fradfir4_,:ftporict - Towanda, Thursday, January 80, 1878.- LOCAL AND GENERAL. 3V The net profits of Naiad Sociab:e, weze 81.50. Good. - . sir Iv: it DODGE, Esq., ; has 13014 his match bay team to Adams` Express Ca itir The . Episcopal Mite Society ;via meet on Monday- evening next, at the resi dence of Mrs. BIIIMON KINGiSCILL ter Persons attending:Court next week. can get gond meals on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, ittliercut's Hall, rt reason aLie prices. vsr Jecon ETaaix was 'Prothono tary of Columbia county for forty years. with an interraftion of only nine months. Thin is without a parallel in the State. ' , . HILIWIIIIET BEM. k TRACY - 8 sales last' year amounted to over $180;000. Pretty good for the first year. CHAIM= is said to be the " bon" aitiorman. sar We are under obligations to 0. A . Rnow, President of the "Interna tional, Houston and °reit Northern Railroad ca.," for a'pass for the year 1873. *&The pews in the Presbyterian Church; rent for nearly three thousand dollars 0143 year. Mr. Srcwanfs dit.couracs will be w.4rth double that amount to the congregation., ger A large number of the friends, r,f Mrs. P.vrrox, paid her a surprise visit on Thur,day evening last. We are informed that at; evening was spent in a pleasant and enjoy. xta , manner. , >- Weere pleased to learn that kY CHAAPEL, E,q., of this place, has received a Otta.tiou Kith the V . iitehingtortlnsuramo Co., cf - Mr. C. ban few equals with Atli pen, and is entirely competent to fill almost , • toy- Tt:e Mansfield Advertiser is the or a very neat and spicy little sheet, just 0.. D. Goonmionon, late of this place. Mr. G. has peculiar talent for conducting such apex, and tiro trust may receive a generous Cfrom the citizens of 'Flogs county. HqliE BEST..—We believe the Nursery lb.• best magazine fur children published in the United States. the low price at which it iffered, $1.50 per year, places it within the !t if:tell of every family. It is published by JuIIN SHWIET, 36 Bonfield street, Boston, i Busitifts on the Barclay Rail road will be obstructed for several nays hi con 6-t.Atience of a " break-down " at tbe plane. ettp , l. JUDD is pushing the repairs and v.ill have c •si trains running' at the /earliest moment. 'll:: passenger trains wiR continue to, run as il-ual. H. 13RooKs, late of the late 'vkaga •ttarf, has loaned, a - copartnership c!!, R. M. Warn, tor the purp9se of conduct ing a Job Prinring establishment in Elmira. Wsrrs is an 'txperienced. job printer, and c:ldolebtealy we're a fair share of patron- I Z l / 4 4 : Esquire NICHOLS. of Spencer, afattendunco at Court in Mi. ;.f the time during the railroad .•• h.;•;•ntly teeeire...(l ri....;01 a friend in tics: et,eodile. The /Northern t ti,,oroue 1.. r 114, Sf , :qbern turd," and .•L Lzr,sv.: Spi..Lice:r,w`to4 de-ad. _Stir The rut:llllw] s of Naiad Fire pury re turn the it nitleen.s Thtrikt , to those who !twiny in arranging and Titling the Hall en tastily fur their sociable, Mrs. S. W. Atscinn, in particular, for bei n t t et al at tractive e..r stns and mag boilliM.ta, with 'Alen to grace the oc- O - ar The ladies 'of the Episcopal gi‘e u Festrval at !demur's Hall, r! a sd k y and liunpiay evenings of next Ilehrs mill be provided from 5 to 10 the erquiel.t. d Inlvnber of useful and- !es will a;so be offend for sale. We i.-affrnding Court our citizens I= • , ..rer i v, 'will patronize thrim One,onsly, as 'vet for which the money id V) bo appro rninp-M!able ono. Ih - publishing the ieturns of election last week. we Ins.icer i • onntied Om name of JA..l4:d mccAnt.., uas Thoso councilman from the Bc-coul Mr. Meemm's popularity, and the fact elected , uithout rpposition. made '! mote noticiable. We now 'con- ;tr•pt•zgns 6n securing thf• serricCe I ,•• d to itesist in directing i• f ;fie Loritugif. Zl"..f' ED. EEPur.TER : Agreeable to y , •tir pape::..9l last week, Rev. Wm. pr.aeher, preached at the ..)I ]]once," and had Ai full eougre thau the bouee ernthi beat. After ~ c.Le ‘.r the old gentletuln'e best die . F, the crdigregation retired, leaving him t‘ , pai , s that bitterovinter's night as • beat 11!(1 4. the echool bon6e! '•,-.1,n4;U , n. January 20, 1873 Podt ROAD A ccirn:T.—A. serious ac 7 lP , 111 . :1 , 1 to 11 1 1 P freight .train erpatille I'a. 1. .11-oad, at:Robert's Siding, between wwl Rins-m, at an c. k tly hour on, Fri- Bin inst. A misplaced stitch I;.t train from the Intik, and ecceral 1 1 . the engine, went pct.r the in . () the abandoned canal. Of the Pngit! , .! and cars were badly darciag j, !.'• I of cat , le were kited. The train was delayed in con e''. Jiwu:s• M. IlnAm was detailed to clear ww:• CI; a:,.1 pit things in shape. EN DEATd—Mr. H. D. Cosa fr.,• t , •aomhip, atte.uded a ,donstion • ' ,l ls;‘ , 1 L. D. PnrCcE, ou Wednes '• JAl:nary 2.3, in ills' usual good lit J. rWont 3 o'clock on Thursday - and :vhen i , within a few rods I • ,11•••, - , ~.!irpftcl and feli. Hit; wife, to Lle assistarice, and • rrat thfilL•ulty, in getting , him • • :•-• Ili, fAli hdd j0113..1 him Se re•l in grcat-'pain until Fri •.! He was ti4ty-three years tit • wvii is tht;eistern,part of the 1 -i - i - 'lry , v.irdiany endorse every ' • ',' ' , '' , irii.: item. which we clip from er I':' ' • • '• , ..1:•• • Democrat . 11l , U. Ll, rolette, our eitteerned fellow r -, ~ I. .. K. Cc Ilt. , tt the "Dnaition of Arljn -1 ' , .•, , .! , .1.-d him by Gor. Hartranft. 1 • ".• 4t. ':vi oleo of exce lent abilitlea, 'I , .. •r. :.4 ..nt• v,hose military record 1.- , r ,. ! t , :Goer him. No one better qiiali ,. criMd be found. in the le'unt ii 1 • ‘ lil, :d: i!i:s,,'colutnonwealtb. He hag ' r''''''''''t ml'i•i-i,i and we trust, that all the II''• 1 -viili, i.f the Governor nisi. be as Judi t, 1 4C03-1., able as this one. 'The Colonel r....-,...., r. hi m antics next month.." . The freight depot', of the Pa. I's. c i.„ in this place, was destroyed . .1.1:11.1y evening. The fire was dis. s (icleek, hut the names bad r .,, ..;Tetie that it vias impossible to The fire deptrtuient was te, the difficUlty Qf gbtstinirg -;!.:y the - Naiads *' got a stream on the lact,l'aat the adjoining buildings' , beveral inches or! snow, pre. 1 ' .s fr l nt hpre4diug. About 2 0 bar by the Fell Creek IC-oal Co., --1-=1 .lightly. Ilat.ent gave rt . " families,- after the tiro t%- :11; C://llpaiY bid a acinces burned. We tutra 1 ILA at:4ouqt damak). ; - PEltitOßAl..—'the Owego lithe/ says that KW Einkt. WaIION, of Towanda, la visit ing at Mr. C. P. Fmrrnti, Ahwiga Hottae: • —Col. E. OjEuron and wife are spending a week in Philadelphia. —B. A. Eosin and wife, and Boos J. B*w.. arm and wife, ef Waverly, started last week on a trip to PhiladelPW4BiltazOre and Washing. ion. i —Mn. Judge If tsars Ma 'gone to Phtladol* phis, to *end a. few weeks, with her husband. —F. C. Birsitim, En.: is tie youngest mein ber of Cougreas, and about the best looking. 'CRY Youth Weaus.—We do not know where The following remarks originated, but present them to our readers for the truth they contain : This his come to be recognia• ed as a principle to business, 'Cry your wares? Competition is :so keen, and ; we live in such busy times, that a man's onlychanceof succese iiee in proclaiming the merit; of his wares far and wide, up 'and down the market. Be must keep a trumpeter. the public attention mud be arrested, and ,141 who best succeeds in this has the best cleat of making a fortune." The slim of the stole 'matter is, advertise your goods constantly and mix your advertisement; with brains. Under those circumstances, with fair dealing, your success is Unfired. TUSCATIORA.-26 Edit* : The "Pro- Venire Temperance Reform Society," at East Springhill, has initiated a movement for build ing a Hall for public use, with :apartments and folding par titian.. One room; to be Used for educational purposes—the rental applied to the establAment and maintenance of a public li brary and free reading room; the other for a lecture room And place of religious worship ; and with bat little reservation, free to all reli gions denominations. • An amount sufficient to secure the ground. and 'commence the building. is already pledg ed, and the committee feel askured of ability to go !onward in the work to an&early completion. As a philanthropic undertaking it should com mend itself to public favor. Jan. ZS, 1873. WesurN Tows MErnsa.—Town Meeting Was beld in the State of Pennsylvania. on Friday last, the 17th inst. Iu Warren there was an animated contest fur Sehcol Directors, and consequently a full vote was cast. The electon turned on tho;payment or non-pay ment of the teacher who taught school a year ago this winter at Warreubam. One ticket wts'supported by - those favorable to the termi nation of the dispute by the payment of the teacher. The other acket contained the names of the old directors, who have refused to pay the teacher, and who were elected by fifty-four majority—the town thus endorsing the action of the old directors. A few months ago the teacher entered suit against the directors for her wages, and the case, which has beer tried before a Justice and decided in favor of the teacher,- will probably again come np for trial before the twit county court, into which it lots beemfarried by appeal.—Owego Times. N. P. it. R.—the North Penn eilvauia, Railroad Company held its annual meeting on the 15th inst., when President Coat-. LY read the report of the business of tho ritad for the . pasit, year. The receipts from all sources were shown to b.e $1,335.93!, making the total increase over the proviuue year $157,758, and the net earnings $18,570 short of those of 1870. Thee . xpenses fur the past year were $732.829, an increase over those 01 1871 of $85,107, show. iegaiet earnings of $604.106, or, after ilednairig $316,624 on account of interest, net $239 484, equal to nearly 71 per cent on the stuck. Tut increase in the permanent account of the com pany during the year, was for payments on rat! estate, deposits, second track, etc. The mort gage debt increased $99,000. To provide for the ro..turing loans 0f.t.,,e company, etc., a gen ezat mortgage fur six millions of dollars has been executed to the "Frlelity," as trustees, wider ulneb 7 p-r cent, bonds to ,the amount of $1,912,000 will be issued. * Several' branch roads and links of railway are now *irked in lie interest of the North Penns lvants road. TOWASDA BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. : --A large number of benevolent ladies, rePre-1 setiting the Protetstaut Churches of this place* met at the residence of Wm., Esq.. 013 3lroaddy altCrauon last, and orgaidZi2d a "Be: h. , . lent - meiation." Time design of new a1..:,.ti0u, we undt rstaad, is to furnish teniiillo aid and relief to die poor and destitute iu this cot unity. Tlicre are many Celoll3 of real 'suffering In ur midst, and it is hoped the . "Benevolent Association" may be the means of ailtAiating munch of the mise y and destttuttou 'existing among time 17w - thy poor, and at the. same time put a etkp to fits great ,anno3 vice experienced by our eitiz3No front the daily tut porn-H.10e,-, of • those alio, too lazy to work„ . l make begging fr.m heil.e to huuse'a vocation. ' r,WeNeheertull3 - commtiel the Association to th'e support and encemragement of all beueao lcn disposed pecple. It is pn.'ely non-secta riau, and all persons, Lots ladies and gentle men, are invited to join. - A membership ice of 50 Ecnts wisp be charged. Contributions of sec ond-hand clothing or money solicited. The As• sociation will meet, until further notice, every' Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, et the residence of Mr. WATstss. I=l TLc follorilug eiTL:Qrs acre eiceted fur tLo preseut ear : Pri - sidelit—Mric E. T. Fui. Vice .President—Mrs. I J . H. WArgrce Secretarl—Mrs. R. M. Wuxi . Treasurer—Mrs. H. C. HOWLS. Visiting Committee—Mrs. D. S. Pn.kiT, Mrs: nx WATarqs, Mr:4. GEO. STEVENS, Mrs. net. Dirreica, Mrs. P. D. Mouitow, ?Jr.s J. S. Sir- MIT, 'Mrs. D. W. Scorr and MrS. F.. 1. CALEINS. TllO committee request any person to notify them.of the names and Picalitits of families re quiring assistance. BUSINESS LOCILtd. ter Did you know that FROST & SONS had Willow Cradles? M. Gents' underwear, of every 4escrtpuon, very cheap, at !imam TAYLnieff. M. Keystone Clothing Palace, Main ptreet, next to Finn National Bank. 116. WHITEUN'S Candies at D. W. SCOsT A-. Co.'e Bakery. - ZS- If you Naut a good overcoat, go to flinAm TAYLOR'S r, le— A splendid new stock o Overe.:ata, at TAvton's. CALErss is mounting Chromos and framing Pictures, at low rites. I,: Vg. Dress 3faking dnne at the Ike hire., by Miss Turro . ssA CVMMLSKY. 'i& French Felt and Soft Crown ed Hats, at the Bee a/Vil StOTC. tgt,„Tne Aniericanl l Sewing Ma chine ie it beet. te.. A Large assortment of Brack eta jug received ut . FI:OST S SO:S8. * Oysters by the quart, at '45 cents. H. A. Cant Es. te. Full assortment of Silver Plat ed. Ware, at WICKELIZE Sc DLaca'a, kir Job woik, of every description, neatly and expeditiouqly executed at thfs office. Butterick's Patterns, at the Bee Hive. we. Warm meals at all hours a cowLEs' Bakery. 109— New Music; at the Bee Hive Ilercur's block. • IMEN: B us .&x bas some rely "nob by " Cut4erti, which be (}Tors very cheap. SO. Invisible Ifair Nets, in all co atitLe ISee Hive Store. I. Sweet Potatoes and Cranber atthrinue Baker;; • 1 Buttons, Fringes and Pans =Marie*, at the Bee thee Store. as.Buiumaa'a National Hay and Straw Cutters, for safel by . Prarmsros k DAnnow. 1.11 you want a nice pleasure sleigh, call on Bums , at his Carnage Manu factory, on Eliitabeth street. Mir The bee. Tinware for sale at ,nrss a Lime Hardware Store, in Hennes Block. - - stir A large assortment of Ameri can Cook and Parlor Stot ea, at Piantaros & DAll.ltOleS, • mi. If yon want a nice article of Cake, you can get it at D. W; itocrrr & Co.•s Ba kery. Leave yotr orders in time. •• Fon, SALE —Two or three new houses, desirably located. Terms easy. En quire of W. G. Gonnorr, at Turner Gordon's Drug Store. ; 11110" Very latest Styles . in Bonnet and Bata for Ladles, 51tattes and Children, at the Bee Hire Store;No. 2, ?derenes Block, To wanda, Pa, in- Cranberries, Pickles, 'Dried Peaches, Dried Beer, etc., at D. W. Se= & Co's: I. If you want a, first•olass Par lor Stove, get the Light House, -on hand and for sale by Pmorxrox S DATMOSP, Orwell, Pa. le- A full assortment of Railroad and Java Canvas, at the Bee Hive Store, Mer cur's Block: ss„.. Jest received tit.the Bee Hive, an elegant assortment of Ladies' and Misses' Linen Collars and Cuffs, also Laois, in the wrest 'styles. i If yon want .to buy the best Cook Stove in Market, and for tbe least money, girt to it:Nt 4V, LEWIS' Hardware Store, in Mer cur's Bleck., RUBBER PAD:T.—Have you seen or heard of it ? It not, it id worth your while to enquire into its value. Bee It. M.' "Dubber Paint" card in another column. teir Tycoon Repps, Woolen lifrit. tens, and a great variety of other woolen and worked gohds, at thetsigu of theßik Bonnet. Towanda, Pa., Jan. 30, 1873- 4w. Seir - Now is a good time to get jour letter-heads; envelopes and bill-heads glinted, and the Rxeonxta office is a good place to get them executed, • Mr 1 , ancy Neck-Ties and Scarfs, and all kinds of Fancy Goods and Millinery cheaper than ever at B. A. Terres & Co., oppo site thenrt Bowe, Towanda, Ps. Jan. 30, 1873-4 w. • s The place to buy a first-class Cook or Parlor Stove, is at PENDLLTO.4 & DM:MOWS, Orwell, Pa. TOWANDA DIVISION S. or T.—A full meeting is recptes' 1 •, Wednesday evening, February 5, 187:t, as I of importance is to be, transacted, ..,.1 .• e the-election of three Praste,s for the cunning year. gt 3. LAZA It II S ct, MORIIS, manufac turer, ,4" those eel*, ',late(' spectaelce, have chatiged their agene;-,. trom J. EirovENiN's to Wm. A. CIIAIIBILEIAIN'Ot. air - The Second Quarterly Meet lig of the Wyoming Baptist Association, will ti!e held with the ors Baptist Church, at tott Jomni,ncing Friday evening, Pei): miry 7. and c m heuirrg over the Sabbath. gar M. J. LARKI-i wants fifty thou tiand feet to fit with Boots and Shoes, at his tlea store opposite the Means House. Boots at 4ne qollar and twenty-lice cents a pair; how 44 Belt fur lee ? 157 nolo street, below Bridge. donation visit will be pail VI Rev. L. G. nIIINLVArL.T and lady, at the odie 13. 13.11ra.wr - r; Monroeton, Pd., Wed ineeiay artcrnonl and eveub.g, February 5, i,•1873. Au osWcr: einplwr 'may be expected. 403 - The Bradford District Con vention r. 0. of fi t T., meet at Canton, Pa., February 19, 1873... S. C. GAYLORD, Put. Sec y. Wyn:using, Pa., Jan. 72, 1873-3,4 COAL AT WEIOLE4ALE.--4 1 % 11,WELLES is selling .uperior Hard Anthracite Coal, by the car load, very cheap, delivered at any IL It• atatiuii between Wyalueing and Athens. Now is the tim•t to secure 3-4,1:r - Winter'a Pappty. -° ger FRANS: BUftß.ttili; Ticket Agent Pa. & N. 1: IL It. Co., has been appointed Hole agent hi this place for the sale of the Railway- Pasheinger lissnrance Co.'s accident tickets. Thes . e tickets cost but a triflo, and corer all kinds of accvlenta.4 NoTtm—The gentlemen that loan ed or borrowed twit volumes of Redfield on Wills; Smith's Formt,l, and tl a first volume of Chitty's Blackst me, are 'requested to return them. They are reanted. H. H i .NleEt:ag, LOST.--"--A black Newfoundland Dog, with white trips and breast; one hind foot hag scar horn a cut. A l;bc•ral reward will be paid for any infOrritation that will lead to him rezovery. JonN WALBORN. Towanda Twp., Jan. 21, 1873.-3 w• , ter J. 0. FROST SSONS wish to put a Woveu Wire Mattress iu every bonen in Towanda, on a month's trial, and if it does , not tut them, they will call and take it away. Now is your tune to get perfect sleep. Be sure you try, and then you will buy., VS.. It is not generally known that. IL C. WfirraxErt, at the Book Bindery over the RI-POUTER office, makes Blank Books in any style of ruling and, binding ,desired. Ir yon want a new Lodger, Journal or Docket, give him a call. li`Bnausn & RILL - would call the attention * of the public to the fact that their market, is always s pplte3 Nrith the :choicest steaks, roasts, lamb and mut ton, p?rk, sausage, fish, etc. 'They are now ri-ceirinc, diil;• sniphes of fine fresh oysters, which they obit at whole sate and retail-at the veryltiwest ra es. NOTICE TO DELINQIIEIT C kramEns. —Wo aro determined to Ls'io a so tlemont of all outstanding socounts. If out. bills and .tdements are not noticed; we shall send a special meslonger. A settlement we are bound to hare. Connive, licrsst.t. B CO. Towanda, January, 1873. 11VS!C-1.1, CONVENTIoN -A Musical Convention wilt be held et Wy.alusing, Fa., commencing Tuepday, February A, 1873, to continue fonr dayP. and eloping kith a concert Fridiay cveuing.. February 7, conducted by ,. Rev. J. B. Sr sums, of Nicholson, Fa. A pleas ant and profitable time i,"anviciptibed. . • Jan. 16-2t° Srrnimosa—Young Men and La dies qualified at the Bald° Telegraph Institute tnd thy Line Telegraph, to earn a salary of ssoto $lOO per mouth. Eccry grsdnate secures a position. For full information send for cats lcigne and circular. Address C. L." Bursztr, Supenntendent, DuMilo, N. Y. as` B. A. Prrns& Co. have just receired,a lresh stuck u; Domestic Goods, each . u Brown and Bleached Marlins, Glazed Cam bric, Paper "Inbhu, Canton F.aunea, Giug hams, Prints, bites Brioa g,.Brown mid Blue' Denims, etc.; etc , Nyhich tlrec offer the low est, prices, at the sign o. tha Big Bonnet, Tuiranda, Pa., Jan. 30. 1873-4 r. 1111- The eat sleet:in cif' the Brad. fard Ooun. GREAT 84,1E O,F.FURNITUBE THE IRON rrtoNT STORE, For _the next :60 days NVe offer our =tin idea of FU rt,N 'fru FL E We do tbla In order to mtke room .for goods now being manufactured ;, Our stock Ls very large and crabs= es EVILIITHIXG tl!t TU FIIRSIITURE LIKL WALNUT CHAMBER SETS, PAULOR SLITS OF EVERY STILE, fa HAM MOTU. MPS, PLTISII, SATIN. 1550CA.2.4 Traz, 811.8 TBlatit, or 00TELVAE. PARLOR ETAGERES, ILIRRORS and BIIACETS, DINING-110,CIN and MESSY FIIIISIMIE OFFICE FURNITURE ItATTRESITS AND,SPRENGS OF ALB FLIP.M,3 Oar stock Ls MIEN:4E, and for tile at ItEDEVED prices for 60 days only NOW IS VIE Trull Fon BkrAIALIS IN FUR WILKES-13...titRE, PA.. sir Good's carefuly packed and delivered at the depot free of charge. G. 11. VOORHIS Wakes-Harm. Jan 00 1473.-6 m 'ANTED -BOOK AGENTS -G , BE AT INDUSTRIES, OF THE UNITED STATES, An Historical summary of the Origin, Growth, avid Perfection of tho Chef Industrial Arts -of this country. ' • rnso PAGES AND 500 ENOILLTINGS, ' Writteii by 2U Eminent Authors including John B. Gough Leon hale. Edwird Howland. Joe. • B. Lyman. Rev. E. Edwin Hall. Horace Greeley, Philip Ripley, Albert Bristialo; F. B. Pr.IOILNI. ect., etc. This work is a complete history of-all brine*. of industry, procevsee or manila lure, etc., in airages It is a complete encyclopedia of arts and manufac turers, ai is the most eotevtaining and 'valuable work for information on subleots of general interest ever offered to tho public. It is adapted t 'the wants of .the Merchant Manufacturer. ile,hanie, Farmer, stldent, and inventor, and sells to b ith old and young of both classes. The book is so'd by agents who are making large sales in all parts of the c am try.' ,It is offered at the low price of 33 30 and is the che -pest book ever sold by subscription. No family should b. without a copy. We want Agents to every town of the Putted rtdes. and 00 anent can rail to do wed with this book. Ont terms are linen/. We give our agents the v=1130.11 , 0 right of ter•itory. One of our agents s•3d 133 co,dea in eight drys, another soil 360 in two .weeks. Our agent in Hartford sold 397 In one week. iipeelmens or the work sent to agents on receipt of stamp. lor circulars and terms to agents address the Publish ers. . J. 13. .1:417R At lITOE, Hartford, Conn , Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati. Milo. AGENTS - WANTED for . our ' New Book, the FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC, Or the Mysteries of Mediclie:' Presenting the Hu. more and Serious Sides of Medical Practice. ♦n Expose of Modica! Humbugs. Qua i's. and Charl atans of all ages and all countries. 800 pages,r2so lagrwrings. Au luteresttur and aninsing treatise On the lifedi: cal Itunbugs of the past end present. It eiposen Qua It. Len Traveling Doctors, Patent Medi cine Ven e Noted Female Cheats. rortane Tell ers and Mediums and gives leterealtig semunta ot. Noted Phywci e itt and airwaves of their tree. It shows how Aithy is manufactured Tobacco and of what vile liquors Medici:Jen are composed. It re reale starting secrets and instructs all how to avoid the ills whkli de•h is heir to. We give exclu sive territory and liberal commis ions. For circu lars and terms address the publiabers, J. B. ERNA x HYDE. Ilartford. t t.. Chlengo, ill., or Ciao multi, Ohio. J. L. ItclIAllOX. Or Ways and By• Ways in the Hidden Idle of ' A 11011041.1 Dr We want s.ents for this book. It discloses alltbe rnysttrics of the Detective System. It is a recsni tOrthe put twenty years et the meet SkinfUl detect, lives 01 tine cOuntry, in sbicti the crafts of Bank itohbers, niitives, Pickpockets. Lottery Men. Conn; ten fell Stoney Dealer., and swindlers of all classes go exposed and bronchi to jutke. Price $215. zatin a ter circular* a.,d turns to scents. N0v2012 BAKERY AND DINING.ROOII First block skitth of Ward Rogue. • 4 BREAD, PIES, CA.RE,GRA.CKERS, In our DMOG ROOMS we will accommodate the pulite with either a lunch or a geed meal at all tunes of tie day and evening. OYSTERS AND ICE CREAM ON HAND DIIROG Mao a flue asoortfooot of Groceries.Cottfoctkonory, Frogs, Nato, ee. at,v;9' t 1 FRSAL E.— A. very fiesiratile FOR ttC Catuptowu. Bradford Coun'y, Ya. he house In ewe] order awl the le rn t entr. ee ran old. %he terms ere Trry e3er. For further_ p..rtactil.ra alley to Pr. V. U.:l:rt. t. ailopteme, Pa. • Jae 8 ' ~• iLIITION:,Wher,•as. my wil e Al_ C mint has left my Led and bawl %Al/4ml ,iris' cause or protrotatiub, this la to forbid all parson* from harboring or trued= Ler on my :termini as I wid pay Ira debts of her aunt:action alter th , s date. Albany. Jan. 8, 111;3. - JAMES LYE. • _. F OR SALE.—A. 'place C 7 11l faltrilig abort 21) acres of good land, located three miles from Lettsystrille I/radii/rd. County. Pa , and near Beach Grove sche'nl honse 3he improve:welds are s gOOd house and barn tobether with out build ings. (Rood water and ,a ming orebted on the premises. This ;a en excellent localety fora me chanic. Terms very easy, as the ()liner resider in Lancaater County. for further ptrilculars apply to Wm. U. Stevens. Lertaysed e. • a.. Jau.B DSSOL UTION.—The copartner.' /LP stun heretofine existing between the under signed utuier the Brut name of sruith..Benn.-it 14, Co :carriage nisutdscturers, it dull day dissultej by mutual zoasent. Tim business Asia be 4:until-- fled by Smith 2t Bennett, to whom all ac.onnts must be paid. 0. Li :'4[llll. , ' 20•NNETT, West Fran4 r ha..l . . lu. 3. In3C-1ZA,11.. .....s~o p it. C.f 'SI. STANLEY, DENTIST, =locator to Dr. teston. =co in Pattcli'e sock. tip smirs„ lisoln btreo Tomati.da. Pa. JIM tiotts tetellekirttrir a titre.', . nrfe rte. ....-AT-.• 118 Market Street, Vt,tES-13MM AT ItkAtiollED PRIME. FOR SPRING TRADE. — PAINTED, ALL AISIpo OP ALL COLOII3. IN ASR OR WALNUT Athens Imp.. Eu4ene Ltuderbill. Abr.Xm -Frank Loomis; Athena Bore., J W ason; asytirm Peter MeL.racken; Bariday, Jolla carrot!, Doted Sampson, 3 C Hoibrooa; West Burlington, I 3 Mc Canton Boro., Charles Owen; Canton OAT.; B Jones; Columbia. A: A Corneei; orantille. E,en .gu; LitebHsld , d Lee,,Jr., 3 11 - Rogers; Lenny uth my Darling; Monroe tap., Win Hawes; Over ton. 1 11 Park; tild.teberty. Wallace Griswold home Duro...All-2n Young; Scultbdeld. L D rorre-t Wm Guff, A II Campbell, Wm Scnotiton: Sheshe quiu, James Newman: Towanda Bora., John Ide- U-tire. Kingsbury; Towanda tsrp., Lyman racklusn; south TUIVaLLIII. Martin Boaen; troy /tom.. !sate cleaver ; trop twp.. Geri Bullard; Tus carora, Jobn timer, Patrick Mahoney; Wvalusing. truism Cook; Warrior, W.11a..:e Dodge; Windludu Ere dericl. Brainard, Asa IleKea. C .S Shoemaker; Warren, 3 A Newman; Welts, E Billuston. - COMMON- FURNITIIItE I. tit 1. M. Sill rtt. snooty. ` or MMY vmurxr OF XITCgKS' AtiD NITUIIE at 119 ILuterr Srrs.vr VOORHIS £ PAGE Miscellaneous. FOR THY , KNOTS UNTIED, BAIEED , D4IL And sal at Wholesale and THEIR SEASON D. W. SCOTT k CO 111/IHOOLAMATION.--WHEREAS,' J. am: cialus B. sritErrza, *resident Judge to the 14th Judicial Lhaunct, 0 00 {daunit of the counties of Bradford and But velum*, and Hons. Zinn:Mon Fs/E412 Wand a. lisnicanss. Associate Judges, In' arid for sai d county of Basdford, have issued their orecePt beArittit date the 30th day oh',Dec., 1872, to me dl recited for holding a Cohn of Oyer and Termi ner, General Quuter. Seitatous lif the• 'Peace,. Common Pleas and Orphan a Court, at Towan da, for the County of Bradford, on Monday, the . 3d day of Behruury nest, to continue three weeks. • Notice is therefore liergiteu i to the Coro ners, and Justices of tho' Waco, of the eciunty of Bradford, that they be then and there in Weir proper person at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, with reoordseinquitaittotts and other remenilirsineei, to do those things which to iliciionice appertains to be done; and tilos:: who aro bound by recogniz , tICO or otherwise to prosecute against the twisoners j who are or may be in the Jell of said county, pr who shall be bound to appear at the said court are to be then and there to prosecute" against them as shall be just. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance,agreaseky to their notice. Dated at Towanda: the 7411 day of Jan., in the year of our Lord. fo o th , nland_ eight buudred and . ciao( tholude poudeneo of the • tate, the ninety. fourth. . • LIST OP TEtE , NA.MES OF JUR on for Feb. Term of Court to be bel at To. wands. eennueuelng !Sendai Feb. 3, 1813. - Alban, Ttumas Rouse; Barclay, J M Faaastt Mike Contuml; Carton 80r0... E 11 Thomas. J S Aim; Columbia. James Wilson; Litchfield. J L Bali; non roo Lion Wilcox; thawed. U W Broom D F Barton, E C Buil; beam tivrb.,. I) It Woodburn: Standing btono. Jason Varibess; trbeabegnin. Mos. confatkins• Towanda Bow., Mort Parsons, W 44 Adger. Mahlon tio4tarick, Jae 8 Coddli,g; Towanda UV.. Zonis Hancock; .Troy tarp.. Wm Maims. °be; than Williams; Terry, Wm Proof; Welts. Ira-Aoers: Wfilloa. Lewis Wertonberger. TaAlfaall J a 'sr—nasr lamas. Albany, Orlando ileverly, T Ncsaltu. Jr; Athens twp;, Geo Peters; Athens Born.; John Hosmer: A W J H Fel.ows• Barclay, Boni incdaysou; vu Whirrs% hi 8 Ayers; Franklin, Win - Hobart; Herrick, A It Brown, E 8 Turrell Jobu iroyle;, Monroe twp.. Joseph Bull; Orwell, Jhbn Jtirou; Overton. D Revell. Jr; kilo. E 8 Beetle. A.B Burrows: Home twp., E W Bushnel ; Bldg. berry, Jas Stilton; =MLitt:IL Asa rticlpe. lt-nnett French, EH Harris; walla Creek. .1 A thintisni. W 111loore; *minding biome, J bbsekletou; Terry, . D Wells; rroy Born.. Nelson Atlanta; Towanda Boro. J loa La klentanye. H E SbJkan.n• Towanda twp., Michael Zemin; Tures? Alfre ' d Ackley; Ulster. H e SLingle; . Welles. D E Ayers. Nathaniel Wenn; Wllxaot J Af *taxable, G S Shock; W irren• Bowan; Windham, .oeo L3Nreuce, Baseball Darling. TRAITII2 =maw—axon) wiz's. Albany. (leo Bwrittere;. Hare Jay. 'Frank Crosby, Da. 1(1 tiabin, Wm Joluison; Burlington rep.. J W Lane; Cantm Boro.. (leo Patterson. A 1. 3laraley; Canton terp., Cleo McKee, CyrenuslleY; D tiaiten; I eltoy,• Burton Stone. Jacob Oran eer. in, Holcomb, Rob% McKee; Monretetwp II M Pratt; Pike, Hort ,•riVaylor. J J B (rues. John Baldwin; ? Ridge:berry, Morris Curainitas. Vincput Ba/clwtrir Relive twp.. Hugh lilcCabe, (1 8 Forbes; Janwa-Lcouard. 8 W. Ames; slieehequiu L. L !oat. et R Hill; Sprinellald, }. U Stroud, k It Merrill; Sanding atone. Michael Lynch, J C Buff; Towanda BTo • P Welles.:Rqbt Sherman; Mae* rora, Li L.' Browning. H W Terry. Uriab Terry; Warren, lawns Illancbard, Lewis WRltakerf ‘Tyaluatup Bei.) Ackley. Lorenzo Over Vin. REG TE Et'S OT IC E.— No ic*: is hereby given that there has been tiled and aett.vd in the office of Regtster of With In and tor ti county of Bradtord, accounti of Adatitustra ttou upon the following estates. viz: Furst tszc't of tie° If Kendall, 'aglatirdalrafor-of 'llorstto .1 Laid, deceased. , I•'ival acct of I}eo P Manly, 4drcluistrator, pen deute lite, of fiulull Manly, deceased. Fluid a.:et of Ezra Loouti s, guardian of , Percival Morrison. .face't of Cherlotto. W Llays - aiq, executrix of Joseph Kinney. late guardian of Charier, KtuFey, minor heir. of It LP Money, alecesaed. acct of ti W Stenger°, executor of Seth Stereos, 10cease1 rival acct of Morris Seeley - , executor of D.tuiei rfoldn4o, deerared• Fatal acct or Lucy Potrats, executrix of Adamr. Air CelLied. acct or Lorin F 3 Wolcott, adJulrabtrator of Wolcott. ckeevastA. . nec't or Liicy Frurman and' C B eze tutor. ut Elatrutin, deceatsed; fuv't of K and loecpy Qieel tor4 of i 1) William d nitafdllati3t "of IV _ 1411. de,e4.rtl. ace% of Geo N Newbt 7.. administrator ut Wto P.Newbury,.late of Troy. Goro,, deceaskii. F. N PAGE. Partutl ref. 01 I.l,oriett n BUIV'MaLI nod u F Dcw rusu,sur%hittg executors o. John Ei 11.,wirtuu, late Monroe dotoo.ed. hl.;:att— the appral ement of property r , -Cf by the e.xecotors or utuntlittraters to widow, cr chil uren of, the hollowing decedents, Latste of iSellectici o John Gsrd. Thomas Joel &trues. Janitts i.ewey. • Josejlh Y Trumbull. Charles F Ladd. o ti W sbactuct. wlu u . plicox• JohirT , Miner. And.the Pawls 0 . 11 .. be presented to the Orphins' Court of Br.ldford couhty, on thnrsdac. lob. Ott.f at 2 tic.)ock, p nt., fur court thation and :01. - wauce Jan.l U. J. ClitinpllC.ti. ltemtter. o REIGN ATTACHMENT.— . B , adford County, aa. The Commonwealth or PeZlLlYylv.4nl . 4. To the Sherd of Bradford County; ti .Nct: We command you that you W. blitunick, Ilse ot y ouur county, by alt and simin- Itar ms gouda and cuattel.,, lauds and teuetue, t., tifutrey., rights and Credits, in whose hands' r pos session sue%er the acme may be;eo that ha be and appear before our Court of Common Hee, to oe hoiden at the borough ~f Towntida. to auditor said' county on the first ..110tiday of:De-cetu .er Lost:there ti answer Jame. 0. Frost and Hobert +SID-Ft - pan of *plea os doll of *4O. and that you summon J. + DeLa Siontanyc. Jr., Henry W. NoMe,i,hieury W. Tracy and ad pets, as in wtinse hauda or l posse.- Simi the said goody or. chattels moneys. r.ghta and credit.. or any of them may be attached.r ~o teat they ca I away at them be ant appear before said Court, at the day and pl. co' of resaid:, to: answer what shal be objected against them and ALICC the judgment of the Court tberclu - f and have you then and there this wr,t. Witness the Honorable P. B. Streeter, PreAdevi of our uad Court at the Borough or Towanda, aforesaid, the 21th day of November, A. D. 1872. P. A. nwmg. P,othoui)ttry. • Nov. 29 1872, by virtue of the above writ Ott For eign Attain:lent I attached the followinu lot; pies. or petrel of laud sitnato in Wysni twp , Bradford 'County. Pennsylvania, bounded as fol lows. to wit: -tin the north by public lilghway known as the Wyeox Road, east south and Terri by laud of Henry W. N,ble, being 50 feet front , on road and 150 feet deep ALSit—tine other lot, piece, or pallet of 1 nd sit- - nat-1 in Towanda twp., t.puuty and Sh,to afuresa.d, bounded as todowa. to wit: On the north by land of A. Northrup, east by Railro. , d Street' point' by en altry. west of R St.dii, b r ing utiout 59 feet front on said Railroad Street from I,4(ll:North rup's line to centre of said alf‘y. and about 50 feet .deep, v ith a two-story trawled dwelling hour there on. • - -seized and taten into execution at tbo nit of James O Frost and Robert J. Sherman .9, L. W. fainumci. with notico t t J. DeLa Sloutanye, 4r.. H. W Noble, R. W. Tracy, U. P. Moore, gsruasheas. Dec 12.1872. , - J. P. VAN tLE.F.T. Sheriff. ( - I . O3I,IIONWEALTA OF.PEN A. llRkt FORD COUNTY, tis.-1n the matter of estate`of David (talk late of Litchiteld townaiiip, in said county, deceased. To the hors ant legal representatives of the said David Rs I:deceased. take Doti that an hag:tett will I , e hold upon the premises of the said doCedent In said township of Lat.:Wield, on sa CDRDST. tt m. first day of Feb nary. A.D.. 1873, at 10 o'clock in t the forenoon of that day. for the purpose of rhaking partt.on of the real estate of said deceased. I to and arnougliis children and legal ,said if the same , can be done withnfit volatile° to or sqoilwg of the whole: otherwise to vialein and appraike. the same 11 , C0rdi . .. , to . awl at which place you .+ll vd tend i f - yon think proper.- Jan.tntd . • 3. 37.SAIITEL Sheriff. 001111.0 N WE 5 . i.TH OF PEN N'A. lIIINDFORD COUNTY. es —ln the matter of the estateut J L. Ball, 141 e of Litchfield, in, se..d county. deceased. To the heirs and legod.representatives of thin J. L. call deceased. take notice, that an • l quest, will be held upon the premises,of the said desledeni townsh p of Litebtl.-1/1. on RATURDAY. the first day of Febrtilry. A.D., 1873. at 10 o'clo tho fovetwon of that day, for -the purpose et ulaiton.: psi titian of the real estate. of sail deceased, to and among: his children and legal rrpresentativex, it thi• same ran he done without p.eledlee to or st.oiliv.: of the whole: ntherwl , e to value and e Lb same according to laiV • at which-time and pla, c you ca-, attend it yon thic k proper. • • Jae. d J. H. Slll. Cl 3. Rb I _ NCORPORATION. .N 0T I C -- In the matter of the incorporation of the f. S van Cettletry AsEaaLation." 7 -No: USI„ I'c T., 1573 • Nair> is ier,..11 that the atk..vir 4atned! Aycoclatinu haf prt3eut,tl to the ei - Kirt uY Co :nn;. Newt of Ifradprcl County their ariscle .14,.ochit0.1k dating for 4 itirrce 01 I.ocorpor diet]. and • th/ shut Court hatilti4exattducd the ;had finding the:J, rorrect, wilt decree that they be incorporatel 3,4 prayed for, 'on Monday . the 3,1 .day pt L.\ brln3Q • Mal at tt O'clutt pan., causee abelivri t k y the military. lt. M. ?ECM, J4O 4.1r3 - Pr4.thonotary. • At )3IIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice ts hereby gi'verr that all pereonstbdebtro . to the estate Of Ennice Pierce; tato arra*, icc+ased, ate requestr4l to • make datoedist pep:nett. arid all pers.ns having clatzue a;,atust estate must yere,, , ttit them attty 4m!,enticatrit for • '•-•• . • c 4.ta: . Maar istratrot. . DMINISTiiATOR'S L 1 Notieeitil ttereby girmilhat all persons indebtqd to the e)rtate 01 Denims Thmituam tate 01 Lena) grille deceased, are reqtteit4. to = t ats truniiitu.te p.iyuient. and all persona tri‘itis clams against said estat- nit et present them dot:: nth. attesf d for ouittletnent.(l. W. lIRINK, "Dec ' \ 'Administrator. APPLICATION fl DIVORCE.L 7 - To Jigia C. Vorre'at.—No. 341 Sep. Term„.le72„ You are hereby inottled that A. El .Forreet, loor 1511,4)41nd, nos applied to the court or eondnon o. Eire.ttorii co , for a &voter trona the biroda of ttaanan) _and the Raid court ha e appointed Moo dily, the 31 da, o 1 Fehrtary, 1 15 7:1; tor. tteartn,r the amil Forrest the prehliii, un to an a :afro p Oll an littta 11 S'.01:1 Yhthk, proper. • tlet.ll/ 0 111 - giFtra, lEEZEIM EM3II J. RE*: irfl. Sheriff, =2l =I 1:2=31 , . ' • S,EIERIFF'S SALE.-15v virtue of 4...l'.siandry writs * Wined-out of the G l oom of COM nom Pleas of Bradford costuty, and to me duetted. will be 'spoiled to public sale at the Court Boum to the Borunghbr Towanda, TIIIntiDAY, Jeffitt- ASV $O, 1813, at 1 O'clock. p.m., Me follOwilll des cribed lot, piece. or parcel of hula situate to Tows• rare. bounded as billows: On the north by lads of Wiliam Whitney. eaa-by Jiitto if. 'Ayers and Ed ward Yu. baker. Jr., emit' by ( . .1' C..:iffedge, west by A. Waltman, coutsinutg SO scrim. more or lees. .bont '4o' acres hopnned, with a framed house, framed barn and few fruit trent thereon.; • : belted and taken Into elecittlire at the knit of 'Overton et Elabree's use vs. N. P. fiabilock. 41.80-000 other/MU Wee, or parcel of latid sit-. nate in Towanda Burn . bounded toi follows: Otethe north by hood of Jamis O. twat east by John F Sirius, tenth by John Lards.. meat by Charism St.; abottl led zit on laid Charles Omit, and ratting back to Bee of banes of stud tohn Herons. about 140 feet, mare or lees, dith &filmed ahem thereon. At.ati—tn said F. A. Cash's undivided 0110. filth (ll) intetent one other lot, 'Or par-al aff bind situate in Towanda 114 t. aforesaid.honnded be the north by Poplar ret, east by Third at wit. south ty Wm. Grimm, w. it by en alley; beim/ about 143 feet front on said Third street and ;bout 221 Met back on said Poplar duet. will a two-story meld° b. Lek dwelling house small framed barn. and other ontbiblinng• and fear ana and ornamental trees thereon. Said lot known as tie Hotneoteael Lout the David Cash estate.' - ALSO—The .said 11". A. Cash's nth ißlaed ono fifth interest In one other lot. pteoe, oe tract' of laud situate lb bare my township. .containing 113 acre.. mere or less, in the warranto.. n acre of D. H. confilnitharn. wish a saw mill,"lerp Lath houses, nodal stable thereon. ALSO-The sald F . A. Cash's analvided fifth thterest ono otter let; piece, or tract of Mud situate in Barclay • toanshlp, containing 4th' r d Tea, more or kit. In the warrantee :mine of Peter Lsdley. ALSO-10—Tbei said F. A. Cash's titufirijed na-fiftb lo tempt in ate other lot. piece. or tract.of land iota ate an has-clay containing 330 acres, more or less; In the warrantee name Of Josx-ph Ladley. ALSO—Theard. F . mod e s undivided Oat att.. -. tzvereat i n; one - oilier l u t. piece,. or tract or , land dilate Barolay t con taining ssa Unfit', More or leer; in the warrantee name of Walter Stir ALSO—The mad JL - Cash's undividedono- Ifni interest .in one tither lot, piece, sl tract of land sl.nate to Barclay and Overton tsrps., containing 400 acres, to ire or leas, in toe wean-some name of Andrea - Lad:ey. Seized apd tate Melo ex-ontion at the suit of J.' F. bandana/1a vi. F. A. Deb . Aber at Umbra °fill.. W. er F. A. Cash. ; ALSO—One otherdot, piece, . reel of land sati ate in Tti-earora top.. bounded Ou the north by latsus of John ClaPper; east by ‘MargaPet Hardy. Smith by F.1,146a Lane. We•t by John Hersh: .guitaiohig 24 1 8 acres, more or lea's, nearly ail im proved. no balhaiogs. deized and taken Into execution at the salt of Joseph Coleman's rise vs P. F. Hardy. ALSO—One other lot: woe, or parcel of land sit uate in Tosearor, twp.,b...uuded as !Mama: S tn the north b: land of IL ley, cast by. Mary ivoydroff sAith by pubic highway leading Truro ellen-ea Eddy tki down Auburn. west oy Luther beeneY; containtug 3 acres, sumo or le-a, oti im proved. with a framed honee, baud chanty, saw will and few fruit 'roes thereon. Seized and taken into exec obeli at the suit of D. ilauaitoson va E. S. Fast and Edgar Fiek.. - Alral—One other luti...picee or parcel of land situ ated.inDirtrrtop., hotilideit telloills: On the north by lied of Dales Myers. cat: by public high , way 10-diug from Towanda to Atheue, smith. by lands in posse-won Of the Widow west by a 414 Darius. flyers; colaahatig one.ll,lf Lf-re, more or less, all Improved. with a two Story framed Steam Grit slat, with cider mill at ached, tog.ther with the engine. holler, and machiiterr atta,h. d and belonging to some. reired and taken into execution at the suit of E. B. lianeir, suibrocated to right* of plaintiff, ie IL L. %Wve. ALSO—One otherlot, plebe, or parcel of laud sit n •theauequin top.. hounded north by len s of Daniel Struble, ea:t and south by Hiltou Philips west by E. C. Sauey; coutamiug It acres. more or less. ad improved. with a framed house, tonal framed bare, and few fruit treks' t en-on. Seized and taken, into execution at the suit 61 C. A. Ifeaven l r v, - .Limes Russell. ALSO—Onti other lo , piece, or parcel of iztnd situ. ate in Towanda Borough, bounded as follow- Vat Warta by an alley, eaSt.;by lauds of Griffith A: Fame, south by J F. Heans and (leo. D. IL utau ye. welt by liaiu Street; being .0 - eat on safir3lain Street by about 148 feet due,', a-nh a framed and plank Sal (trig used for a dwelling house, proy , slol3, at t ire and sueat market. and a framed b an thereon. Le.led upon as the properly' of date. dant, P. W. ' A.Lsa—Ono other lot, piece, or parcel of land sit; state to rosauda Borough, at resant, bounded ae pri the no‘th by .Edit nett/ Strict, east by aliey. - souitthy land of ey. IY. itertiett west by Asa Douglass and Stephen B-rner; toping .50 fart on, said Lhzatietti Street by ab lit 150 eleep, with a trained. dwelling house and framed Lorca., barn thereon. levied upon as the property in 13. F. Myer: Seized and taken into tie:titian:l'st' the suit of Robert Seamen it.,el:l. vs P. W. GuWeil and 13. F.SIS er ALSO—One other lot, piece, or parcel ut land sit uate in Wysux twp., bounded as lollowsi Degibuinu a cur. on east hue of pappst..ip the iir.thiscieut sub I ScisiOu of Last "Dis.tinha: being ills -faith-wi nor. of hut No. 13 of said supdeceinou; thence nem; 42-d. g. 40 ruin. east • along line of lot No. 13 of eilock No 24 1.11 leet to cori on west line of a :10 ft.. -aihey; thence along hue of same souta 40 deg. 30 into. east 3 5 fe t to ft t or. .on north lira cd a Cl) It etrtetl thence a cog lin., of saute south 40 deg.. zifl tutu. west /eslYieet to, cor. on cast lin- ox said Maio at.; them e along liteeof sane north 40 deg lis turn west 3;5 feet to place of beginning, the same being lot- 3os. 1.3, 14, 5. 15, and 17 fronting On said Main Block N 0.24 of Dr. Flesc .01 s subilivts.ou et . East To. ands as aforesaid. tae ized and taken tutu e3ecub:raa_al dlSt.3--One other to:, piece or parcel of laud ate In Towanda Berks.. belonging to C.. 15. Cash • fuslOws; On the north by lands of 5 iiee- ..'.,thorn aud tf. by T. C. Delano; a../uta bs tans st., crest by C. Al. btausdle; being almut W, real front am &all .ILuu a ur less, aud about tla feet deep, nutty ug back the s >nth line or sazd Walburu aud Jaeubs'e land, w,tb. a• tr.uxud dwelling house thereon. ALSO—The defetaLants, C D and F A Cash's and - videcttwo.littui tu s t.ient in edit_ other lot, piece, or p.'r,..vl of laud, situate Witt roarauda 131 co b.,uud ed as follucra: North by Pop:sr-et, eaat by Tort-=t south Uy laud Wm tirdits, west by an alley; be. abOut 163 f,:et front on said To rd fleet and +taut 221 feet bsca, on sand Poplar street. w CI a two-try -van: britk duel ing house, small irsteed' barn, other ontballdte,s, sue few nein nun orna mental trees thereon; saitflut knswia as the Hoek. stead hrot of the 11.tvid Cash estate. "ALSO—The drfehdants. C eCash and F A eilles undb,a-d two•filths int,reat in one . other lot,'piece, or tract al laud, situate In carolay- tap., contaatteg Ll 3 acres, more or leas, in the warrantee untie 'Ol =I Cumum-hani with a saw Mill. two mil Miners and a stank. thereon. • ALSO—The defendants, .0 D Cash anal` A CaSh's undivided ta%›dtiths- interest itt one utut:elut. or tract of land intuite.iu Itirclay twp., aforesaid. coutainm,g 4 , 10 a -res. more or lane, in Inc Warranted name of Peter Ladle! ASO—rhe defendants, C D Cash and - L, F A Cash's -Undivided two-fistna lutenist in one other lot, piece, -or tra t of Mud-sand in Bard. y twp., aforesaal, .cuntaluinu 3.1 a acres, inure or less. in tun warraut.e 03010 of Joseph taialiwy. 'ALSO—Tn.? ti-ibtuktats, C.D Cash au l ri F A Cash's undo.ided two-tiAnis intsreat in one otaierlot, puma, or tract of load situate iu Barclay ta- 1 0 aiorewaid, containing 3i6 acres..tunce or less. in t e wartautee num...o Walter ntownrt. ALSO—the defsudauts, C D data aui F A Cash's turivided taro-fifths interest in One Other lot, tilted, or tract of la-4 situate in itare.ay aud Um. tun Lai,. atureaaid. conpiniug 4uo lava, mote, orlees. in the ararrautee name of Redrew Seized sod 'alma into execution at the suit • of Cow._ll . 1 / 4 Myer to use of AI. Cr - dinner C D CAM aud,F A Caatt, lats copartners tr.iktinCtl'Ader rise firm name of C D Cash & Co. ALSO—One other lot,'plice or parcel of land snit nate ui - fowandi litUro.„ bounded as billow's, negin nidg at a cur in wool line of Loruhaild street: thence, by tomb rddit. south 87 deg east 140 feet to a It feet alley; ferric, by said sdey '..south 3 deg west hhi, lest to north-east cor of a la N s tr. 16; theuce north by said IoVINo. id north 87 deg west 413 tett to t hird-et; tnetice by 'laird-at. uottti 3 deg east 1,8... k feet to - place .of .beginning; coot aluiug about 13,930 square feet; With a etutta and brick church thereon, known as the - Catholic Church. • ' Seized aria taken into ex4tgion at the suit of O'Malley & Sletiovern .s Janice 1' Wood, Catholic Bishop of Plitadeiptila In trust for the Cothlic Cou gre4attutt of Towand i. fil....SO—Oue other lot, piece or parcel of land site; ate in Teeranda flaro., bound as follows: North by lauds.ot D lit Turner, east• Id &I Iterizur, south by John 4 ;ebte,4est by MAW-a , being BO lett trout On said Main greet ano 100 lee deep trite a framed tour-, framed barn and Levi frnit tries taercon, Seized and taken into, execotron et- toe sui.t of (mourns Conklin - . nude sa Henry Harris : ALsO—One other lot, pieemOr parcel of land situ ate al South Creetitorp.. bonouhd as follows: Oh the t orth by laud of J dell, at by Jared and Jos: Dunham south by t essi4f,l (Tarr, west by S 11 Kinsman,. containing 1 .72 . 2 Urea,' zoom or Leta; improvements. uo zed and taken into elevation at the .snit of Oskar T Dickinson's use vs Jitrant Alto at the tout of Cacar T DiAluaon vs Hiram. Kaisman.. ALSti—Oneotber lot, niece, or parcel of land situ rift in 'Burlington twp., , bounded as follows: North 'by public boar, ea tby laude et Charles south arid %est by Jeremiah Travis, cunt - Oiling of 11:1 Sere, tnoro or .esS; all itopi;iced, with a email 1.1 arced hou s e and fear truit tries thereon_ • Seized and taken into eve ut on at the suit of Reuben 11uriry >a anorew - ALSO—One other lot, p,eco Or parcel of land situ ct.• iu Dranvino twp.. bounde4 as todo a: North by rstdo Met-talon, deceued, east by bind of Hrs . st,el. C Lowe, and II Hogs, -OA by Illtoss,trest by .\ Walbu.n and Pinland.r.Patnam. containing 42 acmes, more, teas, all improvqd with a tramea i• ,i.e. so old framed birn, and apple orchard tt:••reon. geiaed and taken into exeeutieu at the suit 'of e Winston N'S T 3•locileon- and A= Fitch, .:1....40—0ne other lot, piece or parcel of land sittt ato iu Wy,•oi twp., described as follow..: Ileing ioto No 1, 2,.1), and 10 of Bluek .yo 2i a* will tu.sre io 1y appear on in ip tuado. by Wiu .I.l.4morga. or .Floss..nut.'s Subdivision of East Towonda. 134111 lots No 9 and 10 frontio4 '4l Main street, eatit 75 feet by 150 ieet deep along Pine street, and said lots NO 1 froubug, on Second street.; said lot :So 1 hav ing, si front of 75 and, alad 'lot 1i712 having a 1 tof 56 feei and etias ltd. betne 150 feet ds :Seized and (alien Into tlusaitiou at the suit .of .51 Lon, W Holman other 1.4. piece or parcel of land alto Towanda tali., bt.muded as follows: North by and of 11 II Ntaen, east by Mielaet Deelane. south h:,...lanies McGill wost by Jolla Dotrusau, Ce0a:11- tag acres, panto or Lass :Lo inaproVeLuenta. me; other lot. rover-or I..areel of land situ to Towanda !taro.. txulndeti as foilOws: North . sat by land of John' 1 , Nevis, south by El 1. ihott. wend by Spruce street, cOdt-Uaill,g cue acre. niv - c-or Imo: . all improved. with two•story !valued borne., framed barn and few :raft trees thereon. • sentrA and takcii 'into. execution at the snit a il'Phinney vs James P.Le Is and Beni Lewis. ' 4.1,30-00.1 other lot, piece or parcel oi laud a M ate an Tow.wria iforo., bounded as follows: Begin. - rang at cor of Wc.ton. and Water streets; thence along Watorsst. about 100 feet to land. be. ) •., , ,) , :ag to the state of" C S Ladd, dec'd; thence salt La dirs north lane about 147 It.' to a cox; thence Southerly along west line of said lot to an alley; thence westerL along said /iv . ) about 6$ feet to lot formerly belonging to Oro :-.lidersoti; thence northerly along said Sanderson 1.4. about 147 feet to line of lailds of Sol aittunefil . Omuta° easterly along said Diinnelra south line ; ..b , .nt 61 feet to a cor; thence northerly along oast td said ennta.ll about 64 feet to said -Westou-sr., I..< 4 lter , rsstetly along smith aino .Of Ma Weston at t . hoilt 146 lett to place of beginning. containing 82 ~j u tire verehee, more or leas.' with a two.stoiy 1' ),21 ostella.g house. framed barn, other out :(I';'4, ant trod and ornamental trees thereon: . seiisd and taken into execution at the rhut. of .1 P' ';••• vs A E Al:80—one other lot, piece cr parcel of had situ ! i.e apt {'anon or Armenia two., bounded as follows; ; at it peat in centre of public road tettillei; •tniti steam grist talll an t anton BIM., of: ;stoat ...:6, 4 3's in Attizenli two, rniurna Winne oast 126 t• r t 7 11141 CS Wen tlf enftal of tn fltagrnTli dee% being n► meat hue of of a warrant I =l3e Of Job* ' Vaoghu; thence south 2.11 deg west ofiff Bald war. rant fine 40 par. to a poet: tbe6ce U • •87 *gyres, 12A per to a poet la centre of high : • before Wm , honed; thee:lce tutrth 6 deg east 331.4 per 10=e. • beginning. contaisking 24 axes, more or. ;ad , . improvetnet - ta. . . - Seized and taken Into.ageention 61 , the.- suit 'at Charles htockoell vs Michael 8041 e. - - ALSO—One other lot, piece of pared ef , leseteitg. ate la - ntulinaton Boro.. bogtided :a dAknre: Be- - tinning In centre Of Berwick - tarakllte adjoining , lands of Samuel Williams; 'thence south 64.deir West 16 fell per to post; thence north v 2 deg veil 4 pro; - thrum north .4 deg east 15 5.10 per to centre of add turnpike; thence setae 39 deg east 4 - per tO Om. orbNilmitug. Congaing. 63 square parnbair, more or law, with. a framed dwelling house, firmr.. - • hors barn, and Ifor- fruit arid ornamental teats thereon. - MA , t--fine other lot. piece or parcel of lattd - eittt , Ste In Burlington Boro., aforesaid. bounded te fol.' lowa n :Beginning in centreof Berwick turnpike ad r . • . joining the above described loir, ammo. south 36 degkwnst 14 3•10 per to a post - on bite of state of Addison ilaKeau..dec - d; thence , along *aid lice 20 - feet; thence north 64 deg rut 14 3.10 par ter centre of said turnpike; hence south al deg cast 20 , tee. , to place of beginning. containing 17 640 square • , perches, more or Isms, with a traced Mace therein.. re red arid taken lam eseentlon at toe suit of Overton detlebree Vs B ft Mr, Jackson Utaranback a t and Win Griffis.; security , . . ALS43—tine other lot . ;Ave or parcel of la, situ &ln Canton Dore , bounded as takers: 11 h b Mouth Towanda street east by lauds of M s A Port - r, aoot.i by lit P fla-ntis. tre4 b 7 Wel e G aieWinan, eontaitib.g 77 square rods , more .0 less, with a plank house thereon. 7,_ Pelted and taken into execution at the suit Willtame's use ve Albert Haller. . . ALSO—One o•her lot. piece or parcel of land I , sto la Wpm: twp 14 bounded as follows: No road leading:from Wyaus road to Bosnian's east bt Laid of Kirby, eolith by. the old N Branch Canal, treat by J. P Kirby, eontaini tires. more .or lees; all " improved, with f hoUse find framed barn thereon. Seized and taken into eXacution at the Kit o C Mere= Aca.,C Boman. impleaded with VE Spencer. -1' ALati—One other lot, Piece or Pared of laud 1 / 6 „ ' ~.. ate in unveil two .; as f !lop!: North ny Linde of W D Chasee, past by Samuel Chaffee; south , --1 by cyrint cook. west by pubbs hlgbway 1(444 through Potter - vine to Werlthe,iseec mill, costa l -' log 48 square rods. more, or leas; all improv .irb -a named dwelling bourse and framed bat thereon' b ..,, • oozed and taken into execution at the suit of 88\ 13ronsonla Me is JacuteGr.en. - ,„. • I,Bo=One other lot. piece or parcel of land aitu ate in ,Towanda twp., bounded as follows: Begin-. rung at north-east cor-at a black ;oak;, thence • wee; terly along line of, rands formerly owned by' Wm Park 44 per and s;i, feet toe stake and stones cor; thence southerly along line of lands ticierly owned by add Wm Park about 34 per to sirtake and aton -a cor which is also cor of lande 'of laid War Park and 8 Cole; thence easterly alone line of land owned by ri Cole 13,l‘iper to stake and atone emmeri; thence northerly to plic,e of beginning, containing 6 acres. more or less. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of. John U. hues ca T 31 Donfoy Jan J. IL 0111T11, Sheryl'. TRIAL LIST 7 FEB. TEBSI, 1873, =MI I Geo T Cs - le vs Joseph Itt4l lo P - replevitt 0 F TOUng ye C 8 Davis ' • • • ; appeal A Heover,y ea M C !lemur - '..arattuapett C T rim th vs John 0 Ward - cave- - Welts, Harris - at Patrick ve CI, Grant. it al.trespiss Heusi Harris re Wyoming Ina Co as,stunpaist visilf Norounk va Wyoming Ins,Co. - cafe • WA & 1.1 11 Peck vs f ury Wald—. ..... ,:a..delit 211.0 Pelper k Coals -a J Hallos& & C 0.., ..... ..debt Louisa C Leeds ke vs' Hiram Luther v et el ....eject Lewis Ilasebs aC L Word. 4irc.., ..'......: . ..debt . t attisrme vs, h •ler's'aisk`vet ]Foie k Stafford -eject A Sheeler A Dar &J D Pugh ..... .:. asstappett C D Northrup vs 0 ,Cash' - - . =se •E A Packer vs John Gard ' • sjectment Stephen Doy we Benjamin & Vargason 'appeal a C Moore?' a Erastua CIL% et al - eel Is Gillett k Fettengill vs J 0 Gordon :...„ debt .31nes D Casa an Croy Township cruse ID Forays vs F Fetzlaff for sttch 8 N Aspinw .. all L H Tears assumpsit F n Pc; arms VS John. Wolfe. ct a 1.... • appeal ' Multe;•-1 NlcNnity va_Tovranda Boro.. easg CI , yenes ra Jesse ISpaldieg for attc , . F 8 Hiller vs A McNsught • sobs, do `. do - 9 a -do Ilona y Miller vs "P smith, ailm'r.. appeal. s K Fomeroy vs C J Coolbaugh. et al .:...,..-. debt ' i. Ilaztlia T,nronau va Wm Griffis, et al tree ass, JUI:v extoll, k c * as C T Meory. et al • " ejectment • do -,,. .0 P Ballard, kc , ' ' ejectment Wm Snyder as Asa Doty ......... replevin Citron Bank 0 Lesvisburg, as - S N Aspinuall, et al dbt • , s Oa Halbert visJauctaon Canal Co ..... ....trespa . ss. - Wiit genera vs J A Rogers..., - , appeal F 0 Persons vs Loeb is L., man ..„ - .... : .... appeal . Jun ZulaSs. adra'r.vs , ll.l S. Ktff - - appeal ll Jerem:ah 'aputurn v Eraottis KUL. -• ........ -Issue Julai Bennett vs J FT'anFlset - treepass . A el W:ck zer's use vas fY.'d Beardsley ..... .....debt ' • t.j.i.taa E.Coori as J P Van Meet .... trespass - all ID WEEK.. _ Iletelttr, finliths k. dtualan Vs Henry Ward, et clasp -.. rotq,b,ll Roll:Zht v-. Huai Dougherty - case D.:1(1,1 , oper vs Ch tiles Knapp,— . ....ejectment 6,, 1 7 ..U, VS Hiram s.iilsatiltl.. - ......ejectment .1.41.: . t3 Cenan'ause vs 0 a Bixby ' ' appeal ' %.:n Maine v.'s Writ it Foster . ` ' - debt - R' E. Brockway vs II Jlisulrews k CO asounaP'-it 11-Dry 11 Pri,ter TA C F Welles . covenant - I' S 3l.iler vs II S Threshing-Mach nu Co for att Heats , : • G;-vuat 'us N C ilt.n:Co .. .. :'. .... ...::`rase • - II A Furbank vs JoLn 0 IVard - t-expass , CI ram Comfort vs 0 "IL SClsrn, trespass - Mary L Williams vat anchor Lifeins C 0... ....debt t la% PI S Luttwr as David. St:op - ejectment lA. Pal - noes vs N.C. GII.Co`. ....assueopsit .. Joo Jo lo ronton , VA Falkni4 Green!. - • • J,rphatuF-- . ..: : t...,,4, lrit StaltoZiCvfi Wm - rtattriqi7l ... ..........acpeal Jolla - c . . - Plellar,l vs N.C.R.R.00 - .:..appeal ILi am 1•Iorron am R,II Eta - ' appeal ' CI - : 1,- . La nef;;r Ivs John . calhrd.- s t al.. ...... appeal Nt c•C* c. , N-man vs Cl+Ur; turawas " --,.. - case i! 1 Krise vs; John B.o. • ney •- . . ".. appeal- C wil!P r 3 (i 11 .}.4 Doty PP Win , • J S 1 liv,chbrit J , •bn B•idleman vft ell Ca sh, Pt al 'florin • vA Jan Befilleman....... VIIPPR 0 . 1311.0 va-Gpo Nrnot. .1•••• el Fen rodt vs Glen NV 'Dail debt lohn F Means vs W Itramball, et al ....... —.elect 11 w . 'cob?* va Pailiel Sweet - aPPeSi,„ 11 Stevens vs John Powers • - appeal l7riah Terry vs .7 W. Denison sel fa Purer Brody vs Ira Wolcott - ejectment Abram Adore vs P W Cowell. et a 1.. .. trespass C C Dittrich vs John liranlmev/ a ppe a I .: John Devine vs P.k7.1,V.C.5...KR.C0 . ejectment R tvslbnrn vs B P Cash I- APPPeaI pro 11 Diann vs El. VI nertifithatt . • 4:1. fa M. I Lnnrhhe m Bros vs R J II ;Bock k Co debt Win M Bocvmsn vs Wm Babr, et al— . ki fa H . tr Nob:" see Glen W,Simons. ,t 0.... ......sci to Theodor Wilder VII SChillyl-r Ba'es, et al *lee: Ira Theiga. et al vs A resits Westbrook , . eject - W T Davies's use vs Gilbert- Lathrop, et 1ii....1et fa Sdbpoetrs for seernul week retnirnable ;Monday. ppbensry 10. at 2 o clock pto third week return. - able Monday, Febri3ary 1-7. at 2 o'clock p. m. ' ' ••• •B. M. PECK. Prot. ---- --- . A UDITOR, .0 6 11, 1, 5 e ... ..1•4O te ' ot TE R lF hws : In lo y.a heir*. to the Cir. bans' Court of Bradford Bounty.- ' .1, The undera sued. bating been appointed Auditor by said ('Dirt to dispose of exceptions tit final Ito. Coon's of Jason K Wright, guardian of Sweet. Wilde T., Edith. George. and :Elizabeth:Murray. minor children or Bartel .31nrray. deed. will attend to the dime§ of 'raid appointment on THITASDAY, the 3. th day ;of JANISART,, • 1873, at 10 'o'. 10 , 14 a. m, r , .at ! the 'oficee of Madill k Calif in the borough of Towanda. at which time !and ' place al persons having claims on said money are required to make the same before said Anditor,tm be debited from • outing in np , :d3 said fund. ' ' J.X. CALTFF, . . Jal3.ll•wi ' : Auditor., AtIDITO.II',4 N(/710E: 7 '—Joel , Os 'horn vs: T. llonfoy-- .2 50. '751. Rent. T . IS6fl In the Court et Common Pleas of Bradford County, The undersigned, and Auditor appointed _ by sal4. court to oistribute moneys arising fro at - Sheriff's sale of defendant's real estde, will attend to the du tis,s of said applintment at the olil a of DeWitt & Maynard.-in the Porona of Towanda, on Fill.- DAY - FEB.'-7 1373._ at 10 o'clock. a m.. where all persons having claims upon said hands aro re- I quired to present them or be debarred from coming in upon aald'hand. . D. C.' DisWITT. ' Jan .3,w4- • - Auditor. . lIDITOR'S' NOTICE.—In ~.the' matter•of.the estate of A: S. Coleman, deed.,- In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. The - finderstgteif, an Auditor. appointed by'said Court to distnbutes funds in frauds of Oho Executors of said estathiVill attend to duties of such appoint met.t at his dace in Tow - arida Ifora , or. FRIDAY. January St. 1673, at 1 o'clock. P.. where 1 / 1 nermins having claims upon Raid fund" must pre sent ibemor be debarred from coming in upon the 1 , 113 C. E. D. 11ONTANYE. dan.B , 4- APPLICATION IN DIVORCE. 7 - To - Mary Brown.—No. 802. Sep Terni. 1872. Tou a e bereby notified that John Brown, your Imahand. has 'applied to the' court et munition pisis -of Bradford county. for a divereelrern the boodeof matrimony, and the said court has appointed Mon day. the 3d day of Peh , 1873, for beating the said Brown. in the premises, at which time and place you can attendif you think proper. Jamtism4, J. M SMITH, Sheriff.' VXECIITOR'S NOTICE --:Notice JL4 is hereby given that all persCes Indebted to the estate et Levi. Lester, late of Canton, dee'd. era- requested to make immediate payment arta all persona haring claims aga i n'l said *sea" must preient them duly authenticated for settle ment; ' ' DAVID PaatElt, DEc,lt-w6` 4 , DIIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Ll.Notlce is hereby gl4en 'to all persons indebted 10 . the estate of Manson LoTtlace, late Sheshe quin. 3ereaFed, must tuake immediate, payment. awl an persons having against said estate most present there duly anthentlented_tbeHtett/e. went. P 11AltVai LOYELeCE, `Peoll , e6* z. -Administrator. - A DMINISTRATRIX NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that MU persons fnebted to the•estite of Edward Barton; late of Likhfleld. decoas.d, aro requested to Make immediate payment, and all per..onehsting claims against said estate mutt present them duly authenticated for sat = tlente nt. ANN .BAItTON. Dee.l3•KG. Administratratrix- UXECUTO-R'S NOTICE, - -- 5 4Netlee Is hereby given that all persona indebted Or to the estate of Samuel Lyons . Jr.. late of-_ 11, deceased, aro requested to make Itom atei e payment, and all person/ having claims ai, net Raid eatatemust present thtm duly anti:m=oW for settlement. - • IL GIBBS; 1 - Jan 8-wd .- Executa . E XECU TQB'S NOTICE.. 5 4 SCltlee is hereby glued that an persona indeb co cu&esstate Of Catharine Krom-r, Late to Towaa . ideceased, are requeateati wake inutedlate palm awl all persons having clattua, wafttat laid Wile moat present them duly authenticated for me went. ' . J..V. GEIGER. . • Jau. , * . w i s - . .I.levatow, .. WkE.KLY ARRPaL OF% - - ~ - '.; ' 1 ANTHRACITE COAL On the Railroad, at Canal Street:which will be *old by the car load or less quantity. and delivered , on ressoliahle tirms. Please call atl the Coal Yard. ' Ja3IE4 WILBER, Salesman: Aug. 2 , 1; 1872. 1., S. 08E, Preirietra. F "'' sA.L . g....L.A. far of about 56 scan, Plinated within tlifels Towinds Itorptuat. AatereO, aith good Orchard. 1101226 and barn thereon. suit about 7 totes or woos land nazi timber. , r terms viily to W. W. gsbul7. cazs'e9rner arms au sate swam Wino 1% taa4trt MI EM ~+'® !MI .erT,mant ejviment ad fa m I .....appPal Aullitor H..D. FREEMAN; Eactitors.