Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 13, 1873, Image 2

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_ _
— . Hundreds ef Cleveland menha.n
ies are but of work.
—Hansai raised 4,000,000 bushels
of potatoes !apt
—Public libraries in Minnesota
are to to opentd con tridaY•
, _
—Gift concertS, and the like, are
bare after to be suppressed in Chicago. 1
—The very wet weather in England
this season has spoiled the fox hunting.
—The poisonclus snakes of India
aro said to find 20.0001humain victims a year.
A . .
—East Utica Y. is going to
bl:fid it hp:Titsi on a 4raed Scale.
SiriOair l . late publisher
~r tho Dibnize, has gone Fdto bankruptcy..
—The local te l gislature of Manito
ba nponed at Fort Crary Wednesday !
—The tariff oti Atlantie.eables will
rt.3uc ad from $1 talk. per word after' May 1.
, old lady deteribed a genius
7 % "a man *hat knots nfore'n ho can find oat, i
1 ipiils N ittia on la clothos."
St. jobn, N.; ~ recently shipped
% • F.tyti a cargo contieting of twenty-three
~ , :-1...z..d dwamg-Irlns,mattO in sections.
•• —An lowa man sold his wife to
, :, of 115 migtibora an officiated tit the mar
...7,1 c , .rcmothr. - 1
--The Commerce Comniittee have
::.grviti to the Liver .rind Harbor bill. It appro
i.riat.e.; about five
—Among ladicis in London, writes'
a fashionable correspondent, there is a perfect
for blade silkbtoskings.
--A London edition of the Atlan
tic is io bo published ,by Frederibk
Wrirocr Co.
—Gokl,win Smith like many others,
i }art a believer in Fttondc'o historical correct-
—San Diego, iCal.i. ie luxuriating
peaa i;tid Iva tonlatooß. while 'Santa
Uaroara I,ridt•sitErlf ti a its flue btrawberries.
-new . .; Hungarian banks.
fi,Frted, tre to be formed,' cinder govern
!.p.:.; 71t1.1 a capital of V 8,000,000.
inayliem in
by bitqlg in Troy, by chow
,: g
—The Paris Li l l has disdovered
x vue'Ale Omb. Wiajoever dritwa the 13,1riaoml,
from 111 , ,‘ rake, at 04' anneal' Ppread, iS tke
—Twenty prihoners brolle jail at
I..thanea, Pa., ou Fkiday night and escaped
~ , v crithe nall.hy forming their had-clothes into
" —Thomas Hinchee, of Wisconsin,
litaly had his fei - t to frozen that amputation
was Itcztetsaty. FR,tiad previously boat both
bands nil the sara', way.
—lt is stated, .that the extortions
the,uarbsr Maslen's Department, NeW Turk,
Weni. , exposed - al year ago, are again:pi-Ito
tlpen al.lll3s, , xnerir, and ottett.
--What is the best • iittitude for
tsir- c l•e;10(2' said:.; pupil, patting on.
g lory', to a wribiftaiwn "Keep El. • curl
neat.l,l was the significant reply.
—A Teurtierarice orator, in a recent
ap•trii at Ottawa, sad that Canada expended
sl3,etia,Cao a year , rum, and yet the tlom
.• elitir:,-,ed with haring no enterprise!
—Georgia pr4ores to buy Stone
m in and build a State Penitentiary; at the
6-.1,:e time talling en ingh granite to New oi
, it aiia---$2.0A000 Nita th—t , , pay the cost.
—A rich iron 'Aninc is reported to
hayt tlilicovcretl about a himtlreil *tiles
fr.. 21) Du.uzla, un thug wort tern shore of Lake
—Copenhagen papers record the
death( , : l'r rd. Frederick Sibbern, who bas filled
thc• ch.tir philosophy in the Danish Linirera:ll ;
yinaa ISI3.
-=—The-estimaf e is made that since,
rad is eluding the bicago fire ' the to WI
t 4 taisq.lialFa. I!!!4 over 1390,000,000 by-great fires
• .
—The shoemakers of London have
eit..nanw d those t , f l'arts to try TI t clican do
ti it • mr,t and beSt ork in a given time for a
tiagtr f 1:10. ,
—Prince Lind, has been made at
the Ciarmany Embassy, Paris. It will
s. 1. at!!Nl that the price recently married
F.!! 3.:L.ez luau laily,, of Ohio.
- I
—The BestoA Common Council
p tet . .Ac.l au ot , %ir ieopett the pnbliclibrary
1 , 3 a vat- !of 17) ears to 10 nays, and
tiii• order will be carried auto str?itt. 1.)-morrow.
tunn:2l ion the Albany and
I ,l.llAm:a II•d!road, distant .fifteen miles
nu has at last been completed.
7' t coalnencort twenty years ago.
—John Casfeilo, of Bingliampton,
ou the F,rteltailrinta, hi been is
t. - •l•.ie • . - cn }card and has made the distance
-1 he innocent people of Man
:,..:n. va., give at I r . :ceivo mutilated beer-keg
:orip..: un4lcr thel i tupre: , :siou that they are
—Pasaic Tillage N. J., is ont of
una ilia ivartints of the treasury cannot
i This village ie fast learning the
witys co , a ftr.,,t-:ctisi
—Cher,ter county is the proud and
happy p ~evssor of tli!e oldest man in Pennarl
raLl lborn in March, 17G,5. ii•
e•bors etc.
_alt . :public library of Cleveland,
bPc.n.inerea l ,sed during the
,pant year
h , rarcbak.e of 1 401 additional volumpa,
.!;.!L t,•tal a.f 13,01 ( ,no's in the library.
—A re - ward k:if $5OO lin been
eNcA(.. , I by' the authorities of Weehawken
f• the detection, of the murderer
nilown msn ilnuid in the Elysian Fields.
—Ali sc a oop collected, from the
Gt , r.eral G .vernnient a sear ago, being a b.,1-
11 , -ce.dr..e Nairiska o 4 account of land sales,
nlwar.4 bevrr to bat . e reached the treasury
that Mali..
.—Stolits, under sentence of death
1;r , niura, , r (:f Fib in New York, hae been
Terra , ..ll r, va...N• ttir.l and application for a stay
11 ,- o,l•ttlinTt bas 1411 inafile to the Supremo
' I , t.!'l
--LA ear in the • middle of a freight
tr,n, the Huol‘-cm - - river road jumped the
acid ran on the tel five
hijk, dizicov(Totl. It crossed tire culverts
—Lausingburg, New York, has a
hantitf-d boti,e, but tUo lady who oe7ußies it
11 1. - rhosts nr(- incited b; tt:entqn of Whom
6he 1, , 4,,t the holutei and Lo wauti to got it
December 2,037,600 cigars
wart , minuracitured Rua in the Imic, Cum
berland. and Perry district—the largest - number
vc.r male and clispo,bd cif berore in the die
in one month.
--The .:13oitariatis are abut to
in the eentrF.l pi,rt of Loudon .a public
:tt e . tst cf 3150,000 tivcard which sub
t the amotlot of $35,003 have already
—A 'Lock of !seven sheep was
Nebiaska, ructritly, and after
ttnlaming ten days From iliticorerthl by the
prelln from their 4 ,, iated breaths risivg through,
the dritti.
—ThP- hotel in which the Genova
1":,!,-1-1,41 sat is visited by curious people every
)• c.!.(1 the p:ictieular
: room in which 'the
I1:::4, - , was gazed upon with the
—Great ,britiii will raise the $14,-
n piy the .114baraa award out of the
rt.v,:nte4 of tbr dnrinz the
en.stu..U . un.l pray.l l .ll, , i:3 ve a small dur
tl'la 1.
—Chaff is wortli, for feed, twice as
str•*;, Oat chaff stat.ilit first, wheat
e ,1 %.: wiil'vt:ry readily eat and thrice
‘," it ~li e n Vetted Fpritilded with tnea'.
( 0 1.4 ehould be husbanded tvith care.
—Mr bonar, the English plenipo
t in si-itcprlatici, attempted to res
es: • a laly 101 bnateti through the iee at
,••••• ~110 --rPral others were also pre
%rat ~ 2r tut i with difficulty saved.
—On of g' alleries in the French
Ivif , r:.l! Aasnmbly is to bo sat apart ror the
repre— , :tta::•,.es of tho foreign press, who hari.
leas t r L A spacial- .accanamodstkon proaided
--The coldest thy, except one, for
a hhtelrecl yeara, was Thursday Jan. 31 ac
carding t tho averment of Pr.deaaor .Loomie,
of Yale College, wno ham kept a record that
exteiolo.banl: for that length of time.,
—An earthquake occurred at Le
few daye ago. At leant tbe Lebanotnees
1, aught that an earthqnake ocenrredlan
z.l tu, Ilhentimenen wai .found to have been
- a:pie:nun of a lot of cinders at
~i- 4,3 t!,t , it t nulls.
—T11,3 body of a yt):lip -, laav
'l".4' dnilg illfq,C.o the
aro nDi3Atl elirtai.:l Of: tier
br 3 ttanee are th. 3 froahnesa of
a 124 the pliabiktq. of the fhe
.7c.1 ;
• •
Towanda, Thursday, Feb. 13,-1873,
'PLR= BEHDIC has at last got his
bill , for the qrection of Minnequa
"county, introduced in the House of
Representatises. - Bucrarxw's boy,
is the "rooster" vvho is willing to fa
ther the iniquity. '.'When weeall at
tention to the fact that, last winter, .
Mr. was one of the bitter
est oppionenta not only of this scheme,
but all other legislation asked for by
Hrsme, publicly charging that gen
tleman with using money to influ
ence members, our readers cau draw
their ovi , n conclusions as to what ar
`gunten4PETEß. has used to secure the
influence of the "Boy."
The hew county scheme is so well
known - to our readers that it is
scarcely worth while to refer to it.
The proposition to erect a new coun
ty is in flagrant viblition of the pro
visions of the spirit of the Constitution
and an outrage upon nine-tenths of the
property `holders 'lwithin the bounds
of the proposed - county. The only
object Mr. Etnanro . and his hired
backers have is the advancement of
1 personal interests, and the gratifica
tion of a few ambitious politicians.
We do not believe the Legislature
Will give any ' ,attention to a swindle
so patent, but it is plainly the duty
of our citizens to see that remon
strances are circulated in every town
ship and forwarded to our Members
at once. ,
How THE STATES RANK.--The offi
cial figures of our national census for
1870, just promulgated, show that
the`following States maintained the
same rank at that date which they
held in 1860: New York, first: Penn='
Sylvania, second; Ohio, third; Illinois,
fourth; Indiana, sixth, Virginnia,
arbich was fifth in 1860, is now tenth,
and Missouri, which in 1860 was
eighth, is no.v fifth. l‘rassachusette
maintains her old rank of seventh,
and Tennessee, drops from tenth to
ninth. Most of the Eastern States
have fallen behind somewhat, while
nearly all the 'Western States - have
advanced considerably. The popula
tiou of our. own Commonwealth is
3 521,951. *laid.. Is an increase of
615,736, or twenty one per cent. dur
ing the past decade, against an in
crease of 502,021, or thirteen per cent.
9 .le_part of New York during the
same period. The entire increase of
the United States from 1860 to 1870,
was 7,114,050, of 'which this State
furnished almostone-twelth, contrib . -
nting a larger actual increase than
any other State in the tnion, with
he exception of Illinois.
il&'• Democratic instincts mid pro
are ht..rd Eo change. For in
sta,nc?, the Waynesburg Milsenger, a
staunch Democratic organ, is Ex
ceedingly anxious that the law which
provides for keeping the public
schools of Green county open for five
mouths in the year be changed to
reduce the tine to four months, be
cause the interests of agricultural
pursuit's require the, reduction of
time. Was there i;ver such a plea?
It is equal to the argument of the
Berks county SuLox,who, when the
bill providing for the free school sys
tem was under consideration, oppos
ed it vehemently, because educa
tion made boys and girls " sassy."
s&• The following proceedings
had in the House of Representatives,
on the 29th, indicates the temper of
that body on the temp4rance ques
tion. We are proud that one of our
Representatives had thei,honor of in
troducing the resolution :
Mr. Myer, of Bradford, introduced
a resolution providing that no spirit
uous; vinous, ,or malt liquors shall
be kept or drank in the H..use, or in
any of the rooms connected there-,
with. The resolution was adopted
by a vote of 92 yeas to 3 nays. Those
voting against it were - Messrs. Jo
sephs, Porter and Smith, of Phila
11%. Stmmon, the slayer of DCRITA,
has been indicted by the New York
grand kr for murder in the first
degree, and be has been plated in
safe keeping,. The Coron'er had de
cided, on the strength of the verdict
of the inquest, to admit SIMMONS to
bail in $lO,OOO ; but while SIMMONS
and his bondsmen were.on band to
give the' reqftired security, the mat
ter was acted on by the grand jury,
and the deputy sheriff, armed with a
warrant, arrested the murderer at
the moment he was about to step
forth into the,street with nothing - to
fetter him but his bond. .
The Constitutional Convention hav
ing adopted, as part of the new Con
stitution now in course of constrne'-
tion, the section of the Legislative
report providing for the hiennial
election of members of the Legisla
ture, it follows in consequence that;
should the, Cdnstitution be ratified
by the people, we shall have, after
that event biennial sessions of the
Legislature. Representatives will be
chosen every other year, their terms
coratnencing the first Tuesday of De
cember next after the election.
Mr:Daring the ten months en
ding December Ist, 489 railroad ac
cidents occurred, by which 245 per
sons were killed and 799 injured.
One hundred and three accidents oc
curred in November.
The old b4l which was rung
ludep.:ndenee. Hall, Philadelphia,
Dec: ,ration of Indepen
...ce was proclaimed, has been re
placed on the old timbers.
MATit& Et4lo*.alliiitt.
The whole country was greatly ex
cited on Saturday last over the Bo
nin:moment of the sudden *SAIL of
ItpOov. lon W. taxanv.' He had
just returned :from New York where
he tied beiei on bushiest, _ and was
apparently in hie usual robust health.
He sat down to his breakfast without
shoWing the least sign of indisposi- -
qon, and while preparing some food
Per bis little son who sat by his side,
threw back his head and expired im
mediately and without a struggle.
The great loss is deeply feit'uot only
in Harrisburg, but all over the State,
unfeigned grief is manifested. Like
other men who have filled
. important
Stations, Gov. GEARS, undoubtedly,
had his enemies ; but they were few
in comparison with his friends, and
now that he has departed, all will
unite in lamenting thb lois of a good
man, who, ivhateVOr his errors`, en
deavored faithfully, in every position
he held, to discharge his duty hon
estly and welt.
We have not Space here to refer in
detail to the various responsible po
sitions occupied by this deceased.
Suffice it to say his life was busy
one. Although cut off in-thz, prime
of life,, he has left a record of civil
and military achievements of which
the oldest statesman and., warrior
might be proud.
His age was , fifty'-four years. / The
funeral will take plan to-day, under
the anspiees of the State authorities.
The Masonic antiotber civic organi
zations of Harrisburg Will partici
'pate. Gen. JORDAN has also issued
an order directing the sth Division
of• National Guards to be present.
The National Unioq Leigue,of which
Gov: GEARY was President, will also
be represented at' the funeral.
The Legislature met on 'Monday
evening, and after p?....sing some rip
proPriate resolitions, adjourned un
til Thursday evening. The various
State department:; will be cloied on
Thursday, by .%r( 2'40 of Gov.
A pOst Mo;tel, (::(ix)ination by
eminent physiOani, v,as held. Nei
ther the brain uor I.(tai` showed airy
signs of having bi - c!; affected, and
the conclusion reaelled, was that he
died from slicer exh:tu.?i ion.
Governor GEARY'S brain was large,
weighing 5( ounce:•. tile maximum
weight of the adult male brain is
aboitt 64 on ces and t:.!) minimum
3-1. The Lrr. n of Cuz celebrated
French naturalist, CIIN : LER, weighed
On Monday, at White Plains, New
York, at the opening of the GREELEY
4.111 CRAP, Jlll-1,0 HAUT said he had
received. a note from Miss InA GREE
LEY, and which had been approved
by her sister, in which they begged
to withdray. - fronLa contest which
their opponents were determined to
wage over their father'n gravo. Con,
testauts then procedett to prove the
will inade hr: GREELEY in 1871,
without further oppositim. It was
stated Mr. GREELEY left property Ls
timated to b wo; Eh $206,000 which,
with the est.tto Of 111 H. GREELEY,
would =owl - to $225,000.
The' following is the note of LA
GREfLET relative to the proving of
her father's-will :
No 12 Corr. iE Jan. 10.—Dear Judge
Hart, I em so much distressed by the report
ye4-rday's proeeedings at White Plains, that I
must, withdraw from a contest whlch our opPo
nent4 are-determined shall b' waged over my
father's grave. For riot (yen cany out liNs
last wishes can I permit a memory- tihich is tr--
finitely dear to rue to be so descrated. With
best thinks to ,yonrself. Mr. Nelson and ID.
Choate, for the- very hind efforts which you
have all made oh behalf of myself and sister, I
remain, with much respect, very truly -yours,
I. join ray sister in Cle sentinients or this let
ter. • GAS:MEL-IX ciriEELLY.
Mr. CHOATE remarked that he had
received a comnannication froM the
Children's Aid society, stating that
if it should transpire that Mr. GHEE
LET'S estate had been impaired in
value since 1871, and that will should
be admitted to probate, they would
aba'o proportionally their claims to
,the legacy.
WY" The Erie Railway hectors
announce that the new text million
loan authorized last week,Thas been
all placed and taken up iii, the Lon
don market, and the itopi l ruvements
of the road, for which the coney was
obtained, will be begun ii4he spring.
e. i
The directors ordered dividend
of 3-1, per cent. ou prefer and li
on common stock.
The Grand Jury of Dauphin
comity, at its lato session, recom
mended that a large number of the
aliplcations for license be rejected
by the court. The recommendation
was promptly acted upon by His
Honor, Judge PEAnsoN. The report
of the Grand Jury sets forth that the
direct cost to the county resulting
frAn the liquor traffic is over $30,000
per annum.
The Credit Mobilier scandal
does not abate. We have faith that
most of the members of Congress
against whom Aacc3 has made charg
es, will be able to prove themselves
clear, but if a thorough and fair in
vestigation does not vindicate them,
we say let them suffer the conse
quences. " Hew to the line, let the
chips fall where they may."
"Tar A correspondent of the Beaver
Radical suggests J. D. CAMERON as a
successor to Secretary BOUTWELL, in
case the latter should resign his po
sition as Secretary of the Treasury:
The suggestion is a good one, and
should. a vacancrioccur, we sincerely
lope the President may act upon it.
-=gam The celebrated English thread
maker, has. moved has establishment
to this eouttry, and at Pawtucket,
i t. 1., now has a 'Lugo., Alireadiactory
1 where he employd three hundred per.
m . -vmTrwl . o!Tii
But little bestows pnblie or bi
esl eharatterhss yet been be emeted
bttlio State Legislative. -Below we
give inch legislative Items ais wale.
lieve • will be of interest to'ithe read
. •- • - •
era of the Breqe,*9
Mr.,liyer, !rota the Committee Ott **Selma
Means, haring reported Senate bill No. 91,•en
titled "An' act authorizing an additional ap
propribtion from the appropriation row the
common schools of last year to enable desiring
orphans of soldiers to be sent to the State
Normal Schools," asked that the House pro
ceed to the consideration of the bill.
Tha House went intip.a committee of the
whole, Ur. Brockway in the chair.
The Lilt CU read, considered, and passed
fatally as reported. •
The following bill, introduced by
Maj. Dawn, has ' passed both Maim
and been signed by the Governor
That the clerks of iittarter session of the nev
end counties Drags Commonwealth are hereby
authorized and required to - make a certificate
from till returns of the , severaleonntioa of the
vote cast " for " and " agains t " license under
and by virtue of the act entitled "An act to
permit the voters of the Commonwealth to
vote every throe years on the question of
granting license t 3 sell intoxicating liquors."
lapproved the twenty-seventh day of _starch,
Anne Domini eighteen hundred and seventy
•two, and any supplettient thereto ; and the
mild clerks shall tile the certificates so made by
them among rho records of said conrts, and
said certificates when so • filed than have the
same force and effect for all purposes, whether
made tip from sealed returns sent by mail or
otherwise, or from presentation of judges of
elections in persona Prorided, The certificates
so made by said clerks shall Shciii the %hole
number of vptes cast in each election district
in said counties sk. for license" and "against
license' . and also the majority "br. liceuto 7
or " against lic3nse" in said counties: Pro
t, ickd also any returns leatofee mouton •
cense in counties that have already voted on
the question of license or no keens.), are here
by legalized.
The following bills have been in
troduced : ,
Mr. DARTT, i bill entitled A supplement to
an set entitled An act to incorporate the
Athens Savings Bank, approved May 25, A. D.
1b72. (flanks'.
Mr. MYER. a-bill entitled An feet to author
ize the election of two cionstablem in Paw
township, in the oaunty of Bradford. (Judi
dory Local).
Al.), a bill entitled An al to authorize the
burgess and town council or the borough of
Monroe, in the counts . of Bradfor I, to build a
lockup. (11unicipal Corporations).
The following bill changing the
legal rate of interest has been read
in the House :
That from and after the passage cif that act
it shall and may no lae.rol tot an , . Person or
cor t ioratioin *Rhin this Commonwealth to con
tract to pay or reserve discount st any rate,
and to contract for payment and receipt of any
rate of intere,t not execeili .g twelve, per cent.
per annum : Fronded, hoverer, .L'uat no
greater inkrest than cox per cent= per lot
nuns shall tsi recei.ed in any action, except,
when the agreeriieats t i p.y anell greiver rate
of nit.irt4 shall be in writing.
The second section Iva', read as
follows :
- FC. 2. nil Het shall et nsitmed
3.8 to arr, , e, any uctioa pending, or exl,ting
right tot an , l ail Ic.vs nr !part+ it
tent het nn - t!:! to a;1 the sum) art !torch) re•
When the bill was tinder discus=:
sion in the .11011- , e, Ho n . ii,, itYEn,
of this coutit, nia-.le - the P.:Mowing
-Mr. MYER. Thi , gnest!a:t has e., y j before
this Howe very uliespeAL,liy, so fir 4,4 lam
concern...l Ist least, 21,1 I , Lave h-t, .!ied with
great interest to thc , e unh invor the ptsssge
of th. law. But I eson t 114 tra that
tnny in:stook the tact as t where tic
exi.,ts in this coantry hi regard to inoney or is
us. s. Ido nit tiJlieve it is beAtusu of the rate
Uf nittrebt we pay in Pc/lofty-mum. I do nut
behove that the rate of interest has ever, at
any time iii the bi4ory of this great Ilmnin
wealth, kept any cousilerable large amount of
cap.tal out or the tit'ate, fir - preiel:te l its de
velopmeat. Tue present conditiou•of Penney'-
, vstiaili does not tote gintletuett
(u ta6-
ing that po,itioo iu diti.nis,Mig this queste•u,
nor is tt a fact that the peoti.e of Pennsylvania
are petitiomuft hit* :thy el/V.rfe in our asur;,.
There ia to, interest I b •Ihrre, asking for his .
change at this, time, except m en w h o h ave
money to la ud. Tue pyor in the rural dis•
tricte, as h,is been r, pre,entsel by eel oral gen
tlemen. are not ivtereitel jo the pt•ai,v, of
thou bill, but 'tie futon:start at al,
in math:inning the pres,mt note or tnterehl is
this Commonwealth. Sir, I lio!:1 that if
g e ntiemon wishes to chelpf•n tin raie,tj
est then! is bit one W.Ly. my jo.h.trnent, to
this - coantry tv do it--er two, :ps. o,e id
to increase yoltr cirenlaiing 'medium in the
eifitutry, to let the p.stple tare money regu
lated by the demand of inter—
WS or this country, not titer by an:. Imsitive
enactment which says to itm peOpiti !On Shall
have BO much IliOLlcy, and nn in it let
that questioa h. r, gal it,sl by t' te e
and business interests or this gre
we ilt h. If you appeal to the of the
United t-tair , ti to' have as much :nonce as is
necessary to trs Mole the • 11:1511ledd Of t na
tion, the rates of interest Pali bet doted.
regrei . that gentlemen here hire. &mad it nee
e,sary In argue in fro , ,r of nig 101 l that - ft to
uteessary to lid r:4 it to or.l. rinic turn Lon,. ;
Now. sir, if tins position fa true. it jit the dd
ty of this Ilituse to PUNA tvlsw that will p 'Mph
these men for—itopliell7 — itjaast, vie:atil t ; the
oaths they too„ L e ,. stiie directors ,
and ado is in th , ra ins•ithtions, and agre , 4l
to the-rate ~f lot at six pir er•,t ,ceitis
in thi-i Gonitionv‘eattli, That kind of legisla-
Con toll Lc far to ~re akir. , prtate than to
fy their ileArea hp tripint; off the restrictions
upon interest in tins Conituntisielith.
Mr. Speiler, I trust this'b,il will not rasa—
though Ldo not propose to ths-mss more fully
at esetit the que,tions that haver been raised
iu tins _Nouse iu reeard to Ilia matter--none of
%Odell I think will be taken in defense of the
measure. I shall certainly rays , lt von, for the
amendment of the gentleman from Philatl,l
- —being' in favor rd kci ping the interest
law cf the Uoinmon , ealth as it stands at pres•
cut. WitlPall respect I say this, and all defer
ence to . the op inion of the Governor of New
York, which don't appear according to the
newspapors to have met with universal favor.
And I am tom to see that the-Governor of our
own litate has fallen into the same error.
.1. Republic Declaicd.
WAS1111:1;1TON, Feb. I.l.—Secretary
Fish this evening received the follow
dispatch from Minister Sickles
"At nine o'clock tonight the Cortes,
adopted a Republican form of gov
ernment by a vote of two hundred
and fifty-nine in the affirmative, and
thirty-two in the negative."
VERSAILLES, Feb. 11.—M. Qainit, a
Republican deputy in the Assembly,•
has received a dispatch dated Madrid
at noon to-day, signed by Senors
Feguers and Castelar, announcing
that the Republic will be proclaimed
in Spain this erc•ning.
LoNnox, Feb. 11.—'Midnight.—The
abdication of King Atnadens is the
all-absorbing topic in London and
Paris. The view is considered .gloo
my and a bitter civil war•inevitable.
The last, dispatch received from
Madrid was dated at. one o'clock this
morning. The failure to receive
dispatches is regarded as ominoas.
J. DA.:s.u.n CAMEZON.—Don Camer
on, as he is familiary called, is per 7
haps the brightest, shrewdest busi
ness man of his age in the State, and
one of our most deserving Republi
cans. The party owes more to him
for success in the last campaign that
to any other Republican in the Coin
monwealtli. He is a gentleman of
fine education, of broad views, frank
in his manner, and of generous im
pulses—qualities that command the
respect and win the confidence' of
men everywhere, and would soon
have acquired commanding influence
in the United States Senate.
General Grant could not select a
better successor to Secutary ]3outwell,
and if - he is going to give Pennsylva
nia a position in the cabinet, let him
put Don Cameron in the• Treasury,
and the department will be adminis
tered as well, or better, than it has
since the days of Washington and
Hamilton. It is doubtful, however,
if Mr. Cameron would accept, as it
would require him to give up the
Presidency of the _Northern Central
Railroad, now, with its Washington
connection nearly complete; one of
the most important roads in the
country, and the active management
of the bauks;,mills and factories with
which he is connected.—Correspon
dence of the Betrxr Rreehertf.
1111 M PION
- 11.411111010.
• Nunnelcits, Feb. 10,1873..
mrita those of your reedits ' , ha
visit the isapitpl frequently my pen redhik
sketches nine! bi emseedingly dull. It is wit!
for their. espeelll benefit of Instruction I - vent.'
sere to write ; ttor well I know that my pen it
not seliticientli svapilde to{ delineate mu and
things m such' oolont as to by Interesting. /Mt .
a limo proportion 'of your' readers have not
the . privilege for various reasons' well known
to themselves, of seeing in what • thinner their
money is expended, or personally to knoti bow
these to whom they have delegated a t' little
brief anthotity " deport themseltet, atl: the
Cajiitbl of ibe litste'nevernment. rlf I can aid
is affording this latter clam{ a little informa
tion, or a pastime In reading for ita ought to
be satisfied, whether they are cheated or not.
Far some years put, it , sill be recollected,
the State has been apps printing money tiratty
liberally in the construction of what is known
as the east wing of the Capita. I thit work Is
completed, and contains the Committee rooma
below—:where the reel deliberations of legisis
tleti are had- - ---teitti the State library in The
roinni.bove. The structure Li 65 feet by 115.
The members of today fail to see how it was
possible for their predecessors to transact the
huskies. "ba committee," in the little dark cor
ners then used. The'present rOonla are spa
cious, well warmed and ventilated, and with all
the appliances necessary for their delibera
ilens.• Zia it is to the Hall above I would in
vite your readers, and while we are ascending
thh braid sinning stairwAk loading to it, I
would say that thli loom is the pride et the
old Commonwealth, and at wd pass Into the li
brary, don't utter any loud exclamations of
burp! ise and joy, as I did, because you see
,posted on the pillars before yon, " tid lend
talking permitted." Here is whorl the mem
berg go for information, and u . you perceive
several in various parts of the hell, perfect si
lence Jr needed. Immediately before you in
the centre of this vast hall which is akylightod,
and richly carpted, stands the Goddess of his
arty, chiscief in pure white tuainle; p)oiting
sally, but it I, to be 11 , )pc.1 not derpondingly,
upon the legislature below.: The pedestal oil
which she stands rocas a deal:, in 'a•book on
which you may register your name. " Travel.
ing east " we approaelt the Little piece of the
second day's fight at Gettysburg by Weniler
eth, winch is just tow sttracrug lunch allot
tton. It looks painfully ni.ttiral.
, Gen. Menus
end stag occupy a central position, and Cloy
are looking with asurfrat 1F ,, .h01/11d0 Over the
field of earnage. Clow) by you, is reciting a
captain in the aims of a comrade who twitt
ing a bottle to His nos:). 14e ha, faintel, and
it is neet:',ssry restore him to conectoa:Alelis
before the S'Uftp.Gl3,• who is A.tuding b 1 with
the paraphusalia; of his oili!e should cont.
ranNee tbE work of amputathoi, %chichi - was the
almost univerall resort in the arrly..trhe cap
tain has a shattered leg, his bosom Vire, his
bast ripped open, am 4 lying on the ground.
Upon the whole, the painting is a The
bones ;r the swill itr commistlon, the aqui
ed, alt the horrors of t6e teatths licit, are so,
gr.:gip/A and . pn.s n , t. :1 as to prove eonclueive
ly that •• the mute, deatilitt Ice to man is
man," ar./1 that c,or curds are not , yet turned
our spears !hie pruning
Let us turn from this sickeni4g exhibition,
ainl observe in the various cases around- the
hail and tu the gallery ahive, tastefully and
accurately arranged, the -ROO volumes which
mat itute the State, Lbrary of Pe..ns,
which probably has no equal in tureuiliceneb
in any of the States of the Kidou,
Allow me to say that the million appropria
lion, originating in Ways any Means Wts
el up by Mr. Cnoss, of Beaver, referred back,
anl again reported,. having been reduced one
half. Philadelphia is of course deeply inter
este!, but inure; I think, from. the mean con
duct of New York in trying to break up the
Great Anniversary, than from any .real selfish
ness. If the anniversary is to be colebrated,
Philadelphia is the place. While we are willing
Heat Fanuiel Ball !hall be allowed her claims
as tll •liberty liericif was born and
"proehrimed thronghout the hind" from the
eld State Bunco la Philadelphia. New York
ciin bast her surrender to the British !
Titere is really, as your correspondent af
firms, little legislation of importance beyond
the centennial and the rate of interest,, both of
which will aloulitleips " argued " this week.
As the Divisiim kcheme, there is not, in my
!,;meat, much claugei ti be apprehended.
lie'.nic's audacity repels. r =cabers desired
in the shamble, they dare hot, for Hanes
:fin longer sits tit the King's gate. If I can
rivin rightly. nere are few in this as.sem
hly en , coptible tne influence stipp;sed to be
ued by Mr. Lflinnte. If .they were; no argu,
laitii4 against the mutdation of end of the
lira.iest awl best counties is the State , e
avail. The members against the scheme are a
unit. They are deciledly able pica. And fur
one,l should shrink from the thongs which will
be ro unmercifully - applied by them to Members
who would dare La 'so rein-cant t r their plain
duty. ENWAY.
Political demagogues
_are continu
ally attempting to create a rivalry
between capital and labor.. In truth,
there is nountag,onism between the
capitalist and laborer. The one is
necessary to the other, and work to
gether and cannot do otherwise. The
following article from Blackiroad's
Magazine contains inneh truth :
If we were to express their union
invidiously, we would say that they
both combine together against 'the
consumer., If he can get his article
sold at a profit, it is all one to the
- capitalist how much of the price of
producing it goes in wages and la
bor. .If he has laid eat a thousand
pounds, and realizes by his sales
eleven hundred, what matters it to
him how mach of that thousand
pounds li r as been expended in wages,
as separate from, raw material, car
riage, agency, - rent of premises and
other expenses? • .:-.-
To deprive capital of • its natural
fruits, its profits, has indeed been the
great object, and the mighty anibi
tion of the host of intellects, many of
them of high calibre, which have
wasted themselves in the attempt to
invent tificial or communistic sys
tems t supercede the natural laws i
of tra e and social order. But i
though they have sometimes bent hu
man-creatures to their will, so far as
to get the aid of multitudes to ex
periment upon their schemes, there
is something so subtle and at the
same time so strong in capital that it
always eludes their grasp, add unless
it be locked absolutelely up or de
stroyed, finds its way to the place
where it will get free action. Co-op
erative manufacturing societies were
one method of giving the 'working
men the benefit of capital without its
posseSsion. These were received
. with almost' unanimous , welcome—
all classes bade them Gad-speed,
though the experienced doubted
mightily the possibility of their suc
cess: There was something, how
ever, so innocent; r pleasant and
hope:ul-looking, about such schemes,
when compared with the tyranny and
cruelty of the tra es nnion,that even
those who doubte most would have
been glad to admit that their appre
hensions had beef groundless.
The public heard much of the suc
cess of these schemes at first. There
is generally, from the enthusiasm of
the projectors, some chance of suc
cess itea large new scheme. Bat as
anything tending to affect the posi
tion of the great body of work-peo
ple, the 'no-operative system has
dropped into oblivion. It. may be
noticed, by the way, that' this has
been sometimes confounded with a
different realization of co-oPeration
which has-been more successful—the
co operative store. The co-opera
tive manufactory and the co-opera
tive store Pare radically , distinct.
The one is an institution to menu-
world; and it in hard to see bow ft is
to be accomplished , by htinthnd
men with less capital then it can be
ifoomplithed by one. , _The 00-oper
&time score is a clubbing together of
peotie to bviy their Dammam, and
it may be their luxuries allie s at the
wholesale pries, in the belief that by
saving thus effected they will be able
to pay for thi expense of manage
ment, and at the same time bo serv
ed at a price below that of the retail
dealPr, It is understood that matey
la these stores have been suceesaftd,
and our impressioU is that their sac
caw has come from their teaching
people with small incomes to pay for
their goods in ready money, instead.
of obtaining and pitying for credit:
~s tsfPoerAñT soSJECT.
trefind the following Nam' in the
Binghamton Rfpublican, and altho'
written sometime since, transfer it to
our columns.• The subject of .a rail
road connection crossing this county
from east to west is one which inter
eats almost every citizen, and should
be 'agitated until the object is-at
' TowAirDA. Ps., Dec.ll, 102.
Refloat ilatirmucan:—ln view - of the Interest
mend area by the capitative' of Bingbamt n to
raver of railroad connection with the twat telde of
Bradford and baleen counties, PA . and thence
with the Northern Central Railway of Pennsylvania,
for the purpose of forming it through line connect- 1
lug Boston. Albany; and Binghamton, by this,route,
with Pittsburg, Pa.. and the great West; is atittzen .
of Towanda, I have thought proper to call the aiten ,
tiOn of the Broome county people.
re your
paper, to certain facts '
with which perhaps they are
not fully acquainted. ,
The people of central Bradfcgdi have long felt an
earnest desire for a combination with the railroad
interests of Beaten. &Mine. and Blinthanatun, for
the purpose of beading a toad through Bradford
county to accomplish the conmeepons above indi
cated. and also to serve a local purpose very much
desired for the convenience of her citizens. For
these reasons, any encouragement offered by par
ties in the State of New York looking to the build
ing of &road through central Brads), d, making the
connections referred to will meet with a hearty co
operation on the part of capital/et In Bradford
The iiirectiOn of the road in our county would,
run northeast and seutnweet . The - route moat clot
sired by the people. and in fact I may say the may
route that meets with such favor with capitalists as
stn insure *acmes, Is one starting from the Northern
Central hallway in the • malign part of Braitord,
either at Canton or Granville Summit and running
down the Towanda Creek to Towanda, and there
crossing the river and running up the Wysok Creek
td such point as the Binghamton interests might
desire it to diverge northeast to accomodate their
Utiles in titling a CoOnection hi the Nbw York
The distance to be traversed in Bradford would
be about fifty miles, and the snide easy, and the
cog of construction of the road coin ratively light.
AtTotrands it would intersect with e 'Sullivan &
Erie Railroad, running to the Sell! an Anthracite
Cold field , and with the Barclay Rai , miming
to the Bradford Bituminous Coal fields, and at its
southern terminus with the Northern Central Rail
way. The Sullivan it Erie, will soon be eitended
from the mit is In EMMY= to Mithey, twelve miles
• .uth of Williamsport on the Northern Ceutr.j.
forming a short route to reach the Shamokin An
thracite coal gelds at Banbury. qty the Northern
Central. from Canton, Williamsport would be
reached forty in lee south. thence BY the Pbtlaelel
pls. k Erie road west, a distance of twentrseveu
miles to Lock Harem a connection %unit! be formed
with the Tyrone & Lock Haven road which with
the Pennsylvania Central from Tyrone, . form • di
rect connection with Pittsburg . and the w. at. re dr—
eg a reid.le through rotite freed Boston aid. Allis.
ay, -Binghamton. Towanda, Williameport. Lock
Raven, Tyrone, arid Pittsburg to the greatarcat.
Arraniiementa trill. I am informed, be made by.
our capitalists during the present winter, for tie
building of 1114 part of the road required to make
the connectsil In Lradforil comity, and such icius
lat.on as may to necessary to s -cure the right of
way will be aecouphshea during the session of the
Perinaylvan-a Le-Orden:ire, prm.il4l.l assurances are
Made by the New York State int re,tts that Cie road
will he imi.t to connect with th t Albany /c Dlng
11/4=ton road at Binghamton, !rum Binghamton to
•the Pennsylvania line. lam aware that a project
Idoklog to building a road Item Binghamton to the
Ptnto)lvania line, reaching the oi the
Wyalnaing creek in Snagnehatins, county. thence
down the Wyalusing to its mouth, and there cross
ing the Susquehanus eighteen miles east of Towatil
ds. and thence into Sullivan county, tapping the
Sullivan Anthracite Coal fields, and connecting with
thelluilivan It Erie at the mine.. bas been agitated.
Such • proposition cannot meet with ninth tarot
from the main of the people of Brad.ord, because it
would only run along the border of our county, and
would be of little Weal value as a count ctiou of our
can rule of cur county with the Alter. and the con
nect ens formed would be unimportant. in com
parison with those contemplated by the route which
the people of central Bradford have In %few. and
which lam i onfident they are determined ere long
tebuild.' .- H.
BUFFALO, Feb, 11.—The jury, after
hearing the medical, testimony, deci
ded that Gaffney was perfectly sine,
and he will be hang iu the j.lil yard
on Frsday. Drs. Gray and Vander
pool said Gaffney's
. was the weakest
case of affected insanity timt ever'
came nailer their observation.
Hill, the night watchman, testified
that Gaffney offered to bribe him
Several times to inform him of the op
inion of the physicians.
Sti' We are happy , to announce
that the recent illneSs of .Gen. CAM=
ERON was only the result of a severe
ld, and that he is able to attend-to
hi:; official duties again.
NEW Advertisements.:
- LEi -..-
For an3 - thing inthe line of
J - MV7MDTZ - Y,
Aud a 1001 other things,.
Towanda. Dec. 111.1872.
Advancing years. sickness, care, diappolr.tment,
and hereditary predlit'iOaition,.*ll--turn the" hair
gray; either of them durpos4s it to fall of prema
turely, and either effect is uniilglitly and unpleasant
to behold. Mr. Alma's consummate skill has pro:
doced an antidote for these deformities, which has
won gratitude for him from multitudes of women
and men. His HA= 'Croon sometimes reproduces
lost hair; and always restores to faded and gray hair
its natural color, with the gloss and, freshness of
ritith. The comparsilTely few bald and gray heads
that we now see, are those who have not yet disco,
ered the virtues of AlL'''. Bua Viooit for renewing
the hair. • The fresh and youthful hair ire see on
older he ads is ften the product of his art. If you
are disfigured. or made old, austere and ugly, by
gray hair. restore its youthful color, and with awe,
features to their original softness and agreeable as
Rte„- '
Sell by all Dr worini, aAd Deakr. lb, Nat him?.
r Dn. 3. C. AVER & CO., Lowsrax, Mass.,
Practical ark 4 icuilytlcal Chemists,
. .
Dr. U. C: Pours. SoN Co.. Wholesale Agent*.
Towanda, Pa., awl tor sale by dealer. thrsuskoul
the county.
Den T. 1372.--Imar.
./LI Postoface. Towanda. !Lae& IS. IST&
kende Maggie . • Meellu Arms - .
Ambit Lena .' • 'Vick Thomas
Allen Dr A. /I Moors Kattilds
Allen Samuel ll Morgan Maq L -
WA Annie' Mostar Juba
Brown Usury 'Makiney Mieltael
Blake Mary Madden Patrlck -
Barnes lit Waterman 2 Matsuura John
Bork Jame. Jamse _ ' Morgan Jos , -
Brown Wm Mugu Myra
B Wanda David Matto J _
Bennett Sarah Mabe Albert
Bennis Martin - Werth:lip SATeI2OII
43ntria Rem A ' , Owen 0W 9
Bowman Matilda • &Hearn Michael
Carroll Ellen , ' Pettey Elan
Curran Dan Phillips Thomu 2
Rue) Mary Z t, „ Patterson J L
Crane Eugene , - Post John It
Carey James II Bocliwill Oro
Callahan Janata Bonnan Wm
Crowley Ann Ilkhardsou Roues •
Cbilson Forst:6 Brady Frank
ks II Randolph •
Cummings Stephen Day Zan Byron F e
t hapmact L B , Ridgway Barr ..
Davis Henry Smith John
Thum lame, Scanlon alien. -
Demurest Wm 0 Smith Ilatbkw
ruler Elia 3 Smith A 0
Fits Thomas A' • Sullivan Mary n •
Goodenough J - D J Scout= Chas ft
Gorham ktertnds Stephens Battle
Ouiry ;nary . Battelle° it hn F
(Hien* Wealy Simons Benben '
Gearbeart CI D Smith Mr. F E
Bettina Solomon . Stephenson Wm E
Huntley Utley Buren* Mahlon '
1141 ints :Bev Wm Smith Der/ D
Bares Janus ' Smith Maggie
Jackson Elects Motes Johanah
Jeunings Beetle Smith Josephine
Kellen Win &collie Mesa° '
I K-eier 3 0 Towner Dr E i
Enema II A - liminess I T -
Menlo Buell& .Wiar.tell Judo •
II- antes Bridget ' Wells Israel
Kirwan James 1 Wagner wan •
Landon Osorge , Wheaton Mary J
T.yttch Hannah ' Walborn Margaret
Lynch Miami Walsh Mary
Lynch James . Welch Wm
Lynch Mettle r l • • 'Whipple Prank B
Welch trunk
Persons calling for above letters will say advu
Used, giving date of list. ..
S. W. AMR% P.M.
s lirtae of an : out of the Orphan's
courtpf Bradford County. tie eindersi tied exmon.
for of the .estate • JARED PHELPS. late of
Smithtleid. dealer , • • r70.1e to public sale 00
the prtrnieese SAY. .‘,l". March 8. 187*. at 19
o'clock. a. 132., the dee.7ib3d property:
Beginning 'leer. i 111.44 ut N. Panes . in cent e
highway leading ft i hurthileld Centre to Burling.
ton.Boicmgh; then - north 2 deg. west 13 45400
per. to another cor.ttf said Prince's lams In centre of
said road; thence i.y laude of li. Phelp's estate
nottb.B2.t.; deg. east 37 53400 per. to a car; thence
by Iliad of Wm. ii. Phelps moan GM deg. ti.el 13
240 per. to a oor; tlyeuce by lauds of Orrinkludln
and others south $2 34 deg. west 343 840 per. to •
cor; thence north 7 deg. west 37 510 per. to a c or;
thence by lands of isid•Prtnes north i 3 d-tg. east 183
per. to a tor; thene- north I deg cast 23 540
land of Priuce to a car; t..ence north 83 deg.,elet by
land of said Prince 18 7-10 per. to place. of • begin
ning, eoutainl3 03 acges and 4 pertlies, wore or.
WO, 'with the purtettinces.
Tr. 11449.-5100 to be twit when tbe property is
•truck down. 150 Ou confirmation. and the balan c e
in three equ al annual payaieuts thereafter 'with in.
ten et 'run confirmailoti. Ltauty piEncE,
Feb.l2 ea Exectittlr,
1.1 paiielng all preelou* offers. Each, enbeeriber
to Demorest's Monthly Megaztee. at I.l:ree Du Mae ,
• year, is II I be presented with a premliim of two
elegant Chromes , companion pictures 'of the. two
most desirable and popular subject. In Ameritia—
the Falls of Niagara 'and Yosemite Falls. hiss of ,
p.ctoses, 104 by 1234 inches.
These elegant Chromos, copied from besutiful
pictures painted from nature by one of the first ar
tiste to America, glue- the most popular, views .of
those interesting and sublltueobjects, and are faith
ful reproductions of the originals. The Opine Old• .
Niagara, with its immense body of waiter falhng one
hundred and City feet, sending up dense clouds of
spray tt.f reflect in brilliancy and beauty the vivid
colors of toe rainbow. Is so clearly depicted that, in
tnamaginatiOn, you hear its mighty roar. The Yore
mite. with its lefty mountains towering to the
silvery clouds, audits etnperld vas ?sib - of sixteen
hundred feet. Imp. ersing wilt its awful grandeur,
and tilling the mind with delight affd weeder. .•
Thee two Chromos are the best pictures eter
puttligued for ten dollars, and still be sent mounted
aed v.fruished. by mail as a prqualiim to each )ear
ly th ree dollar subscriber to uur;Montidy'Magazine.
!leader. just think, two beautiful Chromes of NI.
agars arid Yosemite. •
Thee: pictures ac veritable gems. and worthy of
beteg enshrined in an hcinored plice in our homes.
Th.-y will be presented to yearly., subs:mbar-5 on
receipt of Three Disbars, and eight cents for postage
with lour full name and'addeess. •
Even home in +merles should possess these_ in= i
saluatle illustrations ot art and beauty, and no
person of tette and enterprise can afford to be with
out the Model Ifsgszltie, which has been greatly en
larged and now contains the essentials of all ethers,
including the useful. the entertaining anti the beau
tiful. wan urigizal stories, poems and popular mu
sic by the best authors, the only reliable fashions,
itucluding full ttize patterns), home matters in all
teekr..detsds. gartiourfs, , architecture. and all tne
utilities. I.i,f.v.ths and novelties of literature Wefts
lifted to make our homes usefult;attractive mina hap
,py—koftial dinstrated, and a solemn,' volume
. for bidding for the ebutre.tanle at the end of the
years at:l;4i° c ,vies 23 cents. eplezldel induce
:emits for agents slid premiums fur dubs. Addres.
W. 4,1 ENNISidi Dkall/NE.SC„. 858 Lire...le - ay,. New
York. • ' Feb li
• tr..
J.A..1N1 e ~.t3, 1/373..
rag: wino IT
Elt 1) CUTT E S,
COdaillg, ntlsselt &► co:s,
With Patent s Warming peen,
An - all kinds of
From a 10 cent Door Lrach
Of all sorts, by work Men who can ,
not be excelled if equalled -by those
from any other locality.
Tawas(la. Jan. 30. 1973
lintOST S. SONS mate the best;
1 - titanslnn Sabin In Inn
ltniall IMP/ at Tann 11 11011111. s
T AyLOR & 00.
Beg to call atte - ion this
wick to the extraordinary
indueement,? they aPill offer
in an their departments.'
:•-\ SHOES,_
. _
&c., Cc
stir A decided reduction has been"
made in our prices, and we cor
dially'invite purchasers to examine.
.our stock.
.Towlzda, soy. 18, 1872
I have on ltild-n large assortment of
. - p - T T s.
Than any other - establishment in the
Of every description teanufa6timed
to order on short notice
Tovande. Dec. 10,
• -
Bare jast reeved a large assortment of Jewelry . °
an the latest styles.
'American and - Swiss Watches,
ilold and 1311Ter. from the. cheapest to the best.
Also a large assortment of
Remember the place, two doors south of Powell
Co,'s, Tovrawis, Pa.
Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry carefully repaired
At Market Price'.
Aug. 11, 1872. WARD & MONTANTE.
On the Ital'road. et Canal Street, which will be mild
by the car load or lace quantity. and delivered on
reasonable terms. Please call at the Coal
' .JA.ILES WELBER, Bel en.
; Alt: 98i 1874.. US CA= Frole
t- -
. T.
E. H. Cups and lIMY WARD BncrlZll will be
the other kettt.ers It their services cen be scented.
Otherwise other lecturers will be engaged,
-count r
- • !
LECTURE coistrrm
Mike the fellcrwing annetincepkente for tSe
laattary a, irs
Saded—'. Laaldit Track."
Whtt's to Elladirr."
- - , - •
, i..robrttary 28, 1872:
General Malt Paten,
Reserved &ata,
For Eala . a t Drag Btori!
drw. P. SANOEIe, 4O y,
S. V. Aurpix,
Towanda. Nov. 13.187.2.
vA.N t ERIE RAILROA3I.—TatIng elect ,ou
.Bfoy, No:. 11. 1872. . .
sotrnivrA24) - -iti/pcmot
.A. M.
8:00 TOWANDA ' 4:00 -
8:10 ' . BARCLAY JUNCTION 3:60
..8:50 j ....MONROE ' 3:30
9:10 ( WILAXIXS • 2:45
9:30 1 VEW ALBANY...': 2:23'
9:50 - I MILLERS 2:08
10:20 I DIISHORE ' 1:30
,11 ao 1 . BERNICE 12:30.
' A.L.I
_. 'I • .
-. _ ._______
THIRD 411,1i1Vg. OF NEW
I• RE , ti , :ti o'll S
Also a full line'[ of
' ' i
And many other_ new goods suitallle
for the: • • r°
Please eall and examine
Towanda, Dec. 10,1812
• NA.
sustained work of the kind In the world.
The ever-lucre•sing circulatiOn of tiff excellent
monttily proves it. continued adaption to popular
desires and needs. Indeei when we tbint into
how many homes it penetrates every mouth. We
must consider it as one of the educators as well as
entsrtimers of the public mind - for .Its vast vim.
larity has been won by no appeal. to i•tarild
glees or depraved tastes. —tioston Globe.
The chairactcr which this, Magazine -Possesses lot
variety, enterprise. artistic weattb, an 4 literary caS
ture, that has kept pace with, if it has not led the
times, should cause its conductors to re: d it sub
justifiable complacency. it also entitles thew 10 2
great claim upon the public gratitude. The Maga
zine has rote good and not evil all ti.o d?.yd its.
life.—Brooklyn •
Splendidly Illustrate 1. •
The WeCkly Is the ablest and most pewerful
trated periodical published in th - s countly. I"
editorials( are scholarly and conviucin!. and C.arrs
MilCh weight. Its illustrations of current events
are lull and fresh. and areprepared 11 our best de
signers. With a circulstibn of 150. ed ', the .
reed by at least hall R million persons,.and its ii.
tis an firsian or opiniob is simply te tees
done.. The Weekly tiaintaaus a positive pes , h'' n
and expresses decided,iiews on a -political r.P.a 60-
veal proolema.—Loulavillo Courier Jourled.
li A RPEIi'S BA Z Aft
, .
The Bazar is= edited with a contribution of tact
and talent that We gelatin) land in aoy journal. end
the) uresl itself is the organ 01 the groat world:, of
fashion.—Boston traveler. , , •
The Begat' tfurnmends at.elf. to every n.etuber
the boutheld—to the children by droll and P ea/ .
.pictures to the young holies-by its fisltion.plde s
in endless voriet ey. to the provident illatioll. ey
patterns tog the chi dren's clothes to pater...l=4 l i"
layits tasteful destine for embroidered slippers and
luxurious dressing•gowns.:. But the feeding ulatt-r
of the Bazar is waft:rail of great excellence. The
pat er ban up:11mo a wide popularity fer the tre
side enjoyment it . eitfords--14.Y. Evening Post.
. • TEAMS:
Harper's Magazine. one year .................. 3100
Harper's Weelly. one year . •'floo
Harper's Bazar, otie i•ear ..... ............. St CO
An extra copy of either the Ifsgazine. Weekly, or
Bazar will beeupplied gratis for every club of dice
subscnbets at $4 each; in one retnittame, • ctr s ll
copies for $lO, without extra copy. .
subscriptions to Harpers 31sgazine, WeeklY•
Taz:i to one address for one year $ to. or t OL
'liarper's Periodicals addres :or one year $ l .
-Rai:X. I:tin:At - ors can be eripplitsl at any tone.
Pt c. IS Address 11 ItPER k 11 yrs,
suptly 01
Cb , •st Syrups, Teas, Currents, Prunes, ita.elus
4 Pickett, ,to:, et
00,1102. • - . IDZKVNELLS
Jaanat7 21, st 72.
LO Cants.
L. U. Faosr,
N. P.
It. F. 6001:1 0 11AN.
don't Pnasenger Agent.
_Bridge Street,