tisitUiatous. -w= ieet. • had 'Haw is - TCeep Them as. A. correspondent lof the AMeriean Agricalt rist furnishes that paper with the . .flowing emaiks on warm feet, w, • ' remarks are admirably calculate' for our latitude Togo .I.h cold feet is to under mine the conetitntibn, and this half the wom , n and thci girls are. doing. They ha e thifiitbit of cold het, and the acco ~ poling habit of ill health; think ho ~ e-kaitwoolen stockings' are not ye fashionable. Once no country 1 . 1 Mitil reckoned fit to be married , , tit she had knit her pillow case full .f stockings, but it is not so now. I. o not regret that less-hand knitting pis done that formely, but I hope we, shall not give up warm woolen stockings for winter us until we can replace them with something better. Maim lor the - common "boughten" while woolen stockings are rather thin, but some of us 'sup plement them with an additional pair of cotton stockings, wearing t tie cotton woolen pair next the feet, as individuals prefer. Cold feet are oftenvmsed, at least in part, by too tight elastics or bands at the tops of the stockings, 10 by tight shoes, or shoes tight in the ankles. These interfere with the circulation of the blood i and there cannot be a com fortilale degree of warmth without a good circulation and aeration of the blood. My last lesson in this matter Came from a baby's experiente last September. Suddenly she contracted a habit of having cold feet, and when I warmed them the skin seemed hard and ins t ie, suggesting the need of a bath, hen a bath did not seem necessary except for the feet.- At length it. occurred to me that her "ankle- ies ' had been too loo3e, and just bef re we came home from our . visit a y ung lady cousin had set the bottons (back farther , to make the lit. tle slipper stay on better. Ever since that change the slipper straps bad been tight around her ankles, .espec islly after I put on woolen stockings. Ilehan d the buttons again, and her feet no longer got cold, except in conseq ence of the actual rigors of the cliniate. Some well-informed personal object to Congress gaiters, the elaStics are usually so firm and close 'shout the ankle. Only very loose g4iters are allowable and these - may not be necessary when the stock ings . are worn over under-drawrs. ,Garters in- the 4 straps buttoning to both waist and stockings are most sensible for women as well as for children. - , GOOD AND BAD FARMING. —A work man is known by his 'chips, and the evidences of good or bad farming may be found in the general thrift*, or its lack on the farm. . . It is not an evidence of good farm ing to see dilapidated fence's broken bars, gates swinging on one hinge, or perhaps not swinging at all. , It is not an evidence of good farming to find the plow frozen in the 'furrow, the barrow, just where was last used,. the harvester sheltered in an angle of the Virginia fence, the mower standing in the middle of the mead ow, where the late swath was finished. It was not an evidence of good farm ing to find minor tools lying around loose to be covered by the snows of winter ; the corn crib uncovered and exposed to the sun and rain, nor a few logs dozed by the weather, to be worked up piecemeal, as wanted, or perhaps, Jf coal is used, lying in a scattered pile, with no covefing save the canopy of heaven. It is not suggestive, of thrift' when ' hogs 'are allowed to root, up the "meadows that perhaps must be cut for hay next season, or horses and cattle allowed to roam there at will, long after the last grass is devoured, eating into the roots and perhaps poaching the 'turf soaked with rain. It is not good economy to allow stock in Winter to go unprovided with comfortable 1i stables or'sheds, because you cannot afford to buy the lumber to shelter them with. These are some of the .principal evidences of bad farming. The minors-are many, for that which is worth buying is worth preserving, and he who is the best farmer makes the most money in the end. The way to 'accomplish this is to begin young, for habits or orderly care acquired then will be improved in mature age just as carelessness will b e intensified with the growth of years. farmer who owns but little stock and keeps it fat,is richer than he who,; owning much, alloivs it to waste and become poor in thl endeavor to keep More than his' farmpan carry. Much Of the thrift and order about the farm lies with the children. However much the parents may strive, however hard they may labor, if the children are not interested in preserving order, if they have not constantly before them : incentives to do so, one little dereliction will follow nother, until in the-end disorder will prevail, the farm will begin to run down, and it. will be feuud that it costs more to bring it bachtwice to! 1. than it would have to have ,kept it in tact at first Whenever you are through with a tool or implement for the season, put it away in 'a secure place. Tho objection sometimes made that it takes so much room for storage, is not - valid. There is, on every farm, plenty_ of loft room for the lighter tools,. and many ways will suggest: themselves for raising comparatively heavy ones, as plows and harrows, and a little time spent at 'the right time will be money in the end. Even mowers, harvesters; and threshing machines, - occupY but little room. if properly taken apart, and the exercise of - doing so and putting them together again, often gives valuable lessons in mechanics, and renders the operator thoroughly conversant with the workings of the machine itself. There id (mire in the care of little things than most peo ple imagine, for if these are thorough ly looked after greater ones are :not apt to saffer.-- 7 .,Western Rura/. SALT AND WHEAT.—Every day streogtbens the impression of the aficiency of_salt and wheat, though we have received some conflicting testimony. • One of our lowa corres pondents writes that he applied salt at the rate of one bushel ..per acre to wheat Of land bottom, rather sandy, with rich -swales. Just before liar vest the unsalted portions of the field were still quite green, while the salt ed were ready to cut ; bofore fully ripe, the unsalted crinked down and was comparatively poor, while the alted stood up well and the straw • was remarkable fine. On the other band, itnother correspondent from the same' state says he applied one peck of gait to a quarter 4.)1 an fir , 'if a field of wheat 01 rich Ail; with, him the falted portion c;ntfrevi the other, being e g ht or ten e filler,._ but fell dcwa before harvegk' and rag ill 10-11114 , li the Other." .Theffioncluskm - kadrairs is that the salt; leas too stimulating in it" Wed"; Sttriflithentd the - straw, p bmith whereby ~tbri grain is nourished. We saw a week or two ago a sample of wheat to which salt bid been applied, and were struck 'with the beauty of -the straw and theplinipkas of the berry. We 'should earnestly Advise our reders to apply salt to their next sowing--not less than one bushel' per acre--the Cost of which will be about fifty oents per imre; and if we attend to oatinterests, we will lessen this cost considerably. On sand Linde particulary to this subjec t, which promises to be of great benefit to wheat woducers and consumers. The', experience of .Tomas Berger, given last winter in this paper, hav ing let to a general desire to try the exseriment.—Book River Farmer. " ONE THING AT A TIME' The National Live Stock Journcil notes that the history of stock hus bandry in Europe and in this coun try satisfactorily proves that few men succeed in any marked degree as bree ders of more than one race of domes tic animals, or of more than one va riety of a single race. A Farmer well situated to do so may attain a certain measuro of success in raising and selling horses, cattle; hogs, sheep and poultry—his Operations with each may be profitable—but we believe there are not many instances on rec ord were reMarkable eminences as a breeder has been attained by one indi vidual with more than one class of stock. The maxims and arguments in favor of a mixed system of hus bandry, in this country have little force when applied to livd-itock hus bandry alone. The practice of mixed husbandry so often advised consists simply in growing some grain, some vegetables, some fruit's, some grasses, and some stock—the proportions and varieties_ of each to be determined from year to year by the surrounding circumstances and the prospective markets. For the general farmer this is unquestionably the safest and best, but it is not the system which gave celebrity or fortune to the Bake wells,= the Collings, the Bates, the Booths, the Hammonds, and others now living, "One thing- at s time as a leading specialty, and that alway," seems to be a. good law for.the preed er who seeks distinction. RaiLamb. ERIE RAILWAY. Przzawit'S Banc DWITNO Room AND SLItrINO Cosenza, combining all Modern Improvimedts, ran through on all Trains between Noisier/4c. Roch ester, Bahlo. Niagara taus. Suspension Bridge, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. Abstract of Time Table, Adopted Noy) 4,19T5. OSTATIONS New York 'Leers Port Jervis. finaquehatuas " Great Bend... " Binghamton Owego ...... Waverly Elmira . GO Corning Painted 80at... . . " Rochester. . Arrive. " Buffalo, Maw, Falls Bnirplialon Bridge '• Clifton Dunkirk 1110 Cleveland 48 qtnelanati r r 44 r ~ . .. v. ..l'•'yv: 5:00 a.m., except Sundays, from Owego. Stopping at Tioga 5:27, Smithboro 5:55, Barton 6:12, Waverly 7:00, Chnohng 7:38. Wellsburg 8:05, Elmira 8:40 Big Flats 7 8 0, Corning 11:30, Painted Paid 11.46. Addison 12 p.m.. Bathboneville 1:27. Cameron Mills 1:52, Cameron 2:15, Adrian 3:10. Maiden 3:40, arriving at Hornellaville at 4:00 p.m, f i, 5:15 a. - except Sundays. from Susipieltanna. Stopping at, Great Bend 538, Kirkwood 4:52, Bing hamton 6:1 . Hooper 6:35, Tinton 6:45, Campvllle 7:03. 7:20, Flogs 7:40, ffmithhoro 8:00, Bar. ton 8:08, Wiverly 8•37. Chemung 8:40, Wellstrarg 8:55. Southport 9:11. Elmira 9:13.g ni i tig 11 9:60, Corning 10:17, Painted Post 10:24, 10:53, Bathhoneville 11:10 . Cspornm lifills.ll :31, en= 11:40, Adria 12:00, Cabbie° 12:13, and arriving at Hornebactile at 12a2 p.m. 6:00 a.m.. daily, from Susquehanna. Stopping at Great Bend 6".20, Kirkwood 6:48, Binghuuton 7:18, Hooper 17:43, Tinton 17:53. Campvlile 18:15, Owego 8:38, nog+ 19:01, Smithboro 19:15. Barton 19:25. Waverly 10:00. Chemung 110:15, Wellsburg 10:33, Elmira 11:00, Big Fiats 11:40, Corning 12:12 p.m., Painted Plat 112:15. Addison 12:45. Battibonirrille 11:00, Cambron Mills 11:15, Cameron 1:27, Adrian 11:50, Canisteo 2:02. and arriving at Bomar/111e at 2:111p.m.- 1:10 p.m.. except Sundays, from Suoquehanxis. Stopping at'Great Bend. 1:57. Kirkwood 2:30, Bing hamton 3:12, Hooper 4:18, Union 4:52, Campville 5:30, and arriving at Owego at 6:0 p.m. 1:15 pin., except Sundays. from Elmira. fil At Big Flats 1:39, Corning 2:00. Painted Pil9r6, and theme. via Avon. to Buffalo, arriving at 8:57 pm. 2:30 p.m., except Sundays. from Binghamton. Stopping at Hooper 2:43, Tinton 2:60. Cionpville3:os. Owego 3:18, TUT* 3:35, Etadthboro 3:15, Barton 3:52, -Waverly 4:08. Chenning 4:20. Wellsburg 1:32, South port 4:47,•Elmirs 4:49, Big Fists 5:17, Corning 515, Painted Post 5:42. Addison 6:02, Bathboneville 6:15. Cameron Mills 6:27. Cameion6:3s, Adria 6:55, Can isteo 7:07. and arriving at Ifornellaville 7:15 p.m. 4 , 6/AWAIT). STATIO,I6B. I Nii. 1 No. .1 Pio. 1 No. [12.•• [ 4. 1 S. t 1 • '''' .40. • 2. . - p. m. r. IL 'P. IL A. IL ci Cinnnati Leave 945 I 645 • Cleveland ...... .. o' 516 900 . ...... Dunkirk. ~. 110.. iiiii Clifton 4511 130 is'ii) 955 715 Susp'nsion Bridge o 140 540 10 05 720 Niagara Pa 115.... o 1-45 545 - 1017 730 Buffalo . " 280 620 1145 800 Rorneihsville ..., o 8 615 10 10 305 11 Rochester ". 400 530 8 k Corning o 745 11 38 434 121 Elmira o BO3 1715 513 Lic Waverly Sil 840 1750 549 120 .., 925 130 678 166 E C ti=nton,.... " •10 10 215 Tll 2 337 Great Bend ... _2 41 740 3 Susquehanna ..,, " 10 68 300 810 3SO Port Jervis Arrive 252 660 11 55 646 Ididdletown....., " ..; 353 715 19 42 Goshen " ...... 803 Newburgh , o 11 40 833 Paterson - o 550 1000 736 864 Newark ~ 700 205• 5 15 terse) City ~ 633 1138 . 310 995 New York.. ... .. o A .7 00 1100 'r II 30 9 is:4o . N. N.. it. P. • V4oi. - 5:00 a.m.. except Sundays from Bornellnille. Stoppin atesnisteo 5:22. Adrian 5:47 Cantero:so, Cameron g MtDi 7:00, Itathlanteville , 7:30, Addi nB son 8:25, Painted Poet 9:15, Corning 19:00, Big Flats 10:12, Elmira 11:30 a.m.. Southport 12:05. Wellsburg 1:18, Chentung 1:50; Waverly 2:30, Batton 3414 Smithboro 3:25, Ttogs :545, and arriving at Owego st 4:10 p:m. 5:55 a.m. daily from liornellsvill. Stopping at Camaro 7:45. Addison 8;49, Corning 9;47.112mira 1103, Waverly 12:42, p.m.. Smithboro 1:40. Mogi ' 2 : 00 . Owego 200, Cam prM 3:03, Colon 1438. Bing hamton 4:12. Kirkwood 4:57, Onset Bend 5:214 and arriving at Susquebanna at 8;00 p.m. • 7;00 a.m., except Sunday* from Stopping at Cantata° ?;13, Adrian 145, Cameron 7.42,Cameron 7;43, Cameron XUla 7;43, Gabbana. ,We 8;05. Addison 8;13, Painted Poet 810, Corning 8:33. Big Plats 8:49. lliknira 908. Bcrothport 0;13, Weill:tan 9:30. Chenning 9;45, Waverly 1000, Bar ton 10;15, Smithboro 1003, T10010;35, Gwegolo:4B Camarillo 11;05, Union 1110, Hooper 11;30, and arriving at Binghamton 11:40 a.m. 7:00 a.m.. except thmilaya. from Owego. at Canspritle 7:47. Onion 8:28, 11 8:41, 14° O Wanton 9:10, Kirkwood MIA Great Band 11;15. and arriving at Einaquebanna at 11:55 a.m. 1:55 p.m.. except Onndaya. from Earnearrille. Stopping at Canine* 2:08, Adrian 240, Cameron 245, Cameron MU* 1:51, Itathboneville 8:07, Addi son 3:25, Painted Post 3:53. Corning 4:35. Big Plata 4:23 Elmira CU: Southport 5:14 Wollarg 500. Che. mune 5:48, Waverly 8:06.- Tioga 8:30, Owego 705. CampvilLe 7:32, Union 742, Hooper 7:38, Gingham. ton 8;20, Kirkwood 848. Great Bend 9:02. and ar• riving at Snaquelianta at 9:22 p.m. 1:58 p.m., except Soudan . trom Painted Pod. IBWD%ng Rf:km:Mg 20:41, Big Plata 220. and Snit. intik Zaire at 2:40 p r at. • Daily. • t Xon4laya excepted. between Hornelinille and Part Jervis. I 1 fitoptienEays only. girTbiono Tickets •to all points West at the very Lowest kaWi. for sale in the Compeers Mew Atha %merry Depot. - This is the only authorised-Agency of the Erie Itathray Company for the sale of Western Tickets in Waverly. • Damp, be checked oaly 65T/data purchased at the Compaara tam L. D. 1117CILICEL QUA NeSot. NEW ARRIVAL OF KtigMT ?ODDS ! On and after, Sareaear, OCT. sth, I al;all be prepared to ezhittit my now arrival of MILLINERY GOODE TO the ladles of Towanda and vicinity. My stor.k C•itaprises everytblag in the linsesnd I shall con to saU at thy usually reasonable rates. Give toe a call and .12/311118 the. good. for your 'rives. Oct CM C r iiEAT REDUCTION IN FUR -141 NUM OM me% it TOM •Ents. '1 1 ) :71ii,tb ter --..Works. Ids pa dedvd - er assoddid d R E Li E.l Ivor =Malibi Uda motion. is vidok Sir Weft stbetios Ur pees. • • Wm imp ea bead or twain is order TOMB STONES, MANTLES, &a, • Pima. to gee bt saythisei la ow Wee ere re. eget:lft UMW: to eel! sad essudoe our stook. tADIES FRIEND. 1871. ea reported under oath in 11172, to the owners of ElswiN Malmo Patents, .now that tha 'o. b. $ NO. 7.00 ffi3 MI um! 13E3 t 7 00 10 40 12 50 030 8 40 4 25 803 663 611 1100' 3 40 8 25 - 8 47 935 - 10 10 11 33 12 30 1 29 1 25 900 12 01 400 444 5 25 600 636 7 07 tam 10 37 830 12 05 12 55 100 105 150 635 4 55 Y. /50 810 930 10 00 1003 -800 1245 4 35 4 40 445 1 15 700 600 •. Y. 700 800 L. at. C1:31 00 00 MOTES FOR LALDINI a r m./ GI 111 10VT WATZ&PROOY CLOTHS 411 D OWALINCia, SO -JOHN Ow S. ABEOTE.4 1 . l Poser Ages a. at alum" ago.Tiociasz a sox :41111EBICA AND ITALIAN MONUMENTS. *Of WSW *Mr AT TM! LOWEST MIRK& MoCABE A, SOI. Towanda. My 1.1111. 'Or The salestof Sewing Machines ;i1 S ITN' sta 133 IZ, MANUFACTURING COMPANY BOLD 1411 T TIAI 181,266 MA08116128, Mae, pm mad et them Wag FOR FAMILY USE. This Is over 50.000 More Sewing Machines than Were; sold by any other conspeny during the same period. Every Marldne_sobi by NICKHAbi & BLACK Gzazau. kaiirt.. TOWANDA, PA., WIV n -, Aug. 14. 1871 NEW GOODS --d1:1- 8.. A. Pettey & Co.'s OPPOSNX THE 001711 T. HOWIE. sons of a gea4sl 100 a ISTAPLII AND FANCY DRY GOODS, F.= SHAWLS, NtBIAS, VKLVXTS AND V' V LTWU. HAIR GOODS FOR LADIES, I =a: i 'Pi Cl./Vt.bi 9 Is , )l' #!7s{.) I Of ail like Latest 11171. i. 1111JASETIT GOODS IN ALL VAILLITEML Towanda. Oct. 0.157!: NEW STEAM FLOURING MILL PA Tbo subsolib destros to Ova notice that Mt STEAM FLOURING MILL acnr Itisocomall opotottoo. and that b. 11 1 pond to ao sn wadi Jo Ida lino 61 short Dodos. wisy l ty(o:4l ol)1/..{.11!)1_•4:111:11-111.71 THAT IT IS RICIIIIID. Wbsst. Dactyls.' sad aye Maar. Cols■ Zed. hod. Brss..ke.. - shwa on band and for ads at tsiest atm f~~•'L:1t"~ gy m albs JIM 4111~0 patted - WEI NM. WlrisM Om QM: paid balk Imre. what tiey bear rims /at base 1. apd upward& • L MIL . 5000 AGENTS WANTED at once *row Xs, Book. the Ilta et the Overt le. -I LMNGSTONE. Ass=ooosat at id* its has sosilissosd sad daring twasipeight yaws in thswilds of Attica. sad Of sisampoldas from a loath by /W M. with laslisaistsot his polkas trip to swab wt. sad los( adman, with the aged disown% sta. see. dOdpsem. ads $2 50. Val. Wirestty!or da.ipUOa dad aria lllllsl.oll l oist s a $ IrOMIND 11141 M ali 111.4112. WM MIME inumgeggruk 447;NR randinowi l **•. BR. PATON. • - alibstm•ia s ri2ol* M. is atm isipim Mr alwinvitliellbilt tr. a Imps sedt misdeil Auk at GBOCZBIEB, itowe palm& kr Ora. est Peg saillisit est I as est al is IN, *ppm is albs psidssol sissimis. I yaw Sew* Ilessills4Sominalisit TEAS 001 1 77315, 131/GLBSB MIME. inassavi, iron, sm. AKBO! FitOMI, flair AM DO. -" In miles et =IL Redd a n *mo 'Mention (Ms to ow dal Do Dot STOCK OF TOBACCO, • la vele ai pie& ealdsra Osisbratad Low W. New Tat Cliolad and Drank flosp. Heim NB soiMas'air slog* Cl sesaNnimi se YAM= 110 u, Topaz 110i1111, Ike, Ito. I vill goy ibe !dens,. emit piicelbe Fervors. give ne • WI Wove @ening asoutere. all isrocos IscSibtiod to the Ws Am win please cal and maks Immedists pima& ismoutia : llB2o. uter. 43::, B. PAVEL M . J. LONG. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, , WOOD, WILLOW, AND STONZ WAR% FLOUR, FEED, HEAL, aco., 008. MAIN AND BRIDGE STK, I desks to ea/1 the attention of the public , to My assortment of goods. which la always MU and com plete, and will be sold to my customers at lowest market rates. ' ItT :toot of nave been purchased sinoo the late reduction In the tariff on them, and ate offered at prime to cor respond. . Orders by mail or otherwise will receive aura sod prompt attention. Thanking the public for the liberal they hsvo given am, I wish s continuance of same. oseg PAID FOB • COUNTRY PRODUCE. feb.2oll wox BLERCUR are now receiv aa. lag a fresh stock of Goads in their line. bought =the lit January. to which they invite the at -011 of their friends. We keep the largest stock in town. Our goods are trash and desirable. 'We an at lowest market pricer. Jan. IL ten. AND NEW TEAS, bought sines the recent donnas In price, and selling cheap at reftil PDX & ICERCUIt. Jan. no. 1871. OIL dt NERCUR are selling Gro series at retell. .Jan. 19, 1871. VOX. & MERCITR are selling New ana Fresh Goods. Jan. 19. 1811. VOX & BEERCUR are selling Oro- Mild cheap. lan. w, VOX & NERCITR, are selling &it elan Goods only. Jan. 19.1.971. VOIX. MERCUR are selling .1: diaper than ever. Jan. 19, 1871. HOSIERY, REMEMBER that we ari selling RETAIL! And ttud we won't be undersold. Jan. 19. 1871. pox & SA: MICHIGAN FINE-CIIT TOBAC CO—vea7 choice—at Jut. 19. 1871. 701 k ZEMCITaII X MERCUR do not deal in & noddy Goods. Jan. 19. 1871. nuR CIISTONERS can rely upon N.,./ getting the vary beet the muted lewd. and lowest prices. , Z. T. PDX. Towanda. Jan. 19;71. HENRY =CUR. 1:1P EIIMMBER THAT FOX k HER 14 Cl7ll ire seedling all kinds of Groceries at obolesaleptices. The hugest stock In town. Goods gm chugs. Prices low. Z. T. Fox. Sept. 29.10. HENBYX NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY ! anoomsoe to hi• friends and pateolll4 =r t is h i l l :bunt • irtire be will constuitly keep oa hand . ftll 4..0et• moot of TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, Mode a the best material, sad Annthed In the beet ens etyla, Ms long agerienes - city Carriage lactates eves alni a decided advantage over others la the of tds Wawa& All they sib is an lft.bral tis mrommarvor ms IVORK previous to purchasing slsswbera. ALL WOZX WIAZIANYID TO Girl PISMO!" Thaektal for the libeial pitman ionsoety balsa and respectfultr 4ak . eouttummee of the sem. Min gabled slimes Soot et BIZ Da. WOODEN WARE. viiiNvy:4ll Q:.l)llifing CL a•• PATCH. No. 1 PATTON'S BLOCK. TOWANDA, PA TEAS, COFFF2S, ACD SPICES, Opposite the Day Jan. TOWANDA, ,PENN'A. : 1 Dia 3.:11101 in :AA RIM OARIIIAOR FACTORY. FAMMY CARRIAGES, PLATFORM WAGONS, fry re,y,ys.(cinr:LgA sti3NVstiff., .i!).1:1 Finish, Style and_ Durability BATI3TAOI7O7. ILIPAIZENO PROIEPTLY ATTENDED TO reduced prices HEIST Vl. Telma. JAL 8. 1573,-ti =I 1/11101 , zutrakt::,-; -OgiposlisPiolghiSitork • r.. Kawakarras* mad • maw& IiZADSX&DE CLOTHING In all the latest styles, HATS GAPS AND TIMEBNLALAS, 'Furnishing Good s In great variety. * OITITING *DMZ ON SHORT C a ALL WORK WARRANTED. 6-6 MAIN EfTBEET TOWANDA, PA. .HENRY FRANKS, Moomoor to limn Itams.) XERCHANT MU:LOB, No. A, Ottillth & Patdonl Ebel. Bridge Stroid. To wanda. A good moortioent of Clotho, iodAseirsal C".si oomendly on hand. , GaAs mods to olds boot inaanov.. d0c.7,11.-17. T :1 : CAPS THE CLIMAX. To contenspLate that an is made capable of fathoming the depth of the mighty ocean and Islas. raring the distance to the mostdistant star, and ws were about to say.ispable of weighing the wild con- tents of the sun. And it is wonderfully stranswthat this A= Oa*others have mato thensseleis so con f versant With every branch of the great and impor tant Clothing and Furnishing trade that it * nukes it unquestionably the place foe every one to buy, Here you will and Clothes extremely cheap, Pile upon pile. heap upon heap; Of every gad texture, and hue, For White or Black Gentile or Jew. All say at onei. We will go there. Tor they do business on the *pure ;- Their Clothes are good and prices jam They pay for all. and give no trust. All that want Clothes should go and fte Those prices. stiles. quantity; Bats. Caps; or Clothes. thin or thick. Umbrage or a Walkhn Stick. Buy your Furnishing Goals of them; Bay all your Clothing of Cum; Buy of this flini,buy of no others. For reasons why, it is WOLFF BROTHERS. Towanda, Oct 1,1834. B 1.1003) Ck atlll Donlan o num:same their celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, and will sell a better Machine, for leas manes than can be had ellewhere in the world. We • claim for our macldnes that they will do se wick or more, than any other, and are mare durably built. = We personally superintend our mat and see that it i• well damn.' We will send DIBCIIIPME CATALOGUE& of our atimldnie. on ipplicetiom ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, opt Two Horse THRESHER el SEPARATORS. , THRESHER mid CLEANERS. FANNING MILLS, • cmccmas ama nun saw =us. SAW A= GRIST MILL wadi dame to order. Give no a call before Yurchming eisetthere. ''OD auoaaraa 'sNXELIN `•00 (100rIEL • Aug. 2. 1869. . • x.l LONG. FOUNDER! & MACHINE SHOP. The undersigned baring y purcbued the Fonndry and Machine Shop lately awned by John Carnssus, are prepared to do all kinds of work kPirrfeYdWa to their business. with promptness and dispatch. MILL GEARINGS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, MAN DRILLS,, MILL IRONS ~1~ t : /S Lad all wort warranted to give satisfaction. SHINGLE MACHINES Of the latest and mad ImprovedldMillnannfietared and kept constantly on band 'reedy for um P L 011 G - . 151:DT,HILL. MON AND WoODIN DUNS of an thutsj CULTIVATORS, CORN-PLOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS Of all kinds. and tba latest ilnpiato UPI constanttr on hand. , LABQI9 •SD SMALL SIM STOVE CASTINGS SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES, And ill kinds of outings &unbind a_ . liars& SO. YEA= & THE HOME sEttrirTLt SEW- 130 314.03:133: TOE 111:01WEI88, vas Esssiso, !Isms, Somas. Ocommin.,Thurcinro, Ewes. Qmx.Tass. efrevisa, Roma% gsx-.&zaatato Asa Oivszasse. AMERICA SID MOPE, sun*. coi4aes. azul Complete. EverialachiaelVirranted for five years. ZQUALLY GOOD 70U 7/NZ GS ULVT WODZ. It lii a Triumph of Yithanical mini, laielt;s4o $87,00 no only practioal low priced Loekmiltil Sowing Nodal= over Invented. • Don't behamtingeed other Agents no natter bow month tbetr tongue new be. a ma in:. thert mean large prate to their own pallets. • D. R. WOODDIYBX. Agent for Bradford and Bolltran Counties. Agents wantoi. Ilona Dredftwd =LAG DIL.Teb. 11.12. B ARBTeT Ts BARREILLSI--4. of eider sad Pork Barrels, and all kinds of Oooper Work on hood. at W. A. NOM WELL'S. 05t.9.12. 11M1111III3 fir fin dollars at ME! NMI °•° ~A~'` mot at , AND OUTINGS re):Pilik:l c. (4) And an kLuds of MADE TO ORDYS. CHUBS POWERS, CICLLLE aa►azs. WM& IRO* KICITLIZI Pa sate! m -- .. a • • c 8 ril-t;fits'lD. ~~: ~~ ,' 1111 )(op Bi '41 . ; IA it :RP All . Mainels awl Me poilinkbk FAMILY -GROC.E.RIES PitOYISIO NS, 110311:11:11r1I NNW BILOCI. TORMIDA. v do sot dem It otoomul to soutoorsto all tin Moroni ottidos vs loop. Oar sapoutment ALWAYS COMPLETE. Wo:seLl notes Eat FIRST CLASS,GOODS. dish rid tor Perms Produce. JAY= 11c0AZIk !IX ZDWAIIDS. ,•.. il' CENTRAL MARKET. Tie sabetetbars atilt coattails 1p Rasp malastil es band a tall and cooptiots aseactioast of avert- PostlEdEE to Emir basinam. anatattais amts. 17 •-, BEEF, PORk, FJUNH AND BALT . SUGAR CURED HAMA 1 irtrrrox aszr. lAMB. VEAL. POULTRY. • SAUSAGE. BOLOGNA. DRIED BEEP. TALLOW. Se., so. L S . FRESH FROM TEE T WAS. • °turns sicsignlF DAILY ' In their oesoim . PerUeo miab Oysters tzr kris or mill ttes will bs7fltra shad (111 short sotto% at CZ hand. Ostrzaas, KIJIMET, Intatatmea Block. Bust door north of Dr. Porters. Caul. 0 Kszazar. • KELLUM k MITI.LOOI. TIM. Miming& Feb. 24 11170-tf HIGHEST MARKET PRICE DI CASH, PAID FOB GRAIN, BV rat AND EGGS, GEORGE SMITH, WYRAtaiIICO, pa April 18, 1672. Boots and Shoes. NEW FIRM IX THE BOOT AND SHO): TRADE. CORSET?, & COONS _Would announce that haring bought out Mr. L. L. MOODY. they are now prepared to offer to 'the pub. He a large and varied assortment ,BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, GLOVES, MITTENS, LEATHER. SHOE FUMING% JIICI. We shall keep a fall line of HUMPHREY BROTH• 7.118 k TRACY 8 mann.facture of goods as well as many other goods of first...class make. We an sole agents for BURT'S Celebrated Slake of BOOTS AND SHOES For Towanda, ' . , And customers can always , rely upon Eluding a full supp y of these goods for LADIES. GENTS, 3tINSES, k CNILDIMiS WEAR Shoemakers and others wanting Leather shoe findings, /cc , will find *lth ns a good assortment at all times. Mr. 8.8. Robertson remains with us and is ready to • gave fits" in the. way at Pine Boots to all who may navor him with a caR.-, Ls our goods aro all bought of the manufactareis Ti are able and will sell at the lowest bottom prices for cash. We hope by fair gaging to merit the pat ronage of - (nix P. comas., w. Y. coos& f COWER k - COON& Toraula. Oct. 1872,- Q WOODFORD, S NEW YORK BOOT AND SHOE STORE, No. 3, PATNON &GBIFFITUSBLOC&BRIDOZ st Is receiving one of the largest and best stock of BOOTS eSHOES ever `brought in Towanda, which he is offering at the very lowest prices for Cash, consisting , of Gmrrs CALF, Kip & SrOOA, BOTS CALF BOOTS, UWE% Mums and CEILDRZN'S Shoes of all kinds, all • bought direct from the Manufacturers, and hand made, all goods warranted. A_FULL Ertocarov LEATHER AND FINDINGS. _ Thankful for past favors, I solid a continuance of the same. Towanda. Kay, 1, 1872 ' • NEW ROUTE TO PHILADET,,i: NORTH ffMMVANIA 3w4toe.D. Shortest and most direct ttne to Pidiaddpida. tinsiro. Washlegton. and ths South. passengers by Ude fond taas=iyasta . a Now York Etaiirced trate. passing at 10:40 A.W.. and 1 p. m.. ,maks dOlo connection at Be. thleheni with ftprain train of Worth Hon's Ban, dad. and drive la Philadelphia at SIO IL, and .1040 p.m., in dine to take night trains either for the South or .West. Palace ears are attached to the 1I P.N. train. Ottpposeeperaers st,the Depot on erstval of sad the city. testae soave passenger e to the Tiliolll Depots 'to pseteof • -• • • • Loses North Perm% Binned Depot. comer Seas sal Snort= 8 'et SlO k9:411 SAC mists. et Tomas 4:87 & 8:05 suss essorsit- Masa% De/we / collects sad Beltrore top. pie, cars No. 101 ftft -Ilia street. Pbileitelplds. ME' Freight reoetvol ea Trout anu Noble streets, Mir and forwarded by Deal Taut Freight Irate to iranft. and ail points ln henna valley with *tick O O l . ELLIS LAD= Oen. Agt D.P. &R., Frani anti Winn ate. Jan* I. 1.172 s Pltliaddylda. PLASTER—A eupply of .Fiesh Grosatt Meat for oil try W. A. 1001 - 9.4 nre'ft • - • • - 6142 eg(xlimrt - or Ipzt(lYA A,RxiOzi, &EWER PLATED WARE, ' Treat Wears* ftethe;'• AT THE =EI MITT JAM P:Avi :4 OUPS FOB JELLIES TABLE Cu iLEBIT. Agency or the p.k(e), Idea •Tiki 1 0 :1 INSURANCE AGENCY 'WICKHAM & BLACK'S. Tomas, July rt. Ira: • • NOBLE I VINCENT'S . • amour. M E D 1.0 I N E,E; . All articles warrantedas represented. Persons at a distance can receive their orders by stage or winch will receive prompt and mien] attention. Medical advice given grataitouely'At the :olsoe. ebargtno for medicine. air Th anldal for past liberal patronage. would les pectfulbr announce td their Mends and the pnblie..thst no pains shall be :pared to 'dimly. and merit the con tinuation of their confidence and patronage. ifs -Open Sundays for prescriptions from 9 to 10 ctn., and lam tot Ando to 0 p.m. ' - ' O. PORTER & SON: fliniiarClt AOAtiBT LOSS - 011 , 1)A11AGE I April 1. 1872.—yr. • INS-lIRANcE .&GENCY OIDa opptedte Court House, Kale' Street, TOWA3.IDI., PA. ' BY FIRE OR LIGHTNING 03 £.14, lONDS OF PROPERTY. In sound and reliable Companies LIFE INSURANCE In the oldest and that Companies in ins: United States. • - ACCIDENT INSURANCE Zrom One Daj to One Year.l OVER $50,0'00,000,; Capital represented , ' • POLIC-119 ISSUED 4: And !oases adjusted and paid AT THIS OFFICE =2 Towanda. Nor. 6, 1879. & N.Y. CANAL Sr, R.R. CO. sar.Amencerr OF rASSENGEB num, To take effect Monday. Nov. 11. 1872. 'No. Na Na I 35. 9. I. rurectrat. ' STATIONS Waverly ileil e.. ...Tutattennock.. I.tostou. ifilkre Bari; , ..'blanch Chnnk. Easton 350 421 5 001 730 8,29' 240 9 15 Philadelphia. ..New York.. 10 30 No. 3:3 leaves Towanda at 710 a. tn.; Athena. 7 60 a. m.; Waverty. 8 03 a._ m., arriving at Elmira at 9 0(1 A. is. No. 31 leaves Elmira at 330 p. m.; Wirer* at 616 p. m.; Athena, at 6 30 p. m., arriving at To wands at 716 a. , Praying Room Can attached . to Trains I and 9 inn through from Flndia to Philadelphix R. A. PACKER, . Superintendent. WE CL/1131 ,FOR LAZARUS k MORRIS' CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE (HARPER, The undermentioned advantages over thosein ordi nary use, the proof which may be seen in the extraordinary sale.* and constantly Mercian de mend for them: Ist. That irpm the peculiar construction of the glasses they insist and preserve th e sight. render ing frequent changes unnecessary. 2d. That they confer a brilliancy and distinct:nes/1 of vision, with an amount of ease and-comfort not hitherto enj,ed by spectacle wearers. - sd. That the material from whichtenses are lii grOund. larnanufactured specially for pile pupat es, and is pure. hard, andbrilliant, a d not liable to become scryched. 4th. That the frame in which they ale_eet, wheth er in Gold. Silver, or Steel, are of the Snell quality and finish aria guaranteed perfect in - every respect. For We only by our outhorised agent in this local ity. We Dever supply or employ peddlers' . W. A. Chamberlin, Sole Agent, Towasida, P.. 805.20,11172. 80011.-BENDERY.-THE - PU8 .114: .114: li - respect:tally Informed that the Book-Bin dors 'Asia been removed to the .Iteporter" Badding. Udr4 atos7, where add be dons • BOOK 7 BINDINGI In all its various branclies,.an terms as reasonable aa "the times" will allow. The Bindery will be under the charge of 11. O." MUTATE& empertermed Itinder,and all week wilibe= done En a style and manner which cannot be Mule. Iliaiiaidnea. ru. Old Books, to., bound In awn misty of We. Pattenbir attention will be said to the BMWs and Binding of . • • nazi BOO= To lay desired pattern. whirls In quality sad dune vi:11 be =mated. • An watt will be ready tar delivery elfin promised. b Tbe petranate cdguantdeed. tbe public Is 'talented. and per s et otiadectiol Towanda. Angnet 1866—tt. ROBISON'S REPEATING wpm NEW NODDLE, Simple, Strong. Powerful. Safe. and doeurste. which e t it one of the beet Guns ever offered to Prices tram 11311 to S4S. Bend for to Kardeld. West t toe Bradd ird. oo =tukoas. Wino. and beserne Nev.lbe4 MONEY SAVED, Errov AND HARDWARE Orind wig" F_ARKEnik iming gni rLr antlft f~l ,DaB. c.,,Po7rs t & SON,: .; Arlie - OLD CASH D 8174 STORE; aszusumum ailzm Tema. • • Omit lists-sod PISo Toessdo. I ' moody sided *yl4_l4lloll' StOdi.Stuilied OA essortmat, silimese = a lst r uelss mop saki" tie peou=skser slidly puS o ~pt up u e o datro l d Mind dlo p o l r i O r b woisibete d bA s idm*rMs s tibototdre as the most ressotable tams at Whoissidi or MIMS; Iftlenues, .0130iicauk- Firs : , • I Si`,l` BASS PATS% !AIME. WHITID-WASE, AAA ea kb& of Brushes. KEROSENE OB COAL OIL, Biestlng 7/17:0. LAMPS. BRAM. WICK& MIMI= Operou Lard. WU* Mots looi. TANNER'S AND. MACHINE OILS, Fang sad TaUsi Articles in all thiqiekoty, qcdozs, sarraßEß. SUP% Pariales. ilatr•Dyes. Pultuosi. POCKET BOOKS, PORT MONME4 PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, *a' Medicinal an, TODAOOO, SNOT!, PIPES AND CIGANii t Garden. Tleld and rims Soda. ms% Sup. porters. Ikuppenaniee..Shoulder Itracee Tra . Breed RETeething Dings. sing Bottles, P. Nipple Sheila and M Nur ldse, Pane, Sell.l3ealing Fran Jan. • mnmetere. Flavoring Extracts. Glue Ware, Bottles. Viab, Coda. Bath and Stove ffiscldng. Fish Tackle. Ani. anuiltion. le.. Botanic; Y,lc l c and Ilongapath io ltediclnes, and all the popular , Patent RHEIT3IATLSII-NEURALGIA ! to any person producing any Medicine showing ball as many living. permanent cures as Dix Frrsza's VTAZTAIILZ Ruguinsam aIibEIDT. tied inwardly only. A pleasant Med ic ine, free from Injurious drugs. Warranted. tinder oath, to have permanent ly cured 95 to every 100 patients treated In the past ten Tears. .ineo testimonYl. It is thescientille pre. scrlption or Prof. Jos. P. Finer. St: D„ - a graditate of the University of Pennsylvania. A. D., 18$3:—nos' one of Philadelphia's oldest regular physicians, and Professor of Chemistry. and Toxicology.—wno has made Neurlgia, Chronic and Lrdlaruatory Rheums. tint the specialty of his entire professional life—a fact vouched for by the- signatures accompanying each bottle, and other testimonials of many promi ,nent renowned physicians and clergymen.' To pro• tect sufferers from poisonous quack nostrums and useless expenditure of money, a legal signed guar antee, stating asset 'ntunber of bottles warranted to cure,.-sill be forwarded ggrraatis to any sufferer 'lend ingby letter a fall piton of affiction. In . case of Ware to cure, amount paid pOsitivelyithinded. Medicine sent anywhere by express, con on - de. livery. Afflicted incited to write for adv ice' all In formation and medical advice sent by letter': gratis, Dr. J. P. FTFLER. 29 South Fotuth. street. Philadelphia, Is. The Remedy a sold or obtained by Drugaista.. For sale by PORTER k KIRBY, Druggists, Mar. cm's Block. Towanda, Pa: THE 'WORLD'S TONIC. . • -I Purely Vegetable and free from Alcohol. D.R. P. LOltleft-ER.'S B I T. S, i •A CEBTAIN =BE FqR • I - . Seated Cough , Incipient Consumption ; Colds, Spit. ting Blood. Intlatnation of the Lungs. C.atarrh, Bronchitis, Droop, Whooping Cough, dstli ma, Palos In Breast or Side,l.yopepsia, - - Jaundice, Dizziness; Loss of Jive- - t.te. Fever and Agne. Indigestion, Liver Complaint,. Diarrhoea., and all Diseases of the LangeJ Stomach, Liimr. • and Sidceys. - , sTqatuirasso. EZE I*. H. GREGG & rEIII eas . 8 45. WHOLS&LE DILUGGItiTS, ELMIRA: ES., - Ut i 9 00 Sole Agents, and to whom an orders /11=0 be 5 31! 650 addressed. Price. $l.OO. 454' 810 710 '405 650 6 27 • 620 320 554 , 939 4 50 I TOWANDA V:. U.SICAL AOADEUT - 915 45, 11 45 155 10 47 1990 10 30 12 1005,11 SZ• See Clreulare for further information.lA jutte12,7241 SIISQUEELISNA CCILLEGIA Tr IN STII u Ell asofi 00 Pupils will be received at any time at tae following rates : Piano Furte pupils, per quattex , $l5 00 Including Harmony and Vocal class, per q'r. 20 00 STRICTLY HALT QUARTERLY IN ATYANCE. - Recitatibiastwice a' week. No deduction or " time made up," except in case of illness of mere than ode week's duration. This Music School is classified into three depart ments. viz : Preliminary, Primary- and Advanced. There will be a certificate given at the completion of each course with'the musical standing of the pupil: Pupils from a distance will find accommodations for board and piano practice in the institution at very moderate prices, s _ 7'..iono.fi —Mr. Sherwoisd has a progre4s e course .comprising the bestinoilern methods.iiss ing the prominent feat Urea and appliances of the ti e pop ular Lyons Iltsical Acadeiny, of which his t•ratier Rev, L. H. Sherwood, was formerly princi and proprietor. Mr. Edgar H. Sherwood has decided talent. une musical acquirements and extensive experienc.: in leaching.—Editor Rochister Musical Times. Towanda, May 9,1872. . TOOE ME NEW PLANING MILL The utuleraigned Wing built a large and commo dious Mill in the borough of Towanda, and filled it with the; most modern and improved machinery, for the manufacture bf Are prepared to dl.l orders. whether large or small, upon the shortest notice. We have also a large va riety of MOULDING& of the latest style and pattern. which wekan furnish mach cheaper than they can be worked by band. _ , • 7411150PLN0, AND SCHOOL C- SAWING. And all other work pertilning to Joinory.'willbe done to salt our customers. _ • _ • PLANING, TONG =O, Persons building, and not living more than twelve 'to fourteen miles distant will find it largely ter their Interest to buy of ns, or piing their lumber and have it worked by our - machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or other lumbir, and while your teem. is feeding. base it ground ontand take it home with you.. We will l ,pay Can - for PATE AND . 13ZENLOCH LUMBER delivered at oar lumber yar. Come and see us. or if yoa eancom't e, write. Tovramio. .8...-ROTWERR it CA. TOMPRECS COUNTY SEEDER AND PLASTER SOWER Tlda la an Attacinient to that FIRST MISS MA THE TOMPKINS 6OUNTY WHEEL BAKE 2 Its advantages over all others are any, but we call special attention to its adaptation to . SOWING PLASTER. LIME. ASHES, BONE DUST The Distributing-device is so arranged all 'to effec tually crush all liimp%; thereby insuring en even dlatribstion of Plaster. even wh-n foil of barifdry. lumps.' tr eowfl EQUALLY WELL - • ALL ' EIIiDkOP GRAIN 'AND GEA 9 SEEDS, . Such as Wheat, Bye. Oats. Batley. Cuckwheat.Cor Illex seed. Timothy. Clover and other Gran seeds. - The Seeding:Box is hung under the sale, near the ifround, sad can be I USED IN A STRONG • WIND - WITHOUT SCAT TEIGNR. THR PLASTER OR SEED. HOWEVER LIGHT. It is driven by • cam on the wheel, which will not get out of order from use ; as is the case when driv en by gears. IT CAN BE SHIFTED FROM RASE TO SEEDER; OR FROM SEEDER TO RAKE, IN METRES . NEWTE-9. Seeder, alone, dr complete Hate Combined Bake and Seeder,. Seeder AU/rani:tent, alone. ill. Farmers wasting the Seeder complete to soli Waeat or Rye, or for Fall sowing of Plaster,lec., can liters the machine and pay, for et um° time as though parches& 1 next silting.— -- G YOBS A. 3L WELLF-8, Goleta! Agent. Towanda, Pa., Aug. 20, 1872. ' . • COK , EI W: L. YUDLZPOL The BEST. most DISTBOILE, sod most ECO NOSUCAL FUEL for culinsg purposes during. sum oar. For sale by the TOWANDA OAS coarewor Twelve o per bushel st the OAS Howe. of ea cents itatmetl.. wupIINIIVO twa, OM; iraliS3X/14 Pocket Knives, Bosom $5OO WILL BE PAID itTYSMEtt TAR Sold by all DFtiggiata EDGAR U. RILERSVCKM, PIZISCII`AL. TOWANDA, PA. WLITDOW . SASH AND BLDIDI3 CIIM,E. And we, cut recommend It as the- AND °TARR FERTILIZERS Emma or SEEDER /ND UFA. EV.EHT MACHINE IS WARRANTED. M==al ~ rnmi]e • . - .icy BLOC" X. TriNAT . ' !ROUBAIX *2W EMIL DRUGGISTS, vth stand er har estemafrely repdred their store, th e 01 , - selected stock co , re-opened with a large, nee •tut,,,,a , nsisting of ACIDS, ELTRACTs. ELIWts, EMS, SUGAR COATED 111.10. TOWDZBB.OO* MM.% ibt6iTara, wpm kap 4 _ BOTANIC. ECLECTIC AND /lONEOPATmc p n g PtatATIONE, DYE STUfFS, MACHINE OILS, EXTRA aErrsta ILEBOin-E, ALCOHOL. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, TOBACCO , AND ClGAits, POPULAR PATENT 3EEDFns, TOILET AND FANCY • GOODS More than the natal care and attention given to t i t. Compounding of Pretcrlptlona. Open SundaYg. from 9 o'clock,t m.,to 1 p.m. & from 5 p.m. 1.07-p.ty Dr. MADILL can be consulted at the store on fine urdny of each week, as heretofore. Towanda. May 7, 1872 DR. 0. D. STILES having purchased - Val, DRUG STORE or L. A. REDGWAS. sr Rona, PA.,* Has now in Stock and is constantly recieriur inch suppliewof pure Drugs and Medicines, Dyes.Pamis, Varnishes. Ac. Agent for all the most popular ht. ent Medicines. A fresh supply of the celebrated VISEGA.I2 BITTERS. Pure Wines and- Liquors for, medicinal purposes; beet brands of. Cigars and Tobacco; choice Perfccu; ery, toilet and fancy articles, flavoring extiacisi ;tc. School books, stationery. and news. .Dealeri plied with stationery at low prices. All miecellane ens books furnished to order "iaLpublishes' priCes The Doctor will contimie to Tra...tice medicine ae , heretofore: 1 Office at the Drug Store; residence op. 'posits Preilyferian church. Prescriptions and re : ceipts accurattly compounded stall hears bya cos-. petent elerk. [April 18,1872. TAILOR'S CELEBRATED OIL! The Great Rheumatic Remedy shotild be kept and . needi'by every Farmer that keeps either Cattle s: Horses, every Teamster and Livery Stable Keeper, every Physician .and Horse Fsrier for it will many times cure pain and lameness when all other,medi- eines have failed. Miners and Railroad Men should certainly • keep it, for it is nnsnrpassed for bruises and sprains.. Blacksmiths - should keep -- it ,forthelr own use and for their caitomers tender. footed - horses, as nothing equals it for tender feet. EVery . lssly sin:Tering from pain and lameness of any - kind. burns, cuts, wounds or any eruption -of .the skin, C‘rtis, Chilblains - or any disease requiring an outward application should 'Certainly keep this cele brated medicine. Every bottle warranted to tries. satisfaction. Poe sale by Dr. H. C. Porter Son k Co, Porter k Kirby and P. W. Brown Druggists, Towanda. Pa. And by every Druggist and. dealer in Brad ford and 'adjoining counties. Johtiston Holloway and Cowden, wholesale Patent Medicine Depot, tio. GO2 Arch street Wholesale Agents. , H. BROWNIG TAYLOR, julyl9 - 70-tf - Pr opristor. Leßaysvi I le. Pa. . To , THE PUBLIC.! ' The undersigned would miest reipe.ttntly they are tioli preparel. it c•:.ory way to attat:tto +xi lINDERT KING Br.l/4.3Ii;EsF In all Its branches. And we trust citt_give Cates,: the services of any one in that line Having spared no expense Or .troub;e in pro n ing from .the shop of H. Stulen 4t. Co.. of our ram, a heareetwhich cannot be Tirpamied oril i ven eTalfel in 'elegance'. Ads Bide of our-largost cities. fit'^ tun also secured the services of a most ra . f—ble. careful, and gentlemanirperaon to attend to this 1,Na:e1..): the'bunir.ess J. S. Azune, one of oar firm, will be found at the , , Furnitn.re tore,.on_Bridge street. and. C. M. Mar , t' "nix, we other member of the firm. -it Elio! rem deuce on Third street, or about the oftv. of Dr. L 11. Beach, s very reliable ands ated - whose Wiles' it on' Park street, near the ' House lan2sl2tf F j IRST NATIONAL BANK. CAprrAL ' SITESPLUB FUND This Bank offers Er:M.sl'4 FACILITIES for the transaction of 3 GENERAL BANKING BUsi-NEgs INTEREST AID ON DEPOSITS ApcoßDpiG D:,. AGREENMT. SMUT. Chia or TO TEIT. cotszerioN OF :54.1TT0 AND Catacs, Parties wishing to BLVD mom to ,way part of the United States. England. Ireland. Scotland. or thereto cipal cities and' towns of Europe, can here drafts for that purpose. -5 To or front the old country; by best stfamw or we bag lines, always on band. PLICELICSIISCMGET OVIZIL SSTS& Highesi Price paid for U.S Bonds. pad a nd Si:eq JOB. POWELL, President December 1,.t869. BOOKS 1 BOOKS!! The best place in Northern reflusi.lv3zos to ti ti BOOKS AND STATIONERY NM Ins stock is always complete, en .1 cs•ndprissß‘' erything_tu the ittie , such ss at every dereriPtlork. P.T.L` IN & FANCY STATIONERY scuooL 8000, SLATES. IN $45 CO 40 00 •• 65 00 .9660 JUSTICES' BLANKS Alia K • Are au JJAll3's Weeklb-and Moodily - PsPri * l2d Perioeicals Suruishe6l to subscribers at ibe lowest prices. A large assortment:which Will be sold cheap Tartan dal Der. ;s, 1872. AM an For Wedlcinil Purpcsoh All the And a line Azscirtmoot of, D. li. Tram. W. G.' GORDON .J. S. ALLY:, C. M. MICNI'LLI-51 I Or TOWANDA $125,000 40,000 r i irdOK 'TICKETS N. N. BF:ITS. J 3., elahlet. tOOKS. Gra C. F. CROSS BOOKS CHBOMOS MIMI BLANK BOOKS DIARIES FOR 1573,_, , C. F. CROSS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers