Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 09, 1873, Image 2

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—Olive Logan is enelitintingi the
pe)ple of 3leati\ille.
—There are four fce. of snow in
pa t 3 of Crawfond county.
—Small-pox. is reappea ri ng in the
northeritpart of the State.
--Leap yeai chances will notiagain
be in order for four yeArs. • -
—Trains aro now> making regular
time cn all the railroads of the State..
—Voltaire's statute on Boulevard
duePrinee Eugene bas been removed.
—Warm the bit of your horse's
bri;lle Wore ratting it in, his month,
—The spanish Government has
rei•oivr , l Slavory in Porto Pico.
—The • highest. price of gold for
1872 was Jl3;. and the Itiwetzt 10S}.
—The sinking .silk weavers .0
N,w Jeriny, haee bccu clinlarged.
- 7 -The innugoration of Gov. Har
1‘1:i • on Ole 21st January.
—Xteativille lost less by firo in 1872
than c7(.1 - I , rj, tw• history (Ithat
----Night schools are be coming very
in all CLcit AVLN and cities or the State.
—Accidents on - the ice- are- the
.inc,p.ti fact, rc c•irdCd by our rural exchanges.
—Great Britin is report (1 to.have
41011:0 agi i inst 'the Russian invasion of
Cent As;.L.
-Tie great depth of the snow - in
the tlerthere fen nts interferes with the work
of th. I anib,rmen.
—Ea] c: patio n (lay was generally
b5.t . ..0 iivgroes in the SJnilitirn
--Tive-nty dollars conscience fund
h^c Lear.,:ht to the laternal Revenue office
from New Yrk..
—The Patent office closes the year
with its bivinegs nil up. No eases whatever arq
now pending.
—J. S..Adarns, tbe missing govern
inept c fticcr, is collertor at Jacksonville, Fla.
instead oral Pensacola.
—Twenty-three thousand sleds of
Be:ingbezutui r , manutacturelave beau st4pped
. he pr*sent beibun:.
--4 n Colorado, when a lady wealk
distut.ql jett elry to any extent, she is aikido:l
to e local gusher as Leing We.l "ialtul"
—Tue coin age of France during
the pk..rik. , l from lbilTj to 1670 was : Gold franca,
;liana, 556,020,212.
—Planehette and the voloeipedo
have ri a , lied India, and ate affording much
atrinsvnput and instrnet!ion to the natives. •
—The ' uew• public library o
c4int.go I%;i, h,rnrally opened Tuesday. I
contams fifteen hundred volumes.
• the prisoners confined in the
jail at Frankfort, Ky., es,eapAi Tuesday night
br erotaig through the roof.
—.!'"iaclv's . bustle was' successfully
tis •fl - reci 02, to prercilt a steamboat
on the s t. I,..ovrelie':: river:
—The steamer •Virginia, from
C12:1: le-I .n Phila,lelpl.ia, is fast in - the ice
at the upl er end of tort Delaware.
—)liilerstown, Perry county, is to
haven 1 a 1.1.4 i!iani Itickenbaelf, tho Ju
-111:11..1 to be its cuslikr.
—A well-birown stdck-raiser named
rt, was kilk d on the railroad near
,G ri tultinrg,. W( tof thu mc , uutaths, last week.
—Pei.litiricte the Brooklin
Tabernacle (,gyrator, designat..2s . weeping as "wet
ANL atJ,l. r al uut the vycs."
—Whitelaw 11vid continues as the
t dit ur u ; iit:. N yeqk The Colfax
pat ty'w:ti ti: , 114 enough to 01/St White
lleeting of nine weeks' chira
1, 11. film counts, rehulto in
the c - yra•rni bouts.
--Oregon . Las raised a potato
0; 1 , The field in which it was
grown is clevat , 'd 3.000 feet the level of
the (a
i•; propo., , eti to iun an air line R.
IL fr- au 1 - I‘...k,burg t the Gail, a distance of 200
Dvt.ot y .:ive ranks of the. road arc ready
for t
•! ---Tho schooner Willian E. Perry,
from N, , w York for Provilencill ; went ashore on
Ine,Tay nvar N.:wpDtt, iu a dangerous
—Thomas Moore, an old citizen of
Fran lately attempted to end his life by
cutting his throat, but bthigled the job"; so that
be stsiltbvt,,,,.
—Less wine,. was drank iu private
houses i❑ ti4s :tl.e, Sew York's day, than ever
was c o n s m ,, ( .l on the same occasion. Moral
an•l indepenrienee did the work.
—Surrogate Cocti4 , of White
Mon.lay adjourned the fulther eon
'iden,ttin of Mr. (ireelq%3 wills until' the 13th
1,1 v
—The ; c6ngreg,atioD of Grace
chwc:), u, late fu c in Fourteenth
street. livraib!el on S u lay for Divide service
Irv.iii.;ll •
T,lc number of hogs slaughtered
wee': was 1'2,080, ; and the
`i hole nurals r frcmorvniber 1 to the present
Alimiesoti railroads have
bcvn iii,strtieted by the recent sdow
~p !Le Northern
1r usual tune.
! , 11
Ph-aro-pneumonia has be
in :II!' villages of Pru,sia and
iv_ar lin, scpera ,11F:r two
.c,. '
—X Fellow was caught in the..hen
e ,op of thc Louse. at Lewistown, a pew
Lmoo. I!. Nvariledgetl, wh , re fowls are
—Robert lirwsuu will hereafter
'the Ats6istai:t United
and Perry
4ttt.:.:l I A
St •
—The citizens of Tidioute have
already i4 - Abgeribuil $12,000 toward the rebuild
ing oil the Methedist Ephsc pal church, recently
1 hy fn. In that place.
Clearfield counts', has
tild.t Lwyers and Iwo barber
alto 1: j( 11 72 . 11.1.N ' Fays there ig
getting sAeur.C . l.i there.
—Of the thirty persons lost by the
wrecking of the steamship Gernianv twelve
were passengers, and one of thorn was an
—The House Post offie Committee
has agreed to recommend the extension of the
letter carrier system to all cities of 20,000 popu
Miss Apple tried to commit
suicide at Mariposa, California, lately, ',mine
slie:was neglect ft nit. • Miss Apple Nranted; to
bi , one of a pair.
—The Chicago Times published an
snick which elaitns . t 1) show that there hare
been twarly one hundred murders in that city
wahin !.everr yQars, t'and net a latch stretched."
—The contest for the speakership
of the National Huit.,e et Et-presentative is wax
ing warm. There arc several prominent as
pirants besides Blaine, who howevt , r it is sup
pised has the "inside track.'"
New York Snperidindent
ul thilikag4 publizilie4 a card stating ;that tlwre
art thou , au,, , iu that city "more
tlangf-rom: thin th , . one burned hi C , . , ntre
---Iu Mi , isouri• one Elector on the
Gret•lmi an,l PA own ticket i e!OroNi to Vote tor
BroAn eith(-r 1 r ar Viec President—
; a - e.t , e with9nt pa.e.:1.:11 , th.• lii6torli of
—lliploniatic relations between the
r, , vLrunivtit and tilt Vat are brc'.lien
off. The-Vapti L•g.itt , ni at Lucerne will pro
bably b. the Ciltag and at
tn.:hes Laving b:•en recalled.
The Methodist Book Concern,
of N'ishcille. Teau., has tiled with •the House
cmo-mitt‘-e claims tor nearly S-100,000 for the
wt 1 4 ,11 b ti odi ug s by Union soldiers during
—Maggie Wilson, the daughter of
a fishtackle maker, has; after a fierce legal
fight, been• recognized as the wife of
the late Major 'Stewart, heir of the 'Muthlcy
estates, one of the rieliebt in : Scotland.
( —The United States war steamer
California has sailed from San Francisco far
Hononulu, to protect American citizens in cue
of any trouble arising on the question of acces
sion to the throae a the Sandwich Islands.
—General" Crook has adopted the
policy of enlisting friendly Indians to fight the
warlike Apaches. The Indian agents are co
op: rati-..; with General Crook, and, if not in
terftred 6, he expects tarnake the campaign
Short and derisive.
.--f-Se.verat havv
t , )
• .:.‘ r
t -Lc 1- .ltrer clanatt trtipict, f , :r the
blt 10.1,1 th.
Nit/ Ad]: gorier
Towanda, Thursday, Jan. 9, 1873.
The Pennsylvania Legislature was
organized on Tuesday last. The
House met at 11 o'clock a. m. and
was called to order by the Chief
Clerk of last session, Gen. &minor..
On motion of Mr. B. S. Dem', the
House proceeded to elect a Speaker.
Wu. Eworr, of Philadelphia, was
elected, all the Republicans voting
for him, while the Democrats sup:
ported C. B. BROCKWAY.
Gen. SEISmDGE was reelected Clue
The organization was completed
by the election of the usual number
) .1.
of officers. .F. Nicuors, of this
county, wa netted Assistant
Sergeant-at- ms:
The Senate convened at 3 o'clock
Senator ANDERSON, of Alleghany,
was elected Speaker, and RUSSELL
Bartnrr, Clerk. All the subordinate
offices were filled. Both Honses7ad
journed until Wednesday !morning,
when the Governor's message was
After so many unsuccessful trials,
Col. PiaLLEr shOuld write a book en
titled "What I know about running
for Congress in the 13th Congres
sional District of Pennsylvania." He
should be particular to give, in an
explicit form, his experience in run
ning with heavy weights and light'
, and .also what he knows
about hurrying up the Governor to
issue his proclamation for the . special
election just passed. -
He ran' in 1864 against Hon. 11.
MERCUR and was beaten 1,001, and
again against him in 1868, and was
beaten 223. In both these contests
the Col. complained that he was de
feated in consequence of the heavy
weight be was compelled to carry in
the balance of the ticket. Divested
of all dead weight, with GEORGE LA
DON for him, he thought the special
election would be his golden oppor
tunity, hence, being sure of success,
the - • proclaination for tiiejspecial elec
tionwhich was held on the 24th of
December, was hurried up, and the
Col. wade haste to secure a nomina
tion for Congress against Mr. F. C.
BUNNELL, Republican. The result of
the contest being 999 majority for
Mr. BUNNELL, the .Col. can now con
sult his arithmetic and demonstrate
the difference betwixt running with
the weight of a full ticket to carry,
and GEORGE LANDON against him,and
running as the only candidate on the
Democratic ticket, and GEORGE LAN
•DON for him. In the contest of 1864,
Mr. LANDON openly apposed the Col's.
election, when he was defeated by
1,001. In the contest just past, he
was beaten by 999, andlilr. LLND9N
was openly for him, giving him his
influence and vote. The benefit then,
to the Col. of running alone, with the
weight of Mr. L.miox'S support in
his favor, counts just two votes the
wrong way. PIOLLET cagnow turn
his attention to his avowed purpose
of " breaking up political parties,"
and Mr. LANDON can take upon him
self the odor of sanctity, and ;reach
political funeral sermons in "id of
the consummation of Col. PIOLLET'S
only political hopes for the future.
is. The lowa correspondent of the
Chicago 'Journal says that in Des
Moines there is a People's Temper-.
ant. Association, composed largely
of reformed drunkards, who keep a
yigiluu eye on whisky selling. By
the aid of thisiassociation a snit was
brought in the District Court by
Mrs. ANN PRIESTLY, in"an action for
damages in the sum of $5,000 against
JOSEPH HIERB, for selling intoxicating
liquors to her husband, thereby in
capacitating him from attending to
his business ? and thus doing great
damage to his family. A large num
per of witnesses were examined, and
the case most stubbornly contested by
six 'of the leading attorneys of the
State, Judge MAXWELL presiding.
The Judge gave the' various ques
tions which arose during the trial
careful attention, and his rulings
were principally against the prosecu
tion. The trial lasted nearly five
days. At the close the Court gave
the case to ;the jury with instruc
The jury, after three hours, re
turned a verdict for the plaintiff,' and
fixed the damages at $2,52.0, and
costs of suit. The defence at ! once
gave notice of. a mofion for a new
trial. It is the opinion of sOund
lawyers that the verdict will stick,
and. if so, it is one of .the most im
portant cases'tried in lowa, and that
it is so considered iS apparent from
the fact that .from all.; pails of, the
State came inquiries respecting it.
It will place every liquor seller in
the State at the mercy of the families
of those to whom he sells liquors. A
Sale of liquor once proven is enough
to warrant actual and exemplary
damages. It applies to persons who
are engaged in the traffic, whether as
maker, agent, clerk, barkeeper, or
otherwise, and th‘ result- will be the
abandonment of the business.ahnost
entirely in the State.
Se. LANDON'S political influence
was clearly demonstrated in the elec
tion which took place on the 24th
inst. Eight years since Col. PIOLLEr
was a candidate for Congress and
was opposed by Rev. Urf.ORGE 4
DON, and was - defeated by a majority
of 1,00... The Col. was again placed
in nomination for the vacancy, and
warmly supported by the great ,
, i.f reform. The result is a
majurity of only nine hundred and
nmety-nine against the Colonel.
It seems to be generally conceded
now that Gen.. CAIIII/Ott *ill hate no
oppoeition, hut.will be the unani
mous choice of the. Republicans in
the Legielature for reelection to the
U. S. Senate. In an article on the
subject, the Warren Hail concludes
as follows : "We do not know that
Gen. CAXERON is himself a candidate.
We think it probable that he may
be. We know of no reason why he
should not be. It is certain that for
ex years he has been a good and
faithful servant. When other men fell
hp never faltered. Never, for in hour"
has there been OA shadow . of a doubt
concerning his po4tion. Every vote
and every political act has been true
to our party organization, and his
influence, at Washington has been
equal to that of any other 'Senator
or MeMber. When JOHNSON betray
ed us and men high in power and
honor shook in their shoes or finally
went faller Lim—when we had to
splinter Gov. CURTIN'S legs to keep
them straight and him tine —we
didn't' have to ask or wonder how
Senator CAMERON was. We knew in
advance. When the GREELEY craze
came over others long trusted and
followed and swept them overboard,
we didn't for a moment doubt the fi
delity of Senator Caatzmox to his high
trust. When the' preconcerted lie
wa sraised against HARTRANFE and AL-
Lrs, and to make the ticket odious it
was called a " CAMERON Ring ticket,"
he stood by it manfully, shouldered
all they chose to , put upon him and
led the way to battle and to victory.
We suppose the truth was he stated
in his Titusville speech, that he was
not originally im fkvor of either nom
ination. But when he saw that the
party was, that was enough for him,
as it should be for every true Re
publican. He did not, like CURTIN
and too many others, propose to ruin
the party if he could not in all cases
control its nominations. This 'spirit
displayed by him aud many qtheri
throughout the Si ite, contributed
greatly to the ol , rwilelming defeat
of the unholy eoaliti. , if.
" For all these tiongs the Repub,
licans of the State fvery generally
honor Senator CAMLEON, and if he
shall ask another endorsement at
their hands it is very probable it will
be granted. We don't believe now
that they will find twelve traitors, or
even one in twelve, to betray us for
"thirty pieces of silver " or any oth
er amount.
POMEROYS Pentocr4l, in answer
to certain men who desiie to know
what should be done with those Dem
ocrats who, in the late campaign,
had gone after strange gods, says:
"There must lie no quarreling be
tween Democrats. Good men are
often mistaken. •An error is not
criminal, and as all of us make mis
takes, we must not seat ourselves in
judgement, especially under the con
stitution which declares that all 21 thi
are - free, and e 4 4ual ! There is no
such a thing in sense as reading a
'man out of a party: No party has
that power. You can read the party
out of the man, but there is no one to
'close the doors against the ingress
of whoever comes along.
"A boy once jabbed a pitchfork
tine nineteen times into a dead dog,
to let him know there was a God in
Israel—and that is all the good it did.
There is not a.-Democrat living who
does not now see that the nomina
tion of Greeley was an error—an ad
mission of weakness when the De
mocracy really had strength. The
lesson need not be repeatbd. Yon
never can catch more birds with that
chaff. The game of Belmont, the
Bankers, and the Blairs, won for the
ones who got it up, as they intended,
the re-election of Grant.
``ln the future let Democrats work
for Democrats and Democracy. They
aro the ones to shako hands across
the bloody chasm, into which should
be dropped the fool of scrawny intel
lect who first used so ridiculous an
The 'N. Y. Times gives a table of the
- returns of the popular votes for elec
tors, at the recent Presidential elec
tion, from Age States of the Union.
The aggregates are 3,592,684 votes
for the Grant electors; 2.833,847 for
the GREELEY *electors ; and 33,293
scattering votes, the latter being
chiefly for O'Conor, although some
votes for Black, the temperance pan
didate for President, are included.
The majority for Grant over Greeley
is 759,137. In this table the Pinch
back returning board's returned from
Louisiana is given, which announced
the vote to be 71,053 for GRANT, and
57,029 for GREELEY. This is the
Board recognized by the adwinistra
tion. The Warmoth returning board
in that State made the vote 66,267
for GREELEY, and 58,252 for Grum.-
In 1868 the Presidential 'Votes were
3,013,188 for GRANT, and 2,703,700
for Seymour, GRANT'S majority being
309,588. Since that time the Re
publicans have increased their votes
by 579,796 ; the, Democrats by 130,-
247, and the Reptiblican majority has
increased 449,249, •thp scattering
votes of 1872 being excluded from
this computation.
A suit of great importance to
bUilders has been decided in the New
York Court of Common Pleas. k
brick-mason agreed to builds a house
and charge six dollars per thousand
for laying the brick. When he came
to measure the brick he measured all
the openings, windows, doors, dc.c.,
as solid work, making the bill $3,300
larger than it would, have been had
he only measured the, solid wall.:
The man pr whom the work was
done'refused to pay this $3,300, and
the mason brought suit to force the
payment, pleading the custom of
brisk-masons in his favor. The
court decided that his charge was
illegal, and that he had no legal right
to charge forbrick that were never
THE LICENSE gm:6=os.
In Potter county, this Btate, no
licenses to sell intoxioaling liquors
have been granted for twenty .years.
The license'sy stem was abolished in
1852 by an 'act of the I;egislature.
Since the authorized traria in the
" accursed ;thing " has been prohibit-
ed, but little drunkenness has:, exist
ed in the, county, and the jail is gen
erally empty. The following letter
written by Join S. MANIC, a. promi
nent citizen and -lawyer of Potter
county, will be teall with interest
and should eat weight in this
county at the present time
CONDERSPO It; Potter County Pa.
0. N. Wo UDEN —My Dear Sir :
Your favor, making enquiry as to
the result of the Temperance effort
in this county, was duly ieceived: It
gives me pleasure to inform you that
no license to sell intoxicating drinks
has been granted by our Court siuce
January, 1852. This position was
taken and maintained, fur fifteen
years, by electing Associate Judges
who were. opposed to license. The
fames of the two judges who had
the principle-and the nerve to make
this righteous decision, and to stand
by it for ten years,, are Orange A.
Lewis and Joseph - tlianu. No two
men ever served 'the people more ef-
In 1866, being a member-of the
Legislature,l deemed it wise And
just to put he oft-rej)eated decision
of the voters of this county, on this
vital question, on the -Statute Book,
and you may see, on page 658 of the
Pamphlet Laws of 186 G, the prohibi
tory law of Potter county. The pas
sage of this act excited•the advocates
of free drinking to great activity for
its repeal ; but there it stands, a
shield to all.the youth of the county
against the temptation to form drink
ing habits. And it will undoubtedly
long remain, a blessing to all, and a
Comfort to nine-tenths of our people;
for, under its benign influence, the
number of tipplers iv steadily de
creasing, and fewer young men be 7
gin to drink than when • licensed
houses gave respectability to the
habit. There are but few people who
keep liquor in their houses for pri
vate use, and there is no indication
that the number of them has in
creased since the - traffic was prohib
This law is as readily: enforced as
are the laws against-gambling, licen
tiousness, and others of- a similar
character. In every instance, t-the
prosecution for selling i liquor with
out license, has been Shccessful when
there was the proper proof, There
is, unquestionably, greater -difficulty
in proving this offunsi.: than many
others, because_the k)usines.,,of buy-,
in; and selling whisky contrary to
law is more demoralizing than most
other criminal habits. The wan who
sells, under such circumstances, ex
pects the person who buys, in case of
prosecution, to swear falsely, and
nine out of every ten, who will ask a
man to violate the law of the State
in order to gratify their appetite for
strong drink, will nit disappoint this
expectation. This humiliating fact,
of itself, is sufficient to condemn the
whole traffic. I
_know a good tunny,
men that will tell the truti. upon ev
ery subject except this cue of buying
a drink of whisky, as to whieli t they
will swear, as serenely as a summer
morning, that what they bought was
" medicine," prepared and prescribed
by " the Doctor.' If it was not for
the tenth man, whose conscience is
stronger than his appetite, Whom we
have always found, it would be al
most impossible to obtain proof
against a man low enough to prosti
tute the practice of medicine to the
sale of intoxicatinr , b drinks. - Bnt, as
before mentioned , the only
. difficulty
experienced in enforcing the law on
that subject in this county has been
to secure the proof. "
There is no open violation of the
law, and the consumption of strong
drink has decreased very materially
in consequence of our prohibition of
the traffic,
Decidedly the best hotels ever
maintained in the county have been
opened since -licenses were refused,
and there are now in Condersport
[our county seat] as good hotel ac
commodations as are to be
Northern Pennsylvania.
The experience of this county is
conclusive that there is no shadow of
ground for fearing any lack of ,g,iod
hotels should license. to sell liqnbrs
be withheld. -
Not a single interest of the county
has suffered from our no license poli
cy. On the other hand, all the high
er interests of society haVe been'
largely promoted. . Crime of all,
grades has decreased, as is :abund
antly proved by an examination of
the records of our criminal cOntrs.
And if we conld - shut out the influ
enco of surrounding counties, or con
vert them to our_side, on this ques
tion, "du not believe there would be
business enough of. that kind to in
duce any capable lawyer to accept
the office of District Attorney..
It is, unfortunately; true that there
is considerable drinking and some
drunkenness in this county ; but,
with moreThan' double the population,
there is less than half the-druuke,nness
that existed under the syston.
Any intelligent man who -will at
tend court at Coudersport, and then
attend court iu any place where the
hotels have license to sell intoxicat
ing drinks, will admit that our sys
tem does, unmistakably, lessen in
temperance and promote good order.
As it-is here on court week, so it is
throughout the, entire county the
year round—peace, good order, and
prosperity are, in a, marked manner,
prompted by our prohibition of the
legal sale of strong drink.
Very f.rnly yours, for temperance
and prosperity, Jiio. S. MANS.
sal- The western march of civiliza
tion is forcibly shown in the filets
whicli come to public notice in con
sequence of the application of Colo
rado to be admitted as a state of the
Union. The population is .sax to
be over 100,000, the asse ssed ivala
of taxable property which in 186
was only $13,147,114, is slow said to
be $31,097, 211, and there are 480
miles of railroad completed and in
operation within the limits of the
Territory. This is an excellent show
fora region which a few years ago
was a solitude, but notwithstanding
these profs of increasing prosperity,
Colorado, cannot be properly admit
ted as a hate untill further progress
is made. The Apportionment act
requires a population of '33,000 for
a Representativein Congress, and the
territory will probable be required to
rem du such until it can reach that
kfilm laid.
• Aarrer, Pee. 211, /1 2 .
Stn venires :—Witt the told and
storms around us, with business dull and but
slight prospect of its boing'better, with a large
section of . our wealth laid in ashes, and. with
provisions high and mOner r soares, the poor of
our city can but feel despondent, and to them
Christmas can bring no now feature, as they
cannot receive guests at their tables, neither
can they visit a neighbor tilt* is as poor as
themzelves,and being debarred the table of the
rich man their day of plea - sure will have lost
its name. No presents, no childish prattle
over the contents of a well filled stocking, no
•callers and no one to entertain them elsewhere,
with bat little chance, if any, for work for
months to come, with that dread disease,small ,
pox, stalking around ilieir doors and taking
away their dear ones, marfy times the only ore
of the family on w Isom they depend fat , life's
comforts, who wonders that they feel gloomy
and that the day must be uric of gloom and no'
of dcasuro?
In this city to-day, we have onr five thous
alactwho cannot spealt . the English language :
with no one to preach to them in ,their lan
guage Or make theit wants known. Aid lsfur
tattled them iu a•Measure,- but to no great
tenti , I refer to the Irortuguse. Since com
ticaicing ter, a friend ment4s a widow
with fonr or five children livieg in a noglilicr
ingibiri.M, who, a Nw clays called rut
. aid, ant when ellied upon it .waF• fouri s d that
within a week the had burled one child while
Ihree'more were i-ick with scarlet fever. May
we who have plenty and our wealthy who have
more than plenty see to it that the poor are
nut neglected and that- the New Year be to
them, as far as our mains allow, a Happy New
Oar shops present a pleasing pictur i e in their
holiday attire, and many a tlittn zruicrowded
nitli iwtch:lsers the (mire day, and erne store
was noticed "here a ' , Zeeman t - as stinding
guard in the doorway, allowing, the cored on
the sidewalk to enter only as 010st:inside came
out, and judging from appearances that officer
had his hands full of business. It is, perhaps,
unnecessary to state that it wos the doors of a
tly shop.
We are now enjoying oar first sleighing and
should there be no thatt it will be most impos
sible to procure a private team for the next ten
days, at least. All our favorite drivers are con
stantly thronged with a harpy party, each one
of whom seeks to eclipse his or her neighbor
and fun runs riot. From all direcCons_.we sale
the equipagc;s of oppulence making their way
towards Wa:shington or Tremont Street in
search of c stly presents for the favored one
at home cr abroad. This is right, and we
would not fur a fitment try t argue against it,
but we do that or the plenty left a trifle
might find its way to the poor whom We meet
at every turn, and as one hundred cults make
a dollar, so could the•su tricks which each of
us e 11 spaie, added together, make ,a goodly.
Leader, rl y it. You need not go far for the
poor via.) can be found near be: and tee, if you
have is irr tried r. b:.r.rre, if it is not• better to
give than to revere. Try it once, and if in
yot.r frelingd. yin are not repaid, don't' try
TOWANDA, Pa., Jan. 8. th 73
short communication in ydur last is
sue, about the construction of a rail-
way between Link Meadows and
Granville Summit on the :Northern
Central, furnishes 4iubject matter of
interest to us all. To Towanda, an
outlet, in the direction of Granville
Summit, would be very advantage.
ous. But if the railway could have
Binghamton as its northern ter
minus, it would then form' a connect
ing link to complete a direct route
from Albany to Pittsburg. A glance
at the map demonstrates this. As
to the utility of such a direct route,
as,to its paying, there_cannot be a
question. A large passenger traffic
would soon result; but would yield
a small sum in comparison with the'
income from freight. Pittsburg, the
Birmingham of America, would then
reach out more directly than ever
before its iron hand to the fabrics of
New England: The gas coal and
mineral deposits of our own State
with those of West Virginia, would
be brought nearer to the great cities
of the north and north-east. The
saving of a mile in distance tells
wonderfully on the cost of freight,
and directness of intercourse gives
new life to the spirit of trade. This
little link, still wanting in our rail
ways, merits the attention of our
'great Pennsylvanian, Scott. Easy
to, build, of easy grade,
through the heart of a fertile country,
through our own county seat, which
for enterprise and future outlook is
not surpassed by any in the country
this road ought to be built at once.
Important to Binghamton, it will
give new impulse to that active and
growine• ° city, uniting with it a town .
whose interests will never bo., an
tagonistic to its own.' Important to
the Albany and Susquehanna Rail
road, as tendinc , a to a very large in
crease in its traffic, it appeals to the
shrevvdlMrectors or Lessees of that
Railroad to urge its construction.
But further, it will tend to lessen the
cost of gas coals to all' the eastern
cities, enabling companies to _furnish
gas at lower rates. Important to the
citizens of Bradford county, by ren
dering its county seat easy of access
. to a large number of its inhabitants.
And important to us of Towanda by
giving us an outlet to the south and
north. I hope these few remarks
,may induce a further development of
the subject by some one more capa
ble of doing it justice than your
* We suppose the Executive
CoMmittee of the County Convention,
I. 0. of G. T., think it none of our
business to meddle with their affairs
since they have - selected an organ,
but we trust they will pardon us for
suggesting that we think quite as
effective a canvass on the question of
Local Option might have been made
by the emplbyment of home talent.
We have several gentlemen in the
county, who have grown old in the
cause, whom, we arc confident, - would
willingly _have entered the canvass
and fought for the - good cause had
they been invited. Capt. 11 kSVILLE,
'E. GrYER, Dr. PRATT, and. Others are
koowu throughout the county as ac
tive and earnest temperance men,
and could have rendered yle cause
much good service. - •
Itla. The Legislature which met
on Tuesday, will have plenty of work
during the present session. Among
the matters of local interest which
we hope to see our members bring
early to the attention of the Legis
lature is the construction of a rail-
road from some point on the N. C.
R. 8., through the county, to con
nect with the' Albany and Susque
hanna or igrie. Such an en
terprise worn - open a large extent of
conntryi, and increase the . value
of real estate thounsands of dollars,
and furnish an easy and expeditions
mode of travel for the people froth
every section of the county to reach
the e•Juuty se3+. Morquver, it would
prove a paying investment to the cap
italists who might take it in hand,
Nzw YORK, Jan. 4.—The court was
crowded to-day to hear .fir. Tre.
main's argument for the defence in
the Stokes trial. After an ,exhaustive
exeoration of the witnesses sgainst
,Stokes, Mr. Tremain closed his long
argument for the defence, at noon.
He was followed by Mr. Beach for
the prosecution, in a long and ex.
ceedingly able argument, in which he
urged the maintenance of the law by
the jury in contradistinction to their
allowing their synapalkies and gen
erous impulses to weigh in favor of
the prisoner, claiming that the safety
of .society demanded that he who
, shed man's blood by man should his
blood be shed.
Judge Boardman's charge occupied
bixty- five minutes in delivery, and
was a very able effort, ana. attentive
ly listened to. The jury then retired.
✓ While the jury were out the ladies.
connected with Stokes family seemed
to be in deep anxiety and kept look
ing at the Cleik. Stokes kept on
At a quarter past eleven. o'cick
there was a huniming noise 'and bus
tle, which is noticeable when a long
expected - event is to take plaCe. First
came Mr. Sparks, the clerk, followed
by the officers of the court, who
pushed the chairs aside and made a
passage day for the jnr . ymen.
Then came in the jurymen's at
tendent, who opened the door of the
box, aftei which followed - the prison
er, Aookiog as undaunted as ever,and
surrounded by his friends and rela
tions. The latter took seats, facing
the jury box. The Judge then en
tered and took his seat on the bench.
The jtbdge, in the usual
said : !L,
Gentleman :—Have you • agreed
upon a verdict ?"
Foreman of Jury, rising—"We
Mr. Sparks—Gentleman of the
jury, rise. - Prisoher ; look upon the
jury. What say you, gentlemari, of
the jury ? Do you find the prAner
at the bar, Edward S. .Stokes,- guilty
or not guilty ? - •
Foreman of the jury—GUILTY
The jury were then polled at the
request of the prisoner's counsel. ,
When asked by the clerk if
all agreed upon the verdict, They An
swered seperAtely "Yes."
As the twelfth answered,
Stokes rose slowl ATI facing :kir.
Beach, one of t oppc , sing counsel,
said : "Well. Mr. Beach, r !must say
you have done, your work well. I
hope you have been well paid for it."
Then Stokes sat down.
Mr. Beach did not reply.
Mr. Fellows, the acting . District At
torney, rose , and addressing • the-
Judge ; asked that sentence be pas
sed upon the prisoner at the bar.
As Mr. Fellows sat down, Mr.
Lyman Tremain, eouncil for the de
fence, said : . --Your Ilonor, I hope
you will not think it necessary to pass
sentence at this late hour of the
night. Would it not be better to
wait till morning ?
JUdge Boardman—J. see no abso
lute necessity for passing sentence
to night, and I see no impropriety in
acting on the suggestion. I will,
therefoie, defer sentence till Monday
The court then discharged the
jury, with thanks fontheir attendance
and for the courtesy they had shown
him during the progrees of tha trial.
NEW YORK, Jan. 6. ; :=Stokes was in
the Oyer and Termiier.this morning
to receive his sentence. ,
Mr. Tremain, his counsel,made an
address in relation to a bill of excep
tions to the judge's rulings which he
proposed. to offer. The prisoner was
then asked what he had to say why
sentence of death should not be
passed? Stokes thereupon said that
he had not violated the law inten
tionally, and that the testimony up
on whieft he was convicted was man
ufactured and perjured.
Judge Boardman then, in a feeling
address, in which he alluded to the
prisoner's youth and social surround
ing, sentenced the prisoner, to be
hanged on Friday, the .28th day of
February next, being the• shortest
time that could be legally allowed
the convicted man.
Stokes' counsel were in 4nsulta
tion last evening. They Iwerc great
ly surprised at the' virdict, atid ex
pressed their purpose of applying at
once for a stay of proceedings, and
ultimately, if possible, to seek anoth
er trial. It seems that the lawyers
regard the :newspaper and public
clamor about the prevalence of mur
ders, as partly' responsible fur the
adverse verdict. •They should have
deferred the trial of the case at this'
time but Li. the demands of the
prisoner and his relatives.
NEW Yons, Jan. 7.—ln an inter
view, in his cell, Stokes was very bit
ter towards the prosecution and Wit
nesses, declaring with . repeated
oaths, that money had secured the
verdict, that the boys Raymond and
Hart had been bribed, and their tes
timony bad convicted him. He ex
pected an entire acquittal, and could
not 'have been more, - surprised if
he had heard that New York city
had burned to the ground.
He continued, saying that. he was
the victim of excited public' senti
ment, that the jury determined to
convict him, "and he was convicted
because of bis'respectabili.y. It was
an outrage, he said. He was' confi
dent, however, that his couosetwould
obtain a stay of proceedings: from
some Supreme Court judge. and thus
insure another trial.
Dan Noble Among the Number
AUBURN, Jan. 2.—About 3 o'clock
this afternoon seven convicts suc
ceeded in makin g ' their escape from
the State Prison bydigging through
the wall, where a shaft ran through
it for the purpose of turning the ma
chinery in the prison..
It is believed that the convicts had
assistance frOm the outside, as they,
are all supposf , d to have been pro
vided with citizen's clothes.
The escape was prOjected and led
by Dan Noble, the El.oyal Insurance
bond robber. The convicts belonged
to the State shop with the exception
of Noble, who was a waiter in the
hospital, and their terms of sentence
varied from five to twenty years,
The following is the official vote
for Congressman at the election orr
the 114th nit. in the several election
districts in this emu*. ft Will be
observed that - in two townships,
menia and South Creek, Col. PIOI t LET
did not get a single vote. In Syl
vania borough JosErn E. PIOLLET
received seven of the fifteen votes
cast against BusNELt.:
Alba Born' •
Athens Twp
Athens Born' '
Barclay '
Burlington 1i0r0'....
Burlington West, ..... ..... •
Canton .Twp
Canton 80r0''....
Leßoy.. =
Litchfield - r- •
Holum. Twp
Monroe &no' -
Overton ......., --
Pike. ................ .......,
Ridge - bury
Rome Twp.,
Rome BorO'
' ifouth Creek . '
Sylvania Bor'
Standing Stone
Towanda Twp
Towanda Boro•—First Ward....
Towanda North
Troy Born'
Windham - .
The Floor of a Cogrch !Tires lray—Poo-tee
Persons kited—A Large ..Vranber Irounde,
A terrible affair happened at ,
iamsport, Pa. on Christniaa evening
which resulted in the death of four
teen' persons and the_ wounding of
forty or fifty. On that evening the
Sabbath school of the Baptist church
at Newberry, in the sevdnth ward of
the city, asserubled to participate in
the'ceremonies Of 'Christmas
. night.
Some 300 men, women and children
were there congregated. The • cere
monies of the occasion :were iri.itty,c
rirated, and Mr. Kinsloe proceede d
to address the children. Gifts' had
been brought in, and the building
was brilliantly illuminated. The ad
dress concluded, then came the dis
tribhtion of the presents.. At this
moment there was a peculiar
. shake,
a quivering of the timbers that '
noted a sudden doWnfall, and no
sooner had the impression taken a
firm hold upon those there congre
gated, than the terrible catastrophe
Caine with all its horrors and heart
rendering srenes. The church
constructed with an upper audience
room. It was- in this upper -room
that tho audience had assembled.
The interior dimensions are twenty
six feet in width and -forty fe"t in
length. There was a centre ,girth
with joist thickly placed on each
side. Through the centre from
abOve were two bolts connecting with
main girth. Evidently
.the weight of
those assembled sprung the- truss
bearers and these supports slipping
out of ',their" places precipitated the
audienoe to the floor below. •
When the crash came there •went
up a wail of mingled humanity that
caused the blood of 'all to fairly cur
dle. Children wildly_ shrieking for
their parents, the groans of the
wounded and ' dying filling the air
with lamentation and distress, Many
beneath the timbers crying in the
name of God for deliverance, while
the oil lamps of the -edifice had kin
dled a lire that bid fair tp destroy all
in a general conflagration. Those,
outside worked with a will and used
every possible effort to rescue the
living from the mangled - mass, ' Sev
erahimes the - church was on tire,blit
providentially the flames could he
reached and were speedily 4xtin
Many within, who were able to
reach a window; burst out - thelights
and leaped to the ground, a distance
of fifteen feet.
Before eleven o'clock" at night, the
bodies were removed and identified.
In the panic' several were wounded
by being run over. One man, fasten
ed by, the falling timbers, had his
boots off, and his steckiogs were
fire when rescued. ;
Another lady, partially buried,criM
- to a' 'gentleman, "For God's' sake
rescue me from a horrible . fate! "
Whereupon he tore away the scatter
ing timbers and saved her, as the fire
would have 801111 reached the point
where she had been so Securelv.held.
John Ritchie, ,Boyd Mehaffey, Mrs.
Duncan Campbell and two children,
a child of C. V. S. McMinnis, Miss
Sadie Maffit, Miss Mary - Pisher, Miss
Lizzie Baskin, Miss Grace Seaman,
Miss Tillie Reeder, a chia,of John
Budd and Mrs. John• Wilkinson.
There were some forty or fifty
10.. We referred some weeks since
to the difficult case first presented to
Judge MERCUR after taking his seat
upon the Supreme Bench: He ren
dered his dicision last week. The
Philadelphia 'papers speak lin the
highest terms of the opinion, and
sad• it meets with almost universal
approval. The Dctily Teleyritith re•
fers to the dicision as follows : - •
The suit. in equity over the Rush
bequest, Which has been pending for
some time, was %lidded in the. Court
of Nisi -Prins on Tuesday, and- Abe
result is one that cannot fail to give
general satisfactitila. •It may seem a
curious comment ',upon law ; that the
testator's plainly: ,' expressed wish
should be set akiide, but a careful
perusal of the vary able opinion of
Justice Alereur, w)11 surely convince
any unbiased reader that any other
raing would affotid a dangerous pre
cedent, and would removtc the only
certain safeguar4An such eases. If
a trust is created under a will, that
trust must be executed, in full ac
cordance with the instrument creat
ing it, and with that only. .If the
execution of the _trust may. be „em
barrassed by restrictions not express
ed in the instrument creating: it,-the
door is opened wide for frauds of ev':.
cry description. Trr the ~ present in
stance the trust was vested in a gen
tleman of the highest probity and
honor, whose sole desire was to ad
minister it with the . most punctilious
conscietiti ness. While holding
himself bon by his promise' to Dr.
Bush to are the library. building
erected it on the Broad and Chris
tian streets site, he yet conceived
that he Was exereieillg.a fiee' &ere-
Lion and unbiased judgment, as pro
vided by the will, in choosing that
location.l This, Juatice Mercur held,
could ndt be ; he therefore decided,
on consideration of the letter and
spirit of the well, That the trustee
could not execute the trust, and that
the selection of the most expedient
location mast be referred to a master
in equity. That the site at Broad
and Christian steeets is wholly un
suitable for the purpose probably Ho
one Will care to , dispute. Something
more central is required, and it is
gratifying to find that a decision of
the court secures to the city the full
benefit of the handsome bequest.
• 4.6.-
Itia. The result. of the vote on' the
Tomei Option bill is looked, for With
a great deal of into rust, and undoubt
edly there will be a tltiod vote polled.
The ; friends of `.the traffic
. are being
" wanted - up on. the subject, .and,
threaten to-close_ up, their hotels `if
the license system !is voted •.down:
Oil the other , hand) the friends of
temperance are making a thorough
canvass of the county and feel confi7
dent of succesa... Many of the Most
earnest and consistent temperance
men are not , pleated with 'the
but will votnngainst license, trusting
to the Legislature to F. o amend -the
act 6.t last winter as to prohibit drug
gists from selling: '•
27 9
fr 111
93 -1
63 94
69 42
27 7u
.83 31
41 19
141- .32
134: 24
to - 4G
141 47
143 13
741 43
120' 15
53, 44
241 26
4.41 44
391 21
721 G 9
111 19
44 35
751 61
671 45
33. 21
174 94
Ali 30
14, 87
27 39
37 28
921 79
1341 @0
1(41 59
50, 41
1331 47
129 25
cc 13 1
80f 75
82 34
54' 77
105 1 5t
32' 186
39' 42
Mair At, a caucus. of the. Republi
can members of the Legislature; held
on Tue'sday evening, GeU CA3iEßdti
was nominated for U. S. Senator.—
The vote was nearly unanimous. A
fit tribitte to one of Pennsylvania's
truest and noblest sons.
3441 22.30
New Advertisements
NOW' R EVE vruc
Towanda. October 23, 1372
A. J. NOBLE & CO.,
! ! L
Situated cotiveniont to btv,ittEss-
; 11. . \
O . h - ,c14- with
cla, Nov. 27, 1872. ,°
. . 0
.•, ' -
I hay( on hand n lar e. , wisorfnient of :
Than . any oth . er establishmunt'in 'the
Of heyer description ni'anufacturgd
to prder on \short notice
10, 1:412.
LA. - some very fine
ones ' , at a Nary tow price, by
lane 15,1E11 . FOX 8r =HMS
- k.-
S;`, ,
portion of town
Insurance Agento
wmui I WILL
I. 0 • COV. I
• ix..c-rum; .00mixTTEE
4, •
Slake the following annonuFtmentm for t::a•
84.k..42N GI 1972-3
Jati - ari 3 ,1474
Sablect.—" The Inside Truck."
Date . ,
Feb-mars 1 , , 19
What's to Ifith
13411, A ctt _
Date . February_2,,,
Cittl.:;.: 3ud P.:48.Y 11tern lir.Eciri:C
thi. other t, rtm , •r• if their serviced. -Tau
Otherwire wilt 1,0
Geueral Adruh
Ilcserved Smt. ,
ror ...11, rt Eirl)Ve Drui;
.s d. F. S.t!,
S. I . V. AL.: ,:A),
Towanda. Nov. IJ, 1.47.,
vAN LINE RAlLP. ( J.9).—Tazing eaeqt oc
Monday, Nos. 11, 1!5:2.
1 voirrmrtai,
A. Y. i .. P. Is.
8:00 1 TOWANOA- 1 4:00 .t.
,8:10 : BARCLAY JUNCTION 3:f.0
14:30 I ....MONROE 3:39
1.. 9:10 1 .WILCO SR ''2:45
9:30 I NEW ALBANY.... t-, 2:21 -
9:30 : ...... .11ILLERS. ---- . I' :.N
10:20 i DESIIOR,E,I 1:31
J 11:10 1 BERNICE : - r 12:n
1 A. M. t• ' •
Tlimu mativAL
1 - 111 , .1:'. TITAN I:Tin
WE , t: II:: T,ll 1 :11L Nr.xl
r•I'ECINL V.kilfiAlN,' TN
iv E S S 0 0 I) v.,
Al:-,) full line
CQLI - .111-:
Aud ratiay-,)ther L. w • 4 (sris
for the •
. .
Please call and exaraire.
Towanda, Dec. 10; 1872,
.' SUE tained work of the kind in wir.!
: -The
ver-increising . c
ircnlatriniif.tystL . .
onthlyproyesltsemtn,rniarzirtt,r- 7 :i ,
desires and needs- ludec i when we tILIIk
how 3 many homes it penetrates f-Vt ry 11:.,..a... ,
T tuuSt consider it as one of the eilit.-ati,:i la. ' , e • '
entertainers of the public Intuit. for d , . east I' I
Laity har( been won by no' app, al t i - - ml•.• 1 I'''',.
dices or depraved tastes. —iiii..4,.:.i., it. i.....
• -The charajler which this 11::::1?".C. :' ''', ''' ' '
I va l riety, euterpvise. artiste - wraith. dial lit. rir! I•
1 tura that has tept pace wtili. if it !., ii. : iLii i
Mmes, should Cause it.: c•itiitil...tir. - . to• r• d ,
~,.us.talable eernpluceney.t it arso
1 great claim upon the v,..-I,llc ~ .lrat, ,' , I - .
Clue lias'•: - c. , ...e, goed and r. , I ... - -I .el - l‘
l life.-13rookIsu La . -le 1
- N,
1 /
HARPEIF.-; \\ .F.1.1‘.1. \
Splendidly Illiu-tr..le d '
The Weekly is the ablest an 1 - •
tented perm:heal- {,abash -.l: in ti• - • .i.I .
editorials are sdaolarly and :vu... .*---'• .
much wcielA. Its illllßtratl.rl? CI c I S , I *.
are hill and tri.lsh, and are prey-red : y •••
signers. Willis circtulstiiin of 1:ii, , 1 , i ~ lie
is read by at least halrp million per, ::::, au 1 ..;,....
tluence at an eri.liiii of! opinton :-• , -' l l'Ll''Y tr '''.
dour. Tice Weakly nlait,talus .:. p. , l:‘ , l'' •-•
and exprcescs dc..tdedN - leeli d 1 ~,,,. al.
- vial probleals.—Lours': ill • c i , •t,l_•: I -:• l . .
LIARPEt'S ‘B:\Z - lii. •
The Bazar is calted with a t-,11tr,, id:...
and talent that we seltbita tint ol• .ii- ''''''' l l.. -
th.ej :urnal itself is the organ 0: t,l-ic _r,..:: v ~
fahhion.—ltim-tou Traveler:
I The Itazar'cotuweuds it.ell to tivcry zi•-ii-- -- .'„.
Vic hou-eholil- , to the chililmit ty at...11i-tip: v. ,
pictures. to the , youtig lailics rt tin Its 1.t•..-I•L'r• V : .
', II- 2. : ,
in. ndless varlet ey. to the provelent tuareti 1,.. ;
pattertis for the children's clothes ti , pater:A:m.2 . v
. by its tasteful desoasSor embroidered eiliitier7l:-„
lukurioui tiressinir•igowns. But the reailim: relI c i; : :,
of the Bazar is tiiiitormii of 0-rat - e1 ,,, .1.1 0 -='`'.,
parr has acqulreo 3 wide popularity tcr Mc ii
side enjoyment it itlforzle. , —)i.Y• gym/ lug P -1.
`" SUBSCRIPI'IONS- 1 S"' ,: ;
Harper's Slagahlue, one Year .......... .. .....t.i: ,‘
ilarper's 'Weekly; one year .....................i t ,,,
Harper's Bazar, one - year. , . • ..... • •
1 An extra copy ofeithe4 the 1114..a.iine. IreciC', , 3. c :
Bazar will be supplied gr i atis_for r cry dub cf a„ ,
snbecribers at $4 each, - na one r taittsoltil- '' I ' l '
copies for $2O, withbut ettra eopy..`,
- Subscriptions to BarPers 31,s;atatc , we''''' 4 . - .. :
pdmar to 'brie address forl isr.e year Ida. 'r l''' . :',,':
1 tiarper's Periodicals to quo'. adtirt,a 4.r ,no yea. ~,-
11110. npuabe'rs can be,ouPplied at - an rue.-
-4 , ce.l:3', Addiewsdiartil:R A: t; , .•:,) -, .,! . .4
N supply
k)r . beet Syrups, Teas, Parreuts. L'ranes.:
Mrl Pickels, ai
noseller.l_ W. A. LiCOE,WELLT.
„..Jazinary 11.197 a
- ' , .ts
L. R. ck.o,r
H. F. 1.1156115a5,
Geu'l Passenger Agra!
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S-C Xit 12-S
li'ritige Street