II II H U MN !I 4 - NEWS `.f. , ITO! - ALL ITATIOITs.... apples shave . appeared at Charleston, 11. - C. " ' ' ,?- --Secretary Belknap hiss returned l'itoWashingt9n. • e': . -- --th , "Bismarck torpedo" is anew k: , . Fourth of July explosive. . '‘, • • --' A. Liverpoo l' newspo.per hurl t parairaph about Artemis Ward "Seedier. 1 • - 3 —They 4etect loafers in--SE--Pg; f illlitnearota, by tarring the lampposts. • —A pig ivio two Mouths mid 'three eyes has besn born, onto An lowa farmer.:, • -liteissoniees, last paititing , was ....bought by Sir Richard Wallace for $20,000. —I _do nat lecture myself ; I ani rnarried.—Danbu,ry News —Extensive additions are being made to the Vulcan Iron Works in Wilkes-Barre. Brazilliaill is filling the pcist" of conductor on the Rending railroad. - Ali ne o gamer e most sue- gr lB 4. cessful among the Nen' Orleans fraternity. —llllitelaw Reid sekitowledgs sub scriptions to t'ao Greeley,Elatne lurid of $10,683. -Likobt. r. Glgrk .Esq., .4as to-Bloonisb3rg and will resume the practice or 47. —Major John Reynolds, of Rebera b=rg, Centre county; a member or the Legisla ture in 1515, died last neck. - , . , 'Wyoming woman lawyer lately aygded foi the plaintiff a ease'whereln her tms-, band was defendaht;-ind won' it.. • Kate Field'has been invited py Sir Charles and: Lady Dilke to bo their: gtolst dorhlg the fashionable season in London] b o .s' 1 1 4 gielnnOttd, Va., was injOred.hrthe expk;sioa of a encoannt the other —A genius is popularly supposed to be one 'who can do anything except make s living - t--' 7 --A.thong the: fektures at the earn ing [tobacco day NO at St. Louis, will lA , a `Chewing match." aio drug in tlie. Gloumster market, ; and GO:06 were sold Thurs day a{ three cents a paund. : -:'Twenty mehibers of the senior' class st",imherst hare Innen application for the: rositiori of instructors. _ dau).3hter of a Georgia j arj-m died during the 43 roe esd of a trial, and the !father was not allowed to leaie the box. . • —lt is stated that; during the past" four years the - Spanish forces in Cuba have put to dcatp 43,500. Cuban prisoners of war. , Physician advised a patient to take a, walk on au - emnty Stomach. "Whose ' stomach ?" feebly lasted the invalid. - ,;—Lieuf. Fred. Grant :may 'get his 4 .‘ baptism or fire aft - 4r all. He is. ordered to the Ymiowstone nountrv.• •• L . • Very brilliant jewelry is made of .f. 103 hca.cis of _Brazilian linramin^ birds set in gord. 1- • - - late nonis - Napoleon's villa; at Vzebv, wag.lecentiy.sold by atictian for SO,- ouo francs. • -I—Linen d.resses -„ trimmed with TOrhish towels are said to be quite the 'mode for travelling attire. ---Qhicagolas contracted for 2000 L'ow That: niak-es one lamp-post 197 abxrut every fourteen drualiards. - 2 --An Hungarian brewer exhibits • at thoVieuna Exhibition a monsti r eash,capable - of, containing 4,e50,000 'litres of beer: • locoinotive, engineer has in u pump With - Ai - high to squirt hot water of dear persons who walk on the track. large vin of .sulphite, of lime, the gypsum (I commerce„ add valuable as a fertilizer ha been !iliseevei ed near Lineolriton, - 3:IC. • --Writindfr i l oni the Ansfralian gold fields, a surkton hiays that •lie has now grate discharged the lancet, and opens - the veins ‘141) a pieliiixe. —The Clan.lF p;tver mill at South w/s almost wholly deitroy ed by tire ic sterdzy morning. Loss' $50,000; - -7 ,_ • • 1 • , i - ---- -i —A Vdrhiott - paper speaks - of the ,in . hiu r EvariTcT)ili im.. IV., might have thalfrelr"i )iTii.icsois, but in staid Vermont iloicer. . • ~---- i 1 ".. %. -. - -ilie-, ,B,ost.pil TraiLic - r . v . ) t advises •t.ll,•';t the oaT)ture'd 'llotioc.3! be — gent- to Vienna, and Suggests that the-i could .filla vingil:dea) lof i3nlty,Epitc.:•:.., ; - " " ' • - • .• §uparrisors'of Wafello coun 7 ty;;lut.3. have return td Co Congressman Wat. drr zie;:i.n"; which sent ti,.them i.att of Lip bitch pay: . ; • - Maine has lately worli'ed cut her to en the highway, .anil the tir.r:t :Fee, said she did her' ;cork bctMr.than any: matt in the town. bachelor -in Maine eLinis to be 162'scirk_old'; but; as Le "makes .14s own beo," aec.-slaing t ),3 local paper, "so 1:e must • • ..--,Barrit,al,thinks 'filth if he iras :: , :2e raado retf:ry or-the Treasury be could pay off the public belt, if lie could only Put both houses of co rTT, zi on tibibition. was the result of the trial el" thitf horr,.. , stealer r asked a 31i§souriaa bf hi+teighB6r.' 'Oho. he was left hangipg in It'VZll, the rcPy. woman,. whose lus bar.l was Idled oxisa railroad whil( - ; drauk, has obtainciLi3,Gao damages from the 'man Rho him the liquor. • ' —Dr. Holmes, on being )a,sked by :ascoana - phisicianivbet ; Eign 1451 better put en Ins door, rep::Cl. rrhe 5m311 , , ,, t kvers grate- Ile ' rc,c,lvei.' , , -LAD. Alabaina' farmer lirughed • himself rthulist-to (131 th ''to• sec , r. 'chicken thief try to clunb a tr . , ..y with hiikm'esLtick shot- ' --/ • - record ~of a hotel arriial is in the 'Western slyle: "'Die Hon. b.E.Gcirliarn, a distinguished 1.r00,i , T, is niakig havoc' "among tooth-pricks at the Gait "House;" lady Liverpool, Ohio, didn't want 'em to take any trouble after she was de.ad, bnt if itmas just the same she'd Eke' to be bufi,d with;her apectactes on." —lt /Ain tcd in some giaa.rters that drunkenc.csi hid a share in the influence, which Hprotlncod the Tl,!sr.lr.ntvTeraczt -of the Polaris •expliticn. l . • iOCT' • -; is fret - it:tent in New York that the journals there defote a portion of their daily' i!rue to a. "apartmte.t" as they ti.w,hhlppini; item:, t'qgr.litrli.,-..ts. . , '- .—.6e4eral Beaurgard is reported to be growing old very fast. Ills health is quite infirm, too, owing to the severe taming of his ' , by:Oen-and nenvens system during the liar. . —The sprig h tly . Boston Transcript asks i !- , lt* a Miss It,as good as a mile, how good ;is a Mrs.?"' If she is a)vidow i .4..be will be good ,for a 1,13a: - Me wader thuost any circumstances. —W. W..coreoian - has. given sthis,- 000,.. which was paialhirn by the gorornment for ;0 aercis Of lona Meat; Washington, to the "Lmilsc'horoe for iMpoverished.gentle women. • - ---There are; ttco. sorts ''of cats. We doubt the truth of Ur-common saying - that o ne of theta has ;nuke lives,: but, many a poor fellow's barn can atte-st tha/ thq other has nine tails. . - —li t a rcceol woilian meetinff, in t , _ San Francisco public - tiel, the lady in the chair regnested the audience not to make quite so inhalinOise in their applause, "at tt • would ,scare the horse.: the stable below," , , • , • —Thd newasary legislation having already been had, 'Texas will elect on the first ,1 .. -Ilesdny iii December next a full State ticket, both Houses offits;;f . - egislature, ana many minor - . oilicers. 1 ; , t , - • , --L i filb Walffzu Le . ibler' Complains • that :the lumber business_ is. dull, and that the' yard§ are druggeti witti large stocks of boards, , while the spring run yet remains in the water unsold. Boston Transeriit remarks that "the crud's feet about General, Sherman's etas heel) pare with the white hairain the sandy gobble of,hiscineeirrigible bpard, That' the .eye c soldier nerttriaehert.Vearcr." • - • '-The Alliany r . EVire - sz; estimates that about $.10,000 Worth of dresses have 'beemruimid - in. that city' during, the past year by varied beitig thretrrinpon.them in the street, and there is no clue to the scoundrels who corn._ it these Outrages. - ..... . . lj Tayette: College,- at -Easton, • } nuts — th p . regrame of its M comencement exer il ages upo postal cards for transmission through the matt ' ' The exercises taken place' during the' Weeli - Commencing June '2SI., and Bev. Tal i:cage, ofd3rooklyn delivers the oration'. - • Governor Jewell is devdting him 'E elf 'with knight and - main to learn French, and says ho will talk. French before he gets to St. Petersbnigli, "et. bust." The New Orleans 'Times tenderly hopes Ea will not "bust," but -"preserve his int . egUnkentottit integrity and be an ornament WerthY of hiffeetee to-the &PlG tnatic seriice othlacontrY,c" . . "Integtunenuns Antepitylis good. • • • . • BIM ~~.: ':i ~:Y- .r =1 Itudfoulftilitter Smola, Thursday, :nisi 26,1873. Ezirrons s R. O. GOODRICH. ALVORD TineSTATE TREAStIitER. '.4 ,:-WO have not, so far, expressed in these Columns any preference as to the Candidate for State ;Treasurer, at, the Coining Republican to do so Conven tion, neither do we inten d now. We prefer to leaveihe people free to choose from the gentlemen named in connection with the posi tion, but the following article upon the subject, fro m the State Jourztal, is. d so fair and impartial that we copy it: There seems I to be a disposition among the moat reliable of the Re publican journals of the State to do R. W. Mackey the justice 'of conced ing that he has administered the af fairs of, the State Treastiq , with an ability and integrity second . .to that of nolother man who has ever held this position, while at the; same time thereis a feeble determirialion among the "same men-who flooded the State with falsehoods eoncering this officer during the last State campaign, _to repeat their misrepresentations and, efforts to defeat the Republican par ty in the campaign about, to be opened.. It is only right that we have a fair and complete _ understanding of this subject. • The campingn of 1872 for, State officers was fought_ entirely on issues growing out of the admin istration of the auditing Office of the . State, and the. management of its finances. These" issues involved,• to a Very large degree, the integrity of State' Treasurer :Mackey's : official coma', which - was -diacussed,at the time, with a license which called forth the most ribald personal . abuse. The ,defense of Mr. Mackey then, was - contained .in the official: records of his Office. He made no !personal ex planations, and would allow none to , be Made in his name. 'All he' asked' - Wivs!a fair consideration; of his acts, as they were contained in the official , records of :=both the 'auditing office and the treasury. ,These were freely 'circulated, and mo' doubt guided by theie and the desire to ,vindicate the 'truth, the election last October „give the Republican party mejorities in all parts of the Stated such : as even its inost sanguine supporters did not anticipate. There was no other issue before the people then, but the fit ness andintegrity Of t tlie men at the head of the financityl affairs of the State, and therefore :the result was as much R. W. Mackey's official Yin:- didation as john R. Eartranft's pier sonal glorification. We allude : to, these facts now, simply; because the deinaffogues who were' so - disgrace fully identified 'With them a year ago, are once more seeking 'tto repeat, un der their cover, the cowardly abuSe of the same man. But !thanks to the men who won last year's victory, this new, conspiracy against Republican harmony:and official honor, acting in the name of the Republican party, is met and resisted with a - force which proves how determined men can be when 'they know 'they are right. Mr. Mackey has the confidence ,of every ! man who stood fi riel 'by the Repub- ci lican organization : 1872, --he has the respect of those ho understand how faithful he has be:bri in his offi cial dealings, and a Strength' with the masses of the partyi.thich proves that they know exactly what they are noW doing, and what . : they will do next October.. We refer tel this sub ject' merely to exhibit these.facts. In all out dealings with Mr. Mackey we have feund;hina faithful and correct —a courteous,offieial and a true Re prlblican. ':the.peciple Of Pennsylva nia cannot be easily 'persuaded, to :give up such an official while he is Willing to serve them. ': ' A CORRESPONDESt of the Philadelphia Prey. indorses the Hon. W3l. Burunt, of Chester county, for the Republican nomination for Supreme Judge, and says : Republic4n . from ...the earliest incipiency of the party, and one of the most earnesi, supporters of it principles previous to his accession to the bench, Judge Butler hr never been known k participate in active political strife since his election to the jndifiary, nlthoughl hiS vote has uniformly been cast for the candi dates orthe party which be largely assisted in forming, and to which he has been devotedly attached, from the commencement of its:• - organization. Had - it not been for rthe'rfact that Judge Brr i urt has shown disapproval by his voice and..!actions of Judicial officers actively , engaging in political campaigns, doubtless his, , eloquent voice and commanding influence would have been frequently heard and felt in advocacy of those princi , vies which have been so highly com mended to his conscience,' and judg ment." • THE . Postmaster General instructs postmasters that if; arties mailing postal cards containing obscene mat; ter can 6e discovered,i they should be,. prosecuted under the - provisions ,of sec. 148, postal codeas amended by act,of March 3, 1871 , The penalty act, of a flue of not' less - plan. $lOO nor more than $5,000, or .imprisonment at hard labor not less than one year nor more. than three years. Also ruled that - postal cards may be reg istered upon prepayment of the,. reg ular registry fee of fifteell cents. It must not however, be put into an envelope, but merely into the regis tered package envelope accompanied by the regular bills. TaiDemoer' atic papers in this dis trict are rejoicing over what they presume to be a rupture ,between Gen. Chatcnox and; Representative STIU:93MIDGE, and Point4Jo the ap pointment of Mr.lllicLY as Post Master at Bloomshurg l as proof of 'their assertion. Mr. R: was re-ap pointed because he' had been an effi-- eient and acoommodatint officer, and Dr. STEAMUDGE did I not protest against it. . A exchange sUggests the name of F. satunonßsEu-Srcn* a successor to Senator Scorr, t at the e:xpiratiOn . of the Senator's pres i ejt term. gr. Scorrpill proliablf his own suc cessor_lf the whilies . own oltlie people are respected-he - • • • i ~ CONGIUMROILit 1111141LitY VOTIC The votes by which the retroactive increase of ( la* inenlbers : 43 f Congreis wall paned in the Bourn, were +used politliSly, -end from States - 1u; follows: I Alabama . . Arks.nsasi Californis . ...... = a I I ..... Hauge.. ...... . Sentackyl Imisians Maasachasetts .... Nebraski•• • • . Nevads, New Jersey New York North Molina 0hi0.... ..... Pennsylvania... South Carolina... Tennesee, Texas ' Virginia I Wisconsin , • • - No. of .I,L,p nblizans in: We lionsO No. of Democrats in the House lilamber pr votes for the' . back pay increase Against the increase Absent and not voting Number pf votes cast bY;members from the Southern States for the • back pey indease By members tram the Northern State:ll ...... Nambeelots. Totes cut br members who were returned to the 49d Congras ........... 51 Vp to the present time 32 repre sentatives in Congress have returned - their back pay. 25 of the above are Republic,ans, and democrats. In, short ibut 1 in every 16 of the Dem- i ocrata have returned the grab, while 1 in every 5 of thaßepublicans have ; retur4ed,it. Asspolitical issue in Pennsylvania 'the pemocratic members from our State lgave 7 votes for the grab, Oils the Republican members gave but 5.! The terma of the law cut out all members who had resigned their seats] therefore Auto Maims goi l no part of the increased pay. Mr. BILNITML, who wasi elected to fill out .e . unexpired tern of Judg,e lifiatcutt; voted against, the increase, and as the law required the mileage and sta tionery appropriations to be deduct 7 -ed frOm the increased pay, Itfr.,-Bus; NELL,' on his three months service wotilii have but little extra . pay to , drawl; ,so that in every aspeet of the case imrCongressional dlstricit stands above reproach, clean on `the back pay question, and clean on the Credit kobilier l scandal. , j i • 1 ---.---....H 0 .--- 1 I 1 1 F, I REPORTING CRIME. ' r 'several years We - have re-. 1 -• t ~... trained from giving our readers. the , 'revolting and i Sickenn gfparticulars of o murders, executions, &c., iith,which . -i the 'daily press is too often filled, for I the reason that we believe the pub ' • licatio of such transactions have a most L , baneful influence upon, the communi ty, 4peeielly the .young. - • I , In -an article, on this subject, the Met °did gives ;utterance to some / ,1 i . Who esorne - sentiment: oo ' , ! . 1 WEillo not hesitate to say that the evil hero complained of, is one of the most disastrous that Corrupts our time.. The newspaper is daily making its,untiression upon us—daily reitera-' ting its Speech. Not only its direct lesaons,but its very temper and Stile, thui habitually fa miliar, cannot fail to, modify, and more or less assimilate ',the' general mind—especially the feelings and style of the young. Thereis prob ably no educational power equal to it. Much— we soinetinies thinkpost--of our national dem onstration and vulgarity come from it. The Christian 'Union justly says that "this.familiar dealing with narratives of crime dulls those finer feelings of tenderness and humanity which an enlightened community should mod sedit iously cultivate; for these papers, entering our homes, induce 'll our ,children au. appetite for startling and sinful itecoants.; This especially results when,. as too frequentlY occurs, a crime, instead of being justly "condeimned,' is worked up byan ingenious writer, , until its 'severalde gremand final culmination resemble the plot and eitastrophe'of a novel, wherein' the crimi nal plays the part of hero. Suet' freddom of the press we heartily oppOse, as bring detrimental to public morality." ' L . A remedy for this monstrous evil is - a'crying want of the times. What that remedy can; he we fail.to see, for the: .vices of journalism are nearly as formidable as those of intemperance. The best thing that can be immediately done is for well-conducted families tq utterly eXclade from their thresholds all journals that are roar ally objectionable, however able they may oth erwise be. [But the press itself must clean out 'its own Atigean stable, It should disown and scont;the ".13ohemianism " which has fastened upon land degraded journaliim. ft 'should take the rank and the ,self,respect of a great, if . not the grearesceducatiolaal profession: of the civ ilize& world. It is not vet half conscious or its ownmportatice or i t would have a moraie more correspondent With its:power. 1 THE Southern ,Claims commission .1 have ,suspended theirlf examinations untill the second week in Octoier, wheia they will resume, and continue until the middle Cif NoTember. They willithen 'prepare their third annual report to Congress, and s4nd in With the! report awards on ! from the , tweUty-fifth to the twenty-eigirtli huridred cases, embracing; - claims froM all the insurrectionary States. The report- will be completed about thelsth of December. During ; the balance of the month they will be occupied with southern Cimgressinen t • inquiring about claims not reported, those disalloWed or not allowed for sufiicient amounts. After New Year's they_ will resume the oral examilia , tions, but only in large - cases, and all claimants kir amounts not exceeding five thousand dollars must go before the lOcal commissioners to give their evidence, and propeiry 'make out their rr Springfield Republican, 'which supported. Gamax , v laSt fall, thinks the "Liberal" party dsad a s a door nail, to use a vigorous expression. Of its recent, manifestations in INew York it says : "The ghosts continue 0 walk in New York politics. ,Messrs. Jimix CoOnnA.NE,, tthen WALno, Human, and others, ;sign a 19'11 for. a 'Liberal Republican' conference at the SL Nicholai Hotels June 26 : . 1 We said our say about these gentlemen 'While they were . still living ; . 'never Vith greater plainness and fr4edoixi NE than during the reeent.eauvass; when an honest man and i a good.; cause 1 ,- ere cursed with their ill-oinened [. , support. We have nothing to'add—, nor; to take fin back. Now that' they , , , e dead, we d them, for the first Itime, entirely 'harmless and :rathei amusing. 1 , - 1. I RENSSILVAICIA 'pap $8,500;00 for ;the, support of public schools. Iu (this respect she is . ahead of every, other State in , the Unita), except Neve York. H E=MI L f %?l 1,1 Eep. Dem. ..' 3 1 —I 2 1 i l i MI ~~... 2 .2 113 54, 48 129 111 MI 1 ' i LETT= nom mumaispost ninairegoi n i Gavin wot in g bit, immirnikto thiltennaiX OF4ine rime: 4 o lo Wi SOY. **A SOW fn seine mic I hire ninelnl4 to ilit7ilte reathanribeßicramentiftnt Mips' of tihirest. oboc P 00 . 0 0012 otniktamOi 111.1 0 , 4 30 0 years bag beet r the minufacture Gab Cite` ot ; lumber. Timid advisid of the extent of the ,business, but believe there are few marke(s in the country that exceed this one. Other man; nfacturies are now springing up, but with fats Promise of suocesa The Baw , Mazinfactory of Kr. Minerva is gaining a natkimal reputation, While several iron furnaces; rubber factory, boot and shoe mainifactory,*, are in success fig operation. Bradford county has contributed , rio small share toward the pr n arerity of the place. Quite .a number of the Most enter lug business inert here wereforinerlY reteents of your county. B. H. Tart.on a n d Joint H. (Women are largely lutereated in the lumber Opines:, ancl both have been' sucoesstul. 0, Baum is one of the leading Bankers, and on E. Darren, a successfoll merchant, and boot manufacturer. C. L. Thatuctr, and Joan PAM also formerly of your county, arc doing Well here, and are counted among the enter; prising men. There ire doubt/ass many others whose names have escaped mei K 3 What Paris iy to Franc* the acidic. Horse to Williamsport.'Large and :roomy, with an :the modern improvements, it equals any of the drat-class hotels in our large cities. The -grounds surrounding it contain several acres, and are covered with beautiful shade • trees, it largo and delightful fountain and pleasant walks. The superintendent, J. B. B'ntrzna .Esq., evidently knows how to keep a hotel, as everything is managed with the regularity of clock work. it is highly flattering to the Saari cial ability of Mr.-W. that he has been lible to make the establishment "pay " better than ev er before: . The house is crowded at this that), jet the polite a nd affable Superintendent man ages to make room for all who come. . Among this distinguished gentlemen here in attendance upon Court, I notice Hon. Joan Scorr, one of nature's noblemen, L. D. Sao*. *tics : is, the indefatigable member of Congress from the leizerrio district. His personal popu laity and social qualities have secured him the district for two terms, notwithstanding the feet that it it democratic by , several thousands. Several D. D'.7s. are among the jurymen. Sen ator Soorr was made foreman of the Grand . Jury And discharged' the duties of his position with dignitY and honor. Marshall HALL is the "right man in the right place." Ho' dispatches business with a method add facility that clear ly indicate his thorough fitness and ability to discharge the datieit of any position. We pre dict that at no distaht day the people will call him up higher. 162 95 Mr. S. McCaxotzes, ! Clerk of the Court, is a young gentleman of urbane and afrable • man ners, clear head and familiar with the duties of his office, which rerider his, services very valua-' We to the governthent. ' 'District Attorney Bwoor4sf s here,and although far from being well is I egjoyieg better health than usual. By his stern, uncompromising in tegrity and jealous regard for the inteleste of the Government,..in which he niadoubtedly of ten goes too .far, the District Attorney has gained the no t : at all enviable reputation of be ing a regular "old Turk ; " but with all his ap parent austerity and rougbniss, be is a most invaluable officer, and has a ,kind heart, hidden deep though it may adme time seem to be tram his long" .experience with baidened The Government would find it difficult to SU • his place. Mr. TINELIAII, of Sylvania, and IL Bnowaricati ITavion of your county were:lien on indict ments for technical Violations of. the revenue law. Although the government had not been defrauded in either case, yet the nature of the offence was such that tbe defendants 'were lia ble to heavy penalties.i On learning the (tete in both cases Mr. SWOOPE procured a discharge for the parties, on payment of costs. On Wednesday afternoon, at the invitation of PETER HERDIC, the judges and a large number of those attending court visited Minnequa arid regaled themselves ; with the health-giving Wa ters Which constitute the only beverage of the place, and strolled thr i f,ugh the forest adjacant to the large and commodious hotel. The after noon was spent in thel most pleasant manner. Mr. Arrtca. and Mr..Trun, **Usual; wereip tiring in their efforts to make all " feel perfect ly at home.' Their courtesy and attention will not soon be forgotten by tbesz who/were pies cot • - I 1- - It is a mystery to me why ItiMinc shFiuld want to spoil an exce:lent Summer' resort by building up an insignificant town . a one• horse carinty seat. After partaking of a most sumptuous Meal we took tho cars for Williamsport, wh re. we arrived in safety, aith many expressed auks 'to Mr. nEILISC for his , generosity. - With, is faults PETEII has many commendable qualiti;-, and while I Lace alWays been free to condemn his schemes fur persenal advancement, at . the expense of the people of Bradford, I should feel self-condemned did fail to give him credit for, his enterprise and indefatigable perseveratme.l THE OHOLERA• MEMPHIS, Jane 22.--This was the hottest day of the season, the ther mometer being. at 94 degrees, but the day - was bright and' clear, and there has been a marked decrease in the)deaths fromi cholera. The whole nuMber of deaths were nineteen,. of which nine were cholera, cases. ( 1 It is 'the general belief that) the disease has run its course here and will probalily disappear. The reports frOm• the surrounding county and along the line of the railroads are still very gloomy. • AT NASHVILLE. NASHVILLE, Jane 22.—The mortal ity to-day from cholera was .52, against 59 yesterday. The weather has been clear all day. t! AT CINCINNATI CDrcisswri, June 22.—Up to - six o'clock last night fourteen deaths occurred in -this city for Saturday from diseases of the bowels, six of which were classed as cholera. THE Neiv TRADE DOLLAR. - A general misapprehension seems •to exist in regard to the near coin which was provided,. for by Congress at its last session, to' be known as the "trade dollar." The fact is that :the sole object of the act is to facilitate commerce between this country and China and Japan, by allowing silver to be made into these dollars in the United States,i'nstead of sa he..retofore having to send the bullion fo r Lon don for coinage. This new dollar will ba used exclusively in trade with the 'Celestials, and will not enter into general circulation in this country, and will only be coined as demaxidetl for use. A CERT - AP,i class of Democratiendi tors are again engaged in befouling the President by insinuating that his personal habits are loose—that he is addicted inordinately to drink, and the greater portion of his time unfit for business. You: never hear a sober man indulge in low insinuations about tho intemperate habits of ahother. It is always those who are secretly and openly guilty 'themselves ,who are prone to drag others 'down to disgrace.. - Men who know Presi dent Gs.arrr and are daily thrown in contact wits Binh, indignantly repel gall insinuations concerning • his in 4ansperate' habits _as . xmmitigated falsehoods. 12Fonacs F. CLAIR, the woll-known financier and railroad operittO - ri died in New York on Frida7 evening last. He was a sea-in-law of Oenzenfixiore V4131D- "tl+4.st`'..hW.leVo,4*.GW...t'a4Wv..wl•klu ER= 1= Statehood to Pay a Mho gar Oho Item. died ,Dellare sad Cede et lahmeeedloa —The lampetton ohs 0 1 11111 i 1 : 10114 t I CASADAIGSA,.4IOO /13. titO mad,ftegboon ludirliSheld* ovect this a in the iisf •Mies'Arithostr, for a SSW trial, -. nrion the' gonad of a misdirection of the judge in order ing a i iierdi4t of guilty without sub nuttinfi -thy ease to the jury. ~He maintained, : in an. elaborate argu 'sent; the right of every person charged with crime Co have the ques tion of guilt or innocence passed on by v oonstifutioind jum and that there was no powerin this - court to deprive hei,Ol it. The District Attorney replied, when the Oburt, in a brief review of the argument of the Omni, denied the motion: t , • - The District Attorney, immediately moved for ientanee. . The Co* made the usual inqairy of Miss Anthony if she had anything to say , why sentence should not be pronounced?, Miss Anthony answered that , she had a great many things to say, and declared that in her trial env prin ciple of justice had been violated, that every right had been denied, that she had no. trial by her " peers, that the court-and jurors were her political superiors and not her 'peers, and announced her determination to continue her lab a# until equality was obtained, and was proceeding to discuss the question involved in the case, when she was ,interrupted by thestith the remark "that these questions could not be reviewed. - Miss Anthony replied that she wished it fully understood that she asked no Clemency from the court, 'and that she desiraand detnanded the fall rigor of the, law.] Judge Hunt then said the judg ment-of ,the court is that you pay a fine of one hundred :dollars and the costs of the prosecition, and. imme diately added, ','Tyre is no order that you stand committed until.t he fine is paid." , 's ..., The motion for dnew trial in the, ~ , case of Jones and others, inspectors of election, . (!ic.; was this morning de nied. Upon being , asked if he anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced,Mr. Jones arose and said: "Your Honor has iironounced me guilty of a Crime. The jury, has had but little to.do with*. In the per formance of, my daties as an inspec tor of eleation, wniCh position I have held for therlaqt four • years, I acted coescientiously, faithfully, and ac cording to the best; of my judgment and ability. I did not believe that I had the right to reject the ballot, of , a citizen who offered to vote and who took the preliminary 'mid geneial oath and answered gall the questions, prescribed by law: - Ilie instructions furnished' me by the State •authori ties declared-, that I ,had nO such right. As far' as' the registering of the names are conce'rniad, they would never. hate been (placrd - itipon the registry if it had notcbeen for Daniel Warner, the Democratic Federal Su pervisor bf Election, 'appointed 'by this court, who not only advised the registry but addressed us saying: ' Young Men, de you know the pen alty of the law if you refuse to Regis-; ter those, names ?' And after dis-; char 'ng my , duties • faithfully and' hone Ely and to the best of my abili ty, if it is to indicate the law that I am to be l imprtsoned, I willingly sub-, mit to the 'Penalty." 1 Each* the defendants • appealed to the ; honesty of their intentionsit their, actions. ' They were sentenced, to :pay a fine of twenty-five dollars each and, the cost of the prosecution, thirty'dollaral DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT POTTSVILLE.-rt Porrsvims, Jane 20.—This afternoon a fire broke out in the planing mill of Charles Martzlin on Second street The wind was blowing briskly frau* the northwest and spread to adjoin ing houies. The =entire block, 'bound; ed on the east by Second, on the west by Third, north by Minersville road and on High street, composed of stores, shops and dwellings, - se destroyed. Kapitzeh's extensive soap an tallow chandlery was completely doh stroyed. i Insured for $lO,OOO. • Sparks were blown over the prin4 cipal paii of the town, and on Centre street a number of stores and resi dences'were set on fire. Clogs' confectionery store, six squares ;off, took fire and was considr erably damaged, but was speedily extinguished. :_The fire gaining - So rapidly in the upper section of the town, and sever al stores taking fire in the business portion down Centre street, many of the citizens becoming alarmed, and fearing a general destruction of prop erty, telegraphed to the surrounding towns for assistance, which was promptly responded to by _running special Irain3 from linhonny City and Tamaqua. The Minersville and St. Clair hose companies, ran here four miles on font, hauling a reel a hose in sixteen minutes. - buildinag ta, ./orty buildings were consumes, principally tenement houses. Orie child was killed, supposed, to huge ,been burnt, and another seriously injured by jumping , from a second story window. A gentleman was also. hurt and several ;firemen were wounded by falling debris, and others 'severely burned:. The loss l is, estimated at $120,000, on which ere is insurance, of. $50,000, principally in home cam paniea. ; LOW OF COBS AT OHIOA4O. --"`" CHiCAGO, June 2L—During the past week a number of bins of No. 2 corn, amounting in the aggregate to abut 115,000' bushels, . two elevators here; hive been 'posted on 'Chanfi, as required in suck cases, as out of conditiOn, being heated. The natural effect on the corn, market has been to ,create an unsettled feeling and depress the prices. Yesterday No. 2. cordsold at 27 cents per bustle), cash, whict. is the lowest point touch ed in this. market for twelve yearn There has been considerable feel ing aroused among. ,operators in cora l _ and charges have been made on 'Change and in the city press that the corn posted as heating Was fraudulently posted for the benefit of certain 'parties and to the detriment of the trade. A resolution was in troiuced on 'Change to-day, which under, the rules lies over. until Mon day,providing for the appointmimt of a committee to investigate these ehaiges, and if they find 'that there is good ground for them ,to instinct the iittbrney of the Board to ascertain if there are any . grounds forlegal proceedings against the parties mak ing, these postings., • Gott, closed in New York ye dad► 9141.5:. ' • = MCI ant or 311118 Amon. '~'l~i..r .rl~~vv.'~'J~J~2.t~~~S~?T..~~:t.,`~Ya4- Yuma bairns; Of. Italy, is to Soommtudosted, Uwo slay trn **sport veyslest in Bono:, It *tett- little to the (Molds world., at piOisitiv al little to the s t hreat erred 40itooiO4; - 4 ) 0 1 bia4no * :*ga . bitruisditod.r.: 41;7 _Constitutional Convention bas • a4pted a provision increasing the rikrimber of Stith fienatora to - fifty, Arid Representatives. to ono himared aqd fifty. , The provision idso gives one Member to eaelx county. jTus Constitutional Conveition will adjourn Friday to meet again in September, t(Mato to complete their , Work in time to ipermita vote upon it this fall. Now Advertisements. A CCOUNTS AS AIID ED BY 411. *editors of Wraloilng Toni:whip; tor the school ending June 1, 1873: I =_ =ha Treasury, Jura 1, 1872'. 833 / 3 Duplicate for school year ending . uns 1,674 70 State Appropriation,.... ' ' 210 80 . • - T0ta1,.... ...... ... .. .. '. .. ...' .. .. .. 52.170 13 , I Earnsnum= ron SeaOoz. Sush! ENDING fool _, ._1 1, 1873 t , I X 33 3 13 Teachers for School TB3! i . s Pt ending Zane 1, 1872 $ 1 1 BO 25 /Pall Teachers for school year cad- Sig June 1. 1873 ' 3,517 41 Irobl paid Teachers. ' 1 1,57748 22. 60 Sonsize l Elonerstlons . i , 7 • ' 114.85 .-_. pai h d I a' Collector's percentage ice School year ending June 1. 1 1873, pig Collector's percentage for Ichool year ending June 1, '79. I. Treasnrer's per tentage .' . Pald foram! tisedlln school year ending June 1, 1872 paid for Coal used , school year ending June 1, 1873, • isTotal eipendittires Mance in Trountry, ZULCLPITUIATION rota! Re ceipts, Xotol Expenses, Balance In.Tr6asury Jane 1, 187, L. Auditor's Report of lien:lets at Or year ending February 21, 187; !Township : To amount in Treaimry February 1 1 .0 of Duplicattiof Poor I ! year 1872,—• : • of Deliminerit Road Ti i •• Received from Frank C •• 01' , . , Donovan's note,: ; Total Receipts I, 1 Exnurarraass os Tian =sear [ Expenses of Poo ~ Road Expenses,. 1. Township Oilicere, Elections .. .4 Percentage'to Collector,: IS Tretsurer,: Exoneration=,... ..... .. - Incidentals, . i MI In Treuury, =Elig Total Receipts Total Expendl Balance in 7'r Maxim% Fra • • " D. W. Baow Caaavis Br Armor:if rrowa Clerk. • Wyaluateg, Jane 26,1873.-Iw. ESCAPE OF THE MODOC PRlS ,oners. - Capt. Jacir, Your Warriors and three squaws have escaped from the Modoc War Depart ment, fouthe pOrpose of attending the GRAND'FESTIVAL to .ho held at ROME BORO, JULY t at 7 5 , o'clock S: sr. - They will positively appear on the streeta, mounted oa their , war ponies, allowing their manners, Amato:nes, enstoses and Implisnenta of war, after which' they will retire to their wig wams, near Baptist Church, *litre they' will favor the audience with one 91 their GRAND. EN4TRTAINMENTS, . . 1 consisting of War Dances, Courtships and appro. priato War Bongs, A°. After which those celebrated Gymnasts and Acrobats especially engaged. for the. occasion, Messrs. Curtis, Carrier and Itrow,n, win .entertain the audience with thrilling leati upon. the horizontal bar;', - tumbling, and theOrcat Brothers Act, k , . ; I . i 1 Admission to the. entertatnixtett, 25 , ctn. Pio- reeds to be devoted for benellt o( . the Ilaptist '.l t e llti A: Grand Farley Dress Parade, for the entertain. merit of everybody, at 8 o'clock p. u., consisting of representations of every nation' on earth. 'together with their various titles. ' Strawberry and Ice Cream Festival In afternoon and evening, for benefit of the Baptist Church. Any ono can have the greased pig who will catch him with their hands and put Min in a pen. Fireworks and a baloon ascension in tho"ovening. Come and spend the glorious Fourth in Rome. We gfiarantee it will prove a sumessand'satisfaction to every body. - June 25. By order of Committee. H 9", IS THIS , F Wo offer DRESSE the following- rates: Hemlock Flooring, (cliolce), White Pin° Pitch ,•• 1 • . 4.4 28 0, Biding $l3 tq 25 ••• Picket/from $2 tct-ti per hundred.. PLANING, MATCHING, DE -SAWING; /to., I ~ Done at a mom :mt'a notice and by the beat machin ery now made. We have on 'hind I ONE lIUNDEED T1101:18 1 1D FELT DBE LUMBER ... Nil have in . eldill Pond ..- THREE HUN ( DEED A'ND F . • FIFTY TUOUSAND j r. ''F47l' Or LOMB= I And constantly Manufacturing. Os' Parties ho can reach na are foogeh to go near the milt' d for Lumber, as under any circum stances wo SELL IT I.3oAPElt—at least the cost of transportation from here to the railroads— Bu t 12 to $3 per thong:aid. Juneid, '73. , • THE 3.1 LD POWER CVRES! 1 i mistPHREYS*B 11011E l e PA:THIC ' SPECIFICS , • ito m the meat Have proved,ample experience, an entire waccess.l Simple, prompt, eilielent and relia ble. They are the only medicine perfectly adipted to popular use--so simple that mistakes cannot be made In using, tbem ; so harmless as to be free from danger; and ab, efficint al to be always reliable. They have the; highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. i ' ' lies, ' - 1 • cutuni. ' • 1. Fevers, Congestion, liiiismmationi - - I. Worms, '• ern Fever. Worm Cenci 3. Crying.o c, or Teething ofnlnfarits, t j a 4, Minh of Children or Adrilts... '5. DYien , Griping, Bilious Colie,•i G. Cholersadorbus, Vomiting,) •,' • 7. Coughs, Bronchitis, I s • 8, Nexus/ Toothache, Faceaclie, .' 9. Resits , ' ep, Sick Headache, Ireritigo, 10. D3spepal4, Billing Stomach, 11. Suppressid. or Painful Periods, -:,- 12. Whites, too Profuse Periods; /3. Croup,ugh. Difficult Breathing, 14.,5a1t She , El7elPelas. Eruptions, Ci n 15. Rheum* e lm, Ithetimatic Pains; .'• 16. Fever an Agne, Chill Fever, Agnes, 17. Piles, blind or bleeding. - - 18, Ophtlifimy, and Sore or Weak Eyes, 19. Catarrh. acute or chronic, Influenza, , 29. Whooping Cough; violent coughs, 21. Asthma, oppressed breathing • 22. r 22. Eh Meal:gem, impaired bearing, . g 3. Scrofula. enlarged glands, SiveSings, 21. General Debility; Physical Weakness, 25. Dropsy and scanty Secretions, 26. Ses Sickness, sictneesfrgm riding, 27. ICSdnoy Disemie,Gravel, t9S. Nervous Datil.Uri, Seminal Wee:meas. or Involuntary discharges, 29. Sore Month, Canker. SO. Urinary Weal:lea!, ; Painful Periods, With Simeanie, 431 Anfrefinge at change of life, B 3• I:lsl4iPs7, Spasms, Bt. Vitna Dance, .34. ofptherta, ulcerated eoro throat, 85. ChrOnic Congeaftonal and ErnpUone, Vials, tO,centa, (excOpt 28, 32, and 33,) . , FAMILY Aidf3P.9. Case (lforoccO) with above, 35 large vista and Man ual of Directions. $lO 00 Case (Morocco) of 2abfrge lisle and Book, . •-6 OQ Single Ilexes and Vis,lsas above. These remedies are stint by the cue oraingle box to any part of the country; free of charge, on •recoipt of price. Adtbuse CLMU B. PORTER, .Druggtat., ' • - Towanda, Pa. May 28, 1873. TitSSOLUI I IO.--4NOtieeikhereby .L.F even that e :Partnenhip 'lately =Laing between Clark Willscin nit tita Thomas B. Maxwell. of Tolima% under the ,name of Willson It Max. was dissolved on the Tltli day of May, 1873, by mutual consent. All debts poring to said partner ship are to bo paid to Theorise B. !dextral. and all demands on sad pa, are to be presented to him for payment. • - .3 O. WILLSON. • • T.,8. MAXWITJ... I will say to the blic that I expect to wahine In the Sewing busbies at our former once. next door to Means Rouse, and shalt expect all claims connected with our former business to be Fcited tome, as well as all moneys now due or due to be paid to me promptly. Any orders • American T tletring Machine will"receive, , rompt attention. Jane 4.w3 B. MAXWELL. P , EYSTONE . LIOITNINGIOD. - • • T. T. Y EINBEYIC PATIN T Thia lied being 'of pure Cer. 'which is found to the best conductor of elety, and constructed as to glee it more surface than any rod is use; • CI. W. CAMP of this place. Is sgent, and solicits patronage to those Ithibtlag nods. Weather Tana and Signs. ; Toirmitta. Juba 4,1874. OM EAlliC!)1 tf, ming, DE&LERB, • ,' littottloot to Tatra If Sol • L' I Wawa bog won to toy to the mtsplo of Badf totitutottani?oTsigior,. that eso,Voundlito"artitoorki rat the inn V A W III4I 4 011ailt era thing unnal l WWI in it - I 'HARDWARE STORE. I p 'no forla r t,w!bg 'Mpg partial list; mum AND OWS tiarrints. Grain Hand and Rorie Bakes. STRAW AND iHAY FORKS, And KNIVES AND nrimm for sU leading ?dada of tae I , dik Y* • • el ; i • LIME , AN D II ~ Full Hue of suib, mu ' s, Doors and Bt* ' Patent Bikes Tenanted sure thl4 • • CoAland • Churn Powers. • • Tinware .of 1 Our oUrn manicotti and repairing; done on short noti ' OILS AND PAINTS. BELTING AND PACK e, OcUPENTCBS'ACEI INACIIIEVINDITOOLS. - , OM WOE BTOVEB,IIOWWOO/8 AND COAL. 'articles Weide =ay cdber too amen otention. All of which Will be sold at bottom p Glee us a call and We will try ell ?do yon good: 1 DACRON a ammo Towands, June 18, 13. -: 55 On I% 28 • 113 31 33 83 58 27 H 104 30 252.67 I PHINA 114.141. i 1 • .5230 45 $2,170 19 $2.170 13 2,146 45 ...I 23 68 nil Expenditures 3. for Wyslasing 26,18724 406 73 Tax for • 981 63 ix. 1671, 221 40 Breen... 73 00 .. 97 00 81,779 76 Friel 1873; $ 820 58 • ' 381 0J '192 16 44 33 48 01 ..... 27 80 .. .. 18 80 63 21 $1,597 68 182 10 ; 41;179 SG $1,779 76 1,697 66 CAGES' $ Isi lo Auditors, 7.1121E8 4th, 1873, SILVER PLATED 'WARE , i . 1 I CROCKERY, ; CIIII 4,NA, • I • . In the st4PlO goods keep a full line Loth 7 ng to itynnd pried.l, I 2 FLOVER, PPTS, tho la :Ay over`brlmgliti to this URN'S AND 1 VASES, R LOW ! LUMBER at TERRA COTTA SrAllißA ordered w $lB per IL 26 KNIVES IND FORKS GLASS SO DES IL B. INGBABI, Camptowp WOOD AND ,WILT.,O MULTIAI IN PAR A NENT.BIISINESS To the e citizens of Towanda and sn -mentaffir country: The eubscrlberlt having lejkad the large and csratuodlouli store ou, Main Street,'Xowanda, first door south Of Pint National rdc, for the pur pose of carrying ion the !i ( _ - CESZB. 25 - 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 AUCTION AND COMAIISSION BUSINESS, Ass a Wholesale Jobbing and ll 4 tatl Trade, would take this teethed of informing. the pallid that they now have on hand awl:ready or exhithion and male, as large a stock of • GHOICE. AND EW • GOODS , • I • ..1 I 1 as over war aeon in Northern Pennsylvania or Southern New york, consisting Of full sets of plain wbite,decorated. colored and gold band French China forty crates of solected , lron Stone China 7d White Granite Ware , a full line of Yellow and Hocking, ham Ware, Stone Ware of all kind's, alarge and eplendid assortment of GlassWare,'a full line of_ I - 1 FRENCH PRESSED TINWARE, as fine a line.of Table and Pocket Cutlery sa is man ufactured In the United States, a full line;iif Heavy Bilverplated Table Knives, Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, Entter,Knivis. 'Castor , . and other plated geode, thelincat line of Toilet Ware ever offered in the Market, I - _ I LINEN, ; TABLE CL.(:THS, Towels, Napkins, Handkerchiefs, Crash, and oilier Linen Goode !fur Towels, etc. The neat and cheapest lino of Peddlers and Fancy ,Goods this aide of Now York. Ladies fine iltalbrigani and Eng lish Hosiery, S choice and rare assortment of iOO 1 00 1 00 ao CO 1 00 , GENTS*, AND MEN'S FOHNISIIING GOODS, • . Over l , lErtider Shirty, °Venal and` Working Shirts, gineers and Miners, Shirts. a ,full line of Men, u and Childrens• Moslem Hdkfs. • Sus. genders,: °Bel and Shaving Soap, Elmore and Strolls. Shaving Hits complete, Azes,l Hatchets, Hammers, Lanterns,' Looking Glasses, Brooms, the best and,eheepiett ever :inn. Bill, Legal pip, - - Xo'rP, -A34l3i_ INITIAL PAT" ER, _,_l ;{,.1 '' Envelopes, Elank‘BOoks, slates and ;Petite of all kinds", laws of all,kinds, Oilcloth Table' oven, the best: and cheapest Pltper Collars in the. 'market, to: gether with a car load of i, Yankee Notions and a thoiniand varieties of other goods. Always buying' e cheapest of gooF and On ready cash, we Imo that wo can suit tolprice and quality as our' otto Ls live and le live. WO are Maned with all profits and quick returns. therefore we say to Merchants, Peddle " Hotel and l e Boarding House pers, Lawyers in TeaChers and the balance of Ole community, pleaseigtve us a Call sad, he convid_that what we say $. true. . AU money refunded it goOds are not as represent. ed..„ A full est of China will,be sold to, the highest bidder evert Sitar aft,ernoon and set every Sat ay evening . Cs&advancaut on goods con. - *mad for Button • 1 I Auction Bales attended in town or Cotuitry at rossoneble rates. All goods sold will, be caretnny packed and;delirged free of charge to either of the d.epets or in the rough.: ~') , •' i " • I . H 1 . : . . - COWEN , •• .1 .1 Torna4zune el 70, : i ' / I • 2' 1 I , IM==Bl uosrow; STONES ANID AN the Fatima fin' the, _ WOOD h,IOWING MACHINE, , ;j ~; _ ME ) BABY WAt4ONS; i TOY 'WAGON% ' AND. CA ' r ; • , . At lucKaitm & :131LACK;;. ,~ ~~7 I i LIND TRIMMIL At. wlcKiitm. k. frym Rogers & Br in gre, I= . AND•;:i'LA fur yards 1 from $ IM At WICKHAM & ctfrisrA HAL Towanda, .1114•4 1873 l'=====l 1111 (11 : P 14:3, IBM RE IN tV 1 i Ilf, ff ~ , i . ' - li 1 . MI , . IF IRS t 1 I 1 NEW SPR 11111 i CALL) I 1 ' BlEvik Black ME Dom©s I 'Shav4 ■ ! c 1 i II EMI i Hoery,: 1 I other, Mich they are t variety AT P EINI warda, Marc FURN ways gnat- we a, tyle • •,I) gcst ID fir Cara MEM ETC ME 11l r i • Or (lora for !. MIE EME! iTHE IR ME 0 upi NM • REII MI El tr,,, IM Ou i r stork is no 11E And Parlor But for sale. We would mph%) arliclea we hay are fully prepa - U /q3i, Our Uphola onr own Nu NVO , III rop 1 WIND° rim notice: Mt lordq • • 1 In addition store at I = \ Dervotei eiclusively to the hiattressesi Springs and t• - "tit may always be found 1 ' • U. Egl t SON. O. IL W 1- 1 8' 1 1 .8 I h 41. HILDRE N 8 6111 BM • h received weir Ulm MEI II MI SOCK 1 , DRY 0 ODDS, /I 1 Itl=l IME BE Ell i lAL i SPE Hi ' 1 11 '1 KM II ME r=l ME EiZa arm i i 1221 White OM I brozd 1/2 = -I 1 1 I ..I,` loves, P c't &I =EI EH M PULAR P LLD: :rige I EV/kITS & 19,1873, j BE EM It 1E 73.1 LEI II =I t er4ect d aolk ITEM 111 IMsfl 11 , IIRN : 1 r 1 J nceg State. ME! lir 1 I 1 1 ' ' ST ~., ! N FRO IN Market.Stilleet,l 11t ES-BAR EMI and we flare .1 an ST , ; i • ( • never before 0 , mouse vielety th itci . !enneierate all 61 411P 1 7 tha & r est 1 ' AMBER Just out and ye ancli an large volume on hanp, and ,tel to furnish ~~ ISLE C or the A . sIS M DM Shittg is •arratito. 4lng andFini rvisioti ,ard sentedl RNI EG I BM I cirde . wain le tit shed t. 'g Lamb • d for in d fnm mak Iksnd ~ ade a rlal fo II on CO ) k . bus Feu 11113 1 KE 1 • •of • • • n. ;ow tare add Qle . of *he* a--large irlc!es . . 3 • 1 l OLOAZIE , • i • --r . . , I . . 1 A nr b Vag: % delivered at t he 1 ' PtGE. \/m& . ;tot Goons in • cony , • will pelt as low • • • elptdiC .H elirefdly psc of, charge. 1!!9 • Voo. VOORELIIL leech 1575.-tm o i rl; 1 ' • legit . " -:•-••••4e gXECUTOWS , Mitt +-J. la heathy' even that el ietscniajnotebtett , %he Waite L "Gn i. late log wramong }deed. are to maks Inunvtiete, all having clatter alar= tintniit , last present ltiom duly authenticate% tot settle *eat. I PUILEYOII STOAT," I AGITBII7B Lyons. Jane le. I , Plsecntort. VIED:1E7010 NOTIOE.4-Notice.: herebi4lven that all persous o petatited I to the estate n James. Pantries. late Itiagbelrf pae.ll, are to mate luuned,conent. lut4 all pew= bauluB claims Wend tatatee nruat present thud only authentke tor 'natio.' writ. JOHN PAT Trissolt.l JAKEititABON. kinne 19. - I _ , • -4861it°24 ME 111 i,a I 1 I 1 E - - x_EouTort, , slNon Notice ts i tierebt Weis that sU perttinitlaebt. ' 'ett to the estate of William A. Zsisq, &ailed. We of Albsoz, sre, requested =AS. bon 2 Pdt• atepsysnest,- and all persons Laving asthma atatruil issa estate uttlit present them duly autheutleatell ter nettlemeat. ; a. W. (STEREO/SA DANIEL BAH& .faite 19. . - EleCat46ll. ME M U4 2II_ DITiR'S N - • : 6 T'l C E.-4 P. Kirby P. W. Co ell:: -$O. 9013-SePt- Term.. . In tbeCourt of onunon Pleas Of Bradford tr. ____jl ' 1( '• - I ~, 1 l e , n=wat. awed,' an Auditor aippomted b y said co to drat:Onto moneys arising from litierffri psis f dqe.mekapi's seal estate, will attend to tbeldtt. tts I, "nett at the, °Moe of Oration & ' met -of Tasranda, on IKON. , ty ; 1a73, tit 2: p'cloek.. T.:lmi t ' winfif claizat uPen said funds - it them or be debarred from 'O; F: 0 111 ;1 r rand._;- 1 C. J. De ' EL 1,9; Auditor. --•---4----1•-•.--- , -;--,-- r., NOTlCE:—. 4 Welleir Zr, art Taylor. l -In? the ;Corot of 'Westford .01 Couniy.t•NO. 2.,3.. •!• i - ; dna C o. vii ttobert Tatricir.i.-30 ,u pii lee Ckiirt of on Pless.o! Bradford • Quito.(l.—. N0:439, Ka ' Om, 1873.; , i. •- • i ••, The Ito fined an Andifor appointed byisaid icorixt '3day ' 0873, to dliitribute the 'fund arising ;from the Sheriff's side of defendant's personal prop ririll attend to the duties of biSappoinbient. lon ITER:DAL the 10 day', a !Jul y, x 873, lat • 9 s;i'clak, S. m.. at his ',iofhoe, in 11 the' 1 •Borotigh of iyosranda,.vrhen and where ail persons lisitinis r !ialMS otisald fund must present the Same or be b ased from coming in fr a share of 'maid fund. ' - • - W. X. PECIf. .itine4.4o ;, I Aculitar. Cr _ . ,1- A. ! ..triortOß%4 Ii()TICE !--- 13.,:, N. Betts iiii. E. N. 'Nader mid Ell . elia Keeler.— the Court, of Common Pleas r Bradford County. N . 13. Ded.;Term. 1870. , , . I ,1 r l unekiiidgned, an Audit r appointed by said art tO distribute money' arising from Bherira e of defendant:a real estate, Will attend to d ties pf said appointment at Pie of fi ce of V. A; P k.' in the Borough of Towanda, on SATIIIIL AY.' ;UNE! 28.1873, at 10 o'clock. la. tn., where I pars having claims upon I said funds are ' re nired to present them or be debarred from coming in upo saldfund. T.......0,... - , ...y.,....., , t i i Auditor. NVOIis 111 AuDr T ows Nova..L H - 31: W. Witsr , Pliek vs George C. Pfill--in the, Coart of 'Common PI as of Bradford onatyi peps-Teri n. . 1872. So. 82, i i 'The undersigned, an Andit,or. appointed by said .Court to distribute moneys in ; the 8 berifrs !wads arising froth the sale of defendant s real:estate. will attend to duties' of ' !such appointment stills office Towanda'BorOtigh, on TUESDAY. JULY 22,1873, at 10 ,o'cloCk. a. where all persons having claims ' upon said funds must pre-,' sent them or be debarred from coming in upon the same. f ' JNO„; W. 111 X, Jun.ll.w4[ " I Auditor. Ere Er T 0 R ' " NOTltt._ Notice Is hereby given Um all persons indebted to the eatate of Bridget Cullen, late of Albany. deceased, [are requested tb make iroatedia payment, and all persons ha‘iing claims again said estate twist' present thtni duly anthenticat for settlement. • , DAVTLi CULLEN, fOLIN MURPHY, •L -Exec:Mari. Bray2o7wq_ eres, A . , . D3th-' ,- ISTRATOR'S NOTI CE.- 1 Notte4 is, booby: E wen th4talipirsons indebted to the i estato Of German Titus, ; late of Piker deceased,' pro rmstestea to make i immediatei payment, and all persons having claiirta against said estate mns' kesent Win dulpanthentleated far se • dement.- : EOOMS# BILELEE. / 1 7 28- w 1 1 • 11. Administrator. ; A 1 I BEM 111 VAN Monday. .14" 4. 3f. 8:00 8:10 8:30 9:10 9:30 9:50 10:20 11:10 A. 31. pA..,t, N.Y. CAN.4x, ill• 1 iCiLat.M:T or• r4ssmotx.TEAl S ; Lalte effect 3.103n14 . 7,1duffe p. 11373,.1 WO 1:372 ..-7 j N 6. 1 NO, I N • ',SO. 2. ', 4 11 , 2 i'gfat 11 , ' ii l4 • •;;I• 9 • 1230, 630 ; yt, 11 4,1-- 545! 8 45. 11.1 3 5 371 Bp7 1129, 5 371 8 ;0 11059; 500; 7155' 1.0 561' 1 6 69' I '9 2S I 4 Oti o[39' 966. 3.0 1 1617 t, 581 1 6 10 ;-. 8 34/1 3:25 i. 5 45- f 7 201,2 37! - 4 20 700 230' AOO ....,1114.3 130 A M 1 10 47'12 24 19 30112 05 ' . , ‘ 10 05 11 40 .. .18.30; 945 ' ', ' i o o :; 300 . t i : ..... , , 1 iil3:! Am , Ro. 32 leaves Towanda at ~,,,, a 10 . ,m.;Atlicna 1:50 a. m.; Sayre, 7 57 a. m.; Waverly,! 8 03 al. in., ar riving at Elmira at 9 00 A. at. No. 3 leaves Elmira atls 30 p. m.; Waverly at 615 p. .; Sayre,;6 25 p. in.; Athens, at., 6 [32 p. .. untying t Towanda at 7 101P4at. i r g, • Drawl Room Cars attached Ito Trains 2a d 9 rnm thrgngb between Elmitia and Th 1124141013. _ , 1 •I. A. PACKER, • ' . ,Simerintende t. 1No.: 7. ',--STATIONS ERE P 31! P 31 I i . 4512 3 22' COll 3j 1 2.' 3 1 35 420 t 205 5 11' 919' 10 00 1050, 11 it 11 36 11 45 42 35 sg i 305 60( 322 610` 642 353 800: 442 1 5231 500' ^ 30 P 1 831 845. 915 301 'or 1 2O ' '35 G 9 561 G 3 51 I 820 9!5' I I P ZI. be found EN RE: 1 FURNI't IN 41. 1 J 0 S E-P' HI I s now opeted a n GE SITE pattern ME ifiErMMO = tit the we 1 violitiy. tivor hi' Over ma)* be,wati I xatuine RHAPS EM J. H. H .f . (loue ender oveps. 'Fe .l i '1 trim- A RD NV: ERZ II , ALusix . c l l,, PA., ' i . •' I ' C Where , may' hp' . .Jund' i a Goiera! hel: of earripic Il f .lfdiers and 1131aci.c iiths Supplies; Ben Stuff,, Sf obis fibs, &c., Iron and eel, Nail flloiis )rse Nails, Florae . oe l s, and Tools. `NISII NG GO.)D:.-.7. §t sn at, short of every '.. OUSE FUR / I Lee.ks, Knobs, mill and Putty,l;Pa • • ' 31t.i. T ; CAIIPENTEIIiS' , 11 r ri r . fuil liner of Choici. a m Silver Fated lire, 11 , -- -- r j CI,II, ATTEIkITICI. f G4V.ii.N TO, , TRAD;Ti. li' i .l.li.E and 1• r 1r 11 : i -- 1 11Q1JSE. ' , E.llso GOODS ` t L . good tiso . rt, .i: 'ti of Agt ill • . . /Ile 9' ts . , ,1, i t . .FP' f ItOSEtiE, iNIAC IS :111•1D OTIJ L I a: I co ni C p o l r e el te ag as e. s li o n i :: d p ;7"oo3e . n . •yi 1 n'fact I am ready or t a Spring Tri 1r a E lifE It /I.L 11 ,..k 11 I!. 1 1 (' . 0 1 ,1 er 'Offered in i ltvyaf i tistn or iiiinity. alsO have i con l ectl .a • _I 1 • ; . 'F1r..133: - < .bASSrrTIII 81 th elmtelt tiorimeri e i mi ngaged. I qbhing preinMly attendedi to. r 'make FsTroigh arid outdoor Wei r ti ire me a , Int .. Sterrett's Near St i et. I trill of beindrsold. ' ...Cheap fe r f ash 7 is my r imotte. J r 1 ' ' • r 1 j• Trk H' ITyalriaind. P., 4X)ril 4873. • ) ; ; 1 i el f:, I have a I U CI 111 = KULL' r g elect o TABLE .T. ERIE RAlLEatir v.ll, 1872.- Ili IN TONVA ND I A. H BARFL .m U O VIIO ' WITICOX B ALBANY..;. 1.-..-MaLLEAS.-;1. DVSHORE Balmer t 12:30 0D51154 ~ ger Agent -L_ (c r 1 Pas olia'l7A.r.D! • 31 —Athens' ...Wyalusing... ...Loceyrille... Mesho : plkn.. Mehoopany.. .Tunkharutoell. -Pittston.... . ;Wilkes ..Mauch Chunk. ...Bethlehem .. eels rk.. ST - 0 - r. , IS jijN Funlil , are Store t r B T, WAIN llkocp c!)n hand Where be aril 11E:CT:op trn 41 be qohl EMI or FML n nit their pst etl iu tLo Furikt i N UINES CALL 0 1 rric: l cs 11 1 before May N'T , K 'Op 11 11ATi. 0 )11. , A. R D _ i I , taslve FEW LUISE It_ . STO iE "inos Nails pi s, Varialsbe: &e. • Tri. 'AD r 'OTHERS uud Tabl. 'rib!. Spoon sped I on 3 ME !" _I: II 4;00 3,L50 3:30 2'45 2:25 2:05 LI NO EOM MBES .art asttl 121. a^:5..1 Me C•tici-y c. •, II ; .sTt V ifillfilil Lf:OILS ~~ UM Era
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers