Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 19, 1872, Image 1
TERMS OF PIIILWATION. TILE BEYEIFOED BEPOSTZ II le published every Tbarmlay Morning by 8. W. ALVOIW at Two Dollars per enroll' in advance. Air. Ad% ertoilng to all cases exclusive of aubecrlp. Coo to the paper. SH:CIAL NOTICaR inserted' at r 3Y 3,..3.S cxxxs per line for find insertion, and FIVE CEN - 111 per line for snbeequent - int.ertions. LOCAL NOTICES, same Eiji,' aa.renling mattes, TWX-NTT ctiat. a line. ADVERTISL3IE22 TS will be Inserto4; according to the following table of rates : is 4W j Am. I3m 6m 17? 1 51.60 ! 3.00 6.p01 6.00 1 10.00 I$ 16 2. - 1;c1106 2.00 6.00 1 5.00 1 10.00 1 15.00 1 20.0 t• lIIMI :3lnchP 2.W) I 7.00 I 10.00 113.08120.001 30,00 itooos 3.00 I R. 50 I 1480 18.25 1 25.001 35.08 column 5.9 I 12.001 111.00 1 22.00 1 30.00 I 45.68 rtnnv) 10.00 I 20.00 I 90.00 1 40.011 I 55.00 I 75.8). r-))))0,T, 20.9 1 . :11,1.08 I (30.00 I WOO $lOO I lib)) Ado' , iniArator's and Execntor's Notices, $2; Ludt- Or's Notioes, $2 50 •, I3nsiness Cards. five lines, (par y r. , ri f 5. additional litioe f 1 each. verti rs ars•-e nti tl ed to quarterly ehangea- T • • • sietit advertisemsnts must he paid for in odeante. MI P., ,, oliitions of Associations; Communication , . im‘ted or Interest. and notice,' of Mar. rialzes and Deaths, exceeding fire lines, are charged fir' - is per line. Itr.eon SF It having a hir ' ••iit circulation than all - re in Ow ty conitllno4l. makes It the Nett IrerttOno nicilium in Northern PetITIFifiVAT.II II . • it iiit t ipititil'lNO of every kind, In Plain and Fine) done with ui'iattless and dispatch. flancittills. iii''. ("Ards. Pamphlets. pinheads. Statements, /re. . - --ra and , tyle. printed et the shortest Pie lir.ror.Tru (Vico IA well impplied e' Pr , , , sre, a rood EFRortmrnt of new type and •mrrt'ttntt in tht , Priding line ran be execntedin lie in o.t manner and at the lowest rates. TFTha iszrkni,ovrs v 0.414. 7313SINESS CARDS. XT WALLACE KEEL'ER, rrors,7, SlaN °AND PP.Ecre) PAINTER, Sept. - 15, IR7II-I,r DTIrtiOCK. Dealer iry all •„„i n ,izr,f ItnnTn AlroAa. Tr winds. Pa.. MI 4 for Pootine promptly nttonflecl to. Partienlar tt,ntion , TiVrl , to r0tt.7.,0. and Frew , Itnofin7. ;11.'2;1'71 roTtLETI, BEAL 'ESTATF PrATY.P., N. ¶!7 Sontl),Watisr Street Chi .- 111',1101,. C.-01,111P rovirolincod and, snid. In . mr..1e111 , 1 'troT:ry 10:70. sit AYLOTIP Fir" qr.! r ri7 , lv - rrnre . Aornni. Policieg rovrene r• - lisea by lbAttninv ant Wynniinv rp",ll'".r witbrmt adAifionn , Y. Q. 0 . Ifis'TAllol. =ME T OTIN DTTNTTE, T 1 I, A(7 KS3II TII, OF:TON. PA., pava particular attention to Warona. ke. TIP- get and r••, ,n Work and charao , 12,1f,,09. • ?, A PEN: , ::YPAC.'KEP., HAS ,1,1, I:1 tl',' •-• r Store. Work Ot h•ti, littost s h.! t! Fl AVS,'VTI,T.r. WOOT,EN MTLE, =I I ',vv....! V:7 - 1, 4 . lind gill Una.. at %.1,;11 1111i1ADITY. ' Pr.printor. =I MEI ~1 n, , . lt.. ig7n ,r 1 fi. R!T EC.L • =1 =ME 1 /7 Ao r frs: , ToW.NI , A. PA. T".I)FI . N*I(;NED ill r NI , F.T - 11.1 , 11t, 1 Pio tic.t lie` call :,irr sr It ! , 0 1•1•11. , ., tii•-171,4 awl t , •7 ail • t,i:•1I private re t- , •1,1.4. N. nut. nr , •• , .; r 1 l 1 1 . c ~ 1 t t. E. FT.E.MMTIN( . I, r:'7l I . To, .1?: , la. Pa. 11 : l'A 11 T.()B OF F.ISHION. \ visa, n cr - crroi, 51 ''‘ll'l) - i1:(4. an,l I , IOEING f;lrt:.•,ll,y.r .' ,l !.n 2 IA .• Hai.. ;`;' . 11(• , )11/.... Mill =I MN-GSM - EY I ' A f;- F I N 1 n ANDA. Yn EMI • ' 'ND • I= MEMO thu•kr '7l , Iptrt •r• Vit th 11 rkll %VIM tri . r.•rtua raoi 7 1'. , . 1,71 - i‘ 1"! j v. w'r H ER, MEE ~" DV:*('.ELF= ,", pa”l at an times ''. r-t ME \NPot . PA \\" T Goo PRICE ,S 7 A C. AP PA HO. CY HOLLUN ' • 'Vara, (' No -1 4 .4! ‘Vior e"snil tor 1::‘,.11..ual t..• very loe . --t pr . ; .'es. Pre el: lorlre of the ~~~: t ~ ~,: v.:~.t lIIMBIIEZMdI HOLLON =9 •.; F. DAYTON 1171711i , hr''Y '7+T A 11E iZ, , ! coNFECTIONEItY!! GROCI:ItIE! yttt:rn ti auks to an I thr, very t!, citinng tht, Um- to glve b ,, tlee that - pf - • •:x 11. p I'AKI,LY GIWERIES MEM t : tt ',NILE !•;.ITI-.T , ACTION is fittc.,l r. I)1 INO ROOM, 10` 1',11.1y I furnish 711ealft 1.: U. ;:+llll. art• Invited Co h C;o11.., Frit t, t r-oftbe, n• • tn, )!. N N . l' -, , i1 Barik,,r4 =MEI 11, BANKING BUSINESS, 111111 liar,k S••11:1•ANY PAIIT I 2:E: , ..1 . 1 Eurve. this Bank a... 1 tortakk. E TICKETS N • tltt. Er4ttali& Scot. L sod tho Orirnt. the P,', ',Till INMAN LIN- I= Ung(•2 State Hondo 0 • Pa,ifle 7 3-16 Pre.s:d-eut =EIRE EMI t\roß's, 11115111111111 1..1,1-; OF FASHION L...r .ccourl door y,-,! , ), a eoll3;Otte ktOCk cf ci,tmirNG, Mil C A 1' i.r. sJ!..I at tb' lowest rhtaa. lin p G. MORROW, PHYSICIAN . ' AND I• Smoitow, offers Lis p.rofessionil servfces to the citizens of Warren and vicinity. Residence first bonse north of J. F. Cooper's Store. Warren' rentre. Pa. apllß'72 ly TYR. S.M. WOODI3URN, Physician 1~ end Rnrgeon. Officevaorthwest corner Malnot and Pit,c Streeta, up shim. T. , vanda. May 1. 1g72.-Iy* H STREETER, HB. McKEAN .ATTORNEY • A.'1 , 01) COrSg}ll.7.llll AT LAW, Towanda. Pa. Par ticn!ar attrntion paid to hns/nerFt in the Orphans' paly 20. 'CC. • H. CARNOCHAN, ATTOR w• IN - £.17 ' AT LAW (District Attorney for Brad 'Ord CeltintTir Troy, Pa. Conectionp made and prompt ly remitted. feb 15. '6l—tf. inT to over Wickham A: Blackto. Towanda. P Teeth inserted on Go'd. Rubber, and. Aittrn.. nioni base Teeth ritrai tel without pain. 0e23.72 DR. 1 7 . 111 ' "'II . 1) ITVSICIAN AND Pi—rnanent)y bleated at Towisna, Pa. Particular attention paid to all' ekronie Diseas es. ranrers iiii , iTutrtorit removed without rain and %itl.rint ttQe of the knife. Office at his residence on state strsit, two doors :Ist of Dr Pratt's. Attend. to Once Mondays and Rstairdays. May 16.12. ym-IN CALTFT, ATTORNEY f AT L. TrArauda. Pa. Particular attention to Orphans' l'onrt business. Convsyancins and , • , dlr,tion. Odic, in Wood's DOW 1110 CL. south or the Firgt Nut:on:11 Dank. rip stairs. (IVP.IITON F.LSI3REE, ATTOn •••:7-5..? T. Tay. Tnwarnla, latctng entrrrd , ntn o , ,p , ,tnnn. nfThr their preonqsional aervnTst in ait,nt'nn jvun in 1 - nniinnirs in tho 4" , rpin , - - ec , and RegtatPr's C•lurt.. arl 1 4'70 n. c , T:C.TOS C. rt. , mtrt. NV" A. PECK'S LAW OFFICE. • Ma,n r,r • EI:CI7 ft DAVIES, ATTOR- A T T. - ...vandi, I's. The unrierxign,d toVether in the practice ;lA, r profrsgional Fen - ices to the public. NIELCTII.. W. T. DAVIES. . Ic F.IF 4 NEY, COUNTY st . ':IN - TrNDENr, ra. r, :hoer ledow the Ward Ifotise. Kell 1 , .• a: the ofll-0 the la.; Saturday of (-ad: month a:.:l - a al: other illle•f• v:llen 031 called away on huh:. re eonnerted ivall the Snperitendetary. All letters: ::111.1 I:ere ifthr he a 1:1,, ,, ed a« alioye. AR. J. W. LYAINN, t PIIYt4CIAS AND grr.fir.ON. . 011, - -tlt , a eArt of 11 , porter .1-T w , t r 2r.plFtreet. 1+.71. C ) II)r.:\ TORN 'NTr , ;:, ATTORNEY AT 2' Ltrarlf , rcl i'n., Pa. =ME P . .: t:l:niar Att• 11 . 01)1.111 ell erol:ct Conrt InAncsa. 1 Tho , -11.. , :cnr•3 New 1:1, • no.nlJ irk• Public Sqnarr. apr. 1. '59. OCTOR,O. LEWIS, A GRADU afr Ow of ..Phyaiciana and Sure ona." 'r;iln-;r:, t Dot•rA. Sash l'..rk• city. Class 1A43-4. itivesexeluttiveattentit.rx to C.ot of Inc pron....iam ()Mee and residence i.n • adjolinn t ; 11enry • inn 14.'0. r .'t 1). D. -SMITH, M!,7t)sf. has p. 11. R'oad's property. between Me'• , 11, .1; 31i4 Abe llon , e. where be bait .e. Teeth extra, ted wlthont plin by r.r , xe! Tflwan , l. 0et.,20. Is7t. I= -t. • N 1 NG\ ROOMS IN CONNE(7I7O!‘r WITH THE BAKERY.. Near the c , :nrt 11 ,, nee. We are prepared t., fee,l hun2ry at all Vanes of the day and evening. O., , tera and Ire Cream' in their .11 . ,r01i :SO. 1870, U. W. SCOTT A CO. 17ILWELL HOUSE, TOWANDA, I J.L. Tim irg 10a5.0.1 this 11"11... , e, to ACCI:)11121.10. dat- the trr...74.11ing. plithe Sn painr, tv,rexi,, will ho spzo-,1 to thn., 'who map gite North 1,140 of the vabl‘c cam .cf Mer min's to!vi. Hock. f UMMERFIELD CREEK ' HO _l_ll, ii:. Niue p‘lrehaqed and ttlotaowl:ly rariteed ;Ids old aml >;t.,l: t. formerly kept he Sheriff !tie. at the ; un ite Rzuatttertiold Cron Ic ready to ,„ lat.ot, and :atikallory treatment to alt who may favor I,;vm wdll 2 et',,L—tf HOIT'4E, TO\I".I.NDA, ;M: and 'll flora , :6. Fasts of tilts in-nr.,l I,y swit.hoUt Ally ex tra ... A -=ula.ri,: - quaity ~f Uld Ea;-..1.'5& Haas Ale, just rn,••it , _ll. T, It. JOIIDAN, , Tow:.t ,, la. Jan. 24.'71. w A I) II0L"SE TOWANDA., This popular 'honss, recently Inased by Yressra. sod having bvetleouph.tely refitted, 41q1ao , b•;erl, and refurtus'hed, affords to the politic all tho 4-ornforts and modern convi , Lient-cm of a tirst- LOWE.-;T :lash Site.tte Opp e,ite the Park on Main '.•;tr, , t. It le eleile•Tlti ,MlVelliont for perPonsitlisit iL4 Tiliymel.t, either :!Ir plpasnre or bumitwes. th, hr.t. .11.[AtisION , HOUSE, w. ishowyiNG TLI, • 1,1 , 1 , 1 it, ,tricUy Tuniptn'Anc.T Princip:vo Lvt..ry eff,rt ittaAe to snake gni ~ t%l tZI3- 0 ,. Ganl 1 , 01:111% atcd UV' table-Will S - :11 Wttil the b, , ,t the markef f0r.14 . N0v.1.1871. Q U P E R I all AGRICULTURAL M.VI.Nt-RY, for S:11p (I)WLES enurt F.,quar,•. wft( , l4_ ,, A AND ItriALL DEUER AND 31.t1;. - A; Cone 11.1, 1 in.. 5, P9Werii at:lr',, Wh..•••l 11,41,4, ...,uwers, (it aiu Secti,r4, nay rt• und 5t.4,1 PioRH . C Ibrators; Thal Iluliers and 1 7 :Inuing Mills. rnt:l ;o:es ant Illu.tratrd printed dr colars, turn toped or mall, d free to, alt applicant& It will coi.t hut three rentA to send for circulars ru•i,o..tie7r4 When ill Towanda, call and see tie. ktiri 22. • 72. 'n. u. ivEiLts. FILL WINTEIt I; FANCY GOODS iu a ,ar. , .ty s; roal cud Imitation Lame, B LT C Co' and St•t - k i ~.t t t:,, , .e:11••#. She bas alao th e lei •e•t ttylt h :11114:r v0'.1,. aoq vuttstum. 'Lt t and ;draw ornat:....ta., u:::; .2 fi'7j In Brace-"LttF. Combs She has g l yet i fit t 6at ttt 4it.l,:t, to old 1.41,1 en Bonnets awl - Prcos cars, also u,l•r. ittiates, I Et t. d the ser. , tc, s of a first crass straw Xn!inw.r, Hod shall giro ;:ood ttAtIE;•WlitlLl 411 ~! straw work. Itoooii ct tho f.tarl. over Wol :•oother.P. cdotlona tor I IIIA.INIBEIt SETS, cheaper than v‘e.r. 3t FRIIST k SONS. • 1; 1 ROST SONS make the test 1 . 41.1 h, world. GREAT REDUCTION IN FUR MUNE Brat math., at roan h EMIR S. W.l .A.1.V011,13, Publisher. voLunt xxxm. PROFESSIONAL - Ca.D3. - • TALES WOOD, ATTOILSEY AND •GOITSSELLOB ALT talr, Towanda, Pa. , • 11101rENRY - PEET, ATTORNEY AT 11 Lew, Towanaa, Pi. " Jane 27. %G. lIITH AIONTANYE, ATTO KETI4 AT LAW,. OI9C6—COTOCT of MAW =8 PI P Streets. opposite Porter's Drug Store. DRH. IVF ,STON, DENTIST.- Offict. in Patton's Block, over Gore's Drnit and , Thcmical Store: janl, '6A. ' DR T. B. JOHNSON, PITTSICIAN AND SCILGT.',N. Office over Dr. it.C. Porter Son & Co.'s Drug Store. 'ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ma 3 30.'71 1..1i.71. 61 - 4-.NEF: .r, INSTHANcE JOHN C. WT.1,,:0N PETER LANDMESSEI 0 - 11;. MArN ASO r. T qTIII:ETA. IMADFORD COUNTY, PENN'A. KOON A. MEANS, Proprietdis =En I.:ERAVIT.LE, PA R. M. EE T. S, TCr.VAN M 5 17FACTURERS t.GENT Lc:vs; 5:10.yE1t , , DriAWET.S. LF-ST untaiso currlN rusvrits :11E Ut/111.1), CULT =I T~HS. E. J. _I IINCMS ( formerly tsi Eau _:, , t1,y,1 L a ni,v: on hand . DOLLY VARDEN, JEWELRY, J . 0. FROST 8: SONS, MANUFACTURERS IThItIVALED ASSOILTEELNT or CHAMBER Errs Oi all styles and prices, combining with the Illeh and Elegant, the Medium Prices, suitable for all, and so cheap that any can afford to have them. Also the finest and most FASEHOICABLE BLACK WAISTT PARLOR AID LIBBABT FIIIINTIMLE. Of new and original designs and of the most an• perb style and finish. Also a choice `assortment of TABLES, WARDROBES, DRESS- Ek.:o CASES, SIDE-BOARDS, LIBRARY AND BOOR-CASES. Also a complete line of Tete-a-Tetes,l3ofas;'Sonnges Hocking. Easy and Parlor Clash's, to the greatest variety of styles and prices: Also an endless varie ty of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CHAIRS TABLES, MIRRORS, ' .i FEATHER PILLOWS, MATRESSES, & SPRING BEDS, TOIVANDA, PA Of erery.deacringon, and in fact everytiilig to be found in a Firstlelara Furniture store, CHEAPER TIIAti TIIE CHEAPEST ! We pay Case for Lumber, or will take Lumber in in exchange, for Furniture. Also a large stock-of Of every description from the most common to the finest Rosewood, &Nays ou liaiact. We are sole agents for Which are now conceeded by all parties tot* far the best Metalic Case in lige. Wehave4he In.this section of country, and will furnish any thing in the UNDERTARIisIG line AS LOW as the same goodecan be gut at ANY PLACE, either in ToWanda or elsewhere, and from our large EXPERIENCE and thorbugh acquaiptance with the business, we can save perenna many annoyances to which they are always subject when dealing with incompetent partle:. gra— Do hot forget the place TovAnds, April 2, 1872 ******** * * * * *-* * * PHOTOGRAPHY ! * The nudereQued would Inform the public that they have purchased the ' n - ALLERY. OF ART, k GUSTI.N. on•Nfaiti stre. •: • r youth of the ..r,lrst Natitrilia I i 41. 1 . 1 t y strict attention * '4. to buFlnesß, : :,on of every im- * pr"vement In t.. , : ~t 'i.,Tas)ll7, to make the place worthy of par,alare. Mr. GIIATIN, * to- T1,M2113 wi th ne, ghc las whole time * .“..1 attontlon to the making of '?k .* IVORYTYPES, I'',INTESGS IN OIL ANI) WATER COLORS,' * INDIA INF, Particular ett•ution given to the enlarging * of m..titres, and to the Moshing of all kinds * * of cork. so as to secure the beet rcsnlts, and * to much time as le,s-dble" giNen to making * Leg:dives of-email children. 111,),4. v. - al/wag pl.-ttr , A will vlease Rive um a trial, ail w" thltil: that they will 1.H.! Ratio- * Led.. • WOOD & CO. - 1 ` 1..g.111 - 72y1 *,* .*_ * * * * * * * * * * 110SENFIELD'S CL'O EMPORIU MI The rapid growth of Trwanda requires the espan 'don of hnetnees, and the undersigned. reahringthla want of thy: cotuaturnty in 04 READY MAYS CLOTHING LINE Has opened .a new store in Etldlemtn'■ Block, (formerly occlipied by IL Jaoobs,) and Is now pre pared. to ofleglo his old customers Ind the ynbfle generally, a better stock or MENS'. AND BOYS . ' CLOTHING Dian can be Aland In any otyer, r ;vstablistopent ont- Side the cities. Ify Ktock has all been purchased from the mann facturere this season, eQ that I have no old stock do p.t nd of. bouplit at hl4ll prices. I have s full line of " GENTS' , FURNISHING GOODS of the finest quality and Latest Ptylea; whicla lam Offeriug at low figurer. I have no connection with the, old stand, and when you want anything in the clothing lite. for yourself or boys, call on me In Licidleman's Block. 11. E. ROSENFIELD +Tc.vauda, March 28, 1872. i 100 MEN WANZIED PEOI'ILIETOS. HARD AND SOPTCOAL BURNER • - COOK STOVES. We hare the best lino of Stoves in the State. MANSARD 'COOK and MODERN VULCAN Have taken the premlnms in all the. Slate Fairs, ana we „know they area flrst-class 'stove. D0MM0.1.1.0 COOK For soft coal; sequel-tint: ne" DOIIISTIC COOP, For hard or soft coal. Also the n'vnicißLE. AU firrt-c Ta re Stove', LIGHT HOUSE, BEACON LIGHT. ROCKET, , REFLECTOR, FIRE PLY, AND BALTIMORE A full assortment of ITirdware, Tinware, CJpper, and eheetaron Ware autyx on band. ' a5l , - All orders tiled romptly. Job cork done warrauttd. Give ts a Eat!. N0v.13,1672. N 0 , D. BIRTLEIT & SON, IN- Prft.t3Wll AGEISM Towanda, Pa. Ik.:;oue bnt ICLa ' C runapanlus represented. 0. Y,. h.trriXrr. C. OILILIIiat Raman , : Nov. 13 1372.4 y• • XTOTIOE.—J. RECORD, of Towau- Oa, hitsjnet recelvtill the Agency of the Water town litre' insursace Company. of Watertown, N. Y., which is a 11rst-class Company in all -.-reepts - ts, with cash ' wefts of 423.000. Is (moaned _by its character to Farm Properly and Dwslling liones 'Risks; is therefore perfectly Wt. PA; s ail fuss or damage of lea:in - it to ricers, whither tire ensues at not. Also pays for lice stock killed by lightning In the barns or at large on the premises Ten can save money by seeing Mr. Rec. orttbefore gearing elsewhere. Gall , and get a Cir (4nrmgensitol ost... J. In 1191ginick ICacellaneous. FIIIOTrIIRE at all times contain an , COFFINS FISK'S SIETALIC BURIAL CASFS, F,I - N EST HE Ail 8 STOUt 107 MAIN SVIEES J. 0. IrROST & SONS. OPPOSITE MEANS UOUSE, iFonzatvly GectiviPil by N. Jacobi.) REMEMBER! To buy the celcA,rated PREEIDENT, ZENITH, ' UNITY PARLOR T ONES. EMPIRE GAS BURNERS 4 nisei.); COST' LIGIIIII, liEk rEas LE W/8 k 511., 44 ♦. Bridge St.. Towsnaa Udell toetrg. - THE PORES OF lILSIC. The artist played on his well loved lute, Till all around were limbed and Mute; For he breathed firth notes so sweet and clear, That men and women wept to hear ; And sang of Wind of human lot, Till song and singer were qtuto forgot. And each ono thought within his breast, Of the thing on earth he Idred the best. The painter thought of his growing fame, And the work that should bring hint an endlcss name. The poet was trembling with heaven-born might And he prayed for strength to use it aright. • The scholar was dreaming of heghts to climb, And knowledge snateh'd from the gulfs of time. The•priest, like a saint, sat calm and gray, And prayed for the soul that was passing away. The maiden was thinking of books and friends, And of fair green paths with unknown ends. The lovcr ho walked in paradise, _ By a sweet young face, with its clear blue eyes The father grained, for be saw once more A soldier's grave on a foreign shore. Mit the mother looked to heaven and smiled As she thought of her infant, angel child. —Brook/La) Prograimne• EDWIN GALPIN S, SAORIFIOE. Stephen Abbott held his little daughter by the hand; the child en deavored' 0 stifle tiersniot tiered sobi while the g at tears rolled down her face. T e e had just closed over her mother, and Amy Abbott felt an unmistakable woe in her heart. _ " Hush, Amy !" said her father, as be hawk d her into a carriage. There was a harshness in his toLe, though lie meantfit not unkindly, but Ste phen Abbott was a man who never indulged in public exhibitions of grief. Stephen Abbott's .farm would now miss one who chid much to aid him in keeping a thrifty Watch over the ex penses necessary to carry on the bu siness. It was a few days after the funeral that he spoke to his &inghter thus-: “ Amy, Lulus!: ,nov: depend upon yon; the farm feel the loss rf your mother in ;inore ‘vays than one; but you are a sen , ;ible gill, and there fore can aid me eery much in -keep inf..; matters 4.or,der.” Now Amy Abbott was about thir teen years of age, and the re.sponsi bility she was expected to assume was very considerable to one of. such tend -r years. Ere .Amy Abbott had entered her eighteenth year, shy bad several. ap plications for her hand and heart, but each suitor in turn was referred to her father, who carefully consider ed the habits and qualities of the_as pirants, very ungracefully dismissed them all; as' in no manner •suitable for a husband to his daughter. Amy heard the fiat go forth against sever al she regarded with great prefer ence, but she resigned lirself to her fate with patient humility, . nor sought to interpose one word in her own behalf. ,?;) About this time there appeared in the village a young men of remarka ble fine appearance. He was more over the correspondentof an Million tial newspaper,. Now, if there was one profession above. another that Stephen Abbott, detested, it was that of journalism. It. was his abomina tion. As soon, therefore, as he dis covered that George Wier had made his daughter's. acquaintance, he sat faee sternly against the attentions he was , paying her. Some of \Ter's friends took the trouble to inform . Stephen Abbott that young Wier's character was unexceptionable, and. his talents bespoke him a promising; career.. But farmer Abbott was not appealed to iu a way like that, and his prejudices °Leo having taken roqt, it was very hard to eradicate theta - from an obstinate mind like his. He denied the young than 'ad mission to his house, and otherwise treated him so rudely, that the poor fellow, who was deeply in love with Amy, wrote her a farewell letter ex pressed in the most touching lan guage, and then departed. The field now seemed pretty well free of "popin-jays,'-' as Stephen Ab bott termed them, and . his mind be gan to feel some repose. One day he came riding home, ap parently in excellent,spirits. He had been to the posk e offide and received !a,letter from au old friend ; in fact, the writer had been one of his youtli ful sweethearts, who having married had settled in au' adjacent county. Stephen Abbott had not seen her for years, and so when she wrote that, her husband and herself would be glad if he would receive her 'son for a few weeks as a guest,' farmer Ab bott felt a thrill like that he knew' in olden times, dart through his heart. The young luau, was 23 years of age, and he had been suffering from a slight illness which 'rendered a .change of 'air desirable. Moreover, he vas an enthwiiastic farmer, and would be sole heir to his fath'er's for tune. These, thing farmer Abbott learned from .the letter which 'Mary Galpin had written to him. Amy listened to, her father with a `manner which betrayed no anxiety to meet the object of his encomiums. To be sure, she thought it unusual for him to appear so delighted over one he had as yet never semi, bat the poor girl did not know the mo tive which prompted her father to applaud . . on,e whose mother he• had loved in other days. In due season, Edwin Galpin ar rived at Stephen Abbott's dwelling. He was received by Stephen Abbott _with a welcome so warm that it must have been gratifying to him. :Ile was.a grave and dignified young man, a great reader and' a profound tallie:r on sgiicultural subjects. Perhaps it mavhave piqued Amy's vanity that lie may so lunch time and atten tion to her father, and so little to herself, But after awhile he com =menced to seek her society, and she became reconciled enough to treat him as a favorite, guest of her father's house. • IEI Weeks flew by, and Edwin Galpin Announced his intention of returning to bis home, taut Stephen Abbott would not listen to any inch propo ‘Aul, and the consequence was that ;eadpin had to-lengthen his visit. In many little ingenious ways he continued to throw Edwin and Amy milord TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, TA., DECEMBER 19 1872. titsallantous.. SZGARDLEIBB or Dzsoraismose gra Ars. warn; together, and the fruit of this scheme soon began to manifest itself. Gil pin began, to' find himself desiring the presence of Amy more frequently than bad been his wont, and matters drifted en until at last be openly de clared his attachment for the daugh ter of Stephen, Abbott.• It at first she hesitated in placing her hand arid heart in his keeping, it was only natural. Up to this moment she had not learned to love' him, but she could not deny that she respected bim, and regarded his talents. The rest might follow, and she surely was building on a good foundation. , Edwin Galpin never seethed 'so well contented as when in Amy's so ciety. He read to her and walked with her, begiuling many an hour that would have hung tediously on her hands, for her father had provid, ed the assistance of a housekeeper, which gave her more relaxation from the duties hitherto imposed i.upon her. When Edwin Gilpin disclosed his feelings to Stephen Abbott, he had small reason to complain of the way he was received. , The farmer was scarcely able to restrain the joy he felt at the happy termination of his Wishes ; and when the father and mother of Edwin wrote, testifying their approval, Stephen's delight was complete. A round fortune httd-been amassed by farmer Abbott, and as the Galpins ‘4re well provided with the 'world's gbods, Stephen rejoiced in the know-, lidge that his daughter would be properly settled in this life. Edwin Galpin at last left for his home, ,to return again in a month. True to his promii , e, he came back to Amy and to love. It would be difficult to describe the exact state of Amy Abbott's feelings. .She -c)nld not ileny that-she felt gfeat respect fur Edwin Gulpin's learning, and she almost at times fancied she loved him. Perhaps the remembrance of the handsome young journalist still lingered'in her mind, forbf all Amy's lovers, tlii4 was the one' who made the most lasting impression on her 11,110.. But time softens if not oblit f:rates the recollections of those hal cyon days of our youth, and Amy Abbott after awhile could not help confessing to: herself that Edwin Galpiu was worthy of her heart's best affection. There was a re-union of the, Gal pin and Abbott families. Mr. .and Mrs. Galpiu came to visit Stephen and hiS daughter Amy. It was the first time Mary Galpin had' seen her former lover since her marriage, and as a„consequence tht]ir conversation, during the early portion of her visit, chiefly related to olden times. It was arranged between them that they Should j•yintly set•thu young folks up in l)sines. Stephen therefore pur chaso h fine farm, situated between his Old place and the village, while Mr. Galpin furnished the house and supplied the stock and farming fin- ' plenients, besides giving Edwin the control of a large sum in bank. The wedding took place early iu the spring, and the young people im mediately moved to their new hoine. Edwin , Galniu's energy and judgment soon made his farm the wonder and admiration of all who saw it. He was a very happy man, rejoiciag , in the best cultivated place. and hand somest wife in themeighborhood. He had also become EO popular that .he• was elected to filll several positions of responsibility in the counts. Thus far matters went along very prosper ously with Edwin Galpin - and his wife. They had been married 'about a year when 'business called Edwin from home several-. weeks. It was shottly after his return that he one }day remarked-to li t is wife :" I forgot ;to tell you, 4my, that I met one of your old friends while away, and gave him an invitation to visit us during the coming summer." " of my old friends ?" enquir ed Amy. ' " ies, one of yours as well as mine - We were school fellows. Now, can you guess his name r " Indeed I can't," replied his wife. Who was it, pray tell me?" -" George Weir," responded her husband, with t laugh at her confu sion, for she turned very 'red. " I had ceased to remember him at all. Indeed, he had qUite passed away from' my mern.ry. "Never mind, Amy," replied her husband, patting her cheek, " you need not oe ashamed to acknowledge George Weir as one of your suitors, fur ho has risen to be a very import ant man, and wields a great deal of influence.' He told rue all about the times he knew you. He ib a good . fellow and is apprelciated by all who know him." That day Amy Galpin. .pondered more deeply upon the past than she bad done since she became a wife. Sha called to mind tithe hours that George Weir and herself had passed together, and Wondered if ho really had forgotten them. Poor. Amy, she Was treading upon dangerous ground, .but it was pleasant, nevertheless, to call up these old fancies, and invest thcril, with some of the glories of the past. George Weir was still single. She would father have heard that he, was married; not that she doubted any latent weakness that might. still linger in her mind; but then it would be safer, for if the matrimonial bonds are not always a barrier, they at least serve as a. veil, and that is a protec tion, albeit a poor one in time of temptation. As the days and weeks passed away,,Arur grew familiar with thei expected Visit, and her heart no lon ger fluttered when she thought of it. So, *when Oeorg,e Weir really did ap pear at thti fartn r -Amy was • able to meet him With less embiirrassment than she would have experienced' at an earlier date. He was somewhat cli inged; ho had grown stouter, and contact with the world had brushed rid'something of youthful exuberance; but in all else ho was the saute. He still preserved the same fervid glow of enthusiasm, the same hopeful and sanguine teim perativnt, but the old look of the eyes was. still there., Perhaps Any Gulpin recognized the last mole surely than the rest, when he gaze fixedly into,her face. I once heard of a student who so carefully studied the face of the hea vens that ho was able to give a cor rect reply regarding the weather without rising from his -- pillow, no matter what hoar he- was awakened. It may have been that knowledge akin to this enabled Edwin Galpin to determine the gradual decay, hour 'by hour, of the affection she had so recently pledged to himself. He could trace its waning as surely as he could mark the furrow his plow share had upturned. He was of a proud and sensitive nature, and never could , bring himself to confess to his wife that there was a• shadow on hiri bead., Had he done so t ere might have been fewer regrets in af ter days. But he permitted things to take their own course, and pa tiently waited for Amy to give ,him the opportunity to have an explana tion, which of course she never did. - She no longer met him with the glad smile she used to wear, and she was not near so ready to kiss his hat brow when he came in from the field, as she formerly had been wont to do. He noticed this, and more too, and knew that-sooner or later some hearts would feel enough of sorrow. Weir was the constant companion of Anai, and she seemed to be as much infatuated with him as of old. There will doubtless be many who will feel disdain for the want of repo lution and independence of character betrayed by Edwin Galpin; but be it remembered, he loved his wife .so well that he could never induce him self to believe that she would persist in a course so calculated to bring trouble to them both', when she calm ly reflected on the risk she was in But - matters could not run on in this way always. Rumor ,at 'hist reached the ears of Stephtn. Abbott, which caused him to seek an inter view with his son-in-law. ',lt was' late in the afternoon when Edwin visited Abbott's farm. The two sat and talked until late, and Stephen Abbott came to the conclusion to ac company Galpin home, and speak .with his daughter next morning. It was'dark when they started - to walk for Galpin's house, and ere they reached it a lurid light lit up the heavens and the loud . cry of "tire" was heard from the people of the village - Running as fast as possible, they discovered Galpin's house ih. flames., The lower floor was a _sheet of fire, and a cry of,horror arose as Amy ap peared in one of the upper witidowS, and stretched forth her hands in sup plication. No one dare venture into that'furnat':e, and there were no lad ders at hand. "Save my child—save her 1". cried ,Stephen Abbott; but no one seemed take , :the risk. "Will no one save her ?" he cried wringing his hands. There was a stern look on the face of Edwin Galpin as be approached the spot , where- George Weir was standing with the cro:d as pale a's a ghost. He lard his hand heavily : .on his shoulder, and placino. ° his lips on a level with his ear, he hissed thrd' his clenched teeth, " Now is your time! save her, for you. lore her!" There was -a deep meaniril , in these words,:and a terriblelearnatuess in his manner. "1 canna,. I dare not,'." pleaded Weir, as he shrunk from Galpin's g aze. , "Save her—yon love her !" hoarse ly reiterated Galpin, tightening his grip on Weir's Shoulder. am afraid —I dare not," ex claimed the terrified man. Flinging him out of his path, as he cast upon him a look of ineffable disdain and loathing, Gilpin fipraug, into the burning building. No one ever expected to see him return. Bat he reappeared nevertheless, bearing on his strong arms the form of his wife securely wrapped in. ,a blanket. Laying her at hen father's feet, he reeled and fell forward to the earth. It was the last time his eyes ever be held earth's.gladness. Never again might he look upon field or grain. Stone blind from henceforth must walk Edwin Gilpin, and a child could lead him. Ho was fearfully burned, and for the sake of one whom the fire had not even scorched. It is pleasing to record the sequel Whatever may have been the feel. ings of Amy Galpin previous to the event just recorded, one thing is true : never did woman more sincere ly repent for the indifference she had manifested toward her husband, and never was there a more devoted wife than she proved to be. For hours she would sit with her arms around Edwin's neck- and her cheek pressed to his own, and dearer to her heart was 'lle poor sightless man, who had lost so much to shield and, save her, than all else in the world beside. BE EcoNoitneAL.;:—" Take 'care of the pennies.", Look _well to your spending. No matter what comes in; if more goes out, , you will 'be poor,' The art is not in Making money, but in keeping it. Little expenses, like mite in a barn, when they are many, mike great waste. Hair by hair, heads get bald; straw by straw the thatch goes off the cottage ; and drop by drop the rain comes into the chathber. A barrel is Soon only if the tap leaks but a drop a minute. When you mean to save, begin with your mouth; many thieves pass down the, red lane. The ale jug is a great waste. In all other things keep within compass. Never stretch four 'legs further than your blanket will reach, or you Hill soon be cold. In 'clothes, choose, iuitable and lasting stuff ,and not tawdry fineries. To be warm is the main thug ; never mind the looks. A fool may notko tniney, blit it tul;NI- a Witi'3 man, to spend it. Remember, it is easier to I build two chimneys tliitik to keep one going. It you vivo/ . f all to back and board, there h.: notiting -left for the' 'savings bank. Film hard and , : -woik hard while you are young,and voti Rill have a chance to rest when you Are old THE late Charlea Barton, the great lifSwi , r, wrote : -Toe etiuggle of the school, the ht.rary, and the elitficit itg.tinst the houe and tip: gin-idace, is t.rit ‘.1)0 develop- Intilt or the war 1),1 (.1.11 htnvett LIFI (hut: frirrt li, wl,t)F.o eye-sigh , was ii -;.;.;.? '4, rrco , ttii•eil,d to try ;41 1.10 ba3IS be WC:.: aril .L 9,4; four at the neart•&t drinking-saloon, and the rascal was" that his sight was BO much improved that he could see double. . DOW TEE PEOPLE LOOK AND ACVr-8110PS, The visit - of the Princess of Wales to her old home in Denmark, and the ceremonies thereon attended, give the correspondents of the London press an opportunity to make Den mark and the Danes known to the English people. The Princess of Wales is a great favorite. in Den mark, and the people most affection ately claim her 'as their own. A writer in the Times is mach struck with the country people around Co penhagen, who are nice lookingshon est, simple and bright ; the women in their quaint bonnets, consisting of a shape fitting tightly over their head. down as far as the ear, . and about five inches broad, forming the bane Work; with over this and at tached to it a-white handkerchielor square of muslin or lace, terminating in a point behind triangular fashion, look very nice, and they are never , tired- of lookinr , at all and every thing, and wha t is more they are honest enough to show that they are pleased. The servants are clean, bright and attentive. The people are all -devoted to Arno' lig all, clasSes soap' anul• water; brush and comb, are the init and not the exception, and appear to be used iu plenty, and with vigor ; their 'linen is a caution in the may of wash ing, and might be well copied at home by our laundresses and wash erwomen. The Danes pride them selves on this—that not even in Paris is such washing to be procured. IN HONESTY they are unsurpassed, and set , an -ex empt° to all the World. If' you enter a shop and buy ,an article, ,you can not speak to them, but you pin down your money and ypu pay exadtly the price, and your proper change is.giv en. Call a cab, drive anywhere, put a dollar ih the driver's hand, which is six merles—his fare is two ; he re turns four, takes off his cap, bows, and off he-goes tprite contented, and if you give hinJanother for himself ho 'is delighted beyond measure, • and thinks you a jolly sort of customer. I saw a cab set doxyn a lady and gentle man ; they passed and were abiaost out of *sight ; ttle lady had dropped . her' gloves ,without missing them -; the cabby discovered them and rush ed frantically after her. Off„lat, bows, most politely handedl tire ! gloves, and returned. Go into . a' cafe ; is music is going on or • sing ing, one of the performers will go around with a small plate. If you put in alleyk, 41d. 3d is returned ; you , are not expected to give more. • POLITENESS IS the rule, and the multiplicity of bows ,is t uite .discouraging to 'hats. In every s4eet, and every place of amusement you see hats wildly ex tended in the air, the dames appear ing to be most particular in the way of saluting 'eaclr other. Two shop boys ineet, off comes the hat of each, it is held, at almost arms, length, and with a sweep replaced to be probably off again in a few minutes, and so on' as long as, a friend or ackuaintance is in sight, whether on ills side of the streel or on the other. If you enter a 'shop, off goes your hat, or you are considered a pooror—hen, an Englishman. Soldiersi aremost particular in galuting their "officers, whether non commissioned or not, and as particular are the officers in returning it, no odds low great the distance and dense the crowd. - The women are tall, and both they and the men are fast walkers. The men begin to smoke when young, and keep it up. Pipes are seldom seen in -the streets. High small heeled boots are almost / unknown. Beggars and drunken people are scarce.' The people are evidently well to-do, ns all are comfortably and well clad, and 'all the women well and *eatly gloved. The streets are wide, the 'houses high, with lofty rooms, They live in ilafs,'as in Ed inburg, is the custom.• They are ev idently very particular about 'keep ing their town clean, as not a pfulti cle of dirt is permitted to remain in the streets, which are kept continu ally swept, and the long tiles of m‘ with brooms and shovels show it. The streets aye very slippery' and unpleasant to walk in on account of being paved with . granite stones . about seven inches square, botu on side walks and the centre of streets. CURIOUS, INVENTIONS.—Among thO_ inventions for *hich .patents have recently been obtained in the united States, are the following : device for attaching buttons to clothing with a screw driver; an Tattachment to pi anos; •so .that thd string may he.: touched mid-length_ by a pedal more-' ment, and sounds similar to a .violin. or guitarebtained; a child's carriage so arranged that wh9n the• handles are dropped, a pawl stops the wheels and arrests motion at once, and When grasped the pawl is released; a -pen- . cil-sharpener that also operates a:, handle for stumps of lead pencils; breastpins and earrings, • with tubes to hold artificial flowers; an appara tus-for drawing on boots, consisting of a strap, passing around the body below the waist; haying at each end: a hook to engage the boot-tugs; a medical compound forithe'smallpoi, composed of saltpetre, gum camphor and charcoal;.. a bouquet-holder of soft metal, that after tilling with flowers and water, may be closed, at the top; a lady's comb, passed into j the back hair in the usual manner, and. the leaves allowed to overlap and press upon the. chignon, a spring serving not only to retain the orna incuit in pl.,ce. but thi , chignon. also; a head-light - hie' locomotives, with an adjustable numb. r p!:iced in : front: of t light, ;.tut%%Hi niuvitble: t. lore d serpoi ti, be oi.etated by The twaineer: a toy bank, in whicli.:th to:7,aton_ banker_ stands to. receive . 'te,ney, and, v. - ben a spring is disen -,,..teeed he turns round, the door is shut and the money is deposited in. the back part of the bank. 11=1 1 •4 . - AN 4.Blvertisdmeilt : "If the g entleman who ps store with a red head, will rcturti the Milereblla of a young lady with the ivory handle hear something to her adrantsgea." • '• 02 per Annum in Advance. DENMARK. HACSXVi AM) HATS. CLEANLINESS STREET ILIDITS • THE LOOEST PLUME OF UTAH. The Latter Day Saints, with Their intense following of, the Mosaic raw, have) not been free from the an cient! scourges of that -period. The locust, with " a garden of Eden be, foie him, and , behind him a desolate wilderness," makes a periodical - visit to the Mormon farmers, and reminds them of the old times when the cho sen of the Lord brought a like visita tion on the obdurate Egyptians. • The flight of these ravenous de stroyers was thus described to me by an eye-witness and a fellow-traveler: " I was .called oat one" morning,7 he began, " while shipping at one of these settlement we have just left be hind, by my farmer host: The lo custs were coming, he said, and all bands were engaged in endeavoring to save the cornfields. A man .who had ridden in - great baste from a dis trict sorne'twerety miles east, report ed that' the locusts were at work, and might be .expected at . our place the next- morning. I hurried out, and fouxi'd 'every man, woman and child in :the place fortifying their •crop agai,nst the invader. Some *were -digging ditches-and turning the Wa-, - tars of the neatest - stream into the dyke, while others were piling up dry brushwood, ready to be 'ignited nheti the enemy approached. Again others brought a sort of draught . ma chine on, the ground, fitted with - re , volving pans, the Wind of Which was supposed tolie able •to clieck\.the flight of, the lOcusts. And the utmost dismay anAConsternation prevailed. The daylassed in the utmost ac tivity. \u lady in the village was disengaged.. 'She felt the; danger, and, at c ' the same time, a certain ins, bility to combat, with what the en perstitiotts regarded (and all 3.10 r, mons.are superstitious) as a viSita tion from the Lord. " About noon. the nest day they perceived a dark cloud in the- east,. .and they knew that the moment of trial was at hand. I could give - you 'no idea of the numbers and voracity of the locuSts,. Every blade of, grass, every ear - of corn, every 'wiped and leaf of Verdure disappeared like stub -- Mein the fire before there terrible gourmands. From about the height of fire feet to the ground the air was densnwith.their masses.. They flew in our•faces like'hail, filled our-pock ets and' were piled in helps about . our feet. The_women and children and men formed a rank before- the cornfield and endeavored to beat their back, btit although the slain were riled up many feet high, thelo custs never waveredi ># moment, but pressed on, - eatilig and dying and rotting in 'charnel heaps The water courses were full of them,- and the survivors crossed the stream over the dead bodies l of their van guard: ihndry - brash was lighted and burned, fiercely, fed by clouds of the destroying armies, but in a .few hours the tlfrong" extingnisheid the flame, and crowded onnyer .the cin ders to the doomed cornfields. The' Bogs and chickens were let .lOose 'on the destroyers,:but they grew „satiated, with the feast, and still the locusts pressed op. An . d_ when' at last the despairing farmers withdrew and gave up the fight, all that night the locusts fell - on, their roofs like had-stones and crawled in through everynook and crevicein their build ings.. • The next morning When they arose e,t, daylight to inspect the extent of their damages, a woful'sight present ed itself,. The ,country was indeed a,[ waste; Months of. bard labor and" hopes of a handsome return from the crops -had faded away as the blade of grass before the locust; not a trace,remained to indicate that the-, seed had ever been planted, or that a grand tract of swaying grain glis tened in the sunbeams on the morn ing before. But patiently the work was recommenced, while the locusts passed on in their' westward 'courseof desolation. The Indians had a rich feast. To a red man's palate a roast of locusts is a delicious treat. This insect has a decided- dislike to sage brush, and although it considers it a good shelte s efor its young, still it will-not .devour a leaf of that pun gent shrub,'' - - i !- 1- 1 ' GOING HOME. 1 , A STOIC FOB WIVES TO !READ. __L._ • 1 . I .. " Halpisn't this cold? " . 'said an in dividual to a friend, -. as ,the - crowd was harrying up the great . s " Cold, is it?" said Hal, turning his merry smilfing face toward his shiverincr b friend. '," Well, I guess it is a bitchilly; - but ' never think of it when lam going ome." , The other shrugged his "'boulders, and laughed a little, 'and with a good night parted. , I i I hurried up,. aiad - for a . long time kept close beside thie happ'y, home-1, 1 ward bound traiieleij, that I might get a',, ,, 00d long look at him. -_ . .1 . And I had to hurry with : a venge ance, for he might. have had on the famous seven-league. boots, and not 'gone abit faster. There w i fis a mer ry music in the click of, Ms boot heels, and such a genial atmesphere \ about him, that I Vas sorry . when he distanced i'mo in two blocks, after my Most strefious effortslto keep up. • When his tall figure . disappeared, l I loitered, along i witli ' the sound of his voice ri in rey ears, and. the recollections words stirring TIP . 'my li4eliest maginatiens. ''• . Good Ileum ! What a warm, cheer ful.going home it muSt be ! There was a wife there, I know, for there was not .a!"l3AcheloriSh " thing about him. Then. there was itu indescribable vpinething in his eye, and he 'paused Once to look at ',souse spangled fans iind t lace hand: kerchiefs in a store window. I am positie that ho was thinking how 't she" would like them. Ah, happy, blessed, true hearted wife, that sent out. to Ithe bun., work:. ing world such a cheerful laboror. There must be a•cosy, comfortable home for him, with eosy fires, with a tempting dinner, with easy chair, dressing gown and slippers. There Lutist be a perfect peace•and hariliony in all things ; best. of all there must be warm, loving hisses, a smiling face and tender words. Theremnst. be all these.. things, or this " going home t i! would not make him forget the fr' sty air, the sharp rough blasts tha ," 1 came sWeepang around' the corners, that cold winter's What a pity it is the& arc not more such, warm resting phices in the world. . ' •_ • - - I wonder it, would not make it a happier, better place,. and give us less snarlers and grumblers? I really believe it would make a grandsrevolution, it every man who hurries up our great- city streets at nightfall could carry, as Hal did, in his heart, the knowledge :that at, the other end there was a -warm,• peace ful home, and a loving welcome wait ing for bite. - • NUMBER 29. It is worth the trial anyway,- and if the result it a: favorable one; the fault will, not be ours. • Going home! After a long day's wor among dusty -law books and ledgers, among interminable lengths of barrels and boxes,or endless boxes of dry goods-- - -after. tedious labor all the long hours, with -nothing but dust and dullness, business And bustlejusi,tilink: hove much depends upon the going home. TEE MINISTER'S WORK AND PAY. The clergy are the worst paid body of laborers in- the cotifitry. - They work with ability and zeal. , They are educated, sensitive men, often carefully nurtured, and they are:ez pected' to be ; ,everybody's ,servant, to hold their time and talents at the call of all' the whimsical old women of the parish and of the town. They are to preach twice or - three times on Sunday, to lecture and expound during the week, to, make parochial calls in sun .or sform, to visit dui poor, to be the' confidenty and-'. coma celor of 'a throng, and always'in eve- . ry . i,eniibn to be fresh and bright,and al4ays ready to n do any public sett vice that may •be asked. Of course rn the clergymanmust be c iraZ of the school col:au:Wee, mad; director of the town library, and e preSi dent of CLairitable soci ies. He cannot give a great deal of nlbney for eddcation r and chairitable and :esthetic purposes—not a very 'great deal—lout he can always give time, and be can always make a .s_l2eech, and draw the'resolutions, and-direct generally.. _ •He is in fact,'the .town. pound to . which everybody may cominit. the; ' truant fancies t4a..t. nobody else' will tolerate upon the pastures and' awns of hii 'attention. He is . the .-town pump at which everybody may - till himself with advice. -.He is the town bell to "summoneverybody to every Common . enterprise; He is the town . beist . 'or -burden to carry -everybody's pack.'.With all this he i ,iams.t have a - neat and pretty house, and a comely and attractive wife, who - must b e al ways ready and Well . dressed in the parlor although she cannot afford . to hire . ; sufficient ".help." - ' And the' ' t good man's children-musts be well be- • hav -‘1 and prOperly' , clad, ' and - his 'oris.e,be a kind of hotel for tt& traveling brethren. Of 'course: . - he • a sehOlar ; and familiar with curl cut literature, and he may l justly be - expected to fit half a dozen l• boys .' for college every year. ' The. e _are • but illustrations of the functions he is to_fultlil, and always without mur muring *; and for all he is'to be glad td get a pittance upon \v,iaieli,he can barely brillg the ends of the year t(i gether, and know that if he- should suddenly, 'lie of overwork; as - he' '. probably will, his wife ' an d .children_ 1-- will be fa,qggars.- 7 -Easy chair fa filar' , • p. , .).!: , Magazine. . The enormous beds in fashion in he middle ages, in which not only the whole family, but favorite 'do r mestic animals, hunting dogs,--eats, reposed to.,oether, etcite eur liveliest astouishiment.. In those ' days the aristocracy - did not find it undignified to share their :conches with friends or guests- who sought their hospitality. It was, on _the contrary, considered''a 'mark of ' sin; cere friendship: - It is noii commonly believed that ; where two kersons 'sleep together, one abstracts from the other some amount of vital force. This is es s. - pecially the esie where old and young persons share the same bed. be sides, in al' room where, there is no • decided current of air, the emana tions from! the lungs and skin of the sleeper poison the atmosphere for a censiderable distanee. , In the public wards of great hospitals, never less then two and a half feet is allowed between each bed, 'Lir this reason.— In the sleeping apartnients of royal- • ty and nobiltty single beds are every where the rule, and nowhere the es caption. The Emkeror of Germany sleeps upon a narrow bed arida hard mattress. The single beircovering is a wadded silk quilt. t The Emperor and Empress of Austria take their royal slumbers on similar beds; with same description Of coverlet. One of the principal advantages of these narrow beds is that, the Mat tresses are more easily aired. Even the poorest housewives in Germany_ recog,nizei the fact that bedding re daily, airing, and on a pleas ant day in %Winter, and nearly .every clay in Shintuer, one may see stretch ed out of the ceurtyard windows for an entire half day - the., featlier-bede and covering so dear to the heart of e German frau.—Gala.ry. II THE YENTIIATION - OF STAIILII3.—CIose and ditty stables impair the constitu tional. Strength .of the horse, sub ject him to disease, and lesson his' changes of ' recovery. , Iu carrying - a' out proper ventilation, care is to be; taken equally against too much cool air, esj)ceially strong drafts, and,too much warm air. Professor 'Yonatt, in his treatise on the horse, lays great stress on the regular ventilation of the stable. and says that "the rettfin to a hot stable is -quite as. .dangems as the change from heated atmosphere' to a cold and biting,. air. Alany' . a. horse that has travelled without. , in- - jury over a bleak country has been suddenly seized with i4ilitnimation!. andiever when he has inumediately., at the end of his journey, been tur 'rounded with heated and . foul 'pin- And in another' plale he adds, "Of • nothing arc, we- more certain than that, in 'the majority'of the' maladies of,- those rof the worst - and most - fatal- character, dire,ctly, or indirectly, are to be attributed to' the unnatural heart of the stable. THE HABIT OF Farprme.—Pretting is both useless and .unnecessary ; it does no 'good and a great deal of harm; yet it is almost a universal sin. More or less we are all given to it. ,We fret over almolt everything. In summer because it is too hot, and in winter because it is too. cola; we fret when it rains±because it is. vet, and when it d'oesVt rain because it is dry; when we are sift, or when any body else) is sick. BEDS.