NEWS .FROM ALL NATIONS. — . Williamsport has more lawyers - —There is A large amount of corn I ungatherd. —There will be an active campaign temperance this winter. --BetHera expects, to have all the ter it ueeis in a short tune. —The eipenses of the late election New York City srere 1130,000. - I, —Four onvicts escaped from the catern PeaiteatAarylast -week. — 4 Twenty more r Chinese workmen rc or, their T.' ay to North Adams. -The prevalent hippoyzmoeis bas .ttaehed thelpe chustunt trees. -.--The newly discovered oil well in tzecclitngly good results • • —Bloomsburg wsntS, her houses town council "can't ace iL' —Fre,epoit, Itl., has a beet-sugar fact. 7 , 10,-11 cost :150,000, and will employ t 2,50 -.-TL© costs for =trying 23,000 of tli rronch Ccqnthunbts lace been .P 9,0',11 • , 1. --Black bears are plentifa4 saps'y R , -friei:ican in parts of 'oitina- —A Willis-barre - goat team is C, per nay, hauling coal and, doing other= 11:4 ---Partridges in ill'nois Tare tame I ..i,t2gll to cat from the hat:ld—when properly t>'JSrd, —The citizens of Brooklyn will ETZ'2I $'2501) inonra_lnt to Mr.. Greeley in Pro.gpi?et . Part. —Upwards of , $1,500,000 is the itrt.rag , : annual sum paid in great Britain, fur 'f.reigu Avers. • —Water by the pailfult is being rnie pang of Fort Wa.yne, Indians, h€.re welk have run dry. --During the last year, it is stated, cnty tinunatid daces have been exported from the east ciast of Africa.' —Virginia oyster dealers are foi:::;.;1argo contracts toithat bivalve, to plant is Frc:lch cd Erigiisb N%-aters. —John O'Donnell, of Scranton, Pa •, 3,g rut: by a freight train at Terrytown, N and cut in two. —There will be seven hundred and T-12ty-three German exhitavora in the, machinery departmcnt of th..: Vienna Expo.,ition. -Thr©e hundred • and eighty-five th..,lland pounds-or grapes were shipped from Penn Yu:: dur!w,.; then - tooth of October. --A Jake lia.s been discovered in th Cas - cado Oreg.n. corepletlb -I.L.mtned in by a wall otrock 2000 iect. high. '.f.;plendid Pullman palace coach. h&i been added to tho rJlhng I,t Ai: of tho U:! Creek A: Allegheny river rail- —The Ohio and Mississippi Road i!, , , g •er'fa'te ( - .). 1 their road . to 11;r:t2 a rnA tit g en,rniuge are ineTead- MEI •--TLe Buffiilo, , , Corry La Pitts ntilt..all was sold.ou Saturday to the trus t, e: or the lv , !slerT; c 1 rat mortgago bemlß, for 1;47 , 1) t.c.AW. --The imperfeCtions of the dia fa,2l, of ;111 gems are made putlia4 jut.) 4,1 of cat,, -, is when tLt hii,2:2! , .A.11,..v will b, . FreLich Gavernmtnt, recently t ndcr for :La sole right to initnufac valPmFelVaci /it France, and acvszclod it provis i C-sTriPatlY. —A railway bridge is to be built Rhifv , n Vi - vkl i which will have, with it vLoincts at eith , r mil, a tetel length of .7t6•iat a nnie ram! a Fredcric.k. Heckert and his , aged .1. - stditig in Harrisburg, wen. cry Frifioeat , ..l arly )londay tairning, tl,e toll air that reaped from a new stove. --The will of Hon.., John - lA. ;r*,we'. 1! - •••,-1.:It,:itt to probats at Tr, y, 1: 11, 1 1. 1 Va t widow of the deceaE ed e t .re e , t r.t —The Lock Haven . boot and shoe (.11t 130,0001 wort;: of LL wilt t or that much per year, e.atzly prii.:2,l the Giber day. 11 3' v•or' ", —A. soldier of the wirrisou at r 10 i-i g • Loh , Mataanr)ras, his •.•:Tfvuz , d ci.4l attaelit , d the barracks. c 1 - ..2,151.d wounded on both --A .. .Nlexioan ti a, just` been ecnn nnt: asylum, who ituagit, t3az zits consul owes Wm 57,00. H- i, rc-try , ..,tly happy in his dkiluskii. —The villain—Blakeslee by natni, No:0 &tiotupt,,,throw a railmad train rron3 t Jo: track near Thompsonviile, Cunneettent, last l'.lon , lay, has boon arrei.ted tuel thrown Into , • —The 1ate ... 110)6A Casidy, al:latish , tii•tii,,T, :,1: , 1; "1 tlin. you, James littug4tJti; w. it put tiwfolf v of miinlihrl Ptgaiust the wisaqm of itrtut.ial, wr'll Iv‘t.t , :ron t :atlt ilers tsia times _ —The Knights of, St. Patrick, in ',Juts, tali: of a $25.0{/0 111911=01A tojho livnhvy (ICJnnell, and we. tuider- 17.rge. th , Tnern.gry is already Iru • ' Chinese sitir actress is experi /.ll,‘it.if tho vlciLaiitu , le of an American lawsuit brolik, her engagement with one man igrr 0., or better promises from • A poor man who hanged biLa- K , 1., tlnn€...ti uttliCtion occasioned by Li sir, is Vali disposed of out West : "Henry , eio:stc.r. Terre liante—bckleorit. a;• , 1 )u." --As an :argil - theta in favor of thf.. 1-trcots ‘V'th gaS; the Emporium ;it lanvlous after dark t venture ,t, - .. ra I,le 111:-.:At ..A of J1111111) li tlg Over tafe 1 , ••.1: - tir,mlv.:l mn. liodiu of men and Voys rArts of tie canals of the drawn tll It is iiiippri4e3 that 1. 1 .1C11 Wero ilesat Ncith ns tha ra, 'sf 0,4:.;t11. .7.lur,kr will out. " —The editor of file Waypt , slmrp, t., ria ail at e 41..,t. Wt. roarli-k•J to have a cu:- • .r.:?:h hero ty , t , ln etlrC down. i• 1,,, • terribt.; huud storm occarreci in Cal., on Friday night. The air was and sand. Daring the wors.t of ,t '_!•a t !c•jraloal , cornmpnicationF Rai t':r.lofi. —Henry •Dr. , :vlon, a Banker of Cltv. for f,:rnagry,ling frar 111.11,1'1J (I.).ilar: wortbofiacw,es from a Canard rivan:•:;ip also 'fur :3:uuggLiag eevcral dullara v, - orth of v . tochling, eat. --The E,nglish Society for the r iragcluent of Ark. Manufactures and Commerce have ofTared several prizes—the Ini;heit ::t743—for the best improved cabs, to be xmbited at the South Keuilugton Exhibition iq-st rear. --J couple of mice were ,recently ,-.ructo. in ithnir t e 4 tir;ous mitnner. .A 4 i , l tho • 014 cret,t int) A bottle lay ou its 511....pa1i),)11 so heartly of the tc,lU't;r, that they couldn't get out, 'sere --judge elected 1 - I,ltud Sates Senator by the North Civolini :.laturte on Tuevdav, he receiving .87 votes to for Vance. All the Republicans voted for Em,4 1 1. The contest was 'a prolonged and ftr —Experinrents made by Profnsser One:chen prove that:the, time-to,. cupid ng car .ll.; of daily ,consnnapti - On ie very tnneh sh r (.ITected under etrung pressure, a n -; saying of Mel is a.;l obtained. Harrisburg boy of tender , s hi tias drown: d ser,:z teen kittens. t tit t of nine Thgs, krusjunl his I.l::tr.riliti:t the- grain, and blow ::pa pct NZall a firecracker, His fathtr irl hic.l 4 t . —There •,he best authority 'for report., that Schuyler colo'fax is tobcc! . editor of the New York f10.. 1,, :rte d Oaks Hall is to take a Sitilibirpositi-n •n, the ficorot.l. Both state :•-cre prowninc , . , l pore inventione. The editorial -and composing f the N, 3w York Ecenis.2 impress , ioere ,linnii , :zed about t 10.009 bs tire, Sunday night. GildtiraleYt , 's. printing office in the Ff rieusly damaged, making the 'obit loss V10,(03 , J., The :11A:49rs. Brooks Zoe their salualah- library. —The old idea that, odorous flow , ors arc injurious to health has been exploded Ls some recett ExPertiennte. It has been asrprt , tintid that flow , re with powerful perfullltc such as the hyarinthe heliotrope, mignonette, e t e ,, d.f,Acp,p - ,large iliauittos of mow", Svhich are cfgroat hygirnic. Value iv tip, pui-ifir-mi4,n of the an- in marsliy dieirieie.• •*- --Over niiie 1X111.1.01i pipe!i,•lnade from. aTf; yratty s. rsuitrittfacturwl iv rw,t ti o; ; `sr ,r- :q• i UK. tzt !virally • 114.w7. It throl:;thwithf.; tQI hwit ittls.ftrws 'flan writ ,;f -th,,.. tcttio, Irt.tur thirty vi P4:ty (1911Zrart.r1:4:1. , . thadfordftpotitt EDITORS* • • E. 0. GOODRICH. • S. W. ALOUD. Towanda, Monday, Dec. 12, 1872. STANDING CORDITTICE FOR 1673. J. B. Rtur., esq., Chairman of the 1 last Republican County Conventioil, has appointed the following named gentlemen for Standing Committee for the year 1873 : W..T. DAVMS, Towanda, Chairman; EDWAnn VAUGELN, Wy£llllSittg CIIMP T. HALL, Athens boro ; I GROIton T. BEECII, Smithfield ; R. M. ILLNLY, Canton ; CILLUIXS 110u.04 Monroe ; Rnt Looms, Troy ; IL H. Eta-, Burling ton boro. SPECIAL ELECTION Governor GEARY has issued his proclamation fora special eleCtion to be held on the 24th inst., for the pur pose of electing a member of Con gress to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Judge Maims. We believe it would have given bet- ter satisfaction to the people of the district had no election been order ed, but ,inasmuch as it has been forced upon us we trust every Re publican Rill deem it a duty to at- tend the election and vote for the nominee of the party, whoever he may be. It is impossible to tell, at this writing- who will be placed in nomination, as the Confer ence will not meet until this after noon. The unanimous preference of the Republicans of this county is for Dr. STRAWBILIDGE, for the reason that he has already been chosen a mem be'ri.of the -13 d Congress, and the .es perieuce he might gain during tthe ew weeks which will elapse between the election and the -:close of the present session would be' , Of great ben efit to him. In addition to this rea son he haA just been emphatically endorsed by the voters of this dis trict, a itlelt which would add much strength to his cause ' should he again come before the people for their suffrages. However, while we believe common Courtese i v would dic tate that Bradford should be con sulted iu the selection of a nomi nee, we do not feel disposed to growl, but shill endeavor with all our might to give` the candidate to be placed in nomindtion to-day, a full vote in this coul/r: - Cr3II.TLATIVE VOTING. ° For the past te,n Tcars, or ever since it became a settled fact that the democracy were_.,in an irretrieva ble minority in this • country, Mr. BUCIALEIV has been foisting upon the public, in season and out of season, his scheme for thwarting the will of the majority, by means of what is known as .cutaulatile Toting, e. allowing a voter to cast from 'one to Sim votes fur one candidate. Under its workings a, very small minority may hare as much influence in the ad ministration of affairs as a two-thirds uiiijurit`•. The Pittsburg Mad, referring to é, book on the subject put out by Mr., makes the following well: timed and sensible remarks ; As long as the Democrats ,had a majority of the votes they recognized as secularly sacred the principle that 'the majority must rule and the mi nority submit. They held then, tind held rightly, that this principle lies at the root of every Republican gov ernment, and , that without it no I.4nch government is possible. But the radical change, which threw them out of power and into hopeless mi nority, overturned their belief in re gard to this matter, compelled them to abandon the 'principle that the majority must govern and sent them on a roving; expedition to find some thing to take its place. What they actually hit upon to take its place is, that the Democratic party, notwith standing it is in such an insignifi-, cant a minority, must still govern, and, as it would not do to state it in n plain, straightforward way, they sugar-coated it by baptizing it "Pro portional lleprosentation," Alr. Buck alew 3.8 the high priest, presiding at the font. But to use a slang phrase, the thing is too thin. Its innate ugliness cannot • be, concealed by any such coating. No matter what garments it may be clothed in, the people will see in it the old ugly, pro-slavery Democratic leaders, rarvenous for place and power, and will treat it accordingly. We often hear of still barn books. This one of Mr. 'Bucka letv's'will he a remarkable specimen of the class. But it will not alone be =still horn, its condemnation went before hand. Tho people were aware on the, second Tuesday of October last that cumulative voting was Mr. Buckalew's peculiar hobby, and on that day they proclaimed their con demnation of him and of the hobby as well. That the book will be pow erless for evil in the convention we cannot doubt . ; that it will be so among the people we are absolutely certain. Cumulative voting is noth bag but t fi ;straw caught' at by drown ing Deatoeratic leaders to save them selves. But it will be in - vain. The people ha i tve decreed that they shall go untkr,land no struggling or suh terfuge that they can. resort to .will prevent the decree from being car ried inro effect. g Almost -simultaneouslyi with the report that Mr. : Gnu. - LET died poor, comes the account of a severe strut ;le over his will. He must have left some property Qr his heirs would not be so particular about the dispo sition of it. The surest way to pre vent contention and strife about propizty after the death of its pos sessor, is for men' of means to nee their money duirug their lifetime for the benefit of ma.kind. iiWt.AssociSte Justice NEnsozi, of the Supreme Court of the Ll. S., has tendered his resignation 'to the President. The Judge is full of years and! lionors and hasi perfOrmed an important f.:111 -t. in - "tilouldint'r soiiic - portions 61 our cosintry'isiyitct,n. The President LaM appointed Juilge Wmin "fivsr to fill the vacancy. DZSTIROTING instoitirj Defeated at every point., the, demo cratic leaders now profesagreat anx iety to blotiout the wicked historyof their party, and are loud in their protestations of acceptance of the re. 'sults l of the war _and itepublicima l rule. The people of tie country' should and will forgive the potitical sins of the democratic party, but will not be in a hurry to again trust with the administration of affairs the men who 1161 nigh ruined the country and, imperil l ed our glorious free in stitutiens. i The North American, I speaking upon this subject, says : "; Ah, gentlemen, men are not per mitted to go back and amend the record of their lives. Neither - can a party do that. Once made, made for all time, is the order of history evolved from law g2verning human action. Amendment is in the fu ture, not in the past; This age and that have little in common. The narrow-guage Demoicratic system of finance forever abolished. The spirit of of the Virginia resolutions of '9B , was laid at Appomattox. Of all the leading questions of the day before the Democracy sinned its life away one only remains. The ques- - tion of protection for Araericonin dustry remains a subject of discus sion. But under the wise role ,of Republicaniain the land is noisy with the clatter and clang of manufactor ies, and the grand army of artisans now out-numbers the entire free trade wing of all parties. These ar tisans, backed by capital, are solving. the _great problem. Attack the sys tem four years hence, and the people will dispose of the attacking party as decisively as they did :of the late coalition. r . ' dlf the sages of Demo'cracy will 'reflect a moment they must discover that there is no longer any use fdr, such a party. 'lt sinned away the golden era of the nation in shameless harlotry. it now confesses that it persisted in wrong doing for a quar ter of a century, and is convinced' that villainy does not pay. ' No par ty ever bad so good an excuse for dying as that. It admits that it was not fit to live any time since 1852. Why make preparations, to drag on a sickly existene in 1872? It can neither live by live down its rec kird, and wesdon't bel;eve it can live n spite of that I Leo: d ". - The anuual report of Hon. JAurqou,ocK, Director of the Unit ed States Mint, has ly:ea published. From it we Earn the deposits of bullion at the Mint and branches during the fi'Lcal yc sr were as fol lows : Gold, $441,382,551 98 ; $10,110,414 15 ; tei al 'deposits, - $50,501,955 13. Dt-11 , -eting from this total redly ~.; : t z. or b a rs made at one braiicji 4 . the Mint and deposited at auotherlfor coinage, the amount wil) be $46,417,453 84. For the same period the coinage was as follows : Gold coin, number of pieces, 1,906,415 ; value, $20,370,- 495 ; unparted and fine gold bars, $15,810,692 73 ; silver coin, number of pieces, 9,01,362 ; value, $3,029,- 834 05 ; silver bars, $10,391,945 32; nickel, c , )pper, and bronze pieces, 3,- 935,500 ; value, $123,020 ;L total number of pieces struck, 14,324,277 ; total vaine of coinage, $49,737,987 10. ftifir The sewing machine manu facturers are again before , Congress and the Patent Office for an exten sion of their bateno. -Immense 'sums have been realized on all these pat ents. The manufactured =cost of all machines is about two-thirds less than what they are sold for, so that the profits thus accumulated have amply remunerated the inventors, improvers, and holders of patents, aid therefore the public have a right to the machines, to manufacture them at will, make competition free, and thus bring the Cog of a machine within every family's reach. There ought to be protests 9ent to Con gress, urging 9 denial'of - all exten sions of these patents; for the reason here assigned; and if a proper im -1 provement were made, the patentees could be prevented frem securingi a further prolongation of their moncii- ser Immediately after the Octo election a great cry was made by the Democracy .that the ' Hon. L. D. SnOEM nsr and other lending' Repub licans of Luzern° county had resort ed to bribery to make votes for the Republican State ticket. Mr SHOE MAKER and the other Republicans thus-charged, demanded a legal in vestigation of their acts, which has , just,been had, and, which fully ex culpates them from all the charges iiirought against them. The prose cution' was not able to sustain a sin gle point in this allegation, and the acquittal of Mr. SHOEMAKER and his associates was complete. The same result would attend similar charges' made against Republicans in other parts of the State,` if brought to a , REDUCTION OF 4 THE STATE. DEBT.— Governor GEARY has issued his proc lamation announcing that tlic amount of the State deft of Pennsylvania, reduced and cancelled by the Com ruissioners of the Sinking Fund, FILANCIS JORDAN, JOHN F. 11ARTRANET and ROBERT W. MARKET, during the •period between the Ist of December, 1871. and the 13th of November, 1872, was $2,176,213 50, of which $2,168,141 81, was in eia per cent. loan ; $282,973 69 - in five per cent. loan, and $9B in relief notes. Thus steadily proceeds, year" after year, the Republican policy of debt extin 7 guishment in Pennsylvania, the same as in the management of the nation al.° government, and by the very men who in the late State canvass were so vilely defamed and abused. 141. JOUR J. PATTERSON, Republi-• can, was elected on Tuesday by tbo South Carolina Legislature, United States Senator for the term coin tnenciug •on the fourth of larch next. He was subsequently arrested an the r ehaige of bribery. :fir. PAT TERSON we believe is an old Pknnsyl vania politician. TEE ueror HOUOMIREILEY. The remains of Hones Onzsm, were . oonsigneci to the tomb on the' 4th, The funeral proftssioi WAS the, largeet ever viitnessed in New York. The houses along the route of the prevemaima tiers, Arany. ot , them, draped it mauraiag. _The belli,tolled solemnly- 1 1'11d it is estimated that 200,000 eople were spectators of the procelss ion. At the church, - the, ceremonies. were to the last degree soles= and affecting. We have no room for a full description of the ceremonies and must 'content our selves with giving the oration of Rev. "[MY Wasp lissom and the ad dress of Rev. Dr. Cnisni : MR.. BEEC EMS'S ORATION. No one dies whose death is not momentous. Of all who have passed away not one has gone, or for a long time will go, who bore with him so much reverence, so much honor, so much devotion. Who is this man that gets all these civic honors? Was he one of the world's 'princes of wealth? Was he one. of great mili tary renown? No. And. yet hire are men froin every walk in life. Here is our Chief. Magistrate ; here are our - most prominent citizens from all, parts of the country, gath ered around the bier of this- man who - - - is no more. Hero we see that criticism is disarmed. A. little time ago and men's. political passions were all aroused--and we differ as mpch in polities as ever. 'Bat here lies before us the man, who, but a brief time ago, was a great leader in the land—and why do men of all parties' ,gather here in reverence round hi 3 remains? It is because the man is greater than his politics. Here, to-day, 'between the two oceans, there is scarcely a man. or child who has not the beneficent influence of the character of Horace Greeley. Horace Greeley gave the strength of his life to education, to humanity, and especially to the poor' who could do little themselves - . He had a great heart, that longed for sym pathy. Though he may not be re membered by these memorials which carry other men's names down, he will be remembered throughout the land for those great qualities of - mind and heart which tnakeThis character commensurate as it were with. the genius of this great Republic. His influence has ,gone out to teach a nobler manhood to the mechanic and the laborer and the farmer. What - more can we say ii eulogy of the character' of this dead 2 . Alas : atas he, through a long and not nu tempestuous voyage, reached the shore. " How blessed are the dead that die in the turd! " Alay God grant tliat in the soletuni 'ty of these thought, in which we have gattnired here, it may 1)e our happy lot that when we di:: angels shall open the gate!!. ant: receive Us into the glory of the Lord. L. I" Sleep thy last. sleep," was then beautifully sung by the quartette of the Church of St. FRANCIS XAVIER, af ter which the Rev. Dr. CII&PIN deliv ered the closing address, as follows : DR. 'CELt PIN 8 .thDr,r9B To-day, in the freshness of -his great sorrowilloraco laid by the side of his beloved wife. As a pastor and is perzuteal friend, I cannot hero row . attempt, to depict, the worth and the greatecss of the departed journalist. I trust the time will soon come wihen_..ois weal( will receive, in a lt4e (Attire, and better hands than - mine, the eulogy that is due him. Few., men hese been thoroughly 'appreciated for the true nature of their character. A career of honest purpose and le neticent teuderness proclaims itself through out the land. Horace Greeley's epi taph written in the homes through out the length and breadth of the. land. 'Where are now all party and religions 41Derenees ? I ask you to consider, here R hat it was that brought, forth ro much love for this man? It was not b!s official posi tion. Ile held none. It was not even his unquestionable ge:lks- It was the attraction of pure atiA sim ple goodness. The hundreds of' FAil worn men who yesterday waited fol . hours to look upon the face o the dead were not drawn there by any mere curiosity. They went to cast a last look at the feittures of one who had been 'their consistent and un tiring friend. The doctrine of a large trust in man, however ,(pialified by experiences, is the origin of all no ble effort. ' If we believe that all honesty is marketable, that there are no incorruptible souls, then I say it is far preferable to have, if full often deceived, trust in humanity. This I believe was the moving principle of Hoiace Greeley's life. Goodness is better -than greatness. It brings us nearer. to God. All religion consists in love for our fellow-beings. We can all aspire to this greatness. Weary with the turmoil. of life does the truth come to us, ' 4 l know that my Redeemer liveth." ilt was the triumph, of his• life' and of his death. And as we take our brother from this church, which has known him•so often but will know him no more, let this be our lesson : "..We know that our Redeemer liveth." Farewell, dear friend—farewell, no ble associate—farewell beat cham pion! "We know that our Redeem er liveth," and God grant that like thee we may know it when the light of this world is fading from our eyes. air Air. BANKS has Offered a reso lution in the House of Representa tives increasing the President's sala ry to $50,000 per ,annuta after 'the 4th of March, 187_3, and the proposal of an amendment to the Constitution providing that the President shall hold office for six years,,ind be in eligible for re-election ; that the Vice President shall hold office for six years, and that the Presidept and Vice President shall be electtd di rectly by the voters on the satire day 'that the election for Representatives to Congress takes place. 28,- There should be a general discussion of the local option law in every school district of the county betWeen this time and the day for holding the township 'elections, in January. Although the law as it stands is not without faults,if the people vote no lieense, under its pro visions, a long stride in favor of pro hibition 'will be made, We have no doubt the people of this. county 'are largely in favor of abolishing the licence system, but in order to give their views any weight, the ,•• mast turn out and vote "no licenSe," on the third Friday in. January. 3UDGE WM' We find the following notice of Judge ?dooms, in the Philadelphia :Inquirer of the 3d inst : This eminent Petinsylvanio jurist yesterday took his seat lopetttheßn preme Bench of the 031molaweelth, the oath of office been ad ministered to him by Judge Shore wood) Hon. Ulysses Vercur offers in the record of his useful life anoth er elistinguished_ example , of whet `honors may be achieved by the humblest citizen of the Republic who, with honorable ambition, integrity - and energy, may choose to aspire be yond the accidents of his condition. The eon of a farmer, his educational advantages were slight ; for during half the year, until he was sixteen yeah old, tho , farm claimed his at- . tention and hie schooling- was no more than that which he could ob tain in* the winter. - Desiring that he should be a use fal citizen ; • that he should fill a broader, more - helPful sphere' in life than that of a tiller of the soil, at sixteen he . bartered his expected patrimony for the opportunity to en ter college. - He did enter college, and such good use did he make of his time and abilities, and so ener- with, was he in scholarly pursuits, at he was graduated with the first honors of his class. Thence he en-. tared the law office of Hon. J. Mc- Kenan, of Washington, Pa., and,as ht, distinguished himself ass student at Jefferson College, so did he dis tinguish himself as a student at law. In 18434 m began the practice of his profession, and his abilities, his in tegrity anti industry were so great that a large and remunerative prac tice early rewarded his efforts. He was not only a good lawyer, but a good man, without reproach in either gcharacter, land when Judge Wilmot was elected Senator Ulysses Mercur was elected Judge of the Thirteenth District, in hiw place. He -Was subsequently, in 1864 gent to Congress, that his district tnight k have iu that body the I,, , tlefit el his great intelligence, teaming anti in tegTity. He was re-elected to both 'the Fortieth, Forty-tint and Forth _ 1 second Conrrresses, all the tiine win- ring favor,for himself by ably repro st•nting his constituents. During all his active rife--and he is now in his fifty fifth . j year—he has ade no step backward in , reputa tion or in the.regurdsof the people. He has_risen by his native worth - to be a justice of the Supreme Court of. hie IN,Ltive, State, and to that position he is welcomed by every lawyer in the Commonwealth, and by' every layman, too, who appreciates what,a substantial good it is to have that court represented - by men who are in all things true to their own con science and devoted to the -interests of the people. Cer.Th'e troubles in Louisiana are approaching . an, end. The legally returned Legislature of Louisiana organize& on "Monday, with forty eight Ilf,Pnblican majority, including a number of WARMOTII men. The • opposing body also met. The lcgiti urate House improved the first day by °impeaching Wiemora almost nuaniniously-58 to 6. As this chain ber consists of 50 Republicans to 1-11 Democrats, a portion of the latter must have joined in the!action. The Supreme Court have also sent Judge ELSIOR, WARHOTII'S right-hand man, to j iii, and it is announced that the falling Governor the night previons , l 11..teuiptcd to buy one of the city pa- pers to fiupport him. It may be taken as certain. from all of these facts, that the commotion in Louisi ana is rapidly subsiding ; that the various plans by which the Governor sought to control the State to suit. his own wishes, in antagonism to the; `party by whoth he was first elected, are exploded, and that peace will shortly 'exist - in the State. The igno hnuions failure of WAnsfors' is anbth er indication that the • people every whvre irimpathize with and endorse the prindiples of the Republican par- gar The!New York Evening of Monday . 4 b,.tes that Secretary DE LANo will said jrZ - Cuba on Thursday net, and it m tuored that he goes sem i -o ff ic i a ll y a t t t. ie request of Pres ident (Arent to asee, , lain the condi tion of affairs in the island. It is said that tale p res ida, t is anxious that the e 'ff usion of b10. 9 c 1 on ate island shall be brought, t o an end, and ho does not wish to tirly'n any now step upon Congress before la`nw ,ing the exact state of. affairs. Sema tary DELANO'S health is very poor and . ho hopes it will be benefited by the trip. tge. The day after the death of HORACE CinEurr several well-known gentleman in Boston held 'a con sultation for the purpose of forming a GREE4EY National ll9nument As sociation. The organization has been nearly completed. It is not confined to Boston, but will embrace well-know citizens of all parts of the country. It is proposed to raise $500,- 000, of which $75,000 has already boon guraanteed. z The President's stern adhere ance to civil service,• continues' to command the lipproval of Republi can organs whose editors -are not office-huAers;and of the masses of the Republican party in all parts of the country, as tho only means of in,- swing the parity and 'harmony of our organizations and securing fit men to perform all chitise connected with the public services. fic westerly gale, caus ing great destiuction to property of all dOcriptions, prevailed through , 'England -and Ireland on Sunday. Telegri, iph wires were prostrated buildings demolished, churches in jured, ships blown ashore,"and much other' damage done. At Cork and Exeter the storm was particularly severe. ie. Gen. Causr.oi has introduced. a bill in the U. S. Senate, to. give the widow Of the late Geu. Munn a pen sion of $3,000 per annum. . The measure is a very proper one; and will undoubtedly become a law. to There wln be a struggle on the I proposition for postal teleggipba. The proposition that the Goveram - erti shall assume control of all thi lines, whale endorsed by this Frt.:nester Geti . end and sustained by a great a*rity of newspaper* eta las its powerful opponents, and partibnlarly among the journalists of New :York' city, who want no cheapening of news, by which all newspaper men will s be put on an equality. When the, roposition gets fairly before Oen-. gress and, its discussion is began, we will learn More of its merits and de -merits. . • so,By the provisions of the law; making Stilts Treseurer elective, hereafter, B. W. iiianzzy, esq., prea mit incumbent of the [office ' Will hold over until his succssor is duly elected and qualified next fall. This insures a faithful administration of the finan cial affairs of the `Commonwealth for another year, •ancl' also 'prevents the annual struggle for the position. ter One of the New York papers states that several prominent brisiness men have just sent' 4,0 San Domingo money for the purchase of Samana, they having become satisfied that the purchase which congress rejected Nyould. be a profitable one, and have renewed the bargain with Baez on their own account. • New Advertisements. NM T . ET . TERS REMAINING IN THE _AA Postoffice, Towanda, Pa., Dee. 14.1.1172. Adamson J 132 . Murphy Dennis Aldrich E It Madden Edw Airert Miss S 1 , Miller Mary Allen A A 11, ..31cCabe 11 J Breen John ' Minto John flush E 11 - Marphy Annie Hargett 013 . , • ' McCall,Caasie Barnhart Joanna Maloney John Bowman Mrs J L Moran Ellen Comings Carrie E ' Miller Emma Campbell Ann 8 Xingu Mril L Carrier P W McDowell 31 Consadlne Pat 'i Newell Charles Cangly Thomas Nelson Mies Burin Gipsy 11 C Northrup B.N Crock James ' - O'Donnell 'U...Elite Dunn & Culver Posey Mrs Bath Dibble Ellen packard Mita I..ncy Dunn Jas L 2 -- 'Willa,' MINI / 1 Downing Ellie Russell Luse Donohoue John Rutty David DeWitt F,. Dcelaine Michael Davis &Sou DeLoll Mrs Wm 31 Epley John 11 Ellis L V 1 Farms John E Farrar Fred 2 Flinn Anna M Fleschntt Dr • Grey Wm 2 Glidden flenj T 3 Oilmen J B Gunn Osi-t Grey Mis , 4 D Griffith & Barris Heath Frank Hoimpsen Roger . Hurley Ellen Hoffman John Hickey John ~. Harder Arther 3. Tanner Mrs Hattie Henry John : Tanner John Hawkins E E Miss Thayer H iesM Jells Harris Mrs E A , VIIIC/643 Kingston Wm . Voeburg Isaac Kinney Chas l . ; 'Curless I T-3 ' Laurie C P . Wise Miss' Addle Leonard Maggie Wolf Jacob Leon Chia C - Yaw Hiram Langdon Geo . - Watson Miss Hoax Lindseey 8 B Vilillanis Emma 3 Lewis Jae D Westbrook C Mushier Horace Walls 33oye Mclntyre Jas Williams Edaarc Madden /as White Mike 2 dd Libble Waterman I'4 M o rg an osn Frank Wallis lira T Mathews 0 II Watson Miss C Mills Lewis - Webb Cyrus Me3lahon Ellen ~.. Yeager Charles 4 - Fer . eons calling for above letters will say saver tie--ed. giving date of list. 8. W. ALVORD, P.M. VANS it lII.LDIZETR'S TII IRD A3EIVAL OF NEW DRY Goons PRICES LOWE - 11 THAN Ext. STOCK THE LARGEST WE OFFER TOE TAE THIRTY" DAYS SPECIAL BARGAna LIF, D R I F, SS GOOD S, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, CLOTIES, FLANNELS MI Also a full liiae'of LADIES LINEN HANDBER4:I,,H'S, FIKT - M " FANCY INEIVOLDERED. " LACE COLLARS, NUBIAS, , And many other new goods suitable for the HOLIDAY TRADE. Please call and examine EVANS 4 BiLDRETH, Towanda, Dec. 10, 1872 VOR SALE.—The subscriber hay tag other balanced that requires Ithi wlicds at tention. offers for sale his entire stock of goods. consisting of Dry-Goods. Groceries.' Roots and Shoes. Crockery and alumna* kc.., at a • • • . The store now occapisd by him can be leased '4taired. Terms favorable. R. E. 211 0 115RTER, PIL Cet.llo-ne IatIREA.IIS for five dollars at I Mark MO povrinismi etc co_ OM I M=WMNItI 7 M'I n q FOR FALL AND yINTER WE AB, • Which they confidently invite the attention of all whO wish to see a, Sutherland Rev Bela Strickland Miss *try Shindell John T Surat/ere Mrs Lairrenega Sullivan Miss Annie - k Shores'Stephen Shores *Wagon Stephens Mahlon Saab 'Miss! M J Sickler Stephens hiss Battu) Shantou Mrs Annie Shorts Miss Ststne. Steratcarg L S Smith Oeo B Scotch boo II Taff L Taylor *las S Tanner Mrs June.; WA.TEPIPROOFS, etc., &o. LINEN COLLARS, Scdt RP Bridge. street. Pa ,mli it Co. 1 Are now receiving STOCK. OF GOODS FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS And to buy them AT 11.1FGAINS. DRESS - GOODS DEPARTMENT COMPLETE THE BEST - STOCK OF GOODS AND AT BETTER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE • SHOWN. Please eftll mid see them. CLOTHS AND CASSI3IP.BES. ANOTHER LARGE LOT NOW OPENING, AT VERY LOW PRICES GM BARGAINS IN -FLANNELS Of which we have a VERY LARuE STOCK SHAWLS, CLOAKS AND FURS NOW OPEN. EVERY STYLE AND AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES We.eannot enumerate all the kinds of new goods we are now receiving but would ask an inspection of our Towanda, Nov. 6, 1872. SENTIMENT 1 'MUSIC ! MIRTH 1 k ELOCUTION AND 'MUSIC! , SONG AND STOW! WM. G. BARNES, P.G.11".„ Ara edltorof the New York .Vitartand-jiantr," Will deliver lilt wortd-re - uovrned Medic* 'Melange for the 31.1 th time. entitled • "Entartaligig an Aud ience.'' TN 31,L11-CUR'S -HALL, WEDNESDAX 4ITE.; DEC. 18, 1872, Under the tan:does of I,esh Ilebekall Degree Lodge, N 0 122 . Ws has been pronounced the moat , • Eentertairiment of the day. 'Go with your young folks and old folks. You will never regret the attend/woe. - Admission 3.S coots. Reserved seals f.. 0 reds. State reaerved at. lilrby's Drug store three days before tho lecture. Doors open ar. 7 o'clock; trouble commences at 8 . KEEP OUT COLD DRAUGHTS - naive your outside Doors and Windows fitted up with the Patent Wood and Lubber WEA.THER STRIPS • $3O will at up an 'ordliary sized ' hones with these menld.ings. They will save In fuel every year, and the other- tali' in doctor's , Dille. They render buildinge WIND, SNOW,. DAIN, AND Dt -PROOF .Ir. The Ladies an.) especially interested. , ld and applied by t JUNE & LEWIS. • 4•wc4 Towanda, Pa. A NNUAL I.I.EETING. ' .1-a- , ..... -.s Orricz,TowAnat Inoa Mr°. La - N. 'ToWANIDI, Nov. 27,1872. NLotille in hereby given that the annual 'meeting of the-stockhohlers of the Towanda Iron .51sunfae taring I:mat:any...sill be' 101:1 in the Gram! Jury Loom. in tle IturGligh of Towanda, on TUES DAY. DECEeltlf.n. 17. I iTY. at 2 ticlock, le m., at which time c!:',...ur# !or ..A.Le ensuing yea' will be ehos...eti.ll. L.'SCDTT, Secretary. I)lloPOSA:l,Si—Propoßils will lie received at the orrice of the Will - es-Barre Coal audjrou Company, Willi , 2-Barre, Pa., until ,DeN.--m -her 1, 1 , 472. for the whole or the part of Three Mtn dre,l t , ..d Fury (359) Tow+ best quality presited Tirti "thy HAY. to be delivirod at Wiikes-Barre, between date of contract and tho flrmt of March, 1873. 1...70c..6'72.2113 • DISSOLUTIVN.-L113(3 firm torlre existing au] huoa - u as Suave: I; Sxart Bros has this day beau disouleed !actual con sent. ho =counts or the litto arra aro to the hands Of U. S. tinocer, and J. IL Swart for settle rieut, to whom all persous indeVted to said arm arc requested to =adze immediate psytuk•nt. S. SN - vVklt. • •• y U. sWART. GEORGE 8. SWAItT. Wyalusing, Pa:, Yov. 1572. The luisinfss .will be continued at the old stand by the eubscribers. wlicre we shall be glad to a^o 411 those who homy favor UN with a cail. U. S. SitiOVElit. J. ,EI. swear. , t At N - T' A. lq• 'Y" M S ~ • , . . . .. . . . - • , . 1 _ LARGE AND DESIRABLE STOCK POWELL & CO. Now Advertisemonte. PROSE AND POETRY! WONDERFUL AND iOREEABLE ' E. I. CLAtrEON, Chttitumn-Committee. ONE H4y THEIR,,COST And all:Jw YelfitaAtiOn: G. 11, PARRISEI, Rupt. Nov. 13 vv3 -A BF, NOW RECEIVING r i .~. , -A__ _ /,. . . . . . SEASON - ABLE GOODS BE- .` SOLD AT LOW PRICES Towanda. October :23, 1'i7.2. JEWELRY ! MWELRY! CHRISTMAS AN) NEW. YEARS HUGUENIN 13ROTHERS LT TIIE , PLD STAND FORIIEBLY OCCUPIED BY L. \WARN Have jutt reeicea a large assortel,ut of Jewelry o all the laleet btYlf • • 1, • 4raericp:!...and S vvi %-// t (slugs, . Gold and Silver. from the clicare..9t to the best. Also a . lsrge tassortment of CLOCE.S, GOLD, AND STEEL -SPECTACLES i • Beine s mber t.lapla&s, two doors Eolith or Pcwell Co's v Toirsnds, Pa. ' Watches, Clocks, anti Jc•.relry repWc+l _ . - N0v.2072 FARM FORSA - LE. —The rtnikr rignea offois the farp late the enAt. of Benedict Arnold, &ceased. situate !n Warren township. Bradford County. Pa containing AM actor, iraprored; had a good house. one barn and two sheds, a horse barn; corn house, a frame hog pen and orchard thereon. Is well watered. and is one of the best c oitiVateri . farnis In Warren township and-very ptoductive. Ternureasy, and to snit purclU.ser. i ,, r further particulars enquire or address C. V: Arno'il. Thinlp ton,;Broom County. N. - Y., or C. W. Arnold,' iptith• Warred. Bradford County. Ba. C. V: & C. W. ARNOLD.. &lath Warren, Dec. 4.'72-wi Executors. TIIE ANNUAL MEETING of the SharehoblerA t the First National' Bank of Teat:dada, for. the election Of .a. Board of Directors to SrVe the claiming yea^. dl Le held at the °nice of the Bank, on TVES: , AV, JAN, 13, 1372. liet , retai the honre of one Ind tbrce Wel e-U. 1. ti. BEITS, Jo., esslner - ; TOwanda. Dee. 4, 1572.. forTHE ANN CS: AfEuIING of the Stockholderi of the Towatuls Itrittito Ccmpany, he electioti of a President. Treasurer. and ata. nanagera will be .held at the ()flier of the First National Bank, on WEDNESDAY. JAN. 1. 1373, at Qllfi O'clock.. pan., _ , - • BETTS, iF., Setretary,.De.i. 4.1147'2. 'ivy. N.r.oRG-4.N CO., DEAL- T; V LEAtv. EsTars.—Lots from 6100 up wards. Alsck Real Estate dgent.i. Lind bem:ilit and sold and money fouled. Pa ties desiring to s• 11 Wild Lands, Farms. or Lots.. call have a- map of lands or silbdivision made at this Agency. and property sold. on a reasonable commission. (Alice over Posteflice,liercnr's 131oek, T0%411103. Pit. • . moonv, , [Dec.4'72l vets- tt. atottoati. WEEKLY ARRIVAL OF ANTHRACITE COAL 'On th.. itafirt:xl. Coiv.4ll 4, trt, - A, which 4013 by the car 10.141-or le3s quantity, 411 ,klivri•Nt on reagotiable-tertua. Please . Call at the Coal Yard. s tlotts 'WELBER, Selearlan. = Aug. 79.2877. • S. OBE. Proprietor. TAD MINCrAL POURSE-. p . or G . ►r . :Szt kc tlLt:followii*aratotincenciente fur caz k ROBERT coLLYER, • Zl, W.? Lisia, Subject--•• tid?ticc'.—; 111. • A`NA Is. DICKINSON, February What's to Ilitter." Date, F ur,DE DOLT GL A SS. Date Feb:az:7 21, E. 13. Nartu nzrqxzet th e other it their services - eau' eith.trwire`other :(. , .:titrers win be stASON TiclOqs, $3:0,) General liewre4 Jl7O. F., 5. W. 41.v...7.1,, 'Towanda,-\_ V. 13. I:37'h 1111 .TABLE OF N SULLI ck eaect or, lE' lionday, 1o:71.. efoCTIII4 - 111 - D t f A . 11. • I 8:G1); J T0V:11241D.-1 , I BAncLAY 31,0 , , 9:30 1 CV/I..COXVi . ' [ 2-45 ' 9:'.115 1 ....'.S EV; fiii,'.. V...... 1 2:15 :1" , 0 ~ .......317LLE I:8.. .... '. I 1:(5 ,, 10:20 j DVSHOICK• I , 1:31:1 ' 11:10 1 LIERNICE . : il.tri A. Nt. I I I Y. Y. ERIE ILWA • PULT.I!AIei c,, t erm s , comblnan! all 11.1ern rllll through on all Trair.'A bcfWeeti!New cater. Buffalo, giagira FaUR. Supp , ,ngCu Brdzo, Cleveland. and Cincinnati, Abstract or `lime Table, A4cipted .15 - 0 NI; 4, T A TJ-0 N Nev. , Tort L'11,214 t .to_L L .1 - I • • • D NAL LOCAL tft k WESTWARD Fottlays. from Or.ego. Stoprftg at Ty Smitlsboro Barton 6:12, Waverly 7,50. C.h , tnun 7::„3 , 7,_ Wellsburg S:l5, • Elmira 8:40, EZ L . ! F - Litak Co=id - r: - .^11:',!4), Pa'altesl Ratlthouecille 1:27, - Carr.,er , :, ILI;g 1:52, Cameron 2:15,, Adrian 3:1o, Cams•,,,, 3 ;4:‘,.;4riV1117, at 11,muc4Ixv,lle at 1:00 p•rz, 5..15 ez7.4,7, t snuLlay,t, !rem, Sll2quellatl,:a. clrt-at 1.10a.1 5 :197 ° Kir:4 , 4 - 0A 5:52. 'Mtz. taint,r.-4,',12.,1100rrr 5:55, Luion • 5.45, Campv,:l4 7 o 3, 7:20. Ti"c's 7:10, Staja*,4..rn w, ; ;l s t,r ; -: 8:57, Sk.,ill.lll,ort Elmira !..1:13, 'biz Flat' 10,21. 1.: 7.3; Rzrllll. ill , 11 :10X2.11.,e,r'm 1 , 1 , 118 15.31. (2.1r.. , -rop 11:40. 12:''o, ral - , , ,,te0 :t2,..1 at 12;22 ......1 - .1f1 , 1 , ..•tr.r.a: St I pft , .;,; 1 , ,,11 , 1 Kirk-,v , , - hl 6:4', L'ingl.amt,a floor , r Carnpril4. Q:l5. Stilithlw.rc. 9:15. Part ~ n Wave.r:3 Chßmntir; Wen 4 1 ,. !,, 1 ,, 'l.. Hir Vat,' 11-.45 1 2 ' 1 2 p" P= ,'ngt 7 12:15. .. 1 ,2.1.5 , ):1 12:15 Ranh - .7.lPri!'.. CaTr.f.rzri 47,-....cr0n 1.27, Ad:lss "1 ! - . l ..:Car.isteo atrl 1.1.)^1.1P1: ,- i1lt , 'at 2:15 St,q - pi:,f..;Groat Ber.d. 1:57, Kirl:lv ,o I 1,t,3,1t.-Tra 1-tooiun: 4 - 52, C'et. , ::.;,v,.11e et 6"! 5 p.m. . , , 1:11 exc. , Szt%44 - ri. at 8;.. , „ trri!:l2. rtl,t Nvrai. ;it FP - 1'1.1,7.7 1t nooror 2:43, T - Trotk 2:5". 3:18, 3.41. ..•••:Vrt...)11 VS!! Wavorly eberuritt;! port 4.47. Einlint 4..49„LigFlAs .t Post 5:42. CvEnfron 11:27. C3,7.1er., , :.1 6:35, PiiriS 6, Can ar.141 rtrriving 110rat , 11. , ,v1.111_ , 7:15 Clev:lla7irl. DunLirk.. Sztsp'n,fr'a Siazar:t 131iff:.10 1101:111"--t- " • Ce1111'•:`• I'Vmirt Igarpriy, . Owezz6 Lin:zllar:Stna.. Great Yer..l„. Silsquell:invec P. , rt (141.. hen ' • Ne•xl.:nrl.;',l p,t. rufrn ' 4 4 . Jer- , `r A. ADDITION" LOC IL 5:00 • a.,11. f:0:1; 5:2*2. an 5,7, Crim.•rarti:r. _Camoron 31;as 7,10, 7.1:) 8 ; 25. p,;;; 1 ;,- . 1 9:15. Co:nm:t Big Fia 10:12, Elmira 11:3.' a.m., Szonthimit Wellsbn 1:1s. Chrmnoo 1:10. Waverly 2;30, ItaTton 3 3 ) P..t.n1111 1, 0r0 3:25. Tioga :313; and artixing at 9w, , . at 4:10 p.m. 5:35 a.m. dally- from 11.rnellio;:11. CaroCro 7:45, AddiQou 8;10, Corning 5:17. nu.: 11!23, Warorly. 12;42, p.m., Snithboro 1:10: ower,:o 2t^o; Campville 3:03. Cnion 3;3•;. ' 7,31,t-'m. 4:12, I illiWijOa 4 ;57. (I , oat Lena- 5:21. -,. arris Mg at Siv,im-Lanny at p;oo p.m. . -7;00 a.m., racept SandayA from' . ;;,torping at Cano , eo 7:13. Adrian *7;25. Car.a.r, 7. 42 , Cameron 7:42, Cameron Mi11t114.3, MOW-- ;05, A.,111:Boti R;la, Painted Pci-t t'brn, '::;3, Flat,' 8:13. Elmira 33 , 8. Sonit - O , r•21:1 Wcll.,...httra 9:30. Chemung• 3;15, Wavitrly I; 10:It7'S;attlibero 10;13, Ti0g,a10:35,.(2, , ::31. , : , k1;05, Union It:2tr. P 11;, arrivmg attsingliamton 11; , 0u tut. • 7 a except Sunday!. from gMA - e,.: 0 . at C. 14110.1110 .7:47. B:2S, ham ton 9:10.- Klrlv.voo,llo :30, Oreat 130 ad artiving-a4 Suigthehanna 1:55 XCerlt Sntit/aye. flynl SOppinz Canisteo- 2:08, Arlrk.l3 Cim'r 2:45, Cair.rr , Al :51111s . 2:51. - 11:;tfilyInf-v.)1•3 P., Al mon 1:25. Po4t Cormm: 4 4: Elmira 4:74. Southport 5:12 W..)ilgburg ranniz. 5:4.4. Waverly ql:(15, Tin;za Canapv,lle ILlolv,r ton 8:2 . 0. K!rkwoo•.l 8:45, Groat 'J min ) ) at suseitv)lianna at 1)....•22 I:s' p.m... except Sun( from- ra!).... 1. Stopping at Corning 2:05:1.1ig an! tug at E.l:Liza at 2:40 , • Daily., t Lead-tea exceploa..-1:; - c- - n X.ort Jervia. 11 Stop Bv,utlai's er4r T 1 t1i.:1; Tickvts t.) all r:U:ta.„, , , very Lowest Rates, tor sale iu at tt:o Waverly 11epot Thia ht the "only ntith , ltlz. , l Ihtity.-ay Company f , r the =aye NV %—prfc w:11 he chncl.:l. - ...! I L. P. Ercri:7-11., T -1 M 1; i t r l ' 2.1 ( 1; • ' •• - ' t.. Toy:and:l, t n bartra,n..!Th.. • "53 octes, 1,L.; s unak.r.);:. -r the bk.:ltt, - , 0 titub.rdd. ,•• :nut go,,d \y al Ite2 on tyleonablt, jtortnt-- ttn : l E,..,rttnn (+Ube pttzeinte.` • " • E oLy l oys 4 ;1; Mt -P -"M 6 1 ,• 111.11 i. 0:. , 1 tho t .?port o: n. rr,lL'es front circula: to F. Masco,r,t, fiuril;(lll,,n r,,, 41111, . evu:,t,i7s . 4 cl TE.A.I'. ED OW 6T(.. -..A.::,; 'T.EO:+[ k)-1115 1.1.T.r. ,, , a Lr.Ach, rt-c% .-.ati ‘,..,!. . • • • . : 1 - tweet, a b out 10 moilthr old ; 1 , .. , 1,, pe. t I ..i ,4„, plut sli , plinSd, ams,ver-'lt. e n tl:atl ,, •.- Sp '-l• V -7 ono 1;11Ill:: adorv , rdi-ci Ir. f..arklbn , 1 , 1,- , •, 1 ,-,,, , 1 ‘!", v.:II Lc liberally rc.v , A1,,, 1 ' 5„, ,,:,.< , 81.4,V.....1,,,;i.,.. , I.,itaysvill , , It.. Nov! :41. Iti72 -!:' N be pr....pared I) u • tb- 1:1 tho 1;n”. tuule tJ mil at lily tt,l;Ally I.i ire a call )4nl t‘lcafrAue tie gAd f,r selros. Oct. 1, 1872 riscollapeonc, LECTURE CONISIITTEE SEASO:g 0F.V312-3 JOHN B. GOIT6-11, 13 T i . 4 17 21,4373 Sul, t- . For f!..,..!r: at EL-by' 4 I,',ra,r CO3fMITTI:I: L. R. F„so.9r p: =I F. GOopITTN 7 , -- Getil Pz.EA,:u4pr IMISME \n • Nn: 7%11. 5. I :1. - f --- ---1 3:-;d. N. y.. 9CO If '' i C) 3 ? 1 31 1 34U; ti 25 'lt ) 4,9 .5!; I OM 8:471 2 r 0 •. 444 33 3 44 a 25 4q 4 (O 427. • e" , (:, 11 33 . 443 3 12 :3, 5 2' .07 1 20 3.5 i 6 117 SI , ) ..... 1032 7 10132 31' • ! r. 1 .1 117 2:1 ONE 12 ,5 K 10' 11 15: 12 45 12 55 ?50, 12 301 4.35 100`, 1000; 12 3 440 1 0:.; 10 05, 12 40', t 45 50 00 1151 115 tr 35 1 7 00;7 GO 415'.. 13 '6.03 p. 4. No 12. S T ATI 0 N Mffil.lllll DEE ' 110 .. 0., 40 540 10115 7 ' 45 -3,15 I' l2 75Z '• 2 30: G 20 . , 11 f.l —; 8 8 15' 1010' 305 110- ,••7 25 II 3 1 : 432 12 1 " 801 - is i - i 13 - 124 , 12'50 549 1 2 9 25, 1 30,1 1 ,•!, 7 1 , 1 10, 215 ll' 2 5 2 4'l' 740 31 , " 58' 3 Kl Ol • ^ 52,G 1 5 0`, 11 55 e, 4 • 953, 745 12 42 .. j ' 11 40 r;•) no . 2.;37‘ 7 (' , 7 • ;0 1 5 . 3.; 111 , 4 3 10 , 7Or 11 ef, Cu MEM 1Z 1 I rvl 1--; _ . of r S i trui:Oxy, Oc r. 11. I N 1 . 1 ! ! I: 00 N: 6 BVIWiLD EEO IKE No. No Eli t MEI :5.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers