Iradford frportit Towanda, Thursday, December °.6,1879. ' LOCAL AND GENERAL. ifir.A. merry Christmas and happy New Year, W every reader of the Iterorrali se - tha f sE Wv.scw, of., the Elwell Haire, turned Bendedirli, nn tuesdaV last. - t per The M. E: Sunday school will bold their Christmas irostival this Wednesday MEE se- Snow fell to dm depth of about two inches on Thnrsday ;tight last. ,I.Aro ly times bare been witnessed tar Th. - Ittiilroid suit gill occia ves, th• aitentioirof onr Court. It will not be tertriinated before the het of the week. • •Ifir The:: Baytisi Sunday-schgol. celebrated Christinao eve in the Church. Fite tints for the gel 01are were placed on a ties,and A strklnited. after appropriate •xereisca. • em, s'c'are graf ifkd in ; being able to c ct.pontco that rlst4iFtgit tipperintendent D7snosn is improving in imalth. and hopes are tater.tftincd of 'his spoedyrecovery. Or' If you would give,your friend a preqnt which will cause him to remembei you continually. just encloac tie two dollen and thi,nsme f your fricicil,"and we will mail him the RiponTrr. for the year 1873. Mr' Our esteemea Celtic friend, tftrirAit. KmwAy, recognizing in our connte nir ce that, as he, ixpresseil "which torrid him we were a brother:: presented na . the other day with a large and plump gobbler, for a cliriptmal3 dinner. car The employes of the REPORTEI( (21r,.. fit:sin , a' week's relaxation from the ; tad and re:utMe of the composing and press rooms, i . F .I we are compelled 'to ask our readers to attrod tea parties and sewing circles for the new,: nt xt KWh'. Our next issue will be dated Jtnnary 9. 1873. - PERFOYAL.—Hon. E. 0. ..o"boDßlcrr, HOLCOMB, EFq.., and Judge Xtruntn are nme. COIZNEI,L, founder of the University winch iutirs his name, was in town last week. stiez.ding to the snit between WELLES, HARLIN A I'ATLICF, and the Ithaca fi Athens R. R. Co. P , in a quiet, unostentatious gentleman. • mar A handsome Christmas-tree placed in the chancelCht-iA, Chinch, on hri-tmas eve, laden with presents fur each of the scholars. At 6 O'clotit, the ]lector entered the chancel, and s fter the Divine olessmg, the school sang a carol; a ter which the Lnrd's Prayer wais recited by the scholars. The,creed and collects followed. After singing again, Mr. McGtarnEur madc'a short 'but ap propriate address, Which was listened to y';ith p.trict attention by the jarge audience.' lAt ,the conclusion of the remarks, the Infant l lic r hoof sang the hymn, " Do no sinful action," etc.':The distribution of the Tifts!occuPiecl half an IMur. Each scholar was presented with a gift from sea trte, a package of cake, some candies and -,inorange. Several of the teachers were also the n • pits of handsome presents from their Thi3 hector was 'resented. with a and and costly dressing gown. by the the pat i:411. He also received a bratiti- Id!„ P . nelh and ivor3 type . I.keneal of Superintendent was the .I'• ebronio Judith," clerit and ,c:lars of slo• FM14,01. r:ii:rt-vi et nn qarly li.llr, and ail tl tit I alit d, tettling happy. I TREE:_---The custom Cfinstinas-t - rets bas tiirongln the C(.4111- ',f. 7 \r , . Ileaslnt originat or; :•, , inany. Many- years ago, when the were tlii.c.ratsii with evergreens for The canb•m 0 , select a i• t k IL , her a coitepienolis rlact, arid on it .•:• tlo: After •!:‘. 1,,t4:11 te , athe a trt•e n dne.c.ri with .; : adorned wi , rl the • I , i, • r ,Ittidrcn !.. t'. , t .? into Eu:;lii,•t uud =II :111.1 1...1t . )/ :: , 1 1 .11 ll' , Mlh tuu,c,•h and :- 111 L;, - ,lt'al trllll- of Oils tree., • •.„• 1••• l r,•pan:h• , n i, 1..x.1; (.1 the l,r Lt e: - •.• 4 of the htti• ••tteN turn th•• lo•• 1%. •10•'.1.8 - or the mom trier; t rit.‘ Itaig fu „ ul•! i, r. -1 .011 lirr t'hi ip;trsia,-tt.• ENE r 111,d. C Ire( f.: I, (ht • e ;;1 4 .!" ti.As .f ;lie ac. ,1 rt agem •, .!.: I 3 1.1 V% wit." • • ar:1,:4!C11. VA' pi.ltentlg tLetaf , ary =EI .•,:4,Y ~ 1 , 1 1 COptii ~. ,;1' ill 1•,„t o•il ill 1 . 4a1/6,:nt.... I.IIINL, MEM I . '."11 4„1,. l ri,:t.l pll MIMEO 1 ,c- MEM • 1:14 t, b tht, rrior,• dest- -_snered t.) thy r , u: I and young, Lc loving rrinezubrances. „{ tKt tht tree bel4algs n. but it is wt . 711 that the) . festival in 11,,t enttlelc take an ttit , re,'. • ,1 the g.l , s arihl the Alerry.Clinat ,..:l c‘ri•tip atvl to home 5,,rt 111=1E PkY DETUtrNIENT L. V. R. B. aveuturat,ioil ntyuiai. ,L'at n• to this place, on of car s‘e re Mr. .1. H. 1,1 , . Ct,rk ME isl,•l r, and our t •is. Web uoenp'.. :I aboo 1 .• tt , r Of .%111' rtfuckrp.. EMS OE 4 .„ ?.c• 1, 11,1.1 lIE NI it ,n1:111 cu thIS • m Ali .il il:!'t~, N Xl4':l It .u:•1 k .tti w uh t•ua I. • i'h•• !.;‘ are at. 1 ...I, tilt c:1:, ti a utssclopi ;••,. loym:s , er ; at the tame • .11 - fi•;: the elee4. From :.:r• ;:at.l ofi ill a day, ;,1,;; of time to the 'mite 2.141 paying •• g.,,t,.1 Of Mr. VW ILI! FJ.717, , Ip:oyed izl t e pay departmen• t 0., for the past twelve , ' care., oven entirely auc.essful, and very materially. We •r are adopting it. No t, !loin the men, and yet, so p.,11, during tL whole time the co:111m', 110 )1.' , !,,y IS nett!: pifd to an ' A P . -' - i ME 1 ua.• except ttiu beluugs, unless a =I .1 . Fiaai prepar a ' %liiel all (Ai lwarct dime. 6S. - "•LeiEL io one c•nc of the most genial, companionable gentlemen of our acquain tance, and di-charges the dillies of his onerous aitil reeponsible position; in a manner not only to gain the confidence and eater m of tbe corpora tion, but to the entire satisfaction of the thou sands of men who monthly look for his coming. It was gratifying to us to notice the, familiar and at the eatne time dignified manuerkin which Superintendent PACKER allre.+Fed the i i'aborers along, the line. With each a Superintendent the Pa. ar, N. Y. R li, caii but grow i favor with the cuntry, as well as the army of em ployee. Mr. WILHELM informed us that Mr. Mr. Beau's services were invaluable , to the coMpany ; hie thorong4 acquaintance With the Men on the line, and his tincmledge of tbi road. en", dating the work of paying very considers- enitisrmes.—=Nearly nineteen bn n dred years ago, heavenly heralds proclaimed to the shepherds of Judea, the joyful tidings of a Saviour's birth ; and ever Uric°, in commemo ration of that event, fraught with such blessings to the human race the Christian world has erl fibre, ed its anniversary" in. trrder to recall the memory of its hallowed associations. Broader in its Int/dance, and more sublime in its significince, than the festivities of ancient Greece, tor the Saturnalia 'of heathen home, 'every crinsideration of piety, domestic affection and traditional reverence unite to proclaim it the world's great festal day. Although the fes tivals of; America are for the most part occa sions of Icconomic interest, yet the different ele ments of our composite nrilipnality, unite with the Christian world in an absolute consecration and uoiversal acknowledgment of Christmas as the moat hallowed .day of the calendar. 'Tis true' that the Customs Of the season are not ex actly such u come from the ancient ballads and churchly traditions of "!Jerrie England"-- of the times when "waebail and the yule log, 'largess and the lord of misrule, the mistletoe bough, bears' heads, belly wreaths, midnight chimes, the feast of kindred, the anthem, the prayer r ihe games of clifrilren, the good cheer of the poor, forgiveness, gratulation wet strip,— all that revelry bails and religion consecrates— made l,olidav in palace, manor and cottage throughout the land." Nor are the .custome of our holiday season in strict consonance with those , of the. "Father land," where Christmas is pre-eminently an oc casion for the glorification and edifying of childhood. The beautiful legeirds of the Christ child, reproducing the F i Ory of the S.ationes birth, the OA Christmas trees, the carols and The feasts render the German Christmas cliaractristic and witional. The American Chrisiturisis more than these, and combines. with both ten clement peculiar to tiestern civil ization, --making it an occasion representing in . the highest degree the conglomerate elements of our nationallife. Christmas is to the people of this country a time in which .we exhibit all the steady mirth of the English, and the deep reverence of the German, spiced with the na tire " Inn " of the land. Our •" turkey and cranberries" is as.replete with significance icii! the "roast beef" of England or the national dishes of Germany, and 'all the festiVties, the customs and the gilts of the season combine to make our Christmas as uriiipts as is our nation. White. those who arc blessed with comforta: ble and pleasalit homes, temv,le in thelleasur t s of this happy festal day, let not the . poor and maw tritilte be forgotten. There is perhal,s no higher enjoyment comes to the human slut than that which results front the consciousness or biting done acts of kindness to a worthy. obieet. f r, It :s a happinc, , s which no words can desenqe:and can only be appreciated by those who hare experienced Lt. • those of onr reader's who wish to experil ence this tare elij.ayment, embrace the oppor tunity which the holiday. 'season gives them, and seed, to some iamily who are in need, elothing,or food, 'midi as they may require. To the receivers Christmas nib wear a brighter face than. tligy .dared to hope,bir, and to the:girer. bring truer joy than wealth or power can confer. ' •". Nor will tirr.i genial , and kindly influences of such au act prtcAlast:l/ waxy, but as years go by, the heart wilbtfeaslirc it as once t its he ii— e,t and brightest l'utinories, " Where closely mingling, pale and glow ILt• characters and woe," 1.1,11 he kept, brightatid clear, the htemory of a 1, that Ina tt• tht 1-61:1.< (JI/C or LoCALnoN.- 7 -The people of this, county will :ote, on tIA, Lwal 0pt. , ,,n Irw _Deli 111' , ,,rr1.c.r that all may Tirt , lerr,tami the v.--tif,l an app, • - AN Act 'Nip:Tacit the voters of this Common s% 1.2,:th tv( ry t h rt e'years on the rl,h- t)t %:.IPAII/01"1.1: , 'ell E1 . .4 , 7,:..*Zita11g hi/lIL r 4. s, cm,' \ Ilk /is it r,i , tried / th." St'tot(e tlttd i 11,1,4 1,,,f 1:41 , r,1 ,- .-1,t..1,rr.s QT Vie 1 ,, 1•, ,, , ,, ,, ,, , , ,; th 1 r!' I', ii,if,1 , , i,,,,1r. it G4-Itrriti .1:kco-m!)1; . / /e 1..... a 7,1 it i,tierl'i;y fiiit(lrt<i.l l ,zi t4e at:Mot - 1:y of the sql,,F. Tl , pt 1.1, t he ' kit!. i!,l i'11.•,. 11K.Mili (11, ~ 111.• 11, , lits. Alm. t . . O:IhiPAI , a MIA - , •‘ iIA - 1. 1 :rt ., , :n et, t , j ‘•,.,:, ('., i 1 i ,.. mitty in II f-,f•imninriei nitii ui:.,l at i ty, :1 1. 1, 1 -111.1,.-11, 1 ; ~ , tligini., vcry 11:1:d :‘ Pal ti,,,Mt.1"..19" e•t".< II; H , il eoy mud COUllt, It 1:11111 Ilt• 11 - rfintV Ui . lilt ;I:mIP rt./1. Ut...1 •ji1.1::., la • f 4, tj,,l, in jit , t• 4;;;Il., ~ 1.1 1 , •1 , 1/ 1 1 , .'.. t.l , I. t'...-.1. t• t;t•',:o 1.. I lth,tT tvtittrli ot"pr:iat it, fri.m the le- . gal :.,ti•rA 4/raid citi4.l , :and t ..,,r,i ie ,, , 1. 1 1,,.L.,1 .1 , the , 0:i:,•It, " iim , 1,..1..." ',IA, I.:1 tho 11..1 lc, • hir Inn 1,,, , , t , , ' or •) age„l,:ii he, . , -' N .nd t i , d t • - i , :•1' ,a.,1 tic'a., ti in a 1' ,a pr , .l : , , I,yl fir .1,3 t pulp ;..; i/. sold ii,v , t .r,. ,A, , i jt,,1,;,,, it, I, ril" . 11 11,/ Ly Inol.ill 1 1 ". e, eats , i 1 ..ti J.l tidietr• fl,. 1'.•; , t .1 rit. ~ ..allt , 0 . 01011; :ii:11 In, , t:t.1.,1i, 1.1 re •:Y. ii shall :he eionitil, :dal :i ton II ~ if the' I tiard , • ?idol. li, 111, el,:th id h i,•• ~.zi rt ,if misrter lit,-11.11.4 it Ilk!. 1: , ..n.t.r. l'itthv I.r.Lp-r yorinty. (lit- ly certified Lts, ri ipFri.l ti law; , v1.:::•11e: r,:tioat,, rlatil It lxi,l\ b 'hire tilt' :1:11gi-ri . , (,F. the „., ; ,1 1 c ,-, lrt. at :he :1:Ind rot i :mg et el/la ,t-,:urt a! -, t-t Saida est.tem ..'lltall I , e I ,1 , 1. iti i il ~dali i e tiled i w,th tile ether recppi . , L,, ~3.,•1 f c ourt; and it i ehhil be 1 . /. WittY IA the l - 11y -,ut:, lif ilt: , --4 and I sbi-i',ff- , if e,01,1!e'.4. or of Noy other oflieer. ! wl.:. ~.,i Illy it 11.1:1)..:v.1.,i , a1. 1 • till ',tie:: i , "r‘iev. l to pi, iial,li:•,,,,"id:ec of sindi ',.p. cid el, enon ale , : i- •;i:',, , .:(1);,1,1%. , r, ilvi , i V. e•J'... pre') nil, 1 . 1)1, , lime ir l,' lie',~, li.e 'satin . and .1., , /1.11 , I' It • f': ‘ , lit.f. ri ?mil I 1.1:1,(ini: (.1-y third Ni Nr lle , r, - after: 1 1 '7.,,a• rlierl Mit tbl.. act shall not be Cl 411 t 4.11 t.j. r er - A or 'Nicer'. any .us c: it law priillibitien :or. , ;:le ~.c; i irt..A,Chl'.l. ; •hq:l,.l, . , o r }with)) wan.; tn. , -41 . 31/1:11g1 , 1A1 1,4 . 1 ,114 : PrOri/1/4,. That when tile' "eritincifyi and towil,Lip elve• trine lir ll'hy C'/ViiiiVnl 1.....;1'4 ` ii) lint occur on the third Friday iti.,-Xiarcili.:fhr, Cleeiron provided for in tai, sentlin . 4l.4,Teite l'esid in: the i; iy ilx ed f ir -th e ' eilliee,tl l 4`ei ::':.:2 in •••,d,.1 efinnt3 : Aed pr ,, rl,l,42 , rtief;:',y ; )1,)1,..t all ti,' , D,,- grartte. LI after the titist „(I.i'V' ~t I.ll.lf.ioaty, one. thousktiti vigitt littraltml.tiiA4eve nil-three,. shall cease, &termini.: Lund .I.weptne Vcifi.)o:3 ,the first d a., - , ,it April, one thousiini.i.e.l.l.4 imhdred andseventv three. if the ilis:t s fiiii.Vtor Vibioh . they Ei hall be granti-1 d.•tilVi l llV:Sii.ii.?;tl.l)lll:gr:ilititig of li cc lust ; aild the po.lire'r cittlh, : r proper enmity shall 111.'11 refinn'ijflrtit,til:).of4erthlf slleh liel'hi•Pi the ne .. ineYs ir.iem.ii i , piei•ri;44titt which Ow sa.,(l ttemiiitetei lita'o4,4) WI ,i, kr?'o3 . f.iit in, his ae- K .,.1 eonots ni!lt,ittie-VOttledi ielilf : 4, I'IECTIoN `2 . :: Tttl i iti il'i‘iri!iinv nf , and counting, Nth) in nurfdinif ili (h)inf4l.miif ,files east. the Je ep, et Ord and jaft - geri;,*4l4P* tit Said eit'eth 11, shalt liti g.,viTtitYil . l,//- e ttkVik;4Al(liiis coinimiiii -wealth ref:114;0 I'lg rite (4.!4‘ii'detAllaliii.s; and all the penalties ot4aiil efc.:elo'o 'fitAectil,•ifee hereby i c tetidad tri„Fli,l i;;lA".:P.:4lll)ll).) o olCAl . ,..iitoters in.,pi•c'- t vs, juilgi" sal' , %l,.,o4.Pilli , ;'y:kik'f•lo'• and in at len il /Mee UpOirAi r 7A-0 P44:4lo4ls.litti ,tl.:rdDr the pro vi,eins of rill .;ai'tiiV'r . • ''''.. .. r , sl-, -I 1 , :i V.:- . 1-yq,`v:ph..x.,*„...l.r lil. returns of elei•ln rig inlii.lq . err r;, 4:1,. said. it shall appear tlikEld:t7 . 'tiiih'i4WutilllY•iiLrait:i4 Ili i `i ll ., it .hall ii. , tii . ,:14,K,F1540111 - r Vtitrrs - tit b"h:: d of heen,v eidrbily .J. r,if.iiii , r l.) :...l.iiiiiti s l - ai6 1.1,,,,i.„, , hut Ul.• esli ot . rivli:qtytt.Ori(st,4i inah or i Ihi r in iiim:eating,:l49k,..,i nk . ..4.TryT.ilmiii•): t.ier'e.,f, i El i.aid ei:y or ii,:,..i . uliley,' :da t tlyet).nl4:':idi r , dale. un- IA at ithi ~c.,,1 i tp,'75 .2i5. :'41,7.;,v1. t,t , i,y.:lle'l a majority shat' vide.iii.4 % -.. 4.• 'tit 0, ; ;;:11.1..: * .i. , , - .. , rie1c , .4 nit: t 11 , .1:irt , ..; oi , :;?tiois,il il , . , :.ii* ~ -.. ..1-t.4 of• ~1 1lA act hIlf.:1 t•tt-vi7ritt,nt7 .-S t iii.r•.:l, lie.. . it)ii t, ,• drug e:••), ' lin- -,,.tiel'!ti;:ii:: , if - .•'iliirii:rs.,..i• -, 1 -tri-dielnal . and It, •, , uf ictiiri'li.iii; l . , • l,l fiLSiiirt . : — Pi'li'it 4: Tin' du- MBE '' II i 1. T!i.. rather ti t.;l • t It FILEDEIacK, n •u., BEE =MI galtrs OMEMIEMI I:, (ir,lLtre :‘, ,::• ' f 11,,; k , ':' , piJrgiktti . if V,iii..t . l et riii /Oren :.tie oplu ' II" 'icy 'W;/iToi/i/ttlf , r thir.l - Er,.3 - Fray-of March, /,:o• tt.../ .-: II , 1:4.%,I11.1144,11 /1.; ; a4/°4.., , i‘ve ri t‘7"- , I rt . I', 6 0 tI/l• S $ : 'l,' ix t r ,r,',.:4t1( .. t tilp.. :NI: ,. 11 i II:.• . tox///d/il./ of I)0 ' clu:diA , /4,,V../1.,:5.:: , /rA I.y.a jii.-ir spring ell 1.!.. 11“::S. 1 1 01 j'e.f;: ' ;` , l l ..,'Y'll LiJr ELI to ^r. Si, t :1VA:1 4 ,1,,:,t 1 1''..47 , V1,4, ,, (r . IArP - reii , :,t,/tie r-,. ~...", f '' ', l 1 ." :: ,k, - . ~T Alt:i;;'t,S. Rl' TtN , ..• ,f ,' ..., - i:., ,i., .''' ; • .1.: i•.- r, agt. r,f !Le Se ~,, le. Ilki•vrt , Ali.' , ::.rktt: t.iii‘ . ll:ii-iitivi•=:4,ll day of MLreh Anr.o 1)-Ini:Ohn6 ttS.7 i .i.i . i-ii.n0.1i.j,#.1!.. bto/drocl D 11.1 t• f'l I :,• ; •ViVillk .5 " ,`..A s 4 . %. .•'. • • .'t .. , 1...L 7 p ..:- - ..:_,, • ~...., Sel37 . l3.(tf.iyift' Ava s in vitud bw . t he itl'Pir !,i.te'o4ilt-:o/c td)i.lrl:-Ioc;):. to at t , •:, I a me'l'l , g, 4,1 R.;`-I'C.tit.;•li . , ~i ,4.-,...1.,1c.v.eThi.,2s , ill , -- 0/1 arr'il?;l4,leti:t , ,iir - : 1-y -. ..1 , A, , i,ea . ,,,, pi.,,,:;1i.,1 I with a lia le r itih l. 4lili ,a . A/41'' , 1? - 3.jc/n siOO-hol/1- el . / as A4, , i t . ~ , t i...w.,:. 1 ,,,, , , i iih044,1 , 0 r.oos. ~•.,,,,-, , -,..4..., - it, li '" .= i: l i :- 1 5 if,17.,' - i, -- : -.•=ri.'7 4 .- . 4 sior-qaTi. ItiWgrq C4Wiql open ... 4-, ~,s 4 - : .., -.. , c4,_ the weinra, - i 4,rstiA .. 4a pi*lt../!. /)r s;rKidt/y even ing, Jannoyl. - '4etale .(trit tite wlll en deavor !.<.,;.:..inAte Ik!,i.. i'i.,fi.w :ii . ._,lle:l.tie shawl treat mpnr.,,w3.,',..ri - ttkii; et4;cii /1t : V.4,1'43,a, nignigh.. ed apeail.ii!firlAgi?licili.loniii9iri : iiiirat t; -it here, Ifereur t ili -I ,4l,4t**l:iti 4 f4 iiitifiF:' I :ttt, itiiilli`;;i7i,:i : an• tn tit rn nu I :u M"'' . I.*. Wb4ilic r i. our .- 1...,01:6;4,riyuprg the Ikpruseut "VlO aly,l;, :ti , - r t unit u , ,9 \a scat b o , Congq- , on the c BUSMEN LOCAL' itoek.of Con 7 tecjionery; Raisins, etc.. at f,roi r i Co's. you know that Fttoii. & Sore bad Willow Gradlas? , , j Santa Chins wits his supply of Candy and Nuts at Hoerr S 03. - 'p Bakery. 161. Gents' underwear, of every description, vory cheap, at HIVAIII TArunc'e. la. Keystone ,Clothing Palace, ?Sian street, next to Fir - ii‘ Natiimal Bank. , SS. WIIIT.IIII ~ s Cm:idles at D. W A. Co.'s Bakery. - - If you waat a good overcoat, go to HIZAM TAYLOtes. * A. J. Nelms. 4-, Co. have a oaeh cuatomer for a 15,000 farm. Ili- A splendid new stock of OFetcloats, at Unt. n TaTion's. sir Toss and Fancy' Goods, at rricksAn s: BLACK'S. Va. CAI Erss is mounting Chromos . i nd framing Picture., at low rake. Headquarters. for Christmas end Holiday Gooth,,tt Moms/. E SL►ca`. , 111*,...i0y5, Toys, Toys, at CALKINS EWA. Store. Vdr• Dress - Makin , / done at the Bee Hive, by Hiss TLIF,4ERSA CVMXISKY.' ' i ter Fiench Felt and Soft rown ed Hats, at the Bee Hive Store. Se— The American Sewing 51a chine is the best. • es— New Millinery Goode tire eon etant ly beifig reee:red at the Bee Hive Store. seir The best lieresene Oil at JrNE Lt.ras', by the barrel or gallon. M. A large aWsOrtni.pnt of Brack just rvccived at, FausT tux. Ate' Oysters by the 'quart, at 45 cents. , H. A. cowers., se' Full ussortment of Silver Plat ed Ware, at. Wictanx &BL.tcs's. Wir Job work, of every description, neatly and exgeditionsly exeented at this office. to An entire new s!peli of Feath ero, novera and Ribbons, at the Bee Hive 3turc. Wia..FROST ct SON'S have just re ceived a splendid arsortnient of Chairs ft , r the liol!dayd. Come aad tgrChoss bas the Lest selection of holiday books and stationery we have ever seen in the county. get.: Go to Just A LEWIS', and toy the New Empire. It is the best „sturu in mar ket, Bt ' t Aa's, at the Be. pa,. Warta meak at all hunts at colw , ISln m . ( . 1i) toVltosT & SoNs; lud F.t.e th;_ ir nt•,r th 11,1irlays. Pfir' New Music. tho Bee Hive lierenr'ehbiock. BitYANT has -sori,e very "nob by" hr ,•ff• tt.*: Buttons, Fringes 'and. Passa ua W 8!: ( .., at 11,r. 09,;(1ray Nt:ts nt, the Bee Hive store. IT :iv in nll col- et P-,;t CAW..., :1 7 1'1 4...-a1A)4.!.r.. TS. 111 - 1:1)1C1C 'N:01011111 lifty Stra^..--C.1 1 .•, I, If you :dint •,asure r:ef g tp. on IInrANT, xt Liq _1• Nunn factoly, on 1 7 2,,z....1•fh stre. ;a! - ;fq- 11!.sortiv.flit ‘,l Anivrj- can 3it miir If <<nt want a nice Christmas presto:l I.oy. o!:d La y or.t , ~ 1 t!i• , ... ds. ite. If ;von %Val tt a nice article of g,•t-st ,tt (`,..'s n tiffe - BARitos & TAI_MA.D4iE arc agt•lits Cur theceNbra;,-.ll ,, rrme; . ninm2ess men who thAor...t. , e :sear 1,...,pf.T -IY, h1“-'UlaI,sr i.- F 01: S - three new desini;Liy rms c.isy. En quire of W. Gr;tFioLi..i.i, at Turner & tirmlup's Drug Store. Cods- Vitry latest styles in Bonnets and Hats r,)r.- Clilltlrutt, at tla twe iiivo 2. wands, Pa. .7.i. Crantwrrie , , Pickles, Dried Pencl3e,, T>rrsl Uct f, 1). W. Sc. ) 1r .1_ Co . y. -- The pe , . kis it) the Episc - opal ch, , arch, %%lit to Old kw, - the :rear 1.5.7:1,0f Tue.s day np ruing, Doc. 31. sak in the church to c. , tnru , nce o'ch,ch. tek. If yuu waut a first-clasi :Par ]or Szoi.c., pct thy alid imnd for .'s • --W.- 1 1 ite- A full ass6rlawilt .4. It liiruaLl and Java Canvag, , cuft. Noel. Just rekli:isTA :ti :.11 e an 0... z, ant n.,i..-tortiocuti of n: I if G•llari ar.d , r• M. 'rile cheapest- place to buy 114), Nail. 'awl Ji•Nt x i!. 1513E1t Vole !. , e(1.1 or bear.l..f is ? It rp,t. It i. wr.vb your Rhile to enquiro , intq t vaine. See R. M. WELI.L.s' "Eub!,er'Palcit " e‘it t.oluzau. Now is a good time to get your letter-headt , , ew.:kloper, 1.,111-bc ads printed, and the Itz.Poirrt-u office is z good place to get thew executed. stir The place to buy a first-class Cook or Parlor Stove, is at Pl:soLE,rot.; Or tell, FA. ~ t 1 CIiaSIBEELIX is now tlispluying the tine.; awl largest a,portruent of rilrtr and ruse, and p:ated jewelry goad and siker watches, err-r cIT re 1 rttt iie •,f the large Laz tßrs Ai 3 totuus, ritanufac turers of tho,e ccict tted tpectiteltki, bare changed their agency from. J. Ut I" ENIN . S to Was. A. CaLascraLauc's. =I I=l P.LN. •LET. ,`; •,t,II:T•bN MC= Ml= se6. Get your lady it Singer Saw ing Machine for Chnstmrp, at ' Witmux & air If you are'lookiag fora pres ent fora girl, go to Bassos & Tamacos'ii, and get s pair of cc* skates for her. sir.Ch;na, of vafions • patterw, suitablfhor Christmu, at Wicxxis fr. Bum's. -We- If`"Son want. to make. your friends a Christznas present, the place to find it Is at Csuctiis' Book and Variety Store. Lir Peraone .who desire to Bub- Noribo for the Aldine, and have not an.opportn nity of seeing the agent, Mrs. Cr-sai. may leaie thew names and money at the Post °Moe. :sr- The friends' of Rev. P. HOL tnoox, are respectfully invited to make him donation visit on the arkeineon and evening of Friday, Deccmber 27. 11‘72. aft. Western tickets via. Erie, Ate !antic S Great - Western, Grand Trunk and Great Weetorn Dal !ways, for sale at !Towanda upper Depot. Baggage checked through. PIIOIIPT.—MIX hIONTANYE'S stable wa; burned on Wednesday evening List, and on Friday the loss_waa paid the company. The insurance was effected: through Jowl 7. Nix's Agency, . • DONAllo2l.—There,tvill be a Dona , tical held atthe Crantuer Mune, in the village of Rome, January 10, afiernoon and evening, fur the benefit. of Rev. I'. T. Maiivarr. A cor dial invitation to all. By order of committee:, oar The latest thing going the rounds is, "Who got beat?" Easily solved: The Towanda Clothiers; who tried hard to 'Jive the mystery. And what was it? Why, Shat 11. E. itoSENTIELIA stock is the most com plete and best made, and ;that ho sells more goods than any other Clothier in Bradfbrd Co. L. - Mrs. L. A: Culls is canvass ing tills borough for that justly popular maga zine, the Aldine. Persons desiring this work or art, should call on Mrs. C. and examine specimens. Each sub:cribcr I . i:collet two beau tiful chromes. VW' The edition of, the Road and Poor Laws of thitseounty; compiled by Capt. W. H. CArvocu.►N, is Limited," and township officers' who desire to procar• copies, should apply soon. The work is fur sale at this office be' Fxt.t BVIRBASK, Ticket Agent Pa. l ti. Y. B. B. Co., has been appointtd sole agent in this place for the sale of the gailway Passenger Assurance Co:',; accident tickets. These tickets cost bat a trifle ; and cover all kinds of accidents. ta.. Everybody that is, every E(lt.iblv, wen informed person is now think• lug i‘liat he or she shall buy fora Christrnas presint. We advise ail of you to go and exam ine Cross' beautiful aka of Ituoks and Station- • Atnoug the valuable - mew Books at Cat.m'..Ns' Book Store, wt notice "Bar riers Burnt Away," by RA: ; Geo. Eta.torr's " New Middle-march "; "Sever Again," Ilaro; "End of the World," ECRILUSTON antl.43llso Ilot-Nigs' works. If you nigh to buy, it will piy you to examine them. J. 0. FliusT & Soss wish to pnt a Wovt.n Wire Mattr..,.i u every bout , e in Towliud.2. n a month'" tnal. and it it does not suit in( in, thuy nil! call and take it away. Now y4kur toup to gct perfect bt"l,. Be YiTt try, and you 'A ill buy. COAL AT WHOLESAT.;--P. M. WELLts ptpc.r.or ll,r4:Anthracifo Coal, by carl‘ , A, very cheap, (1..1r. - eN.I at au] IL It. Ftatiuul,etween and Athen k l.. Noic Is the time to st care yaur gar Are you trying to decido up on what 30u wnl buy for a Holiday pr(sent ! If so, 41oCt forget that Consiu have just (I;,f-a• 41 a IliCo• lir,bor Ectots, Shoes, Trunks, Tr,,v ling Str,lll3, ute., nhich tlicy an - 4 , 11 . .4 - nl4 at Vvry CHRISTI! 'LS VAC•TION LT STATE NOR; :A \I, R.:130 , ft, M.6.N,i'1r:1.1), ....+%l!/ , 71 C ,rte:-rp)tim Der. • ..14.1u 1:14:: A. 31, Dee.. t rut 0 , 1.1 u. l',..rboni desirous Elt, , r:lble time kt the re- 114)Utir-‘3.—JOIIN AD .I ilinn.flay of this We& i4J nil 14, 4.) eat with a trih:!.,, , 4 :f ry pat:li. Price, 25 ceLis to till ice- FILL I.Wit ICE; A7/S o ta•t'A,.; SO: ti.", t!.. it IL Ilk l 11:111 .. o rn..l•r I p rlv,l. llrwiUs' ,c UNI) A: HELL would call the rr th,• h tblic t' the f.,ct that their rho*, 5.'0, n v 'The th, ChOWCSe rgJaStlo, lanib p re , sausage,- • • I are wEN I"..•X'i";:ift,'," daily supplies t.l 1b.%) A4Ter nt Nr11 , 1,1- s i:• l• ;r aat th- ry .llcony - s Itomg., New Y. P.lrty 1it.1,1 to thi, popular, Hall, IV, .I.tori:lay• I veuing„ January 1, 1873. w;:11 wire ~ r p.m tea:art, invited I r. .•z;d. );u. I'kta, SRI - ries Full Band. 1:;--M.-0 , V.4 Flail has been en aud clicd, in.ii.:ll4 it the beat' Dance 112.11 in tlit• cco.lity, S. 11. 11nows ,k HASSON'S COMPOUND STIIFP OF Tan. , —This celebrated preparation, s long and fa vorabl3 known in the Northern States for the ehre or throat anti ).11nr; ni;.( isev i t , -can nor; be at all the drhg st, , res throughout the c, , uutr:. It is no privat.: quack rrepiTation. It is nreferibed by :,otue of the most eminent physician.' in the country, and never fails in (tiling the worst ease.? of coughs_ and' colds. Pre: ZJ et - ,111,3 per bottle, LANnts, Prop*ra, P. a.—ter that the signature of nuFseu.. l'ropri, , tors. is On each wzappe:r. OR. PLICENIX Int:wallet? Co., Brook lyn. N. Y.: Nm% . l - m - li Offme, Nov. 11, 1h72. Al- N , Jr. 1, 1572, i',(•32,191 fll. T„ tat atuantit ii.,-•:rof in tlie brut f1:10,1 let, $139,000, thus It nsing ns, Men in I , ,shes are' total). Net asect,, ;1.:4 12,191.GL !lane Inburance Co., C.tumbus, Ohio: Gross asset., $9.000,600; 105F 535,000. 'rational; o} P.angor, telegraphs its New York agency: "We are all right." Wil liamsport Insurance Co: ;Co less. WietetAar 61ACR. nom s icr the alp)ve Founi companies, T.,wrimla, It, stsr I lake Qf inforjn • 'ridlidn at.i cont , ?ul.l,l. that I am p I ,, eatt.d to thr Menrhant TE 11,rieg F. , ,,ta1..1;-Ineupt flutist TANuAr., in To :•117e1a, %%here I 1 , 1/.111 at all tinn't be plkas•-(1 to in• it them, ti,! . ni that I can gitiithCtu as goo,i, tt i,:.l . etter bargaiLts, than e3u j , c ob tain, d (.4e.:ll.lcre. of fnitle•Lilig the 13 , ,, , t .Fitiity Of pooch ilf.rilrlfilt•tyt. Cutting and mak: itig done in the 14 - 4 niannrT 1411,1 - latest styles. NT, .3. DAYISA. Dec. I—'2e'. SPECIAL A NICOUNCEIIENT.—We ttre plaa:4 ;I to learn that our old friend and relia ble clothing merchant, M. LEWI N has purchas ed the business of E. S.cnwAnz, and will remove his stock to the Store next to Pownu. dr. Co.); in a few clays. Mr. L. is now telling clothi4 , very cheap in order to make ro.'din for a hew stock. Those who fay ic. lain with their patron age wiil be convince.: that they have timid a t r hab.e tua” to tLial Lava alwvs given entti ., .• ran.4ri••••.e):l, Anti he will con t inue to k.,•, t , 3 hinge at :el, of best the market ttliorilt. Tlytple.:lll , tr favor!, h,• respectfu;ly aolisits .e coutiiiitance eanir. The of !Jr. Cikproin lb_ciccic have bLeti secured, attl he w,ll c intintie to cater to the hi.; many friends, and ha happy to * male She accinaintanoe of ail who f l ay need utzthing in.his WINTER MILLINERY AT MRS. J. D. HELLIL—.4. fine stock jest received, embracing all the latest -styles and colors found In New York market. which ahe offer, at low pricea. The ladles are oonlially invited to call and in spect the stock before purchasing. Mrs. LD. Han,. . it Patton* Block, Bridge-SL, Towanda, Pa. tar The bengittee on Private • Land Claims; in the Hone of Representatives, at the first meeting after the assembltng of the present session, unanimously adopted the fol lowing resolution: Besotted, Thatiwbilis we are gratified to hear of the elevation of the Eon. Ulysses Mercer to the office of Supreme Judge of Pennsylvania, %et we would express our regret that Al. valua ble services are lost in the National Council, by Ws resignation; and we take pl easure In bear ing testimony to ,the courtesy- and efficiency with which he discharged his duties as Chair man of the Committee on Private land Claims, and that thti Clerk of this Committee transmit to him a copy ottlais resolution. . , BEAUTIBUL STOGY of G9ODS.--47./. T. &UHT Las opened the - -mast attractive assort 'moot of holiday goods we have ever examined. Hie stock cSusista of the best perfumes; finest Russia, morocco and calf pocket-books ; every.: thing in the line of clothes, hair, tooth, nail and deah brushes ; ladies' work-boles in endless va l. riety; Collette sets; smoking sets; fancy articles; and in fact everything to be thought of kept - in the largest establiahments , of the kind in the city. Mr. KIaLT dipplays' great enterprise in giving.,our people the advantages of. the large cities in purchasing holiday goods; and we hairo:. no donbi will bo rewarded in having s laige number of customers. lie certainly' deserves a generous patronage. P. B.—We had almost forgotten to tell the young folks that Mr. Hums has .a largo assort ment of WifirsisN's celebrsted•pure candies. TEMPEALNCE • larruus.—Arrange .. ments lave fieeninade for Local Option tneeti Lags u folldws : 8. 8. Burrs, Lime_ Hill, Friday evening, Dee.l 27.- Miss Wasrarivi„Wyalusing, Monday. Dee.' 30; Camptown, Tuesday, Dec. 31 Vaughan Hill, Wednesday, Jan. 1; Hornet's Ferry, Thurs- Ilan Jan. 2. 'B. 8. , Bweirs, Stevensville, Sainr slay, Jan. 4. Rev. J. 41, Wcsvo, Wyalnsing, Monday, Jan. G; Spriug flat, Tuesday evening, Jan. 7. 5. S.-itu - ris, Ballibay, Thursday ev4.11- mg, Jan. 0; Standing litone, 673nrday evening, Jan. 11; llerrieleville, Tru.dao, (•scunig, Jan. 14. The friends of Tempetance in etch of tLo above Mimed hicalitice,'are requested to give notice of the apNiaments, and also make all necessary arrangements for the-meetings. fly (mar of Vigilance Committee. Coccus AND CoLDS.. —There' are thousands of persons die annually from con sumption and other diseages of tho lungg, who ncgbt have been cured. hid they attended at first to whatAhos thought was only a " slight cough" or a "bailcold." No one Should neg lect a cough or a cold, 10) matter bow slight, fur an hour. prison's Conipowid Syrup of Tar nevt-r Nils in coring t 1.0: worst eases of COughs, Colds, lloarsenesg, Sore Throat,' Bronchitis, Croup, Astlim'a and ChroukCataarlis. - It is au tuvaluald,- remedy fur 'looping Cough in Chil dren.' If you arc suffering front any throat or lung disease, get a bottle l aud 103 cured. Ash fur Hasson's CunTound Syrup of Tar, acd do not allow yourself to be put off with some nte r:or preparation on account of its cheapnet,s, or beCause it is reptesented to you - to -he 'ei good as the ,ahove.. Pnce :SD centa -per bottle. Sold by all Drug Stores and Dealers throughout the tlint&.l States. P. S.--Sce that the signature of ItcsaMt, .t LAN DIX. Proprietors, is on each wrapper. . How To,-Go WEST.—This i 4 alVezr (lulu nide!' every oao ahould , hare trUthfulli amc.vvre i hef,,re he start. on Lid journey, slid a little cats taken ia examination of routealr in many ca.,es gave • much trouble, time and El= The "C. 11. Q: It..' Chi cago, through GiElesburg to Burlington, and the "I. B.:: W. Route," running from Indian through Bloomington to Burlington, have achieved a sPlendiel l reputation in the last two years as the leading Passenger Bothes the West. At Burlington they connect with the 8.,V - 31. It. IL, and form the 'great Burling ton Route, Wilklrruns direct through SOuthern lowa to Nebraska and Kansas, r. - ith cl,se Con nections to California atd the Vrritories; aml pas-gingers starting (tom Bradford county, nn their way westward, cannot do hotel - than take the Bt: Tins Line h'+ ,published a pamphlet cell d 1' Bow to Go Vie=t, - which c.nitains much ‘a!ri alsie information ; a i;il7grt _ , ilrrect map of the Great weet, whirls eati oldained free of t}hargu by - addressing (the General Passenger Agent B. it., Burlington, lowa. LEcTritE AFI , olN"rmEsTs TUE 40 , 13 CoNTENTION, HELD AT .N1111:3i-. 21 AND 2Y.—Mr. J.: LoirroN, of Grcerle cwinty, N. i.,. Hill lecturp at Hal fullwviug riaCoe• : ALBANY..... , Dacember 18 OVER l'o . .. EsT FRANKLIN GRANVILLE CENTRE' LFROY CAN FON ALBA TROT... COLUM BIA X Bows SOUTH CREEK ... SPIIINGFI ELM. SUITHFIELD.., . 1 .. ADAMS NORTH TOWANDA M YERs BURG.. .. STANDING STONE ASYLUM TERRY 1 OWN .. lALUSING CA 'I I' I OWN STEVENSVILLE... lIMUCK.. ..... LOME .... f )I:WELL R AYsVILLE WARREN. WINDHAM. LITCHFIELD ATHENS rriptic•t‘±rt. 38-.Caoss has a fine asser tment of 3fntt•=a VieCr9 along the Susquell4,nna. , They %%111 make desirable Chri-4tratt3 present.F , to S"td t 4) absent ft ;e•lds. BROWN—KERNEY —At Laceyvllle, D.W. Gray. Dee. 24. 1572, Mr. Clark Brown. of W) alin,ing, and .lira. Mary 4W. liaaalvy, the former MART.—AtFIog, Pa., Dec. 19, 1871, of consumptinu, Oeo. S. SR.:at, aged 25 yetra, S inolltl44 and 4 day,. air Thomas Maadocks, Pfocilif;(3 comniiiun wrchant, 220 Pcnnsvlrau'A nue, Scranton, Pa. Butter, Eggs, Lard. Fruits, Potatoes, .kc., Se. Congo Nts ~;:- cited, and returns promptly made on. r Goods. Beferetices cheerfully even. corn s pondetice solicited. Aril - Tickets fcv: all pdats IVest via. Lithi• way fiir sale at Freight Pypiit : l'a. c'd :C. Y. it. It. EVERY FAR.%.IR WS OWN PAINTEIt I , e 11111,twr Pu...tit. It is mixed r‘a•ly tur li;:rt.aag ca-ily and egn. , . , 11%. in; Au rAbie. cila ! , tte, anti I. aßt egtl47 l'obd It. M. th, T o WAN 'MARKET nIIOLESALI: 1'1114.5. Corrected every rtt'unes , laY. br 0. EL PATCH .übje.ct to changes tt - Leat, VI bush V, hush Ettcksheat.* buab ,Corti. it bash vats. it bush; :Beans, la bush ißutter (rolls) V 1 rb do (dairy.), 121 oew.. ERRS. it dos.t Potatoes, Ei busb,new Flour, barrel. °Won'. bush Wkiiiirrii or , Oriaz.—Wbeat 60 lb. ; Corn 56 lbs.; Rye 56 Oats 32 lba.; Barley 46 lbs.; Buckwheat la lbs.; Deans 62 lbs.; Oran 20 lbs.; Clover Seed 60; 114. ; Timothy Seed 44 lbs. ; Dried Yeacbea 33 lbs.; Dried Apples 22 lba.. Flai Seed 5u ilia. PRIG t Winter wheat, pr. aack. " " hundred.) b* •• " " " barrel Food. per cal Custom grinding banally done at once. s; a putty of thermill I. waltloient for a la , 7 s ..aumunt of work I. B. ELCOLIAM. Can:mu:lwo, XI'S Ss, IV: Jatitiai y 2 M A 12 11 1 E D DIED SPECIAL NOTICES. =MEE 10 00 e H Otl I'3 LIST-CASCADE MILLS. New Advertisements: 800.K8.1 •BOOKSH BOOKS.. tho bett place to !Gillen) Poorlyhap% to bay BOOKS AND STATIONERY 1 : -g -Z" ills stock is alwAys complete , . And comprises ev erything in the 1 lle, such as • • Of every dateri*.ou =I PLAIN d; FANCY STATIONARY, SCLIOOL, arms,. ME, BLANK BOOKS k 31:ST/CES . IsL&NES AND MANS NOTES ‘"? or All Daily, ,fekly i and Monthly vipers and periO/14cila turnlii4d to Fobe-rlbi rs at the lowest DIARIES FOR 1873, • large issurtmcut, which xfll be soli cheap Towanda, Lec 24. 1572 A 17DITOICS NOTICE. John Des , def , e Ifartin Manning—No. vi. Der. 71erm 1872 and A. li-aves vq. Marna Mannin—llo. 515 Dec. Term, 1572 —ln the, Curt. sf C9rarupn Pleas or Bradford C311111:1'. The undersigned. an .iudit,r appointed by said Court to distribute , fnonelsiu fshertet A hands aris ing fmtu sale of detetulant's real estate, vral attend to the duties of his appointment at hts,oftlee in the Borough of Towanda. Fa., ou TUESDAY the 2let day of JANCAIIY, 'l4 at 1 o'cloek, p.m.. of said day. where all having claims upon said fund,* will present Wein or be forever debarred from the same. Pee.3l-w 4 IIePIik.PSON, Auditor. ANCHOR LINE .STEAMER§ BAIL LVERY SATCILIY&Y Pass:tors booted to and front any Bat!way-fits , cn er Seaport in Great Brit.f:n, Ireland, Ner - vray. seden., Linmait . Ci- many. Fiance. I.lUU•and, Sad and the t/4.iiia brutes. , , Cults tars froth \..w Jeafiew. and I).trry. $65 and ' • SICERSIodi. TWEETS attar zasdinte 'Sn.erage.. Ail payable in Ctrirenc7. , • • artiea sending f‘lr tl,elr fr•enda in the Old Coun t try can pnrehaae t•rketa at reltived Tor further part.ridara aPPI! , Nr ILS , IDuri ,O3, 8 11 / 4 . 800 ling. Green. or U. H. Evawl-r. Central Esp•eas Crlll-:e. - TOwanda. t'a • 9 N. N. flrrra• itrat NatioLal bank of Towanda Poe.llt'7l • T OWAN.6.II. COAL YAlti4, J.LINEn 1.111-V2.1"111 A.CiENCV VN ANTHRACITE: AND BARCLAY BITUMINOVS COALS MMWMM=MtIZIRZOMVITIONIETI " '23 2t; Aug. 11. 1872 AGENTS!QUICK! Or. you will mine choirs of tirrltory. (there 14 a 11 I:{Mg for tt). 1)10 LEWIS'S la,t mud. gre..t worl d OUR DIG ESTION, 62. MY JOrLY FRIENWS It 14 by 01.1 . 4 the uto,t tskin • ar....1 fo. , eable book in the tiela. 1. It is on a vitally linportit,t subject. 2 It iq by America's tllO.l popular verit , ,r on health. .or the price, the Largest and ,hatiaacout tit book ever mild by enbsarii)tena: Agents. the people are eager fur surb a book. and will urge you t.) bring it to them. Write for terms, eu. ... 17 GEORGE %ACLEAN, PubliAber, sep.ll':2•ly 733 Samsam Street. Ptak • 31 B E H 31 E N , • LOOK A.T The subscribers oler for sale at a BA.RO1IN; All the =millinery for a'Sfulay Saw Mill, whiQa has been in use only eighteen months and is se gao.l as new. The Mill can be pat np avol run on thif prom ises riLthe subscribers if &stied. and any informa tion in reizaril to operating it clicortully oven.. Will lxi bold at a great reduction from ort.unst c ' CA.SaI %; SON. Troy. Pa., Noy- 111, FARNI FOIL SALE—At a bargain, situated In Arylum township, abbut 3!, nihtsi from Towanda Borough awl lying on the Midi] road to Frewldown. being the farm of J. D. Williams deceased. farm corneas 105 acres. more on less, all ifif•arrii and ntel4 a:g tote state of elinve.l Ural ereprt rt.ttri.t for wood.' It bas vartt.ty of fruit, %wt.' rat awl fenced, and is s std farm for graln or gees's. Two good barns and a house and other improvements. The above farm.. wlll be sold at a berme°. on. third of purelatt•e °whey wilt be regain - 41 down and the biliallicv to suit purchaser. Enquire of Alford Willmcns at thr rwk. or, at the ogle* of Overton L . . Elettree, Towanda. Oct.t..J.T2 17 1 IRM AT A 13.111(lAIN.--Thp underpigord offvrs for sale lrfs farm in North Towanda. at a bilrWa:ll. T 1 fain cout.str.s r,3 zwres. 49 acres under goel cnitivAtlow. thr balance well thub,red: T• • :t• also vlenty r go , s 1 trod good butld,n,s. a.:O er-!aalun.: water. Witt.sed ressenitd, n a part:on of the 13nrchnse moo. y. North TowandA. Pet. 9, 1t.72 hay & ing th tt 1104 4,110 tt tethon, ~Ccra fo , oi (i 7 0 ,! rtes, 14%44, and S:toes, Cro,kvry . at a t,,kr•_!a , .n. Tile It .re n..ty oeoutntotl I.e desired. Term, It. E. SPNlit:Eft. Ort.lla-w3 taster. P.a. A YE it'S HAllt V.1G01: Folllls., i:AY kil f 1 r•O (4, I 1 , 3 C,,to:fl AdVAtie 3 . 1241 r ,, SO, rare, ..lop! . 4 ,r-try/eta, awl laeri-sldary I , redispolsitior., all turn tie hair gray; either of tLeai disposes it to fall of prerca turnly, and either effect ii unsightly and unpletaant to behold. Dr. Ayrn's eunsiannlte skill has pro duced an antidote for these deformities, wLiell has viol: gratitude for boll train hint:Dudes c f wotiosn and wen. Ilia Itu4 Vl';un sou.eurnea reproduces lost hair; and always restores-to faded and rnay hair its natural co:or, with tho clues and freshnssa of ,youth. The comparatisely few bald and gray heads that see now Pee, are those. who bare, nor yct Pliscor crest the.cirtues of 11-1,14 Vutosrfor renewing tie hair. The fresh lend yoothiul hair we see on older he ads Is ft, et the product of his art. If you are disfignrcil, air rualn aid s au-tere and ugly, by gray hair, restore its youthful color, and with it your features to their original softness :net atzreeaLle ex prearrion. 1 80 fa. 2 0, 4. 28 224. 3'J $2 50 .S 00 .10 00 I 8 AT O. Y. CROSS' BOOKS ,CHROIIOS e. F. CROSS. - ISEMIEMICE )1:-.Uti) MONTANTH C'. WHILE' Powell Co. r CHRISTMAS WEEP. POWELL ot; CO. TEw GOODS, SUITABLE FOR the Holiday Se .soy, at rotritz rz co.* __ ; j - ATEW,DRESS GOODS JUST RE IN ceive,d, in Great Variety of „Styles, mid sellinikat bargains, at • -4 , POWILL k CO.'S. - • 4 /- NA A, FELT - sEiras. NEW STYLES, a Splendid Assortin(!nf, and ri:ry cheap, at T ADZES AND - - GENTS LINEN I Haudkerch efs, iu every quhlity, put np iu fancy IoOSFS suitable fot Christmas PreEcuts, just received, at • -. POWILL a; C 0.11: . LADIESRLACE AND LINES Collars, Linen and Mullln sae, Laze Bathes, ke., just rec'd, at rowaL.L:k BRGAINS IN SHiNVLS, and Cluako:uov stodk just Iv ceived, at THE BEST Ass.oRTMENI OF Clinton: fiver offered, l ! . a .• 'ro7sz.z. & r.0..5. • NOTHER . LAEIGE - SIOCK OF A taterpropfs;cheaNr.than ever, just receivecl, at • 4 - ro WELL S. CO.'S. « - O-BUTTON lUD GLOVES, in all ooLirs, fur one dollar a ju4 , reorived, at 1T A.PK INS AN D 'TA:M..F. LIN 1 en,: a larg', st w k . just. reci , iveti ' }i•lving give!' tin' to 111 , ; n 1,1 v;,,03-: able for the Holiday ti- - son, we eon fi : ently invite tour n'tention to our stock POWELL & CO Towanda, De.. I,Q, 1872 pATENT WEATHER STRIP; to exclude -cold and oft VO coal, per- manent and ornamental, at Codling; Russell = & Co.'s JUST REDUCED THE PRICE 4 1 IMPROVED MORNING ~;GLORY FROM FIVE TO SEVEN- DOLLAIM - PER STOOD POWILL SI - CO.'S BASE-BURNERS PER SOLID • • CALL AND ELE BEFORE_ YOU 1141:. ILL_L7iII\AT on IMII ANI) 0713..E.13 81%.1VE5, races& St.\ D0LL.,4111 T~)te CLL. L CO.'a t.. MN • 1 REYNOLD'S WROUGHT "[RON- t IMPROVED COOKING STOVE, 111 POWlit.L k CO.'S POIVELL POWDER, SHOT, GUNS, PISTOLS ALL KINDS OF TINA('ABE. bi" , watida• Nov. /S. IS:N Eadware. A cheap; simple, and - 'sure way lull lIAVE ON THE STOVE -VIC E X E .O.L" T 0 R'S' . Notite is hereby given that all persons indebted to the et.tato of Chats. F. Welt,g i lJr,,, late of Athena, deceaped, aro rejneated tomat% immediate rOkynniat persons having claims against gad *stale remit present them • duly authenticated for settio • Morning Grlory, meat. 14 ONE or THE 310 ST DURABLE, AI9ST SIMPLE, TREY ALSO SELL VIE A V171:1" BEAUTIFUL 1):;,,! _ THE F.VVORITE, AifERICAN BASE-BURNER, AND urwAttn _ BALTfIIORE HE.A.TERS, HEA.TERS, MERRY 'CHRISTMAS EXCELSIOR RANGE. DEXTER FEED CUTTERS CHAFFEE FEED CUTT2RS RooEns A: EROS.. SILVER PL TED WARE PLATED KNIVES IN CASES. COIL SIFTERS, aAS FIXTiTRtM'ar. C,ODbIN. G, 1113 S -SELL & CO VORE IGN •:ATTA . .CHIIENT.- • Bradford County. pa. The Common*"ith oil . To the BberiiY of Bradford Costal, / oasicrixo command you that yon attach G‘ W. binnick, ha of your county, by'all and dun. lar rte goods and coattel., - Janda sod tenements, moneys, rights and credita.dn whole bandit or poet BCBIIIOII aeever the wee nily be; ao that be be and appear before our Cella „of Common Mesa, to hoiden at the boroußh of Towanda. in and for itah2 county on the itrat Monday of :Deeetu , ler next.ther• to IttigiCPT Janice 0. Frost and Hobert Oberman of a‘pleit of debt of t 400.. and Unit you summon lieLs Hontanye, Jr., Henry , A% Nob.e, Henry Tracy and aU persons in whose hands or Posses' ,ion the amid. geode or, chnAtell.-taornln. r.glita and -- credits, or any of them may , be , attached., ao that they and evrey of theta be tort appear before said Court, et the day and place" itf -resale, -to answer a-hat i ahaii be obleeted astaincti them and abide the Inclement of the Court therein4 L and have you then and then this writ. Witness the Ltimorahle F. B. Streeter, President of our said Court at the Itorongn of Towittids, aforesaid, the 2tth day of November, A. D. lfrai W. A. momss. fq-othonotart r -Nov. len, by Thine of thelboee writ of Ilar eigu Attachment I attached the follotiing described lot, piece, or percel of laud Situate , in Wpm tap., I.lredfor d County. Pennsylvania, bounded' as fol. lows. to nit: On the north by public higher*, known as the Wyly,* Itoad, , east, south and west by lasSortlanry W. Noble, being 50 feet fronton. said , road and 150 feet deep ALSO—One other lot, piece, or parcel of land sit. wits in;Towatula twp., County and State &familia& boendednas follows. to wit: On the north by latel of A. Notthrup,„east by Railroad %treat...4s=th by an 511.1, west by land of H. Stahl; being about 60 feet front on said ItailroadEttreet tuna said Nandi run's boa to centre of said alley, and about 150 feet deep, v ith 8 two.story framed dwelling bon/tattlers. Seised and taken into ezeetition at the sulk at James 0 Prost and- Robert J. Sherman va. L. W.; Dimmick, witia notice to J. Delis Morthiuryo, W. Noble, A: W. Tracy. 11. T. Moore, garnastiaSs. Dee. I 2,1112. J. I': : TAM SLEET, Sheriff. EXECUTOR'S is hereby given that afl , Persons indebted the. estate of ' Levi. Lester. Me ef Canton, deed; ars requested tar make immediate payment , and all persons having claims satins* sale estate must present them duly authenticated for seta*, went. Di:llD PALMAS,. Dec.ll-4 6° A DNIEcISTRA.TOR'S NOTICE.— 11... Notice le hereby given to all pinions Indebted to the - estate of Allinson Lovelace. _ late Sheshe. quit:. deceased. must make immediate pitman and all peraims Easing . claims sonnet mad Male must present theta duly authenilaitod for osille tuent. . UAW:IN LOTIELiaCIL Deii.:ll-NvE• ME s, rr.6-", d VXECUTORS NOTICE.--:Notice _EA is - hereby giveirihat all persons imlibted to the estate of Jolitis rusburg. late of Columbia, are rucluesteif to imake immediate payment, athiali perking. timing claims against said estate; must present them duly authenticated for mettle.' meat. • . BETSEY G. FOIiIi,GRGH, N0v.20 m VXEC'UTOR'S• NOTICE.-- Notice is hereby given that an iierions Indebts. ed to tho estate of Guy Kinney, deceaseq. tats of Sheshequin, .me requested to make inxrae4it• ate pail:cent, and all persona having claims against said estate must present themduly authenticated for settle .uent. NEWTON KINNEY. - OEOI - MK W. KINNEY, liecutera. 3 lill INISTRATUIt'S'IUTICE. - 11 Iti,t!ce hereby,giv'en to all persons indebted to tne etitate of- John F. %tiller, late ofTerutown, • d , •cce•cd, nrd4 nialte ir-trualiate payreent, and air pt•ryor,a . bating •elalint againt.• said eßtitte preEeLt than duly autherdicated - for iiett‘4. arut• u N. T. 3IILLEIL EMS A DMINISTRATOR'S Netlee.ic hereby given to all persona indebted to On, estate of Vm. C. Wilcox, late of Canton,- docea•ied, must. make- immediate payment, and all l'erB4)ll4 having clainii against said estate Inuit e rr— int tnelu duly authenticated for settlement • M. T. PORTER. Adininlawattrr. A u-wc A DIIINISTII4TOR'S NOTICE.- NotkeLis-herebygivenn that all »amens indebtaid 4 1.0 tu, ef,t4te - of '6; FRENCIL late of Wells, d , ieased, • are rsquest.ea' to make . p:Lyzie.nt, awl ail persons having etalma agaitiat said . estalfe must prest,tit them duly authenticated (de sot. - tlen.Put.' SHRIVE. - L. D. SEIRIVE, Adnunistatora. , 3 DMIN, ISTR t TOR'S NOTICE:- given that all NOTICE"- •••1 t • ••t Ntonro, late of Granville. r :cpl.- - -;tnut to mak, immediate payment 4: .1 4.1 I,,,rs , ms cla:rns against - said estates ,ta rAithendsattil for set itounrs N AlT01`; . Administrator. :i , . A IYALINISTRA.TOOS NOTIGE.j - given that all peraons Lndebsod ; to Pierce,' bate of — Pike, 1r.., , requested to make . tnatuothati Payment. aii pvrsous !LIN ing claims against salt - th.vul duly Authenticated far settlezr.-ht.' 6. - IV. BRINK. t c w - Ad;ininiatrator. A:1111 -- INISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LA. Notice is hereby mren that appeelione indebted to t:11 , • P,,tute of C,piims Butlman, late•ot Ledayatills tite,, , aFed, are rearteste;4 to': make immediate 1 7 1 11. all PetfkOus laving elaitua against en: st present duly 'auttu-nticated for' , ettlerm•rit G. W. Administratoi . . • I:DITOR'S NOTICE —ln ;thc L. L. -elate of Joseph Doane, fiectinsed.s.ln the i Ceurt ;flßrailfOrd Conufy. 'lirer . utidersigned an Anditer err oiuted !fry the ; oitil4rf's Court of Bradford County, tf,;diattabuto F.9ld estate edievin lb. - partial ,•- ae:ennt of sf. Ezeentor, and. 5160 'to diepOsa of e.;:espAiins filed to.eaid a: count. hereby gives no tice that 1 e %rid attend to the duties of Ida appoint- -.- meiCat the office of yeet 't Davies. in 'Towanda, en FRID fit-. DEC. 2t. 1671, at 1 . 'p at which time and placp all parione interested known thelr chiiins and exceptions, or be for ev..r tisbarred'froni coming in on said muds cr-to elli f et to the i.lepositor. of said ezbeptione. • Dec 'W. T. DAVIES, Auditor; r - ; A DM..INISTRATIUX - NOTICE— Notize is hereby, given that all persona ttifebtoil to the c ir.t.te of Edward Barton. late-of Litehtleld, leceasrd, are requested to make ,immediate payment, end all prr.ona Navin: elanna atiainstaaill dF rotate tintet prcaent thetili duly authentic... 4 for sele tlenaent. " i.ll1 - ARV ANN BL TON. Adrpintstrattattlx. ' Mil XTOTICE B4NERUPTCY. —ln 11 the District t curt df the railed Stites for the Dine:et of Panusylninia.—ln She smallese P. locitaell. Daskrupt. it:stile creditors of said bankrupt and an others ce - tcecue4, take nonce: That a second Reataral ineetm;:t of the creditors of ftakl bankrupt has been or‘h•rect - ,. and w^ll he held In the Dorough , of Towan da, ra..; en Enid district, on the 11th day of -Janua ry. 147 d, at 4 &el:ea:S.:p.m.:et the office of E. Over: ton. .Ir.. one of the Registers in Bankruptcy in said alptriet. for the purposes:named in the 27th section of the Bankrupt Act of March 2, 1817. Ida:preseni thereat. 81.-NSILLiAMS. 1471.. . Assignee. AUDITOR'S ' NOTICE. , Clark Baxter'. use Ts. H. W. Bailer's-user.- -No. sat, Feb: T,. 1469 —la the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County. • The undersigned, an" Auditor appointed by eaf44_ court to (totribute mones arising from Sheriffl sale of def(o2.lint's real eefute, attend to the'das . ttes.(l said appointment an the office of ILECH'Rean is Towanda, , NRYNDAT, JAN 20. 1873. at 10 0. tn.. where all persbne h wing claims upon a 4tuude cre required to Ares- et them or be debarred from 110111111 g it upottelaid fund. Dos 1 4 -04 • L. P. WILLTSTON. Lytton. W ANTED-BODE. AGENTS GREAT. IN OF THR - VNITED•STATES., • - An Historical summaty of the. Origim-Growth, and PQrfection of Dan Chief Industrial Arts of this country. 1300 PAGHSiI AND. 506 ENGRATINgI, Written by 20 Eminent Authors. intim:Dug John ft: Leon-Case. Edward Howland, Jos. D. Lyman.' Rev. E. Edwin Hall. Horace, Greeley, Philip Ripley, Albert Brisbalna. • ; • F. B. Pi.ltlilNs.ect,, etc. • T bis ,-7 t , ..ork is a complete history of all btanches of y. processes-of ,manutwiture, etc., in all ages It 1% a complete encyclOpedia ef arts and manufac turers, and is the most entertaining and valuable wt.rk for information ou - suNects of general interest ever t.trered to the public. It - is adapt,txl tothe wants cf the Merchant. Manufactuter,illerhanie, Farmer, fitua , nt, and trivtlitor, and Sells to' both old and yoninz of both its sea_ The book, (4 sold by agents who nla) ing large sales in nil parts of the coun try. It is offered at the low• price 0f••,43 SO and is • 0:- ,pestAnok ever. Sold by -subscription. No •ht. 111,1 be without a copy. We want Agents. in rown of the 'United !riatto, and no agent_ CAo Weil with this book.. -(hfr terms are 11 1 ).7,.t , give our agents' the extlusive right of tei r tory. One of our agents P•.. 14: 133 copieti in dkys, another sold 368 in two weeks. Our cgcut in Hartford sold :397 iu one week. Specimens ut ll. , *ork sent t 4 ai..c.ndta on receipt of stamp. For 4 . !reulnrs and terms to axents address' the publlah ors. RU HR k, HYDE, Hartford, Conn, Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS ,W . A.NTEI} . f 01...., Our 1., 'ow Book, tho FUNNY" SID E OF kitisie, Or the Mysteries of Medicine: w Presentiug,the more and twrioas . Sides of Medical Practice. An B.Nre,e Of Medical Humbugs, Quacks. and Chill all ages ani all countries. SOO Pages, 2tD intereatin o l and amusin g , treatise on the 'Medi cal linnibtii.a of the past and •present. It exposes k, Irepoaters, 'rravefing Dectofs. Patent liedt: I:111e Venders. Noted Female Cheats, • Fortune Tall ert4 and s „Vedintaa, and gives inferesing acCOMIta of SOUttl Physicians and naratives,of their lives. It s how lltLy is manufactured Tobacco and of 'that ‘ile liquors recilicinets ere composed. It re veAls startling. secrete _cud Instructs all hole to 10N , 41-4120 ills a hid/ flesli is heir ti). We gir)a excln- Fit e 1.; - •rritory and liberal cemmis•iions. • For !al Et arad terms itildreea the publishers, .1.11. Busz IIIDF., Ilartford. Ct., or Clnc,nnati, ohio.- KNOTS tiN.TtED, .; Or Ways an By-WAys In tbe Bidden Lit. of A.IIEIIIeMeDETECTIVES. • We Iv ild-av etttn•for this book._ - It diiielosea all the =gate: of the Detective System. It la , a record for ti 0 , 5! twt•ntv yeare of the - roost skillful detect tikes ~ f thttl country. in which .the crafts. of Bank Bobh2rs, Thieves, Pickpockets, Lottery Alen, Cowl; terf,rit 3loney Dealers, and swindlers of all .elataell are exposild and brought to Justice; Price $2 had for circulars awl tcrins to sgentcl Nattol2 Eff2M D. 711.11CIVAN. liasonfort. f Adminiartnitoi ELIZABETH WELLES. • L 'W. HOLLENBACE. 40112; 0. WE,LLSS. • Ize_calmrs. HENRY C. GERSET. E.wnjoro A.dtutnialicuio . EELEII M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers