Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 16, 1873, Image 2
II a vision and examination, been properly and syst ematically applied. The third volume of their reports will be sub twitted at an early day. It will present a large amount of staflatical information, and many i nteresting facts and valusble saggestiominpon subjects of great importance. I. cannot too strongly commend this Board—the great regu lator of State charities—to the favorable con sideration of the Le tare, and recommend such appropriation's or expenses and addition al enactments as may be necessary to increase its efficiency. 1!EllITHINUi111123 Lai matoratarostas. From a personal inspection-of the peniten "juice, I am able to bear testimony to the eel deuces that were everywhere manifested of their general good management and excellent discipline. The Eastern penitentiary has long been de servedly regarded as the medal prison in which the "separate" or "individual treatment system r imprisonment is applied, and the an nual reports of its faithful Botird'of Inspectors, crab - racing their observations and investiga• tions, show that they have elevated the subject of crime-punishment almost to• the dignity of science. ' , .Inion,g the circumstances that attracted my attention was the insufficient number of cells to carry out the "solitary confinement" ( 1 1 ,1,3 , and the incarceration there of a number a boys and youths for rst offences, and of fe males untrained in crime. Sometimes tiro or in one cell were thus avoidably brought associations which could scarcely fah to fe.eince contamination of character and mor i I would therefore, recommend that the I egislature enablo the courts to sentence mi .rs arid females to the„county prisons, where lit r oper teaching—training in some handy ," ausiness—and with due attention given t aiseipline, the object of punishment would 1, • more effeetnally attained; and the peniten t thus relieved, wont¢ have cells sufficient ter all ordinary. purposes. It is a great mistake elin-ct all eases of minors convicted for their first. and often trivial-Offence, -to send them to a state's prism because the punishment is less in its effect than the idea of degradation in the alterlife of the : prisoner. Such persons 'should be punished in the locality where the crime was committed, and the disgrace would Oct be so likely to permanently affect the char " after after the discharge orthe prisoner. From 1829 to 1871, inclusive, only three hun dred and forty-six females were received in the Eastern penitentiary, and of this number. one hundred and twenty-seven were minors. These factewonld fully justify the _propriety of such aetioe by the Legislature as has teen .anggest- The Western penitentiary contains ample - space for present, ,demands. It is".condttctad no the "combined system of "solitary" and congregate " imprisonment, the workings of wi,ich are giving entire satisfaction to ah con cerned, ' • The commis4itmers from this State to the In ternatit ual Prison Congress, lately held in I.ol:th,n. England, report that Meaty-one gov ernments were represented, principally by men who Lave made criminal legislation and penal t'reatmeut a study. America soot seventy-three delegates. representing penitentiaries, asylums nd veformatory institutions. Among these .err many expt-rta in every branch of penolo gy. The deliberations of the Congress contin ued ten days. Ps results are difficult to esti mate ; but it is hoped the great interests of humanity involved in the proper treatment if crime will be happily sabse4ved among all eiv T , ilized nations. •: The managers of the. " Pennsylvania Reform school" (late the Western House of Refuge) propoie to change their looation from Alleghe ny City to a farm, containing 503 acres,in Wash ington county, seventeen miles from Pittsburg, near the Chirticrs Valley railroad, and adopt for its govtrument the best feature of what is kn.iwn as the "family system" of juvenile reformatories. These will mainly consist in the abandonment of walls, bolts and bars .for con riming the children ; and limn earnest effort g yrern them through sympathy and kindness, end prepare them for useful occupations. The Board will ask additional appropriation t., pa,y for the land and improvements. saNrraur r.surLanoss. ti; a!1 my official recommendations, I deem tie. , e most important whith relate to the pub lie health. .Facilities for the material develop ment, and the 'accumulation of wealth, Mi nuted at their highesi value, are of but minor consequence when compared with the preser vatdei of life itself. "All teat a man hath will be given for his life:" At the time of present ing my last annual message. small-pox was te Irfuliv prevalent in Philadelphia and in many 'towns and populous' districts of the Stan.. I then called attention to the subject, and in the strongest terms at my command, urged the imperative necessity of adopting su.di measures as would arrest the disease and prevent its re-appearance. My suggestions, however, :were utterly unheeded by the Leg ishinire." Thu dreadful scourge extended -it self into the first half of the past year, and, in the ibienee of well known preventives, it would be presumption not to expect ita annual return. N,-nlier the extent of its ravages, sot the fatal Character of thedisease, last year i is generally known ,to the imblie,or, lam Condident, there would have been such an outcry as would have eonipelled immedite attention and relief. Among the ut.vaecivated, the ordinary proper time of di s.ths has been thirty-three per cent; but the recent death-rate in Philadelphia amounted to nearly forty-seven per cnit: This is' f, arful to contemplate, and yet, more fearful still -- the fatal percentage has been nearly sixty--ix in the country at large. ' Thighs main ly the k( eult of an indifference, s.i reckless, as' .t., be -absolutely unaccountable. I am thor _ ? iii ; ;,lll!,i eonvine,;(7,,that the deplorable results nit alluded to, might have been prevented, by ' opportune, legislanen. The testimony of the most ECienlitle schools is to the effect that vac einatiOn, properly administered, is a sovereign ' ,intidote. The highest medical authorities un qualifi qlly affirm, tonsil-pox to be a disgrace to any civilized land : that there is no necessity for, its presence, and that if every person were properly vaccinated every seven years, the dia ca-e might be utterly exterminated. I am as-. roue.l of -the c..rreetness ofi'this opinion by my personal observations iii the army, both in Mexico and the United States. Soon after our cauips were pitched upon Mexican sollntbe disease made its appearance among our troops. _by anlorder from General Scott, the whole sir- - iny was vaccinated and the small-pov .was at • once driven from our lines. The same result 'followed the . applicution of the saute remedy in ilie army of General Sherman, during his _. tamouS march " to the sea" and, more trecent ly, in our very', midst we have been favored with apt illustration equally striking and cons elusive : Our schobls of soldiers' orphans, in ehich, there aro upwards of thirty-five bun ,:'red children, being under the absolute con trol of the State authorities, a regulation en* forcing universal vaccination, could be, and was, adopted. The result is, that not a single case of small -pox his occurred in them. My ~submitting these re marks to you is not so much for the purpose of convincing you of the truth of a proposition which but few attempt to dispute, as tok the im- Mediate, enactment of re edial mea- SUM'S. It remains, theref re, only to consider how the object t be sought may be most speedily an effectually is accomplished. In reply o this ques tio,n, I i earnestly reconamend the passage •sot providing for com pulsory vaccination, which should have such penalties annexed as would insure its undoubted enfOreement. I also recommend an enactment establishing a State Board of Health, whose functions shall be discharged under the auspices of -the ,liegisla tare. Such an organization would lie indispensable to the vigorous and 1 . comprehensive execn i0n...0f a law making vaccination compulsory, and would- be indispensable to the vigor ous and bomprehensive execution of alaw making vaccination compulsory and .would be eminently serviceable in, enforcing . such other sanitary Teg , Illations as might be' deemed essen tial to the protection of the public against small-pox and other conta gions diseases. The State' Board might be constituted upon the model of the Board of Public Charities, with the addition of local boards for the counties, cities, and larger towns. , The expense of such a system would ', not be worth a thought, when com pared with the value of the benefits • tha(would be . conferred by its opera tion. At all events, it would be far less than Abe cost in human lives annually sacrificed by the diseases it would be &Signed L. prevsnV fit is not/possible . to estimate correctly such 'values. Brit for the purpose of illustration ; the calculation of .an eminent physician may be accepted. Dr., Ackland, of England, sets•down e'very death by ge - preventable disease t:S a loss in money.-of Xloo f and 212. _for loss of time and maintenance daring the period of sickness- Ac cording to this standard Pennsylvania lost during ihe lasttwo years by small-pox alone more than $5,010,000. From a joint report made to me .• - by the • Health Officer and Port . Physician 4 • Philadelphia;' I learn that the health laws of that city and' port are in . a :Very confused and *unsatisfactory condition. These gen:. • - tlemen, in effect, . say' that the first '.. comprehensive health law era! pee -..i.,1 in 1818; Oat continuous addit ions haVe been'inede since that time; t '.;tt ..=. -. .,.i1e some of the laws have been repealed, others hate become inopera- . -- tire and obsolete; that if yet-imp - I ~ these were tevived and enfor' .. , :t.,ir i ; , :cculion . could inflict positive in . jury; and; short, that the whole .• system itn*istively requites. a thar... .1 • . _ ough reiirdon., I have good reason to eadorse the truth of these state-_ nients, and I earnestly recommend the whole subject to your early and considerate action, and that the amendments which you may make for the better protection of the health and general well-bang of Philadel phia be; extended as fear is_ practi cable to the whole. State. ckirtor. AND CAPITOL (nouns. The apartment in 'the Capitol buil ding, familiarly known as the "Office of the State . Historian," has been tastefully fitted np for the reception and display of the battle-flags carried by our eoldiers in the war pf the re. hellion, in accordance with a rem). Intim' to that effect passed by the Legislature at its last session. • For the purpose of irrigating and beautifying the Capitol grounds, I recommend - that yon authorise the construction of at least two orna mental fountains. I renew my recomendation for the purchase of a few small lots at the eastern-corner of the grounds neces sary to the completion of the square, and that the iron fen o enclosing them be completed. noreesoa's SALARY. As no charge of selfishness can, 'at this juncture; be attached to me, I 'frankly remind you that , the com pensation of the Governors entirely. inadequate to enable him to live in a . 'style corresponding to his, position, and the reasonable expectations of the people of so great a Common wealth. The truth of these asser tions is so obvious that no argument is required for their confirmation. - The Constitution declares in sec tion VI, of article 11, "The Governor ' shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation, which shall be neither increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected." Should the Legislature concur with me as to the propriety of increasing the compensation of the Executive to ten thousand dollars per annum,` I recommend that it be done prior ''to. the twentieth of January; as on that day the period for which my successor has been elected will begin. IR 1121IMORLLM. It, has heretofore been my sad duty to chronicle the departure of distin guished-citizens, from spheres of use fulness to that realm of eternal silence, from which no traveler re turns. Among them may be enumerated three ex-Governors ; and now lam called upon to announce the decease of another Who has Oc cupied the Executive chair, William F. Johnston was born November 29, 1808, at Greensburg, Westmoreland county, and died at Pittsburg, October 25, 1872, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. He waa admitted - to the bar in 1829, and was subsequently a member of the House of Representatives, and of the . Senate. As speaker of the latter, he became acting Governor upon the resignation of Francis iR. Shunk. He was afterwards nominat ed by the Whigs, and elected- to the Chief Magistracy. He filled the office with honor and marked ability. After the expiration of his term he devoted his time to the construction and. management of railroads and the development of the resources of the western portion of the State.. He was endowned with strong natural abilities, was genial in manners and faithful in friendship. His services to the Commonwealth will not soon be forgotten. I trust the Legislature will do justice to his memory by' ap- . propriately noticing his death. It is with profound sorrow, also, that I announce to you, officially, the death of Major • General George Gordon Meade. He died in Philadel phia, November 6, 1872, in The fifty 'sixth year of his age. It is impossible, within the brief space allowed, to - give an extended notice of the services of one so emin ently distinguished. He was a graduate of. the Military Academy at West Point ; and served with dis tinction in the Seminole and Mexican wars, and as a Topographical Engi neer in time of peace. At the com mencement of the recent Civil war, his services were tendered to and accepted by the Government. ,From the rank of Brigadier General he rose through the grades of Division! and Corps Commander, and-was on the twenty-eighth day of June, 1863,with out solicitation, , appointed, by President Lincoln, Commander in Chief of the Army of the Potomac ; and although he leaves behind him an undying record of his brilliant and heroic deeds wherever he was called into action, his name will be, par ticularly and forever, associated with the glory of the great turning battle of the war—fought at Gettyaburion the first second and third days of July, 1863. General Meade remained in the regular army until the time of his death. - He was an accomplished gentleman, possessing:a highly culti vated intellect, sound judgment, and great integrity of character. But it is to his distinguished services upon the soil of Pennsylvania,' which has so intimately identified his memory with the defence of the nation, in the hour of its extremest peril, that I in voke your special attention. Penn sylvania cannot, will not be ungrateful for such services. She will desire, with appropriate honors, to perpetu ate the fame of her departed chief tain. I recommend an appropriation for the erection of a monument to his memory upon the battle-field of Gettysburg; and such other legisla tion as: will be alike suitable to the occasion and honorable to the Com monwealth. pAsoass, COMMUTATIONS AND EXECUTIONS No department of the State gov ernment has imposed upon it such difficult and embarrassing duties, or stub weighty and disagreeable re sponsibilities, as the pardoning pow er devolves upon the Executive. That .a few pardons may have been unworthily granted, through the mis-' representations of relatives, neigh bors, or ether interested Parties, or even by affidavits afterwards discov ered to have been designedly false, may be frankly conceded; and that some who, perhaps, were more de serving, have been refused, from want of proper representations of facts, may be equally true • still, I feel assured that I have f aithfully performed my duty in sucaa eases, and have exercised the prerogative pray when the facts and circumstan ces seemed to imperatively demand the interposition of Executive clem ency. In this, I have endeavored to adopt and • enforce the views enter the framers of our Consti tution, who never contemplated an indiscriminate use of the pardoning power,, but designed it for the cor rection of errors and oppressions; cases , of after discovered evidence; irequalities of sentences for identical efltnceli ; the furtherance of justice by '1 17 , g ime, and Other in ce-44ms strongly exceptional in their ettitracter. goon after entering *3l6e du ties of the Executive Wiles, I deemed it important that the publio should be more fully informed upon the subject of , lent th tir i =ad Cr& m time in tide Eitab, 013111111 p ar d o n !sports, contahringthe saint of tbs:petatiosom and 11,31spitane of the reasons 'wooed for eaelt ease of ialief from the sentence of the law. Since then, similar reports have been made in other States, and the prac tice, divesting the esen:in Of the par doning prerogative of al secrecy, seems to have received very general approbation. .The applications for pardons, dur ing the past year, nnmbered one thousand four hundred and thirty- seven—about five for every working day in the year. Of these, sixty-nine were granted—less than five per cent. of the noanber applied for, and aver- ' aging about one to each county. Es timating our population at three mill ion six hundred thousand, the aver age is one pardon to every forty-two thonarnd tree bundled. The system of commutation, un der the act of May '21,1869, contin ues to work well in all the pp and has produced a decid y sal utary effect upon the discipline ofthe prisons and the character of the pris oners. The death penalty has been twit% carried into effect daring the year, once in Cambria county and once in Chester. A report of pardons and ereentions for the year ending November 30, 1872, accompanies this comninnies- tion IMPROTEXUT OF THE OHIO RUM: The subject of the improvernent of the Ohio River and its • navigable tributaries has long engaged the at tention of leading business men 'of our own and other States; and i they have several times solicited Congres sional action in its behalf. Organiz ed effort was commenced during he present year. A convention met in Cincinnati on the twentieth of last February, in which a comparison of views led to the adoption of a reso lution requesting the Governor of the States of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Indiana, Illinois„ Ohio, Ken tucky and Tennessee, to appoint each a committee of five members, who should act as a commission to take charge of,- and promote by all legitimate means the desired improve ment. I respoilded tl the request, and appointed as et,mmissioners for Pennsylvania, Jamey K. Moorhead, Thomas J. Powers, George H. Thurs! ton, Joseph Walton and Edward Blanchard. The Governors of the other States made similar appoint nients, and the commission met, at Cincinnati on the eighteenth of Sep tember.. It continued in session two days, and its proceedtngs indicate that its members wire actuated by earnestness of spirit, and by just, comprehensive and statesmanlike views. The commission from its own ixidy appointed committees on statistics, legislation, water supply and availa ble reservoirs, plans and manner of improvement, and an executiVe com mittee, with power to act in the in!. tercels of its regular sessions.. Reso lutions were adGpted asking the Gov ernors of the several States repre sented, to present • the subject upon which the commission had been cre ated in their forthcoming messages to their respective Legislatures—to advise them to instruct their Sena tors and Representatives in Congress to favor a liberal policy toward an interest of such magnitude, and to recommend them to make an appro priation sufficient to pay the expenses of the commission. From a memorial prepared and submitted to the commission by Mr. Thurston, it is manifest that the pro ject is one of the very highest im portance to - the States immediately concerned, and indinictly of great interest to the %%hole Country. The claims of this subject to your prompt and favorable consideration, and that of Congress will hardly be question ed, when it is remembered that it is presented by gentlemen who repre sent one-half of the population of the country; that the people, who would be directly or indirectly bene filed by the contemplated improve ment, possess one-half of its cultiva ted lands, raise sixty per cent. of its agricultural products, breed sixty per cent. of live stock, own fifty per cent. of its capital invested in farming im plements and machinery, and have, heretofore, paid thirty five per cent. of its internal taxation, and contrib uted a corresponding share toward the payment of the National debt. The President of the United States, in his late message, invites the atten tion of Congress t o this and similar enterprises, as being of great mo ment to the varied producing inter ests and the internal commerce of the country in time of peace, " and of inestimable value in case of a foreign war." In the scheme for the im provement of the Ohio river and its navigable tributaries, Pennsylvania has an immediate and deep concern. The subject, as presented by Mr. Thurston, has awakened in my own mind an unreserved and ardent sym pathy, and I refer you with pleasure to his very comprehensive and able report, and most cordially recom= mend that the instructions requested, and an appropriation to meet the ne cessary expenses of 4onr commission era, be given. I am informed that the amount required by the commis sioners of each State will not exceed three thousand dollars. It • need scarcely be added that the character of the gentlemen composing the com mission entitles them to your perfect confidence, and gives assurance that the appropriation would be judicious ly and honestly expended. ( Concluded on iburth Page.) 249-. One of the most sensible sug gestions yet made in the Constitu tional Convention, is • the following offered by Dr. Howron of this county. Its incorporation in the constitution, would certainly prevent the adoption of Bucs-exzw's undemocratic theory of cumulative voting : Resolved, - That the apprt?priste oommittee be instructed to ,inquire into the expediency of so amending the constitution as to prohibit . the Legislature from passing any law in terferilig with, infringingupon, or abridging .the right of the majority to rule, or in any manner giving. aid and comfort to the false assumption that officers legally and fairly chosen by a majority of the suffrages of the people do not represent the whole people—the minority as well as the majority, jar It was a singular coincidence that EDWARD Smuts was sentenced on the 'anniversary of the day on which he fired the fatal shot which cost his victim, and will coat , him, his life. roi till •••,-- :::-4-,-.7,,,,,,,,:44:-,:t.-1,V.,:x. ‘,....,-.-..7,,,,,,.....t....7.-... MIDITORIki sawn**. $. iIeVORD. triosala;Tlniadq. Jan. 16, 1873. mRa powsturiairs itguactia. To. the exclusion of our usual va riety, we this week lay before , our readers the last annual message of Governor GEARY. Although the doc ument is somewhat lengthy it will well repay & perusal by all who de sire to post themselves in mud to State affairs. _ Governor GZAI , IY has met with some opposition, and been the sub ject of bitter criticism, at times,: du ring his six years' occupancy of the Gubernatorial chair, tut we believe he has discharged the duties of his onerous position with integrity and marked ability. In history his ad ministrationwith_ rank the best that have preceded it. soy: Prrza Hzumc's agent at Can ton, evidently feels bad because some of the people of this county take in terest enough in political affairs to visit Harrisburg occasionally.. He fears that some of those who recent ly visited the State Capitol, ;may exert a little influence in thwarting the plena of the, if not ; great, un scrupulous PRTER, in his efforts ..o secure the formation of a new coun ty with the capitol at Minnequa. It is not surprising _ that some men should desire the success of this iniquitous scheme, because it would make new :Aces, ' and some of the learnedlmembers of the bar of Can ton,' might be placed upon the bench. But our legal friend may spurs him self all trouble. in that direction, as our Senator and Members are abundantly able to meet and defeat all of 3Lc. HERDIC 'S plans without the interference of " leading citizens." They know that nineteen-twentieths of the people of this county are op posed t division. and they will nev er permit a bill erecting a new coun ty to pass either, branch. But here is the friendly notice of our disap pointed' legal Cantonion,, in the last Sentinel. 'lt savors, a little of sour grapes: "The Legislature met on luesday. No report of their doings is received. Simon Cameron was re-nominated for the United States Senate in cau cus of Republican members. We notice that W. T. Davies and S. W. Alvord, of Towanda, G. B. Davison, W. H. Carnochan and J. M. Smith, of Troy, and E. W. Colwell of Can ton, attended 'at the organization of the House. - This it shonld be. Leading citizens of the county should more largely attend on such occa sions. The legislature is sufficiently corrupt to need watching,. and is commendable indeed for men to sac rifice time, convenience and money ire going to Harrisburg - , at the organ ization of the legislature, for under the eye of the people better selections will be made for the committees and officers. A' grateful people should remember such disinterestedness. ae- It has become quite common in these days for the press and a cer tain class of politicians, to make wholesale charges of corruption and dishonesty against the Legislature, but they never designate any partic ular member. We protest that this custom of slandering all the mem bers, because there may be a- few corrupt then among them, is not only unfair, but is an injury to - the honest men in the body • and an in sult to their constituents. Let the members of the present Legislature be closely watched, and those who prove unfaithful in the' dischsrge of their duties, be held up to public scorn, while those who honestly rep resent their constituents and guard the interests of the State, may have credit. We believe there are com paratively but few . " roosters" in Harrisburg this winter, and if they undertake to " ply their vocation," they should be exposed and left at I home next winter. - •fIR. It seems to be the opinion in well informed circles, says the Wash-. ington Evening Star, that there will be no change in the Cabinet, with the exception of Secretary Bourwm, who will, no doubt, be elected sena tor from Mns , Qnehtis.etts, to succeed Mr. Wilsox, and resign his position 'as Secretary of the Treasury to ac cept a seat in the Senate. - The Sias• sachusetts Legislature met last week but - no action looking to the elec tion of Mr. Wu wa's successor will be taken until after the second Wednes day in February, when the electorial vote will be counted by the House of Representatives, S and Mr. Miami's resignation as Senator be tendered. Hence there is 40 probability of Mr. Soirrwm's leaving the Treasury Da- parttnent before the middle of Feb rnary, at least. - 186 NAPOIZON M., better known as Loma NAPOLEON " the nephek of his uncle," died at Chiselhurst, Eng landrlast Thur sday . afternoon.` His death was sudden and upeTpected, and is attributed to syncope result ing from severe surgical operations for calculous. The news created a great sensation in France and En gland. As a ruler of the - fickle French, NAPOLEON was respectable ; as a man and as a soldier, he was deserving of the contempt of the whole world. Lid us hope thatin his coffin is buried the last Emperor of that fair and unhappy land which he did so much to ruin. ati. The first election under the general Local Option Act of last ses sion of the Legislature, took place in Clearfield county, Pa.,' on Friday, the 29th of December. At the municipal and township elections held there on that day a majority of upwards of four hundred votes was Oast against Equal limns =;;MMO= The voters of this county will be called upon to decide whether the traffic in inteeskOng Names *II continue to linviihnnaniticle of Taw. There are but few nisi tooknolliiit to stand*Und Arline a Ward - the sslo'and use of liquor, but many who would gladly vote to prohibit entire ly the use of intoxicating drinks, will vote in favor of l'unum, becastee l they. argue, that prohibiting licensee; will not diminish the use' of the ;fie and devouring stuff. To such we pail only say that' voters of the county will be relieved of the responsibility of giving the business their sanction, if '" no license " is carried, and drinking will no doubt be greatly diminished. The subject is one that reaches every hopsehold, and direct ly Or indirectly effects and interests every man, woman and child, in the community. i Scientific investigation has resulted in demoistrating the fact that the use of intoxicating.liq-' non tends frightfully .to shorten the period of hunmn life ; it poisons the vital forces that are transmitted by parents to their off-springs, so that children are born subject td grave constitutional disorders, and en slaved by ungovernable appetites that drive - them on to commit all kinds of excesses which end usually in crime and rein. To say nothing now in regard to the economy-of local op tion, the measure is necessary, or some similar one, to secure the per manence 'of our free institutions. Drunkenness debases the individual, and a race of drunker& will so de generate in time that the prospect of their enjoying freedom will be out of `le range of probability. . GEL CAMERON. The re-nomination of Gen. Coma os for the 11. S. Senate, by the Re publican cations was anticipated from the day of the October election. Indeed, the party demanded his re turn, and our - reprelentatives acted wisely in presenting him without op position. No dozen men in the State contributed so largely to the glorious result of the late campaign as Gen. CAME/lON, and it is creditable to hia party that his labors have been ap; predated by them. His devotion to the interests of Pennsylvania in the Senate, has on him hosts of friends in the opposite party, who rejoice to know that he will give six years more of his vigorous aid in the same direction. Gwar's Common Szser.—Ebe I;hs- REGARD or CEREMONY. —A Washing ton letter to the Chicago Inter-Ckean IMI What would have been thought, in old times, of General.- Grant's throwing to the winds all forms and ceremonies, driiing his mill horses without an attendant ? He calls and visits where, when and 'on whom he pleases, walks down the avenue, if he gets tired takes a street car, stops at the shops if he has an errand to do, or stands in the door of a bank and takes a view of the crowd passinr , ° — as I saw him do not long since. All this is very dreadful to the old school devotees, and I the criticisms upon it are numerous and severe. The President goes to the capitol and talks famil'arly with Senators and members about public affairs. This too is the subject of animadversion by his enemies. His interest in leg islation is called by them a desire to push pet schemes, and the opposition to go into conversations over the , tendency of the Executive to usurpa tion.) N o President has ever possessed the regularity and singular indepen dence tha . characterize Gen.' Grant in these particulars. There is a strong element of common sense too rare by far among men, in this man's nature, and -he represents a .new order of administrative , minds and naturally affiliates with those men who develop great enterprises, who build railroads, open new territory, Imake remarkable discoveries, and add to the greatness and glory of the Re pub c. 1 . , a.' The experiment • of cotton I culture in California has met' with encouraging success. It was at tempted by a few farmers in Mercer county,_ and their product is pro nounced equal in staple to that of the Southern States, and is quoted at theysame prices. -It is claimed that the crop can be grown in Cali fornia ree ',from the ravages of in sects, while the alkali soil and the long-period:of dry weather are much in its favor. The Chinese are litetlS-. tomed to the cultivation of the !flank and the cheapness with which their labor ii, secured increases the profit onthe . crop. _ The water facilities for the manufacture of cotton goods are ilmple, and altogether it Would appear', that in the , introduction of this phint the State has gained an 1 additional-attraction for settlers., $l.- Mrs Boxassars, the widow of the ex-Emperor of France, will, it is rumored, shortly issue a proclama tion to the effect that she has swam ed the regency during the minor ity of the Prince Imperial. Precise ly whatlirs BONAPARTE is regent of, it is somewhat difficult to say, and, so,far as we can , see, there seems to be no particular reason for limiting her regency to the coming of age of her hopeful son. There is no earthly objection to her being a regent all her life, if the wantato be. It is a spe cies of peFformance that. amuses her 'and injures nobody - Mr One favorite argument of the advocatesof license is that if the aye tam is abolished the county will loose a largb amount now paid for licenses. The fact is the county does not re ceive one cent license fees. The hotel .and saloon s keepers in this county paid the sate last year $1695. The county paid over eight thousand dol lars costs .as the direct, re s ult of whisky drinkeg. If any one doubts these statements he can satisfy him. self bj examining the razed"; taints Ai — Blum , - Hanareatme, Jen, Ili 11 1 , • : .`,,Ba n imPOID Baron= f thatyous reader" lie intereatedlit Matters traiisplituir tha Btate endeuvoi lo.giripem 11 alserkstniA: sll publicannaidieriOf bothlrtnehtita of the Legislature were here on Sat; urday last: On the evening of that: day - a /snow of the Bepublioana of the House `vas held for the purpose of nominating icandidate for Sleek er. Hon. 'Wm. Swan *of Philadel phia, who preside d . over the House ,sttch dignity and impartiality last - winter, wits nominated with but little opposition. By Monday the democratic delegatioa had put in an appearance, and this usually, quiet city presented a very spirited - &p -i pursue& _ One noticeable feature of the preseht% legislature is the very large number of new members—an indi cation that the " roosters " have been left at home. It is generally believed that the session will not be a pro tracted one, and that _no infamous legislation will be attempted. The delegation from the inorth-west feel a great dealrif - interest in the eon- Struction of a railroad which will give a shorter connection between Boston and the west. Your county is also ' deeply interested in the protect, and the members from Brad ford will undoubtedlr - co operate with them in their efforts to secure so valuable an improvement. I be lieve that a road from Binghamton, or some point' on the Erieor &moue henna and 'Albany road, running westerly through Bradford county and extending, through Tioga and Potter, would increase the value of real estate in the section. traversed, many times the coat of the improve ment. Should any company under take the enterprise in good faith, the State should render all the aid con sistent, with safety to , the treasury. On Tuesday at 11 o'clock the House was called to order, and an organization effected by the election of Wu. &mow, speaker, and Gen. SELFRIDGE, chief clerk. On taking his seat the speaker delivered a neat and appropriate speech, which was listened to with marked attention by the members. The House then pro ceeded to loomplete its organization by the election of sabord-nete officers. For Resident Clerk, Jens Smyth. was elected without opp 4 Haien. - Kr. Sutra. has been an attachee of the House from a mere boy, and has come to be an indispensible function ary there His courteous, urbane manners, and perfect familiarity with all Lusiness, enables him to discharge the duties of hia position to the sat isfaction of the members,and econom ically to the State. Your county secured two appoint ments, C. F. Nrceot,s, Assistant Ser geant-at-Arms, and A. J. CoNsus, Assistant P. M. It is a deserved compliment to your members that they were able to do so much for their constituents, and you have reason to feel proud of 'Memos 3lyea and Duerr, who alreadyrank high among the members, and are looked up to as men of talent and integrity. Yon need have no fear that the interests of your district will be neglected dnr int, their term. The:Senate met at 3 o'clock p. m., on Tiliesday, and elected Mr. ANDER.. sox ofiAlleglieny, Speaker, and Res sEm. Easprr, of Pittsburg, Chief Clerk. Mr. A. was nominated ' for speaker at the close of last session, but as the Senate was a tie, he was not elected. Mr. EssErr richly de served the recognition he received by the Republicans of the Senate, for his valuable and untiring labors as chairman of the Repul.'ican State Central Committee. Mr., whe has served as Chief Clerk for several years past, declined a re-the- 4 tion. TLe Senate passed a resolu tion, unasireouili, Complimenting Mr. H. for his past services in the Senate. In distributing the minor offices of the Senate, Mr. Frrcu, of your dis trict, was assigned the post of Ser geant-at-Arms, and he named Mr. A E. Bra, of Wyoming, for the„place. I also learn that he secured a posi tion for Mr. G. W. iirssur of your County. Last night the - Republican mem bers held a joint caucus and nomi nated Hon. Satox CANEROI7 for term in the U. S. Senate.' Any other action on the part of the Re publicans would have been contrary tolhe wishes of the great masses of the party, who recognize in the ven erable Senator, not only a consistent and ardent Republican, but a most influential and trusted friend of our noble State. It is not too much to say that Gen. Cazarnos is en titled to more credit for our present prosperous and influential position than any other man in this common wealth._ Although somewhat ad vanced in years, he is po isessed of more mental and physi Al vitality than most men of half his years. That he was nominated without op position, speaks well for the majori ty- in the Legislature, when it is known that a large amount of money WU on hind to be used in corrupt ing members to oppose him. But little business has been trans acted, and both Houses have ad journed to next week, in order to give the speakers time to appoint committees. In miming* with a recommenda tion of Gov. Guar, a bill was intro duced and passed in the House, in creasing the Governor's salary to 49,- Your Senator and members have been actively at work to prevent lizamc,(who was here 'at the organi zation), from securing any advantage the new county sheme. I think they have check-mated him ; and he will have co drop'tbe Minnegns mst- tex t st leut while your moult sick. 'cation are in the LegishOrts. , . , number of guidon - en from Towanttsi Troy, Aibs Mid Clinton were hen this week, ego, altar whtits endorsed the position of the tnembers on the question. Should any of the'Bradford.people visit the capitol during the session, that'xia find. Mr. Miss. comiortably located at the "Keystone," one .of the best arranged and well-kept ho tels in the State. .Mr. DAnrr him taken rooms at the "Lochiel," which has come to_ be considered head quarters for the Republicans of the State. Mr. Frren is at Mrs. Ammes 1 on State street - This letter has already reached a much greater length than , I antici pated, and yet I Cannot forbear a word or two more. Col. lifoOLmus evidently feels ill at ease in his new political position. I belieie i.e is at heart a Republican, yet his strange and unaccountable conduct for the past year has- alieni sted from lira * best men in the pally to which he early attached hiinself, and . for, the prineiplei of ihii.l4 he has don yeoman service in other years. He is one of the finest looking men in the Senate, and. in pOint of ability has no equal in either botuie. Maws DAwn and 'Aria took an _ active part ...ganizatiou of "the House, and c%.:i t xrt a powerful in fluence in att4,,iug the legiidation 'of the session. Mr. Itrra.meets Many old friends wile congratulate heartily on his return CI Harrisburg after sev eral years' alynce. His reception is certainly very flattering to him and creditablo3o the county. Maj. Dkarr made a good record last winter, and as a consequence is looked upon as ' one of the purest men in the, Legis alture. The temperance men of your coun ty have warm and earnest advocates of temperance in Senator Fuca and both members, and should Bradford county vote against licetuse, as I tract she will, a more stringent law reg ulating the sale of liquor by drug gists will be passed,for your qounty. AlsOpr.. [For the ftzpotrrEn] OUR PARTY. It,is noble in men - to be ambitious of honor, afid we like to see a pure minded min succeed in an honest and honoiable ambition for the good of society, having in view also the best political interests of the country. But from nay experience for the past few years, this has not been the ril ing motive of politicians, bat on the contrary, men have forced themselves forward for selfish party interest sand promotion, and by dishonest in trigues,, have gained the- object of their desires, contrary to the honest convictions of a majority of our voters. In fact, it is all " ring" in both political parties and has been for many years, and the honest voters are, called upon at the polls to sus tain this growing political evil. Second and sometimes third rate men are chosen as candidates for of fice on account of money or popular ity and forced upon the people,while honest men of experience and talent, are left to give place to those men who have selected themselves or have been placed before the people for party ends. It is the office-seekers who are elected and not the men- of real exCellence of life and . character which 7 so much need to isle our government, righteously. Some . of our clataorons self-promoting politi lcians haye lately been " laid away " 'by the righteous verdict of the bal -1 lot, andlwe hope the honest voters of our-country will still further bid defiance to this gross insult to their rights as citizens. - Bat how is this evil to be overcome,? We confess the question,is • a difficult one, but we think if the "loaves and fishes "= were less our leading- politicians would not be barking for office so greedily, and would allow some small opportunity for the honest qualified citizens,to come out of their retire ment and honor our country with their services. - When we read of the mo tion before Congress to increase the . President's salary to $50,000 a year, we were astonished that so unwise a measure should be proposed by the _party in power, for the time must come when such gross outrages up on thd pockets of the people will be revenged, even at the sacrifice of the party. Yes, the people will rise up, as they did in the city of New York, and with one voice protest against, the political corruption and wrong, palmed upon them by those in pow, er. There is much said by leading men about retrenchment, when 'we see men in high position begin to move the reduction of their own sal ary, for the sake of example, then, and not till then shall we see true political honesty and be ruled by man worthy of their position., Dee: 26; 1872. THE LOOAL OPTION LAW. Why It Should Not "el .Passed EDITOR EXPORTER: is' fair to presume that your readers are fa miliar-with the provisions of the so called " Local Option Bill," publish- . ed in yolir colums a shqrt time since. Yet I wish to call the attention of your readers to the clause in the third Section Of the Bill, that plainly shows it was not the intention of the framers of the Bill, to ntqucz TITE DALE OY LIQUOR, as a beverage: The fol lowing is the clause referred to: Pnovmno, That nothing contained in this act shall prevent the isiuing of license to druggists for the sale of li quarsfor medicinal and manufacturing P urposes." The above at mice and totally des troys the force,of the bill. and "takes the starch right out.". Every one can see that it was only made to pacify the clamor of prohibitioniiita, at the time of its passage, anti not to render any real service to the cause of tem peranak total abstinence, prohibition or in any way prevent the drinking of spirituous liquors in the Common wealth. Gentleman of the legisla ture, you who framed this abortion of a bill, the temperance men and pro hibitionists asked and demanded an honest effort at your hands, for the suppression of the rum traffic • but insteal of corn you gave them h usks; and the present bantling of a bill never wad - intended, even for a moment; as'any thing but a dose of "soothing syrup," to - the men who were asking for e passage of a bill to'houestly eut the sate of intoxi toting - To show conclusively that the seeds of destruction *ere sown in this law -and every one can see intentional so—we will give the gist of. a poi , tion of it heie, and uncover the "lit tle Joker," that "he who runs may see, and see clearly." It povides that on the day of holding the town? ship elections the voters of the sev eral counties and cities of . the Com monwealth shall vote on the question of `"license or "nci license." Every third year thereafter'a similar appeal shall be made to the ballot;box on the license question. If the Majori ty of a city or county shall decide against license, it shall not be lawful for any court •or board of commisc sioners to issue any license for the sale of spirituous, minims ,or malt liquors in such cityor county. No penalty is - whe 41. this act for its violation t But ..• licenses are all swept away, t;<- existiig law against the cont • d sale of liquors 'remains in full • - and will be ad-! minielsted by .• As the ex isting license law is maintainedspiite as much for the - purpose of Revenue as ',lex Police, (which revenue if re moved must of course be levied upon real estate) it may be" asserted that tbe total repeal -by a popular vote will leave the sale of hqnor as free and untrammeled as that of any other object of traffd. The present pen alties against the violation of the li cense law le very much denounced. Butl when the whole license system shall be a • • . shed in a county, by a popular ote, will be urged, with propriet tha t ' he penalty for its vio lation is a. •• Iy nullified as the oys ter itself. The local option law merely prevents the courts from issu ing license on the vote Of a majority of the citizens of any city or county. There is no penalty announced in the act against the sale of intoxicating drinks. . The punishment for selling without licenie remains by implication only, after the whole license system is abol ished. Did the framers of the local option bill designedly cripple it so that it could be .violated with impunity? I opine that they did ; thus giving them credit for being more regnes than fools,. which I presume they I would prefer to be considered.. !• . • Tn -Noaturas Cnra&n.—During the year 1872 the Northern Central railroad delivered 23,855,458 feet of ltunber at Baltimore, and the amount of firain, reached 1,577,794 buslieli. ThS traffic of the year shows an in • of 76,443 tons over the busi _ • of 1871. New Advertisements. TETTERS REMAINING IN,THE 14 Postalce. Towanda; Pa.. Jan. U. 1873. Aver, Betsy AidPn P E Adams Jacob Boyst Henry Brinnan Jolla, Bonfoy T Bremen-Ellen 'l , Brandt Mrs ' Bowman J L Bowman Hark Bartlett D B • Mills 0 B . Bowman H H Wain James 2 Benjamin Orlando Midi 8 A ' Barge F ' . Meeheri Bridget Bowman James S - McNulty Michael Bigg k Little Mosier S - Clark trsulLa - Newton A D a Co Chamberlain B A • ltiorconnt Addle - . Croak James - Northrup Sevellon --- 1 Carey Ramey ' Onella Leans 1 Caine B • ' O'Brien Pat Cronin Patrick **ens Edward. -1 Clancy Maggie PlukneY Edward , - . Curran Lizzie Page Geo Carrier Mrslt W- ; . Peterson Jae Dunn James 5 - - Palmeter John Donahue Timothy . - . Qutgley X Belong Edward - - , Readdon Mrs Ellen Detrick Theron Richt:l:ion L , • • Davenport Emma . Randall Wm Daily Geo . - Randolph Byron • Easterbrook Nettie %,. Ricks G X . Ellis Miles - SmatoJ 8 .... Fitzgerald Wm . Stephenson Frank ' v Flesehutte Anna , Smith DW, . . Fitz Thomas . • • Sinith Mrs K Or flin Mrs Nora Smith Andrew ,- - : 0- erg' Prof Geo 2 . Stine C X Gorman John - Scanlon John . - Gladden B F Tajlor Carrie Hall M M - • Vandermark E D Harden Jrmes ' , , Vosburg RC Hilton James . Vallee Lizzie Meaning Ha mall Welch Alice 2 Harington Mrs Mag ,W Horton Mary 4 walls Elizabeth Holton EL 8 . • .Whealon nary .. Jones Geo Wilcox J L Jones Cora , - Walborn Rachel .. • Whealon D If Persons calling for above letters will say adver Used, giving data of list. APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSE; February Term. 2873, at Towanda. , TAVEICM Albany township:— .... . Burlington Borough Monroeton •• Booth creek township... Manning Stone •• Stylist& Borough Towanda 111. Mater townehip Wytiox Barrlay township Btuhrigton Borough -Towanda .. • II tiCELWT DEAL 32. Tosisads Borough ' H.W. Noble B. hI.'PECK. Clerk. ADADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the,estate of Jackson Seeley, Into of Wells, decease, are requested to make immedimee payment, and all person; having claims against said estate' must present them duly authenticated for set tlement -f. B. BOWMAN. _ Jan.l3.w6+ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to the estate of Martha hillahom late or Sheabequin, deceased. must make immediate payment and all persona having claims against said estate Vitas* present theinduly authenticated tor settlement • W K. HILL. Administrator. DR. 'C. M STANLEY, DENTIST, successor to Dr. Weston. Office in Patton's Stock. up stairs, • Main Street, Towanda. Pa. AU kind. of plate work a specialty. Jan 15'73 LPST.--The undersigned lost on Friday' evening. Dec. , 27, 11372, on the - floor at Ridgeway's store or between there and Wye .eking depot, a Pocketbook containing !between $14.9 and $l5O. There was also a pass on the Morris R:Resex Railroad. and papers containing my 11R1320. - Any one returning or giving information as to the find ing of said property, eit he r to me or at the. REPOZ. rim office, will receive a liberal reward. • Jan .15-w2* PRATT J. SMITU. Orrizzx FOR SALE—A farm of 'about 56 acres. diluted within three miles of Towanda !Borough. Well watered, with good. Orchard, Houle 'and Barn therectu, and about 7 acres of WOOtI land and timber. Foie terms apply to W. W. Eirgettury, office corner Main and State Streets, Towanda, Pa. • Jan.l&tl _ POW.SA.LE:—.I house' and lot in Smithfield Centre, suitable for . - residence arid store. Enquire of James H. Webb. t • REAL ESTATE CHEAR—The undersigned offers for • sale verx cheap, the following described reel estate: One term COUtthlitlit 100 acres..mostly improved, situated in Towanda township, Also, ono. timber lot containing 90 acres. • One farm 10.3 tketVe In Asylnto town ship, part kp improved. One farm containing 30 acres in Wysor. and Rome townships. One house and lot in Toifanda Bormagh.'73 JOUi HOLMES. TOWANDA. COAL YARD, PNW!2 BAILIOAD AND :.1 C H~ :S4 ~ iY NyY. ~ 1 BARCLAY BITITMINOUS COALS ••V=MMTZ ""' T , UI Ang.ll, 1812. LUMBE-RME'N, - LOOK AT THIS.!- The subscribers offer for sate at a BARGAIN,' All the machinery for a Miday esw Mill; which has been in nse only eighteen months and is as good as new. The Mill can be put up and mu on the prem ises of the subscribers if desired, and an> informs lion in regard to operating it obeerfully given. Will be sold at a great reduction from original cost. Al. CABE- R 801 1 1. • TroLT'a. ITO 4. 13, 1.372. TD.ANNUAL COURSE Tzamtaxcz. Kettedy Patrick Keene Whitetteld ' .H.nsa WC at Co ' Reeler L 2 . Kinnie Bnaela - London. Maggio Louis John . Lynch Anna • Mullen Katie 2 -Martin Mrs H C S. W. ALVORD. T.ll Y. A. ...Major Aurniek ....W. W. Decker ..Geo. H. Suffers' Peter Landmeseer .... ..D. C. Strait Noon k Means .Allen M'Been R. W. Moore P. Pleschbut ZATISO ElOrtES. W. J. Thompson .Calkins k Swain S. Smith EMMY FRENCH. Adrainistritors .At-Market Prices WARD k MOIiTANTR. IfteThpma I. 0 . OF ' Gi- . as . • I limn= calm:Try: 7 Karo l tollowlitit stusonadminta tot the 'r E .. , . ki,AtiON GP 1872-3: • ROBERT COLLYER, I • Ude... Janata 3.1474 Subject—'L Inside Thick." tr. \ JOHN B. GOUGH, Dace,. enblMt—•• m. ANNA E. DICKINSON Irebquri 19,10'3 ' .13object--6. What's to Itladort" Ei2l FREDERIC/II DOUGLASS, Date, Febrnsri2B, 1572 Subject—,, . _ r.. i lt a Air r and Hamm WAED BIMCIErI will be O eetu,ere if their servicesngage eta 4. be secured. tbsrwl e rs l _ other lecturers will be e SEASON TICKETS, s`3 Gourd 11eserred ..... . r FoT able &t Ekby's Drag Store COMMITTEE Jam. P. SestarasoN, S. W. AtvOnul TawArida. 1i Ov. 18. 1872 MIME 1 VAN & MondlY. Fov ABLE OF THE SULU.- ItAILROAD;--Tattig effect ort 11.'1872. 11100TEWAZD I irranoxa. . aorrawaim A. X. 8:00 8:10 8:30 9:10 9:30 9:50 10:20 11:10 A. X. BARCLAY JIINCTIOR ....MONROE • SILCOIa ' ....NEW ALBANY.:-. D115H0RE....... BZNNICE EVANS 4ffi lIILDRETITS THIRD MIDIVA,L OF NES' DRY Goons i • ?ICES LONER THAN .IETER STOCK THE.LABGEST WE OFFER FOR TEE NEXT iriE,IB.,IT - y - DA.-rs SPECIAL BAIIGAiNS- D-iIESS GOOD'S SHAWLS, CLOAKS, CLOTHS F,LAN.ELS, Also a fall line of • - . LAKES LINEN- HANDKERCH'S, riffi'M " FANCY cg, E TBROIDERED LACE COLLARS, NUBIAS, And many other new goods suitable for the HOLIDAY TRADE Please call and examine EVANS '& HILDRETH, Tcriranda. Dec. 10, 1872 UNQUESTIONABLY THE BEST sustained work of the kind in the world. -HARPER'S MAGAZINE • , The ever-Incrosing clrenlaudn of this eicellet ,, mont y proves its centinued adaptiou to popular desire and needs: Indeed . when we think into hole= ny homes it penetrates every moutk, we must consider it as one of the educators as werl.° entertainers of the public mind. for its vast peps' tartly lasi been won by no appeal to stupid prtic , dices or depraved tastes.tieston Globe. The character which this_lihigaalie Pcsk" e " i _`.'.. variety , enterprise, artistic wealth, arid literary C.'. tare that has kept pace with,. if it has not tel the times, should cause Its conductors to rega , il it with Justifiable complacency. tt also entitles then to a - great claim upon the public gratitude. The kleeiz' nine has cone good and not syil all, the days of ;*•,, life.—Brooklyn Eagle., - -- HARPER'S - WEEKLY. Splendidly Illustrated. _ . The Weekly is the ablest and most poo east! illus . Mated periodical published in th_s country. Iti editorials are scholarly and conviucinz, sad 0,117 much weight. Its illustrations of current steals are full and fresh; and are Prepared by-our nest de., signers. With a circulation of 150,00' ~ the weal,' by at least halt a million persons. and iF , - finance as an organ of opinion is simply trwz 3 f2,.. dons. The Weekly maintains a positive ro , ', u .',' and expresses decided views on a political post ..---- dial problems.—LOnlaktlle Courier,Journitl. HARPBR'S BAZAR • - - The Bazar is edited with a contribution et ta d t and talent that we seldom; find in any journal. elf an the jnurual its is the organ of the gnat world fishion.—Boston Traveler. 1 The Bazar coma:mode . Itself to evert meta the hortaehold—to the Children by area and - pig pictures to the young ladies by its fashion•plater fn endless "Net eY. to the provident matron ntitt' patterns teethe chi , dren's clothes -to pa tan by its tasteful designs for embroidered slip Pert 01 _ luxurious dressing-gowns. But the reading of the Bazar 1$ uniformly of 'great excellence. Pawn bait acquireo a wide popularity for the side enjoyment it sffords.—N.Y. Evening Pest SUBSCRIPTIONS -1813 • TEEMS: KuTeel Magazine' one year ................ Harper'.- Weekly, one year:. . , ................ 14 .. ft 00 amPlea Muir , one year ................. Anextra oopy of either the Magsains, treeklf• or )tsar Will be supplied gratis for every Ge club of tile subscribers at $4 each; in one • remittair:e , 6l copies for $2O, withou copy. wt to H t extraarpers Msguine. Vreelai , 4 , Bazar to one address for sae year SW. or tan 0: Harper', Periodicals to one addreq tor one yearf . • Deck numbers can be supplied at anS WU °. liec.lB Address 11.1RPEll .1; I.IY-o's, NY. LI"TROUT, some very fi ne 00.4. at • very low pice, by wo o ignite isn rim - _ II 117. 4 ‘. 51, CYtaR ..7•1 cenL L. B. Fors, UZI P. X. 4:00 3:50 8:30 2:48 2:23 2:03 1:30 12:30 P. Y. R. F. GOODXAN, • G mei Passenger Agent WAT E -6 I'7 ROOFS, DM ,',:c . &( LINEN COLLARS, SCARFS Bridge Street