TED:IIIN OF PVIILICATION. ------- Tint BILLIMAD Etzrorrsa published every Thursday Mortitvg b 7 S. W. 6Lvoan at Two Dollars -per anawskin advanoe. W Advertising in all cues exeltutivi of Imbmtlp tiOn to the paper. SPECIAL NOTICES inserted atswim calliper line for first insertion, and Dom OEM per line for subsequent in Mons. - • LOCAL NO OEB, same style as reading mMtor. Twmarr a lim). - AD will be Warted according to the following table of rates Air j. tw I pn I am I em i UT. 1 tachi f 11.501.3.00 5.00 1 6.001 10.00 , i $l6 Inches '.50 1 7.00 110.00 112.00 I 20.00 I 30.00 ittettee . 16 , 1 4 inches I .00 1 12.00 1 18 7 00 1 2200 1 90.001 4.5.00, column _s' 1 ,7- 0 - 1 -- o n 10, 00 00 31: - 1.00 140.00 155, 1 column I 20.00 1'40.00 I 00.00 I !MOO I $lOO I $l5O A&Filnistrator's and Executor's Notices. $2 : Audi t ,r's Notices. $2 60 ; Mildness Cards. tive tines. (pet '7 r , r1.16. additional lines 11 eactf. Yearly advarti sersare entitled to quarterly changes. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. All Resolntions of Adoeidions Communications of !Puffed or indirkinalinterest. and notices of Mar• riagef) and Deaths, exceeding eve lines. are etArged ev 0s• - T8 per line. ' • • The tiftrOl=ll having a larger circulation than all .h^. papers in the ronnty combined. makes it the best Jolvertising median: in Northern Pennsylratga. JOB PRINTING of every kind. In Plain and Fancy •olors. done with neatness and dispatch. Handbills. Planks, Cards. Pamphleta,l3illheads. starments.kc, of every variety and style. printed at the aborted notice. The"REPORTP.II. (MCP Ice ecell supplied altb Power Presses. a good assortment of new typo, and •verything In the Printing line can be execntod In he canal artistic rnAnner and at the lowest rates. Miro' rsrcAßTAitt.v non 11SIITESS,..CARDS. • A LA OE Ti . EM ER W • .\ ITOUSE.SIGN AND . FR.F.R ( I) PA&TER, FSept. Sb. 1.570-w D. 13VRTLETT fi SON, grit ALVC Tommla. Pa. None bat reliable enronanir. , repro sentea., O. n. RTLF.TT. C. CLCAU ItArCrLriT. Nnr. 13.1 F172.-IF* .FOVLER, REAL ESTATE • DEALER, No. 27S Sonth Water Street. Chi ergo:11111101a. Real Estate , pnrchaard and aold. watroftta rnadeand Money Loaned. • May 10,:70. TOWN DITNYEE; RbAcirs,irrTH. •.! IBINROBTON. PA.. pays particular attention to roiling Buggies, Wagons, Sleighs. kc. Tire set and r• - pairing done on short notice. Work and charges 7,1"...-anteed satist , -tory.- • 12;15,0._ PrsTNITACICER HAS -•- • • ain established himself in the TAILORING 'IISTNE.SS. Shop over licxtwell's Store. Wort of srt , ry Elsseription' done in the latest styles. , Towanda. April 21. IR7o.—tf • 1-P ) F J 11YSVTLLE 'WOOLEN. MILL V,.! _ Thr undirsigned would respectfully announce to the public that be I:* , eps constantly on hand Woolen Cloths Cassirn.ree. Plannola. Tarns. and all hinds at ,-bolesate and rptai,l. 111:0 &PIXY, Ang.10.1870 Proprietor. C . O s: TIIISSE.LL'S GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, may - 23•7--ti • TOWANDA, PA._ WM.. H. MORGAN DEAL- Ens ESTATE.—Lot; from slno up wards. Also Real 17.. trite Agents. Land bought and sold and money loaned. Pa. ties desiring to 6 , -11 _Wild Lands. Farms, or Lcts, can bare a map of lands or subdivision made •at this Agency, and property sold on a reasonable- commisilon. ollce over Postoffice, licrcur'S Mock, Tau - anal. Pa. L. L. moony. . r rDec,4•72) W5l. v. stortomq. Ti-IE UNDERSIGNED XRC,HI TEC.',T AND BUILDER, wishss to inform the citizens of Tovanda and vicinity. that he will Cave particular attention to drawing plsns, designs and spe.4llcations for' all manner of buildinas, private and public. Superintendence given for reasonable coumcmsation. Oftlee at residence N. E. corner of Second and Elizabeth strrets. EMI ,NEW PARLOR OF FASHION sxxv - rsa, n CUTTrm. - G, sriAmro-TsG„ and Tf.kllt DYEING in the Latest St3 - Ip. Also particular paws t itt Cutting Lalifss.'-nu:l Children's Hair. Sham- Charlitag and . itO to (IAtSAIVAI" k LINCTICO7.TH. in•cr the rtional That'd. Strect—Toavaada, Pa. 1572. P rTSBITRY, w. • T. REtL EST.CTE. LIFE, FIRE, k ACCIDENT T.SITRA. , TtIy. AGENCY cdrner cf `.taro and State Sti•eet= rch 13, 1:472 kST-1, BOORS, AND BLINDS .7) I T. , rrzpared to furr.leb Eiln-dried Doors. Sash and BI.:: Is of any style. size, or thickness. on short Hand in your orders ten day; before. on wfwt rtse th - articles, and be sure that you will that will not thrink or swell. Tura cash , a, d'o;y IP, 071. riEo. P ASH. BROTHER, ‘. VA:TON ljealc-xs m 1 - ;;,.WPOL HIDES, PELTS, CALF- sErss, FEES, M:1 thy highest cash price Ia paid at all tillleft . E. Stori, F I,.re 18. c, 17 M. TTON. , • Troy'. 1 nr,v.14.',0 .PA ME XTEW FIRM : :Eit'. GOODS, LOW PRICES! AT ITON7.OI:TON, - TRACY & H-OLLON, i;.• Dealers in Clrory. - ..r:es and Provislons, Drags dwincs. irOrusiwe 0;1 1 Lamps, Chimneys, ; riFc miffs. l'ainis, Oils, trarmsti, Yank - Pe No . fobacco, Cigars and iittir,ff. Pura W111,,A and of the bestloonilitv, for medicinal purposes .till Goods Sold at the'very lowest 'wipes. Pre f_'•;;TlF c.:rc-fally compounded at all liont's of the .1- (tom 11S a call. TRACY .1M C4E.A.IIkES F. DAYTON, Farcess.•r tT, liumplircy Bros 11 111 S S M. A Ti (Jccr MoNly'R,!tor, -1 7 .. - T;R oa Landis full assortment of DOItI3LE and 4, 11‘; and all other foods in his lino Z:.-sinring and manufazdarirot dono to order. biz 1g 23, IS7I B ! CONFECTIONERY !! GROCERIES ! nwk , rsigried begs leave th rrtnrn thanks to Towandn awl vicinity for the very p3trrma:zo , „);ti tiled to him tinting tho rt, and tb- .awe time to give notice that allel to hi+ bnßinvgs a stock of EST GROC'ERIES W11! , 11 1:%}1 , prepared tl ofer AT VIE LOWEST • vt!l ,Ull c•mtinuf , tlo 11aLing rin,ilicqu , in all esll 1 . 1 . 11 . / 1.1 4 11 :111y1111114 in this 111,1 e 1: •• .1114; , 1: , 14111 F.l - 11 ANTE E ElpN La: also fittc•l up a DINING ROOM, re 11,~ will td all timcs be ready to furnish Meals . .r Linlcivnis 'at much 12.ser cates than w:uldl. I's- , acid otlrr+ vi4itin2 tawn are incited to • r Parties supplied with len 'Cream, Cakes, lit, r C. , iiieetioner3 - at eliert tiotici% 1 1 th7l,ll.tre, nearly o'); site the ..Tear.s ME \[Ell C p R . .S BANK, T0'.7.8.% . DA, PA ,tn B. S. INsAell,t B.ankere.) Dep , sits,'Lnana ifoney, 'l/417. Coffee- - t:,r.. tinrg. (i ElaL BANKING BIISINESS, .urL,t, :.11IncOrp . oratod Bank. deKzriu r t t 3 P. Eel M0T.1. , y to MT rescr Europe, tblit Bank • ; :17..“1 the Irorost PA s"-,'.AGE-TICKETS Ts, frOio Nova S. - -otia, England, Ireland, Scot. .1... r zit; y part of Enrope and the Orient, Jr the t. Of fea:ners always f oh hand sells Gold, Silver, United States Bonds rat.•f., fur the ea.le of - Nurtin-Sa Piclitic 7 3-10 9 0 VlNTlENT..f.,?.ahhitr poWANDA COAL YARD, ..: ., I:NEte/t111..110.1.1) AND ELIZArETII b TUTF.TS, LC AGE:NcI: SULLIVAN ANTIIILACITE AND PASCLAI nrrumNous COALS. s LL r.1Z.13 PITTSTJN ANTIIRkeITE COAL - 1b72. WAUD F MONTI-NYE OE •I S. VOLUTE XXXIII. TAXES 1 WOOD, ATTORNEY AND . Oji 001:710 Law, Towanda. pa. SSMITH!IIONTANYE, ATTO WICIP Ai. cm. suin and Pine Streets. opposite Porter's Drug Mora TAR. H. WESTON, DENTIST.- Offlos in Patton'. BloCk. over Gore's Drag and , lbernical Store. 3 an 1 .*611 T.B. JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN AND DStAms. Mice over Dr. U. C. Porter Son k Co.'s Store. , - p G.L MORROW, PSYSICIAN AND • Sonozolz. offers his 'professional services to the citizens of Warren and vicinity. Residence first house north of J. P. Cooper's Store, Warren Centre, Pa.: . , •ap118 . 19 ly T)R. .a. .M. STANLEY, DEng -thr. U" : successor to Dr. Weston. -.Dillon In Patton's Block up stair'', "'Main Strout, ;Towanda. Ps. Ail kinds of plate Ncnrk w stpeoluaty. Jan.lft":3 DR. , S.lll. NITOODBI7II,N, Physician' and Rergeon, Office over Wickham ik Black's Crockrry etore. • H. . STREETER, HB.M cKEAN ATTORNEY • •Ni, COVSSit.Lan AT OF. ftowarpi, Pa. Par ti cul sr attention paid to inieine.4 in tlfe Orphan? Court. . july 20,'66. 31cPEIERSON, WH. CA_RNOCHA.N, ATTOII - N'ET AT .1.....717 (District Attorney for Brad. ford County), Troy, Pa. Collections made' and prompt. ly rprialttml. 'fel) 16, 'GD-11 1T B. KELLY. DEICTIST: —office • N • over lichlibatix & Insert , . T4iwniida. Pa. Teeth inserted on Cintd, Silver. Rubber, and Adrim ninin base. Teeth extracted without pain. 00.3.72 DR. U. BEACH, Prrystcriax AND Puns:lF:ow. Perihanently located at TONCANDA. Pa. ',Particular attention paid to all Chronic Meow.- nA. Cancers and TnrUnsa removed without pain and without use of the knife. Office at hip residence an Ship street. two doors east of Pr Pratt'''. Attend ance in office Stow - lays and Ratnrdays. May 16,'72. I tHr . IDILL & CA.LIFF, Arrows -El - s r ill AT -LAW. Towanda, Pa. IL J. MADILL, CALiTT. Oivcc in Wood's Block, first- door south of First National Bifik, np stairs. Jan 5i.73-Ip f\VERTON & ELSBREE; Arron !crr's .ur LAW. Towanda, Pa.,' having entered into copartnership, offer their professional services to the public. Special attention given to bnsiness in the Orphan's and Register's Courts. apll4lo r.. ov . F.T.isoN ••11.. IS. C. EISEC.ry„. MT A. PECK'S LAW .OFFIC.,. • Mna: s ree opposite the Court nouse, iowanda, PA. Oct. 27,"70. X. E. FLF.I.EkIING. Box 511. Towanda. Pa A . A. KEENEY, COUNTY SU PERINTE.NDENT, Toiinnda, Pa. OtTIN‘ with B. M. Pock, second door below the Ward lions& Will he at the Office the last Ratnrday of each month ar.d at all other times when lint called away on btu:i -f:II'LS connected with the Ruperitendency. All letters enid hereafter be addressed as above. dee.1,70 TOFIN W. MCC., ATTORNEY AT Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa. (1=1..k1".. INSBRAIICE • Particular attention pail to Collections And Orpbans' Court business. crtri r e a Nen , Block. nbrtl! silo Public Aware. spr. 1; '55. TOWANDA, PA ]R. D. D. SMITH, Dentist, has pnrehaed G. IL Wood's property, between Mercer's Elnek a.::d the Elwell House. where be has -located his nfaue. Teeth extracted without pain by 'nee of rue. Tnwand Oct. 20. 1 R7n. HORACE. COWLES M. C. M.EitCUI,V •r ho says, "Tine pulse will beaiLered !by the appr.,:.sach of the and the anxiety of the pati.;.int, what Lis opiAion of the ce - ,;s,- ttr:.Y b3.s. t'or thisreaf•ion, a, sl;ilfril • will not feel the puts!' .--302 n , lie comes ; • but he will - sit. with a cheerful eztunti..nam:32, and as the patim.is,--L4oothing him, if he J.)-J tialcurons, by the . liintiu:E 7 -s, - of his convers.ition, -- anti afterward ap plying his h•:m1 to the patient's orm. Gra.nt ,• ing, however, that these onrces- - of error - are -rvoiilf-1, the (iniekries.:i. of the linhe atnrd' important information. If in a I,:!rson, -for usnally 711, the beat ! : riseL'l lll~tll~i 'to 98, some alarming aiseaFo i 3 cL-ir taiulv pre,ent i • or, on the other hand, should it have permitnerit sunk to 50, it it-3 bit`. to.-) ' ,rot :LI,Y that-the sontof-thc.: e;realltionthe 11(2atj its If, in; laboring tinder ineara ble disc as:, or that sonae oth e r of he 1. - peat sprinzs of life is irrernEtliably injurtni. Suppcsing,; :Igain, the wal:4o ;I:E,` 72, ea.(!ll tvai o s ccur interval 9f Ilve,sixtllFol but should 381;1'froln this rythin the, pnytot, th2n ;:il , l to be ir;:c.11:3. - r. 1)11 , !ler+ ; 011•2 E-3 pr7Ccutl:tr " ; 1 ..!.?' the interyal two beats d ea , * lei!, • i of the 11(. , :;:rt,is .irregular, the tit'.'` r.;! the .-•••(' likewise ; but it w.ll ItAppc49 that - the I.;:.ttc• irregulariu'y take t!... ft‘rnier one ,)ill sol..le,morh;.;"l Cal.• existing 11 ,the .11( art an:i wrist. jt neee;sa..y serve, tha , iu all (I°9l)th - it cases, the physicia examines the pulsation ( - 4 the heart as well as that at the wrist, it,t as tlw (41 with • flu! .1f j ;rw,5.1 . 0 Cry ,: t. Ilich n.ally d .I:..;j' - .3 p 11, 1 1: Itt.) ri •f of :11:s- ting Ilidu a - Itt.t.re -lattn'.ol) t.tf tltern, tit... titetp. point. it wunicl bt• tnaltit.:. t.t.) pa ,s c.r:cfr i!i;t:til , tackt; solt;s: t ale.; !V) pu.liation eaii fc t 't.t at u.,11_,1 it t..t t VI .1 . . pr(,t tio.a • o great a languor thp . e;r4nliition that it. is imliercel "e thi extre.lairits ; or i;ora ia.L it arter); Vile os-iitieil.; ur from au irr TEE PULSE, ME IME .sC' .. ~» ! f :> Zi:~ • :~.l~lly ~ia :1 «, art - to i)reo.ii.q..2 i:; Ilrettllt, the beAt f..4:1)1(.1,e , .s of the h.• Ur 0 ,!i' r .111.1::!.1,.. ~ _ imf ion of tho -tirte. - c'k cf .11, .;" per Annum ~tikdvaneei 'EMINENT* WOMEN- - -,MOYHER EVE BY Tar. " PAT CONTLIBUTOI: In writing the biographies of mi. , ~ neat 'i. , ornen it is : p*iitimt . ly fit we begin - with-mother Dio : h , .:riielf: Ere belonged to one of our firs}. in fact the very first.. She was re Med to' the. first mail o2> thi Adam side, although she had :14.3:1) ; e:'....z:5e. to lanient that; she ~CVCri: 111:: 1d- I',:i Side. Phil osephers' wilo h i prob , A deep into the subject Eve's early career us it rib with t. 1..) foridnesi for a 117:30. , Adana and thei ii d 'ery.ktli piiy t9gether for a fine. is ii no oth( wom:th l)er to 1;e je:o - of, and lA. ry;s terel with- t. , e-nr;:cl * 1 ..;f. , )7(..rin:,'; I; 1, - vbrana qait. , -1 * `l. onfeu gatery 91' tho pun and sf . • . UNT4' ' .j i ^ 1:. .swibeteiti ,, l .6f ME MEM =EI El