c V - I adford C tporter ;Towanda, Thursday, May 241878. LOCAt AND" GENERAL Tits Anniversary of the Presbyte rian Sunday School will take plate on Sm►day 4 evening at the church. WATERS, the Elmirkextist; has just executed very life-like plantings of Mn. filxrrn and Miss -Possum; daughters of Hosier. Pox - tot, Esq., of Troy. &Eiji' , one interested In the en forcement of law and prevalence of good order, should attend the meeting at the:Cquft House this evening. ' • THE Handel and Haydn Society of Williamsport, numbers some of the first citi zens. Mrs. Prrzn is a member. The Society aro soon to giro an entertainment in A Voce, and Instrumental Concert will be given at_ Mercer's Hlll - , 'Wednesday evening, May 23, 1873, by the Episcopal Church Choir of Towanda, *wasted by the beet local amateur talent. Elan Bsovrs, of Elkland writes the LaPorte Free Press that his father careful ly measured every BLIOW . that fell during the past winter, end foot; up the aggregate depth at eleven feet and ten inches. - THE Bradford County GoCid Tem• plan' Convention meets at Barclay, Wednesday , and ThnrdaY, May 5' and 29. Stiperintend6 cut Jvnnlias"consented to carry visitors to the Crnvcntii at halt fare. There are two trains, but the morning train at 7:30 is preferable. EMSIA Wlnsox narrowly escaped a • fatal accident on Thursday last. While lighting r.:a uil lamp, some kerosene on the table took !Irv. Mies W. in throwing the lamp out of the do ,- .r, set tire to her clothes. Several gentle• 11101 present rescued her. +. Cami. A. WARD, baggage-master.on iftlimsx's train, uarroirly escaped a serious if not fatal tjory4 on Thhrsday morning last. Be was coupling cars at the Waverly junction, and was caught between, the bumpers. He was con siderably biriiictl, but escaped without any bro km limbs.. IVELLEs,k'baik-FIELD, agents for the sale of the cd:Z:brated Babcock Fire Extinguish er, will give an exhibition irith'oie or their self acting_Fire.Eugincs, also one .of the Extin guishers, at Waverly, on . batnrday, May 24. The public arc eo rdially invited to witness the perrormance. Miss Fncinkscn a r native of ti.is'county, 4h has earned. an enviable rep utation as c,ireadcr and eloccitietilist, will give an entertainment in this place soon. It is ex p(cted now that, she will appear sumo time during the second 7eclz in June. The date will be given next week B. F. BowMAN, of Towanda town -o..ip; is (A/titled to credit for his efforts to the stock of this; county. Among the la h:s t)looded cattle, is a flol ,:me cm; purchaled from a gentleman in .I.l,le,town, Pa., and-for which he paid $4OO. li'_ al,o has on his.!arm some:half-breed calves ei the same stuck. of our tuusically inclined 31 'Lave organized % cornet band in Tb , ()Rimini erected ttrc : P,-..:ii/opt—W. S. N CVI NS. Tre,w/trer—.Gum.GE EsTri.t. E. blry —S. E. Witri:AAN. th.! nov organiz Olin' much succ;!s9 (h - ft tAd townsman, C. T. SMITH, is ir.augatatecl es host of the oldest hotel in tht \Ye find the fvllo;:ing :.(l erti3ollent 1;) thv:1'1;11,1,-lphip. Press: , or.l, MtritAVltN tiro BETHLEHEM, PA. ql 1753 ; remtvatucl and -refurnished srrmg. El:ce2( nt acemumnclations for tam -I:it.s.; two hours from l'hiladt.lphia, via North I'. Itailrosa. C. T. SIIITii, •Prepr:elOr. WE irAvE received froth D. M. Zl3l int ‘t , t, Secretary of Cara len and Ainboyßaii n (7 , ,, a "p!ts a " nvor hie road. Arr. Z. In n+ that tilt; L‘higs, Valley anikorth Penns:tit:anis, have placed excursion tickets on sale at their ofti.es in Willies-Barre, Manch cmink, Allentown, Bethlehem, etc., 'LK...to:pen tt.oße points and Atlantic City. Excursionists bear this subject in THE C:1;(.3 of A3IASA BEVERLY VS. M. C. Miinci:n, which was on trial a, wo went to week, occupied the balance of the t-rro. The jury retired Saturday afternoon, anO. f..er rt:llLiiiing in c , inAultation until Sun da'. inAilled Judge Sri:Ern:it that they were unabio t P.E.O - Ce upon a ccr,lic'. This teavcs the jri,t wai left by the arbitra -1,,t,, in f.lN : or.of ilr. Algiaxn. Ot - 4 young friend, R., A. MEr.ctat, be:n eileming ant ),;raplts 1.): toma years an-. 1 t cc•lleetien now numbers several I:l,:.clred, tiv.,sc,cl the took s7,,lou:tlt, of tho preeent and get n.ts):l'. Titst week ho received those I Cuki.L:i D.tewrs, the celebrated scien 7 ANInoNv TuororE, tha author, ant the (.:. Dublin. A few years hence, w1:1 h3-invaluable. ',VE: ALE pleased to aiinounee that 1.„ ilutMinson; family will 3h•rcur'el Hall, this, (Thurs.- tv, fir the I•enefit of Franklin Fire The programme fur the occasion is camict rail to attract all lovers of The company may truly be styled r: f. We hope they may have a We loiew thry merit the largest < ,l L, , MISS IDA ISGIIAM, daughter of the 1v Call.. JAS. B. INCIIIA3I, of Monroe, died in 3111)?n , .1(1 On the 31 inst. Miss Iscnast had ro ,_ 1 sit o_ the death of per father, with her to tl.,r in Flit C..uton, mid had jnat graduated .0 . I St-its Normal School. The Mansfield i"er:ip‘r sn VS : Tile funtraiof Miss Ingham, who .died at the orphan School Saturday morning', took yesterday.= The procession was very large. .1,0 services were held in the M. E. .Church,-. S. A. Gates, _pastor of the Presbyterian' church. East Canton, preaching the sermon. h , ;(1 finished her course as a pupil, and was ;.1 -,, ,eing•ior teaching. An amiable and esti young la.ly, her mourning friends are WATE.IIISii• PLANTS.—Many of our rzakrs and suburban isardcnors, have a tasto I.ingznongter toznatcea, magnificent roses, , t'. !•:acce,n(ful raiscia of those have for some L;7:4 , -; s lop'el a plan by which they feed the v4;its with BeWitge water. Pipe tides are placed s a. to run directly down to the body of the ro - 14, and down these pipes the water is pour c 1 whenever . the weather is dry. This prevents the crusting and baking of the surface, result ing from the common mode orwatering. An improvement upon this would be to 13.11 the tile with fibrous litter or coarse manure, which will allow the water to enter, but prevent the roots froni becoming :dry-by the escape of moisture up thringli thli chimney, which the tiles would oqicrwise form. :tL sy farmers begin to fear that tl4t, promise of "seed time and harvest," will !...t be realized this year, but it certainly . wilL ON. , r,Lo cannot lie has given the assurance, ,z 1 will surely " bring it - to pass." Let the lea.ibatidto.n now, like the bee, "improve each s!i:ning hour, and although theul spring crops may be a few weeks later than ritual, yet it is cry probable that they will 8 , better than if ti,ey. had bt en planted and sown earlier. In gr , liingczops, as in everything else, is nothing bitter than a good beginning. Oats, corn or p - ,tatoei, If put into the ground too soon, are often ebilb.,l and rotted by cold rains, or at least greatly re l arded, vs:hilt; if planted after the warm weather Las certainly come, they grow like magic. 'Late planted crops are nearly al ways the best fer this reason. WBL delightful weathers People now recline on !by goods bares on the sunny side of buildings, with a placidity that is really admirable. The mod stylish young man is oat in his new Spring costume, rather forcing` the season—the ladies promenading with a eompla coney indicating satisfaction with themselves and " the rest of mankind "—leaves coming out on maples and other ornamental trees —birds hopping about in the ininshine with • lively chirp of rejoicing that summer is coming --Wes gnus and wheal presenting a besatibil gram, and promising a good harvest—the oats coating up, and thi farmers busy' preparing foe 4 their corn planting. And thus is introduced &bother rand of seasons, wherein vegetation is to bad, blodesn and die—anti nekny will go with the seasons. "We ail do fade as a leaf." Tanotrati the enterprise slid liber ality of HOWARD Elan; of Waverly, a neat and commodious olipot has been erected at the Junction of the Pa. &N. Y., I. & A. and B. O. Railroads, about midway bitih*i Athens and Waverly, and passengers over these roads are now transferred at this point, instead of Athens as heretofore, The station has been christened "Sayre," ii; honor of ROHM. H. Sang, Esq., the gentlemasdy President of the Pa. A N. Y. B. R. Co. - Mi i .: rt -Ex.xsa has laid out a town on the "plains," d several tidy and substantial dwellings have' already been erected. In cone= Lion with the above, the P. & N. Y. B. B. Co. are constructing an immense round house, capable of accommodating fifteen engines, which when completed will be one of the fined buildings of the kind in the country. . - . To WHOM rr MST CONCIIMN.—WO receive many complaints concerning the con duct of some of our young men in obstructing the sidewalks during the evening, especially on the Sabbath, and using obscene language in hearing of those for whom a mother's or sister's influence should have prodweed more respect. Ware Informed that it, Is tho . practice of quite a number of young men to attend one or two of the churches, apparently for the sole purpose ofinsultum those who go there to worship, and to Intik them on their way home. ' "ration - co very soon ceases to be aTirtne" with such con duct, and the disgraceful habit should bW,dts continued. No ono has a right to obstruct the sidewalks, and the gathering or loitering of a crowd of boisterous men is unlawful; ai the police authorities can order and enforce their removaL This groat CFrii MO be stopped._ We call the attention of the polite to the subject. IP - ?d. LIVES 01 THE GOVEHNOES.--00X young friend, *.j. W. C. Almost, late private secretary tito IA Excellency Gov. GLtItTI has just completed a book entitled "Lives of the Goiernors 'of . Pennsylvania," with incidental history of the State from 1609 to the. ,present time. It contains the lives of all the GoVernons of the State, from as earliest settlement to the present time. A complete epitomeof the State is an important feature the work. It is em-• banished with 25 frill page ._engravings of the Governors ; from the time of Pam, by the best . artists. It' is , printed from new stereotype 7pates, on nue white paper, with large clear faced type, in an octavo volume, bound in the best style. It contains abGut 640 pages, in. cl iding. tha portraits, and forms altogether a work of faro attraction. It is _sold only by sub scription. Mils: WarrxEr 14 now canvassing this comity for its sale. Mn; &wren : rA few days slime a gray eagle measuring 7 feet 3 inches front tip to tip, was shot by a farmer near Leßoy. On thelsth inst., the Keystone Circna ap peared at Lenny, under the influence of -4-tan gle-foot," obtained at the foot of , the mountain between Leßoy'. and Barclay, from one who bas already b?en fined for the violation of the cense laws. Leroy '• bard" cider &Da Towan• da whisky ad led to the tangling process,. and as a natural consequence "accounts were thrown up," diseased beings bled by convenient stones, aril a nap sought after with giddy brains. .1 more heartless band of gamblers never visited this county, than the one that followed this circus, yet they showed some hu manity, for they returned $lO to a man (from whom they had won HO, at the game of three card !route) just, aq soon 5.3 they learned he was a member oftlie school bard. 'A I. 4 7tMLANT.--LA. gentlenian of this c:tiNtiiietraveliu g in Jamaica, W. 1., a few yearilago, A'AS attracted by a vigctrons look ing plant gr..wipg on the roadside in the dry and arid s Al, 'apparently the only vegetation that could withstaud the 'extreme hest; and drenth. 'Upon inquiry, he was told it waii the "life plant," and•that if a leaf should be sus pended by.a thread from the ceiling, ir Would put forth rootlets frcm each of the dentate notches. He broke off a trig and a leaf, and packed them,'r.mong some dried grass and brought them home with him. • The mipisture in the air in the tropics was so penetrating that they grew in his trunk, and the twig continnetl to - grow after it tilts planted in the ground up to the present time. Last . winter it bloomed, the flowers were in a large panicle, purple bells about an inch and a halt long, and they soon began to fade. At the s nggestinu of a-garden er, the top I:as 'cut ciff,fbut the plant looking a little uninteresting, the top was stuck auto the ground, when new buds appeared, and it con tinues to bloom as though it was on 11:6 parent stalk. -WfVimnrport .13u. /din. LIE Ladies' Benevolent Associa tion will meet at the par'ors of the', Methodist Church,. un Friday, May 30, at istich time , arrangeni ants will be Made to hold an enter tainment its early as strawberries can be obtain ed. AY° suppose], as the season advanced, our work would cease far the slimmer, bat scarcely a week,passes without demands fir those who are onlbeds of sickness, and calls from the a izl ow, and fatherless. There are those in this place who would hare 'suffered for -bread, with in the last moutli4had it not baoa for this sod- - sty. It is obvious to all, Unit a Combined effort must reach cases that would otherwise be over ldoked. Our treasury is nearly exhausted, and we ntnst have help. Money and provisions seem to be what are most needed at present, though clothing (indeed, anything) will be gratefully accepted. " Whoso Inth this v. (lid's goods, and eccth his brother have need, and shatteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the lore of Clod in him ?" • Mrs. E. T. Fox Presl% Mrs. 8. J. Ltrsx, Mrs. MetaL WATRISS, Mrs. C. S. Itrestu.., Mrs. . N. N. DErrs, Vico President's , THREE of our leading citizens are now satisfied that the borough ordinance against fast driving, is enforced. On Saturday xs . evening last, C. M. SAND x, Esq., D. C. Dr.- Wrrr, Esq., and W. H.• - =a, Esq., were trying the speed of their ho es on the Wycoff, to„the great danger of the many pedestrians, When 13arg ess BRYANT ordered the. policemen to make an example of them. Making arrests while they were driVing at a 2:10 - parse was not so easy a thing, but astlibon as the trial of speed was over, Policeman Bvaxs'undertook to execute the order of the Burgess. Mr. ELMER. sox learning what was up, stole a march on the officer, and went before Esquire Tut to and plead guilty,. The other two gentlemen wore found by the police and taken before theta= magis trate. - The parties were each fined $5 and costs. The victims say they do not care much about the fine, but suggest that it bo appropri ated to repairing the street. This action on the part of the authorities, gives evidence that the laws are to be enforced "without i espect .to persons." Tug, liforraosE a& TirsuwiNoot R. B.—Tho narrow gauge railroad between Mont rose and Tunkhinnott, is nearly completed, and the ears are Boy running from the .latter place to &point only four - miles from Montrose: Tho track is but tLreo feet wide, and of course the engines and coaches are constructed-to cor respond. The Mauch-Chunk Democrat furnish es a description : "The engine is quite substantial looking; it has six driving wheels,* fitted up complete in all its puts, and is expected to pull agood sized .train with ease. The passenger car lea perfect gem. It is thirty-two feet long, of good height, tastily painted, upheistered, and decorated. .A water closet, and hooks for Oisposing of satch els, etc., are also conveniently arranged. The seats differ somewhat in their arrangement .from those in large passenger cars ; on one side through half the distance of the ear, are ar• ranged 'double seats, and opposite Are single seats; at the other one the order is reversed, so thatiho weight is equally divided on the sides, o seats are supplied with springs, and are covered with scarlet plush. In the centre of the car is a neat stove. The whole of the interior and exterior thimighout is tarnish ed in a very superior manner,_ and isvgy credi table to the manufacturers, Jackson, niirp & Os L llllNtasks; D i si......%•Mser tar is to 111011 111 Slid mail air, the arnni up is a very doimmilist My. Thew pommy sin ere the era mir bolt $z a sums gauge slam WU road in Pismisinia.• They an singer taps& tern and appseresse to the sue used on the Daum and Tens sgrrow mpg road. The engine met about MOOS and mists nearly nine toms. The cost or the an Is SUM arlisee• "The Montrose Beibrs sill be twentyseven mike long, when oretplsted. It rum from Tunkhannook to MonSosN and is within four miles ot the Mis l ed... l = tita deb Walters' sad will in e la g l a sgMbb eseisr to tabigh Tang Barad. Mr. Sums I. Bur orthin bor. ()JO. is the President, and Mr. Amid the Oiler Eriginser." • A train on the Ps. &N. Y. &a ft :oasts Dm. otothst with this road between Tunkhaonock wad Wilkeedlanis • AT A stated meeting of Boman Lodge. No. 418 A. T. IL, held at Nasonl. c Ball, Ram ?a.. Kg 9. /873, (A. L. 5878), th. fol lowing preamble and resolutions were emu& mouldy adopted : Winans : Raving received intelligence of the death of Brother L. h. ItidSwArs wit.. and w pal founders of our % ras a on nd her Bidgmi e e of the_prin. dhas allrlYs be held in high esteem y, the members, vs desire formally to upon record this ex pression our• regret at his sadden and bereavement. and also our re. gard ami appreciation for his deceased ion as a friend and beloved citizen. Thero n be it Resolved. That by this sudden bereavement of Brother Ridgway, we are partially obliged to realise the truth which involves the useful lesson of our own mortality. Resolved, That In mord to the deceased, we deeMit to indulge in an/extended eulogy upon bas she was too well known to r any fornial praise Run us. Respired, while we irrinattbize with Brother Biellgiray and other frin4 we would join with them in seeking consolation from Him whg bath said, "Blessed are they that mourn," etc. Resolved, That a copy of the above mob). tions, be sent to Brother Ridgway, and that they &leo be pnbliahed in the papers of this county. Da. 0. D. Omsk Bey pro Um. ASol'l= FIRE 1N Taccr.—We regret to announce, that our sister village of Troy was via tell by another destructive oonfiagratlon on Tuesday morning last. The Are originated in .the back part of A. D. it B. N. SPALDTIIO . B o cery store. Three frame and•one small brick building, were destroyed. The steamer pre vented a disastrous fire. The following is a list of the losses : G. F.'Vrizz, liquor and feed store ; lots $l,- 800, insured $5OO. C. (Inous, grocery store ; loss $l,OOO, insured 'Anse occupied wooden buildings belonging to Postnnor Bnos., whiCh were'Tslued at $5,000, insured $4,000. • • W. B. OnwAy, "red front " groiery; lose $3,- 500, insured $1,500.• A. D., 4k, 8. N. SPJbLDING, grocery and saloon, lose n9OO, In!nirod $2;300. DaWing!., mined by IV. H. dAallocztaN. Logi:0,000. insurance $.1.- 200. Dams& Co., dealers in bides and leather, loss MO, covered. Building owned by Posritnos Bnas., loss, $l,OOO, insurance 1800. - The burnt district will be immediately built with k substantial brick block. PFESONAL.--PETER HERDIC, the, mail who has caused all fly disturbance 'nlarm about Minnequa, was in town last week. Aside from l'rrtit's great propensity to "run things ° in his own interest, 114 i-riot a bad fellow,azui is possessed of many excellent traits of character. tCe arn,n4 Advised of the object of his visit here at this time, Vitt as thi3 Court House and Jail are , still visible, we are satisfied that be did not. " spirit away ", our public bulidlngs. We learn that he proponed to some of our citizens to put up water works here, provided he could procure a. charter. It ho will do it, in good faith, he limy atone for some of his past Bins. --Jeconf Tour , Esq., of Port Deposit, was also in town last - li:edit. Ile is not, however, pencil - Lai earner of the Tirana* Bridge stock. Neither is be the founder of the Cecil Bank of Baltimore. —Jon:: E. DAYTON was fleeted first director of the Young Men's Christian Association of Wilianisport, at an election held last week. —The many triciids, in this place, of Mrs. META TILINTON BANNES, will be interested in knowing that she has gone to Europe with her husbaLd, to spend the summer. The trip is niade in hopes to - improve Mr. 11..1 declining hea th. . Bim r.OD —!tlrtt.Syr.o. E. Pox. lts.gonco Nordlt Caro lina to,ti4t her daughter, IlranlAc.,DoNm-4 . 4 —REY. and 'Mrs E. P. flaltmotin are traveling in Ca —CoL. J. W. 11lops, U. S. A., %Ito has bccn kpentling a ft.:ir weeks in this place on a Itave of ab,c;ce, lit r,•eeircd otacra to return Wilts regime',' on the Parific aryl sill start in IL day or two. —Maj. W.. if. IL Gone, attended the meeting of thr- rennisivanii Reserve tkiLiociation lett seek. —Dr. STUAWRRIDGE, WWI the' only Congress from this state, in attendance at the St. Louis .cmventi.an: —We regret t..) learn that oar old and c•stecm. ed l'Arrtmotr, of Sllcui!tcquiti, has 1.) , wil quite ill for some months past. DEATH OF ISAAC 3.IIEII.—ISAAC MT an died at his residence is this borough on Sat urday evening last. Hr. Hunt removed to this county .when a child, his father settling here in 1800. Nearly sixty years ago, the de ceased married Miss Sault Max, and settled in what is now North Towanda township, near the mouth of Sugar - Creek, where be erected him self a handsome reside:xi), which he occupied with the companion of his youth fur more than fit ty-five years. Be also erected the mills which bear his name in North Towanda. In 1835 Hr. Mien and Taos. Ei.t.tcrrr were chosen representatives in the Legisla.nre from this county, which we believe was the only offi cial position he ever occupied, although ho was a man of exceptional ability and intelligence, always taking an active part and decided stand on all political questions. For many years he was a devoted and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church, and died in full faith of a glorious immortality. ' About three years since he removed to this borough, having become too infirm to attend active business. His health was usually good until a few weeks previous to his death, when he received a fall which hastened hie end. His mind was clear and vigorous to the last. His age was 79 - years and 4 months, and he had lived with his wife, who still survives hint, nearly sixty years. " Life's fitful fever o'er, he bleeps well." DEEDS left at the Recorder's Office_ for the seek ending May 20 : Jerome E.. Seymour j4Elias C. Seymour, Canton borough. S. J. Hickock to Elias C. Seymour, Canton borough. Peleg Peck, et. al., to L. L. Gregory.Sylrarda borough. Curtis Merritt to Comfort Canada, Ariacnia: — Comfort Canada to Peter and G. P. Monroe , Armenia. ; N.C. Harris to Geo. kfpley, Athens borough. Ephraim Pistt to A. B. Stevens, Herrick. John Champim to A. B. Stevens, Herrick. B. H. Stevens to David Montgomery, Troy township. J. M. Smith, Sheriff, to John G. Kelly, To- wanda borough. 'John F. Moans to G. B. Davison, Towanda borough. J. P. Vantlect, Sheriff, to G. B. Davison, To wanda borough. Darius ?dyer to Chu. H. Shepaid, Ulster. Michael Moulton to Geo. F. Warner. Herrick. Ahnira F. and C. A. Lunar to Airm. Hugh!), Wm& A:0. Oranmer to E. H. and F:'E. Crumer, Monroe borough. Ellen I. Wells to Josiah Sigler, Wilmot. Daniel and Martha Min gos to Philip Xingu Monroe. M. Q. Mown. to W. EL Itiorgaq East Towan da. Miley Quick to Somal. Crandall, Wilmot. B. C. and J. W. ➢leans to Aaron Kim pp, Lo: Roy. A. E. Blake'leo to 8.8. Smithfield. Aranah Ladd, guardian, to Wm.. Wood, Alto- John McMullin to John P. Garnet, Smith Creek. . Merely. Morgan and Moody , to Morris Ridg way, Wpm. Morrisltidgway to W. H. Morgan, assign. meat of above. • ..JohnibteanstoHimqPoet,To:wapdsbo4 ' Paul AT Mors . /a oosidisaoi whit your musty pat a tate account tithe fire which aeonned in our town an Washy man& May.l9. BM us 9 and 10 ON:look In the evening. the ary of Wire wee heard. It atumateed in the rest portion of hi hotel owned by Papa Wiscios sad oats. pied by B. I. Um. The fire was doubtless the work clan incendiary, but who he was is yet among the "secret things." The hotel was a large wooden building, having a wing on . the south side which extended to within Ai' few het of a lugs two-story wooden building, owned by Mrs. FL 1., tlovrr and occupied by A. 1:1:11aut. maa as a dry-goods stem Some three rods from the store waists* a large two staryboild gig owned =team:pied bi Mrs. IL 13. Paint, It was also ocarpled by Dr. Huss as a red dace, and by B. B. Tome, Wan keeper. These three buildings ware turned with mush of their contents. The losses of those who soared from the fire, are tolerably well covered by insuranse except Mr. lizeeoff, who estimates his actual loss at $3,000, he Cot having any insurance on Use hotel-furniture or its out-buildings, all of which were burned except his barn. Living on his farm a mess or more out of town, when be arrived be could only by a desperate effort we his barn. It was evident from the first divot- cry of the fire, that the three buildings already named muse born.-; And for more than one hour it was feared thit nearly the whole town must yield to the fire king. It was only by an almost superhuman effort that the town wax saved from the flames. The sight of the firs and the sound of the church bells warned us and the people of the surrounding country of our danger. Many persons, for milei around, came to our . aid, and they came to work. Our only hope of preventing the farther spread of the fire on the south side of the street, was by keeping carpets and blankets thorougly wet on the house of J. B. Samn a which had between it and the bocce of Mrs. Parnssr a number of large trees. But the great fight with the de- Touring flames was on the corner of the street directly opposite the burning buildings: There for more than one hour, men periled their lives to prevent the spread of the flames. Where every man and .woman did all in his or her pow. er to do r it would not be proper to mention any by name u specially deserving of praise, and yet I cannot refrain from making honorable mention of the Dame of Lucia Duor.v, Esq., of Duabore. Be was in this place at the time of the fire, and though in feeble health he was among the first to assume a position of danger to save our property. Ile took his position on a ladder in front of the buildings most exposed, and which had they burned would have caused the destruction of every other building on that side of the street. There ho stood in front of the Burning buildings, and passed pails of wa ter to those afro were on the awriing or tops of the buildingAntil he fainted, and another took his place and kept it until the crisis eras passed. This labor of love on the part of Mr. DAD:IA:Pt was as near "disinterested benevolence" as It possible attineg - men, and entitles him to some recognition of his services more Proll‘ntial than our sincere and i hearty thanks. These wo thus publicly tender him, as we d 1 most sin cerely to all, both men and women, who so effi ciently aided us on that occasion. This I know is the feeling of every property owner in the town. \ E. 11. CIANITEIL Monrortc,n, 31ty . 19, 1873 PETER HERDIC.—This notoiious in dividual visited our place kit week, bpt just what the object of his vistt was, is not so clear to understand. - It is said that while here, he was Seized with a desire tO , frinatsti this borough with water, by making use of the darn to create the power to force {ho t w'ster into a reservoir on the opposite side of the river. We want water, but we cannot afford it any price it can be had in this way. We do not want oar bo rough saddled with a debt 'of one or two hun dred thousand dollars. • ,It is one of Prrna's frvosite ways to raise the wind, io make imrrorements in cities or new counties, make the . pompanics issue bonds to pay for them, tali to pa) , the interest, and then buy up the bonds at fifty or sixty per cent. dis count, and thus &Jibe speculation as made of it. Judging frum Lito elections in Williamsport and also in Lycoming county, this very "scru pulous Puritan" has lc st his power there, and row wishes to practice his gimes on the gOnd people of Towanda, as well as the whole coun ty. Both being mit of debt, we,present a flue opening for the versatile Prznn. visit across the river, to see the "Rooster" , Colonel; who sympathized sill him in his "ne* county movement last winter, is 'cilenlat:2(l,to create a still stronger distrust of that ge4le matia personal as well as political integrity. Choi Apple will be blux to trust any man' tsho seeks association in that varier. BUSINESS LOCAL. lost. Special bargains in Black Bilks, at EVANS & HILDREIVS. Every new publication can be found on CV)Fs shClves. i S pring style Silk Hats at H. Vir C. F. Caoss has just opened a fine eisFortnient of new ebr0;n0..... •••••7 -41r -.110.10-.. z •-•-•-•• mfr. -A large assortment of Brook ed jnit TCCE INIXI it FRO ST SONS. Va. That Do:iaestic Bread at Scorr Co.'o,enitm everybody. FINE DRESSING CASE.—Chamber Suites, at Fri/ST f )r. fifty dollars: Fos SALz.—;The - vacant lot just north of the Epieaqial Parsonage. Enquire of Orrnrox Jc Eunruzz. Mir Another lot of thOse Ottoman Striped Shawls, just reoeived at B. A. Psyrrs & Co.'s, at greatly reduced prices. as. Comm . & Coma have more, cheaper and better Boots and Shoes, than were ever before offered for sale In Towanda. ib3" McCAen & EDwAtes have hall supply of Belles celebrated fiarlen seeds, in bulk* in small quantities. Vir By no posaibility can wall pa paper he so cheaply purchased anywhere in this secdon t as at C. Pr.Caose. DS. EVAN'S & Hnzerru call atten tion to their advertisement of now Spring Goods. BunDicx's National Hay and Straw - Cniters, for sale by PENDLETON a DM:MM. sir large assortment of Ameri can Cpoh and Parlor &meg, at ' - - . PENDLETON d Dennow'L Oft. We have just received a new stock of tags, which we can print on the short est notice at the * lowest rates. • Ler Job work executed at this of fice, receives the highest encomiums from the best critics. 1016. New styles Dress Goods, Shawls, Jam Silks, Percales, Piquesand Prints at 'EVANS& Humasen's. war The cheapest place in Towan , da to buy your Bata and .Bonnets is• it Ira J. D. Ilat:s 2 Griffith & Pattores Block, Towards ExCZUIIOII WArn DRAWEEL—The lied well curb and bucket kr•tete. Lately much ,"finproved. Handy to have. Call and see It. R. IL Wauxs. Ladies, tfike my advice : when you go _down town, step into lies. Ittsoos' moms of fashion. She don't ask you to boy. rid• Mrs WOODRUFF would invite particular attention of the Mies to her elegant assortment of new goods, eqmpriaing every- Wing in her lirm. 186 A. fall line of White Goods, Table Loans, Napkins, Towels and Embroider. les, at Evans Hrunumes. lltidge4t. Quaassais 001ifilitalt L 0. G. T. —The nai Qustiill' Ociiinsikii of L will be did st Duey, cri 118111 pail Mk of 1373. - T; Lam, ONO. - The — to limy a ilnet-olus' • Oa* or Parke above, is at PanuiroirAlipaisneir, . . Onrell, Fs. is. Mrs. IL IA: WooDiamr has re;- . moved Aar stock of Millinery Goods to the roans recontly ocempial by Mrs. Game. over Loam's stars. In Psttonis block. .:601e11 PLOW.—Tita best Rovordbko. ato eldei-EM and LoYel Land Plow In see. hot remind s supply. -It shoo good sitithotion. Try It. It. Wzuso. Towanda„ Apcll23. - En= FAN= HIS OWN Emma.— Us. Babbler Pabst. It is mixed ready far ese. Spreads easily and smooth, k glossy, *rm, dn• ►able, elastic, and is a Deeatifta Pakr. Watz.ai has the Paint. . 211110tahable house Sand two tofti for sale—phosent locality—near the EpieOPPal Church. Inquire of Isms Woon, Executor of Iwo Uru. as... The largest and moat complete stock-of Ribbons and Moms In Towanda, will be found at B. A. Prrria & Co.'s, opposite the Court Souse. . sir The best place to bay Millin ery Goods in Towanda, Pa 4 is at . B. A. Prrus & Co's. They keep the largest stock, and are tutadquarters is to prices, for theso goods. " _May 540—tw. - - Fos SALE CaLlP.—Ono new Howe- Sowing Machine, also 1 aooond-hand Piano. Apply to GEWLCIE ILIDGMAY, Bed,, White & Blue Store: May iO-Iw. WANTED --By FOSTER & CULVER, at their mill in North Towanda, 5,000 hoshels of grain—wheat, corn, oats and rye,—for which the highest market prices will be pea.' • May 20, 1873. stir We- °so now selling the Wo ven Wire *attreas at . 06.00. They are the cheapest spring beds in the world. Why don't yen eel at Fnorr 8 So Ns and try one? 'air !art. J. D. Hn will spare no paiMi to wait upon all isho may give her n call. She makes Millinery a ,specialty. • Griffith Jc Patton's Block, Bridge•st. t.lf you want a first-class Par lor Stove, get the Ligbt house, on hand and for aale by • PrXDLETON & I:1%1=0W, Orwell, Pa. le- Why ran the risk of an atfci dept, when you can get a ticket good for $3,000 in case of death, for 20 cents a day, by calling Oli FBANK BURBANK, at upper &pot ta-3.lrs. E. 3. MiNcio.has just re turned fruit Sow York, with a large supply of Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, in all the newest styles and latest unrelti.::s. Opening day Triesday, April 13. tf. - RUBBER PAlNT.—Htive you seat or heard of it? It not, it Li Earth your while to' enquire into ita salve. see It. M. WE1.1.513: "Rubber Paint" card in another column. M.. Crowds of people still go to • *cirlid.. Co.' s Bakery and Dining Booms, Ist door north of Ward Howe, for refreshment... Warm meals at all honra. sty LAZALIUB a: Montag, manufac turers of those celebrated spectacles, hare changed their agency train J. Huarranes to Mr. A. CIIAISBETILLIX.R. COAL AT WHOLESALE.—F. M. WFT r.rsi is selling superior thud Anthracite Coal, by theear loci, very chomp, delivered at any ILA. station between Wyalixiing and Athees. Now is the time to secure yonr Winter's riipply. Pr cZ" 31. J. LArtKis wants fifty thou sand feet to tit v.ith sv.(l tzlio.-s, at his nets store opposite the ll,mse. Bur is at one dollar - and twenty:ll..a cents a pair; bow is that for low? 157 Main etreet, below Bridge. Aue vs Err. •.> lAirs. S. S. Laciwropo, of Ul ster, hair just received her stock of Millinery Gools,,Sprixig at. ; !es in fiats and Bonnets, and also a good assortusent of fancy goodi, such as ties, collars and cuffs, undersleeves;:both lace and linen,-and all the latest ti6veltiCti for the Spring trade. I Preparatory- to moving into a new store, F. J. CALings will eller unnsnal in ducements to puichaseis ofttrall paper, books and stationery. Now'e Yonr chance. "Pro crastination is the Wet o! time." NOTICK 'TO TAX-PAYEES. —The Bor o•.gh and Poor Tax dnpl;cat, s, for 1373, now-in my hands for cnflection, aro returnable on the first day of June beat. All taxes on them Inuit b. Feld tefore that limo without fall. P. Powv.x., Collecter. Rcuurst PAni-r.—Ready for nse. In Quit Cara ; 1, 2 and 5 Ge.len Cana and Tubs. Pure 15 . 1.i!e, Jet ‘ 13Ia:k ; and beautiful cottage ahades and tints in great-variety. The beat and clae , pest of all paints. It. M. str-Daring the next GO days we will sell goods reg- Zeiss of cost, sod will make prices to rait all, in order to make room for goods of oar own manufacture ; now is the time to bay. J. 0. Paper k Sows, May, 7, '73. Main street. WArrankn Tuesday afternoon, Jane 3, one hundred good fat veal calves. Alio 100 Tuesday afternoon, Jane 17. Price fcr goOd calves, weighing from 130 to' lbs, 5 cents Or lb. GIDEGE BY= Wysanking, May 20, 1873-3 t. DISAGREE.UTLE Wonx.—Sowing plas ter by bind. The Tompkins County Seeder will relieve you of the disagreeable job, and do it nicely. It will also ,sow all kinds of grain much better than you- . can.possibly do It by hand. Try it. B. 3f. Wria.t.o. stir Brum) & Ham would call the attention of the public to the fact that their market Is always scppliod with the choicest steaks, roasts, lamb and mutton, pork, sausage, fie; etc. They are now receiving daily supplies of fine ticidt oysters, which they offer at whole sale and retail at the very lowest rates lir Mrs. E. J. 741.ussos has just re etived the Spring styles is hats and Bonnets, also a large assortment of Fancy Goods, such as Ties, Fichns, Neckinches, Collars and Cuffs, Undendeeves, both lace and linen, and all the latest novelties tor the Spring trade, . oft. Itis not generally known that H. C. Warramm, at the Book Bindery over the Meow= office, makes Blank Books fir any style of riding • and binding desired. If you want a now Ledger, 'Journal or Docket. give Win a ealL ' a J. S. JONES ~is now in town prepared to put on the Itarey Frog h&ie shoe, at W. B. Dodge's shop, on. Park street. This shoe is pronounced the best over invented, and is peculiarly beneficial for cases of founder.oon tracted feet, quarter cracks, thrash, Sat foot. eta. Beferetsxely permission to the follownig .well.known gentlemen -of this place: C. M. Sanderson, Dr. Pratt, C• B. Patel, John F. W erke, Noon lc Means, McCabe Edwards, Jas. Ward, B. M. Laporte, Kingsbury Ir. Solonsfer, E. E. Bufflington, John Beeman, and others. is. Every honest, pradent`man 'is interested in buoying how to save money. Economy may bo practiced in the pnrcbue of ottdng quite as weal as In any other direction. Purchasers will be imrprised to learn how much may be saved by selecting their garments from the large Stock now on exhibiticm at the exten sive calaigidanent of our enterprising iner otAni tailor, Hinz Tinos. Those who prefer t* o& cell clothes rude .to order, will and at in DAY= never fails In securing AM. Pna9Vl_ 1 0 1 W Alagoas. sleds, asaassoss, seas ow saa asp* yaw IFIIIbrANgSOOI I IO4 II I II O. oaf Pr u"--iniond„ skimp; alibis and Plied. id thakiali***ltitOPlDlP Amid' lag shades and esakuilliviaiaadjijksassas. it. X. Musk - s.W. A. ,'of bets appiduled armed meat kw the *SW al We losurattee Company of the IL IL, AO desires to appoint Weal webs hi 4 this . 'and M- P:sluing counties. Peaces who ,would him to sums in the bedews, can learn Particulars by addressing lir. IC. at Monroeton, Pa. Mrs J. D. Ehr.r. has returned loom the city, with 'a Ina ailection of. Killinery and Fancy Goods, which will be on exhibition this weal. All uelnyited to give her a can be- fore pm:cluing elsewhere. Meth & Patton's Skink Bridge-Bt. TO TU LADIES 07 TOWANDA: AND Vl caNrrr.--Kra. E. J. Mutoos has.pelargest and finest assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods aver brought lute Towanda.. Also a large as sortment of Ladies' and Children's needy- Made Snits, of the latest styles, Hosiery, Cot. sets, Bustles, Troop Skirts, Real and Imitation Hair Goods, Jet Jewelry. etc. fturnit AND Glum Sows.—The Tompkins County Seeder (which is also sold combliced with that best of a 11: Wheel Hay Hakes, the 2bmptkies Cbtablyl is the best broad cast plaster and grain sower in tho market. Seeder, $45. Rake sad Seeder combined, SS. Bake alone. siO Send for circular. Towar.ds, April 16,1573. The next session of the Bradt ford .not.y Teachers' Usociation,s , ill be held in th 6 t3asquehanna Collegiate Institute, Ta na:lda, beginning at 14 o'clock A. at., Friday, June 13, 1873. Tho appointments aro u fol ! long : Lecturer, Hon. P. p.moasow ; Declaim or's, J. P. Krum% EDWARD 3111.111; Eua late, Hiss Fass: Mru.s, Min DEntricr. Est.Loool Business Committee, Prof. E. E. Qunciszt, H. E Pintamr.„ 3. W. ALVOUD, This FILANZ MILLS. Miss SAIAn CAMIAN. M. M. Ksr.zirr, Soc'y. I==l PEERLESS POTATOV3.-:-For Seed or Table use. The subscliber has, in store at his place of business at No. 3 ?demurs Block, on Court street, a quantity of the celebrate(' Peers less Potatoes, in nice condition, for gale in either large or small quantities. Per single Peck $ .30 " " Bushel Five or more Bar-els, per Barrel I 250 Ten cr " _ " '• " 2.40 Lots in bulk of 25 or morn bushas,. per bushel ' .80 Orders hy mail for slciiping„ will receive prompt at Icntiou. .No charge for cartage. 'll. M.' ELLOI. Toman(l.l, Pa., March 17, 1573. ' , CHUItCIL SOCIETY *ANT) OFFICIAL DI: arc - roay —The following dlrectory Is published far the Infortattfork of the Publin. We will thank oar Mends for notifying us or any errors they in/7 dia. COWS :. BAP/In CUCMCM-31ala Street. below Washing. ton. Services Sunday' at 103.; a.= and 73; r.at. Sunday: School at 12. o'clock. - P rayer Meeting' Thursday evening. Pastor, Bee. S. J..Ltar.. • EPISCOPAL Cruitcu--Cor. Man and Canal Streets. Services Sunday at 103; a. e. stud 1.!." rat. Lecture Friday evening. Sunday School 12:15 r.u. Pastor, Rev. Wm.Mctit-srlisrr. \ . M.E. Currecu--Main Street, above State. Services. Sunday at 103;-i.ts. and 73; PAL Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. Sunday School at 12 o'clock. Pastor. Um 0. L. , 4slzusan. Pituonsiousa Comm—Court Street,' near Court House. Services Sunday atlo3; .a.m. and 73; pat. Prayer Meeting Thursday eVening3cuaday School 10 6.11. Pastor, hey. I. 5. PrzwAsr. SS. Prrtz Aso Part.--Seivices every two weeks. at 9 and 11 A.M. and 73; pat. Sunday School at 4 P.M. Pastor, Hey. Prrrucic.Tosr.n. • A.M.E. Cuuscit.--State Street. above.. Seoond.—. Preaching Sundays at 10t; .t.u. and 73; P.M. Sun- day School at 1 P.M. A.F.M.—Nostrazr—v COMMANDEST,E.T.. No: 10.— Masonic 1141. over, Pateh's store. at 7 r.w.. J. C. lama% E.C. . Thnox Loma, 150. 10A.—Coen in two weeks at 7 P.M. J. 0 lanais, Will.' 13.11.H.A. Ourrts. 161.—Once in two "rocks, at 7 rat. CBAS. P. Caton. H.P. . J. O. or 0. F.—Baanrono LOMA, 167.—0dd Fellows' Hall, over Frost lc Sons FCLlLltharp Rooms. Meets every Monday crening At 7 o'cloc,k. J. W. Vasa UMW, K.O. D. or R.—Lzan Lona'', 29.—Meets in Cod Fellows' Ball lint and third Friday evening in each month. A. MATNAILD, NA.: CEI.S. Fa►trr, SeCf. BILLMrOIID ENC.I3II2PMZNT. So. 41.—Meeta second and - fourth Wednesday evening of 'each month. G. W. Ewe, C.P. K. or P.—Towh M , A LON; lio.'Zikt.—lleeta every Tueslay evening In Temperance 1141. Vi o'clock. J. W. Manor. W.C. I.P. or G.T.—Nouvur.eN honor, No. 223.—Heets every 'ridgy everting at 7 o'clock. J. H. Or.ct - rr. W.C.T. 5 - .0.6.0..-=TowAnka Lunn, No. 370.—Meets sec ond and fourth Thursda; of each mlntli. Joanrs ilfroovr, B.S. - • , . MAIL ..11ZRA-VGEMANTS. • Towanni Itsrorricr.-3111.1 Ong soutticloses at 9:30 Lai; going north 4:30 r. r. Arrirca from north at 10:3) le • south 5:15 Yu. 8. it E. m all closes at 7;30 a x.: tallies at f p.n. Barclay and Canton closes at 10 A.x.: arriveivat 6:30 r.tt. Trod closetat 8 ..1.-11.; &erica. at 1 pat. LellaysTitle closes at 1 arrives at 12 at New Era anima Toesdays. Thursdays, and Satur• days at 12 31. ; departs at 1 Ilehoopany arrives Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 12 It.; departs 4t 1 P.3f. Shestiequin arrives= Tuesdays, Thurstays, and Saturdays at 10 a.m.: departs at 12 at. OFFICIAL DIRECDORr. Fruit:en! Judge—Ma. F. D. Smarr3. Towanda, Addilional. Lax , 44rIgt —lion. P. D. liostow. Towanda. Associate Judfrs—lion. Zserun Far t ntr, Orwell; Eton. B. D. autxxx-ri. Sprinirtleld. - Prothosotary and Clerk of Court—BELL If. Prot. Resider and Recorder and Clerk of Ose Orphans' anui-0. J. Carrasucx. • Slleriff—.l. Monson Eilrma. Conatiatiosters—E. C. Kt= o, Monroe; Matsu Barraxo, Wells; Baas. Karzzarkats. Windham. Jury Commissioaerr.—E. S. DsLow:, 8. W. Svcs. Treancrer—Ww. Drataa; Granville. • darditorz—Jens 8. Qrtcx. Wilmot; A. U Beats& Herrick; Ina Cmaxr.. South Creek. ilyricka —Dr, T. B. Jomcsos. Counsel—Ps= & - Dartrs. roTrANDI Dosarcm OFFICERS Bergen-44.317:11 131r1A21T. • Coinicilatess—Jam BirrAN - r, JOILIf D. 3loxru' TL. J. IL Wasp. JAMES licildur., T. N. Josomr, Dsrrsu Xcltiscor. N. N. Brrra. Jr. .7sraierr of Pram—W. C. 80GA.111% N. Cbitstabtes—Joss_oN Was., L. T. ROTS/. "licemm-4. 8. Buss's. • Moot Directors—A. Irlopeeis. President ot Board ; N. Turn. Treasurer: 8. W . Beesurss.. Secretary; E. T r Fox. W. T. Deno. J. A. Cornrow. Overseers elVer—Dr. J. W. Lives. Wm. Mu. Anditors—JAs. Mscrl/U.5141, J. A. ItztoaD, Ozo. RIDGWAY. Assersor—Jextza H. Nzrnte. FIRE COMPANIZS.- Fraid Strom .15r4 Ekrise Co. No. I.—Heel Ant Wednesday evening in each mo nth. in Borough ZZIONII HOW*: 0. •. BrAca. Torermas. eiad Engine CU., N.. 2.—Metet first Monday even ing in each m aiden Borough Engine Haase. ;WIL .tirvats. Pr Luata Moan llre Engine Ch., No. 3.—Meet drat Wedneeda evening in each month, in Lin-staZnitine Howe. Jogs D..licormitem President. -. Xenia% Hook and Ladder Co.. No. L—Meets first Wadi:weft evening in each month, in Borough Engine Homo. I. d. Wes. President. .8.. B. Peed. Chief Engineer; - L.U. Onions. Assistant Engineei. • Buzzvnire 4 330CIATIOHS. Mu/1W Redding and Saring Fund Association.— Meets in Grand Jcu7 Room :or psyment of instill. means, third Mpnday in the month, from sto 7 P.X. M. N. Berm. Jr. ;President. 2trusoula Evading Asrociation.—Heels in!Onsod Jury Room for payment of instaihneasta. fourth Monday In each month, from 5 to 7 rat. Rearm Pow=ys., President. War Now is a good time to get your letter-heads, envelopes and bill-heida printed, and tho Itr.roursn ullice is ft good place to get them mooched. ,MARE ED. HOVEH—BILE3.—At Camptown, Ma y 10,1873, by Berl E. Burroughs, Kr. Allen Hover. of Wyalutlog, and Miss Helen M. Biles, of Wya lusumg.l BIIA.DFORD—WFLTA At Tuscarora, May 12, by Bey. D. Cools, Mr. John D. Bradfurd, of Vineland. N. J., and Miss Clarissa Weßs, eld est daughter of the late Cheater Wells. Egg. at the old homestead, now occupied by Ma j. Lori Wells, HIINTER—DBMALE.—At Barclay, April 22, 1873, by the Be,. Edward Kennedy, Mr. Bob. ert B. Hunter. to Miss Ann Dzysclab. KoCIIANKI—SAXON.- 1 -At Barclay, Kay 1, 13, by. Bev. Edward Kennedy, Mr. kikrab 111cCraney to Miss Mary Saxon. BIFENBUBCI—SNYDEJL—At the house of the bride's father, Corning, N. Y., by Bev. G. S. Forber,'Pday 4,1873, Mr. F. M. Rifenborg, of Litchfield, Bradford . comity, PA., to Abu Nary Snyder, of Corning. MATTOON—PAIVIRIDGE.--At the residence of Mr. Lemuel Partridge, May 18, Ifc/3, by Bev. W. IL Ituresey, Mr. Edwin It. Mattoon, of Smithfield, to Km Eunice Partridge{: of Ulster, Pa. • • ACKLEY—LEVVIE-At the house of N. J. Gay lord, May 20, 1873, by her. D. Cra f t, Mr. J. Fayette Ackley to Alms Jennie A. Lewis, all of Wyalesing. • DIED. 8111TH.-At Vl7alusimi,• Wednesday, May 1873,11ra. Smith, wife of S. C. Smith, Wyalti Bang. _ Mrs. S. died, with calm and cheerful hope, after years of decline by consumption. 3117.11.—1 n this borough, Saturday . evening, May 17, Isaac Myer, aged 79 years and month'. 6W A BELTS astruisi sulT w•doemr. latillf pl4lO l l l , sidostu down bar , • , Milk 13Allbe - /1 0 0 1/0 =Bl • 1 ser i ~ SO 111 boa- . •PYI• , . 66 gs li t im j i M illia. .• . 40 • IEOO3OO 0 31 0_ Fa 111 taw , 22 0 IT MessAI6OMIS ••40 . 111011 , 0•114.• • veto : • II 11 no*. 0 baud. IS 00 00 001 sos, 0 bash. 200 Waseses or Omar.—Wbsot SO lb. ) Oorp= 1110 nab& ; 0013 Ma s Dloy IS lbs 4 SS lbs.4=lll tbs.; lbso 20 . s Claw food 00 tbs. f Sod 44 Ms. frodsd Ms Ibestbss albs.; ; Mod Appbss lbs,.. Mu /sod SO lbs. TWISOLIITION.—The co A.! eldp beeelidtei Welty between h Ctrlee: =nada: the dzse num ad Ward Kontaaye. day dissolved b mutual easiest. The boat men WI be eettkd by either of as. JANES Y. RAID. . . , _ JOlll rommunit . & a Piero' having purchaitel the lass of Wud k Montane in the cosi business, would re sp=ollait s share of publicletronsgs. May 10.1870. VALUABLE FARM - FOR SALE adj.:Wag the village of Tranklindale,ln Prank. ilit township, on win toed leading from Towanda to Canton. cCiiktalning 100 acres.. A good house, two harnksAwe Tanner reared -dad other fruit trees thereon. Any person wishing to avail him. seat of a plessantly.loosted farm on favorable terms. can do so by applying soon to the subscriber living on the _May Crsill.3...tt ~FOB SAYE .- The subscriber ()Kris Joe mle at • bargain and on may terms, • val uable building lot near the new School HollllB. Said Lot has a front of 88 feet on Poplar Street. by 131 ISM deep; it also fronts on State Street. Would make two good lots; room for three houses. k: good barn on the premises. For any person that wants a pleasant place, on may:terms, near a good school, and within three minutes of the Court Boom. all on F. W. . / 1 / 3 1:LEW. at, " EMPOII7I 011 cm Towanda. Ps. - _ 441 R N. Wax= SILVER Eft u tEAT. The subscriber offers for sale. n Hie Meter Highland Perm, few bushels of =road variety of Buckwheat. sewn the-p ast in the slime field with the anima grey - 111nekwbett. the time of sowing, gaelitrOl , land. and cattalo being with each alike. It sew. larger, kept In bloom long er. sad Piled tatter. then. the gray. The husk is thinner; her e by containing a greater percentage of flour. Per bushel of 48 pounds. $l.BO. A ample may be seen at the store of McCabe k Edwards, TOWIItgA Pa. LEVI 110111.111. Ulster. 'Pa., May 14. 1873. N EW SPRING GOODS. • Fu 25c. 31c. 371 c. 62. c. 95c. and •$1 per yard.. S. W. ALVOILD. P.M CLOTHS AND CASSIM,E,RES, GINGHAMS AND DOMESTICS Towanda. April Ist, '73. T„JITNE'S , Feat door to Post-ilflice, ie the beet price to-buy HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS,SASH DOORS„ BLINDS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS:. HUBBS, SPOKES, KEROSENE, aad eTel7thing =Puny Impt 11 , Usrdwire aim% HEATING tk e COOKING STOVES. ceusedthe New EAIPIRE C K STOVE, • It Ls thelbist fn time, and Plesiei ineribadt DO Voikertut AND ALL KINDS OY JOBBING. Call and mambas my stack Ma prim. 74 a t TaViliasikiril 10; 181?; =I • , J., e. VAICIUSS. TAYLOR & co. Have 1.19 w ()pellet] a LARGE S.TOCK DRESS (OODS; SH A \VLS, ~~~ , TANCY GOODS NOTIONS All the novelties for tht,-; S ING rA O.N. 3 SUPERion mAKE.---;,: 1 , OF BLA6K ALPACA A Complete Assortment of TABLE LINENS, N APKINS; TOWELS AND TOWELING BUTTON KID. CiLOVES Fur $l. A LARGE STOCK OF KENTUCKY JEANS, PRINTS AND PERCALES, AT THE LOWEST PRICES TAYLOR & CO. _ 11.4.RDWARE STORE, IR YEROIIIO3 BLOCK. MAIN'STRZET, 01L9. VA.RSISIIESI I HAVE A FINE STOCK or I SIANUFACTUSiX•TINWAJLE, AND LUSE Mil MT MATERIAL. sad SELL AT LOWEST PRICES. H. T. JITNE. Pavoth Co. • - . ~ - 11•111111=111111 pOWELL &vo., HAVE NOW IN STOOK A FULL SUPPLY OF SPRING GOODS! NEW DRESS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. NEW - W4ITE . GOOD; 3 - NEW CALICOES and GINgHAIkIS, -NEW CLOTHS and C.igg3WIES. , - 4' SPLENDID' ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS AND ,Fl 9 ititY GOODS ! HOSIERY, GLOVES, t'ULL STIx:K OF IMI .DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS EEO NEW S'II4IVUS IN ENT,R Y STYLE - DEBT STOCK OF LA:DLES' AND CHILDREN'S SHUESI EVER OFFERED BY US. NEW CARPETS • . Ix tzar Qt-sury. OIL H S ; WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER NEW STOIIIK OF MEN'S . & BOYS' • HATS AND CAPS, _ EiII ALL THE lEWEST,STYTYS. GROCERY DEPARTMENT IN FULL SUPPLY. Please call and fmunine orr new . goods: POWELL & To - mum!la. Sprille, 1811. 11=1 CODDING, 11178 -31 XL MCI LIME A.ND CfrilENT; GL;VBB, DRAIN T ILF BUILDING MATERLILB, At the loweetCiketa 'Prices. HALL, :BRADLEY £ CO',B ?lIRE WHil'E -LEAD, Is whiter and has tibetter body thsil any other ►eriean Lead. If you want good' durable minting RAIL ROAD COLORS, MINERAL . . . - PALNTS, LIQUID PAINTS, lIIMiI T --- LI›. 1 101E,1) OIL, AND . ?UM :Y. STAINED .AND COLORED Refrigerators,. - 4. Plated Ice, Pitchers, Ice Cream Ereeztrs, " . _ Bath Tubs, :- TOilet SCIF, - - 1 . .. . , Feather Dusters , . . ' Clothees Wri gers Faruivrs' mud Medial:lite' Tools Chuhi Pokers, Boring Mrtellinc.x, Dow iron sfacbirJes; r woodand irpa, L,EATRER k RUBBER BELTING SAWS, BABBITT gin STONES AND RANGES. Be cure and visit ne before yarn:basing GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING By the bestworkmen 'everin - . . Of our-own filikwilazture, nut - excelled fur quality or Cheapness Bi TINWORR ON SHOUT . NOTICE pa : I *UM ; XV4 4 A iliv4 34.1 NAYLOR'S GEMME !MI ENGLISH CAST STEEL. Iron, - Springs, Hubs, Thins, FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES, PLEASUBE WAGONS Call and see them tears you Do w: IMII CUCUMBER WOOD PUMPS Lined With Cialvenized Iron, Are - just the thing -for ,out doors, ss they do not treeze4 x essily get out of:Te . CODDING, BITSEIELL 4 & 611 Tonna', son is, urrs. — • f - • Coddlng,:p**l:#6.::l T r9WAITPA, Sell Lebigh'Ccninty . =I `boons, L&TH. SAHA. AND be iinre - and bee it. Beautiful 'Patterns of ' WINDOW GLASS," Water Coolers, ALL stuns Field 'toilers, Caltivrtuiro; Irone Hoes, CAL ' K)prit ' Tools. All kinds of Cooldug Towanda. T N W'A R E All kiids AT WHOLIZALE. Axles, Crowbars, Drag Teeth, Felloea,~ Spokes, airtime Mfimingte.- FOR - BABIES. MI E