11 tittrellmions. MARK TWAIN DI A RAILROAD Oil I got into the cars and took a seat in juxtaposition_ to a. female. The female's face was a perfect inprance company for her —it . insured her against ever getting married to any body except a blind man. Her mouth lOoked like a crack in a dry' lipamon, and there was no' more expression than there is in a cup of dry custard. She appeared as; though - she had been through one famine and got about, two-thirds through another. She was old enough to be a great grhudmOther to Mary that had a lit t4 lamb. She was chewing prize popcorn, ,and carried in her, hand yellow rose, while , a bandbox' and cotton umbrella nestled sweetly by her side.. I couldn't guess whether sire was ou'a mission of charity or Ivo 'going West to start a saw-mill. 1.. wasfull of curiosity to hear her speak, so I said : , " The exigencies of the times re (mare great ,circumspection in a per son who is traveling." Said she, " What ?" Says I, " The orb of day shines re- , splendent in the i'ault above." She hitched around uneasy like, •then she raised her cotton umbrella and said : I don't want any of your sass.—git out" ; and I got out Then I took a seat alongside a mild fellow, whb loyed to see the ghost of Ham let lengthen out: He was stately cuss, and he was reading. Said I, " Mater, did you ever see a cainid-leopard ?" said camel-- leopard, because it is a pious animal, ••iiand never eats any grass , without petting down upon its knees. , ' Ho said he had n't seenl a cam,el - , . Then said I, " Do you chew ?" 3e aaid, " No sir." Theil said I, " How sweet is na ture." He took this for a conundrum, and said hcedid n't know. ! Then he . said be was deeply interested in 'the history of a great man. " Alas! we have but few." I told 'him I knew one : " The • rtlimn that made cooking stoves was a grate mail." , Then he *asked, "would I read?" ••• Says I, " What have you got r He replied. "'Watt's Hymns,' Reveries by Moonlight,' and .' How to spend the Sabbath." I said, "none of them for Hannah," but if he had an unabridged business directory of Nov York city, I would take a little read. Then' he said, " Young man, look at these gray hairs." I told him I saw them,l and when( a man got as old-.as ho was, he ought to dye. Said I,;" You need n't think those hairs are any sign jof wisdom, it's : only a sign that your system lacks on, and I would advise you to go iinine sod swallow 'a crowbar." • He .took this for irony, and what little - entente cordial there was be tween us was spilled. It turned out he was ehiplain of a basb .club. CEYLoN.—The island Of o Ceylon is very beautiful ; the scenery lovely; and the soil proauctiv_e in spices'and many binds of fruit; ind&A, that it alone might produce suflicient coffee for the consumption of .the en• tire 'world. The natives, however, are far from pleasing. They are gen erally of short stature, very effemk nate . looking apathetic, and such li ars that it is , impossible to. depend upon, their -.vont. If. they may' but r.'pose for hour after - hour under a 7. - tree, with a piece of bread-fruit be side there, they seem to care for little else. Thejnen wear their hair turn ed up behind with a - comb, the height of the comb denoting the rank of the wearer. This, and the small features, gives them altogether sugh an effetal: nate appearance, that it.f is difficult for a European 'to, distinguish them from the females. A visitor lately entered one of the schools, and, see ing a row of boys with their backs • towards him, and eack:With a comb in his head, unconsciously asked if the:boys and girls were educated to gether. "One of the natives of high rank WaS lately ;called on to give evi dence •at .ft trial, - and swore such complete falsehoods, that he was ink, prisoned for perjury. ,He appli' d to the English Government, and, with SurpriF4e, Irsked why he should be puni'hed for what his people did. My father," be " was a. liar, - and my grandfather was a liar, and we are all liars. It is the custom of my country. 'Why should I pun- Thhed ?" WHY BREFDi OF SHEEP mem OUT.- A r6ceuf writer says that if growers of combiiig wools raising sheep pri marily to produce mutton,' should at tend to the 'breed, and keep their sheep well fed, and care for them n'enerally• and should also try to mntnr them early so as to sell the t.!3rcnF.s. We slxmldihave wool from well-fd, young, healthy, srrong,well-: i —bred d sheep, which is just the wool wanted for combing and de ' laine 4purposes., Farmers cannot keep these large sheep on lean past ! ores with but little care of them and have good wool. The great reason >, the combing wool sheep run out when brought from England and Canada is that they do not get the same care r *id treatment they had in those 'countries, and are often kept on soil they are not adapted to, and are not fed sufficiently. The wool from,Leieester sheep that:have been in the United' States two years :is - generally harsher, i leaner, and worth muCh leas than - it would have .been if thn sheep had stayed in Can :ida or England. Now this will not always b 4 so, l for growers will yet learn thalt thles , l large sheep need wore to. at than the small Merino. and theirqood should not consist of Indian c~ru, but they. should have some ropts, mangel-wnrzel and oil ; cake. When sheep are fed un corn they are Itoo hot and feverish and the wool bec6mes harsh and brittle,while a proper supply of roots and oilcake with other food would produce soft, §onnd, and ela:tic. - • • li - BI.;101. 0 1liT ABT110150311". - -The' Budd hists. suppose ; the earth to be on the back of an elephant, the stars remain ing still; with no , motion. The di - tirrial motion lof the heavens is only apparent, and thefixedstara are seen by their :,reflected images .in water. In -a converittion with a traveler a Mrrx °Ns Or ACRES I 'reputedly wish 'priest' Said about the lOWA & NEBRASKA LANDSI deluge that he knew nothing of suck - ' For Bale by the a catastrophe as Noah's • flood or Burlington & Mo. River R.R. Ca Dncalion's. He was quiet astonished ~. A; On ten years' credit at 6 per cent. When mention :was made of ~.., ". ., . ..ng , PaoDUCTS :Kam far the bind and linpronetnatita _, , fossil fishes in the solid rocks. He mach within the limit 01 this senirous credM Bet* h id . pelt her seen orcread of such li ter cr " ne 1 1 : 1 1 ,t 4 1 I V iiiiti p Waal/ neve! grata;lritylroi •• striinge dii , covery. - Further. ' ; ~..- ~' twit sto w treated to "4° thri,,,, and rirca n 'aft io n • curved to him. that Tangn.i..in books 1 4 2:Er -• v ka rsr a ilir, eVertng - litdhse wall I ' bon of makes mention of sevci • al eat aelystue. rm . ... Audi, is ..,,id at 30 cents. and of bebresta 1 b 0. 1 . the world was carried about on ~....' ." at "Ma price . Poi, (1 0 T r. and " I t lowa Cotnmissionq. Burlington. lowa. ~ ..:ll;eliar... . 's back was not question- ... i ed among learned men of his ask? Azu2P1.8141144 S D wbaillesr agint hi ll "" ilavertill.. •• I =at inn nes . - *mom TABLE OP- THE SULU- Vaß & ssa BalMOUL—Taifteettaat ea llc U. UM =ION=MMEI==iI a.. Is. 8:00 5:10 830 910 9:3) 9:50 10:20 11:10 5. IL TOWANDA. BAZOLLT /DUTTON ...310118011 AIM= !MRCVSS. BEER= ft. F. GOOD . Geo') Pustragert agent. ERIE ItAILWAY.• • • POLLIWeII DIET Disarm Bocix .utp aware Ckwaten. combining all Modern bnprerennedta. ase rtnetbrengb on ell bdmi between SenTork. Rork eater, Entlek..=Talle, enspeolon *Are, 171eve 102 1% and . Abstesekof e Table. Adcpted Nov. 4, 42. • WEBTII'AILD. . = • - . - 43 TATIO • ' 8 . li° 346 We ' Ns ' , • . L 50 11.*1 8. -- - —..—. . • New York - • 00011 00 550 ...766 Port Jervis... . " 12 01 340 995 040 Sa!viiishaiivis . " 4uo 825 1 55 is so c reit Bend 44 - 847 217 10 30 -Binghamton-- " 444 935 300 840 Owego . . ... . • ... !' 525 1049 400 496 Waverly - '•,.. GOO 11113 442 503 n .. . 835 12 30 520 11 It pain a post.... "... 707 120 155 411 V 125 . . • Itoelusser = ....,Arrlvs. , loli . ~t la - 1i iOil Bortielpriruie.... .. 830 - .950 111 85 ...... Bogral l2 06 810 11 15 Maori Va 115..— - " '! 12 . 66 960 12 SO Ekuirnsion Bridge '• 100 10 on 12,35 oOfton .. . 105 10,05 13'40 Dunkirk 141 .1 60 B'oo 116 Cleveland .i. .... .; " 635 .... - 100 Oinchinati' . , " 465 son - P. 'l4 P. X. a. Y.. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Minis WESTWARD. 5:00 a.m., exact Sundays. from Owego.. Stopping at Vogt 5:27. Smltbboro aasa, Barton 6:12, Waverly 7 M.-Chen:um 716.,= 1 fellaburg 815, 113Inhs 630. Big Flats 1010. Corning 11:30. Painted Post 11;46. Addison 1218 p.m.. Bathboneville 117. Cameron Kills 112. : Cameron 215. Adrian sad, Canlateo 3:40, arriving at Borttelirrale at 4:00 p.m. -- • 5:15 a.m4 except Sundays. from Sumpserhatma. Stopping sterna* Bend 558. Kirkwood 512. Bing hamton 6:12, Hooper 6:35, Union 6:45. Campville 70 1 . Clump 7:20, Tioga 7:40, Bmithboro 810. Bar ton 813. Waverly 3:27, Chemins 8:40, Wellsburg 315, Southport, 9:11. Elmira 9:13. Big This 9:50. Corning 10:17. Painted Post 10:24. Addison 10:63, Batbboneville 11:10. Cameron 11111 a 1111, Cameron 11:04 Adrian 12:00. Canisteo 12:13, and arriving at B ernelleville at 12:10 p.m. 6:00 • 111.. daily, from Rusquehanna. Maxine st Great Bend 510. Kirkwood 6:48. Binghamton 7:18. Hooper 17:43, Urdon 17:53.,: Camprille 18:15, Owego 8:3 1 1. Volta 19:01. Sailiblikeo 19:13. Barton 19:25, Waverly 10:00. Cliemung 110:15. Wellsburg 10:93, Elmira 11:00. Big Flats 11:40. Corning 12:11 p.m., Painted Post 1112:15, Addison 12:45. Battiboneville .11:00, Cameron lace nius. Cameron 117. Adrian 1110, Cantata° 2:02, And arriving at Bornellreille at 2:16 p.m. .... 1:10 p.m., except Sundays. from Busepteduxuss. Stopping at Great Bend vs/. Kirkwood 2:30. Bing hamton 3:12. Hooper. 4:16, Vnion 4:52. eliminate 5:30. and arriving at Owego at 6:05 pl.zu. . 1:15 p.m.. extalpritundays. front Elmira: Wapping at Bin Flats 1:39. Corning 210. Painted Post 2:06, and thane. via Avon. to Buffalo. arriving at 8:57 pm. 2:30 p.m.. except Sundays, from Binghamton. Stopping st 800per.2:48. Union 210, Campville SOS, Owego 3:18. Tian 315. Smitbboro 3:45, Barton 3:52. Waverly 413. Chercting 4:20, Wellsburg 4:32.130ntb. port 4:47. Elmira 4:49, Big Flats 5:17. Corning 6:35. Painted Post 8:42. Addiann 612. ttatbbonennlle 6:15. I namaron Willa 6:27. Cameron 6:35, Adrla 6:55, Can. iateo 7:07, and arriving at Bornellsiiille 7:15 p.m. EANTW A RD • ; No. No. • No. No. STATIONS'. 18.•- 4. l 118. t 2. y ,...-......_.—,--.......... - P. IL. P. Y. P. N.A. M. Cincinnati Leave 9 45 .. 6 45 Cleveland IS 15 WO6. . - . : .. , Dunkirk. . ..1 10 10 . 00 Clifton., 130 5 30 955•715 Snarenidon Bridge .. 140 540 1005 720 Niagara Palle:— ." 1 45 5 45 10 12 7 30 Buffalo " 230 620 11251 800 Bornellsville ... .. 8 615 10 10 3 05 11 00 Rod:teeter. z .. ' i 400 530 I 800 Corning .. 725 11 38 432 12 13 Elmira .. ' 803 12 15 513 12 VI Waverly ' .. 840 12501 - 549 120. Owego .. 9 25 1 30 628 156 Binghamton- ... .. 10 10 2'15 711 2 311 Great 8end,. , ,,... " 2 41 7 40 302 Susquehanna ..,„ .. 10 68 300 8 10 3 Se Port Jervis Arrive 2 52 6 50 11 55 6 45 Middletown....., . • 8 53 7 45 12 42, G • Goshen I. • ... • • 803' Newburgh , .. - 11 40', - i 835 Paterson 550 1 0 00 1- 7351 8 54 Newark , .. 700 2 051 515' leTeey City 633 11 so, 3 101 925 New York. " • 7 00 , 11 001 8301 9 40 • •. . at. ae. P. M. I P. IC ADDITIONAL LOCAL TRAINS EASTWARD 6:00 a.m.. except Sundays from. Horneßraille. Stopping atesnistso 5/2. Adrian 8:47, Csinerone:so, Cameron Mills 700. Eathbonerville 7:30 Addison 8:25, Painted Post 9:15, Corning 10:00, Big Flats 10:42, Elmira 11:30.5.m.. Southport 12/5, Wellsburg 1:18. Chemung 1:80, Waverly 3:30, , Barton 308, Smithboro 3:25, Tipp :345, and arriving at Owego at 4:10 p.m. t ' 5:55 a.m. daily from Hornellsvill. !Stopping at Camero 0:45, Addison Corning 0;17. Elmira 11;03, Waverly 12;42. P.m., Smithboro 1:40. Tlngs 2:00, Owego 2:30. Carnpville 3/3. 17nion 3;3A, wog. han.ton 4;12. Kirkwood 4/7. Great Bend 5;22, and arriving at Susquehanna at G;00 p.m. 1:00 a.m.,' except Sundae* from Hoinellivilic Stopping at Canisteo 7:13, Adrian 7:25. Cameron 7.42, Cameron 7;42. Cameron Kills 7:4B„Ttathbone. /ills 8/5, Addison 8:13, Painted Post 8;30. Corning. 8;33, lila flats 8;49. Mears 9;08. ScroOport 9:15, Wellsburg 9:3o..Chemnng 9;45, Waverly .10:1 1 0. Ber ton 10;15, Smithboro 10;23, Tiogs 10;35. O wego, 10:48 Csmpville 11:05, Unien 11;20. Booper.lL3o; and arriving at Binghamton 11 :40 al m. `Stopping at a.m.:except Sunday.. from Owego. Stopping at Campville 7:47. Union 8:28, loaner 13:41. Bing. tuunton 9:10. Kirkwood 10:30. Great Betidll:ls. and arriving at Susquehanna at 11:55 a.m. 1:85 p.m., except ettmdsra from Borne:Wallis, stopping at Canisters 2:08. Adrian 2:20. Cameron 2:45. Cameron Hills 2:51. Rathboneville $:O7, Addi. son 3:25, Painted Post 3:53. Corning' 4:35, Big Flats 4:28 Einiirs 4:5G. Southport 5:12 Wellsburg 5:30, mune 5:48. Waverly 6:05. Tloga 6:50, •Oweiro 7/5, Camuville 7:32. Union 7/2, Hooper 7:59, Bingham ton 8:23, Kirkwood 8:45, Great Bend 9;02, and ar riving at Susquehanna at 9:22 p.m: 1:58 p.m.,except Sunday', from c tanted Post. Stopping at Corning 2:05, Big Flats and arriv ing at Elmira at 2:AO p.m. • Daily. t Mondays excepted, between Hornellsville and Port levels, 3 StonSundays only. Aar Through Tickets to all points ;teat at the very Lowest Rates, for gale in the Company's °Mos st the j Waveriy Gevot. • is Thiele the only authorized Agency of the Erie Railway Company for the gale of Western Tickets in Waverly. , • Baggage will be checked only on Tickets purchased at the Company's Mike L. D. BIICILEB, nen'l Rapt. A . J. NOBLE ..& CO., P 5 - ' M F . N 3 W N W - LOAN AGENTS, HATE FOF. BALE ON EASY TERMS SEVERkDWE'LLINGS, Situated convenient to business portion of town Office with NOBLE .& VINCENT, Towanda, Nov. 27. 1872 AGENTS ! QUICK Or you will ratartholot of territory, (there la a MIMI for It), on DISILEWISII hat and great work. OUR DIGESTION, Os ITT JOLLY PRInEk'S SECRET. It'is by odds the most taking and saleable book in the field. 1. It is on a vitally important subject. 2. It is by America's meet popul*r writer on health. A. It is. for - the price. the largest and handsomest book ever sold by subscription. Agents, the people art. eager for such a book; and will urge yon to bring it to them. Writ,, for teriam,'ke.. free. GEORGE MACLEAN. Publishet, 733 SILCISOM Street. Phat • sep.ll'72-ly 110 BISON'S REPEATING RIFLE, NEW }TODDLE, Simple, Strong, Powerful. Safe. and Accurate. wblei makes It one of the best Guns ever offered to Sportsmen. Pried' from $3B to. $lB. Send for* circular to F. A Mazfield, Welt Aubtin. Pa.. agent for Bradford, SuequebnanB. goilimn. Wyoming. and Luzerne ecntunea. Zior.llm4 MONEY SAVED, • STOVES AND HARDWARE oral Mm.TI. rWARDA Marble Works. . MOO 3K 3:30 2:11t sr tap 12:3o s. IL Ens kat readred the begot aesoelasenk el Id. A. - R. 33 IjH Wax exhibited in Ude moan. to tad& this invite tbsattentioa of Use Public. They keep on band'oe font& to order TOMB STONES,. MANTLES, &, 12 45 436 4M 4 45 1 35 00 6 on A. M. Persons in want of anything in oar Una are rai speottally tntited to,call and ennilsw out stook. LADIES FRIEND The sales of Sewing Machines in 1871. as reported under oath tII 11172. to the owners of Sewing Machine Patents, show that the JOHN N. AgthTl-i. Aiet AND 3!OUR W. L. PEEDLICTOL Mkedia - mti. GEO. MoOABE k SON 11. Al lii MONUMENTS, ) Of swirl styls, Pio kb y :14 •:•17•Dlzii - glif v 5i ;II A McCABE & SON. ==! S G- la IR, MANUFACTURING COMPANY SOLD LAST YEAH 181.260 MACHINES. Nbiet prr cent of the 91 being FOR FAMILY USER This is over 50,000 More Sewing Machines than were sold by any other company during the same period. Every Machine sold by WIC4.HA3II A: BLACK GM , .:ZIXAL AUCNW; Tow DA, PA.; 14, 1i72. NEW GOODS EMI B. A. Pettes & Co.'s OPPOSITE THE 001711 T HOUSE. Consisting of a general line a STAPLE FANCY DRY GOODS, OEM SHAWLS, NIIBIAS, - I• ; v.r • ; WATTS-PROOF CLOTHS ARD cLoxiattos, VELVETO AND V V =MN& ALSO , HAIR GOODS FOR LADIES, I= LINEN SWITCHRS, BRAIDS AIM COMB. Orall the Latest Style'. I AuLISNERY GOODS IN ALI. VARIE Towanda, Oct. 8.1872 NEW STEAM FLOURING MILL • [N SHESSEQUEC, PA the aobacrib &Area to gin -not os that his new STEAM FLOURING MILL I. now In sommoitl operation. and that bit to prs pared to do all work In his lino on abort sulks. L. CUSTOM GIUNDI3O DOZED OK= SAXE DAY THAT IT 1 RECIMRD. RbiM Dodistost dad lye Mow. Oats Md. Ihsed. Dess. de., dims an Auld sad Os ssie imst raw at PADTMAD MO>H eoesa Mies ad the west sibs ot this pstrodss = bass their lisr~ peed Imps. wlssa asy Mne visa 4 toe Irds sad dpvirds. 501.411. IF, 4. ATlad. 5000 AGENTS WANTED at Once tor oar New Beek. the U et the Great Rl pkwer, . LIVINGSTONE.. . A Uniting amount of twilit b. ltai 'civerinwed and aeopoptieboo Owing twentpolyht yews tate. wilds ot-Afnea, sail blo nourreetion from Wag &eft by STANLE of Y. with yArdentars of las p a erilous hip In search of. and long sojourn wftb lb, diaeoteree. etc.. ate6oo poem ottty $2 50. t i r t venally wanted. For toll deocrlpbos and erns aldreskat _ . =Sap atot.exibmaire. astgaltmt Nib tt MOO . 4 T liz IINDHINIGNICD;. HATING . et - la Ss am Ka i. Mat 00.011 so? perm/ to aft So Os Mum ot Omsk" mil yid& a lamp aid well eilissist die et G S 0 0 - E /I I E 8 , 11,166 I Wm puellmiii foe Ori. mad IMII tweldria list I era all WI es ire lons as ass . 14 perobseed .aiseirlism I giaw oar to tbeputilke a rpissald stook T=B, OOFFPIEfi, SUGARS, =KM lIALZIPATI7II. SP2OOI. r.M7W7ZIj:IUT7I. ' M:fIr. 7. O Ibipoostsimetly band. POLE. Mil& LaD. in* an pais et Num --wawa eon tha sumacs arum peddle to ass Opal is asst STOCK OP TOBACCO, . - _ L gnat/ at pica Use Ostlers 131glibillt4L111111. sh 7. New Tort Obaseical and Brows Sow ;' Mem ea sad esacoine are stock. of . I 4 4 • ' o'llo3 TOTIZr SOAPS. to. I will pezr the highest ;ash pries for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Farmers. give es s call before senlizg elsewhere All persons Indebted t 9 tae late Ina willpiesee call and make tnanedfati payment. To ands, Itucb. U. larl M . , T. LONG. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOOD. WILLOW, AND STONE WADE. FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, &a, COR. MAIN AND. BUDGE . SW., -1 desire to mil the attention of the public to my assortment of goods, which is always fall and eom 'plate. and will be sold to my customers at lowest market rates. My atock`of Have been purchased lance the late reduction is the tariff on them. and are offered at prices to cor respond. Orders bij mall or otherwito will revolve careto and prompt attention. IS WABRAICTED Thanking the pallid" for the liberal patronage they WO given ma: I wish a continuance of -the gam. I ci l sa PAID TOE COUNTRY PRODUCE. , i feb.2oll FOX" k MERCUR tire. now receiv ing a fresh stock at Goods to their Une.'txrught 'Moe the lst Januar,. to which - they Invite the at tention of tiler friends. We keep the largest stock In town. Our goods are ; Mesh and desirable. We sell at lowest market prices. Jan. 19. 1871. FRESH AND NEW TEAS, bought l g since the recent dedlne price, and s cheap at retail. FOX. k MXIIOI7II. Jan. 19. 1871. vox & IitERCITE are selling Gro- Js. caries it retail. Jim 19.1871. VOX a, .31ERCIM are selling New 1. and Fresh Goode. Jan. 19, 1871. VIIOX & HERCUR are selling*Gro 1. antes cheap. Jan. 19, 1871. - PDX & MERCUR are selling first A. clam Gooda only. Jan. 19.1671. VOX . & AIERCUR are selling A- cheaper than ever. Jan. 19. 1871. REMEMBER that we, are selling Goods at RETAIL! And that we won't be tindpeold. Jan. 19, 1871. FOX & NERCUR. MICHIGAN FINE-CUT TOBAC CO—very cboiee—at Jan. 19. 1871. FOX & MEBCUB S. VOX & MERCTITR do not deal in &toddy Goode. Jan. 19. 1871. HOSIERY, OUR CUSTOMERS can 'rely upon the eerj best the market affords and at lowest=ea. Towanda. Jan. 19,11. HYNRY 14 MEMBER THAT FOX & MICR JLVCITS are nftiling all Wads of GTooB=lt wholatelerion. The larswn stock to town. Brat clam - Prices low. K. L. FM. OW. 29.10. • SWIM YEBOI3II. NEW CARRIAGE VACTORY 4.1 _ Respeetfolly sanonnos to his friends and patrons that he his built a where he will conidantlikeep on hand • full assort ment of TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES. city Kate at the beet inateetai and finished ty hi the beat trie. the tang experience tn ciOnstage pitannini gtves hints decided advantage one others is Oa • cd Ids •arms. All they mks la as narzonort OF MEI WORK prwrions to psectostai daiwban. ALL WWII WARRANTED TO RITZ MATZO! Thaaktal fee the need, perms, hessette .:• leaded and eeepeettelle mak . a eastinesaise of the maw 11~ P Tim is bind 'abase stock at. m DO., 'WOODEN WARE.. A C. B. PATCH. 0. B. PATCU. Nt , . PATTON'S BLOCS. TOWANDA, .PA COFFEES, TEAS, AND SPICES, Opposite the new Jul, TOWANDA,. PENN'A P:EQIWO:0111 , 1 3Z NEW BRICE WARIAOE FACTORY FAMILY_ CARRIAGES, PLATFORM WAGONS, F17:M1171 Astd4 - 00e.cm4-ZWnMhty 11218TACTION. ~i ~. ' 7r ~ ~yy ~ yea ~~ .0 ~~ rtwinovil rid, TOVIM& Oh. evum..te' m "" '1.411166 - • , aloft& R IBANTAThpIit , , r ?frASSIONAIXPIt ThIPOIEJ. Opposifa, Public eqnst, - Hasp ainqm an hand - . fnII iasort• `wmu37 L'Jla:~`~ ris~l r: BEADY-MADE CLOTHING In all ,the !Med styles, HATS OAPS ANtrtr*BREILLAIS, Plaitn:iieshirig <3- oods 111 great variety. CUTTING DONE ON SHORT AM WORE WARRANTED. 6 6 MAIT-SIREET, TOWANDA, PA. THIS CAPS THE .CLESIA7C To contemplate that man Is made capable:of fathoming tbe . depth of the mlghty ocoan and meas. tiring the distance to the most distant star. and we were about tp lay,capable of weighing the solid con tents of the sun. And it is wonderfully strange that this firm of BrotheWhave made themselves so con versant with every branch of the great and Impor tant Clothing and Yurnishing 'trade that It males It unquestionably the place for every one t; buy. Here yon will And Clothes extremely diem; Pile upon pile, beep upon heap; Of asery.grade. texture. and hue. ' For White or Pisa, Gentile or Jew. - • All say at once. We wid go there. For they do business " on the square: Their Clothes are good, and prices just. They pay foetal, and give no trust. All that want Clothes should go and see Those prices, styles. arm quantity; Bats. Caps, or Clothes, tein or thick, Umbrellas or a Walking Stick. Buy your Furulabiug Goods of them: Buy all your Clothioa of them; Buy of Oita firm; buy of no ottierit For reasons shy. It s Is WoLFF BROTHERS Towaudt, Oct 1. 1872. BLOOD CO., Bth continua o roatitkfacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS R CLEANERS, and will sell $ better :machine, for lees money than can be had elsewhere In the world. We claim for our machines that they will .do se lunch, inore r than any other, and are snore durably built. We personally auperibiterid our *work ind see that it is well down. We will send of our insoblnes, on milk* ion. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, Owe ft Two Horse 111RES1 IER of SEPARATORS. TRREStIER and CLEANERS FANNING MILLS, CLIICCLIS ►SD. DRAG ILA WILLA, SAW AND GRIST MILL liork . tione to ordi•r Give us a call before pircharing elsewhem. Vcl "00 SillalaVllll "00 1' .aooria Esza FOUNDERY &11.ACiElINE SHUT. The uadereigned tisiving, purchased the Foundry and Machine Shop lately owned by John Carman. are preparml to do all kinds of work appertaining to their badness, with promptness and dispatch. MILL O.EAAINGS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS', MAN DRILLS, ►aa an wadi of MILL IRON-8 Y. J. LONG. ENGINES REPAIRED, And altwork warranted to give satisfaction SHINGLE MACHINES Of the latest and moat improved kinds nuntilletared and apt constantly on band ready for -nse. SIDE-HILL, IRON AND WOODEN BEAMS CITLTWATORS, CORN PLOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS Of all kinds. and the latest traprormaeats kept ' eaustittly on hand. LARGE AND SMALL- SIZE STOVE CAS-TINGS • 'CELLAR GRLTES. SLED AND SLEIGH' SHOES, And all kinds of castings tarnished to March 10. 1170. & 110()CIEWILL. WANTED -BOOS AGENTS vox 111 Z GREAT INDUSTRIES An 11latozical munmary of the Origin. Omni and Perfection of the Chief Industrial Arts . re this country. 1300 PAGES AND SOO ENGEAVINGS.! Written by 20 Eminent Author!". including John B Gough. Leon Owe. ledinard Bowtand. Joe.. B. Her. E. Edwto Hall. Horace G . Philip Ripley. Albert Brisbain,. F. Lt. PARYINd. ect., etc. This work is a complete Idatory of all branches of industry, ;Prodigies of minute lure, etc., in all ages It is a complete encyclopedia .1 arts and manufac.: taxers, and is the most euterixining and valuable work for Information oustibjerts of general interest ever offered to the public. It is adapted to the wants of the Merchant. Manufacturer, Ilezhanic, Farmer, Student, and Inventor, and sells to bdh old and YottiSt of both claws. The book is aced by agents who - are making large sales in all parts of the e .un. try. It is tiffer•?d at the low price of $350 and la the cheaper book ever sold by subscriptron. No family should be without a copy. We want agents in every town of the United r t.tes, and no anent, can tall to do Well with this book. Our terms are liberal. We give our agents the exclusive right of territory. One of our agents • snld 113_ codes in eight days another sold 368 in two weeks. Our agent In Hartford sold 397 to one week. Specimens of the wort sent to agents on receipt of stamp. tor circulars and terms to agents address the publish; ere. J, M. BURR a HYDE, Hartford, Conn , Chicago, 111., or .oeinnnti„ Ohio. AGENTS WANTED for our New Book, the. - FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC, Or the Wineries of Medicine: Pre•enUnif the Hu mors and Serums Bides of Ke.tleial Ibractice. An Etym. of Keitical Hetabula. Qua. ka. and Chart. Wane of all ages and all countries. 800 pages, 380 Nognivinne. Au Lateresting and amusing treatise on the Medi cal gamboge of the past end present. It exposes Qes 11. imposture, Traveling Dodoes. Patent M cine Vanden. Noted Female Chests. Fortune Tell ers sad Medan= and ghee icterealag scroanta of Noted Physicians and naratiees of their lime. It shows bow filthy le manufactunal Tubs= end of whet vile liquors medicines are composed. It re. veins i'Mng secrets and Instructs .11 how to avoid the LIU which flesh is bete to. We glee swim she territory and liberal COMMAS ions. For dice. Mrs said to as address the .publiabers. J. B. BURN it HIDE. Hartford. Ct.. Chicago. 111., or Cinc *natl. Ohio.' i Or Ways end By-Ways in the Bidden Life of 4.1111:810AN DItECTIVEL We ward a. ants for this book. It dl.klosea sU the wirsterles or the Detective B3stern. It la a record for the pad twenty years or the most skilltrd deteo tires of taw solitary. in which the mats of-Bank Robber.. .Thieves. Pickpockets, Lottery Men. Coun ter tut Money Desire.. and swindlers of all eldest* areexposed sad brought, to leeks. • Prke $1 IL 11814 for dievigaraisi4 Mau le •0111. TINWROM moot of AND MATtNGS. re) sRli IA NOTICE. CATALCK3IIE9. MADE TO ORDZI- -PLOUGHS, Of . all kinds, CHGTRN POWERS, -'-,)"" .:e r.~ ~f It 4 OF TEE UNITED prrAm, KNOTS UNTIED, I! GIWORM AM PROVISION STORM. 11,t9,A88 &EDWA.BDE. lihedeirais said SAM Damien is FAMILY GROCERIES • . . - • " uD PIIOVIBIONS, ,faiactrive NEW BLOCK, TOWANDA. PA. wo do sot dais U sammary to osummaido ill lite dilatant ertkettee w keep- Oareesortowest ALWAYS 400liEspar.. Ira nottdag but FIRST CLASS GOODS. Club paid far Panama Produce. Mai IIeMBA March 1.1170. ZDU'LRDI3. CENTRAL MARKET. - . . . The subscribers SUE °outlasts to Lep conatantle on nand * full sod complete neeortznent of. freer/- thing ;whittling to that bustaess. cosuAstlng maim' * os , - - .. BEM', PORK, FRESH AND SALT suass auszb mum MUTTON. BEEN', JANA VEAL. POULTB.I. SAUSAGE: LARD, BOLOGNA. DRIED Any. . .. - • TALLOW. ec., ke. _ Also. ' - . . I S FRESH FROM THE LAKES. ' OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY rrtsr7M•74'in!ll PSrtl' viab Oysters to lards or - small quanti ties 'MU itbod on short - tgelits. at Cita oad stand. Currant.' Maass. Montan:o'i Block. Ord door north of Dr. Porter". Cgs& G Ste. xmom a StULLOCI. rasa latruAsts. j Fab. 34. 1840-tf • 11IGHEST MARKET PRICE , Lt cais; PAID raft GRAIN, BUTTER AND EGGS, BY • GEORGE SMITH, WTSAUEING PA. _ Apra 18. 1872. .800t,3 aid Shoes. N E FIRM - IN TUI BOOT AND SHO:', TRADE CORNER .sr, COONS Would announce that having bought out Mr. L. L. MOODY. they are now prepared to offer t tho pub lic a large and Tamil ansortincnt of BOUTS, I.'IURI S, TRAVELING BAGS, GLOVES, MITTENS, LEATttEli..Bllo£ FlNDltitis. tc• We shall keep line of HUMPHREY BROTH ERS & TRACY 8 mauttfacture of goons as wed as many other goofs of Arst-class make. We are sole agents fair E 3 ris S edebrated Make of BOOTS AND SHOES For Towaads And customers can always rely upon finding t full aupp y of these goods for LNDIES, GENTS. MISSES. ; , t CHILDREN'S WEAR Shoemakers and others wanting Leather shoo' find.n,ns, be , aill find with us a good assortment at all times. • Idr.f S. Robertson remains •with us and is ready to - give fits" in, too /ray of Fine Boots to all who may Divot him-with r a Al OUT goods are all bouet of the taanufacturers *omit-if:4bl° and will dell at tho lowest bottom prime fbr rapt. We hopo by fair beating to merit the pat foliage of all. J zomc T. coasts. I IR. Y. akar& J Toast.%la. Oct. 1872. O Ci WOODFORD, . NEW YORK BOOT AND SHOE STORE, SO3.PATSON & OBIFFITIISBLOGILBSIDGE St • Is receiving one of the largest and best stock of BOOTS tk, SHOES ever brought in Towanda, which he is offering at the very lowest prices for Cash, consisting of GENTS CAL?, KIP dt SroGA, BOYS CALF BOOTS, LA.DIE3, HISSES and CIIILDRMeS Shoes of all kinds all bought direct froM the Manufacturers, and hand ' made; all goods warranted. A -FULL'STOCK OF _LE VU= AND FINDINGS. Thankful for past fevers, l solicit a continuance of the sam Towanda, May, 1, 1872. 0 K E 1 The BIM. most DESIRABLE. and most !CO NONICAL FUEL Mr =lump purposes dcuirm sum oar. For WA by the TOWANDA OAS COLICT iliteTweile ends per bushel at Osa Bowe. or on •raM. n05r1111.14711 10100K-BINDERY.-THZ - PUB tic I. teapoottuttr Wormed that the Boaltath• dim boa bout retooved to this “Reporter" thlrd w arth to dam 300Z-BINDI3IOI temangers booted to and from say Hallway eta; I ono/ Seaport to Great Britain. Ireland. ilerwaY. kireden, Denmark. G mat,. France, Holland, Bel ; DUD. and Has ,United mates. Cabin fere from New York to London r tlrerpool. bac,. and Dern. Sae and e 33. .111.01,1181riN TICIMTS $l2O. latennediate,.. ....$33 I Steerage -.` $3O All payable in Ctirrency. • * Pardee iendlng for their nrem.ie 113 tbe Old Coun try can purchase tcketa at reduced prices. - Fur further particulars appli to HENDERSON Bens. .7 Bo..ling Omen. N.Y.. or H. H. Each - Err Central - en Mom. tosraada. Pa . or N. N. tscr - rd. Ir.. stl4r anima Plitbril. wirick in Witty be warranted. quaint and dive' It int Nauru:id Bank or Towanda Dec. 114":2 to an it micas bntoeben an temp nononable is • the noes" min anon. The be miss Cis chow of 11. a lIPUITALIM. En everieneol Btnder. and MI erotic willbe done to a style and manner which mince be= nom, Maguinee. Neirmrid &Mb. ken bound to every vertift of etyke Parb-mbm'ettentiou will be paid to the B and Binding of AU work wiU be ready for delivery when premised pp I.3LASTEIL—A su l y The patronage et the public Is sellelied. arid pa. 'SA of 'Fresh ' A estaidsetles instsittied. • Osessid. ToineisrAmpollallFS - kI, aluter t " al " IWO° & /1005 = MEI otocKEßy non cs 4 - WICKHAM BLACK. SILVER PLATED WARE, ---0 COMER & COORS. AT THE 11 . LANIE 130013. FRUIT VARS. prisgioftDW: - BOWLS. M'S -FOR JF.T.T.TIFIS Prow itodgers & ittls6°i'• TABLE uw.i:L!RY. Associ of um, • SINGER SEWING MACHINE., INSURANCE AGENCY AT o ItICK - 13 NI" St, BLACK'S; Towanda, July NEW MEI: 711741 T TAILORthG EST. , iiI.ISIIMENT. JOHN U. SI-d3IAHON-1. flu removed to the building for:l34ly occupied by W. T. Davies, Eoq, - OPPOSITE lILF.RCIIICS BLOCK And it now prepared toll:total the people of • thla 4ifipnity with everything in the line of C Li 0 - rr H S, For Gentlemen and 13z , F 4. Wear eUTTING DONE ANL, CLOTHES MADE UP ON TILE SHORTEST NOTICE. and PERFECT FITS GULEINTkr.D „ My sto.k,p . f dethe 'Lan been selected froiu beet In the tnartet, and I fret confident Will gt•ie nAlsfactti n. Towanda, Jan. 'Jo. 1:013 pA: & N.Y. CANAL R.R. cp.- 7 ARRANOEME'.." * T OF P TRAMS, To tak,- rflect uday . P/UNCIPAL ST&TIONB - . Ell Ili '9lO , ..Elmira 12 45, 915 Wayerly 1157' 9 Athens. ..,. 11 45 lo _ :Towanda. L... 11 its! 11 93: illlls' ti93j - , ....Lacryvllfe.... 943 le 49 .... &let hotipen.., 920 11 56 Mehisipany...9 13 13 45 t'...Tunkhantg , r6... 8 40 1 50 7 2S 2 1 „Wilkes Bairn_ 700 4 35 5 50 1 ; ay 6 05! —Bethlehem , '6 , 51 Easton 350 4 42 1 5 OU 730' 898 8 40 91R • I 8 20, ....Plilladelptia. TEC New . York No.• 311 leaves Towanda at 7 10 a. rii.; Athens. 7 50 • in.; Waverly, 805 a. in., arriving at Elmira at 9 00 A. it.. No. 31 - leaves at.s 30 p. m.; 'Waverly. ut 1 15" p. m.; Athena, at 6 30. p. m., arriving at To .wanda at 7 15 r. N. . . . , . 4rawing !loom Cara attiched to Trains and 9 run through from Elmira to Philadelphia. - - R. A. PACKER. . . Superintendent. NE W ROUTE . TO . PIIILADEL- 'NORTH PENNSAVANLI RAILROAD Shortest and most direct line to Philadelphia. Pal. timore: Washlngtou. and Passengers by ..,thiS route take t eunsylvanla . New York Railroad train. passing Towanda 4.10,0 A.M.. and 2:O p. m: - make dose connection at Lie thlchem with Limas train of North PCIIIIII Wai taki, and arrive in Philadelphia at 8:20 P. AL. and 10:30 p.m.. in time to take - tratos either for the a:South or West. Palace care arc attcoh,tl to the 9913 P.M. train. , . . City pageetigereara are at the Depot on urtrafet all trains 'chore paelepter a to the varions Depeta and to all partaof the' ity. - airrotornia. Leave North Penn'a t3hdruad Depot. corner Y. and Americas, S Phitadelptna. at ti:3o Jr 9:43 aeriemeg at Towand. 4 !.57" Jt, Holt P. St., same evening. Non's fisirgsge Expr clillevis and delivers bag. gage, oft:ONO Ina MEd 11b 'street. ProLidelphia. • 111M0111 . aCCOMMODATIoNti ireight received at Front ad.. Noble etre‘te. delptlia. sad forwarded by Daily Fut IrtAibt train toiTowanda. and ell points 1u Sna lii hanus valley with quick dispatch. ' ELMS• ...ARSE. lieu. Qt. !CY .U. ~ Front in 1 Will", Sta. - Jan 3.18:2. • Philadelphia. WE CLAIM FOR LAZARUS & MORRIS' CELEBRATED p*Dio4Drolimmi*xeittsonfzi AND EYE GLASSES. 1. Thu nr.dei mentionecLadvantages over tilos.; in ordi nary n•e, the proot of which may be seen - in the extraordinary sales, and constantly increasing de. mend for them: Ist. That from the peculiar construction of the slave* th.dy assist and preserve the eight, render ing frequent changes unnecessary. . 2,3.- That they confer a brilliancy and distinctness of vision, with an amount of .easo a ,d comfort not hitherto enjoyed by spectacle wearers. 3d. That the material from which the Lenses are ground. la matitita,tured emelt ly for op, lc ptirpo•- es4lind ix pure. hard, and brilliant, and not liable to become sera ibed. 4th rase the frame in which theyare out, whett er to Gold. Silver, or ritcel. are of the ii , ,eit`quali y and floishotn.l guarautped perfrct iu every respect. For ale only liy oneouthorizrd agent In this local ity. We never supply or employ peddlers. j_W. A . Chamberlin, Sole Agent, - _ Nerr-10.1872. ANCHOR LINE,STEA.MEPS SAIL liftEllt 1)11; IL PORTER & SON,. sip ' OLD CASH DRUGS, STORE,' OX'f.M!:UMI:D SR i lM.lta, Omar MUD and Pins Strad% Tonna,. Ps.. Wm monly Wed West, to ear stock *fug Oa assortment, constituting en satthairo vs. deg, anbracing maiy articles mesa in the Arts tar assehansaii isse. mearillP selected eta to the re emits of the publics. which =ed. Y inc ried with fresh purchases. and on the reasonable hams st Wholesaler. asta.aus*unsof - - DRuoi, Iffroterns, Cam . - f; ram. otta. AFassuzs. • OHM AND TURPENTELSB, ELM PAM. VOLNIEUL* KEROSENE OR COAL 014 .. • Burning irhada. • LAMM sztArits. MON& CIIIIINEM Sperm. Lard. Whale, Seats Foot; TANNER'S AND MACHINE 0118, iteuey sad Toilet articles is ail their variety, irosam saysuzs. '1301.P8. Pomaite. Ilalrthres, ftesll3:mr/. POCKET BOOKS, PORT MONAIS, Twit. 'exor AND . ILUB PIIZPAILVTIONS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, . • Tumooo, Eawryi Prva an) Groats, Garden. Field and flower , Trams, Sup porters, Suspensories. til3oulitor .Braces. Breast Pu.mpa Teething Rings. Nursing' Bottles, Nipples. 'Nipple Melia and Stnekta, 13=0 1 . Sad Plata. Selt•Seenng Fruit Jars. 2120/130 . 0.111,_ Flevortuit Extracts. Stone Jogs. Glass 'Ware, Wa's, Vials. Corks. Bath Brick. slid Stove Macau*, Fish Tackle. 6tri munition. /Cc., &saute. Eclectic and tiousipath , to Medicines. and all the popular Pat.•nt All artiLes warranted as represented. Parsons at a distance can race t•. their cyders , by stage or mail: wrucb ecdl receive prompt and careful attention. Medical advice given gralmitutfaly at the dike. chancing ouly for medicine. far Thankful for past liberal ihstr °nage. would t c pa-tinny announce to their friends and the public.thas no pains shall he ..pared to satisfy, and tnertt thecon• tint:anon of their oolitic - Sem*. and putroUsge. oar own SundAys for prescriptions from 9 to 10 a.m., and 12n. tc: 1. and, 5 to 6 p.zu U. C. PORTER SON. _ April 1. 1872.—yr. THE WORLD'S TONIC. - • -.- Purely Vegetable and free f r om AleohoL • . ? DE. P.. :LI:YR I3IER'g 3E3* rr "Ps S 2 • A CERT/P. CURE FOR- Seated Cough. Incipient Consutniition,„ Cohis. Spit• tiny; Blood Jun:P.m.:Lion of the Lur.gs, ettatal. Bronchitis. Droop. Whooping Cough. !asth ma. Pants in Dreast'or' Side. t loPegatai • Jeundiee, uizzinese. Loss of Apge t t.-, Fryer and Ague.- indigestion.' Ltycr ComLtint. Dierrhoea, and all Diereses of ibc , ' Lung-, Stomach. and tildneys. ' . • .• WHOLSILE DRUGGISTS. ELMIRA, :LE, So Altmta, and to whom all orders chould be addressed. Price, 11.00. • Der Sew CirOulara for furtlar inforaWtion..Wg 'juuwl2.72•V AYER'S HAIR Vleruit, Advancing years. sietne , s, "eare, diappoiztment. sud hereditary predisposition, all turn the bait gray; either of them disposes; ft to fall of prema turely, and either effect is unsightly and unpleasant to behold. Dr.kim's coinpanruate 'skill bars pro- duced an.antidote for theie deformities, which has won i.-,ratitude for ham from multitudes of women and men: Ills Bail Vi&oh sometimes reproduce,. lost hair; and always restores to faded and gray hair its natural color,-with the gloss au-1 freshness of youth. The comparaii‘ely Sew bald and it heads' that we now see, are. thosewh , Ohave not yet dlscov erel the virtues of- .Ivna's 11),I.i . Xmou for renewing the hair. The fresh auil yeiialdul hair we see on older heads ir Iten the Pro,inct of his art. -If.you are ii.stite,ired., or mado old. an,teri? and ugly. h gray hair. r.-store Its youthful and with it your featnres to their Original softness and agreeable'es • IkreF7,oll. J. L. McNIAIION MOM= No. No ...?4, , 4. IZIEI3 613 945 541;90.1 537 ; 8 +0 458 9 10 7 10 405 650 Seild Ay all Dritgists. oda! D.a!ers in 41.::iicir:es 1 6 27 1 620 3201 554, 2 321 450 2 151 4 .10 1.1 43 135 10 41112 20 10 30112 00 10 05 11 35 Practical And Analytical Chemists, . AND SOLD ta..L ILOCSID'ITLE WOULD; Dr. H. C. PoarEl, 80..5.7k Co., Wholesale Agents. Towanda, Pa.. and for sale by dealers throughbut the county..' . a flake 7.1571 - ; 8 SO' 7 45 7UO 9*4 W pl Jl USiCAL AC:WEIL. A V AII SUSQUEIIANNA • COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Pupils ,1 , 4111, I:ecri% el at tray timi rat the folletvin rates : • • 17.1cuitioak:;:grt•Ei..Igupti,fus),.paziqIuroac.rti.nlrcia..E. per 00 (X) LEAL? QUALTE.P.LT LIC Al VA:NCT.. Recitatlou4 week. No 'deduction or '. time ,trade up," except• in case of illness' cf.more than one week's duration. . . This MilBl4l Nebtiol ...lassificd into three depart tiakits. riz Pridttinnary. Primary end .deduced. There will bea,certincate giv.o at the c•onpleflue of each course with thesiol.../al standing of the pupil: Pupils from a ttista.t,th , will • Mid accommodations, for hoard and piano practice in the inetitution at very moderate prices. Nort.r. —Mr.-Slieocood. ha.a prOaTeS• •Ssiillrge c'ompriaiug the beet 'modern niethode.is. 4 big the itionm,ent feature...laud appliances of the ".. n pop ular Lyons Musleat Academy, of whit h i - ,:ther Rev. L. H. iiherWocil, was formerly pi ilia , c. and proprietor. Mr. i dgar Sherwood has .decided talent tine 1 . 111351e..41 acqiiirerneetZ and extenalve ~ experieice to teactiium-Editor Rochester Musical Tithe:. Towanda, May 9. 1672. NEW PLA.NIN.Ii The raidr'rs:i.;tied.having built a large slid .corarno• dlnualifill in the. Borough of Towanda_Auad filled It with the nathrt *wintertiand improved iaftwlainery, for the znaoulacture of Are prepared to fill :orders. whether larga or small. upon - the shortest notice. We have also a large ca. riety of MOULDINGS. of the lafeot style and pattern, which we ...vm furnlala'much cliciaper than they can be _Forked by ham/. LAN/NO. . TONG ELNG. 1 • - • (113(X)VM - G, • I - . AND SCROOL 2. -' - '' ' lititSTlid, And a n o tter ' work pertaining to Joinery. trill be done to salt our customers. . Persona building. and not Hying more than: twelve to fourteen miles distant. will dnd it largely for their interact to buy of us. or bring their lumber and have it worked by:Ain! maChinery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and while your team is feeding. have it ground out and take it, home with you. . : We 'will pay CABS km .PETE AND HEMLOCK LUMBERdelixeredatearlumber yard. Come and wwwacwityoecsnannli.,writa • ImPui • P. nots4sßteg 10 co. TOMPRI.NS C( 4 ZUNT SEEDER .AND PLASTER . SOWER This *is, an Attachment to that rinsT CLISS CHINE, ['HE TO3IPKIN4 COUNTY . kITITEEL AA.KE! And we esei recomrumd it as the - BEST PLAiTER SOWER IN TITE-MAREiT!;., Its advantages over aLI ethers are 'wady, but we cad special attbutiep altAptat:Oll to SOWING . PLASTER LIME.' ASHF-S. BOICH DUST The Dlskrihnting device ‘s so arranned 'as to et'oe.; trtall crush sit lamp- ; thereby tusurtnii au et - en distribtatiou or Pla.ter. even' tsh n toll of hant 'dry lamp*. • I ,t;UViS EQ MALY WILL • . Such as Wheat Rye, Oda, Bsrley, Backwhest.Cor Ills seed Taue , thy. lover stut uther times iee4s The tseedlum-130z is - 124DR wader the axle, itear the' 'groped, an.t can be USED IN A.STRONG WIND WITHOUT SOAT,. TEnING WE. PLASTER oil' SEAD. HOWEVER Towanda. Ps. It is driie n by a esm on the *bed. which will not get out of order from nee ; as is the casowhim driv en by gears.: IT CAN BE SUITTED FROM BASE TO REEDER. Olt FROM - SEEDEtt • TO IN FIFLtaN Seeder; alone. oecOteplete hake Cetubbird Rake and Seeder Seeder Attachment, !done Farmers wanting the peeler complOt k e to cow Wh at or Rye.. or for 'Fall r.ourtug of c*n•have the Maehfue'aud pay for it . sanid time as though purchased next sp. tug. , And Al) kinds of Brushes, Pocket alliTell: EarAm, For lladkinaC-a!). E D I .0 I N W.S .rusirEn TAU H. GREGG & Said by all Dm:mists FOB 11EKTp1tniG GRAY HAIR. TO ITS NA2 4 I7IIAL V 1241-171" AND COIOI MICE ONL IXMLAIC =II AVER Lowia.t. 31ass., EDGAR U. SITEP.W‘.IOD, TOW.A.:NDA, WINDOW 5.%511 AM) AND:(aiIEtt.FERTIL.ZERS ALL'EINDB OF GRAIN AND GRA 8 SEEDS, LIGHT mriIITEd. PRICES OF SEEDER AND RAKE MACIIINE IS VTAIWA:NIEL) R. At. WELLIIB, Gemmel Agent TO:lmnd*, PG.. A* alt), LOT& TURNER, -& GORDON, ri;1'01111 VLOCL TO - VTA.N - 3D413, t)A. WHOLESALE Vat itZTAIL '.D - 4U:GGI : STSI • idaelag °stetted* ely repaired their store, at the old stand, have re-opened with • lards. Lew aid yen estacted - stock, eduatating,of • I acme' camera. tumuli ,ifEHISS, svog i , i Y C_ OA S PILLS. FOVPJFBB.-91:1118. 81 7 ItCw. , And all BOTANIC ECLECTIC AND FI93IEOPATIfIC PRE, 1 • , -* P&BATIONB4. STUFFS,-'M4CHIE OILS, EXVtA ItifINED KEUOSENE, ALCOIIOI,- , _ URE WINES AND LIQUORS, For gediclalt Purpose!. TOBACCO, SNITFF- . -AND CIGARS '. All Or POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES, Attl a nue draortmenia TOILET AND FANCY GOODS More than.t.Le temal (Are and attetitien gjAekte Crinepolitelfug of Pieaeriptema. °pelt 89telayr, foi,u 9 uidaac . a m ,tu-t p ie. it from sp.fe. ti,7 — Dr, &Lamm. cf.n be eetieulted at, the stare on Sat uedny_o: each week, as hereOfore. . Tows Miy 1. 1872. Dp: 0. D. STILES giurchabed THE 'DRUG STORE or' L., A, Itspoway, cx &u, • Zt‘a now In stoek3abd ligoastantly tecieving free *applies of;are Drugs and ifedirinea, trimpaim i, Varnishes. e. • Agent fora!) the mutt popular Fat. - ent Medicines. A fresh supply of the celebrit6l . TINEO BITTERS. Pura Wines and Liquors Mr medicinal pnrpows:- beet brands of Cigars wid,Tobaiici;i•hoice Perftral-, cry. toilet and fancy articles,' thorating extraetii, School books. *Utilities,. and nests. 1.1:-idere plied with etationery at, low prices. AD iniwel?ane "one bookoltrrutshrd to order at publiaber4' prx.s The Doctor ails coutinne. o pra t:ce m.-dime at ttereturpre. • Ore at ttii, DTtig ston; - pacte.Presbyterian eburen PN•scriptioci; ktol eeipts lieennitely conaponiich,l at ail b3a peteut - rl , rk. " [April 1..1872. TA y LOE'S CELEBRATED OIL!: the-GrealltAranid!ic Remedy - P.111.21d be kept and :se., by every Farmer that- keeps either Cattle or e‘ery Teamster and Llsery Stablc; Eeep-r. and Horse Farier for'it will many timed cine.pain and lameness when all other ir.eds: :Ines • - have failed. Miners and Railroad Men . should certainly keep it, for It is unsurpassed for Oruses, sprains B acksiniths should keep 14 ter the ir owil use—and for - their customers tender foot,d horses, as nothing equals it for tlider feet. every body %Wrenn,: from pain and lameness of any 'kind. burns. cuts, around% or any eriaptiuri oi the Chilblains or any disease nip-firing an outward application should certainly keep thl. cele brated medicine Every bottle warranted to ir:re satistaeitoti For sale by Dr. EL C. Porter, Son ,k Cc, Porter & Eirbylud Ftrown Druggists. Tee sands Pa. And by every Druggist ar.d 'dealer In Brad ford and adjoining conntie.6. ,folits - ton Hllioway and, Cowden, wholesale Patent tredhltic Depot. No. GO2 arch street PhilailepUifa,Pa., -Wholesale agents; - pßowygG In Iv 19' 70-tt Prponetor Leßaysviite pa [ 0 tkit; PUBLIC : TL undarPi~uecl woull most rePpsectfully s hey aro now Irirarut kmereTy wsapto attend tl tt:t UNDERTAKI_NG ali-ns branches. And we try,. ie services Cr sac one in that Ile ing spared CO dYpi"El.t." Or ng from the shop of if. Stolen of oerplor. • a hearse which cannot be surpaste.lo,rw.t.a egullra n elegance, tide side - of onr largest ot ;L . W. taxi. also secured the services of a most tellable, esrftal. and gentlemanly person to attend to ttus ti a bcf the business J. 8. ALLI - x, of of our flrui,Avio be 10:Vadat the Furniturt . Store,•cn Budge street, 2 - 0 C. M. Ms, rn,LE; the othey =ember of the iirm, t k re,, leu co street, or .ibottelthe oth, of h. L U. Beach, .1 very reliable and celtiirated,phy,,caz whose oir.ce is on Park street. n%..ar the. Eionbe 3an2.772tt FIRST NATIONAL B i ANE . 'OF TOWANi).II , 1 CAPITA.L .1.2.5 000. ir - ' „ .SURPLUS FU:`.:D . ' ..... ~ . 40,0L1P. --r— • Thin kink.. offers UNTSL:AL FACILITIES Iff.;:t transition of ENER .4 LILA l'g r K [AV BUSINES,' INTEREST AIDON. EPOSITS . ACCO.D.DrNq 'T. • SPECLXL CAM: GIVEN TO TILE COLLECTION OS' 't= , AND CELEES. - • Partieti - WiShiritt. to eXtil, SIONEy to any, Fart United States. Duiland,Lreland. Scotland or -t cipal cities and 'towns of Europe, cao Lere drafts for that purpose. • • PASSAGE TICKETS fo-orirom the olil.ciitintry, by be=t steuxwr 11' Ins lines, always a ibsnd. " Fig• Tr-P5 Buomitr Ortil AT raprom lung- Higiest Price paid far U.S Bcnds. Gad•and Sir/. JOS. I.OWELL, President. N. N. BEITS.J 2 . ;December 1.10169. -o.sebier. - • BlOOlC§ BOOKS n BOOKS. The best Cu Norther!, -BOOKS AND S 1 ATIONER:I Cir F. criC:SS - llia stock is 3N-aya caupttr: , , crythwg in tlie lino, 611,111-ai Of every descrip( PLLIN & FANCY STATIONEEY SCllool.i t BOOKS, SLATES, • BLANK BO3KS: 1-4 JIISTICES• DLit< KFrAND Bl:gig 50111 . -.---- - - . - . ------- sr.‘, /Fr All Daily. WeAkly, andthill A ,3U11, , , r3Pel __ .', Ver,loOlcals furnlelft,l to 'Albs T iri.rpv l,l, 3th e pricks., ' .. .. _ $43 GO 40 00. 62 Ou 25 1.0 INARTES FOP, 1573 A Large assortmrnt. whictlArly. c7e-,, TOIPPads , Vec,,,ti, 1513. -„ 441 D. H. TURNER. N', G. U.T.I.giN MB INEMEI 111113=2 3. S. ALLY: c. SioriLLE. MEI B 0:0 K S CHROMOS c. F, CWSS