of any errors they May dis cover : ' \ I , Darner Chwaca— Street, below Washing. tom Services Sunday at 10,4 Aat. and 7 P.X. Sunday School at 12 O'clodt. Prayer Keating Thursday evening.tor, Rev. S. J. Loast .' EPDIOO7AD OIDENOX ~ . Main and Canal Streets. Services leinday.all , !;t r i A.m. and 7!•; P.m. Lecture Friday evening. ••• School 12:16 P.M. Pastor, Rff, Wm. Mca . . M.L. Osumi—Main Street. above State. Servicestt 10% A.X. Mid ”ii pat. Prayer meeting E t i evening. • day, School. at 12 o'clock. ITsjor7ler: O. L. G _ Paimirnannert Ca --Corers Street, neer Court Howie. Services at 10% Lit. and 7 ,i r.x. Prayer Meeting Th evening. Sunday School 10 &It. Pastor, Rev. 1 Ek EITZW/Xf. S.S. PIT= AND PA , cos every two week''. &Oland 11's.m. uti2& i.c / r i m Sunday School at 4 rat. Pastor, Bev. P Tomo.. A.M.E. Cavaco Street, above Second.— Preaching Sundays itclo% . AJI. and 7% rat. &m -ar" School at 1 r.s. • 4 A.T.M.=Noirrnaint COADIAND7DIZ K.T., No. 16. Masonis'Hall. over • tch's store. at 7 . pat. J. C. Remo, 11.(7.- ' ' •: II Lemma No. , • -Once in two weeks at 7 P.M. J. o.llavitro, W If. . 1i1.11.R.A, Camara, No. !AL—Once in two weeks, at 7 rail. Cass. F. • • • H.P. ._. LO. air O. F.z-.B . roan Loner. No. 167.—0dd Yellows' Hall over •at k Sons Furniture Booms. G Meets every 'Monday evening at 7 o'clock. J. W. Vsartaxs, N.. .. D. or B . — Leas Lo . • No. 29.—Meete in Odd 'Yellows' Hall Snit •••• third Friday evening in each month.' A: MATRARD N.G.; Cam PDAIXT, Bea. Bauman Esc , . . , No. 41.—Meets second and fourth W - ..• • evadig of each month. G. W. Rzeis. C.P. .., Z. or P.—Taman* • .. Tensaw riming in • • • 1. W. Smear, .C. LO. or G.T..—lf • . • • arm Maly evening 7. • W.O.T. - ~ LOAM.- I Towsana Lows, No. 870.—Mititi sec ond and fourth Th . . yof each month. Josara Minna, &IL = ,/ • 1. MAIL ABILOGEMZINTS. . TOWANDA Poetrorrice.—Mall ping south closes at 9:1X1 Aar going north 4:30 rat. Anne, from north at 10:30 sat.; south 6:13 8. k Z. mail doses at 700 say: arrives at 4 P.M. Banda and Canton closes at . 10 a:it.; arrival' at :$0 Y.Y. Troy cloves at 8 A.M.; 4irrives at 1 closes at f P.N. • actives 'tit la. ret s M aill arcices Thiusdays,:lusd &lar va at 12 fir. ; departs/at 1 _• • WhooglignY wins 'Mondays, Wednesdays, and 4 J. W. t -- - - .F , iii... 8 410 r#--J0i.114,2 pw. J. A. z 111131 SWAT, / AltatUitr—JANSl 11. . . 17R8 MPA.NMS. Franklin Skrita c;,l , l l 4o4 larins Co - /VE4 Int Wednesday In eackinonth. [ Diens Baum 0. A. Woresnan.l ita /*NW M.e lc t-40st Ant NI in es& mon% In liodina I 8 Mrvani. Praddant. Lakin olilanni Ms /I=2 Co., No. ... _ Wednesday metes In month. In lan•talinane Nom. •;cow D. Naniunni. President. _ Nadia Mph and Ladder Co., No. 4.—Weeta drat, Wednesday erneden in emir month. fa Borough Awns Maas. Jr.a. Tenusr. ImmlidirM. Asd 11. 11. Pawn. MI Zeeman L. OMNI. erant ltsgineer. rau F it. e• ' 1 BUILDING MN • . .11fotioor linadiog and ' Arad gON.- gestakin Otsrid 1017 for t of Malan- Meals. th ird Niq In the Mon th . from sto 7 ax. ja. Berm. Jr.. . _ ,-' Building 4 —Mete in Jary Boom for tof instalthrta. Mandey in seek month from Bto T A: a 4. in seek 4 FINIM • A • iRb7 Bevons-insniti' 918. this plase r to Bosh OWEiI-1111.1&—ht Isterfilits,_ Pi. Imo 24, by Pakivest. elorgeV. Oita of i Ls =blll, Ps. ) , ffi, phi Bads, DLcD. 1 • BABCOOIIII ao in 4; st , ins, Flynt. At. Babcock aged 97 tears sad 11 months. , powir. - -rn EnettdiinMinnus county, is, .Joao 18. 1878 , T. & Bfown, god 56 plan, 5 " 'mouths and a dap. • N 1121901711 Duriuti—A. depreaßed ' irritable state of mind ; a weak, nervous, ex hunted Mang ;sso• or animation ; cow bind head, weak mematy, often with invanntary dischanme. The consequent*, oUtermeses, mental maw** or indiscretions. This Nurvous Dslarrr ands a soy cure In 11131P1111E111110/LEOPMICI No. 28. It tones up the system, *mats dill= charges. dispels the metal gloom and despon dency, and rejuvenates the entire system. it is its perfeettly , harmless and Always efficient. rem tor a [adage ot Ave hous and a large $2 vial of powder, which is important in old, seri ous eases ; br $1 per sile box. Sold by ALL deme s tor sent by an t mien exam B. • Bona end Ward Rouse, Towanda, T 0 W A N. DA : : 31 A: It ts' ir EL , WH0L21142 PUICEL Ooryeeted reeky derinsiday. by 0. B. Masai inked to eludes &S 7. i _ Wheel. Ibo ; sh • ....'2l 60 0 1 90 =a - . 65 ill l5 Dna,* buds ' : es Oats. 0 WW birth 65 Deem. • nu& 4 160•2 00 Dania Oalls) 1111 lb i , • do hy.), lb neer b , .$4 Wiess.dail ..... ' 19 75 . Moot barrel i b 11131.1" • ..... 00 0 12 00. . II Oldalls. 0 bash ~ , _ 2 0 0 Wars= se Gatnr.—Mbeat 60 lb.; Corn 56 lbs.; fte Silber.; Oats 1121b5.; Buie, • lbe.; lbsilnrhest 6e lbs.; Deans= lbs. ; Bow 20 bs.; Clover Seed 60; lbs. i Timothy Seed 64 lbs 4 Dried Peaches 33 lbs.; Dried Appkes 221b5..11en Swa 50195. . ‘ r . E . , ESCAPE 0 L THE MODOO PRlS mei& Capt. Jack, Boor Warriors and three squaws base escaped from the Modoe War Depart ment. for the purpbee of attending the ROME BORO, JtiLi 4th, .1.173, , • I - at o'clock r. at. L'lllietVll porIUMT l'iney . _ a= 2 , 11 r i the treete.Ssonntml on their war Mies. their manners, =dome; onstomes and,impliments of war, alter which they Will retire to their wig wams, near Baptist Chtur.l4 where they will fawn .the audience with one of their , i _ , 1 • . - - GRAND EiZTERTAINBERNTS, • consisting St War Dances, 'Courtships and appro. prtate War Bongs, he. -After which those celebrated Gymnasts and Acrobats especially engaged for the col:salon, WeSars. Curtis. Carrier and BMus will .entertain the audience with thrilling teats upon the horizontal bar; tumbling, and the Great Brothers AdmisSion to- the entertainment, 23 eta. 'Pro- to be • devoted for .bencfit of the Baptist Church. A Grand Fancy Drees Parade for the entertain- Matt of ereer7bxly. at 8 o'clock r. X, consisting of representation. or every nanon on earth, together With their variona titles. • Strawberry and Ice CruM Festival In afternoon and evening, for benefit of Me Baptist Church. • Any one can have the gramd pig catch him with their hands and plit him in apen ce . Fireworks and a baloon Seeseelleeth the evening.' Come and spend the glMions Fburth in Some. We guarantee it will prove 6'Bl/mess and satiafaction 1 • to every body. June 25. IA order of Committee. ' T HE MILD POWER CURES Have,proved. from the moat ample experience, an entire success. Simple, prompt, efficient pid relit ble. ' They are the only medicine perfectly adapted to popular use-so simple that m .. cannot be made in using them; so harmless as to be free from danger; luta go efficint is to be always reliable. They have the highest oomMendation from all, and will always rezderwstisfaction. PCI. CURIA , CX3211. I. revers, Congestion.llnflinuzuttion, 23 2. Worms, Worm Fever Worm Colic, ' 25 3. Crying-Colic. or Tee of of Infants. , 2 1 4. Diarrhoea , Of Children A:Milts. . . '' ' 21 5. Dysentary, Griping. Bilks= Colic, 21 6. Cholera Koehn.. Vomiting, 2l • 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, 2 8. Newslgts, Toothache. Faceache. . 2 9. Headaches. Sick Headache, Veritigo, , • 4 2 10 .D3 gPoPlia. Bilious St.:Wank 2 11. 'Suppressed. or Painful Nriods. 7 12. Whites, 109 Profuse Periods, 1 13. Croup, Cough. Difficult treathing, 14, Salt Rheum, Eryelpsiss.l Eruption., 15. Itheumatisim, Rheumatic Pains,, 16. Fever and Ague, Chill Fever. Agues, 17. Piles, blind or bleeding,; [ lg. Qphthabny, and Sore or 'Weak Ere , . 19. catarrh. acute or chronic, Influenza, 20. /Whooping Cough, violent coughs, 21. Asthma. oppressed breathing. k - 22. Ear Discharges, Impaired bearing,- 23. Scrofula. enlarged glands, Swellings, ' 24. General Debility, Physical Weakness, 25. Dropsy and scanty Secretions. 28. Sea Sickness, sickness from riding. ' •- . 27. Kidney Intiewse, Gravel, 28.. Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, or • Involuntary dischargea. ' .92. Sore Routh, Canker. 30. Urinary Weakness, l 31. Painful Periods, with/4 1 01ms. 39.- Sufferings id change of life, ' . . • 33 . Epilepsy, Spssams, St. Vitus Dance, 34. ' Diptheris, ulcerated sore throat, • 35.' Chronic Congestions and Eruptions,' • Vials, 10 cents, (except 28, 32, and 3 3 ,) • , .' 'FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above, 35 large vials an. • nil of Directions. Case (Morocco)/ of 20 - large vials and Book. Single Boxes and Vials as above. / • lar These remedies are sent by the case ori box to any pad of the country, tree of char; receipt of pried. Aiddress i ii I • CLARK B. PORTER, Druggil l _ May 28; 1879; • pERH AT WYALUSIII H G A., I, , L Where may be faun a Go • oral . Stock of Carriage litakers and B tick smiths Supplies; Bent Stuff, S • • kes, Hubs, Ate., Iron and Steel, Nail lods, Horse Nails, Horse Shea, and lois. HOUSE FURNISHING GOO S. N0.291-2deets eTery HO. 714 o'clock. Longs. No. 272.—Meeb 7. o'clock.. 8. E. Wayrimi and . veep. Towanda. Kowtow, ntenti. Orwell; It; the Orphan' Inr00; Whsawn. 8. W.. Bvcx. B. i3sowN rt 33 r. loinitts, osar.x, Dmisze I - .:DD. EMI. .81;11 Of • 1101114; 15°$Mt107; 1.4-11ifesets An Borough rPml i . tit 7 ';.l rVo - Now vatisommts. ceRANp. -F.PBTrVAL • - • i.l) be betd at ausrenatywa - • • 1101dIEOPATIII-611VSPECIFICS OEM S YOU IDO EMI NMI s. J. H .0 .1' flu started aniextee HARD.WARR STOR I , • Locks, Inobe, and Trimming s IQafls,o • zna Potty, Paints, 011 a, Vatillabea, Brushes, kc, • CARPENTAIIir AND *Ras Too • A full lino of CholooTocket and Table OW agio raged,Wate, Palo, Spoon'', &,e. SPECIAL' ATTENTION` GIVEN' TO TILE TIUDE. TLNWARE ind HOUSE•ICEEPIIIO 00003. A good aiiortment, of Agritml • Implements. • KEROSENE. 31dcaisz, !AIM' OTHER 0 • Cordage. Rope. and.iFooden "Ware. In fade I am ready for the Sprind Triulo wI Moot complete azaortment or I GENER Evet offered In Wyaluelng of rictnity, I also have in connection VIEST -CLAI3B!TIIe With competent workmen eitgagett. Jobbing promptly attended to. ' I I make Eve Trough anti cintdomi Giro me a tall at .d Stowell's Nei street. I will not be undersold./ _ Cheap for Cash "is my motto. Wyaluaing, Pa., April 1. 141'3. IXTANTED, " I IMMI CALVES LitlglE§, Deakvailit gis w r iankin g oi =attn. if July ittli.' for Veal Calves that have wad until font to eight woks old sad become tt toned. trelghtng from 120 to 200 : pv sad m &events per lb. Also:good hit Lunt to 100 Ills each. 6 cents per lb. Also, on , 1 TIIMDAYAFTERNOON,. Jpi,y l ' 2 , liknlives and Lambs of above deseripttwanted at 61,; *its per Itt.-;• • , i farrosins by welgtdng their lambs, will a them to, brixolgood prices at above rate. 1 : : I Mgheitt Cash peens paid for !lAr. Gitstx, QEO. a KLTSTOIIp LIGHTNING , • 1. T. ';' ANSTra "rnire • ~ . t • • t . i ,''t • • ! l udic° l causit 4 • Tads Rod beLog olpare e =gror is, be the bast condmator of 11, ond so es be glm_ir more sortsce lbw s rod. M. saw , Q. R UAW tog Ws plat:o.! la 'geld. - solicitg ibe jastrimsV th ose wishing . itotkr, Weathfir TAW Mad Tow roe A, ltall. !'`,-f'• - ' ' - • • i ~. i 1 , _ • i • , I I • • New Adredieinents: lUi MEM New ataiPPr : • at—TAYLOR it CI .; same Qvinknings, • at TATL4* k .4 and Striped Grenadin • at TAYLOR. Iron ig arm • Bilks and Poplins, 4L e at. TAYLOR & Japan i Stripeai all price's, at Telion chinese Builings, all abiden,l • ' ateTAILOIy: ,f,ineiilEinitings, plain and stii 1 1 • at TAYLOR Mohai! Snitings, _I _ h , at TAlwit & 0 .'tf. 1 , ) ' . . . . •_ I j,, Yosemite Stripes, white and tinted, j : - • 1 , .at TAYLOR, & 1 0.. E. , *bite Goods, all kinds, j ' 1 1 i az TA B & 66 .13. Vjetoria Lawns, all qu ,ties, • ' at 'O. Plaid and Striped Mnar s; Percales, plain and fancy, I ' at , TAYLOR ' & alicai, great variety, I - a t TAYLOR. k nits for Ladies-and Children, I= El Lace Poi4ta, all price; Lace' Saqaes, ammer Shawls; '• l?arasols and Sun Umbrellas, Leather and Linen Belts, S4mmer Undeywear, at T#LOIL & ancy Linens for Men'slWear, at TAYLOR & tunzner Hats for Men and. Bo at TaryLOß & Fancy Goods and Notioias, OUR STOCK IS COMPLK AND OUR PRICES ARE. L T A Y . L oit' C 0 Towanda, June 11.11373 NEW FURNITURE STOR JOSEPH HINE Uas now opeeed . • new E:urnttore Stort BRIDGE STREET, TOWAi'S iOO A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF TURN 1 a) 1 00 ':AT PRICES THAT CANNOT PAIL TO I' Y 00 All who may favor him with thelrliatron Man -10 00 600 • . Wnatover may bo wanted in the Furniture and exandno gocda and prices before p alsewhers. May 21. HOW IS THIS FOR;LOW ! " r ,our rr KX4 We offer DRESSED' IJ,MBER' at the follo - wing rates: Hemlock Flooring, (choice) White Pine- .. 26 I Pit c h .. .. I/ ' • 28 ~ " Siding .. .. .....; 51'5 to 25 :, " Pickets from $2 to $4 per hundrod. DD t D nazirtio. MATCHING. RZBAWINR, one at a - ioomenre notice 'and by Wobeat mlch Done noe•made. We have on hand 1 ORM 111:TIDRZDTLIOUSAND FEET DRY 1.171113 k We have in the Mill Pond TIME DONDRED AND FIFTY TEO FEET OF LIIMDSB•_ And are constantly 3lanttfactil g ;a-Parties who can..reach us are foollando bear the railroad for Lumber. as under any cfret Stances we can BELL IT UMEAPER—at .luatst cost of transportation from here to the -- my $2 to $3 per thOussed. June 26,'73. s it OZI II 0 *I DI 01314 *lO lig ECKLED BEAUTIES BY THE THOUB.t . 8.F.1.80N 1873., ; These famous Trout Ponds are- now open . leof of 1878; and are stocked with a large M i ll t i remEil every size, in the clearest, purei oldest spring vie. Any kM trout sold at Ibis rates, and ped by express u ord These. Ponds are n open oil Sunday. The proprietor having had experience in l and arranging trout ponds, offers his 4hoee contemplating laying out and stocking ties, at reasonable rates. daluthafou to ponds, 25 cents; Season tlckel PCS full partiordanrcall on or address ' 44 ly • - B. B. IfILIMIIIBI3.I', Ap1.2341 Laddsburg, Bradford Botinty,tpa. El VOR SALE—A Valuable F 4m.' uu..:l. One of the very beat and rend desirable .. In Bradford County. withid, 10 miles of the Monty scats is offered for sale so low that the quelitYl and print will sell it. , It is situated in Burlingtot ri and center WI the minutes walk of the of that T ing Yonne': half way from TUranda to Tr on the Sugar Creek. It contains over 200 acres o the re beat land in the State; about 40 acres o het i lands on the sugar creek data and the u land is used for all kinds of crops. , Fine it, p ty o water. AU the ,buildings and improve► me Is deeded; i good brick dwelling house i llwith onniii pares, allow, kc. Title perfect. Possession ven it on ce . It will be sold at a great bargain the purchaser._, Address JOHN A. CODDIN . t ii L Baly 1,1 IS., :. I ' . 4 ' Towand, ill =I Repair g !mid wort • Stine." o it? Main IAA r CVOBIJRG, • • . , - PRACTICAL PAINTER AND, DRAINER.' _. . , . . 'j W ALL ORE WARRANTED. lf ' Rasing , aming secured the services a Jona B. Tk LOB, on, of the best workmen in :tko county, 1 II pre. pared to do all kinds of work in my line pro ptir. Orders lift at Dr. Portetes.will be art ed to!. , Towanda, June 11, 1873. OWA ••=1..1 ' ' ' ' CARDING. MAC ' I. • ~. WILLIAM A.. ' 'BENEDICT. ; Bi l At the 01 . stank. in Myersbnrg , Pa., has p , ided hhtwelt th new and improved' machlnesy,i dls ;Cy= ..10 49 a il work In his line in a ri• or -• . Please .glver tbn a call, as be I da work .. be done bitty ant! honestly. 1 give sallstscti • • to Ma custbniers. __ - ;tine 9,4873-m2 W. A. )EKE D .CT: 11 tit. I win of 55 STRAY.—Caine to enclose I the autnertber: on or about the litti J e, a bright Bay Mare, a little under . 11114 , ,, The owner wid plow come to will" be disposed of according erty, pay charges and take to law. tier away, A. A. HA tlp:taghlll, July 1, '73. - IMUI IROD, AfatELLSI —,_ A U of Older and Pork Barrels, na al • .ds of Work on hand. at W. A. ItOOH 4 if. • t' • ' 9.42 LASTER,,A supply at : Assfula 1 1 / 4 .tei tat:l4 4 - Pi •W. • - flat . ~ ; ,-;,,,..r., , , . , ,, , '.,,, y. .1 1 j }. •? ,t SUMMER GdODI 11111 RIM „ THIS WEEUE, 'PAYLOU k 00.' =ME lONE at TAIWII it TAYLOR & at TAYLOR, A: at _T , AYLOR4 at TAYLOR k at. TAYLOR it at TAYLOR & at TA:YLOB GIVE US A CALL Where he will keep oa band Which will be sold CALL ON HINES BE IL B. INGELik, camPtctw 4 .71:4- . 1.; . ODDI MEM OWA ill I !Lt! yz A FIIIE ill BACK, BILREO4 B 100 EN CLIP 'E 133 111 ig! I= EM 1 ' i., s, I ' •'& GRIN 1 lIN ORSE ES BIONVING MAC CM I. DODG OHIO, 135111 Buc MI OWING ME AT LO EMI co.'6. IS TED IC 11E711!if = EFRIG CHURN Ell CULTI RA COT RE El YARD ILDING WAGON aeing 873. t4LIiPEN A i 1111 • . 1-. 130110E.LA PORCEL POIICELAIN 41. b GAS COO 'and 115012. 'offs to $l. t i • . GAS 1 FLO WOK) kERos, 818 LuMBIN 4 )1 i) TIN , tuu i4til Tut ' ON S I COO Co, ME MISI DA;;kA.; . - o lABBORTKENT OF - I Ell -t i ~ =lll II AKES sx TEl' ON INE SEC EUREKA RI El MACHIN i„ :, 1 ‘ PRICES PITCHE omw43la:l ATORS POWERS ATORS I 11 111 212 BE U A AND I E VASES 4TERIA A.TERIAL ES TOOL KETT ,N SPIDER SAUCE r NG STOI PIPES. 'IXTURFS ER POTS. , I ,EN PUMPS El n CAa 9-, GAS ORK 1" I • ORT NOTICE. 1 1 1 G, 'MSS • , 111 I 1' L.f & I I VE l Ow' I 1 MI I I ;ET Lit CM vi!PLY . ipri I = 1 00M! r, I SPBIN C : s8_•0O0DS EMI I DRE IN one VMETY. lIIM EMI w ly I j . I C 'EWI EO3 and GIN ' IMI 11= MEI EW I • d CASEIMENEIL MI = I= : - SSORTMENT NDID • • I ' SP I 'ONS =I I . Y N 0 T , I , • poovat - r ' I. I II I ' MI IN • !I . ER!, G EC , . cqr ,1 I I ' • k FULL TIC CO, DOM I= HE ~NEi~ S =I STYLE. • "' I EVERY ~i• j ~ .i I OF IM LAD s,s kvva OFF W- 0 A m EVERY El L C L prEs: N WALL NII* BOYS' OCK 0 ED3 =I I.l=Wl HATS AN THE,NE IMEI FULL call an goode. ' • 1 II r ownti al co. 411* 1 _ MIMI A II NMI Ili II ] 211 1 si ' 0 • • k EavoK, =I ll=ll ill MI EIM Goofs,;; i 1: , i 1 itimst i , .4 .4, i 1 L . ON .:000W- -~ ~ IVLSI 'r I MI ME HILDREN'S I S ! BY re: 1 I ~' PETS 'I NM MI MI O T=& S_ HADES, EN MI =I CgS• UM , sTtrzs: ( 4itml:oT , =NMI I ; , • UPPLY: I= amino our new ; I • }- .-:._,,, -1-.. ...._