Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 20, 1873, Image 2

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—Thursday April 3, willbc !Feat
.D.xv in Massachusetts.
West, Fla., tomittfaetures
472,000 cigars every Week.
• has had altogether six
feet ten and a half Inches of snow
_this season.
—gxtensivel l deposits of ' iron ore
iiare been discovered near -Mayville, lowa.
—L t -
argO qu antities di - hides and
ivVel ream Blexico are sold In Laredo, Tease.
•—A Western Obis has diticover
cd that lieshets mihe the moans of the rivers
—ll,almingteu, Vt., is said tumake
more niaple-sngar 'than any other New-England
town. -
—Vii-SopittitOr Dixon, of Connecti
cut is quite and has, been &ailed to his
house for along time 4 r
--L-The Fire Department of Bangor, 1
actually cost $1766 66 less than the appro
priattou last year.
—Judge Gilraor, of Baltimore, has
;I:.ed a pia g.tigly46s6 for indecent and blasphe
-213 a Janguage in the street.
Chili inte l nds to display speci-
Illt•l'R of her manifold products at the Vienna
—The, free littrarieg of lifassachu
,,,ttvi'cantnin mcirei bOolts - than the tree libraries
or 98 the rest of America.
—The total , I
hrumber Of acres in the
state of lows producing initivated crops of
ecreAs and bay brat beasoa was 5,09,991.
—The moss trade' isf, brisk in
Florida. The town of Gainesville gets front $l.
POP to $1.,`4)0 per - week by it.
Prcividf nee Yoting Nees
Astirchition Ibteiiti to pia np.a sub
tp.illialtoiltling for Melrose..
—Block of ntores in Market street,
Parlicrsh..rg.. \Veit Virginia. was burned on
ThtirAty 'night. ,l Loss, $BO,OOO.
—Right.Rot. Mario' Petiit Mcfl
vainc, D. D. Pre;tastant Episcop:4 Bishop of
Ohio, died at Florence, Italy, recently.
—At Kansas City, Missouri, on
Thursday, while 1 the 'Union German Savings
Itauk - a as on fire,i the Vault was robbed of about
, Frederick A. Pike has been
CongreEs in,the Second District of
Ilnmpsiorej by a majority of nineteen
—The Supreme Court of, Massa
elm evils has decided the act anttiorizing Boa—
ton tissue 520,000,000 of tiro bonded tinconatita
—Governor Dix. refusee to' coin
n3uto The sentence of. Foster; the esr-hook
murderer 4ul ho will be executedist Nevrrork
Hest Frtda±.
" I
—A Western Democrat -paper tried
to Fay that the tnoueyed tifen of Hassaatusett.
favored Mr. I.3nutwell for Senator Ant the types
wculd g6t it the•married men.
—Rev. Dr.pavid Winters, of
lra' tn. Ohio. hrs so)emized marriages.
The tali coup'e.made happy waa a . aealthy far-
PI ( T aged Fer(lo and a maiden of fifty years.
-Vermont papers are boasting of
~ig h t old fairtinei,s in Franklin Comity, who live
within two miles of 'each ether, and who .have
had twenty-five,!.wives among them..
—Two prOminent citizens 4f Con
cord. N. li. harp been sued for allegd lobby
! services with the State Legislature' iti behalf of
a railroad.
—An Alabama paper thinks the
iliziabilities of 'President" Davis ought to he
removed. that he may be, sent to Congress, now
that Alex. H. Stephens is going.
—Springfield, Mass., complaining
otn wenn lack of local bußirietts at this time. The
bank,. are gettifin only about forty per cent. of
their usual-di-points from retailers.
—The gold beaters Of SoOchow,
China, not long ago murdered a master 'work
loan for persistently empliiying one
.more ap
.. prentice than the rules of the guild allowed
--They tell of !I woman in Balti
more who has provideditiorself with two hun
dred pairs or ,•Nickilics, woolen and CCM in. She
la evidently t ) organ le a hose company some
where. ,
various Republican State
assitiations in Washington city bait° complet
ed arrangements for a grand Nitinnal Union
Ball at tilt , haugural Ball building on - the 2.5 th
—The steanitibip Ninpia, which
!eft York on February 22 for 'Bermuda,
now it week oyerdnicat that has not
I,N-ti heard from. thou gh no grelt Apprehen
ae to her safcty
—The Hartford Chafchtnau says :
" literature is At present Buffeting
lacy of into lligent and indepen
dent ritieittin. and• beneo nor boolCshelves
groan - m Mer the 'weight of trash."
—The cold weather was unusually
t.vere on dl kinds or pine in the' west tine
%vinter. Even dr:iw p,wker snffored a set Welt.
ov:ing to the fort that the players' fingers weru
too.rold to sbuttHc the cards.
—A. -gentleman recently arrived
.from London, in nivingtins.esporienee of a - New
fork boarding house, said it gilts "most a"
irnordienry, bet. 1c Jove! it seems to be harsh
WeOnew.hy Yory day in the week.' -
Kodama, a native Japanese,
studied law in Washington, has been elect.
cd to iloacon;s orders by the Baltimore' Mahe..
diet Cglf,rence anel admitted to full cornice.
Ile soon -return to Japan.
—A sick man, who started from
, S , r Minnesota, recently, took a coffin
turn. He (lied ou the way, was pat into
hiss tlin and shipped back to his home in
• Dubuque physician, who hor•
non:v.l,l.w years ago, while a student,
ha.; r:T , .!,tty sent the amount with interest to
I.rother or his creditor, the latter being
dead. '
--A Brakeman was thrown bet ,
weep be°, in Pennsylvania, a day or two
ago:atM /lied son after being rescued, from
the net-Volt:I' shock, although he was very little
_• . .
f ,
—Ben.Y. Shillaber wrote that he
was rorced to decline the invitation to attend
the tinston i _printerse call because he had a lame
foot on han I, toll every rod he - wanted ho MIS
All :.viler.
---Two lowa married
1%.0 t•isiets, and afteiwards their; father mar
ried a rister of their wives. Most of their spare
tun e i, mite devoured t efttrts to as4itaiu the,hip !hex children.
—A_ Vermont paper Fqtya its town
hat.: live Optima* and in the B.IIIIC paragraph
inalleionsly inquires if it is nut about time to
lay net thr C(.11100TV ierOrpOratcd !by the last
LeTzisl - kture. I • •
Broughton, the chain
pir.ticheelier-ptayer of Maine. beat Mr. Little-
Boi.on, a year ago. they have played
twelve genies. and of these Mr. Littlefield beat
four; and eight wcre dr mi. •
suburb! of Philadelphia has a
v. ciety easing itslf the Sans and Daughters of
tincrgency.: Thtil niust not ba confounded
withinvention. which, as everybody; knows,
is the child Or liccpsl4.
—T rs. Kinney, 'of somewhere near
kSa.n AntOnia.Te'xit:a. , is - dead. She went to a
corn-crib and !mit iher hand through the Cracks
to take tint t.otnel ?run when a .suake bit htz
on the kand. She dicif before any assistance
colild be rendered.
--Chief-Justice Chase, Gov. Noyes,
of Ohio, Hon. Germ Smith, and Mr John G.
nro animist the writers of letters
urging the exploging of 'the resolutions mo
gul-log senator Stininer,a)asseil by the Massa.
chuset tii
—The Baltimore Gazelle, a bitter
DemoCratic paper, says that the nomination of
.Washingt n Both •,rta Collect7t or that port in
trill calculated tit,- , gire entire satisfaction to
-comry(crcial rirclo,tl k a , retired shipping
Merchant or tl:t; )nghtst character.
— . !‘osquerade weddings are the,
la retture nt connubial fan in Indians. 'The
Inird.ter i, mattlteti; the bride is masked, ditto
the groom, attendanta and gneeta. The groom
trii4 (Fs to Inca, mid sometimes finds he has mar.
tt d the wrung woman, but such trivial, Gent':
renecs - do not make sadness in that State.
—Mr. John' G. Whittier com.
monde "the lofts, antique slant)" of 'Senator
SumnPr, and etpreases the belief that, unless
the obeoximut resolnttotet censuring that,
'sr -g
disposed 6r,they preds_with ten , fold farce
nn Mal Legislature of Massachusetts,
and enter Int,' every election, till they are
rosciodullit d annulled. I
--The Buffalo Commercial Adver
liner h. a ( 1 141ns - tired and intenietrecl an old man
ar.rth 4200.000. who lived alone and in great
-appAret.t destitottpitift a tumble-down story.
sod.o-tistr htmde in - that city. Ho is often fed
nu i alitl• red by persons much poorer than
who bettev, Min nothing more than a
fiinglo' sawmill hi fie'
...1,14t.,1 i i thf.lti g imew vallap, mit....„4 twits
fie; as l r is-x ro,()09 cent of !miser its r. single
.."-rg l 4)(:* ant) eight hatlerg, -vitslthisg
tz.isrettitir wisl i three
men, Aterignircvl. Tho buildings Are
. s.tt7 ritonstive,:iighted with gait
with were errs:teamed.
Towanda, Thuradaylarch 20, 473.
B. O. 000DRIC11. 11 . . W. *LVORD
In the Supreme Court of this
State, on, Monday last,-Judge AGNEW
delivered the opinion of the Court
'deciding the Local Option law to be
constittutional. Judges Wa.uhats
and Matas, concurring ; Judges
REM) and SaAssWOGD dissenting. The
case''Came ap on an appeal- to test
the, Constitutionality of the
thorizing a vote in the twenty-sebond
ward. of Philadelphia, the decision
covers - aubstantiaUy the constitu
tionality of the law of last winter, by
%thine of which the people of this
county have already voted "ho li
cense," The decision has beim at -
ionsly looked for both by the friends'
and opponents of.license. The mat
ter being now - settled, a great re
sponsibility falls upon the temperi
ance people, which 'shim:ad - be care
fully exercised.
. The new county bill came up in
the House last Thtirsday,'and after a
short discussion w* put over -until
to-day. DSr•. Mix made a• . telling
speech against the swindle, afi which
he handled 11F nie and his "roos
ters " without gloves. Mr. Dean
had,commenced his speech when the
House agreed'to make the question
the special-order for Wedtiesday eve.
-It is a matter of great surprise to
the uninitiated that the bill should
have any supporters while the Mem
bers 'from the counties to be affect
ed Unitedly oppose it. We opine
that Members who do vote for it will
have some trouble in convincing
their constituentq that they voted
conscientiously. Indeed, it is a mat
ter of common conversation in Har
risburg, that every. Member who
supports the bill has got. his " divy."
A. ptomincnt democratic Congress
man said to ‘ BccpAt,pw's Boy " the
other day, in talking about . the
lltlinnequa scheme, 7 What the d-4
-do you want-with money "
We have already quoted from sev
eral of the papers of the State arti
cles on the subject; and append
another article from the Beaver Rqd
icai, owned by Senator RuTAN :
lust now the , celebrated Peter
Herdic, of Willianispbrt, is engaging"
the attention of the Legislature and
the people generally. He has two
schemes on hand that occultly his
time, and the time of a nusaber of
other outsiders,lsent hereby the peo
ple, is taken rip in watching him.
One scheme is to make a new 'county
out of parts of Tinge, Bradford, LY
coining and Sullivan, with' county
seat at Miunequa, at the precise spot
owned by said Herdic, and known as
Herdic or Minnequa t Springs„ There
is no necessity 'for the county and no
one pretends' there is, but Herdic
wants it to enable him to realize a
fortune by selling his hundreds of
acres, now a wilderness. for town
lots. ,It is a big job, and he is try
ing to buy it through by liberal of
fers to.donate the profits to Members
who vote as he desires. Every . Sen
ator-and member from the counties
to be affected by this scheme are bit
terly hostile to it, and yet, strange
to say, it now looks as if the bill
would pass the House this week. If
it does,not it will simply be because
it is: knOwn, or at least generally be
lieved, that the Governor would not
sign it, and there will be no " clinks"
unless he does. Honest teen • might
and possibly may vote for this bill,
but it is safe to say they will be few
er in numbdr than righteous men in
Sodom in the days of Lot.
DEATH or Btsuor
private dis Patch received in 'Cincin
nati on Friday last announces the
death of Bishop CHARLES P. Mch
v.tiNE, at , i`lorence,'ltaly. • -
CHARLES P. MclnvanlE was bern at
Burlington, N. J., Jan. 18, 1708, and
graduated with high honors at
Princeton College in 1816. He
was admitted to deacon's orders in
July, 1820, and appointed, in 1825,
Professor of Ethics at West Point,
which 'position he resigned • two
years later on being chosen Rector
of St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn. In
1831 he was appointed Professor of
the Evidences of Revealed Religion
and Sacred Antiquities in the 'Uni
versity of the city of New York. He
was consecrated Bishop of the State
of Ohio in 1832, and holding that
position up to the day of his demise,
exercised great influence over the
Protestant Episcopal Church of
America. The degree of D. C. L
was conferred upon him by the Uni
versity of Oxford in 1853, and in
1658 that of LL. D. from the Uni
versity of Cambridge
WESTWARD. —We learn from official
reports that during 1872 over ten mil
lions seven hundred thousand acres
passed iron the dominion of the gov
ernment into private hands. This
would make nearly seventy thousand
farms of one hundred and sixty acres
each, : equivalent to three I States the
size. of Massachusets. In, Kansas
and Nebraska alone, over fifteen
thousand entries were made within
the year under the homestead law
These entries represent a. population
of fifty thousand added to these two
States on lands freely presented by
the t , government, besides a large
number who acquired their homes
by purchase.
In.:Conspicuous among the Penn
sylvania Members of Congress who
voted to put $5,000 extra into their
pockets, is that great virtuous and
good moral and political reformer,
the Hon. B. F. Mrzas of the icarris
burg P2lriol. Ha is the man who
propo . sed to redace the army 05,000
me.,4 because it takes so much.mtiney
ottl•-"? ', " - .9r1:-.! to maintain our
At milikry c , stablishmeni. My:
sus isn't a member of the new Con
ti } i'
The two ialikatint pablio bills of
die Session were considered and
passed by the *mos of itepreseuta
tives lastwAr.fs The atopropziatioa
bill was taken up 'on Mandel, and
passed with but slight smeedosenta
Several ineffectual attelnpla to amend
the section givigg Members $5OO ex-
tra pay were made without effect.
When the bill was on seconel•read=
lug, Maj. Dien obtained the floor
and said :
1 move to amend the Ma section by striking
out the words five bun red • and the ti h and
9113 lines, and on that I call the ytas mOd nays.
thr, I regard this proposition it:internam the
salary of nu-tubers as tItIWINO and unjust ; a
thing this legislature cannot - afford to do, net;
titer do I believe we late any right to de it.
Mr, HANtecir, of Philadelphia, who
wAs speaker pro tem, decided that
the motion was too late.
The bill, as itemized, grants the
following sums for the different &-
pig:talents of the government and
other purposes :
Executive, _. . .
Secretary of Commonwealth,
Anditur General,
Snrvoyor General, . _
Adjutant' General, . . 1 ' 16100
Stattiateasnret, :. . . 15.200
interpat on Funded Debt, 1,500,060
Interest'on Cbamberaburg Loan, . 18,000
Common Schooli, . . . . 1,356 920
Soldiers' Orphans, . • . . 40 750
Bare_an of 14tatiatics, 4,000
State Library, . ..- „ -. 8 000
1 - nblic Printing, . . . . 61,861
Public Gronnda and Buildings, , 9,425
Judiciary i _ - . . . . 281 000
Board of Charades,
Eastern Penitentiary, . . - Z 3.1. I
Weal. ra Penitentiary, . . 29.000
Pennsylvania Lunatic Asylutu,,2o 000
Insane Hospital, Northern District,' 120.000
Blind Institution, 4 39 me
Western Penusylva ma Insane Hospital, i 25 000
Northern Home,
Educational Home for Boys,. 10,000
8 icieties for Alleviating Miseries of Pub
lic Prisons.. , i - 3 Cal
Lincoln University, Cheater County, 15 000
State Agricultural 'College, . 10 000
Scranton Itsisplt al, adel ' - 2 000
Children's Homes Phil . - 2,000
p •lita, .
Sheltering Arms, Pittsburg, for
Fallen Women,. . 10.000
Home for Destitute Colored Children, 1.0 0
St. Mary's Hostatal, Philidelpuia, 5.000
.. - lerman Efosp'til, Philadelphia, . ' 5.000
Women's Hospital, Philadelpha4, 13.000
Orthoptedie Hospital. Philadelphia, 25.000
Home for the Friendless, Harrisburg, 3,000
Training School for Feeble-Minded
Children, Media.. 23:1100
University of Penosylra n ' t a, . 100.000
House of Itefuge, Philade'phia. 4 ..000
Western Pennsylvania Reform School, G 5 000
General Hospital. Pitt bur', . 19 900
Jefferson Medical Ct.!:'.. - ;it , . 100 000
This list includes all !i,t items in the bill to
which at - finite amounts are allotka:Land makes
a total of $1.420.575, Ili .oitlition provision is
made tinder the head of 1 - i`; to printing for the
Legislative Journal at $l4 !ter page, and also
an allowance 1 , , the inst.-interne for the Deaf
and Dumb of $265 tor ea-b mute cf the
Commonwealth, and of $159 , ach for educating
and supaorting soldier's ~rtth tns.
Of the appropriation id 3120,000 for the In
sane Hospital of the No: thern District. $lOO.
000 is for the erection of nit additional building.
The appropriation of $lOO.OOO each to the Uut
vet say of Penns !vaunt aid it Hereon - liediesl
College is•also for the purl-use of erecting line-
pital lnildings.
The salaries allotted by the hill to the differ
ent State racers. the amount being included
in the foregoing. schedule, are tts follows :
Governor, . . , $lO.OOO
Governor's Pr' % .L;e Seerciai;, . . ' 2 000
Secretary of Commonwealth, . 1 000
Deputy Secretary, • • . 2,1511
Chief Clerk to Secretary,. . 1,800
Auditor-General,. .. 4 000
' Chief - Clerk to Auditor-General, 1.80,27
Surveyor-General, . . . 2 500
Chief Clerk to Surveyor-General, - 1 810
Attorney-General . 4.000
, i Deputy Attorney 7 General b . 1,800
Adjutatrt-General, . . . 25.00
Chief Clerk to Adjutant-Gentsal, 1.500
State Treasurer, . . . . 5 000
Chief Clerk to Treasurer, --, - . - 1,800
Superintendent. Carnmon Schools, 2,580
Deputy superintendent, . . 1 800
Supt. of Soldiers' Orphans' Schools, 2.000
Chief Clerk - to Superintendent, . 1.800
s o ..pc.etor of Orphan Schools, . 2 4 1 i,.
Female I-spector, . . 1,600
Onnin:fisiOtler of Statistics, . ' ' 2 eon
State Librarian, , . - • . 1500
.Assihtaut Liiverlan. . • . • 1,000
Superintendent of Public Printing, 1.600
Nuperintetolci-t of Public Grounds,: 1 40ki
General Agent, Board of Chatlties, 3 000
The aporonriation to the common schools ha
t-dudes the items of $.500 000 to the Princip ils of
the State NOrmal Schools and the County fit
perintenclent., $900.000 for the direct snppuri
or the comm.iii schools. and flO.OOO to each
State Normal School. The bum of $30,000 is
devoted to aiding deservidg soldiers' orphans
atter leaving school .
The items for the Legislature include the ful
lowing : Pay of members,cle - rks, subordi ates
mileage, etc.. $275.000; miscellaneous, $2450 ;
expenses of the resident clerk of the House.-
flaoo ; of the Senate, 800 ; - and $3OO each to
the chaplains. .
The bill will of course undergo
considerable amendment before its
paage. . •
In addition to the above, the
MEADE monument received $25,000.
The sum of $lOOO was also appro
priated toward
.repairing the road
along the Standing-86)12e narrows.
The Harrisburg Representatives,
following the example of
last week, voted themselves five hun
dred dollars eitra pay for the pres
ent. session. They also increased the
salary of Law Judges $lOOO. Where,
is this thing to stop? While - , both'
in Congress and the State Legisla
tare, a majority of those Toting for
its increase were democrats, the re
publican party having a majority in
both branches, will be held responsi.
ble by the people, and it is the duty
of the t epablicatt press to cry ' ottt
against it. We hope that the Senate
may correct the evil. The' people de
mand that they shall.
His Vert,-e.—Themoney value of a
drunken husband to a wife has been
determined - in Mercer county at $l5O.
Under a special law in that county
liquor dealers are liable for the con
sequences resulting to their custo
mers from its sale. JANE VAX Drums
claimed to have been deprived of her
husband by the use of liquors pur
chased from certain parties, and sued
them for damages. The suit was re
ferred to arbitrators, and they award
ed her the sum named.
It is stated by a Republican
inurnal, whose condrictOr is a member
of Congress, that a conference is in
progress among a number of mem
bers who voted against the increase
of salary ,for uniform action in the
matter of declining to receive the
back salary voted, which without os
tentation, shall be manly and honor
able. The example of the Speaker
may aid in determining their course.
_ VAL Gen. JONES, Postmaster of
New York, Washington on
Saturday, and tendered his resigna
tion. It is-understood that Taosta
Jolts, Deputy Collector of the pod
of New, York , will be appointed to
fill the vacancy, and that his name
will be sant to the Senate to-day.
alll. Many members of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church have long been
considering : , the propriety of erecting
a suitable monument to the memory
of Penn , EIIIICRY, the founder of
methodism in America, who died mai
hundred years ago. It has decided
to erect one over his grave at ,Citcu
tux skizar.
A correspondent of the Elmira
Advertiser, writing from Harrisburg,
reins to the distant= b 2 the Senate
on Col,MoCh.Tnuee bill repealing the
Pidladelphht. Registry - I**l We do
ntot propolb tit el* time . to enter in•
to any extended 'remarks ulx)ii the
'ablest disetissi3d;That glaring
frauds Ve perpetrated at eleetionain
all large cities, is beyond dispute.
How to correct the evil is an inter-
eating problem, and one which the
people will have to solve, -tint hem
is what the Aditriises correspond
ent says of the ego* of .the twq
Ablest men in the Senate :
27 An entertainment was given in the
Senate Chamber last evening not to;
be enjoyed every day, , if. once in a
generation.' The subject of the reg
istry law for the city of Philadel
phia was made the epeeist order. It
was Col. McClure's bill, amended by
Harry White, and on that Big Da
vis,"-of Philadelphia, led ~- o ff rather
as an introduction than 'otherwise.
$l4 900
20 800
23 500
followed. by Gen. White in his best
armor. The General defended the
Old - Republican law air being ample
to keep - the election boards pure and
the voters honest. It was one of his ,
best efforts and seemed wellfortified,
carefully picketed, and - his conclii
sionEilmpregnable. Had it been the,
last speecch, or rather lad it not
been followed by a certain- other
•4peech, it would have won the high
est encomiums. Bat it was not so
decreed. Ott MCClure Opened his
batteries upon the works, first at
long range, and gradually advancing
tlt a more complete demolition of
White's defence could scarcely be
imagined. It was painful .to all of
us Republican to bare the sores of
the party thus expoied, and which
eve had scarcely thought existed. He
reviewed the birth, growth and
advancement of that party—at first
" a little cloud' not bigger than a
man's hand ; " challenged any thing
and every thing in the history of
party organisations to compare with
it in patriotism - and purity of pur
pose to the chise of., the war and
now challenged even the old- beta°
cratic p irty in its pahniest days to
exhibit such putrefying sores, such
abominations, as permeated the
whole political structure to-day. He
►then reviewed the'. , contests for the
past yeir, and the i.tiruense _majori
ties iu Philadelphia, city and else
I where, pilau the old registry, law,
showing most, conclusively that he
knew how it was himself. He con
tended that the history of that party
had been so completely interwoven
`and identified with the glorious
21.hierements of the war itnil the
highest good of the conntry, that it
pained him in the - heart of heArts, to
see it belittled, corrupted and dedi
cated to' the base uses of greedy, low
minded, pot-house politiCians. Its
continuance in that conrise of policy
seemed determined upon by those
• now assuming leadership. Hence the
day of its usnuluess was flossing
rapidly away, and ,we would soon be
called on to bury the dead carcass
out of our sight. •
I could not pretend to give even a
fiynopFiis of what he said. His lan
guage was carefully and fitly chosen,
tut; enunciation slow, clear and' im
pressive. If he bad slandered the
;Arty, the fault be upon him. If his
allegations wore based on stubborn
facts, may we- not ;profit by the ex
NIL Thus far but eleven Senators
have drawn their back compensation.
After, deducting the mileage, it is
not so large a plum after all, avera
ging but - $3,61.9,74 to each Senator.
En a few cases it amounts to almost
nothing, and in one to less than
nothing literally. • For instancP,
Mr. ponirr, after deducting his
mileage, has but $130,40 - left. His
colleague Mr. KELLEY, who 40t Intl
.gage-for the first session, that imme
diately succeeding March 4, 1871,
does not - claim the extra compensa
tion, for the reason that .his mileage
amounts to $1492,80 more, than the
pay. The California Senators, after
deducting their mileage, gat but
$)70,40. Thus far there are believed
to be four Senators who will not draw
the extra pay. Those members Who
refuse it now =lit not forget that
ender existing law it will not be pos
Bible to do as ROBERT J. WALKER,
once did in the case of extra mileage
for a Special session of the Senate in
1845.—Unexpended balances are uow
covered into the Treasury at the end
of each' fiscal year, and cannot be,
drawn"upotv-'again without, a re ap
propriation. late Mr. WALKER,
in high dudgeon, refused bis extra
mileage at the time named, which
amounted to $2,160, he being at the
time a Senator from Mississippi.
Twenty three years afterwards, ,in
1868, when he had become poor in
purse and almost forgotten in the
memory of the people, he recollected
this sum, and called upon Mr. NIxoN,
the disbursing.- clerk of the Senate,
for it, who paid the same to him out
of the contingent fund of the Senate.
This curious fact is of record in the
ledger containing the compensation
Accounts of Senators, which ledger
is the identical book opened in 1791, .
_used ever since for the same . purpcise
by each succeeding secretary, - and
band-ruled throughout by.SAmert. A.
Ons, the first Secretaryof the Senate.
It remnns in its original binding and
has blank pages enough to round
out a full century of its usefulness.
ler The -following figures wi'l
give an idea of the immense opera
tions of the leading lines of rail vroy of
this state. The total . receipts of. he
Pennsylvania road' for 1872, foot np
$22,012,525; the cost of maitaining
and operating the road during the
same period was $13,764,673; excess
of receipts . over expenditures, $8 247.
42. The following exhibits the op.
orations of the Reading road: Total
receipts, _ $12,125,038 total expendi.
Oak; $5,869,486; excess of receipts
over expenditures, $6,255,552.
IS. ST iNIST, the great finder, has
been taken in. He lectured on Sun
day evening at Chicago, and bis
uptent DORLAMP abscoudud with ,the
pglweeds, $BOOO. Do aLk x o is a land
Ste= would like to discover just
• tiusirogio. Muse ISM
Ibtrogrzi:—Tbrooloam' amid hoporteese
taro been Wore the kw Home Um pie,
week Ito appoetowlwfai, the oppecrietite
and the liftwequse blli The find, Do Ike so It
Motes io oak Coogiraidobel Ogzi4, sites es
good etiisfostkni been oo mat bs. ‘II .erse no!
quite what oat own itteailiert 4eebtil,' but ith
the whole i 4 ppertioninent is bUed on w eoni
rceolso—searcel7.lny dlsirlet haring , maid,
Inch ixocuiciarleiv anti neighbors es it deainxi--
onm !probably is sta'ast i tisfactory as' could -be
expected. Alyoultnow It Is understood to be
composed of Brad.ord. Sisquebanita, 8121livan,
Columbia, Wyuming and Wayne. It has au
ugly ,tartitorlal shape, Maesiblitig somewhat
the letter 11. but it Is claisited that there aro
district's [ka:torsi shape thin that Lawana.
Clearfield 0114.4 *et nie)(4iill9ol4
the people of his district to t'sanat rut an 'trim
bridge across a certain river to keep one of his
cantles from "swinging out. These demo
cratic counties are never known tt• float sway
if they do sting twit; so that the power asked
will not be n;retkied on that aertount. They are
always around.lbe.old "Cieerflehl etillbevot,"
ready to be iiitiiraided on atlcieet or modern
paper as the cue minires.
The act authorizing the payment of the ex
penses of the state government and for the
midis charitable institutions within the Com
monwealth exceeds in the aggregate the sum
of four and a halt million of dollars ; including
the appropriation t • the elenterniiitittposiiion,
over are ntillionS. Whether tub plea that these
expenditures are only in accordance with the
growth and prosperity of the State, will satisfy
a people slow to anger, can be tested bieonnt
ing the returned Weathers of the Geocial As
sembly lizre next winter. The Souse axed the
pay of its members and those of the Senate at
tlttec-n hundred; not, comptint mileage,
the extra pay of membi rs on committees of
contested elections at 000 each, whether ein
one or more et:m=l4.2es. Now, bad the eom
ratttee resolved - 'that hereafter the pay of
members of the legislature shall be $1,500 with
out computing Mileage," there would have bee-n
some courage anP manliness in it; but -the
habit of taking every winter, or. trying to take.
more pay -than they IntphrAly contracted to
serve the people better be atoppM.
With that prepositioei - bekre them, the pee
might possibly arouse awl rej , et the csolu
lien, and send men who would net dare ic Ms.°
their wishes. But the way thoy arc i; - q; it
can only be stopped by refit-hog to torn
such offending members. lam Lapps , sty,
that our members opposed it in eommttt rand
otherwise so far as opportunity temlld
.Of the areonnta devo•ed to general public use
including the eintennial coidribution, Phila
delphia absorbs $1123,.018 ; iu all the rest of the
Commonweslili, inciutlany the limns mtuld
While it is to be • ra l iceted - that kennel; ivauis
ie to be liberal, and' `wen geutroui if yon
please, is it iedis-,teuratile to be thus prodigal
of the pi.blic firm's, or thus to discriminate in
their distribution '$ These: are (meat:one' than
-every min mar a•dt leritself, for the annual de •
:Janda are largly (et U e increase.
• IlaocuwAY, busing in charge the new
county, made' , .rent- eeetral retinal( as the
bill came ep ter oti.siders, is n, followed by Mr.
Mveu, who poured hut shot into the scheme
VII the Minnequa spring even, must have
seethed and hissed with - cem'motion. Whether
his speech, well directed and strong iq argn-
Meta, or whether any speeches, can .avail
against the scheme in this Douse, may - hest
known nest Wednesday morning, to which it
was made the special order. Major D.tnrr har
the floor, his syieeh having been shed off to
make the special order. is a difficnlt matter
to canvass ; the friends of the i r:or, county be
ing incommunicative and reticent. Math
Bradford county gentlemen were percent to
witness the first leap of the kangaroo; among
them ye gefoiili,ditor of ye REPORTER, cu
EVANS, NUMM'. Lams, and others, who are,
doubtless. satisfied that all will be done that
can be to check imprudent legislation.
• Eutvott.
It is rumored that the Philadel
phia and Reading railroad is about
to take hold of the Nancy Creek
railway. We are pleased to lean ,
this. The latter road 'now connect).
with the Catawissa extension at
Hall's Landing. and has been leased
by the Philadelphia and Reading
road, and it would certainly be of
great advantage to that company b.
have control of the Money Creek
nail; as it would make quite a feed
er, and would not cost a large amontit
of money to complete it to the Snlli
'van coal fields, where it wouldson.
'nect with the -Sullivan and Erie
road, now in active operation: no
Money Creek road would certainly
become a paying road when complet
ed, as there would be a vast amount
of coal transported over it, beside.
the great quantity of timber that ex
ists all along its line, and other
minerals. We trust, for the sake o'
Williamsport, that the rumor is cor
rect, and that the Nancy Creek mail
will be speedily completed. It would
bring ns Sullivan coal, which would
be desirable and useful, for main
purposes.— Gazette d Bulletin.
Boutwell EleeteiVes the• First Ballot.
Bosrox, March 12. George L
Boutwell was elected United States.
Senator to-day in the Convention of
the two houses of the Massachnsettp
Legislature. The whole number of
votes cast was 275. of which Bout
well received 152, Dawes 115,Georgi
H. Loring 2, L. K Tarbox 2,
Whiting 2, C. C. Green 2, Mr. Bout
well:was declared elected.
In an interview yesterday, Secrets.
ry Sontwell stated his .retirement
from the treasurership would prob
ably not result in any change of pol
icy in the administration of financial
matters. •
Cowman, Ohio, March 14. —ln
the Senate to day, after a long dis
cussion, the House joint resolution
to censure the Olio members of Con
gress who voted lor the Iteiroactiw
Satiety bill was adopted, after being
so amended as to censure those mein
bers wbo voted against the bill but
nevertheless took the extra pay.
MS.. The glory of Connecticut has
doparted! Wooden nutmegs, hereto
fore deemed the ne plus ullra of
human ingenuity, are just nowhere.
A man in Maine now makes . , good
merchantable oysters out of flour
paste, • tapioca, salt and water.
These are placed in second-band
oyster shells, which are earefully
glued around' the edges. ,When a
hungry, half -inebriated individual
come into 'the saloon and calla for a .
dozen raw on the half sheU, he re.
ceives the above' described delicacy.
We fancy that they mast be . eaten in
their original state, and that cooking
might provp fatal to them:
Mr The public debt was reduced
considerably- orer $5,000,000 diving
the short Month at February. The
total National debt now amounts to
something over $2 150,000.000. This
will be paid in about twenty-five or
thirty years. ,
" is.. And now I. N. ETANS hag . tak
en hie place on Haantea roost. - Some
of iibb Akin "Western &net like it.
It is difficult for those who belong
to the younger generation of railroad
!nen to realisothat the whole - of our
peseta railroad eastern has been de
tilloPed ,slid perfected within less
than forty years.,- Bash, however, is
the WI,- end there( ere of course
many Men still living whb took 'an
actiie part in the first experiments
which were made, sad helped. to con
struct the first roach ,ttild their en
gines and cars. Withthe develop=
meat of such a. system there has, of
course, grown up gradually sultfroin
'the lief- ssities of the case, terms and
ditties to detrignate the appliances
opehitiOns and Methods eniployed in
the llittltifitrion* and comphcatcd,
business of constructing and work
ing such reads, and conducting their
traffic. Cons(lermg the niaguitudel
and, the importance,- both socially )
and economically, of this modern
system, it has been extremely barren
in literatuae, e43bially hi this noun-
To ti very great extent, therefore,
no exact or common system of
menclatnre'exista, and each engineer,
superintendent, master nieehauic,
car-builder, or other officer or opera
tive hae adopted terms of his own,
as his inclination 'or • neeetisity led
him. These are goody bad or indit
ferent, as the ingenuity,. taste or
dullness "of the inventor or author
may have suggested.. Some are very
expressiq and I appropriate:, 'as, for
example, -" cow,catcher," and " jerk
water," the latter being. the name giv 7
en to the arrangement for takiog up
water into O tender while mulling.
Others are very absorb. We hive
heard, for instance, of a man order
ing adozan pieces_ of " wooden put
ty " for car repairs. He meant the
strips of wood used etir windot4s
for =the same purpose as patty ig
used in ordinary_ windows.
There is, however, in a largo num
ber of the terms used very
. great
bignity and indefiniteness, the same
word being used for different things
by differenti people uud at different
places. , l- Often a thing is designa•ed
by one word at one place and by
another somewhere else, so that in
transactions conducted by corres
pondence and telegraph,
.as railroad
business necessarily is, very much
confusion and - many mistakes are
constantly occurring from this
source. It, therefore; becomes daily
more and more important that some
common system should be adopted
for fern's employed in the operation
of railroads.
So great has this necessity become
in the car departments, and so embar
rassing, the confusion arising for the
,want of it, that the Master Car Buil
ders' Association has apponittd a
committee to prepair a dictionary_ of
such terms, to report at the next
meeting. It is, course, vkry_
'important that such vo --1:, if &tie at
all,•should 4 be well done, and that_
whatever is established by the Com
•alittee should rest upon so good
grounds that none of it will ever need
to be undone. If. Dittoes which ate
not aetinite, or appropriate; or tieli
conceived, should be carelessly or
neatly adopted, it would be impossi-.
nle, probably, every to set them
Some people are very apt: to think
that one world is as another to desig
Date any particular thing, if only all
are agreed to apply that word., to
hat special thing. 'rhat. suchis'not
the sise, all who have ev-r giVen soy
thought or study to the construction
language -know. Those who have
even . the most eleweritary knOwledge
-,f science have learned the immense
`Advantage resulting from accurancy
in the meaning and 4 use of terms, and
iu railroad matters,lwhere ambiguity
may lead to such iiiisastrous results,
it is especially itnitonant that the
rents used should,' ;be clear and
without any coufusiOu of meaning:.
As the appointment of the com
mittee by the Car-Hullers' 'Associa
tion is the tirat step toward the for
mation of - - a dictionary of iailioad
terms, the metobt:rs cannot ,exercise
Too much care in doing - their first
work—a beginning of whatiis 'now
much needed.—.Raifroad g arde.
winahe fate of FL ST En,kpo3vn as the
" car-hook murderjr," is at last set
tled. A most persistent anat. power
ful effort has been made to procure
from Governor Dix a c. 7 uulutation
of the death sentence twat of im
prisonment for life Distinguished
lawy& - s, clergymen, and laymen have
suited in praying for the wretched
criminal's life. EVen the wido'w of
the 'murdered meth has joined in the
petition, and certificates to VOISTER'S
good character and lamb-like dispo
sition have been adduced to the
score. Tha'New York press has tak
en up the subject,-and lies abounded
an editorials and letters now p'e d
ing-for mercy and now dematd ng
;hat justice be done. The Ganea.or
has patiently weighed all these ap
peals and arguments, and has de
cided that ho cannot interpose to
stay the award of .the law. The so
ber judgment of all good citizens wall
honor him for that decision. Society
will be the safer for it.
New Aavertiserdents.
A Daily and Weekly Journal for the
Lateet News from all parts of World .
Tar. psnA , ADVERTISER is a ramming paper
pubtithed erre. y der steept Sunday'. It Is pub.
liehed et such en available - poiot:that it is able to
gore all the latest news to a very eat-mire-terrotory.
-tither than It is possible for ill ct4er journal to
supply it river • Issue portion or touthern New
Turk and Northern Peunsylvani t it restates points
earner in the ni-rnitta. an a west of Elmira even to
the I ate, It la In ADVANCE lIY MANY HOURS of
any metropolitan journal.
Its sperialtes and features that recommend It to
the publk are numerou. and known far and wide.
Hithe-represontative journal of .Routbern New
York. and it looks earnestly and peritoneum to the
interest and advancement of that portion of the
It bag an Interest th and .care for the large and
constantly increasini poi tilation. wealth and plater
of northern Pentsyliants. and a though printed In
another state, seeks by all reasonable moans to
forward it on the MO road of prosperity and wealth.
of the Advertirer ere Its' Inn, latest Telegraphic
intelligence from all quarters; its faithfai reports
of the daily Martens at all the commercial centres
of the country; its comments nn political and pas*
ice events and its full. fresh and readable local In
It combines all the best features of a lest-class
general iesitapeper.'and a gmt-chies keal-journak
Is s debt page. fiftTaix column Deem:rem
honed evert 111E1214V. ay contains the tree= of
the Daily 24Ition. •
It ia isill addressed and Intended for that
Large and lnallisset class of Outatooo.l y who resider
off the geed ma n hnea of conanuoication awl toe
redlines for reachlog whom mites ft Impossible to
sappy ..bemselves with • dilly paper.
-for these. tmaidea the late staler.) and local news
are provided reports of local agricultural interests,
and full reports of Isle markets fore:aunt:, produce.
It is emineutly.s roadside paper an I fir ni-ties
essh isms a rut amorMt and variety C.f reading'
Daily. peryear $8 On
Westly*** II OD
Nevf ertisamenta.
experienced MILLER. iddrem 0. W. Bac,
Ata M bang Car
R ucci. Ildopeturin eveliq• Ps
oen e
V . R I N G,.
r&TO just recebred thfir
. •
TO Ili 10 14
1 •
Bllek Silks.
Bind; Alpaeas,
Dress Goods,
' Shawls,
White Gocds,
Gloves, 4.-c - ., SC.,
Which tlla, are offering
Towanda, 3larch ID. 1873
of the "FIILiT NATIONAL 13sNE." of TOvtaild*
Pa.. at close of business. Feb. 2.8. 181'3 :
Loaua and, discouuta
o.c , drafts iitrjl.4.s7
. , O.bBl
tt.S. Bonds to secure circulation 13:1,000 tiO
Due tram redeeming and reserve agents.. 41 3G4 St
Due from NatiouAl Bankx
Due 'from .t-de batiks and bankers
Banking Hon.()
Funxitum and fixtures
Current expenses
Taxes Pahl:. ... ...
Cash Items
Bills of National Banks • • ' 6 563 00
Fractional Currency (=Jutting nickel)... 129• 19
Specie...... lit 10
Legal tender notes... .
....; 27.164 00
Capital Stock raid itf ',* $123,000 do
Surplus fund 50.000 OC
Exchange • - 1 1496,41
Profit and loss. 4 532 its
National Sank circulation outstandul -' ‘,4..j. 109.19 a o‘l
Dividends n-paid... .. ....-. 1.640 1.0
Individual Deposits '259.667 :5S
Due to National 'tanks • ,' ' 2.922 el
Due to State Banta and.DatiNcer=_ -
477 3.5
Brair. or l'Esiicsn.vccia.),
COunty of Bradford. 1
I, N. N. BETTS, Jr., Cashier of the First National
Bank of Towanda, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and
belief. N. N. BETTS,•Jr.. Cashier.
Subscribed and s worn to before me; this fistli day
of 11Duda. 1873. W. H. I.)OPGF:,
• Notary Public.
Coanter—Attes: C. M. MCNvILT.E.
t- ' - F.. T. 1? IN. • Directors
Jos. rpw ELL,
SLEW, srtrt AND 1
The sehscrihera having , perelksed
the Planing Mql formerly owned by C. D. Cdomb k
co., and h.ving thoroughly repaired theeetioe, are
now prepared to do
And to umufacturo
In the best manner std on reasonable terms
Persona &lira a distsnee eau haie their lamter
dressed to take baa with them the same day.
A Isrge stock of
In fact everTtilng In thtr 1ine:111. of which will be
sold chesp for cash.
We also pay cash for ln'nb•r. F3r farther. infOr;
tuition enquire at one Furniture 'Store on Main
Street, or at the Factory oa Ch►e,ee Street. .
Mardi 12. 1273.
N, urricz or SKr nova Szwrato MActuzzs,
Ito err Broadway. lf.Y., Feb. 23. lath.
- T4Hove Machine Co having purche.ed the en
tire atereste of Mr. M. P. Howe in the orisons]
Howe liewing Maculee and business, and he' having
retired front the same. - the machine will be.eafter
be imotand sold by the Howe Machine Company.
but through separate otiose and ender, Jim distinct
tottioiroment as before. This machirie has been
before the public for 21 yea s has had a eery large
Sale. a**s all enviable reputito on, and, Whir in
every respect a truly first-class, machine there is
wary reason why its lialitlfictil4 should be con.
totted and it is the settled determinative of We
Howe lifechineto. to press the ewe of the same
with all the energy and enterprise that hes charac
terize!' the progress of their own machine in the
pup. We desire to retain 11111 Mei old agent., and to
mate as man, new ones as possible. We take this
MIS Mouton to $1.1:11e the public that this pope.
tar machine is now plered'upon a permanent basis.
and that macidnes and parts can be ohtained with
the same priunptness as heretolpre.
-01 r Agent for 11.-elford Coatity ;is Mr. HENRY
Toirstida. P.
Very resoecthillr.:
'RUST & SONS mate the 'beat
Paclimaton shads thameterli.
1 78.
• s.
ITSZIM PL&TEJ3 wirx. -
k.) instated work of the kind in, the world. -
The eytr.l wre sfog circulation el f this eleellent
monthly proven it. coutinueo adaptiou to novqvar
d• ti , L+Qaui Invetri when we thitra -into
how mina it pen4testes every rsooth, we
niust'cousider aa one of tlie tittlinat(Ml4 0.4 1 , well as
ente,itaturrs or the Vol.:ilea:tint for its vast popu
larity has been iron by no appeal to stupid preju
ciosi or deprived isles ;,— soatun (Robe.
The char Act-r which this 3iiigazine possesses for
newsy, enttipt, , ise, Artistic wraith, and literary cul
ture that has kept pace with, if it has not led' the
Linea, al.atid cause its conductors to rei.a d it with
coniptiievucy. t also entitleW tlitm .t 0
great data& upeu the public grat , tride.. The Masa
zinc hr.. • °Le good and not evil all the days of its
life.--Breehly Ea..le
The Weekly is the ablest and most powerful_ ttlul
tested petiodical pcbtisbed the conott7: its
editertil- are scholarly and conviocin.!„ and carry
notch weastif. Its illnAirations of current events
are nal end tr sty, and are prepared t y our, best - dt•
planers. With r cir.nldlou of ISUAU the weekly
is re :,d by at lest hal a mil -on person's. and Ira In
iltwn• i; as an ‘ , rgan ot upniiou is simply , tr. men
dous The tVepkly tuaiLtauls a poadi‘e :pda , tiun
and esprearea decidpd sews on a podt , Cal and so-
cial prude LOnw: di • ccitirier Journal.
Embi oileriee
INA:Ns s: HlLDnErii,
Ifcitige eareet
11.&'G pu
15 2 1 (•3
t't 009 00
2,000 01)
'I 1 , 1 1,6
1.111 31.1
5,3 2i
3,+9a 9
$553.356 qi
$3.53.* 04
J. 0. "PROSY .t SONS:
••••• 1:11 •••''"•'.
For anythlrigin t 1 Iluo of
—= _ . ,
dtkar ANtr_BOT 'BMWS: apckei.
Axtl a 1001. other thipga
Towanda. INPef 111, 1,41/.
The Hagar is edited - with a contribution of tact
and talent that we seldomflud in a.,y j , iurnal, and
iii j urnal the organ of the great u'orld of
fashion.—lMAoh , I sus eleu,
The Bazar commcods itself to every la. - ember of
the opusehol.l--to the children by droll aEa p etty
pictures to the young ladies by its lashion
imendleas varmt cy, W the provident matron oy its
patterns tot the chi dr- Ws ciothes t 0 pateramillas
by its tasteful ttest,mat for eruhruideied slippers ?MCI
luxurious dressing-gowns. lint the reading matt- r
of toe Bazar is Ito from y of great excellence. .3he
pa er has ayrjutreo a wide • popmarity for' the fire
side enjoyment it affords.—N-1 1 . Evening Post.
bUBSeItITTI.ONS —lBl3. ' •
Harper's Msalazine. one year Ii Do
Harper'. Weekly, one year $4 00
Harp-r's Bazar, ono year '•' • $4 10
• AU extra copy pf either the Magazine. Weekly. or
Bazar supplied gratis for ever) eluti,ot five
bubscribMi • at 44 each. in one remittan,e, or six
copies for $2O, without extra copy.
"oaraeriptionet to Harpers llvazine, Weekly, or
Bala' to one address for one }ear Slo.. or tWo of
Harper's P•o-todivila to one aildrrof tor 0110 year $7.
Back Lumbers can be supplied atany time.
I:ec. lg . Address H L KPER ti.Y
_ -
.t. ti. WAR:Si:II
MINE. just reeived a 14g,e tmtut -of 0
all the lute: t kt)lee.
Anaerietin and Sv:iss Watches,.
'Gold and Sllt'er. from the cite:ll:est to the best
Alio a largo assortment of
Remember the pt tee, two floors south of Powell
St Co.'s, :170 itqlimla, ta..
Watcher, Clock», aud Jewelry carefully repaired
bought the .stock -and fix
twee of George Ridgway, at the old stand of the
"would inform ray friends and cuetninPre that 1
shall and,avor to keep on hand a acteet Mock of
t • Mitch I wal ben at bottom prices
Thinking a genercua pnbtto,•for their avrapathy
for m 5 kte I:nll4'omi:ie. I hope by strict attention to
bastnesii, to merit a share ot.tts patronage.
- -
Tirvanils, March 12. 1373
T -
A_ and plea' Monthly Magazine. Demoreut
'inciting-America. witu and in
., riesling stories, poems. puzzles. travels, games,'
itortius..enrreaprindeuce, etc., !idly 11 ustrateit Sh
all Its departrulints, Is an ever welcome guest to the
famPy table of tustroction and amusement. Single
copies 10 ceuts post tr.-e. Year.y sl, or with choice
of the following beautiful and valuable p.eutinms
to each subacr.ber. far 50,ceuts extra; a choice trOCII
five fine Parlor ebrowiw, worth $5. each. or two in
teresting Juvenile gooks. bound in clout and guilt.
north $1.75. post free; or a nee pearl.hamiled two
blade Pocket Nude suit a pallet ot.-beet Paints, post
tree; or a very powerful bruaii-monuted, dour. c
cylinder, oaq-tipped lidfie.tatite Ann osCop- , worth
Si. post/ LAI 6 cents; or a good Stereoscope' with,
s-ties of vows, postage 5 yenta; or amelegaut
to.rai h album for bolding 51 pbittfre.. Po't 4 S o 16
cents; and valuable premiums ter clubs. .Address
W. JENNINGS £s3Y Broadway, ,New
York. Feb.l2
Farmers sad dealers will find a gooestoek of
Wirrranted true to name ,I•aleo
Ohio tt, State Clover & Tinintly geed
Fet. •11:1'3
On, of the'largest aclooli of the kind in the tlnitea
State,. Prepares Students for College. Graduates
yotiug ladies. Enaloth b^a,iehes thoroughly tut ht.
AL German Pro e.sor of nutria. Military tactics.
co m m ir mt borough tnere.inti e tirgtitn
tioU—uook,!A sten dirortty from btOouesa ebtas•li-h
-uueu.s. relegraptiieiti,w.tritulnt nuequallod. Spring
tortn'ogene April 13. 1873 •
Address' ties. C. cormorp. ex. President. or-
L. A. 16
0034% PRAIN:T. Prtualpat of Copusi rebMarida' 1 • Coll-ge,t
rcielNe or Ut,
rOlt SALE::- - --A valuableprope r t y
t for sale near the Rolling KW, it IL bargain cut .•
on owl term... 100 - fee( front - 44 d 245 feet d.„
Street Int arcade, of it. 4rge house tb em z:
rot stilt 1 • -
liUth atm -
OR. SALE; YeU detirabie r
property CazarAwn. Bradford Cow% 1. p c
The h olm is In /rood order and the -b-rn
,only t ao
years old The terra are vary 'eiay. Port Am u
particulars apply to . Dr. V. Bogner ; 01021001 02 , 11.
Jan a ' •
FFOR.farai 'd;f ai;ou„66
acres. ilignateti Within three tulles ..f ToTiado
8030 . 0gb. Well *tarred, with good °rain'. Mut
and ham theteall, and about, ItiMPIN o - 11bott btod
• lid bother. F terms apply! to W. W. g ,
Office opener Moo and Mau. Strowta, Tololds,
3,m,15-ft - .
FO R N7.—The three s t ory .
Briek Rtore 1 %9 Malts /greet. nears, °nowise tZ I
Means Rouse. Towanda. Pa. The II at ta re h
finjohed og for a store and the 5eC ,, 13,1 and third
Boors are.riodtable for a dweliug. -W.der so both
eta ICO ~ P 04000,1100 Rkel3 llrst Of APTi} Engtur e
John Carroll. 8-trclay, PC. or Win. Foyl«, Attorney.
at.fAir, Towanda, Pa F.l) . 14 wi•
F •
t ilt .• 8 ALE. —A. vttluablu Frnit
.1; I'd() amts. 13i: full° froth (M,T rie .
town. &wa l t z co..nty; D ,-* aware. •Ivat..." or wrrci
kindred Pol wit Troaa In be iripg pf chose-rmi t
Aire about Itso apyinTrfta. arana P« , k , a 4111C/ISt?
fru t. Ordinary faunae and I 3 «n. PleAty o r t in .
rr , r. itald climate. g4pd w#ter..t!.7. For fortlter
perticiaalis enquko GI ti t he owner.
LARoy. tfr.dthrt, pa.
Feb 14:444
VORSALE,—A. t)tne cont,i n i ng
a b ou t w ar.rea Of good 13 , 1 1.;r:r.t.,1 th r , e
mdels.frotot I.e l laYersilo'Brzsd'lr 'C'"aftv ,
u e gir Bosch Grove pchoal honey Tire stose,ro-c.sto
are a gooil house and barn together *nth
bap flood water and' a•• unag • orche...t o r , I t o
,s,..lerfrisea. This .a an excellent locallj fora rot _
chanie. Terms eery easy, is the owne r irr
Loncoster Comfy. For further partiolore
to Wm. B. litesetil. Leßaxer.l.e, Jan.s.
undenlgned offers for al:c sealr the-p. tLn
following , ir-o•ibed Teal estate: •
I.nn 'aro/ coot-all:14w 190 'acres, toostf)• iarproseth
Wasted to Towanda township; • A1, , 0 one thiattrs
lot contaliing 9 acres. • - j
One fartu contain au 103 acres Yu - Asylum town
ably. paill) improved.
Ow firm containing 30 acres and Bonne
townships. - • •
One rouse anii lotin Towanda Borough.
Two houses in.Fruntit Towanda, near the bcrb • tgll.
Also two lots./ -
Jan.l 1073
)14 S‘rar "•A .
•• : small pia. cr ) n.
F ack. lu Bradford
county,. , on the "coutruiplatiiii. radios-1 fine, •
Binghamton to Diz,licrp, one-half !reproved an. 3
ik high state of euitivatluu ;the tionaindAr in tatte., ,
hie Utilber, white oak, chestnut, bickury.and pine.
tildituot flea ly new; a Vtko-s!r, y Louie.
Harsher. with a rieveniailing spring et whtpr MA.
rang into the house and trove thence . to road u.-u
the barn. The barn is larg WILD undergeran e ;
stable, c opentershop,Fui
rt. such as apple* li
and Butter ~ n nia and - hiPkory until
'abundance. Only a few rods to dolt. b and iraid..
graded- school This mania mak,: a tap b. m,
tuechanic or family whit with..r4•Lre frAli .rur,„
businees iito and spend the remuudPti-Ot their •tirt
in a aux and hap home— - For t•lrther port culatt
sad; eta L- r. Bit herd. Birchentl.ire Sitqueheiht
county., P.s.. or B. Bowen, Troy, Pa , or Licy tire.
vine. Stevensville. Pa. Feb.l9
i. U.
followiwz for
E. H. c Hkr , and HENUY WARD BEECI1EI: tt
the, other Irctther,s it their ti:rvices can Le secure - J.
otherrch , e *other leetureni %hi i c encase
Itese:ved :•r:24ts.
hoc. 13, 1e.73
Codling, Russell &. Co.'s,
J. D. JOliNtinN
JutitN; TinT,NIFA
Gr.- Pr
SEASON eF 11111-3
dant;ry 3, ie
TL_• Iu ni Tract
-Ta.uuary •.!1. Is:
t3,abitrct— , .;
Whrit'e to liiind,r,"
, ,I , j , t-
February 1572
„Fel” %:11,:: At kil by's Ls r;: Si.,,f,
.1::o . L. I:. Fne-ir
S. W. Al.Vue.D, .
1 3 1;,.“1 - 01IM-
I , ExTE3 s catryFlE
With Patent. Waribmg ()ye]
..6$ I "'
, /
L. 1, f
An.. all kinds .!.)t:
prom a 10 ceiAt Door Latch ati
Of allorts,ty workmen who can
not be e..%Z.'elled ego:died by those
from any Othei locaLty.
Tiorsida, JArn . E0,15T11.