itisceUitteous. ~. • THE EARNER. ;The man who c stands Upon his own soil, who 'feels that by the laws of the land—he is the rightful min aiyc owner of the land which he tills is by the constitution of nature, un ;der a wholesome; influence, not easily ,inbibed from any other source. He. feels-,-other things being equal, more strongly than another, the character of. a map . , as the lord of the :animate world. Of this great and powerful sphere, which, fashion ed by the hand of God and upheld by his power, is'relling through the heavens a portion is his ; his from centre, to the sky. It is the space on _ which the generation before him moved in its rounds of duties , and he feels himself connected, by visi ble link, with those' whly . preceeded him, as he is also to those who fol low him and to whom ho is to trans , 'mit: a home. Perhap§ his farm has 1 cent,e ('.own to him froin his fathers. Tleov have-gone to their last home ; but he (!an trace their foofsteps.• over the scenes of his daily labor. The' ,roof that ,helters himwas reared by those to whom . he owes his being. Some interesting domestic tradition connected with every enclosure, The favorite frpit trees was planted by fatber . shand. 'He sported in his boyhood beside the brook, which still winds through the , meadow. Through the field lies 'the path to tilt; 'MVO Sel4ool -of earlier days. He hears from his window the voice of the Sabbath bell which called his fathers and foie-fathers to the house of thud. and nifir at hand is the spot e his paOnts laid down to rest and where, when his time has come, be 'laid by his children. ale thafeeliiigs of the (lwriers ~f 'Words cannot ; paint tlooii, gold cannot buy them ;- they flow- cut of the deepest fountain of • the helot t they are the life spring of a fresh, healthy and g'enerous na tir•nal character. FE.E.DE'it; CATTLE. Thirty years, experienc , i in feeding cattle teaches' me,i says _A Tribune correspondent, that velict‘e, they are kept in a yard and siiPplied.withclear'spring water forlsome tittle, they will lick up and swallow small quantities of subsoil earth •-yhen thay can git at. it: If they have aiFe,?ss to running water made MitddY . by a freshet or snow thaw. they w.rl) often drink it in.pre fieredca to clear water, and it will not injure. them ; but c stagifaut Wa jer, with deCaying vegetable matter n it, is always injurious to them; and I- I tleiult I haVe known them killed by drinking it. i have drained all such pondi or, m premises, and think it p:kt s I gil - e lint salt my cattle wine, whechhho..vs that it is not for s , elt they 41: tip'' earth. In their conditi6n they have to drink ti)Lridid Weltef during freshets, and it is doutitful whether they will .contin no a long tiwe h ealth'y without get ting to the eee.i.e,, Tile hog, in Lis naturel I;!onclition, living in. for - e+, has tO swallow a. portion of di.e.ayeel 'Woried or loaves with'his foe'?., mi l d when d'lnnesticated and fed on:, p:e.oh lit , ,„.•fims crave sonic rotten. Ly,t . the .Enlist. geologist, . who visaed the so-called salt licks of , tientucky, says-they are not salt to the ease, lint does nt,t tell whether there had !leen to analysis tei test the nature of the earth at that place. It is said the' wild _gra niiilivoe a oil that .coun try eat so much ()Fit that Wit. had been salt it would have lidceLtleen . : It is likely there is lime oil.S!otne of it:, forms that the -cattla get instead of chewing bones, i limestone, titer shell., hs they ioften do: 4 - -4. -4 41, - SELECTIN4 ST - IWE.- , -A. correspondent Wiltes ; I have sold milk for nearly eight yearsi and have kept about O cows on and average. -I selected tho best grade purhains I could tind, and used grade; bulls of the • same breed untill two 3tetirs ago I commenced to use a; thoroughbred Ayrshire, and no a have ihree full blooded - cows; an ‘l am highly ply.; ised with the ex p: rin.ent I calvcs aro not large, tiniforni in size. Their bones :in) n.ali and of course it does not tithe) sd lunch , 4 the phosphates to form thein; :ioine of my grade COWS iljVc gulp. 'from two to three week, over: Bile months when gerved by au . Ayrshire rarely exceed that litany IT haive not had a sanWe case of fused the Ayrs- " It i. true I Bali but few before, bu,t I dial tolift-r grfltt 105 , 7 from gar ,4-t NviTh the • •-•-ra4o Durtams. ?They • are very subject to that disease. ,\” advantaf , e fn keuping yre c:?It-s is Coat 11 - ;ey will yield obe-tmrd 0:)e-half more milk than Durham or grade Durham: from a given amount of feed. My advli;e is to every man who keeps c••-)WS, use a thorough-bred bill' of some breed ; the calves Will be more uniform in size .3.'nd their hones will be smaller. My experience leads me to prefer the Ayrshiie ;• other men prefer the ;-Alderney, saving that cows from full blooded Alderney 'bulk give large messes of rich HORSES. —Avoid as far 21S possible exposing horses to storms. When on a journey, aim to feed aqi , gular hours. If nothing more can be done, take - along some corn mEal and put: 4 a quart - in a paled* water, and stir itnp while the horse is drinking. It greatly refresh and strengthen • him. _litany horses suffer. from dyspepsia, intEone f , i 4 eat'eause of it is irregular . ityin '7 and giving reo .much grain when the - horse is :fatigued. When a horse halt been exposed to a storm, andcomel licane in an exhaust -41 -give li;.tn a warm bran-, Pw two or three quarts of bran in :t and pour on two or sauce quarts of IK/i/ing water and stir it tip. Then add cold wat©r stiffleient to cool it I.4:thEi temperature -of yr« milk, and to the horse. - Blanket the hot se find rub Lis head, ears and legs dry, and afterwards rub him dry all over. ; Many un - attack of colic would be avoided by these means. We. think many fanners; err in not feeding their horses work , grain. It would be better to 'work !harder, or at least wore constantly, and feed higher. case thing we are •N'ery sure : not ono fanner in ten grooms his horse sufficiently. It is a sham , for a man ttl leave a 'horse at night, after a hard , :cork, until he has bfeu rubbe,t dry-b9clle 1, ::n.l all his wants fltr,ndul THE G 001) BUTTER OF PIIILADELFIIIi.. - fatly havt , been the attempts to riee-mtit,"for tile ~Aperior repittatiola ')f I,ii!hr. Perhaps the r09 4 ;‘41 that it was tine to the pr our 1 . ." v , f 1 :'" (-n tr; 1u —1 , 074 very rca7.<s7,ir.g t'i ct(,— molish e;rfcla a thrAzy cla this. Sill grass is one of the poorest for hay or pasture purposes, and scarcely .exists except on cold clay lands, in partially shady places near groves or low woods. We owe much more of the sweetness of our butter, suggests the Germantown Telegraph, to the abund ance of springs and spring houses in our State; than to anything ,peciiliar which grows in our pastures. Milk has a particular affinity for any odors in the atmostphere, and water has some ; hence whatever impurities may get into the atmosphere of.the spring-house are drawn out by run ning water, and the very best security is proved against theirbemg absorbei by the cream. SALT AND "AsfiES FOB HOMES.—Those keeping horses should, twice a week throw in a handful of salt and ashes. Mix them by putting in three parts of salt to one of ashes. Horses relish this, and it will keep their hair soft and live. It ill prevent hots,' colic, &c. A little ground sulphur mixed with salt and ashes, and given onoe in two or thred weeks, is also lbene ficial. All domestic animals -yill be thus benefitted.—Turf, Field, and Farm. MEW ROUTE TO PHILADEtr PHIA. . • NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Shortest and most direct line to Philadelphia, Bal timore, Washington, and the South'. Passengers by this route take I ennsylvania New York Railroad train, pissing7olvanda at 10:40 A.M. ' and 2:05 p. in., make dose connection at Be thlehem with Express train of North - Penn:a Rail. road, and arrive 13 Philadelphia at 8:20 P. M.. and 10:30 p.m., in time to take night .trains either for the South or West. Palace cars are attached to the 2:05 P.M. train. City passenger cars are at the Depot on arrival of all trains =Ma passenger 0 to the various Depots and to all parteof the city. arrnannso. Leave North Penn'a Railroad Depot. conler Berks and American S Philadelphia, at 8:30 it 0 1 ,..45 A.M., Arriving at Towanda 4:57 k 8:05 P.M., same evening. Mann's Baggage Expr.,- collects and delivers bag. gage, office No t 105 Sont i fifth street. Philadelphia. VI LOIIT 6ccONITODATIONII. Freight received at Front anu Noble streets. Plana. delphia. and forwarded by Daily Fast Freight train to Towanda, and all points in Ausok Lanus valley with quick dispatch. IS DATM, Gen. Agt. N.P .R. 11., Front and Willow Ste. Jun • 3. 18 t 2.. Philadelphia. pA.- & N.Y. CANAL & +R.R. ARRINGEIMNT OF PASSMiGEP. TRAINS, To take eCectliday, Nov. 11, 1511. 150 VT 11 W MID. j . . j NORTHWat.D. I rnrsci PA 1 - No. I No. No. i , No. 35.1 1 .). 1 I 7; 1 STATIONS. 134. —;-I—i--- , P MIPMIAMI 1 P If 2 4.1 1 lon 9 10' Elmira li2 ... 45 320' 125' 9 1::: ...Waverly 11:57 3 351 1.34 1 9 30 .... —Athena 114 45 4 20, 2 05110 10 ..... Tolkanda.... ;11 05 5 20 1 ,11 IC ~ ....Wyslnseag....llo 05 645 3 05;11 23: .....Laeeyville.... 19 43, 6 11. • 111 49; .... Mesheppen...l 9 201 6 20 ill 56, ... . Ilelapopany... ! 943 6 54; 3 50112 45' ...Tunkhanncelt.. l 8 2 40 1 ti 001 4 42 1 150 ..,.....Pittston..... -1 7 5 82,5 5001 '2 13 - ....Wilkva 114rre..., 70(1 .... , 7 300 4 35' _Manch Chunk P 311 8 23, 5.10 Allentown.. 1 840` 6 05 1 — —Bethlehem. ; ~ 915 6 ..5 Luton... , 110 30: 1 8 20: .....Philadelphia l• •• "! 1 r M . 9 40, New York urz 'So. Tov. - ands at 7 10 ti. m.; Athona, 7 50 a. in.; Warrrly, if 05 a. tn.. arriving at Elthira at 5 00 A. 11. N.I. :11 I. — r - rea Elmira at 530 p. 'Waverly. at Gl5 p. Arterm, C5O p. m. , arriving at To at 7 15 r. 21. Dra WM: 110o:11 Otrif*tit MCI) ti to Mt aIP 2 and 9 ran thr. , ugh from Elzalta• to Philadelphia. R. A. PACRER, Supertatimder.t. _ . ERTE RAILWAY. _ , • Pttz Bltbr I)ItA r WING PIXY &(D SLEEPING nil fliodern Improvemedta, are rtm throo2ll on all Trains between New York. Itoch , emer, Niagara Palls. Suspension Bridge, Cleveland;'and Cincinnati. "141,1r... , }dopted Nov: 4 1479 EMISIMI N • I :N 11 ) ; hT ' / .... .... . .. .... ...... .• . -. i ...... !...... NeW y York .r,e7,-;.... . 9 00, i 11 GO i 5 20, 700 Port Jervis. , .. li, , ,' ,12 014 3 401 9 251 /0 40 S;0 - 01.,anna .. 7,, 4 t.,0 ,`:• 8271 155' 1280- Great In ncl... .. ;.8 47, 171 •0 10 liaiglialuton - i , 4 441 •9 35! 3 00, 340';:o .: .... ... - -• 5 2 5 1 10 40; 4 001 425 Way. rly. .1. •• 1 ..COI 11 331 4 42, 5e3 F.llira :' 35! 12 30 , 5 20 1 sbi - Corning I :It A 20' 6as 6IT painted Poeta.... "... I. r... 5 ...`,... I ...., , ItorbeFter.......A.Trive. 10 37, 1 ...'.. 110 32 1 10 32 11,rue11,0111 , ... , Bpf 1r4,1326 . 13011a1., •• 12115; 1,10 11 151 12 4.r, Niavara ". 12 55, 9 tit; /2 301 435 Sugp'tislou " 1 00, 10 Orl 12 351 4 4fl Clifton : 105 i 1005[ .12 40 445 I)iintirk Cie% Mar d City' glint ADDITIONAL LOCAL TRAINS WESTWAID. 5101a.m.. except Sundays. from Owego. Stopping at :',tea 5:27, Smithboro 5:55. Barton 6:12. Wave: o ly 7:00. Chemung 7:10. Wellsburg 8:65, Elmira 8:41% l'lnts 10:20, Corning 1100, Painted Post 11,46, A,l4l,scr 111::". 4 p.m., Itathbonorlllo 1127, Cameron Mills 1 Cameron 2:15, Adrian 3:10, Ca:Sate° 3:40, arririr.l It flornelloville at 4:00 p.m4 . . 5.15 a.m.. eltept Sundays, from Surippehanna. Stopping at Great Bond 5:38, Kirkwood S;SI. Bing hamton 0:12. lloi - 6:35, Union 6:45. Campville 7:03, Owego 7:20, 7.oga 7:40, Smitbisoro 8081, Bar ton 54:00. Waverly Chemang 8:40, Wellsburg 8:55. Southport 9:11. 21nairs 9:13. Big Flats 9:50, Corning 10:17, Painted 7ost 30:24. Addison 10:53. 11:10. Cameron 31111 a 11:31, Cameron 11:40. Adrian 12:00,„CaniaU9 12:13, and arriving at Flornritsville at 12:22 p,m. m.. dabs, from Sus(' :Cm-rms. Stopping tat Great Bend 9:20, Kirkwood 6:4t•^, _Binghamton Hoop , r Itnionl7:s3. Cam-11111e 08:15, Owego Timm 1'9:01, ilinithboro 21 4 ;1 1 3, Barton P9:25. Waverly 10:00. Cherming f10:15, ir..ilsburg 10:35, Ehr_ira 11:00, Big Flats 11:40. Cortdria 12:12 p.m., PAirtr.l Post 12:15. Addison 12:45. Dabboneville P1:00, Cameron Mills II:15, Cameron 127, Adrian :50. tottiTteo 2:02, and arriving at IlorruAlsallle at 2:15 p.:19. 1:10 p.m.. rzeerri. Sundays. from Snsquelauna. Stopping at firm! Bend 1:57. Rlrk - wood 2:210, leimiOn 0:12. llor.pc: 4:18, Union 4:52, Camp:2le 5:00, and orris - 2m :st Owego at 6:115 p 1:15:•.: exrcyt d'itin days. from Elmira. Stopping Flats 1:39. Cn.raing 2:00, piloted - post 2:00, and th via Avon. :bßuffalo, arriving at B:s7pm. 2:20 p.m.. except B ,, rdays, from Binghamton. Stopping at Hooper 2:43. :futon 2:50. Camps - ille 3:05. flnegn 9:10, Ti.iga 3:35. Smtthtloro 3:45, Barton 3:-S2, w,.. rer i, 4.08. Cliemnng 4:20, 7i'ellsburg 4:32, Sonth- T;ort 4:47. ElmirA 4:49, Big Fluts 3:17. Corning 5:3,5. Pointe 1 Post s:42,'Addison Rathbonerslle Cam.-run littlls 0:27. Cameron o:r.c . Adria 0:55, Can is!, o 7:07, and arriving ad Horneiloille 7:15 p.m. itAirriv A RP S T ATI Qti S ... ... I,.ave j 945 6 15 ; 900 1 In: i io 001 ....... 1 30r 53n;955: 715 1 401 '540 10051 720 1 45, :i 545 10 12' 730 2 30. 0 20: 11 25, 800 8 0 151 30 10: 305 11 00 400 550, ......! 800 1 25 11 38 ; 4 32, 12 13 BTI 12 15; 5 13' 12 47 .". 4 9 12 501 5 49' 120 ..) 2r,.. 1 30, 0 28, 166 10 19; 215 7 11, 238 • i 2 41' 7 40, 302 •• 10 58,- *00; 8 10 I r 338 Arrive 2 52.. 6 O'A 11 65 645 3 53 1 7 45' 1242' 111 4n, -• . 835 5 50; 10 On' ' 3 . 5 *64 700 ; 2051 .C ls ' •••• • • 0 33 1 11 38. 3 19 )25 7 00 1 11 00 ; 3 3c a i 949 , A. 11.. Y. 'r. 2.T.•/.. 36. Cincinnati Cleveland Dunktrk.. Chttott Sump'llFi on Bridge Niazat rill . thiffato Hornellqvale . Rochester.... Chrnlng Elmira Waverty Owe's° • Binlzhamton.. ;Great Send-. Susquehanna Port Jerrts. Nlitlelletown Goshen_ .. Newbtirgh Paterson . Newark... Jersey City Now York ADDITIONAL LOCAL TRAOS EASTWARD. . 5:1%' exc. - -pt Sundays from Horriellwville. Stopping area:lister, 5:22. Adrians :47, Cameron6:so, Cameron Stills 7:00, Lathboneville 7:30, Addison 8:25, Painted Post 9;15._ Corning 10:00, Big Flats 70:42, Elmirk 11:30Southport 12:03, Wellsburg 1:18, Chemung 1:50, Waverly 2:30, Barton 3:08, Tioga :345, ant arriving at Owego at 4:10 pot. 5:55 a.m. Fdaily from Hornet/mill. Stopping at Cartier° 7:45, Addison 8;49, eerning 9;47. Elmira 11:03, Waverly 12:42. p . m., Smithboro 1:40, Tiogs - 2;(0, Owego 2;10, Catupville 3:03, Union 3;38. Bing hamton 4:12, Kirkwood 4:57. Great Bend 5;22, and arriving at. Susquehanna at 6;00 p.m. 7;00 a.m., except Sundays from Bornelllville.- Slopping at Caniateo 7:73, Adrian 7:25, Cameron 7.42, Cameron 7;42, Cameron Mills 7:48, Bathbone vale rii,os. Addison 8:13, Painted Poet 8;30. Corning 8:33, Tilir Flats 8:49, Elmira 9;08. Bonthport 9;15, Welltdeark 2:30. Cbemung 9;45, Waverly 10:00, Bar ton 10;15, Stnitliborn 10;23, flogs 10:35, Owego 10;48 c3mpville 11Mt5. Tnien 11:20, Hooper 11;30, and arriving at Binghamton 11;40 a m. 7:90 a.m., except Sundays. from Owego. Stopping at Campville 7:47, rmon 8:28, Hooper- 8:41, 'Bing hamton 9:10 Kirkwood 10.30. Great Bend 11:15, and arriving at Susquehanna at 11:55 a.m. 1:55 p.m.. except sundays. (Tom Hornellaville, Stopping at Caniateo 2:08, Adrian 2:20, Cameron 2:45, Cameron Stills 2:51, Itathboneville 3:07, Addl. 3 . non 5:25. Painted Post 3:53. Corning 4:35, Big Flats 4:28 El mica 4 :76. Southport 5:12 Wellsburg 5;30, Che manna 5:48, Waverly 6:05, Tioga 6:50, Owego 7:05, eampville 7:32. Union 7:52, Hooper 7:54, Bingham ' ton 8:20. Kirkwood 8:45, Great Lend 9:02, and ar riving at Susquehanna at 9:22 p.m. 1 : 58 p.m.. except Sundays. from Painted Post. stopping at Corning 2 :05,_Ilig_riats 2:20, and arriv ing at Eluttra at 2':40 *.Difly. IlontiAyn excepted, between liorneWsille and Pint JernA, • .Stbp Sundays only. oir Through Tickets to all points West at the 'very Lowest Itates. for sale In the Company's office at the Wtverty Depot. 'OA, 1. the only tinthorly , l Atront7 of the Erie 0 ) ,,, ; ,. tt y for the Tale of Wt,etern Tickets iu 4 ',.. ‘ "n 4 ;,, 'kill be checkt,lonly or. T.l;:kete purcluusya 1 tt U:0 Comps,.Ly'a ofrace I h ZCCIEZIL tiasllluV. ►rOWANDA Marble Work& GEO. McOAEE & SON nimo NM received titi krona assortment al - AmIMICA AND MIA 4&.N A. R. 33 IA 3EI • Pr* exhibited in tills motion. to' which thwr Wits the ottentioit at the ionblic. They keep on hand or Purdah to order TOMB STONES, MANTLES ; &c., Persons In 'net at anything In oar line are re spectfully Welted tease end ezeznine our stoc.k. LADIES FRIEND. 1871, LA reported under oath_ in 1872, to the Owttersi of Set 'lna !Lachine Idatenta,. allow thiktha No. ; No 2 . I 4 . ligi 6 13 1 641 63 _4l 58 ;10 403'650 MI 6 20 3 20', 5 54 2 32' 4 50 2 15, 4 3$ 111 45', 1 35. 0 47112 20 10 30,12 00 ilO 0311 33 XANUFACTURI•:;(i COMPANY CEME3 700 ( 900 rrari • 3. =EI a ME N 2 1!O 800' 1151 115 C 35: .... I n*ll 700 455 ..... s GOO P. M.) r. M. A. A. M. No. I No. : •'No. I No. • 1 1. R. t i ‘2. P. P. u. P. N. A. St. IMMEI JOLIN N. ABDOTT, Goal Purr Art MONII.BEeNTS, Of *very style,, AT THE LOWEST TERMS. XcCABE & SON. Towanda. May 1. =M. The sales of Sevring Machines in- s - Inv -23 SOLD LAST TEAR ISI,IOSu MACHINES, Ninety per cent of them being FOR _FAMILY USE This is over 50,000 Wont Sewing Machines than were sold by any other company during the same period. Ivory Machine Bold by WICKHAM & BLACK Clim - snAL TowAiiDA, PA., Ang. 14,1872 NEW GOODS -1.7- :~ ~ 13. A. Penes & Co.'s OPPOSITE THE COVET HOI'SE.' iraiekitting of a general line of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, MEE] SI lAWLS, NIIBIAS, ZLOVEB FOR LADIES AND )I,ENTLEMILISI, WATT LB-PIsOOF CLOTHS AND CLOANINGS. VELVETS AND VELVETEMiS HAIR GOODS FOR LADIES, EIMIM LINZN SWITCHES, BRAIDS AND COMB, Or all the Latand /Styles. MILLINERY GOODS IN ALL vmurrnts. Towanda. Oct. 8. 1871. SOME - THING NEW W. A. ROCKWELL Has purchased a large and elegant assortment of JEWELRY, GOLD XID SILVER WAIiCHES. CLOCKS _OF ALL KINDS, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS AND =GS, PLLTED Tat B!T3. GOBLETS. And all the splendid goods toe I .. M:nWrMMlMrnr7M 'l l Spoons and Forks in seta. Pens. Charm. and SA foot overruling to plume, with an endless variety of Spectacles and Clocks. Haring purchased from the late •. Warner's estate the entire iot of tools and fixtures I am pre. pared to do all kinds at work at the shorteet notice and warranted.) 'Please Fire ma a call and examine the goods and I will try tg sire yon entire satiate:. We. mum. am *Ott Omaha s$ ReddcaL THE UNDERSIGNED, HAYING la the gam al O. B. Malt h 00.. le sow prepared to oar to Sae Minas et Boodifted *Rutty mod tidal- tr. a iir. sad wad Waded Mask at mrn.TeT•grwwrwy-gritg‘rwyPorrlrl. that I cea eon at is km biome as asa be perebeeel amities& I oes clot to Morita, ispleidldstock TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, i . 1.1: ,N s. AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO I keep oonalsofty on hand, PORE. lAMB. LARD, and ail kinds of FIRM 'Would omit the ittefailon of the public o oar Owl Be Bea Is qam,tll, ar prim. aim OaklerrOblebnted Lana dry. Nor York Oboeloal and Brown Sow Mom call amid ottocttino our Mock of a.arge eskettooot of YANKEE NOTIONS. tot= , • *U..114 ire.. he. I ofirgley the hiabeeteash price for Ireaspers, give us seal beton selling eleewbere 411 perecesetzdebted to the bite Am will please cal and make immediate payment. Towanda, March, 12, 1867. Illl'iN J. LONG. GROCERIES AND- PROVISIONS; FLOUR,. FEED, MEAL, ' Am, , 1 ,, COR. MAIN AND BRIDGE STS., I. desire to call the aitentuos of the public to my assortment of goods. which i■ always full and com plete, and will .be kohl to my customers at lowest market rates. My stock or EST! bun purchased since the late rednction In the tariff cm them. and aro offered at prices to cor respond. Orders by mail or otherwise will rocalve ca - efn and prompt attention. , LS WARRCSTED Thanking the ,publlc for the liberal patronage they haroVen me, I wish a continuance of the lame. CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. feb.2o'7l FOX Sz, ItLERCUR are now receiv ing a fresh Mock of Goods in their line, bought since the -Ist January, to which they invite the at tention of their friends. We keep the Largest stock in town. Chit goods are fresh and desirable. We sell at lowest market pricer. Tan. 19, 1871. FRESH AND SEW TEAS, bought since the recent decline in price, and selling cheap at retail. PDX k 31.EF.CUIL. Jan. 19. 1871. FOX & ItERCUR are selling Gro ceries at retail. Jan. 1?, Ik7l. VOX & 3LERCUR itre selling New and Fresh Goods. Jan, 19.1871. VOX & MERCUR are selling Gro eerie. cheap. Jan. 19. 1871. FOl & MERCUR are selling first class Goals only. Jan. 19, 1871. - p OX & MERCUR are selling cheaper than ever. ' Jan. 19,'1571. , HOSIERY, REMEMBER that we are selling Goods at RETAIL: And that we won't be tuadersola. Jan. 19. 1871. l.'OX & SIERCUIt. MICHIGAN FINE-CUT TOBAC CO-very choice—at . Jan. 19, 1871. . FOS ~t, NERCI7II'B. . VOX & M al in ERCUR do not de 1: Shoddy Goods. Jan. 19, .1871. OIIR CUSTOMERS can rely upon getting the very best the market affords and at lowest prices. Tow=lsaan. 19,11 REMEMBER THAT FOXI 3TER CUR - are retailing all kinds of Groceries at wholesaleprices. The latest stock in town. Goods find class. Prices low. • E. i. FOR. Sept. 29.'70 TO THE .PUBLIC. Having bought the stock and leased the old stand of Cowell k. Myer. I would say to all who buy their GROCERTRS in tbliplace, that I shall endeavor to keep a select assortment of eerything usually kept in • Grocery store. Also a fall linsot YANKEE NOTIONS, • _Which I propose to sell very cheap for cash. I respectfully solicit • share of your patronage and think I can make it mutually advantageous for you to deal with me. Yours, very respectfully. J. B. , JOIGSSON. Towanda, Jul I, 1872. B AKERY AND' DINING ROOM. BREAD, PIES, CARE,CRA.CRERS, In our DnCLCE/ ROOMS we win accommodate the public with either a lunch or a good Meal at all times of th' day and evening. °MIMS AND ICE CREAM ON NAND DURING TIME SEASON. Clio a ftne assortment of Groceries; Confectionery, Fruits. Nuts. trx— raavifF ff X ER' ARRIVAL OF. I phall be prepared to exhibit my new artiral ot To the ladies of Towanda and vicinity. My stock comprises everything in the line. and I shall eon; tinne to sell at my usually reasonable rates. Give me a call and eumine the good for your selves. M. GAW Q,,,TRAYED OR STOLEN FROM his home, a BLACK PUP. a small white spot on his bi ran, about 10 months old; be is part',biri and part shepherd, answers to the name of Spelt. Any one giving information regarding his whereabouts will be liberally rewarded. - IL BILOWNING TAILOR. Leitayreille, Pa., NOT. 20,1E14 R. ►. lOCZWLIa Pordisilld the win Imeeit of a IL PATCH, GROCERIES, Don act Mad law sfock of BIM DM. ncloK OF TOBACCO, WOODEN WARt. COUNTRY PRODUCE C. 8.-.PATCIL woon. WILLOW, AND VTOICE WA.DII. Na 1 PATtON'S /MANX TOWANDA, PA TEAS, COPTMS, S-P I C , E S, MM lIENRIX Mr.ECJIIR Flat block norih of Ward House. BAKED DAIL Y. And sold at Wholesal• and Befall D. A. SOOTT /lc 00 MILLLVERY GOODS! Oa and after SATURDAY, Ocr. sth, MILLINERY GOODS Oct. 1. 1872 HIR" TA YLOR FASHIONABLE TAILORS, OPposite Pnblio Sqtare, . Keep always on hand a 641 aesoit- CLOT READY-MADE CLOTHING In all the latest styles, HATS CAPS AND UMBRELLAS, Fur l fishing 431-. oio d s In great variety. CUTTING DONE ON SHORT ALL WORK WARRANTED 6 6 MAIN STREET, H ENRY FRANKS, - (Successor to Eir.XitY MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 4, Griffith & Patton's Block, Bridge' Street, To. wands. A good assortment of Cloths, Vestingsand Casaimeres, constantly on band. Goods made to order in the best marmot. • • • B. PAT& THIS CAPS THE CLIMAX. To contemplate thit man is made capable of fathoming the depth of the mighty ocean and meas uring the distance to the most distant star. and wa' were about to say.eapable of weighing the solid con. tents of the Run. And it is wonderfully strange that this firm of Brothers h I,e mule themselves so con versant with every bi-an,dt of the great and impor fint Ch , thing andfornishing trade that it makes it tinqueetionaldy the 4,13 , .e fur every one to buy, Here yon will Lod Clothes eitremely cheap Pile upon pile, heap upon-heap; Of every grade, tettnre, and hue, For Ni'hite or Blaek, Gentraie or dew. t All say at once. We will go there, „‘" For they do business on the squat ea' Their Clothes are good. awl pricei juid They pay for Ml, and give no AU that want Clothes iihotilki go and sou Those prices, styles, sal rinsutity; Hats, Caps, or Clothes. thin or thick. Umbrellas or a Walking SU.ik. Buy your Furnishing Goads of thssit. Buy all your Clothing of therm; Buy of this firm. tiny of uo ochets, For reasons o'hy, it is WOLFF BaanEllS Towanda, Oct I. 1472. BLOOD 8z CO _ • SU continua o manufacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, and Will sell a better tiachine., for less money than can be bad elsewhere in the world. We claim for our machines that they will do as --much, or more, than any other, and are more durably built. We personally superintend oar work and see that it is well down. We will send - DISCELPTIVE 'CATALOGUES. of our machines, on application. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, One if Two parse.TIIRESIIER C SEPERATORS. THRESHER and CLEANERS. FANNING COICVLAII AID DLO SAW 11 - 12.1. ft, SAW AND GUIST MILL work done to order. • Gice us a call before purchasing.eisewhem "00 4:11103ITIDI 'sxami,v '• op aei o tr pi g . 2. 1869. M. J. LONG FOUNDERY & MACHINE SHOP The undersigned having purchased the Foundry and Machin Shop lately owned by John Clirman, are.prepared to do all kinds of work appertaining to their business, with proruptherz and dispat6h. 1111;LL CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, 3[AN DRILLS, And all wait warranted to give satisfaction Of the latest and most improved kind - s mAnnfactured and kept constantly on hand ready for nse. BIDEMILL.- IKON AND WOODEN BEAMS CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS 01 *all kinds, and the latest Improvements kept LARGE AND SMALL SIZE. STOVE yASTINGS CELLAIB SLED, AND SLEIGH SHOES, = TO LARGE N KETTLES An d , 61.1 kinds of ngs faraished to 'March SO. 1870. , 'MEANS & ROCKWELL. THE HOME MG MACHINE, THE 'PERFECTION OF MECHANISM, Fox Hrioceva, FrrA4Nce, limorso, CoaD4o, Bll.lll=o, Bz.txio, 9L11:11140, Trcinto, tuni-errITCBVCCI LIM OATLIERI2IO. • . AMERICA AND EUROPE, Simple, Compact, Efficient. Durable and Complete, Every Machine Warranted for five years. EQUALLY GOOD FOE ITSE OE HEAVY WOBIL Izoricte *87,00 - The only pricileal love priced Lodi-stitch Sewing Machine ever invented. Don't be hambugged by other Agents blarney, no matter how smooth their tongue may be, be mire they mean large profits to their own pockets. - D. B. WOODBURN. Agent for Bradford and Sullivan bounties. Agents wanted. Rome, Bradford county, Pa.. Feb. 29.12. B. M. GRUM, pATIRE.LLS! - BARRELLS !-A. .1.1 supply of Cider aul Pork Barrels, and all lubds of Cooper Work au hand. at W. A. fLOCIE , Bumsus Mr &Ts dollars at _ nom into Ckddigg. Lent of feiß):l,il:4o3 l :j AND COATING& GENTS' I,O II LaA TOWANDA, PA. And all kinds of MILL IRONS STADE TO ORDER. ENGINES -REPAIRED, SHINGLE ILt.CHLNES PLOUGHS, Of all kinds. EEO constantly on band. CHURN POWERS, SHITPTLE SEW- Pa ented 111 It 1i a Triumph of 3fechaVcal genius. Grime's Ed Proviku4 GROMIRY AND PROVISION STORM. MaCABE it, EDWARDS, ii'boiesais sad Sohn Desists la FAMILY GROCERIES PROVISIONS, EXIEWRIVEI NEW BIAGI. TOWANDA; PA. A We do not:demi It necesau7 to enumerate all the &brad articles ire keep. Our assortment is ALWAYS 'COMPLETE. W. sell nothlzie FIRST CLASS GOODS. Omsk paid for Pumas Produce March 1,1870. CENTRAL MARKET. The subscribers still ClllB toy keep.ondstantly on hand is MI and' comple assortment Of every thing pertaining to their b Mess, g main; ly of BIEF, PORK, 'PRESS D SALT alloAlt CULLED • MUTTON, DEM,LAMB; VEAL. FOUL TM', SAUSAGE. LARD, . BOLOGNA. DE LED DEFY, - TALLOW, &c., /re. Alio. H I I, • S FRESH FROM THE LAKES. ' OTIFITTBS EEC 'ED DAILY In their season l in Parties wishing Oysters in tar e or small (le/intl. ties will be . Yurntabed on sho ..notice, at, 'the old stand. 'Currass. lifsarrt, MOl2 ye's Block. first door nortli.or Dr. POrters. LOCK. Cu*. S 0 ifiLLIIV, - KELLIV & 31171 LOCK. Tato. klutt I ocz. Feb. 24. 1870-tf HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CAEH, PAW POIII GRAIN, BUTTER AN EGGS, GEORGE WISAKKINO, PA April 18. 187'_2i, Booth and Shoes. N IN fruE BOOT AND:,T=iOI - ;', TRADE. CORSI.;:n,f/t COONS Would announce that having bought out 1f:. L. L. _MOODY, they are now prepared to offer to the pub 1h a large and car:ea - aasortment of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, GLOVES, MITTENS, LEATHER SHOE FIiDINGS, &O. We shall keep a full line of HUMPHREY BROTH EILS,k TRACVS manufacture of goods as yell as many other goods of first-class make. !. We IT sole agents for PURT'S Celebrated Make of BOOTS AND SHOES For Towsuds And eiv.torners can a157 , ,y4 rely upon Ending • full .aupp y of the.e goo k :s !”.r LADIES, GENT 3. k ef EtILDIIENS WEAR Sboomateri and others wanting Leather shoe 'ill find with ne agsortment at all times. Mr. R, S. Robertson retuains us and, is ready to gtve fits" in the way of line Boots to all %hp was favor him with e cal:. As our goods are all bought of the manufacturers iwe are able and will sell at the loweet bottom prices for rash. hopo by fair ocaling to merit the pat ronage of all. I.IOIIN r. 1 •Ilw. x. CVONA. I COMER k COONS. 'Tow - mils, Oct. 1871. 5 . .,W0;0DF0115, AT TELE NEW YORK BOOT AND SHOE STORE, No. 3, PATSON & GRIFFITHS BLOCE.BRIDGE St Is receiving one of the largest and best stock of BOOTS L SHOES ever brought in Towanda,l which ho is offering at the very lowest prices for Cash, consisting of G , ;.rs CALF, KIP iC STOGA, Bore CALF BOOTS - , LADIES, _MISSES and Cuir.onz's Shoes of all kinds, 'all bought direct from the Manufacturers, and 'hand made, all goods warranted. A ruLL'''s-rocK or LE.ATHER AND FINDINGS. Thankful for past favors, I solidi a.continuance of the same. Towanda, Mai, 1, 1872 MRS. • E., L WOODRUFF, BEE HIVE MBE. No. 2 Mamma's Mom, Towaxos. llu purchased from Mrs. M. E. Garvin the entire stock and exclusive right to sell in this place the CELEBRATED BUTTIMICK PA ETEIriS Of garments for Ladies. Misses, Men, Boys; and Children. A large and well selected stock of latest stiles on, hand and constantly being received. MRS. E. L. - WOODRUFF, Agent for Butterlcra Patterns, Oct. 1, len. • t Towanda, Pa. MONEY SAVED, • BY PM/MS.BOO TOUR STOVES AND HARDWARE • W. L; PDTDLETOW. Omit' .7nlyig.rfl. CROCICEItY STORE WIOKHAIdAt. BLACK. SILVER P4ATED *ARE,' JA LE McC&BP, 1 wx. EDWAIIDI3. NEW CAI tIiT.AGE F - On Pine, betwe.- -, 'TWIn and S,con of G. F. Mason & • '• •,. Reti s pectfully ann. to tt. t* have bu. vitou..Jtliey will conidant:ykeep'on Land a full inert merit uf ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT (Won snit Mansur& FRUIT JAIS. frogiotowtl BOWLS. . OUPS FOR JELLTFS From Rodgers & Drotber TABLE CUTLERY. Agency of the SINGER SEWING MACHINE, INSURANCE AGENCY WICKHAM & BLACK'S. Towanda, July 25. 1872. TOW.',. Lt, HENRY 'STULE'N KEW BRICI - Ch:AILLUAGE FACTORY FAlill./Y CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, I'l,-,ATFQR3I WAGONS, THOTTLNG SULKS'S, AND SKELETONS Made of the best material and tinished in the best city style, Hi. long experience in -city Carriage Factories ires them a decided,tidvantaae over others in the Finish, Style and i Durability of his. Wagons. All they is an DiSPECTION OF' - HIS WORK prs:Ntons to purchasing elsewbert, SA TI &FACTION. Thankful for the liheral patronage formerly ex tended and .respectfully aalc a continuance of the MEM REYLIRING PROIITTLY At rISDED TO ri•duced'pricer Towanda, May 24, 1410.—U NOBLE VINCENT'S G . L.MRAL INSURANQE _AGENCY o.T.ce,. Corr: Iliuso, Main Etree TOW.I\I A.'l'A niStrakßCE AciAINST + OR DAMAGE BY FIRE OR LIGHTNING ON ALL ENDS OF PROPF.IttY,' In sound and reliable Compardag. •. LIFE INSURANCE In the oldest and best ConipAnies in the United &ger. ACCIDENT INS 'R_ From Doe Day to Luc I OVER $504,00,000 IHEI!!HE "*- 1 POLICIES I .. c141..7 E.l) • And losses adjuited and par' idr AT:TIiIs - OFFICE J. NOALE Towanda, Nov. 6. 1872 AA NOBLE & CO., • 9 REAL MST_A2I'M M7l LOAN AGENTS. IL Office with NOBL' k VINCENT. Towanda, N0r.,27, 1872 GROCERIES.—Fti , sh slippty of .best Syrups, Tou,Clinviats, Prunes. Rasing. LUed PlateLs, &c.. at 0cr.9,742 VSTRA.Y.—Came into the enclos ure of J. W. Wiehols, Of Burlington, nu or about the Sib of 0et.,111173. one 3-year old liell6ll, spotted. with short horns. The owner is requested to come torwird, prose property, pay cbargek; and take her away or t he will be &weed accor di ng SO law. J. W. 2120/10LIL 2f0w.15.1$ - D R. H.. O. POUTER it SON,. OLD CASH Conner tifalzi and Pine Streets, Towanda, Ps. Rare raced tly added largely to their stock, s (nil and complete assortment, eknstitutitut an extensive vs. Tied,. embracingtuany articles used in the Arts for mechanical purposes, direfully selected with regard to the progressive wants of the public, which will bs kept constantly supplied with fresh purchases. and otremd on the most reasonable terms at Wholesale or BeW. Axmc.ritng of • Dr.uos SrEDIC;INZS, CHEMICALS, PAncrs. rAwritamit, ALCOHOL AND TURPENTINE, SASH YALtiT, VAltNisn, WHITE-WASH, KEII I O. SENE al: COAL OIL, LAMPS, WALLS, WICRS, CHIITNEM TANNER'S AND MACHINE OILS, Faiic - y and Toilet Articled in all their variety, SPONGEk . BRUSHES., SOAPS. COMBS, i ,:komsder. Hair-Dyes, Perfunicry,. POO' r ET BOOKS, PORTNOIVAIS, TOOTH, SKIN ANOLVIR PREPARATIONS, VOBACOO, SNUFF, PIPEB iND Cianss al Garden. Field and Flower 5e:.. , 4 - 18, Trusses. Bnp4. porters. Suspeitipories, ShouNei. Braces, Breast Pumps,- Teetn.riii Nursing, Bottles, Nipples, Nipple Ste.lls and Shields, Syringes, • Bed Pans. Self-Sealing Fruit Jars. Ttaer ruoueters. FlaYoriuil tixtr cta, St:oie Jugs, Wart-, ei.e.ttl,e, Vials, Corks. Bath Dila', and' SPice Ellackitz. Fi• Tackle. An.l. AdTORY and aucampith- I is all the 1.1.7 - .1-.r. Pat•T:t , Strbets, back Ap. w..17.1.11t,,t repre , ,€-Dtp , ll. PereonA at dibtatle , r a Th - vitly the.: trrtb-.., by tzait, vrac It .611 rk,.:4>f• pr , r,ul,t and carcful mtt,nti? , ,. • Modkal: adv.!.. ;Jr. cu Kr tmtuuPly at IL,' Office. Chanzittg ottly ft - ,r 8 - entAtiltrtil,for past liatrona'4e, tcs pec'ttttlly ILltli , /! lnt,t, I thrlr friends and thPpublic,that no mill. Phall tic..,;...trel end merit the con tr..tatum.of tod p.drtt:.l . l;e. ta' 01 , 21/ to pr. , H.ptiOni from 9to 10 a m., and 1:2 m. to 1. 411 d. 51" C.- [4.'4:TER A.. 1-1.4- 4 -, It 72 BM ME itsuEl 'jairons p Hi. I.; M . i l7ll :-i 1' -- N E CRAIG' IA ! ' LA; .-iriii -, - H ,\ WILT, Bh PAI D 1 . to cny F.ll.oo7,:it:l7 ,vny .11.^.1f SLY 11V1110, rluar.ent Lai Dr. Fri3llC,, NEtit.T.kni.3. r _l:liB:t NATI(' Rian-f)i. re 4,11 Gnly. 11,11c:int% Irian ilnirt4. V. 4rr,iikti..l, under •,ath. V. have kirt , d 97. to rV.!ry tun patl.l4b: trt'Utett w the C,t tali yt . !Sr-f. It th , Pet iption (Nfr! . 4; P Fitter, at. 1).. gr -- Afins it ,, ,t" y of; Petl:l-Vllutlia! A. U.. 1-3:1, !•1:.• 431 1.1114 . i 1 , 10::..:.'s of le --1 r,•: , iilar plip.o.tar,:,i3mi Profe.eor of 11,.q., ,try arid T , aleolo_ry,—wited 113 A rifiAlt, Neuri;la,.th , rollie anal • lall.,.Luator,r Rtietirna tisto C.. , p10fi"..1:7 of LIN etltire prote4etotlAl fli....—a Tact v4:1021,1 f'a*l +* the ,i, , _ , eattare- airci.t:tra'rylni•' emit 1.,..tt1, ,itr.l -1.1.. r to-tiumnitals of tuaLy-rp! , :mll.' nut rez,,wr.,l .11,1,,-...1..11, ,, ..!,I1 ..:....rgyle. h. teet eltnriire faini lillsolititrtii 4 1 ;:c...c1; nr , , , tru-Lai.:?.11•1 114z0.,,... t •Np. ! l.o4ltre at ft:o%l,y. a 4 1 1a1 -P; : ' 3 ,,1; autve. b....n:1A, f.-i• I ulll/!..r ,I butt:.- - ,;(.1 . r.,:10,(t t., cute, ilail lA , f.n , .vat.,1111 ,:rati... to anv ruff•: , !! as 1,1- LIA byllt tt-r -a YoI! ;1-eer;pt•-an tat , atti,.t,(ii. In I'L, • o! f,„, i i i i,. to ~,,,-„aultkIIIII 1.:.1a posItIV..:V Terllth'. , !. .:11,11cillt• ,•LA all\i ,- .'l/4.1.t. 147' exprt., . I:. if!tct. Ou 0..... l' V.- rY• 1 A /114 . te'd . ittl."il.ll 1 ,, write ;ar a:lva :—. all in.- formation and to ,heal ads a e ...•11t 1... v• litter ...( Addrew i Dr..). P. VIILLIe.. '27 Str,:ti: FAIL til ~ t rees, Phillid , i:plii37 Ps The In /, sly is son i i - ir ttlitalroti by Drii t .t., For {d.- by 11)p.rEr. I , : EIRLY, .17u4g , .. , r. Met. rata's ilitork. T..w . .17/(l.i. Pl.• , .. r" WOBLIY'S TONICI ; ,!Par(ly A i .11161 : ; ) . P.. L 0 g I F. 'S TAI: 4 33 I ri" S, Seat.thlC , llsllllll t;t.::, hug 13.1.u51. I Wan thou of tiu• LT11;, , . C31.1r711, v, - ht , oplug C AQUI- . or Jitiv . , t t r,s..r and Ague. I !.tz, n, r au,t t'u• L,, .1:.1.# a i ys. HUEY STVLEN H. 8. CLARK. I(1 wii<jf.s 1.. t. - -, Dttrtit:T-a - S, ELNIII.k. Z , Z.Y.. tt,:,-• -1.2. - I,t - =, :‘,1.1 t-, ,0:-.,:n alp 07 ,- 1 , •:, :11p,11.1 LI i atl.irt . ., I. Pr . ..: , .. $.111::,: 47 - j - tt, :::!,:ra;141)1.1.• TowAN . DA:NI - SIC-AL A,c2ADEMY SI:Sr.EFIANN . A CS,LI-1-11 Pupils will be rec , .ltCxl a, aLy at V.l f.,1: rates: • 1'13130 Indudmt.; I.l.irmohy and F Ft.citat•ti. , t av.V. No .1. Male r:S.l4•lst 1U ur Ont. atir ,1,-par'• I'r Frau Ir Alvapc, 1. , %11 t,c Ct. rt:7l4:-It,•R.V a ttt ttuith. tt.tcl et pleb ~t tr0n.3,d!...!..r..• will ti:td borrd 310.1 i•Tant., ;11 tli,ttt•ht,. nitttlet;itt , Itrateta, E SlLetrit. - :1:41" Eat, a pro ; trte, e ettlit in ettntprit•tEtz the Ihttt metier:l tot : tt'ite-t too ttre.r.itttlt tt:ttl war Lyous 7.111, nf.,cft-f Les. sl.l<.r lt,r. L. 11. Sp, w.,4 'laud propfethr.r. ' tots e acqrv.r,:ui;ut:F. .11,1 ekt• NI% e teaching. .t.,....,, owataa. M-y - NEW - i'LANING The urt,Prelzne , !.havir,.• . ;t diolzs NIA] of it With, tbf3 e d oat atodertt,and u.apr dcd fer the rilsnli:acture r.f Are prep3r. , l r dala,ll. upon 11vo v a largo s nety of )1()I:LI)1.NGS, the ftylt• ..I , ,dpattrrn. wir.cll u.lllJll , :llezprz - they can he Vv - ilrkettbY baud: ' tl. Y2SCi~7. PLANING, TONG'S-En:G. ' GP.OOVINt 7 :, AND • AWD; And all other work pertalhltig to .10'..nery,.wIllbe date to snit our riv;, perForo4 1 / 1 :1' .uhl not :not , thau twelye to fourk..l.l t - ,101,4 tz,t. 1 - 3,• ; :,-ly tor their Intern-t to buy of or brab; t'.; r and have it worked by inatlwtery. grl of Flt , Ohng. or !`ll` yor.r ?ran: IS feeaiug, a.! tr4i. It viva. j We will Fly f 3: NNE' I 11E31LOCK (1,,1 r. v't r %rl. - Came and nee 114, Or it y , 0, - 1 q•A't T ,4,r , 'a r, TOMPKINS COUNTY . SEEDER _l\D PLASTER SOWER Tlaie is an UP.I.,T - - THE TOMPKINS COUNTY WHEEL RAKE! BL'ir PIA r-.';ic; MATtrig:T!* Its advaiitages (We? t.ll ottions aro siyatiy, tilt we call special i.ttehtiou to aat: - tatot to sowEiti pLAsre_it Aszrus . , BONE DC :3T AND tallEtt vERTII.,zEits. • T'o.c D;stributitiz. rrfts;:- tnalq• crush .11 Ilmp ; thereby -iiihuring au ern distribution P• - o;:pre.ti u Fa , rd'dry Intups: .LV IVE,LL {3 . ALLIEINDS OF GRAIN AND itltA S SED.4, • I Such a 4 Wheat rye, 0 ttR, Ittrt , y, Burkwheat,Cor t• FL(' nrieti Tt...m•thy, ('lover 411 , 1 other .iras,cseeds The Seedit4-11os 19 laun4; unci,r the ax!e, near the grouLal; aitt can be USED Is STRONG '•vvIND WITHOUT SCAT TEnING THE YLAsTER 011 SEED, HOWEVER It fa aril:pub - S. a cam on the *heel. 4ehieli wig not get out of order from use ; as is the case en by gears.. . IT CAN BE'SITIETED FROM' TO OR, FROST SEEDEtt. TO RAKE, IN riv CEc 11.INZTE . ;• PRICtS OF SEEDER. AND RARE. See( alone, Rake ar.:l seeder s,:ed r lit. 110, Fitrtaera u - iti,tiniz the Sou ler . What.or Wye. or t,ir s -, vrat , i Can have the tuichice and pay for it situr tAio. 7,4 11. 31. WELLES. Snranaa, Pa_ Au.z. C 0 Wi A. ROCKWELL'S. 1::-:• 1tt.. , -,. . . 7.;,)."1.1.14. IL 11.71;i1, l' , .' %** ) ' euri ~,,, i .., - cal':. I'vr sale bi the - TOWANDA GAS ,COSLP3;‘i 1 Twelve Ceuta per Walls! at _the (h$ House, er ein mei deliverwa.. 1111730,11170 Drags and Medicine& ix iirs DRUG STORE, i*TAILLSHED TWESTI And all kinds of Binshes, Burning .1,191da, Sperm, Laid, Nest 3 Foot pocket Kniver, Razorb, PURE *MEM AND LIQUORS, Foi Medicixua carat: CURE TOP; "V. • 11. ..C . 4 REG C; ,',", CO •01:1 by :.111)r,i:.:;z::,t4 jun( 12..72•tf EDG.k I/. 5',11..a7;0()P. I AL T °WANDA. PA WINDOW SASU ELINI*; IMMIIIIMEII ~~uta , : c in :t LIuIIT EVI.IZI MACHINE IS WAIIRX:S; MEE =MI Trugis and s Me4icines. TURNER A: GORDON,' - , r20797 11D-B"., - 1 2 ,..A . .. }, 1 .• . . WHOLESALE' A:SD lIETAIit ' i . ,11 t ; - . i D R:U.G 6 I - ST 81, navingritr.,:m.,:ty repaired 1 th'ir ston% a t tr.‘ stand. flaw , re.spt.ned with a !are, t.‘, t a r ......;; snit:tn.:a stry,k, COWSlittni of 1 •, - . I [, ~., . Ak .. IDS,MTBACTS, E 1 . 11,11 7LS, -I.lEl;tt:,, ti ..CQATED PILLS. 16WDEIL.ti, (.."1.7.1.: 571:T1t.,. 1 1 mu... - rungs ss - tir.s. kc, .7_, BOTANIC: iC AINDIiOIipTA7;!!, ONs,. 1 I. DY I II S 311 C1 -117.5: .0.11 NED IitcP.OSENE-, • PURE - 11 . 12,cliEi'l AND 1.1(),I:()ItS um TOBACCO, SN'll,l7'Flt -ANDtit • • 5-, PATEN,y-MEDIC'IN TOff,l::r AND . ' FANCY (:bore , More than tke attpr.t:,) c ,, rl4l , ,nti , :it.g of 1.':(.,..!t.;71rt.,;,.. r.; .to 1p tli. t. 1)r, -315t.70, can h--,•• u: In}' t.t 2, :19 t: ..A.. Toy:ILL/a, M •1.13c0:, 4 JLJ. THE'IWG ~•., L. ..1.. 1:11,,,y.. A ...- , is 1.. - . . . llaglow In f•to, k and f.s c , , L,....,:. 13upl..Uf, of pure, Druuk,.3'l.l %.,::. VisrlithLU.. C. . 1 4. , t_ ut 1 ,, : 4!1 ti.: 9.0 Nic , t , lue-4. , .‘ .f.:‘ i-I, ,:.; :•..., Phrelll.4 Liqu. - 6ts !ot b;•-t br:lapt 14 - f t':,t•tr•-•-co'i•'. ' ery, t•alrt'ar.l,l • r . . boot., a•. 13, t: • ova t•., r ..i."1, % 1)0;tor vollAtit.•• t‘ ru t. t Iprf tt;t•oo. tl,•• s, ) HE =I =EMI I IMIII MEE 1/ 1 • Pat Id. _ . . . 1.' , Q•1• r i' Az..k 1:y OV :•r :.• • J vr, I I LME RIM r UNDERT IMMO EWE 11111111 BEIM t-A. 3 -.% $l5OO 2'l uJ 'Ls. E. 1. 'S. 1,•:? rt , , " tin:? .. nlure 01.19 =I •rxt• r.,r, lica-11, a s ry:;3l ME MEI ESSIG FIR i; This Dank L: • [ 0E: - NT', :1:. 1 f, I! :I X 'l;7 _\, - ;:i !:„ :..- INTEnEr AID -. CYS ' _ SprciAl. T 9 THE C: 4 • I, LND CIII.CKA. Parties wishicr, tO SERI; MONEY to Unded States. Eindaud, Ireland. tioutfu' , l. oval .-dies and t:Aalas of Eurcirt, pan drafts for that purpose.' To or froro the old cozmlry. 1 y b r t Lenes,ltil,‘ - ays . FuILtF6LW!.:Grir nv:zu AT fur' • do - S. POWELL. Pri.sident. 11,c0nr. , 7 I. 1559. • ' N E STEA.4:I7I,OI.*IZINt.:,- Tat , STEAM: FLOUWIN(; .M I. LW.: bl2CiaatAll t);:erat::‘,!:, ! rvirt.l ) a!I v.ork. in C:1 - STO - 4 I).•NE . : p, NurL:E.—ye rs‘er tiay, t - ...• •%".-1;-• t6n . btu :::t.4 • I HOLIDAY FT o o - I 1:4% - .. 10,101 t,i my 4.x. , :: -' ,'•, LIMPS ant T.A.nLI: GLL \ - , ......:\V II::.. , ,„-¢, - tit". Mo. 1•1 011 , A ..c.,). SA : •:-. '!''' finA ~... It, rt.;.: , . r.,r.•:. , s ..i.-: • *, •, I r Twlt... s. t.: ,-; : • • . - •.. otL JIM TtA s.- g1),(1.4 - 11;.1. .in.l n p tt r tLt.; Nt;iv •./tIL S. il Ct. 4U PJ r 7. (1, ..... 4 0 Gt•,..71.1 of S ~t. ye: y ; IL . tli, • 1,1 - 1 .- iivt. 534 !rut cs . ploht• .t 3.-)112 Ac O° AGENT:i •-r Car - Ne.w t:, plorer, LiviyosToNE. t .:/,•11i/et t:Urt::‘,2; .•r.l or . ......-;,-.!!).• v.u......i1. l',: la t..dr,..z.,. I:t t.):1. ' 't I . arp.ll'72-17 PATTON". 4 BLISC•g, 1 1 And all Fc al 1 BM A n . :l a nne *:A.t,srrtr,,at =EI D. 11 . i IMESI - yr i:G . L!: L'll'7 F3.~ =II ; ,th:t! k • BEMMIZIRMIM nlinat j E... :1, 1 , 2 r t11:r ,ust.rc-r4 fe: : :1:1 , ...r.bu front arAlarm.r. , -• any •-ri - ,ptz , r.., r. -14•,1 - ; 1:"" , sca•r..7A-1 by D. El IS 1.; IL T '\"`: 4; TA 1; Pr,prf.:! ■ 'F i~l,!i ~ y~. ~tl~ EMI 11113 =ill I= ' 4 II El lin INITEMIE =I =IMO • =MENEM RE lIIM PASSAGE 710-KEY:, MIMES 1".1 . MEE El A el;' , 13 . ui , A 1 EN 13110.5;. Pub;.• EEO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers