Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 15, 1873, Image 3

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Towania;Thorsday Q Nay
• .
Cm:. G. F. Kum is confined to his
hone by ill health. We trittit be may NOD be
convalescent. -
- Fos a bunt* of excellent (boom%
Colossal Asparagus, we - return oar thanks to
Ur. Wst. J. Du Jim co. -
- THE snit , between Hums
--- Paint es iu3d Ithaca /a Athena R. It. Ro., has
Tic Bsidford Baptist Association
will meet with the Church in East Smithfield,
on Tnesdiy, June 10.
The Presbyterian Mita Society will
meet Wednesday evening next, May 21, at J. 0.
Facer's. Refreshment will be served free.
THE Dominican Fathers will hold
• Xisiiou "en the Catholic Church, eomkneno
ing at 11 o'clock on Sunday mon:dog:next, and
continuing one week.
Rem = BfasoN, father of Mrs:Col.
MASON, died in Monroe, on Friday last. He WAS
buried, with Masonic honors; Oil Monday. fhp-
NET MAIDEN &inducted the ceremonies. .#
consequence of the absence of
R e.. Wac. kloasirnzur, the Episcopal Church
will be closed on Sunday next. The Friday
evening seriice will also be omitted. this week.
THE lineanda Journal:has made its
appearance. Tytographically it is very neat,
while the ability and taste displayed by the edi
tort. will render the paper both useful and suc
tozpurr U.S. Marshal, A. IL Soros-
Kam conveyed Hmtnv,CASEPSELL to Williams
port on last. Carcestm will be con
tbied in jail at that place *until his trial comes
off next month. •
Mr. WILHELM, Paymaster of the
L. T. B. B. Co., made the employes of the Pa.
kN. Y. B. B. Co. happy on Tuesday last, by
handing to'each one of them a small envelope
containing the month's pay.
H. W. NOBLE, of this place; has ta
ken oats license ass liquor dealer in Wilkes-
Barre, and will Carry on the, business in tttat
city, where it was the " option " of the voters
not to interfere with Bing Alcohol -•
The new time table, which went
into effect on tho Pa. & N . :Y. R. It., last Mon
day, makes no, change in passenger tiains at
,this station. An additional train is put upon
the road between Tnnkhannock and Pittston.
Br referring to his advertisement,
it will be seen that 8. 8. PlEllei has - purchased
WARD fr. BIONTANYT:I3 coal yard. Mr. P. has ,
been employed st the yird for several years,
and understands the business thoroughly.
an old resident -of this place, passed through
here a short time since on his way to Missouri,
his now home, with his fourth wife, three of
whom are still living I
Smithfield, May 10, 1873.
prising liverymen, have opened a stable in
Mauch Chunk. Mr. SoLomos will attend to
the busineas in that place. We take pleasure
in recommending nit as an honortble gentle
man, who will spare no pains to please those
cclib may have deal'ngs with him.
cOncluddd a pastorate of twenty-five years over
theApringfield-Baptist Church, and will spend
the summer in Colorado. His parishioners met
recently, and after assuring him of their best
wishes and continued confidence. gave . him
some Substantial tokens of regard in the shape
of a roil or greenbacks.
' AT THE - saigestiot of W. H. CABNCI•
CMS.' the Court annotinced that no cony t would
be held in Troy next month. The unfavoratile
weaker which has 'presented farmers from get
ting their spring work done, was the reason
assigned for postponing the court. Jurymen
and other interested parties will recc;iie therin
formation with pleasurC.
1 1 7 iis following officers were elected
by L?tige No. 11002., L 0. G. T., at Liberty Cor
uers,lor the ensuing quarter : •
W. C. T.—J. W. Itmcios. •
• W. V. T.—E. A. FOWLED.
5.;7511. , 1n0a
P. - S.—Enwinn Fon - Lzu.
For. -
W. M.—DAVID Riess.
W. 0. G.- Tors Wrcrune.u.
THE Canton Sentinel says: E. L.
DAITXPORT, lessee of the chestnut Street The
atre, Philadelphia, has pvirchas:d the fine brick
mansion and ten acres of land adjoining of F.
S. ELLIOTT. Mr. DASESPOILT and wife were
gnesischt - Itlinnequa Springs last summer / , The
great benefit to health received appearcii to
have induced Mr. D. to purchage a desirsitle
propert3 - in i the vicinity of the Springs,
to a periusnent resort during the heated sea
son of the year. We are pleased to record, the
shore, and hope that it is but the lygiuniniof
a series of additions to our sumn;iprilation.
• •
THE. Enterprise Mannhictaring, Co.
has just been organized in Troy, with a capital
of 150,000. At a meeting held on Saturday
evening last, the following well known gentle
men were elected officers :
Directors—E. C. °Urea. W. -H. — tumociis
Superintendent—A. S. NMAIfAX.
Clerk 'und Treasn'rer—Toter A. PAXSON&
At a stibsegnent meeting of the .directors, E
c. Ouvrr. was chosen President of the board.
The stockholders in the company aro all en.
terprising business men, and will make the or
caniz.ltion a 4 SICC-CS3.
BISEIOP Ho c£.—Agreeably with an
nouncement, Right Rev. 31. A. DsWeitz How;
"Bishop of Central Pennsylvania, officiated fn
this place on Wednesday eveningalay 7. A
large congregation was present to listen to the
aide:discourse and witness the solemn rite of
e , idirmation. The discourse was founded up
,ul the test : "So walk and so do, that ye may
be judgLd according to the law of liberty." The
llactor - smanner was plain and impressive, and
Lis raPtlk:l of treating the test practical and
pointed. :Six candidates for confirmation were
presented by the Rector, Rev. We. McGrAru-
Env. The services wore coneladed by the Bish
op, addressing, some very appropriate, and feel
ing words of counsel and advice to the candi
Cniany friends, in this county,
— of Rev. Q. A. CLzvELAND, formerly of Orwell,
will_ be pleased to learn of his hearty reception
and flittering success in his new field of labor,
Poundr3 . Church, Washington, D. C. He was
transferred to this charge in March last, from
Trinity Church, Philadelphia. The papers gen
erally of that city spoke in high terms of his
labors there daring the past tux:years, especial
ly among the young men, and his many friends
parted milli him reluctantly; they hoped he
had become a fixture - among them, and tried
to retain him by offering him the Presiding El
dership of one of the city districts, but the
" pone that be " combined in urging his ac
ceptanc of his present position ft the Metrop
olis. in this way the officers of his present
church succeeded in securing his appointment
in spite of strong competing churches at home,
in Chicago, Newark, Baltimore and New York.
Results are proving the wisdoni of their choice,
and compensating their efforts.
Foundry,--so named after Jon's' WEsrai's•
celebrated Foundry Chapel, London,—is one-of
the oldest and most important Methodist
churches in the denonfinallam. 'The edilice, re.
tently remodeled, le s chi strnekus IV
appearance, the bekkested of win Was
cm Ito eoeaer et Tonitseath and ociease
streets, in close proximity to the Zbbet .Haaie,
and bat a few steps from Wilkes Hotel :s _ ad
the White HOWL It is also otwassalsok the
main andiefteW room seating not less than 1,100
persons.. The meinberstdp of the chore k
about four lookedarrilty, sad the mom.
piton, which bas very maslikrabty Increased
sines Kr. Craimunt appointment. (the chairs
for the aisles Whig ban We l& bib "M g '
sitkm wary Sabbath), ammo pets* larger
than that of any other church in the city.
Mr. Cummorn is yet a young man,' bet is
imidatigable In labors, and his rapid Maw
Von by the authorities of the church is in VP
ewer to the demands of ,the people, and is • the
_Siting reward of &Air* seal and hoildhlness
The young men of our country should take
courage. Industry, enthualaan and persever
ance are bound to win.
PansoiriL.=-Opr young friend, AD
maw livotrawm, returned from a visit to Bait
serland, his native land, last weak, ocoempant
ed by a young bride. Amounts is a sensible
fellow,-:and must hare an eXcellent wile to at
tract-him so great t dist awe, especially when
there are so many interesting young ladies here
at home.
-111nperintenthatt Rom intends to start on
trip to Cablarnia next week. He goes in eon:.
pany with his father and mother.
-"• Nowt, of the Ward House,
has leased the Wyoming House, Scranton, Pa.
His son, lima How, will remain at the Ward
House for the present.
—Judge/3=lr, of Williamsport, is in town.
The Judge is the owner of considerable real
estate in East Towanda.
—We learn that our townsman. inn D. Yon•
TAM, is about to engage 111 business in North
Carolina. We wish him an the Recess his fine
abilities entitle him to.
—Tamen 31. Wsr.iferr arrived in town on Sat
urday evens* last. tfdr. W. has been a real
dent,of Georgia for s everal' years past, and hi
tends to make that State his permanent home.
Not many yttars since, his distinguished father
could not have, traveled south of Mason and
Dixon'. line, on account of his.pronounced anti
slavery views.
—Judge Bascom, of Elmira, was in town last
, Week, the guest of Jos. Fowl:ca.'
The Bradford County" Law Enforcing Associa
tion, mct parstiant to prerions arrangement,
Monday ere., May 5, and in absence of Sec'y,
d. M. 'ran was . choien secretary pro tern. The
object of the meeting was discassed bysaz:ions
piOnbers, after which the following prizamble
and resolutions were adopted:
Wayszts : Thu Legislature of Penneylista',
passed an act, giving the people the privilege
of deciding by llallof whether - they won d have
license to sell Tallizicating liquors, 'br would
NmEnzas : The people have decided by a
largo majority, no license in this county ; and
whereas, the liarprohibits all persons from
selling any spiritnonsjiquors ; therefore,
Resolved, That we as. an association, pledge
ourselves to enforce the license lairlto the very
letter and spirit of the law; sad in order to
more effectively accomplish the object in view,
be it
Resolved,•. That the Executive Committee
shall appoint a local committee of sii in every
township and borough in the county..whOse du
ty it shill be to search out every violation and
report the same to the president of this associ
ation. .
After transacting some other neceasary busi
ness, on motion the Association adjourned, to
meet in the Court House, Towanda, on the
evening of the first Monday in September next.
The secretary is instructed to give notice in the
county papers at least three weeks previous to
T. M. Purr, Sect,
Monroe), May 5, 1873.
Eprron REPORTER :—The younger
portion of your readers are generally interested
in accounts of weddings, and shaving recently
attended the nuptials of Miss Plasm Brew,
daughterof Hon. P. IL Belle of Leßaysville, a
brief discription might not be wholly without
interest. The ceremony took place at the
house of the bride, on Thursday, May Bth, at
12 o'clock, amid a considerable gathering of
friends and relatives of, the principals. Mr.
Wu.t.tast Derizs,. of Towanda, was the groom;
and was faultlessly attired in a suit of plain
black, relieved by a white vest. The bride wore
a delicate brown silk, elaborately trimmed with
a wreath of orange blossoms in her hair, and
looked very nicely indeed. There was a num
ber of young ladies attired in admirable - taste ;
among them were Mies Jostr. Vs!:cr., Miss
Pnozna BLACK; Miss XNEA and Javrtra Buz
w= and others. Miss Vi. cc performed some
very fine music on the Piano, which Was highly_
appreciated. The marriage ceremony was per
formed in an impressive manner by Ito. SrE
ruts Er WELL of the M. E. Church, after which
the company proceeded to the dining room
where a most elegant repast was waiting to be
served. Mr. and Mrs. Brea acted as host and
hostess in a manner not to be excelled. After
partaking of Vic viands so ; libdrally !supplied,
the newly married pair siarted for Niagara,
amid the beat wishes of relatives i and Mends,
besides many more substantial tokens of re
gard. It has never been our fortune to have kr
more agreeable time OA snob an occasion. May
a long life of t happiness be their portion, and
may no cloud ever arise to dim their domestic
horizon. GMT.
cote iuui
cation in your last paper, signed ambled sub•
scriber," was evidently written by a person
whose diction betrays his identity as a certain
gentleman of Towanda, whci l never fails to dis
play his leasing by his pedantic use of latin
phrases; notwithstanding his efforts to conceal
it by dating his communication at Burlington
and shielding himself behind an anonymous
'cognomen, and his effort 6 imprczs the public
that he is a Itepublican, by signing himself an
afflicted subscriber, although, outwardly, be
pro Assess to be a democrat, when his democra
cy does not interfere with his worship at the
shrine of hislavorite mammon.
Ho is afflicted on account of the laudation be
stowed upon two prominent citizens of Towan
da, who, he alleges, pay for those laudations.
Now I happen to know that assertion to be ut
terly untrue. •
Ho is also afflicted because they have been
called able writers. If they are so regarded
b every body, except " afflicted subscriber,"
they are not responsible, for the errors of the
He is also afflicted, because one of .tbem has
been ..called an eminent lawyer. It may bo
some relief to his afflictions, on that account,
tube :inured that, although a respectable law
yer and complimented by our worthy Presi
dent Judge, ae an able speaker, the gentleman
himself, nevertheless, disclaims any title to the
appellation of an eminent lawyer.
He is also afflicted because reference was
made to the family 'relations of those gentle
men on the Juniata. How common it is, in
making 'mull about the chsrviter or stand
ing of a person, to ask if :he is respectably con
nected? For, blink it as we may, "blood will
tell." • I suppose the reason why their family
relations on the Juniata were referred to was
beause they are descended from revolutionary
whig stock ; which may be a disagreeable "ad
nauseam" to "afflicted subscriber" whose
family relations were not particularly identined
with the whigs of the revolution ; and, hence,
his sensitiveness on the subject of tracing gene
ologies even to Sir laarruzsr EAU, who was
one of the greatest and best men England ever
produced, and who never sided against the
American colonies. •
In signing himself an /afflicted subscriber be
evidently wants to carry the Idea that the Re
publican party is dissatisfied with your pre
suming to pablish a pea portrait of the demo
cratic delegate from this district, who Ins
elected, without solicitation, to the constitu
tional convention. rust fibre, I will state for
his information, that these "pen portraits" or
antiblographies of the members of the conven
tion are being published, seriatum, ib Fomnifs
Press for public in formation, by the author/
who is known to be a fair minded Republican.
I am inclined to the belief that ;the afflictions
of " afflicted subscriber' are the legitimate off
spring of disappointed ambition and envious
A.% Us-Arnim= Strzscusza.
Ma. Eerroa : I have exee*lgly
enjoyed various trips, not only along thiii aides
of your sweetly wading . Susquehanna, but also
Into the various tributary valleys in your •ieinl
ty Lave found splendid 'farms and capital
farmers—have met with entertaining and well
informed companions, from whom I hay. den
dived much Information $$ to cowed-local
„ ram
1141tevai*Pileilisi as* witheilrnag
as I, lllolpiehmes':aidi.• •Voliir;-10a• . at
thine sum WNW take of So dab - aims,
wadi Instsolsbo =did nesaboss to rid
basellaar, ratbstarios. of gad Item pr.
taraws. • •
Bad ail Ode thy' Se way. I oonibra that lam
moolt bopmend with Me span and palm of
Me poyia arra amay bane guar- .
al *am? to MIMS Ph* by their, UN.
1100$1. all Oa moral s , raligloai aad atimalknal
inbaidael aociaty—and they sty iD be Mar*
praised tor arch tradaxim-sot only la yam
terramd, bauttifolly shoaled aninArmals bat
in Ma remote WOO and obacare nooks el
&lam!. I doubt Mahar =Wier county in
the Blab as arbibil mob in Mama of dol.
bt meted and iiihd-kteadal public obit.
One of my rides was token over the fruithil
plains of Wysoz, put fruitful farms, winding
through tap after gap maw the bilk until I
- reached the decidedly rural village of Boas.
Certainly this sedatiedealley recalled no sea
cries or linked smoiations of that mistress of
the world, "Imperial Borne,' that we read
abodt. This rustic spot, with the grand old
name, is a quiet farming community, with half
a dosen stores, three churches, and the noose
saty meanies} its far farmers'
needg. In other parts - of
_the State, such a
countinnitr, buried in the heart of the hills,
tint of sound of the locomotire whistle, would
have sunk into an assemblage of uncouth, hwk
ward :Utica, with bovine instincts and bovine
associations. But here, on the contrary, as a
littleltxdhig on own convinced me, there-was
an effervescent stale of social =krauts! activ
ity. There sou the Good Templar Lodge,
counting much over its hundred members, with
rousing meetings, presided over by the Eon.
Joan P.unnons, a thoroughly genial, public
spirited gentleinan,—most deumoily • • .
there were the snores of ear* useful numbers
to sustain him; there was music, good music
well performed, and handsome girls with good
hearts in their bosoms. hltogether it was a
very pleasant, popular and useful institution.
There sou an Academy under charge of P. ly
CIIIISPZL, which would do credit to :more am.
bilious town. There - ware three churches with
Sabbath-eelmds pert:inlet= two' of which I
looked in at. The Presbyterian, under charge
of Mr. pa:ism, the Baptist under the super
vision of Aucureari illnri t with D. B. Wow
mut u assistant-excelient citizens, in whom
the people have the utmost confidence, and to
wham they give their hearty support ; this lat
ter school is in the heart of the borough, a spe
cial advantage which will make it a tows.
Throe Sabbath-schools in such a community,
with such helps and surroundings, must prove
great blessings, and aid id Spreading the works
of charity, peace and righteousness.
I have chosen to describe the condition of
matters in this out-of-the-way plebe, Mr. Edi
tor, to illustrate the fact that Bradford county
is ahead in all good things, and that her heart
and the utmost borders of her healthy bilis,
are fall Of.the vital influences of righteousness
and social usefulness. Thin Boman example is
but ono of a double socro or more of instance.
scattered over your fertile county. But enough
at present.
May 12,1673
- Courr rnoczEnnias..--The following
proceedings transpired in Court after our paper
was issued last week. Tho Grand Jury remain
ed in session until Thursday afternoon, and dis
posed of the following cases In addition to those
before reported. •
Com. ia. Daniel Carnwright, Fred Hinaton,
John Smith, Henry ,Howe and Jacob Bolain—
Hone° breaking. lin Conway, prosecutor, to
pay omits.
Corn. vs. Josep I)ougherty Assault and
battery. Hugh Dougherty, prosecutor, for
Corn. vs. William Wilson—Assault with dead•
Iy weapon. R. B. Camp, prosecutor, to pay
Com. vs. Jas. Brooks, Albert Halliard and
Jobn Ideentcheon, jr.,—Larceny.
Com. vs. J. 0. Frost and L. T. itoyse -Feb.
nionsly breaking into bini. C. I). tasb, prose
cutor, for costs.
In the matter of the application for a county
bridge in Asylum township, Grand Jury report
in favor of application, And the Court approve
Com. vs. Ames Hancock—lndicted at pres
ent-session on a charge of assault and battery.
After bearing; jury return verdict of guilty.
Reasons trial filed, and on motion of
Watkins Ic Little, Court grant rule, et:.
Corn. vs. James Thus—lndicted at present
session "on a charge of assault and battery, with
attempt to lilL, Jury return a verdict of not
Coin. vs. Riley Sickler andianiesLszkin-:lti
dicteh at preser4 term for breaking intoMeans,_
Rockwell & Co. .' Foundry and Eureka Mower
Co.'s Office. Jury return a verdict of guilty is
to Sickler, and not guilty as to Larkin. Reasons
for new trial filed.
On petition, Court appoint Joel Stevens road
commissioner of Asylum township.
On motion of J. W.,lfix, Court appoint G. A
Burns deputy constable of I'ovianda borough.
In the matter of widening Towanda street,
Canton. Exceptions filed by the I. 0. 010. F.,
of Canton, overruled by Court and report of
viewers filed and Confirmed ni si.
On Saturday aft l ernocp, Court adjourned un
til Monday morning, May 1:2.
At the opening of the session on Monday, va
rious motions were heard and disposed of, when
Court was adjourned until 2. r. x., at which
time trial list was read over, and disposed of.
The names of tho jurymen were called and
several excused,' , on application. - '
In the matter Of the Commonwealth vs. Bev
ellegn McCracken, charged with deserting his
foully, the case was continued to Sep ber
term, with a recommendatioit by Judge 8000.
er that an effort be made to secure an ami4e
arrangement by which the-defendant and fami
ly should be brought together.
The following cases were disposed or on mo
G. P. Tracy vs. Alex. Solomon, garnishee of
Thos. J. Jones. On motion of W. A. Peck,
judgment entered against garnishe3 for want in
Wilson McGill 'Tx. J. W. Homan. Foreign at
tachment. On motion of J. W. Mix, judgment
for plaintiff for want'of appearance.
John Devine vs. Pa. A N. Y. B R. Co. On
reading affidavit, and on motion of Smith &
Montanye, Attorneys for the company, the
Court certify this suit to the:common pleu of
Sullivan county.
R. J. Madill vs. Pa. & N. Y. B Co. On
reading affidavit, and on motion. of Smith and
Monianye, cue certified to the common pleas
of Susquehanna extnty.
Hattie Dell Pitcher vs. James B. gltcher.
On reading depositions gaid on motion of T. E.
Gridley, Court decree a divrorcc.
Ellie Ayers vs. Edwin T. Ayers. On motion
of H. B. McKean, Court decree a divorce In
this case.
On motion of W. H. Carnochan, the Court
made an order of incorporation to ,the Colum
bia %Roads Cemetery Association.
On merlon of Foyle A McPherson, the Court
appoint N. lidd, Esq., commissioner to take
depositions for the plaintiff in the cue of May
E. Barlow Ts. W. EL Bartow, application for di
The following Sheriff's deeds were acknowl
edged in open Ciour t, Kay 8, by Sheriff Smith :
To N. N. Betts, jr., fors piece of land tztHer
rick township, sold u the property of E. N.
Keeler and Elisha• Keeler ; consideration $2,-
Taberaor, house and lot in Canton bo
rough, sold as property of Wm. H. Smith ; con
sideration $lOO.
John G. Kelley, for a house and lot in To
wands borough, sol as property of . Nicholas
Ferrtor ; consideration 1830.
Geo. B. Davidson, for a house and lot in
Troy borough, sold as property of W. IL Barto;
consideration $5O.
J. L Elabreo, for pieco of load in fithitlideld
township, containing 150 acres. sold as Mime
ty of 11. A. Farnsworth ; consideration 16,000.
Jane 8. floilet, for a piece of land in Act=
townrhipieontaildnggel acres, sold as proper
Ay of W. 8. Grace ; consideration, $2,500.
E. F. Hanlon, for 's piece of land in Bidgbary
township, containing GO acres, sold u property
of Geo. Woodruff ; consideration 81,001.50: i
Geo. C. Atwood, lbr house and lot in Wyalo
sing township, sold as property of Griffin
31C0190; oatudderatina $150.00.
Geo; C. Atwood, for piece of land in Tuatara
ra township, containing 6 acres, sold as proper
ty of Joseph H. Saylor; consideration $94.
P. Kirby and L. D. Bowman. for . la
Towanda borough, sold as property of P.' 1$
Cowell ; conaldenition $4,800.
James E. Pateb;lor a pimp of hod bi Snall7
tornaldp. containing 25 acne, maid atproltirty
of B. & Sabin ; txmoilinsains NNW.
„ • •
Sok ILlVoilk kr llodibileld tots.
endelails I wee; sold es property of L
D. lorrort; seeritioraitos PAO.
D. Ilt..lDhleelb. kr a plead hot in Soft
Ogg* oosidalog A ion% iota es proPrif at
Ws Owes ; somilderstkre S
Oa solos climate Wad, 00111$ Amapa.
Mamas k Ohio we. at 143110111 to. Clarq as.
haw IL Omar, amplkadoa lam Maws.
Oa Tamdm • saarataa Bilar *um was
WNW Me Omii, mid smashed tY !Wong
makaos from Ids Banat Judo Ilikarrha. Attar
Misafaidadalt amp abdomens whisk So
Judge mid: The makes at So Oma b that
you par a Ms OS= la Oamparmatik, cads
at prosmatioa, and tbsi rat imillamo an Ia•
primaamat tol soporale ar maim ccatammall
at labor la the padimilary am . lb. &Om
Diddel al Parmaphaaia, ibr the gadadat Own
The alateseo ie thlvaaa, altboosti sooodag•
tr mamba! mom b ojaN Gam, and racaboa
Ow approval of the oomaimfty. It la hoped N
log Imo a tsoloooy to pot a stop to nob
tramactioos as Ilia prioatar was ocanieded ot,
Oti Tway Marv* the CM a MINNS Nor.
oft vs. IL 0. Nom; Wu Ulm up, awl
protabty maw the balance ache weak. kr.
Hervey was a cordrutor as she & t &
and Wimp snit wind aduulaut to rumor
balsam dna Wm. Tbo cue sae arbitrated
some mutts due, awl malted is au amid
for Nr:lllerear.
Dams received at Booorder's Mee
for week ending Kay It
Henry A. Fisher to Almlis Belford, Franklin.
G. W. Halford to B. 0. Belford. Grenville.
nes P. Tqioi to /ants 8. Chaffee, Warren,
Dinka Oarnivight to Oliver Boothe, Troy
!:Proullti •
John 0. Walks** to. Oliva Boothe, Troy
Davit Van Dyke to Elisabeth E. Beach, Le-
Wm. Stevens to A.
.0. Hammond, Bidgebury.
H. A. Boot to Pat ink Ckdnane, Album.
Henry Ward, et. al., to N. N. Bette, Jr., True.
W. W. Kingsbury, attorney in fact, etc., to
N. N. Betts, Jr., Trustee.
W. B. and Lazy H. Dougherty to James
Dougherty, Herrick.
W. B. Reel to W. B. Tear, Winans.
d. L. Ward and wife to Wm. Hanaway, Alba
Wm. Haulm to Stephen Hammy, Albany
and Cherry.
P. R. Irlembas, °Val, to David Fleming, Le-
Lemuel Ayers to Jas. M. Fleming, Gni:Mill&
Walter Rockwell to Rebecca It. Rath,
Lydia, J. It. and S. Y. liolbert,erteentors, Sc.,
to John Coyle, Asylum.
EL L. Scott to Mn. Sibyl Goodenough,
J. D. and Sibyl Goodenough to H. L Scott..
W. L. Mix to Josiah Warren, Canton.
Josiah Warren to Ward Warren, Canton.
Ward Warren to Wm. Warren, GranfiLle.
Gamaliel Troy to Burchard Tracy, Smith
c. eld•
A. D. Munn to &ben Sanders, Litchfield.
E. B. Merrill, et. sl., to Allinson Munn, Litch
A. Munn to A. Carmer, Litchfield.
Francis Tyler and K. T. Long to K. W. Who
lock, Athena borough.
Henry Cummings to William and Mary Kum,
Holum •
Elbert A. Tyrrel to Robert & Corbin, Warren.
B. B. Corbin to Elects Tyrrel, Warren.
Elias Rockwell to Mho Rockwell, Canton.
Z. G. Rockwell to Richard M. Embroil, Ar
Orrin Montgomery, et. aL, to J. B 'Wright,
Canton. •
Nicholas VanNamee, et. a., to Elishs. and
John E. Rockwell, Canton borough.
Thos. Ham to Hugh HcKey, Hiagbizt7.
Geo. R. Corey to John 8. Sweet, Wells.
W. L. Phone to Mary J. Becker, Armenia.
M. C. Nereus to Saiah A. lgercur, three
deeds for land in Towanda borough. .
A. Williams, et. al., to Geo. P. Spencer, Asy
Ebenezer Dunham to Phebe Dunham, Liteh•
field. °
W. H. Harkness to " 0. E. Harkness, Spring
/61d. ' • .
=ll LOCAL.
am,. Special bargains in Black
Evan & Bzuntra`s.
Bilks, at
lift. If you want the finest stamp
td paper, call at Came.
Mir %ming style Bilk Hata at IL
NS. Caosa is selling fine wall pa
pers cheaper than ever. - •
my. A large assortment of Brack
ets Just received at FRONT & Boss.
b• That Domestic Bread at Scorr
fr. Co.'s, snits everybody. •
Fos Stns.—The vacant let jast
north of the Episcopal Parsonage. Enquire of
OVERTON & El am=
MI6 Court di: Coon have more,
cheaper and better Boots and Shoes, than
Isere ever before offered for male in Towanda.
Mr Meat= & EDWAIIDS have a
ME supply of Bales celebrated garden seeds,
In bulk or In =X qualities.
16.Evess & HILDSZTII call atten
tion to their sdrertisentent of new Spring
1116Bunntaa'a National Hay and
Straw Clatters, for sale by
Paomizrox k DAZZOW.
. Mir A large assortment of Ameri
can Cook and Parlor Seines, at
Pular:mg & DAZIOIng.
NS. We have just received a new
stock of tags, 'OW' we can print on the short
est notice at ,the lowest rates.
as. Q F. Owes bee the best as
sortment of Wall Papers and Window Shades,
ever exhibited in this place. . -
• lir Job work executed,st this of
fice, readies the highest encomiums trete the
best critics.
New • styles Dress Goods,
Shawls, Jape. Bilks, Percales, Pkples and Prints
at - ETANS &
sir The cheapest place in Tomui
sa to buy your Bats tad Bonnets Is at In. J.
D. Buz's, Griffith 4 Patton's Block, Towszels
Excituaos Went DRAWZIL The
best well curb and bucket is use. Lately mob
Improved. Handy to bate. Call and see it.
B. K. Vaasa.
isr Ladies, take my advise : when
Jon go down town, step into Yrs. *moos'
roams of fashion. Me don't ask you to bay.
itir Mrs. WooDzirsw would invite
particular attention of the hulks to her elegant
aleortmeat of new goods, comprising every
thing in her line.
OS. A fall- line of White Goods,
Table Limos, Napkins. Towels and Zmbraider
les; at En= & Hamm 's.
,111.8. A. Pans & Co. keep •
lugs innortnnent o 1 first-clue Dry Goods and
AOl 2S—in.
Qtrazzau Corm:mos L 0. G. T.
—The next Quarterly °mention of I. 0.0. T.,
will be held at Barclay, on the 28th and 99th of
Nay; 18711. A. Tr Liu" See'y:
is. P. T. ausnos is now eating
hie large sail demi saiortmeat de wall paper
at prim that astaahh every am Ms stock is
sot sarpoesed by am other eshiblishosat la
the match sad parodies yrill lid it to lb*
silvtatige b Ore him a ea&
Npridt this id liztam at
Boum= 411 Willow% - •
DWI aillibes
Ihitesokklamti Ikei4brifkr
is Pm4l - 74, Due, and Osumi
kr Mr si linsarklionossfs.
an maw sidling thi Wo
rts like Mitres at W 0 ... Wm are. the
dumped *dog beds is UM Weft dims' 'I
you all at Ihressi lan and try ant - •
M' ita. 7 D.. Hus, will spare Act
pies to waft vim all who a', give bar 5. adL
EU as* 111311bsery *Kielty.
Cistitk Psticies Mak, Daidgwitt.
Mir The place to bay ifirst-elass
Cook or Parlor itioiv, le at
Omit. Ps.
ie. Mrs. F. L. WOolutzll7 has re
sawed box stook of Maury Goods to the
room riesetly moped by WS. °AIMS. am
Lotto% store, is netoe's block.
HoDoz'a. Bums= PLow.,The
bed lloversiblo. or 1116-11111 sad Lord land
Plow In um Just received s supply. It glues
good soildrolion. TIT IL
4 , • • B. AI, Wzuns.
Towanda, April 43.
is. If you markt a firsteola s a a Par
* Barre, get the Light Bosse, en balk and
biol.) b 7 ' 1- • Pztaxamox Demos.,
Orwell, Pa.
lettevbeads, envelopes and MB-beads
ted, end the Biromn °Moe Is I good
• to get them executed.
• Why run the risk of an mei
aent, when ion an get . ticket rood for $3,000
In asap of death, fin 20 cents s day, by
on Sonsaitr, at upper depot t
air Mrs.. E. d )[llOO6 his just reo
tamed kora New York, wtlb a large - apply
Ministry and Ladies' Famishing (foods, in all
the newest styles and latest sonnies. Opening.
day Tuesday. April 15. U.
Roman Russ—Have you seen or
heard of It? It not, It is worth your while -to
enquire into its value. See B. K. Witass'
"Robber Paint" card in another adman.
IS. Crowd; of people still go to
Bocrrr & Co.'s Bakery and Dining Booms, Ist
door north of Ward House, for refreshments.
Warm meals at all hours.
1118.. LiZARtIS k Mosses, IWIIIII/110-
Wen of three celebrated rpectacka, have
changed their agency, from J. H 17617131311
MI. L. Citaxamurrea.
sir E. T. Ebtrrn is canvassing this
plans for, a new aml useful article, which will
caeoinnsind itself to emery economical and
_cleanly housewife. It is a " magic door sifter."
It is sari cheap/. and will pay kor itself emery
montli t , _
is ailing superior Hard Anthracite Coal, by
the carload, very cheap, delivered at any U. R.
station between Wyalusing and Athens. Now
is the time tO secure•yoar 'Mattes - supply. •
liir M. J. Darr ,, wants fifty thou-
sand feet to At with Boots and Shoe), at his.
new store opposite the Means House. Boots at
one dollar and twenty-five cents a pair; how
is thatlonlow7 157 Main street, below !Midge.
Mir Mrs. a a Lociwoof
stet, has just received her stock of Millinery
Goods, Sptingstyles to Bats and Bonnets, and
aLso a good &aim. twat of fancy 'goods, such u
ties, collars and cuffs, undersleeres, both lace
and linen, and all the latest novelties for the
Spring trade.
ough and Poor Tax duplicates, for 1873, now - in
my hands for collection, aro returnable on the
Ant day of :one next. All taxes on them must
be paid before that time without fall
P. Powsix., Collector.
Ruiz Rum—Beady for use. In
Quart Cans ; 1, 2 and 5 Gallon Cans andi*bs.
Pare White, Jet Black; and beautiful cottage
shades and tints in great variety. The best and
cheapest of all paints. U. N. %Liss.
Mir Daring the next 60 days Ire
will sell goods regardloss of cost, and will make
Floes to Snit all, in order to make room for
goods dour own manalkatare now is the time
to buy. J. 0. Pion & Sons,
Kay, 7 , '73. Main street.
ier J. O: non -& &ma wish to
put a Woven Wire Mattress in every house in
Towanda, on a znanth's trial. and if it does not
snit them, they TM call and tako It away. Now
is your thno to getperfect sleep. Be sure you
47, and then you will buy.
DTSAGRZFABLE Wour..—Sowing p
ke by hand. The Tompkins County Seeder
will relieve you of tho disagreeable job, and do
it nicely. It will-Viso sow all kinds of grain
much better than you can possibly do it by
hand. Try it. R. 4. wicuss.
air The arrangement of goods on
the shelf and in windows, has very much to do
with attracting customers. C. F. Cams under
stands this fact, and has fitted up the neatest
and most showy window to he seen anywhere
in town. His stock or goods Is large, and be is
selling at reduced rates.
Bur B3Attim & Hu z would call the
attention of the public to the •twat that their
market is always supplied with the chaiout
steaks, roasts, lamb and mutton, pork, image,
fish, etc. Ilefare now receiving daily supplies
dilae fresh oysters, which they offer at whole
sale and retail at the very lowest rates
lir Mrs. Ef 3, IGxoos has just re
ceived the Spring styles is Flats sad Bonnets,
sin a large assostrient of Fanny Goods, such
as Ti•Wrichnr, Neck Ruches, Collars and Cat,
Underslorres, both lace and linen, and all the
latest noreltten tot the Spring trade.
Itis riot generally known that
IL C. Witinrazza, at the Book Bindery over the
Baron= onkel, makes Blank Books in any
style of ruling and binding desired. It you
want a new Ledger, Journal or Docket, ere
him a call.
Fos SALE.—A very desirable resi
dence on Pine street, Towanda, Ps., within, two
&unites' walk of Main sheet. House large and
well arranged. Two claims and good well at
the dosir. Inquire of T. Mumom,
March 96-.. tr.
FAMCIEBS Paint-your - wagons„
sleds. machines, tools, eta I can supply ma
"frith Bobber Paint of imitable shades, ready for
use, beautiful, cheap, durable and easily ap
pliect—,let black, for irons and striping. Lead
ing etudes and colors in out and gallon - cans.
B. 1, Berns & Co. wish, to
say to the public that while they make a ape
-7 °Millinery and Fancy Goods, they also
keeps general assortment of Dry Goode and
Notions of the best quality and at the_ lowest
Towanda, AO/ 24-4 w.
MI6 Mrs. J. D. Mu has returned
fr the city, with s sns.skotioo of Mahon
sod Faztoy Goods, which silt* on addbltios
this weak. Ansa, knees loops /ter &WI be
fore parcbsidsi sissorbsco.
Chats 3 Pstion's Block Bridisat.
To nos Lune or Tciirimoa hap VI-
L Kamm hai the largest and
Moist as ortment of 111/11hsery and rang Goods
war brought into Tonna& Also a large as
sortment at Lahr and Des's Reedy-
Nada Sibs, of Gm latest Raskia, Oar
s*, Balks, Roy lOW Best mei Imitation
lb* aodlt. h$ limb% eft •
Noii is s good time to get
Central Market.
• '
in an Tann,
,UN sAbblerrnolf-a.bisibßo mOribir
erpaiiiisity Pim*. is Own IRK dm'
nab, Is a wyM Pala& SS.
Ihmas bu de
Si` Every business should
apply limed, left me* pelefseletier bee&
lop s esedinee med. Cards, WI famish PIM
adiellee eteeeled to the 01111.11111 1 14106 ash Ur
sir A: room with Aiwa, fazioky
PPM or diti.bcgrhuni can now ban
the altrootics tor poor children and Mends
that sisattr pqpor4 acme has. Therators, It
,vs Andre to make bone ittraothe and keep
yam children old of the street' at sib go to
Coale and select wall piper enough to Borer
sil your walla.
Thizsinusrm—lfisa AXAMIA Purr
has tabu rooms of IL E. flossinsts., orer
Acute* & &scat °rockery Blom whets she
will be priparad to do all kindaof-Dressinaldng
and other sewing, and with her own ability and
ken experience in thOosiness, bola confident
that she can please all, both in work and prioes.
- 1 ) LUP2111 MID • GUM .SOWZIL—The
TomPidmi Clountp Seeder (which Is also 'sold
w wth th at bail of all Wheel Bay
Rakes, the 21ww*Ins Cbusty) is the best Dios&
cast plaster and pain sower In the market.
Seeder, M. Rake and Seeder combined, $66.
Rake alone, $45. Send tor *calm
Towsads. Aptil 10, 1875.
OS. The nosh of business .st
YcOias t Emma' surprises ail who are nn
unacquainted with this enterprising drm, but
their customers all "know how it s is •them
selrei." Their large trade is owing to the fact
that they sell find -dais goods at bodomprices.
and mike no distinction in the treatment of
customers. on account of race, color or condi
tion. Such men always deserve prosperity, and
generally secure it.
Forasmnehe as ye sesfon is
now on for change of rayment, this Is writ that
all pillions bo enformed to forthwitho:repgire
to the Eitreete, commonly called Maine, and to
ye . boars which Is sett down oppofito -to ye;
Condo House, and enquire fir an Tartoiik,
where he dwolleth, and u plates ye fantaiies
of their minds, fetch away what kind Uhl moll
content' them. If any body' woldo will' to ob
tain ye Sift picks frone4st a few* stiles, yo like
of whiche was never let hym come enny
day, when all ye glides shall be spread out.
Pzrairzs - Por.arort—For seed or
Table use. The subscriber has,_in store at his
place of business at No. 3 Idercur's Bloch, on
Mart street, a quantity of the celebrated Peer.
less Potatoes, in nice condition, for sale in
either large or small quantit!e,s.
Per single Peck..
" Bushel
Firo or moro Bar els, per Barrel
Ten or et •s IA el ell
Lots in bulk of 25 or Moro bushels, per
Order, by mall for ishipping, will receive
prompt attention. NoichargWfor cartage.
41. M. Wcuxa.
Towanda, Pa., March 17, 1871.
iii - A prand Fair is to be held at
Mercur's EL4I,---June 2d, 1873 r under the an
spices- of St. i'atrick's Benevolent Society of
Towanda. .The Committee has pirchasal a
Gold Besdtid Cane which is to be voted for Mr.
J. Junto and Mr. J3L BUM 'A. Wye: Wa
tee Pitcher is to be voted for the St. Patrick's
Benevolent Society of Barclay and - the St Pat
ride's Benevolent &day of Towanda. S. Sil
ver Headed Cane which is to be voted for by
throe members of the Towanda Society. We
also have several articles that are to be taken
-by chance or lottery; a first "class pair of
Stitched Boots, Barrel of Flouri . Bible,Pictures,
Picture Frames and a number of other articles,
too numerous to mention.
David Sheridan, William Welsh, Edward
Quigly, Z. C. Blim, James, Maly, Edward
Walker, John 0. Day, Thomas Dalton,
Kay 15,1873.
rrai - Esvaausmunri.—For several
weeks: past, workmen have . been actively en
gaged altering and fitting up the room known
a. the "National Hotel," for a tavern:7 store.
The work is now completed, and Messrs. Wrcx-
Ems fr Bract, who own the building, are occu
pying it. It has been arranged' with special
reference to their eitenlive business, andcon'd
scarcely be improyed, with so much cue and
lade has everything been executed. The wood
workis mostly of black walnut and Ciestnnt,
thoroughly seasoned and beautifully finished.
At the roar end, a neat and commodious count
ing room has been fitted up. The walls are
frescoed, and all the doors, drawers, 'etc., ex
hibit the perfection of clock-work. The base
ment and sub cellar are occupied for unpack
ing goods and storing boxes, and are connected
with the store by an elevator. Taking it alto-
gether, we doubt if a more complete establish:
went of the kind can be found even in the large
We have pot referred to W. & B.'s largo
stock of goods, but the most casual observer
cannot but perceive that they have an immense
assortment, comprising everything in -the line
of nrst'e>asaa ware. They do not fill up r aheir
lathes with damaged or worthless goods, pur- ,
chased at auction, and to be sold "just as they
can hit a customer," but they treat all custom
ers the same, and warrant their goods. They
are permanently located here and are Identified
with all our interests. Purchasers should re
membet these facts.
Whereas, Licences for the sale of liquor in
thisi borough and county have expired, and ac
cording to the provisions of the new law (now
sufficiently tested) cannot be renewed for three
years. - And -
Whereas,-11 it desirable, in ordei to reap the
greatest public benefit from the law, that pub
lic seifitiment in its iavor should, be kept awake
and `mans and measures concerted for its
stringeztenforcenumt, ;
There:Terre, The . undersigned unite in a call
for a pedalo) meeting of the citizens of this bor-.
ough and ticinity, to be 'held to the Court
Rouse 012 Wednesday evening,. May 21st inst.,
int the &Rot* pupOse :
B Wlivord Geo Ridgway
3 P Panne 8 Woodford
1 J 0 Prost D ft-Pyatt •
0 8 Russell • P Clawks
0 J ii
=tick - '' WP
H Dodge
- Z Overton • " 8 Eastabrooke -
C X Toner W IL inn
Jos ltooobe . J 8 Allyn
B X Peck ,L .. Oen Sten=
A WkEbnoff W R Edwards
8 W Roams ' B 13 Viten
Jeff C E Walker
11,1 ( q m D Scott
- Maas J A Coddlng
• - 'z EN Bette - ET
J 8 ittewart 0 X Wood
8 J Leak Wl2l Watkins
II Lewis B L Scott
C X Ball if A Thomas •
L • Prot* V E Overton, Jr
X C Illioar •
W • Rockwell - D 0 Ration
C If Cross
0 • Mel I WLyitia - n
• 0 D Bartlett , -C R Barron
. D'A Overton L Kandy ..-,
JIB Owego& 11 L Lamar=
W 0 Tracy II • Pates
031.1 L
=f ix *Ea 11
G Goff
Jones "
0 Gibson 0 Dame
J • Itaward L X Warn
L 'X'
Erode 0 Sh it le
J r = nsentel
J W Goodwtst T 3 Calkins
And maity. other! for !hose names we have
not room at-this UM hair. -::
DAWES—BUM—At the house of 'the bride's
father in Le Maysville, Hay 8. by Rev. S. El
well, Wm.. J: Davies, of Towanda; to Miss
Nag Frank Bock, second daughter of Eon.
P. H. Buck.
DODGE—FREROIL—Ia Fran/din, May 3,1 8 7 X
at the residence of Matthew Marshall, by
O. H. Taylor. Kr. F. H. R. Dodge. of
lan, to Miss Wile French, of Burlington.
CLlNK—izsr..--At the Wyalusierg Parsomige,
by Bev. D. Craft, April WI, 18'73, Mr. G. M.
Me, of Leilaysville, to Miss Helen B. Weal
- of Tosesrom .
BCHIACRAMMER—ADIUB.—.kt i the resi
dence of Ira Shoemaker. in W.l!le i ling.hY the
Bev- D . Craft , Ilk tan. Kr. nap Schwas
bummer. of Bhig Btone, to Mrs. Hannah
,tlclams, of Tarty.
lIIL I SI%-71811.-41 the home of the bride's
hther in Wys._by Her. D. Craft. lay
li ss lB7ll%. 21. of Tarrytown. to
Fhb, of Wish:sing.
WILLI3-1100YEEL-.At iliterentkle, April Pi
1973. by fier. I'. Thomas. Kr. M Welts
to Miss A3tir A. Hooter, both Henick,
Bredfot d county, Ps.
STONT.—In Miessail, Jan. 13. 1873, of Ring
Alm, Almon Stone, in the 634 yens of his
It! Odi F 0. a Wad, fatal] and area
Omsk hasbitarantlattier, has best coaled
bins wile sodchildish antlisp ,sirebrot
relatives and friends, who Willionein4 WT.
cherish his memory, sad be cheered With the
thought thsa be bas esebenged seek end Os
ibr beaten and its shales. God to
hirtedsite maw and goodnes s bias sod pro;
With, lowed widow and orphans, and ow ,
role this snore afillation of their hartsjtit
their highest pot May tbey'be suppottsd-by,
the glorious prospect °fa Mitre and Wpm
"It is but the casket that voicelessly sleep.
• In the moulderbie damps of the tomb ;_ ..,-
Thesear bassos° up to the Saviour. who keeps
unimMd by sorrow and , gloom
Ira that trigtatand, are the iptrits of those
Ones dimmed by earth's Wahl and gloom,
Raised from mortality's cumbersome
And arrayed haverrennial bloom.* woes, •
TANNZBB.—lnStandbrettocie, April 47, Mi•
WhilAeld Vannes. , aged 72 years. oaf Ave
CAKR-411 Tweak,. an ' Thirld/Y NAY 8.
U7ll, Xkm 4, sea of O. - W. and. L. 3f. •
, age d years.
• Ilasop
Oldreetott s" deetoool3F. - by C. 136 PATCH
sodded to obao h
sso delkr. .
M Wha = t. • basll
Dots.• bolt herb.
044 9g
bu, , .
Dom II 0. - 3 - ... - r ... .. . . 1 Di • 24
Matto (L'opel Irli . . 20 0 II
do @rum)* S now .1122 66 30
= fts - berlbssow , • • • 16
1 .66
now. Wawa ' 6.10 00 iik l l2 00
001000, • WO .
, OO
Wawa at 03323.—Wb00t 60 lb. ; Coro 66 lbe.
Ills 1161b‘ ; Otto 33 lbs.; Wry 46 lbs.;
66.1b0.; Dom 62 Ma.; Brea 20 lbs.; Clover Geed 60;
lbs. ; Tintotbir Good 44 lbs. i Dded Poulos 3311;44
Dried Apples= ms. Mai Deed 00 lbs.
• %I ~ :11/:•61. • PI - .
• Arrosx•r,cr4rw; - •
I[.ts Street . Towanda. Vs. Offle• ...Straka% k
glace% mods Omit BOW& liky 14M. •
Fob SALE The subscriber offers
far sale at a bargain and on eaay terms, a val.
noble building lot sear the new School Boum.—
Said Lot has a front of 88 feet on Polder Street,
by 131 feet deep; It also fronts on Etats Street.
Would mpka two good lots; room for three houses.
A good biro on the premises. Ter any person that
wants a pleasant pleas, on rawr tam, near a 4: =
school, and within three minutes walk of the
Bosse, tall on F. W. KM= at the Raroarze
011 toe, 'Towanda. Pa. " ApL244s
_ .
These famous Trout Ponds are now open for tie
seism of 1873. and are stocked with a large number
of trout of every else, in the clewed. Pull=
coldest swing water. Any ulze trout sold at
able rates, and shipped by express, as ordeld.—
These Ponds are not op& on Sunday.
The proprietor having bad experience in !lug
and arranging trout poltds, odsrs his • services to
those contemplating laying out and stocking dabs•
ries, at reasonable rates.! -
Admission to ponds, 25 cents; Season tickets, E l.
For fall parties:dare call on or address I
Esblstmrg, firadfdid County, Pa.
.$ .30
. 1.00.
. 2.50
The largest and beat selected stock of
, .
Ever offered for sale in the Staten ay now he/found
.lifarket Street,
, .
Our stork la new and Ira ye many ew pattern* of
- •
~,..,.„.„.7,t 1
. .
And Parlor State just out aml never berd•ro othred
for sale. We be such an immense variety that It
would require ellarge ,volnme to enumerate all the
articles we have on lump. and= simply sly, that,we
are fay prepared to furnish the moat
• .
, •
Our UPWaterin and Piniabing is all done under
our own supernawp red warranted in toyer, re
spect as represented.
z =iul4zi ria tade and furnlatted to , order at short
foe making,Linibrequin of errery
color and quality on band and for aile at
In addition to our Furniture business Iwo have a
stare at
Devotes exclualveli to the inannfsciarivand sale of
Mattresses, Springs and Bedding, where a • -
stock may ahem be found st low prates • .
, .
•l in wantof Goods in onr Una please give us "a
ail and we wl2l meU as low as pm can buy in ltew
York or PtiLladelphia,
sr Goods eszet achirp lly packed , and delivered at the
depot rise et
G. a. V002113/3.
inassairr.. Match MA -4m
AU.. •
IN KERMA% swot. MAIN Nialarr .
Next door tails:Wm:dim, is the best place to buy
!SOON% BIM% TM% MIT. rams.
aatt "fferyudig.liguaitr kept Ina Bardwzre Store.
' Call and examine the New
It is tbkbool to sae, and please* everybody. -
I VIER TEE BEV 314TvirrAt.
Call and examine my, stock and yens.,
. • •
fo;raads. April/6, MR
sa so Q 1 oo
Ow,: kilitiln
or the
t ~ti~
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P•97* L &`.00.2
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.13PitING - 131 1 00D§!
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HOSIERY, atc:.
1 PM
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;' 8 H U. E
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174. 'EVERY QU,,,tITY
0 I/0 T 8
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• . -
N;MP;M71 . 15 . 577.rr " TM1
kqease call and examine our new
loireadat. Aprlll6. 1873.
1 h _.
z - -
, \. • -
*AI - 4100 . 030.41. ....,.:
At the Ilowest'Cuh
Is whiter and'hini a better body than
— any other, Aifierican Lead.
If yon
. wint - good durable painting
be sure and tIS4 it.
. _
- , •
Beautiful =Patterns of
' Plated Ice Pitchers,
Ice , Cream Freezers,
Bath Tubs,
Toilet Sete,
Feather Dast4in,
Clothes Wringers
FarmErs' and Mechanks.)Tools
Churn Powers, r
Field Rollere;
Boring Machin e s,
Doweling Machines,
_• . -
Planes; wood and i=on,
PMV7M74 I TrairT7 I. ‘77MMM
All kinds of Coi>kil)g
Ba sure and visit ns before
By the best workmen ever in
Of onr own manufacture, not
excelled for quality orcieknese.
All kinds of
= ,
• --
PiivA l 6l4lE WAGONS
Call and see thennipefere on preheiii.
C'U:CUMBER iroob
Lined with Galvanized Iron,
Ax Jost the thing for out doors, ad
they do . not 'freeze or easily
get out oKrepsir. !' •
CODDINCi I , RUSitl4ll6 & CO.
Toiras4s, April le, 1873. , _
Water Coolers,
Horse Hots,
Coopers' Tools.--
A . V V- 4 4
Drag Teetb,,
Carriage Triminge;