\ft4ifettiftporitt • ,Towanda, Thursday, May 29, 1878. LOCAL AND . GENERAL. ONE of our hotels has substituted pure•buttcrmilk for the contraband Are-water. - - Tu4 Messrs. Proz.rxr hare planted about seventyttlro acres of corn on tin ir extan t?. iMC farm. • WE. RothiNFIELD has removed:) is clothing . store to the room Web' occupied by Wicsusu BLACK. • JAS. E. Pvrcn has been appointed Postai:Lister at Evergreen, this county, in place „ of War. Ate, removed. The locationof the office has beep ,chauged. • -„ TIIE Penny Postal Cards have been received at the Post Office in thii place. liker eons desiring theca with printed cards on back, can be snppied at the Bryan.= office. A - aOAL train ran over several cows near "the " Mountain House," on Wednesday evening. Two of the . ‘cows were killed, and sev eral car, loads of coal Scattered over the ground. A uo*g owned by J. F. Slaw cs, of Monroci\Was frightened by a coal train just be. low the 'railroad bridge, onrt Monday evening last, and jumping into the ricer was drowned. 'ALL FITCH, of the candy and con fectioner 3: store, has our thanks fora generous supply of delicious ice cream. We believe it is `universally conceded that his ice cream is un surpassed., Rz.o the interesting article on " Andidpi Money," on the that page of this pa per. It Wad prepared by a young gentleman who bas given the Subject a good deal of atten tion. , THE musieal entertainment at Met.- cur this Wednesday evening, will be a rich,treat (dr lovers •of fine manic. The_per• fornicr.; arc the best amateurs in this conimn nity... A C.II3.ItTER for a lodge of I. 0. 0:1 4 ':, to be instituted lit Leßoy, was granted by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, on the 21it inst. The institution will take place in about ,fir weeks. THE County gommissio l uers' have eN.l:bauged their eal ) d for one of ElAnvin's Inr -17(.;,t. We are pleai . ed to note that they intend I.* display a little taste and enterprise iulfilling up their eiller,uith suitable furniture: . +1; Act - 4 aunouncedeightAen at a Fcrsiou of t!lr Supremo CourVon fin , t. ",•pii‘ws" m thcee caeca tc,42. Ja . ,ige (hiring, his recent :sojourn at Lis limn.• lit this place. A:* evidence of the honesty 'of s!nia,t , rs, we are informed that an unsealed ;fl.tb.r, containing (iniM an amount of money in banl; Lill, was ,reec iced by II 1.73: BP.OB. TILAcr, lint I 0; 1,, from 'a ewraspotiftent in Aul- Lt. yi ;:c,11,1t:( - Till clw•elling house of D.. D. _MAY :•.11:0. nciir Milk lIALE's, in T , aratilla. township, ISinniay morning la: t. 3lost of IL. riirnit , tre was lost. Inviirett Irr il,OOO in N:.M.r. VINCFNI'S ttg,•llf.y. Mr. M. Imboras sii-‘• \\'E-f.knE pleasure in calling atten ;,,,,-i: p, ; 4• HINEs. mT. H. 0pc.:;‘....1 a fnri.ituri• st , n-o on 11 , -itlve and wo c aania 1 lam to oar readers as .1, a a tlk . , or th..ir 11.1 1 roa4go and coati- -WELLES, on of R. M. 1..,..11 11:c.ted by the R.,•lu • t-r 12111% - flAy aS one of the fttt the-l) - 'we - : 4..,chmiativm prize, to dune Col .31r.IVEL,Ly is a rucialwr ~! t!,•• ti hh , •tu 're Tin:'r I: on llanufactuaing tny Lary ;4,1.1 thr.-<• thousand lic g s to on,. t'n in in rauir.i. .ilaqB 'T1137 , 11. t td-rd h i thi. e: , elikshinclit, f; rank hi g h in Thep aro rnaiod! . tia.: 4. .l superhr in ;11 , c - ty r brand:7., - 1 . 0 BUSINESS MI:N. —TOQ REPORTER ;• :: - ;ve:Ptg 111.41;i1, :g i:- 11 t VI:1y rounds Iv.ses yolrr cr.r.trunrls. Ng , mattrr tr.:(l-• ;-: hn.ti or not. :ma can much ksi Aithdraw-tiie ph at-ing rah, he , of a wet diet it itit 11ti; dtistimieret his 14,cai 1 aper. A pr,rty, consiting of Dr. a:.•1 Avs:irzt. (.'n.lnulETtLys. non jects: ;eft this ;as; -,v4k for a .two utck.a* rojourn iu the a.onuty.. TI“.?) , are nil practiced "gpectilell beauticK" ;o , ti-0112. bef“re.their re- S. AND'. AIIIIAIIIA3I.—Thi - Te is a ~• hk',l.ntid .t.arh riti•nty )1 , 7 a f•i* 'IAS It in.:l. the S 0:1 , 1 3:1 , 1 iLc cl.il t r.a- a ti that it L•7..: - . I •,f 1 tlc._ lss,nirn.lrlr,v-ti.N•.r. important. certified froin tri.-1 in 4n t`p. , I 4 , F oar hisiiiri3s u:, to attvw.llng Ct.urt.. la addi q) I Ile :1 4 1:f , r13'1.: ttlf , ll:ll ' ‘ g , .ne, ..1 tint „J r ~ . r, N. N . 1%.!, .1. Ibt EMI i.titTLET TRACY have •of p,eitt to the fro::t of Ilex new elh• :.reet. eltiolgcs matte nulyattraetive, but very convenieue Ir. sup:rink:lds the busim ss of (Ike firm, an l .:n-ring hru:es may al'iva:s be romp] at I hrartily cr minced t:.e new !,, u, IN , i• and e(4lh:teliee yf the I!; .1 rc.:',7-n'. 'trip IJvc . r railroad , •:1 VI! • Idrie.' 4111(1 Me•IVII , 114 rf, vela( im.p..mtitt;tt itll - c' • ;ltt - I411 0 4:1!(:(1 by tlie company, w Lin ..d:1 t.i the saftly of the road. In 4;:nni , i;' ;h. , track is to bC chang i..l 1.i.-•• Thr. aballtkinfilent tht =cm Pio.tAzz..tect with au accident mialit have proven ry sertnn. In comirany with In brother an 1 annth, I ;4, nth invi, he w a.: proceeding in a rp:lnl Wagon to - jiiki will at' Carbon tretlt, when the retrek , bra°, precipitative the whole ;,:tr!y t ;in! gro - mid, awl throwing the Col•i:c1 (Irx:4 tut Etil , aniatient about twenty-live ;co. Forturiztf,cly, hower(T, he escaped with out inucilillarni, but it L a ‘voinkr that ho wa t;t badly- injured. POSTAL following. in regard to postal cards, has been•issued for the instruction of postmasters and the public ; • " I'ostal cards having written or printed tte-renni matter of vulgar or indocent character, : ,. .:7 - rnous epithets or.dishiYal . detiees, will not i,rtvarde.l in We Mail. Any person deposit- ILI; postal cards, hating written or printed 1 h - rvorl, 38 above Ivrbulden, or causing to be tqi.ed in the poet office for matting or deliv ,ithject to a line of not more than five .I,ollars, or iropiiivonment of not more t.l .4n one 3 ear, or: b. 61 14 recording to the aggra ,,n,,n ~f the offence. " l'estinahters are not, un4er any eircurniitan ,,... r ,,, nnittt.d. to redeem or- eachange postai 41, thuth::ty b^ misdirected, spoiled in print- WiSO unfit fur use. " 1.: ti.eir treatmen: as mail'tiatter, they aro !••i • r.irdrd by pustmaskra the same as atel not asprinted matter, ex ctpt that thy are nof to he returned to the writers or sent to the dead letter office. it not df.tivertd vvitliin slaty days *pm the tithe of re cc.pt, they will be burned by postmasters." • Tag unitetrad exerefeee of the Presbyterian fitutihrechail, ease off on day maw Ina The . deagn irati anatelirypi vegetably the graces of Christian charactee The contributions of the school for the year, amounted to EPA The Adam:abet ottani'', of teachers, °peers and Nagar" on the rol l' daring the year, was 210. Avenge attendance 130. The whole of the performanoe vashlghly creditable to the school, and espaildly to Yr. Ortuarat; the Bopeatim4lient.": *: , • • • TEE (*mpg are the yawl, of Wyilusiag Ledgej No: 4172, L .0. of 0: T., the present term W. C. T.-13. B. BtriTi. W. T. T.—Emu. Bacr4s. ' ' W. 13.-1.. D. Pollan. W. A.. 13.-4. TSTumm. 1.0.--G. I. Brci. W. T. 13.—H. W. Datm. W. T.—Li.ung C. - W. 0.-6. J. Luna W. 31.--JAXIS H. SWART. W. D. M. —Amu Buoys. ' limier en= RULBOAD.—the Wil liamsport Begister tmderstands that Kr. J. E. Worm. General Superintendent of. this Reads inge Itailroad e msd Ma:3lM Bssrat, Esq.. of Laporte, are :now at Thighereil/s, conferring with parties there concerning the contlimation of the Mnpcy Creek Petrov! to Satlivan. This signifies that the Beading company is in earn est about the completion of the road, and all that is necessary is the reasonable co-operation of thei leadingtizens Wong the route to secure the desired end.. , . TEE Tioga Express comes to us 'with the names of A. o.lAm:sun & fios. We would speak kindly of• both' these gentlemen. The &Slimmed is & veteran' it the business .of newspaper printing, not only u regards the mechanical execution in the trade. but as welt as regards the editorial part thereof. We can not help but wish good luck to " Zig& n and his son, feeling assured that the Express in their bands will maintain the position it has assumed, from the start, and continue to merit the con& deuce And support of its subscribers and the people of Tiega. • - ExcumnoNs To Tar. Sze..—The Le: high Talley and the North Pennsylvirds Rail roads have made arrangement* to issue round trip excursion tickets at greatly reduced rates from points on their lines to Atlantic-City. The tickets will be good from June 1 to October 1, and baggage wili be checked through. Tickets .will be for sale stall the principal offices, East on, Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk and . Wilkes-Barre. Atlantic City is one of the most attractive seaside resorts, and the, number of persons who "visit it is increasing Yearly. Under the new and convenient arrangeinents we have no doubt but there will be a large delegation from this Fection this summer. WE ARE grati4ed to announce that Decoration Day ie to be, observed hero this rear. The Lcltsysville Band has been engaged. It is requested that 'business places be closed from 11 o'clock a. U., to r. at., and that sll Who desire to participito- in the ceremonies Meet in the public square, promptly at 11 o'clock, where a pi ocession will be formed, ant proceed to the cemetery. The order of eier ! .. cises - wlll be announced at that time. Thos' , , who can furbish flowers aro reqUested to Send them to Grand room any time Friday morning. Thp Fire Department hasLbceu• invited to oin iiQhe procespion. WE HAVE received. from A. HEVEIi• LY, Esq., a letter complaining of the Itr.potrzu .for petitioning the result of his suit with U. 0. Mr.D.CI3I. We submit the question to any fair, 1113prijUdie0 Man, to decide whether the items Mr. H. complaina of could reasonably be con strued as prejudicial to his interests. In .the first one, We merely said the case had been de cided by arbitratc.rs against the plaintiff,, a fact" which was part of the record in the cite, and stated by vuttn:+.l C., the jury. In the second notice, we stated that the jury failed to agree, thus leaving the case just where theitrhitiatOrs did, in Mr. Muriel:les favor. If theile are not the facts. Itr.HIA - tais is welcome to the use ut vur columns to slow wherein they arc not. We have never expressed any opinion as to the merits 01 th, but merely given the facts they oerorreil. 0 =ZS PEI:SOYAL. —C. W. Taw; EBq., has t.:-.lg , .ett liij uosity).aiu 1120 R. Y..t Eric office, iu N e w York, and returned to bin old trust at B.rre;sy._ Cuacotor MONTANTE has • nude hosts - of i. iends ail throligh thedistritt... The Blooms .blug -/:crailiettri refers to his re'iL•ent visit to that comity as follewsr: • " Geo. D. :11outanye; 'Collector of Internal Evvento• for the spent several tta s 1 , 1 tIiWN dartng,the past week. Mr. Mon. tan ) c it a courteous get:Ur:man and an t flicient oftiecr, And cicserree mull the popularity he en joys:" --iieV. WM. MCGLATI{EIIY is back again, and net:l:pied pn;pit of Christ Church on Sunday last, --Capt. 11/NN - Luz recently raid a visit to his native town. in West Virginia; after an absence of neatly 10 years. --Capt. IlnocKwstc, or Colombia county', was iu town this week, n;1 his way to Sullivan 0011114 ty to attend court, and paid tis a friendly call. —E. J. CLAT:BON, of the Item, represented I,oilge No.. 167, I. 0. 0. F., of- this 01.1,,, at the rect.itt, meeting of the Grand I.t , itzt a. Wilk,s-Piarrc. I'. li.tmuoxo a%d wife have -return va :runt Cai toruia, and ere now in Philadelphia. ,STATE SUSiDAI-SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. Pthnus3 Wallis. State Sunday-School .4.380. ciation will lkold its ninth annual convention in Titusville, June 3, 1 and 5 next. The sessions will be - ,giu 9u Tuesday evening. June 3, at eight u;•lock. Each Sabbiith-sclx9l in the State is requestei to se• dat least two delegates. En tertainment nail be provided for all delegates who wal tv.:tri L. R. Sit.ttaux, Esq., of Titus ville, secretary of local committee, on or before May :11. The Philadelphia A; Reading Railroad will pasa deb: ales to Hartisburg or Williams port from all principal points on Its road, on application at ticket offices -tare two-thirds the usual rates. The Pennsylvania Oentral Rail road will pass delegates for two-thirds fare, on presentation at ticket offices of an order which must be applied for with name and address at the following points: Philadelphia, Joanna' L. Dau.sv, - 1111 Chestnut street; Harrisburg, Jas. W. WISE, Pottsville, C. W. Warts, Esq., Pitta berg, T. J. GILLESPIE. ft is expected that Prof. Was. JOLINSCIN. of PhdAdelphia.. Will con• duct the singing. The international lesson for the succeeding .Sunday, will be - taught and practically illustrated, and live Sunday-school questions will be presented by the business Committee, for, consideration. • J—J. KEYES, who ,has just ta ken his kart. of-the East Baptist Olatirch. Elmi ra, after a pastor& of eight years,..,gase the congregation this sound and sensible Adele* in closing his farewell sermon. It is applicable to all churches, and worthy of consideration : "Itemember that you are not going to ad mire ererything about any man. Ton may think ro at first, nom you come knowhhxi—just as you have thought many times before ; just as uew acquaintances often think about each oth er ; just as newly married husbands and wiees often think about each other. Bat it is all a mistake. Imperfections belong to all men— ministers with the rest. And, sooner or later, they will make their appearance. But as you have to bear with each other's imperfections, and as your pastor has to bear with - so you should beer with his, not g them nor talking of them with each anti with the people ontakhx- Without charity lite church relation is Impossible .witle any degree of pleas ure or profit. Without duchy the pastoral re. lation a, also, impossible. 80, then, it is better not to go too much into ea:stades over a pastor at Amt. Begin as you think be will Lear, arid as yon think you etua_hold out. You will begild of it in the end. And so will he. Brae. a httle of your admiration for him till be shall have been with you a term of years. Do hot gush and overflow so freely in the beginning, that you *ill run dry the fast six mon " But, plearentry saki., remember that min isters are human and fallible; and do not cease to lore them because they cease to be at length your bean ideal.. .1 " Finally, when yon get a Ipastor, as I hope yon soon may, give him a united, hearty sup port. Nothing will cheer his heart, or encour age him in his work, like that. Try to illustrate more fully than ever your idea Of what a church ought to bo and become in connection with its pastor. - And may be stay with. on not eight years alone, but forty-eight, if it please God; a blessing to you and you to him, and both to, gether a rich blessing to this community." , I.onrraxami Jaiiiiiirga startling imam. wourioat ?lOW AMA thig gate. Midis Motif* lealcitra Mici of /*Walston, and son Of, elf kW raw Mem had shot and Map Wised binmalf, Go daturas, y entoing. Y.t r hdbmaation reported ibe sbootimramedhudidito afhle mspect of recorety. The Daily Them of Monday morn• fog, sires the foaming madam of the sad abort "1.04. isA• bellist BMWs dentalyiiiiklidaself while handling a Mot. that Hr. im:De s dllWa; "air and the a budi Yesli t; the Busq t aer , t. neer the covered bridge - logbook at a with a pistel„ boatriad t . er kw purpose I to begat before Be rowel ral as a it best to 84 =e himself wiSA pha b irter Betas see. addm*, young _fwiek who ared Ink hod. be pistol to Xr. Myer, who attempted to place it in his pa:dab:ems pookiplj bet in doing so the ha nuner caught in the and the titol au =diast=il adhig tabial a bil%_efte ng ct to nature of the wound, Hr . Myer was — c; walk home without assistance. • Dr George Ithrrirseimmedistely called. He found him wounded as above mentioned. but discovered no trace of the ban. At eight deka* his pulse was only ?Wet at ten IS had railed to SC This showed thth he was :in , from the'shock of the Wary. Al his lint which was only en hour after the aectidenk abet and halide were cold and there was no alga of pulse, which was regarded as • very untafecra ble symptom. Unikir the inthienee of stimu lants his pulse became ;inner and yesterday morning, at nve o'clock, k e il v Adin was 100. At nine ft was the sense ; at be gm Wend ed by Dr. D. 8 Burr, who found his pulse to be only 8!. This showed that be was improving, and Dr. Barr thinks he will recover. "The wound is similar to that which ved fatal the case - of the late Mfr. V who It will be remembered Accidentally himself while showing licrir a certain man knight ha*e been shot. nit wee also wounded raw the rame piaoe, the baet taking about the same direction. ProUng, of will not answer, although. that was dons in ease, and was used as one of the main arguments in, defines of Stokes. "At last accounts, received during - Ltd night, Kr. direr was doing well, and as he is under treatment of one alike - most ak>Tlthl ofoursor. geons, the charms are in his 'favor. Mr. Myer has many friends In this city, who will be pain. ed to learn of hit Misfortune.* - • Mr. Mm died on * ,Taesday morning., Ens at den and lamentable end falls nith *eau weight. on his aged and infirm mother, who has just buried her husband. Tuz Thezzszcz itzsuluo.—A meet ing of thecitizens of the borough of Towanda, was held at the Conti House, on Wednesday evening, May 21.: The• meeting was called to order by electing J. A. Canoes° President, and 8. W. ALToItD and B. A. Primus, Secretaries. • The object of the meeting was stated by the President, viz : To see that the law prohibiting the sale by license of intoxicating liquors, be carried Into effect, as passed by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. and voted upon and carried by rijime 1800 majority in this county of Brad ford against license. A committee was appointed to draft resolu tions setting forth the sense of the meeting, and•said committee beg lei to report the fol lowing: Wrienzas : The sale of liquor in this village, u in every other place, has alwiya been attetul ed with consequencashighly detrimental to the health, morals,pea and Warily of the in habitants ; br nging ce no' valuable result to the community Whatever, but entailing upon it drunkenness, disorder, poverty, and crime; sud whereas, the law 'known 'as the Local Option Law, prohibit the granting - of licenses to sell intoxicating beverages, his been adopted in• this county by a very large majority, and has now gone into fall effect; therefore, Resoired, By the citizens of Towanda, in mass meeting assembled lat. That we propose to cause the laws of this Commonwealth which forbid the sale of intoxicating drinks without licentc, to be strin gently enforced. 2d. That we hereby mve public notice, that every violation orthia law that comes to our knowledge, or with sufficient authentication, will be followed by immediate prosecution. 3d. That the disgraceful spectacle of drunk en men in the streets, together with the incona venience and danger arising to the public from persons in such condition being at large, de mands that the laws against drunkenness be tally entnced, and that such persons bo invari ably arrested and punished, find we hereby call upon the village autherities to execute the bo rough ordinances in &trench cases. 4th. That the folloiri.:g named persona, to gether with such others as they may select to tee number of seventy, to constitute a com mittee, of whom twenty shall be a quorum for business at any regularly called meeting, whose duty it shall be to carry out these resolutions. sth. That we now proceed to raise a fund b a r enbscription to defray any expenses which may arise from such legal and other prose•:dings u may be undertaken for the suppression of the liquor traffic, . 8. W. Alvoicl, . E. B. Coolbaugli, J. A.. C4' )(Ping„ 0. J. Chnbbuck, 0. A. Illapt. C. F. Taylor, R. M. Welles,. C. I'. McAllister, B. A. l'ettns, -.. 1.. T. ltoyse, G. 1/.. Wood, • Jit 111b8 1‘ /Iblll . , Gen. Itiage Way, Chas. Fraley, '13.;..W Haagen.. - s. Woodrurd, ~. J. I'. VatiM4et, Ira B. Humphr . ey, '• E. F. FOX,. ' ' W. K. Hill, ..... E. Orerton, jr., JobwOrcutt, D'A. 0VE.11,11, ' It. S. Clark, J. .}lcFarlaNe, H. A..-Burbank, • i D. O. H0g...), Maj. Hale, J. 0. Ergot,, W. A. Thomas, J.tis ilderzon, H. L. Scott, 1. A. F. Coles. Jos. D. Alootanye, W. A Hocks:ell, John Holmes, M. J. Long, James Elliott, f. Geo. Stevens, N. N. Bette, jr., + F. J. Calkins, L. It. Frost, D. Si. Scoti.. W. Jailed C. M. Manville, , . D. S. Prati, C. M. 'fcrlu-r, A. Wickham, C. S. Itureill,, S. Eastabrook, Wiu. Watkins, Elhanan Smith, J. Braund, i L Mundy., J. W.. Lyman , H. H. Everett, H. L. L'Amoure , C. D. Passage, D. C. Dayton. Ou motion the above resolutions were adopt ed. White the committee were absent drafting resolutions, Dr. D. S. Pearr made remarks set ting forth the object tad tense of the meeting. Itemarks'were made by D'A. Orr:rads setting forth tee sense of the resolutions, and urging effective and practical measures to carry them out. Remarks were also, made by IL ; 31. couctirring. heartily in the sentiment of the resolutions,„aini urging some practical way of raising the necessary hands to carry out the object of this meeting. The following res olution was offered, and by vote adopted : ' Resolved, That the committee for the en forcement of the laws against the sale of Intox icating drinks, be empowered and instructed to offer a reward not exceeding One Hundred Dol lars, for information that will lead to the con viction of any person violating said laws. On motion the committee be empowered to increa.e their number to seventy./ . On motion of It. 3L Wituzs, ihti plan for raising funds be by, raising notes for certain amounts that any may see tit to give, subject to assessment as may be needed. Five per cent. of said notes to be paid down. - Remarks were made by Bev. O.IL. Gin.sox, setting forth some of the effects of intoxicating liquors in our Borough, and urging the carry ing Into effect the spirit of these resolutions. J. A. COM:HIM, Pres : B. A. Ilerrr_s, Sec y. After the adjournment of tho meeting, the committee mot and organized by the election of the following officers : President—D'A. klysirrox ; Ytce President E. T. Fo; ; Treasurer—Jona A. CODMICO ; Sec retaries—S. W. ALVOUD, A. F. COWLES. About SI,OOO was pledged for. carrying out the object of the meeting, ind a committee consistiog of W. 'lowans, 3. A. CODDIXO, Jour Ouctrr, 8. Wa r t-manot and 0. A. BUCK, appointed to solicit further subscrip tions. ROILE:-ED. RI:PORTER : Not a gray eagle, but a fish hawk, measuring 5 feet 8 inch es from tip to tip, araa shot last week by Esquire Woritiiiiraw, of Ibis place.. - While Leßoy was risited by the Keystone Circus and a band "heartless gamblers,". we were au ted by three agents representing ,Tammany Ring, of New York, In the Interest of stolen or smuggled goods. Fatting to &coon. plieb their - 0)64 and bplievteg that Officer DiaLunias, of this place s wu alter them, ttucf A. A. Tams sad 104 of the Unica Hotel start tar Pldladdpida and New Tort, Wadies day, Kay 28, on I pleasure trip, and are to be gait! two week& As lisodisird and laadlaitg, and as citizens, they are highly esteemed bt all, sad winrish them i pleasant journey sad a safe return. Officer BOAltinui to-day safely lodged in To. wands jail one Lwow> Warnirr, for keeling a cow of Nairn" Toms, of Home township. W. H. Salves chteken yard contains 350 old row% with a fair prospect of a thousand Woks. About 130 eggs per day, is the average. In connection with this business, our chicken far mer has concluded to cultivate a small patch of onions. This small patch contains only six acres. He has on hand 150 bushels of lime, 135 bushels of ashes and about the same qua tity of home-made guano, which be considers indidpensable in onmsolicia with this butinewi. Judge PAiIiX4IIZ and Dr. Ha= In air la. eo tog y» 1 491111.00000( Wasp by shine them s hest nest of paint. -t some of Dar good Wise= 'mkt not alio* their shrubbery to intrude upon the rights at those wing sling on the eidevalk. there would be leee inowthig, Igo in tor *rave meat D.T. Ws sometimes meet subsailsui irbo acaaplaht about the meant of athothtag lahar pip* We cant hi abakititalitiiis Other day that spa:daV. oamateadiat ai be Ifia ativartisetasats. lie lad 'the ititverthemata *WU, Mike pdie rank, OW, to thiamin of a Tsar,: sligarkiag. that a Ike I k . _sacchaat that had a good. lidnimnendti knrad to . *atria, god nein!** diet Vag. ha and Idea* 'looked ,for Tat , tht, It is wad nodennacatthat' this chat or seen the 7. 11 = 1 44 3 11 raes7 ANT) bar ,tkothtas of :marahaata . trha Dam advarties. l : ' - - 31=1811 LOCAL. '.1 0.00 0 4 11 . blrgainli Ea *, Balks, at Ewa & Onziazzatt. _ 110116 Every new publication can be !band on Came nhayes. N- Spring style Silk Hats ltt TAmoies. • tar C. F. Owes has jneit opened a llne amportment of new etWomoa. IS. A yp t rge assortment of Brack ets ilia ism:fib:lst • nos: Scatth.r4. That Domestic Bread at Boors co:* mita eymbody. Furs. Daum° Cass—Ciunbez Suites, at Fs43ar & Soxa, for fifty dollars. FOu 13ALE.--The Timant lot just north of the Episoopel Parsonage. Enquire of . Oriarros & Er om& - • ' Mir Another lot of those Ottonuin Striped Shawls, just received at B. A. Ptirrs &C 0.% at greatly reduced prioes. Cons= & Ccioss have wore, cheaper and better Boots and Shoes, than were ever before offered for sale in Towanda. ter MeCABE Sr, EDWARDS haVO & fall supply of Bakst's celebrated garden seeds, is balk or in small quantities. . War By no possibility can wall pa paper be so ches.ply porcbased anywhere in this section, is at 13. F. Gnome: SS: EVANS & Hu.Dna-rn call atten tion to their advertisement of new Spring Goods. aft.Butuncea National Hay. and Straw Cotton!, for rale by Pasourrox DAstscrw. itir A large assortment ! of Ameri can Cook and Parlor StoN es, at Pmrourrox h Datuirriea. 88.. We have just received a new stock of tags, which we can print on the short: est notice st the lowest rates. Sear Job work executed at this of fice, receives the highest, encomiums from the best critics. Ml. Kim styles Dress Goothii Shawls, Japs,fipks, Percales, Piques and Prints at ,EVANS EILDELETteII. iffr The - cheapest place in Towan da to buy your Hats and Bonnets is at Hrs. J. D. HILL'S, Griffith & Patton's Block, Towanda EXCELSIOR WATER DEAWEIL—The best well curb and bucket In use. Lately much Improved. Handy to have. Call and lee it. R. H. Wu.LE.s. * Ladies, take my advice : when you go down town, step. into Mrs. Mrsocts' rooms of fashion. Sho don't ask you to boy.- • Stir Mrs WOOD;tUIPY wonld invite particular attention of tho ladies to her elegant assortment or new goods, coinrirising every. thing in her line. M.. A full line of White Goods, Table Linens, Napkins, Totreli and Embroider ies, at ETAXS dt. Bridge-st. Qu.urrEuv 'polivr.wriot; L 0. G. T. —The neat Qfiarterly . Conyention of I. 0.0. T., will be hold at Barclay, on the 28th and 29th of May, 1873. A. T. LILLE; Soc'y. stir Tho 'place to-buy a firpt-clasa Cook or Parlor Store, is at Penns =ON & Orwell, Pa. agis. Kra. E.L. WoODRUFF 11118 re movod her stock of Millinery Goods to the rooms recently occupied by Mrs. GAnvix, over Low's 'acne, in Patton's block. Holm's RrvitrunciT V Pun.—The best Iteveraible, or Side-Mil and lexcl Land Plow in use. Just received a supply. It gives good satisfaction.. Try it. It, IL Wra.i.r.s. Towanda, April 23. , Ever PARKER ms OWN Puma.— Vse Rubber Paint. It Waltzed' ready for 121% Spreads easily sod smootly, is glcs arm, du rable _elastic, and is a BeautAdlilairf.. WsLtz ' it has the Piditt: MS. Vgilnable bodies and two:lots for sale—pleasant locality—near the. Episcopal Church. Inquire of Jul WOOD, Executor of Luso Urea. • . . is. Tho largest and most complete stick of Ribbons and Maws in Towanda, will be found at, R. A. Pam= do Co.'s, opposite the Court Rouse. - - The best place tp bay Millin ery Goods'in Towanda, Pa., is at B. 'A. Pawns A Co's. They keep the largest stock, and ire headquariertis to prices, for these goods. . May 20-2 w. Warn:D.—By POsTER & Cast'', at their mill in Ilorth Tewaida, 5,000 bushels of grain—wheat, corn, oats and rye,—tor which the highest market prices will be paid. May 20,1873. jar We are now selling the Wo ven Wire Mattress at $16.00. •They aro the cheapest spring beds in the world. Why don't yon.call PZOST /I, Boss and try one? . sir Mrs. J. D. Mu. will spare no pains to wait upon all who may giro her a calL s he ma k es Wllinavy & specialty. • Griffith k Pattons Block, Bridgwat. wt. If you want a first-class Par lor Stop, go 4 the Light Boa" on hand and for silo by " rixtrurros & Duna", • Orwell. Pa. ler lay run, the, risk of nu acci dent, when you can get a ticket good for WOO In ease of death, for 1111 onto a day, by ailing on AUX' Bvsnetnt, at upper depot ? Mrs. E. d. Maws has jast ti t:rued from New Tork.,with s Large supply of Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, In sll the newest styles sod Latest novelties. Opening day Tuesday. Aprllls. _ Buss= Per.—Hate you seen or heard of it? It not, it is north your while to enquire into It. Taloa. Bee. B. Watts' "Bobber Paint* card in another ealumn. WANT - to—On Tuesday afternoon. Awe 8, one hundred good fat veal calves. hleo 100 Tooday afternoon, Jane 17. Price kr good eel isighing tram 180 to IMO lbe, 5 mak per lb. • Glom agern. 1117 20, 1573— : 81. • eni • t WOO* *121141413t0 Piz par. Oohs stilettos to the tea took sod ihal k *by ibeyheve eseoriAtieksieitt X 9ll /If, 11 .2 t Pw " 111 4 130Wi rdi l A I POCIPIlt 401' to Lpor: ON% Bolan sod Dints" Rooms, Ist, ooOk doe% hel9%rd iloimeMbr reftiolookibt. Worm nods si hours, . t • ser If yOu have never Wed' any of the soisitz old data Coffee which Masao are lapplyiat to their automa t go= to did Boom at WA. ill it U+ow W! to patio- Okla sod they triad It to order. 'Moan, naszinfao wren st.tioPe sre4cuar. -ban bhangidlhetr sioniey from' J. litaciiift to We& A. Chtennnew" , - i COAL it Wacuaus.—F. Wu 4 ms ielifneaspe . tint lisal Asthma* Cook -by Use ear load, very cheap, &limed at any B. B. ittation between Wyelpft sea Athena. Now ps the Ulna to secure folsi Whetees ,apply. WI WO/CL-LtAnl .. M band. The the County Seeder rellesslon of the disagreeable job, and do ft nicely.. It will also sow all kinds of ninth bitter thskyou 4stossibli 'lt by hand. Try it. R. M. Waszts. Sliirßaat*D" &Mu, would call the Attention pt Qin public b the tact that. their ?market Is always supplied With the choicest aleaks„. roasts, lamb and mat loth Pork, salualle• istt, eta. They are rum, receiving daily supplies win= fresh miters, which they °liar at whole- Wale and retail at ihivedy leweaf rite: . E. J. Miltoos has just rifrt teived tbe,Spring styles in Hats aird Hamlets, ;also a large assortment of f l'aney Goods, such Al TICS, FiChtilk Peck RiOs Collars sod Cuffs. i lindessleeves, both lice and linen, and all the latest novelties tor the Spring trade. not generally known that S. O. IN m , st the Book Bindery oter.the Berosirma office, makes Blank Books in any -style of ruling and binding desired. If .you want a new Ledger, Joiwnal or Docket, give him s . calL GEOIM PLASTir AT RITMMEItnEi.D Cat= Iltua.-7Having received a large stock of the celebrated Cayuga PIASTER STORE, which I have ground, I am now prepared to tarnish all who want the best quality of Plaster, at 37.50 per ton of 2,000 lbs." T. F. Ear. . May 24., 1873-Bw. Icz CBIJOICTENITaL.—The Color ed Good Templars of Grant Lodge, No. 991, will have an Ice Cream Festival at the Republi can Clab Room, over Thwarts office, on Thurs day evening, /an° 5. The kind patronage of oar white friends is respectfully solicited. The committee will spare no pains in making it a desirable entertainment to oar friends and well wishers. By order of committee. MARRIED. BHARP—CILLEMER.-31ayi.. •• 73, b?, Rev. J. Waithman; Mr. Samuel C. Sharp to his Em ma R. Cranmer, daughter of Pogue C. Cm - tart, all of dim:wester Co, N.& TOWNEII—WHITLEEIL—In 1.14 r1,4 cie borough, at the residence of the bride'a4st - ents, May 22, 1873,.by Her. P. T. Maryotx Mr. Edwin C.ome. Towner to Um T. A. Whitaker, both of R RICE—MADIGIN.—At the bride's home, in Highland May 14, try Her. Hillock Arm strong, ?Ir. Orrin a Klee to Visa Maggie B. Madigan, both of Highland. JACKSON—PLACE—At the M. E. Parsonage, Skinner's Eddy,ja., May 21, 1873, by Bet. •P. It. Tower, C. Jackson and Miss Maggie V. Place, both 4.nbiarnalpstsquehanna Co., Pa. LILLLEY.—At LennS. Pa., May' 25,1873, Erna line Slade Idßey-, wife of E. LiHey, aged 33 years. WARNEII —ln Tuscarora. Pa., May 23, 1873, Arthur A., only son of Oliver and Helen War ner, aged 6 years and 4 months. - JONES.—In New Albany. Bradford county, Ps-, 'slay 12, 1873, Porter Ellis, sun of Join M. and Augusta E. Jones, agel 2 months and 27 • day. - SIASON--In Monrocton; May It), 1873, Ebene zer Mason, aged nearly 91 yearo. Mr. Maser; was born in Adiford, G 0111)., Oct. 2, 1782. He came to this county abou 31 years ago. His wife died fire years before him, aged 87 yea'. - s. They Hid eleven chtldren„ all of whom lived - to manhood and womaultuod, and eight of whom still survive. They had (3 grand• children and 38 great grandchildren. Ho was buried, at his own request, with the 'interim and impressive ritual of the Masonic fraternity. His end was peace. Coy, 6QUIIIE~ — ln Herricic, May 16. 1873, after a very painful illness of *bent 3 weeks, Miss Mary Ann Squires, aged 29 years. • NI Tors DEETT.rrr.--:-A. depressed, irritable state of mind ; a weak, pervons, ex hausted feeling; no energy or animation ; con fined head, weak memory, often with debibtat lug, involuntary discharges. The consequences anomie& mental overwork or indiscretions. This Nanyoun Dmittrrr finds a Rorereigni cure in - HIIMPIIItErd HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. 28. It tbnes up the system, arrters dis charges. dispels the mental gloom and despon dency, and rejuvenates the entire sy,tem. • It is perfectly harmless and always efficient. Price 15 for a package or dye boxes and' a large $2 vial of powder, Which is important in old, seri ous cases ; or $1 per single box. Sold by ALL druggists, or rept by mail on receipt of price. Address, CLARK It. Ponrxu, Towanda, Pa. , ril o vir ANDA. •MARKETS. wilorrqcrxrrucEs. ...IL. • Corrected ever, rr eanescoy, br 0. B. PATCD raided to clasps daily. Wheal. 9 blab litre. 'P bush Duclrirbest. 11 bush oats. li Bears. rISO ag • . is 3 00 batter iii Zggs ; . 34 So ali a Dew 22 A 2? , dos • /16 Potatoes,. trosh.ncw roar. 11 barrel 10 4 , as :00 CO 12 00 (Mow II bask - • 100 Watson ow Osaor.—Wheat 60 lb. ;-Cora 16- lbs.; Rye 46 lbw; Ode 32 lbs.; Barley 46 lbs.; Buckwhiot 4S tbs.: Bests 62 lbs.; Dr= 20 lbs.; 0/over Seed CO; lbs. ; 22 TimothSeed 44 lbs. ; Dried Perches 33 lbs.; Dried Appleslbs.. Flu Sed 50 lbs. Now lanrtbnowgs VALUABLE BOOKS FOR SALE V at a banish), below their actual cost for Bind. Laws of Penzury . l . vanis. 1 1 ;& 3 1 '- MUM& 131gatkandiolarnAl. lie. 1. Transactions of 0.1, New York. 1849 to 1838. " Michigan. 1818 to 1860. .. 0.C., " 1847 to 1868. Promoting' of 0.L., Vermont. 1808 to 1 85 6. •. • " Urbana. 1833 to 1859. • .. 0.C., Vermont. 180 to 1839. Masonic lieview. Vols. 2. 3. /0. 15, 1 1./4 XL premiums Magealge. Vol.. 14, 5. 8. 18.15. 16.17. MasonicAddressea, Vol. 2. G.L. Constitution. antbreittgeof of B.E. of the 118. from 1826 to 1836. The Teao Xo. frowstiness of 11.1...anit0.0..11.1.. 1852 to 1868. Proceedings of 0.1.. of Pa. from 1831 - to 1158. Ark.. from 1853 to 1856. ". from 1834 to ism 4. Auditor Oval's Import at lieltrogis. 1867. Wisconsin Historical Collections, Vol 3. Miasma Chime. Covode larigaigaticti. 1860. Riots In Now Origins. 1860. These Is assong alit-lot I number of books not mantises& gro handsomely bound mid will be sold ate ifor farther particiOm =quite at the Arm Tolranda. May 28, 11r13.1r3 a BEAT. SALE OF REAL ES ‘,..A MX PEBSONAL .—The s fix nadmiguid.proccipioe of Ws WAIL taloadloor larassano inssiecider ode stbitio =lon on his premises. eclosomicing ea ULM DL74.II3NII, It 7 AWL to geotiaart team Add to dap lista all Is add. Ue Sotto,* peopmip. cow flattop le pact et Zarsta. T. 'illasilasallalikm 00in. et aff Wads, treetW i tiZaTrai • liseatradtesta. Books. Item Oarpiltilitif Vete. Ste Reims. thaadled.- tfig g wrn Also Aim - DOM& DIITIZZAIN oaeameta Pwafftes Some sad let.emallandiski Le v • ertil acid at , public or pliWittjaild do nat. $ lama saw g cub; sU OM that szeottal 11 par cent, off. ar mouths credit with =Zescerity. elda particulars ice Urge Peps. A. B. no; Auctionser. J. IL LEROWII. Wystestog. WV" 1873.-1,2 AiginON.—The subscriber- will sell at public auctice kt the residence of Jacob 0. Itirkhardallialthlield branaldp. on 8,11,110/D.LY. MX i. es mmandaw it 10 o'clock. am.. the 110011111112001 0 ‘17. la wit: tog& cows. 2 am. 1 sorra swim 1 bay mark 1 demoost 1 twaharse wagon. 1 wood pow or roachine. ln r i sh doable barness. seek yolo, whillihres. 1 ton.hone sleigh. 1 az,bobelak 1 horse bobsled mad , chain. 1 pO B hemlock ;umber. 2 ox chains, 1 churn polttr, plow. and many other articles too numerous to mention. • 121001.--Ailtums under ash; mD cams aver that among nobs with approved ascurtty with in. its to be paid ma the IntM uk stiowambar seat UM R. Wpm at 7.0. Leber. . DIED - SI efig 1 90 MENEM 1. i i A italliknO 4riait t CI 11..* ' n 'i 4. 1 11 .0.. IMW rt. F. W. ftren.:-.llWlllll.2taz i UM—ft tbf Wait MOON* MN Llbit i lplopotallitb ah vg ot dilirirrizesa — aaillMal Is astir at li t tirbeisi r•=i:iiM, .: . L ii 3 ellookr am niZ. *We II yomeoli MOW lipos On rogotto4 to peorirt .131' be Alletrel Ala iiia~sk mos iiiiitibil. 4 0 =' ,. -• • ,___ ,- -. - 3. - , f ldiri P.C. 3. D.VOGELID. Molnar. nISSOLI7TION.ItW biestsfte rdanag behests Ike ander. Wood soder Ots Ann =PO Ina k Nocikeas. *Ms dior dissatesd ►meld wasest. blue. atsskvill DS "OW try Writ of us. •"- •• ' ' • v• • 'WON •WAXD, "• • .TODI D. lIDITANTIL . • te. Mem baring Mailed the latenst of 'wad k Kostams la the coal business. would mt . • • splidt, a share of public pstrociese. VALITAi3LE FARM FOR SALE lin =ithe irtibee Frenlibrulake. in Frank on main toed' leading from Toiranda to thattion. containing lee we& A good house. two Darns. a 'Eat loans - onthard and otter bolt of thereon. Aw person wishing to avail him oat of a phoesenttploosied tarsi on two:this tense, cep do so by eV** pixel to the enhocriberilting on the Xa7 C. l3 =tt • J. B. 'MEM Baum% aitE.—The subsc ri ber offers age aka- bultale and mieerq Wmse_n_. lot sear Ms new mom' Bath Lot Lot has a front of $8 feet ea lionise theastr Irr ISt feet dst it also frosts ' an* State Wrest. Would make te . good iota;_ room for th ree b 00... A good barn on , e rendmar._ Tor any person tkat Wanta a pleasant place. on mei terms:near a good eebool. and withla Wow minutes want of the Ooort Room. mil on P. V. MICELI:Ik at tae karma= WS" Towanda. Pa. . ApLPt.O THE MILD POWER . CURES ! 1:(.,'.:$:~,l .1 HOMEOPATSIC SPECIFICS Scree proved: team the most ample er;pertroce, an entire miasma Strap* efficient and yells to• They are the only pe _dealt!' atluPlud 1 14 " use -119 sizzlge that =Mikes cannot be in using them; so harmless as to be !reefs= danger; and so efaclnt aa to be theirs reliable. They ban the bight* ecuanamsdatton from all. and • allrara render satisfaction. 1.• levers, Congestion. Inflammation, 2. Worms, Woruirawer. Worm Colic, 13. CtryineColle. or Teething of WILMA, '4. Martha*, of Children or Adults, 4=WiTorlCllXtotelting. Colic, at Omit* Cells. Bronchitis, • Nevasigia, Toothache, Pacesche. Hiartbdbes. Sick Emidache. Yvette°, 10. Emepsia, Bilious Stomach, 11. Suppressed, or Painful Periods, 12. Whit p es. too Profuse Periods, Cough.'Didictlit Broathirw, 14. Salt num, Erysipelas', Eruptions. 13. Ithecunatisitn, Ithetimatto Pain". 16...rever and Ague. Chill Fovea...tries, • 17. Piles, blind or bleeding. le, Ophthalmy. and Sore or Weak Err. 19. Catarrh. acute or chronic. Influenza, 20. Whooping" Cough, violent coughs. 21. Asthma. oppressed breathing. • 22. larDiacbarges, impaired bearing. 23. Scrofula, enlarged glands, Swellings, 24. General Debility. Physical Weakness, 23. Dropsy and scanty Secretions, 26. Sea Sickness, sickness from riding. 27. Kidney Disease, Gravel, 28: Nervous Debility, Seminal Wcaknces, or Involuntary discharges, 29. Sore Month, Canker. 30. Urinary Weakness, - 31, Painful Period', with SPaeame. 32. Sufferings et change of life, 11 : 1 - ffPilePaY. Spasms. St. Vitus Daum:, 1 - 00 - • Dtptherla , ulcerated sore throat. / ea 33. Chronic Congestions and Eruptions. - 50 Vials, to cents, (except 29. 32. and 33,) 100' FAMILY CASES. Cue (Morocco) with above, 35 large vials and Man ual of Directi 00 Cu ons, e (Morocco) of 20 large vials and Book, $lO 6 00 Single Boxes and Vials as above. , - ajr" These remedies are sent by the cue or single box to any part of the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. Address cLuts B. rotTE% Druggist, Towanda, Pa May 2.4, 1973 GIVEN AWAY. A. , 11. NE GIatILAN CIIRoltO -4 we sand as e 1 t Chromo, monati>d and ready for for framing, to every ,agent. Agents wanted UNDERGROUND! OE LIFEEELO* THE SURFACE, 8y,T110 . 3. W. PDX: 042 viva octavo. 130 fine engra‘ings. Relates incidents andaccidents beyond the light of-day; steill-H L rig adventures in all pests of the world; mines and the mode of working them; un dercurrents of society; gambling and Its horrors, caverns and their mysteries; the dark world of wickedness; prisons and their secrets; down in the depths of the sea; strange stories of the detec tion of crime. "'The book treat% of experience with trrigandsfbmights in opium dens and gorsibling hells; life-in prison; stories of exiles; adventures among Indians; journeys through !ewers and cata combs; accidents in mines; pirates and piracy; lertures of the inquisition; wonderful burglaries; underworld of the great cities, etr.., etc. We want agents for this work on "whkif wo - give exclusive teritory.. Agents can make $lOO a week in selling this book. Send for circulars and special terms to agents. J. B. BURS 4 Hartford Conn.. or Chicago, 111. WAliTED—Book Agents for the GREAT INDUSTRIES OF THE VNI TED STATE :T.. 1300 pages and 500 engravings. printed in Eng lish and German. Written by 20 eminent authors., inch:din/John B. Gough, Ron. Leon Case, Edward; Howland, Rev. E. EdwinHarl, Philip Ripley, Albert Brisoljtane„ Horses Greley, etc. This work is a complete history of all branches of industry, processes of manufacture, ete., la all ages. It le a complete encyclope•dia of arts and manufactures, and is the most entertaining and valuable work of information on subjacta of gener al information on aubjecrts of -re rat interest ever offered to th 4 public. We give our agents the ex-, elusive right of taritory. One off our agents sold 130 copies in eight dap., spotter .suld 508 in two weeks. Our agent in Hartford sold 3 . .); in one week. Specimen., of the work sent to agents on receipt of stamp: For circnlars and terms to agents. address the publiabers. ' J. B. Biltiß k HYDE, Mayl4l3 Hartford, Conn., or Chicago. WOOL CARDING, • MANUFACTURING, &C • After a recess of four years, sad heavy expenditure fn improving Kills and Water lower, we again re sume our old business of kNUFACTURING, WOOL CARDING. 'CLOTH Dr.ESSINdr, SC. Appro.:Lath:3g. the hard times, we hare thought best not to "let down," but to push . lloire Industry as th e best moles of tutoring plenty. For tho accommodation of the nearly extinct race of Spinners, we shall make Itolls. For those who prefer, we will auto Yarn,— STOCKIia TAMS, FLANNEL. &C. ' In conjanctlon with Local Option wo propose to. aid the frugality of the country by making a few thousand mita of Stoat Cloth, that will enable a every man to keep Ikte breechea on. Those who can, should call and we will show them 000 of the gamest and most complete WOOLEN FAQTOIIIES In the Uniteg SWF* Our seitclitneryis, now in goad order, as our water power is never-14Pu; ale public may be in no tear of dlsappotntracit, and we warrant all work to be done properly. H. B. LNGHAM. Careptown, Pa., May 14, 1873. H -- . T. JIIN HA.RPWARE'STOBE, IN YERCUR'S BLOCK. MAIN STREET,' Next door to Postt,moc. la the best place to boy HARDWARE, IRON, 'I7,I.ILS,SASEI DOORS, BLINDS, OL.L.SS. PUTTY,. PAM'S, OIL i, IaIINIEEffaI HUBBS, gPOKES, KEROSENE, AM rwythlng uf!aany 'kept In s Hardware Store. I RAVE A rnsE non OF HEATH G d; COOKING STOVES. OW eatt emit= the New 12 24 2: ACK2A4O iivi MI 1 n Ils tbOasat In use, mad pleases embody. I 11ANIIYAC/TTNE TLNWALLE. AND DO HOOFING AND ALL KINDS OF JOBBING / U TUE ll= I/ATEA/AL and SELL AT LOWEST PRICES. Call and examine my stoat and prices To ntoaa• Apt 16. i ass NEW SPRING GOODS.' L A 1,1 GA itIITOOK SHLWLS, J NOTIONS, lII= For 25c. 31c. 371 c. 62c. 95c. and $1 per yard. • TABLE LINENS, 1 00 iOO CLOTHS ANDCASSIMIZRVS, GINGHAMS AND DOMESTICS To%ltill4, Aprll Ist, 73. CAII P E ! Have just received orrOf the largest stocks of Ever offered before in thin market comprising all MaTINGS AND OIL CLOTHS H. T. -31)141E. UR* li. irrs, -., 7 :,7 =-•: .:-"', 'i ‘. '..; TAYLOR & [Hi Hsve now 'opined's v • or DBEt3S GOODS; - ,F/ilitOY GOODS, All the novelties for the SPRING SEASON. A SUPERIOR MAKE OF BLACK ALPACA ' A Complete Assortment of NAPKINS, TOWELS AND TOWELING. -2- BUTTON KID GLOVES For $l. A LARGE- STOCK OF KENTII6KY JEANS, PRINTS AND PERCALES, AT THE LOWEST PRICES TAYLOR A: CO C A. li P ET S! C A ,WP ET CARRET S! TAYLOR CO FAN CARPETS the new patterns in BRITSS, TIMEE-PM, EXTRA SUPER SUPER " INGRAINS; !NG aaaNs. COTTAGE HEMPS, VENITIANS- AND BUGS, slain tbs•dlllersatwtdths tf Able a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT In all our ahoy Departments. ____ __ __ &Co. OMMINO,.RIXSELLA Ce,- MI IMIS --I AILS AGENTS TOE SWAM COUNTY H. B. OSGCOD'S PATENT FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM- , sk• M4l) COUNTBR LIME'-AND CE3IEiTT, MI 1 " . LAU, DRAIN TILE, I ,• CHURN POWERS,O PLATED ICE PITCHERS, PELLOES HUBS SPOKES, ke Toniase sor uTs. farms & 00. T 0 TV:A 1, 4 1. P i,_..ri,; ~~.r DILILIBS IN • N HARDWARE, IRON STOVES. YOU HAY SCALES WITH RUBBER BLAIUNGS. The;; also sell moo c : _ d , 1 1‘ 7 CM Cucumber and Iron Pumps, BABY ,WAGONS, CULT IV AT Of* REFRIGERATORS, • , , PLOWS, CM i_'• •;,., powELL & Co., HAvg'llOw•ot_wx , q;xii: . z".- • A FII,LL 13IIPP-LY OF MEE SPRING GOODS! NEW DRESS GOODS EN assakT Vasawri• T. . NNE inEuTz q9obs, NEW CALI 14:Yz NEW CLOTHS.. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS-AND . t ,ANCY GKMDS! HOSIERY. GLOVES, &c. DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS. N4W SHAUMS Lahaamal•L_A • Li LADIES' &N LIHIId3 15 SHOES! NM OFFERED - or mi.. 'NEW :CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES,:' • - NW STOOK OF• NEWS & BOYS' , HATS AliD_ CAPS, AIAL,THE NEWEST STYLES. Le) jijJ aliVe 0 31 ;1.1 ;34 v A irAly 4 pskii:to etzior444•4l Pious can andaramiae caw afro !o- - • Tow!da. April 16,1873. -QMW • Co ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ . w»~:a -wS~~ ~ f ~ ~~~~ ~ =BM Iffil =I an. • d GINGHAM, CAST► r • PULL ErFOLIE OF BEST OCK 0F Ei 111, EVERY QUALITY IM IN WALL PAPER. IOWELL a co, BEE PM EMI LI EC ~:•r: ~~:.r- _ ~~~` - b ~;~? 'yt' 'A", ERNI