TIMMS OP `PI7BLICLITZOII.' Tux .B.unynan Rumen la pabiliand, swag t. nu:WV Ktaldbil by Lit. am= at Tao)l;4lns a . per annum la advance. sr advertising in all cuis trelllarfe of inocatp. tion to the BPWLAL MTN= Inserted at "aim carentan tine for brat Insertion: and FITZ minpa llas toe subsequent tesertiona.., a , „LOCAL NCYlloffilidarne mattes, re-Erna:an a Rite. , - ADTEBnEenerdTB win be Inserted aceordlag to, he followiag table erste% . . . _ . . . lw 1 tw, I Sca 1 6111 I Ur. inch $ • 5O LOO LOO I SAO i Inchis" I 2.00 I 6.00 16.001 10.00136,00 I 110.00 9 Inches I 2.00 4.00 110.00 LLtamo.oqi atL,bo ess 3.00 8.60 ltilq 111.25 25.00 MOO BE 1 6.001 12.001 18.00 12.0011 &UM collinin 1 10,001 20.0 0 1 80.001 80.001 85.00 imp 20.00 ► 40.00 ► 8000.1 two ► $l6O. Administrator's slut Executor's NotiCeit, $2l Auf2j. t Soticels.,s2 SO :- Iniainees Cards, inhales, flair 9 Fir) O. additional lines $1 each. Yearls advertisers areentitThdto quartmilehanges. Transient adrwileementaroast be paid forts edraate. , All Resell:Mons of AsitoidetiOnst Gommuniestlons or limited or incited's* interest, and notices of Mir* Timms and.Deathal'eueooding timelines, are charged - crxra per line. • I The Rreogras towing s larger circulation than aU h papers In the countycombined. makes it the best A3certieing meatus:kin 21Orthern Perinartrinia.__ • JOB PRMTLNG,ot every , kind, in Plain and nou7 ...c4rs, done Isn't:is:Ones. and Wasatch. Handbills. 1313;uks, Cards, Pamphlet% =tend% Eitate,ntents, or Ucer7 Caner' , and triple. printed st the aborted notice. The Error/ma Me is well tnipsned lash -- Power Presses, a good assortment of new type. AM ATerlibing in the Printing Utok can. be executed in he roost artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS iIIiTABIAMX CASH., BUSINESS tlxos. • riousk. srm IND FRESCO PAINTER. Ton - micis. Septa 15, 1870-yr • D: BARTLETT dr, SOlij - • sznaver. Aarrrs, Tciwantla. Pa: -None but reliable companies repTcsente4l. 0 . D. mirryriT., - I •C, G 11171.71.=. 1 • nr. 1872.-ty* [ • , R FOWLER, BEAT, ESTATE . I. • DRAT 'NO. 278 South 'Water Street. cae 0 , lllinofa, Real Entate purchased and sold. In veatmento.madeand 3loney Loaned.. r - May 10,'70. • - • • • TORN DIINFEE, BLA CKSMTTB; • momtorrow. PA-. pass piatieTaar attention 0 roping Buggies. Wagon.. Sleighs. dc. Tire set and repairing done on short notice. ' 'Work and arras - guaranteed satsfactiary. • -12,15.139. A 31PS P . R.NtYPACEETt, HAS CV again eztablisbeii himself In the TM:LORI:10 "r,SINESS. Shop over nod-well's Store. Work cif 'very description acme in the latest styles. 2 , Towanda, April-21. mix —tf ; ERAYSVILLE WOOLEN mmi • The undersigned would respectfully sztonncoio . the nubLic that he keeps constantly on hand WoolSn Cloths, Cass:mm*oc' Flanneli, Yarns, and all kinds at Wholesale'and retail. gAIGH k BBOADLEY. Ang.10,1870 • i Proprietor: C • S. j - k S Llt S . . 4 7.cr - SeR A CE. , A . O' l lN C 11, ,TOW. DA, EMIB W31. , H. 'MORGAN DEkT i • 'lr rra rat REAL ETA .=-Lots from $lO9 up wards. • Also Real Estate Agents. Land bought and Fold and money loaned. Patties desiring to sell Wild Lands, Farms, or Lots, can . )2avo a map of _lands or subdivision =Laded at tliis Agency. tin 4 ,property sold' on a reasonable coromtraion. Office over. Postonlccc Mercar's Block, Towanda, Pa.. L. moony.' • itu'o„4l23 tett. B. atconuart.i- , - pflE; UNDERSIGNEI; KRCIII-' -IL TECT AND BUILDER, 'vrisbeiitec 7 iziform citizens of Towanda and vicinity, that belcill Oita a r tica I r - attention.to drawing plans. deargns and fret ftea.tions for 'all manner of buildingt, private and public. Superintendence given for reasonable 'coninertastion. OtTw st residence R. E. corner of Seecul and. Elizabeth• streets:l EOM INT 'W. • KrNGSBUitY TlEAi t rTAtn LIFE. Firm & ACCpE&T f. tRAN CE• "GE - N C e, corner of Main aod State Streets; 3lar - h OM ASH; DOORS, AND 'BLINDS: 11 am piepared to furbish Min-dried Doors, Sash and Blinds of any style, size, or 'thickness, on sh4rt Hand In your orders ten days before - you want to use the - articles, and be sure that yon still . cct doors that will not shrink or, shell. Terms caah i on 4 , 2/11"MT. . Towanda. Tot" 19,1571: N & B'ROT.HEIS, Dealers it ( ti)t; BIDES, PELTS, CLI", SKINS,. FURS, For wilfelt tho ltigLeat cash priceila paid at all tirnia 01:17e in I. E. Rosenfield's Store, Ilsin-st., .a. A. n.o.rrox. I !; J. F. LAYTON'. tk0v.14:70 TOWANDA PAL' • NT •V, FIT R (100,D5',LOIV PRICES!;' r AT moNr.oETos, PA . • 1 ---- • , . TRACY SI: HOLLON •, , -?-..,- •1 • ' ,;••....sil Dealers in Groceries and Provisions. Brag{ - .el *7•lredieinos, Keil:peens ,Oil,. Lamps, Chimneys,' ilia_l.'s. Dye Stuffs, Paints,',Oils, Varnish. Yankee ,tics . lion=. Tobacco; ei;iirs and Snliff... Pure Wines' ii;liv,: , ... o 1 Pao Idesennality, for, medicinal p s — only. • All Goods's* at the very lowest prices. Pre scriptions carefully compounded at all hours of ;the lay and ii'd..,llt. Give us a - call. - . • 1. • TRACY Si. irotra*. 1 '.• Mor,rceton, Pa.; Juno 2,1:15(.3--ly. 1_........ CHAALES F. DAYTON, . ,-• , nruMphrey i •:f.'l -r,.z F. s s MAKER, , - ‘,'(..)X•erl 'tfoad 'St - _ 3.- c. s e, • ' • 11 , - ; ., , , , r• r:-. 111-id a, frill assortment of Dol;l3LE 4 and :q.tiliLE tiAnsEss, phi - all other goods in his line 1 1:4 .i.oiring awl malufleturipg Mono to order. ' i "o.di arida, ..ingust :id. IS7I. . IB XK F. ItY 1 . , I \--- ONFECTIONEIIYII GI ()( 1 1 I'l I,S • .The nederse4u.i.ll,egi leave to retest) thanks to the Re'aple of Tecvni'adi and vietnits far the very gen.A•onit patronage I extendea to him during' the past , eason, and at the sane tim&to give hotias , that e hellac Business a stock of • ; GROCERIi . .. , , I - • ..11'hk!e 1: , • , ;q•-:. , i1arr...,1 L) offer .LT THE: LOWEST --- I'IIICZA. lie will ,tlll conlinize .the 134kIng , bushl4is in all •p.134,1 , ran5:1..., 1 , an I ra,..l furni, o 4 anything in [WI line 0: - .,i-tli , Phortl•st n , 417e. an,l e:.;I3.IIIANTEI . .SATISFACTION Ile Ittte•ttlse fitted DINING ROOM; , . . , Werre'be-s 11l itt all utiles be re'r.:l3 - to furnish Meals or Lurk:lol . ls at muck ] :lower rates Ilan usual.. • i F.travq - sa3lothor - .4 risitin:z town . aro mrited to rag. Parti,s burp:it-41 with Ice ercarn,Caties, Fruit, - ail I Confectionary at vhort iaotice. • I:Nue:Tiber the flare, nearly oppogite the .3.t r eans . • S'ept.ll.'72. ,-1101ZACF. A. couLy.s. • TOWANDA COAL YARD, tit.tl , ,An . .A - so EMl...V.:rail ;al:EY:rt.; ;ESCV Sia:LIVAN ANTHRACITE AND P.ITCMTNOrS COALS. 1.1.; ANTHIIACITE-COAL )14:;;.t , t riic•ca 11: 1 2. I.;+. VXCELUENCE Willi ECONOnr. 1..4 • ,Attnia..... 1 by trarelmsing year C HING !. t .7.% I avalifig Hari e of CrL t:S 4IVOLFF, TV ., To QUALITY Is guiraateci _ . .. s . 1.1.1a1t, !'ai1..*: , , , .,:. , ne.1 an I:Am—age snick ol.lise latest .ft.yrel 4.)1 , . , SPRING A.ND - 86.1.P.LER GOODS • Ts which incite the attention of toy, numerous customers snl all others who desire to study coon. , e:riy Cr!' purchsso of Clothing. SI: I))011 a r 1 OF pox x DIERCUR'i. it a print not to carry negation e mS prof.ta rot 7 mall in order to 7 11 beflr3 a change of moil:11E1g is r4 - ,_As ullk • gogi,i, I La .igrpote onny t - t equirel. , _JUIAUS WOLFF) Nay. 1373 (VOLUME XXXIV. . TAMES WOOD,. Amman . Aim - Oonsantana .tr Law, Towanda. Ps. 811ITH & MOiTTANYE, A:no?- tern as Law. 1 0ficeits of Maxi sad I'llteStreets. opposite Porter% Drag Blare. nit H. WEEiTON, DENTIST.— cnue to Pato:oi Do*. arre Garet Drag are Oberria4l Ware. ; ; nil. T. B. JOHNSON, PrilitelAN AND A5 l tosoure. Moe over Dr. It. C. Pert.: Son A Co.'s Drag Store. 1 • FG. MORROW: Pairsibux tam e Brannow. offers his professional services to the citizens of Warren and " Residence first bcmse north of 11 F. Cooper's Store. Warren Oentre, Ps. I . f apllBl2.ly TVR. C. M. STANLEY, DErnsr, -2-1 successor to Ar. W, Won. Office to Patton's Mock, up stairs. Main; Street, Towanda, Pa. Ail kinds of plate, work a spectsity. Jan.ls'73 T\S.M. WOODBURN, Physician ASA Surgeon, 015 m over Wickham k Black's Crockery store. Towanda. May 1,1872.-1 e H. ATTORNEY-ASTAIT; "tcuiy3o,' . 72. TOWODA, PA. - pomp, & • McPHERSON, lears.ar-Law, Towanda, Ps. Will give prompt intention to all matters entrnstea to their clone. 'Orr;lutrui• Court Mildness a neetalty. • s•. sorts. Imay2r73l I.lePnsasen. "PItARTLETT & TRACY, tionnaNcEn ADD firm. Ear Aux Acimns Asm Binzints. Office third door south of First Wallowa Baal, ground floor, Tow'ands, Ps. 0, D. Buvrtxrr.; inny2ll9l o. ratter. AA . B. MaKEAN, ATTORNEY' • AND COMSRIXILOB AT LA.. Towande.Ps. Par tiettliz attention paid to business In the Orphans' Conrt. 20. 31. NICHOLS,_. • ATIOILICET-AT-LAW, : And FTASTONT.RY Aka . coNTEcnoNT...er altteitAlct", Opposite Vat dyke Bones, 1:11,MP., PA. Mirrli, 1873.. a PC. J. DEANGELIS, . Amp-sr-AT-Um. Slain Stree, t, Towards. P. Offico - with Overton & Elmbree, op posite Con Sousa 111ay.14;73. NV.H. OARSIOdHAN, ATTOR— mcir ♦T Ira (:I:HAW et Attorney for Brad. ford Conlirl).Trer. Pa. Collection( 121.1de and prompt. remitted. j fe4l6.Nra—tEr W. B. KELLY, Drrith.---Ofice • over Itlckliain Elsa% Towanda. Pa. Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver. Dabber. and Alum ni= base. Teeth extnictp d without Pain. 0n23.72 R. L. U. BEACH, PaYSICIAN AND Brrnasoa.Permatientl7 located at. TOWANDA. Pa. - Particular attention paid to all Chronic Diseas es.: Cancers and Tumors removed without pain and without use of the knife. Ofßee at his residence on State street, two doors east of Dr. Pratt's. Attend ance in office Mondays had Saturdays. Zif51.16.12. -S. E. FLESIIITC.'6. Box 511. Towanda, Pa.l -Aprtz' CALIFF, ArioßNEts-, AT-LAW, Towaudi. Pa. rr. t. Menus, 4 ' J. N.- . Quarr. Office In Wood's BtocY. first door south of First . National Bank, up stairs.: ;au-R.734y OVERTON - IPTABREE,. ATTOrt •ary's 42,Lavr, Turmas, Pc, Wring entered into copartnership, otter their protessionit services to the public. Special attention given to business in the Orphan's and Register's Courts. api 14'70 t. orruvor. JB. TOWAtiDA, FL:j A. PF.CFS LAW . OFFICE. VY • . ;1l :u F ree oppordte Courtllonie, Tosratitis, Pa. Oct. 27,'70. z i it A. KEENEY, COUNTY SU • PP.RP 4 .,"TENDEr, Towanda, Pa. Office with IL IL Peck. second door below the Ward House. Will beat the office the last Saturday of each mouth and at all other times when lot called away on btud nets cot netted with the Stmeritendency. =letters I:otild hereafter be addressed as above. dec.1,70 GEO: P. OR. J. W: LYMAN' • - ' . .rr•rac•i,... .1.5 D singagos. • • orn z. on Mein ,Stree l t, formefly occupied by Dr. Ladd Residence,. corner Pine and Second streets. Tovmads, June 22, .AB7l. .ATTORNEY AT * IAW,1 AW, Towanda, Itkadford Co., Ps. - 4Mi"StA.I, INSIMASCE AGENT. ParVenlar attention paid to Collections and Orphans' Courtibusintess. ' Offi^- •Sterzny'a New Block, nArtla aide linblic Square. aPr• f:1113,.. . 4 -- E,c' 0131DLEY, 6 • 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ; :• Ap:[ I 1.; 1473- ----__ ---:-..:,-,--7-W,-,--;.--'----- TIeiCTOR 0. j LEwIS, A GRlM lite of the College of "Physicians and Burgeons," Neu. York city, Class 7843-4, gives exchudre attention to the practice of his profession: Of6ce and residence on thd eastern slope Of Orwell Hill, adicirdreP Harry HOW 03. I jarr74, '69. D . .4 7 g3tITH has 14archt . ved G. 11. 'Wood's ' p y, be 21erc w ri Block and the Elwellßouse, ; t here he I: i kag 2 ; Icbca his office. Teeth extracted without pain by, use o 4s. Towanda, Oct. 20,1870.—yr. • ' . • : CO; lIECTI9H WITH TILE, BAIIEHY,.. _ • Martha Conri - Monza. IVe re prepared to iced thellunm at all tintea of the . .7 andt4renine„ 07ateril and Ice Cream in their sleasone 30. 1370. CINTR AL BJELLINGTON, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA _ MEL'S 1 . 3,n luglemeed th in coromiodate all, who bewe I supplied, and fa ctiop to the travelh --E WELL HOUSE, TOWANDA, ; a WILSON Having losied this rionse, Li Dow ready to scroanno date We travelling public. No pains nor expense will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may give him a . *lir North side of ihe public square. east of Ifer= cur's new block, • , A trAnr auFT EL D- CREEK H O ' - . LNX2SSES, . Having purchased Ind thoroughly refitted this old and well-known stand, formerly kept by Sheriff Grif fis, at the month of Itumnierteld - Creek, Is ready to give good accommodations and satisfactory treatment to all who may favor, him with a call. Dec. 23. 868-:•tf. ; . -HOUSE, TOWANDA, COB. IrASY AND MILLETS. •Th Horses, Harness, 'to. of aA guests of this bonOa insured rg agsinAtioss by Aire, without any ex- tra e. A spperior qualitY_Of Old English Bass Ale, just receited. T. R. JORDAN, T • ftnetik, Proprietor: W A.8,13!11.01P5E, itITVANDA, trg.iptop COUNTY, , This popular house, recently leased by Mesas. Boos & disarm and having beencompletely refitted. remodeled, and refurnished, affords to the public sll the comforts and Modern Conveniences of a'dra chma Hotel. Situate; opposite,the Pell on Main Street. it is eminently convenint for persons visit ing Towanda, either for plasm, or business. . scp6ll BOON =LIM, .Proprietors. S. S. PIERCEE. • • ANSION , i HOUSE, "Al \ Lat.4"x EMILE, PA: W. W. NAOMI/NG, 1 Paorarrroz. This Hotiwa iii, cmiditcted la' stricilY Temperance Pit:Ml*B. Every effort win be made to make gnats comfortable. Good rooms and ths table will always be supplied with the best the market af fords. - Nov. 1. 1871. SUPERIOR .A.GRICULTIMAL lIACINZIIT, for Bale by • , It.M. WELLES,: TOWANDA, PA., oince No. S Hemel mock, north side of Codrt House square. VIIOLESALE &N 1 RETAIL. DEALER, AND • 11.A.1tIFARTIIIIERS AGENT. Hacblues, Horse Pcnrers Sad Threashera, Wheel Bakes, Plaster 'Norma. Grain. Seeders, Ha Tedder's, Nerersitibr and Steel Plows, arlurstoei, Mill Horse Hoes, Clore, Hulkirsandlasuilng liLlAs. z.mrs rpnnces, wArca camas, asar =am c zpce =ins ?aura nr 71;i 11012.11; 0 01 13 • I XECILLL=,S reit *Aim oa rows& SG. *O. 0 4 40 = 2 sad del•Ptlys, fllastrated ;Outset dr colon, failed or imaged tree to au spplicairts. -it IrEil coat but three cents to send for circulars Pcislaile • t Penmen iiben in'Torands, all sad eel Me. Avett= T 2: • Wit. =1 is. W. AI-IVOR"), PnioUsher. • , PIMISMOTAL MUDS. Hotels. NINGIIIOO3IS D. W. SCOTT ti Co OTEL, IS s. rquorAs LiHonie, now pripared to no, TO him * * call. Hts,tablo wit! ano pains spared to 'give BUIS' • ApL234n3 -----, . ,, ::: -, . ,- ; ,-,------, • - r , : - .... ,-7 . - =:• - si- , . - '1,Y_ - :! - -'...-•', , ... ' .. - , • 4 ~. .. -........-..." . - '. V i \ .1' ' ) 1 .'] . ' • F.;;:c.,,,.-::-2".^::"'s. . . - ' i . " • ^ .. .r. - -•-, • ' $ a , ---- \. 1, • , I i r — .., , ' 1 •••• -:‘ .: • - Th i -44. - li'• k. • 1\ - 1 'i''' , :' . I . $ . 1 5.... .t .N . • 1 ' i .. .. '+ .„..•,:, k' . . .. • - .024,..)....:4 1 , ; • 0 1 '-. :• . . • : I / .7. ,. .... 1_ i lir • ,—..‘ • 1 1 .. (... c! ' . .t•-. -- . ' • '', - • . , ~ ~,.... ~., ' ---. t ' ;, -i . • 3 , ' ••. f ' '. t e ~ .-- : • . . .. , • • • .. • • l' i 1 J . 3 1 . ''• ' ' ' • . 1. 1 • • . • . , 1... . . . •1 • . . I e , . . . • 1 ' 1 ••:. . , 1 , 111 o. FRotier & SONS, • MANTJFACTIIIIERS ' FURNITURE our liaroacoalaa at aU Umea contain an VAILIVALED AfigORTUEST or CILINEODI srxs Of all Arles and info% combining with the Bich and Elegant. the WO= Prim. imitable for all. and so cheap that an 7 can afford to have them. Also the finest and molt • FA5111014111.3 LACK waarrr PA14.011 tani =IAA= FUBNITIIIIE. Dit new and amulet designs mid of the most an; pert) stile and Azddi. Also s choice sascatanent of TALES, I .#r ARDROBEI3, DRESS ,CAtErit,' BIDE-730A2D8. IThNABT AND BOOZCA/023. Also a mai:Vele line or Tete4-Tetess Sofia, Bounces Booking, Easy and Parlor Matra, in the greatest sty of styles and pelees. Also an endless video ty o , • BEDSTEA.DS,BUREAIIS, CHAIRS TABLES, 1 MIRRORS, , FEATHER PILLOWS, BLITR.ESSES, Sr. SPRING BEDS, Of every description. and in fact everything to be Mod in a First Clam }Nandi:ire Stare, CHEAPER lams Trim . CHEAPEST 1 Nro pay Case for Lumber. or will take Lumber in in exchange for Furniture. Also a large stock of COFFINS • - Of ever/ deazription from the most common to the ftnett: Rosewood, always on hand. We are sole agents "for , Fli3Kll METALIO. BURIAL cars. Which are now conceeded b 7 all parties to bo far the best Ifetane Case in use. We have the In this section of country, and - will furnish any thing iti the UNDERTAKING lino AS LOW as the same quality of goods Can be got at ANY PLACE, either in Towanda or elsewhere, and from our tarp ; EXPERIENCE and thorough scqualptance with the timidness; we can are persons many annoyances to which thepare allay! subjedt when dealing with incompetent pasties. • . - STORE 107 MAIN STREET. , sir- Do not forget the place Towai:u!iLiprl) 2,1872 TO OFR PATRONS • G . EO, H. WOOD 4,-CO., TOWANDA, PA. 1 t . Orstefu) for the generous patronage of the t past year, would inform an waiting Pictures that we are still adding to our establishment `IEW iILIT IMPROVED INSTRUMMTS, And addp4ng tried and approired modes of printing ii4tl retouching in order to secure FINER PHOTOGRAMSTRAN RERETOFORE - made outslile of the cities, and Abet we make _it a specialty to enlarge all kinds of rlotnreit to any size desired, and finish in Water colors, India Ink, or in Oil, In the BEST STYLES AND VENYLOW FETES. i • We alp endeavor Co take an the time pout- hie in making childrone pictures. so as to se cure Ilia beet manna. • • ! All new patterns and falderal styles, and fur. rash them at a small advance from coat prices. May 14, 1873. 100 '3,MN' 'WANTED HARD AND SOFTCOAL BURNER We havelho best line of Stoves in the Stitt MANSARD COOK and 11 ' ;- , MODERN VULCAN Have taken the , premiums tho State Fairs, and we knew they are a first-dais Stove. DOMESTIC , COOK F:01 : goo coal; something not, • DOMESTIC' oon 't • , For hard or soft coal. Also the • INVINCtBLg, PRESIDENT;' ZEISITS, All futrt-Lue:l3tovee EMPIRE OAR BL'ENERS sizes), I . LIGHT HOUSE,, BEACON LIGHT; 'LOCKET, BZFLECTOTL, FIRE. FLY. AND BALTIMORE ' HEATERS. A fall assortment of Hardware, Tinware, Copper, and Sheetiron Warn always on hand. ' agy-All alders ailed promptly. Job Work done and warranted; Give ns a call. , rzwrs & plairszy. N0v.13,1872. No. 4, Midge Si., Towanda. ..._. • i. -no uworo g nod hiving" pnrebased the NUPBERY ON TOWANDA FLATS, Calls attentio*to Ws *.arp stock of f!I[3ST AND oANA.3I ENTAI. TREES - Wli WI he is now preparra,ti pr:LIV:EI ON 3fo ..ST REASONADE TER3I9. • - . Orders is pergou or by twill promptly attended to. • , • •BEND PEET. Towanda. April 16, 1873. THE TROTTING' STALLION Will serve mares the present season, from May let to august Itt,at the I LIVERY' STABLE OF SINOSIIIVZ & SOLOMON From Monday noon to Siturday morning, and At the farm a L. & Kingsbury. daring &tardily and Monday forenoon. The above lime will positively serve but tireutp live mires this maim TERUEL—V/0 bithe season; money due at time service. $.lO to inure one mare, and $5O for two mares owned by one person; money doe u soon sa the mare Jmown to be with foal. Any baying a mare inured - and parting with her the time Wailing, will be bed amount. able for the insurance. PEDlGREE'—rsteben vu ased by the celebrated lesttlas stallion Clears IL Patchen,be by Caritas N. clay. Madam of Patcbel was Dwodt; enrol dam Messenger. May7-2m txtiosimmir k SOLOMON. TO Mt • r' I - xi& . :nostEcsoN, re v ecoany in. force the Wise of Towanda slid viclulty thM alum is prepared to matudactare all kinds of Artificial Bair at remendds prides. such is Switches. Batas. Owls Puff, Prissetta. tc.. either from combings Or rta. pared hair. Beeldeuce on Third street. north of the Catholic China). AU orders promptly attended to. Sattatsetton gauranteed. • BOMNSOff. Toirmuls. Nara 2 7. 10734 m. Ito ABRytTst t • BARBELLS I—A p 0 Oder iurad ;Poet liarrelo. sad .1 kinds at Watt ea, band, at W. A., WZMI. . • ' Oct-1.11 FINEST HEARSE I. 0. FROST 4 SONS. PHOTOGRAPHERS, FRAUES bny the celebrated COOK STOVES I , PARLOR STOVES COSY LIGHTS, VATCHEN riVANDA, PA., 'LT BIIEIHEQUM. PA-. , itluttlt ramp. ' By GAZE 1101.11 Like a cradle rocking, rocking, • Went, peaceful, to and fro— • Like a mother's sweet• looksdroppitig On She little face below Bangs the green earth, stringing, turning, Tarim's, noiseless, safe and slow ; Palls She light Of God's. face bending Down and watching tts,below. And as feeble babes that suffer, Tosa and cry, and will nokrest, Are the ones the tender mother Bolds the closest, lore, the beet : So when we are weak and wretched, - By our. sins weighed down, distressed, Then it is that God's great patience Raids ns closest, loves us best. :0 grest Heart of God! whose loving Cannot hindered bo nor crossed; Will not weary, will not even , In our death itself -h a lost--.- = • #Jore divine! of such great loving, Ooly mothers know the cost— Cost Of love, which all love passing, Garr a 13on to save the lost. eistellmootts. Vor the ItsronTra.) SURVEY' OP• THE PARIS UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION OP ae67. BY "11."—Ne. 111. - Group H. Class ,6. Printing and Books. The principal contributions in this class were from France, Aus tria, England and the United States. Theprodrictions comprised in this class, may be divided into eight sec tions. L Specimens of typography. IL Autographic proofs. ,111.-Lithog raphy in black and ;colors. .117.,'Eu gravings. V. New' books and 'new editions of yarious 'works. VI. Col lectio4 of works forming special li braries. VII. Periodical publication& var. Drawings, atlases - and abums, technical or educational. ,This class includes 144 exhibitors from seven teen departments of France. The exhibition from the United States was by no means as complete as it should have been. Only two or three of the prominent publishers ivere represented by their publications. The bdoks and apparatus for the use of the blind attracted much notice. The very interesting display made h. the American Bible Society should be noted as one of the most remark able of the typographical and pub lishing exhibits of: the Exposition. This society, organized in 1816, has issued 22 118,475 - copies of the Holy Scripturei', in about 50 different lan guages, guag,es, a, home and abroad. There were Also admirable specimens of books in the Oriental languages. Class 7. Paper, Stationery,Binding, Painting and, Drawing Materials. Franco and England were the prin cipal exhibitorS to this class. 'Class 8. Applications of drawing and modelling, to 'the common arts. This class is comprised as follows : 1. Designs for printing—dresses, fan cy bilks, foulards, 4ibbons, muslin, cotton" fabrics, woolen goods„ chintz es, etc. 2. Designslor weaving-- shawls, carpets, hangings, etc. 3. Dera 4 ppos for embroidery, lifee, etc. 4. signs for . furnishing -- paper hangings, furniture, pottery, etc. 5. Designs for ornamentation, models, etc.,—for jewelry, plate, 6ne iron and lock. works, jewelry , engravings, copper, ivory, bronze, and other : metali .stained• glass, etc. 6 Designs and' objects of industrial "modelings, obtained by mechanical means; (reduCtions, enlargements, and photo-Sculpture). It will thus been that the number and variety of objects exhibitedin this class was very great, comprising not only draw ing upon paper for tissues, but mod ela for carvings in wood, ivory, metal, glass and stone. There were but two exhibitors in the United States sec tion, 22 from England, 36 from Italy, and 41: from Switzerland. In 'the Fretielvsection i thgre were .4.0 exhib itors, mostly of designs and engrav ings.. The fullest. exhibition of the works of pupils' in "art schools, was made by Wnrtemberg. Italy, Bava ria and Austria also - exhibited speci mens of their schools-of art. Class 9. Vhcitographic proofs and apparatus. This class includes : 1. Photographs on paper or on glass. 2. Photographic enamels. 3. Pho tographs obtained imprinting ink by the various precesses, of heliographic engraving, or !of photo-lithography. 4. Photograph obtained on metal or on paper, withlthe C(2,lbrs of nature. 5. Specimens Of the 'various applica tions of photography. 6. Apparatus and wood-work for photography, cheinical and all other accessories. The Exposition was' exceedingly rich in the nurnberland Variety of photo graphs exhibited, but the specimens were ingeneral widely separated and not displayed to.acliantage. France had 165 exhibitors, Great Britain 105, Austria 58, Prussia 52, Italy 42, and the 'United States:l7. UNITY. 'Class 10. Musical instruments. The products exhibited in this class include eight principal series, viz : 1. Church organs ; 2. Harmoniums • 3: Pianos ; 4.. Stringed installments ; 5., Wind instruments ; G. Percussion instruments ;, 7. Accessories for their manufacture ; 8. , Ed itioris of musical works. There was no class 'in the Exhibition more thoroughly _sand completely represented than this. Every nation contributed its quota to the huge aggregate. The rildest and strangest countries contribUted their, eccentric contrivances of bam boo and bide--instrnments that were dulcet to native ears ! but hideous to the average tympanum of , Civilized Europe. There were huge pad small drums, in wood and clay used by the Tinluionis; rude' viohns covered with , gazelle akin and ornamented with horns and men's , head's ; Ararat,- eta made of antelope horn! and ele phants', tusks, of whieh the sound is heard at the distends ;of a league ; and perhaps worse j than this, the bagpipes of the Arab tribes used in the region of cordovan. The Unit ed States , had aline exhibitors. Nu merically considered, the display was insignificant, but the objects compris ed' in it were of the . highest excel lence. The general &sphiy of piano fortes was unusually large.— There were also unnutnerable specimens TOWANDA, BRADFORD , COUNTY THE LOVE OP GOD. -4,C 7 crioniT'sfor saiumms cal ' I both of - stringed and wind' instal trkenta' , , Olass)l. -, Bargicallnatruments. In this claim France had 101 exhibitors, Prussia 18, Austria 19,,1ta1y 88, Unit ed Statein Great Britain 81. The articles exhibited in; this cues' were numerous and varied. Besides the metals, many produsts of the univer sal and vegetable kthgdoms aro used. Among the many interesting obiects from the United fitates in tfiis class, the exhibition made b the Burgeon General wits p • ly complete and worthy of ilittinition. It incslud ed ambulances, medicine wagons, ar my field hftpitals, atul litters- which were used thromhont the ivai, and the best artifidat lirabs which . have been invented. ! ' Class 12. M ath ematical , instru ments and appiuntuzi for teaching sci ence, The French exhibition in this department wan decidedly the largest and most interestmg. The mazinfao turers of instruments ofr l e:don, have fully Mail • fad their • rep utation for the uracy, e legance and cheapness o their production. There were 107 exhibitors in this class. Class 13. Maps and geographical iiii4 and cosinograPhi ' apparatus. The cln objects of clair 1 which figure for the first , time in rinivernal exhibi tion, may be divid linto fonr series : 1. Maps, whether s . eparate or form cli ing atlases, g geographical,, eosmographi 1, sat nomical, histor ical, marine, t pographicat geologic- I al, or other , m ps.l 2. Terrestrial or celestial glob , etc. 3. Maps and charts in re lief. 4. Works, tables, 1 pictures and other ac cessories of I go- 1 ography and cbsmography. , The die- play of this cliss was very fine, being represented bb almost every country. REErroßito ZEltliantli.' 1 The recenfl announcement's are strikingly suggestive of the rapid ad vance in modern science, I, into; the most distant 4rad ancient seats of the world's civilization..- A railway is prOjected froit cleft, on• the coast of Palestine, to the - holy, though now desolate city ;of jernsaleM, aid in the streets ofJernial l em itself horse I ear tracks are to be laid,, quid' ere long the ring of ; the , ConduCtor's voice may be heard intim very Pace - where'Solomon Vaa wont le sweeps by in all his glory. [With more ready commnnicatien with the venerable centre of Christianity, renewed inter est must be felt by Christian nations in the explorations/ 1 that are at.l . last revealed to tor as (mph of the original city as yet remainti,l hidden beneath debris, later j superstructures ; and modern buildings. ' About five years itg,o permission was granted to seve ral Englishmen by the Sultan to en ter into explordimie of the founda tions of the magnificent temple Which Solomon reared Without the aid of iron tool, on the veg craggy summit of Mount Moriah; a fund to defray the expense of that noble work was raised with. the 'renal #genervaity- of the moneyed hien ;of England,' *and now we are in possession of remits / i which although partial, are yet ;vela- , able; and con rm it least the tradi tions which h ve lingered of the vast size and thetaassive masonry, the nobleness of ) the architecture; and the gorgeous adornments which the wise king reiniedlto the glory of Goa above thew s orKedron. The rN- - toration of of the old Teniile; which Chald an SO Moslem have spared, seems likely ',to. be :folly ac-1 complishad dertllM energetic aus pices of Captains Wilson and ; War liin, unless their finccial resources give out—a °Outing icy that is not at all probable, considering from whence they keine, end the increas ing interest with wh;ch it cannot fail to be regardeadarhe the discoveries already made are appreciated. ; - The revelations already made of the walls, chambers, galleries and i r courts of Solomon's emple, are not flattering to modern art, for it is safe' to say that there is o'nation on the face of the globe tha could now rear so .splendid a monument. The great pyramid is ati architectural wonder; and mystery; Whatrit7ct in twen ty centuries has bee able to describe how it was built, or ' what archreolo gist when it lies built ? Yet in some, respects, Solofoon's Temple, wedged urto, the very I crags [at I the founds.' tiOns, is a greater triumph than the Mighty — pyramid . !off ; Cheops. The i walls are fornded of mmence biotite of stone, and Of these very walls Acre is a total height of more thaa four hundred feet, but little less than the apex of the pyramid; the area of, the eastern face i 4 double that Of a side of the pyramid; and: etween the four walls of the Temple it was possible for 210,000' adult human beings to Worship together at I the same_ time. Coloseuma an St. Peter's and am phitheatres and LlScalas are , dwarf ed to insignifiCance in the compari son. So vividly may 7 the Temple be reconstructedlin imagination by the data already published, that it re- quires no forcing of; the mind. to im agine Solomon - seated in the' midst, and the high Oriests sacrificing at' the 'altar fires, the great men of the most dirzvling of oriental !courts,gathered In shining rairnent ' ground the inner courts, and the multitutie of ancient, long-bearded ;Jews I and cream-com plexioned Jewesses gathered in a im man sea in the great quadrangle , and galleries, humbling themselves in presence ofr anointed- monarch and the prise, e,: . 'ant). 'awe-struck by their, propinquity t 44 the mysterious Holy of Rohe That That aXoslern sov ereign should permit the "Christian Idogs " to thus reveal the most Sacred relics of both religions, marks a sin fift:f:lnullutivosttleltarraient. with es the arred shout its ver y Waal, for the, pftaes don' of Jernsalem.Hßostori Pilot. I How Viva) Gan: l —Don't, be 'dis couraged :if O ccasionally you 'slip down by the waysid" and tread on you a little. In other war* don't let a failure of two dishearten you accidents will; happen, and Weak; lions will tun out sometimes differ ent from our 1 expectations, !luttd ' we may be sufferers. It is worth while to remember i that fortune i" like ,the skies in the month of April—some time" cloudy and sometimes clear and hatable'. , isOK AIrUQUAIONL JUNE 26 1873. PA THE GAM LOB. 1 1 ' • —. 1 The hist Legislature, passed a law I to amend mid consolid4e the esviiral letwa relating to game. and flab, i which , imeezue to have been prepared with more than usual Care. IA - 3 this law_. repeals all the numerons- sets, locaLand general, to be fund in our law books, we publish that part of it which applies more ininiediateli t..; thieseotion of the State: 1 • di The.firet election prohibits the kill ing of wild elk or deer 4 the 8 : te* save between the first day iof Sep ; , - her and the first day ' o Jan , u j i with various other provisions relative to, deer. - ' - ' I i ji 1 1 SQUIBB/L. Oro. 2. No person ;eh 1 kill, jor expose for gale, or have indwifutly in his or her possession, after the sum has been killed, oily ybliOr, or fox squirrel, between e first of January and the first of July m any yearunder a penalty tof fiye del lars for ;ach and every . squirrel io killed or hakin possession. - . i OR BABBIT.I • I &a. 3. NO ' person' shi ll kill, or expose for sale, or have; ." bnlawfully in hiaor her possession, after the same has been killed, any hare,, cor i. monli called - rabbit, 13etween tip fiat day of January and thc: fi rst d 43% of Obtober in any ,year, nder the penalty of five dollars for each and itle every' bare or rabbitt sO id or had in posseision; no person all hunt or cause or permit the nnting of rabbits with a ferret or ferrets, under a penalty of ten dollarafor eich hare or rabbit caught - or killed by means ' •, 1 of a ferret or ferrets. 1 1 . ' ' Sac. '4. No person shall, at any 4 ni time , kill any wild , tick Or goose, with any device or ins merit known as a swivel or punt ', or With any a gun other than such gnus are ha bitnally iaised - at arin'a 1 ' h and fired from the shoulder, or shall use any net,- device, instrnmen pr gnx, other than such viii) is maid, with intent to capture or kill any such, wild duck or goose, ender A penalty of fifty dollars. ; Ii - Sic. 6. No person Shall pose for sale, or hav;e. Ina his or her possession i after i has beeri killed, any tuPlanc between the first dar 'of Jan the first day of August; in _ under a penalty of ten d each bird so killed or had • slop, or Wilson or gray snipe the twentieth of April 'and' day of September,iii iiny yei a like penalty. 3' WOODCOdE. SEC. 7. No person shall le pose for sale, or have j .ttnla Ws or her tx*sesiitaNTafter has been killed, llmy.3*ood tweet' the first day.of - Ja n . the first day of AuraSt, in wider a' penalty of ten do each bird so killed or bad i DM QII/SLOR PAItp4D42IE. SEC. 8 No person 'iballkit or ex ose for sale, or hark, Dula hilly in its pr her possession, aftere saixie ia*been killed, any (limit or iiginia artridge,- between the fi rs day of annary and the fi rstiday of Norma = r, in anyjear, under a n alty, of en dollars= for each bird so liilled Or e liad in possession: ; I s a , Il• P CASA . [ SEC. 9. No person shall 'll, ex se for sale, or,havelink*, folly ih his or ber possession, after 9the *lie has een killed; any !'nftled grow, com monly - called prairie chicken, etween l the first:dip of Jannaiy and he first Ilay of September,in litty year, under penaltrpf 'ten dollar* for eaeti bird sukilledror, had in pofsesaion. I,____ RAIL OR BrEtf r ylßD. SUL 10. NO persoW shall expose for sale, , or belie =lei his or her poimursion i nfter t 1 has been killed, any Mil bird' bird, except in the months of I ber; October and November, penalty of five dolls* for e: every rail bird or reed bird or bad in possession. NIGHT HAWK, WHIPPOORWILL,I ROBIN, cm:um sesnaove, &e.,) &c.ll. No person) shall, tat any time, within this State, kill, Itrap, pr expose for•sale, or haVe unlawfully in his, or her possession after the same his been killed,any nighthasv i k,whiP pixTrwill,rsparrow, thrush, lark,fificb,: martin,chimney swallidiv 'woodpecker,' flicker, oriole, red or )o s irdinp.l .bird,) cedar bird, tanager,) at Vird, bbala bird, or any other insectivoi'oua bird,' ander a penalty of 'five &Wars kir each bird killed, trapped, explosed fdr sale or had in possession. __ • ) I f PENALTY FOirDENTROT/NG soda OF ,IWLI.'D • Bath' rbor '( SEG. 13. NO person shallde stroy the nests of any wild birds whatsoever, save only thoselof each predatory birds as are, destrUctive of game and insectivorous birds, under a penalty of ten dollars for leach of fence: Provided, Tha,t this: siettio shall not apply to any person •who shall collect such eggs for .scientific purposes. _. Sze. 14. No person hall kill, catch or discharge any fire-arraii stil l any .1 wild pigeon while op its' )nesting-1 ground, or break up or in any Man ner distrirb such nesting-ground, or the birds therein, or 4ischargi any I fire-arms within one-fourth of a: mile i of such nesting-place; atan,f wild pigeons, or shoot at; i maini oi . kill any wild pigeon within their roost) ings, under a penalty i ef twenty-five dollars. 1 i Sec. 16.; There shall ; be no sho ot= ing or bunting on the first day of , thel week, called Sunday; land nay per-) son offending against the provisions of this section" shall be liable to a penalty Of not more than twen ty-five, ty-five dollars and not lisi than ten dollars: a:axis AND IEOI4 SEASON. SEC. 19.1N0 persen';thall ' kill or expose for sale, or halt unlawful ly in 4 his or her possession, After hetame has been killed, auY siklmon or spec. liled trout, save only, d g .13e months of April, Mii, ; dun e, lay and t lui the first fifteen .days 4' A t, tin der a penalty of ten dollar s or each salmon or trout so killed or had in possession; but ;this r seetinn shall not prevent any 'peitigiii fro* catch ing trout with nets ui.4atet r o r :Tned by himself to stock tiger wa , ar-xitis, wail l'00111MO I SD;'_: SEC. 112. Ittba,ll',4l . :* lawful la. any Perook - Peroo,osi to Pl* so, iwnst or set-ne*. dazes "ay of cam* *vnlets ox s. iii this State. • y person violating the pro-' visions of this ;notion eh 111 - be liable —sued oUttub , _ to a penalty of, Cwenty-fiv, every °Once. num pt M MVP CRUM Sze, 24. No per so n B .0 any time catch or kill mi an of the wa ters of this State, save nly . with a hook and line or scroll,' nd mo per son shall catch or expo for stile, or ,have in his or! her 'on, 'after the same has been •e ; any black brae, pike or inckerel,betw een the , first day of March and e firetday of June, except alive for, stocking other waters, ' under a penalty of twenty-five dollars - for each . Offerice. ammo mi. Neva nreimerzn.l ' Sac. 25. In any of the inland wa ters of this State, inhabited by rim keled trout or black (quo and in which fishing with nets iis not ( alto gether prohibi n ted by this act or:some other acts in force in this Common wealth, it shall not be lawful to catch or kill fish b, means of any net or device 'in •the mature thereof, the Meshes or opeMspace in whicl i i shall beless than three inch s, n der a penalty of twenty-five;d liars:: Pro vided, That nothing hprein shall an- ' thorize the Catching o speckled trout by theatis.of any eviee,l save . : only by hook and line except for t i propagation and to stock o her waters.' Szc. 26. No ;person fib catch any: speckled trout, black bass or any; other fish in 'any of the waters of this State, by shntting`ofr or Orawing off , any Rortion Of said t ern or bi dragging or drawing s all nets or wi e seines therein; when. the waters are wholly or in part off; ex pt by or-; der of the State fi shery cbrataission-, ere, under a • penalty of twenty-five dollars for every offence. , ,• Sac. 36. Nothing in this act shall, he so construed as to pievent any person, in any part from catching speckeled trout or bleat bass' with'. nets, in waters owned by'Airoself, foil the purpose ofstockiiig (A l lier waters SEC. 37. Nothing in th.s act', sh be so construed as to prevent th catching of bate fish b 7 means o hand nets or cast nets for angling o scientific purposes. Judges, Mayors, Barge &c.; are invested, with' carrying out the law, anc visionware made for its e I 1 or ex . wfully m he same plover, ary and liars for possesi between he first r, under • WE WOULIi NOT EAvf, num. Without our -great lignor traffie, says a New York city paper; we would -not have the . perils by , which we a#, surrounded Lilian. their; ' tang gra vity. We would not hay the more than 20,000 tenement-he ses,Contain ing over 400,000 people b ing bestial r ized by the cramming th tinevitably destroys he 'Privacy ,of family fife. We wo ol not have in e ght `War ,:ian aver e pciptilation t - the acre' f 243, w " e in 'the corresPonding destroys he die . slits of London the average is only 2 4. ;We would, not have 'a death-rat ; in. some of these over crowded eter-nest s of e htyffour in 4,000. ,1 a would not b threatenad: every an met by..pestile ee emanat-; ing fr o m a nr cellar., population. We' would_ n t have the disgrace aud .danger 6 10,000 vagab;sid children constantl adrift in our s reeta. The' e come almost wholly' frpm the te ns ent classes, d from thepl same a one at le st three 41- lars in iv ry ten that g to support the dram shops.' ' litore thaUss,ooo,- 000 are -t us wasted eery - Year by these chi ses, and-the a inis amjle to proiid for:every ontast child we have: I is tine - that, _without the liquor 1 c, We' woul d eve our tene ment populatiOn.to a pat extent, as j , it is largo due to othe and obvious causes, b t. we wouldgre atly lessen its squal r and proSi cy, thus add ing to th public heal and morality' i. ic in the as pro Portion. • And c4tainly with° t this traiNe we wool il not -have at army ' l ot casual cruoinajs which ev ery, year*. becominpi more fo • able. The latest staltisticii we hav at hind .how that in a ;single year t ere were 32,- 721. arrests for intoxi ation, 14;935 for disorderly condu t, .. and 6. 1. P 9 t for assault and battery Liquor is at the bottom - Of every one of. these cases, and the figures r present about` 30,000 diNererit'persone;iso .that, al most one4hirteenth of he poPnlatkin go to jitill every year film the'offense of intoxication ,:n.' the Priblic streets, or for offenses solely due to i drunk enness; i 1 i , or ea • fully in he same k, be ?. • and y year, 8 for Psses- or folly in I 0 same or reed der a h and o killetl 1 i •• 1 A STORY 40 , NIOLI i , ..:.....„, Everybody knows =1 •at Dice is Very fashionable,winte-ing resort, es especially for the English, and "r • aorta" are abontthe lme th ing tii world over—a 'great dei of s nobbe • of love making, of promenading•an sitting in the Isunshinb. But Nice aside from its olives anil oranges, ca boast of more 1 eyegoggles- than' an • town I •know of.- Goggles eve were, green blue, or white , sick folks everywhere, and quantities siok,penniless American are strande • here every year. 'lVent to see on ,3 poor girl whose historyll soniethin _ 4414 unusual: A young ma , whop was a soldier in the Union ar y, had ma tied a lovely yOung girliwbosihealt • failed, and herphysician Said ; unle she could be taken to the South • France she mast die. The huabin; loving her more than most mel2...lave their wives, in his disposition, ra • away from the army, hating failed t' get an honorable releasb, and;cam with his wife- land cousin to ,Nic• Their small funds were oon ex ha ust ir . • ed, and the cousin, a he me girl, , ap plied her and to all aorta of .wor• to meet their eirpeusesirtne after th I : young wife's health was established To meet - thie , engagement, eh: remained behind. and dontintied •4 • toil, even. to doing the est menial service. Her ovni. stren th ;pie way under the burden and she is now, dying of consumption, „ aving given her own.life for the hap iness of be friends.. She is .t, char ing person, and belongs to LivingSfon - County New York. That is lone ri of Ad romances of Nice, and their are hen i dreda of others' bit none, I ween„ more heroic orlunselle.i- !•- •• TREREWDORgang Upo4 this cart 4 that out compile with /he Ward attachmentl• of info; ;so cteshwo who, 1 , the objeot.ot, Melam so,llo/4011614.50 • venom cLr j tiadrionft ogle% . I L. 041 . P . L ..........., i s \ rOWrilikti D MILL. l l' i i Bip. --g- • . , , 1 ledge Ross, of ontgomery COl3ll. ilrecently define 4 the power and r duties of 4onstablea i As the LW in relittOn in these oflq.cers hr the same throughout the State, its publication pray l b° ofigeneral interest: ; ; Theo ffi Ice of a constable is Me ttossessing at common lavi large pow ers and vaded with, the performance Of duties Which are ,' gravely-import apt to go ad:o k ' er,and, good moral - s, peace and .`"- ~ .rnm of the communi ty i I J _,...., , • 1 1 Ilia firm t and genital duty ,is to keep: the peace, andl for this purpose letmay.Like into castody, and may minit to_, jakandeven break open the doors 4 f houses-Lin fact no . act of anthprity,iwhich is of of itself ille ii gid, may not be la fully done by 'a constable topreven a breach of the peace. 1 e bitty, sC.L.2O to 26. 1 Mae, Com! 366. If there is a rea satiable grbund for Suspicion he may arrest without a warrant, and hold the offender for examination, bat his action in this rep d is at his own pcirilHfor be may n o t make an arrest =less the .fiiOts a, d ;circumstances would instill 's prudent man in as sinning that the grounds of suspicion were reimnable--tliat; is, exhibited 'probable'cause to eheve that a fel ony had been cola lted... 3W.Sc S. 3(18.1 , 1 - Jzt ' e has the forth i r power to arrest without warrant, for abreach of the . - peace, comma' lted ialis presence, af ter, he ha4.made iincli an arrest 'ha l mnycondrect 'the p4rson to jail, andl the jailor iiinstreceive-..him to be de tained in ustody until an examine. .tion 'may be had withoat unneecessa ry delay. r,S. 411 R. 47. , 1144 moat responsible, , "and too 'of teli his Moat neglected duty, is to re turn. to thn Court a l t each and ,'evez7 session such offens s into whiCh the Can't has power t inquire, try and i f pidkisli. 'his fun tiOn makes him inaPector of his ailiwick—the In foi4,:iiiint of the Court , and the means of repressing crime • The last dtity is t bil l performed under ' the sane tionof an niath--an niay be made the bails cite bench warrant and arrest. if it be inarfOrmeil With, fidelity an ex, n . untion of th e ; eonstables' returns i , wo. . at Once inorin the Court'of the"! moral I condition of , the county, ,and few offences, would go unpun- 1 bled. l' 1 I i , - , There ate commonlaw powers and ddties which are rlttached to the of- flee, and tkfailure to, perform them' or t nny of !them is a misdemeanor in ogee, which " cord(' and would be p*shed by this,eourt upon convicil tion had. ( - 1 - . put the! Legislature has enlarged and particularly specified some of these official powers and duties. 'l%-•!. ,One of Ithe statiites required that, coastablei should search Faille honsekaad placeal suspected :of en= terniuning tipples on, Sunday, acid &nape' them to disperse qiiietly. - : 'Sy various statutes enacted at 'va rious times, the cnatable is reqtdred to make Il ffenaes against .. retu ,ander oath as to ri ! ' w ether 'o the game orlfishing, laws h ve been committed in his bailiwick; Whither anylastard i l children haVe been born therein, 'to gether Withtheiii sex and names Of their mothers ; whether. there ,ara' tippling i,,lionses--Fthat. is, unlicensed hOuses fair the illegal sale of liquors-'- 9 1 1, unlicensed 'hodses that, violate the conditions of their license and vthether i there aie L imy common; ill goierne.), disorderly hotu4es, houses of eo prostOntion o ti l gambling houses.- Th con Stable nst farther return, -whether;the index boards are placed and maintained at junction of roads —Whether there were breachee of the peace %t the election, and the names of the ofrenders---,whether Within his .knowledge there Was wagering upon the eleetion, an the names of the betters, Fend w tlier there were frauds dpon the eleetion. 1 '. All these retuOs must be made tuader oath and iff such offenses exist and be iriot retained, the constable knowing of their 'existence, is guilt of ;a. ansdemeanoriiii office. 4iw. • • ... 1 i ' ' "BOWE S 1 WEARING. ' , 1 e'dolltirs for 8, relic:, 1;e duty of ,other prol foreement. t ---i' The rofane Swearer is, guilty of an enormous offence I against Society ; Secietyl is based .upon the idea of intitnall 'proteetio , , ,!sympathy and aut)port. !' The isolated mdividnal is inironxided by many . dangers. The beasts of the forest may devour. him', The Mindere? may make him hiS viet4no ' Disease l imey consume biS stength!and waste bisilife. But,let sevemPisolated individuals come to= gethei," and agree to live together, and in tproportion, toy their numbers, intelligence and determination, uill their dangers diminish. Bat if they, are! inippre, or dishonest, or disorder l , li,'tlie lelementa . of ,self-de.structioni areL fo4rd among therrteelves, and, their bond entered into for iuntuali prOtectiOn, is in danger of being dis-: solyed illy their • lown:- - zwic*edness. Healthy' ) rporal elements," then enter into all) true soci4, and honesty: and pukity of thonght, parpoSe l ,, speech and life mu t ' ,predominate in orderlhat the en s o f society—inu, ,: i tril protection against4Oes without fiii withl4l—can be Sublierved• Nod the l profime swearer, however gentle tua ; mly he may be in person and adH dress, offends against , purity !of sposela, 4nd so violates one °file es sential laws ofl good , ' society, and godd breeding. I He kill:deg the., air witki itt4rancea 'which _good society; hae i rnleaflont asloffengive to proprie ty„ uid lays a violent hand upon the , laWs of decorruri which she haaea- j tablish4 for her protection. rfhtit, con munityis not the: true exponenCl of social 'culture Find Propripty,which doet noirseverely ,frown upon this ; viciOns habit. 1 ' - - , ~ Brofai4ty is altogether an nnnece sary vieq, Nothing is gained by it. A i bar may shield himilelf from harm by-utter, ,g a lie. A. thief may gain' 8011 , 2 , t3tii/ng by aOaling.- But profani ty gams nothing. I A. Mail is never in: any sense the better for it. It does' not add to his mOliness. It does not increase.the confidence of people tellin h' trnthfalness. They do not be- 1 liei, him t o n, whit sooner for it. The, Who has to establish his Terlia._ t i e t' 6 s a li. lane Oao..imust • hive but. *884141 B giuorea worttkit 4oft islt ns#Oilii 4 efaititation for brayery. • • ....., NMI . s ~~, 1 1 .1 1 I / I 1 i 1 1 .4.dVlELneee ME NUMBER 4. or co 11 1 11 1 , I. k _ ~... ll' 1 , 11„,,•- llidoo3o t Acreasthis, reePootail&- ty. lict itok add a , lustre; tO 'Me l name. th e contra*? it him , Ogl er) ices him: _go ihkkok desplyi rapidly ' l' in thei o _esifinakireref eV whose esteen is worth Whig, ice: die investing his moral ditaiicter 1 a; concern *hick not Only; 'Amt. got& ma, bet leaves him in'the end utter ly'hankrap_t in m mid 'charader. dud worth,' .. We knew= ones —So called respectabl e 'ho dellersiciyi' and Aluimeftilly his' moral, bantrropt+, and unielled his horrid . ' depth .of Tice, by teaching Wald. drew, in the ipresence of his hpart broken wife, It TOCIOIIin of . .)xprts. 1 elms so 4mble, that Oren his &gear • !dation' reiftied and Idenoimeed bi'm ;for it. The habit . once tonna' is herd to br,ealr, and there is no' °tau hiting the catent of _Amery in !which lit. may. lead 'car•tive.the man' who in dulges in it:l-North Carolina l Praby- I • • 11 11 - • li, i (~ tervin. 4 li 1' , 1 i 1 -j. ; HABITS Or, MAL ' -.' , ._ inThe, arrival of shads and ths coin encementni fishing in our local wa-I bars, render their nature and? habits la I subject 110 interest . Thaddeus - Norris give some 'timely infOrma !. Lion in the , ay Jourtiel of the Fcrm. ;The shad,l be says, belongs: to the great herri family. iltageoginphi. ;cal range,L on the Atlantic coast, is !freak Florida to , the liitycof Fundy. , The shadways returns CO its'n4bve ,riper to reproduce its kind. l iThOsa hatched in 1 the Delaware never en !ter the months of the Hudsoi or the Potornad.., Each river, acetording AO Mr. Norris, has' ta own peculiar race of shad, those Of the Delaware being of larger size thaiA a the general 'average. ft l i.s believed t the shad does not wander very far into the ocean. Their ascent- tot the ning in. . !grounds, )the spring, is slow and !gradual: If here is a r treshet, or they lenconnetr a taint of Snow water,tltey remain stationary. t They enter the fresh running water ' very ' tardily. I They cannot. ascend 'strong rapids or falls, like thi salmon, and arelsome tiMes checke d or scared by4neing Driver. shadily Of a bridge across . the Iriver. The 'do 'not feed while in the ' 'fresh water, land; no 'food is found; in ' their stomachs after they have , en- iered it. The roe Of 'a good I siied t, .i, , , t t- . !shad contains about 1100,000. egg s land will weigh ten ounces . If i ,these I were all hatched and.. reared, they ,would weighialtiptinds. But this ,immense fecundity is nece s sary l to meet the nianY dangers that Bur t round the, &h. ,Myriads' of eggs are at once • estroyed or. Washed away, while the oung fry are devoured es they im ~ ere by Wholesale by cat fish; chi is:III, sunfish and minnows. Thirty yo n i g, shid have been taken f rom the ermaeh of a ,roach; foui l inches lo.g. 1 Seth Green says, that only dirge eggs out lof a hundred spawned nhe Connecticut river iro n . hatched. , spawning, the 1 shad: i seeks ab is 'current or gently Whixl- jug' eddy en t . the -eggs are detti -, generall3, at ' l ight. They ars.akon ~ fertilized b ; ! hermale leorap o ,:, V who mov • her side, during ' - thi ~1.13,, operatic., 31Ir. Lyman, an e ri 7 eneed ibs -lrver, I say , that ij the actual rpal t i obtained by arti fi cial , culture o f t shad areas , ,000 - tel las compare w!th those of nature.l T his ; fact illustrates Ltheigrea importance - ef ...the_ step , recently taken by the Stat e c ,governments for tile protection and;pro igition o shad in the river's alOng th - Atfaitic coastl il 1 , Suzy 03,' 1 Mona CARE:FL-41Rn of busiues believe me, there. ie:now and thea profitable venture in jdo ing not ingla In aft the poweri to` t put bus' esp,asnie, , and' abidingno* . 1 -, and. then m perfect quiet, things someti ee l i solse themselves, *l2ep. we give thentllhat advantage, ,vv ich3 ' • refuse t pone clear for; all our 11try i ing. e all !know ho*, bt si ply talking some,' perplexity mtoi thu deepest Silence short Of death—a good ni 4tii 'sleet:l—we can de better someti es tlian if we eat' up -and Wrought. at Pi task "all night._Nyben . Mathew! Murray, of Leeds, wated to see his Iv i rttbrough some, sore liai g - plexity hpluiventioni; and alllpth- . er effortslwerß °fll:to use;; he raided , night an day from all noise, and all 1' , effort, ere Pti the effort ati active tuna - has to keep', himself quiet ; and then ' the thing he 'Wanted would ''steal in, and 100 at bim, tna'light on Ibim, "and sta Rs 1,4 s used, to light' on 1 ; the 'old her ts; po more afraid of them t an 'f the trees under vfltich • they st. And, !mothers, you rimay Care an toll incessantly for yotit lit tle one , 6er resting a moment in Your deb tint; anti then, becanselyon ' never do iji3 (met, bat enterllnto your ve 'Oset, with th aflittle frock to . 1 1 mend, 'y tillshall nev,ei be 'tjuite able to ta i e the'_wh y sunlight', o and som 'f yeur moterhood 'into', . YonilVlU De so fall of the - breadl that. cOtifieth -,Sour he 'care ab heaven. / down I m T uch he wor boa t only tt. ergetic, eternal at; last Fm of ch, ran p 1 in gro __ ev carbine they meet. , If .. anytbing is good, they com Plain because it is,not better.unianiti haSno brightside to these inblersi a looks black, ; dreary, pelesS a them, from' . what • a ever point of iiew they ' extunnip it. ' They ove lo6k theivirtnes of an in dividual, arid bold by 4 single.llanit, . ("r` to judge his chsracterl from. ',They, li r denounc' a party as corrupt beianse a feverasc ale disgrace therattele4s by.: - ' unworty actg. ' . The church is! false because * fear hypcicrites fuid shelter . - within it il The, world is on •theibly,h road to destruction, `and"everYtlung indicateSl the; diepravityjof mari.l! We I - do not e il h tlie h these _ growlers. , sir nnhappy frame; mind is a out the Unly pleasurc(!hey enjoy. ‘# May suurid paradoracal, but the social misery 'they create, .is . to them a sOurceof,- enjoyment. .. 'A , t , single ho eful heart is worth airegi- • -, ment of t e s fardt- Finders : Milian- • i t ity has it bnght side—beantifal and attractiv to.'thoSe who seek. it. !The world is 've with public and ttlinte • • virtue, aid *e should tp ready at all times - to loster. andteouraged Ms' element c;f social ccinaf rt and Priblio happinei.ll ' , I -111 %- I ' _ •4` __ i a l to * I ' ._ - ii, _ DON'T 1 0 1`;- - ---1:10 *3 0 1 101101 V1i108• _ _ _ _ t.tA ~ . p , oiler of, .e gansporD [1.11121. na ros, issgeal other bulletin of tood 1 advice L ' 11, I o ur l AT - Don't inveat all ur inone,y iia lot terry .tickets. 11 Give leorcie other Jinni A chancellor ii i i prize'. 1 1 I 11 se ; Don't tell kediter tfaar to tips a nevreparer.,_ Let tte 'ior fool find I it out bun ', ..., ,' 1 l';1 ,Don't laaf labout Ulf; etreebil 44=4 44_tli# Le , for . our-"i+ litvad." 1E1:0 3 islet .- El II EN ~a:;~ ,'y'' I No persim 111 • r 'soul sty , en - s ittrht: IT Intl C'Olyer. if; l fa 4hing *km. IleEgg , er MI NM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers