Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 26, 1872, Image 1
TERMS OF PUBLICATION. TUE Bub roan Ilsteowns Is published awl Tbursday Denial by 8. W. ALT 03,13 as Two Dollars 'per annum( In advance. sir adTernalug In all cases exclusive of ellblor* iloo to the paper. SPECIAL NoTICES insertedAt rtmans auntie per Lue for first insertion. and FITE cm:Taper line for Buh6equent insertions. LOYAL NOTICES, same style as reading matter, ct:l , 2•• • true, ADVERTISEMENTS will be Ineerted According to loll Owing table of rates : 1. 1 sts (3m am IMD 1 kyr. :nth $1.50 I 3.001 6.001 6.00 I 10.00 I $ 15 lobeF , -2.0151 .on I 4.00 I 10.001 15.140 j 20.0 .; s 1 2.501 7.00 1 tool 4 18.0(44 20.1 Mt 1 30.00 ipches 1 3.00 I 4.50 114 110 1;124.2.5 I 23.00 135.00 coMmu 1 5.00 112.0111 18.00 22.00 1 80.00 1 45,00 _ •, conunn 1.0.00 20.00 30,00 Im L on moo 11 76.00 211.00 I 40.00 I 60.00 14n.1A0 I slfol nap k l•lontstrator's and Executor's Notices. $2 ; Audi t .'s '!• . ;rlthiell. 12 60 ; Rnsinese Cards, five lines, (per , F , ,,,.(lditional lines fl .sach. roarly advertisers are entitled to quarterly changes. r' put advertisements most be paid for in caroms. of assootations ; Comtnonlcations •-.;.ted or .ndivelnal mterest. and notices of Mar •;nl Deaths, exceeding flvelines, are charged per line. • IthroirrEx haSing. a larger circulation than all • napArs ir. the ronnty combined. makes it the best ertigtug medium in Northern l'enusylvanta. g f it-TN - STN. 0, of every kind. In Plain and Fancy done .with neatnese and dispatch. Handbills. ?tin's& rands. Pamphlet... Rillhearls. Statement... kc. errs-- variety and style. pfinted at the shortest 5 ;iv,. The IiF.)OETEN Ofli , C Is well Ft PPII,O with Preoses. s good assortment of new tvpa. and .eorrthinrlin the Printing lire can he eaecilted In he most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. rgrtarta TN - V4.T11 ATILT PARR, BUSINESS CARDS. v - tr WA_LLACE REELER; imusr, SION AND FRESCO PAINTER,• Towanda. Sept. 15. 18;0-3-r r W. DTlTiincTi. Dp9l4.r in all ." h i n d. of Roofing STOPA. Tl,l4lndg. Pn. All for Rflntlne promptly attencle , l‘to. PerticMar :o• on given to Oottice and Frerch Roofing. FOWT.ER. TIF,AT, ESTATE e DEKLF.R. 27R Smith Water Street. ehl ppnezig. np,l Estate purchased and sold. In ., entS Made:llld Money Loaned. 14).'7u. r A YLO.RD' TIROS., arlirrol Fire Acenc.f• rnvprine by livbtn;nc. In Wrnmina. enmp .niesh witboni H. R. (IA VT.nrill. VT (lain. N1...N. 23. '7l. t ()ITN` DUNFEE, BL (A'sitli S. TA.. Paco Particular att,nttou Waenni , . Fdeinha, Ve. Tire get and , nn &tort nnflee. Vi - nrk and eliargen " 11()S PENYPACINE'R, - RAS A eitrltii-iio)ilintieolf it) the .I.llT,filliNri Shop ovor Stnre. 1V , •) - 11 of tillnrs in tho Irtf°rt stylvit. Antill 21. 1x70.L-tf T .11SVILT,F, - WOOLEN I‘ITT.II. • - udnrFiuns , l w , 311 , 1 rswpettully annonnk - e to ::11:dr - th:t (..dist3nt , y nn band Word-n s rassimere3, Flannels. Yarns, and ill kind 3 at 1,1 nAMI. 11MCitt 11110,1.1 1 1.tiV, 13.1070 Proprteted% el S. TIVSSEL ' S e. ;F. L.rty2:c74-- tt - rOWANI:A, I'A. fPrIE. 'UNDERSIGNED ARCHI TECT wighe4 to inform - the ,•to. of To vanda t.nd vionity, thilt he will :nye .1 'ular attenttou to dr.:wine de-ogns and ...•.I.,•ati,to, for at] Antoper tonldinpt. private -.. I pot.; IC. Soperinteiple . n., riven for rea...on•tloe Ci-tri , e It re ,, i.h.n& F. corer of th otcSet .7. E. FLEMMING. 1574 iltoz 511. Towatt,ta. Pa. • ~TE \l' PAR 1,011 -OF FA SH ION: SIIAVINO, 11;111 CUTTING, an•l lIAIIt ISYEING ... In the I...ategt,,St2.le. parti.-Itar pains ;„,•..•1 nit - 1;111 LaAlt-.' an I Cltildrett:ti Hair. , cnrlln_7 and Frizzine. , • r••:k.WAY st; <, , :zr the Mato Street. Towandat Pa. J.. C. . • W. KIN . USTIITRY, . r it. I: , FA FE. 1.11-T, FIP.E, ACCIDENT 1 . •11 F„A E N - C Y. I ToW.INDA. , . 1 2 ( 1 ; ..ND BLINDS • 0 27.0.011 Faun •• ••: li7o, nr th, on chart • • II •- lln ;• r,rdere. I•lye before you .: • l'e• o -I:c. :212,1 be eery that you 'VIII or swell. Tr-rop.• cash ,•.1,..1.nt GEO P. CASII. yTB T H E • •• lit •11ea. ra . . - 0 1 PELT-, I..!Af4F •: •••-:•••• ruits, . • I.l'it . . pael ut trim A. 1. !.. I;•,- • 'A', e'e, v tut.,... o. ThWkNl)k. Pk. E V 1' R 1%1! , G'!)01)S, L IV' 1 3 /7/(1ES! .tr IN 1'... • HOLLON , t7••••••1 - .... Dr1',17,5 I. • 'K.. , 1 Lamps, Chin:ln,, .• hOnt., ()Ito. Var,Fll. Yankf, , So- Knuft. Pun!' Wttlet! :tttrt ti.• 1....4 quality, for.inttehoinal purpotong I ..t v prres. Ire ' - ora lvt r.ll - 11,1r% of the lIOLLON. • .1 :::.• 1, , 11!... F s s .1 ~•••:..• • • st,re, • • • r: I .t!l'!: I. II Ito; line , rtler. ).‘lll .1 : t 11 \.r1'.tAUNEAti t . ' 1 . 1 ) 1( )(,' Ell I ! -.2 ',Th. riturn thaolti to I • and Nl , Wit: for tile. very -viii at u. 10.1 to tom during the • ~ I .2 11..• =1211.• tilll, to give, notice that - , Itzpizotts, a cluck of • I GROCERIES • - to Al' THE LOWEST • -1 .: 1.1..1,1eps to all •- • t i ~ t.i ',lnythiott in this line TEE SITISF..CTION, fitted up a , DINING ROOM, ' : • (alien he ready to furnish s.lesis than usual. •••• I 'u,tlLn, town are invited to zr•• • -I :i . ;•:,,•l'..•;tlll:.e.Cream.Cak.PA, Fruit, fl• n it short notice. •• • " os:trly ov, , i -, l , site the 'Meads Ca t • • , " . llOll.A.'l A. CIVI..S. 1 - (• ANI\ ,\ . "•• -'. , (to , ' • i 1, , ,•00t Stel,t; 1 . • KING 111;SINESS,. r„ - t flank. ,121 • to s , •11.1 :coney to ANT PANT Lorope, tins /lank st.d. the lowest terms. I ST k TICKETS England. Ireland, Scots • • ; .it-• ls• and the oremt, Jo the •, • :TED /N:JAN • --• altc ape uu hand. • " • "••••,, ••• 1, h firer, Gt h 9 :States Bunde t• Northern Pacific 7 • • , • I. M. C. Millteelt, Pre.43ideta • INcI:ICT. Cashier. mar.15"71 F.VIIII FOR SALV, 71 the estate of Wm. W. Eiodas• s tnatod to North Towanda, live 4. !Toro , contenting about IA - tr . 1 I. 0 acres unproved, with a welharrat;eed for two families out touldiupe. t orc).at cis, ~.•.tt••t• brought to the house to •, parti •tintes.apply. to Wm. Won.l .Fimahroolt.4 Ulster; • WV. h r Wttford I!..:kstabrooks on the t)f t tlo, First Nnmoal Bulk of non of. a Board of Directors •• it.c y.a el: he mid st tee °thee 1T•:••) Alr,l AN. 14,1 , !.73, netteen !,•• •. , te Ityl three o'clovlt. N. N. BEFTS, Jn., Cashier. •. Pee. 4, 1872. S. W. .A.I.VCIFLEO, Publisher. VOLUME XXXIII. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TAIIiES WOOD, ATTORNEY AND • rultricsrmon •T LAW, Towanda. Pa. HENRY PEET, ATTORNEY AT Los, Tdwands, Pa: . June 27. '66. QMITH &14fONTA.NYE; ATTO - NETA AT Law. Ofil(4,—corne? of Main and Pine fitreets. opposite Prrenvem Oros atom. TAR. H. WEST )N, DENTIST.- 0131 c e in Patton's Block, over Gore's Drug and chemical Store. lan 1. 'a. DR T. B. JOHNSON. PrirsICIAIF AND qtrruvr. , .N. Office over Dr. R. 0. Porter Bon k Co.'e Dime F t . O. MO RR OW PITITRICIAN AND • RnttnzoN, offers his professional services to the citizens of Warren end vicinity. Residence fl , st house north of J. r. Cooper's Store. Warren Centre. Pa. ly DR. SM. WOODBURN, Physician and 411ecepti, OtUe.e northwest-corner IS atno and Pi• e Streeta, up Pt dra. Tnierinda Star 1, 11 1 72 -iv I. _I STREETER, • • .. • ..vrronn. - 7-AT-LAW, may3o.'72. TONCiIiNDA, PA. B. McHEA N, ATTORNEY - ri• AND corrNgELLOtt A Law, Towanda, Pa. Par , tieular nttentien paid to htiviness in the Orphans' court. July 211 '66. H. CA RN()CHAN, ATTOR- N ir • NET AT LAu , (District Attorney for Drud b,nl Countyl. Troy, Pa. Collections made and pebmpt ly remitted. f.Th 15. '69—ff. W B. N. Ofriee • ov, wickh.m Pa. Teeth inrerted on Gold. Silver ftnidier. and Allitn noun lens.. Teeth extra.ife.l trithont pain. 0r23 DR L.:IT. RFACTi. PITYSICIAN AND Pe , tylivetitly lneited at TowAsna. PA. Partielilar!'attention paid to all fnir o ni e flamer. and Toren!, runinYtirl nithout pain and wilt-nut tie of the fitTlee at hi. re.idencoen `;tote street. tun donts root of Pr Pratt's. Attend alieo it, afitni lihinTay. and Saturday.. Slay 111.":2. r()FIN s N. ATTORNEY .AT Law, Towanda. Pa Particular attention 14iv -01. fo Orphan.' court 1.-i sin Couveyasicing 'Nod Oollect Ar.,7- (Mire s in WeeplhP nese 1) 1 9;:t, Pontb Of tin , Firct National Bank. up stiica. Ecb. I. •1671.. r...T,SBREE, A TTOR.? rry'. Ar T.•.1". - . 1 owainla having entered into enpartner.hip. offer rte: it hror.ooonnal seryieer tYi the poblie Speend attentfon given t_O iniaeness in the Orphan'. and Ttec•tater'. Pourt.. apl 14'70 E. nviKe.ToN N. O. ict.stinFn. " NAT A.. - 'S LAW OFFIOE. Nra,7.l if' ,Tpflfitt , the Court 1?4 , 115e, Tairatifli, Pa. 0 - j. NirEtlcutt & DAVIES, ATTO . I3,- I 11, NEt's 4: Law. T,ci-anila. Pa. The underßigniql theinseirea together in the practice of Law offer their prnfesaional Fen - in.. to the public. f - LYSSF:S IiTERCUR. W. T. DAVIES. A. KEENEY; COtTNTY ST7- A o PERINTENDENT. Tmranda. Mire with 13 Pecji, .I'N/ill/ door 1.,•loa the Ward Eloilael. Will he at th. ellee the lagt Saturday of each month 311 nt all .+thnr time,. when not called away on hush. ma," eotine,t, d with the tinperitetideney. All letter", ould lieveatter hr .1,1,, , a , t! as altove. der 1.70 i IV: LYMAN, 1 3 1fT , tets'N AND SVIIGT.ON. OfTleP one door e4st of Ileporter htt,iltrig Rest cr , tl , l . l'lll , and 2nd street. Tewstels 571. • ()H\ MIX, ATTORNEY AT LA7,..Towanda. en::: Pa. i;F:NEIIAL .IGLNT ' 4rticrilarr-11..nt.0n 1,...,11,,Cf.)14.rtmtis and 1.:;.1:;.71.' entlrt Oflie:—Mercr.”':* 12.10 ck. narlh strip I.uhlir'Squarp. . apt._ 1. 'T). "DOCTOR 0. LEWIS. A GRAT)t atnof the Coflews of “Plifyincianit and Szinieoni.. ** w Pork city, CLaaa 1 , 43-4. givpsext.blgi ~ .ttent!nn t praoti I'c of big prnfrqg lon. Office a.n. - 11 - 4;midence ob Rion , of adynnini. H. ff iati 14 • , 1). D. SMITH. Dn/ I st ht 0. Tj . W.0'04 proprrty, between . •••fz If • - 1: and the 1 - :1 , .-11 Ff01f..... whet , hi. tf:+24 10 , :•!0 , 1 Teeth extr.cted with not pain by . Oct —vr Hotels. DI NI N T it () -0 M s E‘: CONNECTION WITTETTIF,BAKERS. fi ear tlr• Court We toe- prepared to fend the hutv.zry at all times of the day and evitning. 113 411. and Ice Crtam in their Feaeonc. 2darPh :SO. IM7 , f. O. W. SCOTT k CO. ELWELL HOUSE. TOWANDA, Pa. JaHN C. WILSON . . ftavingl. , a;.Nl thb4 Honsr, e is n•,w rt•ady to nrrounco• date the tra7elling put,l!e No pains nor expense r.-111 be Kpare,l to rive patisifuction to ttioyn who inargice n ran. Ire Noetti side of the put,:ic, calif, of Mei cur'. tip block. • R IJM CREEK HO- PETER L NDME.S:.:EI arol ftho t t, l i v ,hly o td w..11.1. - krona St - 61111 10r:111'11y kOpi clrii fi~...t the month of Itramtuert/ohl Creek. Is ready to 3,011Z1100•Iat,OLIS sfactory trr atme rtt t - t 311 scht/ may rasor him withla call. llor. •aa;—tf ,TERNS HOUSE, TOWANDA, Cria. AND 131:IDlir ,ILEErF, • Borne ti, Fianirrr. N. 7. 44 all Wit , tB Of itli inured nr+ , , without any ex tra ch,nze. I A mAi.c.rietr , inaLty of Ohl 110 , ,11 , h ,Ale, ju.-t! . T. R. JORDAN. Towanda, rarn. Proprirtor. W:11 1) II 0 - LT S TOWANDA, Ei:ADFORD COUNTY, PENN'A Tnie ply:Ufa' hon , c, i - Puently leveed by Meiwrt. Kiios and havlng been completely refitted, reniodeipil, and refurnodied, to the public all the comfort,. and mode; u 4 . OIII,!IterACCP of a firti.t• ida , . Uotrl. Sitn.Lte oppieote the Park on Man Street. it IA eminently vonventeut for iwrsouii vont inu Towanda, eithei ti,r pleeaure or bnaineaki. .40t1IN LANS. Proprwtora. 1 1 .k . SSION HOUSE, .l'A. . 151:01. 7 . - N rr.01:111E-rotr.. Thie cothhr tc 1 in . s strictly Telnperauce Pr.neipeQ i ... eir , rt -.11 4 .1.0 made - to make 4 1 .1 , •-ts con:l6rt.Or'.e. ro , ,nir.. and the table will sy,th t A the market I, Is7l. `PEIH AGRICLTLTURAL Nr:ltY, for Sale I, r. It. E L ES, TOWANT , "A. ! 3.1.•r. , :i's L. I:. Le , rth side of Court gr l nare WHOLESALE AND ; It l lAiL DEALER AND r:FA.CTI:IZEILS AGENT. • l'owerd ana 7 orea.sherf 4 . 1141:‘,. kirllll F:t-edt•ro. Bay Te !den,. attd ,teel Piown, Thil; Ilorme 11W:era and Parlrlicw 31111 a. LArx WATI:et DitkWER... DELTLNCe 111,T CLIC4II: row Er., IS IIIi. Mtn:L.o, FULLL.2.II' • YOR Ile S,;011. YoWELI. AC., AC. C-11 dognem and descriptive. illuntrated printed t.11 , 114,..,1 or 1..u.01,1 tree t.. all alq,lic.aut,A. It will to but three cent,. to 'Lend for circulars I'+: more whir, it,, esll ar.7l $lO (10. kprt 22, '72. • 11. 14, T US E J. :NIINGOS - (funutmly King:4l , y,l Ills !lOW Oil hand FALL k. V;INTE.H. ItY S FANCY (1()(1118 11/ 3 hirg. %ant is t t.... rt-a 411,/ 11.n:taftr,u - • e dud .Nto to alt th•• uov, Itas alga tDe lateo4 tt{ - It•tt ID ildlr good,. re./ RIO ITIODIDori. KA (ilutuet, t,bell sutiStraW DOLLY V...1.11DEN JENVELRY ; • In Is'race'ettr., Comb.: ~C• Si' :Las special att. 1,t. - ou to old Lau rs't.ouncts atl.l-1.4( es caps, afro Infects Caps. guctics, I ha‘r recto - W[lre ser.i , el. of . 3 arst btraw ell 1 skull all (1130111 . 1 0' %IV work. 1:00111$ 4t lb° F t.aud. Wr:r , 1 4 411 . .t ,re etHAMBER SETS, cheaper than ‘_) ,Ner, at FRoST /t. SONS. 1 4 -1 1.10 ST tt SONS make the bi - ,;st in the world. GEAT REDUCTION IN FLTR NITURE farad made. at MIST di 80Nti. - . . • • I , . _ •• - - - • - • • i • t , ,-! 1 1 I Ir. 7. • -1 Miscellaneous. J . 0. FROST & SONS, MANUFACTURERS • 1 OF 9 FURNITURE! Our ware•roonu It all unlit contain an IncllttAL.P ASSOATIIS.NT or CHAMBER BETS' Of all styles and price!, combhathrwlth the Bleb and Elegant. the Medium Prtcea, imitable for all, and so cheap that any can afford_to have them. Also the finest and . most FASHIONABLE BLACK WALNTT PARLOR AND LIBRARY FTIRNITIME. Of new and briginat designs and of the moat ire. _pert, style and finish. Also a choice assortment of TABLES, WARDROBES, DRESS.; 'MG CASES. SIDE-BOARDS, LIBRARY I . AND BOOK-CASES. Also a complete line of Tete-a•Tetes.Sofas. &tinges Rocking. E4ey and Parlor Chairs, In the greatest variety of styles and prices. Also an endless Tarte. tY 01 BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CHAIRS TABLES, MIR ROBS, FEATHER PILLOWS, MATRESSES, SPRING BEDS, Of every description, and In 'fart everything to be 7. found, n a Eirtt Class Fu 'turn Store, CHEAPIRI THAN ' lIE CHEAPEST ! t We pay Care for. Lumber, or %kill take Lumber In In etchance for Furniture. Also slarn stock of COFFINS Of el.ery de,,cription from tho inuet common to the fito.t.t ltum•athd, , always on l.•md. We are tole agt via tar• FISK% ILETA.Lic BURIAL CASE'S, . Which are now coricteded by all parties to be far the best Metalic Cass in use. We have the FINEST HEARSE In this section of country. and Will fin'olah any thing tit the UNDERTAKING line AS LOW as the sour quality of I,loothl can - he got at ANY 'PLACE, either in Towanda or elsewhcre,•and from our large EXPEIGENcE and thorough acquaintance with the leoquees. we can save persona, tunny annoyances to which they are always subject when dealing with incompetent panic:. ST0111: 107 MAIN STR4EII Do not forget the place Towanda, April 2, 1072 * * :!, *-* * * *. * * ** * * * * * *IIOTOGItAPHY!. * * P * *T tf. tha , h t e h t4t3(lo4g t u ,u ec r lz:::l e l v i ,i n e forni the ptiblic * * , * • GALLERY OF•• ART, HARDING A: GrATIN. on 3fain-ftro+t. • +' of the First Nationai,Man's +.. . . strict attention * *. to l+o4ines++, t.• • on of every trIl• * t•• . .t :rapliy. to mate * t e wori%y Ut plcr4:l:4ge. Mr. CaNTIN * * reniron wth ux , and give Lie whole timo * alit the making of * IVORYTYPES, IN OIL ANT) WATER COLORS, * A+ .11 INR P.Lrt!cillar zttamtion ;.;,..c`i to the elll.lrgllig o: pieta:Tß. aml is-the of all kinds * * of so As to seetire the and * as much time ag to mating r.l4:_:nt:ves 01 small chilarell. watitink^ pu•tnr, v gill 1.,k- se clre tri.zi, :in that they will be t , ats.- * jlpik . • ;1., v. t..tOD A: Cu. * * **** Y * * * I. ROSENFIELD'S CL ENZ G E M MANS t*. ~, :fooiNl by H. Jacobs: , - The rapid growth of r - wands requires the . eapan. alon of business, and the undersigned, realizing this want cf nie community in the READY MAYE CLOTHING LINE Has opened a uew store in Bildlenian's Block. ilormer* occupied by 11. Jan°lo4.) and 19 new pre. pared to offer to 11111 old cuttoruers and the public y;tmcrallS, a better stock oi MESS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING Than c.:u tk found in any other eptabliAinent out ride the duce. •. My Ktuea has all been purchlAed . from thataanu f4enirers this-s,asuu, s , , that I have nu old stock to 1.!..t rid of, bought high prictLs. I have a full line GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS of tho Aucht gitality .a4..1 laMat styles, which I am offeriag at 1.4 figures. REMEMBER ! I I:4ve no connect:6n with the old stand, and when you w'mnt an} thing to the clothing; line. for yourself or boys. call on the in Iteiillei,:an's M. E. TIOSEN.IFIELD Tov.atada, March 28,•172. 100 MEN WANTED To bny the celebratea HARD AND SOFT COAL BURNER COOK ..SD )V ES. We have thc• best hue of Stoves in Ehr State. MANSARD COOK and MODERN t.A.TLCAN Have taken the prernhanis in all the Slate Fairs, and we know they are a Brat-claa DOMESTIC COOK . For roft coal, *oniething DONIESTIC COon Ebr hard or soft coal. I,l@o the INVLSCIBLE. ZENITH, UNITY. AU tired -clays Stoves. • • PARLOR sroyLs. . OAS LITRNEItS 4 C 0.51 LIG ifTi, LI.;IfT BE -WON LIMIT. ROCKET, LVTLECTOII. TIRE PLY. AND rzus. .1%. asaortno.ut of Hardwire. Tinware., Copper; anitigoetiron Ware idw.iya on band. ,per All 0.-.lers fl ltd promptly.. • Joh work done au I warrante-d. olve u 4 a tall. LL 'XIS S SUALLEY, No. 4. flrldir. St. - Towanda. D. BARTLE ET •& SON, IN- V" • f-URVSCr. AtiilliSK, Towanda. Va. None but relian.e companies represented. u. D. BIHTLL tt. C. , GPIARAM BAIITLZTT. Nov. 14 1372 -1y" VOTICE.—J. A. itEcoRD, of Towan -11 (is. 4:emir/at received tho Agency of the Water. town etre Insuradee- Company„ of Watertown. N. Y., wnieli is a first-elms. Company in all 're.fieirts, with casn guiretts of 425 Is cm:loud by it. character to Farm Property and Dwelling House Risk.; 1. therefore .perfectly see Papa all los. or Batt ago of tearing to pieces whether lire rusues or Also paya for live ,tack killed by lightning In trio barna.or at large on the pri-nilsos you vim saye money by seeing /dr. Rec ord betore insuring elsewhere. Call and get a Cir cular or wail km ore. J. A. RECORD, I. Ortptlll7lNerco 'lWtn Fl. J. 0. FROST La SONS. TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY. PA., DECEMBER 26 1872. etetteb tottrg. IsOlfG. "Such stuff as dreams are ma - lo of." It matters not though day discover • flow false the joys I fondly know; When night and slumber round me hover, 1u dreams at leait3 dud thee true. Though all the day's long boat*, of. sadueS:a, My irearrlito flows on in pain, The night shill bring unwonted gladness And give thee to my soul again. Oute more thy lips with warm impression *. ,Shall lay their gentle seal on mine; Again with shrinking, sweet confession, Thy tender eyes before me shine. Thy cheek with my check softly meeting, Thy twiciug arms around me thrown, 111 watch how fast thin 'night is fleeting, , And count thy heart-beats thro' mine own Oh, happy night, and 'weary waking, When dawns the day-star,.cold and blue! 'Tit daylight tells how hearts are breaking; In dreams alone I find thee true! = —January Oatazy tristellaneons. Ecur,the Rl:row:mg A TRIP ACROSS THE;WATER. "X XXVII TA —•' That aL;:cpie pie behold, Wl: , re royal bead's re,•eive t.l..!l‘.te:ed gold ; P. gives them erne t,r aed cloes.illcirasheskerp, l'here made like gosh, mortals there they deep, king 112 e cirolc of theirr.:;vicompiete; Thep sous of elhpin: whirrs Civy Ilse they Bet." Within a stone's throw of the Par liament Buildings, stands the fanious ABBEY OF WESTMINSTER :` their -prox imity to each i .other may well recall to mind the • expic:;.,ion, (indicative . of the deteL ruination of "young Eng land " to achieve in life or death an honorable fame), " initiate; Ab bey or a peerage." Similar was, the exclamation attributed •to Nelson 'at the Battle of the :Nile, " Vietory or Watininster Abbey !" Achieving the former, there appeitro no good reason why . he should not a-ko have succeed ed, in the latter wish, save that his countryinen saw -fit to bury Lim • in St. Paul's. • The venerable edifice of Westmin ster, which has witnessed for centu ries the coronation of England's sov ereigns, and whose precincts solnany of them lie, together with the not less illustrious dead of Eng land's poets, warriors, philo - sophers and statesmen, was erected by Ed ward the Confessor, in the eleventh century. While au exile in Norman, dy, he vowed a pilgrimage 'to the Holy Sepulchre to the event of his deliverance. The fulfillment of this v o w was by a special dispensation of Pope Alexander commuted to the erection or restoration of the Abbey; its s:te being dictated to the English King in a sision, by St. Peter him self—!laving formerly been, , its it is said, that of a church consecrated 'by the Apostle himself while in the flesh. Whicti eircinastanee may suffice to establish the fact that St. Peter once sojourned ripen the banks of the Thaw. , —let the mojted - question„ be settled as it may, lit regard to his ever having seen the Tiber. —Subsequent reigns witnessed successive additiOns within and with out the sacred : changing the form of its outline, (it having been the first church erected in England in the form of tt c oss) and present= ing in ils construe ion, of varioas dates, specimens . of the architectural style o: e.teli period of the last eight ceutui its Similarly distinguished by the coronation, if not the - burial of sovereigns, a strong similarity 'exists also, in . details as well as •general style of construction, between West minster Abbey and the Church of Notre Dame, in Paris : their respect ive foundations were in fact, nearly coeval. The impressive simplic:tv and sol emn chast-ness of the earlier tombs aid monuments, so much in keeping with the style and purpose of the edifice itself, have, in many of those 0i a later period, given way to an un suitable and ostentatious vatiity of ' display, which as has been remarked, tend to., make the place appear "rather like a .showroom of statuary than the house of God." Says Mark land, in his observations on English Churches : "Among the works of ea 'her daxs, the altar-tomb with its rc umbei t tt effigies, occasionally sur in unted by a gorgeous and appro priate canopy, conveys to the mind of the spectator a feeling of solemni ty 'and awe. The supplicating atti tude of the ecclesiastics and warriors who sleep below, awaiting their aw -- ful summons, associates well with. our hope to be ' numbered with the saints iu glory everlasting;' and when the eye glances on them in the hour of prayer, feelings are ,awaken4d which ought not to hastily dismissed , 'The larght'e blues aro east, And hie good sword rust; His soul is with the salute, wo trnst: "These fine altar-tombs gave place to piles of marble and stone as offen sive to the eye of taste as the monu web t at Sir Cloudesley Shovel, iu hi ter times, of which Addistin so justly complaius." 4 ' The South I rausept, where one- of tlie!ruost impressive interior viewsof the Abbey is presented, - s known as the Pot's Corner, from its numerous memorials to the most distinguished ' poets of England. The insCriptions are not wholly appropriate or worthy of their object, the place or the eves= slop; especially trillin ,, and unworthy seem the lines u . pon Gay's e ' monnment, said to have been written by Pope : "Lift i 3 a jest, awl all thingi shor. it; I thought tq, once, and now I know it." Henry the .Seventh's Chapel, was erected by that monarch us the place of sepulture for himself and the : roy 7 al blood of England, and adjoins the Eastern End of the Abbey Church, of whirh in,the ma,guitieenee of its style and workmanship, it, constitutes one of the most admired portions. To add to the effect of its interior, the entrance or vestibule is by its con struction invested with a sole tun i an d impressive obscurity. In regard to this Chapel, 'Washington Irvin , ' says: "The very . walis are wrough e i, into universal Ornament; encrusted with tracery and scuoped into niches "Addison'? spectator. XXVIth No. ESGARDLIBB 01 DIOII7NCIATOM NEON ANT comma, crowded with 'the statues of saints and martyrs. Stone seems, by' the cunning labor of the chisel, to have been robbed of its Weight and densi ty, suspended aloft as if by ,magic, and the fretted roof achieved with the wonderful minuteness and airy security of a, cobweb." Upon the tomb of Henry VII, which Lord Ba con speaks of as "one of the stateli est and, daintiest in Eniope," are the reclining effigies of the monarch and his queen. As illustrating the ideas of that age, and their effect upon the mind of one of the wisest and bravest of England's Kings, it may be stated that by the provisions of his will, no less than 10,000 masses- were ap roiuled to bo said for the remission of his sins and the weal of his soul. Furthermore, for the performance of an impossible thing, the Convent pl Aged themselves "to have three chauntry moOks, perpetually while the world shall endure, 'to say daily mass " for Henry's .salvatiou. The minutest particulars of the service, even to the 100 was tapers " of the weight of 12 lbs., and each of the length of nine feet," were drawn up and registered in the indentures. Of all that is to be seen in this chapel, there is nothing that wilt comp tre in interest, to the reflecting mind, with a - view of the tombs, near by each other and similar in style, of the rival queens, ElizAbeth. of England, and Mary .of Scotland. Their effigies, said io be' likenesses, present ex : iressions, of countenance correspondui,, , r to the character which average history gives thtni respect• ivelv. -Like the lvibg-down together of the lion and the lamb, here meet together upon the great level; the itituglity and' prospctrnus English queen and her unfortunate ; but not less noble captive and victim, of whose fate she is no longer the arbi ter; and whos - e eon in' the course of bistorlc justice, i was destined to in herit the united crowns of both realms. ' irla: 1 At the western cud of the main edifice, being the extremity of the what, has long been known as the Jerusalem Chamber. Brought in a sudden fit of illness from the Confessor's shrine in the abbey, it was here that Henry IV. 'breathed his la6t. ' • —"lt !lath Ltexu proplK the :T n:nuy ycare, I klonlii nut die but in Jet us% lent ;f - • Winelx vainly I•nuppu4 - d the Holy Land ; But qar me t. the ehatiiber, there ill lie ; Tu tha4 Jerusalem shall Harry die." In past years it-has been used as the Chgpter House: a name not wholly, inappropriate to its present occupa tion by the learned Connnittee of Revision of the Holy Scripture;; the result of whose labors is looked for Avith so much interest by the Christ ian world. Beginning with the New Testament, they are understood to be now engaged upon the Gospel ac cording to St. Luke. A chapel of the Abbey of elegant workmanship, erected by ashop Is lip, and known as ISLIP . S CHAPEL, pre sents some curious devices fur per petuatitr the name of the builder, in a sort of monogram or rebus, execut ed in stone. Tilos in one portion taay be sten ad eye lying at the side 01 a :dip or branch of a tree; in an other, the representation of the Ab but, prostrate on the ground as hav ing stip/it'd from a, tree, with an eye lying butore him. It, is said that tins method of communicating the names of the founders or builders of reli gious edifices, was very frequently practiced in the Middle Ages, having, the sanction of remote antiquity - and of the most learned nations. The two ancient wooden chairs in which for a long period the sover eigns of Engliud have been crowned, present a sufficiently rude appear ance; strange to say, they are carved over, like some school. boy's bench, with the initials of the idle and thoughtless: that part of the Abbey where they are kept, having formerly been open to indiscriminate access. They ate of course covered with rich drapers on the event of -a coronation. Beneath the seat of one_ of- them is the famous ScosE Sross, of- Which Scotland was robbed, at the conquest of that country by Edward 1., and Whieli-froin a very remote period had been in use at, the corwlation of Scot tish kings. Close by the' Abbey, and not "'un known to History, was forinerly a budding called. the Smictuttry, where a place ok refuge • was once Afrurded, to criminals of certain denomina tions; west of. this was the Almonry, or place for the distribution of alms: the spot is entitled to fame as being that where the first printiug prefis was set up,- and the first book print ed fn England,: by WILLIAM CAXTON, in 1474, under the auspices of the Abbot of Westminster. —Had Major Andre fallen glori ously in battle in - stead of being hang ed as a spy ut Tarrytown in 1780, it is probable that Ins rem:ifis would never have been brought to. Wes!,- mim;ter Abbey for interment ; but the British Gov.:mint:lit were of course d spored to do his memory the more honor by way of amends for the manner' and came of his death, as in some degree, by common reputation dishonorable. I chancel to discover his monument (a mireoph agns with bas relief) at the south side of the nave, and deemed it wor.i.h my wiiile to copy .the inscription, which is as follows : "tiAcIII'Lt To TILE OY MAJOL: fiUtiN ANDRE, r.q-cd by bl+ o. r to tip, rJri of torces I.myr••:.-.:. •,:..• ;„• p•+rtant but 11.12-r, 1 ,,, 1, eur , • r.•••••• ;1 ho, z. 1 ra• it'onn'rs, on tlot 21 r, A. D., ilgeo 22. 17 1 .iv..r0A1) e#•tet nv•tl by C.:: Army in vianst.t scrved, ur, ( l I,mentect even by Hi 4 I.irv-oom reign di•orgu.tne .inir•bbss cins,A tins ,111: , 111:11f2;lt to bn ercc Th rinlilik.s 0 111:,.j. - Ir :cc the 1. 1 .;h r,atort.l 1%.., - pt' by .I.tuks 1311 , 11.111. in, li. 314 at Se 4' Torn, , f 11_1:7 H., the Duke Of York, and , with tht, pi-rtui.4iq.i of the Della awl Chap et, tiaa,ri dot °kite t in a grary colitis:non.% to t1 , ...4 ! , 10norri.ot, of .7% . ..0vetn• her, 1V22." —Adjoining the Soxith Transept and still showing the remains of for tiler splendor, is the original Chapter Houpe of the Ahbe.y, which lia4 how ever for the last 500 years been used as a depository' for public records. According to tradition, the first ses sions of the House of Counnon as antindepenpent branch a legislature, were held here ; another legend, with less show of truth, states that the . "honorable members" on one occa- - 'sion conducted themselies so ooister otkaly that they were forcibly_ ejected from the place by the Abbot and Convent, as ifidec.orons distiirbers o the religious services 'of the church; ~ The historical documents here phi sOrYed are very extensive and .valna ble;otmong them are the Pope's Ball confirming the title of " Defender of the Faith ' (ever since retained by Englishononarchs) to Henry VIII.;. a treaty of perpetual peace between Henry VIIL and Francis 1.,. with an immense golden seal; and the wills of a number of English kings. The chief literary treasure, however, - is till celebrated' DOMESDAY Boos of WillianYthe - Congneror; in which was recorded the allotment of lands- and titles. throughout the kingdom to va.; , ribua Norman knights and barons, i , and consequently often referred to, in modern geological researches. .It is still in good condition, although dating back eight centuries. --:The venerable grandeur of its stylii i and associatioua are calculated to render the view of Westminster Abbey highly interesting and iiimres sive; land while its tombs and !noun mentS,bring iu review the illustrious departed of many centuries, it were well if we could consider the-Memo rials there presented as unquestiona ble testimony of a . worthy' title to high honor and endnritz famed We may refer upon this point to the .cel elfra-ed authorGousurrii, to ivliose record a distinguished place is !IN.?, signed in ' Poet's Corner.'.' In his, .1% ,..... Citiz >a, if the lirpnld, the Cl • rise Plii lo,opher is repre:,ented as visi • g the Abbey, where his attention is wn to a nionuieeut of peculiar magnifi cence. Q 4 enquiring . of his guide to what great sovereign or statesman it is erected, he is surprised to learn that it. is to neii her of these, nor yet :to any great -general,.., (us. he next supposes), who has taken towns and achieved important.-victories. "This then, is the monument of soiue poet, I presume ; of one whose -wit- has gained' him immortality ? ' "No, sir," replied my g6ide ; "the gentleman who lies here never made verses; and as for wit, he deipi; it in others, because he had none himself." "Pray tell me then, itra word," said I, peev ishly, ".what. is the great man who lies here, particularly. remarkable for ?" " Remarkable, sir," said my - companion; " why, sir, the gentleman that lies here is remarkable, very rit e tuarkable—for a tomb in Westtnin : ster Abbil." " But.. head of my au= cestbrs! bow hits he ;_tot here?, i fancy he could never bribe the gust d iaus of the temple to give, him .a place. Should he not be ii.shalued io be seen among company, where even moderate merit would look like infa my?'.' "I suppose," replied the man in black, "the gentleman was rich, and his friends, as is usmil in such a ca: , e, told him he 'wits i igreat. He r, , sitly believed- them; the guardians of the temple, as they gainetrby the self-delusion, were ready to believe him too; so he paid his money for -a fiiie monument, and the workman; as you see, leis made him one of the most beautAjfill. Think no,Lioirever, that this Outlet:min is singhlar in his desire of being buried ;inking the great : there are several.others•in the temple, who, hated and shunned by the great while alive, have Come here, fully resolved to keep them company now they are ilea& C. C.T. [F HO! WEST! SIR. EDITOR : Permit me to to call your attention and that of your read ers, to, the, importance of taking measures to Construct 'the liailroA that has been chartered; from Little Meadows, in Susquehanna county, to Tuwan , la, GrvenWo , r4l, and West Franklin, to intersect the Northern Central Railroad at Granville. Suui mit. It has been , my_privilego recently, to visit Anetinville, ' in Columbia tuwnship. and s.bilo 'there 1.--Aisited the opening that has been made ear blin'Morgan's, where some . 14 mi ners have been engag,ell._ since lust May (with th *excePtion of six weeks) \\ in excavag m ioe tin 'a , and have now an opening of . b feet iii extent, - and 50 feet in width. with three drift's. While there, - was informed that 4.000 tons had been - taken already out, and sent to Elmira, N. Y., and there smelted and run into railrdad iron, and that the ore is superior, be ing sown 40 per cent. . 'There is at the present time sixteen teams euiployed in drawing the ore to the Northern Central .R R.,. at Columbia X Roads, where it is imme diately taken to Elmira, and worked into railroad iron. 1 was also informed that the ore was retarded as inexhaustible in the hills through to Sylvania borough, at leapt, and that I was traveling &ver the rich treasures that are khown to be stored away for the fu ture benefit of mankind. The enquiry arose in my mind, why not have a railroad at Colmnbia X Roads to the bed, 'and then, why not extend it on to Mainsburg, Mans field, Wellsborough, and so on to Erie city :1J Specimens of ore have been sholyn to me by James Bullock, that he had thrown from a wEll 1:1;,out 20 feet deep, which is regarded or god quality; also on the i;irm of a Mr. White, .ou the' road.from Troy to Syl vania, of superior quality. • • ()mtEr.vtit I). e . 11, 1,472. Wnes General wa 3 he ! fire Richmond, and ita Harrison's he disghised, or rouged the disast, by telegr NV,e,nington that it., had -etre:gel ti citaii ; ..;eHi "t h..., official stv.e of '''exiirl. , Ssing a retreat .furei-dicil Ling . :ol:7' to the ; 1, afl 4 l - sili,- plied innumetable witticimins "b,umots!' td alters. The polite euphuism for all fugaeious displays came to bee it "change of base." if a General retreated, if a rogrvi decamped, if any one in embar , , raising circumstances "made ItimE; •If scarce" 'MeClellan's words. inie use—the fugitive hid only "changed his base." The Charleston Mercury haa the following squib, : ' '•ficroafter, Isbell a ocoundrers kicked out of doors. Ho iced never resent the .ce, I But say, Dear sir, lim eternally yours For your kindness in changing my bawl A NIGH IN THE GARAEN , OI I\ TH TUILEEIES. - ate in the afternoon of the eigh- 1 te.nth of Jane; after a long ,walk. rough the gallariZs 'of . the 'Louvre, s and excessively weary, I sat down to rest 'On a secluded bench in the southern grove of the garden, hidden fiom . view by the tree-trunks. Where I sat I 'could see the old men and the children in that sunny flower garden, La Petite Provence, and I cotild see the great • fountain-basin facing the Porte du Pont-Tournant. I must - have heard the evening drnm- - ming,.which was.- the_ signal for- me to quit the 'garden ; for I suppose evn the dead in Paris bear that,and . are sensitive -to the - throb of the glory-calling drum. But, if I did hear it, it was [only like an echo of the past, and lidid not heed it any more than Napoleon in his tomb - at the luvalides heeds ; through the drawn curtain, t 4- chanting of. the daily mass, Ovircome, with fa tigue, I must have slept soundly. • Wl\en I awoke' it was dark under the trees. I started up and went in: ' to the broad'promenade. The gar den was deserted ; I could hear- the plash of the fountains, but no other La:tads therein. Lights were gleam. ing from the windows of the Tuder ies, bla - zed • tilting the 1lu.: de 13,iv01 1 , dotted tits great square, anti glowed for wiles up the Champs illysees. There e.e. the steady roar of wheels and the tramping of feet without, but within was the stillness of death , What should I doY lam not nervous, but to be caught, lurking in the Tuileries, Garden in the:might 'would involve me in the gnscst peril. The simple way would Lave been to hate gone to the -gate tie:ll - est the Pavillon de , ',llnrsan, and 'said to the pollcetnan _on duty there that I had inadvertently fallen asleep, that I was uSually a wide r awake citi zen of the htdd that Lafilyetto Weut to save, that ;1 wanted my dinner, and would like to get-out. I walked 7 down near enough to the gale lo see' the policeman, but my courage fail ed. Before I could stammer out half that explanatioh to him in his trifling language • (which for eigners l are mockingly told is the! best in the - world for cOnversati4A), he could either have slipped his hateful rapier through my - body, or have raised an alarm and called out the guards of the palace to hunt me down like a rabbit. • A.mau in 'the Tuileries Garden at night! an aSsassin! -a conspirator! one of the carbonari, perhaps s dozen of them—who knows?—l.trkini likiiinbs, gunpowder,' (3riaek Fira, ref►igi es, murder, enzeirtes u;rio N Chit ries Dudley Warner : "Scribnvr's fur January WARNINGS TO THE . MAN', WHO JOKES 'AT ms Wirz's kulfsga.—Au English cynic sass The man who loves his;joke is gen erally much liked by his cuildren, and his servants, but not always worship ped by his wife. Women have not great taste for joking. They hare a word eSservinilly feminine to describe the individual overgiveu to the prac tice; they Call - him aggriivatiug, and frequently inconceivable irrita tion in his pro epee. Women love to be courted, to be admired, to be talked with gayly, , but' respectfully and . gallantly all of which things it is mostly beyond the .power of the joker to do. Women are also fond of sympatliy.. They have always little troubles y their own to which it pleases them to see a man listen with interest and apparent compas sion. Emotion, real or feigned, will put a man deep in - a woman's goo graces ; courteous and kindly defer.: Klee - will woo her better than a hand some face and, subtle wit. but, on the other hand; the inveterate face tiousness of the. Man who loves his joke will throw a woman into dumb furies which men, who are content to treat an eternal joker as a mere. bore, can hardly realize. • Nothing so exaspe s rates a to see her husband make light .Of those small domestic miseries over which women fret because they have often nothing else to occupy their time with ; and Men addicted to joking are always. doing this. If stimething goes wrong in house, if a crystal dish be carelessly broken, they can seldom resist the temptation of being funny; and the more 'amen table the incident fromrthe uxorial point of view, so much the more lively will be their jesting. If Balzac hhd ever sketched- the man who loves his joke, he' would have pointed out, with his diabolical spirit of induction, liow men who act thus gradually estrauge their wires. Women will .not be laughed out"of their whims nor accept 'jokes as a substitute for the sympathy and attention they feel to be their due.. Ilar.r 'rui eyyru:' GlloWlNti.—The most sne.:2s4nl breeders of borges, cattle sheep or swine, know from ex nerience-lbat although they may pos ; sess the h _st breeding. animals, the , . Will not te successful in producing superior stock if a' continual grcistn.. l of young animals is not kept up. In order to., begin in time at - this incts pensahle. preparation fok success, the brood 'mares, cows, ewes and sows are most carefully and . suitably fed while with young, and as - soon as the ydang animals make • their appeal twee, they are t:.tken, the greatest c ire of; dates i•ear , sbitably fed xvinle Arcking, and the youqr - 0 LT. :tre weaned,. they are . mit sup pt-en to want 14 food or .drink hour. By this_ means a con tinuous or rapid gr.'lwth is 'kept up; and the itniiuu s att::i a a large 'size win ; ;lit curly age. When.breeding atiiimils are not pro e I tal a V i:i-l . :re:lin .iil-'i', • :llr Ci- such - in-nt is 1:ot :.r t -ill of co...lit:on—it is liv progeny and eau 11.:Ver ho reme died. When young stock are not well fed and'emlifortablysheltered in win: tor their grt.w.l.l becomes stunted aiqi no sub , .. (pent ainotint of .pod treat ment can reriir the damtig4. Young animals may s‘o.::,:t. for want of proper .provt...tMler iii shiPitilers and autumn, As well as in wintiir 11.1 d when this happens it stops continuous growth and prevents ol.imete success in, the objects of the breedere: OM per . Annum, in 'Advance: TUBBING OVEN A NEW LEAF. . 1.. - • - I . There is wonderone difference in people, as regards the:propensity for' turning over a new leaf.. It is odd that, for' the most part, they .who. have'poiver of will and self-restraint enough to,keep good Aresolutionalire least in their habits of making them, andaPpear most content to live on a lower plane, without - aspiration ;. while, on the other ,band, they who. are most sensible of personal short comings, and most appreciative of better - . modes_ of living; • oftenest. break good resolutions, and Eleldora est reach • the . standard they covet. Thus sturdiness or stability of cherac terls fr r eiyiently earthly by instinct, and incapable of that volatility which, on its part, can never walk steadily onward, but is always on a ssries of eicuraionary. skips and 'hope upward to a higher 1 fe whence it as regularly flounders and- flops 4lown, braised but:not - -tained, to the clay. Goethe says that persons quite' unstable and incapable of all improvement " fro qnently•acouse thenisslves in the bit terest manner, confessing and de ploring their faults with c . xtremc in-. genhousness, though . ' ihey possess ,pc,t the smallest Fo(ver . within them to .retire fiom tit-t'; - Coar,e along which tlr.e. I, , istini,- t-;:dei;cy of their nature is . dr.v;..;.±ng Ahern for wArd.:! • Nobody need be- flown-. hear:ed at this ilieLtim. ,•Some ilien seem ..t.ohe goverehed by fate, be cause they have no:will w-orth glue .1:- ing of, or at least give no ?roof of any; while others apparently have El wilt free of /ate, . 'so strongly d ues it • act on_circnmstanees.; toil if it be an swered that this strong and free will is itself a for - m of fate, at least it is one the po-sessora can neither fear . nor complain of. . t -Many. lack have sash' practical i views of hf±, joined 'with such. self- 4 . consciousness and self 'esteem, as to matutit'at once. The;: imagine them selves grown nien:befor.,i their beards' are out ;' in the.r elders they see on ly- their peers, and lienect, feel. the burdens of life already 'in yOuth. These are they who become . famons betimes—great trader:, , money4n . era, railroad builders, - ,-oldieii, law- % yers, journalists, at the dawn of ac tivo life. Their opposite.; waste each New . Tear . in wondering what will happen when they ...grow to be men ; .when the opportimityr i - comes ;, *hen life really opens wide.... Hatuablo and: timid; they fancy all other men ,il . O be wiser or stronger ,than they: At thirty, they ,hear with. wondr . that Yonder 'stalwart, thoughtful - man,. whom, in old Childish habit, they ad- dress with a defe . renthd " sir,:', is on- , ly thirty_years old, too.. At forty, they still - clink to their - conciliatory, deprecatory says = feel like bo - ys . 'dodging, about bewildered among Men; though manhood has encOni passed them twenty years. , t conies upon them 4ke a shock to - find' their hair whitening, and people i describ ing. them as " the old . gentlernan,'!, while their feet, are too palpably slid ing- on the downhill stretch. Till then, then, they had never thought 'them selves mature for a career, ,nor ;sul;- pected that they had now reached the now-or-never of life - 4114 was years away in the past.' ,Such -men take -au -aroma. of the cradle with them to the grave, only gnittingtheir first childhood when they enter the second ; eier are they dreaming of the possible future, and proposing tio turnover the new leaf.---Drift tiood, by \ PhiliiP Quilibet: in January Gplazy BoszeiN , Finis IN ink FAULT DAYS. At the reception given Mr. Fronde by the Massachusetts Historical Si) cie.ty, .in Boston, lion., Robert C. Winthrop took occasion .to allude to the great fire and to recount sciinc , thine of the history of 'Boston in . the olden . time, incidentally tool jug from a discourse delivered by Cotton Ma ther; at what wai'called . " The (Bos ton Lecture," on the 7th cliy of Feb ruary; 1808. -" After alluding tAlie wonderful growth 4 of the town, until it tad become_ known as :" The Me j fro'polisfof the-whole Ragland ~.k. er ica,' Mather procdeds to say' :' " it tle waS - this expected by them bat first settled .the town, ' w n ''for awhile Boston was prOverbially called Lost town; for the mean and sad 'cir-' cumstauceg of it." And then, after depicting the dangers of famine and the ravages of the small pox, from which ithad`repeatedly and severely suffered, he goes au as • folloWs : tie.ver was any town _ under the cope'of heaven more liable to be.laid in ashes, either through. the wicked neis or the carelessness of them that sleep in it: That such a conbustible heap of contignousbotises.yet stands,. it may be called a stabding miracle. It is not because the watch7nan keeps the city ; perhapS there - may.- betoO much cause of reflection in that thine-, and of inspection, 'too. Oh, it +::, • is from 'thy watehfel protection,' 0, thou. keepifr of Boston, who neither slumbers\nor sleepg "-Ten times,". lie continues, " has the fires made' not:kble ruins among- us, and- our. good- -emelt • been almost our mai ' , er ; but: the ruins lia've.itiostly .ilrel 'quickly been rebuff'. I siipbose that mapy.n.l6.-re, than a tbunsaed houses are 'now to • be St 1..1 :i . Oil .' ': Ilis little piece of ground, all rill-ed with Ate undeserved favors of God." - GROWTH of TREES.---413 the result of obliervOions and froin the testi alouv of r e l o ole taire,! the following is .4)out the average- •groivaig in twelve years of the leading desirable varieties, when I , lantfd itt* belts or groveg - andeuitivated.- White ni:tple, one foot in diameter and 4%enty feet. li!gh; one:vvid a half , feet itidiameter and forty fivt high ; ellow willow, one mid a half feet in diameter and thirty-five . feet high; lotabardy poplar, teninehes,.in i dia meter and forty feet light blue ,and white : ash, ten inches indiainetet,and twenty feet high; chestnut, ten inches in diameter and twenty .feet high ; - .Walnut and butternut, ten inches in dianieter and -twenty, feet 'high; elm, • ten Ladies in diameter and twenty \ feet high;-white - walnut or hickory, eight' inches in diameter and. twenty five feet high,.. 'The d& -ferent . varieties 91 evergreens will make an average, growth .Of ..eighteen to twenty feet in height annually. Do you wish to do something to-. wards making your home happy? Do. you desire that -your brothers snd augers' should 'be glad in , • hays you with, them, and that yon should al ways be ,a . welcome companion toy yqur parents or your children ? - Do ydu want - to have your society covet ed everywhere, and to feel, the while; that fan are doing good as well as giving pleasure ? Would, ydu like to - help people to- think , well, and to have them save their, best tho l ughts - for you ? Would it please you to get all the good you ca,n oat of the peo ple you know? If so, learn to listen. - But first, leain, what, listening is--= for it is not merely the , exercise of he• sense of-hearing. The stupidest of us. all can keep. ears open and mouth slay. To listen Properly, means to make ether people - talk properly. That is it. social definition, if it is .not a. Webeteria,n one. The good listener is a cause of lalkingin others, and by a proper exercise of this . valuable and too scarce gift, makes the diffident s# wliat they think and - the verbose think- what they say.' For the greatest talkers are careful when they find' they have a good listener. They know, that they may not often be so fortunate, and they' talk their best.. The adept ih listening may sometimes' - hear' more probing than he likes, but if he! be skillful this will not often happen. When it is impossible •to get 414- thing interestimfor- useful out of a - man, he need be li4eued to no lon .Every one of-)iense will _agree t d that But•it is astonishing how m i nus ‘lod - things some very prom'srig persons s,t-y if theiTiti properly and cotmcientiocislY listened NUMBER 30. - To be sure, it, is eery bard for some:-. I.)rs - ous to listen. - They yiaye a' gift iorl talking, and they like . to,exerciap it. j But these.are the very ot persons wlik) should do a great deal t listen- . iu They know what a luxury it is .`, to talk, and they should give: theLr,, - . and friends a chance-to !eat u: the .rt. Besides, like larmer, , , they; will.often andinueli advantage - •in rotation, C,ll crops. A season o't listen- . ing ith.oft , An a most excellent ! preptva, _- tion for tt , 1 4 . s e a o n of talk. - It is,ofetlii supposgd that if a ihau ba r s a-cort,d tbiug to say, h'e say 'it,i but this 'is .not ,litcesarity. the: case. Very-ofteia he never eas. bi-caubt , 1,0 a will - give Bias a ei,icnce. .11. e don't - want to wai te,' his,. 9)(l.E:eh onlools,•and \ folks wa.ut him to content himself- "wi!ia hr.!aring what. they have to !Jay. • hatipenst not hi conaec:ion 'with , very- goOd tina“s perhails, but - .tfaings fliat might lead to very good tiiiu , r,,,Le'very clay and evely, hour, in tl7c,usat,ds - of familiEs, over the land—to sty nothing of sccief it., There yew ;those- who, sO scalonl liave ebance to spc ak to interested car, , , that they gradualty dzaw thern slves juto theliseires, genetallytindtrignineh, they Intelled nially,pipe away: ' r • • J. be. sure, we !silona not fail to I;ee..nne g , i)CI talker=, if :re eau; but, iio *hat Luiy, eroi only s ruLdie ob:.; hiker c..f ourselves, whereas,- by proper li,t.fniug,'Nve. uric make v. do: zeu•t•dkerii''of o• Ler peop - 1-?.—Scrbtwr'is Ito/ditty fir Jo dLuary. Brent:r. ,SEW ORLE:1N::. - - Whcn Gei.: \ Butler first landed in New O'leails Le - selec'ed. the cele- brated St. Charltsliotel , for his bead-' quarters,.iind as once sentdirections thiiher that arrangements should be • - made for the accommodatioii of him self and When, howeyer,-they at: the hotel, after the neces sary delays of landing, the General was informed that the keeper of the house,dontirred to the. proposition, so far as it involved his providing the Meals for his new visitors, and ed that for their food some Other ar rangenretitinight:be made. - It proVed„ indeed, on inquiry, that the man-pro fessed himself unwilling - to . assnme, the responsibility of a charge so un popular as that -moment he supposed the entertaittment7 of • the . Yankee General and hie cortege to be.. How could he tell, he asked, what.hiS ser-- • vants might do or might not do in feeding so many Men who - ware hated *by the whole community ? . He could not thiiik' 4)f incurring the -risk of : . providing' bread and meat _far - con: querors. • When this repliwaa made - known to ,Gen. Butler, he sent for the recusant landlord' and - asked if . • .he had been rightly informed. The', landldrd said he had, and he 'repeat ., ed to . Gen. Butler the' statement vihich,helad made to one and anoth er melaiberof the staff who had giv en -him orders.. The city .was excited, his servants sluired the. genera 'in dignation, and he could not say -that Gen. Butler and the offiderp of hiS . suite might not eat or drink poison in the- food - tliat was pl‘ced before them on the table. " Nor 'Can I, - sir I:: said Gert i . Butler in reply ; " but you' will go on and give the requisite orderi- We "shall eat the food you provide, and if we be poie oued, why, the. agonies of death we shall have one sa4sfactionviz that we know who keeps.this hotel!" : On the strength, of that order. the, innkeeper returned to -his dety.--- tea, GOOD -Sueda•Troy. --`The advice contained in the following paragraph is from anexperieneed poultry raiser, ;who has made bath money and rep- - ntati6n by 'following thi branch of 'domestic indhstry:- His; suggestions, if .followed, - will enable those who • raise . poUltry to keep - young and- 'profitable' fowls, instead of- a great nunebc:.i of old and 'feeble. fowl&which are not *brth the food they Constune:' A pullet hatched early in the spring - 1341109 lay_at the approach Of win „ter, and pullets', hatched late in th summer begin t`olay in the ensuing spring, audit is vsavinw a 'certain proportion of pullets 4-orii the early and late broods' that, you -Make sure 'of winter e g gs, a few early hatched chickens_ chickens-for catching t the highest ilarkets - nu'd - a! . nuraerotts- 1 flock of . chickens in the warm months; when _ re.aring•is . less Pre'earious.. The- hen continues in her prime fortwo,i and; at most, three years—therefore save every yea - r pullets equal to a third of your brilod Stack, selling: off' at . ritling:•, price the • same number of 'aged hens, or offering them .up s't owed-dish Or . wellbaked pie. =:Hovr ever, I have no seruple about -keep ing a heavy, 'symmetrically Lthade, splendidly feathered "partlet,7 for four years, for the,sake of her Stock: . Many farmer grumble about' their poultry, from.. not . paying attention to. such simple matter as theienot looking Over their brood stock 'once a year, drafting all . the 'old dames (known by the developed scales on their legs) and: reserving from the market basket the- niost -promising young, pullets raised during. -the sea son: '. • —A LIVILY advertisement gosts_ no more than a dull one.