Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 24, 1872, Image 3

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    11 . iatiford,`-1 tp fl.
ToTraiida,lllandtcy. October 24, 1872.
kr Gen. Bum iS to spe
Elmira on Wednesday evening next.
Id36l'PrOf. SILEUWOOD is pre
for another cc m&
See We are under obligatio
Mr. F. E. D:ULDEII for some very hirge c
of Hamburg grapes, the-gr
,PARDEr.:,' Esq., Hazleton.
I. We are gratified to kno.i
itev. 0. GIBSON, the faithful and
rastor L el' the hi. E.thurch, has been re
to tLia place for the third year.
Witr - The Railroad Compan
- putting down a stood sidewalk from th
dence'of Assistant Superintendent Drams.
.the Depot.
itER. I 4. quarrel between two
:gin men named Taos. DAVIS and SA
occurred at Fall Creel: on Mondaj last'
•Fomo trifling matter, when Dims ahot S
in the leg.
ter In compliance with the rei
nienclation of the London Sunday-Schoo l l
allee, a Union Prayer Meeting of Sundajl
teachers and friends, was held in the Eh
church, On Sunday ev i ening last.
- -
j Work on the school-hone
ogri , saing finely. `bur energetio and compe
tail mechanic, N. P. EnewN, is foreman, which
sufficient guarantee that the work will not
I;, slighted,
gar Col. E..S3nTn and IL W. PAT=
LICK, Esq., , :hare formed a copartnership. The
former will spend most pr his timo in Wilkes-
Ilarre, and the latter attend to,l,mainess
*A, The snit between Wm4.LEs,
Tiaxri atrium and the I. &. A. /1! lil Co.,
n hien was on the list for trial lasts week,l was
,N , Ltinued i in consequence of the death of Col.
w-• The first regular meeting of
the Twranda Sunday-School Alliance, was held
in the N. E. Church, on Monday evening last.
The attendance was good. The next meeting
Lull take pia& in the Presbyterian Church, on
:tlon.l - ay, November:lB.
it g.. The stone work on the jail is
r.carly complet.4l, and the roof is behng put on.
The pit) Will be completed early in the Spring,
and we aro credibly informed the vet wil/ not
xceed Mr. FmNa's estimate, notpdthstahai:
the mat increase in the price of-iron.,
mn4: CAmEnc.:i celebrated the ,fifti , th an
sary of their wedding at Harrisburg, on T
day last. No formal invitations were is.
but a general reception was .10d from t •
fire in the afternoon.
Judge MEncrn in the law firm orDavil
7,li.nerii.: The members of the new firm )
both ab-le:lawyers, and strictly upright 4
and as they propose to confine tlalimelve
6 . tl,, :r '.'irofessional business, will undoubt
l. ~p up rbo good reputatims of t h e old tint
Capt. W3X. WINANS, the
6r_-.‘.11 sailor-preacher and popular reviya
a ?cries of meetings in the l‘lottic
IKyersburg. The. meetings aro
vonuig, and are attended with much
Thy public are iuvited f come
;ha veteran soldier of tip.? Cross.
r 1;.3..
We, take pleasure in direct,
:••• to the stat,ment of The First.N'ate.'
t.) lis.fettml in to-clay's paper. WO
,t pxhibits a larger business than at
report: -The management. of the
uiatat must commend the 'Bard; to thee'
Ci lice of the business pubhe.
tra. We regret to lose our esteem-
L1.,!• ,, :10g friend, SIAN.: LONG, as a eitizen t of
tilts place. Mr. L. has limn engaged in he
Nattotitti Link for some time past., and tied
arc ,1 the c mildew:to and esteem not onlyt of
110 -fticers, Lilt of the depositors of the k.
II- 1, turns to Troy to take charg'o of his' fa
tcer's ,;state.
• that we can give why our fr iends fr om abroad
orIc.—JOHN St7LLIVAN, should send their children hero to be educated.
rnr •i the budiorellotel, in,Dushere, SulG
,an BY recent improvements, all the 'halls aro
ti!antel, at the usual seeding time. last warmed, and no effort is being spared to make
a p,ta,to in,him garden of Prailla- the building comtertable, convenient and piea
r. eel; or two snipe ho dug •them p, sant. Booms can be secured for those desiring
: , , :111,1 that it 11‘,1 prOduced 544 potatn•s, to board theinselies, near the Institute._
4; . 1%;...11 1 5 pounds—or in other words, - j 6
11.:11• I.ti,licl anal peck.
te- the Chairman of the liepub-
Len County Committee, requests no' to Eirty
1 , 4. • , or I:epubllcan• friends in the county, t4a
Fp.3' , .f..N.A:11 be supplied for meetings durih,
in localities where tpey link tliat
u.. ,I 1 be of positive benefit. I:leque.ith
,norddlie made to Chairm:
fa•hnc Tuesday next, in ut-dt;r that tim7l 2
may be giro'.
lii4"dutics as County C'oninti,inoner,
Tli ir.dlar last. Mr. K. has alwas ntanag§d
business successfully, and ire have to
d will conduct: the'Uffairs or the cony ty
I( 'mini; commiiisioner,..lonic B. lllst s,
iib.tly entitled toAlte praise of evey
ta\-ca•..c.r, for hi.s - careful attention to their ill- .
lurib;chis term. Ile retir,s from Al i ce
r.. r , cord, and with the /•onFeigusrintiii
served duringLa
.1 rplexing ,tr ‘• •!, ‘‘. tzh e
-.••• •
Nutiday-sclidol Concert wits
llr - ir ' nbrook Church, in Sheslieguln,
enitig last, which was highly en
; 11.- : all, who . were. so fortunate as to be
*i:. - 11ir• exercises were of a varied atur
character, censisting of brief to
and temperanceiiddiesses, • Scriptu al
.L;a, t te., by the young ladies, andsing
ti , r7cluldren—the whole interspersd
_coral and instrumental mus t
faille s nine attracted spec al
.." I,j• their fine recitations, were 5f as
.!, I ,WaLLE:t.-
tom. Ari interesting temperance
.4:1.; held in Temperance Hall, on 841:L-
I , : . htst . : Addresses were made 'by
ELL!, rr .and hey. S. J. Le K.
, ;niter present ..vas indicative that
to the importance of the
I%; , ,ived in the temperance
of a similar .character shot td
all over the county, so at wen
, ph c aide to•vote on the question of
• in January, a large ma.juri
-13 Ira:. bs fmnd (.11 the side of order and 1(41
PEPAIDNAt.—The numerottOriencla
of 11 T. Fox, t 'Till be gtatiftea to learn
tl.lf is rec . iverinfr from Ms recent quite ile•
rioa illness
—Col. J. H. Roam his removed to Bernice
-ilic Synod of New Jersey met in Coiambi%
Pa:iilhst - weck. Rev. J. S. S - rzwurr and 0. A.
'Bi.i!. - :; : : represented the Presbyterian ehtirch,lof
th: , ii l i;lace. - •
-itir. STILAWBDIDGE, 31CD1ber of Con as
OrV trom this district, was married a few d gli ays
iiit4 Lis elLction, to Miss - Emrs" Bunzai lo!
W4i.s-Barre. Tho Doctot-is sensible as- well
~ ,It r. l;•,,tlt.r.
~ IL. Nutmeg, jr.,, Esq., of Atliens..conunittf d
4 inat i llia ,ii-i I,i4t week. No particulars.
ii)ir: , . I'. E. 1......i.r,Er. has been spPndingl a
f-v...11:4y: iu town. visiting her ald friende. i
4 IL -:•• , ~ , .1
-44 r. F. liinntorr, the elocutionist of New
- 1, - 1 , paid us a tit on Tuesd4. Mr. H. wil
:PN' , 4biy . lav-r our people with h reading sour.
1 Judge lar.r.cuu is in Washington, attendii?:
- t'J r.) , . , butitiess precious to resigning .!
sea ,
Bizziui, Tams UM W% HilL—We
last week published the proclamation of Presi
dent Gun, setting apart a day of. thanks*
giving and prabia'to the Great Giver of all our
temporal benefits, and We earnestly hope the
mission may be generally observed. It is plea+
sant, in the midst of the heat and turmoil of
GAS exciting political contest, to hes: the voice
of the Chief Magistrate of the country calling
upon the people to remember the great bless
ings that they have been permitted to enjoy
during the year, and to come togethtit h accord
ing to the time-honored Cdstoin,l on an appoint
ed day to return pub/to - thanks to the Giver of
all good for nis manifold mercies. '.We have
ample reason for observing the ;ancient twig°
this year, for we have been especially favored:
War, pestilence and famine havC been tar from
our doors, and prosperitY has smiled upon us
in endless fiirms.
•s to
1. of A.
r that
' fullest
Virrritotrt A itiIVSPAPEB. —Nothing
presents a sadder commentary upon the pres
ent condition uf-scedety, than the large number
of families, both in'town and country, but more
especially in the latter, that subscribe to no
paper of any kind. Hundreds and thousandi
of (sullies are thus growing up utterly igno
rant of what is transpiring in the , world around ,
them—and ignorant -of the mighty events of
the day. But who can tell the vast amount of
injury that is being inflicted ripen the rising
generation—those who are to take our place in
the busy world at no distant day—growing up
without any knowledge of the present, or anY
iamdy of the put ; this ignorance, toe, being
imbued into them by tho sanction of those who
should and doubtless do know better, did they
'only think of the injurious effects of their insane
course. Let the head of every &billy think of
this, and place is the hands of those for *hem
he is responsible, the means of acquiring some
knowledge of the movirg panorama in which
we act our different parts.
ND to
ma.—The following is from .a financial article
of the Journtil of Ortmmerce, New York:
"People who sit nervously in counting houses
or behind their goods, waiting for customers
to take them by storm, and snaking no effort to
lot the world knew the bargains they have to
offer, will find the season very unpropitious.
Many of those whb have spent large sums in
hiring drummers band paying for other well
known appliancea.of trade, have effected large
sales, but swallowed np t oo large a share of
the receipts in such enormous attendant expen
ses. The beet remuneration has, been found
by those who have returned to more legitimate_
old fashioned methods of pushing their busi
ness. We say it, not simply because we are in
terested in this line of expenditure, but as our
best advice to all who wish to be enterprising,
or to secure a larger custom, there is nothing
now so effective to this end as judicious adver
'Using: A little advertising stay be like a gentle
touch of the whip to poor Dobbin's horse, "a
mercy thrown away;" but a liberal outlay Is al
most certain to bring it in a, large return, and
this will last even beyond the current season.
We do not believe that any one who has valua
ble service or desirable property to offer, can
fail of a rich harvest by . continuouS aevertising
on a large sada-r
tor There will be an-eljterlain
ment for the benefit of Northern Lodge Good
Template, in Itlercur's Ball, Wednesday, Oct.
29, to consist of vocal and instrumental music,'
tableaux, chVidee, recitations and dialogues.
A number of the very best and fairest talent
of Towanda have kindly consented to aid,in
this entertainment, and everything indicates
that it will he one of the best ever given in the
place. It is a well known fact that Towanda
possesses talent—parthularly of the musical
"Order—which is not excelled anywhere. In ad
dition to some of the favorite and well known
'performers, there will appearcissmeifor the first
time in public. The tableau; charades, etc.,
are prepared by skillful bands, and must p'esio
ail who sba .hem. This society, which has
,given a course of lectures at a loss for two con
secutive years, appears for the first — tinse in
public, and deserves , the favor of out people,
bind the character of the proyosed entettain
meat is ouch as to justify the hope that it willt
receive it. Remember the time, Wednesday,
October 29.
,1111 - 13-
jo to
I ibt,
—We learn that more than one• hundred and
sixty students are now in attendance at the
tinsquelptuna -Collegiate Institute, which is
double i S llc number at the opening.of the school
under tlitesent Principals two years since,
and an-advance on any previous . kterm since the
school was first opened in the Fallpf 1854. We
learn that quite a applications bave;
alreadi been made for' the next te , tm, which
begins November 4. A number of yonng ladies
complete, at the close of the presektyear, the
Academic Graduating Course; it.), several
young men the course preparatory 4, o College.
We are pleased that the people of ow- town
and its immediate vicinity, appreciate the ad
vantages of a thorough high school in their
midst, and see the necessity of properly sus
taining it. The fact that it is being well pa
tronized at home, is one of the best reasons
865- 'At a regnr meeting of Valley
Lodge, No. 446, L 0. 0. P., held at tho Lodge
Room, in Sheshequin, Oct. 12, 1872, the follow
ing preamble and resolutions were tuNnotis
t ly adopted : c•
WHEREAS, In the dispensation. of Divine
providence, death has been'permitted to enter
the dwelling of our well beloved brother, Sam
uel G. :limier, end taken from bis fond embrace
the' ompanion of his youth, making a home
that was cheerful and happy, row lonely and
sad, causing the heart's tenderest affections to
be called into exercise, reminding. us that we
arc mortal, that this is not our abiding home,
that soon the sands of our life will have run
out, and we be called to &ell in naatisions pre
pared for us on. high. Be it, therefore,
tllesofred, That by this afflicting dispotitta
ton, our brother has been bereft of a worthy
companion, his children of a fond mother, her ,
parents of a kind and affectionate datighter, - z,
and the other members of the family a sister,
whose lore wag of tileir very life a part.
Resolred, That we extend to our afflicted
brother, and the relatives of the . deceased, in
this their sad bereavement, our tenderest and
most heartfelt sympathies, and rejoice With
them in the belief that she possessed a. pass
port to the Suprem6 - Grand Master, whose ap
probation we also seek.
Rest/fret", _That the above be published in
the MIATAPOILD ItErOnTER and Bradford Argus,
and a cony, signed by the committee and offs
cent of th is Lodge, "ho presented our afflicted
JoaN N. Grimm N. G.
0. D.-KrtiNav, V.'o..
G. W. lint:inr, See'y. -
—Dr. J. G. HOLL.AND 8 new novel, ;" Arthur
Bonnicastle," begins in Scribner's for Novem
ber—the initial number of another ,volnme of
the magazine. It will be a New England story,
in autobiographical form.t - In the opening
chapter the hero describes a notable ievent of
his childhood, and introduces the reader to
some curious characters. The coquitie design
by MiFs liaii.Loca, which stands at th head of
the installment, is itself a story and a poem.
Dr. HomaNn's editorial contributions to the
present number aro more extensive that:it:usual.
In "Topics of the; Time" he discusses "Pero
Hyacinthe's Marriage," which ho strongly de
fends, "Civil Service Reform," "Prayers' and
Pills," " - The Outsiders," and the "Power of the
Affirmative." 'Tho l first article of the number
is a profusely illustrated paper by Miss EDNA
Pnocron, on " Northern Russia and St: Peters
burg." F.. W. STEADY, an officer , of the 11. S.
Navy, describes most vividly "The Earthquake
at Arica," and the illustrations to this article
are superb. An interesting feature of this
number is a group of five poems by five cele
brated woman-poets, OITHETtEL 0. BOSITTL, H.
IL, CELIA TaAxm, Mrs. A. D. T. Witrrszy,
end ELIZABETH /torus ALLEN. "Sate Park
man's Wedding Days,", by ELIZA WOOD, is far
above the 'average magazine story of the day,
and contains passages Of remarkable originali
ty and power; and HIRAM BICH'S " Tictom De
ficit "is a quaint and witty sketch. Col., T. W.
Hioonisow contributes an admirable critical
paper on " Hawthorne's Last Bequest," M.' D.
Coswer tell about "The Demons of the Shad
ow," and'Enwann Elsa, of the Boston
gossips very pleasantly about " The. Coming
Man," in a paper on , " An - Expedition with Stan
ley." The Old Cabinet contents are "The Lit
tle Man of Destiny," "Is he Honest ?" and "The
Sot.g of a Rose." 'There is practical informs
' tion and entertaining writing in the Depart
- merits of Nature and Science, Home and Socie
ty, and Cciltnro and Progress, and the number
• eluees with a page of Etchings, showing the
different kinds of Angles. .
G. D. Loso's FrmagiLL . .—G.D. -
who died so suddenly on Wed Um.
dij last, was buried in Troy on ?rlday atter•
noon, with Maeorda honer,. Quite a number
from this place , were present. As a mark of
respect to the memory of the deceased, all
btisiness places were close& The busbies' s
ram of Troy realize that they have lost one of
their most enterprising and useful citizens.
The Moral services were conducted by Bev.
Mr. (Warr, of Auburn, and - Beri.llr. Naos, of
West Fanns, N. Y..
We clip the following biographical sketch of
the l deceased from the last Northern Tier Ga
,G. Dudley Long, oldest on of Judge V. M.
Long, was born in Troy toivaishlv, in the year
1831, and was conseinently forty-one years of
ago, in ;Tut,' last. Always noted as a boy for
his upright and manly nature, he maintained
the same character throughout his, life, and
won in a high degree the confident* and respect
of , his fellow-citizens. Hie - education was re
ceived in the common school of his native town,
and in the Troy Academy, which in its palmy
days numbered aiming its teachers some dis
tinguished educators. When about sixteen
years of age, be entered the office' of the Har
risburg Chronicle, and served at tho printing
bowiese for about two years, returning to Troy
in'the year 1848.- His father at that time was
keeping the Troy Blouse, and the young _man
took the, position of clerk, and in his place was
noted for his affability and courtesy. In 1852
he was married to Helen E., daughter of ex-
Sheriff Benj. McKean and twin sister of H. B.
McKean, Esq., of Towanda. Boon after his
marriage he moved upon a farm in Columbia
township, where he resided for. about ajeer.
1n,1853 he returned to Troy, slid entered the
store of V. M. et H. F. licavo,.o s clerk. He
continued in this place till March, 1860, when
he its-conjunction with Wm. H. Nichols, bought
initiate store and began business under the I
fiftipawn of Nichols Lang. In 1863, Mr.
Niche's sold out his interest to Mr. Albert Hop
kins, and the firm of Long & Hopkins continu
ed till the yearlB66, when Mr: Hopkins with . -
drew, and Mr. Long.conducted the store alone.
Burned oat in the great fire of 1869, be visited
the West, with 'a view of beginning business
where fires were not PO frequent, nor so disas
trous; but finally returned, and established
himself in the oew store opposite the Troy
Reuse. In Decelnber, 1870, he began a part
nership with Jas. Whitaker, with whom he
mined till his death, the firm being known as,
G. D. Long and Co.
During the present Summer ho made a visit
of some three weeks to Kansas, and soon after
his return was taken with bilious fever, from
which he hid apparently recovered., On the
morning of his death he had returned from the
poet-office with a letter which ho vu 'about to
read to his wife, when she left the room tq go
to iineighbor's. Returning M a few moments
she found him senseless in his chair. It is sup
posed that an atteck of heart disease was the
cause of his death. He leaves a wife and ono
son, McKean Long, who holds a position in
one of the Towanda Banks.,
Mr. Long was noted for his enterprise and
foresight in his business, and for, bisoscelletit
social qualities.; He was possessed or largei
general information, and hold several impor t
ent. offices in his native village, and was when
he died a member of the school board, having
been re-elected at the 'last borough election.
To him much of the credit is due for the thor
ough establishment of our Graded School. As
a citizen he will be long remembered; as a
friend. ho will be sincerely mourned.
Nir HORACE E. Frroe, formerly of
this county, was assaulted and nearly murder
ed in the depot at Lock-Haven, where he was
engaged as baggage-master, a few days since.
i!iir C. F. CROSS keppa a full
. line
of fmo stationery. , -
z The best lot of Marble Tables
in Wien. Fawn Zr, dome.
ina. If you want ; nice Chromo,
or the 'Meat book, call at (luoss' Book St4ro.
ie. All the novelties of the season
list receive,. at:e.vA as S HILDLIETIett.
Stir Did you know that Faun &
SONS .had Willow Ctiulloi?
ca. An ettensiv stock of Fall and
Vlnivr Goods, at TArLori k Co's.
VD...The . American Sewing Mar
chino is the best.
to- Warm meals at all hours a
Cowtss' Bakery.
giiir The Gardner Chair Seat is
le beet
Stir Rooms over 'MOODY & Co.'s
Store for rent. Enquire of \V. A. CuAmnEnus.
sqx.. Fall lino of Ladies'; Misses
and Childrea's Shoes. at TAYLOR & ckfs.
stir Fruit Jars, Tumblers, Bowls
etc., for Jelly, at IVlcicium 1c BLACK'S Store.
Imp.. Sweet Potatoes and Cranber
ries, A t Cowl.}.;3' Bakery,
• i•
Evros & HILDILETEI call atten
n xd their 'a drertisernent of new Fall Goode
lee. A large assortment, of Brack
Ct 4 just received at Fuosr
sett- If 'you want Pictures framed
well aild cheaply, go to CALK INS' Boot: Store.
Mir Oysters by the quart, at' 45
cents: H. L. Covnms.
Job work, of every description,
neatly and expeditiously executed at this office.
ser A full lino of new Fall Goods
net received st. TATTAn Co'.
tqin. Don't bnyl anything ,‘ in the
hardware line until you examine-tlio stock of
ger Rich, Embroidered Flannels,
of Skirts, at TAYLOR. at COMP•
, Go to Cnoss' Book Store, and
rubsciibu for the Citizen and Round Table, sud
get tt eitvvo fine chrornos given each subscriber.
u. Cloaks, Talmas, and Sacques,
'n all he new Fall and Wintet Fashions, at
Tarunt L Co'g.
BURDICK ' S National Hay an(
Straw Cutters, for ts* by
IDS. Complete assortment of White
Goo a, Table Luxes and Napkins, at
Tairtoa Co's:
stirA large assortment of Amen
can Cnok and Parlor Sto% es, at
'ma.' Flannels and - Dornestici, for
he mest reaFonable,prices, at
ber Furniture just reduced 25 per
Cent, at FrtuaT SONS.
July 15, 18T2.
va. New and desirable styles in
Dress Goods, just opened at
star A fine assortment of Chromos
wad Lithographs, last received at Cuts'
Book Store. They aro very cheap.
The Baptist Churches of .the
Branford Association, can obtain their minutes
at Mr. Cuatnes' Book Store.
pa. roc fine clothing, inspect N.
Goininunes immense stock, Main . street, next
to rnitlistionel Bank. _
16, An entire new stock of Paisley,
"Ottoman, and Wool Shawls, at
• i Tx%on & Co's.
SlarAll the new Cloth Colors 'in
Drew', Gmule, at TAYLOIL
ate- The latest styles of Hats and
Caps, ilovr open at TAYLOR & 00'6.
1109 1 ... Keystone Clothing Palace,
Blain street, nett to Eirab National Bank.
SW - New Cloths and Cassimeres •
great Tariety, just received at
- Tsui an & Co'a.
For first class insurance
again 4 Lisa or damage, or lire, or Lightning,
call atliVsuclux A; BLacz's Agency. •
• Goias P. Oars advertises in
another oolorin 00211) 'valuable real imitate for
Tale. The property Is well .located; and noun
continue to advance to value for morns yeas.
A leans Oipoimnan.—Plates will
be smared ibr two young MCI 10 work thr their
board sad go to school, by applying at Susque
hanna Collegiate Institute.
lir The best assortment of Gents'
Furnishing Goods at X. GOLDITIM:01 Kenton
Clothing Palace.
ger Barao . & Teslfsnaa, at the
old stand of 8. N. Aserawuz, are continually
rcceiting additidtui to their large Mocha hard
Dai Goona—A new and complete
stock for Fall and Winter trade, at
Fon SALL—Two .or, three new
bowies, desirably located.' Terms easy: *-
quire of W. G. Goanox, at Turner k Gordon's
Drug Store. ' '
ter If you don't know what Tan
want inthe Book ,anti' Stationery line, call bn
C. F. Canso,
Is- If you want a first. alas* P a r.
for }Rove, get the Light House, on Ind and
for sale by PSSDLSTO3tt DA.IIHOW,
. Orwell, Pa.
Pulse poi SAL L-4 have a - Shoe
moan. Piano, as good as now, costing $6OO,
which will be Sold, if applied for within one
week, for WO. - Mrs• 'DixOs.
i. A large and desirable assort
ment of Trimmed hats and Bonnets, at very
low prima, at the sign of the Big Bonnet.
110. We have seen GARDNER'S pat
ent chair seat, And know it 4o be thi3 best.
Pawn tc 13oNN have them.
very few line Light Brshmaa, Bronze Turkeys,
and Bait and Partridge Cochin, for solo at rm.
'outlet° prime O. P. WELtaa, Towanda.
WO.. The Universal White Woven
Tucked Skirt, and alt kinds of Hoop Skirts and
Bustles, can be had very cheap at B. A. Prrrts
1116..LAZARMS aowlis, mapufac
tureres of those celebrated spectacles, have
changed their agency from J. Hoorsatv's to
WM. A.Ctiazazatam's.
Mar Carriage and Coach Painters
sill find a large stock. of Waiden's Tranifer
Paintings, atjezie k Limo' Hardware gtore,
Towanda. ;
mar Everybody should bare one o
&rise celebrated chairs, which when opened,
forms a complete stop-ladder. For Bale only
by J. 0. FROST tt SONS.
CENTALL Com; YinD.—Anthracite
Coal—Nut, $4.25; Stone and Egg, $4.50 per ton.
Sullivan Anthracite Nut, $3.25; Stone and
Egg, $l.OO per ton. IL M. Sates.
stir The place to buy a first-class
Cook or Parlor Stove, is at
• tom. A general line of Worsted
GoOda for Cluldrea's wear, and a' flne assert
nient of Ladies' and Sabina,
.at B. A.
Parra§ s Co's.
10116 You will find the largest and
best - variety of Bats and Bonnets, and the
nicest assortment 9f Ribbons, Flowers and
Feathers, at B. A. Prrii::s it Co's., at the sign
of the Big Bonnet, ever offered in Towanda.
HAT PRESS .—For sale, Ingersoll's
popular Bar and Eaglo Improved Hand Hay
Presses. Farmers will find it profitable to press
their hay fur market; and, to do it themselves.
They trill find the Eagle :tie. 1 and 2 Presses tii
be just the very thing for the purpose.
Towanda, Oct. 15
mers arc invited to call and examine this excel
lent Level Land and Side-ilin now. It has
given the best satisfaction to all purchasers.
R. 11. WELLTS.
Towanda, ra.
, Fon SALE.A cond-hand Exten
sion-Top Platform Wagon, in good order, made
by 13r.LaYr S firm,i.x. Will be sold cheap for
want of nee. Can be seen at the Carriage Fac
tory of /1";ILY STtI A W & Co. -
Sept. 30, 1872. ‘.
se- The plane to : buy Millinery
Goads is at B. A. PErrms t Co's:, at the sign of
the Big Bonnet. They keep the largest stock
of that kind of goods, and sell at the lowest
figures of any plseei in Towanda.
AT LAST IT ges Bz FouND:The
chair seat that will never wear ont. J. 0. Fawn'
Soxm aro now prepared' to put seats in all
kinds of chairs with Gardner patent chair
seat, which is the best and most durable seat
in the world. Call and emit. 5
Se -3. 0. FROST & So*s wish to
put a Woven Wire Mattress in every house In
Towanda, on a month's trial, and if it does not
suit them, they will call and take it away. Now
is your time to get perfect sleep. Be sure' you
try, and then you will buy.
!PS- A new stock of Dry Goods
and Notions, in great variety, just received at
the sign of the Big Bonnet, No. 92 Main street,
Towanda, Pa. 7 B. A. PETrEs A: Co.
Oct. 4,1872-2 W.
is selling superior Hard Anthracite Coal, by
the car load, very . cheap, delivered at any S.B.
station between Wyalasing and Athens. Now
is the time to secure your Winter's supply.
i Large stock of Red and White
Wheat Flour, jtt ISlcCaaa & EDWARDS'.
ANIL Do not be deceived; but re
member that Mrs. J. D. limes is the best place
to buy your most fashionable Bonnets, Hats;
Ribbons,Yeathers, Flo :era, all shades of Iro
quoise Silk for trimming, and in fact. _every
thing in that line. Millinery store on Bridge
street, Towsnia, Pa.
-Temor. S Co's
algned Assessor of Towanda Borough, hereby
gives notice that he will be in the GRAND ,
JOR'illt 3 3I in the Cowrt house, on Saturday,
Oct. 26, f. r the purpose of correcting the Regis
try, and -icing the personal application of
such pe :•n's as claim to have become voters
since the I assessment. N. TIDD.
MI6 Caoss is now selling off - his
stock, preparatory to filling np for fall trade.
If you want wall paper, now is your time to
buy it eb r kaply. And if you want a good book
you sho d select it now, while the stock is be
big disposed of.
NIT The edition of the Road and
Poor Laws'f this county, compiled by Capt.
*. S. Cu:swami, is limited, and township
officers who desire to procure copies, should
apply - 400M The workis for sale at this ace.
se-Do you want a sewing
chine, and do you kn9w_that the Singer never
disappoints? After seven years' expertenee we
can truly say that the Singer does give satiatae=
Con. Wrocsax A Bracy, Agents.
• Fon aux on RENT. —The house
now occupied by W. H. Maui, on kiln St.,
opposite Ilia B. Hvarnrarfs. Possession given
tlrst of October. Also the house on Plank Road
known as Hughes' home._ Enquire of Pox
oft.. D. W. Huozes, of this place,
has prepared an excellent furniture varnish,
and is now offering It to the people of the
county. Messrs. nowt' & Sou recommend it
u the best article of the kind
. knoin.. Every
housekeeper should have' bottle.
Or cell, Ps
E. WELLtis
Mr Li order to make preparations
for our tall stock we will sell our Spring and
Summer goods at low figures. It will therefore
be to your interest to mumble our steak, es we
sell the eheapestat the Keystone Ellothing
iticautioa *Ail. DRAWS; or
;:ncrwed WeU Curb and Bucket. L good de
mand is 'pinging np for this convenient affair.
It is a good thing. Give the 3Ni...tor Water
Drawer a trial anCyott will like it.' B. M.
Wzmis sells it.
ifir Fwd. Beal4lnr, Ticket Agent
Pa. & N. Y. R. B. Co., bu been appointed solo
agent In this place 'for the sale of the Railway
Passenger. Assurance Co.'s accident tickets.
These tickets cost . but - a trifle, and corer all
kinds of accidents. • ,
Fon SALE.-,Hotwe and Lot in To
wanda Boro., near Collegiate Institute, for sale
cheap for cash or on time. Abundance of good
fruit, a well of soft water, etc. ; bone has 11
rooms. Also house and lot on "Northern Lib
erties.' Enquirerof J. N. Cu.u7, Towanda,
• ,
far Wm. Drrnuatt, our popular
and intelligent music dealer, now makes his
headquarters at the store of T. Emmons, on
Main street. Mr. Drrrsacm is fully posted in
regard to the various musical instruments, tnd
persons desiring to purchase Should consult
Fgurr Tares.--,Splendid Pear, Ap
ple, and other Fruit Tress of fine quality,
thrifty, well rooted, hardy, and for sale cheap.
Now is the right time to fill up vacant places
in your orchards, and to aist out new ones.
I invite all interested persons .to visit my
Nursery on Towanda 'Flats, and see
,and buy
for themwlvea.
Towanda, Ott. 15
The Dining Room at Cover ES'
Bakery is getting to be a very popular resort.
Warm meals are served at all liours,and especial
attention is paid to the wants of all customers.
Mr. A. F. Cowirs has charge of the depart
ment, which is a sufficient guarantee that none
will be allowed to go away empty.
B lIAIIND & HILL would call the
attention of the public to the fact that their
market is always 'iripplied with the choicest
steaks, reasts,:lareb and mutton, pork, sausage,
fish, etc. They are now receiving daily supplies
of fine fresh:oyster's, which they offer at whole
sale and retail at the very Towest rates.
NOTICE.. —Ounor Scorr, E. V. Mal
°Ls, and L. IL DUTTON, Overseers ct the Poor,
of Smithfield township, hsve in charge throe
boys, aged respectively six, nine and eleven
years ; and two girls, aged three and a half and
'Fight years. Any persons wishing to take such
children, aro requPsted to make it known to
the above named persons, or to either of them.
MI6 The robbery at - the Post-Office
and Mr. Kiiic , sar's, last week, causekconsid
erable alarm in' town, but quiet is again restor
ed, and A. N. NErsost desires to call attention
to the fact that he has a large assortment of
solid and plated Jewelry, which no robber will
ever steal, because the prices are too low. He
has also. furnished himself with a substantial
new safe , in which to deposit watches and other
articles left i with him for repair:
A CARD.-1. take this - method of re
turning my sincere thanks to the eitizens• of
Bradford comity for the liberal patronage they
have ha, towed upon 'me this past season ; and
a continuance of the same being an nn oubted
fact, as our goods have given, and always will
give, sktisfaction. We are having manufactur
ed in Philadelphia the tat gent and. most com
plete stock of Fall and Winter goods e'er seen
in Bradford county. lilcasrs. GORE 4t. MalAtioX,
the popular and stylish rumchant tailors, are
14catt d in our establkhrernt, and are prepared
ter take your orders for stylish clothes. Our
stock of Gents' Furnishing Got‘sis next Fall will
surpass any outside of the large cities, as it is
my intention Whore a stock of the period.
• N. GoLLeurrn. 7 .
Keystone Clothing Pala!
How TO Go Warn—'This' is an en
qtury which eery ono should hare truthfully
answered before he starts on his journey, and
a little care taken in examination tiefontel will
in many eases save much ' trouble, time and
The "C. B. A. Q: It. 1t.," running from Chi
cago, through Galesburg to Darlington, and
the "1. B. A W. Route," running from Indiark•
spolin, through Bloomington to Barlington,
Nava achieved a splendid reputation in the last
two:years as no leading Passenger Routes to
the est. -At Burlington they connect with
the B. k If. It., and form the great Burling
ton Route, which runs direct through Southern
lowa to Nebraska and Kansas, with close con
nections to California and the Territories; and
passengers starting ftom Bradford county, on
their way westward, cannot do better than to
take the Ilusz.vacros ROUTE.
This Line has published a pamphlet called
"How to Go West," which contains much valu
able information ; a large correct map of the
Great West, which can be obtained free of
charge by addressing the General Passenger
Agent B. Jc M. It. 8., Burlington, lowa.
TRIMITIES ET StrcomV.-31r. Beats—Sir : At
your request, I hare tested liAtaisf3icilian Hair
Renewer, in my practice at the "Seratirner
Hospital," and can say it will restore gray hair
to its original color) It is entirey harmless,
and is a valuable remedy to use in such cases.
P. IL Mat.stsrtir,
Professor of Chemistry and Medicine:
Stockholm, July 6, 1868, •
SWEDEN.—As I have had occasion to see several
persons, who, for some time, have used IlauJe
Vegetable L Siailian Hair Renewer, and know
that alias restored the original color of the
hair, as well as being efficient in removing the
itching and dandruff' thatjaccompanies the fall
ing off of the hair, I consider it my duty to ac
knowledge the Bathe t, Mr. SACO&
Physician-in-Chief to the sing, and Preserver
of his life.
Stockholm, July 7, IW.
COIIPTON-31cAFEE.—At the residence of
the bride's father, in Athens township, Oct.
IG, by Rev. Yr. F. Nixon. ltev. Orville Comp
ton, of the-C. N. Y. Conference, to Miss H.
Jennie McAfee, of Athens, Bradford county,
Pa. .
ROGERS—BENNETT.—In North Towanda,
August 45, 1872, by S. A.lfilis, Esq... Mr.
James Rogers, of Ulster, and Miss
Bennett, of Burlington.
LEWIS--013131311N.—1n North Towanda, Aug.
26,1872, by S. A. Mills. Esq., Mr. Frank Lew
is, of Mouroeton, and Miss Maria Osborn, of
Smithfield, Pa.
RITTON--GLAZIER.—In North Towanda,
Oct. 15, 1872. by S.A. Mills, rotql. Hr. John i
Britton, of Towanda borough, and Miss Sarah
Glazier, of Terrytown, Pa.
PETLES—FESSENDEN.—M the house of John
Braund, Esq , in Towanda, Mouthy ereniug,
0ct,21. by Rev. 0. L. Gibson, 11. A. Pettus,
Esq., or this borough, to Mrs. Meribah Fat:-
s6nden, or Terrytowu.
WHEATON-110B1N8ON.—At the house of
the bride's father, in Toaands, Oct. 19, by
Rev. 0. L. Gibson, Mr. Francis S. Whe.iton.
of East Burlington, to Miss 3lary.J. Robinson,
of this village.
the 10th mat., by the Rev. Wm. Shelton, D.
D., N. Ackley Lanphear ' of Titusville, Pa..
and Emma Ellsworth, of Buffalo, N. Y.
BLACKVAN—HYLIIO.—At the house of B.
- Hillis, in Herrick, Sept. 10, by the Bev. D.
Cook, Geo. W. Blackman, of Hornbrook i and
Miss Maggie E. Hillis, Herrick.
3IORROW—NESBIT.—At Beilibay, Herrick,
Oct. 10, by Rev. D. Cock, jdr. Newton 3.
Morrow aid Miss Ada J. Nesbit, both of Her
COBURN. -CLEVELAND.—At the house of
Mr. 11. -D. Cleveland, Oct 16, by Rev. D.
Cook, Mr. J. L. Coburn awl Miss Lucina C.
Cleveland, both of Merr all.
ACKLEY —ItILLEIL —AI the Part,ouage, in
jYlerryall, Oct. 16, By Bev. D. Cook, Mr. Now
ell Ackley and Miss Mary E. IliVer, both 'of
Wyalusing township, Pa.
HEII.IIIOII—JACKIJAH.—At the residence of
the bride's parents, Bath, New Hampshire,
Oct. 15, by Bev. W.B. Palmer, of Wells River,
Vermont, Edward Herrick, jr.. of Athens, Pa.,
and Ella 0 1 0,.bing, daughter of Gen. D. K.
Jackman. '
WATROIIB—CLASS.—At the residence of the
• bride's father, in Athena, Pa, on Thursday
mornink, Oct. 17, 1872, by Bev. J. F. Each,
Mr, mate. 1.. Watrotui, mere/wit of Waver.
/,y, N. L, to MUNI Mary Clark, of Athens, Pa.
Thomas itaddecks, Priduce
Cammbullon litetnlVO Penns tents Me
nne, Scranton, Pa,- Aims, Lard, Cheese,
Frai Potatoes, db„, atllonsignstents
c=and miming piodiritb% an • sale
References MilerMlly given. Corres
pondence solicited,.
Fon Sass. ! Six Sonars.—Oi ex
change either for lumber. B. P. Bowman,- To
wanda. ' „S t.
• Fon Su.E.—A full-blood Cotswold
Buck. B. B. Bowes, Towanda.
SR - • •
se. Those indebted to , the estate
ofJailas EIKIPT are hereby notified that they
must pay immediately, or cost will be made.
This la . posititiely the lsat.notico that will bo
giTen. T.: F. & B. M. Espy,.
• • ' Executors.
Sept. 10,1872 ' •
• Kir Tieliets for all points West
via. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern
ws for sale at Freight Depot of Ps. & N.
R.l. to. .
s, •
Aug. 14-3 m.
poR SALE- =-A small Farm ;Rua-,
ted in Towanda knruatilp, about 1s miles from
Ttiranda Bore., on the Burlington and Troy road.
containing 23 acres and 60 perches, strict measure.
With a small Brewery thereon. The Farm will be
1014 with or without the Brewery, or the Brewery
utensils without the Farm. For particulars apply
on the premises to the undersigned.
MUT J03112i.
• Tosiands, Oct. 9, 1872.—w3**
1{ ARll' AT I A BARGAIN.,—The
underidgued offers for sale his lanai ln.North
Towanda, at s bargain. The farm contains about
53 acres, 49 acres under good state of 'cultivation •
the balance well timbered. There is also plenty o,
good fruit, good buildings, and never-falling wate.f
Will sell on reasonable terms and give,_ time on r
portion of the purchase money. •
North:Towanda, Oct. 1872.
R. DS. Wzmts
the matter of the Incorporation of the First
Methodist Episcopal Church. of Litchfield.—No. 423
Dec. Term, 1872.
'Notice is hereby giveethat the above named so
ciety has presented to the. Court of Common Pleas
of Bradford County their articles of association ask
ing for a decree of Incorporation. and the said court
haring examined the same and finding them correct
wM decree that they be incorporated as prayed for.
on Monday. the 2d day of Dec.. 1872. at 2 o'clock.
p.m.. unless cause be shown to the contrary.
• 0cc.28 , w3 a W. A. IMOMAB. Prot.
AUDITOR S NOTlCE.—:Notice is
hereby given that the undersigned havin g
been appointed by the Court of Oommon Pleas of
Bradford County. as Andltor to distribute to the
parties entitled thereto the money in pie Sheriff's
hands arising from ISheriff's sale •or pertain real
estate, situate in Towanda Bore., belonging to O.D.
aid P. A. Cub, will attend to the duties of his.ap
p.ointment at his-office in said Bore.; on FRIDAY.
NOY. 15, 1872. at 10 o'clock, a.m., when and where
.all.persoua are requited to present their claims or
be debarred from coining in upon said fund..
0ct.23-w4 J. N. CALIFF, Auditor.
_I. the United States for the Western tistriet of
Penurylainia.—ln the matter of O. F. 'Mason and
A. G. Mason. Bankrupts, in Bankruptcy.
This is to give notice that by an indenture bear
ing date tho Bth day otOctober. le2. O. IP: Mason
and A. A. Mason, of •Towanda, Pa., have conve3ed
and assigned all their estate and effects whatsoever
to me. as Trustee, upon trust for the benefit of all
the creditors of 0. F. Mason and A. G. Mason, and
that the said conveyance was duly executed accord
ing to the provisions of the 43d Section of an Act of
Congress entitled ..An Act to establish a uniform
system of bankruptcy throughout the rultcvl
States," approved March 2. 1887-
Tcrwantis, Oct. 21, IST/
the District Court of the plaited States for the
'Western District of Pennsylvania.—ln the matter
of liar:ball Brc,thers.;l3snkrupts.
To the creditors of said bankrupts and all others
concerned:' take notice:: That a second general
meeting of the creditors of said bankrupts has been
ordered, and will be bold in the Borough of TOITAZI
d3. Ps... in said District, on the 13th nay of Novem
ber, 1872, at 10 o'clock, a m., at the (ace of E.
Overton. Jr., one of the Registers in ,Bankruptcy in
said District, for the purpo a named in the .27th
Section of the Bankrupt Act f March 2.* 1667. Be
-present thereat. DCA. OVERTON.
Towanda, Oct. 21. 1872 Assignee.
estate of Joseph Doane, deceared.—ln the
Orphan's Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned in Auditor appointed by the
Orphan's Courtof Bradford County, to distribute
the funds in said estate as shown by the. partial
account of S. Kirby, Executor, and also to dispose
of exceptions filed to said account, hereby gives no.
tiro that ho will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment at the office of Afercur & Davies, in .Towanda,
on THURSDAY. NOV; 21, DM, at 1 o'clock, p.m.,
at which time and place all persons interested will
make knOwn their claims andexceptions, or be for.
ever debarred from earning in on said funds or to
oliject to the disposition of said exbeptions.
1kit.23.w4 N. T. DAMES, Auditor,
pIIBLIC SALE.—The undersigned
will expose at public outcry. on WEDNESDAY;
OCT. 30, HMI, his four farms in asylum township.
tio. 1 contains 100 aerca—M improved. btlance in
timber. Upon it is a 'good frame house 21132 paint
ed and plastered, a framed barn 30'40, and about
120 fruit trees.
No. 2 contains SIN acres—aboxit "im
proved. with a now trained house 24:32.
No. 3 contains IQ3I • acres—about 15 improved.
The balance consists of white oak and yellow pitch
pine sawing timber. ' •
N 0.4 is unimproved—consisting of s`awing timber
of white, yellow, and plteh pine and white oak.
Contains 99,t1 acres. • "
This property is fbnr miles from Towanda, near
the road loading from ,Towands to trenehtown. 31r.
Tuttle on the Premises will.take pleasure in• show
ing the property to any who May call on him before
the day of sale.
• T1M.519.—550 on esc i h lot oil t r lie day of isale, $5OO
in tan days thereafter, and $540 and interest on all
remaining unpaid annually thereafter until all i 4
" Also at the earns 'time and place I will offer
for sale personal properly consisting of 3 boreal, 1
cow, 1 ;umber wagon. '1 one horse wagon, 1 top bug
gy, 1 open boggy. 1 bob sleigh, and other articles,
at the usual terms of sale. \
Towanda, Oct. 23-1 w GEO: P. CAST.
of the "Futs - E NATIOSIX BANK." of Towanda
Pa., at close of bnislness, Oct. 3, 1872 •
Loans and discounts.;
Overdrafts , I C 02.7 53
V.S. Bonds to secure circulation.... ..... 132.000 00
S. Bonds and Securities on hand 450 00
Due from redeeming and reserve agents.. 32.341 13
Due from National Banks 4.304 15
Brie from State banka and bankers 3,759 51
Banking Hoare.... ' 6.000 00
Furniture and fixture& 'r 2,000 00
Current expenses I 1,879 19
Taxes Paid 1 1.161 96
Cash items (imiuding Stamps) 4,6'11 48
Exchanges 1 . 2,250 37
Bills of National Bar* 1,760 00
Fractional Currency (including nickel)... 1,525 70
Specie l 282 33
Legal tender notes I ....... 20,462 00
• •
- - 3516,8;6 17
7.7173 rtaTfEs.
Capital Stock paid in. .l $125,000 .00
Surplus fund 1 - 50,000'00
Elehtuage . 1.344 03
Profit and 10555,028 31
'National Bank circulation outstanding..._ 110.200 00
Dividends unpaid - .1 1.448 (0
Individual Deposits ', 20.236 77
Duo to National Bankit.. . .... 4,835 77
Due to State Banks and Bankers ... 3,063 28
STATE or i'VrSISTI:J.LICIA, 113 s. .;
County of Bradfokd. I
I. N. N. Btu IS, JriCaehier of the First National
Bank of Towanda, doo leinnly swear that the above
statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and
' belief. i N. N. BETTS, Jr.. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12th. day
of Oct., 1872. 1 W. If. DODGE.
Consicr—Atte s: J.
virtue of an order leaned out of the Orphan a
Court of Bradford County, the undersigned, guardi- -
an of Lorintha O. Bailey and Minnie Bailey. minor
children of Dudley M.!Bailey, deceased, late of Le
&amine Boto.. twill expose to public , sale, on the
premises, on FIiID.A.II NOV. 22, 1872, at 1 o'clock,
p.m., all the interest of. said minor children,
also the widow's dower in the following
desicribed real e, cohsisting of two
lots* lying and be ing in' the village of Lo.
Bariville; the ant bounded as follows: Begin-
ning at the south-east icor. of lot owned by the es
tate of D. 31. Wei: thence south along the high
way 15 feet to a cor; thence westerly along lands of
James B. Fletcher rods to a oor. on land of Jo
stab Benham; thence northerly along line of said
Benham 19 feet to Mel south-west cor. of lot now
ogmed by the said eshite of D. M. Bally; thence
easterly along the said Bailey lino V.; rods to the
Place of begnuing; containing 6 perches and 64 , ,i
square feet. more or leis, with a small frame barn
thereon. The second lot is bounded as follows:
Beginning at the south-east cor. of a lot owned by
Daniel Bailey on the west side of highway running
north and south through the village of Leßaysville;
thence along.said highway south to north-east cur,
of lot owned. by 'Nelson Rosa on west aide of said
highway; thence westerly along sail Rosa' line to
north-west con. of Bahl Boss' lot to land' of - Josiah
Benham: thence along said Benham's line to south
west cor. of the said Daniel Bailey's lot; thence
easterly along said Bailey's line to the place of be
ginning; containing one-half acre, more or leas,
With a framed two story house thereon.
TERM.--$5O on tho property being struck down s
the balance in one year from conllrmation _with
Interest. 1 AMU BIIERWDOD,
0ct.213-mti • 1 Guardian.
, .
VOVICCE.--J. lA. RECORD, of Towtua=
da, has just received the Agency of the Water
town litre Insured,* Company. of Watertewn.
which is a first-class Company In ail
respects. with cash asserts. or 4.23,0:30.
Is confined by Its character to Farm Property
and Dwelling House Risks; is therefore portectly
safe. Pays ill lon or 4asnago of tearing to pieces,
whether tire ensues or;not. Also pays for live stock
killed by lightning In thi barns or at large On the
premises. You can sa re money by seeing Mr. Rec
ord bet.,ro insuring i t+3:rherr. call and get a Cir
cular or Fend for one. J. A. RECORD. Agent,
- Oct 9,1872.-fun Towanda. Pa.
hereby given that I stall- sell at the Court
house in Towanda Doeongb. on 'llonday.Oct. 29, at
t o'clock, p.m.. the following psoperty: s One pack
aglaconntlning nineteen (19) gallons Distilled Spir
its and a lot of sp....ti t Seized for violation of
the Internal liavonne wa.
MONTAME, Collector.
Towanda, Oct. 16, lirl-td
wu B.
over Wickh
Teeth Inimetted on Ooi
Winn bus. Teeth e
• .11-:
- O\llY- 1
New AdvertLsements.
S. RVSSELL, Directors
• . STENES& .
Y, Diainer.-01lice
& Black's, Towanda, Pa.
, &her, Rubber, and Muria
•. Without pain. 0:29,73
•LAMATlON....Wheress,Lartict &Assembly
of the OtrisMotiwealthOf Penn Van% entitled "en
let t 4 the electionaef OornelOtrwealth,"
It a eijdlnd4 *pot the to give Public notice of each
election tobe held. sad also the evatcrieration
eel* notic e what Officers aro to tio elected. 1., J. P.
VAN =sr. mos:wire the county of Bradford,
do hereby Make known and give notice to theclectOrs
of said county. cm TIII23DAY, the nth 'NO*
'sus= 1872; Litherseverat districts in said coun
ty, to wit :
In Armen% at the house of John 8. Becker.
In Alba borough, at the louse formerly Occupied
by D.P. Hruipp.
In Albany , at the ichOothouse near Wm Balm*.
In Asylum. at the school house near 8. Docker's.
In Athens borough, at the krone formerly occupi
ed by E. 8. IfethetraCell. e
In Athena twp., at the house formerly oftupled Ly
J. B. Hunt. in Athens born. •
In Burlington bore, at the house formerly occu
pied by L. T. 'Wyse.
In Burlington twp.. at the house of N. B. Stevens
is anlinetn n Borough.
Inrlturlington west, at the house of Ezra Godard.
/n. Bartley at the schoolhouse. • A
IV Canton hero', at the Conti* House.
In Canto* twp.,at the .housiformerly °Coupled by
8. B.' Myers . in C anton bostrugh. •
In Columbia, at the house of Jas. Morgan. •
•In Franklin at the homer now occupied by it S.
In ranville, at the house of Beni. F. Taylor.
In Herrick. at the school house near Daniel Du-
rand's. .
IriLeßayinille Moro'. at the house formerly occu
pied by J. R. Fletcher.
In latehtlim 1, at the house formerly occupied by
Cyrus Bloodgood.
TARDY. at the Centro school hoilso. • ''
In Monroe twp.. at the house formerly occupied by.
R. Rockwell.
In Monroe boro', at the house formerly occupied
by Ethel Taylor-.
In Orwell. at the house of ffancis Woodruff.
In Overton, at school house No. 2.
In Pike, at the bongo of Traver Bosworth.' .
In Rome tap., at the Academy in Rome bore,. •
In Rome bort'', at the Academy.
In Ridgbury, at the house of Beni. Humans. , •
• In Sheshequin, at the Valley House. '
In Springfield. at the house formerly occupied by
Jesse Hanuncol.
In Standing Stone, at the house of Simon Stevens.
In Smithfield, at thea house formerly occupied by
A. J. Jerould.
In - Sylvania bore', at the house of earths Merritt.
In South Creek; at the house of C. E. Coe.„
In Terry, at the house of Jacob Yretthy.
In Towanda Borough—First Ward. at the Hotel
of Daniel. Sullivan. Second the Court
House, Thirst Ward, at the School House near
Wm. Dittrich.A.
In Towanda twp., at the school house near H. L.
Scott's: •
In Towandarrorth. at the house of S. A. Mill's:-
In Troy twp., at the house of V. M. Lung in Troy
In Troy bore', atthe house of Long.
'ln Tuscarora, at the school house near Jas. Black's.
In Ulster, at the house of 8. B. Holcohn.
/V Warren, at the house of B: Cooper. 7
In Windham, at the house ef B. Szykendall.
In Wyalindng. at the house of J. H. Black.
In Wilmot, at the ionise of A. J. Stone. • f
In Wysex, at the house formerly ocbupled oy J. M.
In Wells, at the house of L. Beelec
At which time and place the eleCtors aforesaid will
elect by ballot
Twenty-nine persons as Elector. of President
and Viceareeidant of the United States. . .
. And in and by said act, I am further directed to
give notice "that any person excepting justice of
the peace who shall hold any office of profit and
trust under the government of the United States or
this State, or of any incorporated district, and also
that every Member of Congress and of the Leffisla
tore, and the select and common council of Any city
er commissioners of any incorporated district, is by
law incapable of holding or exorcising at the Same
time the office or appointment of Judge. Inspector
or Clerk of ah eleceion of this Commonwealth, and
that no Inspector or ether officer of sny.isnch
ton *hail be then eligible to any office._ then to by
TOW fat.
By the 4th section of an act-passed the Ist day of
April, 1.810, it is - provided othatthe lath section .of
in Act passed July 2,-1803, entitled .An act relating
to the elections of thli Commonwealth,"' shall .not•
be construed so as to prevent any military officer
from serving as Judge, Inspector or Cklik, at any
general or special election of this Commonwealth. -
An Act to change. the time of closing the posts at
th i p General and Township elcttions in the county of
Bradford. -
ale General Election in all the Wards, Townships,
Districts and Boroughs-of the county is to be opened
between the hours of six and seven o'clock in the
forenoon, and shall continue without interruption
. ortdi fu ort rei rn e m r e sar t p until seven o'clock hi the eveining,
when all polls -shall be closed.
lejnent to the Election laws. of
worer By the a-. tof the Ce=i - e..== of the Unit
ed States entitled -An Act to amend 'Lb.': several acts
heretofore passed to provide fur the- enrolling and
calling out the Nat:oeid forces, and for other purpos
es" and approved 3Tarth third, one thousand eight.
hundred and sixty-tire, all persons who have-desert
ed the military or naval service of the United States,
and who have not be en discharged, or relieved from
the penalty, or disabibty therein, provided, are deem
ed, and taken. to have voluntarily' relinquished. and
.forfeited their rights of citizenship, and are deprived
of exercising any rights of citizens thereof :
And trAereas, Persons not citizens of the United
States arc not, under the Constitution and-Laws of
penesylvania,, qualified electors of this Common :
wealth :
To the County Comrnie3i.oe-rs and Sheriff of the County
of Drczdford:
Wintaras, The Fifteenth
. Areendrient of the Con
stitution of the United States ie as follows:
..Szcriorr 1. The riaLt of-citizens of the United
States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the
United States, or by any state, on account of race,
color, or previous cond:tliti of servitude."
"%corms 2. The Congret.s shall have power to en
forte this article by Appropriate legislation."
And Illerrar, The Congress of the United States,
on the list day of March, 1870, passed an act. enti
tled "An Act to enforce the right of eitizenen-Lied Unit
ed Stab.' to rote in the :trent/ States of this Union, of a
for other purposes," the first and second sections of
which aria as follows:
oStc - rfou .1, Be if enacted hy the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United .S'tatrz, jA merica in Con
gress assembled; 'That all citizens of the United States,
who, are, or shall be otherwise qualified by law to
vote at any election by the people, in any State, Ter
ritory, district, county, bity, parish, township, school
district, municipality, or other territorial antedivis.
ion, shall be entitled and allowed to vote such
I elections, without distinction of race, color, or pre
vious condition of snrvitude ; Any Constitution. law,
custom, usage, er regulation of any State or Terri
tory, or by. or under its authority, to the eontray
• " fir.orrox 2. And be it further enacted, That if by
or under the authority of the Constitution or laws of
any State, or the laws of any Territory, any act is or
shall be required to be done as a prerequisite orj
qualification for voting, and by such Constitution or
law, persons or officers .are or shall be charged with
the performance of duties in ,- furnishing to citizens
on opportunity to perffirM elicit prerequisite, or to
reeouse qualified to vote, it shall be the duty of every
such person sad of to rive to all citizens of the
United States, the same and equal opportunity to
perform such prerequisite, and to beecnne•onalifted
to vote without distinction of race, color, or previous
condition of aervitute • and if any such person er
officer shall refuse or inowingly omit to give full ef
fect to this section, ho shell, for every such offence,
forfeit and pay the sum of Ivo hundred dollars to
the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by'an
action on the ease, with full costs and such allow
ance for counsel fees as the court shall deem Just.
' and shall also, for every such offence, be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on conviction
thereof, be fined not less than five hundred dollars,
or be imprisoned not lass than one month and not
morel than one,year, or both, et the discretion of the
court" - - _ - _ -
s M 8,019 73
And whereu, It Is declared by the second section
of the VI article of the Constitution of the United
States, that "This Constitution, and the laws of the
rutted States which shall be made in pursuance
thereof, shall be the supremo law of the land, *
• anything In ti .e Constitution or /arcs of any State
to the contrary notwithstanding."
, And whereas, The Legislature of this Common
wealth; on the 6th day OLApril, A. D. 1870, passed
an act, entitled "A further supplement to the act re.:
lating to elections in this Coimnonwealth," the tenth
section of which provides as follows:
"SECTION 10. That so much of every set of Assem
bly is provides that only white freeman shill be en
titled to vote or beregistered as voters, or as donn
ing to vote at any general or special election of this
Commonwealth, be and the same is hereby repealed;'
and that hereafter all freemen, without distinction
to color, shall be enrolled and registered according
to the provisions of the. first section of the sot sp,
proved seventeenth April, 1869, entitled "An act fur.'
ther supplemental to the act relating to the elections -
Of this Commonwealth." and when otherwise quali
fied under existing laws, be entitled to vote at all
general and special election sin this Commonwealth."
And whereas, It is my constitutional and official
duty to "take care that the laws he faithfully execu
ted;" and it has come to my •krunsledge that sundry
assessors and registers of,voters have refused, and
are refusing to assess sod register divers colored
male citizens of lawful age. and otherwise qualified
as elector's:
Now. 'Ma:throes...ln consideration of the premi
ses, the county commissioners of said county aro
hereby notified and directed to instruct the several
assessors and registers, of voters therein, to obey
andsonform to the requirements of said constitu
tonal amendment and laws; and the sheriff of said
county is hereby authorized and required to publish
in his election proclamation for the sisal ensuing
elections, the hetein recited constitutional amend
men:, act of Congress, and act of the Legislature, to
the end that the same may be knOwn, executed and.
obeyed by all assessors,- registers of voters, election
officers and others; and that the rights and privilegs
guaranteed thereby rally be secured to all the citi
zens of this Commonwealth entitled to the same. •
TIIETATE. at Harrisburg, the day and year
lirst - ebOTO written. .
Attest :
1516,826 17
.lis4iuy Public.
.13TO. CiEABT:
P. Joan-vs, Seely of commonwealth.
I also call attention to the followinglawst
SECTION I. Be it outdo: by Me Senate and House
of Representatires of the Commonwealth of Prnnsyl- -
rania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enact
ed by the anthority of the same, That in all elections
hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth. it shall
be unlawful for the judge or inspector of the...elec
tion to receive any ballot or ballots from any pason.
or persons embrireed in the provisions, and subject
to the disability Imposed by said act of Congress ap
proved March 3, 1565. and it shall be unlawful for
any such person to offer to vote any ballot or ballets.
Sec - nos 2. Thit if any such judge and inspectors
of election or any one of them shall receive, or can
cent to receive, any such unlawful ballot ballots:
from any such disqualified person. he, or ey, so,of
fending, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and uPott
conviction thereoLin any court of quarter sessions of
this Commonwealth, he shall, for any such offence,
be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $lOO, and
undergo an imprisonment, in the jail of the proper
comity, for not less than GO days.
SECTION 3. That if any person deprived of citizen-
ship, and disqualified as aforesaid, shall at say elect
tion, hereafter to be held In this Commonwealth,
'vote or tender to the officers thereof, and offer to
vote a ballot, or ballots.' any person so offending
ahall be deemed guilty of. a misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof, in an;. court of qnarter•sessions
of this Commonwealth. shall, for each offence, be.
punished In like manner as is provided in the preced
ing section of this act, in the case of officers of elec"
ties r• ceving such unlawful ballot and ballots. ,
Sncrros. That if any person shall hereafter per
rolade or advise any person or persons deprived of
c:lisenship, and disqualified as aforesaid to offer any
ballot or ballot's; to the officers of any electlon,herec
after to be held in this Commonwealth, or shall per
suade or advise any such officer to receive any ballot'
or ballots, from, any person deprived of ettieenship,
and diSpl.llllll4 as aforesaid, such person so offend
log shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. and upon con.
viction thereof, in any court of quarter sessions of
this Commonwealth. shall be punished in like man
ner as is provided in the. second section of this act,
In the case et officers of such election, receiving
such unlawful ballot or ballot.,
'l3y an act of Assembly of March 30, 1846, entitled
an Act regulating the mode of 'voting at all elections,
in the several counties at this Commonwealth, it is .
enacted as follows : •
SECTION - 1, Be it enacted by the Senate and Holm
of Repretenlatires of Me ConisiontrraftA of Pennsyl-•
eania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enact
ed by the aufherify •of Mt same, That the qualified
voters of the several connttes of this Commonwealth
at all general township. boomeh, anti special elec.
ti ela t aft` btrt.', berittftai stithcrize4 ildrequitreil
to fete by Mltlis pttilfn Or written, strtly
tied as follows: Ono ticket 1641 embrace the names
of all judges of court to be voted tor, and to be la
beled, outside, "judiclary;" one ticket asatl emblem
the names of all state be voted for and be
labelled "elate:" one ticket shall embrace, the names
of all erinnty officers voted for, including office of
senator. member, and members of assembly.if voted
for, and members of congress, if voted for, and be
labelled `4:( 3 'l]Ill_trl"„ ,Ons ticket shall embrace the
names of a ll tow n s hip alms voted for, and be
Hetet! "township:" one ticket shall 'embrace the
Isues of all borough officers voted for. and shall be
labelled " borough. - and each class sdiail be depoeit
ed, in separate ballot-boxes. •
-.Election officers aro authorised and commanded to
I:=observe the provisions of the liegistry Law
by the Senate and House of Betresentatives
of this Commonwealth, on the lith day of April.lBG9.
• Exacrrivz Owens. • t
Harrisburg. Pa., Aug. 27, 1870. f
The meeting of return Judges for the county. of
Craolfard, will be at. the Cold House in Towards. on
the third der after elecilent which Will be on Priday,
the Bth day of liotranber at 1 o'clock, p. m.
Oct. 11. 1872
JaCCA ) Tomo vi Israel Smith_
C. V.Welles vs Jeeso Spalding
Henry H. Porter Vs 0. P. Welles....
James Vandyke vs Mat= Smith.,
B. S. Burnell vs Malan Smith....
0. 11. Shade?. et al vs Henry Wald
AllenlJayne vs Solomon Stevens...
- - .
Wellea, Harris k Patrick va /Macs & Atkis" Rail
road Co for att
Wellei, Hangs k Patrick va C. L. Grant. et al...trea
Henry Harris vs Wyoming Insurance Co ..... —case
First Wick, subricnis returnable blouday, Oct.
14, 1972, at 10 o'clock, a.m. Second Week, subpoe
nas returnable Monday, Oct. 21. lii72. at 10 o'clock,
a.m. . • t W. A. THOMAS: Piotkonotary.
TERM, 1872, AT TROY:
Eben Dunning vs Northern C. 8.8. C0......5pp0al
F. H. Person vs John Wolfe, et al 'appeal
11. F. Long vs Alonzo Long's adnir's ' else
Henry Hickok vs Putnam Baxter '• ' appeal
P. S. Miller vs A. MeNought debt
do • do et al.. . —debt
Henry.Millir T 4 N. Smith,. adm'r • appeal
Wm. Brain vs F...Pomeroy..: debt
Jremlah Hapenian vs Eras'ns Riff ' debt
Daniel Boughton vs W. H. Moore aPP!aI.
Howard Colo's use vs 0. D. Field— ..... ...apperl
Wm. Braino vs Win. R. Foster debt
Wm. IL Foster vs Wm. Braille
John Jerolorosn vs Francis Green
G. W. Langford.. vs. Schuyler Oates
N. IL Mattocks is • Wm. Markness..
N. 0; Coleman ye' Chas Loomis
C. A. Krim vs John Sweeney...
Subpoenas returnable on Monday,; Oct. 28, 1872
t 1 o'clock, p.m. W. A. THOMAS, Prot.
drawn to act as Tz'averre Jurors in an
Adjourned Court of Common 1.1 as, to be held at
the Comtliouse In the Borough of Towanda, com
mencing on Monday, October 14. 1872:
Athena twp., Seeley Sinner, Timothy liircen. E.
G. Smith; Armenia, Albert Dewey; Barclay, Edw.
Gallagher; Burlington twp., Jos. Morley; Colum
bia-1M McClare, S. P. Tinkham; Canton 80re..,
J. 0. Griffin; Canton twp., Lewis Wheat:Granville,
Wm., Warren; Herrick. Jas. Cars; DeroY, S. B.
Morse; Monroe twp., J. H. Lewis, A. M. Coolbaush,
Bobt. Irvine; Pike, S. M. Gregory; Itidgbriry, Jas.
McCormick; Sheshequin. J. B. Gillett; Springfield,
Horace Brooks, I. P. Doane;Smithfield. t: 0.
Campbell; Standing Stone, Alex; Ennis, Theod;xe
Espy; Troy twp., B. S. Smiley; Towanda Boro.. 0.
A: Black, H. W. Noble, Wm. Mix; North Towanda,
G. B. Mills; Terry, Henry Terrell; Ulster, Robert
Pollock, Thos. Mather; Wyalusing, H. B. Gaylord,
Jas. Finney; Warren, Joe. Eeardalee; rcklmot,
Albany, Amoso Heaver Athens twp.. Justin'
Morley. Sand. Ovenshire: Barclay, Chas. lititchin
son, Patrick Burns: - Canton Boro., C. N. Moore,
Calvin Brown; Canton two.. Francis WilEams, Phi
lander Case; Columbia. - F. P. Cornell; Trrakliu,
Milton Allen; Granville, David Sayli-s; M o nroe
Boro.. J. B. MAI - Inman: Monroe twp., Miler Cran
mer; Ridg,bnry, Thos. Deed-ivy: Shealie.;nin, J. 17.
c3ialion, 0. D. Rini:m . 3'; Smithficid,rn.acis Wood,
G. Lumley, Walter Scott; 'Springfield. win. Tr:,
cey; . Sylvania, Henry Card . ; Tri)y. twp., N. B. Cam , .
Dana Dunbar, Ezra Locinis, Thos. Merritti Troy
• Bore., G. F. Redington, Danl. Compton: Terry, W;
T. Horton; Wilmot, G.-B: Crandall, Wallaco Dodge;
Belles. Horace Dunning, J. I. Osgood; Warren,
Cyrn.s Noteware; Wyalusing., Burton Lew!. , : Wind
ham, D. G. Osborn.
td • J. P. VAN FLEET, Sncritr,
Q,HERIFF'S SATs s.—By vi rind of
sundry write or - FL Fa. and Vend. Expo., issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas if liradford
County,, and to me directed, will be exposed to pub
lic sale at the Court House In the Borough To
wanda on FRIDAY tho 18th day of OCTOIIFIi,
1872, at 1 o'clock.. the follown37, described let:
piecer 'parcel of land (the defendant's undivided
one-forth-interest) situate in She shequin township,
bounded as follows: On the north and weed by
lands of Jeremiah Kilmer, south and east by lands
belonging to the heirsf John 310Mahon, de-egsed,
.containing.about_ 12 ac-es, more Or less, about 6
acres improved, with 'a mall framed or 'plank hon=e
Seized and taken into xecntion at the snit of C.
K. Ladd. exeentor of 5.1 rthe Mc:Ashen Tlinfoas
other lor, piece, or parcel of land sdu
ata in Alba. Borough, bounded as follows . \.--- Begin
ning at a stake in the centre of the Granville road,
it being the north-east corner of A: J. 3territt's lot,
thence eouth 18 deg. west 10 red.s atong said r
ritt's line to a stake, Y. S. Miller's. co• net; thence
south 74 deg. east 46 feet to a stake on P. 0. Milkr's
line; thenge north IS deg. ellst 10 rods to the ceutie
of said road; thence along centre of said eiranville
road north 74 deg. west 46, feet to place of begin
ning. containing 28 perches'ar.s.l 23 sip Arc feet of
land, more or less, with a framed wagon shop there
SeizU and taken into execution at the enit cf
Timothy Laura:cod's nee llmry ara A.l
-dlson Wilson.
ALSO—One other lot ; piece, or parcel of laud zita
ate in Wells tali., bounded as follows: On the north
by lands of John Cunningham and Thomas ST vrir , :
cast by land of T. Reynolds; south by laud of L.
Strong; west by land of Whiting Gifford and Mar
tin Capron; containing 111 acres; snore pr
about :37 acres improved, with a double two,story
framed house, framed banr and two apple orchards
Seized and taken into execution at the snit of John
'A. Ray vs H. G. Grinnell and Hanson Grinnell.
ALSO—One other lot, piece, or parcel of land sit
uate in Orwell twp., bounded as follows: Beginning
at apost in the centre of the highway leading from
Po,iterville to Towanda; thence north deg. east
bylands of B. L. Chaffee' 34 per, to a stake and
stones; thence north 52 deg. east 12 into per. to a
stake and stonesfehenee south 47 deg. east by
land of Albert Conklin 2G 4-10 per. to a post in the'
centre of said highway; thence south GO ; fi deg. west
along centre of said highway 41 G-10 per. to placo-ol
beginning; containing 4 acres. and 41iiperChes, more
or. less, with an apple orchard:thereon; allimproved
and being the same landrurconieyed to Benjamin L.
Chaffee by Robert and Win. Arnold by deed record
ed in thf office for recording' deeds, &c.. in and for
said county, in Deed Book So: 50, page 488, &c.
Seized arid taken into execution at the snit of
Chauncey W. Arnold's- rise 'vs. B. L. Chaffee and 0.
FL Chaffee.
ALSO—One other lot, piece, or parcel of land sit
uate in Orwell tap., bonnded-os follows: On tha
north by lands of Wm. Harily.lird C. E. Washburn;
east b 3 Lind of Albert Conklin; south by public high
way leading from Potterville - to Towanda; west by
land:of Jacob Pickering; containing 4 acres, more
orless, all improved, with a framed dwelling house,
two framed barns and an apple orchard thereon.
being the same land as deeded toßenj min L. Chaf
fee by Julia Chaffee by deed recorded in the office
for recording deeds, &c., in said count-', in Deed
Book No. SS, page US, &c.
• ALSO—One other lot, piece, or parcel of -land-sk
int in the said Orwell twp:, bounded- as follows:
On the north by land of Jacob Pickering; east by
the highway; south and west by lands - of R. D. and
Joel Pitcher; containing acres, more or,less, no
improvements; being the same land as conveyed by
Isaac Marsh, administrator of Ralph Pickering's es
tate' to Benjamin L. Chaffee by deed recorded in the
office for recording deeds, &c., in said county, in
Deed Beek No. SS. page 256, &c. .
Seized and taken into execution at the suit o
- Julia Chaffee vs. B. L. Chaffee.
• ALTO—The following described lot, piece, or par
cel of land situate in. Rome Borough. bounded as
follows: On the north by lands of Mrs. L. M. Ad
ams. east by Main street. south by laud of A.
Ridgway, west by land of said Mr's. L. M, Adams.;
being 30 fee'. on said Main street and 50 feet deep,
With a framed-store house thereon.,
Se ized and taken into esecution at the suit of,
Clark Baxter's . use vs. IL W. Baxter and Terresa.
td • • P. P. VAN-FLEET, Sheriff.
virtue of an order - issued but of the Orphan's
Court of Bradford County, the undersigned, ex&
executor of the estate of William Sin
clair, late of Ulster twp., expose to
public sale on the 'premises in Ulster town.
ship, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER ,25, 1872, at 2
o'clock, p. m., the following described lot, piece or
parcel of land situate in Ulster township, bpunded
as follows: Beginning at the south-west corner of
a tract of land belonging to Win. Gibbon and being
• corner of land of John Olin:tore; thence by land
of said Gilmore north 2. deg. west 145 5-10 per, to
a post and stones corner; thence north 65 deg.
east 27 2-10 per. to a stake and stunts; thence south
45 dog. cast 43 per. to . a white pine; thence. south
65 deg. east 30 srlo per. to a white oak; thence south
52 deg. east 42 6-10 - per. to an angle; thence south
53 deg. east 50 per. bathe south lino of said Wm.
Gibson's land; thence'along the same south 68 deg.
west 85 2-10 per. the place of beginning. Contain.
ing 54 acres and 91 perches, more or.less.
TERIIS. , -$5O td be paid oia the property being
struck down, $3OO on confirmation of sale, the bal
.ance in six and twelve moths from _confirmation,
with interest. . W3l. '51c111331.8.L1C,
5ept...25, 1472. • Executor.
A_ tition of the Estate of Jared Phelps, deceased.—
In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County.
And now to wit: September 4,1872, the return of
twelve men appointed in this case to make partition
that said estate could not be conveniently divided
into as many shares as there are parties entitled,
and that they have valued the same at the sum of
WIT-live dollars ($55.00) per scrermaking for the 69
acres and 4 perches mentioned in said writ, the intn?
of three thousand, seven hundred and forty-one dol
lars and thirty-seven and one-half cents, ($3,241.27!.i)
being Med on motion of Overton & lashree. after•
neys for partitioners, grant a rule on Dudley G.
Phelps. of Shnithfield, Darius B. Phelps, whose last
known place of residence area in Tempelam, Tempe
lam county, Canada, Au Phelps, of Smithfield, Har
mon A.. Phelps, whoa last known residence was at.
Brownsville, Ynby unty, California, Rowena
Campbell, wife of rt Campbell, *residing iit
Smithfieldaforeisid, J Phelps, residing at Can
ton, Bradford county aforesaid, Jacob E. Phelps,
residing at Smithfield aforesaid, and Polly M. Brad
ley, wife of Daniel Bradley, whose last known place
of residence was at Pen Tan; New York, come Into
court on the 2d Monday of December. Term, a day
flied by the court and accept or refuse to accept
the sale estate at the valuation or bid for the same.
By the Court, C. E,J3LADDINCI,
Scp.ll'22 ` Clerk.
Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted
to the estate of HUBBELL MANLEY, late of Canton,
doceased, must make immediate payment, and
AU persona having claims against said estate
mt4t present them duly authenticated for settle
ment. Wll. - 8. JAME.
sep.lB4v6 Administrator pendenfe We.
REVENUE, Collcctor'e Office. 13th • District;
Pcnneylvanta, Towanda, August 18,1872. • '
VOTICE is hereby given )thitt on
..1.1 the 17th day of August, 1872. I seized at the
Factoryville depot. for violation of the Internal Rev.
entui Law, one package of distilled spirits. Any
person claiming , the said spirits must 111 e such
claim In this office within thirty days from this
date, or it will be sold according to law.
• GEO.-D. 510XTANYE, Collector.
Sept. 1% ISII.
PROa/MA i ntd.: — ; : WHEREAS,
Hon. FARRIS D. STREETER, Weiland Jiglge
to the 12th Judicial District, consisting of the
counties 'of Bradford and Susquehanna, and
Zairmo:s Palsinr. and S. D.-Ilatumass.
ASsociafe .Tudges, hi and for ,said ,county of
Bradford, bays issued their precept hearing
date the 30th day of Sept., -1872, to me di
rected forholding a. Court 'Common Pleas
and Orphan's Court at Troy,' for the county of
Bradford, on Monday, Octtobsr 28, 1872,
continue one Week.
Noticels therefore hereby given to the Coro
ners,.and Justices of the Peace, of the county
of Bradford, that they be then- and them in
their proper per*, at 10 o'clock in- the fore
noon of said day, with records, Inquisitions and
other remembrances, to- do those things which
to their °Pico appertains to be done ; and those
who are bound by rcdognizruce or 'otherwise to
proseentei against the
_prisoners who are or
may be in; he jail of - sain county,. or who shall •
be bound to appear at the Said court are to be
then and there to prosecute against them as
shall be just. Jurors are requested to be
ptinetual in their attendance,agrecably to their"
notice. ' •• „ .
Dated at Tou'inda the 10th day of Octobt,r, in
- the year •of our Lord, one ettunnend eight
hundred and seventy-two and of .the Tilde?
pendence -o1 the ,United ' States, M.? ninttx;
' fourth. '
J. P. VAN FLErT, Slierfil •
14:ouee is hereby given that allperstmalnaebted
to the estate of Asa Burt, late . 'of
deceased, are requested to make LtrupPd:at , 3
payment, and all persons haying claims against
said eatate must present them duly.autHmticated •
for settlement = - D. A. GILLETT.
jscp.ll-ew. Administrator:
for atC
• - case
.. . .. .....caso
..... .....C3ie
- persons are can-
Honed against purchasing either of three notes,'
one given by Emily Robbins to Martha C. Arnot for
SICO and dated,- sometime in June, 1872, and two
notes given by parties ,and Ethily Coolbaugh for
Se.o and $2O to Martha C. Arnot, (Idled about the
20th of December; 1871, said notes having been
stolen, and pay=ent on the same baying . been
stopped ; • MARTHA C. AICCOT.
Liberty Corners, Pa., Sept. 10, 1.872.—5cp.18-V*
is hereby given that all persons- Indebted to
the estate of JOEL BARNES. late of t:lverton,
deed. are requested to' maim' immediate payment
and all persons lavirig claim , : against said estate
,hem: duly 'authenticated" for settle
Oet.2-tvG I Esecutor.
— .trespass
.CA-Nottce is hereby given that all persons indebted
to the estate of JAMES • DEWEY, late of Spring
field, dee'd, . aro requested to make isentedhste
payment, and all persons having claims against said
estate must present them dray authenticated for
settlement. , - LUCY DEIftY,
IRVINE numEss..
Execntors. .
Notice is hereby . given to all persona Indebted
to the estate - of CIIAItLES •K. LADD, late To
wanda, crec'd,.. mast - make. Immediate pment:
and . all persens having claims against - said estate
must present them duly authentleat for settle
ment. -
The books and aecounte of said deceased are left
with Win. Foyle, F-sq, who is authorized to settle
the same for me, and :.d just all matters relating
. to
the said estate. - ROSE S.:LADD,
_ Admistratrix. ,
Notice is hereby gizczi that z 1 perNott.indebt
ed to the estate of TIEZERIA:I.I SI. rEcii. decd, late
or North Towanda, are rep:lest:A to nuake
ate payment. and all persona baring rlaltas
said estate =A, present them duly aufornticatodfOr
settlement. -7 I3Elid. :St& GEG. S. PECX,
' sep.lB;l4 6 _ Ezecutot
..E. The Anisual Exsznlnations (lf Tearherq for the
Public Schools, will. Le held as follaws:.
- Oct. 21—Wilmot, -Suar .P.,un School Mom c. ,
" 22—Terry, Terrytown • -: •• .
" 23—Albany and Overton. Kellogi Sc.lncl It,
24—Monroe, Monroe:or. School 11.-11,2 .
25—Franklin, Cetaro
' - • 2G—Granville, " " .
2, " ,— LeT O 3". Corners ~ .
22—Canton, Bcro' - , •
,o—Troy, "' .
'.! 31--Columbia, Anstinville •• .
Nov. I—WelleP, Rowley 1141 - . •
'.. 12—South Creek; Bunning ••• • -
I t••.-121130,bury,•CeniervilIi: - •• -
•• 's—Smithfield, Center' /- - •- • .
. G—SpringEeld, ••• ..
" 7—West Bur lington, Cottrp
..,.: ~
" 11—Thirliv2ton,Luther'E IN! : . . .
" 12—Flter, \lilt:l7e ..
" 13—Sheshequin, Coptr4- .••• -
14—Athens, Boro' - - '
16—Wysox, Myerf‘bnr,l ••" -
" 18—Litchtleld, Centre . '
19,-Winclham, liitykoulall - ..
• ' -- 20—Ec:rne, Boro .
" 21—Orwell,. Ora - ell Ilill. .. .
- 21—Warreo, Bowen If 01.b.w •" -
" 23—P:E , , 1... , ..5myz;v: , 11 , 1 , ... -
--., 25-11err.Mk. La.:tlon - " - '
! " 2G—Wyalryi•lg. Cams:town .- -
• •• ' 27—.Tm-carora, _Keeney . t...
- " 28—Asylum, Centre o . _
- .. 29—Standing Stone Stevens .- -
- 20—Towand,s, B'ro'
Applicants will please. provide tliems?lves with
F0' , 1 1, " - : -3 1`• Pen, Ink, Pencil, and Union - Sixth Header.
Illx" , relses to begin'at 9 o'clock.,
A. A. KELSEY, County Supt.
Towanda, Oct. 1, 1872.
a. 4 giceit that %ill per'setis in.letty.l to
the estate of IIENEDICT AIZNOLD, lato of Warren,
dent, are requested to make immediate payro.itat,
nn] a4l prisons having claims - against ea:d estate,
must pret-ent them fluty antheutteated for settle
ment. • C. V. S C: W. ARNOLD,
• 5.p.18 , 411. ' Exeetitors.
13..Notke is heretty given that all• persons indebt
ed tp the estate of John Gard, late of Albany.
deceaned, are requested to meceinunediatc:payment
and all - persons having claims a,; ,, • said estate
must present_the same duly authenticated for set
tlement. • GEORGE GAUL
• sep.ll-Ivi;Administrator.
Notice is hereby given to all persot's indellted
to the 'estate of THOMAS CASE, late of Granville.
deceased, most make immediate • payment, and
all rirSonehaving claims againfit said estate must
pfeserit them drily autlienticatedlor settlement:
Adminlatistors. '
To Alvin M. Josbn:—No. 272, May T., 1871.
Ton are - hereby notified that Emilrdosfyri, your
Afc,by her next friend,.Wellingtbn Brarehall ban ap
plied to the court of common pleas of Bradford
county. for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony.
and the said court has appointed Monday, the 2,1
December, 1372, for hearing the said Emily in the
premises, at which time and plaCe you can attend if
you think proper. J. P. VA FLEET.
Oct.l&w.l X
To Cornelia Case.—No. 404 Nay TeYm, Ir 2.
Von are hereby notifid that Geo. L. 'Case, your
husband, has applied to the court of common pleas
orDradford co., for a ilitorce' from the bonds of
matrimony: and the said court hits appointed 11. , n- 1
day, the hi day of December, 18V, for bearing the
said George in the premises. at -which time, And
place you can attend if you think proper.
0ct.16.w4 J. P. FAN FLEET, Shei-iT.
To Laura A. Shepard.—NO.„ 204, May T, ,
Yon are hereby, notified that C.l.l'..,Shimard, your.'
hnaband. has applied to the court -of canteen pleas
of Bradford county, for a divorce from the bonds of
matrimony, and.the said court has appointed Mon-
day, the 2d day of Dec., 1872, for hearing the said
Shepard the premises, at which time and place
yon can attend if yciu think proper: -
J.P.'VAN FLEET, Sheriff. '
In the matter of the incorporation of the Aleth ,-
diet Episcopal Church of Overton, EL—No. 158
Dec. Term, 1872.
Notteeis hereby given that the above named
Society" has presented to the Court of Common
Pleas of Bradford County their articleof,Aasociation
asking for a decree of Incorporation: and- the said
Court haying eiaminecl - the same, and finding them
convict, *ill decree that they be Incorporated as
prayed for, on Monday, the 2d day. of DeCember,
18721 at 2 o'clock •unless. cause be shown to
the contrary
Every year increases the popularity of MS ralua
ble Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone.
We can assure our old patrons that it is kept rutty
tip to its high standard; and it ie the,only reliable
aid perfected preparation for rest4ing Gray cr
Padeddlair to its youthful color, making it soft, hie
trous, and silken. The scalp, by , its use, beconieS
_White and clean, It removes all eruptions and-dand
i nt!. and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair
from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the
hadr.glands. By Its-use the hair grows thicker and
stronger. In baldness itrestores the capillary glands
to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth,
; except in extreme old age. It Is the most economi t
cat Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer ap
plications, and gives •the hair- a splendid glossy ap
pearance. A: A. Hayes, M. D., State ASsayer,,ot
Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure -
and carefully selected for excellent quality ; and . I
consider "it the Best Preparation for - its intended -
I '
purposes." _
As an elegant dressing for beautifying °the Hair,
has no superior. ; ' •
Sold by dil Druggists; and Dealeri in AI edeciau
•Dr. H. C. Potrrxn, SON fr.. Co., Wholesale Agents. ;
Towanda, Pa., and for sale by dealers !throughout
the county. ~
. .
Dec:7, 1871.-170.05% • '
IVl ll lll B is . aßingsl j ey . ) has now on lanic fal'nlerly
. . .
in a largo variety, each as real and imitation Laced,
Sashes; Bows, Ribbons, Laeo Collars and 'Neck •
Ruches in all-the latest novelties. She has also the
latest styles In hair goods real and imitation. Rid
Gloves, Shell and Straw ornaments,
Ittl3racelette, Combs ' She has givenn - special
attention to old Ladies Bonnets and Dress cars,.also
Wards Caps, Ruches, ace. -
I have Secured the services of a first class straw
Milliner, and shall give good satisfaction in all
manner of straw work. 'Rooms at the old stand; .
over Wolff Brothersclothing store. • ,
CASTER—A sKtpply of \ Fresh
Grottnd Plaster for -Me br Ft.
.w. A. THOMAS.
On. J. C. AYES & CO., Lowzm,
Practical and Analytical Cbamists„