II II fr Estellantons. II LOST. IBaby was lost . ! ' Up and down, high and low, eve - rywhere about the house and barn and woodshed,-in the garden and dOwn the road - by the bridge, The search was carried on witti anxious hearts and.eapr steps. EVery . nook and corner - where even a mouse could hide, was examined over and over again but no baby. The brook was low so low that baby might have toddled over it without hardly wetting her, feet. There was no dan ger there; and yet for boti a mile either aide of the bridge the bed of the relief stream was thoroughly scanned so there could be no ~doubt left. '' - 1 Baby's mother, bareheaded, with Pale face and trembling, limbs, die tractedly ,hurried .from place to ;place,uarr 'ing in her hand, the little (- - *bite` snob mnet she had picked np C.„),ear the _ domitep, the only thing . :tat enuld':e found belonging to_ the i !Hissing chi' ling. . , Not half an hour. before, Baby had een-playing in the yard, cooing and alking to erself as she nursed her .•ttg doll, d watched the pigeons on the root f the barn. There. Were the e tiny shoes in the. moist foil by th gate, the marks of - dirty ii ittleling rs upon the white palings —and to tmas all. The A gust sun' was almost at its setting; . nd the shadows of the Ma ples wt.fe fast lengthening. What if night • I-hon!el come, and Baby not found ? What if she were wander ing further and ,;further away, while they won't seeking her? What if she had heenetolen, and was even then calling upon her mother to Gave her? • - -T" Baby!" .- .• No answer ; and the mother's face, (,14w white and her limbs weaker. - "I shall never see her again!" she . cried, sinking down upon the steps ij of the porch. 'Never, nevei, never! ' And I scolded het this . mornin o a 0 my littie.tamb I "j . , 1 - "We shall find her yet," said old Mrs..pailey, smoothly. '• She's got tiral and . cuddled down to sleep 1 eotnewhere. j ,Or perhaps she's offl With some of the neighboring Ail -dreto- - Baby's, inother shook her head. She knew that was only said to com fort her, All the children in the ue;ghborhood had ,been for the last hoar engaged in her search. She could see them scouring the field be yond the house, looking • behind the ,stone -heaps and amotfg the blackber ry bushes that skirted the field. Baby could not have beenstolet,3.. No suspiciuus .character had beeb seen lurking übotit,and nobody could .have got away wiih her without be ing seen. There had been ni) one near-the house all the 'morning, ea ceps old Deacon Pettingell, who left his wagon opposite the gate long enough to look 'at a yoke of fat steers in the barnyard. The sun . went down at last, and . one, by one , the neighbor's slowly 'came in from the search and gather ed around the wileken mother in the yard. All had, words of comfort, but they sound,d false and hollow. " I cnil give. her up so," she `wonted. " She must be somewhere near. Help me look a. little longer-- just a little longer." "I:don't: belief she's been outside the gl tt," said one. "We can't find an,v trace of anywhere. Seews tome she would have dropped ;her Ault orsometbiug, if she'd done far " " We've 'looked, every Where," said one of the 'lovs. " We've poked every,bunch of-bushes on both sides of the l road, between here and Dun lap's pasture bars ; and she colildu7,l liav'e got any further than that.' II she was in the mowing lot we should see her certainly, or in the back, pas ture, because there ain't any bashes or - woods.' " Have you looked iu the well? " said old Miss Tompkins. " Now, it's just as likely as not she's fell in there.! The curbin' none too safe, • "She ain't there—we've looked," said one of the boys quickly, „notic ing the spasm of pain that passed • over the face of Baby's mother at the words. • "-There's' a team coming!" sud denly slionted one of a little -knot of bays outside the gate. "Now we can send word down to the village, and raise 'em to help hunt." " It's Deacon - Pettiugell's' horse," said another who hastily climbed the fence for, a better lookout, " and the Deacon's driving, too. Something's the matter, be's putting on the licks." " What's he got on his lap ?" asked one woman, peering through the dusk. " Why, I do believe it's Baby,' There was a rush to the gate as the Deacon Stopped his horse with - a loud "Whoa! " • "Lost anything? " he inquired, as he stepped out over the. wheel, with a little bundle in his arms. • "Bab% !lint)). ! " and the nett mo: &tent the little ciittse of all the rouble and pain wit's tightly clasped' in its mother s arms. " Yon see," said the Deacon, in answer to the multitudinous inquir ies as to how; when, and where he Lad come across Baby, "After I left here, early this afternoon, I thought heard something under my 'wagon seat ; but I didn't pay any attenti n , to it, and forgot all about it before go - L home.. I turned out the more and rim the wagon under the shed, for it began to Look like rain. 'Long about out o'clock Joel h 3 went to take a bag of rye meal that I brought up' for Piper's, and all at once, as he was lifting it onto his back, he dropped it, and hollered right out': Conic here, D4coti,' says be, ' where on earth did come" from ? ' I - was grinding a scythe out. at the east. end of the shed ; but I droppcd it pretty quirk and 6:laved. He was. holdin' up the buffalo. from' the bind end of the wag- On; and there, do you believe it, was thiit 'cunning little creatur, with her rag doll cuddled . up to her, lyin' on B . 4ne bags nuder the seat, fast asleep. She must have crawled into the wag , on_ and laid down while I was look& at the steers,Und . the joltin' got her asleep. I tel you. I wasn't long in hitchin' up . again; and I never drove so like all possessed but once before in all mylife. and that was when.Hi rum broke his leg fallin' off the new hossbarn",-' SoLbaby was fonnd, and the neighborhood as -one great heart brimmed over with joy ; while the mother, close .to whose breast the tired little head was clasped, poured ~ ot her soul in tearful gratitude_ to HIM who had through that brief but bitter lesson taught her ins,; c, of the diiine nature of love_ she before learned in all the day ~t her m otherbold. It-is eye of the wurstrof errors to suppose that there is ►"hl other 'alb of safety czeeyt that or "turf. a MEE Drum TABLE OF THE SIILLI vas gas ILtaltQAD.—Taitilig elect en Kandy. Illov. U. lift. , sax renames I iIIMMIWAIND A. ■. SOO 8;10 INIO 9:10 LSO 9:50 10:20 11:10 A. 111. Totami '- saaaLsT 11:11t0I3ON ....MONROE 11111.01318 • .;,..2iNW ALBANY.... DVEUORE BZWICS ERIE RAILWAY. • Mamas's Bur Iftairiso Bon* urn Buirine Onions, combini. Modern Iniprovernedts. are run tiirceign on ill Tram between new York. Beek ester;:. Bullido,=irelle. Suspension Bridge, Cleveland. and • kbstraci of Time Table., Adopted Bor. 4.1872. irterWinp. 6 , xo as Via: as _ EIFATIONB. ,Leres New 24k Port Sergi's: Susquehanna Great Bend.. Binghamton. Owego Waverly Elmira Cornlna Painted Post. Itoleiter.— Draft Niagara Palls. Snegenaint Bridge Cation.— Clevehmd. Cincinnati iliEil AII4IT c• ELI ADDITIOHAL LOCAL TRAVIS WESTWABB. -5:00 a.m.. excerpt Ilinndays. , from Owego. Stoppitu at Tioga 5:27. Smithboroit:ss. Barton 6:12, Warerb ax). Charnel)" 7:38. Wellsburg it:os. Elmira 8:40 Big Flats 1010. Corning 11:30. Painted P05t1.1.46 Addison 12:58 Ralhboneville 1:27. Camaro, Mills- 1:52. Ca:heron 2:15. Adrian 3:10. Canine. 3:40, arriving at nor:L(44oSe at 4:00 p m, . 5:15 a in.. camel' Sundays, from Stisquehatins nipping at °rut amid 548. Kirkwood son. Bins hamton 6:l2:Hooter 6:35. Union • 6 3 1 8 . C lo l l7lll ' 7:13, Owego 710. Tioga 7:40, Bmtthlrnn 810. Bar ton SlB. Waverly 817, Cbemnna 8:40. Wellsburg 8:55. Southport 9:11. Elmira 9:13. tog Flats 9:50. Corning 10:17. Patnted Post 1014. Addison 10:53. Bathbonevill• 11:10. Cameron Mills 11:31„ Camaro', 11:40.4 1 1drtati 12:60. Cantata° 12:13, and .arriving al Hornellaville at 1212 p.m. - 6:00a In.. daily. from Susquehanna.. Stopping at Great Rend 610. Kirkwood 8:48. Binghamton 7:18. Hoopepli. tinionl7:M. Campvilla 18:15. Owegg , B:s3, 19:01. Smithburg) 49:15. Barton 1915. Waver y 10:00. Chetnung 410:15. Wellsburg 10:35. Elmira 11:00. Big Flats 11:40., Corning 12:12 p.m.. Painted‘Post 412:15, Addison 12:45. ltathbonevffit 11:5)0. Cameron Mills 11:15. Cameron 1:27. Adrian 11:50. Cantata° 2:02. and arriving at Hornaltrrille at 2;15 p.m. 4110 p.m.. ;exeent Sundays: from Stopping at Great Bend I:s7,llirkWe=g hamton 3:12. Hooper . 4:18,, Claims 4:52. Campirille 5:30. and arriving At OWevcrat 6:05 p.m. 1:15 eteept itnndare. - from Pamirs. ilitoppitur at nig Flats 1:39, Cortaro/ 2:00: Pa toted Post 2:06. and th.nee. via Avon. to Tinifalo. arriving at 8:57 pm. 2:30 p.m.. eseept Sundays. from ,liinvbaintfina Stopping at Frocrper 2:43. Union 9:60. Campvilie 3:05. Owego 3:18. 21 .as 3:35. Rmithboro 3:46. Barton 11:62. Waverly 4:08 Chemmuz 4:20. Wellsburg 4:32.1 1 1rmth. Dorf 4:47. Plmirs 4:49. Big Flits 5:17. Corning 8i32. Pa n inted Post 5:42. Addison s:7l2..Batbbonevtlie 5:15. narciiron Mills Gen. Cameron PSIS. Adria 6;65. Can- Wino 1:07, and arriving at c rfortieltedlaa 7:!13 STATIONS. - I ; . 6* * f,6 11°••1 a. ‘e i ' .31 2 ° . ' •=—. . --- P. tig. r. x.ir. Y. 1. Y. Cincinnati Leave 946 .. 6 45 ...... Cleveland 616 iii, . Dunkirk. 61 _ 1 1 0 'till) • Clifton 130 680 966 715 flnefenalon Bridge " 140 649 10 05 720 Niagara Falls.— "_ •1 4% 545 10 12 230 Buffalo ... 230 620 11 et 800 Hornellmille .... " • 616 10 10 SOS 1500 Rochester • • " 4 Olt 530 800 Cornier. ° ' 726 11 38 - 432 12 12 Elmira n 803 1216 613 12 IT Waveriy.. " '8 40 12 50 549 120 Owego 11/ 925 1301 628 166 Binghamton •' lO 10 2151 71l 238 Great 8end,..... " . I ...... -.2 411", 740 302 linaquehanna ..„ " 10 58 300 ! 810 318 Port Jervis Arrive 283 650 11 53.. 645 Elddletown . " 358 2 451 12 42 , Goatirn s. :..... 803 I Newbergh . " U4O .. . 838 Paterson , ... . 660 10 40 . i 55 854 Newark., 41 7OD 205 516 ' - levee* aty......- '' 633 11 33 3 10, 926 New Tort. - " 700 U 00, 3 301 940 A. V. Y. P. Id .. P. AI. ADDITIONAL LOCAL: TRAINS EASTWARD 5:00i a.m.. except Sundays from liOrnellsville. Stopping ateaniateo 5:22. Adrian 5147, Ciimerore.:so, Ciuneron 7:00. Rathbun:el:Me 7:30 Addison, 14:23., Painted Pod 9:15, Corning 10:00. Big Flats 10:42. Ell2lllll /1:30 a.m.. Southport 12:03. teoganneg 1:1• Chernung 1:60. Waverly 2:30. Barton 3:08, limithborn 3:23, Tloga :545, and arriving at Owego at 4:10 p.m. 6:53 a.,m, daily from ttortiellsvill. Stopping at Camero 7:45. Addison 8:49, Corning 9:47. Elmira 11:03, Waverly 12:42, Rmithboro 1:49, ling* 2;00, Owego t;10. Campvitle 3:03. Union 3:33, Bing. hsti.tvn 4.12. Itirlivmod 4:57. Givat Bend 8:22, and arriving at Rilagnelianna 5;30 p.m. 7;00 a m., Sundays from Hornellivillo Stopping it Canter* 7:18. Adrian 7;25. irhimeran 7.42. eamirOU 7:42. (heron Mills 7:48, Bathbona. villn 8:05, Addison Er:l3. Painted Prt 8:30. Corning 8:33, Big Flat. 8;49. Flmira 9: 0 8, 80OthOort 935, Wellabnrg 9i30 ebemong 9:45. Waverly 10'O, ton ,1' 15. Rmitlibornlo :23. Tipp 10:35, Owego 10:48 Cimpville 11:05. Bolen 11;20; Hooper 1100, and arriving at Binghamton 11 ;40 Wm. 7:00 a.m.. except Stindaya. fipm Owego. Stopping at Cainpville 7:47 Tinbitti 8:28, , 'Hoonee gm. Bing. hamtbn 9:10 Kirkwood 10:50. (treat Bend 11:15. and arriving at Suagnehanza at 11:55 a.m. 1:55 p.m. except etnndaya. from Hornellsvflls, na ts. . 'deo 5:08, Adrian 2:20. Camitron 2:15, emu Kills 2:51, IRathboneviTle.s:oli,AddiL son 5:25 - . Panted Post 5:55. norning 4:35. Big Plata 4:28 Elmira 4:58. Southport 5:12 Wellsburg SOO. Che. ranng 5:43. Waverly 8:115, Tiogs 5:50. Oweiro 7:05, minimills. 7:52. Union 7:52, Hooper 7:51. Bingham ton 8:20. Kirkwood 8:45, great Band 9:02, and ar riving at Stiseinetianna at 9:22 p.m. 1:58 p.m;,except Sundays'. from Painted Post. Stopping atCorning 2:05, Big Plata 2:20, and arriv ing at Elmira at 2:40 p.m. ' • Daily. t Mondays excepted. 'between Hornellnille and Port Jervis, Rtoo finndays only. 1r Through Tickets to all points West at the very Lowest Rates. tar sale in the Company's once at the wavmy D e p o t. This Is the only authorized Agency of the Erin. Railway company for the sale of Western Tickets In Waverly. Iligsace artU be checked only on Tickets purchased at the °employ's once. L. D,. RIICEEE‘ rioni Ftnpt. A J. NOBLE & CO., .C 11.• REAL ESTATE AND • LOAN AGENTS, HAVE sou se= os EASY imams SEVERAL DWELLINGS, Situated convenient to business portiorr of town. • Office with • NOBLE k VINCENT, Izisuranoe Agents. Tommds. Nov. 27. 1872. AGENTS ! QUICK 1 Or yon .ail adaa eheice of territory, (there it s RIME( for It on MO LEWIS'S test And great work OUR DIGESTION, c ;;--) on !IT JOLLY rnimays szaßrr. It is by.odds the most taking and seeable book in the field. 1. It on a vitally import.i.t subject 2 It is by Amerimi's most pupulir writer on health. S. It is. for the prim,. the largest and, handsomest book ever solo by subscription. Agents. the piceple Ore eager for such a book. and will urge you to bring it to them. Write for terms. te...!free. sep.ll'73.ly ROBISON'S REPEATING RIFLE, NEW NODDLE, • ' Sti , ong, Powerful, Safe. Ind Abcurate, which tastes it ooe of the beat Guns ever offered to Sportsmen. Price* troop! $3B to $4B. Send for a circular to V. A Max.beldl West Auburn, Pa.. +gent for Bredford; Susquehanna. Batman. Wroming. and Lucerne coo es. 15or.iffw4 MONET SAVED, ; BY PIIRMS/2101r01:7 . 11; STOVES AND_ HARDWARE W. L. PIIIMLITOIL Zely tr.'7l. MILLIONS OF ACRES lOWA & NEBRASKA LANDS For Bale by the • -Burlington & Mo. ;River R.R. Co. On ten years' credit at 6 per cent. interest PRODUcrig will pay for the land and improvements vault within the limit this generous credit. Bet ter terms are Doter ered. and Prob•b l 7 never will be , crocycm,.. kith* full parlnculars gratis; call for tea wantrd to reed and circa ate. C. wr rr ..no thrive friends will follow. A, • 4r. sti - "ing the r ict location of lows is 5.44 at an cents. and of lebnists same price. For circulars and awn apply ()Et). S. taltitht. WWI Wiriftlasioner. Batlingtoa. lowa. NIP AM plows ear la grim piper PO *Perin. lOW Ins aim. IWll4llteri in IL 4:00 310 2:110 1:45 . 2:25 12 FE it. F. GOODMAN, Gen') Paseenger Agent. A. al Ob 400 tin aci OE! U 00 1 3 40 823 3 47 933 10 49 12 03 13 30 1 20 1% 5 30 ti 23 135 279 3 00 4m 0 1112 20 666 444 525 600 635 1 01 1031 11 7 26 11 16 12 191 12 55 I 12 40 115 700 8 Or L it. 1087 80 / 2 05 12 58 1 00 , 1 05 1 50 130 1810 9 80 100 n 10 03 800 12 4! 4 vt 4 4• 4 4 , 1 11 7d 4a A. ■ Ki lan EARTIV a RD JOHN ABBOTN Geng Parer WI GEORGE MACLEAN. Publishez;. .73.181Thict . m Street Phila. =lE= r WAI9)4 I- • Maible Work& )326. - 11.30A8E & SON lIM Ewe jot toootood tho lariat iisortmeat of - AMERICA AND ITALIAN M 'A. - Pi El L IC 1 Wes exhibited in this motion. to which they Mite the attention of the public. q keep ea hand or fandili to order MONUMENTS, COMB STONES, MANTLED, Of Glary style? F.160:14 .iii'! - illov3lo , tzli ?mow in want of an:thing in our Um Sr. re• opooltolly What to all and 8111131 All our stock. IiIcCABE & SON. Towanda. ma unn. LADIES FRIEND The sales 431" . Sewing Machines in 1871, u reposed wider oath to 1872, to the owner, of Sewing Machine Pateuta, allmr that the S ~iN ~- ~ R MANUFACTURING COMPANY 110th LAZY YZAB 181.260 11A0111:3123, Rivet per ant of tIIT being GO More Sewing Machines than were &old by any other company during the same period. Every Machine sold WICKHAM & BLACK AOENTRAL AGENTM. Aug. 14, 1872. N GOODS -AT- ~ B. A. Pettes Co.'s OPPOSITE THE COURT HOVE& Consisting of a general line of STAPLE. &ND FANCY DRY GOODS, SHAWLS, NIIBIAS, GLOVES YOB LADIES AND GMTLIZZELN, WATEB-Pir.OO:IP,CLOTN:9 AND CLOAKING& VELVIUS AND v vavErsa. HAIR GOODS FOR 'LADIES, WIEN , /SWITCHES. BRAIDS AND COILS, Of all the West Styles. MILLINERY GOODS IN ALL VAMP. Towanda, Oct. 8. 1872. NEW STEAM FLOURING MILL EN SHIZIECEQIIIN. PA The enbeerib desire' telex. notice that his new STEAM FLOURING MILL Is now hi anocenatul operation. and that be la pre. pared to do all wodt in bis line on short sotto& 01711T031 cairn to DMZ Oil= Ma DAT TEAT Er a 1110311TVED. Whisk itockwbssi and Rye Timm Oots Md. trod. area. be., alms as baud and for ails at levett Ms& PUM:II3 X west side of the river deeinft to patronise lay aoll. will have their femme paid both wazre. when the? bring grins ,t tan bushels and upwards.. agpL4ll T. 8. A 11238. Efo )00 AGENTS WANTED at'opce r our New Book, the Life , of the Grist:Ex, P • LIVINGSTONE. A thrilling account of what be has experknosd'und accomplished during tweotyeight years In the Wilds of Able*. and of Ids reetvrection from a living death by uTaIfLET. with partknlars of his perilous nip to search of. and long sojourn with the aged disowerer. etc.. etc. Sod Only $3 60. MU venally wanted. Tor tall diescription and ores imams* ones • !tumuli) DSO or vamp. isiPilTtlir ,1 1 ,111Vii140211. THE UNDMOIRM'ED, RAVING Pirokased Uni . satte• Minna of - SB.PATOI4 hi amine was. MM OE is OM. s. nowPIP 190 6D ease ID Use Miaow at Besellbrd Cleml67 and plaid. pr. a liege sad volt esiseled stock ol ~' {• _ Oat I aim sell at an knot Imes as aka be purahiesd dostrhoes. Item ones to the public a rpientlid stock TEAS, XIOFFEEZ, t3IIGABI3, @Legg, IIALIMA2138,111=1:11 &c. USE TOWNSDA, PA., IS WARRANTED OEM HOSIERY, COMM =CM GROCERIES, Han s hand a largo Mock of APRON FLOUR, GIWIAM DO EYE DO., BUCKWHEAT DO Map Wan band. POSIL. RAYS Lila.. and all Mods of VISE. Weald call the Wootton of the public to or Oau't Be Boat f STOCK Or TOBACCO, In qualAr or prim Jew Ostler' Celebrated Lona dry. Nsw York Goal sad Brown Soap Piessi can and tomb= our stock o f WOODEN WARE. tArg .astortzneat'of YAMS Ramo. TOUXT SOAPS, &e., ke. I will pay the blend cash price fq: COUNTRY PRODUCE. Iszsmas, ere as a all beton scling elarrbus. C. B. PATCH MI pereotti Indebted to the late Ilan len please cal and snake immediate piyaisat. 0. H. PATCH Towanda, Muth, 9. 1947. • LON GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS WOOD. WILLOW, AlikeTONE WARE. I FLOUR, FERO, MEAL, &a, Na PATTON'S ELOOI.' COR. MAIN AND BRIDGg STEh, TOWANDA, PA I dealt, to oall the attention of the Willa to my isseortannt of goods. which is always lull and com pete, and will be sold to my customers it lowest market rates. My stock of TEAS, *ND SPICES, Have been purchased since the late reduction in the tariff on them, and are offered at prices to cor respond. Orders by mall or otherwise will TlN:wive omen sod prompt atter:aim. Thanking - the public for the liberal they hero given me, I wish s ociatirmazt= SUM CASH PAID FOR 0017XTBY PIIDDIICIE. feb.2o'7l •FOX MERCUR are now reeeiv lag a flesh stack of Goods in their line. bought .Woe the Ist January. to which they invite the at. tenticin of their friends. We beep the largest stock In tort, Our goods are treats and desirable. We sell at kismet market priori. Jan. 19. 1871. FRE:4H AND NEW TEAS,bonght alum the recent decline In price. and ending cheap at Matt. FOX & ICIIRCUIt. Jan. 19. 1871. VOX St lIIERCUR are selling Gro aeries at retail. Jan. 19. 18n . pOX k 111ERCUR are selling New and Treat% Goods. Jan, 19, 1871. pox & MERCUR are selling Gm= ntes cheap. Jan. 19. 1871. ox & MERCUR are selling first F .clas4 Goods only. Jan. 19. Ism FOX & MERCTR are selling cheaper than ever. Jan. 19, 1871. REMEMBER that we are selling Goods at RETAIL! And that we won't be undersold. Jan. 19. 1871. FOX k " MICHIGAN VINE-CUT TOBAC CO—very ebolee—at; Jan. 19, 1871. PDX-k NUDICITIVEL PDX at -MERCUR do nut deal in Ilbaddy Gooda. Jan. If, INTL OUR CUSTOMERS can rely upon getting the very best the market affords and at loved prices. ' ' Tmranda. Jan. 19;71 REMEMBER THAT FOX & M:EIEt 'cult are rebtflung all kinds of °manes at wboleaalepnces: The largest stock to town. Oooda era class. Prices km. 'E.I. FOX. Sept. 29.10. , I HMWRYX NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY 1 Opposite the new TOWANDA, PENN'A. 1:1 Aa 3'11: 1411 A D4:I Respectfully announce to his friends and patrene that he has built a • SEW BRICK QA8.11.11.9E racroii, *lees he min constantly keep oil hand a fan assort ment of • FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGG I ES, PLATFORM WAGONS, TROTTING 817LXI8. ' AND 81LIELITON8. ode Of the best material sod experience taished la the beet sole. Ws loos Is city Cheriege rectories gtveis hints derided advaatme o'er others rota. Finish, Style and DuroUltity at tds Wacom. An tbey sob' la an INSPECTION OF HIS. WORK rolvtotto to parchaidng olarorhei3 ALL 'WORK WAVAANTSD TO azrz rssiurcr SA risrAcrlas. Thankful far the Überal ostronase formerly Si. maid and respectfully ark a couttousucs of tl‘• sung , ; REPAMINO PEOMIItY ATTMIDED TO 1 . reduced price. emus toTtbdl. las. t.,14111.—tt mum . HIRAM TAYLOR 'FASHIONABLE TAILORS, Opposite Public Square, Keep idways on hand a full assort- CLOTHS, READY-MADE CLOTHING In all the latest styles, : . • . . I ;11 . :44 Furnishing Goods CUTTING• DONE 'ON SHORT ALL WORK WARRANTED 6 6 MAIN -B.TRET, THIS CAPS THE CLI'II4X. To contemplate that Man Is mada capable of bdhototng the depth of themighly ocean and Elicit ming the distance to the most distant star, and w: was about to say,espable of weighing the sollirn• tents of the sun. And it is wonderfully strange that this firm of Brothers have made themselves so con. versant - with every branch of the great and impor tant Clothing and Furnishing trade that It tastes tt Unquestionably tie place for every one to buy, He•e you will find Clothes extremely Pile upon pilo, heap open heap; Ote•er, grade, texture. an.llmer For White or Black, Gentile or Jew. • I All say at once, We will go there, t I For they do busineaa "on the square; Their clothes are good. and prices Just. They pay for all, and give no trust All that want Clothes should go and see Those prices, styles, arta quantity; Has. Capt. tir Clothes. tan a: thick, Umbrellas or a Walking Stick: • Buy•youf Farnisbing Goods of thew: Boy all your Gletntog of them; Boy IV this drm. buy of no others, For reasons eby, it is WOLFF LittOTISBIISI Tow tad Oct 1. 1872.. , BLOOD & CO., Still continue' o manufacture their celebrate) HORSE POWERS & CLPAIsTERS, and win sell • better Machina, for Was money than can be had elsewhere in the world. We claim for oar machines that they will do• u much. or more, then any other. and are more dorsi:llY halt We personally superintend our work and me that it is well down. We will send DISCRIPTIVZ CATALOGI3I2. of our machines.. on application. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, Owed Two florae num:win .*si i Gk.iTO:l4 4 , THRESHER and CLEAN-ER.S;I FAIViTING MILLIS, CELCISLAZ 116 DRAG &kW YILL63 &&W AND GEIST MILL work donefo order. Give nu a call before purchasing elsewhere. Ta - op azioacrvira •5r,r3:11,1,N- COFFEES; ' . o•o vl,sa•o6aa Aug. 2. 1622. . FOUNliatY & MACHINE SHOP The undersigned haying purchased the Fouridr7 and Machine - Slimy lately owned by John Carman. are prepared tad° all kinds of work apiwrtaining to their business, with promptness and dikpatch. MILL GEARIG'S, CIRCULAR SAW. MILLS, M. J. LONG. Of the Wed and moat improved kinds manufactured and Sept constantly on hand ready for Om CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS PL•OUGH PO.NTS Of all kinds, and the latest Improvements kept eotkitantly on hand. STOVE ,CASTINGS MLLE GMT= SW AND SLEIGH 40F$, LARGI. MON lICETTIBB E. T. LOX. HENRY ILERC March SO. 1110. W ANTED-BOOK AGENTS = GREAT INDUSTRIES An Historical ancumary of the Origin. Growth, and Perfection of the Chef Industrial, Arts cf this consiti7 1300 PAGES AND 4 3410 ENGHAVINrIS, Written by 20 Eminent -Authors includsint John B. Oougb Leon Oise. Edward Uowlmd. Joe. D. Lyman. Bev. E., Edwiu This work is a complete history of all branches of industry, proceases of mends* lure, etc., in all ages It is &complete encyclopedia .4 arts and xuannfac, turersoind Is the most eotei taming and- valuable work for information uncut*" is of general interest era? offered 0. the public. Ma adapted tithe wants of the Merchant Manufacturer. kle:hanic, Farmer, Student, and Inventor, , and dells to b .th old and young of both classes. The in is sod by agents who ate making large sales in all parts of the c tut; try. It is offe-n1 at the low price of ,$3 50 dud iii the cheaper cook ever sold by. subscription. No family should be without a copy. We waist Agetiti in every town of the Prided rtites, and no seat can tall to do wed with this book. Our 'terms - are liberal. We give our agents the exclusive right or territory. One of our aerate feild Et ce-lea in eight days, another sold 388 in two weeks. Our t iec agent Di Hartford sold 397 in one week. is imena of the work sent is agent. on receipt of a pip. ior circulars and terms to soots address the ;publish ers. J. B. BMW& HYDE, Hartle. d, uu , ' • Chicago. Lll.. or Cincinnati, Ohio. FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC; . Or the liyiterles of Wedicloil: Presenting the Hu mors and Serums Hides of Ys ttwi Practlia. As Urns of tedlail Humbugs. QM' be. and (knurl. Mans of eh ages and all countries. 'BOO pages, 250 Intrust:um Au interesting and amusing treatise on the Medi _cal Humbugs of the past asat iptraeut. It exposes Qua It. Impostor., restrllog Dictum Petrol tine, Venders, Noted Female Cheats, t amine Tell er* and Med:ulna and gives ittereslais accounts of Noted Physicians and naratires of their lived It shows bow fifty I. manufactured Tobacco and of what vile liquor, medicines are composed It rt.. seals startling secret's and instructs all how to avoid the Ws whirls flesh Is heir to. Ire glee eschs. sive territory and liberal comets lons. For arm. lam and terms address the publishers, J. 13 Winn t II t DE, Ilartiotd. Ct.. Ctocago, ILL, or (Inc mutt. Ohio. KNOTS lINVIED, Or Ways and tly-Wers in the Hidden Life et 'We want s ent, for this book It liteclosra all the my.t.ries or the Detectt%e System. It la a fec.rd lor.the'vamt twenty ye..ra of the monto.killtul detec tive. of this country. to hlot/ the emits -of Babb Robbers, Thieves, elcipocke a. Lottery Men, Coon. tea felt Money thistrrN, sod swindlers of all .c.l.ases aro ttpooodl otsd broooto to' Nook*. Prime $2 7/t. Slid toe otroultro sod terms to prm. Ihrdret Clothing. meat of CASHMERES AND MyeTINGS. GENTS' In great variety. NOTICE. TOVANDA. PA. MAN DRI„LWS, And an kind, oi✓ MILL IRONS lIADICTO OEDKR. ENGINES REPAIRED, 1 And all work warranted to gin satisfaction. SHINGLE MACHINES PLOUGHS, t RIDMIELLL. IRON AND WODEN Of ill kind& 1 .I.ND CHURN POWERS, LARGE AND- SMALL SIZE. And all kinds at castings furnished ts WEANa k RACY roa TUE OT TILE tnirrEu STATES, Horace Greeley, Philip HiSey. Albert Griisbiltn, Z=MNi=n AGENTS WANTED for our New Book, the AIfERIC.II DFTECTIVE& Gratories ana Prwiskais. GROCERY AND - PROVISION, sTonzi. MoOA.B,E hr. EDWARDS, , 1 .... - r FAMILY GROCIERISS PROVISIONS,: 301210171413 NEW BLOCZ. TOWANDA. PA. , We do not deem it necessary to enumerate all tte dilemma articles ■e keep, Our eaortzuent ls ALWAYS . COMPLETE. We,iell nothing but FIRST CLASS 'GOODS. Ciah paid for Parmara Produce. JAM/.8 McCADE. 'March 1. 1870. WM. EDWA Bps. CENTRAL MARKET. rbe subscribers still continuo to" keep constantly no baud a full end complete assortment of every. Ening pertaining to their business, consisting main s of BEVY PORK, FRESH AND SALT EDGAR CURED RAMS. . COTTON, • REM 'JAMB. VEAL, SAUSAGE, LARD. BOLOGNA, • DRIED BEEF, TaLLOW, &c., Also, FRESH FROM THE LAKES. OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY o In their mason. • s Psrties wishing Oysters to large or small •quariti nes will be turtashed on short notion,. at the ad stand, Cricrsai. Masan, Siontanyo'S Block. first door north o; , Str. Porters. Cuss. G cm. KELLUM a IdULLOCK. Tue.°. Mtn. )ott. f Feb. 24, leis-tt , HIGHEST MARKET PRICE DI CASH, PAID FOi' GRAIN, BUTTER AND EGGS, 141tORGE SMITH, R'i4.►VEflo, PA. April 18. 1872. Boots and Shoos. N - ` E FIRM IN tBE , BOOT ANil SHOD. TRADI CORSErt. & COONS' , • anneunee th t huinct benght ir ent Mr. L. L. 31001)Y t th.y u prep ari..l r:e• t $ the pm lk a urge and vs: ortrto ,„ r • BOOTS, SHOES, IitUNKS, I tTRIVELINI+ BAGS, ' f.4LOS, :MITTENS, f LEATIIEI:. SHOE riNunius, kc we shall keep a fall line of EfUIIPIIREY BROTH ERS & TR klll S tuauulAettire lof wxhls as weal as many. other goons of first-classtke. .. r i • .. We are sole spats for BURT'S - - Celebrated Make of BOOTS AND SHOES For Towanda, And customers can always rely upon finding i full st.pp y of alet , o goods ior LADIES, GETS, ]ASSES, k CIIILDRENS WEAN Shoemakers and others wanting Leather shoe find n a, Bc , will find witO us a good assortment at all times. Mr. S. ft, llobert,on r , mains with us awl Is ready to g..vo nts — in too sr.y or Fine Boots to ali who may i+vor him w.th a c.4:1. As cant , a 0.2. are all boog , .t of themanuracturere fro ably Aktfl tail at Vie to •sett b4ttoat pricen ror re.h. We LION b,, fair ,kealing to merit .he pat ronage of all. JuALV 1. PflialLlLl at. COttaa., J Taarat.da. Oct. 1872. 13Ci WOODFORD, . AT THE NEW YORK BOOT AND SHOE STORE, No. 3. PATSON & GRIFFITHS BLOCH.BRIDGZ S Is receiving one of the largest and best stock of BOOTS & SHOES ever brought in Towands, which he is offering at the \lay lowest prices for Cash, consisting of GENTSCLLY, Ku' STOGA, BOTS CALF BOOTS, LA is, MISSES and CHILDREN'S - Shoes of all hinds, all bought direct from the Manufacturers, and hand mado, all goods warranted. A FULL,' STOCK of LEvrnEE AND FINDINGS. - Thankful for past favor 4, I solici a continuance of the same. Towanda, 11kr, 1, 1872 -- C OK -11-1 The BEST. west DESIRABLE. tad most COI NORICAL FUEL for.celiaary En:poses during ram oar. For sale by th e TOWASDA GAB 0011IPANT Twelve mats par baattal at the Chia Hoare. re Afte.s k saints A5h.....A 'stay**. I rra BOOK- BINDERY . -THE PUB be is respectfully trammed that tbe Boolt-Bin dory bas been reinowei to the -Reporter" Building third story. where be done 8004-BINDI2IOI In all its Tartans braze-hal. 4n terms uresaonable s. •• the Pates " irill allow. The Bindery will be cadet the ehsrge of H. 0. .WEUTAJLER. an experienced Binder. and all work will be prompt/3 done In a etrie and manner *bleb tatunot be extolled Musk, Maiostmes, Nearinat , re. Old ?Swim &c.. buitru In every variety of little. Partkalaz attention will be paid to the Ballr.at and Binding of • BIA.Nit ROOKS. To any dealrea patter% which in 'quality and dors Witty will be warranted. - , Al) work will be reedy for dehvery when prorahaid The patronage at the public, le ealletted, awl Per tact salittatittos guano top& Towanda. Magnet 3. 31313-43 Crociay. and—CUalmazie. 'ROCKERY-STORE. or. WICK H - A-M &At LACK. iILVEiI PLATED WARE,,,( SINGER SEWING. MACHD;E, wicK:'‘Nr & BLACK'S: Torriuldl. Ju!) -i. - NEW 31r..1 TAILORING JOHN L. MoMAH9N H ',moved to Ibe building torulFrly occupied; by W. T. Davies, Esq., And to uo - r pr4Ared. to Ciniteh the Imui.le of 11..ds vlein.ty with eve rytlileg.le the hue of CLOT i 1.9 • ,` CUTTOG DONE' AND CLOTHES MADE UP ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE and • PERFECT FITS GUARANTEED. stork of CMth.4 hay hers ftiecte.l from the beat In the market. awl I feereoritideut ' l4 IWO% e 114tiA.U.1.1 D. owlnda, Jan. SO, 473 pA. AT. N.Y. c:AN A AL R.E. CO A itRANiiESIENT OP PASSENOI:II •TRAIN .To... Sect Mourt4y. XT 11, 1872. 15.)ITTHW•111.. I No. 9. i 7, sa al 1 245 1 011. 910 ...... Eintira 12 45, 3 20" 1 '2.3; 9 15 Waverly 11 .57 3 351 1 34' 9 3 , thew+. .... 11 45, 4 20" '2 0511 0 ..: .11 051 5 20' 11115 10 161 5 45' 3 05 1 1 24 . 9 413 , 6 111 11 1 49' .... 51.4.90pperi..•. 1 9 211 6 '2O :11 56' • 9 13 6 •1' 3 5 45: ... - ruuttarlltMeit..: 4 49 tl 14 , 1[ 442 j SO! ; 725 825' 6 OW 2l.Wilkva Barre.. , 70 , n 7 2 9 1 1 4 35' blanch Chunk.. PK I/ 281 IS 54) 1 Alle ttttt al 8 46; 6 )01.1... • • 9 151 6 ,5; . .....:Datcan 1 - 1 110 30 8 20i it 1 9 40 1 'New Yor k.... 39 leaves Towanda at 7 12 a. rn.; Athena. 7 So a En.; Waverly. SOS a. in., arnving at Elmira at 2 (X) a. at. S. al Laces Elmira at 5 3 , 1 p. in.; waverly at 0115 p. in.; Atbena. rt d 3O p. in., arriving at To wanda at . '7 1,5 P. K. Drawing Room Cars attsaied to Trains 2 anil ruu through (rum Elmira to Pluludelphia.• • : R. A. PACKER, Superintendent., VEW ROUTE TO PHtLADEL- PlliA. , • Z NORTH ° PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. I, . tiortegt. awk mo,o4,ltrect ill* .ti) PLAsdelphia. EA ninon.. Washingtou. and the month, • t...reeetigere by this route Ole I euu.ylvarati d: New York Railroad ...roth, p4seitix Tee.amda 41 10:4t1 .t.M., and 2:05. p. in.. make close ci,nue.-tf on at Lk noleheuf with Ltprtniff train of North Peuu'a Rail- - road„ and :arrare f u Philadelphia at e:2O P. .11.. and lit:Sti p.tu.S in time to take night tram. oftber for the South or West. Palace Care are attached to the 2:05 P.M. trill'. . . tlty pasaeugereara are at the Depot on arrival o: ill trains CUM,. pa•ainuger:a to the various Depots and to all partmof the city. Leyte North Penu's ktistiruad Depot. corner Berta ktuertom K . Philad.4pbm. At ts::;(1.t. 0:45' A.:M.. trrivlng At Inwatel- 4:57 .t 01: 4 5 P.M., taut. . ~v, e rattg. DagNmiie Expr ' colleala and de!teerti bag gage. office No. le.; Moat ifth 4tree . t. Philadelphia. CORKER COONS. treticht received at Front ea,. Noble streeta, Philr delptua, and forwarded oy Daily Feet Fright train to Towanda, and Aii point.. In Sue 1 . tianua 'sane, with quick 1181...tch. ELLIS ...AR RE, Gets. kgt. N.P. Front and WIN , . St.. Jun 3.1872. Pniladelphia. WE. _CLAIM FOR The undermentioned advantages over those in ordi nary ti -e. the proof of whieW.may be seen in the eittrsordlnary sales, and constautiy Ineleasing de• mend for them: ' , Ist. That from the peculiar construction of the they assist and pre-serso thu atght, 'render ing (regnant changes unnecessary,. 2d. That they confer a brillitnel and distinctness of vision, with at. atu.tunt , ol.ease a d comtort not hitherto enjoyed by Ppectacle weatera. 3d That the m tram which the Leeses are ground. b. mauufa••tured apecut ly for cubic purpea ea. and is harp. bard. and Ordlieut. and not Itsb'e to become *eat . bed. 4th lint the frame to Which they are set, wheth er to Gold Silver, or (heel. are of the fbe.st gush y and flutita stb. guaraut-ed perfect tu itery reepe.t. For wale only by our eutbortzed ageut in this lucid ity. We raver supply or employ peddlers.. ' ANCHOR, LINE ITEAMERS • SAIL EMIT 13a17RDAY. Pasiengera booted to mid from any Rathray Elia ot%eaport lo Great •Ilrit3M, Ireland, Norway, widen, Denmark 0 =my. France, Holland, Bel- Aim , and the Utotod etatea. Cabin faro from Now Turk to London, Liverpool, I.agow, and Pe,ey-, $6, 1 and 1 73, • EXCURShest Ticitt.143,11123. :ntermediate... :...$33 I Vleeraiie • ; $3O AU payable in Currency. •'srtiessentling-fer their inen.in ill the Old Conn fry cat! ptlrcbs-e trket. at redner4 koicea. • F. r flutter particulars puts tolinlsnertsoir Bans. ite • Hug ar..en. N.Y.. or H. ii. EVa...L - rr lik•utral Ext, es. (Mee. lowanda. ?a, or N. N. iftris Jr.. First Natint.al Ba , k of Towanda Dry. HJI3 PLASTEIC—A supply .of Fresh afinn,i-eiasber• for alio eye. A; ROM e • 9aLVTIL FRUIT JARS TUMBtERS - . BOWLS. CUPS FOR JELLIES. From Biers & Irother TABLE CUTLERY. Agency of the INSURANCE .AGENCY RLISHMENT oYPOSITE MERCUP.'S 11LOCX For GeuUemen ana 800, s' Wear. ME=M =I N0.",?..i 0. STATIONS. 3 1 4. ed. P ME I= I= 14Z.IRIIS & MORRIS' CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EVV.OLASSES, - W. A. Chamberlin, Sole Agent, Nev. 20,1872. Drip and Modicipm I)ft. H. oi PORTER k SON,. rss . OLD - CASH DRUG . STORF, serarmturso rirldfr =LW, dorm Wat 4 and rfdri tiotd , Timm* Pa.: Saes recentli elj totter& star-L*lo sad 'opt antortruent. a Muting aL estenalse Ts. lacy, enatonastai many 'noel in the Arts for 4iseckezurio punpiesee.'isiteault7 *elected with u. Lb , Protrutodse wants of W. 7 piihho, which = ar t: eept epoustsutii errprplers, with freali purchase*. snit dared oti t tbe meet reasousble terns at Wholesale or Retail. canasta* of CITIMICALS, tarns. OIIJI. vivariums. ALCOHOL AND TIIIIPENTINE, SASH PALNT. VARNISH. WHITE-WASH. `i And ail kind* of Smythe's. , KEROSENE' OR COAL 014 Burning Fluids. LAIIPSI - snADEs. ilex& canfirns, Spar= Lard. Whale. Nea ?not. TANNER'S AND . 51ACHI OILS, /Fancy and TAMS Arne-lei-us WI their variety, SPOSOIDS. BILETSBEN. SOAPS. COMBS, . Pomades. Etatr ! Dires. Przfurpery. , POCKET BOOKS, PORT 41101474 M Pocket lEnlveut. itazore TOOTH. MCI AND HAIR PREPARATIONS; PURE NUNES' AND LIQUORS, I'OBAO6O, SNUFF, PI.PIiI3 - AND CIGARS. . Garden. Field and Flower liettgls. Trusses; IMP' porters, Snopensomes. Shointor linswa, Breast Punspa. Teething Rings S-iiestnit Bottles, Nipples. Nipple Shells *tad Stitelda. Syringes,. - Bed Pans. Seli-itaiding !runt Jars. Thee snotuct.a.v. WIWIRItakt extraatta Stone Mass Wars,,ttottles. Corta. Bath aud Stove% Ettaciuux,, Fmk. Tackle: Alp- IMFLuitiob. &c.; 114.tatit, E ertic and Efurruppatia• tc 51erErIneil„anti ail t.htp ;popular pasjopt MEI)ICI``N ES All articles arms-anted u repreisented. Persons al • distarim can receive their order by stage or twill wnic.b receive prompt and careful attention. Mealiest .advict given 4ratuitonely at the once charging only for medicine, tar Thankful for .past liberal patron.sge, would ieb pevttnlly an ut. unt-r• In Melt trteurtv an.* tho.publit.thas no tam. Inv& br ftdrir6cl n. .i.stieij, and tweet the COn I.lllllohuu 0111001 coun.lezioe and pstrountr. gar Open 50n,!...y0 for prey,rtirtiour from 9. to 10 a.m., and 19 n 4. to start sto 6 p.m. - a C. POIITEL. & SOM. Af TI - LE IVoittlYS . Purdy N',.,z-tattl and free t rola' Aleahol 1); 1: . P.. 1., 0 '1 31 1: 11 ' SLL BITTERS, SeitdEl Cor,gl.l. Itwipirut Can.-Oruption, CoItIA. Spit tutlaui.atuu of the Longs. Cdtarrh, .Droodt.toc Droop.. Wtompolg Coogh..Ast!t utu., Rout. at D'eart or 61.1 e„ t y.peptaa, tozstuesm Le of APPe . Fey 41 , 43 AgUO. Indigestion, Liver • C,' , lllp!..tt ut DiArrhoca, anti a DINC4Sti3 of. tip. , Long., St.toryli!h, - aorl Ki !Leys. w. i GREG G S CO:, • WHOLS tLk. DRUGGISTS, ElAtlltA, fMe Agents, end , to whom all orders should be addressed. Pribe, $l.OO. _ far See Circulars for' further informatiori.-Va june22.72•tf, AYEtni H.Ath Vitio K ! bolt ItiisTortiNr; 011AY 11.1111 j•. TO IT, NATIILAL VIZ/TAIT AND COOL Advaneinv Mrkness. caret iliappnittlnc , nt and hereditary pfedi.po.ition, turn the bail gray; .either of tW2m dispo,es it to fall of promo,• turelk; and either effect is unstghtly and uuple.isant to-behold. Ur. AYrat's cona-Inmate has pro dared an autiiii)to for tletormiue., which has wou , crat!tude for 111E1 from multitudes of women and in. n. iii. ll_lint e. ', u:ccitues'reprothice , 1 , ,t hai l r • and al a ays roAt.,i A far•donit gray hair it. natural color. with t'r_. an , l frr.bte..a or • youth. 'The enini - aruti'e y few l.fid aull!izray . • that We row Ff.e, an . who have not y(t erect the virtues! cf HAI.: %%Gorr tor renewing =ID the hair. fre-h and yoothlul hair we see on older he aer,u; tten the product 01 art. If you are cbsilaured, or made old. au-tore and ugly. by gray hair, rentOro . youtt4ni color. and with_it your fertu.res to their , otigirial eitn% h cad agrteatde es pree.tt.M. 0 45 1. 8 3 50 81) 7 to G. 5^ 6'27 620 3 28 5 54 .2 32 4 50 2 15, 10 11 i 5 1 33 18 47j 12 al 18-3 . 30 18 05 11 35 413 541' 3311 4.4 t Sold ty all Drugging, a,14"1.).-a7r/ri is M.dieines Ds. J. C. AYER. 1.0wr.t.i.,--Ifass,., Pticti.4l awl Artu2)lt,Al AND bOLD ALL nor:ii, rut.: wuiuS. Dr. H. C. PORTER. So' Co., Wbore,..de Agents. Povratida, Pa., and for - bale by de.!era thronglioai the T. P 371. I TU N MUSICAL ADE.III 700 900 AM All EDGAR 11. SH.Et.W6t)D. PatsCLrAl StS44E7EIIANNA.. COLT.Eqi.V.a: INSTITUTE Pupils will be reel.,el.l at any tince,at the following rates Fert.. 11110. jrve quarto- • • $l5 Ot) theludtog Hartuouy and Voe,tl elas3; per q'r. 2t) 00 NTIIICTLV UAL? , QUARTA.V.LY IN A VAN , E. Heenan... tAytcu a weet. No de.luction.or n time made up. - except w ease of illuess of.more thau one eek'• duration This Music school is classified into direr depart ments, as : Preliintuar). Primary and .Vivaiwed. There will I ea et-rift - irate:4lv :u at the e . .mpictiou'el c . .ach course with the fuusical standing et - the pupil. Pupils troni a tllbtallt7 , %Win - Ili l aceutuluodattous for hoard sod . piano praitiee In the iostautiou at very lututer ate prices, Non h Sherwood has a proerv• e couise coniprising the hest tuedern totAhods. .•it., tne pnhui.:s it o..itUrps 4.1.1 a 1 lances ut tue e pop. War Lyons MII:qt.711) Academ). or whi.l.l his tiler Lei'. L. 11. Sherwood, was lortuerly Anirici • .. and proprie tor. Mr. dear tl.. Shors...unt has decided talent ninsfeal ',qua : kin - ids and extstislve e‘i . crien.... in teaelitt, f.-I.:dihu. seelisaf..e diusicaf 7:2.7...5.a. • , Towanda, May' 9, N EW PLANINU MILL The undersigned having built a large and - commo dious Mill in•the Borough of Towanda: and tilled it vrtth the must *modern and improved machinery, for the mauutacture of • • WThiDOW SASH AND BLLNDS Are prepared to All orders, whether !ergs or small. upon the shortest notice. We bate also a large vs; tiny of 510111.,DINGS. of the latest style and pattern, which we can furnish much cheaper than they can be worked by hand. PLANLSO,' 4 TON6.7ELNG. • • 61100VING, &LCD SCROOL PAWING. And lel other work pertain lug toJoinery.willbedone to run our customers. ' - Persons snd notlieing more than twelve to fourteen mules distant. dud it largely for their interest to buy of iis. or bring their lumber and have it warted by our machinery. Bring your: grist of Flooring, or other luwte•r, and while your team ,is feeding. hase,itgrounii out and take it home with eon. We will pay CASH for PINE ANI) - REM - LOCH tArstREIL delnered at our lumber cat& Come and . f• on, or if yon , sricotri't - . nt. Pots I 0.1/LI t Masa:M./4 'tlt. Oft COUNTY SEEDER ANIIPLASTER SOWER This i 9 an Attaclvuttat - to thatltoT CHINE, • CITE TONIPKI.NS COUNTY WHEEL RAKE! . • c;:n BESt PLAiTt.tt SOWER IN THE 11.1FIKETI Its silrantsg•r ail Oth-eg spr. .nny, lAtt we c 3,1 spe,:tal r.tte :on to it,i st:on to SOWING , . L 1 04 riljt LIM E.'. . astl FS. BdNE DVST The Dislributiug rirraul:el ay to pffee tnalry 11 . 14101 An lump thor.hy . ti.odirtng .in even do•trinutiou even n full of /AMA dry lutupl. 1: r•ONV:i WhLL • ' ALL RINDS OF GRAIN AND 3RA S SES.DS, Such as Wheat Rye. 0 tts..Bsrley. Duckwhest.Cor , Flax seed Ttw:•thy.:(7lovet •ud other tinier seeds The beedius•Box is hung und,•r'the axle, near the gronad, ani can be - USFO IN & STRUNG WIND' WITHOUT SCAT- TratlNti THE PLASTER OR SEk.D. HoWEVER T(nrikildi. Pa. It fa drive e by a earn nn the wheel, etteh will not get oft of order from use ; an la the VtAlit;wthlk driv en by gears. • IT CAN BE SAIFTF:TP INIOIT : 11VEZTO ,FIFEBER. OR FEOII SEBBErc, TO .RAKE. IN FIFT.EzN PIII.2ES .01:' SEEDER A:: D HOSE Seeder alone, er cowptet?.-... hatie • . l'•nubl , u.d and.••teder,... Seedt.r Atta •Lnetd, itt,„ Farnaera Nzautiuz the See ter eon,' tete to gnu* Mt at or Itvo. or for Fan .ow,ug or Pl3.tcr.;.te cau have the tnuchitto and pay for It . wtnte time att tlichogh pordittaa (test ap _ EVERY MACHINE IS WA IRANTED. • U., M. WELLES. Oettoral A4iiertit. rowandet, Ps.; Aug. 201 IdT2. Pot Medicinal woe, JINIPER, TAR A cERTAIN C.VRE FOR Sold, by , all Druvaieta PIKE ONE DOLLAR In= TOWAND . A, VT FIE ct• ter: RT.' Z EILS LIG UT MEMO Ikugs and Meftines. RNER Ar.:GORDOS, PLT:IO93 WICK. TOWAN'D: &, per. WHOLESAIX AND urrAu. DRUGGISTS! Vartaieztenai. ely repaired their Teed, at tbe Maud, have. re-opened with a - large.. Devi Ltd:6l'C! octet:tad 'lock, eoripatitig of . ecp9. ExTracrs. ELECIUS. srf it. thATEI) PILL% 7.OWDERB, CittllB, SYII-141. Trsciu.rrEkinatits, . •• BOTANIC ECLECTIC AND 11011 E0I'ATIIIC Ph PARATIO:iS DYE STUFFS; - MACHINE OILS EXTRA REFINED ICEROSEIV, ALCOHOL PURE 'WINES = AND LIQUOI3S ~Y6r 31eillegpal Purpci TOB CCO, SNUFF ..IND CIGARS',: POPULAR PAi'ENTL3IE.DICINES, And a Floe Argrtsof oi of TOIT,ET AND FANCY: GOODS Slott than ill , . mm] dare and attention Riven b)t t i 4:ovnpuitutnng of Prescripttuu.. t , peu from Sherlock ain ,tit 1p n.. from 1.7 tA.r- Dr, MADIM. "'Let ur Otl.l. , litPti at th.. SION , IA Su . urtlufof pa€l3 wetk f an heittulure Towanda. )lay 7. 1872 D U. p. 'STILES • having purchased THE DRUG STORE or`.. A. RIDGWAY. ry ROME. PA., - Has now in stock and, is coustintly te,nevins trrst eupphre of pure IJruga and .Nlednnn., Varni.bea. &r. A . gent for all the tn0,tp., 1 ,,,1, ( at . rut 31ednauce. A freph supply celtbn:V VIN k.O Pure Wines and Llquore tor' rnethciell be-t bentuds of f:lgsre sud T00.a.x•.; - try, torlet And riabe:r rtrth leo, lir, orit ext ar;, • kc, riebool bookri. etatiotsery. ‘.,tvirruery at low pm e.s: All ualreel.aee 0116 hoofs turutrtleti to 'order .t publishes• rra.,s the teh-tor wrll cootitilor to pra Alec al.-ghat, bereiorr,re. Otti.:.• ut the Err.o4 nrofi..7 posite i'r.•i'b,tertan church' l'reerriptine. arid r, cunt,poutlea at all Iroi.r. tyh petrel. elert;. ,l'Apr:ll, 1.472. TAYLOR'S CELEBRATED ()IL- The Gr.al /Oen rad*ir elneety .. , b ,- )11;(1 be kepti.Cd ward every Farther tLyst keep- either t i atye ry Tr...eater at, ti Lit ery hiteptit Phy.i: - .imr) and lineal Fardir tor it will maid' , itneP y . ll, o• 5 , 1111311 d t..llneneY+ Whet. ein Other !Ltd:. .iines Lay( =led ]liners • anti Mri certainly kaieli it. -rfir u. to otisurpyteaed tor umbel. 4 ,9" act.V n ithp %timid keep it for thentbeir cuediatuera tender footed horeee, ao, totting equal , it for trader b-tt. Esiery body Rufferm. truth '.palt. and Iginetaesa of any _cud. borne cute, wound" , .or sr* eruption ot the Corue, - Clultylittue - or any, disettse requiritia at outward applie.Ytit tu. should ta.irtauti? keep Aratti-d . tueitulue Every both- warranted gcce astietartion For nab by Ds. f 3 C. Porter son .t Porter .% KirLy dud W. Prowls ttnipaintli i t - ditianda Pa. 4ud In e", td - o.u.ilt i t ar i d dealer in tirtd tor.' Atli) adyoud i ntir ,6111,tie, Jolla:4ton H 'noway .11 d Cow.-teu, whc”esale 1 4. V.r.t %tedtelne Depd,. .o. dir2Arell street PtolikAlepll.l.3.. Whideesde Igents.. H. f3RtIIVNIG . TAYLt)II, e Pr'Pr.." . r 1.034V1 4,1 14 Pi. TO 'TUE PUISI,IC TLe ur.derelgiled rr..,7,occfnily7 they ..17 , Vats: ::. , htrel :11 e‘e , 'T u:::?t ,,- ,t , eak 1 to uNpERI" KING 1117S1NEs In all lii Lrauchil. Anti ue trti,t korvice:i airy OUP in that 11: Ira% larg s pared . no expetlae.vr' in ing fro= the Ohop i of Co.. r'f or.r pl:cP coheirs.: iviir,7llmanot be 611rpasFo.1.,•:,,eu e•lu e 4 tins our larget • -. Cate also secured the aerriees of almost rehable, carefu: and gentlemanly person to attend to this brim of the butlnees J. S. linta - N, one of our Ann, will be found st,the Furniture Store, On Bridge. I.trect. and -C. M. M. 0., grtxr., tlit other l i taeruher of the :Inn. lA* • - . Bence on Third street. or Obont 01; of L C. Beach, a very reliable and etiebratE,l whom Cext, is on Part street. La. Hurst jan2s'72tr FIRST.NATIQNAL BA.NE OF TONT:A:if...A, 1. CAPITAL :, -SURPLUS This Bank offers fiNTSUAI, FACILITIES:Ior ranssetion of a (1. E.N.P.;RAI, BANKINO- tNTER.EbT AID ON DEPOSITS ACCORDING 7, AGREEMENT. • ' SPECIAL CARE: , IITEN TO TIIE COLIEC:110 : : OF Sr:7U AND CHECEI• Parties wishing to MST) MONET to any part of tl.t. United States. England. Ireland. tirotla na. or tL.• p7z. eipal cite. lint) towns of Europe, can here rxor• drafts lot that purpose. PASSAQE TICKETS To or from the old country, by'best steamer or I lug lines, always on hand. FLAITLIZA 1111011011 T OV AT BSDCCETO airLs, Highest Price-paid for. 6". S Borah.: Goad and S.,r±r. JOS. POWELL, President. N. N..B.Errs.,Jl Deveniher BuOKS• •BOOKS" BOOKS. Tbe bet4.ox.tct irC-Cortliery. Pc”:ll , yl ,: tto t BOOKS AND STATIONER,I 0.: F. CROSS Efiß stock is .IWaytZ . 001111 ,1 € tl., erstlting i 4 The' lino,.sticli us Of every tleacripflom:" FANCI:\ SCHOOL BOOKS.'SLATE.q, INS 'BEANS 8094 J'USTICES' BIANKS-AND BLANI: NOTES • all Daily. tit.,,•tly. and vrtrs Reno irntrf furnished to stil,:titierd t tte pliers. • MEI 113321 . G 3 DIARIES FOR 1S s, A !argil assortmetit, w . hieli will be sold etc:4, 7%;:ran,,i.. ^l. 1814 And all BIM D. If. IthlsFP.. Wok. fiukDoN MI El h 8 J. S. ALLYN MOM 125,000... 40,000; DECEE GSM 840 0 K S - 4 CII4I,O*OS. C. F. CROSS. 4