Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 27, 1873, Image 3

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lowands, Thursday, February 27, IBIS.
lir JOHN Mara= hie e.ld ids
Baggage Express Wagon to Jams Anal,
Hereafter, jurymen in this'
county, will mane two dears per clay.
Noltirithstanding the great ex
pense of the now Jail, Bradford county doei
not owe a dollar.
WIT The Orphans' Heine Pair held
in Elwin last week, netted over $5,000 in cash
to the insUtnticat.
tar The Waverly_ ,Advocate says x
aria cavern has been dile overed In Spanish
fill. Further explorationeire to be made.
- illir The Owego Times calla. the
Towanda - Bem a "premature journal.' Prema
ture children generally die young•
a The Borough Cowell have
appointedj'zicrrez Poiratz oollectort), taxes
for the current year, and-Jean Nsero !Sited
Commissioner. -
Stir J.. 8. JOHNSON, our enterpris
ing groceryman, has purchased the Bed, White
and Blue Store, on Bridge street. His adver
lisement will appear next week.
The Canton Sentinel says
"0. Tuesday evening last, the members and
irienOs of the Presbyterian Church, in this ha
rough, made aliberal donation to the pastor,
Rec. S. P. GAM, of 1101.150?"
Stir The Towanda Iron Manufac
turing Company, lief week received an order
fora car load of nails at a price of ten cents per
keg in advance of another establishment. The
Towanda nails wore selected on account of their
superior quality.
sr. We are indepted to Rev. &L
-oma,: Cooperc, for a copy of the proceedings of
a convention of colored men held in Dover,
Del.. on the 9th of Jantuu*. Mr. COOPER, we
are pleased to notice, was ealled upon to pre.
Fide over the deliberations of the meeting.
Stir The banking house of Messrs.
GEORGE Sanerateets & Co., is to lie subinerged
into a State bank under a charter granted to
the State Deposit and Savings Bank, the name
of which wits recently changed by Court tolhe
Lackawanna Valley .Bank, with a cash capital
tor The Owego Gazette . says Hon.
T.rl. CHATFIELD introduced a bill into the Ben
et e on Thursday alma week, authorising the
Binghamton, Driehore and Williamsport Rail
road Company to lay a. railroad track on the
tow-path of the Chenango canal extension. A
similar bill was introduced into the Assembly
on Friday last.
Oar At a meeting of Linta No. 3,
held February 24, the following resolution was
passed :
Marius : It has pleased Almighty God to
TeM(As from among ,na by death, our friend
awl fellow-fireman, R. T. Marshall ; therefore,
Reßdred, That we tender the family and
!mend% of the deceased our deep sympathy and
,undolence in their bereavement and sorrow.
De' Modesty prevents our copyi ng
a personal item from the Montour Amencan.
Whtle we thank the Doctor for his friendly no
twu, we beg leave to *same him that'oar every
political anticipation has in view the welfare of
Montour as well as the other connties of the
te• Do you know how to tell the
-;ze of glove you seed? 'Take s tape measure
.11.1 measure your hand around the knuckles.
Thv number of inches and quarters of an inch
that it measures, is exactly the size of a glove.
That is, if it is five inches and three-quarters
around, you want glove No. 51.
Athens, gives notice thilt be intends to remote
Wit.consin in March.
—Judge and Mrs. Monnow and Major E. W
IIALE are in Washington:
.—Drs. 3.IADILL and Moirrainni have returned
from Philadelphia.
--A. J. Tnorr, Esq., of the Lycoming Stand
zrd, paid ns a visitlast Monday.
MICHAEL Maytrier, editor of the Sullivan
c-unty Democrat, weigh!' £hree hundred and
~ .renty pounds, and is one of the most active
and energetic men in the country.
ter The Montour American, pub
::@hud at Danville, refers to one of our 'rising
attorney, in the following complimentary man-
APPRECIATED.—We are pleased to sea l that
rLi time friend, A. Peck, Esq., Of To
v,azids, is appreciated. He. was recently the
nt of a magnificent gold watch and
at the hands of one of his clients, C. M.
:• , i.derson. President "of the Sullivan -Anthra
,..., o.: , ,11 Co., as a token of friendship, and in
i. , .. , r , iledement of his professional ability and
mt....1-Ay. He has only entered upon his ca
•rt-Lr of n-efalneas, and we hope his future will
tk marked with many kind tokens of apprecia
op his deserving merit. We presume the
;cant *local option' decision in Bradford. for
bid, any special rejoicing on the occasion."
FIRE ' is Wes A fire broke
out in Baldwin's risme builds ,Waverly,N. Y..
wapled by PERSONS di Hutroi ED, as a gro;
~ 11: and crockery store, about 1:30 o'clock
• n Frlday night last A high win prevailed,
anti Tor some time it was feared th t the Bre
, 11.1 c, , ra municato to the valuable property
41Jir Ililflg
Tte First National Bank, the Opera House
4Zti ti.e Pantiell Block were in great danger,
huobt superhuman efforts the fire was
• ..::tined to theburning building:
cue tune it seemed as if aid must be asked
Elmira, and was asked, but the Bremen
tall] succeeded In subduing the conflagration.
PEP.EON'S E Hrsoznronty are tally insured;
1151 11.mnulsr, the owner of the building.
The damage -to the adjacent buildings is not
excepting that of the bank, but all is
by insurance.
v.xci .—The rep* monthly meeting of the
..a1.1:1-Sehuol Alliance of this place, was held
tl.Lilecture room of the M. E. Church, on
nday evening, Feb. 17. After the usual
, t-tnnt , , exercises, D'A. OvEarou delivered an
fib:e a:l4 interesting !address on the subject,
"11A . 'to Teach a Sunday-School." His re-
Were listened to throughout with strict
sod profit, by the goodly number of
t../tt•I.,N present. Mr. 0. is one of our most
And intelligent Superintendents,
ad the thoughts and suggestions advanced by
:LnliaFe Worthy thp it,ttont.ton of all engaged in
:s 14day-school wont. nr. t:fippiNo also made , a short address, in
he suggested methods by which the et 'lr
of the Bible may be interesting as well u
izitru.oltv€, to the children.
lit next meeting will be heliFin the Preeby-
ChUtvh, on Monday evening, March 17
• T,
lady gardeners are doubtless looking for with eager anticipation to the time when
VL`l" Will be released from close rooms and en
-I.rci,l imprisonment, and can have a good
Lte aloud their garden walks, trimming bor
dt,,. pltuticg slips-and seeds, and preparing
f-r Hie spring and summer campaign among
C' 4 Has it ever occurred to them that
th" '-'dor of flowers there are Uwe dimly
and 4s yet unwritten, concerning
hF I, .tcortis of fragrance, the harmonies of
bdurs, and that these harmonies are gor
by rules as fixed and as beautiful as those
.t•at rule the play of colors in the prism, Or the
`•rations Of sound and the relatives of the
atonic reale. The three elements of floral bean
'F Lrc color, form and fragrance, and the flow
-7,13101 combines these in the fullest propor•
11. n rose, whose pure and penetr. tang
r has IM•en regarded from all time as the
f all that is beautiful to the smell and
charming to the sense.- It may perhaps
113 e Phlte the key to the gamut of odors.
. mr We are jest in receipt of the
Fah:nary linm . bee of the Pewits Mouldy, of
Pittsburg, which, now that it is petard in its
new type, and en tinted paper, boldly claims to
be the mast bearitiftd 0/astride& paper for. the
home published ln this or any other a:pantry.
This number certainly seems to bear out the
claim. It hai no lees than eight sognivings,
some of them—and espededly the frontispiece—.
being very •brentifol. The two famed poems,
the "Wonderful One-Horse Shay,' (0. W.
Flousash and the , " Barefbot Boy; (Wiurgw)
are both illustreted In this attractive number.
The " Elonsehold • end "Bois and Obis • de.
partnumti are as full and valuable as ever, and
the whole table of contents is varied and enter-
Mining. In brief, we can say that the Pao-:
pies Monthly is a pure, whokeoie and attract
ive home paper, and welt deserting a h e arty
and generous western support. We are not
surprised to learn that its circulation is now in ,
creasing at the rate of one hundred per day.
Agents on big commission are waited in every
section. Bend Ave cents for sample and agents
circular, postage free. -
str "W. S. T.," in the Amherst
,Republican, of January 11, refers In beantftl
and touching language to the death °ilexes
H. Wzgags, who died L New York a, few weeks
since. Kr. Wsusa was born in Athens, and
read law with the late Judge Hassel Wzriurron
in this place. Rare is the item referred to :
In the death Of James H. Welles, of New
York city. on the Bth inst., Amherst college
mourns the loss of a constant Mend ana
quint benefactor', and the community loses a
businessman of rare enterprise, integrity and
public spirit. it graftage of Amherst in the
class of .1843, when the institution was at lts
Lowest point of poverty and demotion, he has
almost ever since been giving. not large sums,
but timely donations; now to the library and
now to the cabbie* here an instrument of mu
sic for the chapel, and there a subscription to
the museum of arta antiquities. And what he
has done is only the beginning of what he
wished and unposed to do for his Alma Mater,
if his life had hien spared. He died at the age
of 5 3, ProsPerons, generous. having acoom
plished m nett and enjoyed muck-but apparent
ly jut as he wu entering the period of his
greatest usefulness and happiness. Kr. Welles
built large sections of some of the principal
railroads in New York, Pennsylvania and Teus,
and bore a prominent part in the construction
of the ship-canal in the mining region of Lake
Superior. But the best and most lasting me
morlal which he has left of himself, is in the
grateful hearts of the poor and the suffering,
the widow and the fatherless, whom he has re
lieved acid made happy, and , in the unfailing
remembrance of Elm who will - say to such:
" Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of
these, my brethren, ye did it unto me.'
Scout Iterx.—A corresp l anclent of the Elmira
Advertiser, writing from Sugar Run, Pa., order
date of Feb. 21, says :
"At four o'clock P. IL, yesterday, the boiler
of a portable steam saw - mill, (near here), own
ed by John F. Williams, exploded, killing two
men and injuring six more, one or two of whom
may die.
" The mill had stopped to 'oil up,' there was
about eighty pounds of steam and two pages
of water, when without any warning the explo-
Bien occurred.
"The Orem*jn a young man named Stereos,
from near Tankhannock, was carried fine rods
and lodged in a tree top, the top of hos head
blown oft
"Another young man, named Philip Pond,
was thrown upon a high board-pile, a heavy
timber falling upon him, crushing his chest
and so badly injuring him that he soon died.
The wood.chopper was also carried upon a high
lumber pile, bruise and scalded, and now bee
in a critical o 0 on. The owner had an arm
broken, besides other bruises. The sawyer,
"Starker " Fitch, was swept away some dis
tance, but escaped much hurt. A farmer who
on passing the mill, called in just before the
accident, was badly cut about the face and
head, but not considered dangerous. His team
standing some rods distant, a missile struck
one, badly_ cutting its hip.
"Billy Frftr, a workman, had his ripper lip
cut off and nose nearly torn out. recovery
doubtful. He is imconscious most of the time.
All were more more or less scalded and injured.
and it is a wonder that any escaped alive, as
they were -thrtivrn :from two to Sys rods
and had to be dug out of the debris. -
" The mill is a total wreck,' the boiler torn
into fragments, the frame demoiiihed and the
surrounding building's trimmed - as though' bY
an ax. The concussion was tremendousthe
frozen tUid jarring at a distance of lay
rods. The mill, though an old one , had been
run but a short time as this plats, Mr. Williams
having recently bought It. Those who witness
ed the explosion say that therair seemed black
with smoke, steam and flying boards and tim
bers. No blame is attached to the owner or
sawyer, the latter being a care all, and practical
workulan. The village physcian was soon at
the scene administering relief, also the neigh
borhood. The cries and groans are said to
have' been lauching. Loads of people have
been at the grounds to see the rums, and re
port a general destruction of nearly everything
about the mill but the cylinder. The mill house,
presents the appearance of a general hospital;
and the good people are-supplying ithe needed
articles for the sufferers." • '
" WHAT'S TO Ifreolz."—One of the
largest audiences ever assembled in Ifercur's
Hall, greeted AstliA DICEMBON on Wednesday
evening. We - noticed many pecitile from Le-
Raysville, Athens, Wyalusing and other towns.
The rapt attention given every sentence utter
ed niust have been gratifying to Hiss D. Her
subject was one which interested everybody.
and her manner of discussing it left an impres
sion for good upon the entire audience. In re
fearing to the fact that women do not succeed
in securing such employment and remuneration
as they desire, she said four fifths of the misery
of woman lies in her leaning upon her work as
a prop, and in her-refusal to submit to the
training that meat:ass through : to qualify
themselves fir the at positions.
Of the 2,000,000.W.0inen in this country who
labor outside of the-40E08So circle, over 800,-
000 are servant., and yet a decent one is hard
to find, and harder to keep.. She knew of a ho
tel keepei who cheereally paid -it male cook
$5,000 a year but mosl'arthe women cooks re
ceived only three or four dollars per week, and
don't earn half of that. Thi) man makes cook
ing his trade,.the work of his lite-time; the wo
man begins without knowing how, and keeps
on without learning till sonic man raises her
kitchen latch and takes her to a kitchen of his
own, where she will poisonliiM with bad cook
leg, and give him dyspepsia foi• life.
- Theis are thqusands of_ women dragged (int
with housekeeping, who would give halt their
income and half their hearts to semebOdy to as
sist them In making homes. 'There are 200,-
000 seamstresses and dressmi&ers In the coun
try, and the reason they don't earn higher
wages is because they do such wretched work.
She knew forewomen in large bniunesrest-b
-lialaments, who received tram $2,000 to $5,000 a
year, but they have put themselves under care
fal training to get their .positions. They have
put line upon line and precept upon precept,
here a little tud there a little, „made their em
ployees business their busineis, and rendered
services indispenaible. There are thousands of
places waiting for women who can manage
bagerbodies of workwomen, and superintend
business economically, at salaries reaching
from $l,OOO to $5.000. How many girls are fit
ting themselves for these positions?
There are 88,000 women teachers in. the
country. Of these, 50,000 have selected the
business not because they like it, but because
it is decent and respectable. Women teachers
do not as' ire to Professors' chairs. Young men
are employed as teachers .at salaries of $1,200
and 82,000. when young women would be pre
ferred.' It is the same with female telegriph
tiperstors. On one railroad, out of 500, 480 be
eve that sitting at the machine means ranning
it; If yon enter a store you will find one or
two saleswomen talking together, and and an
other reading a novel. To - get" their attention
you mast address them, perhaps roughly, two
or three times. The salesman, on the contra
ry, if he hu not what you wish to buy, will
show you fifty other things, and convince - you
that you need forty-nine of them. Public opin
ion applies the whip and spur to the young
man and makes it disbonoroble for him to be
In reply - to the question, "whati to hinder'
women from entering the various business avo
cations and competing with men, her answer
was—themaelVes. They could, bat they won't.
Public opinion was wrong to teaching women
not to respect labor. lf,Misi D.'s views on this
subject were adopted, and acted upon by one
half the mothers and daughters who listened
to - her, many times the cost of the lecture
would be realized In our own midst.
The audience listened with almost breathless
silence to her modest but vivid and eloquent
description of the misery and, degradation to
which thousands of our young women are
brought, through the false teachings of society
that they ; must have elegant homes and costly
adornments, which they cannot legitimately_
earn. Her recital of two scenes, illustrating
this position of her subject, made an impres
sion seldom witnessed. Would that there were
speakers who dared bring home this subject to
the attention of the public, and thus aid in
bringing public) sentiment and purity to a high
and nobler ander&
Tea Bum= Ckmarr; Ocommnat i
20.43:2-412. irsiforit Ginty Cos wet LOA.
TOis% Couto% 11Wits , ftw tWL
L4lieses at doettire aims t inficnstag weft
appoBB4pro law W.O.T. C. 2. lihtle; V.V.T.„
Wish 8. Ism R.L. L. T. LOW: W.K. U. 8. P.n
.0.. i LfL, Ilia lAN; 0.0. Cbsaise Daub: W.
C.. 04 L. Lima; 'ALCM. L. UM.
The following anitudtteno were sonounood:
Get Cluidruitioao—L Loos% Loam Law. old
Pbruids Woodburn.
.0a Diudneas—Gep. arlm.. /1. 'Parsoluk. sad
D. P. Oecaley.
Oa Itimaanon.-11. Utah D. W. Indaki and Tao.
!Mo. .11AdjouraeoL
AVMS OS Baasuat.--L. T. LOW r.a law 4
wady elected to 1111 the vacancy to the oaks of
ascretagy. caused by the reidgustloa, of B. O. Si'-
lum!. "
Committee on . Credentials reported as follows:
Northern Lodge, No. 222. Mrs. J. Wardell; Darnley
Lodge, Ho. 770, Sao. lidera, B. S. Conan, George
Monroe. Jno. Grant. Jas. Boss, L. 8, Re/der, Mrs.
Creole;; porth 'round& Lodge. Ho. 51M. C.R.Wldts;
I cm loodite. No. 460., D. IL Woodburn. Planate
Woodburn, F. Washburn, P. M. Rifenborg, W. W.
Woodlnotkl, Seeley; Canton Lodge, Ho. 428. 0.
FL R. Parsons, ElecM Vamlyke, Clare Moors;
Rock Lodge. Ho. 620. Zara Loomis, M. L. Rockwell.
Helen Rockwell; Highland Lodge, Ito. 788; T. T.
Brown; West Franklin Lodge, No. 677.
W. P: Crandall, Jno. Smiley, Chas. Randall; East
Troy Lodge, Chas. McLachlan; Miberkr Corners
Lodge, No. 1002. J. 11. , Plati. erns.
Reports from the lodges represented show the
order In the count/ to be in a flourishing condition.
and manifest a determination to enforce the pro
:visions of the Local Option Law.
♦ bill of $20.22 was presented in farr of. 8. C.
On motion. Brothels D. W. White, J. M. Platt. and
John Findley were appointed a committee to investi
gate the account.
The question of •spenges was taken up and die
caused by'Brothers Parsons, Platt, D. W. White, O.
E. White, Y. O. Dean. '
A oonununicition from G.W.0.T., 8. B. Chula.
was received.
on motion. D. D.'s C. E. White and a. Xs* were
authraised to attend to an action to procure pay
from the Grand Lodge to meet the expenses incurred
bf hiring Brother John Lorton to lecture.
Brother Loomis moved that a collection be taken
up at the 'riming and morning sessions. Agreed to.
Brother Keite moved that the members of this
Convention do hereby ezpress our approbation of
Brother J. Lorton as a local lecturer. Adjourned to
meet at 7 p.m. •
Estancia fluslow.—The folloWlfig resolution was
.passed without discussion:
Resolved, That we feel to publicly ezpreu our
gratitude to God for the emphatic vote cut against
Intemperance by the people of Bradford county. and
do also express a hope that the action of the Bt.te
Constitutional Convention, now in session at Phila
delphia, shall meet the j net expectations of the peo
ple at large in relation to temperance.
The following resolution was thoroughly dis
cussed and laid Over:.
Rowlead. That the lobbyists who are so prOmi
nest In their efforts to influence our kgialators-to
"go back" on their noble record, made a year ago,
when the) saw proper to pass what is known as the
Local Option Law,, are deserving the condemnation
of every lover of humanity.
'On motion, the following was passed without dii.
Whereas, The majority of the voters of Bradford
county have. by their votes, declared for Local Op
tion Law; therefore
Resolved. That it 11 the duty of every temperance
man ang woman to co-operate la sustaining the law
thereby sets precedent for other counties to
follow. which may teed toward the suppression of
Unused houses to the State:
A collection of $5.15 was taken for defraying ex
Mr. J. Lorton made a few remarks for the good or
the order, after which he wu invited to address the
Convention on the 201 h instant. Adjourned. "
work were given by D D., A. Belle.
The resolution laid over from evening session was
Men up and adopted. .
Mater M. ILl'arsona. L.D., of Columbia X Roads
Lodge, reported In writing u follows: '
Columbia X Roads Lodge. in the languige of the
Me Webster. can sal . I still live."
We meet in a, have no rent to pay ,
and are very comtortably imitated. We hold our
meeings regularly every Tuesday evening , and the
attez4dance is very good.* We feel encouraged to
keep, on working and toiling In the of labor,
- the put quarter we havelhad no initiations and
but 'one suspended for nOn-payMent of Aries, one
brother 'Mbar:tam by card. on account of lull i ng
the 'dice.
Oda* prospects on the whole are rather flattering ,
and we are determined to fight our common 'enemy
se loug as a drunkard is found in the land.
The late election 'causes oUr hearts to rejoice, and
we think every true and trial tempter must feel Like
prything on a ill farther in tbe good work. We also
with to congratulate oar sister lodges in the county
on the prospects before us for the final overthrow
In our county of the rum traffic. We, as a lodge,
are frilly determined not to relax our efforts, but
buckie on the armor anew and go forth to battle.
Hoping this Convention tou lay the ground work
for the furtherance of our noble order in Bradford
county, we respectfully submit this brief and feeble
This report was highly commended sa a &amide
report and ordered to be printed with the minute&
The following resolutions were adopted without
Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention stn
due and are hereby tendered to lion. E. B. .11)er
for having Introduced in our' Assembly a resolution
whereby intoxicating liquors have been excluded
from the }lonia Of Representatives, and also to those
honorable genhemen who sustained its passage.`
Resolved. That this CoLvention should tate im
mediate action relative to organizing leagues
throughout the county to sustain and enforce the
Local Option Law.
The following wu thoroughly doused by Broth
ers Dean, May, Keife, Loomis, Pareona, Lorton,
Grime, Smiley„D. W. White, Rnndall. C. r..*hlte,
and HO, and then adopted:
flesolred. That In order to perfectly enforce the
lea's against the sale of liquor and . to consolidate all
the' temperance sentiment of the county. there
shill "be at once organized a county temperance
association. independent of the order of - Good
Templar,: also that local associations auxiliary to
the county assoziation should be established in
each township and borough of the county.
On motion of A. T. they, the following was
;Resolved, Tldit a committee of three be apricdnted
to confer with the D.D.'s present, and report a
plan of organization to form a county temperance
association, with auxiliary' associations in each
township and boronah in the county, and said re
port be made before the close of this session.
On motion the following was adopted:
iteulved, That in view of the posibility of the
will of the people of Bradford, with regard to the
sale o. liquor being defeated by an adverse decision
of the Supreme Court, that we hereby ask our mem
bers of the Legislature to at once effect the passage
of a State or County prohibitory law, with severe
penalties for its violation, greater restrictions upon'
druggists, and the Ohio principle of damages.
A collection of $lO./241 wu taken up.
The committee on plan for formation of county
timperance sa.ociation, consisting of D.D.'s C. E.
White, A. gelfe, and M. C. Dean, A. T. Lilley and
M. J. Platt reported in favor of issuing a call for
bolding a mass convention of the friends of tem
perance in Bradford county., at Towanda, on the
second Tuesday in March, M' (no o'clock, p.m., for
the purpose of uniting the temperance element of
the county. Adjon.ned.
ArrianoON Scssion.—On motion, agreed to hold
the nest session at Barclay; on Wednesday, the
211th of May nest.
The following was tiasitimoualy adopted:
Whereas, Certain accusations have, and are being
made, relative to the misappropriation of moneys,
he., against the Grand Lodge; therefore
Resolved, That we deem it to be imperatively
necessary that the -lodges of this county should
send their most reliable members to represent
them at the nest session of the Grand Lodge, to be
held at Barriabrug: and thereby assist in eradicat.
big any exiatisit
The papers' of the county and the Keystone Good
Templar, are requested to publish the proceedings
of this contention. A. T. LELLEY, Secretary.
tar The - Binghamton Democrat
prints a private. letter from Dubuque, lowa,
giving an account of the great revival now in
progress in that city under the direction of the
Bes.T. P. aimsoup. The letter says :
' •
"This is the eighth week since oar meetings
commenced, and we- have held them every
morning and evening, except Saturday evening,
during the whole time, and the work continues
with 'increasing interest. All classes are reach
ed and redeemed. Over s hundieliyoung men
are' rejoicing in the Lord, and new ly as many
young ladies are converted. A great many
children have given their hearts to Christ, and
they hold meetings in different parts of the
city: There are also a very large number of
older' men and women who have found the
Saviour. It is impossible to tell how many
cases. of conversion have taken place. They
are nrimber,d by hundreds. More than fifty
have joined the Congregational Church, (of
which Dr. Bingham is paktor) and more than
fifty more have been examined for admission.
These are mostly adults. It is expected there
nearly a hundred unite with the cncirc,h at
the next communion, and as many more 'with
each of the other evangelical churches. The
Methodist Church will probably receive the
most. We cannot say when the meetings will
stop, for the people say
," go on," and the - work
goes on with increasing interest."
Heap 7 :es - Com:Form SYRUP or Tilt.
—This celebrated preparation, so long and fa
vorably known in the Northern states, for the
cure of throat and lung diseases, can now be
had at Most of the drag stores in all parts of
the cottatry. It is no privite quack prepara
tion. is prescribed by some of the most em
inent plxisicians in the country, anti never fails
in caring the worst cases of coughs and 'colds.
Price 50 &min per bottle. •
P. Ek—See that the signature of Boas= .4
Santa! Props, is on tads wrariper.
nzEnt n mu.
air Ses in smother mg= adver
tisement about lona and ?Malik& Lads.
Br Did you know that Fear
Ocars hid Willow Cradles? " - •- . ,
INs:p you want a good overcoat,
igol to niuit Tams's. -
is: Mum is - mounting aromas
and framing act:Gres, at km rates.
Stir See in another column. adver-
Unmet:it &taut lows and Nebraska Lax*.
air OBoas is selling fine wall pa
pen cheaper than ever.
sok. A large aaiortraent of Brack
ets Just remind at FRONT &
Id. Pall assortment of Saver Plat
ed Ware, at • Wscraaat lir..acalt.
mr job work, of every description,
neatly sad expeditiously executed at this aloe.
lA. Warm meals at all hours at
Comas' Bakery.
ft- See in another column adver
tisement of lows Ind Nebrssks Lands.
Sei. Invisible Hair Nets, in all col
ors, at the Bee Sire Store.. -
sir Buttons", Fringes and Puss
mentaries at the Bee Hive Store.
slur A prime lot of CloTer and
Timothy Seed, now offering st Manumits', •
b. Bowan's . National Hay and
Straw Cotters, for sae by
Paxinsrox & lUmmr.
lir The beat Tinware for sale, at
Juwa k Law& Hardware *Store, in Hermes
• air A large assortment of Ameri
can Cook and Parlor Sun es, at
111%. 11 you waet.a nice article of
Cake, you can get it at D. W. ficcrrr h Co'.a Ba
kery. Leave your orders in time.
mar C. F. Calais has the ,best as
sortment of Wall Papers and Window Shades,
ever exhibited in this place:':'
as. A full assortment of Itai#uad
and Java Canvas, at the Bee Hive Stoßifdier;
cots Block. •
*fir Job work executed at this of
fice, reoeives the highest encomiums from the
best critics.
ifiT,Morren - rs' are now receiving
a large invoice of New and seasonable goods,
to which they ask the attentwn of all purchaa
ft. Cranberries, Pickles, Dried
Peaches, Dried Beef, etc., at D. W. Bc)rr
Pon SA.t.r..—Two or three new
houses, desirably located. Terms easy. En
quire of W. G. GoanoN, at Turner t Gordon's
Drug Store.
/140- The place to buy a first-class
Cook or Parlor Store, is at
Orwell, Pa.
Kir Spring style Silk Hata' at a
116.. If yorilvant a first-bless Par
lor Stove, get the' Light House, on band and
for salo by Pr..liArros k D&anow,
Orwell. Pa.,
kr Now is a good time to get
yotir letter-heads, envelopes and bill-heads
printed, and .the REFORM office is a good
place to get them executed.
Dig. Just received at the Bee Hive,
an elegant assortment of Ladies' . and !ibises'
Linen { Collars and Cuffs, also Laces, in tb& i
newest styles.
lb?' If yon want to buy the best
Cook Stove in market, and for the least money,
go to Just Jc. Lr.wis' Hardware Store, in Mer
cer's Block.
RUBBER Purr.—Have you seen or
heard of it ? It not, it is worth your while to
enquire into its value. Bee B. M.'
"Blabber Paint" card in another column.
Stir Tycoon Repps, Wotn
tens, and a great variety of other w len and.
worsted goods, at ! the slgu or the Big Bonnet:
OIL vianufac
turep of those celebrated spectacles, have
changed their agency from J. litourirs's to
11lir Mrs. 3 D. Hui, is' still agent
for the Crystal Polish, used for cleaning Mir
rors, Window Glass and Silver Ware. Griffith
,t Patton's Block, Bridge-at.
Fou SALE—A House and Lot on
Stile street. House nearly new and fitted for
gas. Good well and cistern. Terms reisons
ble. Enquire of C. B.,Ammi, Box 119.
ter Mrs. J. D. Hu r. is now receiv
ing new goods, in the, ay of high top combs,
bracelets, jewelry, chains, etc. Also, linen col
lars. cuffs, nnder-slcerea, corsets, hair poils,
braids and switches. , Griffith & Patton's Block.
Tins Mitss Yon! !—All persons
indebted to Miss S. 31. tilintrits, aro notified
that payment must be made or before the 20th
8. M. Guam.
WY' Fancy Neck-Ties and Scarfs
and all kinds of Fancy Goods and Millinery .
cheaper than ever at B. A. Parrs A. Co., oppo
site the. Court House, Towanda, Pa.
ism 30, 1873-4 w
Mir' Every business man should
supply himself with neatly printed letter head
ings, envelope" and cards. We tarnish these
articles executed in the neatest styles at low
Befote . you are aware of it:
ob, procastinating housekeeper! spring will be
upon you. Be wise, then, and go at once to C.
F. Caosa' and purchase a supply of wall paper,.
that you may be prepared to renovate your
rooms early.
sir M. J. La tKIN wants fifty thou
sand feet to fit with Boots and Shoes, at his
new store opposite . the Means House. Boots at
one dollar and twenty-fire cents a pair; how
is that for low? 157 Main street, beloy Bridge.
SIT Bataan) 4k, Hat, would call the
attention of the public to the fact that their
Marta la always sepplied with the choicest
steaks, romta, lamb and mutton, pork, sausage,
fish, etc. They are now receiving daily supplies
Oline fresh oysters, which they offer at whole
sale and retail at the very lowest rates.
L sel ing superior Hard Anthracite Coal, by
the car load, very cheap. delivered at any B. I.
station between Wyalrydng and Athens. Now
is the time to secure your Winter's-supply.
stir J. Lorrort, the popular ,Tem
perance Lecturer, will address the people of
the following places on the respective evenings
named; Rome, Saturday, March 8; Standing
Stone, Monday, March 10; Asylum Centre,
Tuesday, March 11; Orwell, Wednesday, March
12;. I;ellaysTille, 'Thursday, March 13; Wind
ham, Friday, March 14 ; Llteladd, Saturday,
Numb LS. Subitet, "The Duty of the Iltrur."
MD IL Houis for sae or zent. sit
uated oithe corner of Looostlireit and York
rivonsil: For pirtloolars esquire of E. T. Fox.
jer We ire
_prepare4- to do 41
Ida& ()Nob Wort, on the shortest . noticeand
at the lowest prima, - •
• Wow. CoNvionmos.—Thare *Hi
be a bladed Convention m Stevensville, cod-
nsatietog Itsrob 11, ender the sakervision of
Jams D. Timms, to continue tour days, elosMg
with a concert on Friday evening. Prot. H. 0.
m, Pianist. Books will be tarnished
040133/12 of Com.
MirC. F. Owes is " boss" of the
Book and litsitteneti and Wall Paper trade. Ail
new books and every novelty in the stationery
line, are always found on his shelves, while it
has passed into a proverb that his assortment
of wall paper Is tuisurpasise' d in any establish
ment outside the large cities.
popular inatiration of learning, boatel at 110 g.
ston, In a beantiful and healthy situation, will
open it. spring term on th 6 Bth of April. The
corps of teachers is equal to, the belt in the
country, and the advantages for acquiring a
thorough eduCation are complete. See adver
tisement in another column.
" Tag Durr or TUE 11ouu."—Under
the direction of O. E. Warm, D. D. W.C. T.,
I. 0. otkl. T., Ittr.l. Learon, the pop . Tem
perance Lecturer, will Teak at the ollowing
places : OreenwoO, Friday, Feb. 28 Liberty
Corners, Saturday, March 1; Barclay, Monday,
March 3; Mouroekin, Tuesday; March 4; Frank
liadale, Wednesday, March b; Union Corners,
Thursday, March 6. Subject, "The Duty of
the Hour."
REMOVAL.—I have, removed!rty of
fice from Bridge street to, my residence on
Main street, near Locust Avenue, whore the
Original Howe, Wilcox 8 Gibbs, and other
Sewing Machines and Attachments, wiltbe kept
for sale and to rent. Money received, orders
taken, and attachments sold at Red, White and
Blue Store, Bridge street. Bee card.
seir J. 0..FR04T & SONS Wish to
put a Woven Wire Mattress in every bons° in
Towanda, on a month's trial, and if it does not
suit them, they will call aud,takeit away. Now
is your time to get perfect sleep. Be sure you .
try, and theft yon will bay.
is.. It is not generally known that
IL C. Warraamt, at the Book Bindery over the
aarontan office, makes Blank Books is any
style of riding and- binding desired. It you
wants new Ledger, Jonrnal or Docket, give
him a call.
Fos SALF..—A house and lot, ".on
the Waverly road, about one mile from Towan
da borough. Also, two small farms—one on
Waverly road and one on Smithfield road,
about three miles - from Towanda borough.
JAMES Fortra.
Feb. 3,1873—•.
Berri' you would like to see the
finest line of Clo•hs, Caasimeres, etc., ever oz
toyed in this market, just drop in at ii, TAT-
Loa's store. He employs none but first-class
workmen, and can give as good and stylish
snits at as low prices as can be obtained in
U. B.'s dominion.
Feb. 20,1873.
A Cerro.—Eaving removed my ,of-
Ewe to my house on Main street, I would an
nounce to those of my patrons who may find it
more convenient to call on Bridge street than
at my house, that Mr. Gronon nIDOEWAY, at
his lied, White ..C; Blue Store, will receive mo
neys, take orders, sell attachments, oils, nee
dles and partsof seising machines, for me.
Very Respectfully,
ler-Ladies by calling upon PIIEB%
Low, !IL D., (at KIIIAX Terme:B residence, 11
Street, Towaida), can ascertain whether they
have any disease about them, and what organ
Or organs are tfflicted. Her examinations are
based upon setence.awideveloped pathological
facts. • Chronic disease specialty. Call at
once, as no charge is made for consultation.
Office hours from 9 A. se. to 8 P. ar Best of ref
erence given.
J 100 cords Dogwood wanted,
delivered on S. & E. or Barclay R. .8., or at
Factory. For Sale —a Jonneton Shingle Ma
chine, nearly new and in perfect order: Will
take latulOrof any kind, or dogwood, in pay
ment. Apply to IlAwEs Brothers' Tnriting Mill,
Monroet. , Pa.
t. A. PErrEs A: Co. have just
received fresh stock of Domestic Goods, such
as Brown Bleached Muslins, Glazed Caru•
bric,•Paper Binslin, Canton Flannels, Ging
hams, Prints, Dress Drilling, Brown and Bine
Denims, dc., etc., which they offer at the low
est prices, at the sign of the Big BOnnet.
Towanda, Pa., Jan. 311. 1873-4 w.
BEE-HIVE STORE, No. 2 .31.Eact's
13Lock.—For the next thirty da)s,. I will dispose
of my entire stock of Millinery Good, at cost;
such as Hats, Bonnets, plain and trimmed, for
Ladies, Misses and Children ; Feathers, Flow
ers, Aigrettes and Ponpons ; also in Hair
Goods, Braids, Switches, Puffs and Chignons—
to give roopa for mv Spring stock. Agent for
Butterick's *ltems.
31n , . E. L. NrooDnuer
Fcb. 18, 1
' .i!e BEN. Brrizn is trying
to increase the salary of the President and
members of 6ongress, and OAKES !OILS is ex
amining, his little memorandum book to refresh
his memory, and Prru HEfinic is doing Ins
"level best " to get " Hinnequa. county," oar ,
enterprising and extensive gmcerymen, 3loCans
Evivattos, are devoting their energies and
large experience to the supplyingpf the tempo
ral wants of those mho are fortunate ,mough to
find their way into the best stocked grocery
store in Northern Pennsylvania. This well
known house offers the best inducements to all
wanting anything in the Grocery and Provision
Fund ran SILL—The undersign
ed offers for-sale a farm, situated in Litchfield
township, Bradford county, Pa.,'coulaining 200
acres-165 acres improved, the balance heavily
timbered with pine, oak and chestnut. Large
dwelling house, two barns, sheds and other
out-buildings thereon. The laud is of drat-rate
quality, good for grain :and grass, and is in a
good state of cultivation, well watered, etc.
;Churches, Betio° , stores, post-ciffice, black
smith and wagon-shops within one mile—ilve
milesirom the Pa. & N. Y. R. It., and fivepPes
from N. Y. Erie R. R. Terms easy. Enquire
of the subscriber on the premises.
A. J. LAyso; N.
Litchfield, Pa., Feb. 10,1873.
i Whereas, the Good Templars
of Bradford county, at the recent meeting cf
the County Convention, held at Canton, resolv
ed that a committee be appointed to devise
ways and means for the raising ofs permanent ,
fund to be used exclusively in prosecuting vio
lations of the local option law ; therefore, we
the undersigned Committee, in wirsuance of
said resolutioa, do hereby give notice that a
Temperance Mass Convention sill be held at
the Court Rouse, in Towanda, on the second
Tuesday in 'March, at 1 o'clock P. It, to take
action relative to the formation of a County
Association or League, and for the transaction
clench other business as may be deemed no
cessary„to further the object in view.
Chairman of Committee
star It has been several years since
the people of this place have 110 the opportu
nity of hearing the distinguished colored lectrir
er, rum Dorotus, and, we doubt not, Mer
cur's Hall will be crowded on the occasion- bf
his appearance hero on the 25th of next month,
by our lectur4-going people, to hear his lecture
on "Santo Domingo." Mr.' reputs- -
Um is second , to none of the distinguhed pap
lie speakers who have contributed so largely to
the pleasure and edneation of our people for
the put few years. We have already received
notice that people from the extreme eastern
portion of the county will be present, ,and we
advise those who dCsire eligible scats to secure
them as early as possible..
.Tickets for sale at
&mei Drug Store.
• ier Sirs. M.- Fes, Ncl'i 5
Bridge street, Thivanda.. Daaler in Bealondni
*tithe Bak Work , Switches. Braids, Bogor
Pnflk_.Xszlis, the lateat style' of Ottuunontal
Back Combs, a hill supply of Bolls,. Jute
Switehis, and Linen Maids of all shades. La-i
dlea who patronize this estahlialinzollt, have
their hair dressed free of charge. All kinds of
hair work made to order; Bangs, Pins..Charrs,
Charrns,, and everything pertaining to hair
work, dotte In tho best Winner.'
LEcjeLtcaulE—TllE GILLiT FAXILT Sralia SU.
is or ERE CIVILIZED WoaLD--ovsa_73o,ooo
NOW m trsz.—The improvements lately added
to this celebrated machine, have made it by fir
the most: desirable Family Machine in tkiemar
ket, and have given an impetus to the sale of
it never before equaled in the history of Sew
ing Machines.
Llarmine for yourselves; consult your own
latezesis; in buying a Sewing Machine.' All the
late improvements can bo added to the old ma
chine, making it as good as a new machine,
and by far superior to any Shuttle Machine in
the market, by calling upon-or addressing the
agent, • Cuani.Es Faux:,
_Towanda, PIL
j J. B. DE.33OBiBT is soliciting
subscriptions in this vicinity, for the great fam
ily weekly, The Christian Union. The ITnion
is an unsect.arian, imlependendent journal, de;
voted to Religion, 31orals, Reform, etc.,, and
edited by the celebrated divine, Rev. 111 asr
WARD BtEcnatt. The paper is a twenty-four
page large quarto sheet, and worth the price
charged for it, but the agent presents each
subscriber with a superb French oleograph en
titled "Little Runaway and her Pets," or a pair
of beautiful chromes, entit'ed " Wide Awake "
and Fast Asleep." Either one of. the premi
ums offered would sell in any art gillery for
more than the amount asked for tho paper.
We hope Mr. DEatearir may be, sneiessful
securing subscribers, as we are confident ho is
doing a good thing in introducing snFla works
of Art.
FULLER—CM - M.—Feb. 19, 1e73, at the resi
dence of the bride's Lifter, E. Carr, by the
Bor. George Landon, Mr. G. 11. Fuller, of
Wyalusing, and Miss Martha E. Carr, of Mer
Hssar liAntas
WALDRON—WOODEN.—IIy lter. J. 11. Nsson,
at the residence-of ihoma - s Waldron. Fcb. 8,
1873, Mr. Joseph G. Waldron to - Miss Ells L.
Wooden, allot Snuthtidd, Pa.
310011EL-EICBBARD.LIIy Lev. J.
at the residsuco of th bride's fattier, Feb. In
1813, Mr JCS.2.O Moore to Miss dabble 31.
Hubbard, both of Springfield.
EiPY-- - --SCHOONOVEIL—Tii Towanda, on the
25th inat f , by the *Rev. 0. L. Gibson, Mr.
Thcod , ,ro F. E4py and Miss Mary C. 'Schoon
over, daughter of Theophials b'ehodnover,
Esq., all of Standing Stone.
We congratulate 'our friend THEODORE in hay
ing had the good fortune to Espy E 0 fair a prize,
.and the good tense to make it his
_own. The
happy pair are taking the first quarter of their
honey-moon at Niagara.
COMISkY—LEABY.—At the Overton Church,
Wcduriday, 12th inst., by Xavier Sim., Esq.,
3!r. J. P. Coraisky to Miss Anna Leahy, loth
Of Towanda.
.1u the town of Marion, Ill.;
- Feb. 5, 1673, George Northrup, aged 70 years.
NOltTlittrP removed from this county to
Illinois, in 1854.
PAitES.—ln Sheshegnin, on the 4th lust., Of
brain fever , Mary P.., wile of J, C. Parks,
aged 2G years
the IGth inst., Mrs. Helen War
ren, of Granville, aged 37.
mArtsuati..—ln Towanda, Feb. 23, 073, IL
T. Marshall, rig e , ',l 4! years, 2 months 'and 13
For the nest 60 days we offer our
entire stock of
FU rt T U 711., :JE
We do this lii order to mcke room for gocda now
being manufactured _ .
Our'stock ix wry large and embraces
Our stock is ISIIIENSE, and for sale at REDUCED
prices for 60 days only
VP Goods carefully packed and delivered at the
depot tree of charge. y . •
Wales-Barre. Jau. :W. 1073.-Can
..als3 matter of the final account of a. O. Manta,
Trustee of the estste of Jobn sad S.trah Aaams.—
In Court of Bradford Counts.
Dec. Term. 1872.
The undersigned. having been appbinted Auditor
by said court to dispose of excepuous to final ac
count, hereby gives notice teat he will attend
to the duties of said appointmept on FRIDAY,
the :istlt day of SIARCLI. 1813. at 1 o'clock, p. m..
at his office in the borough of Towanda, at
which time and place stl persons having claims
on said money are requir‘d to make the same known
before said Auditor, or be deba.reil from i.emdig in
Upon said fund. 1. McPSE.RsON.
lreb.7B:sl Anditc-r.
Has. Y. A. Fuerraura.
118 Market Street,
PAINTE.7), .1.13. AND
, 3artrrs. at 1I i 31.Arxrt STrztr
Amason.. • $ 2,234 ao
'Auditor" ' 1119.00
. '
apociaLAnditor for Ptak, dt Ilog.'oll9oci. 90 00
'Bridge Contracts L.—. ' • 9.500 El
Bridge 'Views • • ... 20 00
Commonwealth Cost - 1,307 la
Crier of Court-- . . .- .. .... .. .. .. 114 00
;Constables making returns and attend 7 •
lug C0urt........... . ;... .... ...
Connor.; la Commissioners__ .
~. " in . Civil snit—. .. i ..-. ,
" in Criminal Sato...—.
District Attorney , '
Electionol.. '
Indexing Jeidg. Dock.. Preta. Office,
//lentalIC(1.0II Public Bmiaingo....
Fuel pod Lights...... ...,.; .. ... ...
Grandi2 arms
Trarave Jurors.--'
Jury tunimundonersand Clerk.
Jnotfcc:ii inquiaitiona....,....
Office Books and Stationery:
Account wills Ike Several Collectors of County Tax for I k e County of Bradford .
for the year 1872, and previous.
. ..
, .
„ —___•
. .. • ..
' Ttelel and Boro'e. Names of Collectors. ,re r Charyea Received . Ext..7l,'di Per • Ct I Due .
-- ,—,........!-
Pike I J. I thereto, - • 1270 42 gi ! . I ' 42.84
Athens Twp ;; 1 we.. Eisbree, . - 1871 941 00 941:00 1 -
.; :
Albaßoro' iA. D. Wilson.,._ . 19 10 7 i.77 . 391 10 94 . . -
Lelior. , ..: iCarienter Honglin. • , 88 - 41 68 41 -
Snuthfleld..... .... ...... ;IW. B. Forrest, . . : 1623 72 1473 61 2 171 149 04
Tuscarora ,IJ. IL Atkins, . - 246 23 .6200 - 1. 124 23
Wysox ... ... ;ID. M. Lamphear, . ' • 243 66 'll9 69 24 511 99 . 4 6 -
-Welles...:, ~ ....III; O. Grinnell, . - - 1074 07 105919 15 81 1 -. , t .
Armenia. . ' '•:Charles Riff, . 1872' 251 24 328 6 571 17 2.2'
AtbeniTwp -1.1. A. WellAr, . '444511 4111-22 6429 j 211 61
Athena Boro' • ' 4.7epli Hines, '' ' 1752 49 1660 10 sOt 87 37 l'
Asylum ... ..... ..;adtaort Decker, . 1411 30 1327 73 13 69 69 88 :
Albany • Alex. English, - • • 910 56 846 69 1921 44 56 1
Alba Bore • .. 'A. D„Wilson, ' : 221 051 100 00 I - 121 05
Barclay..; .;L W, Tiffany, .-. 2153 20 1986 39 62 30 104 511 .
Burlington I. D. Serpa?,: 1322 17 1175 00 . 857 65 68! 72 92
Burlington Boro .......4J. V. Bice. 301 481 248 00k 1 63 48
Burlington West .
....... 4 1 4. A. Compton, . 1245 IS 1168 68 492 61 pi
Canton Twp ;Newton Landon. - . 2416 42 2316 11 . 841 121 90
Canton 80r0'.... ~-.....- aL. Farnsworth, 1001 74 946 44 649 '49 81 -
Columbia W, p. Wilson,
' 2626 37 2481 85 /3 90 . 130 62 - -
Franklin IL 21 Allen.
.. : 926 84 8 7 6 72 898 46 14' • '
Granville...—. ......... O. L. Streeter, \ 1828 89 1599 20 888 81 ell
- Herrick. • ..‘ Charles Bice , ' 11061 94 1001 . 52 10 05 .52 'll i .
Leßoy...A. W. yanFlect, '' ` . 1439 86 1263 25 •2 75 .71 861 -'
Liu:mo ..... .:: J. P. Slunn, lBOO 851 1709 161 5 52. 88 571
Leltayerville..... ..... .„. W. W. Browning, ' : 394 91 200 00 F 1 - 1 ..
51ouroe Twp. John E;nxds, ' • . 1448 36; 1371 29' -1 90; 72 17; 191 91
Munroe Boro` ' . ... 0 1. H. Overton. . 31;3 97 1 301 21 - 1 961 15 801
Orwell 1- ilt. L. Case, 1878 47; 1774 391 70 39 ' 93 tO -
0vert0n......... IJobn Ma th ews, :. . 528 831 4 64 40 '.. 18 84: 25 '5Ol ' '
Pike. .......1....
~..Newton Humphrey, ' 2383 29 i '2958 10' ~..6 25; 118 85;
rua g ibury. ........ .:..:.,. ;Ward Manderville, 1896 12' 1790 061 1 / 85 ' 54 211
801110 Twp • ; ' .S. 11. 'Cole, - "1421 831 1342 00 18 60! 70 011
Rome. Born' ' ;L. R. Browning, a ' 235 to; 221 54 1 8 1 1 '• 13 661
Smithfield - . j'Augustus Phelpa, Jr., 2991 65 2 6 29 571 13 151 14.4 93; -
Springfield..l....-jOacar Harkness, ' 2550 39 1 , 242, 9(40 10 071 : 127 1 421 -
south Creek . ! :Ira Crane. ' 7 7 /4 7 7 1 : 1048 63, 14 14! - 55.201
Sylvania - J. F. Bristol.. . 244 67' 1 232 ry7l, !! 401 12 24jj,
sheshequin .... •W. 11., Ir,•neli, . 2566 0 41 : .2357 66; 2 60 128 IT' 78 27
Standing Stone ..„.. !Alanson Taylor, ' 1319 78' 1132 94' 1
Terry , j Charles Tb.ornpsc.u. ! - 887. 42 1 341 4 3 1 1 701 44 29 '
Towanda Tap. -;A: D. Vangorder, .• • 1763.80: 1791 ip , -'4 24: 63 08- .
Towanda Boro'.. ..... ... W. 11. Dodge, 0629 35! 6000-00 , , I I 1829 33
Towanda N0rth......... ;S. 13. Harden, l 152 27,
, 829 77: ; 677 gor:
_Troy Twp.. !Joseph P. *int, - , 1 , 2649 37 250. - 85 ! ,10 58 1.31 941 .
Troy Boro' B. Bowen. - 1748 77, ' 1564 35, j 184 31
l'urc trots ' :G. W. Woodruff. : 1,86 121• 6,43 841 - ' - 1 743 02
Ulster.— :E. B. Moore, , 1491 3.. j 1371 611 7 70' 72 Ph
Warren '
, jS. F. Carey,. . • 1 2131 8 6J-• 21119 e 9, 187 100 30 ,
Windham . ... ~.'-...... ,M. V. Rogers, 1 1784 80 . 1692.09! ;3 65. 89 061
Wyaludiug. ...... 6 - .—... ',r. S. Keeler, : - 2171 2 / 1 2051 IR; 11 05 ! 108 01 1
Wysoz.... .. , P. M. Lampheir, . . '
~2001 87+, 7345-001 , 050 87
W. 115............ ...... .. .1. R. Bunted, '1734 48j0•105 r. 4! 33 81, 65 031
Wilmot ..„ ... .......... .:G. H. Morrow, ' /274 5 5 ! 1183 94 1 9 9 03!' 6 2 2 3 :
IteassessmeLis ...... .. , . • 378 77 4 731 .318 69' i 55 35
, • • " ...--- —•.- —..!..---..-'--"
Dna upon Duplicatas of IN7I and pro - lous, $4,C02 02
Duplicates, of 1872, - ' , 70,553 82
Iteei iced front Ungeated Land Tax, , 1,267 75
Seated :, " 180 43
" -
flank Tax,'.',. ' 761 8,0
. .. Incidental Dacelva!!. 441 85
In Treasury January 1, 1872, . . 0,820 11
q Tbtal, ' $103,626 78
To amount of Orders 14suelin 1872. $61,287 11 Ey amoiat Orders paidin 1872
L.S - . nravrorm cor t yry, Ss
. We, the undersigned. Commissioners of said County. do hereby certify that the ibove la a true and
correct eatement of the receivals and expenditrires of ,sahi County, from the first day of .danuary to the
Zdst day of Decembcx inclusive. A.D.. 1572.
Witness onr bands Ana' °Okla! seal at Towanda, this 21st day of J1931131y, -
MOBRI‘ SHEPARD, o.;mmißsiouers. -
.ktf..,t -E. B. COOLBAUGB.
sundry rwrits - issued outt of , the Court of Com- T 1 Court of the United States -fur the Western Dis
non Pleas of 'Bradford County, and to me directed, tract (31 Pennsylvania. In the matter of S. W.Paine,
will he exposed to public sale at the court House Vankrapt. •
in the - Borough ot Ton - anjla i FRIDAY, MAI:CH - Western District of Pennsylvania, is,-011 the
14, 1:373. at 1 o'clock. p.V., the following des- first '. day of February, 1873. a warrant . ici
eribed lot, piece, or parcel ok land situate in Tusca. Bankruptcy issued by the said court .agahast (le
rata. hounded as follows: 1 the north by lands of 'estate ot S. W. PAINE; of Tray Borough , county
9. 8. Keeney. east by lands f Lucina Woodruil. on t of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania, in said Dis
the south by lands of E. Dintinal. west by lands 'of I' trict, adjudged Bankrupt upon his own pttition.that
E. Bunnell and Luther liceney; containing 2.5 soros, 1 the payment of any debtsfluad the delivery of any pra
t:lore or_ lees: all iruprove.fl three small dwelliitg - . perty belonging to said -Bankrupt, to him or to his
houses, one framed barn, one saw null, anil a few use, and the transfer of any property by him are
fruit trees thereon. I . • . forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of
Se:zed and taken into ezezntion at the' suit: of D. the said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and choose
Hat:kit:sou vs. E. S. Fisk awl Edgar Fisk. : one or more ..ssigneee of his tistate,..will be held at
ALSO—Oue other lot. piece, or parcel of land sit, t a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office
nate in ricrrick, bounded as ,Inllows: On the, north I of Overton s Elsbree. in the Borough of Towanda,
by lands o Win. Smith. on I the east, - )3( - -lands of .1 Pa., before E. OVERTON - , Jn. ' Register, on.the 28th
Tito , ourth, the est,:te of Chas. Stevens, deceased, 1 day of FEBBITARF,. 1873, at 10 o'clock, a.m.
and (leo. C. Atwood. south, hy lands :f Deo. C. At- i JOHN HALL,
wood and A. R. BroWn, west by lands of Elisha Reel- I Feb.:le:tog - U. S. Marshal as Messenger,
er and Eliza Light, containing 15 acres, more or 1
le.s. about 80 acres irnpr Tel, with a framed dwell-
ing house, two framed barns, with shed at'ached to I
one, framed shop, and en apple orchard thereon. t
Seized and taken into exec:lton at the suit of N. I
N. Betts vs. E. N• 'Keeler and Elis-ha Reeler i
AL-SO—One other lot, plece'or parcel of land situ
ate In Troy Bona.. bounded,laa f•Ilotra: On did ,
north by Elmira street, east by lands cf S W Pome- I
roy. south and west by land.l of_ Oliver Booth. coti
tatning about of an acre, tuo^e or less, with a
named hotue, framed barn,l-and few fruit trees .
Seized and taken into exestition at the suit of •
Geo. B Pavias nee vs. W. U. Barter.
Feb-124d J. M. SMITH, Sheriff.
sirtue of an order issued oat of the Orphan's
court of Bradford County, the undersi.ned execu
tor of tho estate of JAKED PHELPB,I late of
Sraithtield, deceased. will expose to' plltAlec bale on
the promises, SATI7RDAY, March 8, 1 ts 73, at_th
o'clock, a.ra., the following describ-d property:
Beginning at nor. of lands of , N. Prince In cent o of '
highway leading from Smithfield Centre-to Burling -I
- e and Girls' Monthly Magazine. Demoreat's
Wu Borough; thence north 2 deg. west la 45-100
L Young Arnenca., Brilliant Wilts instructive and in
per. to another cor. of said Prince's land in centre of 1 tereeting stories, poems, puzzles, travels, games,
lands o f i f. ri-IP/P.B estate 1 editorials, correspondence , etc., tally illustrated in
said road; thence by
mirth 8:2!4 - deg. east 37 55-100 per. to — a cor; thence 1 all its departments, is .an-ever welcome guest to the $
by land of Win. H • Phelps . south 6', deg . e°6l : '" '. family table of instruction and amusement. Single
2-10 per. to a cor; thence by lands of Orrin Kniffizr j: copies 10 cents post fiee. 'Yearly $l, or with choice
and others south 82 3-4 Jeg. Fest 243 S-10 per. to a ! of the following beautiful out valuable premiums
to each - subscriber, (Sr 50 cents extra; a choice from
cor; thence north 7 deg. west 37 5 10 per. to a cor; .
thence by lands of said Prince north 8,1 deg. east IS3 !, five fine Parlor Chromos;worth $5 each, or two in
per. to a cor; thence north 1 deg eaet 23 540 per. by , teresting Juvenile Books, bound in cloth - and guilt,
kola of Prince to a e'er; thence north 83 deg. 0. , _.t by l: worth 4 1. 7 5, post free; or a tine pearl-handled two-
land of said Prince 18 740 per. to place of begin- 1 blade 'ocket Knife and a pallet of best Paints,' post
nine, containing CS acres and 4 . perches, more Di ' free; or a- very powerful brass-mounted, double
laes, with the appurtenances.. 1 cylinder, ivory-tipped adjustable MierDscope, worth
pi.pats....._.sloo to be pail when the property- i i ...
- 6 f *2, postage il cents; or a -ROO4. Stereoscope with a
Executor. t-!
struck dowit. $ 5OO on confirmation, and the balance i series of views. postage 5 cents; or an elegant Pho
tuthree equal annual payments thereafter with fn- 1. tograph Album for holding 50 pictures, postage 10
tere'et : rem contirmation... lupin: PIERCE , : i cents : and valuable premiums for clubs. Address
Fcb.l2 nG W. JEN:NINGS DE.IIORLS . T, - 838 Broadway,. New
--- ..N . - Feb.l2
passing all previous offers. Each subscriber
to Danner:eats lloutbly Ifairazine, at Three Dollars I,
a year. will be presented with a premium - of two
elegant Chromes, companion pictures of the, two
desirable and popular subject. in America—
tbe Falls of Niagara and Yesetuite Falls. Size of
'fixtures. 10 , , by 12; , , inches. .
These elegant -Chromes, copied from beautiful
pi: tares painted from natare by one of ,the flrstar.
flat.: In America. give the most ptiptihr 'views of
thei , e interesting, and sublime objects. and are faith.
fill reproductions of the' Originals. The Grand Old
Niagara, with its iruluense body of water falltng•one
hundred and sixty feet. sending up denie -clouds of
spray to reflect in brilliancy and beauty the vivtill
colors of tee rainbow, Is en clearly depicted that, - in'i
immagirittion, on hear its mighty roar. Thel_ese's.
imtc.. with its lofty mountains towering to the
silvery clouds, and its stupendous falls of sixteen
hundred feet. impressing with its awful grandeur. •
and Milieu the mind with delight and wonder.
These two Chrom's are the best pictures ever.i
publisned for ten dollar?, and will be sent mountell'
and varnished, by mail. as a premium to each ')C.II , I
ly three dollar subscriber to.our Monthly 3lagazine. !
Reader, just think, two beautiful Chromes - Dr Ni.-i
agars and Yosemite: • •
These pictures are veritable gems, and 'worthy of
bping'enslinnesl in an honored place in our homes.
They will be presented to yearly subseribais
receipt of Three Dollars. and eight cents for postage
ul:li your frill name and address.. •
Every home in ,merica should possess theie in.
caluald.. illustrations of art and bsauty, and , no
person of East, and enterpnse can atrord to be vrithi
out the-Model Magazine. lellintt 1 1na been greatly en'
tarred and now contains the essentials of all otters,
Inchnling the useful, the entertaining and the beau.
Mill, 'situ original stories, poems and Popular ma
thc by the best authors. the only reliable fashions
iincluditg full size patterns , . - hum^. matters in al
their di sail. garibming,, architeotnre i and all the
utilititos,be , luties aud novelties of litswatgre calm-
laterl to mate our homes. useful. attr--edive ania hap
py— profusely illustrated, arid a splendid valurn,
tor binding for the centre-table at the end of the
year. Single epics 2v cont... liplendid ludo. e•
nients for agents and premium's for clubs. Addres ,
N. JENNINGS DESIORESB, 818 Broadway. New
rGrt. - Feb 12 „
FOR small pllce con
taining 183 4 acres lu SieaeuBrlle, Bradford.
county. Pa., on the contemplated railroad fru=
ISlnglidmton to llushare. one-half .improred and in
a high state cultic.rtion; the rein:nude: in r....l,us
bin timber, wr.•lto eat. ChrStttlit; hickory and pine.
"aildings new; n two-shiny home. nicely
,tush...n, with a never-la.:a:4 spring or wafer run
nng into the house and fr•.ra thence to road near
the barn. The barn w Isasi.ta with undergrounds .
et-able, cirpenter c. Fruit, • Ruch as sprier
and peaehas. Butter nuts•,hiekory nuts in
sbundinoe. Only a few rods and good
..- - rel.d school This Anzio! make is !inn home for a
tiweb ink? or flrully 'mho wish to. retire fmm petiy,
bus/Leas dm and grand the remainder of their (1446
iu n nice and happy home. For further part enhtn:
address L. T. Bic bard. Bircherdville Sasquebj.nrm
c . ninty, Pa., LT 13: Bowen, Trop, I'a... or Lacy stio
s.ns. Ste•.cttaville, ra.
FOR °SALE. —A fano of about 56
acrse, titaatrd w:thln three milts of Towanda
I.;oruush.. W c ll watered. with goat Orchard. Itottan
and barn thereon, and about i acri:a of wood land
n i timber.. F.,r Lama apply t..) W. W. Kmgebta7,
°lbw oorzer Slain irmi fitxte SUee!ii Tcrnarti,
Thuumes. •
*.4 :44 II)
1.103 16
118 tiO
- 2484 16
667 GO.
240 00
213 461
_ 51320
6.263 01
161 001
110 24
478 78
It ;-t. Minya?! Tr:las urcr, in Acclunt vith the Coultylitradford,;or 1572.
C.u . :l(',,y.f)r(b.r. , in a cr.,:un! wit/.
Prisoners support in County Jail . .. 790 00
•• 1 ' l'euitentiary.. ... . 2.01 - 3 34
Convoying PrißOW= to
,PFXLlterlitillri... 143 4u
Public Printing • .- 327 60
t. ...... .... ~
Prothonotary sad Clerk of Beissiona.... 413 ta
Beware on Public Bulluirigs • _ 464 89
iluccunow rig Jhrors. .. 208 10
State Lunatic Asyluto... ' 483 29
Befereei as per Act of 1469..
. , . .... .... , 270 00
Bent of Booms for Court at T r0y...... . 200 01)
Teachers Institute As Per Act of i 857. • . ' 20 0 0 0
Town.slilP Lino Vie*. , . - .19 50
Wil.i Cat Certificates ' ' ' 3 . 0 i
•Vpoil bolding of Jail - . 35,313 .53
John B. Muds. lato Commlasioz l / 4 0.r.,.. 732.00
Errs Kellogg. Commissioner 944 00
Morris Shepard rt
Ben j. Buykendall .; -
.. '•• .. ._ . .... 90 00
E. B. Coolbsogb. Clerk of Committers. 1,200 00
Total ' $81.987 14
•Whole expenee of Jail for 1871 5241872, $8,675 86
sBl t B 6 . 9 $3307 75 $434876
$91 1 54 84:572480 24
Returned uncollected for /2 and previous; $4,618 16
Exonerate./ to Collectors,
Orders. paid. s
Two per cent. Conmthiclon an same,
Ono " . $73,6:43
Pai4 State Tax,
Dank Tax. -
In Treasury Jiuntry 1, 1'6'73
he C.notty,of Bradford for 1872
IBANICRUPTCY.--:In the mat—
ter ~f Jesse-Ayers, Bankrupt. , In the District
Contt of tho United States for the Western District
of Permsylrarda. To the creditors k of said Bankrupt
and all others concerned,
Take Notice—That a second getieral meeting of
the creditors of said Banki7tipt has been ordered
and will be held at the Borough of Towanda. Pa , In
sill District. on the 2". th day of FEBRUARY, A.D.,
1773, at 10 o'clock. a m., at the office of E. OVER
TON. Ja.., anent the Registers In Bankruptcy In said
Distrh t. for the purposes named in the 27th section
of the Bankrupt Act or Malch 2d, 1867, And I
further give notice that I hare tiled my final ae
coinitaTas .Assiamee of the estate of said Bankrupt in
said cour.,and and tin the clay named aforesaid I
shall apply to, said, court for the,settlement of my
said accounta and for a discharge from all liability
as assignee of said estate in accordance with ths
frOvisionsOf the 2.Bth section of the Bankrupt Act
of ]larch 21, Phi. Be present thei-eat.
_Leona of the United States for the Western Dis
trict of.Penn4Ylrania.-
G. F Mason and A. 0. Mason, lato copartners.
trading under the firm_ name of G. -F.
Maims & Company.. Bunkupts„ tinder the Act
of Congress of March .2d, 1867, havliag .applleo
far a Discharge from alt
-tiles debts,%and otho
claims provable under said A'ct, by order ofjthr
Court. notice •is hereby given, to all 'Arsons who
have proved their debts, and other persobs interes
ted, to appear on the 26th day of FEB..
. 1 1873, at 10
o'clock. A. M., before.E. Overton, Jr:. Earl.. Regis
ter, at his office in the-Borough of ToWanda, Pa.,
to show cause, if-any thsy hare, why a, discharge
should not to.• granted. tq the said Bankrupt.
Clerk of C.S. District Court for said District.!
Feb 12.w2
Notice is hereby given thatall persons indebted
to the estate of Jackson Seeley, late of Weil,
deceased. are rerldestesa to make a immediate
payment. and all persona having claimkagainst said
estates mewl present them daly anthenticateVorset.
tlement. P. P. BOWMAN.
•T:ln 15-wG
.L'A_ 'Notice is hereby given to all. persona indebted
to the estate of Martha IFMahon, late of Sheallegtdo.
deceased, must make immediate
. pren - tl I and
claimsall persons having el;is against sal estat4 roust
present tlient dilly authenticated tor se tlemebt.
S. lIM4L. •
- I[ 4l l X•E U - T
• Notiee !a hereby given that all persona indebted
to the estate of Samuel Lyons; Jr.. late of Orwell
: deceased. - ale requested . to make linmediat.
payment. and all pereont having claims against
said estate must present them duly anthentieateo
for settlement: • GIBBS,
Jan.d-WA -: - tierutor.
• 4Notice is hereby given that all persona iudebke
to the estate of Catharine Stun r. late of Towanda
deceasrl. are requested to make immediate paytuent
and all persons having claims - against said eatan
mitt present .them duly, authenticated for settle.
ment. J. t. GEIGER..
Jan.3ow. •
.1 Eteentor.
V . XE C T 0 W,'S
Notice in hereby glveu that all persons Indeht
d to the cstato of Manual Bullock, deceased, late.
ot War-. 0 tom'., am 'requested to make fixtritedi
;te payment, and all persons having claims against
said estate must present them duly authenticated Los
I,4:ttlerneni.' - C. ABEL,
Feb ti
AA, undersigned , offers for see very cheap. the
ieliowing ilef.cribeitreal estate:
one farm eoniainiog 100 acres,.mo;.tly Improved;
situated in Towanda township, Also ono timlkt
lot containing 90 acres. • -
One farm contain ng IU3 acres in Asylum town
,:hip. partly Improvcd.
One firm coutaltain7 :IP acres In Wyses and Rome
i townships. :
(ire house Ital. lot in Towanda Eltrrough.
Two houses itn Reeth 'Towanda. rear the borough.
.Uso'two lots. . •
. .
M-P, - "r 7 44k. - :,
Has'purchased a large and elegant assortment of
818 09
3 307 73
61,987 14
1,339 74
4,314 62
761 80
25,912 05
Spoons and Forks in sets, tPens. Charms, and ';ln
fact everything to please,' with an endless misty of
Spectacles and Clocks. . .
103,6_6 . 78
. •
Having purchased from the late Al 11. Warner's
estate the entire lot of tools and fixtures I am pre
pared to do all kinds of work at the shortest notice
and lea:ranted. Please give me a tali and examine
the goods and I will try to give you entire satisfac
Nt." A. ItoCKWELL.
• Towanda. Oct. 23. 1812. '
f6l tB7 14
Are - 'the most congsaialpurgativeyetperfected.
Their effects abundantly show how much they
excel all other Pills. They are safe and pleas
ant to take, but powerful to cure. They purge
out the foul humors of the blood; they . stirnu
hitt! the sluggish or' disordered organ into ae-i
tion. and they rnpart health and tone to the,
whole being. They. cure not only the every :
day complaints of everybody, but formidable
and, dangerous-diseases. -Moat emident
man, most skilful physicans, and our , best citi
zens send certificates of cures perforated and
of great benefits they have derived from , thise
Pills. They are the safest and, best physic for
children, because mild as well as effectual.,
Being sugar coated they are easy to take; and*
being purely vegetable, they are entirelyharm
less. . -
:WM: W. )W.
;... .....
. . . .
4 ' I
--TO BE--
• •
Towanda, October 23,1872
PLATED 'TEA BET& 00111X111,
And all tho splendid gooda for
Coetice:ness, Jaundice. Dyspepsia. Inaligeation,
Dyseritary,Youl Stoinach, yelpelas. Headache,
Piles. Rheumatism. kruptions and Skin Diseases,
Biliensness, Liver 'Complaint, Dropsy. Tatter,
Tuniors and Salt Rheum,. Worms, Gout. Hen's&
sta. as a Dinner Pill, and Purifying the Blood. -
Da. J. C. AYEB & CO., Dowzr..t.. Xors..
pae,crican Ann awavincit. mann%
And sold by Druggists all round the world.
Dr. II:c.-poRTEEI, fi SO!, , T, Wholesale 14;ents ,
Towanda, Ps., and for sale bi'deshais thioughon
the county. ' , 0ct.30-mi
:Mule from the verty best material. Two coats of
tho Rtmorn Purr arc better that: three costa of
ordinary paint.
it is a chemical comp Auld, which, when applied
as paint, is as firm as horn, yet elastic, Arid prodttc.
Mgt gloss equal to varnish, .-;
It has been manufactured In the United Statki for •
years past and stood the severest tests, and bus ,
established for itself a brilliant reputation upon a
arm basis for the following qualities needed to
make any paint , valuable, namely: Durable, not
affected by ann. wind, frost, beat, or water; firth "
and elastic, strong and selheiice x will not crack or
peel (TIT; retains its color, giving &queue as bright,
smooth, and delicate as if.varniabed.' It flay Mud •
the brush freely and settles promptly'. Is adapted
to all hir.dstf painting on either wood, iron, brink.
or plaster. o other paint will resist water equal •
to it. making Jt unequaled for painting vessels or
metal roofs.
lll'aill the requisites of a first-chum Paint the Rnb
beLL Paint is unequaled. It is prepared in Pere
White, and in alt Cottage and.othertolors, compel-.
Tug any number of diffetent shades. One gsdlon of
the Rubber Paint will cover twenty. to thirty re*
two coattr. j - 4
GaIIAN 111 9,3, 4, ito, and 40
Sample' coldr.iirds, circulars, ?dimities, Wei. -
lists, and other partiCulars furnished, by the sub.,.
scriber by mail, or on perspnal lipplication. '
Whol!sale aThl Beta Agent..
Towanaa,.Nov. 6, 1
The undersigned has' removed his Attock of Gro
ceries and Provisions - to .80. 4. Deldleman's Block,
south side of Bridge Street, wbere he will continue
ousineseres fume— As soon u necessary re
are made wul igain oecnpy No. 1, Patton's Block. i
corner Main and Bridge Streets.
-Towanda. , Feb. 5. 1873. M. J. LONG.
DSSOLUTION.—In 'consequence
of the lithotalth of Mr.J. B. TaLlsnadge. tna
nt m et Batumi g Talmadge Is this day distolred by
aintual consent; The business of the late Ern will
beeettled up by C. B. Barron. Agent, who will con.
same the business at the old stand. No MS Mita
.greet. Towanda, Pa. C. B. DAMON.
Jan. 6. 1873..W3 . J. E. VILIMMXIN.
1281.`itA.Y.—Came into the eneloet
&Jure of J. W. Nichols, of Invlington. on or
about the 9th of 0ct.,•1819. one - 3-year old Iftetw.
spotted. with ahcirt horns. The owner is reinsstsd
to conet forward. prove rbowertf. Pal charges. and
take her away or she will bo dleposed of scoording
to law. - - J. W. NICHOLS.
N . 0v.1344 .
VOR SALE.—A place containing
about 20 scree 6f good land, located three
tildes from Leßaysville. Bradford Cotmty, P.. sod
near Beach Oro") school-him°. The improvements
are a good house and barn together with out build=
inge. Good w at er' and a young orchard. on the
?remises. This is an excellent locality' for a me
chanic. . Terme eery easy, as the owner resides in
Lancaster County. For further particulars apply
to Wm. 8.. Stevens, Lellsyaville. Pa... • Jaa.B
GOR SALE—A second- band,
Portable Engine and Boller, fl.tora• power, in
4 4;00d order, and can be- aeon- ruttullgt azl7 dal at
the shop &lite aubacribers* Reason for Seib:4h.
Sot strong enough for our
W Price 3poo.
basins ICOCI.
Ttrrytolsa, 111110110