Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 06, 1873, Image 1

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TIM B1601'010) 11.14,013211 published wrap
Thursday Morning by 8. W. Ai.vosit at Two Dollars
per aIIUILW m 41/111 , 13100.
/LdVertlBllllg in all cues suouslirs of subscrtp.
tiou to We paper.
SPECIAL litlTlOZEltniertall n4TE.C6 Cririlper
line for first Insertion. and Yi omen per line for
IAn!AL -NOTICES; tame style as reading matter.
ADVERTIBEBIENTSwiIi be inserted according - to
the following table of rates
1 is ras 2an Stnl ern I lye.
1 inch 11 op I 3.00 I 6.00 I 6.161 1 10.001 $l5
2 Welles 1 201 1 1_ 6.001 .4.011.10. 0 01 4.001 20.00
d tuettea 11 2.501 7.00 1 10.00 1 13.110 1 20.110130.0 a
4 inches' I 3:0 1 1 4.60 114 00) 111.25 1 25.00 135.04
colown 1 5.00:1 12.001 15.001 22.00 1 30.001 45.00
,7 7, ,,r0nn 1 10.00 1 1 1 2..001 311.01 1 40.001 66.1 10 1 76.00
1 cultuut 1 211.0 1 1 40,011 rOl.OO 1 40.011 4100 1 4160
.I.dtiltulatrator's and execntor'e Notices. $2 ;
t sr's Notio4, 42 nti ; Rosiness Cards. fire lines. 'per
y 46. additional inane 41 .ach,
advertnot re are entitled to qnarterly changes.
Transient adVertlsornentl. most be,paiti for is iuteesex.
All ite.,43l , ttione it 4,..aolatinna
of 'lm.tPi or lo,omonicatione
.0414;idnal •nteroet. /Ind nottree of Mar.
ri tZeti c ,o % l tot. ••trendinft 04e lines, are rhereed
E I F. , TP per line.
• -1-,.e-gr.poliTF.Fif 1111'1112 r. larer) circulation than all
~ .he ;tapers tr. Chtironntyeeinthlnrd. makes it the heat
A.d. - ertialne medium in Northern Pennslirsols.
JO 0 PRTNTTINft , of every kind. in Plain and Fancy
zOlors. done pith , neatoesa and , flapatch TlandhipP.
a -Patti Meta. rtilitleada. Statement.. kr
. _
BIATAR. Car "PitflplllPLS , ni lll ll l54 S.
of CVO , ' variety nnii drle. priliteil at ill.• gliortetri
riAle , , rim itrenirrrii (Wei. is antin
er t're,tses. a ioM ...PAortnrut of new type. atia
vr , r ctli Ins. In the Printing line cab be eteentea
he critici ,rtiQtir 010 , 11110' 121 , 1 42 flip 10Creld rates
irTiyfir r7T4 TIT V ,a 917
. •
- • • 3tTSTrESS CARDS.
"rock-kids. Root. 15. Icirt_vr
0 P. T 1 'FITT .7,17 . S SON%
• .r.Avr— nyrmia. Pa t . None but
rebahlr enniri , ,jos represent - a.
n. D. D • ' Mr7a '4n nArrns:rr.
13. 1 5.472 -Iy*
B. DE,,,,„,, Nn. 27 . 14_ 1 R/111th Water street. MI
cago.!Won., Red Egtati. , pnrelatsed and sold. In
crstmente madeand M ,, ney Loaned..
Mar 10. •7n.
TORN 11TTNFF,E. RT,.4eKsltr777.
mritiitr)r.ToN.•pA., pap; nart±rolai alto -rayon to
ronlnr 119t9.9t.5. Wntzon6. hr. Tin. set Nina
, 10711. On Abort notice. Wort and , hara9Q
111 . 11 . 111.11fleOPM glom Work of
dp.t.r+l4lon itnne In t 11,.. ht. .tvl. B.
To•v-001 , ,, 10411 41 1' —tf
F 1 .1 I'S'N'TT,T,F, WOOLEN 1111 LL
1111.1ore . , :nol .70n1,1 renritqully linnontier
t'to tbirtzllp ,•Onmt:lnpy •011111:11 , 1 Wontet;
Fl•tnn , 4.. n7,(1 all kinds at
1.en.1 Si 0, Teal 4:11110 nLVS.
S: 11 1 7 SSELL ' S
ay23 72 -11 TOWA.NII,Ii,
7; - •
INTII. 1.101 - 1. 0, i‘N & DP‘L
; V E •..:•1V -Lot- from cleft no.
t ••• 1... 11.-t o i :1,11,01011 and
ale! mono , : e. F (1 ,4 tins 13 S 11
WO I Lan , llt. or UP , . m a man of
1111111 I,r si t u, 1,;-Ion In 14. ot 111 i, .41,(1
ornnertr ,',tl 1121,1 r.,11,11 , 41011.
ov-r Meo•olos •a
L. L •tafT. o
TI:(7T Tunt,rirn. to itiforni toe
vo-a I.f To •,11,11 . ,,r , ,1 he will (five
ott,mpon ,Ir,ovin/t. nhna, dralena qvtil
;,•ottoto , for ill m•lnner private
I tmitll,-. 4 , rint,m imp., civet; for reavorithle
; r,,•nwition (1111,-. ,t E. corner of
•• ,,, 1 s•tr,
J. I:. FT,rll -, 11` , :(1.
17'71 , Iles 1111. Tow:111 , 1.1.1 1- a.
XTE PA13 1 ".011, OFr:\SHION.
Sri ‘VIC , ;, 11 . 11 1 1 CrTTLNIT,
sq.\ ) anal TT IT3I DYE! Nil
1.1 ttm T.,tovt Strie. p 31119
au 1 Chalren':ii flair, Sham
-112:1 Prizzil,2.
• , 1 , , C. qts'll l . l .kl - •,:. LTNI11_1(11 ) 1 4E. ov , r the
• I
• 1 11.11, Stir Te.v•upla: r.t.
\i tn . l , (I. 1,72.
717 ' . ETNGSI3ITRY.
corner of *Main and State Streets,
Morrli 13, 147'. - TOW k.NDA. P [ A.
1 am t.renaved 211 furnish-Kiln-drivel Doors. Saen
lilt 1:1,1,1. of any 1 3ylit, size. or ti l irkrll,o4. on Phort
11:111 , 1 in ;your or , lmot ten day, hnfore jots
•••••: ' 1 ,, the art,loa. 0ti,111,.• litre that yon ,v , ll
• I
that will no , •-11rtilk I,r Ftvell. Terms ea-11
' . ON & Blt 0 T E
13.1';CF. is psl4l ,tll ti inre.
•; . o. at 1: St 're, Ma , n-at.,
, 14- , C7if T.) , VNN ,} X PA.
N T. R
;. I r-(;(4 ()OS, LOW Pli/CES.'
• • FA.
4 , 111 Groff:rice and Pt e5 . .,...0n5, Dr:lgs
~. 1 • i1 2 :11 , Cllinturys,
••••., It: 0 Pc.:, . Y,.!a, V.,r,..1-1,.13,11;tte No.
-; 0 , ..1 Snuff Pure W:tivA and
- J , ;.0.,;. for ine•liomal
, • t, • II• E•st prirmr. Pre
vom'p,,onii.,i ..t . 111 3 t ot the
• I: , a I .2 1 .1.
• t. 1.. JI:T.O 21 1- , lq-ly.
k 1 1. : ).11ION, •
1 1 ; S `IA , •
;, • - 11,7341 a tull a,...zortin;mt DOVIII.E r.nd
niN e 1 . ,. a ‘.O:EmS. ,q,• - iod++ in hie line
•.n.l elanni..ctitrin t doily to order.
- -
! (i()N PI.ONERY
tiO(' 1 : ,11. I ES ! •
lem•O to return (hulks tO
tl • ;ttt Tdvvittel and viettlitt Pm the very
i. C , , ttrontge ext n•Itl to him dilring the
• i•• -In lot tin gnat. tAtn , • to give notice that
'.• • 1,1 t lie trat•ineSS a stock of
prep tre , Lto offer AT TH LOWEST i
••-•ntlooe the Itakin4 brimilless in all
• torni,+h anything In this line
n•,t.c.,• and
u.p a
ING Pt 0011,
•: t , ',IS Tarnish
•.:• • •:;.: 10.ver than,th,o4l.
..• 11-4ti,l!! t07::1 VlVkted
• I With T., mtn t
.• • ,0.:••••ti•n0t... - ••.
•• • th •, ,•••3715. '-,t , the -deans
r. • I ,S B A .ti 11,
:)-W A N .1r) A , PA .
t S. E.17.4..er5.)
t-. inc'v, .71.1,11:i5s Collet:- •
E.; k N:i.1.N . (1 BUSINESS, i
• - t. I 0.1 i;Fouey ' .to ANY rAnT
• • •• tins Batik
t ‘-'.1,;•1 the lowest terms.
A• 3 T I K T S
Ireland, Scot
- .7,ll:Atm:At and the Orient...l the
• I L.EIi lA'II7,D
.; Goad, Ctuted States Bonds
• - the Nal,. of Northern Pacific 7 3-10
C. IfERCUR,. President.
viNCENT. mar.l3'7l
tatio. , ..r , AND ELIZALETti syrEETF.
ni I
'.1021...\ at I'UNIINOUS COALS.
A - 1 SIZE4s .
S. W. .A.L.VOICID,' Publisher.
Ara.mos AT LAw. 'remands. Pa.
SEYO ALT UV. Ofllcoorner of Maio sad
Flue Htreeta, opposite Fortpros Drug Wm.
Office In Patton's Block, over Gore's Drng Ima
(Thstatcal Rama. lan 1. TA.
DR T. 13 31TFPSTSION, Pin-grew; AND
qrttnr ,, N. Office over Dr. D. C. Porter Ron
It , Co.'s Drou Atom
/ • grnornx, nffcrs his professional services to
the citizens of Warren anti ri unity. Ttexi4ence
fl-st bonne north of J. F. Cooper's Store. Warren
Centre. Pa. split 72 17
Pflecesanr to Ttr; WiTton niMen in Patton'' ,
13 , 0 , k tin a•atr*. Mnin ctrt.ot, Towanda Pa. 01
k n.l of Waln cork a 0w...1%11y. Jan 15'73
nR. S 11. WOODBURN. Phvaieinn
, nd Qnrseon:olllce over Wickham /c. Black's
ernckery atnris.;ds Wt. 1.
TT •
• AND COTTIMLIAR AT Law, Totrand al, Pa. Par.
t lenlar attention paid to bnatne.s to the Orphanto
onn rt. kilt. 20. Y.R.
..a.TTpRNEr..IT-L W. - '
Feli 27. '73-1 Sy.`. TOWA•V" . A. PA.
• NET AT "LAW (nintTict Attnrnry for Brad
rnrd County). Troy; Pa. Collection:4 made and prompt,
It in d
WB. KELLY Dvs-nqT.—Offwe
• Or., wiekb.m Townrvla Pa.
Tf•rth rose 4,1 nn 00.1. silrorher. awl
Timm baao extra,tra without pain. 0c23 72
- -
Prat:rm.: Pei - tospently located at Towstana.
Pa. Particular attention paid to aft filironie Tilseas
(.Unref. Had "I'lirnorm mninvPri .11ttprit pain and
TP.P of the knife / ) Ince at his tioairlenes on
St:ito street two cinnrs east of 'Pratt's Attend
otier io r.fnet• MOO 'ye and go' iturdays. %Toy 16.'72
itI alv , T0W211“13,T.1..
3tA1 , 17..T.. .1, N. CAT.I.Ir.
()Mee in wood'a 'l3lo^lt.. first door louth of First .
Notional Slant; op stairs' .Ton R 71-Iy
NEVI. AT LAW,. Towanda. Pa.. having entered
into copot thership. offer their protesslonal service,
to the pn,44iri Speeial attontion eiVittl to husines
In the and 'ftevistor's Courts. apll4'l7l
- N. C. P.D.1111r.r..
M T a
roe opposit , the Court Towanda, Pa.
• PEEINTr..NDrNT. Towanda, Pa. Office with
P "(T. second 'lour beta'' the Ward House.
he at the office the last iititurday of caul( month
an!." at all '.tiler timos when not called sway on hos!.
m•• .mn. , ..t.-(1 with (he Ruper.lemincy. All letters
mind hereafter hP a Idro,Ped as above. deC.1.70
Pri - r•urt +!..: ANT) RrnGrroi.
Ofrics , oar , dnnr ept of llPporter . l.milding Iles!
ap,l 211,1 c..treot.
Town,,da Jut,. 22. 1871.
Thwanda. stmlforil Co., Pa.
Particular attention paid to Collections and Orphans'
Court huatnese Otlice--Mercu**3 New Block. north
elde Pithitc Rquare. . apr. 1. '59.
T)OR - 70R. 0., LEWIS. A GRADU
ati. th Colletzent••Pbyslriann and RIM: rosin."
1` 4 4 . 3-4 giye.exelllgaive.ittention
le the I : !..letiee of bil,profession. Office ancl rr..idfnce
tb.....b.:b.rn slope of 0r0...11 Hill. adlolnaw Mont."
tan 14 'r.9
W .
D. D. S'EITH. Denhst, has,
i 0. H ,proiwrty, lictWeeD
‘1,4.,11.'s illy, i a:111 the Elwell jf .ii' e. ahem 1n has
100,r0.1 !lift "Moo. Teeth ettr•L4 OA without paln by
11‘..r. of ,is "lt t. 70
N 1 N G It 0011 S
co:zsrx - rio -, N TILE' T 1 JtEI Y.
Ne . :r tho rt
hr .c.4 - ,n prepared to'f‘,..-.1 the hnii....ry at all times of
tb' r:a) and evening. Oyst,rm and lee Cream In
their •
Slarch aft. 1876. w. SCOTT ..`;
1101IPC. IP tour ready to aceomrna
date the tra7elling No rains nor expense will
be .pared to givr: satisfaction to those who may give
loin - acall.
frii• nit b Fl , 7n of the public square. east of Mer
cy.- P new tile. k.
LL rEt.
Having ogiily relitt , d tlris old
ar:d WPll.known.tond formerly kept by siberttrtirif-
P.s, at the month . of Illimmertield emelt. ready to
gj :!,11(Nri /14 . VMM - a !Int] sftctory treutocnt
to anwho may favor Luna with a :all.
t R4*.R—tr.
kV 2_ P.
The Ilarnesa. &c. of all gmesta of this
houke. iir+llr,d azahast loan by Fire, without anf ea
A .13rerjor quality of Ale, juFt
R. .101111 AN,
Towmla, Jan. 24.'71. I'r6prirtor.
W. 14111) HOUSE,
_ 1
This popular house. recently leased by 3ilesars.
Koov k and having been completely refitted.
renirilielert. 'and refurtnebecl. affords to the Rublie
a ll th e c oi n f o rts and
,modern crinvetnen/ . em of a first
clstis Hotel tittnato opp(Nite• the Park on )lain
str,et It In tmitivtitly ;on V1,111•Ut for pergone rzeit
ing Towanda. t.ither for pl..estire or Tominedie.
;COON ST P.ANS. Proprietors.
11.ii ) NSION HOUSE,
Lrf. isVILLI;. I'.~
w ISO )VCNI!.:(
Tifi. • iy rominctt•.i T..airpr.uce
Evort ets••rt will b•• to tA. to m,tkr
GoA room? , atO the table will
‘3 , •be ~;ppi:.•d with tlO tht , ruarliPt
fA , nIA. t N ,, v. 1. D 1.
N.• I‘._l Nr:RY, for S:1. by
.13. M. WELLES,
,o No. 3 74 , trcuevi Block. ianrth f , d3e of Court
} 4411aari,.
±.T. - ..vol;; Ilorse PoNvere arid Threasbere,
Rll. l I Sowers. Gram See.lere,
1. viers. 'ie.:lT...A.le and stel':Dlows, vators,
Horse Hone. Clove. Rollers and fdlr.
L 0 , 1 ,1 MoWER-. WtTI:11. DitAWET.N.
4•111'7y /11. vmaLp. cor.:c
SIIELLFAI , NN. • 011 POW Vit. &C.. IC.
- .•C'at:•1.)„4:••. aw 4 de&, Itlu.trrted prnitca Cir.
6111 1.h.4.1 ,or tu.4il.-d tree u$ all xpplic3:lt..
It will tht tbree _cent- t e, , tict for eir,tllan,
ut 1•0.t.,g, ,
FArti•rn wurn in Towanda, call and Poo tr.e.
kprt 2 '2,'72. It. M. WELVES.
11_ U S E. /L. , MIN( i( 1S fornierly
. ha% unw ou hand
ILL l ICI - •;Tr.3 LNERI & FANCY GotTns
In t I tir...ty •11.11 r.. 1 aud , irmtation Laws.
1 . 1,1114 'La' ti (jOILAriI and tierk
.11nyhen to all Ulf. tat”..t,be Lam alao thr
tau .i - .4)1e% g. , ,odri . reat and imitation. Kid
shrll and Straw °man:onto,
lirace'ette. Combs k.c.. - kc. She has given special
atfrutiow to otit Lad es Bonnets and Dress eaps,Cso
Inf,nts Cars Ruches, kc.
have secured the ser. lees of a first class straw
Mrintser. and Sll4ll gee .latintaction In' all
manner of atraw won Itqvnnt at 'the nld etind,
nvpr W tI ISrnlhera riothina Alto
tli,. Itiilroa I. at ~t rert. which will be Mold
in tte ca - 1 , ,V1 or !t•-ft .plataity. and deliverrti on
tt,rl4l, Pleami c4ll ut kilo Coal Yard.
JAMES .tvILBEEi, Saletrcan.
&11i... '2 ,4 , 1672. 13, Prevrietbr.
. . _
, • ... _ ' - ' i-.
, ~„ •
. .„.
gi tt .--:-..-...,:
~ ...•.
. ,
o r ..
, , L _
.. ~ 1 , ( k. ~./ ,- ,--. , , , t •,
~ --1
•t. [ 4 ---__ . ~_. , .._ ,
( LII 111 V•
1. .. , •
4 . .
~.. .
~.. ~.e1P1 ( - )_
L . : . 1 , :_3.
:r 0. FROST & SONS, •
J •
• OF
Our ware rooms at all times contain an -
Of all styles and prices. combining with the Rich
and 'Molokai. the. Medinm IPricea, snitable for all.
and so cheap that any can afford to have them. Also
the finest and moat •
Of new and original designs and of the most su
perb style and finish. Also a choice aasortment of
Also a complete line of Tete.4.l4les. Sofro. Santee
Rocking. Bum and
Chairs, in the itivatest
.varmity of styles and prices. Also an endless varie
ty at
Of every• description. and in fact eventhing to be
found in a First Class Furniture Store,
We pay Case for Lumber. or will tike Lumber in
In exchange for Furniture. Also a large stock of
Of every description from the meat common to the
❑neat Rosewood, always on band. We are note
agents for
feb 15. 'C9—tf.
Which are now coureedrcl by all parties to be far the
,best Ilttalir Case in 11S , . We have the
ID Ulla NACtIOI7 of country, and will ftumish any
thin's In the UNDERTAKING hue AS LOW its the
aauu quality of goods rae be got at ANY PLACE,
either in Towanda or elnewnerr, and from our large
EXPENIENcE and thorough acquaintant* with the We Cll2 war pereous many annoyance,. to
which they are always subject when dealing with
ineGrupeteut partie,
re" Do not forget the , place
Tow tts, April 2, 1872
* * - * *
,* * * * * * * * * * * *t*
* the undersigned would inform the public *
that they have purchased the
HAN); ;
On Main strcet.'nrsi • n fihitti of the First
* and mean, by 'tract attention
* to hominess, , 11.1 by th.• .•ihtion of every *
proeement to the Act .d Photography, to'inake
* the plai:e worthy of patronage. Mr. (3Verili4
* is to remain With tie, and give titer hole time *
and attention to the waking of
• As roll as. PENCI:IA NG in INDIA INS, *
* Partic . ular attention given to the enlarging
*• of pictures. and ;to the hui.hing of all kinds .*
* of work, so as to secure the best result', and *
as much time as p.issibie given to making
negatives of small children.
Those wanting pictures will please sits US
* a trial, and we think that they will be sails
* fled. G
EO. If. WOOD it CO.
* faull'72yl
* * * * * * * * * * *
irorme:l3. rupietl by 11. .Tacobs.?
The rapid growth of T'wauds requires the eipan•
s!011 of bua:ne•n, and the untler,igned, realizing this
want of the comulitutty in t 1:.
Flap (Tuned a 112,V atr , ro in Bevilenian'a Block.
(tortnerly OCcupied by 11. J.10.)be.) and le now pm
pare-d to offer to Loa old (7,10111,M uild the public
generally, a better stuck 91
than• can be fund in any other rstabltabzucnt ont tbe cities.
Sly stock hag all been pnrclir.ged from the manti
f4et!trere this neasou, 10 that 1 bare no uld check to
c.•11;11 of, bought :it high pric, A. 'I have a I'lllllole
t'l, .
of tlo finest quality - and 14. - -.; 'tylcs. which lam
Uffelog at low figures.
I hive no::,connection with the old stand, and when
you w.nt anything in the clothing line, for yourself
or boys. call ou me to tteidlethan'ii
; Towanda, 3farch 2,1, 12472.
We Lave the best line of Stoves in the. State.
Have taken the prerninnis in all the State lairs, ani
wo,know they are a lirst•cl+ss Store.
For colt coal, go:nal:lug now
For La 1 or soft Alto tlo
All firet-clarg Stove g.
AMI aaanrtnannt or E!a-cbr k -r. Tinware, Copper.
and T.,hevtiratt Ware.ali:ruya 0:1 1.1.11 A 1.
ill MI order" II led4p - io — mitly. Job, work none
and warranted, (Wilma a eall.
LEwls t sustain-.
N0v.13,187'2. No. 4. Bridge St.. Towanda.
Iii.OTICE.—,J. REC4D. of Towan
de. has just received the Agency of the Wateij.
torn Fire lusuradce Company. of Watertown;
1. y.. which is a first-class Company In ail
respect'. with cash ueetts of 425000.
Is condoed by Its character to ruin Property
and Uwe 11011 re Ilisk.; Is theiefore perfectly
gate Pays ail losSior damage of tearing to pieces.
whether tire ensile" or not. Also pays fur tire stock
killed by lightning in toe barns or at large on the
pre culiws lou can ear.- money by seeing Mr. Rec
ord ta•tore tto•urnig elsewhere. Call raid get a eir
euhir or send fur /die. .1. A. RECORD. Agent.
,•/ I • /,','•) -fan 'rnuratiela. Pa
FOR SA.LA booselund lot in
L.— Sinitbdeld Centre. suitable tailreatdanes -and
egret. Enquire s uf ;Witt* ti. Wet*. i Janos
M. I:. li.4.ISE.NFIELD
Tg bny the cc,lcbratd!.t.
11E1 rFa-z
/tittle) inky. •
God give us men! A tune like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, tine faith and
ready hinds ; •
Men wh'm the lust of office dces not ;
Men whom the f.plils of iMce cannot buy ;
Men who ;wimps opinions and a will;
Men who hare - honor—men who will not lie.
Men who will Ftand before a demagogue,, ,
And 'damn his treacherous featheries with
out %linking! •
Tall men, sun crowned, who lire above the fog
In public duty, and In critate thinking ;
For while the rabble, with their thuusbworn
Mingle in selfish strife, ,lo! Freedom weepal •
Wrong rules the lend; and waiting ,Justice
C liscemmenus.
Delirered by Mellon. Giotto! 1,011x , :e.. before
the Brittiforct (bunty Teachers'. Association,
at its raretiv in Berra*, Friday, Februa.ry
14, lts73,
Mu. Enrroa : At your request, and
in response to the solicitations of the
County • Superintendent and many
other members of the Teacher's' As
sqciation, who were present at our
late meeting in Herrick, I transmit
you a transcript of notes, taken in
long-band of Mr. LANDoN's address
on the occasion. It real:y seems too
bad to tame down and mutilate a
speech in this way, but many of the
ideas are original, and
_even in their
logical nakedness cloguent, and hence
. .
worthy of Perpetuation by tho press
I give yen a mere epaciation of the
address, but your Aadeis are suffi
ciently acquaintea fivith Mr. L.'s
spefehes, to imagine the proper rhe
torical bloom.
After a few preliminary remarks
not of public intek.esl, the lecturer
t . .
proceeded substantndly as.follOws :
rn the' arrangement- Of creation,
everything valtiable. is - made the re
suit of effort, We (cannot expect the
harvest withnutit4 antecedent toil.
A he plentiful trip, be odorous flow
er, the exiiltation of success in any
thing laudable and good, are contin
gent on previous labor. Lff , rt bears
the relation, to whatever is desirable,
of antecedent to consequent. An an
cient author has said, " The Gods
have great things for the laborious;"
and the master of eloquence being
asked what were t her three ' principal
elements - of , oratory, replied : " Ac
tion ! Action I Acrios !" I put the
question differently. and ask what
are the 'elements: of great success?
Effotlf ! t:trort ! Eirorr ! • He who
will net work mast fail. The biogra
phy of the lazy man is embraced in .a
single line: Living--despised; dead—
forgotten. The grandeit achievement
on earth is'the Complete culture and
development of human nature. Tills
accomplished, every thing else fol
lows. Show me an ignorant, unedu
cated people, and I will point you to
a nation
,without, railroads or tele
graphs with no _outcropping. evi
dences, of progress. . On the other
band point me to a people educated
and intelligent, and I will show you
a nation in the enjoyment of all the
material results of civilization. Young
friends, aspire high, and then weigh
the mountains and strain the seas
'to accomplish your objects. Culture
should not be confined to any class
or, classes of the community. All
grades, conditions and colors have a
right to, and should be eiincat:ol.
The lower the individual, the taici
need of these elevating influences. In
Pennsylvania or in South Carolina,
wherever we find= the ignorant and
degraded, there is our field of labor.
This is the broad, idea upon which
rests the fabric of our government:
the education of the people, the secu
rity'of the nation. Human scultnre
is noinzcornruandin,g more attention
than in anv other' age of the world.
Greater eff Its are being made to'
make it thorough and universal. The•
best minds of onr:times are enlisted
in its cause, and the facilities for its
general diffusion are great and mul
tiplied. What is the grand object of
human culture ? Not the mere end
of getting a living with less labor,
but the elevation of every individnid
to complete manhood or womanhood.
It is a great thing to be a true man
or , woman. • It is'-the coronet of all
human aspiration:. Hence we would
have nen ,Cultivated simply because
they .are men. We should make our
information as extensive as possible,
.and gather it froth all sources, re
, teembering that all we learn or can
I learn, may some day come into ser
vice. There is nothing that man is'
called npotii to do, but that may be
made the means of - education. The
carpenter may edgcate hirusell by of '
forts to make each item Of work more
perfect than its predecessor ; the
farmer by improving his. farm and
stock each year;'the inusician,hy
touching more perfectly the kevslof
the magic instrument till the• soul
throbs in „unison with its harmony ;
the teacher, by studying, more assid-.
riou;:ly the plastic "mind under his
-care, and leading them each thy one
step nearer the attainment of perfe;,t
character. .The man who aims to ex
-1 cel can educate himself laying stone
wall or ',tilling Pine stumps. The
lady who aspires to cif tune, can con
summate her wishes by waking good
batter or bread, or by economy in
house keeping. All the skill you c in
acquire in yonr work, all the mental
culture you may attain, will. s9me
lime come into reqnisition. ' Like an,
odd quarter, each item of knowledgtt
may serve to make mental change
Zvi h in after, years. Nothing that
we learn is superfluous, but all know
ledigti,should be acquired with a vete
to the proper influence upon character
I make this declaration : The atter
character of every individual is to a
very great extent the result of early
surroundings. This may be modified,
it is true, by his own free volition
and efforts, but rad cal changes sel
dom occur.- Take the infant.. Sup
ply its physical wants, and care for
it, in all other respects, but never let
it bear the sound of the human voice,
and when that child attains the age
of twenty-one, what will it be? Sim.'
ply an idiot—so many pounds of
flesh and blood-no more intelligent
than whale-blubber. Take the mune
child and teach it ; open to it- th ,
door to intelligence and moral eni
ture, and abut out from it all evil
communications ' and wben it attabs
its majority, what will it be? The
embodiment of intelligence and good
ness. Let the c.bild be brought up
under Catholic influences, and -be
will almost inyarieebly cling to the
Church o Rome ;, let him be sur
rounded by . the institutions, and
trained by Protestant .direction, and
he will seldom wander from his early
impressions; let him be brought tip
in the bar-room, and if he, don't
ewe ar he will be a mental stint:only.
Our subject this evening is culture.
We shall treat it under two heads--z
Child-Culture and Self-Culture. -•
The mathematical student has this
problem fur solwion : Given the two
sides and included angle of a triangle
to find the other side and angles.
An application of the proper ge.omet
iical principles will instro him the
correct rcsnit. So the parent. has
given him 10 pounds of flesh and
blood, cartilage and brain to find the
fully developed wan or woman. If
there is any problem in the cotepass
of- human .ic:4ponsibility that de
mands skill, it is this. Out of this
tangled skein, of stu‘ceptibilitics. we
are called upon to build up a man or
woman sytometirical in mind, body
and character. We, may Oink it dif
ficult to build the ship, bat what is
that compared to educating a • child
to a .proper , manhood or wo;uanhood?
Hoed shall we aceoluplish this cotu-
pies and difficult _work ? First, we
must study careful y the child's dis
position. No two children have ex
actly the same temperament.' Hence,
the same treatment will not knit all
We st-rionsly misapprehend physiol-.
ogy and pathology &we suppose so.
With some a frown, *ith others a
smile, is the power to incite the
proper effort. Kindness gives wings
to feet to fly up the shinteg; hilt of
duty.. We must adapt ourselves to
all natures, surrounding children at
home with gracious and congenial
influences. Kindness moriii suision,
is the key to success in home govern
ment. Scolded and puui,hed at home
by father and mother, we cannot ex
pect the child to attain a symmetri
cal o.rowth. You might as well ex
pect flowers to gro.v in the sands of
Sahara, or auiong the icebergs of the
Poles. pointing out error,'
we should direct in the right way.
Never whip or punish children fur
making mistakes., If your little child
is led into - telling a lie, don't make
him a consummate liar by the use
of a hickory. When we suspect chil-
dren's veracity, and threaten, we are
nt•iug the very means to teach them
*to . prevaricate Don't' charge chil
dren with falsehood. ; They make
blunders and distort facts, but don't
know what lying is, or how to he,
until you teach, them. Surround them
at home with the gracious influ..neti;
of_ trash, let them grow up under the
mother's eve and lore, and they will
he flowers pure enough to adorn the
breast of Deity. When they attain
the age of twenty-one and are ieady
to enter upon the duties of life, they
will start wore half 'way to Heayen.
Take the opposite course at home,
and it is a marvel if at twenty , the
child does not look at you throngh
the grates. Pot your cbtldren to
school under a teacher with heart
and brain,, and let the associations
and surroundings be beautiful; pore,
and gentle. It is no wonder that our
children sometimes "raise thunder."
,The appointments of our school
rooms are not calculated to interest
them. The school-room, like the
theatre, should be made attractive.
Don't whip and• cudgel for trivial . l
causes. but weed out bad habits by
gentle, tneunrcot ' A 4 rememberirw that
a drop of mses will catch ° more;
flies than a quart of vinegar." Don't
whip and punish for laziness. When
Non do so, yon wrap a cold sheet.
around your child's naked soul. Put
,into your children's hands proper
arid• interesting reading. The r secret
of suttees is to awaken interest—not
only in home . goverritneat but - in
school government. Parents can tell
the - successful school from the nn
successful, without visiting it.. They
merely have to feel the mental pulse
of their children when they come
home from school at night. If rim
child's mental pulse beats strong
and quick, yOur nimbi is a success ;
if it is sluggish and weak, your school
is a fizzle. Don't punish the child
for negligemw,. but show him the
benefits and necessity of carefulness.
Illustrate - day by day by your oan
example before the child the charac
teristies you wish him to posse-s.
The child's clia_racter is nothing but
the impress 0,1 your own. As Son
can see your own picture reflected
in the camera, so you can -beh6ld
your own charaeter reflected in that
of the-child. Teach your child by
your example, industry, vetacity,
magnanimity, self-control, justice,
and respect for humanity though
poor and degraded,
.and 'they will
find a lodgment in his heart and
blossom forth in, his actions.
In our moral instructions of tilt
young, we should no longer commit
the , egregious blunder of impressing
upon them the idea that to be virtu=
ous or religious, man must - make sacri
fices.. This is
. the general tenor of
nine sermons out of ten, and yit it
radically shortsighted and wrong.
The child'sliould never think that it
must make a great sacrifice to be
good, when the facts are that, man
only wakes sacrifices when he cm
braces - wicfcstiness and sin. - "The
ways of wisiThin are ways of pleasant
ries% and all her paths are - peace."
Don't, tell my child that to' be good.
he must give up and put away. all
pleasant associations, and live with
stiff neck and Puritanical visage, but
- tell him to read the NeW Testament
and study its characters; and believe,
and go on rejoicing from- tba very
moment. It a mau is going on in
error, let him mid-x . ollnd that by so
doing he m rites sticrife s; In', 'when
he turns from sin let bun know that
,it is matter of happiness and 'Voicing
—not for to-morrow and a distant
futUrity • only, but for to-day—that
everiliour of his life. will be r cher
and fuller of enjoytnent
• Chilticato the 0.%i1d, with - some ref-
erence to his after• pnrsnitu in life.
an.l let those pursuits be determined
his own choice and adaptation._ I
don't like the custom of fixing for
the child his pursuit by his parent
'or guardian. It is right for the pa
rent to study dispositionn, and advise,
Ina not arbitrarily to Beale for the
child his pursuit without regard to
his particular adaptations. 'Let him
follow his own individual bias, and
then let the parent assist_ him in the
prosecution of his work to the extent
of his ability, and as far as is consist.
ent with the child's own good. Im
press qpon the youth continuously
that hie first great duty in Ii o is to
take care of inmself, and not be a
pensioner upon' any one. This is
Child-Culture, and now for Self-Cul-
ture. 'But first allow me to advert
to twp side questions which are" at
present occupying public attention.
The first of these is, Shall education
be made compulsory ? If answered
in the affirmative, the' qummiou re-
curs, How 81301 it be effected? Shall
we compel attendance at school tui-
der pains and
. penalties?
know of ono feasible plan, and that
is to connect education • with Abe
tight towotel A lnw of this kind,
however, must be made prospective,
and not retrosilective! Bow; yo►t
ask, shalt we treat the ignorant en.i-
grant? Clearly, by putting bun. on
theSatue ground as regards t: dtlea
tional _qualifiottion .118 . the native.
Mae it an additional requisite for
voting " on papers,'!--es you require
it of the young wan of native birth
who cotes «ou irge." The most effi
cient means to make education Com-
pulsory is for the State-to make am
ple provibions ,for better and more
attractive sch,ools. litt the -school
tax bp ruade . unifurui throughout the
State . , and let provision be made for
the prior. As statistics prove that
education is to a very limited extent
identified with crime; encourage its
diffusion amotig those classes sadict-
ed to crime, remembering that " an
ounce of preven , tivaii worth a pound
Of cure." :Wake education compute•
sory, but do it by moral suasion, by
moral appliances, by 'the uttractiye
tress of yohr-schools; rather than by
pains and penal les. The se . coml - of
these questions is, Shall religion be
taught in the common school? Ma-
joruies should never crush out the
conscientious convictions, of tuinori-
ies. Religious couviction• should
be respected, wbuteier they are; but
on the other baud, minorities- must
never claim to rule majorities. The
application of these priuciples must
drive Sectarianism at least frt?m the
Connuen sell( ot, but it does not drive
out the elettieutury principle of all
true religiou--:morality.. Teach ve
racity, habor, uignanimity; love, the
graud principles of a true manhood.
Teach no sectarianism. The Devil
never cuts a wider swath than when
,he wages the lytttle of sectarian ex-
c:usiveness. Our r:ght to he a Cath
olic or Protestant is our right
uninfluenced either by civil co
ercion or reward. Ve should not
quarrel among onrs;elves, else while
'we wrangle the Covenaut Angel fly
out of the window. Whether irr
rt ad the Bible in school or not, mat
ters not,—we should' have 'its spirit
But to self-culture. °There nre up
wards of fonr•htmdred teachers in
t zis county, upon whom new de
volves the duty; of cultivating and de
ieloping tbeinF:elv-s. Young, buoy
ant with hope,, and full of expects-
lions, there is yet incumbent upon
xou ditties of culture and intellectual
progress. How shall you best prose-
cute these duties to alapPy cousum
nration ? First, cultivate a ready
end easy communication of ideas:
Did - you ever heir an expert -conver
sationalist ? ' To converse well is the
greatest power of the human mind.
Gather wisdom from every sonrc",
end then ctiltiv-ate Yonr power. of
communication. Be Slue you under
stand the subject upon which you
are going to speak.
_Rave a clear
perception of an idea before you at
tempt to utter it ) . Never wade a river
until yen know its-depth, • and never
plunge into the discussion of a sub
ject until you can see your way out.
We never had an idea, cleatly form
ed, that we could not express clearly
and-with effect. Be sure your per
ceptions are clear and correct, and
von will have no difficulty in uttering
them. In the next place, cultivate a
taste for the pure; the good,, the
Hexe correct _taste =in
everything. Young ladies, thOose
your ribbons and calicoes with taste.
Young men ex&rciie taste in your
Don't forget' it even in .the
way yon,adjug sour neck-tie. Have
taste corn, in teaching
arithmetic. in_the choice of . ideas, in
the. expression of your sentiments,
'The poor man may not be able to
buy many books,' but he can culti 2
rate taste in cumumion with the.
great teacher Nature. Teachers,
read. Commune with the mighty
winds of all ages through books. -
Aedn, cultivate a greater inde
'bendence of thought and 'action. Not
dogivatical; not opinionated, -not self
sufficient, but wise,. consistent and
brim- Be not slaves to •fashion, nor
to p irty, nor even to your church.
lithe creator had made the chignon
aliatural aviii-ntlage of the female
hiAad, they xvould have. mourned it
misfortune till: t heir 5. Don't
lee pi!e , l by fashion—rule it. Don't
bii'ebves ::fl or any one'. to ques:ion and investigwe ter
.ourselves. " Dale to question even
the exlstence of a Supreme Being,"
as Jefferson said, "not to deny, brit
to know the reasons for bell. , vii 4.7,."
Remember that di<senters fioni :Aber
wen's tradttional dogmas, have been
in al ages the .;'l.orld's greatest beim:
factors. Show me a man who makes
two blade's of grasi grow where only
one grew before, and I will show you
not only a benefactor but a dissenter.
Were not Morse, Galileo, Luther,
Christ and the Apostles benefactors
and at the same_time the most. radi
cal disgenters? .He is more titan a
,nvalid, who like a sick pa
tient swallowing nostrums, gulps
down everything that -others enjoin.
In all matters of appetite, depend
not on penal statutes to coerce you
into sobriety and virtue, but be a law
unto pursetees. Thtre is a law
against assault, a law in punishment
of larceny, but keep the puce from
1 49 per Annum in Advance.
your own inward- love of goodness ,
and refrain - Iron:, stealing from moral,
conviction of duty. The late:law
passed against i , elling.bad whisky, is
right, but will you reFain becaum! of
Vie law? Refrain rather in respect
for yourselves, 11 Do yon want, a law
to prohibit- mehpfrom hawking stink
ing meat? Prohibitory laws are .
right, but I find fault With you - if you
do right only ini fear of penal enact
ment 4. •My wife is a ,ireat low-r of
fl.mer.s, and artiOng her collection is
one the callii the' " sensitive plant."
When you touch it never so care-fatly
it recoils from the tout la and draws
its beautiful letty`ts: hick
bosoin. So sboeld it 'be ' with: the.
young man orlady—recoiling from
vice at tire first contact of 'evil, and
drawing aroundlhis'_sOul the protect
ing umbra of .iiisas.sociation ' with
wrong. ' I
• Discipline yourthoughts acid tastes
to the' recognition of thiS great truth:
The true mission of mortalti in this
world is labor. a nd there is nothing
menial or dishonorable in any work
neCessary to the weal and progress
Of society. She who- works. in .the
kitchen should be as much of- a lady
as she who preides in the 'parlor.
Both, places are alike honorable, and
ladies should. be — competent to dis
charge the duties—of both depart
mews. But, yoinignien, if you
riot have-'but one, you had better
marry the kitchen than the parlor.
For tuYself, I would rather board . on
the cookery of a, good kitchen, than
on the teekidf of a piano.
Always -b0 doing something., If
you can't find 'employment in what,
you would rattler do, work:at sUnie
thing else; The way to reach a high
er position, is to fill with' honor 'and
efficiency the humble one. -Thu ir,i•k
er is - the man of :i..access. The work
inW boys of to-day will be the mil
lionaires of the nett generation, and
the rich wen's sons of to day will in
many cases be the paupers of the
next Age.
The education of woiran, its range
and compass, is at present being ex
tensively canvassed:
,We say, let her
have the same range of studies- that
man has—the same culture. But:re
member that, God and nature have
designed her for one grand sphere of
action-:—oneeniof the hoe circl.l 7 ,:tri
angel companion in the 'relation of
wile—an angel - guide in the relation
of uiother. Lead her away from
sand you dethrone*er.- Ladies, cul
tivate yourselves to the utmost, lie-.
enmplish all , and be 'all you can.
How beautiful and thrilling. are .the
poems of Mrs. Hernans and MI s.
gonrnev; and NaPoleun said of Ma
dame Dc Stael that she was the fieeit
diplomatist of her times . : Uncle
Tom's Cabin was One of the:most ef
ficient iustrumentS used in the moral
war against slavery,—was a master
piece t.,f truth. Made stranger and
stronger than fiction.. These and
similar works illnatrate the' rtiontal
c of
. wohuin. Ladies,.
mistake, however the grand sphere
of Your beitig = to be the _light and
sunshine °florae.; Do this, and you
tear the qua. nly coronet from you'll
not always to replace it with
myrtle. But, say'soine of you, liow
shall we educate And develop our
selves, if we,are cOmpelled to mirk
utl the time? I . reply,..exce/ iu your
work. By doing Your• work .a little
better than your neighbor, you edn
catc yourself. Improve all yreurodd
moments ot, time! in reitaii,,g and
study.. Read the i.ewspapeys—carry
books with -you, awl improve yohr
moments of leisure..
This general' cultuy, of the masses
is•enjoined for many reasons. First,
itenhances all material values! The
bar of pig,iron-wl4n all
the processes of intelligent workman
ship, made knowa through - the
vestigations of edOcated, intelligent
minds, becomes steel—in its many
-Applications and uses a thousand.
times enhanced in value. Besides
education is the-.s4urce of abundant
comfort and happiness to the hid'.
vianal. In itself it, is worth unceas
ing toil and lobar. "Who is the:,
m"st miserable-man inquired one
of Dr. Johnson: ‘t,' He who cannot
read on a rainy day" was the _reply.
It makes each individual a 'power-in
the world. It is the grand conserve:,
tor of free governMent. It is befit
ting man as the child of immortality.
Here in this lower ! ' world we are
our bud state: The - s
l full blown blo
som of being is Over yonder. Here
we begin oar everlasting march in
the ways of wisdom,. t joy. and .pro
gress. Here we are but God's in
fanis, but as such we should fare 7
slitplow the. glorified manhood of
coining ages. This is the spring
'ilibe of our beitig, but that spring
should be made ; beautiful by '!the
lit.ssoins of wisdoni and all odorous
with the,fragrance ;of goJodpe,bs. ' •
The.ineeting of the Association in
Herrick, was one of the most pk:as
aot and profitable in its history.
The body of thechiirch was crowded
at each session, - on Friday even
ihg-the-house was fby far No smali
to accommodate the crows. Teach :
era, from all sections of the cdunty
dispersed on Saturday afteri)oon f;)r .
ih,ir homes, with generid eNprei -
sious of satisfaetici4. 03neuos.
A .14-.\ - ECTIEAD.-L:Sophron, a wise,
teacher, did not`allow his grown up
sons and daughters to iisFociat9,,tvith
those who-e conduct was not ,per-1
fectly correct and proper. "..Dear
fatber- i : 2 said his gentle Eulalie to .
him one day, when he forbade her .
going-itt company iwish her brother
ti re, the liglit-thinded Lucinda.
'• you inn:-t be very Oildisl, if you
think 8111E+ can do uS any harm 1 ."1-But`
the father quietly t 6.)k au extinguisl;
ed coal from the fireplace and reach•
e-iit to Its 'daughter. "It does 'not
L irn," said he, take it, child.".
Eulalie did so •andl behold, tier deli-
cate hand and pure white dregs were
soiled at epee. • "One cannot he to.)
e .r4d in. tot:riling saidshe
"Ci-rtaitily," replied her
fat her. " You, see, my child, tli
coal blackens eveti ;when it does not.
burn;.so does,the Society of the ite-'
.inot al. Itrba .!
Frct lllllZloil dollars wiil abt u.! . pay
for the yienna ExpoittOU, building, not count
hag the wound. -
i WALS - 1 1 . , _
It measured twentv-.6v0 inches in
citcumference ; at. 1-ast I
,had my
dresses made by that measure, and I
was proud ot,it. Of course ; l „did not
believe in lacing. T . did not event
wear corsets - . I Wore my dresses:
only just " snug ' you now, I had to
do that iu order to Make it fit. Well.
Bat they were . '" not tight."
- You never saw a lady's dress, _ that
was?--=AV4I,I have. - I saw a lady
once come ihto - a street car and her
waist was so small that I honestly
,believe I could,haVe spanned it. At
all events it could not have been
more than seventeen or eighteen
inches in circumference.' Her face
was white and thin, her lips were
bloodless 'and her eyes starting . eel
- of her head. Now her dress leas
Would she-acknowledge . it,?
Well, no, she did not. I 'heard
her remark to a friend who was ap
iparently.rem.onstruting- with her,that
it wa4 " the natural size." But,then,
who could helieVe it ? That was a
positive and ,painful deformity, but
where it is really natural as mine
was, it is graceful and desirable.
They say the 'men do not admire it,
but I know better. DO they nut tell
about the - s;ylp4 7 :like torn/ ,(wbat,is ti
sylph ? I wOuder.) There, : was •my
brother,who made of - me wheu-:
ever ho saw tue; - which Was not often,:
for he lived far away ; I remember'
his speaking - one day of some-tine
and he said she was " as, slender
as JeSsiel! Thai.was only one of the
things thiit made me fond of it.
I have got over all that now. Shall
I teat - you bow it happened ? Well,
I was: out that summer—
had been, infix!, for some tuue—no,
local, but a kind of gleneral
and I woulit not take!medieine for
I had sceu - goodquatly cases where
peqile began to take 'Medicine fur
chronic debility, and they"' never gut
-over the debility, - .nor the taking of
medicine eaher.- I knew that my
habits were not right in-I : many. re - ;
spects. I: needed more case about
sunlight exercise, diet, and s 5 on ;
itini - 1 set w.yself toAtink• over - the
mater. About that time I gut a
sewing-niachitie, w'ieu a sinad book
of directions, which book was a grew
help to me iu running the inaeliiue.
And the thought struck m'e that,
since I had :mower. Machihe. far More
delicate and intricate, put under ray
care, it was a great mistake , to blun
der on, without tiny book, of. dire
tions; J. got a 'treatise: on B.y•iolo
g,y. at office, the best I could find.
OnezOi the first thing flighted On
Was.aont the langs. There•l found
that all the blood in the botV Must
go to the lungs to he purified and
by contact with - the "air
which-We breathe. Our Creator ilk ,
makingqiur: "bodies made the liincY4
jest the right sizz; so that
won, d'
bold only the amount of air utnes-a 7.
ry tor vitithz n;,• the blood •of- thy'
body. If we-at all diminish the size
of the then the bloo,l, is no'
fully purified., and bad blood 'cannot
fully uourishthe body.‘ .Bad blood
may give rise to geue.ed debility, or
to dtse.ase in any part of the body
where there happens to be any
weakn4ss, and-also to nervous: clis )r .
ders. . -
Then, there were pictures. to shoW
the difference in shape between the
full sized lungs and those of livoinen
who had reduced the . size - of their
lungs by. tight dressii I looked in the'
glass; and I began to suspect that
my dress was too,tight. Of course I
talked aboht- these . things_ Miss
Crouch told me that I -mtlit haye
,the belt as tight as I pleased, thiit
: Was below the . lungs •and would not
compress them. So I studied. that.
up and Lipid that the belt which
soldiers wear diminished their res
piration by one-third, actual meas
urement ; that we cannot compress
the upper lungs much because the
ribs 'are fixed that alinost all the
injuries of tight - dress come by coot-
pression about the belt ; that we
thus force sourto of the organs 'up_
against' the chest and thruiuish its
and others - downward, and put
things into disorder, general .and
-particular, ofteii , such asouly women
cArk know, :and whickt, alas! many of
them do know to their sorrow s only
they do not suspect - the cause of 'it
Miss - Warburton looked horn. fled
when I told:her I did -not wear cor
set s—alniost•made rue feel as if I had
sinned against womanhood. She
could not get along without them.;
she could not hold herself tip—felt .
so weak! Was sure she would grow
crooked and round shouldered:
asked her what held the nun up so
straight, but she .did not "considei•
the question pertinent, and said so
Much about feeling weak that I
studied , that up. Surely enough
there was. a cause for it: The
cles of :the back and ad about the
waist are intelided to-keep the oody
erect, but ,a-tight: dress prevents. the
play of these muscles, and they be
ome qutt'e useless ;, the Corset takes
jiMar place, ind works about as - (1E1-
ntiy as won't! India rubber urns
nits for walking; or a wooden hand.
for writing.
-' I soon commenced let jug out my
dress waists and skirt b ti - 1,18: It Was
iehous work, but then I had a tan:
gibie good before me.
more vitality - . At - tirst T t felt'slbuchy,
bat I drew loqg breaths, and they.
\vt re a luS,tty an I aide are feel-bet
ter. I Miss Thurlow
that it will a much a a iser mutter to
crioh i.,4e ribs in ..thau to get them
out again ;to their natural position.
Wiry' pull them- out! said she
•‘ where are your muscles? Throw
vour arnis out this , t way," and she
in:ought her hands to her shoulders,
'h e n , e xteUded t hem in a horizontal
1 ne, first one and then the other.
' Do it gently at !first; ten times eve-
rs• mot mug before you ;Suess. T , en
extend your arms straight up- from
:he: shoulder and down-again ten
times, and add to that the regular
m-irning exercise. - After awhile
AAA 'your arms around .iu a circle
feW tions then gradually add
force' to all these as you, can bear it,
if your dress ; is perfeetly loose,
:your work—your sweeping, your
Making beds and lint luting bread,
:led work iu the •go.rilen i when you
:awe it to do, wiWbelp.',
"'What uo yuu aall perfectly
loose ?" I inquired , . * •
loose-thetlrheti . yet draw the
fullest breath - peedhle youwill not
hit it." • •
-I laughed. I:had not - : equalled I
: that yet.: - " Cotne,". 7 taid 'I, !, you
must help me or I - Anil lOok like a •
fright." .. . . . - ..
- She consented: She. tools* basque
pattern, made it two inches largeri
than my waist and then extendedt •
the bottom down into a go in . .
I made up a.morning skirt by it.
hung: much more smoothly than it
would with the skirt auwed on. • No
body guessed - bow loOseir was. I .
have worn it-in my dressies ever since
and .with some modifications, occa-.-
sionally for s•reet and eveningdress-, -
-es. At the end,of one year my waist
measured twenty-five inches:
Of course having once commenced
the - study of health, I'-found other ..
way sof improving it; 'but I have
never forgotten the importance -of
large lungs.. If one is - ' naturally
slender,“. that is a misfort u ne
, to get •
rid of uslar as'possible. .II Lave kept - .
np•ruy training and added!some oth-,
r exercises. One of these in to in,
Sate the lungs slowly and then beat •
tht:m With the. closed hand: gently at •
first, increasigg ds . .l could hear it.
I cau now, tiller long practiefe, beat
my longs with all my force, - wiihout •
any inc,nvetience; - I. li:nve also - im
proved my under • dreSS: I have a .
loose, sleeveless waist to which I but- .
.ton my skirts., The:drawers are all
in on & e pie with anotior,waist ard
with sleeves, -- soI have no band 'to
support anything. :I have tried-this ,
now for seven years, and have sue
beyond my most sanguine ex- -
pectations. So far as I can jtidge
my waist, does not taper at all; It
measures t wen ty-nin a inches,* :and I
ern proud of it with seine reason. I
I wish Leonid • tell what elasticity. •
and vigor I feel, such as I never
ii- r• '
dreamed of when I Wore tiglit dress- I
es. (I acknowledge now tbat: they
to re tight.) And I m as. straight -
as I he without bending back- :
wants ; always straightest_ wbeil' My
di e. , s is lossest. ' And -1 - can worli-so
touch harder and loiiiier, -and, walk
so much further! -It has paid for all
the tronbleta thonsanetimes over. ' -
• <
Ity 'brother came back last tveek.-
It was. ten years since be, flattered
my "slender "- vanity. I hack- not
S':'ll him since.' 11 was', then a caudi
(lite fir speedy - translation: " Why,
Ji-s:4e," said he, " yoti.look ten-years
y. , atig(t.r than you did when I. saw
yon last., Wtiat have: Yon been ,
i "
"Cultivating the waist !", said I,
. . . „
(! Sensible girl! fresh and animat
-1:(1., and stately a Juno! " •
Do you- wean it ? I thought you
liked a NI. nicer furor.'._
‘: . What, nia4 von think sa? '
•yoti say so? .(r ,knew
i_wtt-r):" Well who 'eat' tell what
yon men do, arkuire; any way? "
" Do you efire..? "
" Not
" I fl t'oug4t ko. = You. would 'not
youi..;vigoroua health - and
li-•rf-et form
.fort,the smallest . spindle
if you thought
I Oid admire -
• " Probably not:: '
. - .W e 1, 11 ,,w, nil . f-Ict ' . 1.4 W 6 just
iiintit-e-avything, you rn ly do.'- .And
Wilf 'Li :... t)11 squt , ezti the life out of you
to gain our adruiration . ,- -how can . w.e
11,1))1,-!‘e-lit- 0: nattered; and. ',bow can
we havii he f.i - i,!" to reprove it? Per
b-ipS, :is your elder brOther, I-ought
t•haws done so ; but. I
"could -not
h 1p seeing that you had not physi
oligical-knowledge enough to appre
t-i, to any such advice-. If you -will
on y br• i ractically inlelligent and
lie' Irliful, and flatter tis 'thin, *6ll'
am* elate it . alt the more."
\ l j NYIIO. ,- egotism'. ;-" But what Con:d I
rt-.-pI..V -to it?
_ ,
, -
1-16 w To Datvn wo
manibas a hen to-drive into the coop,
says,l',he Danbury' NewS,. She takes
holViet her hoops with both hauls,. -
'and shakes-theca quietely toward...the
de inquent, and says, "Sbeic! -thele."
The -hen takes one - look gt, ,the object
to c )n - vin'ce herself that it's a woman,.
and then stalks inajestiefilli into the.
coop in perfect disgust Of the sex. . A
ntau den't do that way. He goes out
of doors. and says, "It is singular
nobody in this house can rice a-hen
hilt myself," and picking up st w
of, woOd, litirls it at the offending •
biped, observes, "Get •i l it 'there,
you thief." .-The' hen immediately - ,
loose. - . her _reason, and dashes to the
,(rpp, Site 'end of the yara, =The twin
sTriiglitwav 'dashes after - her. - She
-Owes back. again With, her head'.
dOwn, her. wings oat ; and followed
by an assorincent of stove .wood,
fruit cans and coal clinkers, with - -a
ninth puffing 'and very mad mail in
the rear. Then she skims up on the
stoop, and under the-barn, and Over •
a fence or two, and around the bduse,
and back..a. , Yain - to the all the
while t tlking as only an 1 excited hen •
can talk, and all:the while followed
by things convenient for~ handling,
and by a man whose coat is on the
sawbuck, and whose hat is on -the
- ground, and .wliose - ,Fierspiration and .
profahity appear to Dave. no limit. .
By this time _the other hens have
c-Juie out to take a hand in the de
bate, and help dodge the missiles— .
and then says every hen on
the place-shall be sold in the morn
, ing, and puts on his things and goes
down stream, and. the woman dons •
her hoops, and has every -one of tho , e
hens housed and contended in two
minutes, and the only Sound herd on
the'premises hainmering by
the oldest_ boy; as he men . dS tite:bro
ken pickets. ,
_ _
AVERAGE LIFE or Fanur.tts.—AcCord
ing to 'Nathan Allen„ in if late
addwss before a. farmers' elute' at
Mas.,_the 'farmers ofthat.
State ach 'an awe , considerably
grelter thtui those Who follow any
other , ncenpation, ,The registration
of deaths; carefully ' . made in Massa;
chasctis fur about thirty yetVs, forms_
the ,basis of the doctor's' asset tien.-
utt an average- the farmers there live
.to -ixty-fire years_ of age, _mer
clibout forty-nine, me
c'uatlies about fusty eight years. We
h.ardly think that the average life of
„Western fartnerA• would be found to
he so long by sieveral . 'years as those
of the State in question yet we pee
lime the 'relative diirtvnce . .of the
length. of lift, -as compartld with thole'
elem.:mechanics and . business men,
would )tie abaut- the samei f The deaths
fr.= spate particular diseases are .
greater in number among lartnefil•
than awoung some of the other claS
.ses; such,. for instances; as arise from
exposure to vicissitudes of the elirnate .
etc. ; and tile CASeS of insanity are,
.more frequent- among
farmers and farmers 'wives that
among the people'ef cities and.t owns
.whatever occupation. --,Prairie
Juar," ' said a Western judge,
c• you koa . go out and find n vtriiet. It yi,n wet'.
tlwt rte et! nr oan get the aye the jury last
1:134(1." Tho jury rc turued a gre t tiliet :et '
ado to the wan degme."