I ,adfordraportt P Towanda, Thursday, March 20, 187& Lop, L AND GENERAL. 1111" le lissom) , for the new bridge at gm upper depot, is nearly-completed • Jar Tbo old home, corner of Main and Bre streets, sill soon be converted into pleasant stores. kir We are pained to learn the sadden death or blzwdroi Ela - xxx, which occur ed it Waverly ou Monday last. kir Not a little inconvenience was experitt3ced by our down-town peoiln on Mon day cvnitig, on account or the failure of the gas to burn. WO' JeflN DELoNo, father of E. Dr,LoNo, of this place, died in Asylum, on Sunday last. He bad been in feeble health for tuany,3ears. , $ The , Erthira Advertiser says Jacon Low.u. , :kr, of Cbemung county, recently sold twenty. -rix tbousaud pounds of butter in New York at 53 cents per porml SEP . The degree of Doctor of Medi tine was col:ferrecr upon 0. IL flocswELL, of Monroeton, at the epinmeverment of the Medi cal Department of the Univ-ersity of Pennsylva nia, on Thntaday Butaiii.—The West Franklin Ho tel, by Wr.s.rraLL Ennui, was destroyed by fire Tuesday morning. The progress of the flames Ras FO rapid, after being .diseover. d, that it was immissible to remove any of the, contents of the btfilding. stir_ As Mrs.' IpA E. STEPEUNS, of Towanda toonship, was proceedille to this idler on Monday morning last, in a carriage Vith Grvsn EFq , the front axle broke. throning Mr-. S. to the ground with such force to break her atm.. ler Mrs: D.ELPECCH, mother of W. J. DrreErett. died at the residence of the hit terofn North Towanda, on Tueo , day morning, aged 71 years. D. emigrated to this coun try (nap Frarice many years ago, and settled itt Slielherinin, where she resided until two years de- A. P. "tibias., foreman of the Siertotor , has our Maas for several tirx of t:,VtlgraphiC srt, (.3.,euted by h!ne•elf. We have preNioiisly received other pc (,1:1(11ti ~ f Mr. lt.'s and do not he.qrtate to prop lan one c , f the woe accomplish prinler§ in the country. • The lecture by Rev C. W. RE3IYETT, 10 Merelll'l9 Hall, on Friday evening laFt. was very pearly attended, but those who were preaent er•joyed a rich intellectual feast. Mr. It. bar. gained for IninXelf an enviablerepu tatien in the lecture field, and ue hope to have , he p:easure of hearing him often. El&' THEODORE TILTON will deliver "'The hurilau Mind, and How to Is," at Mercur'a Hall, on Wednemlaf",even inst. Mr. is one of the beat lector ,r, a the country, and those whO go to +hear v.lll li,ten to a linaly written lecture, -I , ,rhimg with inteLectual gems, delivered in :•• i st 111h1111Er. 1:111": —A dwelling house near the Lori:l2li by (:ipt. L. P. Fosters, f!.lr.i fr , vc man in the ear-shop. e - a 9 bern u 31nsiday rhihg. ab , nt 9 o'cloe.k. The oeemeed KINNEY BoWM.I.N. The • , /I',;•oeiaed io the second story, qiinr,stni that it originated from a de 1r -fir, Leis — The. Southern Central Rail . more attention apparently in than it did while Owego held so large 0. -1 la its- bi„in,..g.rtaccit. The moil lin. , 11 ;pa-wager and mail , ears: 49 box tl , ;5n :1 height ear;t ;20 gondolas; 1,10 1 c , • - al car:, ;:1 caboose cara for coal order. In addition, the toad I the , ;,o et lie ley, and Pa. C.\. l',,an.o a d viiich hale 129 locomotives, edr, 16,477 coal ears, and oilier zEr- Two trie' -, ltailnay detectives hrre.lecl a har4ir in the act oI rul.). I,:t 11, ai!read r niee at Susquehanna Depot. e; ;item t ;25.000 4J I Ito safe. -The him, en I IM; track for some time, and :7q p .u;slthey were enabled to nab him the %iery aet o; micaping With his I \ is well known cle f.. 1,:::Qtle 1:111114211)11ti gang QS- uho menu err along our thoroUgh- • • ; jitst such robberies as the otie ,z:‘! l I • So:quell:num Ile resides in But •. I'. lie nas eon:witted to Jul.i in Mont • 't tnai ht the next Cuurt of Quarter =I tie - The E.tireka Mowing Machine 0 , , \ Veda( sday:last. •l'he follow ng %%ere elected-: -S.. D. )lA.Dta:7.: POWELL G. TRACY. 1 1 ' ,. ! , 1' , 1z —S. D..MADDEN, a D. BAUTLETT, J. A. ( . .,r iNo J. F. 3ILANs, J. M. WARD, J. E. E„Ploi.t.cr. e tots hive imirchaked the I.III.ILETT pl , perty, and will commence Opera 'oe. The first aseeslient on the cap .lu, on the 25th imt., has been 1111 M The Gala.ry, 'for April, is on of the April magazines, and 'hit folk3m must look sharp to equal it in !ia esc.•llence or its contents. Col. tt \Voile; el Affair," is reachVg de ft'; 11:, that will intensify the interest It is a capital story. jam: has an arnile ou Soss.ru Anal, the istltoring man, who is creating such a . 1 ,1) England. • Lady BLSNCLI r the Lai 1, of Ellesmere, describes ~ ,w e of tby festivals and pageants ' Mr:SAUD B. EtaitALL has a paper• • Fiat4C , ..!l and Ltrtis NAPOLEON, which land power. The concluding th "Lle Assurance " is full • - st ,tistii•s.; t Tlie poetry of the aunt • 1; , r11:1.) TAYLUS. 3.lim.un and iiirr a. 'For - sak• by C. F. Cnosts; I=l g2Y - \V find the following' notice thin thee, in the Wilkes ,. ••.•? Pie roues. Tile numerous ANI=1111.1), iu tills county, will be • i 11 Of 11 ; 4 Succesm : • II :S i:. Mr• Ca ,11,41 ( .1 , ittstOr of the Presbyteri ,••• ht N,trtlimurt;land , t ILe Pret.bOorian church, in this sun.ts rm.rtlit2;.; last. Irmo the test, r , 17 tiw waters. and thou shalt 111 , 11 (I.lls ' After the 11(rmon, he., t .• • - tl c hurches or which .• Thtl are striiggleng to build a • -••. vet-11;0,o it putt:say but tt is About four bu:Rite(' 1- re wiireil to fi m It it, -and be raised I,nl drod in Pittston. He called upon Some qin4ient Presinterilinsdunng the early peek, 10(i ho succeeded in raising :•1. : :.• :hie Vie surint necessary ti fb.ish such npli alt Mr. Canfield give us more omli , uts or bur race. Re is a man of s od-abdity, working for an once, tsin hundred dollars a year. living to tvo of the best rooms of "I= 'given up to •the use Or a aehool, lyms..ll , and !wife—and all that lie "-" the G spel. Stich self-denying lives • V,--r-1..t ar-limeht to favor of the Christian =Ell i We clip the: following items Canton Sentinel: . : ,, alay night and Tuesday morning v.r‘ irdted by a.atioaratt.rin, socompa- I wind of unnsual seventy. Mr. V DIKE, of Lelioyt township, had t,:+ ' lame barn blown off, the chin ‘,....g b'..rwo a considerable distance. 31i. ~ED. T. Vas Oyu., orthe tame tortiship,reoetv! '!: `'tae slight damage tb his bent. Qui* a number of frets were gprcotatl, and other mt. ior damages were eustained by other paean. —Tag PiniTEMMI I.IIII4OMIMITII ai Wuisa. AIIIL Branton. -additions to the litiaikeque Hoppe are Dow tablas a tangiblahape. Build ing material to a large amount, le now on the ground, and workmen are digging and dewing sway preparatory to the erection , of the addl. tional buildings. It is proposed to extend the south wing beck to a distance of tortplive feet. On the north •ide a farther addition to therear of *bow, eighty feet is contemplated,' both singe to be of a nnifmm height of three stork& thus' Increasing the sleeping laimaimedatiors to donbie their present capacity. The Parka, will be mach enlarged and the interior of the whole structure remodeled and beautified. The extent of the improvements will sfthrd emploi• meet to a large number of our.mechanica who haie been lying idle for a length of time. • „A_WoRD ABOUT OUSSELTEB:—Niki A 143 Nippy to announce, that on the Iskif April, the Resource office, whose facilities for jobbing bare always surpassed those of any other estab lishment in Northern Pennsylvania, is to be re furnished throughout with all the latest styles of plain and ornamental type. The Job Room. under the superintendence of its present ac complished foreman, Ida:with its new stock of materials sed greatly Improved facilities, br prepared to furnish all kinds of plalp'and fancy ininting, at the shortest notice and on the moat reasonable terms. Colored works ape. deity. As our office has been In the .pait. so shall it continue to be in the future, superior to any other in this section, and as regards' tb. quality of the work tnr4ed out, we challenge a comparison with any executed in the State. Besides the changes and improvement; above mentioned, the Job and Composingfßoems will be removed to,,the second story or TER building; the sanctum and brteinesii Office remaining on the first floor. .We cordially in vite 'onr friends and patrons to look in on tit and examine our artiatic-trork. Stir Here is. something of value for every bousekee64: ' home that is fitted up with taste will be the resort of a better class of people, and more genuine enjoyment will he shown in visiting it. than one which has nothing but the costliness of its contents to recommend it. However tench astonishment and vague admiration the one may excite a , first, it will finally become an me-sore rather than an attraction; while the other will rt veal, a new and beautiful feature at everyiglance, and will never •lose its pleasing power. apart from this. however, is the all important, hare, Oriental fact that there la an actual economy in good taste. Thousands of persons annually buy gaudy and vulgar carpf t • that are not and cannot be objects of intelest, when for much less money thee might in hum bier material, but of equally substantial quilt tv. purchase something much better suited 'to the character of their rooms, and much more in harmony with the nurroundingr. -11 a enom is arranged as a work of art; a carpet is only so, item in the gee eral effect, and it is.a matter of no consequence that it should excite remark on its own account. What we Want when a stranger enters out parlor is that he shall be impressed by a certain boauty,,bc a certain completeness, by a certain richness of effect. by a certain home feeling. as if the place were the dwelling of refined people, who think en( ugh of their home to strive to make it beau tiful. It is not necessary tat he should re mark whether our carpet is Brussels or ingrain, whether our wall-paper east ; 10 cents or f 5 a pie.'e.- - ; 'whether our furniture is of the most costly, wood, elaborately carved and covered with the moat expensive materials, whether our curtains are of the fines( lace or richest damask. but rather that our combinations of colors are harmonious, that our turnituro is sol id and substantial, s d, in fact. that our room has a cosy, comfortable look, which gives some hint as to the ch.racter of its owner, and which seems to extend a large and liberal wet come." ST. PATit/Cli DAY.—Monday last St. Patrick's Day, and our Irish fellow-citi zens participated hi ft grand parade, preceded by the lA,Baysyille Band. In the evening, Father Tosuri delivered his celebrated lec ture on "The Day we Celebrate." The pro ceedings throughout the day-wire chsratterizr ed be the Lest of order. Tue following para . - graph from aspirited emebarige maybe Or inter est to the natires of the Emerald Isle: ' "He it was (St. Patricia who was sent by Pope Celestine, after his t ravels in Gaul and Italy. on an apostolical mission to Convert the Irish. He penetrated int / the remotest corners of that famous country, restoring health to the sack, sight to the blind, and life to the departed for upwards of forty years. He well deserved to be immortalized m. song—Saint Patrick was a g. rifleman and came trom decent people ! No wonder that it is the delignt of all those horn in the Emerald Isle to keap watch over the (I.in;of his nativity unli,festive joy. On the c.miing anniversary of the natal day of the Pa tr..:, saint, • wherever beats an Irish heart, thoughts oh the 'Green Isle" will be upper most, tam a r'plitig of home love for the mo ment, at last find a lodgment in 'each Celtic breast. Witnont a land or a goVernment be can call his o'4ll. the Irishmautas been, and ts, the statesman, Poet and soldier, of every land under the sun. Bat be never forgets the sunny Halt' of his fathers, that for seven long, weary centuries has groaned under a more relentless, cruel and exacting tyranny than the children of Israel endured at the hands of their Egyp tian task-roasters. so he fives and bites that Home day the rlait win come uppermost. and the bli)od of Emmt t and Fitzgerald, of Wolfe Tone and Sartnield be avenged. And that day will come. "Here's health to good old Ireland, The fairest land t,'er seen ; And t double health to all that band Who ore tlghtitig for the green. May bearria mile on that country, Ail trut dote give to all; For, by the great Saint Patrick, The tyrant yet Phtll tall." WIIAT DOES IT MEAN —WO clip the following, mysterious ortmle from the...Laporte Dentecerit : " MiszEiti:—Danbr BASKIN/L-0U -Thurs day tight about 12 o‘elock a sleigh containing two wen,-was driven up to the Laporte Hotel. The strangers were turnishM a roow and their horses cared tor. In the morning, one of the strangers strolled out to the barn, while the other at the proper time, according to his cal culation, stepped jA) to the bar-room and greet ed somebody. with the salutation *Good morn tug, Toni I' -For a time Do - One responded, but a knowing glance caught the anent= of 'Dad dy Haskins' _who returned ttie 'salute with a hearty shake:ll the hand. The et.anger desir ing a private conference with Mr. Haskins the twain retired'iO a private room what trunspir ed there there is not known. The result of the mater was'.that after breakfast the three got into the sleigh and deptrted in the direction of the Empire State taking a:ong a borne that was brought here and maimed by Mr. Bastin*, and for sometime had been running in the Dasbore stage. There are of comae carious surmises' concerning this strange affair, some of which are hot of th.) character to enhance the good name of our quasi citizen for strict probity. The strangers referred to hailed from Spencer "and Owego, New York—were men that seemed to understand their business and no doubt were fully armed with the needed red-tape to aspetai. tate both man and beast. The sequel to this strange affair which has so surprised the good citizens of oar Borough and set their surm sing caps in thinking position, will be made known In good time. Ntir nether or not the fastnees of our forest wilds is selected as a safe retreat for that Maas known as • halter slippers,' time may tell. If so we give to all" hat doss this friend- y warn hg—that Sullivan is not ao sale a re treat as they msy suppose for the very rimVe reason that it is not only interspersed with public highways but Its people are keen pene trating and adverse to ad , . enturers or that char acter.' gar The long talked of Entertain ment and Festival for benefit of Northern Lodge Good Templarg, comer off this Thursday evening, and those who have rec.ived their 111- th:oldies t , ,,t tail to attend, as great painsilioNe been takeu to Take it pleasant. The Slereeptie , tl Exhibition will be equal, if, not superior, to anything ever before shown here, and ; laid please not only, the young but also the mole experienced. Supper tickets at 50 cents esti', admit also to the exhibition. As the Fes tival will hold until quite late, those who wish to attend prayer Ineeting„:11111 ho able to go after Wards. We bespeak the generous and hearty patronage of our people for it. BUSINESS ' LOCAL. , • i See In another column. adver tisement about Joa4. and Nebraska Lands. Va. MCCABE & EDWARDS have the best mixed peldep. ifir THEODORE' TILTON lectnies in lilercar'a Hitt, an Monday evening next. it(2-Did you know (hat Faun. & Some had Wibciw -Cradles? ma. Special ' bargains in Mick Silks, at - EVANS & liguntrrn's. _ ma- If you • .rant a good overcoat, go to AmAn TAYLOR', - 'in— If yon want the finest ritamp ed paper, call at Cras% CALKINS 18 mounting Chromos Slid trirmirra Pletir% at WW rata. I. 10.,Frill assortment at liever Plat ed Ware, at , & & LUX& sur JOI:, work, (devilry description, -and expedition molded at ials ones. IS. Warn meats at all hours at okra' Baketryt 1111.. F. J. Cups bas just receiv ed his spring stock of Wall Paper, malt is ms s• " is. See in another comma adver tisement of lowa and Nebraska lands. NI. Invisible Cit. Nets, in all col or; et the Bee awe Store. 1 sir Buttons, Fringes and Paean entaries, at the Bee Hive Stare. atirA . prime lot of Clover and Timothy Seed,' now offering at hicer 4 runs'. 16.Branics's National Hai and Straw Cutters, for sale by PENDLETON it RU MAT. The bee, Tinsiare for sale at Jewr. do Lima' Hardware' Stare, In Hermes Bleak. itir, A large assortment of Ameri can Cook and Parlor Ma+ es, at . nutptxrcu ik banioirt. • ft.; We have just received a new stock of tags, which we can print on the short est notice at the lowest rates. , set. If yon want' a nice article of Cake,, you can get it at D. W. Barrr 4t Co.'s Ba kery. Leave yocr orders in time. ter C. F. Cams bas the beat as; sortment of Wall . Papera and Window Shades, ever exhibited in this place. se- A full assortment of Railroad and Java Canvas, at the Bee Hive Store, Mer ones Block----J, ter Job work executed at this of fice, receives the Ugliest encomiums from the test critics. INS.: Cranberries, Pickles, Dried Peaches, Dried ,Eteef, etc., at D. W. Scyrr Co's. *A- Mrs. E.„3. MINGOS is now re (wising new Spring Styles in every variety of Millinery and Fancy Goods. Isar A House for sale or rent, sit uated on the corner of Locust street and York avenue. For particulars enquire of E. T. Fox. NS. New styles Dress Goods, Shawls,' Jape. Silks, Percales, Piques and Prints at' Evans & BIM= refs. 1 We are: prepared to do all kinds of Job Work, on the shortest, notice and at the lowest prices. MI6 A full. line of White Goods, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels and Embroider• I= a Bridge-rt. . NV- The reader's attention is . call 'ed to the advertisement of E' GUYER, published jn to-day's REponrmi, I ,r the ode of household 'goods and tartuing Fon REarr.—A house in the third ward, with good well and garden. Enquire of W. Drrnucu. . • March 11-2 w. Viir A. supply of Pennsylvania School Reports, hut been received and Can be Q)litained at the office of the County &merit'. 'tf:ndent. • . Fon SAL >t—Two ,Or three new houses, desirably located. Terms easy. En qnire of W. G. Govaunr, at Turner A Gorton's • Drug Store. Cle.The place to buy a fira _t•claaa ..cook or Parlor Store, is at PENDLETON & Dsiteow's, Orwell, Pa. s& Spring style Silk Hats at H TAY Loa's. itlS. If you want a first-class Par lor Store, get tile Light House, on hand and fur Hale by 1'1:N1)1x-row & Dannow, Orwell, Pa. tar Now is a good time to get your letter-heads, envelopes -and bill-heads printed, and the Itx.eouria office is a good place to get them executed. • Just received at the Bee Hive, as elegant assortment of Ladies' andllissos' Linen Collars and Cuffs, also Laces, in the newest styles. Mir If you want to buy the best gook Stove in market, and for the least money, go to Jr NE & LEWIS' Hardware Store, Mer dues Block. • 111%. The firat arrive' of the new 13piind,gtyles of Ladies' Mats . and Bonnets, for 1873. jits l t,r - eceived at the sign of the Big Bon net. B: Perm & Co. March 12,1873-2 w. Emma P&L cr.—Have you- seen 'or heard of it? It not, it-is worth your whilc to enquird into its value. Bee It. M. NVELLa "Rubber Paint" card in another column. *Ft. Livatus .&, Alomus, manufae tareis of those celebrated spectacles, have changed their agency from J. ficiatram's to Wu. A. CIIAUBICRILATWO. ErgßS FULMER 1118 OWN PAINTZEL— Use Rubber Paint. It is mixed ready for use. Spreads easily and smooth, is glossy, firtu,• du rabic, elastic, and is &Beautiful Paint. R. M. WELLES has the Paint. stir Mrs. J. D. HILL is still agent for the Crystal Polish, need for cleaning Mir rors, Window Glass and Rarer Ware. Griffith Patton*Block, Bridge-et. Fon SALE--7k House and Lot on State street. Bongo nearly new and fitted for gas. Good well and cistern. Terms reasona ble. Enquire of C. B. Attms, Box 119. ler Mrs. 3.,D. HILL is now receiv ing new goods, in the way of high top combs, bracelets, jewelry, chains, etc. Also, linen col lars. cuffs, undn•-sleeret, corsets, hair coils,, braids and switches. ,Gritiith k ratton's Block. Stir Every business man should supply himself with neatly printed letter head ings, envelopes and cards. We furnish these articles executed in the neatest stYles• at, low figures. iser U.. J. LAMM wants fifty thon sind beet to tit With Boots And Shoes, at his new store opposite the Means Houses Boots at one dollar and twenty-fiTe cents $ pair 4,how is that for low ? 157 Hain street, below Bridge. ;MS. One thonsaud Veal Calves, wen (Annie , ' and weighing from 190 to 200 Um, wanted between April 1 and AV 1, 1873. Gansu. Bum Wymmitti, Ps., March 17, 1873-rBw. . /air Bum k iliu, would call th e attention of the public to the fact that their mutat is always upplied with tho choicest steaks, routs, lamb and mottos, pork, sausage, fish, etc. They are now receiving daily supplies of !hi fresh oysters, which they offer at whole sale and retail at the very lowest rates EN Sir J. 0. Facer it Sows wish to put s Woven Wire Mattress in eitii hope in Towanda. en s month's trial.' and It it does not sniCthem. they will call and take It sway. Now is raw time to get picket - idea,. Afore yOu tem sat Oro Ms till lief. INS.EVASS & MIMS= call atten tion to %lair advertisement of new Bring Goods. COLi f AT Wuouts“* l --P. 3L Wilma is selling Superior Hard Anthracite Coal, by the load, very cheap, delivered it any la station between Wyalusinir and Athens. !low Is the Urns to secure your Winter's "apply. Emma Per.—Beady for utlf). • In Quart Cans ; 1, 2 and 5 Gallon Cans and Tub.. Pure White, Jet Black; and beautiful cottage shades and tine in great variety:, The best and cheapest Of all paints: • B. M. Virtrtisu... Ravens aloe, 'make Blank; Books in any style of ruling and binding desired. If you want a new Ledger, Journal or. Docket eve • •• a call. • Foa gays' oa liasr.—A valuable new house on Huston street. Good well end cistern, grid house fitted for gas. Possession ghen April 1. For farther partlnalus call on the premises or at the RN, Mee. . Putman I Paint your , wagons. sleds, machines, tools, =eta I can supply you with Rubber Paint of suitable shades, ready for" use,—beautiful, cheap, durable and easily ap plied. Jet black, for irons and striping. •Lead tog shades and Colors in gnarl and gallon cans. R. 11. Maxim Fos RENT oa —Hodge and lot in North Towanda, 10 minutes' Rack from De• pot: If minted, 10 sate of ground can be had with the bonne. Posseision given April 1, or sooner if desired. Eagnixo on the premises of JUL HOSIOLD. Muck 18,1873. ter If yon are going to bay a Sewing Machine, examine the new Wheeler Wilson before you purchase. It makes the shuttle or lock-stitch, but _door it' Without a shuttle. It is noiseless, and raps faster, more easily, and will last much longer than any abut.' tle machine in use. AU its Joints are adjustible, and Can be tightened as fast as they wear. • Cans. Fatter, Agent. Evoce k Etxuairrtes. imr Bak anotheraohnou *dm tissossat &bonitos* sod Manias Lads Jur anr isfeelling fine watt pop pets cheaper *a; esti: - illr Secure sesta for Triatues leo tore. 'NI: A largo assortment of Brack eti,Josi noshed st FROST it 80$1. Igli. It is not generally known that Et. 0. WIFITAXIA at the Book Bysit!try over the March 14,1675. REMOVAL—I have-removiui my of fice from'llridge street to my residence on Main street , near Locust Avenue; where the Original Binre,'; ; Wilcox & Gibbs, and other Sewing Mathines and Attachments, will be kept for sale and to rent. Money received, orders taken, and attachments sold at Bed, White and Blue Store, Bridge Street. See card. Wyox4o SEnsAlor.—This old andi. popular institution of learning, located at Hing•l aton, in a beautiful and healthy situation, will: open its spring term on thwBth of April. The corps of teacherads equal to the best in the country, and the! advantages for acquiring a Thorough education are complete. See adver tisement in another column. If you would like to see the finest line of Cloths, Cassimeres, etc., ever oi fered in this market, jest drop in at H. Tar- Loa's store. He employs none but first-Class workmen, and can give u good and stylish suits at u low prices as can be obtainc.l in 11. B.'s dominion.' Feb. 20, 1873. ifirl.oo cords Dogwood waraed, delivered on 8. & E. or Barclay R. IL, or at Factory. For Sale —a Johntkton Shingle' Ma chine, nearly new and in perfect order. Will take lumber of any kind, or dogwood, in pay ment: apply to HARMS BrothejeTnrning Monroeton, Pa. A CARD.—Having removed ray of fice to my house on Main street, I would an nounce to those of my patrons who may find it more convenient to call on Bridge street than at my house, that Mr. Ozouor. Innonwar, at his Bed, White & Blue Store, will receive mo neys, take orders, cell attachments, oils, nee dles and parts of sewing machines, for me. Very Respectfully, le' The Wyoming Commercinl College is a thorough Mercantile Ithititution. Its prosperity has been greater during the past year than ever before. The teachers are able and experienced. The books are taken directly from the best, business establishments of the country. Th u total - expense required for a three-months' course is $9O. The last term of the academia year begins April 8, 1873. For catalogues, address • L. *HAGUE, IL A., Principal, 1 Kingston, Pa. ie 3irs. 31. A. Fla-ram, No. 5 . Bridge street, Towanda, Dealer /13 heal and Ira itat.on tHair Work, Switches, Braids, Finger Puffs; Curls, the latest style of Ornamental Back Combs, a fall supply of Bolls, Jute Switches, and Linen Braids of all shades. La dies who -patronize this establishment, have their hair dressed free of charge. All kinds of hair work made to order. Buis., Pins, Chains, Charms, and everything pertaining to hair work; done in the best manner. MM. M. A; Pus-nun. BAs-HI s rov.E, No) 2 Miatcun's- Bcocr..—For the next thirty days, I will dispose Of my entire stock of nillincry Good, at cost; such as Hata, Bonneti l / 4 plain and tntomed, for Ladies, Mattes and Children ; Feathers, Flow ers, Aigrettes and Ponpons ; also in Hair, Goods, Braids, Switches, Puffs and Chignons--1, to give room for my Spring stock. Agent_ for* Butlerick's Patterns. • " Mn'. E. L. Vioovarrr. Fob. 18, ISM Fast Fos Sas„.--The , undersign ed nifers for sale a farm, sitlsted in Litchfield township, Bradford county, Pa., containing 200 acres-165 acres improved, the balance heavily timbered with pine, oak and chestnut. Large dwelling house, two barns, sheds and other ont-bnildings thereon. The laud is of first-rate quality, good for grain and grass, and is in a good state of cultivation, well watered, etc Churches, echo° posteuffloe, black smith and wagon-shoPs within ono mile—fire miles from the Pa. & N. Y. B. 8., andlivemites from N. Y. Erie E. R. Terms en . sy. Enquire of the subscriber on the premises. Ps,., Feb: 10. 1673. PEERLESS PdrATOES.—For seed or Table use. The subscriber has, in store at his place of business at. No. 3_ Idereurq Block, .on Court street, s quantity of the celebrated Peer. less Potatoes, iu nice 'condition, for sale in either large or small quantities. Per single Peck $ .33 " Bushel Fire or more Bamls, per 8arre1..........2.50 Teri or " a " Lots In bilk of 23 or more:bushel4, per ..... .80 Orders 131 ',mail for shipping, •will receive prompt attention. No charge for cartage: R. , M. mutt. Towanda, Pa., March 17, 1873. bushel COUGHS AND COLDS.—At the present time when dil , eases of the throat and lungs are so frequent; erery one should be• r in mind the neer..ity of attending to a. Gough or a- cold, at the first commencing. A .cough, no matter how "aligtit,"'atmuld be cured; when neglected it too ft eqmently terminates in consumption: Rassln's Compound Syrup of Ihr never fails hi miring the wont cases of eoughs, colds, boarnswis, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma and croup. It is an infallible remedy for hoop- Lag conuh. Bold by stl Ding Stores sod Dealers through oat the United Steles. By & L►xaio. Philadelphia. P. 8.-1386 that. the slogan ot licsuzz • Pe tn% is do 'lob "Mirk Farmers, Dairymen, and Bat ter Doyen! Pack your butter is %saloon's &twits natter Pail. Approved andmicipowl• 4111 by the leading authorities door country on &nylon, end aelzaoddgsd M aU better deal ere to be the very best padage la wee. Batter pecked la this pill brings 5 to 10 ends More a pound la the New Pork Clity market than the quad" issvY !lbw *kW. Daitytnea, send !bra circular l Dealers, send for Price List 1 We are the sole manuractur emit Westoote. Return Batter Pail, and also manufacture very ere:W*o Batter /births, B4f-Firkin Tubs, 25-pound Butter PAUL Well Buckets, sto.otts. Our goods are narked with oar name, and are for sale by all Ant-class dealers. . • Buse: Bias., Belmont, Allegany Co:, bl. T. Principal Wienhonve, Binghamton, X Y. NICNOPX—SHOENAJLEIC—At the realdener - of the_brides father, is Wmdksm. *arab 13 1/513.:bi Bey. W. C. Peck, Kr. Wellacci Nich ol' and Nies Ellen Shoemaker, both - Of Wind . ham, Bradford wordy. Pa. ATWOOD--NICHOLfi -'At the Parsonage, in lionroetom March 12. biller. Hallock .4tho sulnig. Mr. Eimer J. Atwood to bliss Jennie S.` Nichols. botb i ot Herrick. MILILET—NEWELL.- . --In Franklin, March 12, by Elder Calvin Newell. Mr. Oscar F. Lindley and Kiss Ilacbor B. Newell. ""' • . BRIRK—ABBOT.—At Stevensville. on the 16th init., by Bev. T. Tbounis, 1.14.1111t0n Brink to hilts Minnie Abbot, both of ,Lelleyerille, Ps. SEENEY—InAurora, Rept. 11 1 1873. Emma Alice, twin daughter of Luther L. and Arietta liceney, aged 18... sears and 8 days. "They are patted, yes, they're parted, Ne'tr again on earth to meet,' Though in life together started, ') One is first at4esua' feet. Clesely cliogiiiito each other, 'Ake the tendrils of virtue, Gently round the hOsts of others Friendship's cbs,l4. they firmly tittle'. Yonsgest . daughters in the home nest, Budding talents brightly shine; Pride and pets of brother eldest, - . Jewels in the family mine. 04 F. MCNOIS. But our casket's mad; broken, And the gem 'away is hid; ," 'Yon hue yet one lovieg token, Though you've closed a coffin-lid. Elope comes to you, softly whispers, ' " you( loved one hence is borne, Toted* duplicate of sisters, . One in feature, voice kid form." 1- And methinks the thought is cheering, As you gaze on Eva's fsie, Memory at your call appealing Emma's likeness there will trace. Day by day you saw her languish ; Very bud von thought to bear ; , To her other self what anguish; Mach she needs your kiuddst caro l , Nevermore can her fair fingers Lightly sweeir melodious keys ; Ilia angelic choirs she lingers, Golden harps iu lieu of these. Fondest sister, check thy weeping ; Though you loved her more than all : ( Jesus says " she's only sleeping, And will waken at His call." - Mow HAIIIti23. Though on earth you cannot meet her, Humblyktieel and has the rod, Aa yon promised, attire to greet her Very nesi th*throne of God. • ' Tuacarora', Feb 10, 1873, Eva Lola, twin dau_hter of Lather L. and Arleta Keeney, aged 18 years, 5 months and 1 days Once again tho hotho'a invaded • By the icy touch of death ; .Like a tender plant she faded, Swept by winter's frosty breath. - By one stroke the chain was severed, Pierced by unerring dart ; By one blow the links are welded, Joining liVes,tlins rent apart. " Sister, Comer a spirit calletti, "Hero a mansion wait, for thee"; At the Saviour's feet bbe falleth -r "Come and worship here with mg.' "Tea, I gn; the world's receding ; Fatber, , bere I cannot stay— Jeans, too, le: me Is pleading ; Soon his call I must obey." Ouc mo i re vacant place by mother. In the chnrchlard one more wound ; Bush thy murmur•, sister, brother! Lonely bird its mate has found. ~ Yet there . cdmes a ray to brighten, To %Lich I can point yun now : Slay its beams your s orrow lighten, While , submisvirely you bow: For again they're re-united ; Nothing now their souls csu part : Neer again that union blighted-- EtleFsed thonght.to mourning heart. nay are clothed iu robes of glory, As they soar with eager wing, Listening to rederuntion'a story, Chanting sgtiga the'angels sing. TO WAND A MARKET'S nowinAT.s. MICE& Corrected every tramway, br C. B. PAIXTEI subject to changes dolly. Wheat, It bush *Ye. II bum • Buckwheat, II bush' Omsk* bush oats. bawl Bouts, II !nub. Butter Irons) It itt do (d+117.1 m new Egga. Irk doa Potatoes. Ilk trast4new flour. IR barrel' Onions. p busk. 160: Wmoirra of Gaate.—Wheat 60 lb. ; Corn 55 lbs.; Bye 56 lbs.; Oats 92 lbs.; Barley 46 lbs.; Buckwheat 48 lbs.; Beans 69 lbs,.; Bran 20 lbs.: Closer Seed 60; lbe. ; Timothy Seed 44 lbs. • Dried Peaches 33 lbs.; Dried Apples 22 lbs.. Flu S eed 60 lbs. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Poatotllce. Towanda, Pa.. Much 19, IeTS. Arkansas, Ws E C 2 Meson & E Ackley Beale , - M 4 u4nal,l Mary Ada John- Mills k ttllinaga brogan Joseph /dam Alta Beujilll n Miss Anna Murphy td..ry Ann Ram H Si Malony John Bowman II EI 3lartln El C BAuriett Darla& Mato Anna Btu k Ella • Moody N le .. Bimini= 10 ttlo Morrteon Anne Bedford Ida „ McCormick Katie , Bolden Nam 2torthrup F W Benjamin Wm ' °nein Joseph - Brown Lorenzo Peterson N M Blackman J Pear on Q B Cramer Margaret Philips Charlotte , Crowley Maggie Persol James Crotty eta , tin Stet man ~ 9 Classy M C - Roach Al2/111 Curran Lizzie alley t Urn Clad. Dranlia Btoe James A Mar k Swab ScultVan Maggie Curren John SznittiG B 0001* Johnson Strops fiathlnet Casbdollar Chas Shaw W Et Cook Fdwin Stephenson Frank _Mures James Steven. Wm 1 2 ' - Darts Chas Shultz 8 8 Bunnies 2 .- Sullivan Katie . F.tgezald Win . Scofield Amanda ' Fri , * Fleury &anion Elia FO2 Wary A Sal ixtto fllnalze Fauaey John floorill gleans • Graves Lydia IM Thornton Jas ' Gorman Mrs J B Towner Dr E 2 Rs •ratitm Pat Taylor John B Bill Ann 2 Taylor Carrie Rays Dan Wlute Mirhael Jones J Wadies 8P Jennings M l l7 -..Whetoo Cbss 2 Johnson Mary 8 Wsleh Bridget Johnson Martin Warbridga Mrs Heaegly Tom Walls 8 8 Keith Cb is . _ Westbrook Ltbble . Kenedy Pat ~ Wright Clara I..Yrich Martin Whitaker Leonard Lee ILenicms Wilber 8 London Della Wolf Bruce - Lloyd 8 Volt:Linton Ceo Leary Arden' D Wilcox Chas Mato Mart - Persons calling for 'bore letters will say itarer. Used. giving dad_+ or het. A. J. LArrox. PUBLIC, VENDUE—WiII be el potted to nubile, sale. act FRIDAY, the 28th day or %larch, 1873. at the residence of If Guyer. Highland, a variety of household goods, euribrsculg bedsteadt, bedding. tables, chain., soma, sums, to and a large lot of farming utensils, including s new HP/Wer and reaper. hand cider mill, g good- many carriage, $ new buggy. Light and- loamy sleighs. heavy. light, double •od single harneu, grain a lot of pressed oat straw, an (Luellen% pair of sound hones, and some cows and hogs. T1L81113.-1111 months credit given on all parches. es above 05, and one rise on all over $2O, enth ap. proved security. till per cent. deduction made for cash on all sums over $3. Mar.l9-wl 1.00 240 IVOTICE.—J. e. lizooax). of Towaa- IN di, has jut received the Agency at the Water. town Pin Insuradee Ofenteelf. of Watertown. N. If.. which is a first-clam Cloinpany in all respect% with nub astretta of 425 000.— Is eenened by its character to farm Property and Levelling Rouse Risks; is therefore perfect* sass. - Pays all toes or damage of tearing to pieces. whether Are mons or not. Also pays for live stock killed by lightning in Use barna or at large on the premiere Ton see taw. money by sodas Kr. Rec ord before inswing elsewhere. Call and get a Cir cular or send for Oa.. L. A. RECORD, Agent. writ 1711.-Adri Tnintsbila. Pa. 0 REWARD.—Notice is hereby Cl given that tear this date no !Mang will be inured to theranisrito ✓ Kind trabont. consent of the tuniersigneL AbOO ail persons are forbidden peeling Tsin.ancr end other trees. The ahem re ward nut be paid stir person furnishing Informs. tkia Of my ylotitton of the above order. i . PTRICI ZA.1016 T. I. Boor. NNW I rtikeilin - MABBI.ED. DIED. New Advertisements. 8. W. ALVORD. P.M a 0 : 1 fl• tci tt; 7 , fl z 0 hi g y to