Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 16, 1873, Image 3

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    fradford.ftporter ,
Towanda; Thursday; ;unary 16, 1878.
stir ELDBxDor. §3trza fell on the ice
near his father's house, ono day laat week, and
brake his arm.
'fir " e are standing on slippery
places."—lndependent RepuPlican.
Sinners always del
0 tar The - house recently occupied
by W. T. Dsvizs, on Main , street, hits been
converted into a store.
Mir The Comiiissionere will re
duce the county tax levy four or five mills on
the dollar this year.; c
ter The Episcopal With Society
will meet on Monday evening next, at the resi
dence a L. B. RODGERS.
say- Arun STURM, formerly a
citizen and prominent heroine - as man of Troy,
died in Cleveland Otno, on Monday jut.
v*... Our Washington letter and an
interesting letter trout the South are crowded
out this week.. TLey than appear in our next
• ter Experience will teach any
aran that it is advantageous to patronize those
Ato advertise in the Itzroatzst. •
tor Regular monthly meeting of
the Untold Baidling Association in the Grand
Jury Room, on Monday afternoon next.
NV - Mr. and'Mrs. J. B. M:
xof idonroeton, have issued invitations to
their silver wedding, which comes off on the
evtuing otthe 22d inst.
j GEORGE *. Can s, ,of the
rhiladelphi% Ledger l , presented each of the
+Z),(01 subscribers to his paper with a neat and
almanac, on the first of Jantiaiy.
Air Thy Indelietident Repithlican
boavta that ita last inns citintaina twenty-six
marriage notices. The last REPORTER contain
ed the announcement of Ahirty-tme weddings.
stir We are informed that a large
number of the ladies of the borough have cov
enanted to stand by the temper nee Inert, and
•tistaiti them in their business.
no-In noticing the appointments
by the tomnaissione, s last week, we stated that
IlEsny PEET was appointed counsel. We should
havo said PENT tt DAVIE&
VW Agreeably with the announce
ment made in the REPORTER on the 2Gth ult.,
Mr. )3usxmx took his seat as Member of
Congreserrom this district, on the Gth inst.
We- The Lehigh 'Valley Railroad
Company haistleclared a quarterly dividend of
34 per cent., payable at 238 Sonth-Third street,
Philadelphia, on and after January 15, 1873.
gar Wry s, the sailor
l •reaclicr, wbl deliver a sermon at; the Peak
: 4 0h:A }lota°, next Sabbath at ti o'clock, P. X.
fir.itation extended to all.
ber Our wide-awake griverymet),
EpwAIID3, over $lOO,OOO vorth
of go , i(is last year, being an increase of !wally
i2O Jo over r.liy previoni• ye{tr.,
1 d.lphirt, viaa in town yesterday.
SELKi:EP, of the Ithaca .burin
p.i/d 11.% a vi!,s last week.
it C s Col. DEVOE, having resigned
pi.,ltionas Trustee, Treasn rer and Super
clleedent the Elmira +leo-User Association,
1. C. V.tsu.L.DEn has been elected to fill tpe
Rec. 0. L. GnisoN, pastor of
t L.• E. c hureh in this place, has our thanks
r C q)y .t Minuto4 of the Filth Session of
'the Centrak'N. Y. Annuiil - Conference of the M.
lE.-CLurch, geld in Palmyra, in October last.
Cam' We note 'with - pleasure the
vP..I typographical 4ppearauce. of the Sal.:
::rac.county Delw. , crat. The pnblisher, J. K.
I'fl% displays excellent taste, and wales the
r very readable as well as'neat iv appear-
t& - . Our young friend, liAnu!
i:11A S'Ad i'l2s worth of garden vegetables
Lit tear. Fitts dol'ars of that amount was
from cel6ry. We. believe he intends
more extensively in the business this
ter The following named gintle-•
6' : re. ; t( , ii directive of Vie Fist N,tional
ort Tocsaay last :- - --JiisePu Powim,, E.
r. , ‘ 0. D. BAirri.i.rr, C. S. E. W.
STL..: • . N . N . BLT 23, jr.
Fell known artist, Hr. 13. F. CA]
Sew Y6 - rk, is about finishing a hill-length per
'4lin of Judge Pscsen, for the Lehigh licniyersi
fy. Tlr ltlieness is said to excellent by Ihose
who have seen it. '
uir Mr. REICIIART bas retired from
t[ 4 , Lht9rial chair of the Fasten Gazette, and
, ;;I:,:eoleki by Messrs. CH.MBEIMIAN and Eur.-
", , f% two Young gentlemen who are highly
of by those who know them. They have
't r , lslies for their success.
seir• We understand that the bor
-I.vl aathrities have 'adopted measures to
i!. - Lltut the boys rdtng down hill into the
tr. , • This is prof er, and *0 hope the ordi-
Llay he strictly enforced. It is a ,great
? t: ih s sc - re of children have dot lost
I.‘, • 1:c running into passing teams. •
The regular monthly meeting
;: . Alliance, 9111 be held in
Pri4l,yterlan Church on Ml) day evening
cc. time Rev. 0. L. Clinsos will tell
'v~c::erw e hat he lirows about teaching
The subjezt o! the leison is " count
-25 an 1 23, inclusive.
, f
The attdrneys are now argil
:.. Inl l
4,1 case, which has been progress
.'.: ~ , t ow I,4‘t ilve or six Weenl3. IC will prob.
t'' w, t tin j •ry to-day some time. The
' •
au , J,;,., and jury have listaned with a great deal
,'; pit:: 1...., ~, tile voluminous testimony. His
' fd '', J AO. Ac i 1,4111", is highly complimented
f 1 ~ . :(.f:lept s rtiality of his rultr,gs.
.1 Ws- LONGFELLOW, in his ” (}old en
' tiaLi trathfully portrays some of the
, 1 , 11. of tiralkw, :
fouch the goblet no more!
make thy heart sore
Io LCA very core!
ltd perfume iS.the biewth
Of the Augel of death. •
And the that within it lies
Is the dash of his evil eyes.
Beware: (*)," - beware 1
IrFer sickneat, corrow and care
All are there!"
L L I Y:LIDSON, taxi., closed his eleventh term as
I'mthoniitary of Tioga county, on the 6th inst.
ivAv inedhav,e ci.r held one office for so long
tspecietlV one which requires a new
ut the b an d s or the people every three
Fc. ,, rt. filo Agitator, is nn article of over a
coly.nan iu iclagtu, gives an interesting histOry
of the caner of sir. D. We extract the follow
ing:! 1
" F.J..: 03:• tl,s official lire of a third of a coat-.
ry 1:e oid - i'rothougnarj has **en ang line
'hers vtLuected with the Courts p ear J and
P."" "nY. Re has seen the Studio. Life of
4 0 nr Pres i dent Judge/draw , a to say
Ottkg of th e crowd of Assotiate Justices and
minor officials. When he. grit entered the
Court an Oak Edward Herridi, of Athens, oe
copied the bench. He was succeeded in 181*,
by John M. Conyngbam, of Wilkes-Bane, who
was appointed by tee Governor for ten years.
him came nonce Williston of Bradford
county, who held the oak* until the election of
Hobert G. White by the people - in 1851. Judge
White held the clam for twenty yes:2,mA wee
succeeded by the present incumbent. Judge
" And so having 100 the minutes of the
Court under five President Judge., end served
the people of the county most acceptably for
more than a generation, the old Prethoootiire
retires fleetly from bile office. .
the m o dest lin
long to enjoy, - in a old see. the modest
competence and the troop of Mends which bis
long and =el* labors have'earneiL"
ser The Good Templars of this
place have ,not concluded to disband for the
present, as . will be seen from the following res
olution, which eras unanimously edopted after
some discussion, at their last meeting on Fri
iy evening : 1 _ •
Resolved, That, in view of the passage of the
Local Option bill. on the 17th of this month.
the friends.of temperance will not have realiz
ed half their hopes, and that It will, therelbre ,
be the duty of Temperance Societies to
ther meetings and to labor in the cause as
lir At a meeting of the Syracuse
University students, Idr. 0. W. Etazort, one of
the senior class, was elocted_to' deliver the ad
dress of welcome in behalf of the students on
the occasion of tie , inauguration of Auxxesmcs
Warauslx., LL. D. as chancellor of tbe Uni
versity, and president of the College of Liberal
Arts., The alumni will also be represented by
the president of the Alumni Association, Bev.
0. L Oresow, of Towanda, Pa., who will deliver
an address of welcome in - their behalf. The ex
ercises will probably take place in the early
part of Febniary, plthough Dr s . Wiscuzu is
expected to arrive within two weeks.
as"A 'numbtr of young men were
"riding down hill* on Ruston street, on Friday
evening last, when one of the sleds colided
with Bev. 0. L. Gosoff's cutter, which happen
ed to be . passing along York Avenue. The re
sult was - Ts broken leg far one of the bop!. The
unfortunate young man Was L. P. Wurairrow,
son of Judge Virmaaroff. Hanna Ifisosavirr,
who was also upon the sled, escaped uninjured.
The occupants of thereatter, blr. Gissoff and
two ladies, fortunately were not much hurt.
Young Wittaarox is as comfortable ai could
be expected.
THE or Timm' CENTRAL.--This sail
road runs through a very populous country
and forms a very necessary connection between
the coal mines of Pennsylvania and northern
New York. Ita.termini are Athens in Pensyl
vaula and Sterlibg in New York, At the-first
named - place it makes connection with the Le
high Valley Railroad for Elmira,. all points in
the Psonsylvania coal regions and for allplaces
south r at Owego with the Erie Railway i at
Freevilke with the Ithaca and Cortland Road;
at Auburn with the New York Central, and at
Sterling with the Lake Ontario road for Oswe
go. The road is well managed, is doing a
good' business and deserves the patronage of
the public. .
tar ED. 4 REPORT= : Last evening,
the largest and most successful temperance
meeting ever held in this place (Camptown),
assembled at the Academy. Fears were enter
tained; ou account of - being disappointed twice
before,. that the appointment, like the priavioui
ones, would not be fulfilled.- But are learned
the preceding day from B. C. GATLOiID, of Wya
lusin,,that 3lr. J. Lowrey, (who was the only
authorized speaker appointed at the Conven
tion, Nov. 21 and 22, held at Athens), • would
certainly be present and address the meeting.
The speaker came. The Hall was densely pack
ed with e n attentive audience. Mr. LOBTOX is
certainly a power in the temperance army, and
he must exert a wide-spread influence for good
wherever he goes.
The tpealier held his audience as if spell
bound for two hours, not one leaving the
house. His pointed hits and welt-timed anec
dotes brought down the house frequently, while
his well-directed blows at the moderate drink
er, and earcastic threats at the dilatory tempi- -
ratite men of the community, well paid The
hearer. Even the guilty were compelled.:, to
acknowledge the truth. Everybody was pleas
ed; and not one present but testified to the
entire address being the best ever listened to
in Camptown.
Mr. Loicrox is a mechanic, a very plain man
iu appearance, but gentlemanly in deportment
and 0)111 teous and friendly to all with whom
he come.. in contact. No better man could
have been Eck:bled to canvas; Ilradford ea:ma
r ty, and the eicmitive committee deserves much
credit in I.tadiug - him among us. We are coa
-1 fideut that gentleman's labor will tell in
the coining conic:b...
Idr.tLoaroN toads a great many warm friends
doting his short sojourn among the people of
Caraptown, and they will always feel glad to
hear of his success in th•• most noble mignon
he so faithinhy represeths
CotacrY : On the 17th of January, yon will by
your votes decide if you wish the present iniqui
tous license system continued Indefinitely, or
if you will put an end to it for three years at
least. We ask yon as citizens and voterlt• to
vote against license : First, to decrease crime.
The moat impartial testimony of Judges, Prison
Keepers and Philanthropists, shows that at
least two-thirds of our criminals are made so
by strung drink. Nothing so subjugates a man
to the dominion of his naturally coil instincts,
and so overrowers a restraining conscience.
Sedond, to decrease taxes. Paupers as well as
criminals arc generally so made by somebody's
use of liquor. Oar new and expensive county
jail woulJ not have been needed, had you had
Prohibition for the last ten years; our county
has made no wonderful increase in population
in that time ; you cannot say thatiof your taxes;
free ram is the cause. Third, to decrease dis.
ease 'and deatli. There is no greater fallacy
than that the use of liquor prevents disease;
but it is a certainty that it causes it ; the ye
beat medical men aro discarding it.
Csininovon, Jan. 9, 1873
. . .
,How many prematurely dead from drink, lie
in every cemetery. Bradford county furnished
her full quota of the 80,000 per annum killed and
lost on our side in the Into war; she is not be
hind in her quota of the 100 per annum- who
die, who are shot, stabbed, run over by cars,
frozen to death, or who commit suicide from
the use of rum. We will not give here details,
nor calculate .the value to the community of
each life ; nor will we attempt to depict the hu
man misery causes to families, wives and aa.
dren, but will simply appeal to your own judge
meat, if these things aro not so, and if free rum
is not the mite? 1
We ask ) af:then, to come to the polls on the
17th of January, andrecord vow' votes "against
license"; and alth'ongli the law is l not all we de.
sire, yet it is a;anbstantial stop ii advance, and
if approved by your votes and fairly enforced,
will bp - the 'precnisor of more complete and
stringent legislation. Let nut your' fears be .
excited to believe'thst the conversion of a. mil
lion dollars per annum spent for drink in Brad
f.rd, into echooli and bridges, clothing, and
food and homes, can poiiiibly be, a disadvan
tage ; neither allow yourselves to think that
more drink, or as much, will be used as under
the present system. But, as intelligent-citi
zens, feeling a sense of responsibility to an
1 overruling Creator, vote on the side of morality
1 and quiet, personal security and general pros
perity and happiness. - _
I COMM' COY. L 0.13 r. T.
TtflcatOßA.—ED. REPORTER There
are thi'llge transpiring every day almost, which,
if served up while .fresh,r , might answer as
"chinking" in the kcal column. Bat it so
happens that the unprofessional reporter often
has other business on his bands, than gather
ing ap, sorting and atringing such fish.
Had we not been otherwise occupied daring
the past few months, we might have spoken of
the lack dry weather ; how the horses had the
influenis, ox.tearns rose to a premium, and
that many a farmer found winter coming down
rough.ehod upon him before his turnips were
palled, potatoes deg, or corn husked, and - fgab
they ; aro still " out in the cold." Had we ape-,
ken of the sociarquestion, ire might have stat
ed that our young people. t(ok this Into their
own hands, and that neck-tiu parties were. all
tlie rage for a season--nutil the t l,'!fellers" got a
supply for the year to come, when surprise
parties came into fashion, an 4 ltere are scarce-
Is enough evenings iu a week io accommodate
the rush of business. fled we chosen, we could
have reported that on a quiet Sabbath morn
ing, 15th of December, tiro neighbors in the
steam-ruill ttivittry, got into a shameful qua-
xii, made PlA".*Sts , :us* iIW./1911 111 . 1 4.
drew wagons on inch Mbar," ball a doh,
Were gavial bylink Musk _ and stinted
Income by their wires: - Abovihd an erening Cl
December 18,11 m binds D. O. Swim
gatheralat the Springhill panaPaga,, and had
a vey !ma visiiinie swallowing/oa,
Uri ana the like, at %Irma. time bettering
tb. finances of their psi toi same illty-four
Nor should we have omitted to asentiow the
lecture by Dr. N. X - (kemnoMs'st tie Spring
hill Mirth, on Aloolsol se slliediciNV show
*; that science agrees with resslstion, that
alcohol is a'! deoeiver,* wbetlist think at the
grog shop or at the drug store. In conclusion
we will simply state that men of business sad
perms of pleasure, are taking advantage "of
the excellent sleighing and are improving the
time well.
Dec. 80, 1872
B. P. Ace= Is instructing the Epringhlll ju
renUes in the art of Soca wish him
abundant success. And now that our people
aro won't* have a chance to vote against so
expensive and ruinous a burliness u the liquor
traffic, we are glad they are waking up some
what to the Importance of the temperance
cause. The 13minghlll Church was filled last
evening to listen to the address of Eier. J. H.
_Warm It was an able argunieut to film* of
"Local Oplicw." and an answer to the objec
tions thereto. We shall be greatly disappoint
ed if this town does not give a vote of three or
four to one, in favor of no license, the coming
17th of January. Acres. BATA.
Jan. 8,1873. •
Ma. Dusatoun'a FruzzaL.—The fu
neral of Assistant Superintendimt Buxom;
was attended by a isrge number of our citizens,
and by many of the elm** of the road. Bev.
Wu: Mckitxruzsr,.of the Episcopal Church,
conducted the services at the house. At 800,
A. X., the special train, prosidisd for the ooca Bap t. PiCtEl4 lett the depot, and teach
ed Bethlehem Mahout 4 ream*, where the re
mains were buried with Masonic honors.
We deem it worthy of note that not a blast of
the whistle nor a stroke of the bell iras given
from the engine from Towanda tell Bethlehem,
allowing' the perfection with which engineer
Conran and the brakemen did their work.
In 1855-Mr. Dustosn became connected with
the Valley Road in the capacit y of brakeman,
and a short time subsequently was promoted
to the positiOn of baggage-muter, the duties of
Which ho performed so well as to attract es
pecialattention of the ofscers of the road. He
was soon proinoted to conductOr of a passen
ger train, and those samecharacieristics which
signalized him in the minor positions which he
filled were observable in his new position, and
he was soon recognized at the best -conductor
on the road. He conducted the drat train over
each extension of the road, and ran the first
train from Easton to Waverly over the Lehigh
Valley k Pa. AN. Y. Railroad. He was a man
in whom the company trusted to the fullest ex
tent, knowing that lie was always faithful in the
discharge of his duties, and could be relied up
on. Mr. Taxxxaz, General Car Agent of the
Pa. In N. Y. Railroad, who was a warm friend
of Mr. DEMO:CD, relates & little incident, which
forcibly illustrates the character of the deceas
ed, andawhich shows that he always acted as
he thought right without consulting others.
While Mr. Dissaroxv was conductor he was
approaching Tannery, a small station on the,
Lehigh Valley R. 8.,. a few miles from White
Raven, ho discovered the tannery on Are. He
went to White Haven, at which place trains
stopped 30 minutes ,for dinner, and after the
passengers had alighted he got- all the men he
could find and procured several water buckets,
and leaving &flagman at White Haven to warn
all approaching trans, hastened back to the
tannery ; the fire 1.1.1 d time obtained
conaiderable heal till: the efforts of Mr.
Dissoxii and the• amen Le brought to the
scene, succeeded in extinguishing the flames,
and he got back to White Haven in time to
_leave per schedule. For this efficient service
he received the highest praise from the R. B.
Co., and a present of $2OO from Mr. SNAIL, the
owner of the tannery, and ',like amount from
tbesinsurance company. •
Shortly after the opening of the Pa. do N. Y.'
It; 8., Mr. Dxsatosu was appointed Militant
Superintendent, which positionhe held until
celled away by the angel of death.
ttliich credit is due time officers of the Pa.
N. Y. and Lehigh Valley Railroads for their at
tention and kindness, and for the liberality
manifested by theta in connection with this
sad event. It has been truthfully said of •the
employers and employes of the above mention.
ed roads, that " they aro more like a band of
brothers, than masters and servants."'
i Did you know that Faosr
Sons had Willow Craaleii ,
Gents' underwear, of every
descriptwa, very cheap, at HIRAM TAYLOR'S.
Cut Arzar
- Keystone Clothing Palace,
Main street, next to - Pim National Bank.
M. WHITILkIeS Candies at 1). W.
Soo rr Co.'a Bakery.
NO:. If you want a good overcoat,
go to flnum TAY LOWS.
A splendid new stock of
Overcoats, at IRRAY TAYLOR'S.
NIL CALEINS is mounting Cb.poMoB
and - framing Pictures, at low rates.
IS. Dress Making done at the
Bce Hive; by Miss ThEnpas Ccxm°sr•
Mir French Felt, and Soft Crown
ed Bats, at the Bee Bice Store.
M. The American Sewing Ma
cbine is the best.
New Millinery Goodsare con
stantly.being received st- the Bee Ellie Store:
ie.A large assortment of Brack
ets jast received at nosy t Sess.
Oysters by the- quart, at 45
cents. H. A. Comm,.
118. Fall assortment of Silver Plat
ed Ware, at WlptztAlt do MACY'S.
ler Sob work, of every description,
neatly and ispeditiously executed at this office.
MI6 An entire new stock of Feath
ers, Flowers and Ribbons, at,' the Bee Hive
iMem.Butterielee Patterns, at the
Bee Bite.
ta. Warm meals at all hours at
Cow' Bakery.
1116. New Music, at the Bee Hire.
Morcur's block.
IS.. Baum - has some very "nob
by " Cutters, which be offers very cheap.
Buttons, Frin,ges and Palma
mentaries, st tho Bee Hive Store.
SM.. Gray ' Nets at the Bee Hive
b. Inviiikde Hair Nets, in all 00i
or8, Li the Bei life Store.
a.. Sweet Potatoes and Cranber
ries,' at Cowutit Baker. 0 • -
11111. BURDICK ' S Nal i 011•11 Hay= and
Straw Outten, for ask try
-7 Itistearne & DAlutair.
If you want a nine - pleasure
sleigh, ca on Bitiarr, at his Vantage Mann.
factory, on Elizabeth street.
-. GROUND CAIVW. Puma, on
i -
hand at Ifyerabnsg gills.
r. Sir The best Tinwire for sale st
Jon & Lawn' Hardware Store, in Harwell
ar Aiaripkalek *psi..
AIM Paike Noes; ai •
Puna= k Dawes..
cm want a nine article of
Oaks, ic - a alla getat It D. W. Boon & oo.'. Bop
LearerF 2 4cdl o .n ll ota3lk.
Fez BALL • TWO or three new
housii,aodratrigostaa. Terme. play. .&r
gags a(l► a. Ctkizma, at rimer &' Clantoali
Store. . •
sir Very latest styles in Bonnets
and Bats for Ladies, Kissel and Children, at
the Bee Else Store, 80. 2, 11Daturas Block, To
wanda, Pe. " .
N. CreriberrieS, Pickles, Dried
Peaches, Dried &et, etc., at D. W. Sortr
tom. Ii you want a firsteolasa Par
lor Store, get the Light How, 'on hand and
for sale by Pima:rola &Daum
ma. A ftdl assortment of Railroad
and Java Canvas, at the Bee Biro Ettore, Mer
earia Block.
Just received at the Bee Hive,
an elegant assortment of Ladies' and Misses'
Linen Galan and Cuffs, alio Laces, in the
newest styles.
ser If you want to btiy the best
CookStavo In motet, and for the teututooey,
go to .Imts Hardware Store, in Ibles•
ear's Block. - .
Exuma Parr.--Have you goes or
_heard of it ? It not, it i• worth your while to
enquire into Its value. See B. M. Wsztaie
"Rubber Paint" card in another cohnun.
• lie Now is a . -good time to get
your letter-beads, envelopes and babeads
printed, and the Barvertut-ogWe is a good
place togetthemexecuted.
Sir The place to buys firet-claes
Cook or Pizloi Moro, is at
• Psorourros 1 DAnzow's,
Croton, Pa.
DS. Lizaar s & koaats, manufac
turers of those celebrated sPectielts, bin*
changed their agency from J. Hocmcm's to
ter M. J. Lanais wants fifty thou
sand feet to At with .Boote and Shoes, at his
nem store opposite the *CUM House. Boots at
one dollar and twenty-five cents a pair; how
is that for low? 157 Main street, below Bridge.
superior_ Hard Anthracite Coal, by
the car load, very cheap, delivered at any &IL
station between *alining and Athens. Now
if the time to secure your Winter's rnpply. •
lir FU4NIE preatsn, Ticket Agent
Pa & N. Y. B. n. Co., has been appointed sole
agent in this owe for the sale of the Railway
Passenger disunite° Co:* accident tickets.
These tickets cost but a tiifie, and cover all
kinds of accident*.
Wir J. 0. FIKIAT & - Solis wish to
put a Woven Wire idattres; in every hozum , in
Towanda, nn a month's trial, and if it does not
suit them, they will call and take it awily. Now
is your time to get perfect sleep. Be sure you
try, and th e n you will kony.
tar iinarND s; HILL would call the
attention of the public to the fact that their
market is always sllppliod with the choicest
steaks, roasts, lamb and mutton, pork, sausage,
flab; etc, They are now receiving daily supplies
of fino fresh oysters, which they offer at whole
sale and retail at the very lowest rates, , _
Northern Lodge Good Tempters 'purpose hav
ing an oyster supper, eta, as above, on the
29th of January, at Temperance Hall, the prci
coeds to be applied .to paymen4, of debt on
piano. It is hoped: that this appeal to thO
erelity of the people will realize enough to pay
the debt.
—We are determined to have a settlement of
all outstanding accounts. If our bills and
statements are not noticed, We stall send a
special messenger. A settlement we aro bound
to have. CODDLVO, EUMELL & CO.
Towanda, January, 1873
ie.. It is not generally known that
a C. Wu rr.tsmt, at tae Book Bindery over tho
PiPOISTEII office, makes Blank Books in any
style of ruling and binding desired: 11 you
want a new Ledger, Journal or Docket, give
him a calL-
Policy-holders, is-Towanda
borough and viciniiy; in the Conn. ?anima Life
Insurance CoMpany, are requested to meet at
the Ward liotise,Friday evening, Jan. 17, at 7
o'clock r. r.
Mama. Com-n-rtox.—A. Musical
Convention will be held at Wyalusing,
commencing TueiTday, February 4, 1873, to
continue far days, - and closing with a concert
Fridiay evening; February 7, conducted by
Rev. J. B. Strietra, of Nicholson, Pa. A pleas
ant and profitable time is anticipated.
Jan. 16--20
ArstrAL MErrnio.:—The ,regular
matting of the Towanda Building and Saving
Fond Association, for the election Of °Mears
for the ensuing year, will be held in Grind Jury
Boom, Thursday evening, Jan. 16, 1873, be
tween the hours of 5 and 7 o'clock.
January 10,1873.
SrruierioNs.—Youni llen and La
dies qualified at the Buffalo Telegraph Institute
and City Line Telegraph, to earn a salary of
$5O to $lOO per month. Every graduate secures
a position. For fall information send for cata
logue and circular. Address C. L Bararr,
Superintendent, Buffalo, N.Y.
CROSBY—PHILLIPS.—Lt Barclay, Dec. 18,
, by Bey. Edward Hosonedy,,ltr. B. E. Crosby
and hiss Jane Phillips, both of Barclay.
likYll.A.11811 , 1&-3t Fall Creek, Dec. 25, by
Rev. Edwud Kennedy, Mr. Walter Hay, of
Barclay, and Hies JanetiHarktos, of Fall
TALADY-13AAELNS.--Ak*all Creek, Doe; 25,
by I%ev. 'Edward Konnedr, btr.Leßoy Wady,
or Barclay, and Alias Elizabeth Harkin', of
Tall Owe&
BMAKEN—ALLOWAY.--In SheshequinoTan.
8,1675, M the house 'ofn, Charles Tompkins,
jamb , of
try Rev. uel vidso Mr. idos Emma Chu. E. Ben-
Sam Towanda, Da to l 8. Alio
way, of North Towanda.
e, Mouroeton, Jan. 8. by Be,. Hillock
Armetrong,3ir. Charles Thompson to Hiss
Louisa Vanderpool, both of Towanda lown•
nonage, in Gibson, Susgrahstms Co.,Jsa: 8,
1873. by Hey. L. J. Arnold, 31g. A. J. Murphy,
of Orwell, Bradford connfy, and Miss Emma
E. Buffington , of Warren, Ps.
ELLSWOBTH—LEWIS.—At the residence of
the bride's father, Jan. 9.1873, by D3r. A. J.
Arnold, Mr. Henry T. Ellsworth, of Livings. ,
ton Co., iIL, and Kiss Imogen B. Lewis, of
Harford, Butcachanna Co.„ ra.
CIABERNTER—CISRORNE. — /St the bows of
she cdßeattag cleraman.fre Orwell, Jan. I,
1873. by Rev. 7. A. D=miclt, Wit R. Car
penter, of Windham, and Louisa Osborne, of
WHIETLE-111MR8.—Lt the 31. R. Parson- - :
age, hi iteboopsny.
_Jan. 7, by _Bee. Was.
SANDIA m. H. hipple. of Ka ßendemm La
wn* oetinty, to Arum Elisabeth r, ot
lietonis4 l7 . •
4111131110.2—PIMINE 7 .—In Jenninpeille. is
the boos, of Bet. G. 0. LyrNay Jai. by
Bev. Sheip, Mr. Benjamin T. alimony,
ot Bprit gai rl, to Yin H a zy Phinney, oL Jen
OONGD(iN—YIIII2HAN.—At the residence of
the tosdeta parental. in Wyansit ai l pio; ko.
I x. l a D. Oran. Mr. Edgar I'.
TiogsCa., to Him Emma D., IWO*
ter of Vaughan, • .
Pueonageden. 1,1873, by Her. D *Craft,
Mr. Cleo. Hiller, of Wilmot, to Miss Sarah
Booteninee, of Tnscsrora..
O.4UPBELL--Jan.—Jan. 4.1873, by__the
Lane, at his residence at Luther's =a,
Hr. Philetas Campbell, ot West Budingtono
to SW Bulb Sezraten. of Smith7eld.
EPAYM-001 1 / I XL-41111shouliot %be bria
father ,is Towels:lm the. 9t Dar by
Bev. et L. Gibioa r . Day*
hie cifkmn Yam, 24:Ulna
, cowkioounirest daught er. Owe"
_Dia "4" Pa;
TOW J. O Loney, moil ID pats and
." Of a togly of eleven ideltren, she wes the
tenth smitten down by theltzsmtrdseadlnl sick-
EIW.LIIT..4n N'Clean, N. Y. Jan. 10, 1143. 8.
!AIM', leant sou of atom
Maggie Swart, aged 10 mo nth s and 0 day s
DARL3IIG,In Windham. Deo. 21, 1 272, New
kisb : Mang, aged about 12 years.
Mr. D. was born in °tango county, 8. Y.,
My 28,1800, aM had been a raddent o'll%d
-b= township for nearly for 4 years, ant wu
1410 esteemed by the entire community.
of LECH3,At Ouxior,, haage . 8
V. I
'ears Mrs. Ellsoibeth 4
We Lepd . •
Enarr PAM= Ria OWN Paints.—
Usti Itabber Paint. It fa mixed ready for use.
Bpresda easily and ststootlyoda glary, firm. du
rable, elastic, and to a Brants/Id Paint. IL M.
Ww.xa has the Paint.
- 1 1110LI5SkLE MUM.
.. Ocrotetsd even weenesday. t 7 C. IL PATOS
subject to champs difity,
Monk * te 1 •• . 'Ol 00401
i l m t If s
Cten. ton*
Eisen* IMW 1 50 40 2 00 18
Butte* trolls) *. - • vs
do foorry,) si 9 now ' ' 22 6 12
01111 1 . '0 dos 32
Potstoss, 0 boaknon. 60
rkrar. 151114 • • 10 00 011 00
Mous. 9 bash 1
trams err Open.—ghat 60 Ib.; Corn 56 lbs.;
BP 56 lbs.; Cats VS lbs.; Barboy 46 lba.; Duckslusst
48 lbs.: Beans 62 lbs.; Brim 20 Ws.; Clone Seed 60;
Timothy Sled 44 lbs. ,; Dried Peaches 83 lbs.;
Dried Arples 22 lbs.. nu, Seed 60 lbs.
Iknir.bestWlater "beat pr. seek . $2 SO
.. .. .. hundred Me ...... ......5 00
.. .. .. , .1 toatzel 1000
reed. Per ceri .
Outage ~Dig iumilly done at onee.s *. 4.
patty of the 'Mb pufSetens for • larrwiunovnt of
work 1!... B. EMMY.
O& uptown. Fay 1X
.Is 7 :
of the trnsr Zialiosan Siam." of Toiranda
Ps., at close of business, Dec. 27, 1872;
/I£BOl7llOEB. . • •
Loans and dlaconnta..... 6319,209 60
Overdrafts • 6,16916
U.& Bonds to secure circulation. .... . 132,000 00
U. 8. Bonds and Be. urines on hand 300 O(
Other Stocks. Sonde, sad Mortgages. .. 723 00',
Duo from redeeming and ream agents.. 38,705 78
Due from liatioruil Slinks. • ' 16,998 43
Due from State banks and bankers ...... 18.1425 75
Banking House - 18.000 001
Furniture and datums2,ooo 00
Current expenses 3.397 10
Taws Paid .. 2.011 96
Cub Items (D.' l . IPIC sturTs) 1.954 35
Exchanges 3,489
Ms of National Banks 10,5u7 00
Fractional Carremcy (including nickel)
Legal tender notes
$520.814 82
Cspital Stock paid In $123,001 00
B=plOlund 50.000 OC
Eschange Z 709 88
Profit - itid loos 10.964 13
National Bank drunlation outstanding... 110.090 00
Indlvtdual Deposits - 270.0.54 48
Dun to National Banks .... 9,315 SG
Due to State Banks and Dankers. 2.000 44
Notes and Rills rediscounted... ... 9,15's 00
BUTE or Pcsarrivsitu, f ss. '
County of Bradford. I
L N. N. BETTS, Jr:, Caahier of 426 First National
Bank of Towanda. do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true, to the best of my know sad
belief. N. N. BETTS, Jr.,
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th diy
of 38111., 1873. W. B. DODGE,
Notary Public.
Conancr—Attes: C. M. MANVILLE, 1
E. T. PoE, Directors..
the Stockholders of the Sullivan Anthracite
COM Company will be held at their °See in Towam
da. on Wednesday. Jar. 22, 1871'
San. 8,1879. • CHAS. 1132=11, Secy.
_you desitable
lithoDar* in Caeseptoiru. Medford County, Pa.
the house is to good order and the bkrn only two
year/ old. The terms aro very easy. For further
particulars apply to Dr. V. Hornet. caroptcnro, Pa.
CAUTlON.—Whereas, my wife Al
mirkliasleit any bed and board without Just
cause or provocation, this is to forbid ail persons
from harboring or trusting her on any account as I
will pay no debts of her sontraction atter this data.
4 batt7, Jan. & 1573. JAMES LEE. -
VOR SALE—A. place coatainizi&
about 2C acres of [viol land. located, three
miles from Leltaysville. Bradford County. Ps., and
near Beach Grove schoolhouse. Theiniprovercents
are a good house and barn together with out build
ings. Good water and - a ming orchard on the,
premises. This is an excellent locality for a me=
cbanie. Terms very easy. as the owner resides In
Lancaster County. For farther particulars apply
to Win, B. Stevens. Leasysville, Vs. Jan.B
DISSOLUTION.—In consequence
..1-7 of the Meath of Hr. J Talmadge, the
Arm of Barron & Talmadge Is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. The business of the late firm will
be settled up by C. H. Barron. Agent, whcAwill con.
tinue the bullies& at the old stand. No 12 Hain
Street. Towanda. Pa. B 6.RHON,
Jan. 6, 1873.40 - J. E. TALLIUDGE.
DISSOLUTION. -The copartner.
ship heretofore existing between the under
signed under the Linn name of Smith. Bennett &
4:13-. carriage utanufactuters, is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. The business will be contin
ued by Smith fe Bennett, to whom an accounts
must be paid. G. H. SMITH. .
CHAS. BE.wfiryT,
Wed litantlin..lan. S, StiiS •w 3
An Historical scurusuuy of the Origin. Grew*. and
Perfection of the Chief Industrial Arts
of 04 country. -
Written by 20 Eminent authors. including John E.
Ciwasti. Leon. Case, Edward Howland, Jos. I
I. Lyman. Bev, E. Edwin HAIL
- Horace Greeley, Mfg Ripley, Albert Brisbalsts,
P. 13. PEELEENd, ect.. etc.
Thbt wart la 6 complete history of all breaches of
industry, processes of manufacture, etc., In all'ages
It ti a complete encyclopedia of arts and Manufac
turer", and is the most entertaining and ,valuable
work for information on subjects of gene* interest
ever offered to the public. It la adapted to the wants
of the Merchant. Itannbictaretr, Itecliarde, Farmer,
Student, and Inventor, and sells to both old and
young of both classes. The book Is sold by agents
who are making large sales in all parts of the coma
try. 11 is offered at , the low pries or $3 36 and is
the cheapest book ever sold by subscription. No
family should be without a copy. We want Agents
in every town of the United Mates, and no agent
can tail to do well with•this book. Our terms are
liberal. We give our agents the exclusive right of
territory. ,One of our agents sold 133 copies in
eight days, another sold 368 fn two weeks. Our
agent in Hartford sold larl in one week. Specimens
of the work sent I. agents on receipt of stamp. For
circulars and terms to agents address the publiso.-
ers. . J. B. BUBB k HYDE, Hartford, Colin.,
Chics4Klll.. or fuorloweei Ohio.
0. F.
t Fsoss, Sec'y
Or the Mysteries of Medicine: Presenting the Hu
mor and Serious Fides of Medical Practice. An
Expose of Medical Hrunibugs, Quacks. and Chart
Mans of all ages and all countries. 800 pages, 250
An Intoreating and amusing treatise on the Medi
c/id Humbugs of the past and present. It exposes
Quack, Imposture. Treading Doctors, Patent Medi
cine Venders e nated Percale Cheats, Fortune Tell.
ers and Mediums. and gives luteresing accounts of
Noted Maids= and mustier= of their live*. It
how filthy la inassafactured Tobacco andof
what. vile liquors =edictal. are composed. re.
seals startling' smuts and instructs ail haw to
avoid the lila which flesh is heir to. We ere eschi.
sire territory and liberal commissions. For circa
biro and terms address the publishers, J. E. DUBS
1 HIDE. liartiord, CI" Chicigp, M., or Clucruggsg.
Or trays and 137 -Ways In the Hidden Life of
We want sweats for this book. It discloses all the
mysteries of the Detective System]. It is a record
for the
_pug twenty years ot the Zion skillful detour
aTea Of this country, is width the crofts of Bank
Robbers. Thieves. Pickpockets. Lottery Yea. Comb
ha Roney Dealers, and etrimillers of all classes
are exposed sad brought to justice. Price
Skin. for strudels sod escuutto agents. zellerrs
4 s~.«
_ .
New Advertisement:.
1,201 B 6
sew Book. the
ca the omit etresi. which Ntioia
b: eta cm
resientable kett or less gustily.t a he Out Yard.nd delivered on
nesse call a t
MIES WlLBElCtialearnsa.
Aug. U, 1872. L. 8. CAM. Proprietor.
L'STRLY.--Catne into the eeeloet-:'
are of S. W. Moho* of Jairlanton. on or
about the itth of Oct.. IWII, one "Lyiikr old Baum
spotted. with shin* horns. The owner is requested
to use toevand. , prove penpoorty, _gay charges, and
sake her sway or she win be airtime! ot aoxeding
to km J. W. MOMS.
! so+.lll -WI _
PROST & SONS make the Inet
EsketeloaTable 111 the world.
IntliStst issa. A TOM' Ig 110111 '
~. ~ ~'~~
A cluilPiksialPie, 'Way
to eirkide ebli And um oodiViter:L
anent and onumnantaX at,
-Coddin' ir, Rustel,lTi Co.'s
Morning GElory
5590,844 e 9
AND DINZIMATFIL ilium ffiZ Doizatg
. •t ir
ki n. ,.jUi .... AU ....... J*1)111 I
• . •
growswbi. NOV. 0. urn.
::~"' ,
fro ,csvii
elks FIXTURES, at
tv; Tr! ;
pitOCtikitiTiCete . —WHlMESS,
i t=l2guilulfrAstDistrieli voneiothag WA,
':Of rtiedfbre flooquebasuuls sod
nallealatift3 Tawny askreM
ikaeoeiote-Dodge oat for. NAV=
IPPedfortl, kayo Weed their precept ,
Mir the 101 b "day or Dee.;- 1872, to
ron4e# be bolding a Gond of Oyer uof Prof
ner.;Goneral QttArter &edam of the- Rolle,
Menhirs Hein and Ott hies Cour t.
Oft CotattY ofilradford, on Monday, the
ad y Peb!aary pest, to *outlaw; three
.Nod* is therefore &eel* given to the Coro
nets, and &NOON, of the Team, of: the musty
'of Pat/ford, thi.L.lhey he then and there in
their propeiperson at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said ' thy, with records. inquisitions and
other remembrances t to do those things which`
to it omce appertaintto bo done; and Wes
whb are bound by recognizance or otherwise to
prdaecute against the .prisceers who- aro 'or
maybe in the jai) of DIM county, or who shall
be bound to appear at the said court are to be.
then and there to prosecute ageirst thenfair
shall bo just. ..jurors are requested to be
punctual in their attendance,agreeably to their
Dated at Towandai. tho 71h dsy of Ja to
the year of oar bora, one thousand • ht
hundred and seventy-three, and of the Rule
! roalence of the United State*, the ninety
J. MONROE 8111711.13heriff.
ore far Feb. Term of Comet to be held at To.
wands, commencing Monday feb. 3, 1813, -
Alban, Thomas Rouse; Darelay,4 luau Mike
Coward; Carton Moro. E Thomas.- J 8 Ws;
Ctolamblik James Lltw*n.adj Lßa3l; Mon.
roe tarp., Eton WIloos: Orwell, O W Drown. D
Barton. B Deal:- /lone D U Woodburn:
Standing Btozut„Jason Paseisse; shihshartin. Mos
es Wmlftr. Towanda 'Duro.. Mort Parsecs. W 0
Alger. Mahlon Bostwick, Ju n Coddlng; Towanda
flip, Zunis Ilaacock: Troy MI., Wm Maims, Ob.-
dish Williams terry, Wmt Proof; Wells, Ira Ayers:
‘ysem,„LearM Wenn:be:ger.
Illaximarosoas—warr W. 2'
Ani — lib Orlando Beverly. T Scanlin, Jr; f Athens
kwp.. Geo Peters; Athens Bora., John Roemer;
Ades JS Fellows; Barelal.. gobt Finisyson; Co.
hznibia. 1118 M 8 Ayers;
Robert; Beetleit..A* R Brows, a 8, Tamil John
Foyle; Monroe twp.. Joseph Bali Orwell. John
Miss; Overton. I/ Beverly, Jr Pike. E 8 Mode.
A Barrows; Rome her.. E W Bushnell; Bldg.
berry. Jas Stilton; &withheld. Asa Phelps; Damen
Preach, IlirrLs; south Creek.' J!A Dunham, W
11.1!oore; Standing btone. I 8 ilhackloton; Ten,
D k Wells; Troy boro., Nelson Adair's; Towainds
Boro. J De Lk.ifontonye. U E Shlptnan; Towanda
twp.. Michael Aerwin; Tuscarora, Alfred Ackley;
Ulster. BIS Mingle; Welles. D S Ayers. Nathuilel
Ellison; Wilmot, J 11 Gamble, G 8 Shock; Warren.
N Bowen; Windham, Geo Lawrence, ilq.ekish
Albany. Gem Sterne-re; Barclay, Prank Crosby,
Davi4 BablB. Wtn Johnson; Burlington tirp... 3* W
Law: Csatou Boca. Geo Patterson, - L Manley;
Canton top., Gee . McKee, Cyrentos Kelley; Gran
ville, D T Sefton; Leßoy. Titirtma Stone, Jacob
Oranteer, Guy Holcomb, Bola McKee; Monroe twp
II M Pratt; Pike, Hort= Taylor. ; .1 J Barnes. John
Baldwin; Ridgeberry. Morris. Criminals, Vincent
Baldwin: Rome tarp., Hugh McCabe, 0 8 Forbes;
Smithfield, James Leonard, S W Antes; Shetiliequin
L D Post, 8 B Hill; SpeLoglield, E C' Strong. E St
Merrill; Seanding Stone, Michael Lynelr, J C Huff;
Towanda Berm, C P Welles, Itobt Sherman; l'usca
rors. W Camp; Terry, Urish
Terry; Warren, James Blanchard, Lowis.Whitaker:
by Denj Ackley. Lorenzo Overton. -
Athena twp., Eugene Crlethill.2l
Prank Lomas; Athens Boro., Wile . Asylum.
Peter MCCracken; Barclay. John Bobset
Sivmplon, J C Holbrook; 'West Burlington*/ J 14/8.
!auto; Canton Dino.. Charles Owen; Canton twp.;
B Jones; bolumbis. A X Conlon; Granville. Jos
Eenuall; Litchfield. g Lee. Jr., J /I Bogen; Lelloy,
Anthony Darling: Monroe tap., Wm Hawes; Over,
ton. I It Park; Bidgeberry, Wisilsea Grlsrwold.
Borne Bora...Oen 'Young; Smithfield, L D Format,
Win Huff, A B Campbell, Wm Schouton; Sheaho.
wain, Janice „Newman; Towanda Zero., John Mc-
Intire, Wallace Kingsburr, Towanda tap., Lyman
„Blackman; North Towanda. Martin Bowen; Troy
Doro.. Isaac Cleaver; Troy twp„ Geo *rd.; Tut.
carom. John Auger. Patrick Ifshoney; , 'Wvalosing.
Darwin Cook; Wuruot, Wallies Dodge; Windham,
Trederiek Brainard. Asa. McKee. C 8 Shoemaker;
Warren. .1 A Neiman; Wells..E E Dilhaton.
SMITH, Sheriff.
_Lk ia hereby given that there has been pled sad
settled in the office of Register of Willa In and for
the County of Bradford, accounts of AM:Mutates.
Lion upon the following estates, viz:
Final acct of Geo if Kendall, administrator of
Horatio J Ladd, deceased.
Final wet of Goo P Ysnly, administrator, pen
dente lite, of Rubin Manly; deceased. ,
Final :wet of Ezra Loomis, guardian ,' Percival
4 -
• 'kind noel of Charlotte. W FfarrartL:eleentrix of
Joseph Kintner; life guardian of Charles Kinney,
minor heir of R D Kinney, deceased. '
Final wet of. G W *Eterigere, executor of Seth
Ktesens, deoessed
Final acc't of 3lcrris Beeler, executor of Daniei
ffoldridge; decaascd.
Final scc't of Lucy 31 Adams, executrix of
Adams, deceased:
Final wet of Levin B Wolcott, administrator or
Josiah Wolcott. deceased.
Final - se-et of Lucy Fairman and C Riggs, exe
cutors of Cyrel Minus% deceased.. ,
Final wet. of ft Still and Joseph . Slinnoa„ Green
tore of J 1) Williams, &vowed.
Flea; liccA of N Smith. What
deft, deceased.
rinal acct of Geo Newbury, administrator of
Tim PNewlmry, late ofVroy Bore., deceased.
- Partial soc't ot Henriettlt Bowman and B F Bow
zoari, aorriving executors ot John if Bowtnon, late
Monroe. deceased.
ALSO The apprai=ement of propertY set off by
the executors or administrators to widows or chil
dren of the followittg-decodentt-
Estate of Benedict -kraal.
" John Gard.
" Thomas Case.
" Joel Barnes.
Junes Dewey.
" Joseph ?Trill:shall. et
-- - Charles Ludt!.
" . W Shattuck. ,
•• e Silcox . •
" John T
And the game will be presented to tla Orphans'.
Court of Bradford County, on Thursday. Feb. CM.
at 2 ce,Flock„, I'.m., for continuation and ellowartes.
lent 0. J. CHMlBUCL'lteglater.
Bradford County, as. The COmmonwealth of
Pennsylvania. To the Sheriff of Bradford County,
Onsxrixo c Weioommand you that yon attach
W. Dimmick, late ‘ of your county, by all , and singtt,
lar his goods. and chattels lands and tenemeuta .
MOtteje, and =edits, in whose lapis or pos.
melon soeter the same may be, so that he be and
appear before our Court of Common Pleas, to be
holden at the borough of Towanda. in and for laid
county on the first Monday of Decem9er next,thers
to answer James 0. Frost and Robert Sherman of
a plea of debt of $5OO. and that you summon J.
DeLa Montanye, Jr., Henry W. :Noble, Henry Si'.
'Tracy and all persons in whose hands for posses.
'ion the said goods or, chattels, moneys, rights and
credits, or any of them may be attached, so that
they =denial of them be and appear before said
* Court, at the day and place sfiresaid. Ito answer.
what shall be objected eg.a.that them and abide the
judgment of the Court therein ; and have you then_
' and there this writ.
Witness the Honorable F. B. Streeter President
of our said Court at the Borough oU ,' Towanda;
aforesaid, the 24th day of November, A. D. 1872.
W. A. THOMAS, Prothonotary,
- .Soy. 29. 1872. by virtue of the above writ of For
eign Attachment I attached the following described
lot, piece§ or vowel of land situate in Wyranx tarp.,
Bradford County. Pennsylvania, bounded as fob
tows, to wit: On the north by public highway
known as the Wysox Road, east, south and west by
hied of Henry W. Noble, being 50 feet front on said
road and 150 feet deep
ALSO--One other lot. piece, or Parcel-of land sit.
lists in Towanda twp., County and State) aforesaid.
bounded as follow', to wit: On the north by land
of A. N'orthrep, east by Railroad Street, south by
en alley, west by land of Stahl; being about 50
feet front on said Railroad Street teem ssid§liarth
rup's line to centre og said alley, and about 150 feet
dop, • 4th a two-story framed dwelling house there
Seized and taken into execution at the sin o
James 0. Frost and Robert J.' Sherman re. L. W
Dlinnalck, with notice to J. DeLa hroutanye. Jr., R
W. Notate, H. W. Tracy 11.;P: Moore. gumshoes..
Dec. 12,1872. J. P. - VAN FLEET. Sheriff.
1311.0 FORD COUNTY, ss.—ln the matter of
estate of David Ball, late of - Litchileld township, in
said county. deceased.
To the heirs and legal representatites of 'the said
David Bail, deceamd, take notire, that an inenest
will be held upon the premises of the said decedent
in said township of Litchileld. ,3 r: SATURDAY, the
Arst darer J. at 10, o'clock in
the forenoen of that day, for the purpose'of making
partltiost et the real estate of *gild deceatied; to and.
among ids children and legal reProsentatives, If the
santomn be done without prejudice to or'spoiling
of the whole: otherwise to value and appraise the
surie according to law; at which. place you can at-.
teed if you think proper. •
Jan.B-td _ J. U. MEM Sheriff.
BRADFORD COUNTY, ss. - -In the matter of
the catate ot.J. L. Ball, late-of Litchfield; in said
county, deceased.
To the heirs and legal reprcientatires of . the said
.1. L. Ball. deceased. tate notice, that an inot:at
will be had upon the premises of the said decedent
•In said township of Litchfield. on SATURDAY, the
Ant day of February, A.D.; 1873, at 10 O'clock in the
forenoon of that day, for the purpose of making
partition of the real estate of said deceased, to and
among his children and legal representatives, if the
same can be done without prejudice to or- spoiling
of the whole: otherwise to value and appraise the
,same accOrding to law; at which time and place yon
can attend if you thlnk,proper. • -
Jan.S.t.l - J. 31. SIUTR. Sheriff. •
- :1In the nutter of the inearpozation of the "
van Hill Cemetry Areoetatioe."—No. 381, Feb. T
1873 -
Notice la hereby given that the above named'
Association has presented to the Court of Comnum
Pleas of Bradford County their article of Association
asking foe a decree of Incorporation, and the said
Mart luviztg.eramined the same, and Ithding them
correct, wall decree that they be Incorporated as
prayed for, on Monday, the 3d day of Pehritary,
1873, at 2 o'clock pan., unless cause shown to
the contrary. 8.. M. PECS.
.lan.B-w!3 Prothonotary. •
XX:Siatee is herClis given that all persona indebted
$o the estate Of I..`ardeo Pierce, . late of Pike.
deceased are requested to mate immediate
payment. and Mix - otts ,illatiLß acres_ spank satd
estate mast preterit theta duly anthentemted for
eettlement. ' t , . S 7. lIFtI.tS.
Deaf-w 8 'Adzulnlidrator.
iazotite le beieby gleentbst Wipe:sons indebted
to the estate of Goghs& Millman. late of Lellayschle
deceaaod. are Toques:ad to makes immediate
payment. and all persons baring debits' qainit
said estate matt present Item duly Sutheaboated
for tankage*. ' G. W. BRUM
Dec.44w. Ads:WOW:tor.
To Julia C. Forrest. —No. Sit Sep. Term. 1512.
Ton am hereby matted that d. Forrest. your
husband. has applied to the court or common peas
of Bradford co.. for a diroryo from the bonds of
matrimany.anA the said emit has appointed Mon.
daY, the 34
of Yebrati7. 1373. for Mewing the
mid Corned ln the ptereteett; at which time and
place Ton can attend if Ten thin peeper., 2 2..21. 0,111 TE; Sheer:
I ~~
of It Ken
111ILERIFF13_SiitE.—By virtue of
iiiindry writs tainted ant of the Court of Com
mon Pima cd Bradkirk County. tad to me directed. -
will be exposed to public sale at' the Court House
in the Borough of: Towanda. THUBSHAT.
WIT 10.18710, et 1 o'ciook, p.m., the following des
embed led, ppiece, or parcel of land situate la Tusca
rora; bottitied as fdWrit On the north by lands Of
Mists Whitey. oast by John H.. Ayers and Ed.
ward Ilenbaker. south by Cc. Wedge ' west by
Vilnius.' containing 80 sem, then or less.
about 40 acres Improved, with a' framed house.
Hamad barn and few fruit trees thereon.
Seised and taken into execution at the suit of
-Overton k Bisbres's use re. 11: P. Babcock.
Al4lo—One othew.lot, Woe, or parcel of land sit.
WO in Towanda Bore . bounded Al 10011111 On the
north by land of. James 0. treat, - east by John P.
Ifitarts. month by John Lents, west by Charles st . ;
being about 108 feet front on said Charles street,
and tuning back to line of lands of said John F.
Means. about 140 feet, more or letia.reith a framed
shop thereon. ,
ALSO— tee said P. A. Cush's undivided .oitet.
nab (1.5) • intetest ,in one other lot, Wee,
or parcel of land altnate in . Towanda
Bore., r died on the north by Poplar
skeet, smithy Third eet, south by Win. Orilla.
west by an alley.' bet about 185 feet front on said
Third street an d about' 21 feet back on said Poplar
street, with a two-story gothic Welt dwelling house
small framed barn, and other outbuildings and tow
fruit and ornamental trees thereon. Said lot known
as the Homestead Lot - of the David Coati estate., ,
ALSO—The said P. A. Cash's undivided one—
fifth interest In ono other lot, pleca.i or
tract of land situate"in Banal township.
containing 113 sores, mor or less, in the warrantee
name of L. 8. Cunningham, with t saw unit two
mill bones, and a stable thereon. .
. ALSO—The said Y. A. ' Cash's undivided one.
fifth interest in one other lot. - piece, - or
tract of. land situate In liarelay township.
containing 400 saw; more or less, in the warrantee
name of Peter LaMar.
ALSO-elhe said F. A. Cab's undivided one-fifth
interest in ono other lot, piece, or tract of land situ
ate In Barclay twp.. containing 130 acres. more or
lees. In the warrantee-name of Joseph Ladley.
ALSO—The said it.. A. Cash's undivided one.
Ann Interest in One other lot, piece, or
tract of land situate in Barclay township, cOll. ,
taining 338 acres; more or less, In - the warrantee
name °Matter Stewart. - .
4111110---The said F. A. .Crab's undivided one,
fifth interest in One other lot. piece: or
tract of land situate in Barclay and
Overton taps.. containing 400 acres, more or
in the warrantee name of AruLiew•Ladley.
Seized and take ninth execution at the snit of - J.
P. Sanderson vs. F. A. Cash.
Also at the nit of B. W. Lane vs. - F. A. Cash.,
ALSO—One other loteydece, or puree/ of land situ
ate in Tuscarora swp., boundedas follows: On the
north 1:1,1 lands of John Clapper, east by Margaret
Hardy, south by nibs Lane. west by - John Harsh;
containing 241.8 acres, more or lessozearly all lm
proved, no buildings. tt
Seized and taken into lizecitiott at the suit of
Joseph Coleman's use vs P. F. Hardy, ;-
ALSO—One, other lot: piece. or . parcel of land alt.
•usto In Taeratera tap. boundedas follows: On th e
north by land 'of Riley Kerney, east by Mary
Woodruff. south by public highway leading from
Skinner's Eddy to South- Auburn. west by Luther
-Keeney: containing 3- acres, more or lets, all im
proved, with a framed house, board shanty, saw
zulll, and few fruit trees thereon. '
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of D.
Hanainson vs E. S. Fisk and Edgar Fisk, • ' -
ALSO—One other let, piece or parcel of land situ
ated in Ulster twp,', bounded as follows: On the
north by land of Darius Myers. east by public high
way leading from Towanda to Athens, south by
lands in possession of the Widow Flocd. west by
said Darius Myers; containing one.half age. more
or less. all improved, with a two-story -framed
Steam Grist Mill, with eider nail' attached, together
with the engine, boiler, and machinery attached
and belonging to same.
Seized and taken intriczocutir,n at the suit of E.
E. Minch*, subrogated to right; of plainta, vs If. L.
!Lingle. _
ALSO—One other lot, piece. or parcel of Land sit
uate in Sheabegaln twp., bor:laid as follows: _,On
north by lauds of Easnel Strubto, out and ant' pi
Irnton Plallpa, treat by E. C.. Sibley; containing is
=U. MOM or leas, all ingiroved, with a tratned
home, small framed barn, and few fruit trots
Betted - situl. taken Into azocuttCh et the area of
C. A. Heavener ye James /Waken.
kiso.,—one otter tot,"pleoe,nr parcel of land aittll
ate in Towanda Borough, bounded as folloira: Ort
um north by an alley,',eaat by laths of Griffith k
Patton, south by J. V: Means and *Geo. D..Aftntam
ye, west by !Jain atreet; being 50 lest on said Main
Street by aboutl4B feet deep, with a framed and
plank building used for a dwelling house, provision
More and meat marliet, and a framed barn thereon.
C ~ e Levied upon as the property of dofeudant, P. W.
ALSO—Ono other lot, piece, or parcel of. land sit
nets in Towanda Borough, aforesaid, bounded as
follows:. Au the north by Elie .beth Street, east by
south by land .of 0.. D. Bartlett - west by
Ass Do laes -and 'Stephen, Barner ; being 50 feet
on said • Street by abiut 150 deep, with •
framed dwelling house and - .framed horse barn
thereon. levied npateks timprooft of 13.F.Blyer.
Seized and 'taken into execution at the suit of
Robert Seiunen A Co. vs I'. W. Cowell end er
ALSO—One other lot, piece, or parcel of land sa
tiate in Wyecx twp., bounded as follows: Beginning
at a core on east line of Idinzt-st. in the Dr. Fleschut
subdivialon of Last Towanda, heing the southwest
cor. of lot. No. 12 of said subdivision; thence north
4.9 deg. 30 min. east :along - line of lot No. 12 of
block No. 24 110, Metro cor.ion'ireat line Of a 20 ft.
alley; thence along line of same south 40 deg. 30
ruin. east 3 6 fer.t to a cor. on north line Of a 60 ft,
street; thence along line °teams south 40 deg. 30.
tninJwest 150 feet to a cot on eakt line of said Main
at.; thence along line of same north 40 deg: 30 rain
west 375 feet to place of beginning, the same being
lots Nos. 13, 14, I 5, 16, and 1 . 7 fronting on laid Main
et in Block No. 24 of Dr. Flesenut a subdivision of
- East Towanda as aforesaid.
, &ized and taken into execution at the suit of
Henry iranßrunt vs Charlie - a Z. Pierce. -
ALSO--One other lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Towanda Born— belonging, to C. D. Cash,
bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Solo
mon Walborn and 11. Jacobs, east by T. C. Delano,
south by Pine-at., west by ti. M. Manville; being
about 100 feet front on said Pine-st., mo•e 'or less,
and about 112 feet deep, running back to the south
line of said Walborn and Jacubs's land, with a
framed dwelling Loose thereon...
ALSO—The defendants. C D and F A Cash's undi
vided two-fifths interest in one Other • lot, piece. or
pureed of land. - sitnsto. in in Tearanda Bort...bound.
ed as fairest North by Pciplar=st.; axe by Third-et
south by Wade( Wm Gr ills. west be an alley; be
ing about 105 feet none on said Third street and ,
about VI feet baca on said Poplar street, with a.. 1
two-story gothic brick dwelling house, smell framed
barn, other outbuildings, *and few troll and orna- 1
mental trees thereon; said let known as the llonae
'stead Lot of the David Cash estate.
ALSO—The defendants, O D Cash and .1' A Caih's
Andivded two-fifths interest in one other lot, piece,
or tract of land, situate in riarelay twp., containing
113 acres, more or less ; in , the warrantee name or
D II Cunningham, with a sawrmill, two mill houses 1
and a stable thereon. _,
• ALSO—The defendant /, D Cash and F A patlesl
undivided two-fifths interest !none other lot,_ piece;
or tract of land situate in -Barclay - twp., aforesaid,
containing 400 acres, more or less, in the warrantee
name of Peter Lsdley.
ALSO—Tbe defendants, O D Csah and 1` A Cash's
undivided two-Why interest in one other lot, piece,
or tract of land adage in Barclay twp., aforesaid,
containing 330 acres, more or less, in the warrantee
name of Joseph Ladley.
ALSO—:The defendants, C Tr Cash ant F A Cash's
undivided two-fifths interest itt ono older lot. Vim',
or.tract of land situate in Barclay twp., Aforesaid,
containing 356 acres, more or legs, in the vtarrnatee ,
name of Walter Stewart.
ALSO—The defendants, C D Cash and F A Cash's
undivided two-fifths interest in one other lot, piece,
or tract of land situate in Barclay and Overton twp.
aforesaid. containing 400 acres, more or less, In the
warrantee name of Andrew Ladley.
- Seized and ; taken Into execution at the suit of '
Cowell k Myer to use of AM Creamer vs C D Cash
and F A Cast“ late copartners trading under the
ft= name of C 1) Cash & Co.
• ALSO—One otherlot, piece or parcel of land ahtt
'nate in Towanda Boro., bounded as follows; Begin
ning at a cor in south line of Lombard
thence by Lomb rifest. south ST deg east 140 feet
to eil4 feet alley; thence by said alley south 3 deg
west 903.; feet to north-east cor of a lot No. 16;
thence north by said lot No, 16 north 83 deg west
40 feet tollird-st; thence by Third-st. north 3 deg
east 100% feet to place of beginning; containing.
&bone/3,930 square feet; .with a stone and brick
chnech thereon, known Jul the Boman Catholic
Chunk'. ,
Seized and 'taken, into execution st, , ,the suit of
.O'Malley & McGovern as James F WOO, Catholic
Bishop of Ptuladerghia in trust for the Cattalo Con
gregation of Towanda. : •
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel site.
ate In Towanda Bora, bounded as follows: North
by lands of D 31 Turner, east by BI C Meecur, south j
by John Webb, west by Main-st.. being 50 feet front
on said Main Worn and 100 feet deep with a trained
house, framed barn, and few trait trees thereon. I
Seized and taken into execution- at tile suit of
Gustavus Conklires nose vs Maury Herr:Li
- ALSO—One other lot, pfece or pared of land situ
ate in. South Creek twp,, bounded as follows: On
;the north by land of J'Bell, east by Jared and Jos.
"Dunham, south by Lewis J Utter, west eby If 11
Kinsman, containing 50 acres, more or less;-no
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of
Own; T Dickinson's use va Iftram Kinsman.
Also at the. atilt of Oscar T Di-Abeam va Hiram
ALSO--Ono other lot, piece, or parcel of Lend situ
ate in Burlington twp., bounded as follows: North
by public blab:way, ea-t by lands et Omits Odstin,
south and west by Jeremiah Travis, containing li
of an sae, more or less; all improved, with a small
framed house and few fruit trees thereon. ' -
Seized arid taken intoexecution at the suit of
Reuben Morley vs Andrew Melville.
ALSO-One other lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Granville twp., bounded as follows: North by,
estate Win MeThalon, deceased, east by land -IDf Mrs
Steel, C Lowe, and 11 nose, south by fUloss,wen by-
Walborn and Philander Putnam, containing 42
acres, more or less, all 1 improved with &framed
house, an old framed' barn, and apple ,orchard
. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of
Dewey_ A• Winston vs A. T Morrison and Wm Fitch,
security. •
.5I SO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land alb:t
ato in ITyaox itrp., described as follows: Being
lota No 1, 2.9, and 10 of Block No 24 as will more
fully spltta: on map mado by Win 11 'Morgan of
.Fleechnt's Subdivision of East Toworida. Said lots
No 9 and 10 fronting on Main street, each 75 feet by
150 feet deep along Pine street. and said lota No 1
and 2 fronting on Second street; said lot No 1 hav
ing a front of 75 .set and lot No 2 having S
front of 36 feet and each lot being 110 feettltep.
Seized mud taken into execution at the suit of
fll J Long va 0 W Holman. '
b, ALSO--One ether lot, piece or parcel of land alto
'at° in Towanda twp., bounded as follows: North by
I howl of H It Mace, east by Michael ,Desiane, south
bj James McGill. west by John Bowman; contain.
Ling 38 acres. more er less :no improvements. '
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parol of land situ
ate In Towanda hero., bounded as follows: North
and east by land of- lola P Keens, south by ET -
Elliott, west by Spruce street, containing one acre.
more or lea; all improved, with a two-atory framed
dwelling house. framed barn and few trait trees
thereon. -
Eldred and taken (into execution at the suit of
I II Phinricy vs James P Lewis and Beta Lewie.
ALSO—One other lot, place or parcel of land situ
ate in Towanda Bora., bounded as follows: Begin
ning at cor of Weston and Water streets; thence
south along about 200 feet to bads be
longing to thb mate of C E Ladd. deed; thence
westerly along amid Ladd's north line about 147 ft.
to a coril thence southerly &Nog void line of said
Ladd's lot to an alley; thence weaterli along said
alley about 63 feet to lot formerly belonging to Geo
Sanderson; thence norther bf along said Sanderson
lot about 127 feet to line of lands of Sol Prannell;
thence ter!, along mild Bunnell's south line
about 61 f tto a tor; thence northerly along east
lined Bunnell about 64 feet to said Weston-et
Thence ly along south line of \ said Westoo-st.
about 146 feet to place of beginning. containing $3
square perches. more or less, with a twa.suft
brick dwelling houso. treated barn. other out build
lags, and fruit and ortianassital trees thereon. '
- belted and taken into execution at the suit of J P
EirbY vs AZ IttenardL - -
ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Canton or Armenia twp., bounded Ss follows;
Beginning at a post la centre of public road leading
from atom grist mill in Manton Boro.i, of Israellf oorts l a in Armenia twp. =nit* theme taut 126
prr to line of land el estate of Elba Erektfell, deed,
being the m 041114 01 el it
watt in mins of John
Vaughn; thence south 23a , deg tihngt said war
rant Wm 40 per. to &post; thence floe* 87 deg VMS
123 per. to &past in cergre of highway Wore men. -
tinned; thence north dileg cad 33V. pet to `place of
WOWS& cootalelog man we Wet no
improvements. -
Seized and taken into execution at the' suit of _
Chubs fitodtwell •
ALSO—One other lot, piece or pi:Worland situ
ate AO Harlington torte. Wounded as follows: -Be
ginning in cons of Betide-1i; turedikaladjoining
lands ofSamnel Williams; thence south /4AV west
Di &In per tolost; thence tenth 23 deg vett 4 per;
thence north 14 deg east 13 .840 pee to anstre of •
said turnpike; thence south 32 deg east 4 per to
Place of , ine•tegt contlibi 68 square , perches.
more or less. with a fruited. welling hones, framed: ,
horse barn, and. few • fruit and ornamental • trees F.
thereon. •
• gl,9o—cce other lot. =reel of land attn. , .
ate in Burlington Bora: af bounded
Iowa: Beginning in centre a/Berwick turnpike
joining the above described lot; thence south 64
deg. west It 340 per to a post cm lino. of Oat. 01
Addison fdcgcan..deed; theme , along said li ne 20 •
feet; thence north tit deg east 14 340 per to centre -
of said turnpike; thence south 89 deg east 20 feet -
to place of beginning, containiog 17 6-10 waste
perches, more or less, with a framedollice thereon. •
&weed and taken into execution at- the snit of •
Overton & Elsbree vs It II Ely, 'Jackson Bollanback
anolym,Gritda, security
ALSO—One other lot. piece or pireel of Land
ate in Canton Bore., bounded as follows: Earth by
South Towanda street, east by lands of Marcus g
Porter. mita by O. Barnes. west b 7 - Waiter 43
Behrinan.- containing 17 swum rods, more •or lots,
with a pleat binge thereon. -
Beizedand taken into execution at the snit of .11 - $
Wllliwinea use vs Albert, Haller. ,
ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of find sitaA
ide in Wyaox Urn.. bounded as follows: North to ,
road "leading from Wysox road flowsnan's Eddy, .
eaat by feud of J P Eirby.aouth by. the Old - North
Branch Canal, west' by J P Kirby, containing 12
acres, more or lass; all iniVentd, with framed •
house and framed barn thereon.. .
Seized and takenAto execution at the suit of If
C Merely vs G Doman, impleaded: with Walter
gpenoer. f
AL9o—One other lot, piece or parcel of landsitu- -
"ate in Orwell tarp.. bounded as follows:. North by.
lands of D Chadee, east by Samuel Chaffee; south
by Cyr us Cook, • west by public 'highway leading
through Potter - title to Werkheisees mill. contain
ing .48 square rods, more or less; all improved;
with a framed dwe ll ing house and tiframad barn
thereon. •
Seized and taken into execattoriat the salt of 931
Bronson's use vs Janus Green.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel'of land situ
ate in Towboat twn, bounded as follow) Begin-
Wag at north-east cor at a black oat_ thence_ wee ,
tarty along live of lands formerly waned. by Wm
Park 44 per and 4); feet to a stake and stones cor;.nce southerly along of lands formerly
Poitted by , said Wm Pirk about 34 pet to a stake and
stones cor which is also cor of lands of said WM
Park and 1 1 Cole; thence taster]; along line of lend
owned by 8 Cole 13} per to staleCand stone corner;
thence northerly toplace of beginning, containing -
6 acres, wore or less. -
Seized and taken into - exec: 40n :at the snit of
John Holmes vs_E 31 Bonfoy. •
Jan 8-td • J. M. SMITH, 'Sheriff.
matter of the, estate of Itachel Mortars heirs.
in the Orphans' Court of Bradford Bounty.
Th. undersigned, baying been appointed Auditor
by said Court to dispose of exceptions to Anal sc.
counts of Jason E. Wright, guardian of Raixe4
ISillie Z'., Edith, George, and Elisabeth 'Murray.
minor children of Redid Eturray;'dee'd, will attend
to the duties of said appointment on 'THURSDAY,
the 3.411 day of Ja"'MAUI% .1873,,at 10
o'clock, a. in., .at the °Zee- ' - of k
ME in the -borough -of Towanda, at
which time and . place all ' persona . having
claims on said money are required to make the same
before said Mlitor, or be debaired from coming
upon said fond. J. .NCCALTEF, ,
3a11.8..w4 • - Auditor.
born vs. T. Bottfoy.—So. 461. Bevt. T .1049i 1 '
In the Court c f Common Pleas of Bradford Comity.
The undersigned, and Auditor appointed,by
cot ilt to distribute moneys arising from libel-Mr, s.
sale of defendsnra real estate, will lama to the dO
- said appointment at the etre of DeWitt I;
Maynard, in the Corozal of Towanda, on Fill-
DAL FEB.' 7.; 1873, at 10 o'clock, a.' m.. where
alt persona haring claims upon said funds are re
quired to present them or be debarred from coming
ip upon said turd.- IN C. DiSTIT,
- Jan .8.w4 ' • Auditor.
rrratter of the estate of A. S. Coleman, deed.—
Di the Orphan's Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned, en Auditor. appointed - by said
Court to distribute funds in hands of the Election;
of said estate, will attend to duties of such appoint-
Merit at his office. in Tnwanda Born., or. FR/DAT.
January 31, 1873, at 1 o'clock. p. m., ' .where all
persons claims ! upon Raid Salads must pier
scut them or be debarred from coining in upon the
mime. '1 0..D.11014T.515TE, --
Jan.B44 • , Auditor.
Daater'i use vs. 11. 's .. .Laster's use: '4*, •
IrG9.-:rn the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford County.'
The undeTainned, an Auditor appointed by said
evart to distribute moneys arising, from Sheriff's
sale cf defendant's real estate, wild attend tothe dn.
ties cf said appointment at the office of B.B.lrlean ; 4
in Towanda, on MONDAY, JAN: 20. 1873, at 10 a.
m., where all persons having el.leal upon saidfauds
cre'reipaired to prey-nt them• or be debarred from
aoming in upon said fund. _ -
L. P WILLISTON. Auditor.
rl Mary Brown:—NO; 80. Sep Term. -
lion are hereby notified _that John arosrPt your
httaband. tuo-applied to the court of common pleas
of Bradford county, for a divorce from the boedeof
matrimony, and the said amid had appointed Mon.
day, the 3d - day of 'Feb 1870. for .berrlng. the Said
Brown in the premises, at which time and 'place.
you can attend it yon think p
Zan.B-w4 J. /1-. SMITH. Sheriff.
. NoticEe
herebyziven that all "paeans - indebteli t.
the estate. of Levi Lester, late of Canton)
deed, arc requested to mate immediate payment
nod alOpersons having claims *Must laid estate
must presentthem duly authenticated for rattle.
meet.: - $ - barn) PALMER,
Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted ,
to the estate of Manson Lovelace, late Shah&
quin, deceased, must mats immediate payment.
and all persons having claims against said estate
must present: theta duly authenticated for settle
ment:- ! LOVE:LACE.
Dec.ll-tray Administrator.
JUL Notice is hereby given thatillpersons inebted
to the estate of Edward Barton, late of Litchfield,
deceased, are; requested • to make immediate
payment, and all persons having claims against said
estate must present them duly authenticated for est=
Acc.lB-wa. ' Admirdstrattatrlz__
JLANetice is hereby given that all persons indebted
to the eatate of Sensual Lyons, Jr.. late of Orwell,
deceased, aro . requested to- mate insixtedLat•
payment, and all persons having claims against
said eetste must present then dulp:authenticatad
for settlement. k- 8. GLOM
Jan.fs-w6 • Executor.
Passengers booked to and from any Railway Eas
t 'on or Seaport in Great Britain, Ireland, Norway,
weden, Denmark. Germany, - France, Holland,
ling, and the United Rates,
'.`; Cable fare from New Fork to London, Liverpool, :.
lespow, and Derry. 165 and g 75.
ExersacoN TICKETS 1130.
iniermcdiate... ....$25 I Steerage, •
1. •
. All payable in Currency.
Parties sending far their &Mud/ hi the Old Corm
try can purchase tickets at-reduced prices, ",
For faviber particulars apply to Hesinteinerllsod.
7 Bowling Green, N.Y., or If. H. Evelsrr, Central „ 1 „.
Eames. (Vice, Towands, Pa., or N. N. Burrs, Jr.,
First National Bank of Towanda. ' Dealt' 2 .
J to an order of the Orphans'
Court of Bradford County,Pa., will be sold at pub
he sale on the - premises in Albany twp., in. said •
county. on BITORDAT, the 25th day of JANITTABY,
1879, at one o'clock. p.m., of raid day, the following
described real estate, late the estate of John Oard •
of Aloany township, deceased:
The real estate aforesaid consists of 4 firmidtrui•
ted in Albany twp. aioreasid, containing 106 acres
and tO perches. and bounded by line beginning at
an old hemlock cos. of the quirrarftl thence north on. -
warrant lins2os per. to an old maple aatv; thence
east by warrant "lino 89 per. to post. of James
Warner's lot; thence south by sa me 05 per. toe
post; thence west 83 per. to place of beginning;
being the western section of a tract surveyed on
warrant in the name of Henry Stark,- dated :august
The impro.vements wasn't of about 40 acres well
cleared and fenced; a comfortable plank house,
story end's half high, with three rooms below and
tvroabove; a log barn; shwa a young apple orchard
of some 15 .thrifty grafted trees, and s few ,
pe ach trees. The land is well watered with .pnre
water and is located within s few rods of the Guilt.
van Erie Railroad. - The land is of good quality
and suitable for•tillage,' e whole of it.
TERII&-850 to be pal when U struck
down, 6500 when the-sale is fanny confirmed, and
the balance of the remelts money. 'tobe ' paid in
one-year thereafter with in and secority for ,4
the same. . - GIORGE . • k
1:kle 25 ham'? 'estate of Jahn Gard.,
Every year increases tho popuiarity of this Talus
blo Bair Preparation; which is due to merit alone.
We can aware our old patrons that it is kept fully
up to its bleb standard; and it is the only reliable
and perfected -prey:wanes for - restoring` Gray or
Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lus.
trona, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes
white and clean. It removes all eraptionstunldand
ruff, and, by its tonic properties, preclude the lair -
from falling out, es It stimulates and nourishes the •
hair-glands. By !tease the hair gems airier, and
stronger. In baldness itrestores the capillary glands
to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth,-
except in extreme old sge. It is the most economi
cal Mir Dressing ever wed, as it requires fewer ap
plications, and gives the hair a splendid glossy tip.
fr ar g iCe. 41 l 4 Hayes, C. D., state m ! ssier of
Igaseachrusette, montituenta are pure
and carefully selected for y esceßent quality ; and I
consider it the Best *Promotion' for its intended
Assn elegant dressing foi,besutifyibi the fair,
Ides no inperloi•. •
Sold by al{Dniggitts, mid /Matra is Midioincs.
rassaszn sr
Dn. 'T.D. AIIM /4 . tirizt, Masa.,
Practical and Analytical Obeatilsi;4
AND. SOLD 4LL,HOIIIfD ran warm,
Dr. - E. O. Ponta. Solt ifbo)oo.110 Agents.
Towanda; pi., and for sale by deale_ro throughout
tiro count'.
Mo. 7. 1971.-134 m.