Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 26, 1872, Image 4
_ 11 . 01 V I. MARE Seri Soar.—l keep tly ashes div. and when put in the • ' • i•Tper proJaratory t, o making' soap, - Lave frou a linlf to 1 peek of un linie put in with the ashes. :ore j)u , tillf.z the grease in, I swing kut:tle off the fire and let it hang i• !•w moments. If there is any ,1,1! in it,.l t:ike a shovel and . take For if there is lima potash hot snake goodsoap. I k the . asbei well, adding water I= +,ll i . (hunt en them. Then I fin buckets of water -; •-ach thty for ttvo or three days, f , t,;•.! I think it sufficiently soaked. latttly I pour on boiling water ::in the lye off. As soon as I have Fora: on . to commence boOing, kft,ttie over the. fire,} and fast as it will boil,still , lye as it boils(lowit. I e,....:tume,.for a whole day. lc_ • v i' brobably' be sucti .!g to eat a feather in it thrtoc, times across the lig ox put my grease in (all I t; i ), boilin . g us fast I (Ml without its running over. ,If it ?rease all up.l add more. I • , 'or k at - e. my kettle to hang over ft , • r:rt , nl4 In the morning if U.l any scraps of grease that n up, I boil ligniu fot an sr iv, -0, sad if ttley do not take them outs Tliea I take !:1.-iiif II of the soap and :v a httle while to c ,0 1 4 bt. ro 13 - i - I.)analc-r from greast:;=l !+ 1_ off, :lid hang anotht:r Ttlanaguig in this ,• • i• 2 L i csiu wake from Kis- 1. 1 tio n ‘,•alions,)f v.inte , d 1 au(' (10( in. o;le I think I , y pun-,tt •: .&f.n fn. n I.;!ni.lar one,. any f . , -, !.,tr01i; . ..;:, 1:10e ..1).11). 11111E=::1 u:. //In of existence I.,dits is to get flit7 , ll i,i, ;: -Itre• t•f ,lite its p i 1.4 panm :ount to citify "Their chief ids-: of ::(IWiratlOn 15-4 tiitutiph over ii,aby IMO fil<-11(re • sown of their t:- id. follies. They have 11 c . fzurcl 1 , ,r one but theta (:l)j )y and :rin.l toe hot it:-.119.111C(1 to (10 1ir:1\1(21y. d. ' St • ,It light in Sett the or 1 1 ,••: ,- ; , ( , Isimaie'it9 at defiance arid instill:era 'l, - thaiha of love ill a Cot ,)')%d ) hesita'lon 1). a,pirati , esof limn . 11 , :s (10 11u prufe-s T:11111( L 4 to any ver,, -•:: cittlll. : pro Ell 1 :01;.1 1:y ,11i11111!Z!-, for a fcw yeqrs. " fits' Of :he tr;t4 in which loud in pran , es. cotort .or•ietv. 1311 t tbet Ti,t'y are vis , i,t-d over 'rcl ..vagflut (initur ereat MEI anzuc, jowly that It t y. , •ll l d itN.•l milliozmire to . 11.1 , 11 , I t v ‘ivral 4 ly b come- tw,l 1. • If th,'. , y clJne ME (-_,;0•41;;,n .the footman, L;_ porhap , , quite w0u.R.4,1, is in .4 of praise, cr th• appiohation ; MOE •.,,, cay rly .;Love being affect t •nr i;l•i:uc.. Chilli ex I.! , .rtiun f" ‘•-. car. I :•,. re :1,•.11 'a spirit of ince- , eant anti perhapa nothing •t u tut,re baneful intluene, I , J7t t and eldici eer through the - day ha.. b , aat pleat:atlt and you say to him, MY sou, you have been good to day. and it thllies the very happy ; " :twi if, with more than a usually af i'yet ona'e you say, " Good 'dear 'child." a throb of press,al fee!,imi filia his heart, and he recolw!s ulwayi earning such i!.proval. if your grown son, or ol.11)t:r, have t.iccorirplished some tiiectii of work, rendering you •istarmee: Or have cliniherd btep in the daily drill of study; h acqqired some new accom added grace ; or bet . : than all, have gained the Victory lad habit or besetting sin - :ieLnowle.lge it, see it, praise them fur It. Let them see, by your added I , .ndeni, , ss, the deep j9y 4.rul comfort Thus - you will create a at many inc.:vire, to right con duo', mid lay a.broad foundatinn for character %%hich shall be redolent with succulent fruit and fragrant 1.1; . ss o w s. LreaN .rue: -Paoor.Am4s..—One sa!nrilay evening, during the per of- " T/,' Lady or Lyons -I'rince's Theatre, Manchester, s singular interruption took plaCe, which fairly upset Abe ;:rarity -of the 'house. Just before the iu the fifth act, when Parc •;•• is about to sign the marriage ract, and Claude Meluotle is pre paii'!g; to assert his prior - clam, the oroperty-man's rat made its appear ance upon the scene, and frisked across the stage in a highly grotesque manner. Of course the apparition ,was in ridiculous - ',,contrast 'to the claptrap language. The animal sud denly re-appearei at the opposite wing, with an outstretched tail, and exhibiting Other symtotris of alarm. After sciimpering twice or thrice act vs the stage', and probably find ing all the places of exit occupied by ,ropers." intent upon its ;capture, it looked for safety on the other side of ih,: .footlights, and 'cleared ft() or che,tra ,and stalls-as a hound, alight n.., on the shoulder of an elderly la dy in the pit, fa whom it quietly sur r,:,ndered. N'to.vrivE fitsosEss.--Do the dor tor:s known tiliat half the Wivos -in the world - die of this eDniplant? "He -never stoke-an-unkind word ,to Lis wife." • Yes, but did he remember. now and then, to speak a kind one? Did he have any' sympathy Iti? her odily .or mental ails? Or was he and deaf to both. treating them with that cutting indifference • which in time chills' the most loving heart, and silences its throbs for ever. Men :are verity guilty in this regard. They take a Young girl from the warm atmosphere of a loving., cheerful home, and after a few brief weeks of devotiott, leave her to battle, siu glehanded, mith new cares and duties, and to bearsickness with what courage sbearay, and go their Wll 8 into t , •• Eangltil paths of life, with - out .c thought of the responsibilities they are shirking, or, the solemn vows they have really_ broken. .; EX!&AVAGANCE---Said a young hus band, whose business speculations were unsuccessful, "My wife's silver tea-set, the bridal:gift of a rich un tie, doomed me to financial ruin. It involved a l hundred unexpected ex penses, which in trying to meet; have made me the bankrupt 'T . am." His experience id the experienceof many othets, who, less wise, do not know what is the goblin of the house, working its deqrliction. A sagacious father of great wealth exceedingly mortifiul his daughter by ordering it to be printed on her wedding cards, ..`No presents except those adapted to an income of $l,- 000." Said he, "You must not ex pect to begin life in the style •I am able, by many years of labor, to in -dulge; and I know of nothing which will tempt you to tiy it inure than the well-intentioned but. pernicious git'ts of rich friends." c -Such advice tea daughter was timely. If °flier parents would follow the same plan, many young men would be spared years of incessant toil and anxiety; they would Lot find themselves un the downward road, because. their wives had worn their salary, •or ex pended it on the appointments of the house. The faith of the poor man who found a liuch-pin, and felt himself oblied to wake a carriage to fit it, is th , - fate of the husband who finds his bride_in the poSsessioa of gold and silyer valuables, and no, large income support the ownor'e gold and style. A.NoNr4f. , tf, It.msurviNo.--v-There are t test individuals in Lon don who Nip( art., be past finding out, One of them is known only "11. G." the other a.." D. N. A:few v. - ef k ago, just as thif East London 110.iital children and wtontri was fn.: to f-tucks repit selding its only...rei-erNe fund, in order to raise money, this mys tt rio.os H G. ' deposited in a hank one thouSii.nd pounds to the credit of the nisiiint on, being the third tioaff tha l . 1w has d,-he the same s just at the.toolut ut when the hospit d dircetois were most sortfly - einharra-sed I,r . fatf.ds with which to carri• ou their charitable wick. They du not know H. s they t 'auk him through tho n‘f\Nspaper's. "D. N." is. an tqually mysttrifats personage, who has bnen anonymously giving his snbst Ince iu thousand po`und doses to th e Alex mil, a Orphanage for in- He, -too has rep-Wed 'the procc-s thre.- I This is an ex cellent y, av fif surroinuliti : 7 fine's self with mystery, and heartily c mi ta( nfbil to ;Lily wtalthy lovtrs Of seu sr.tiou who may happen to live among us. 'The idea i' borrowkil from a cp - minf old book which s'l,l 5, tWben butt flffest altos, 1.1 nol thy hqt hand know what ;L\ tight hand ilfa ch." EM F. RAILWAY : r. r ss - Iso it410:.1 AND SitEriso ,-.. , .10.1150!5.; all `4.stlrrn Impro%emedtss. are run thrs ,- 4''s on all Trita, bsotsseou IC" E.L:I I a.. :511,1 , 011M0% 11r1 , 1ge, :011 Csuc:unati. T 31,1, STA TIoNS p." t . ,L-fa fl tl,l ti . . WI, rl; E. 0 r Coruinv Paritteil 111111,th., 1..111 4 ... 5u1t91.T1.1.,T1 EM nut I tr. ( st.,nl Ors 18 ADDITIONAL LOCAL TR %I.NS WESTWARD 5:00 a.m.. except Smelaya, from Owego. Stopping at Tura 5:27. smithboro 5:14 Eartpu 6:12. Waverly 7:11(1 Cneinong 730. Wellsburg 8:05, Elmira 8:411, 11'! PratFlo - 20. C. , rning 11 ' 3 l l . Eaintedy4t 11.45, r1.11,,,A 12:58 p.m.. Rathhonerille 1:27'. Clarnerim UHa 1 Cameron 2.15. Adrian 3:10, canikteo 3:40, arriving at klornellevllle at 4:00 p 5:15 a in., except Snnilayir. from titingnebanna. Stopping at Great !Send 5:38. Kirkwood 5:52. Bing hamton 613. Honuer 5:35, rnion 6:45. CamPcille 7.1 3, owego 7:20. 'nova 7:40, struitliliorn :M. Bar toe 8:08 Witticidy 8:27, Cherminn 8:40, Wellaborg 8:55 Southport 9:11 Elmira 0:13 life Elan., 9:50, ilorning. 10.17. Painted Entd Addltiop 10:53, Iliathboneville 11:10. Cameron AGIN 11:31. Cameron 11:40, Adrian 12:00, Cametrio 12:13. and . arairiug at flornelliodlle at 12:22y,tn. O:00 a m „daffy, froin gn.cinehanna. .Stopping at Great Bend 6:20, Ilirira'ood 6:48. Bingliamtno 7:18. Hooper 17:43, Pnion r7:51. 4:amyl:filo 1.8:15; ()Wean 14:34. "flogri 111:01. Smithborn •15. Barbin 1 '0:25. Wa4wrly 11 0 :00. rhemung 10.:15. Wrll.lmre 3135 ) Chmr4 11:400. Bw., Hate 11:40: Corning 12:12 p.m., Painted Pe-t 1'12:15. Addlmon 12.45 Ratithnnevillr 01:1 1 0,,ranv•ron Mills 11:15. Cameron 1:27, Adrian CaniBtro 2:02, and arriving at iron:allay - ilia at 2:15 p.m. 1:10 p m.. ex , ent Sundaya. from Sthupiebanta. Stopping at Great Bend 1:57, Hlrkwoori 2:30. Bins.% hamtot :3:12. Hooper 4:18, Union 4:52. Campville 5:30. and oTiving at Owevo i.t 6:115 p.m. 1:15 m.. ext•ept Sunday', froth Elmira. Stopping at Big Plata 1:39. corninu 2:00. PAt tcd loaat 2:06. and th !We. via Avon. to Bliffalo. , arriving at 8:57 pm. 2:30 p m.. Pxerpt Sint:days. from Binehsrutou ~toppiuc :11 Hooper 2:43. Rump .2:5u. Camprille 3:05 Owego 3:14. Ti.g:l3:33..timitlihnro 3:45. Barton 3:52 wariuly 4 4:20. Wellsburg 4:32. Routh norl 4:47. Eltnirs 4:49, Mg Flats 5:17. Cornlng . 5:35 Pninti,l Pert 5:42 Adeit.e,u n:O2. R ithbonevlie (:15 Onus, nn 111111 s 5:27. Cameron 4:35. A drj:. 6:55. Can ;sten 7.07, and arriving at Elornelleville 7:15 p:in. S T ATI 0 S.j ' No i 1 62. • 4. t P. U. V. Y. . , . , Cincinnati Leave 9 45' . 6 451 Cleveland 515 ! 9 001 '''.. .. I ...... Dunkirk " 1 10. ~....:- 10 00:...... Clifton " 130 510 9 55; 713 sttan'tsion Bride,. - I 1.40 , 540 10 05', 720 '.•iiaLtara Falls ... - 1 4%1 5 45' 1 0 12' 730 Buffalo ' 230: 6,20, 1125, 800 Hornellsville .. . - S 6 15 , 10 10, 305 11 ou ftrwhe , ...t-- 4001 5 50 1 - • 800 Owning •• i 7 25! 11 3S 4 32! 12 13 Elmira .. 803 1215 . 513, 12 17 Waverly " 8 40' 12 50, 549 120 OtVego •' 925 1 30 , 6 28' .1 56 Iltughamten " 10 10' 2 15' 7 11, 238 G , reat 8end...... " ' 1 2 41' 7 40:.. 302 Susquehanna... " , 1058 3011 , 810 3'lll Port Jervis - 4.rrive I 241 6 541 11 &SI . 645 Middletown...... •• i *3 53, 741 12 42 Goshen . Newbnr,b Paterson. Newark Jersey City Nev. York. ADDITIONAL LOCAL TRAINS EASTWARD 6:00 a.m.. exeept Einndays from Horneßovine. Stopping atCanisteo 5:22 - Adrian 5:47, Cameror6:so, Cameron Mills 7:00. Ratbboueville 7:30 Addiaot 8:25, Painted Post 9:15, Corning 10:00. Big Flats 10:42. Elmira 11:30 a. m„ Southport 12:05. Wellsburg 1:18. Cbetnung 1:50: Waverly 2:30, Barton 3:08, Smilliborc. 3:25. Tioga :345, and arriving at Owego at 4:10 p.m. 5:55 a.m. daily from Hornellaciil. Stopping at en - nern 7:45, Addieon 8:49. Corning 9:47. Elmira 11:03, Waverly 12;42. 0.M.. Smithbore 1:40, Thga 2:00, Owego 2:30. Camprille 3;03. Union 3:38, Buig- Laudon 4:12. Kirkwood 4:57. 0 ,- eat Bend 6;22, and arriving at Susquehanna at 5:00 p.m., 7:1x1 a m.. exisept Sunda.. from 11ornellirille Stopping at Caniateo 7:13, Adrian 7:25 Cameron 7.42, Cameron 7:42. Cameron Mills 7:48, Ra•bbones till' 8:05, Addison 8:13, Painted Po.t. 8;30, Corning 8:33. Big nits R:414. Flmira 9: 6 8, Southport 9 ; 15. Wellsburg 9:30. Chernntify. 9:45, Waverly Inv.°. B.r. ton 10:15. Smithboro 10:23. l'ioga 10;25, Owego 10:48 'Cimpvifle 11;05, Unien -11:20. Hooper 11;30„ and , arriving at B naharnten 11:•0 a M. 7:fai a.m.. except 1 1 tindays. from Owego- Stopping at Campstlle 2:42. Tinion 2:28, Einoner 8:41. Bing hamton 9:10 Sirkwoodlo:3o ( - treat Bend 11:15, and arriving stSnsquehanna at 11:55 a in. 1 : 5 5 Pm., except einndays from Flottielleville, latoliptiw at Cahisteo 2:02, Adrian 2:20. Cameron 2:45. Cameron Milo , 2:51, Ratlitioneville 3:02, Addi son 3:25. Painted Post 5:53 Corning 4:35, Bag Flats 4:22 Elmira 4:5g. tioilthpOrt 5:12 Wenahurg 5;30. Che wing-5:42 Waserlv Tanga 6:50, Owego 7:05. C.ampvilie 7:32 Prior 7:52, Ittsnxo -2:52. Bingham ton a:2O. Kirklinod 435, Orsat Bend 9:02, and ar riving at Knivinehanna at 9:22 p.m. 1:5811.112., except linodays, from paitit,,4 Poat. Stopping at Corning 2:05, 1.11,g Flats 2:20, and arriv trig at Elmira at 2:40 pap. • DaLty. Mondays excepted. between Hormellarille and Port Jervis, Stop Sundays only. air "Chrough Pickets to all ygrlnts Wert at the very Lowest Rates. tor sale in the Company. office at the Waverly Depot. I ht. is the only authorized Agency of the Erie Railway Company for the axle of Weawn Ticitetaln Waverly. nava:* 141 be checked at the Company's office 1, 0 IL ttrefir.R, .t4.nikmA 6,4 t Syrups, ?lakeis, lee.. et OCIOR2t 111=189 =ME OM I Vt. , Ni I=EME9E= ' '•• 5 . • r 2 011 340'0 25 10 40 4 4 t IL3 1!40 4 47' '2 17 0 •0 i fl 'tai 300 :; 411 :111 , 11 , 41 403 '25 I; 14! 1 :3 • 4 43' .1 03 12 :31 5 '211: 5-03 7 07 . 1 . 20 5 , fl 7 Arrive 10:17 s 2 50 117 25 12 1 , 0 KlO 1 i 15' 12 45 1255 950 12 'St 4 • lon 111 (1.1 12 15 44n 111 S In 05 12 4., 445 I 50. 1, 00 115 IIS (1:15 , iiii 7 nu 450.......+8n•' 6On P. 'M. It. 1 ouzzg EEM3 = 11 40 1. 5 50 j -lo iio, 2 li i 85435 • 700 I 205 ;' 515 6 . 11 , 391 310 , 923 700 , II 00: 330, 940 11. 1 M. , P. M.P. M. 'fnity'ota Tic'teti purct!ised WIN N ABErfrr. Pams'..tAa't FreAt stipplv of irrents, Prunes, Resins, W. A. ILOCIVIIELLIP Rail:Boaz TOWANPA ;Marble Works. GEO. McCABE & SON Ilare jaajreueived the largest assortment 01 ABIERIOA AND ITALIAN,,, IS.I .A. IR, B MI Hi I Ever exhibited in this seotion, to whirl tits, Invite the attention of the public They keep on hand or furnish to order MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, MANTLES, &c., Of every style, AT THE LOWEST TERMS. Persona to want of anything ti our hne ars re rpectfully Invited to call and examine our stock. MECABE. & SON. Towanda, nay 1, ICI. LADIES FRIEND The bales ot Sewing Machines in 1871. as repOried under o4th 18 187 ' 2, tollio e ners of Serraig Nfa.qune PatelltA, th ,, w that tire S C - "E 31 AN UF.WT URI COMPANY ROLE LAST TI:tR MACHINES Nittet: .r cent of belt} FOIL FAMILi USE I=l More Sewing Machines than were sold 11 alty other company anring tlib sznieperiod tr,l I hy K HAM Az BLACK' ONvrf,AL A"EY7.'• 4 . TowAN to., PA 1 Aug. 14, 1872 NEW GOODs EMI R. A. Petted tt CO.lB OPPen,ITE TItE COVAT IiCYCSE Conzistia4c air a general line of 'STAPLE .SAP TINCY DRY GOODS, CZ= SHAWLS, NUBIA§, GLOVES FOR TADIES4I4D GECTLEMEI4I, WATHR-PROOF CLOTHS AND-CLOLICECGS, VELVETS AND v ravrvis. MEM HAIR GOODS FOR LADIES, I WII LIRE% ,SWITCHES. BRAIDS' AND COILS, Of all the Latest Styles. MILLINERY GOODS IN ALL VARIETIES. Towanda, Oct. 8, 1872 SOII' i ETHIIG 'NEW. W. A. ROCKWELL Hai pnrchued a large and elegant assortment of JEWELRY, GOLD AND SILVER WATCELES, CLACKS OF ALL KINDS, . EH j GOLD AND 1311 CHALKS _ AND BINGE, PLAT= IBA SITS,' GOBLET& -Ana all the *audit' 'goods for WZDDINg /MD LIOLIDAY-PRESZNTIi ,Spoetut end Yorke in sets, Pens, Charms; sod In foci overrtong to ploioo, with AA *talon variety Of tilvoctioleo Mantas gum-bass I Irani N» Isla A. W. Warner, sort-te the eau.. tut of touts .4%4 *MUMS I am pans to ao all kiwis at lam* at two falwrtaot Dallas sad warratua4. Mime Vt. cad a tali awl *unstop Um goods utd I wUI ter to (lye pis ..alit, SOIL T0W•046, O. W. A- I.OCIIIIILL. 1.11". THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING In the Arm of 3. B. ?ATM & 00.. to now prepared to offer to the ottlsects of Bred/Ord Ooriog awl 'dein' tl, a lame and well selected stook of %ilia! have posoloard toe Osib. sad hal coatkiect that I can bell at aa low figures se out be giiircheeed elsewhere. I dent Wier to the public a splendid stock TEAS, COFFREs, SUGARS, ARSON FLOUR, GRAHAIAi DO I keep oonetandly on band, POKE, UAMB. LAMM, and au kind" of FISH. Would call the attestlon of the public, to oar Can't De Beat . ' - qualAr or price. Jerre OakiersOelebratedLann dry, Nelr York dittecatoal and Brown Soap. Piteisereall mod esexclue oar ohock .7f IM briATS, Sc Iw• II pay the 13.4:11EFt cisl2 rzt r"r VuTnmns. yiv. na 1 veil brOre. elies,insr, Lllperaotot dto tL tate f , rtn r and mAte immediate paymetli C • L. Towahas. March, 12. 1867.: J LONG. GROCERIES AND PEOVISIONs, FLOUR. FEED, MEAL, &c..., CUE. MAI d 4.4 4 ,43.7,4 to la.) the /1: ,, t• lily tv-ortu:eut of gl 4oda, grit..': :4 alway, and cow. to.,te. and will he r.d i t • cust .nut lowehl no,rtot rat 44,4., My sct.l. of VII I , S %11• Cl . I r• t Itt the ou, them :,r if. CV:- fl. Ordf,r,4 by luatl or c.t.Lvrw:o.e u.O i‘o Ind prompt atte::o;:u. IS WA RRANTED Thanking the public for tie 111,2rAl I , 4trcnage they halo given we, I cnnt , n,,: : :!-,. of the CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY I,P.ODUCE feb.29'7l SI. J. LONG. FOX & 'AERCUR tire limr receiv tug a fresh stock of 004/8 to their line, t)ought entre the Ist January, to which they incite the at. teution of ttetr friends. We keep the largest stock in town. Our are fresh and de,trable. ttp sell at lowest market ;:rtes. Jo..u. 19. 1471. .FRESH AND NEC TEAK, th.: recent doellno to price, and selling cheap at retail. FOX. Jan. 13.11171. ' FOX & 'AIERCUR - are selling.Gro cenes at retatl. Jau. 19. 1,41. FOX 4k, 11ERCUR fire selling Nev. and F:reali Grodm. n .lan, 19. IM7I. Fox & trrles cheap. Jan. IS, IA7I. FOX & MEKUR are selling:first class Goods only. t Jan. 19, PM. Fax & 11EitCLTR are selling cheaper than neer. Jan. 19, la7l. REMEMBER that we are selling Goods at HOSIERY, RETAIL! And that we won't be undersold. Jan. 19, 1871. FOS & mEnctrß. - MICHIGAN FINE-CUT TOBAC CO—very cholee—at Jan. 19, 1871. FOX & MERCURIL FOX. MERCUR do out deal in Shoddy Goods. Jan. 19, 1871. OUR CUSTOMERS can rely upon getting the very best the market affords and at lowest prices. - E. T. FOX. Towanda, Jan. 19,11. HENRY MERCER. - pp E3LEIBETt THAT FOX IS; 'SIER ..1.1.1 CUR are retailing all kinds of Groc.mes at whulesaleprices. The largest stock in town. Goods first class. Prices low. K. !OX. Sept. 29.'70. HENRYS. MERCIIU. rfi° THE PUBLIC. Having bought the stock and lewd the old stand of Cowell k. M,)er, I would say to all 'who buy their • GROCERIES • in this place. that I shall endeavor to keep a select assortment of everything usually kept in a Gt °eery ittore. Also a full lino of YANKEE NOTIONS, ' Which I propose to sell very,cheap for 'blab. I respectfully solicit a share of your patronage and think I can make it mutually advantageous for r you to deal with me. Yours. very respectfully, J. B. JOHNSON. Towanda. July I. 1872, BAKERY AND DINING ROOM. BREAD, PIES, CAXE,CR.ACKERS, In our DINING ROOMS we will accommodate the public with either a lunch or • good me•i at all times of th , day and evening. OYSTERS AND ICE CREAM ON HAND DVBING Also • fins assortment of Groneries.eonfectiouary. Fruits. Nuts, kc. may, r tf NEW ARRIVAL OF On and after Saruaimr, OCT. &h, I shall be prepared to °WWI my am arrival at To tbo ladles of Towanda and vicinity. My stock comprises everything In the lincand I shall wa llow) to sell at my usually iv:abounds rate., (ova mss call .aud es.aciine t h e good for your. selves. ()rt. 1. Uri. Ca MANED' OR STOLEN FROM his home. a BUCK PUP, a small while spot on ohs breast. shoot 10 months old; be ilk put bird and part shepherd, answers to" the name et Sport. Any o b e 'Mug tuformatioe regarding Ws whereabouts wll Iwo 14beralk7 noardicl. U. DROWiIiNG TATLOIL 1.10/orswille, Pa, Row. 90.1171.4 Groceries and Provisions. Purchased the entre Interest of R. H. PATCH, GROCERIES, 82411011. BAT-r^lert , S, SPIC.E.i, !ix- Rave la hasid a largo stock of BYE DO.. BUCEWTIELAS DO. STOCK OF TOBACCO, WOODEN WARE. t of YANKEE NOTIONS. lOILLI COUNTRY PRODUCE C. B. PATCH WOOD, WILLOW AND STYYNE'CrARE, No. I PATTON'S BLOCS. rovAND.I. TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, First-block north of Ward House. BARED DAIL T, And mold at Wboleaale and Bean THEIR SEASON D. W. 8007 T k 00 UV GOODS! IILLI/;ERY GOODS R. if.- ontrritt .; Clothing. 11m,Ud TAYLOR FASInOMiI3LE TAILORS, • Opposite Public Square, Keep always on hand a full assort- mcnt of CLOTHS, CASHMERES AND . COATI GS. READY-MADE CLOTHING In all the latest styles, HATS CAPS 4ND - lIMBEHLLAS, GENTS' Fitrn.ishing, Goods variety. CUTTING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. ALL WORK WARRANTED. 6 6 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, PA. HENRY F RAN S, Otucce..mor to kLothtttl,; RC 11,‘ NT TAILOR, 4, OrCittli 2: Patton's ltri.tge Strect. XL). wat.da. A 7,47, - ‘,..1 aa.uctiri, t.t Vesttn;.4.4r.(l Catttnterex, coustanCy ri.,:tx made to order in the lyebt matter . THIS CII'S THE 1 TIP (.../.11Cnild tti apabie fatLnm the (?..14h t• 2 11. L. ~can urtu ; the th.tauee tti the tit,t tut star. sill 4 . 3 al. , t4t r 0y,c3111 . ,:i• Of VI etgittitt.: thu 2.411141 eon. t, Lt, ..trt , tl - •; . - 1111. Ar..i It i, x -„ udr:;ully strafv.zr tiut th: , ISrothe, , I: ne malt' tbe wselves .ors tho and 'mi.", tall ti: tm. , e thit make. it. tniiji., l I t Very t•, blip )S uld i extr , ayfliron , L , al, 1,1 , •.11 1.1.11,; n• t- ..un•.:t•:rj lit,. 1',17 ;:. .7 ,rtl!•• . ut oti,t , titey •• .11/cir nn• 1. 4:11 i•r“.•••, f!l , .:y pay (r cll. and tz.s t. t trr. t All that LiAl!lt.f Hat.. l/r t• 1 , 1 nr ih: Wallin.; ~: th lltiy all your Ci.thine .1 Buy of this ;Ira], huy "thc.zs. roc rea,aot .vhy. tt 1;,*.V01.1i Oct 1. 172 8c CO, 411 • HORSE POWERS sz. snd .:111 el: a I , , ttsr lc Cy til=l ho Lad elscwh..rr , to tho world. Wo clatUA far oor inaohtues tint they m. lunch, or Ail ore. thin iuy uthtr. and am t.u. , ro durably built. We per-oually Suptr:utouttioitr w, Lill sec, that it ii 0 ,- nru. Ws, DISCItIrTi cr. CATALOtir, I‘.r4 AppliCaLlOn ONE AND pvo HORSE PONVERS, Th'RESIIEK ri SEPEP.I TORS. 711RESU c.:. I I'l, EA R.N F A NNING L S, E=ll SAW IttiD GRIST 111 LI, work d mto order Q.VO us a call Lv:ore Plo,vehero 'Vd "OD ( - mamma 'SSMID' '0 ,) Y CI 0 0 a 1 Ang. 2. 1P62. F OUXDERY & M HINE SHOP Thelthdertilizned having, purch,;d the Foundry and Machine bhop lately owned b 3 Carman, sro prepared to do all kin,iw of wo r k *pp...mamma to their brisine , s, wlth pr:,turtrl-s3 JII (EFT. AtCbe MILL (I- f] Alt I N S , CIROUL!,:11 SAW :}I . ILL,s, . MAN DRILLS,' And all kinds of MILL IRONS MADE TO ORDER ENGINES REPAIRED, And all work warrante,f to give satisfaction. SHINGLE MACHINES Of the) latest and most improved kinds manufactured and aept constantly on hand ready for use. PLOUGHS, !UDR-HILL, IRON AND woonnt Of sal kinds. CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS Ma PLOUGH POINTS Of all Ilnda, Anil the latest impn.veraer.ts kept • constantly on hand. CHURN POWERS, LARGE AND SMALL SIZE STOVE CASTINGS CL'LL►R OBATZB. SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES, LARGE lIION * ZEITLES And 611 kinds Of castings fornishod to March 30,1870. mmers & Bock WELL. THE HOME MU rTLE SEW- LNG MACIITSF, THE PERFECTION OP IfEt`HANISH. roa amid:cm, Ficu.sma. Itnram. Coarnso, SHAMING.' SILAHMG, QUILTING,TrCIING, Itcm.rso, Hrx-giirenoo AND GATIMIUNG. Pa exitcd in AMERICA AND EUROPE, Simple, Compact, Efficient. Durable and Complete. Every Machine Warranted for s five years. EQUALLY GOOD FOIL TINE OD HEAVY WOEI. It is ' Triumph of Mechanical genius. 1?1 . 10e g 087900 The Only practical low priced Lock-stitch Sewing Machine evert invented. _• Don't be -hambugged by other Agents' blarney, no natter how smooth their tongue may be, be sure they mesa Large profits to their own pockets. D. B. !FOOD/it:WS. Agent for Bradford and Sullivan G:nuities. Agents Batts. Bradford county. Ps.:Feb. 29,' 2. BA.RRELLSI 1-0 , supply of Cider and Pork Bas and all Hods ot Cooper Work ou band. at' W. rrel . BOCK WILL'd. 0011412. BUREMJS for fine dollars at GIVC . OrktB I and PrOVWOII% GROCERY AND PROVISION STOIE MoCABE. & EDNiARDS, ~,. , ._ .: FAMILY GROCERIES AM) - 1 1 0 V 1 0 N S, lIERCUB'S NEW BLOCK, TOWANDA, PA. We do net deete &necessity to ennmerite call the dUerent articles we keep. :Crdraesortoaent Is ALWAYS COMPLETE We toll nothing but FIRST' CLASS GOODS. Dub pad tor Parmers Produce. • JAMES McCABE. ;larch 1,1870. WM. EDWARDS. CENTRAL MARKET The subscriburs still continue to keep constantly on hand a full and cOniplete assortment of every thing p.rtlining to their business, constant:4; of . BEEF, PORE, FRESH AND SALT rn kit C1.3114D DIMS MUTTON. BEEF, - LAMB, VIAL. YO CLTIt 2, :•.;I;l•Ltkit.:, LAM', 1:,q..t )(INA, bit lILD BLEY, TALLOW. kc., &c. ; A/..), H' - FRESH FitO:vi "FLU; I. %.Ki.:.--, l'ilM=2lll /"Irt, i 4c , t - r: 1:1 131:Z0 ''r Mill L¢ fttrulss.,l oa ghort t, tIC , at U. , . 0.1 Aland. tir.t ac)or uorlJ of I.T. kort , .r. Caa.4. li KF.L.L.rx. 1 , Tue.o. 11,70-t; RICH-ILtiT IN CASIL PAID Ft GRAIN, BUTTE': GEOIt G E SMITH WY 4, ,ACKINti, PA In. In% E:o . ti and liccz.' E 1: I it 11 6~ •. •~ \ I): (201'4'Li; Ft' C't)( NI, '.l .Lout t!lat L • L !%10 , 111i. thy art• t., r 1,u.) a SlatNArl,l 411 BO( YIS T;;I•N ES, z: Y(i (ILovEs, NiiriEN, LEATHER, tfie .11:1111.-ri) a full ht, of lICNIPIIREV BROTH -1:1:S A; TRAGI s tn3,,uf,cturc of go4Am at well AM , ILer of fiat-dare 1r • g. IT Pa 'S ettlebrated Make of BOOTS' AND SHOES For 1 Jwa4ll dud Cll,traliera aye r, :y lzu allit,ilag a f u n stu)p y of z1.1,:t.E. • .1; CiiiLDRENS WE VB. Shoe:hake:A and utt.lrs. wanuuß Lt,tuer shoo timbnism, tec. .'.ll tin.l with 11. a cz,ry.l s , s , rtmeut at all times. • 5.1 r. S. 8. 2toLe tru 1 rrlllUlil4 with ua and is ready to give Vita — ill the ...ty of Fine 1i0,t4 to all who may r.3%0r him with 1 cdl. As uur goods are all tsmght of the mat:atan:tort-re we are able and vrtll s' 11 at the: lowest bottom prmes for ealgh. We hope b!. fair oeariug to merit-the pat ronage of all. I JOLT.. T. COV.SLIt. K. Y. COO 'S& J CORSER c COONS. Towat.da, Oct. 1872. Q k • WOODFORD, AT THE NEW YORK BOOT AND SHOE STORE, No, 3, PATSON &GRIFFITHS BLOCK,BALDGE St Li receiving one, of the largest and best stock'of BOOTS & SHOES ever brought in Towanda, which he is offering at the very lowest Prices for Cash, consisting of Gm:Ts CALF, KIP STOGA., BOYS CALF BOOTS, LAD/ES, MISSES RDA Cauanwes Shoes of all kinds, all bought direct from the Manufacturers, and hand made, all goods warranted. A FELL sroca t or LEATHER AND FINDINGS. Thankful for past 'favors,. I solicit a continuance of the same. Towanda, May, 1. 1872. MRS. E. L. 'WOODRUFF, BEE HIVE STORE, N 0.2 Mrscrs's BLocx, Tomaaas, Pa., , Has purchased from Mrs. H. E. Garvin the entire stock and exclusive right to sell in this place the CELEBB4TED BUTTERICK PA ITEMS Of garments for Ladles, Muses,' Men. Boys, and Children. ,'large and well selected beck of. latost styles on hand and constantly-being received. MRS. E. L. WOODRUFF,, - Agent for Pratterick's Patterns, Oct 1, 1872. Towanda. Pa. MONEY SAVED, - Br puacmuum YOUR STOVES AND HARDWAItE • pianitzros. or."' July Tr.ll. .Ip . TßA.Y..:—Caine into the .enclos r ure of J. W. Nichols, of Surilogtort. on 0# about the 9th of Oct., 1872. cue 3-year 014 tiegul, spotted, with abort borne. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charge% and take her away or; she wal be disposed of according to law. J. W. MUMS. ' N0w.13.w3 LAKE TROUT, some very fa" rant b iox a 'maim I Crockery and. Olassware. CROCKERY STORE is ti or . IVIOICHA.II At, BLACK • S I ILVE PLATED WARE SINGER SEWING MACHINE, NEW CA `..(:!: FACTORY 1121 'I AND EGGS, W. 1.1...• I; C... city htyi,..; 11:g 1.,1y, lavtarr,s thc•ln ,11 - - aqvantage user tt:t. f, • NI/ •-•lll.k'i Ik):, t , •: tii^ r:7. , 714,;:• •t; .oat reepc::•::Ii:. cmitl .. 111. , 1, or the INS~i:R N • E AGENci L'SS I C RANCE OR _ 1- • Fi BY FIRE O 1 1, Cr N 1 N In n.ra:,l :.tid r:-:~abl: Comp•~uir., iu eic 0',•1c.,t a: MEE 'No} 391 tellies Towanda at 7 10 a. ru.; Athens. 7 50 M.l; Wave t rly, 805 a. m., • arriving at Elmira at 9 00 A. Y. No 31 leaveS Elmira at 630 p. in.; Waverly. at M 815 . m.; Athena, at 630 p. m., arriving ao ' wan at 716 r,. at. Dr/ . I Dr/wing Room Cars attached to Trains 3 and 9 run through from Elmira to Philadelphia. - R. A. PACKER, Superintendent. • MEW ROUTE TO PHILADEL -11 PICEA. 1 _._ gOItTH ' PENNSYLVANIA B A TT.ROAD. 1 8 ,0,, cruet and most direct dna to Philadelphia, 22,1 - Rai Washington. and the Routh. ngers by this route take' / ennsylvania & Ne Port Railroad train, passing Towanda at 10:40 A. /rand 2:05 p. m... make close connection at Be thlehem ',Mt Expresa train of North Penn's Rea. road, and arfive in Philadelphia at.8:20 P. M.. and 10:20 p.m.. in time to take night trains either fort the itionth or West. Palace cars are attached to the 2:03 P.M. train. City passenger ears are at the Depot on arrival of f ret an ns cones passenger a to.,the various Depots In to all psrtaof the city. - agrrrateso. Lem North Penes,' ttailread Depot, corner Baia an 4 American 13 .. - rtilladvlphia. at 8:30 k 9:45 A.M.. arriving at Towanda 4:57 & 8:05 P.M.. same evening. s Baggage Ezpr , collects and delivers bag, Ofilee No. 105 Mont • Bib street. Philadelphia. ' ; I IPIZIGHI . 4CCONIXODATIONS. a-' ; freight reeetved at Front ao.. Netile streets,Phils= deb l a. and forwarded by Daily .Past Freight tralxil to Towanda. and all points in Bnaot tanna valley 7uquick dispatch. E:W 8....A88E.. i Gen. Agt. N.P.11.11.. Front and Willow fits. n- 3. 1872. - Philadelphia. i ~: - -~ FRUIT J4iiiL - , ABLLItS. t BONVI,S CUPS FOR 'JELLIES. Pri:tlCitcri:;Prs k I!ruthet TA t'LE CCU, ERY Agency of the INSU RANCE AGENCY \VIUKHAM & BLACK'S ro,pa., .I,oy 25, 1?372. S•re. 1111M=11 FERMI ME IP_NIIN ,t; L Lt =EMS lIM=EIM FAMI i CARIZIAG ES, TOP AND OPEN , BUGGIES, PLATFORM. WAGONS, 1 e• al i. MIME :Iv.' 7- N:lt) i!1•' HIS I.\ uP.I‘ I F 1.:E141111(i TTI.NbLII t NT 013 L E NTNCENTti MUM o'h "pp- U Main 't-eet. TOW i'A ON &LL RiNDS PltuPELlli LIFE INSURANCE tiro t,•:t I.ChIDET IN:it:HANCE t - I • t':vw Ofl Day to I )v.ER $50,000.000 L'artit3l roprolentel POLICIES -I.SSIY-c.l" loves adjusted autl paid AT THIS OrrICP ECM atria. Noy. S, IST2 CANAL & Cd- OF PA.SBM , IGER TRAINS; 31 achy, Nov. 11, 1871 WEB ATIONS Elmira'T2 45 9 15, Waverly \ i ll 57 .9 30 ! ......Atheus. .... 11 45, in 10( .... „T0aranda.....111415 11 031 Wyaluslng 'lOO5 11 . Lace yville 9 43 17 491.... Meshoppen...l 0 2(1, 1156 Mehoupany... 913 12 45, ...Tonthannock.. 840 1 50! .... 7 25 2 ....Wilkes Barre.. 700 4 3.51.. .Manch Chunk.. 660 • illentown.... a M 6 051.....13etb1ehem 6.15; Elston 8 201....PhIladelphyk... , 051 ) 1 154 1 µW 9 40 1 NCW York.... P VCASTER.—!I supply of Fresh Ciroumi Pinter for nU by W. A. BOCK WXl•l6* • irw.t.g.'72. /MIMS, bring 'your z nni xbio* 449,11 K toi * TAR. IL C. PORTER, tr TM= OLD CASH . - DRIIO STORE, za.r.F.lrsb Corner Main end kttv , Btreetr. Towerae, • .111 re etc nvtly fergely to their +tact , . &full and complac aw,ortue.iit, coultituidag W ezteuscie vat riety. eFlbrueltet runny articleu used in the &• - t$ for fnechard purposes. earetully +elected with myiiird to the riemooviNe wants of ttin pnblic, artlich Will bw kept collethaitly oinppliect with repot. piirehamea, aiid °trent:l'oD the MO:4 r.slaollable terms at Whe,:r.telle , ,t• Retail. cauAlatlt:2 of • (1.1.TE . M 7A. INTI 4, 01144 ALCOHOL AND •TvitpEsTrstEr. BAS/i PAINT. VAltNisi4 WEU:rE-WASIi TINNTR'S AND MACHINE OILS, Fancy and Toll,tAriiclea In all tti. r verist gl'ONclEkl. EEWSJI i, tiOAPS: Pernunery. • POCk ET ItOo‘KS, PORT 310.NALS'; • Pockilt Enive!‘R.s ~a.ors, Toont..taKlN AND HAIR PREPARATIONS. 1, For Medicinal use, TOBACCO, SNrET, I l e :pv.4 AND tiardt.n. FleN Trasee2, Sur. p: , :"J!re. ISrezet Fluapb. '1e,t1:4214 EL:4g. SILI - 5!1.+44 Bottles, N:pplt•A, Nippk• Uel Pam, h.114441:z1 z ; Fruit Aare. T e r }I:v.0)111w Stolle _ Wary, 11..te!,., Viai,. (:oflot. Ball) " ivrjyt, anti Fl , l. •Farklo, inlit,4lth, '3,2d le clp—Atek, - •_.i :.:..17 3:A ..1 79nus .16t.tuce a.ti rcce.o.e- Or 10:111. . . t%.• 44/12. • I 1.?. 217.,1 , • :!: r;, : tr". - 3rf.l p:ll,lic.that 4:1,1 Inv-re. tl:eC,t •1 •;:pt1,11.. to. t o t.: t • f• •N. 4 , ' -72 . • i'l; N.7‘.. EMI M 1.1. LLltt..t• - i.t.Y. 1.• •;:ith Lt• :y ••••• .L 1 —Sc:t icctc I•stlt•tar. t:••stvd 111 Icsst t• — • y•••tr , ••• •-tItt.•.11•• — • It .•••::titt• i•N•• c'cc cill ••'r.,r ,Ico• I'•fler, • ( •11%• - rtIty 01 a'••llitsy Pct:s, —non ,1,•• • , !•1•••-t •11:.(1 .. 1 •Jr• •••• • z::••••! , *r!rtllnl.ll , t:1111111:::.- * t:,•• •••• ..I•.t.rt -••••• '1 Sc.c• 'ccr ttcl' • -.c;c. c I ccl r 1,-""t:- •• ..4, I I. _' . cCl •^f 1 • ...arruutt.ltu "•:. !V' . .• • • SKII.I - I,ti ‘.l I IMBEI :.• Ae.dreB- 3. b! • 111 :IVOitLIYS TONIC MIS :78 1 :1 1 • m ' TR, - _L I HENRY :....7'uLy.:4; H. S. V : A t.:R% ME =MIMI _ rl l O D A (7, A 1, A CAD EMY (2 , ..)11..r..; -\.l".' L STI CUTE' *A . :II 1/C r.,Lvirr,l at Lv tizi, at tile :,:il•...v!ug ..........SIS, 00 Rarruouy atut Vtk'.l.l class, pt.r q'T=. - 20 00 t...v we a d..,iuctioix . or •; time itp, - Tx...1 , f ca,.• more thxu one • Th., ia into. throe di.p.trt.• • Pr. his:nary:" PrlraLiry su i Advalled. Toe, wit: tin 3 cO - titi ,. ...te FIV u at thP e , rilipi..tir,o of t.1.•11 co ar,O With tho staiolu4; of the pupil. Pupils luau a ilist:Lni-i• and ai_Tonnuoilations I for board 41,..1 -luau° pra‘lieJ in the• itudatutlOn at err: Cloth., ate, priced, N•ril E —Mr. SherWoo , .i La; progre.i. , e course coil:lin...tin; the bred trio.letrn nit-thuds, it the f- itAire4 aol'ap,):Etu,c,4 of Vt. , pop. Lyon., Mn, , o c •at 0: which his r. flier Ity. L. Sherwr , oil, Wad 40rE2CrlY princi -and proprietor, 'Mr. i d:43.r li. sherv:,,od 1:1F, decided talriqne tuns:old 4t.qinrements and ext•nsive experient to - 21111.>Kcii' 7 une,i. NEW . PLANING HILL . The under.signeel having built 3 - large.';uti eentino• Litein'‘ Mill ‘n the Borough of Towanda. and tilled It with the most modern and imOured roultinery, for the cie.nufe....ture of Ar” prepared to 211 orders. whetlitz largs or sman, upon the shortest notice. We have also - a large ea net) of NIOtTLDIN'OS. of the latent style and pattern, wbleh sce can furnish mach cheaper thantb.ey ean be hand. PLANMG, ' • '; TONG T:7EING, GROO T ING. ANTI SCtOOL NV. S. Y INCINT, And all other work pertaining to JOltery. will be done V> Knit our cthrtomors. Persons building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will Lind it iar g ely for their Interest to buy of, or bring lheir lumber and have it worked by uur machinery.. liring your grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and while your team is feeding. have it ground out and take it borne with you. ' Nf!itTlalY/Id). We will pny CASH for PINE HEMLOCE LUMBER delivered at our lumber yard. Come and aeeorta. or it you cancorn't f., write, Tnewar4a P.h.lar4 P)(WWI At (O. TOMPKINS. COUNTY SEEDER.AND PLASTER SOWER This !s an Attachment to that FIRST CLASS MA CIIINE, THE TOMPKINS COUNTY WHEEL- RAKE! 3 20 2 32 2 IS II 45 to 47 10 so to OS 1 8 30 Its advantages over all others are many, but wel mi special attention to its adaptation to - ENE SOWING PLASTER LIME. ASHES. BONE DUST AND °TRES Distributing device is so arranged as to ctrec. hall crush all fiimp• ; thereby insuring an even. distribution of Plaster. even vat n full of hard dry lumps. IT nOW£ . 4 - EQICf.tiLLT WELL Such u Wheat,llse, Oita, 13ar14y. Buckwheat:Cor , t , Flax wed. Tim ,, thy, Clover ..lud other times seeds. The seedioe-Box is hung utt7r the axle. hear the ground. and can be I' ' .. USED IN k STRONG• WIND WITHOUT. SCAT TEttING THE: PLASTER 011 SL.E.D. HOWEVER . - LIGHT. , . It is dn — ven by a canton th• wheel, which willbot get out of order trout use ; as is the ease when dric tu by gears. IT CAN DE SHIFTED FROM RAKE TO SEEDER. 011 FROM SEEDER TO RAKE, IN EIFTEaN MINUTES. Seeder, alone, or complete • hake 'Combined Rake and Reeder,.... Seeder Attachment. alone • . Farmers wanting the Seeder complete to sow Rh at or Rye. or for Fall sowoig of Plaster. ket can have the machine and pay for, it same Urns as though purchaaea ilext sp.lag. • co k.E.t • .;:'',' The BST most DESIRABLE. • cm! ictl4t 1.00 . NOMICAL FUEL tar culinary purpose-sabring vmm 'ler. For sale by the TOWANDA GAS COUPANY Melee eenti per bnehel at the Gas Ronne. or en nate delivered.. mayso,lllo Drugs ant .Medicines. ai I.thl all Br.:04,11, 1, I , :i?O,SENI: OR COAL OIL, Lin Din:: Flo IA :41 pii, sit:, b1 . ,,,5. wlcli H: C HIM .:,:1:1-.7+- LAM, Whale, Netts Foqt prnE. WT3,:I - 11 ANTI :,,:. WILL MINE Ml= ••t 11 t t • =ME EI=MIIIIIIIII:1 r by 1, , tt4.r i ratite.. .t*,l no', l„aatt•dg :Er tuilr.v.- =I • :;,•::; T. 't E JZ gill ei:T.:i.Apc (TI T . 10! 1 IL :L.' L 111::,. CatarrSi Lt.= C, u h. • a,l 5;,1,..J ypi:t tr.:4 I t \V. H. (:f .1, Pod. , vn:A. 111 t , ' 5. , . :.-• , h; I,y all Dt.u4;;;:us 1.100.1 i: IL :+:li_ll',,,p.);), TuV,'AN , SII , I,ILY Finn' QrAL I'LltIS IN A' VAN CE MM=EM WFSDOW SASH AIN BLINDS And we•ctn recommend it the linsr PLASTe.R SOWER IN THE 11AREET! ALL KlNii* . bE.prcALs AND (lAA. 3 SEZDS, ,_,_PRICES OV SEEDER AND BASE EVERY macamr. IS ivARII4sTeD, -. IL M. WELLES. 41etierat Ageut. 'f,iwar.ds. I's., Aug: 20. L 872. TURNEIt & GOitDOt TOWArTI P~, pA D.IiiIIG.GIST'SI Having ext , usr f•iy. start. at ll^ atazul, I.3ve• re, oiy,zao,rl wit.l/ larg", now and prii •,.eieltctetlatoek, • HER .3; COATED PILL.% 1!...p.yL/E.R.S.,,,GUIiii, SYRUP* i;eyr..‘_Nic,,. E.l.T't i' :! AND 11011EDPATT, Par. . I'Alt4ATI'DNii, . '.`. . ••,- I • DYE'STUFFS; p . . PURE ' ' , ' 1 :54 - .kS AND r,lfig..()ES =- • TOBA( - c; . :=:' , NUFF .1'cl) (...r;i.v.r..i.. ME L'OPU L.% R .! .. .k TL NT EDI CI VES, TOILET F'ANCIV (I‘OODS ,„ IBM E. : 11.-+ Vu r, mum 1111 h.. t;tr l'••1 _ [,1]1;1: kT11) Pr• rr lIIMI f . vr ' ztcd 1%, 7,3 t . _ I , y i):. 1! s. r. f2%.z.t.r Ktrvy ar..:l I \V • Atal •PF ford ant =ME EMI JOh:74t4ljj , g••• , •; H. 114. 1 ,1 pC.3 1!?•70-:1 • • TO TiiE 11" f;!.: 4 1 ;. ri 1 JCIN( In tit iti Vi--_.-.., ttr, A.Le, 17, tt'is, -I ¶e ' • El=ll=l uf. ru,aa , ul. ( 5 1 ' 1,1 rx,,e:;u izl,l i - oru /I. ,;de of our ao .clr and ,T , ai?•m::nlc pare._.. t , att 1111131 J.-5. ALLYN: OLIO of our. fir::...• ,C 11: I,p iolzr,.l:r.: t:',-, Furnitur. Scar,. c‘n street. and C. M MAN , thr- .ILq-r znetubn; ct t 4.. arm 'at Els.rtr. U. a :y rellable autfe.f.ebratei. w°cos. oti:,~e ME ALLYN. , jan2s . 72tf M .3LkNvILIF FiRsT NNTI a NAL B N K SUILPLI7S FuND- This Bank ors u - NrsrA I. rA(III.ITIES tap transaction of a GENERAL BA,NKING BI:SLVE,s IN.*TiREST AID ON DOOS ITS A CCOX.I) ING To AG .11.krESIENT. SPr.ctsd, C.ti ornls TO Tun forst crnos or Non: /ND CHLECKP. 1 • - . Parties wislani. ,- to„t) Mo 1 / 4 VET to any part o: tle t 12,1 United Staten. E 3 I. Ireland. Scotland, or ay. rr.r.• cipal cities and to, of Europe, can here pick ., lre . drafts for that parry , • • - ['ASS. GE TIC Ken . , . 1 To or from the old co'nuny, by best steams 5.V. big itnee. nlways on tisna. - FASEILIZS BROCti t OVZB AI.IIEZZTE?.... BAT Higkui Pic- pai4Yori U.S Bonds, eold and Sth , er. j0.4.' POWELL. 1 -,- ,4,lcint. N. N. BEM'S. J 3. December : l:lBt-10.a Cashier. NEW STEAM!FLOURECG MILL The subscrib desiris to give lintice that hla §TEAMFL(WRING' MILL Ii now in iilleet'Petil operatiod. and that he pared to do all work 1.11 his line on slic.rt 9CISTO3I GRINDINO DONE Oti,TilL Z4Allt; I.AS Vihrat. Buckwheat and Rye Flour, Coro Feed. Bran, .te., .tawaya, on Sand Sad :tar C4e it .awest ntes. .• • . PAittleCLAlt NOTlCE.Pertinns th„' wait side or the river desiring to I:atroni:e mw , gill have their rerryage paid buth warn. when tlq bet! grists 3t tontnehels :and ntkaras. ap!.4'7l •F. :4- ANEhi. - HOLIDAY GODS. .. i ' I bard 'added tci Ili r y ext , ii-rw LsoiPs auJITABLE daksswAtzE: Mott 4 Cups anti Salim -at: l • toy Ten Sets, in grela % artety. andfailev Toilet Sets "r the hand- , :ric,t at .g• - 'Put s, goods I have. imported thremly Eqrope, stall mp lorier'S sire at,-, s:;" Y11•..1. 11- porter e3u•se4itte salut) g.o-1" eithrr 'or :%.i g i t.!%r Torii A. J. WEIDEN NOs. 39 Santh Secondand 29. .Str3%% berry S:'• stork of CIiANDEtIER 2 . . L 42 - 1 solaptia to Churches, is very Igo, fio 4 k+ 01 ' 5 ' 4 '; showivig the ue4lgn la each chinklecr end bracket, via be r e en* on re4nest. • . Oct. 3 -m2 - IL' CO , 40 00 63 01,. 23 LO 5000 AGENTSIWANTED.At ou-ce for our New Book, tho Life of the 0r,.-at plorer, LIVINGSiONE. • • A thrilling account of 'whit he had icapent_u , •ed ascomplianed dunng twenty-eiskt Years in trio wild,. of Africa, - and of - his re:wir d:atti by ST tdiLEY, with pdrtienlan. -- hflua trip in iwarut of, andjoug. aljourn with the aZe l dlo. OTe . re •, etc. etc. 0! patted, rq..- Versast, wanted. Fn' tuft doscription and toriiia address at once • HUBBARD 8808.. Padilla:es%'724y PIAls., or eon, . drags and Medicines. f!ATTON'S BLOCS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T 1 NC L;(1. EMI irft! PiTf.x.s. t • s F'.;,. MI = I=ll f[ - l' . 51E lii'[; :--..T,-ii;F NEE =A ll~~~i. , ... L~ , _ n., c... It~.,et p• MEM Fp,s 4%.1 • I ( =EMI BEIM • ME IN =Mil = =IMMI 1: , 1; 111 d.•l .. • • .11. , 11.1 .t tr =EI Y' t f: ill , l 1411,111.4 K ISM = . In, lEEE s Park w troct. Leir tu^ L,e' OF. TOWANDA SHESHEQP M.' PA fiTAT fP Is,/tEoI:IYE M =I ME =I :al .0! ll= !!",•1•"5;000 40,00: .` 1111