Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 01, 1873, Image 1

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• . •
,Tns Bunts= Byron= Is publlabed Crary
Thursday Morning by S. W. Auvroark at 'Two Dollars
per annum in advance.
Advertising in all oases exclnalre of anbscriro
' Von to the paper.
'SPECIAL. NOTICES inserted at TIM= cnire per
+line for first insertion, and Ewa CITSTEI rr lino for
subsequent insertionill.
'''LACtiL NOTICES, same style as reading . nutter.
*awn cyan a line.
/ ADVERTISEMENTS will lie inserted according to
'the following table of rates :
'lwifivi3pf B z 2 i 6la h l y r
1 inch . I $1.601 LOO,l 5.00
. 1 6.001 10.00 1 $
•i Inches I 2.001 5.00 18.001 10.00 1 15.00 1 20.00
1601 2,00 I 10.00 1 13.00 1 20.00 1 31100
Triclies 1 3.00 1 '11.601 14.00 1 18.231 23.00 1 3EOO
cO.umti • I, 3.00 I 12.00 1 111.00 J 22.00 I 30.00 1.45.00
10.00 I 20.001 30.011 40.00_1 35.00 1 73.00
M g=s2l ==mmi
kamtnistnttor's ancl:Execritor's Notices.. $2 Audi
t -• a NUtters, $2 50 ; fluidness Cards. five lines. (per
y Vs, additional Hoop $1 mwh.
Feely advertiser. are entitled to quarterly changes.
11 1
adretthiemente tnnet paid for istadrance.
111 Rnaoliittnns nf Ikeitoelatlotts Comninnleations
omited nr ,ndividnal interest. and notices of Mar
. 1111 ONO S Prekedhart Ave lines. are charged
CF.V7S per lint.
n ilrimnrEn baring a larger circulation than all
imnets in the oonnty combined: makes it the best
alsertisine medleini in Worthern Pennsylvania.
phP PRTIcTINCe of every kind - . in Plain and rancy .
•ot crs. Anne with neatness and dispatch. Handbills.
til• sire . Cupie,-iPamtddete.lllllheade. Statements. kc.
of or , ri varref ,- and style. printed at tbe shortest
notieel Theletrowreil Ofbre le well =POW with
oowor pro:ppeq. a anoti seeortment of new type. and
#verythinc in the Printing line can he executed in
he meet •vitystie manner and at the, lowest rates.
rFTV.,9 TVVAraITIT V 'l.Srf
T- , 5n , 11. Copt. ir.in_cr
. ct 7,, kvCC AfiENT 4 , TOR3MI3, Pa. Non(' but t
r , • -0-0 roprt!Rellt . d. •
n. p . C. an 'Jr kM . ,tuarrix:rr,
V. 13. 1372 -Iy*
PRALER, No. 27S Smith water Street, mt.
litnt.. Real EstatA pnrebased and aold. In
..t,,eatp tar:drawl Nioney Loaned.
71 - 1 y 10.'70.
• fkroNnnETils . . PA:. pay. rarti rnlar ratsntnm to
-,11;5r.v Enovios. kru'ona. Sleighs, kc. Tirt.sot. and
l'} f 7 ilono on short notice. Work and charges
. 7.l..ranTord sati,cArtor.r. 12,15.69.
again r- tnlrliahfpl hlmgo)f In the TATIARING
, t+lsrcri.'Sr. Shop ovor tto,kwoll'a Store. ' Work of
dereription anneAit the latept styles.
T • -van. April 21. 1570.—tf
t•f• nnelcrralfmed wonld respecifully annonnce to
rnblie that be hoop. constantly on hand 'Woolen
CSS ,, imPr , s. Flannels. Yarns, and all ki Thi at
and retail. FLAIGII k 11.1101PLEY.
1,117:Th.187n , , Proprietor.
1 r_T R E it G Aricl
• NI. H. ATORG - k; CO.. T") .A
F L-
T , Er- , REA/. F. , "rs.Tr —Lots from slno on
ward.. Alga Real to:tate A!tetitq. )If.nryl honglit and
and money loaned. „Pa tirie d.sirine to FosTI
Wild Land.. Farm,. or Loa, cal...bay. a man of
land. or Sahrltrielna made at his Agency, and
property Fold On a r.a.onabl. commi..ion. Office
over Po.tofllrse, lAfercor's Block, Townwia. Pa.
1., 1.. mnott. • (floc 4"721 Nrm.,ll. morr..kv.
Trirr AND TICTLDEIt. WiFalf•A to Inform the
e•lit , i,a of Tnratiila.t.nd rioinity, that be will Ore
plrtitTilar attention to drawinugale. di'figrtg and
zo,ifiationa for all manner of Imildinuscprivate
at.] onlitiO) Superintendence elven for rea.onable
o , lietiation re.ddence N. E. corner of
andElizTheth etreets. .
Sli VtrPO'NrS(l. anti 11 VIII DYEING
St3,le. , Also particular pains
Lalio.' an I Children's Hair.
•. and
• I. ::C0,r , 1AT;3:5" T.INCEICO)IV. over the
"•T 1:n S't'et, ~,van;la, lA.
• •
-.1.u. \ Tti t . LIFE, pi - F.:E.& .kcr:IDENT
`Snip au i Siate ;treets
C.I %."M - 130013:S AND BLINDS
i.r,nar• r tt turn:Al, hitn-dr!.,1,1",00rP, Sant
ni7o. or thir;kr..l•Rc. on short
ilaud yrifir ordprs ten e.ny. , l,l , E)re you
• , t t ,, th, at , l 11P 1 , 11r ,- . that 3-nn
• rr •-•, Nbr',l:l: or 5w ,, 11. tormg rarh
i, jr i 1-t nil :once
1:../ • .1;.'7,1
"C: I' I II M !
► (i(:)01)S,, PI,I(TES!
I' :sr , ' NntIETOI , Z, 1
- .la.- and 'ror,
1.1:u , Chirarleve,
, taff. P:.i!‘ts, (:q. Vardell. Vfinliee
' • Suva. Pure Wlni.s anti
for r:ediirr,l purpocs
:dB Piqd aft. ye*: Ire=
rompwa: , lf-d all 6: V.. 10
11 , 1+.1.,Tj).N. '
• .
, -
TT 1 i; : 1 ; E SS MAKE Tt,
Os --r 1f,171
11 .1 a tall at—ortin-Itt of norisLL anti'
att .it g,0.1: , in Itis lino
.^n,± Inatmfactaring 11011 , 3 to order.
Arijr. , ,t 23,
ieftVC. to return thankA to
;..• and vi , lnitv for ths, very
• ;••• I.troitaw.• ext• tu1. , (1 to him dnring the
•:, 47,1 t ,awe tame to give note that
.1 a stock of
ter . 1 ,31 - 4"gl t. qt. r AT TIIE LOWEST
' • th , ail
(wrnIAII anytlung in thie lime
I; ;".",lIINTEE :;I::.k.itiISFACTION
fitted up a
lie v.,111 Woes rt:ady to furnish Steals
za %Inc! , lower int, than usual.
! tictitl;! t ~ea are 1::%,te.1 to
.1 ry tlT'l,ll. •
\ :; .C; u s BA.N K,
WA lc D'A , PA
. n,nl.-rers.)
L-ang yT Nlsk , Collec-
i : ' I's: ':•.1. t -., BANKING- BUSINESS:
.... ?nr~;r?x ~:: Irv? ?S.ins
:•. ANN ruri
4.3t:adA m Europ,
1. - 6-E TTURETS!
5.! , ,ta. England. Ireland. Scot.
a• y. part of Europe and the Orient, JV the!
Of Steamers alwaia on hand.
. I SuPi and seilq Gold, Sirier, Vtuted, Btathl Bonds
1. ra.v.eet rates.
for the cit liortern Pedro:. 7 MO
u. C: IfER
‘Ni).kl.L, YARD,
r. r. All AND. E.l-11.%5 BE :II sTT:EETI
i; trrusilNOUs COALS. -
.4T , Y.; AN Itht 1.CITI; COAL
At 3141.1:et Pries
1 4:II, 'tit
S. W. AJE4 IrCIR.I3 Publisher.
V .0130LIISZLLOR aT Law.Towands,Pa. ,
ALTO AT LAW. 011ke—txinsar at ULM 'WO
Pine Rtreets, opposite Porter's Drug Store.
L., Pathxzes Block. over Gent's Drab Iwo
Chemical Elton. Jan 1e&
Smosos. OtBce over Dr. E. C. Porter Son
k Co.'s Drug Store.
. Stmaienx. offers his professional services to
the ettlzens of Warren and 'vicinity. Besidenee
Arst house north of J. F. Cooper's Store. Warren
Centre. Pa. apilferi 13
successor to Dr. Weston. (Mee in Patton'e
Dioek up stairs, Main Street, Towanda. Pa. kV
k'ndst of plate work a spanialts.
LR. S.M. WOODBURN, Physician
.nd surgeon, °Mee over Wickham klitack's
Crockery store.
Towanda. May 1.11172.;1c'
may:ll,'72. TOWANDA, PA.
• AND 00CFULLOII AT Law, Towanda. Ps. P.
tienlar attention paid to bneineaa in the Orphans'
(Intim July 40,
S ICT.T AT t. (Dfstriet Attorney for Brad
ford County). Troy. Pa. coned - tom made and prompt
ly remitted. • feb 15, '6s—tf.
N v 13. KELLY. DrwrisT.—OfAce
• nx , r Wietham Mark's. Towanda. P
Te 3 , th Inserted on Gold, Silver. Rubber. and Atrixo-
Worn bane. Teeth extracted without rate.' 0r23,72
-1)R - L. 11. BEACH. PHYSICIAN A1;1)
Scr.or.ots Porrnanently located at Towavna.
Pa. Particnlar attetdion Paid to all Chronic "Pea l '
os. Cancers and Tumors removed without pain and
wdliont use of the knife. Oillee at his residencs , on
State street. two doors east of Per Pratt's. -Attend
ance in ()Mee Mondays and Saturdays. May 14."12.
AT-T.Avr, Towanda, Pa.'
H. J. NT J. N. cattsr.
°Tiro in Wtiod'm 'Mock. first door month of First
National Bank. tip Rising. Jan 8.73-ty
O •
Law. Towanda. Pk. liming entered
Into Copartnership. otter their professional services
to the priblie. Special attention given to business
In the Orphan's and Ttenlster's Courts.. apll4'7o
F:. OVFhTON JR. R. C. tuatnxr.
1f n g roe opposge the Conrt !louse, Towanda, Pa
3. E. rt.EmArING,
Dr, 511 . Tnwimia, Pa
A ,
• PEIIINTENDENT. Towanda, Pa. Office with
31.. Peek. necond door below the Ward House.
Will he at the office the last Saturday of eahti month
aml at nll other limes when ant called awrfr ortbnod
no‘s connected with the SuperttendeneY. All letters
•puid hereafter be addressed as miaow°. dee.1.70
- )R. J. W. LYMAN, • t •
pirysicus Axlj gruatoN.
onice one door- raid of Rflportrr hniFilng nest
drnr,. comm. Pin, and :nil Ftre fl . .
Towanda :tura , 22. 1811.
LAW, Towanda, iiradford Co., Pa.
LS tiER.~L rssrnaNcE AGENT.
Partici:lax attention raid to Collection's and OrpUlna'
Ce.urt Office--Mercne'i New Block, notch
aide Public Sqnaro. apr. 1, 'SD.
Docron - 0. LEWIS, A GRADU—
ute of "Physician', and Rnmona."
Nett York city. ('lass 1q1:1-4. gives exclusive attentioll
- the yr:lc:ice cf ht proles stem. i thlice and maiden/1a
on the eastern eltv Oraell 11111. adjoininn Henry
Fiocc ms's, jan 14. 'C9. "
r i p) r L'o4ll
Tytt. D. D. SMITH, Donttsl, - has
puroblee.l et. it. Woott'a property. between
rror's•Blook and the House, where be has
-1:,,:at0,1 his orioe. Teeth e,..t , :ete i d, without fain by
tlFi. of raP,_ TOwand 1, ()rt. 20. 1:370._Tr.
T.4v;.yiNlm . rA
Ncie,the Court lionee.'
' We are prepare 3 to, teri the htte.gry at all timeiar
the day and ercuiu-g. Oyeters add Ice Cream in
their ee:isom , .
March 30, 1370, D. W. SCOTT k CO.
.1.-4 I),
.101 . 4; C.. WILSON' I --
Ile:ring 1cap..41 this IfAure, fa r.ow.ready to accouuac.
date the tra7elling public. tiopains nor expenm!will
bey Epared to give cattefgction to those who may glue
Lim a call.
tiido of the r,v.blit cut of 'liter
(-nee new block.
no. c:C.,,z-Fruit A. (
. President.
Oct. 27.'70
Attoll - NtY-AT•LAW
1. 1,73
p 1131:11EliftE L D CREEK HO
Having purchased road thoroughly refitted this old
and:well-known stand, formerly kept by Sheriff Grif
fis, at the mouth of Rummerfield Creek, fa ready to
give good accommodations and satisfactory treatment
to ail who may favorlim with a caU.
The Horses, Harness. Ac. of all guests of this
house, insured. against loss by Fire, withont any ex.
tra charge.
A Superior quality of Old Eagliah BUS Ale, ' just
?Towanda, Jan. 24.'71. ' Proprietor.
'This popular house, reebutly 1e . ...1;Ni by 3tessra.
KnoN Ilr_ab:A. and having been eqrupletbly refitted,
rernodnletl. and refurnished. affords to the pnblir
all the comforts and inoiern conveniences of,a rat
rla~a lintel. "qttn,to ilopog.ite ,tho Park on Slain
St:bet, it is einthently 4ionvenient for parboils visit
-113,7, T0W32141:6; rather for pleaauro or business.
pppG'7l COON k MEANS. PrOprietore.
1V .•1 - 7. BIIOWNING, ^ pr.orurrrott.
Chin rumg- iq conduct.- I - In gt.rietly'Temperatiee
Pnur,plrw. Every kill tn. ,nwie to make
cn:njorta.ble... Good rr,..nn? atl.3 the table trill
a? -1y gTIPPIIed With '2. , b.-et the market at.
NOV- 1:1871.
MAC.N for Salo by
(I,:ice No. 3 Meerut's Block, north side of Court
lirutt , s square.
Slowing Machtuea, 11.9rse Powers and Threashera,
Wheel Rakes, Plaster Sowers, Otani Seeders, Hay
Tedders. •reversible and Steel Plows., C lutators,
Thlll Horse Hoes, Clover Hullers and Fanning -Mills.
t.tws mowt3t-. CrATER DIt.“S'ERS:EIVIT SELTINO
r: T Cl3l - 11-N POWERS ty ran W 0111.1), CnEB
cat,lolutee and descriptive. printed err.
rut4r4, turniKhed or mailed free to alt applicants.
It wilt cost but three colts to send for circularii
In pottage
Farmers when In Towanda, call and see the.
april22 71- S. M. WELL
On the Itallroad,At Canal Street. which will be iga
by the car load or less quantity. and delivered on
reasonable terms. Tlease call at the Coal Yard.
.TAMES WILBER, Sklesmsn.
Atirz. 1 , 472. • .P 1 CARE Proprietor.
Mna. M. E. ROI3INSON. utultd rooPectrull/
form the Indira Towanda and ilciaft% that she to
prepared to manufacture ill k ILMP °I Artificial Hair
at r,aporiatAr prices, asfeh Ltrauflo, Carla
Puff: Frazetta I'Aber troll oombia.:e or pre.
par. d Incr. Ites.denre on Thad t.trret, north of the
UffolieChareq. All orders promptly attended to.
P..ftfafa, r,tt ,rranterd
Tov. nada, March 27. 1a73 3ca
FOR SALE.—A house and lot in
Smithfield O•rt7e., limitable for residence and
tore. Enroiro Jemex U. Webs. 7szt.lll
I " T
7 IT I 11
01 all styles and rites, combining irtth the Etch
tad Elegant, the liedhun Fri/mks, suitable for all k
and so cheap that any eau afford to have them. Also
the finest and moat
,LtBRABY Mit=l:3LE.
Of new and 'origtnal designs sad of the most su
perb style and finish. Also s choice sasortment of
AND 8008-CASE . •
Also a complete line of TeteaTetes,Sotu, Sonatas
Rocking, Rug and Parlor Chairs, in the greatest
variety of styles and prices. Also an endleu varie
ty of
Of every description, and in fact everything to be
found in a First Class Furniture Store,
We pay. Case for Lumber. or will take Lumber In
In exchange for Furniture. Also &large stock of
Of every description from thc most common to the
!Inept Rosewood, always on hand. We are sole
agents for
WLich are now conemled by all parties to be far the
beet !lettlic Case in use. We have the
In this section of country, and will furnish any
in the UNDERTAKING line AS LOW u the
same quality of goods can be got at ANY PLACE,
either in Towanda or elsewhere, and from our large
EXPEttIENCE and thorough acquaintance with the
business, we can Fare persona many annoyances to
which they are always subject when dealing with
incompetent particA.
gir Do not forget the pitice
Tovistas. April 2.1872
* * * ** * * * * * ***** * *
The undersigned would inform thetpablic * *
that they have purrhased the
on 'Main street, firet,door south of the First
* National Bank, and mean, by strict attention
* to buameee, •i:id by the idition of every tra. *
provement in the Art at Photography, to make
* the place worthy of patronage. Mr. lifuerrs *
* Is to remain with tie, and give hie whole time *
and attention. to the making of
* *
* As well aa PENCELING in INDIA DM, *
* Particular attention given to the enlarging
* of pictures, and to the finishing of all kinds *
of work, ao as to secure the beet results, and
* as touch time as possible' given to making
* negatives of small children.
_ Those Wanting pictures will please give us _
• a trial, and we think that they will be sat's- ' l `
* fled. •
. _ .
GEO. 11. WOOD & CO.
* janlll2s - 1
******** * * * * * * * *
T"wanda. Pa
: 1 )1 1i -ROSENFIELD'S
6ccuvicd by 11. Jacobe.l
The rapid growth of T , wanda requires the eipan•
slon of ?business, and thenniersigned, realizing this
want of the community in the •
Mut opened a new store in Beidleman'a Block.
(formerly occupied by H. Jacloba,) and le now pre-
pared to offer to hie old cuFtornere and the public
generally, a better stock of
Thane= be found In any other-:establishment oat.
aide cities.
My ae all been pnrebasf.d from the mann
lecturers this e,eason, so tuat I have no old stock to
get rid of, bought at high prices. I have a full line
of the finest quality and latest styles. ishiett I am
Offering at•low figures.
I hare no connection with the old - stand, and when
you want anything in the clotping line, for yourself
or boys, call on me in Beidleman's Block.
Towanda,,lsreb 28. 1672.
We Live the best line of Stores in the State
Bare taken theyrenalnms in all the State Fairs, and
we know they are e flat -dies Steve.
For colt coal, something tot
For bard or soft coal. Also the
All ErFt-claAs Stores.
uotrr 110138 E, BEACON warm nooarr.
A full assortment of Hardware. Tinware, Copper.
and Sbeetiron Warm always on band.
orders Stied Pronnotbr. Job work dons
and warranted. Gire us a eall.
No. 4. Bridge St.. Towanda.
Flour, best whea%, per sack $3 75
hundred 50
•• bum 11 00
Feed, per cut 160
Custom grtncllng usually done at once, as the ca
pacity of the mill is arolieient for a great amen= of
cork 11. B. INGHAM.
naroptmen. May WI. /347'.
filOR SALE.—A valuable property
1. for We near the Soiling Mill, at a bargain and
on can terms. 100 feet front and 245 feet deep.
Street on three sides of it. Large house thereon
For rent 11 not sold.
liar& IS SOIMBT 3141=1113.
~~~ :.h' : P 1•
r .--
at an times contain an
orrqsrm: TITE MEANS 110IISE,
To buy the celebrated
_ - UNITY,
PsWILE GAS bruasEns 4 sizes),
Sttuteb tottrY•
mintra, TOV LOT! H TOT!
"Heins! eons ne m'aintes p as."—PiaoM
I know, Justine, you speak me tar,
As often u we meet ;
And 'tis a luxury, I swear,
To heu s voice so sweet ;
And yet it does not please me quite,
The civil way you've got;
For me you're something too polite_
Justine, you lose me not I
I know, Justine, you never scold
At aught that I may do ;
If I am passionate, or cold,
Tie all the same to you.
"A charming temper," say the men,
"To smooth a husband's lot":
I wish 't were ruffled now and then—
Justine, you lose me not I
I know, Justine, yon wear a undo
As beaming u the lain ;
Bnt who supposes all the - while
It shines for only one ?
Though azure skies are fair to see,
A transient cloudy tipot
In yours would promise more to me—
Justine, you love me not;
I know, Justine, you make my name
Your enlegistie Merin?,
And say—if any chance to blame
You hold mo in esteem'.
Such words, for all their kindly scope,
Delight me not a jot :
Just so yOu would have praised the rope—
Justine, you love me not I
I know, Justine-tot. have heard
What friendly voices tell—
Yon do not blush to say the word,
"You like mo passing well ;"
And thna tho tatal simnd I hear
That seals my lonCly lot ;
There's nothing now to hop! o; fear—
.7.nstine, you lore me net'.
(For the ni.l.oll7Ellj
"The puzzling sons of party nezt appczed,
In dark cabals and nightly juntos met;
soon.r Lucifer recalls affairs,
Than forth they various rush in mighty fief.;
When lo! pneli'd up to pier and crown'd their
In ettnes another set and kicketh them down
btsirs." —77Amiison. .
If any special business errand ,be
deemed requisite fdr Americans, as
the subject of a call at the office of
their national representative at the
British Court in London, it may be
found, during the session of Parlia
ment, in an application for a ticket s of
admission to the House of Lords lOr
of Commons. On my way to the;
American Legation one morning for
this purpose, I took occasion to call
on Mr. W., au American citizen, who
with his party, was at the Royal
Cambridge Hotel, in Hanover Square.
—As in the journey of life, so in
journeyings for pleasdre, health or
observation, a man's enjoyments may
be doubled and his cares divided, by
the companionship of a better-half ;
further additions to the list beyond
the members of one's own family,
may possibly be suggested by taste,
benevolence or duty; but undoubted
ly, there is something of the chival
rous connected with the idea of un
dertaking a three years' tour and so
journ abroad,.Withfour lady friends
in addition tli/' a wife, under one's
sole and special protection. But, to
return to Mr. W. and his compan
ions. I raw the party first at Killar
ney, and again I met them-in-Dublin;
we chanced to be together in Edin
bugh fora day or two ; after a
month's interval, I again greeted
them in Westminster Abbey, and
now, at the Cambridge Hotel; they
vanished before me from Lohdon tb
the Continent, only to reappear soon
after my arrival in Paris ; and once
more the lines of our destiny were to
cross each other in the vale of Cha
=unix, beneath the shadow of Mt.
Blanc. The recurrence of similar
unlooked for meetings and recogni
tions of the wayside acquaintances of
ship or shore, are among the agreea
ble chances and coincidences, it is
probable, of most of those who min
gle in the ebb and tide of foreign
As a specimen of the customary
rates and chargeei at the better class
of hotels at the West End, I give the
following, as obtained.oy my friend,
at the Royal Cambridge. For a par
ty of three, the daily rates 'were as
follows :
Parlor and boa
Attendance ...
Dinner ..... .
Ice Watcr .
Lights. . .....
Tot4l £2lBs, or
_a little less than $5.09 (gold)
fur each individus.l.
As many people go abroad for the
especial purpose.of sight-seeing, and
as, to many, one of the most , inter
esting sights, is that of a_fashionable
wedding; to all such the locality of
this hotel offers special attractions,
from the fact that St. George's
Church—famous for" thegreat num
ber'of weddings there celebrated, is
on an opposite corner and in the im
mediate Nicinity. Even Ivltile I look
ed thitherward, a large party of the
kind was tossing forth trom its por
tals, many of them adorned With im
mense white bows and other insignia
appropriate to the occasion.
The office of the American , Lega
tion Irfound at 147 Great Portland
Street. The name sounds well, but
the general appearance of the quar
ter is not very aristocratic ; lutist of
the buildings in the vicinity being
small, And many of them occupied as
shops of various kinds. Mr...llortui,
the Secretary, was courteous and
business-like; with a name denoting
Irish descent, he was, as he informed
me, a Pennsylvanian. In regard to
tickets for Parliamentary admission,
oar Minister has the right of issuing
two each day, daring the session.
The demand for them being general
ly extensive, one must sometimes
wait his turn for weeks. It must be
applied for on the day for which it is
,t 9 be issued, previous to 12 It.; other
vese the first' new applicant secures
the ticket at once .
My own claim-being' necessarily a
deferred one, I went to Westminster
Palate towards evening, with the in-
tention visiting the House of Com
mons, if poloible, through the cour
tesy of some one of its 658 member,.
Stating my wish to one of the distin
guished officials who with gold lace
upon their coats, are stationed on
some unknown duty in the grew'
area of the basement entrance, he
seemed disposed at once to lend me
hie influence—the more willingly, he
informed me, as being himself
~ an
American, or at least a ' Blue-nose
from New 'Brunswick. An affair of
such magnitude was not however to
be achieved in a moment; a space of
some forty minutes, interlarded with
sundry diplomatic reports and confi
dential conferences, had necessarily
to transpire; during which, in order
to improve my prospects, he associ
ated another-funetionary in the en
terprise, which by the by, could hard
ly have been conducted with a great
er air of importance,
bad Iheen the.
aspirant for an actual membership.
Results finally appeared in the form
of a hasty pencil scrawl from Hon.
Edward Hay Leigh, and half a crown
each to my worthy advocates.
I . bad visited on a previous occa
sion the principal apartments of the
vast building, and had traversed its
ample corridors adorned with the
statues of eminent statesmen and
numerous paintings of various scenes
in English History; entering also the
session room of the Law Lords,
where three or four judges and advo
cates in immense gowns and wigs,
were engaged upoli the discussion of
some profound, but not widely inter
esting question, the entire audience
not exceeding half a dozen persons.
The galleries Pit visitors to the
-House of Lords or of Commons, do
not afford very anlple accommoda
tions or satisfaCtory opportunities for
observation, and the front is usually
occupied - by busy reporters. On this
occasion, iu the Lower House, the
subjects under discussion were those
of Eyre the Governor of Jamaica,
whose case excited a considerable de
gree of indignant censure, as well as
that of Sir John Lawrence, Viceroy
of India; and the Lieuteuaut . Gover
nor, Sir CeciPßearlon. Strong re
baarks were 'made upon what
appeared tO be accordine: ° to the de
tails elicited, the deeply culpable
neglect of the latter to provide for
the suffering inhabitants of the dis
trict of Orissa, where it was stated
that no less than 750,000 peopld had
perished during' the terrible famine
of the previous year. The subject
Was called up by Mr. H. Seymour,
and descanted upon at greater or less
length hy Swollett, Bruce, Lord W.
Hay, Sir Stafford Northcote, and
others. Mr. Stuart SIB], the author,
was present and made some nanarlis
on a question with regard to the use
of the Committee 1100111 as an alleged
rendezvous for meMbers of the Re
form parties:end outsiders, in meet
ings criticising invidiously the
ceedings of Parliament.
was subsequently present at a
brief session of the House of Lords.
The prevailing color of its decora
tions is red, and thepterior, about
100 feet by 45, has cheerful and
brilliant appearance, especially - When
all at once illuruinated by the lofty
pendent lights, flashiug forth appa
rently without human
,agency. The
seats are not separate,i contiun
on-c, and unProvidW with desks.
Lord Chelmsford, the Chancellonaud
ex-officio Speaker, seemed a tall, fine•
looking man of about 55, though as
I was infornied, he Wad in fact reach
ed his three score years and ten. The
ample red cushion which he occupies,
called the Woolsack, may Possibly
be stuffed with wool; whether or not,
and if so why, as Captain
. Cattle
might say, is beyond my knowledge.
Lord Russel, who was speaking at
the time .of -my entrance, seemed a
man of florid complexion, rather
short in stature, and with white hair
and whiskers. Lord Strathcaton,
who followed him, although a man of
good address aucTexterior, evidently
did not command to any great ex
tent the attention or respect of the
House;As was evinced by a variety
of inde6hrous exclamations and in
terruptions, the like of which I had
nOt , expected to witness in this au
gust assembly. The general " ease of
manners" and carelessness of pos
ture an& bearing, seemed in fact not
G. Saxe
fully coTresponding to the dignity of
a body disposed probably to claim
for itself the first rank among the
legislative conventions of the world ;
some of the member_s sitting with
their hats on, and others, perchance,
(after what has been considered pe
cairly an'. American style), with
their feet above the level of their
133. Gd.
48. 6cl.
Earl Derby was present, and male
some remarks, which 'elicited not
only applause, but at times a consid
erable degree of merriment. The
Beform Bill, extending the right of
suffrage as regulated by amount of
income, had this day finally passed
the House of Lords. Such ae exten
sion was of course calculated to ex
cite a considerable degree of feeling,
and to-be regarded as n dangerous
innovation by the privileged classes
of a country where it has been said
to be considered impertinent for a
man with:, less than two or three
thousand a year, to have an opinion
on any subject of importance; never
theless, it is there found necessary,
now and then, to throw a tub to tLe
whale. - The Premier expressed his
entire satisfaction at the result;
the hope and ,belief that it ivould
tend to calm the prevailing agitation
of the public mind and producen de
gree of quiet and peace to which it
had for some time been a stranger.
He took occasion also in the course
of his remarks, to alluile appropri
ately and - with feeling, to Ins own
connection with the , British Parlia
ment for a term of more than 45
IG$. Gd.
2s. CcL
The session was adjourned at an
early hoar ; whereupon the Lord
Chancellor was ushered forth by the
Sergeant-at-Arms, carrying the great
gilded mace, while another official
bore upon a cushion something of
evident importance —it may have
been the Great Seal or perchance the
Crown, expressive of the presence of
Royalty during the deliberations of
the' Lords, spiritual and temporal.
—While the English press and the
English people, are disposed to criti
cise our own, in view of the person
albies that too often characterize
and embitter American politics, con
sistency, if not decency, 'would seem
to require that the Royal family of
I.) a) •['fl (. 1 %!(i) •
Er" and should be exempt at home
from the attacks of widely circulated
and outrageous slander. it is well
known that such is not the case. In
addition to the thousand stories -in
regard to the- Queen's eccentricities,
giving thqm almost the character of
utter insanity, the reported dissipa
tion of the Prince of Wales has af
forded another fruitful- theme for
general discussion; carious scandals
in regard' to the sorrows and oppres
sion said to be endured by one of
Victoria's daughters, the Crown Prin
cess of Prussia, agitated the public
mind for a considerable period, and
to such an extent that it became ne•
cessary thUt they should be clearly
and positively disproved; and a more
recent topic, nearly as highly season
ed and probably as devoid of truth,
has been found in the alleged domes
tic disagreements of the Princess
Louise and her Lord of Lorn. And
this morbid tendency of the - British
mind seems all the more unaccounta
ble in view of the circumstance that
.the Queen and her family, after all
and in fact, enjoy a degree of popu
larity greater than has been accord
ed to the actual and prospective
" figure-beads of the British consti
tution," during an extended period.
If would really seem as-if the various
classes 9f the Anglish people delight
ed in " aspersing the idols \dem in
public they adore " ; and if the pri
vate affairs of the Royal family are
pnblieproperty, certain it is that the
pnblie Makes a very poor use of it.
In conversation with a citizen of
London, who claimed opportunities
for some. personal'lnowledge of the
Prince of Wales,' he was disposed to
vindicate his character from the loft'
repeated charges of intemperance
and grossly- dissolute habits; allud
ing meanwhile to other state mynt •
in regard to his domet,tic life that.
were 4bsoluAlly shocking, and not of
a • character to be repeated here.
Punch hs.s represented him as tread
ing in the broad shadow 1.4 George
IV., with the legend, " Lead on—l'll
follow!' Without the aline and
the high t'-ne of mind that character
ized his father, he is said upon good
authority to have a strong attach- •
went for t his wife and cbildreq he
has, moreover, a love fur horses and
dogs and a . horror of the corpulence
to which-ibis system seems inclined.
Alexandra, his wife, who is a sister of
George King of Greece, seems to
have taken the. hearts of the English
by storm, even as her ancestors ; the
Danish Sea King of old, took and
held their co ists. An incident of a
somewhat pleasing character, as il
histratingthe kindu&.s of her dispu
sition, was related to .toe One mem"-
ing at tho breakfast table, by a
worthy couple. Yorkshire; A
recent visit of the Prince r,lid Prin
cess to the city of York, bad excited
to a considerable degree the entlin,i
a , m of that ancient town, whose peo of illfsi:xe4, ages and conditions,
-:ere dispo,ed t i improve. the oppr
t:mity oU\payitig their ! personal rc-
spects to the pai: might • probt
blY one (lily b Ihl4 r King and Queen.
Among the few who had failed thus
to gratify at once the - impulses of
loyalty and uri , Kiitv, were t yo- ;i-
ter.. wh t r ::nd infirmities prt
vented tlikk-`Ntiving the obscure cot
tage in WhiWlthe3 - had long dwelt.
Their sorrow and disappointnient at
the failh-4:e, especially in reference to
seeing the Princess, were extFeale,.
and it chanced. to reach her ears.
She at. -oneip remarked, If thby are
unable to come to 113, we will .even
go to them;' and Soon after, in coM
pany:!'.with her husband, made .a
friendly call at the home of the aged
couple, whose delight at so unespcct
ed an handl.' of course unbound
ed : the event, was as a gleatu of sun
shine in' their ! dezlining day. Such
instances of Appatc , at condescension
and kindness are long remembered
by the masSesi and more. than (igh:
else, as is often well understood bs
I those occupying eleyated positions in
society, Vd,to•establish for them a
strong a d enduring hold upon' the
afit-ciions of the people. C.X. P.
NAPOLEa'S Sox.—The son of Lpuis
Napoleon is said to be attentive to
his studies in the military Academy
at Woolwich. He goes up to class
and drills with other youths of , the
same standing in college, and he
joins with tnem in their amusements.
Re is a good athlete, and particular
ly expert at fencing. As he not on
ly reads English't speaks it well,
he is enabled to pursue his studLS
in our language to the, same extent
as the other studies. Special privi-
legcs and :Ilion-C(110 him. , instead-of
residing at the college he has a house
of his`own outside the Walk, young
Corineau living with hiin: Then a
special bell has been put up in front
of his house to give him notice of
'drill hours, etc. He is particularly
boy-like in his habits - and manner.
The discipline at the military college
is very strict. The,,Vung fellows
r are only allowed to visi 4 k - Bubb per
sons as have hail their names sent iu
to the authorities by the parents‘and
guardians, and before a pupil is al
lcVed to visit even one of 'those per-
Sous, a written inv . ation thust be
sent to him. Exce t . during,- vaca
tionl) time, the occasions are very
rare un which a pupil is allowed to
spend a night 'oat of the 'college, for
thOcirEntostance's um:ler-which this
privilege is gytuit , .::l must quite out
of the ordinary., .
HE-NLVF-10 Ori - shalt
Lrader ptesi:nts . i.,rtrait for the
conteinplation of the minister who
`never smileS : ' But as there . are, tiersous who I
He is a qan of ability and of no ru'.ght worry their: minds by endear
mean .(acquirements. 'l3e preaches oriug to arrange matters according
well, and his( life does not belie hifi to this programme,' we may as' well
doctrine. But he has the habit of t.ry.,to consider this desirable " ryth
takiug a setere view of nearly all mic period "- from a similar point of
iqueitiotts, aUd of everybody'a con- v'aw.
duct. BEI is Ittiverious. --He_main- The matter has,been so ihorongh-
tains aninpanetrable rigidity an,im- ly discussed .in the puma% of the
Movable sobriety, The conviction , land, ever since sleeptessnt-ss became
grows on his 'people that he believes i a national disease, teat we do not
ruirOt the unpardonable sin. Hf• pretend to'offer"an.v new ideas in re
sometimes preaches . about cheerful- -to it:, We will merely assert,
ness; but it is always in a way
. to that it- we want to go;to sleep, and
make it seem the most solemaof sub- i awl ourselves unable to do -so in the
.In -a ‘vord, he. has allowed ordinal y way, it is an excellent plan
himself to become an embodied moral ! t-i fix; our mind upon soniething
Cl mid; casting to tinwi-W-)ine and it there.
ov,r every twine he enters, and inov-= Here is the gist of. e•. - trythiu r c
ing about his parish a grim extiii.; . that 'has been said! the' mental
guisher of light and :joy, when 114- processes - of °
should be the inspirer of both. -• Nearly every one knows , of soricie.
Further onNie come to the 'roam
devoted to the cOuntitg of the!muti
lated)nohey received by mail, for, in
addition to the receipts' by express,
ah average ()tone hundred packages
is received each day by mail. The
money so received is, in much worse
condition than that which comes by
express"; for
-the reason that currency
which is mutilated is redeemable on
ly by the
,Treasnrer, - and naually
comes in small 'amounts by mail;
while the various assistant_ treasur,
era, depositaries, and depositary
banks are aghnts for the - -redemption
of currency trterel,y soiled and de
faced, which isjorwarded by them to
the Treastiret -by txprese.- The
money recei-Ved by mail-comes 'in all
sorts of damag ed conditions, andlias
all imagina ble kinds of horrible' or
ludicrous histories. Sometimes it
hag been swallowed by a calf of.
goat, which, finding adocket-book
carelessly left within iteseach, pro
ceeded to regale itself with the salt
which the leather had absorbed from
the perspiration; until the book was
forced_ open and the - 'ex--'-' ex
posed. The-green 'notes had an in
viting and familiar appearance, and
the confiding anirnal;- eagerly swal
lowed them and so sealed his own
death-warrant ; for the' owner, re
turnip and seeing the wreck the
pocket t 2book, rightly conjectured
where, 'his money had disappeared, -
put-the unwitting thief to death and
recovered the half-digested riote.3.
Others havci ti;-en -found on the 'bod
ies of drowned or- murdered men ;
weeks perchance after their (loath.
Frequently they have been sri burned
that nothitte' remains but ztiKi charred
ree.emblaucz• of ti ,, te4, so frail and'
brittle Hutt :...light touch Will - change.
to sin lens. sometitn: , -; a nine synt•
which some drunken fool,. lord for'
the hour of untold riches; to sho'w
his disregard - for money, has used to
light his cigar, but which; upon the
return of reason, he has hastened fo
_send to the Treasurer, with an hum
b!e and penitent reque,st that it be
exchanged for a new.note with which
.to pay for food and lodging. Or it
may be that it is one Whicb a terma
'gant-wife has thrown into. the fire to
spite-her hen-peeked mate, xho has
rescued it before it was entirely de
voured by the flames ; or one thilt
some luxurious mouse has -stolen
from the money-drawer and used' to
hue his nest. l ance a poor French
man sent a handful of udnuto fritg
ntents of motes, with. the stateinecut
that they had ?Abet with. the acci
dent. of. a little dog." • OM. Fenian
friesds ' arc prone to: put. *lighted
pip; s in the same pockets in whiCh
they carrynnoney. The'conSeqtielle
is t'h'at the Treasurer. receives for ie•
dt:Mption a great many green'-
with round holes burnt through them
Iplre and there, and looking for 'all,
the. world like bullet-riddled ensigns
of the.l.rl:ll - Republic. r , ome stories_
are so frequently reheated eX:
cite grave doubt_ of their entire
truthfulness.' For iiistanco, a note
which is 5 , 3 badly damaged as to_call
fur a severe stretch of the rules in
order to mak•.. it, worth anytiLag; is
pretty sure to be said to belong, to a
poor, bard-working widow with an
astonishing-'number of children, for
whom the writer, in "-the • fultnessof
hik;Tharitable heart, has forwarded it
.for rederupt'ion. •
Allthese.ncles, so variously fala
lafeA,- be restored as uearl2, -
may be to- their original shapes be
fere their value can be definitely as
certained. Here again , tne_ skillful
fingers of women are c.died tato
requisition. aurae of the wumen
employed in this work have, by lung.
experience., br-come exeeediugry, ex
pert in pas'je-,, ,, and restoring note=.
FragmentS'kwhicb ar6 so burned
. as
to seem to others only charrad piuts
of paper, or so minute as to be Ali
most under their
patient hands again assume the sem
blance of notes, so ;that their - kinds_
and denominations can be readily
(Estingnislicd. Notes which, have
been nibbled by Mice into such tiny
fragments that most pen.ons would
say that it was beyond human power
to restore them to their - original
shapes, are arranged .and .restored
bit b\ bit, until after perhaps a la
bor of days they begin to assuine
their former forms, and at last are
restored with, sufficient perfectiotvto
warrant their redeniption. These
ladies have
. made an art in which
they have no rivals. It would re
quire years to educate othe6 to the
some degree of skill and knowledge,
and it. would be-difficult to estimate
the embarrassment which their to
would entail on the Department.—
From ,“ An Hour Among the Green
bach-.4," an illustrated article in , -Souitt
irf.. j.:Jr
There is no reason to doubt th.:
fact, that the most 'wakeful per,,t , !-1
will find it eas cu. - cough to, go C),
slee • he heeds the worda*of thP.
o . r. tific . people, and sets - about
matter in such a was. that
shall be an accumulation in the 'i - )1.-
ganisro of the products of .iAidation
and mainly of carbonic acid,..thatTac-•
cuulation being faVord and . con - -
trolled by reflex action of theerve7 , •
ous system, which tint:: protects thk . i
organism front .excessive Oxidation,
au:cl -also atiews the orgailisni to male-.
ifest its •activiey
throughout a sticeee , lingthulie pe
Ole per lortnnin 'in. Advance.
thing . or somebody :dicidedlY unin
tereating, hnd there'are those who,
could 'afford to - tartish subjects uf
this, nature to:their-. friends.. Put 'it
must be admitted that it is.hard to
keep one's mind at work uponh;Itlull•
and nnengrossing theme. There is
a constant - tendency to get intereeted
in something and so keep. Awake.
Generally it is the.fact that we.
'awake and ought to be asleep thaf oc
cupies our minds, and fe'w subjects ,
could possess a more pi - initial interest
at' the. time. In - consequence of this_
tendency; this 'affinity of :the mind.
for 'matters of ipterest, it is often irec=
essary to give a color of pleasurable
sensatioft to the object of • mental
contemplation; 'ln this way we can
think of fhe thing long 'enough to get
perfeetly', \ tired out, and-so, unceaa
sciousty; into sluMber.
For instance,. suppose we . imaeirre .
that we are rowing.:a boat, regularly'
and steadily, along a quiet and . heav
ily - shaded stream. (This • is - 4. must
excellent imagination to go. to sleep
upon. We know it man who fell in
to slumber every night for montha,
thinking upon_ this. fancy, r ,and in all
that-time he never hewed his; boat a
quarter of h. mile-from the starting
place). Well, this i..lett of a boat
and a - .pair" of oars may be so ex
tremely nninterestiurg, to-some their,
that it would_be impossible for-flier:a
to keep their minds tai:•on- it long
'enough to produce the proper effect:
In such a ease it might - be. well to
put, a lady in the stere -f the boat.
But it ism : et-star, - to Le careful here.
This female mu - it not he very Inter
;Nould re , .!6nimend a
dy not two young ; sonic
thoughtful person, with what gen
erally known as " a mip: , rior
There would be but tiAti
ti in, and that of a e to :induce
soar - le:len rAt2qtieu. For instatu-e,
the ir.iy might numb:, after a period
of sil(-uce, that she should-ihink hat
people living- in Constantinople would
alwa.yeefeel themselves under !Ileirer
, fluence of a bpell. Now ones; might
be quitecertain that such a remark,
made, by a thoughtful-woman with a
superior mind, would have
thing in,it„ quiet persistence
necessary to diseuv•er the reterenc,
of the reniaak to tile fact. that. I,:w
cities 'bad futuislied such fertile (p
-portunities cfori . spelling as. C--.-1,-
s-t-a : l3-r-i-n-p-p-4- , e, together *.‘ ith
the gentle and - monotonous ex . erci-3e,
with the oars, with be almost eet to iu
to put one to sleep—if anything can.
Perhons who are in the : habit of
lying awake in the moraiing; t efore
it is time to get up, will often, fir 4
that if they calf but impress it upon
their minds that 'they °ugh!: get
up immediately, and that it iS wr:lrtg
for Cut:into lie st,ill-ii moment E7liger,
tie bed will begin to grow more' an,l
more nitractive,and that the ..eutle.
(Irowsinesi;whieh bents peopCe - whO
ought to get -on.t of- bell, but Who
want to stay there, will very prbbably
steal upon-thew. Every one who
-has eva._ wished he could bo as, de
ligl s itfully_ sleepy on Snuclay or hell
day--pornings as he is) ii days when
he tlust 'rise early to his work, will
appreciate this FranL ' B.
Stig.l,t,:9ll ; Scrilmer's for
In recciAlecture-room talk 3li
, Beecher said ;
-" I 'retnelnber' how I . used to like
to dodge prayers.. If 'the horse
slipped lifs — haiter and got- into. the.
garden, somebody mustgetjaiin out.
I, being. a toy;.would - be the first . to
ran. By the time I got the horse out
'they would be through prayers. I'd
',e*.et clear. I counted that clear gain.'
My father could never reiid the gos
pel without being much 'affected, but
then he would pray
~ for.the church,
the kingdom - of Cbrist, and the final
conversion of the ll'orld. .He did not
pray much for me ; not much or
that par. 'of hie that I was concerned
about.' • is prayers -were short ;
they sl hid be where there are.,chll
= ' -
dren. Now and then Pr. TaN lot, of
'New Haven, would code, or Fettl, - .-
.ton,• from tlie midst of his revivals, ex-
Mr. Harr, from -Plymouth. My fa
ther would . read the Bible ; they
would stop,lain 'and say,: " I'd like
to ask yofi what-yon think of such a'
verse." .Each would speak about it.
Mother would put in .a word. I
liked that. We children would lis
ten. -After it was over, with .a snap
'of my finger, I'd say. to Charles,
' Haven't we had a .. goo.dli - int?' -- '
• •
If • you Aare family prayers before
.breakfast, you are apt to be . Phari,
-s'.'es. An empty-bellied saint under
t Av,:ity- one -years - of age; is- a pretty
poor one. It is not good to . smell
the Coffee-pot •at-prayer titnel•-•1 The
odor - s of . sanctity and breakfast to
gether are 'not, good:; neither is it
•ge.toii to have prayers in a hurry, nor
to prolong theM beyond a proper
time ; . they , should be mellow and
free. The children need not sit in a
loin; linuuwainst the wall. Let -the
cliild coil Ilis - lega uv - on the floor.
T.....:1 him- sit on his mother's lap.. If
the children avant to make them
s.ilves into a baguet around their
Another, 'let them. L• - ..t the family
„sit. in a 'little group. '- 4 the father
:read atilt - they be 'silent, or l - retid
round in-Tout - se, as tliq - like, Maka
selections from the Bib i le k •br read it
thrtingli ~in course. , `The father is
priest of his own houSehold. Pen't
hasten to get through,• because,',the
work lias got to be dOile.. Take ten
tninute, fifteen minutes or a half
litiur. and if• the childreeare inter-.
cste . d, don't say the servants must - get
things in order, they mint take care
of lhe table. The• most importaut
thing is - to make the children want
to come. - ' , .
I-latow a house where at' 5 o'clock ,
Sunday afternoon, they have family
prayers. -- All the cousins ',and' :rela
tions love :to come in, ' , from grand'
father te-ftxtlier. For thirty or- forty
years they` have kept - it T.up, not- one
of the children WOul ,iniss it ; they
would go without 'a meal first.. They.
sing, they pray, they talk -; it is -the
[ most charming hour of the whole
week. Bring the children ; cad on
! them to talk ; hare' free converS.a
-! tion.:; don't whiptWm if they laugh,
it don't hurt a prayer to laugh.
[ If you read the Psalu:is, or the Old
1 Testament, and ytni' find When the
IJews went up to their feast, they
I were oolmemn aulthen full of mirth.
The joy was sanctified; it wash the
handmaid and th 6 eayression of re-'7
ligion. It was not the higher joy
a remarkable 'development, but it
was a part of the daily religious life,
We ought to- make the day that is
apt to be the least- profitable of all
bright sweet, and pleasant to old or
young, learneder unlettered. ,
I need tpot tell of etoeiat meetings,
or hciw much the joyful element is
diffused among
,us. Our : religion is
radiant and hopeful, it brings joy to
the sent But - how is-it in our houso-.%
holds? Have Niegiv'en.up tho bond
age spirit? Are we loving, forbear; •
ing ? If we start in that way, and
start our children injhat
will get holdof religion far earlier -
than otherwise, and when they -are
older they wilt not depart from, it.
The world moves. - It is-not so re-.-
spectable as it was a few years - ago t
to be a reseal- People are learning .
the lesson that clean hands are de
sirable,: •both for personal comfort,
and pleasant social intercourse. They
really seen] to be learning that pnri , '
typaya,-and that personal honor and
ittcorrupfrblenesii ' are a hood- iDveilt
ment: Rogues and rings are having ..
a tough time of it, and it - is their
own fault if the young and ambitions
men ?filo are now coming upon the
stage of, action do not learn, to place
so•high a price upon thenaselves that
neither wealth • nor. rower - can buy
tlibn. The rascalities of the New
YOrk Ring are all exposed, and the
members of that Ring,have ceither
run away, or are • stag,gering4before '
public Opinion and the Jaw,disl,gr• aced
and degraded men. Bribery in Con,
gross stands exposed and _v.:hulled,
while- names that were Pure have re- •
eeived es tarnish that can"-never be.
:polished awa y . Men who Wive „held :
their heads high in the nation, bow
those he'ads. in shame over hands
which are • Soiled -beyond-cleansing. -.
We call no names, but, scattered tip ,
:00 down'theland,;great reputations.'
lie in ruins. Men who had : wealth
which•they . stole, and'inea who had
positions winch
. tfiey - butt it, and -
men who used • their public Lice ti)
push their private scheufo!:s; are
tbr.iVvn high and dry i otit o inilit
-01:-ce, iind lie all 'expeso- nNa the -
rocli:s of disgrace, where th y etrt.:`
s!:r6 t! - _ - , rot. or go to pieces. -
If _lieyoung politicians; if the ...
c•c:ll , .tv will learn. the .lesson tl - .at •
,-1.1. e facts-which we. I.a,e rt.:..v.vated
are so: well calculated to teach7bct •
ter - times for'the country lie in' the •
fittare. . Personal advi-fttage is a.
,niettik iii;)tive to upbeat to, whe e so
'vit-iil a pie.sticin as personal puly is ~c mcerned; but,. as-there, is no ,dan
ga- to mortilS from any othet i 'a i . peal,:
:t is• v.-4 11,ba mart; . temptation i on its
oNbigrottud and fight .it with its own
v:• - il-ut-ts.'. The' lcs7, - in ~ ,f .tlie pect-nt:
ia...s - tires. ii really. needed b riy•ai- -
hut those - who fancy that they .
iltir i ends . best 'bv- base
oms : aza.l if these ,Iniltlearn from
i!. t'll,:t , in' the lonfrtm, nothing pays
s.• -a- , _t: ia ire,t;.itl.; _andPoWer and -
_,l, ty a 31•1 c,31:/fo! . t' as - virtue'," they
V.lll 1.-;, - - li 111';it: which -will be of - in- •
c,i'erd..d)te benefit-to them atili-ter . the, -
eenntry. No rw•,ney was evt:r yon
.I treachery to . trnst :that did 'hut
latrin vi I , 'TI .: 1111.10k.
.NO power ,was
ever aorili,v-iA by bribery-or retained
by 'falsehood that did . 4 .0 t, scorch - the
,i-n of tlini.who.held it. The. -eon
seionsm':ssi uf- ill desert, the..less of .
,elf-r:::spect, tiv7l-fear of ex.posture and
the Self-cctunnitmen( to-a life of di.i ; - - .:
ce-pt ion, whichigo always with • pos
sessions unWorthily won, are, poison
in the blood, an:l:he exposure, 'Soon-
Er or, . i-. as sun:. tP 90 1 11 e as
cleat 11.—D,-. P. G..l7ollaild: iScriiincr's
,for April. -
-- - 4 -.: . .
. .
1..:r'1 -1
r , -
Years of experience 4 hav -made the
Comuters who have been longeSt em,
ploycd r -taarvelouSly expert and al
most infallible, their fingers pasSiwr
from one. note, to another with the
celerity and regularity. o£ :some: Won-
derful machine; The lady
nearest to the chief of. the room, 'and
who has come to be cot iileredia sort
of. assistantto him, havinisoinetimes
performed' his duties during his ab- .
has been engaged in the ' .
siou l ever \ since its organizatiOn iti
1.862 q. and probably has '.no-.;tival. iu
accuracy and dexterity in t'ounting.
many occasions she bask counted,
fifty thousand notes in one' day. ~ Lis
the nominal hours of labor are from 4
nine to three o'clock; and ,at 'leapt
half au hohr tmust -be deducted frogi
this for'neeessary interruptions .and
fu lunch, the time occupied incount- _
iug these fifty thousand—itotes;.wai - .
five and. a . hail hours.. This is at the
rate of -nine thodsand 'and ninety
notes every hour, one hundred and
fifty every
,minute, and tivo and a
half every second! The lady informs'
US that it is no unusual feat for her _
to " pick up " a ; bundle containing
four thousand ',legal-tender notes in .
twenty minutes! We doubt whether
this can be - ex-celled, Ift any gentle
manthinks it 'can, let him, try thif,
experiment of simply tapping his fin •
ger on a table at the above rate,- and
we- predict that at the end - of half an
hodr'S trial he will change, his mind:`
,There are oth r ladies. who are al
mbst as rapid ;and accurate. They
are sometime ;called upon, wittroth.
ers equally skillful frbrii the redemp
tion division (Thich Nvb shall visit
presently); to visit other cities, when •
-the Treasury offices in those iSlacen.4.
'are to - be examined; and to" assist in : 4, ,
counting the government funds there.
Through this division: and under..
thes. , skillful fingers has passed every
'note, whether legal tender' or frac- - , Th
tional, which has been issued by the.
United States since-the beginning of
the rebellion,—everynote *big' we '
have ever handled'6l:_,seen,—as well
as all the gold-notes; and many' mil
lions-of imperfect bonds and notes,
whieli were neVer_put in circulation.
The total , value of the money which'
hall been cotmtecl in this division pre
viously to.the first . day of July, 1872,
was, according to the Treastirer's
last annual report, nearly two-thous-
ana nine hundred million dollars,—
more than two hundred and twenty-
tlitee millions of which, consisted of
postal and fractional currency ; just
pow, the counters, gud • full emplcry
ment in countinganew legal-tender
and fractional notee.--Scrilmer's, for
April. . _
not fear to keep your mare in good' .
- condition. It would be improper to t.s,
load her , with fat of course, isince it
would interfere with ' the proper
grosith of the fcetu. Iteither need
you fear to give daily exercise and
moderate work.until near the lime.-
of foaling, for itwill be better both
for the mare And foal.. But when --
near and after fUaling thtinrare should
do no work, an d/ get only such ex- -
-- excise as she may tak4nuturally iu
th - e pasture, J 1 • • % „